16 THE 3IORXIXG OBEGOMAX, "WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1910. FOB SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. WHY buy a second-hand vehicle when you can Ret a new one from an old-established wholesale house. 44 years In Oregon, at almost the same cost? We are located outside the high-rent district, own our building-, and can make the price. Ex clusive agents for the old reliable line of Michigan Buggy Co. fine vehicles, deliv ery wagons, top buggies, runabouts and farm wagons. Be sure and see us before you buy. It may save you money. R. M. WADE & CO.. ?,2? Hawthorne Ave., bet. East 1st and 2d. FOR SALE Horses, harness and wagons Remember, we aell guaranteed horses and mares. If not as represented they can be returned. We also have on hand several deliverv, farm, vegetable and milk wagons for sale. Hawthorn-Av. Stables, 420 Hawthorne ave. $325 BUYS mare and honse. ages 6 and 7, weigh 2m0 lb?., true and reliable anywhere; been used hauling gravel the past eig.a months; only reason for selling. 1 am going to Alaska, inquire for Joe Locke's team at V'-ft Washington at. TEAM of stylish driving horses, one brough ham, one park phaeton, double harness. Will sell all at a bargain. Ask for Mr. Morris" team. Fashion Stables. ashmg tnn ft., bet. lOTh and 20th. $2.V BUYS complete outfit, consisting of 1b. team, blocky built, ld for no fault; has been used in wwcu all Winter; harness and. wagon goes with them. 6u6 Washington rue t. . 4260 FOR tam and harness, aged 6 and 8. weigh 265 lb., true to i-ull single or dou ble. The horses are suitable for most any purpose; will be guaranteed and trial ai loAfd. Washington m. 7-YEAK-OLD horse, weighs H5'; true to work single and double; with good single harness; price. $loo. Can be seen after 5 P. M. 442 East Starlt st. Automobile, FREE LOAX ON Al'TOMOBILE. I need for a short time, either a road ster or 7ive-pafengcr car. I will loan you mony on your car without interest for the privilege of using it. If you wish to sMl l will sell it and charge only a reasonable commission. 518 Board or 1 rade. nVE-PASSEN'lER touring car, nearly new, fully equipped; leaving city; $i.j0. C kol. tregon ian. KEU runabout In line condition; a real bargain; can be seen corner of 2d and Columbia. P. A. Finl?y. FRANK LI X, 5-rasseuKer, to exchange. (iefi. K. rl -ra, A,f fJ. surname a- via no. Organs and Musical instruments. FIRST-CLASS Weber upright piano; a great saTifi'e. Room WIT,, Nortoma Hotel. AN $c"5 Edison phonograph, with 18 rec ords, bargain. Apply .Hi 4 Flanders st. Hlrdw. lyfr2-Crzrr-m ; iT I S i 7" I"' t v : i: r puppies. Call 214 East 24th, bet. Main and Madison. MiMrPHaneoo FOR SALE located on a good graveled road. H mile from O. W. P. siding; 3;j00 rords of wood. Ilr and hardwood; also MM cedar posts and poles; $000 cash wiil handle. See ft. H. Grinsted, 202 Oak st. phone Main 3141. toEWlNG machines Do not fall to visit the White sewing machine itore THIS EEK. SPECIAL SALES 120 drop-head machines, slightly marred; all standard makes ma chines for rent and repairing. H. D. Jones. Prop. 420 Washington st.. corner 11th. nTt CUP 125-volt, 150-K. W. General Electric generator; belt type, complete with panel and rail base. Address Room 201, Ore gonlan bldg. SPECIAL prices on factory rebuilt machines; very liberal terms; $10 to $60. Northwest Typewriter Co.. M. S870. 222 Abington . bldg, BOX BALL alleys; three .T-foot alleys at $50 each, or $1S0 for the lot. crated ready fnr shipment. Address D. T. Gerdes. Houltmi. Or. - BEST dry fir and oak wood, either sawed or 4-ft.. at lowest possible prices. Kirk Hoover. S13 Water st. Phone Main 74ol. A 544 FOR SALE A gasolind launch or will trade for automobile. Room 10, Grand Theater bldg. FOR SLE Hart-Parr traction gasoline en gine, good as new. R. T. Cox. 250 3d St., riI UilllU, KSi. FOR SALE Magnificent rare opal will be sold for best offer. Now on exhibition at Mpvpr'a loan off ice. 71 Gth st. FOR SALE One five-ton lcemaklng plant, complete. City Market Ice Co.. Hazel- wood bldg.. ana nuy ; FIRST mortgage. 5 per cent discount If sold bv April . Property Is insured in favor uf mortgagee. Home phone B 117K. MALLEABLE range, practically new. very cheap; terms or trade. Owner. Mam oobl. or ".20 Washington St.. room 417. KAFES 11 2d-hand safes very cheap; large stock new safes sold on easy terms; call or write today. Portland Safe Co.. 87 5th. FOR SALE Two houseboats. complete, cheap. Phone Exchange 19. , FINE soda fountain complete, also National cash register. 33 N- 3rd st. GAS range and water heater, complete, half price. H 24Vi. ti'Q r. caiman. VIOLINS, banjos, mandolins, guitars at half regular prices. cncie Aiyers. t gixm au B0-POUND ice chest and mahogany dresser rncap. a r irai l TYPEWRITER BARGAINS. 221 Stark St. Main 1407. SHOWCASES new and second-hand. 312 Everett cor. fit h. Also fixtures. FINE Injulatetl cooler for sale cheap. Alex Frifiiman. 205 1st. FOR SALE A 2-year-old Jersey bull. A KM. Qregonian. NO 2 Smith Premier typewriter, first-class condition, cheap. F S51. Qregonian. 600 BLSINESS cards $1 if you bring this ad. Rose City Prlntery. 19 3d, near Taylor. WAN T K O M 1SCEI.I.ANKOU3. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings; highest prices paid. Call at the 'Vair Deal " 47 3d at.. North. Phone Main 9272. WANTED About 50 plain chairs in good i-ondltlon. suitable for churoh use. Ad dress with particulars, S. U. Downs, 207 Vargo Pt WANTED Clothing, best price paid for ladies' and gents second-hand clothing ftnd shoes and bicycles. Main 20S0. 290 1st. GARDEN plowing. harrowing, excavating and grading done. I can save you money. Ph one A 38 11 '- WANTED An S or 10-Inch Byron Jackson centrifugal pump in good condition; pay cash. J S6S. Qregonian. "A" A NT to let contra-'t to clear 2o to &0 acres land. Vanduyn t Walton, M5 Chamber Corn mere. 1 1-!!, your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co. or you'll get less. Phone: A 144.1. Main 8051. HIGHEST price piid for cast-off eiothin and ali second-hand goods. 71 N. 3d Marshall S1QT cash paid for your furniture; prompt a 1 1 en t i o n alw ays given. Phone East 1 06 7. BC'Y'S w heel ; coaster brake ; steel rims; cheap. R 11 79. - W NTED--T- buy a eeeond-hand top buggy. 'im.!Ihmi 75. W. NT ED Small grocery, anyw Kto. Main n,"M. 3 2 6 ! Wash tng ton si., room 417. HELP WANTED MALE. llvY G(iOOS alcfrnan: an exceptional op portunity for oung man with Western ex pert en-e. in larpe store near Port land. Commercial Abstract Co.. 4. Commercial Club bhlc. vnri; man to do collectirc and oifi-e w oi k. iSood salary. For full particulars write K s.... Oi-egonian. i'H Al'FFEl li. careful and sober, Tt. years' experience, can make repairs, wants po sition, fr s-". t'regunian. JitY WANTED with wheel. Apply at once Wonder Millinery Co., 1st and Morrison VOi'NVi mnn as caller and canasser for photo crew ; niust be neat -appearing and good tamer .