THE MORXIXG OKEGOXUX, AVEDXESDAY, APRIL- G, 1910. 17 KOR BENT. " HM)-s for Rent. Furniture for sate. f,-HCMM' HOUSE. EVERETT ST. Modern U-vooiq houe, furnace anil flre; rent -?30; all spare rooms reoted ; furniture for saie for ::."0. Owner going Kant and must s-l. fi-KoOM FLAT. S250. Good 6-room flat. on 4th st. ; rent 2-j, with i-l worth or rooms rented; f umi ture for sale at a enap, J50. Laly going an-ay Hmi ini.'st sell. 5 minutes' waiK Irom PostofriL-e. UKU.-SI & ZADOW. 317 Board i.f Trade Bin g., 4th and Oak. tfPLKNDID 7-rfim rial, furniture practi- eal.y r.e-.v, JJ yy. 3y::j Park. Store. ' S T B A M - H E A T E D, weii-Iig a ted and ventilated store in. new building, Washington St., near 11: h. suitable tor groceries, drugs or delloat- . 11. Arrangements can be made wnicfa would awsure splendid trade. Rent vtry reaj-naLIti t- commence. Might help finance taxable, p&jp'.e. ' Y. L. MOHGAX, 5f3 Abington bMg. OR KENT Fine large stores in new buildings, just completed, at East Burn side and 1 iion ave, and also at East Morris-n ai.d .sth eta. Both are 'growing business centers. Low rent, long lease. A pply to I. Gevurtz & Sons, 173-175 it Ft. SMALL store for rent in new brick, build in;, suitalde for barber shop or lunch counter. y:i N. 2d st. ; onlv $10 a mtmth ' 1 ' i,t. J n quire 201 Morrison st. FOR KENT- t-story and basement brick etore building, Uhx!(k S. E. corner Fn.nt and Pir- sts. Apply C. A. Dolph, Mohawk FOR LENT Fine store suitable for dress making parlor; own-T will put in par titions. Apply to Jones, drug gist. cor. Kror.t and jihhs sts. luii. KENT 5-story brick building. 2d ar.d Ash; al.- large brick building suitable for 1 aiUnoDiie gtuage; small store, 25x03, 41 .Mfi;i-.r. st. Apply H. T. O'X, Main 422. fcTok ES 7. 7 Union ave.. r-;-ar Ankeny ; yard; reasonable rent; near Burni le bridge, AnWny car. Appiy Rodgera, Hart. Gibson, 1 Mi 2d i. 1'UK KENT A fine store 20x70 feet In new brick building- at 14 th and Washington -is. Apply Cicvurtz & S ons, 173-17-5 1 st sU KT of store to rent; suitable for jeweler, stationer or similar line of business. 400 Washington St. STORE for rent In new brick building. b9 X. 2d s..; rent only $25 a month. Inquire 2'1 Morrison 3t. ONE new storeroom, 25x0o, left tn new block. Apply -t drugstore, tw Front st. Either "F" tr 'S" car. ON E new storeroom, 23x00, lt t in new ii nek." Apply at drugstore, Mo Front st. El t b it " K" or "S" car. 1 H1LL st. store for rnt. near Jefferson, :n. W. G. Cox, 222 Failing blag. Ofnces. WA8HIXOTO N S T R E E T . Columbia bldg., cor nor of West Park st. lies i 1 a bio office";, singly or en suite. Es pecially adapted to professional people. A pply to superintendent of building. V Kit Y desirable office or desk-room in good location for real -estate or brokerage busi both phones. h-tit and light furnished. THE CARD REALTY & INVESTMENT CO. 1 lo -M si. Phone Man-hall l.'.i7, A 1307. FLOOR space. 4Gxt0. suitable for light manufacturing or printing office; also swell office rooms for rent. Inquire of A. - G. Ch u vmley. photographer. 1 43 l 3d si. Mt'RLY furnished off ice for rent ; use of both phones. Inquire at room 4o2, 10 . to 12 A. M., Oregon tan bids. FOR KENT A few offices in Couch blda. Apply tin 3 Lewis bldg. OFFICE ROOM. Apply at Harvard Dental 1 'arlnr.", 3t'. Wash ing ton st LVFtNKft office, with use of dj-k and type writer. O. V. I. Land Co.. 1111 1st .-n. BALLROOM, good location. In good condl tlon. reasonable. B. F. Jones. tOU Front. XV a reh mine. FOR KENT OR LEASE Brick warehouse, with elevator and large of tlces ; 50x100; three Btories and basement. Corner 4ta and GUsan sts. Apply to i. O, "Woodward, 104 2d St. BUSrXESS OPTORTl'MTlga. HKL1 A HLE merchant wants honest partner to look after the of lice work, etc.; money required" goes in the bank to use in the busings; pav each partner $iOO monthly; open to close investigation. Call :MS J Stark st. ENL-AKiiK your business; get more capital into your concern and increase its earn in g power; we are specialists in this line find w ould like to talk with ynu on this mutter. Lincoln Trust Company, 21o Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak k t s. liEST A I'KANT for salrt at ll'th and Glisan sis.; No." 44; In a wholesale district where there is lots of laboring men; a good business; owner wants to uo to Cali-fm-nia the 1 st of May; low rent. -PARTNER WANTED in small cash busi ness, will make you $"J5 per week. Trial Kiveii before you buy. This i.s a steady K row in g busi 11 ess. $ 1 Tu requ i red. Call M'oii! Lumber Exctia n bid s. UK LI A HIJ'Z MAN, able to invest $7."i0 with BiTvices can secure interest in solid busi ness; owner w'l! guarantee good salary Mild share of large profits. Call 24i13 Stark si. Gl'AIJANTKKb aJ advertlw-d; cash grcery, fruMn find ice i-rearn; Kilt-s for month of $.".S a day; ivnt JPV; 3 living rooms; prl.-c ?l..oo or invoice. Call 417 Board of Tr. iic. I l.l, ginraiuee $ 100 profit to you per month. :;t-rnom apartment house, $10o0; ti miis to suit; might trade. Goddard, CIS H-.aul of Trade. SALOON". . KINK location, license and rent paid; own er has other busi n ess, can' t 1 cnend on help ; yM required. Cull room 3lo Lumber I x e ii a n g o bldg. - B 1 G 11 i viden lis for anyone desiring to invest J-Tilio or more in building proposition where by investor will get his or her share of profits according to money invested aa houses are sold. Call 508 Rothchild bldg. HAVE exclusive s;ile of good addition to Portland; will take a reliable experienced man In with me on this proposition; want a good trader; some money required. Ad dicss for particulars 1'Q. 00. Oregonlan. CASH TU;S1NESS. Charing o er S.'toii per month; try it a month if ym wish before you buy. satis faction guaranteed: 12bo will handle Call room ;t 1 ," Lumber Exxhanae bldg. iL REAL E s T A T E O w n e r wants s t e a d y p a r t -nrr; requires no e.perl.-nc' beyond ability to "liow land, etc.; pay active man $ I u month. 1 ai tie ulars i' 4 S St a 1 k st. tr A KAN T i El as advnvied ; cash grocery, t'rulc -ar.d ice crcuni; alcs f'r month of M;n-i h ;s a day; rent $1 : : II vim: ro-ims; price $WtK or in-oico. Call 417 Roard of T: ado. tiRcn'iOKV store in gomi paroll town; good business, good location; price, invoice, if t a it e u before April K. b So t, Orogo niati. CON KCT1 )N Eil V Dandy corner wore; 4 living rooms; ? 1 ,. IT LI, - 1'OWELU T-1 TAinibfrmerg Pldg. , LEAVING CITY. Su-burbryn ral estate oiVice. good loea 1in to make money, sell or rent. Address L Not, Orogor.tan. i CAth store busineis wants honest, sber part tier to check g..xi.s and wait on customers; will pay fJ5 a week fnmi ptart; ?r0 re c.uire.'.. Call 417 B(ard of Trnde. I'OtH.Kt ivm for sale 3 fine tables, confec tionery and, clears. chejiD rent, lease; h-rms. 4t0 Hawthorne ave., near Grand a vo. JF iu arc looking for a good apartment site we have a 10 0x1 00 In Nor l it West Portland: a good buy; some tej-;iis. Room 1 TV-is-vngton bldg. KoU SALE A general merchandise store, Ir.vouT about S4'. doinur $ 1 00 per dm.y, near Portland; clieaji rent. J'hone Wood lawn 2K'. 