-un ivhsi .vm st. POKTER for Larber sho;. and billiard hall. alt today. 1-7. Morrison t. WANTED An vxp rionced presser o torn pants. S:t oth St.. room 40-. BAKER wanted at H. Pchrader. 7th St. bakery. t,ircpon city, ur. 3 pi.VMBERS with kit of tools. Phom SeiTwood 1 -j','7. HIGH-CLAS saleinan; compensation largo r-enrnnent. 2'.r Commercial blc.g. WANTED Photnpraph coupon agents; new offer; a w inner, t utbert n, l Vkum hlug. W A N TED Experienced barber; first-class shop Jo'.' 1st SI. WANTED Japanese dishwasher. The Co lonial. 10 th and Morrison. M RTA L LATH EKS. carpenters, laborers. East Pine and i-tn. SALESMAN All lines; country. 3 1 3 3 w asn m gion si . . room n. WANTED A helper to work in bakery. Afoertn st 0- Fl IIST-t'LASi? machinists. Call 212 Com me r.- FIRHT-CLAS.S ladies' tailor wanted Apply 'mancn. tuuuifciuu si. mli in. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Able-bodied men for the TJ. S. Ma rine Corpe. between the ages of 1 ana -io. Miw be native bom or have first papers. Monthly pay 1S to Additional compensa tion possible. Food, clothing, quarters and medical attendance free. After 30 years' serv ice can retire with 75 per cent of pay and al lowances. Service on board ship and ashore In all parts of the world. Apply at Breeden b!dg.. 3-1 and Washington stt.. Portlaad. Or. WA NTED A man who can ell a. good proposition. If you have a good recora. come and see me. If you have bad no ex perience, but still are confident that what other men are doing you can do, come and see me. I can refer you to dozens of men in Portland who have made bis money on my proposition. Call 9 to 11. V. VINCENT JONES. . .302-303 Le w is Bldg. MAkHlED man, German preferred, of some -penence. to work on farm in? w uiameu Valley; good" house, with running water, garden, milk and fuel furnished; no ob jection to orderly children : school on p!ace; permanent position for right man; .ivages liberaL Apply at room 419, Failing mi , pei ore 3 o clock today. EV VERY young man seeking employment or desiring to better his condition, should take advuntacA nt th animal emnlov- ment membership, and gt in quick touch with the advisory and employment sec retary of the Y. M. C. A. Strangers our specialty. Good fellowship, food, advice RGOri nol Mnn 01u.ll. r -.. AX energetic salesman for the State of Ore gon, selling National Counting machines. Can offer inducements that will prove a very lucrative proposition to those that can "make good." Tieply giving references and stating ex-peric-nces. to M 862. Oregon ian. m WANTED Salesmen, county managers, dis trict managers, state managers, tne larg est proposition "of Its kind in America, public utility, world-wide publicity ; good men can easily make Sl'M to $500 weekly; desire men of integrity, good standing and references. W 8-"9. Oregonlan. 500 MEN to know of the consignments of n:gn graae suits (sample ana cancella tion) arriving daily from the East; men's spring suits. $35 to $40 values, $18.75; $25 to $30 values, SI 4. TO. Knew Sample Suit Shop. 315 Oregonlan bldg., Jlmmie Dunne, manager. MEN wanted for Bremen and brakemen on nearby railroad; experience unnecessary; good vision; age 20-30; $TS to $100 monthly. No strike ; permanent employment : promo tion; 400 men being sent to positions; state age. weight, height. Send stamp monthly Ha i 1 w a y A ssocia t i on , care Oregon ian. WANTED Salesmen who are hustlers and can sell; no dead ones need apply. e have good territory and proposition for the right parties. We furnish outfit free and pay cash weekly. Write us. ALBANY NI7K H E R I Eg, INC., A 1 bany , Oregon. WANTED Good boiler repair man who can repair ana build brick arches, roii tunes, nidke pipe joints and grind valves. Steady Job to Al man. Reply by letter, stating experience and references. Power-house, 21 at and .Sherlock ave. WANTED 6 clothing salesmen, 1 place in 1 ne foreman, - business c nance salesmen and 4 good office men. Business Men's Clearing House. Room 50, Blumauer Bldg., 4th and Morrison st. Ask lor Mr. Plummer. SALESMAN of ability to handle specialty line or lubricating compounds ana lum bering tools on commission. Apply, giving references and qualifications, 867, Ore gonian. UPHOLSTERER, good all-around man; also good cush ion an d mattress-maker; stead y work, good wages. Call or write Albany furniture Hospital, 27 W. Second St., Al- bany. Or. ARCHITECTS The undersigned will recelva pians ana specifications xor hospital build ing up to May 1. lyiO. particulars on ap plication. Kalispell General Hospital. KalLspell, Mont. A. N". Tobie, secretary. WANTED Two well-dressed men to do business among the best people; salary to $1H per week. Atply before W A. M. and bet. 4 and 5 P. Al.. 400 Oregonlan bldg. BARBERS' State Board - of Examiners f Oregon will be In session April 11. 12. lit. at 167 1st st., this city, to examine all applicants holding permits. T. 41. 1 ,e abu. secretary. YOUNG MAN! STRANGER! Make careful Investigation at expense of seller bfore you invest money in any proposition. Advisory Department, Y. M. C. A. ASSISTANT dry goods salesman, card writ er, window trimmer; sober, not over years": 15 per week to start. Only ex perienced men need apply. Address P. O. box 2-tS. McMinnville. Or. WANTED Ono first-class plumber, quick workman, steady work to right man; one only bright junior plumber; union shop; wages $5 and $3 for 8 hours. Chas. Hahn. Le wist on, Idaho. WANTED Teamsters, scraper - holders, bumpers and 1 flunky. Take Hawthorne ave. car, get off at West ave., go to top of hill. Madron a Construction Co. WANTED -Linotype operator; married man preferred; steady position; state expe rience end wages wanted. Address C'oun try. B S50. Oregon ian. MOTION-PICTURE operators earn $25 weekly; easy work, short hours; leaxn business in short time. Motion Picture Opt'iating School. 520' Wash. St. WANTED Stenographer; no experience re quired; moderate salary to start; give ref erences as to character. Apply in own handwriting. J Sf2 Oregonlan. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYES WANTED Write for Portland examination schedule; preparation free. franklin Institute, Dept. 410 Kocnester. is. x . ALL-ROCND handy man for-foreman, farm repairing, carpentering, building racetrack, etc. Single mart preferred. 