4. GKochlHY store rent cheap and lease; I'lost' in, West Side; d n i 1 1 a nice c as h bus'nes. Call li'l. -jth st. 1A KT N KK wanted in nn o.d established 'business; this requires 20. Call oOi f;o WILL place yuu in a casii business; investigate this at once. Owner, K. So2, U. K C KK Y STORE doing ixd busiiies to trad" for ei:v ts or h-oie and let. T.lvM r.KAl.TY c, "-J1 LuTr.btrrnienji Big. PA .'1 T.N KR wanted to help In store; will pay merge tii- man J SO week ; $ ;!ki cash r.'.ii!!'i il, Call IMS S;ark si. K can si;i your biu,.r,.e.-s: we bve pe-.p; wi'h nxnev waiting to buy. 427 Henry MEAT market, rood business locality, for rt-n :. Tabor 2. 'CU PLK -Confectionery store. Inquire at ITT. 4t'i -t. bK M TY pariors and Turkish l.aths. well 1 airorv.T.-'d. for Hie. I Oregonlan. 'IT LL A MCOK hotel for pa'e cheap, terms to suit p trchat-'-r. Pox 2-"-t. Till a mock. Or. HA H H Ki;S a -halrs. - baGis, cheap. It av 1.' t" ii. I'.arney. M N. til ii st. jujmu-h 4j i 1 n f,-r 2 ciiirsi coo -3 bn-atiou. 4 Morrison st. itEP s'-out free excursion giv cu by Woou bum Orciiaxd Co. vn iaa tf. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. BOARDING-KOUSE. ) A boarding-houKe of 21 rooms, 14 bed moms furnished, also kitchen, dining room and office, four living-rooms for family use; there are now 13 regular boa ders and more can be had ; tho fur niture of this place can be bought for J?o"U; this is in a so&d town 20 miiea from Portland, on the river and fare by boat is z.jc round trip from Portland- G R L S S I Ac Z A DOW. "17 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. TH!2 PORTLAND ROOM REGISTER. By an extensive system of advertising, cataloguing and listing we arre able to supply you with just what you want, no matter what you desire. You tell us what you want and we will get it for you. "We want every one having fur nished room not already listed, with us to telepnone Marshall 15S:i and w- will send someone to explain the advantages ar system. COS Cuuoh bldg THE only Saratoga ehip factory in Oregon, shipping goods all over the state, all through South and Eastern "Washington and parts of Idaho; grated hor5oradish our epee-inltv. and the business is growing fast; established 7 years; sickness compels me tn sell. Am asking SfoOO cash. If you have this amount and wish to in vestigate. Call at 3!2 Scnuyler st; after nnor.s between 2 and 5- E. G. "Williams. CIGAR STORE. MORRISON 5T. First-class corner cigar store, making 52oO y-r month clear above all expanses, in a brick building with nearly a years lease, reasonable rent with A No. 1 busi ness location on Morrison St., right down town ; x-rice .00'. CRISI &-ZADOW. .'U7 Bnqrd of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. ASSOCIATE wanted, in an established busi ness; excellent opportunity for a progres sive man or woman; position will pay in terest on investment and dividends good; desire to en large, reason for wanting as sociate; need from :Xh0 to $5ouO; most thorough investigation allowed. Address T M;;, Oregonian. YOUNG attorney with first-class references who has made a specialty of real prop erty lnw and examining abstracts wishes to form partnership or make other suit able arrangements with capitalist to loan . money on real property, discount mort g a g eg, etc. G f 4. uregonian. FOR SALE by owner, workingman's board in? hotel; clears ji-OO a month; $.jtK)0, terms, or will take some real estate; fine business ; am leaving city. AG MS, Ore ponian. "WANTED Man or woman to join me In land deal; have it tied up for half its value; cannot handle alone. We will make 2i,0oO this year. $oo0o required. Part of land can be irrigated ; h igh land ; best apple, pea", peach and grape land in Southern Oregon. Irsvelgate. A fr."o, Oregonian. A FINE location for a butcher shop on North Bank R. R., a great inducement for the riht man. Have a good offer for n man to start a. livery barn on North Bank It. K. W. BOWM A N. 1Q15 Board of Trade. FINE OPENING for hotel at Parkdale. the terminus of the Mt. Hood Railroad, in the heart of the fmuu Upper Hood River Val-1-y. Ideal location. Fine tourist trade. For further particulars write 1. J. Mcisaac, Mt. Jlood P. p., Oregon. "WELL-ESTABLISHED, responsible real es ta 1-3 dealer will dispose of half interest to acceptable man; no better opportunity in Portland and should easily average ?'00 net per month; references exchange. Call L'SS Washington st., room 61 2. MOVING picture films, machines Every thing for moving picture business for rent or sale. If you are plarffiing to open a show we are ready to assist you. "Write for our best offer. Laemmle Film fcServ le?. Tiintage.s bldg.. Portland, Or. ONLY 2 MORE -WANTED. We need only two more to complete our Clans for the organization of oue of the est oil propositions in the Va le oil d is trict. We own our land. Not h 1 11 g less than 10if considered. D S'2. Oregonian. I N V E STM E N T S . Investors wishing to place their money "to the best advantage and where a small amount will net large returns and be se cure, write for an appointment. M S03, Oregonian. IF YOU have some capital which you would like to invest In a 1-ona fide proposition, where It will net you big returns. 1 have such a proposition, which will stand the closest investigation. Correspondence strictly confidential. N. 10. Oregonian. A PAYING country store for sale; will trade tor real estate In Portland; invoice about $500ii; small re,nt ; good trade; close to city; will stand investigation. A E So-. Orejroninn. FOK SA L E Fine grocery, con feet ionery and. ice cream parlors, cigars and tobaccos, horse, wagon, cart; everything first class; rent, with lease; 5 lare living-rooms; cheap for cash. Phone B 22NIJ. Tabor 1S. HAVI-; you ;tOM to Invest in legitimate bus iness? Will guarantee 25 per cent. Business Men's Clearing House, Room 50, Blumauer bldg., 4th and. Morrison st. Ask. for Mr. Plummer. RESTAURANT, location on corner, large dining-room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, fine lo cation, low rent. Inquire StiVi Washing ton st.. roo m i 1 -. FOR SALE My shares of stock in a wood company; position with same-; leaving the city. Call at 300 Oregonian bldg., or phono Main 1034. . Before BUYING or SELLING any MINING, OIL, WIRELESS or INDUSTRIAL etock. 'Set. our prices. Davidson & Co., Lewis bldg. Phone Marshall 77S. GENERAL STOKE. Clsu to Portland: rent l'5, sales JM-o a day; making over 2m a mo. At Invoice. HALL & POWELL. 321 Lumbermen.1 Bldg. BAKERY for saIe In factory town, equipped with machinery. 8 living rooms, all fur nished, 2 horses. 2 wagons, good trade. Price S3"Q0. A B S62. Oregonian. GROCERY STORE, suburban location, aver age daily sab-s $1125. rent $30: stock about i;;u00; owner's doath cause of sale. Call l ; '.j Washington st.. room t" 12. DO YOU want supplies or rent film? We are Independent, do not belong to the trust. Pacific Film Co., 203 Kothchlld b 1 dir. Portland. Or. CAfd sbre business wants h-'ne.t, sober part ner to check gih and wait on customers ; will pay S25 a week from st-irt; $250 re giiirpd. Call 417 Board of Trade. SAWMILL planer and quarter section of timber for sale; mill in good order; ca pacity 2ji M ; no agents. Address 101 2 Knst Main st.. Medforrt, Or. ON E storeroom, 20x60, in new block, suit able for confectionery, ice cream and fruit. Apply at drugstore. Front and Gibbs st. FOK SALE Grocery, delicatessen, bakery, ice cream parlor; making big money ; a goldmine; will consider some trade. AJ sti'.t, ( iT-egnn ian. GENTS' furnishing store: tine location; cheap rent: no competition; clean stock; modern windows ami iix:ure; 3-year lease. HUVI1 REALTY CO.. 221 Lumbermena Big. FOR SALE Well-established general mer chandise business in A-l Willamette Val ley town ; stock about $15.0uo ; annual profits $r.oQii. cat 1 or address S7 5th st. FURNITURE and hardware: irood location on Y?t Pide; rent $25; money-maker; for short time onlv $70O. H ALL POWELL. 321 Lumbermen Ftblg. 90x50 OR 33x70 feet floor space. 3 6ta and Alder, for tlnshop, plumbing shop, paint hop. auto repair, etc. Inquire 60S, Ore soman bldg. between 12 and 1 o'clock. CAFETERIA H J If interest in one of the VEKY best In Portland; making money-; $100. H V LL A POWELL. 321 Lumbermen BMg. READY MONEY That's California Oil. Write for our monthly paper; it gives full particulars ; it's free. SA GAR -LOOM Id CO.. 7 10-7 11 Phelan bldg., San Francisco. MEAT MARKET, doing a fine business; owner has other business. J S-i. Ore goman. DENTIST S OFFICE, good location and fine equipment; cheap for cash. B S46, Ore gonian. 1IK.STAVRANT doirs $50 business daily: gool location: price $10u0. Owner, 4tWi:t ash. irieton st. RESTAURANT Small eat !ng-hot;se for saie at 312 liurnsiae st., doinc lively business. On!!. J oe S. Lons". 31 I'ine st. MINiNG AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and other bonds bought and s ol 1 Fletcher lav. Co.. 225 Abing ton. LIST your property and business chance for quick action with Go. S. Allen Realty Co.. Henry bldg. CI1-' A it a::d confectionery, corner. 4 living P-T.iM'H REALTY C. 221 L:ir.K'rmfna Eltr. Fl N E. established motion-picture theater in Port land ; near Kern Park. See New 111 an. r2)t Wash, st. MA X I'KAt" TL" iUNO business wnts partner be .a-u depend on. Owner witi gnarantee $bH a m.-.uh. Call 4!7 Board of Trade. fa AC HI r-TCE SA LE Large, elegant rooming bt i-e. clearing $250 per month. Ternta. G MS.:, On g'-niari. G Kt tCEliY STuHE West Side, corner; rent ?24: gk-od buy: $70o. HALL & I'oWELL, 321 LurnVrnfM B!d?. or.t'i'KKY store, fine location; clean ook, !"w nnt ; inroiiv, FUVH REALTY CO , 221 Lumbermerxa B'.g. WANTED Honest, brleht young- man with little money as partner, to 3how property. Uoon: 7. Swet'av.d bldg. BAD Y desires an opportunity to engage in real estate business. V so 7 . Oregonian. BARKER shop for sale ; three chairs; low XOJ1U i02 iid BU RITS1NESS OPPOETCMTlto. FOR sale at a marked sacrifice, the es tablished business and fcood will or" tbe Wa.Ua Walia Pressory. tne onlv estao- lished and money maKing clotiies clean ing, pressing and rfinoaeling estabiit-U-nient here; an unusual fcuslr.ess oppor tunity; pays upwards of i2oo annually net in addition to operating cost and liv ing expenses; its patrons are the most select and it cor. tm-s tne better clasa of work here in French, drv and steam cleaning; no club work; ladie' fine gar ments a special :y ; only competent parties iieed apply. object in selling explained through, correspondence. If interested and for ruil particulars, address H. H. Curr. . 317 Edst Sumach st.. Walla Walla. Wuslv. A SMALL party of people interested in Central Oregon reaitv w ill b ave Portland Saturday morning at T a. M. f-:r the Desch utep country. The will investigate the possibilities for investments In 'his much talked of country..- This party wiil be under the direction of the Thomp son Company (ground floor. Henry bldg.t. who will have the exclusive handling of the townsites of Madras and Bend. Any one wishing to jn(n mav do so bv appii canon to the office of the company. POOLROOM FINE PLACE. Fine poolroom. 5 pool tables. 1 billiard table, room for 1 more table ; In a fine location, and on a paying basis: clear ing now J175 per month": in a brick build ing, with lease, rent onlv $50 per month; price S170O, part cash, balance monthly; will take good lot as part payment; own er leaving city and must sell. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 31 1 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. FOR S A L E B ARGA1N. One 2-story sawmill 30 feet in width, 1 42 feet long, with bo-horse engine. 1 5t horse boilers, one planer with blower saw dust conveyer; all necessary mach'nery complete for running, including buildings. About 10.000. 0" feet timber accessible lo mill at reasonable stum page; mill is lo cated near United Railway line, good local trade. Price, ? :5qo on very" easy terms. Will trsde for small tarm. L. N. TOM PK IN?. Hi lsboro. Or. PARTNER WANTED in a strictly cash business, owner will guarantee you $' daily: $2000 required. Call room 315 Lum ber Exchange bldg. PARTNE R wanted for out Fide work ; owner says with help of energetic man will clear 1 5 to 2 dally. Call l'4S- Sta-"k st. 4t ROOMS, best location' In the citv; clieap rent; will take $2200; terms. 4SH Wash ington st. RooanxG-norsEg. ROOMING-HOUSE. To lease for term of years. 118 Rooms.''' Second and third floors Burkhart building. East Burnsiue. between Union and Grand avenues now be ing remodeled;, hot and cold water each room, besides several bath rooms installed. Location central, close to West Side, with best car service in city in all directions. M'CARGA R, BATES & LIVELY. 330 Falling Building. FORTLANO ROOMING-HOUSE CO., 313 Henrv Blcig. A SPLEN1ID B U Y . 6S room.s, well furnislied, hot and cold water in all the rooms, steam in ail the rooms, all rooms on one floor, en trau ces on three streets, all outside This place has a first-class steadv and transient trade and is a big money maker, owner selling on account of sick ness. Investigate this. AP A Ii T M E N T HOUSE B A R G A I X. 4 ro"bms. in II-room suites. Wilton vel vet carpets. Mission and golden oak fur niture, floss mattresses, wall beds, e.-;t of bedding, kitchens complete, steam heat, hot and cold water and private bath in each suite. Brick building on corner. This Is the best hnv in Portland todav. A CHEAP BUY'. 20 rooms, apartments, on corner, close in. best grade of furniture and carpets, i first-class condition, always full at good rentals. This will be sold th is woek f or one-third less than it i3 worth. These are only a' tew of oar bargains. "We have 2 art ot hers. PORTLAND ROOM ING-HOUSE CO ::i3 Henry Bldg. PEE IT FOR TO T"R s E L F. 45 ROOMS. EXTRA GOOD LOCATION it GETS the BUSI NESS; new. modern CORNER BRICK; furnishings ALL NEW few months ago anil of best grade; rent only $22o; lease 4 - years. This is clear ing $3"0 a month and you don't need to take anybody's word for It. SEE IT YOURSELF and be CONVINCED. Price $6000, half cash. O. C. R. ELLIS Sr. CO.. 326 Washington St.. Rooms 201-202. GOOD FLAT A BARGAIN. 