7 th and Oak. afternoons. WANTED Reliable men who can sell trees for largest nursery In the West. For further particulars address Oregon Nur- sery Co.. Ore n co. Or. WANTED 10 experienced strawberry and apple men ; also 20 men for clearing and road building; $2.50 per day. White Sal7 nion Realty Co.. White Salmon. Wash. YOUNG MEN wanted to prepare for railway mail clerks, postoffice clerks, carriers, etc Write it call for Book 30, It's free. Pacific States School. McKay Bldg.. Portland. Or. ASSISTA NT bookkeeper. 18 to 20 years of age, $;;0 to start ; answer in own hand writing, giving age and phone number. A 8tti. Oregonlan. WANTED Blacksmith for steam-shovel camp at north end Peninsula tunnel. Must be sober man and first-class work man. Ask for Mr. Harding. WANTED Several young men for solicit ing; can't help but make money. Call today at BOS Couch bldg. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED HOUSE- MA N ; MIST HAVE GOOD REFER ENCES. NORTON IA HOTEL. I OWN a beautiful view lot, will pay any one ?jO to find me a buyer for it. F S " 2. Oregonlan. WANTED Reliable man used to farm pro duce; pay $30 week; small investment re qnlred. Particulars IMS Stark st. HAVE 7 calls for competent male stenog raphers and bookkeepers. Underwood Typewriter Co.. employment department. YOU NO MAN. experienced in collecting; must be able to ride wheel. M. 867, Ore punia'i. SUB-CONTRACTORS WANTED 2,000.000 yards of ditches and dam work. Apply to Kennenc V: Kusseu, v ai.er, iiont. WANTED Experienced pick-up buyer in large who:efale grocery houe; give references and WANTED a I once. 4 good saddle hands. 1 good o'nap maker; union hours and wages. A ; Ku rs t n ow. Miles City. M o n t. WANTED Good eoatnvaker at once. We pay from up- Telephone Becker & Walquit, Rainier. Or. EXPERIENCED painter to paint three small c.tttasc: material furnished. Room 615, Wshington ft . WANTED First-class, all-around awning man; state experience. C. H. Jones & Son, Vancouver. B. C. WANTED Young man stenographer: one that has had office ex;-erience; must have refer er.ee?. F SC Or-gonian. W ANTED Hill clerk in wholesale grocery house; imist have grocery experience. AX K'L Uregian. WANTED Piano player and singer for moving picture show. Call Miss Strobel, Main t6-.. ADVERTISING solicitors, experienced only, commission, special edition, etc. Benedic t!ne Publications. Goodnough bldg. BOOKKEEPING Private tuition in book keeping by an accountant. 301 Mer rhants Trust bldg.. 6th and Washington. EUSHEI.MAN wanted. Salem Woolen Milts, 7th and Stark sts, WANT ED Papercut tter in bindery. Bush on? & Co.. 7 Park street. MEN" to circulate initiative petition. See Crock wpI'. 'J To Alder sl. STRIPPER boy w anted. Ifi years of age. t all 20Q .Halsey at.. Phone East Oy S. BOOKKEEPING elaiis, 301 Merchants Trust blrig. WANTED Baker's helper at once. Apply The cookery. B15 Washington st. FIRST-CLASS carpenter to build house; $4 prT day. T siQ, Qregonian. WANTED A first-class architectural lrnfisn-.ar. at onrf. 61Q Shetland ldg- BOOK K EEPER Bookkeeper and stenog rapher. Slo V Washington St., room IS. HELP WASTED M.4LK.. WANTED Young men to work In nursery; wages $1.?5 per day, and board, to $2. Two experienced grafters, $2.50 and board. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. Main Office. 12 North Second St. 10. 000 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade In 8 weeks, help to secure promotion; gradu ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly: expert instructors: tools free; write for cata logues. Mohler System of Colleges, 35 North 4th St.. Portland. Or. WANTED Boys or young men to work in planingmlll; wages $1.7o to $2.25 per day, with good chance for advancement; steady work. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. Main Office. 12 North Second St. A LIVE, energetic man who has some knowledge of Oregon lands; oftice and outside work; some traveling; guaranteed salary and third share of the profits; must Invest $500 cash. This position open only until 3 P. M. today, so answers must be in by that time. J S-3. Qregonian. WANTED Millwrights for new work. $4. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, 12 .North Second St WE aid our members to secure employment Constant demand for young men of ability and integrity. Special employment mem bershlp. Y. M. C A. WANTED Salesman for wholesale house, familiar with housef urnishings and crock ery lines; none other need apply. AX SOI. Oregonlan. TRUNKM AK.ER. wages, sliding scale, or piecework. Mulanomah Trunk & Bag Co., 121 East Water st. near Morrison FRENCH ENGINEER, first-class mechanic full knowledge thsoric and practice of aeroplane and automobile wishes to find good position. E 8M. Oregonian. PRESSER on ladles' suits; a flrst-class man. Apply at once to Olds. Wortman & King. TAILORS Sea t roo m for pan ts and ves t makers In th old T. M. C. A. bldg., 3d floor. ENGINEER, stationary, capable of making own repairs, pipeing, etc AJ 867, Ore- gonian. WANTED Two boys with wheels; good wages. Apply 131 10th st., near Wash in gton. WANTED Partner, sober, honest and rustler; small capital; well secured. 326 Washington st.. room 417. Don't delay. WANTED, bank clerk familiar with writing exchange and certificates. Portland Trust Co. Bank. 3d and Oak. $18 TO $35 week, few months only learning; situations guaranteed. Watchmaking-Engraving School, box 182, Ashland, Or. PRESSER Experienced on ladies suits. Ap ply at once to Olds. Wortman & King. IF you have $300 to invest you can make from $5 to $5o daily in the motion picture busineg?. Particulars 526 Washington st. TEAMSTER wanted. IOUS East Alder st. Ta bor 743. BOY wanted in shipping 'department. Apply 120 First st. BOY wanted In grocery store, 203 1st et. W ANTE D C 00 k at 401 Glisan st. 3 27s 7TH St. Pantsmakers wanted. HELP WANTED FEMALE. MILLINERY Reasonable reshaping, coloring. Bring any old material. 1127 Washington, room 27. GOOD place is .offered girl for general housework; godd wages, phone mornings. Main oTao or A 5315. MRS. HOWE S LADIES AGENCY. SSflii Washington St., Room 307. Mam SS36 or A 366. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen eral housework ; good wages. Apply 00 Fifth. COMPETENT girl for housework in small family: good wages. 733 East Ankeny. Phone WANTED Girl for general housework; family of 3. 