24 ROOMS, well furnished and well rated, Brussels carpets. oak furnit lo ure, porcelain hath, gas and electric li rent only $4 a room, with lease, and el $H'Q a month. EASY., to CAKE FOR PROFITABLE two good points. I" hts; cars and $l!uo; cash required. $1100 n It IT t I T A. no 326 4 Washington Rooms 201-202 FL'KMTL RE of seven-room house on 1 1th street one block off of Washington for sale lor ?-.ii ; rent 52 1 ; four rooms sub let as furnished rooms to permanent tn 'ants; a steady income for small invest ment. JENNINGS A- HOWE. 122 West Park st., near Washington. S90O0 Buys all the furniture in one of the nnt rooming-houseg on iM sc.; sickness bs the- reason tor me w.rrmec saie. M. E. THO-VPfy CO.. -4th and Oak Sis-.. Henry Bldg. See Air. Kirnqp. ) $750 B iS QUICK. TERM S $ 750. Ill-rooms, furniture, first-class lease. Location line, you can't beat it. LEASE F O R S A LB CHE A P. Apartment hou3e, chance to furnish it. yourself; most modern in citv. Bast-Nevisoii. 31 0 Board of Trade Bldg. $iKM Buys- all the furniture In on1 of the finest rooming-houses cn 3d st. : sickne-& is the reason lor tne f-aenm-e sale. M. E. THOMPSON" CO.. 4th and Oak S:s-.. Henry Bldg. (See Mr. Kirr.i'j p.) EIGHT rooms, good furniture, suitable for lodging or boarding-hawse, nicely located, rent S30; worth 4bu: mu?t tro at once. only $2i.0; positively a snap. 015 Board of Trade. 10 ROOMS, furnished in excellent taste, close in. cheap rent. Can be bought at a pic discount this week. PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO., 313 Henry Bldg. 82-ROOM housekeeping; apartment, ehea p ; gooo. location, cneap rent ; m ust re s tiiis week; give terms. 1015 Board of Trade. Main S025. MUST SELL. Furniture of it-room modern, clean, el rooms rented, rent $3); easy terms. East 2.t5- Owner. TWO ro'oming-h ouses. S and 1 0 rooms ; must be sold at once, owner going away. 414 Dekum blag. Phone latn o54t. LODGING-HOUSES 1 have them ai! sizes and prices: can suit your means. t;i5 1 rmrd ot lradc. 15 ROOMS, very nicely furnished, close in, West Side; price $1250. Call 26U Wash ington st., room C12. 22-ROOM, good traiKient nouse. mean ana cheap rent: good lease; terms. lolo Board cf Trade Main y.iJj. 1 4 ROOM s, cent ra t ' y located, fine f urn ituri grat snap, for $."001. Particu lars S a." .'Id LOST AM) KOUXD. LOST April 4. on streetcar or street, two white ostrich plumes. please return to 3 H lth st. North. Reward. WILL the party who found black vest and coat communicate with Mr. Campbell, 40O K. Da-vis st.. or call Eat 154.' LOST Tuesday afternoon, cover of lady's solid ?old watch. Return 475 Taylor st. Reward. BjST A biLbook. with the name of L. S. Winters on notes are in the book. Plea se return to 3d Pt. P. it w a r d . LOST On Council Crest, a lady's Elgin watch with fob; initials "J. M." on case. Phone A 34-. FOUND A bic twicn 6 un.i !e. Owner photiti C 2ol3 P. M. READ about free excursion given by Wood bum Orchard, Co. on page y. LOST AN D UOUND. cuLND Where you can buy genuine hair mattresses retail at wholesale prices; we renovate mattresses and return same day. Portland Curled Hair Factory, H- MeUger, 2'J Frnr.t. Phone Main 474. A 1374. LOST -Gold watch, between Portland Driving Academy and oeyorta tiarmunt iavern and Linmon road ; lady's picture in case; $25 reward if returneu Mr. J. S. Winters, Alex- ar.iit-r Court. LOST Brfi-v-i bulldog- with white on breast; wears coiiar witn square cress spiKes; ears and tail trimmed. Return to 179 D igbt st.. or call Woodla,wn 134 and rece' ve in.cral row ard. LOST Thursday. March 31. female collie pun, yellow with white around neoK and head. Please return to C35 4th; re ward or call Mam MS1. - PtiL'N'D Where watches, dlsmonda and Jew- dry are sdd for amount loaned and one month's interest. Uncle Myers Collateral lif.rk. 71 0;h ft. rar Oak st. LOST Between Oregon City and Portland, on Eaft Side, crank to automobile. Return to lit Front st., or phone Main 3007, nd get rvw ard. LOST An incubator, home-made. Xo-name heater or side doors: has crank ana ele vator attachment, 240-egg; oak stuin; re ward. H. E. Harrington. Portland. Or. LOST Watch and chain; watch has M. J." on back. Return, to 247 tKh st. and re ceive reward. FOUND A sailboat. Address B SOT, Ore gonian. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. $20,000. THE DALLES. OREGON. XOTICE OF SCHOOL BOND SALE. Sealed bids will be received until 7:30 P. M. of May 17, lblO, for the purchase of 20 semi-annual 5 per cent coupon gold bonds of School District No. 12 isaid district including the city of The Dailes) of Wasco County, Oregon Each bond of the denomination of $loOO. and dated May 17, 3 01O. Principal and interest payable at The Dalles, or New York City at the option of holder. Princi pal payable after Jo years and due and payable absolutely at 2o years after date. Bonds issued under subdivision of sec tion 3SS9 of Bellinger and Cotton's Anno tated Codes and 'Statutes of Oregon. All bids for one or more bonds to be accom panied by a certified check for 2 per cent of par value of amount of bid and. only bids for par or premium considered. F. GUNNING, County Treasurer, The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon. Addenda : School Clerk's census, District No. 12 3527. Public school enrollment, 050. Assessed valuatitun. ot taxable property, S3. 124.2(50. Total school bond3 outstanding, $14,000. Other indebtedness of school district, none. NOTICE of sale of st-ate lands- Notice is hereby given that the State Land Board will receive sealed bid until lo o'clock A. M., June 2, PJiO, for the following-described -hool lan. 1 1?. to-wit: All of section 13, T. 2il -H.. R. & w. : all of section 3t, T. 31 K. W.; the southwest V. west i. of fuuth east 14. and lots 3 and 4 section 10, T. 32 S., R. 13 W.; all of section 10. T. 30 S., R. -Kr W. ; the north 1. of south t.'., and lots 1, 2. 3 and 4 of section 10. T. 41 S.. R. 12 W. ; 1 he northwest J4 of northwest northeaj-t 1-i and northeast of southeast J,4 of sec tion lr, T. ks S.. 11. 22 E. ; lots 1, 2, 3 -and 4. and southeast Va jf southwest 'i, and south i of southeast U of ."ection 10. T. 9 S., R. 13 E. ; lotrf 1, 2, 3. 4, and the west ij of east v., east rJ jf west 3j, southwest 4 of northwest 1-4. and west - of southwest J,4 f section 30. T. 11 S-, K. 11 E. All bids must be accompanied by a regularly exe cuted application to purchase and at least one-fifth of the amount ottered. No bid of les.i than $7.50 per acre will be considered. Tne right is reserved to reject any and all biu. Applications and blus should be ad dressed to C. G. Brown, Clerk State Land Board. Salem, Oregon, and marked "Appli cation and bid for purchase state rands." O. o. Brown. Clerk sitate Land Board. Dated March 21. JJH. MULTNOMAH COUNTY COURTHOUSE. Electrical Work. Sealed proposals will be received at the oflice of Whidden Lewis, architects, 701 Corbett Building, Portland, Oregon, until 12 o'clock noon, on Friday, April 15, 1910. for the electric wiring and for such other work as called for in specifications, for the east wing of a new Courthouse to bo erected for the County of Multnomah, State of Oregon. Plans and specifications may be ob tained at the office o the architects. No proposal or bid will be considered unless accompanied by a check pavable to the order of the County Court of Mult nomah County, certifhu by a responsible bank, for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate proposal, to be forgeited as fixed and liquidated damages in case the bidder neglects or refuses to enter into contract and provide a suitable bond for the faithful performance of said work, in thfa event the contract is awardod to him. The right to reject any and all bids Is hereby reserved. F. S. FIELDS. - County Clerk. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMAS TER, 482 Arcade Annex, Seattle, Wash., March H, 1!10. ?oa!ed proposals, in tripli cate., for the construction of an addition to jioijt exchange and gymnasium at Fort Wm. II. Seward, Alaska, will be received here until 11 A. M., April 8, 101O, and then pub licly opened. Information, plans, speciiieu t iuii a and proposal blanks furnished on ap ' plication. dipt. E. C. Long, Constructing Quartermaster. XToposals Invited. M iscel Inneous STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. N"otice is hereby given to the stockholder of the Bunker Hill and Sullivan Mining and Concentrating Company (.an Oregon corpora tion having its principal office at the City of Portland, Oregon.), that a special meeting of the stockholders of .-aid company wili be held at its principal office, Rooms Xo. 501 604 Chamber of Commerce Building, in the C:ty uf Portland, Oregon, on Thursday, the Fourteenth djy of April, li10, at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon, for the following purposes: To consider ana take action on Increasing the capital stok of this company and the t-ispOiSil of such increase and to transact such other business aa may come before tsaid meeting. Said meeting Is called and this notice Is given as required by the Board of Directors of ia'-d company at a meeting thereof duly called and held on the twenty-rirst day of March, 111 10, and in oue accordance with Section i, of Article IX, of the By-iaws of said company. Dated at Portland, Oregon, this twenty firsL cay of March, 1910. GEORGE F. HOLM AX, Secretary of the Bunker Hill and Sullivan Mining and Concentrating Company. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. -aled bia.s will be received by the Fur nish Diich Co., at Stanfield, Oregon, up un til Tuesday noon, April 12, lyiO. for the building of a storage reservoir on the Umatilia Kiver, including about 140.000 cubic yards earth excavation. 3.00O cubic yards solid rock excavation, and l,2oo cubic yards concrete work." Mais, plana and specli ications may be seen at the oflice of the Furnish Ditch Co.. at Pendleton, Oregon, or at the office of " the Furnish Ditch Company, Beck bldg.. Fort lend, Oregon. The Furnish Ditch Co., by W. J. Furnish, president. NOTICE is hereoy given that the annual meeting of the stockh older of the Ore gon 6z California Railroad Co. will be held at the oftice of the company in the Wells Fargo bldg., Portland, Or., Tues day, April 12, lyiO, at U10 hour of H o'clock A. M., for the-election of a board of directors and the transaction of such other business as may come before the m ee t in g. W. W. Cotton. Sec. jsEALED BIDS will be received at office of R. H. Thomas, School Clerk. City Hall, Portland. Or., until 5 P. M., April 14, l&lu, for Jefferson High School labora tory equipment. Speculations and list of materials may be seen at above men tioned office. Board reserves the right to reject any ana all Dtds. R. Ii. Thomas. ALASKA OIL & GUANO CO. The annua! mee'-ing of stockholders of the above company win oe m-ia at the office; of the corn pan 3, Concord bldg.. on Wednes dav, the 20 th day of April, lUlo, at 12 noon. B. H. XI COLL. Secretary. jrp.OM Hits date on I will not be. responsible for any debts Incurred by any person or persons. Lee Kemp. FIX AX CI AX - Money to Loan Real Entste. WE BUY bank accounts, securities, foreign m 1 ney; loans. F. H. Lewis. 3 Lewis bldg LOANS ON INSIDE CITY PROPERTY. A TO 7 PER CENT- 814 LEWIS BLDG. MORTGAGE. LOANS, S AND 7 PER CliiXT. LOr IS SALOMON. 233 STARK ST. SluoO TO 20ou to loan without commission W S- Moore. Corbett bld. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security. C. W. Pailett, 3uS-9 Fenton. MORTGAGE LOANS AT RE ASON ABL.E KATES- F- H. LEWIS, 3 LEWIS BLDO. rA.U ab.vjt free excursion given by Wood- urn Orchard Co. on page 'J ilONEV loaned on real estate mortgage uf co n t racts. W.- H. Nunn. 44S gr.eri.jcit Dldg. WILL loan $.0oi or less, real estate. Hitch c,;ck, r.Q Rothchild bldg. HON EY to loan ; mortgage bought. Wm. Hoi!. Washington bldg.. 4th and Wash. State fund loaned. 6 per cent. W. E. Trom as state agent Multnomah Co.. 400 C- C- MONEY to loan, any amount. 6 to 8 per cent. Good no ugh & bcitz. Board of Trade. FIXANCUL 31 o n ey to Loan -ftal Estate. MONEY to loan on Improved property. If for building purposes, interest does not commence until actual- disbursement of funds. Liberal repayment options. Co lumbia Lite &. Trust Co., ill Lumber Ex - bldg. OX IMPROVED city property or for build in j- purposes ; 3 to S years time ; liberal rtpaj-ment privilege : money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Savings & Loan Association. 240 Stark st. 500.VOO OX improved city or farm property; building or small loans at lowest rates; large loans a specialty. J. M. McK-imi co . SH-13-1C Gerl:nt,er bldg. FIRST and, second mortgages and contracts purchased, on Oregon and Washington lands. E, L, Xevereaux. Benton bidg, Sd Cth st. I BUY for cash either first or second mort gages or sellers' equity in contracts ot saie on real estate In Oregon or Washing ton. H. E. Noble. Lumberinens bldg. PLEXTY of money to loan at tt and 1 per cent on real estate security. EDW. P. MALL COMPANY. 309-31O Abington Bidg. MORTGAGE loans on Portland real estate and Oregon farms for borrower or lend er. Gibson Holliday, 304 and 5 Ger- linger bid j. - MONEY loaned, building purposes. If con sulted before building begin. 309 Henry bldg. IMMEDIATE loans from $i to OOo, 00 ail securities. w. A. Hathaway, room. lo. Washington bldg. phone Main 302. - MONEY to loan a-t reasonable rates, in sums from ?500 up. The Dunn-Lawrence Co., 4S Alder st. WILL loan $3001 or less real estate secur ity. Earrington, 41ti Commercial Club bldg. PRIVATE party would Invest $15.0c) cash, in unimproved insice property; owners pie ferred. B 801?, Oregonian. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A. H. Blrreil Co., 2U2 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark. 20 0,000 TO LUA.N, targe loaiui a kpuc laity ; a 12. Failing bldg. PRIVATE money loaned cn reai estate mort gages. H. Mbey. roorft 204 Gerllnger bdg. MONEY loaned on furniture, etc. 14 Washington bldg. phone Mtii Slouo PRIVATE money to loan on real es tate security. AF bu2, Oregonian. LOAJsd on wheat lands. L. K. Mooro, iij Hoard of Traue, Portland, Or. Money to Loan Chattels and Sahiriea. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR MONEY? If you would know how easy our terms are you would not. be . bhort of money. ' Don't be bothered with a lot of small cebts; let us furnish the money to sot tie them "WE LOAX OX Heal Estate, Furniture and Pianos (with out removal), Storage Receipts. Life In surance Policies, Horses, Jewelry. Dia monds, and all kinds of securities, en es-sy weekly or monthly paym-enLa. We Buy First and Second Mortgages. All Business Strictly Confidential. U- S. REAL ESTATE dt BROKERAGE CO. 13 Hamilton Blug., 131 Sd. Main 2U84. MONEY FOR EVERYBODY. SPECIAL RATE3 FOR SPRING. SEE US TODAY. CHATTELS OR SALARY. Lowest rates and Quickest in the city. ABSOLUTELY XO PUBLICITY. KUTTOX -CREDIT CO.. ol2 DeKuiu B idg.. Main 23 uu. I S $ $ $ $ t $ $ $ STATE SECURITY CO. 4 5 B-R-u-K-1-K - S SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. $ H t TO $ 1 00 LOWEST RATEtS IN PORTLAND. 5lO, repaid in lnstallmenta of., $ -45 -o, repaid in installments of $ .ift $00, repaid In installments of.. $2. 00 Larger amounts in proportion. V e do not advertise misleading terms or rates, but give you our charges in plain figures. Business strictly confident ial. STATE SECURITY CO., $ ? $ $ 3o Failing Bldg. $ S 9 S WB loan money on watches, diamonds, seal skins, mink, overcoats, trunns. uieaa suit cases and musical instrumeiiLa. UNCLE MYtUb, 71 Sixth Bt. Between Oak and. Pine sts. Main uio. CHATTEL LOANS. Installment loans on pianos, furniture, warehouse receipts, horses. Insurance poli cies and all kinds of securities; HEAL E3 'I ATE LOANS irom $3uOO up. NEW ERA LOAX St MTG. CO.. 41tt Abington Bldg MONEY advanced salaried people, house keepers and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; oiflces in 00 principal cities; save yourself money by geLting my terms first- TOLMAN. ai7 Lumber Exchange, WE loan money on diamonds and jewelry at reasonable interest for long or short time. A. &. M. Delovage, jeweler, 2 69 Washington st. MONEY loaned anyone steadily employed on their plain note; return it In easy pay ments; strictly confidential; lowest rates. See .us and save money. 427 Henry bldg. LOANS negotiated on a good security. GRAY-CUXN INGHAM-GRAY, - 722-73 Electric Bldg. SALARY loans, confidential, easy to get, easy to pay. F- A- Newton. MS Henry bldg. LOW rates: we loan money on diamonds and jewelry. Marx & Bloch. 74 3d st. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattoi. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. MONEY to loan on diamonds, watches and jewelry. Bernhardt '5 Loan Office, Cth. Loans Wanted. W E HAVE clients who want to borrow from $10iK to ?2."0O on gilt-edge security. See 11s. provident Investment & Trustee Co., 524-20 Board of Trade Bldg. Phono Marshall 473. WANTED First mortgage loan of S20oo. $U:m, S150o, and two loans of $..oO. each from private party, per cent. Merchant r.b abstract. 2i8 Couch bhig. I HAVE several desirable applications for loans ranging from $300 to oOOO, on first mortgage, . per cent. i-ri vat e partus only. 2os Couch bldg-. Fl RST mortgage. SS33. 5 years. 6 per cent. for sale. What am I offered ? Address AM S;4. Oregonian. WE WANT to borrow $1300 from private party, on good improved west bide cor per. AG S00. Oregonian. WANTED $2000 at fi per cent for bulldine purposes; lot and building as security. F $3i.KH immediately from private party on -best Irving ton property. E Sti'j, Ore- $170 WANTED, three years, on first-class residence property. A F S04. Oregonian. $3o00 OX well improved city real estate, value $900Xi. 410 Commercial Club bidg. FERSOXAL SWEDISH TRAIN' ED XURSE Heilsingfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach disorders, under phjsician'a directions; be.tha. Xo. 7 East Eleventh street, second door south from East ABkeay carllne. Phone Bast "260, B lt-03. LADIES Ask your aruggist lor Chichester Diamond Brand r'uis. r or yeais known ft the best, safest. Reliable. lake no other. Chichesters Diamond Brand Pllis are sold by druggists everywhere. DRESS suits for rent, all sizes, 1.50 month keens your clothes cleaned, pressed, but tons eewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and deli varies. Unique Tailoring Co., 3u star Bt WANTED Ladles to buy our formula f. making the best coid cream; you enn make your own ana sen to your trlend: price $". Address 3Q2 E. Sot h sL DR. WALKER, specialist. yulckiy cures blood ar.o ema uicMut. soa-s, ulcerst swollen gi.and.-s, kidney, bladder and piiea. Isl 1 at St.. Portland. DR. G. V. KETCHU.M. Diseases of women and chronic maladies only. ltU iu su iiours a a. m. to a P. M- FAMOUS Battle Creek Baths, better than Tuf.iicine, day or Right. B. L. Turnv 1 Drexel. 2d and Yamhill. M. or A ly.i8. DR- LOBES3 NERB TONIC TABLETS. 3C box. restore lost vitality. Stipe, lay. "or ti ug Co.. 2S0 Morrison at. iilERAFEUTIC treatments given by grad uate nurse. Room 10, The St. Elmo, 410a Washington st. Telephone Main 4103. ' riNM-ti masseurs, Mr. and Mr Jurya, 15 Lnian ave-.. i-. uuii, liOS. BALM OF FIGS Remedies for disease of women. O-j ceimont casi --juts. OCCULT, New Thought; liberal, -scientih bfi.-.fc . Jones Book Store. 2S 1 Oak st. MOLES, wrinkles., s-iperfiuous hair removed Mrs M. T Hill. 429 r liedrer bldg. f 3473. Lurn Orchard. Co. on page t. PK11SOXAL Yul'.WJ business man. little money, 20 years olu, strictly sober, perfect charac ter, wishes to marry iauv about 20 years old. with means, about l.O0O. required to tli.ance best-paving business on market; will pay Sl3,uoo to 21, 000 yearly; under stand managing of business perfectly; bus iness uiiu character references funiislieu, "xpcct same. F S0.". Oregonian. DK ALICE A, GRIFF. D!ease3 of women and children, ur ?ry; chronic and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods, up-to-oate electrical appliances, private hospital accommodations; confinement cared for; -onuuatlon tree. Room IO. Grand The aier bids. Mam 3V'2S. A "iu7. CLEARANCE SALE hair goods, barrettes and combs; special prices on all work; latest styles In hair dressing; school of hirdressing. manicuring and hospital In connection with parlors. Aza H. Kibbioka, Orand Leader. 5th and Alder. FEB VET &. HANEKUT. Tjeading wig and toupee makers, finest, stock of human hair goods, switches from $1.50 "hp. Up-to-date parlors for hatru re swing, manicuring, face and scalp treatment, 147 7th si., between Morrison and Alder. DK. ISABELLA MACK IE, Private hospital for .women, 30O East puth st. Tabor suy. Mme.. Courtwrlcht. skin and scalp treat ments, facial deformities corrected; plas tic surgery. 