101 E. 28th St.. cor. Wash ington. YOUNG girl to assist with housework in family of four; good home. 691 . Patton roan. jrnone .wain tvai. GIRL for cooking and general housework; three in family. inquire J to Schuyler st., or phone C 2372. FINISHERS wanted in ladies' tailor estab lishment, first class; steady position, good wages. B. Sail. 411 M orrison. I OWN a beautiful view lot. will pay any one 50 to find me a buyer for It. F s.vj. Qregonian. COOKS, housekeepers, chambermaids, nurses. second gins, waitresses. tt. iouis Agency, 303 '2 Washington st. Main 2030. A 4775. GIRL to work in family of two for room and board, schoolgirl preferred. Call No. 4. St. Helena Court. BY elderly couple, young girl to assist with housework. Phone Main 7017. 510 20th st.. Portland Heights. GIRLS to work in candy factory; exoe rienced hands preferred. Apply at 44 East (ttn si. iNorin. GIRLS, experienced sewing tents', awnings or aquapell clothing. Pacific Tent & Awn- mg Co.. "ZT N. lt st. WANTED Piano player and singer for moving-picture snow. Call Miss Strobel. TWO waitresses and chambermaids, each $25; country. Mrs. Howe's Agency, room :t i 7 .-i:t zn v a s n 1 n g t o n t . SALES girl wanted. 16 to 18: must be re spectable and have good references; others need not come, bb N.- 6th st. FINISHERS wanted on men's neckwear. COLUMBIA NECKWEAR MFG. CO., 201 Stark. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework and cooking; good wages to competent girl. 741 Irving. Main 7o57. LADY presser wanted. Broadway Dye Works, union ave. ortn. WANTED Chambermaid, tb per week and room ana noara. ot4 r landers st WANTED Experienced waitress at Alexandra Court. 53 Ella st. GIRL to assist with small general house work. -4S 15th st. North. WOMAN to do chamber work for board for seif and husband. J2 Hawthorne ave. YOUNG lady compositor wanted, swift on straight matter. rress. fr'onest Grove. WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap ply 381 IQth st. - SLEEVE and buttonhole maker. Apply Long on lauors. "s ens-rargo nicig. GIRLS to work in candy dept. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co.. ltn an-q uavis sts. NEAT girl for general housework and as siat with cooking. Call 70 Johnson st. GIRL for general housework; no children. Apply 420 Yamhill st. FIRST-CLASS hairdresser and apprentices. Mi) 1 t:i st. jiain -.sj. WANTED Middle-aged lady or girl to take care of - cnuaren. 4o 1 Mam st. GIRLS in bottling department of pickle yactor t-J"- vlii H-nu Aioer sts V A M LLi oiri, general nousework; no laundry; can mornings. n Hancock st. WANTED Housekeeper for widower's fam II y. country. R. -"t'7. 326 -a Wash in ton st. GIRL for general housework; small lam- Uy. Apt. 1. bbb fianoers St. GIRL to assist with care of baby. Gl5 Mar shall st. .Mam 4ia. WANTED Experienced cook and second Telephone Main or A 3o71. girl LESSONS in Shorthand and Typewriting by expert. a monm. itm. .Main : 13. YOUNG girl for fruit, cigar and ice-cream counter. .x. -im st. WANTED Honest girl at rolling ball. Council Crest. S SiK. Qregonian. GIRL wanted lor general housework. Phone Main 4LVJ. COMPETENT girl for general housework. Call 5K mcrctia sc. rnor. e Ma I n 7713 PIANO lessons given in exchange for a few hours' nouwwo-h um. y oregonlan. yv 4TED Girl for general housewori- f9.n ilv of 3. Q7 Flanders Ft. LADIES to travel. $75 month, city i 50 day. Room 9. 24tH; HoUaday ave. W ANT ED Etc pe r 1 en . alls also learners. iced operators .n iO 1st St. WANTED iirl for general houseworkT forenoons. 67 Lovejny st. GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factor No. 2- Grand ave. and East Taylor. NEAT girl to wait on table and assist housework. 452 Morrison. PRIVATE LESSONS given in shorthand typewriting. 3t'4 12th Bt. M G$HQ. GIRL for general housework. 7S6 Corbett st. Phone Mam 55H1. A 3.M. AN experience r icu.ii ma iii. Airs. O. M. UKKUiA. gin u- icam pax tp-making and G IKL Jtr alst w,th eneral housework. Ap- W ANT E D A witrw at 4H4 GILsan St. WAITED Good cook. 25tf 12th. street. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Cook for mill boarding-house. J4; boarding-house cooks, 4o ana v. restaurant cooks. S to $10 week. Cook and waitress at the beach, $45 and $.5. Three waitresses for country hotel. $25. Three restaurant waitresses, city, SS to $9 week. Two waitresses for hotels In city, f 25. Chambermaids, '0 to $ '5. Housekeepers. J20-- Nurse near city, $30 to $35. room and board. Compositor and typesetter for country town, $8 to J9 week. Othv?r places. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, Lad ies' Dept. Vs Morrison St. A FEW HIGH-CLASS" SALESLADIES IN OUR SUIT AND WAIST DEPARTMENT. ALSO TWO APPRENTICES. H. B. LTTT. WANTED 6 salesladies in hosiery depart ment. 0 salesladies in ribbon department. Business Men's Clearing House. Room SO, Blumauer bldg.. 4th and Morrison st. Ask for Mr. Plummer. FOR RENT A three-tory, frame building on corner in warehouse and railroad dis trict: suitable for saloon, restaurant, lodg ing house, etc. Apply Bernstein & Cohen, s:m Chamber of Commerce. WANTED A RELIABLE WOMAN FOR HOUSEKEEPER; MUST H A K EX PERIENCE AND NOT AFRAID OF WORK: NO OTHERS NEED APPLY. NOR TON I A HOTEL. JACKET AND SKIRT WORKERS. Thoroughly experienced, first-class. Ap ply at once to Olds, Wortman King. WANTED Good, reliable young lady sten ographer; good salarv; permanent posi tion to right party. Address J 85J, Ore gonian. HAVE best proposition in city for real ex- periencea larty solicitors; a flay salary; no competition. Call room 301, Drexel Hotel. 24n'-3 Yamhill. STOUT, active girLs can secure steady em ployment at good wages; 110 experience re quired. Troy Laundry Co., 201 East Water street. WANTED Experienced girls on shirts and overalls; also a rew learners; snort nouse; not difficult. Mount Hood Factory, 233 'ouch. WANTED An experienced girl with ref erences tor second worn. i an . at " s Montgomery, between 1 and 3 P. M., or Photifa Main 142. A 110'J. REFINED, educated woman to fill a pleas-- ant, proori table position, requiring tact and good judgment; references. AC t61, Qregonian. WANTED 3000 women to buy sample suits at nan prioa, 312.50, $15. and o. Wor rell's Sample Cloaks & Suits. 134 6th St.. cor. Alder. Opposite Oregonlan. WANTED Girl to assist In light house work; two la family. 305 11th st., top flat. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 843 Washington St., cor. 7th, Upstaln Pbone Main 232. WANTED Refined, capable woman for r- Jtnon-il-i'n nnntrlAn Vlowl ."-- HI1Q Tt rt n- chlld bldg., 4th and Washington. GOOD girl for housework; must be neat and ctean ana Know now to cook. 740 Schuy ler. Phone East 1842. COMPETENT girl for general housework; 2 in ramiiy; 114 FranKim at., vv 11 Iamette Heights. phone A 7234. DINING room girl for private boarding; also pantry girl; girl home nights pre- ierreo. i Zo Hoyt St. WANTED Girl to assist with housework: small famllv t.-ioH hnm r.U riovia at. GIRL to work in confectionery store. Phone ivast ALTERATION hand for country store. Call toaay. 4S commercial Club bldg. G0i LOVEJOY ST., girl to assist with gen eral nouseworK. WANTED Experienced waitress at the Hill. L'.tq ana Washington sts. WANTED Experienced woman cook for restaurant worn. asty Morrison st. GIRL to assist with housework. EE LP WAXTEI MALE OS FEMALE. WANTED at once. A-l comedy sketch team for vaudeville road work. S hiu. Ore gonian. WANTED Lady and gentleman to work in htel. 4HS Washington st. FISK TEACHERS AGENCY offers good positions to A-l instructors. 611 S wetland. SITUATION" WANTED MATR, Bookkeepers and Clerks. YOUNG man. age 25. just finished course In bookkeeping, requires work as office assist ant in city; good habits, strictly honest best of references. T Stl, Qregonian. COMPETENT, experienced bookkeeper and of fice man desires position with reliable hoube ; best of references furnished ; state salary. E &r2, Qregonian. BOOKKEEPER One year's experience, wants work, good references. B i03, Ore gonian. COMPETENT stenographer will work even ings for reasonable compensation. A 805, Oregonlan. WANTED Position' as clerk. "JO years' ex perience; references. AK StiO. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. A YOUNG English couple wants a position as caretaker, rooming-house or any po sition of trust; experienced. G 850, Ore gonian. YOUNG man. 21, wishes work in whole sale house, best of references; willing to do any kind of work. AJ SuS. Qregonian. EARLY morning hours work wanted by Japanese bov. any kind job. Phone A 4130. E JS.-.l. Oregonlan. JAPANESE wants tcf do any kind of work during daytime; wishes to attend night school. M S69. Qregonian. CHINESE cook wants situation, boarding house or restaurant. Apply 206 Vi Jld St., 7 o'clock P. M. CARPENTER and builder, new and repair work, day or contract. Phone Woodlawn, Ili36. SITUATION by young married man In ware house; sober, steady and reliable; first class references. A 8,"1 Qregonian. BUILDING superintendent or general foreman, competent man with local experience, well up in estimating. H it8, Oregonlan. JAPANESE boy wants work in morning er by day. A 503J. GOOD Japanese cook wants position in family ; private hotel. L 8t5, Qregonian. EXPERIENCED man wants position as car penter foreman. A 82 Qregonian. YOUNG Japanese wishes position In fam ily. F 853, Qregonian. HAVE vour windows cleaned by J. H. Goins. Main 6713. FIRST-CL ASS Bliclitmian or first-class planer man wishes position, R S62 Qregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bwikkfcpci and Steuocrappers. THOROUGH LY competent and experienced bookkeeper, knowledge stenography, ca pable assuming responsibility ; best refer ences. Phone Main 5T.K2, apartment 14. A ddresg C St'.S. Oregonlan. YOUNG LADY w an ts type wrl ti n g to do home. Main S 4 a 7. DreosnnutprB. $05 LADIES tailored suits, tailors' mate rials. 4.o0. Lines, lit, workmanshiD. guaranteed. Latest only. Few suits to advertise. rnone at once cast qui, w ooa- EX PE RIENCED fashionable dressmaker, de signer o( evening and party gowns, at h o me or py tne uay. rnune a -L'a. ANGELES Dressmaking Parlors. 326 $4 Wash ington st.. suite L-ia. Mam tsa. a STYLISH dresses. 5 up; alsts, $1 up; fine work; references. .-. i- Aim et. n.ast .Uoo. DRESSMAKER wishes engagements; best references. L IS.Id. Hou"ekefpnr, a YOl N'GJ woman want s to keet house for an elderly lady or widower, .for board fur pelf and husband. r n4. Qregonian. A YOUNG lady wishes a position keeping house for '1 or s gentiemen. t an at 3-o 7th st.. or an areas iv fr-jj, Qregonian. YOUNG woman with mall child wishes po- s i t Ion as hou-seKceper. at am Yni'NG widow girl, 3, desires housekeeping. so:; '--a Washington, room 14. Main 2):;i. MIDDLE-AGED practical nurse; best refer ences. A "01 S. GIRL would like position as nurse girl on East Mq. pnone t-nst AN elderly woman wants situation in small ianii i i en Miscellaneous. LACE curtains laundered, called for. deliv ered. 1 1 ii:iiifMi.M. nunc v oou lawn 144JL COLORED laundress wants cashing to take home. I r.-- q'j g-'. COLORED woman wants work by day or -week, phone A 41ju. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Miscellaneous. REFINED girl wishes position to act a companion or take charge of one child. E s."3. Oregonlan. . EXPERIENCED woman, dav work, wash ing, ironing preferred; no half days". Main 4 .'.OS. GIRL wishes position as companion even lngsto lady for board and room. x D &o. Qregonian. COLORED woman wants work by day. A 41n. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work, washing and Ironing. Main 3-. WANTED AGENTS. SALESMEN" WANTED to take our cash weekly selling choice nursery stock; out fit free. Capital City Nursery Company, Salem. Oregon. MEN wanted to sell a patented article to offices and houses; great seller; good commission. AK 42. Oregonian. WANTED TO BEX WANT to rent a. good second-hand automo bile by month, with privilege of buying. - Phone Tabor i92. Houses. YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE, NO CHIL DREN, REMAINING HERE FIX TO NINE MONTHS. WISH TO RENT FUR NISHED HOUSE; MUST HE WELL AND COMPLETELY FURNISHED AND IN A DESIRABLE LOCATION ON WEST SIDE. A 853. QREGONIAN. WANTED I or 5-room furnished house be tween Hawthorne ave. and Waverly-Rich-mond line; must be reasonable. Call East 2Si'o. MAN and wife want furnished house; will take excellent care of place ; references. Phone Mr. Constats. Mai n 31 7. WANT ED 5 or -room furnished house in or near IrTington; no children. Phone East 124 5. B, 2510. 5-ROOM flat. West Side, unfurnished. rea sonable; good location. East Mi'0. Kooms Wltti Koartt- A YOUNG physician desires a large, sunny r""m ..r saite in a new, nign-ciase pnvaie residence; references exchanged. Address lr. S , P. O. box 43ft. ROB RENT. Furnished Rooms. NEW MODERN CLEAN THE MOODY HOUSE 26S Third St.. Cor. Jefferson St. New fireproof building and furnishings throughout; desirable neighborhood; four minutes walk to business center; rooms and suites; large, light and airy; hot and cold water; steam heat; gas and electric lights; call bells; free baths; clean porce lain tubs; lavatories convenient. Take S" car at depot to ontrd and Jefferson sts. We aim to satisfy; that is why we please our TRANSIENT AJsD PERMANENT PA TRONS. Rates 3, $5, $0. $7 per week, A 7731 PHONES Main 8639. HOT EL RAINIER. 140 ROOMS. 1 BLOCK FROM DEPOT. New, modern, fireproof building, steam heated, hot and cold running water in all rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that money can buy, and it doesn't cost any more than some cheap lodging-house; nice large office on ground floor; everything first-class; rates, 50c, 7oc and $1 per day; $3.oU and up per week. Call and see us. 12S 6th st. North. 