311 Ehedner blag. M BVSINrlSS DIKKCTOKV. Aei'ountants. E. H. COLL1S & CO.. ACCOUNTANTS. -Oommercial. County and Municipal. Auditing, m vestiMauug and Syatematizlng. 3-4 Worcester Block. Phone Main 0o0t. SMALJj sets books kept, systems installed; a ad unit; doiui' evenings ; reasonable rates, by expert accountants. A oregonian. Assay er and. Analist. PORTLAND ANALYTICAL LABORATORY, U22 Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak. M. bl'aO. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. lbli MoriiSon St. Wilis Proebstel, mining engineers, chem- ir.ts and aaa era. i:u4 a .aiimgton su Architects. D. B. FLICKING ER, designer of ideal homes, d2- Mohawk bidg. Phone A j-oj, li l&od. Main luuj. Attorneys ut Law. H. H. lUDDKLl., attorney-at-law, 733. Cham ber of Commerce. Alain 4i04, A ouoU liicj cits and Motorcycles. WE buy, sell, exchange or repair. Hummer Bicycle Ex.. .;;3 lot h st. M 7 00 3. lir;s and Machine Works. HAKl'EH'S BRASS WORKS Brass castings and machine work. 100-N. pth. Maui otu.. Chiropody. "WM. ESTKLLB and Flossie Deveney, the only scientific eiiiropodists in tho city. Parlors 302 Gerliuger bldg.. S, W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phon Main 13UL Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 420 PUedn er bid g.t 'no neM a 1 n 34V3. CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp. Mr. Dt ntuu. o4J Washington. Marshall 1320. Collections and Law. OF ALL KINDS; out of town a specialty. Watson Merc, service. 0o4-0oo Lev, is bldg. Collection Specialist. PHYSICIANS and dentists collections only. L. Pinckney White, Main oo74. A "020. Commision Mercliants. TAYLOR. YOUNG &. CO- ship brokers, com mission merchants. Sherlock bldg. SUN SOON HU1E. CHINESE GOODS. MAT TING, SILK AND CURIOS. 7u tiTll bT F O U It D A N C1XG LESSO XS 1 -Prof. Wal Wilson's dancing school, 2oc per lesson, including teachers, music with each k-sson every morning, afternoon and eve. ; guarantee to teach anyone to dance or refund money. Selllng-Hlrsch, Hall, S $6 ij. Washing t o 11, near lut h st. Phones. WESTERN ACADEMY, dancing dept.. Prof. Kmgler, principal; 2d and Morrison; les sons daily. Di al tins and lies i K " ENGINEERING, drafting and designing, mechanical and constructional- phone A 17m; or by letter. J. H. Morton, P. O., Portland- Dog and Horse Iioplt a L DR. BROWX. D. V. S-, D. C. M. Office 324 Fluml ers st. -Main -u a p. a ivou. Electric Mo tors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. M o : o is for rent or saie. -10 -u t-. jt'eed Store. Z1GLER &; MS.SNER, hay. grain, feed, ce 11101U, shingles. 204 Grand ave. E 4S2. . -j l- for- e 11 rin i season. Furs ar tisti'oallv reiru-ideled, repaired and stored iit reasonable rates now. X. M. Ungar, 400 M.. rchaius Trust bldg. Phone Marshall 1. Janitor Supplies. THE WESTEltX Sales Co., 44 2d st. Janitor and building supplies. Phone Main 07i3. La unc he, a. 10-FT. S-H. P.. 51oO; 1S-FT.. 3-H. P.. 200. Relerson Jlach. jo-. ia- jiornaon si. Leather and Findings. CHAS- L MAST1CK & CO.. 74 Front, leather Ol every UCSCnpilU.l. I-O- 1J. uma. J. A. S'IKOWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es- tablisnea aojo. ioj f iuiubu Machinery. H TREX KM AX &. CO. Hydraulic and spe cial pipes, screens, logging, mining 111a chlnery. All kinds of repairs. ll4 X. 4th. BAND and orchestra instruments, musical sundries, victor La.ih.iiiK iiiauinncB, icuiua. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co.. 134 2d st. EM 1 L TI1E1LHORX, violin teacher, pupil of SeVClK. UUU-aui 1 .n n 11..01 umt,. ' M. O. SMITH, teacher of piano, 4o2 Salmon st. Main 7340. conservatory course. Osteopathic physicians DR. H. B. NORTH RUP. 413-10-17 Dekum bldg.. Tnird and Washington sts. phone, office. Main "310; res. East or B 102S. LeLtoy Smith, graduate KirksvIUe, Mo.. 1818, post Erad. i:u7. 318 Swetland bldg. M 1U87, paints. Oils and Glass. R SMUSSEN He CO.. jobbers, paints, oils, V ! as s sash and doors Cor. 2d and Taylor. Pa ten t Attorney s. h C WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents, infringement cases. 004 Dekum. T t HE P.SCH H EIM ER, counseltor-at-Iaw; nPifliTS and patents. -1 baDDe bldg. n-uu- uarbcr Asphalt Paving Company, 603 s Electric bldg Oscar Huber, Portland. WARRE V Construction Co. Street paving, sidewalks and crosswalks. 317 Beck bldg. Pa wn broker s. T'VCLB MYERS Collateral Bank. 4o years Bortiana. 71 6th st. Main 10. BOUTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and ofiice near 24th N. and York sts. M. 3480. C1IAUSSE-PHUDHOMME CO., Book, Catalog tllA , l.r,.,..,!. 142 U 4th ut. Main HUt A 1335. ; xi vs ir v. Ac CO.. commercial printers; work guaranteed. 102 1st st. M. 53U0, A 1!315. Hug Weavers. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS Rugs from " old carpets, colonial rag rugs, silk por ta res. i Rubber St am pa. ALSO seals, stencils, office stationery, etc Cunningham's, 21 Stark. Main 14Q7 THE Mo SLER SAFE CO., IOS 2d St. Safes at factory pr Second-hand safes. frho weaves. Hank and More Fixtures. THE LUTKE M F G - CO., branch Gra n d KBpIUJJ v."-, nuju XV, L . i tke. Mgr. EAST PORTLAND STORE AND OFFICE eiC - UiaiHl iX - o. j nunc LKat 003. ;ew and second-hand -PS. M. Mfg. Ck, 4;h aild tOU.-U. ..mot -ounit:.. VYOIK.. S t omge and Transfer. c. ilt'.K;. Transfer & Storage Co.. offici and commodious four-story brick ware house, separate Iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. X. W. cor. 2d and pine sts. pianos and furniture moved and aarkcil 1 or b.hppiub. j:am quo, a ijuu UBS EN-ROE TRANSFER CO. neneral transf erring and storage: safes. pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment, zo; uau si., pei rout ana 1st. 1 lepnone Jiam dj or J a -4 i. OREGON" TRANSFER CO., established 1870. Transfer and Forwarding Agents Storage. OfLce 3lo Hoyt st., between 3th and tith. HEX moving cali up Van Horn Transfer vjo.. Main ao is, a am coverea wagons, all experienced men. STOVES connected and repaired. Main 1 . 1 u f 1 4 I- ror-t. Therapeutic physicians. DR. FOSTER, master mechanic of the hums machine: chiropractic, vibration, massage. electrical aouwrs comoineu. 419 x nednex. BUSINESS MRECTOKt. Mall paper. Eli NEST MILLER CO.. 172. 1st St., whoit gale ar.d retail. Sample's mailed free. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to G0. fully guaranteed; easv payments; rentals. $3 per month, pacific stationery 4t printing Co.. 2 3 2d st. WE ARK the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast ; investigate t all makes, all prices. Th Typewriter Eii rhnnc-e. 2S7 '-j. Washington st. XEW. rebuilts, second-hand, rentals at cut "tea. p. IX C. Co.. S31 Stark. M 140T ORAM) CENTRAL STATION. teouthern Pacific. Ashland Passenger Rose burg Passenger ........... Shasta Limited . ............... Silverton passenger Calif or uia Express 8:50 a. m. 4 :15 p. m. 0 : 0H p. m. 6:20 p. nu 7:45 p. m. 1:30 a. m. San rmia-isou nxpress. ... . est Side W Corv alii pHMnnroi. T:SO 4 :O0 t:50 1:00 5:40 a. m. p, m. a. nt. p. m. p. m. s. m, p. m. Sh Fo Forest Grove Passenger".!" .II For 'i orove passenger. ........ irest Grove Passenger. ..... ... For A arriving fortlaud Oregc gon ixprejts . .............. land ;liis 11 rr . 7:30 ASh Ros 10:00 eburv i'i.Mri t' 5:30 p. m. a. m. p. ni, a. m. Po rtland Express 11:00 Sh - WWKUU erton Limited .............. 2:30 :30 Silv w. Cor irvallis Passenger 0:20 p m. 10;oO a. xu. 8:00 a. nx. 11:30 a. m. 4:40 p. m. She For ci x'ussenger ............ Forest r.l-nva I.,. " -mrt. ujue 1'assenger. Northern Pacific. Leavincr Portland North Coast Limited via Pugetl Sound 110:00 a. ra. North Coast Limited via North B-k ) 7:00 p. m. Atlantic Express via Puget Sound 12:15 a. m, Atiantic Express via North Bank. I :00&.m. Twin City Exnreas via Pucetf Sound . 1 5t-.m r. m Twin city Ex ureas via North I Bank 1 7-Mn.m. Eastern Express via puget Sound. 12: 15 m. Eastern Express via North Bank. I :00 &. in Missouri River Express via Pugetf Missouri River Express" Via Northl Bank 7 :00 p. m, Portland. Tacoma and Seattle Express. Grays Harbor, Olympia and South Bend branches 7:00 a. m, Portland-Vancouver Special 10:00 .m Puget Sound Limited. Grays Har bor and South Bend branches.. S:30p. ro, Yacolt Passenger 4;y0 p. m. Arriving Portland Xorth Coast Limited via North , Bank 8:13 p. m. North Coast Limited via Puget Hound 7;30 a. m. Northern Pacific Express via Xorth Bank ; 8:00 a. m Northern Pacific Express via Puget Sound 8:35 p.m. Pacific Coast Express via North Banic j 8:15 p m. Pacific Coast Express via Puget Sound 7:30 a.m. Western Express via Xorth Bank 8:15 p.m. Western Express via Puget Sound 10 :30 p. nx. Missouri Kiver Express via North Hank 8:00 a. m- Missourl Bivec Express via Puget Sound 4:00 p. m Port land-Tacoma-Seattle Express and from Olympia, South Bend and Grays Harbor 4:00p.m. Puget Sound Limited 8:33p.m. Vancouver-Portland Special 10:30 p. m. Yacolt Passenger 9:00 a. nx, Oregon Kuilroad & Navigation Co. Leaving Portland Pendleton Passenger Oregon-Washington Limited- .. The Dalles Local Soo-Spokane-Portland :40 a. m. :00 a. m. :O0 p. m. :00 p. zn :O0 t. m jf-ast Aiail Coach Portland. to rue Dalles Oregon Express :00 p. m. :50 a. m, :15 a. m, m. Arriving Bortiand Fast Mail (no passengers)....... The Dalles Local Oregon Express Soo-Spokane-Portland Pendleton lxcal passenger....... Oregon-Washington Limited . . . . i;00 a. m, 0O p. m, Astoria & Columbia River. Leaving Portland Seaside Express ................ Astoria Express Halnier passenger Rainier Passenger Arriving Portland Portland Express Portland Express Rainier and Bortland passenger. Rainier and Portland Passenger. 8:00 a. m. 6:30 p. m. 1:13 p. in. 6:10 p. nx, 12:15 p. nu 10 :O0 p. m. 10:25 a. m. 5:20 p. m. Canadian Pacific Railway Co. Leaving Portland I C. P- R. Short Line via Spokane Via Seattle Arriving Portland C. P. R. Short Line via Spokane Via Seattle 7:00 p. nx, 12:15 a. m. 9:00 a. m. 7 :00 a. m. Oregon & Washington Railroad Company. Leaving Portland Seattle Passenger 0:00 a. m. Shasta Limited 3:O0 p. nt. Owl 11:43 p. m . Arriving Portland Owl ....... 7:15a.m. Shasta Limited 5:20 p. m. Portland Passenger 5:00 p. m. JEFFERSON STREET STATION. Southern Pacific. Leaving Portland Dallas Passenger Dallas Passenger ...... Arriving Portland Dallas Passenger Dallas Passenger ...... . I 7:40a. m. ;.u p. m. 10:15 a. m. 5:55 p. m. KLJfcWfcNTH AM) HOYT M ItKETS PAb SLNGEK STATION. Spokane. 1'ortland it Seattle Railway Co. Leaving Portland Inland Empire Express 9:00 a. m. For Chicago. St. ' PauL Omaha, Kansas City, SL Louts, Billings, Spokane, Cheney. Lamnni. Washtucna. Kahlotus, Pasco. Bocsevelt, Granddalles. Guldendale, Lyle. White Salmon. Stevenson, Vancouver and intermediate stations. Columbia Kiver Local. ...... . ... .4:30 p. m. North Bank Limited 7;00 p. m. For Chicago. St. Paul. Omaha. Kansas City. St. Louis. Billings, Spokane, Cheney. Lamont. Washtucna. Kahlotus, Pasco, Roosevelt, Granddalles. Lyie, White Sal mon. Stevenson. Vancouver and intermedi ate stations. Arriving Portland North Bank Limited 8:00 a.m. From Chicago, St. PauL Omaha. Kansatf City, St. Louis. Billings, Spokane, Cheney. Lamont. Washtucna. Kahlotus. Pasco, Roosevelt, Granddalles. Lyle. White Sal mon. Stevenson, Vancouver and intermedi ate eiations. Columbia Kiver Local. ......... .12:25 p. m. Inland Empire Express 8:35 p. m. From Chicago, St. -'PauL Omaha, Kansas Citv, St- Louis, Billings, Spokane, Cheney, Lamont, Washtucna, Kahlotus. Pasco, P.oosevelt. Granddalles. Lyle. White Sal mon. Stevenson, Vancouver and intermedi ste stations. T Une Card Oregon Electric Railway Co. Leaving Portland for Salem and Int. stations 0:30. 7:50. 11:00 A. M. ; 2:00, 8:5o. 6:30. 8:40 P. M. Limited for Tualatin and Salem W :1 5 A. M. Local for Wllsonvtll and Int. stations 6:10 P. M. Daily except Sunday for points on the &alem. Falls Citr & Western Ry. via 6alem. 6:30 A. 2;0i P. M. Sunday only, 11:00 A. M Leaving Portland for Forest Grove anti Int. stations 7:05, 8:30, 10:20 A. M.; 12:10, 2 10. 3:30, 5:30. 8:25 P. M. Saturday only. 11:30 P. M- Arriving at Portland from Salem and Int. stations 8:40, 11:00 A. M. ; 1:15, 4:00. 6:0O. 8:20, 10:50 P. M. Local from WiUonvll and Int. stations. 6:40 A. M. Daily except Sunday. 7:35 A. M. Arriving Portland from Forest Grove ant Int. stations 8:00. 9:50. 11:40 A. M.; l:io. 2:50, 5:20, 8:10 P. M. Saturday only, 11:00 p M. Sunday only. 4:40 P. M. Portland Railway. Light & Power Company Cars Leave. Ticket Office and Waiting-room, first ami Alder and East Water and East Morrison Streets. CARS LEAVE EAST WATER AND MORRISON" STREETS. Oregon City 4:O0, 6:30 A- M. and veryt 30 minutes to and including 9 P. M.. then 10:00, 11 :O0 P. M.: last car midnight. Gresham and Intermediate points 6:55r 7:43. 8:45, 9:45. 10:45 A. M.. 12:45, 2:45. 3-45 4:45. 5:45. 6:45. 11:35 P. M. Fairview and TroutdaJe 6:55, 7:45, 8:45, 9:45, 10:45 A. M., 12:45. 2:45. 3:45, -4:43, 5:43. 6:45. P. M. Caxadero and intermediate points 8:45. 10:45 A. M-. 12:45. 2:43. 4:45, 6:43 P. M. For Vancouver Ticket office and waiting-room. Second, and Washington streets. A. M. 6:15, :50. 7:25, 8:00, 8:35. O:10, 9:50. 10:30, 11:10. 11:50. j m. 12:30. 1:10. 1:50. 2:30. 3:10. 8: BO, 4:30. 5:10. 5:50. 0:30. 7:05. 7:40, 8:15, 9:25, 10:3.. 11:45. On third Monday In every month tha Last car leaves at 7:05 P. M. Daily except Sunday. Daily exespt M4ndny. BANKS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Portland, Oregon. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $1,500,000, GERMAN AMERICAN BANK COR. SIXTH AXD WASHINGTON Sift.. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. ISSUES DRAFTS AVAIL ABLE IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES Ol THE UNITED STATES AXD EUHOEE; 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID OX SAV-. IXGS ACCOUNTS; SAFETY XtfiPOSITj VAULTS. G:l 1 Q6.Q 11