'Homelike. Homelike Homelike. "IN THE HEART OF THE CITY." NEW SCOTT HOTEL, 7th and Ankeny sts. Free was their depot carriage, I took It on the spot; There may be other houses Just as good, But I v guess not. A quiet home for quiet people. HOTEL MINNESOTA. 88 North 5th St., S. E. Cor. Flanders. New brick building, steam heated, por celain baths, fine large office on ground floor, elegant beds, everything absolutely new and ciean; rates only $2.50 and up per week; 30c and 75c per day. 3 blocks from Union Depot. HOTEL SAVON. 131 Eleventh Street. NEW, modern brick bulluing; STEAM HEATED, private baths, running water in all rooms; TELEPHONES IN EACH ROOM; special rates by the week and month; TRANSIENT TRADE solicited. THE WEAVER. 710 Washington, near King; bath, hot and cold water ; phone, steam heat in very room; strictly modern; fine large office, ground floor; by iar the best in the city for the money; rooms $25 per month and up. Call and inspect. HOTEL BAKER. Fifth St., opposite City HalL New, beautifully furnished; steam heat; hot, cold water In every room; public and private baths. Permanent: transient. THE BARTON, 13ih and Alder, is now undergoing a thorough renovation; 70 8 team heated, electric-lighted rooms, all outside, Kates 75c day ; lo month up. Suites with running water $'0 month up. phones and bath free. HOTEL BR1CSLIN. 422 Washington, cor. 11th. Steam heat, hot and cold water, baths, nicely furnished rooms, $3 per week iu; transient rates, 75c up. VALLAMONT HOTEL Nicely furnished outside rooms, $2.o0 week and up; free bath and phone, dining-room in connec tion; home cooking. 370 Yamhill st, cor nr West Park. Phone Main 7U39. Washington and 17th, ftrst-ciass furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern con veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2047, M. 5047. 6th and Oak; large, handsomely furnished; running hot and cold water; steam heat; reasonable; permanent and transient. HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Mala stsH furnished rooms, single or en suite, at rea sonable prices, modern conveniences. Op posite the Plaza. Larrabee Hotel. liVz Larraoee st.. near Hol laday ave. New brick bldg.; every conven ience; reasonable. Permanent and transient- THE MEKCEUbo. utn ana vvashlngton; ele gantly furnished rooms; hot and cold run ning Water, mwiem wuemeuces; up. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; now furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 i4 bianv. - aam. NICE large corner room on Morrison st., suitable for combination office and sleep-ln- Morrison. FURNISHED rooms, Eim Place, formerly Elton mm lltO. XriE KEX Modern rooms. iso to i ue v. ecu. -'j -rz " .. " HOTEL ROYAL, 108 4tn st.; rooms ii to $5 per weuk: 50c to SI per day. 141 13TH ST. lceiy turnisnea room, gas. bath and furnace neat. I'pmished Rooms In Private Family. COZY front room for lady or gentleman; pleasant surroundings, board close by. walking distance. 41 East Sth st. East 40 S5- FOR RENT Nicely furnished 2-room apart ment, bath adjoining; private family; walk ing distance. Rent ?S until April 29. A "4114. 6 ltt North ru p. LARGE, cheerful front rooms, with every convenience. In private family. 69 North 21ft at. COMFORTABLE furnished room, all con veniences; $2.50; walking distance. 325 12th. $4 PER WEEK; newly furnished front room suitable for 2. t.2 for 1; walking dis tance. 294 11th st. PLEASANT front room, modern conveni ences, suitable for two gentlemen, walk- ing distance. Main l4.iS. 5&0 i'Oi: CH Private house, rooms with or without board; home privileges; home cooking. , NEWLY furnished room, suitable for one or two, 515- One room, S. 393 3d st. Phone Marshall 1252. 45 ALDER Alcove room suitable for 3; also sraill room reasonable. LARGE room. running water, beautiful yard. StM 7th st. $9 MONTH, good clean room, bath, close in. 452 5th st. " NIC ELY furnished room, home privileges, reasonable. 186 14th st. NICE furnished front room, modern, very reasonable. ISO I7th St., cor. Yamhill st. FURNISHED rooms in private family. 243 N. 2Qth. nar Marshall st. FURNISHED front room in private family, at 400 Eagtt Wash, wt.. cor. Grand ave. FURNISHED room with use of kitchen, phone and bath. 252 11th St., S. 2S8 TENTH, near Jefferson: large front room, newly furnished; suitable for two. NICE pleasant front, bedroom, for $7. 791 NICELY furnished bedroom ; good location. 12th st. NEWLY furnished room, close in. 11th su ; every convenience. Phone A 71S. STYLISH new house, finely furnished room, central. West Side, reaFonahie. Main i21!. 50t Flanders bet. 14th and 15th; neatly furnished room; $6 per month, FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms in Private Families. 3 FURNISHED rooms for rent in beautiful piedmont home; all modern conveniences; could serve breakfast if desired. Home phone C 1093. NICE front room, suilaoie f-r 2; also a single room. $rt a month, with all conveniences; 1 block from M. G. carline. 4117 Harrison. Vnfarnibhed Rooms. FOR RENT 24 small rooms in new brick, building on first floor, Sy-91 2d. st. Noxth Inquire 201 Morrison st. 3n THE RAYMOND, at St. Johns. Right on the main street ; 14 rooms. Smith Wagoner Co.. 311-312 Lewis bldg. FOUR rooms for rent. 7 Burnside, corner 11th s 7So2. month. 4;." Thone Main hoomi Wltn Jcsoart. THE MAGNOLIAS. 617 KEARNEY ST. Ideal Summer home, beautiful grounds, finest rooms, with best home cooking In ci;y; rooms, with private bath, all mod ern con cnienoes; moderate rates. PORTLAND Women's Union, 22d year, room with board, use of sewing-room and li brary. 510 Flanders st- Miss Frances N. Heath. Supt. Woman's Excnange. 1S3 Sth st. Mrs. M. E. Bretherton. Supt. THE COLONIAL, 105 and 107 10th St., cor ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason able rates. CHOICEST kind, of table board; elegant room for one or two on Parkins;. 374 Park. THE CALVARD Suites or single. 452 Mor rison, cor. 13th. LARGE room with board, suitable for two persons. The Hollywood. 44rt 3d st. ' ROOMS, with first-class board, at the Sterl iny. 535 Couch St. 54 COUCH Outside roonw. jingle and double. Good home eouking: clean and convenient. KtMiis With Board In private Family. TWO elegantly furnished rooms with board, sleeping porch if desired : beautiful grounds, ideal place for Summer; modern conveniences. iHi East Sth st., corner Was hin gton. East 1 3iiQ. ROOM and board at 20s Broadway; take 'L" car ; close In, between Benton and Ross. YOUNG lady may secure board and room with Christian family m return for ligrtt housework. Address &74 Kerby st. ROOM and board in private home for young man; every convenience; reasonable. Phone East 143. BUSINESS man would like room and board within a few blocks of Postoffice. J boO, Qregonian. WANTED To care for and board one or two children; good home. Phone Sellwood 1 4 fl 2. NICE furnished room for two young men. board if desired. 44 E. 7th st.. or phone East 2410. . NEWLY furnished rooms with board. 505 E. Oak, curner 15th. Phone B 2010; ROOM with board. $0 per week. 321 West Park. Phone A 14. CLEAN", pleasant room and board for two in modern home. 6U5 Everett. NICE front room for 2 gentlemen; good home cooking. 500 Morrison st. NICE room, good home cooking for 1 or 2 office men. 501 Davis st. GOOD board and room, reasonable; home eooking. Mam iQltt. TWO young ladies to room and board; piano and home privileges. 355H Oth st. FURNISHED room with board; room suit able for 2; references. 230 10th st. ROOM AND BOARD. 055 Irving jSt. YOUNG man wanted for board and room, prl vate family. $2o month. Phone East 1015. Apartments. TWO, 3 and 4-room apartments possessing cvprv m.irli-rn convenience, in new brick building. No. 25 Trinity Place, near Wash ington St. spienuia location, in kb walking distance of. business center; rea Mmble nrices. Will be ready for occu pancy in few days. See janitor on premises. HF.INZ APARTMENTS, 14th and. Columbia, a. hlnrkn from M orrison 8L: new brick building, completely first-class, furnished in 2, 3 and 4-room family apartments, pri vate oatn, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone; some uniur nished; janitor service; rent reasonable. OR DE LEIGH apartments. new brick, 82 Grand ave., cor. E. otark : well furnished :-t-r.om nartmenis. nossessine even mod ern convenience, including steam heat, hot water, private baths aiirt pnoncs; rents very reasonable. riione .iast ouu. FOR RENT for 3 months a well-furnished 4-roomed apartment, including piano, in one of the most centrally-located and best arraneed anartment-houscs in the city; references required ; rent $55. Address j boi, uregonian. HANOVER Apartments, corner King and Washington efts., 3-room apartments, have ' every modern convenience, including steam heat, hot water, private bath, free phones and janitor service; rent very reajsonaoie. TH E Ruble Apartments, in 3 and 4-room furnished suites, located in neart or city; nrivate baths and phones, janitor ana ele vator service; light, cheerful rooms. 475 balmon st COZY four-room apartment; up to date in every detail ; pnone ana janitor service; these are fine large rooms and furnished with mission xurniture, not ana coia w a ler in every room, rnone again -ia. THE ALTAMONT. Corner 5th and College. Phone Main OObO. 1 4-room; janitor; clubroom. Free phone. Strictly modern. 1 basement, 3 room. $25. STEAM-HEAT ED 5-room apartment, mod ern and desirable; 525 Everett st. Apply Morgan, Fleidner & Boyce, 503 Abington bldg. FOR RENT Modern 4-room apartment. King's Heights Apartment House. cor. King and Wayne sts.; furnished, $55; un furnished, $40. Apply Janitor. THE SHEF1ELD. 7th" and Jefferson sts. ; unfurnished apartment with bath, every convenience; desirable location; reason able rent. Main 2506, A 314 9. THE M ERCEDES Elegantly furnished 2 room apartments, hot and cold running water and all modern conveniences; $18 to S30. Corner 20th and Washington eta. WAUNITA 325 11th st., very nicely fur nished 2-room modern apartment; new brick building, close in ; janitor service. AND 3-room newly furnished apartments in new and strictly modern house, fine neighborhood. East 143Q. 228 East 20th. THREE-ROOM apartment, with bath, 23d and Thurman sts. A. H. Birrell Co.. 2o2 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark sts. THE STANLEY 4-room. unfurnished apart ment for rent, on first Moor; Washington street ; suitable for doctor's office. FOR RENT 4-room furnished apartments, with bath and pantry and other conven iences. Phone Woodlawn 342. SEVEN-ROOM apartment, unfurnished, $45. or furnished at $0O; located cor. 22d and j ohnson sts. Key at 711 Johnson. UNFURNISHED apartment, steam heat, pri vate bath. Phone Main 511S, A 7309. Har rison Court. ltn ana namson sts. THE MARLBOROUGH 21st and . Flanders ft?. ' o-room apartment; reasonable. Main 7510. inu xij-t iixi... -i.v.iJuot v , u xx MSHBD APARTMENTS IN THE CITY. BOTH PHONES. 024 MARSHALL ST. THE BERYL. One front apartment for rent; evory t hing modern. 605 Lovejoy at. W car. MORTON. 6l7 Washington st. One unfur nished 3-room apartment; .best location In city. IRiS APARTMENTS, 3d and M11L 1st of April. 4 rooms. - THE KING DAVIS 3 and 4-room, corner of Kina and Davis sts..; references. HOUSEKEEPING rooms and suites; strictly modern : reasonable. 4f0 Morrison st. FOR RENT Furnished apartment. The Mor ton. Washington and King sag. ntn. FOR RENT New and strictly modern 6 room flats on 20th and Laurel sts,, Port land Heights, rent $40. Apply WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO.. 85 Fourth st. FOP. RENT A modern 6-room flat on Water street, near Gibbs; rent $25; two carMnes within half block. Apply to Jones, druggist, cor. Gibbs and Front sts. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co. Main 16 IS. A 10S4. All covered wag- ona. all experienced men. ONE new 6-room modern fim: "S" and F" carline. Inquire at drugstore. Front and Gibba sts. NICELY furnished 5-room fiat. Knob Hill district; rent reasonable. Phone Main 6378. FOR RENT 4-room heated flat with bath; very nice : $25 per month. 10 23d St., corner Glisan. LOWER, flat. 6 rooms, adults. Phone East J.;02. Key 32M Mill St. A MODERN 5-room flat. 60 4 East Alder. Phonft Main 6535. M OD E R N unper corner flat. 5 rooms, good at tic and basement- No. 475 7th sr. NOR HILL fiat, 5 rooms, modem ; furnace, fireplace. H. A. Webber. Main 2088. Housekeeping' Rooms. j NICE large housekeeping room. 48 N. 17th, J ona block north of Washington. FOR BLENT. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts. Newlv furnished for housekeeping. Includ ing ga- range, eiectrlc lights, hot water, baths, laundrv. reception-room, all free; furnished apartments $15 per month up; single QouseKeeping rooms. i.ou - bet in cy for money; short distance from Union Depot. "S" or lOth-st. cars north. get ore at Aiarsnau st. jso a.og ON EON T A, 1S7 17 th, near Yamhill: tak "W" car at depot; fumisnea 2. ana -room housekeeping suites by week $5-50, by month $20 and up: hot and cold water, baths and nhone free. Main 4697, A 4739. WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, '2 s month, 3 for 12; cottage. rooms. -. 364 26th, North (West ide), "W" csr from depot. 3d or Morrison to 26th. block north. 91.25 TO $2.00 week, clean, furnished house- Keeping rooms; laundry, batn. pnone, gas. furnace heat. 4 06 V ancouver ave. DESIRABLE two and three-room unfur nished suites. Fifth st.. 305 V Jeflerion. Beautiful centra location. 1 E. MORRISON, cor. E. 8th Completely furnished housekeeping suites, reasonable. NICE furnished housekeeping rooms, $14- 0 1 asmngton St., cor. utn. $1.25 week, ciean fur. housekeeping rooms. heat, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton. "L car. $1.50 week, large, clean furn- housekeeping looms; launary. ratn. gas. 1M finenuaiu THE MILNER, 350H Morrison, cor. Parle Home apartments, all conveniences. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. walking distance. Inquire 431 Salmon st. THE E LM S 2 and S- room apartmenti ; furnished. 191 14th st. Housekeeping Roomi in PrWa-tg Tmgy. FOU R completely furnished ground floor rooms, private bath, telephone, water, sewing machine, good neighborhood, walking distance. East Side. $25 to careful tenants. Telephone East 5110- FOR RENT on Portland Heights. 2 or 3 large, well lighted partly furnished house keeping rooms; gas, water, etc Address 4SU 21st st. Phone M. 2257. LARGE, clean, well furnished housekeeping rooms, suitable for small families, gas, bath and phone. $2.50 to $&. 140 Front st. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. 304 Jefferson, corner. 10th- Phone Main 4O10. AND 3-room newly furnished apartments in new and strictly modern house; fln neighborhood. East 1430. 22S East 20th. TWO swell suites of housekeeping rooms, beautiful location, steam heat, from $24t month ; walking distance. Main 8075. FOR RENT Two cosy housekeeping rooms, running water, gas. etc.; right down town: rent $15 month. 191 Park st. FURNISHED housekeeping roomi in private family. 194 17th. corner Kearny. Main FU RN ISH ED room, . new bungalow ; all conveniences; walking distance. East 4579. R 24 HO. 7M East Yamhill st. TWO light convenient rooms, gas stove, por celain sink, phone and bath, clean, quiet neighborhood, reasonable. 412 10th St. SWE LL rooms, every accommodation ; housekeeping privileges. 46 N. 21st t., off Wash. $20 NICE, clean, furnished rooms, parlor, dining-room, kitchen, piano and phone; walking distance. Main 6S45. 2 ROOMS, furnace, heat, gas range, elec tric lights. phone and bath. &1S per month. 5U0 Johnson st.. near 1 Sth. DON'T search 202 14th. 2 bright, conven-J lent housekeeping rooms, couple; bath, phone. THREE very desirable housekeeping rooms; all conveniences. 511 Yamhill st. TWO pleasant housekeeping rooms, desirable location, close In. 371 12th st. ISi 13TH 2 pleasant rooms, completely furnished; gas range, bath. $18; adults. TWO or 3-room suite, nicely furnished. 469 Main ft. SUITe. $16, completely furnished. 146 N. Iflth; walking distance. Phone Main 5173. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, first floor, beautiful yard. 301 7th st. OPPORTUNITY for housekeeping for nice couple. 321 13th St. Main 8S95. FOUR nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; two beds. 215 10th St.. corner Salmon. ELEGANT housekeeping-rooms, at 153 13tb street. - 1 Houses. WHEN you move you'll need new furniture. Buy it judiciously and the savings will ex ceed your moving expenses. Our NO-RENT PRICES made us one of the largest furniture, houses tn the cityt In two years. Ikers shown same courtesy as buyers. MORGAN-ATCHLEY FURNITURE) CO. 60-75 Grand Ave., Cor. East Stark St. East Ankeny and Russell-Shaver carline pass our door. FOR RENT 1-story house. 7 rooms, bath and basement; 50-foot lot; 467 10th tt, near Jackson. Inquire of. F. J. Bunting, 1210 East Yamhill st. Phone B 1582. FOR RENT Nearly new six-room house, modern, splendid residence locality; close to cars; well furnished throughout. Includ lng piano. Address M SO ft, Qregonian. PORTLAND Heights, modern 7-room house with attic, located on Spring and 21st eta A beautiful place. Phone O. F. Cooke Main 9542. FOR RENT 6-room modern house on E lOth st.. $20 per month- 618 Board of Trade Hldg. Main 3t75. 6-ROOM house, 543 E. 17th at., 1 block from Waverly-Woodstock car. Phone East 16HO. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co. Main 1618. A 10S4. All covered wag ona. ail experienced men, TWO lots and 8-room house. 9th and Beach sts. Owner. 628 Williams ave. Phone C 1607. 6-ROOM house. 543 E. 17th St., 1 block from Wavcrly-Woodstock car. Phone East 1 660. MODERN 6-room house. 327 Wasco St. Phone East 2446. 8-ROOM house, Portland Heigh ts, Brong Steele Co., Lewis bldg.. Oak and 4th sts. FOR RENT Cottage on 232 Stout st. Key at. 600 Salmon St. ABOUT May 1. modern eight-room house. 748 Raleigh st. Phone Main SOS 2, 6-ROOM house. 1467 Macadam; $12; hot and cold water. Inquire 45 3d, Fulton car. 7-ROOM new modern house In Montavilla, $10. Phone East 6263. 4-ROOM house, and bath, rent $14. In- guire 6a East 2oth st. Furnished Hoosee, FOR RENT for about six months, modern 5-room steam-heated corner flat, nicely furnished, piano; within walking dis tance; 1 block to two carlines; possession given about April 15. Phone Main 2445. The Ames Mercantile Agency, 416 Ablng ton bldg. 6- ROOM ED furnished house, with garden, fruit and berries, close to car; will lflhi 2 years or more. See owner at 355 GvX ham ave. , CLOSE in, 24 East Sth and Burnside North, a clean cottage, furnished or partly fur nished, and wood for sale; electricity and modern bath. 5-ROOM furnished cottage, 409 Stark et.; rent $35. Inquire at Western Salvage Co., 20th and Washington sts. 7- ROOM modern, convenient ; 10 minutes from P. O. 4750. 4004 Clay st. Main ltfOZ. Call afternoons. COMPLETELY furnished flat, corner. West Side, central location, reasonable. 5t3 Marquam bldg. Main 2219. FURNISHED 4-room cottage, electric lights, bath ; central. Inquire 273 1 7th. $30 7-ROOM house; well furnished; near car and school. C 1132. MODERN furnished flat West Side; walking distance. Main 3255. after 6 P. M. HnnMi for Rent. Fumlturp for Sals. COM FLETELY furnished 1 -story 5-room cottage, large basement, wide veranda and nice lawn; furniture new and house modern; rent of cottage.. $20; convenient to two carlines. 4tt E. 28th at., corner Pine. ELEGANT new furniture of 3-room apart ment, complete for housekeeping, at a sacrifice. Inquire of janitor. The Stanley, King and Washington st. MAKE cash offer for furniture modem 5-room house a rooms, furnished complete; could make rent out of house and have 3 fine roo mi for self. Phone Main 112Q. ALMOST new furniture of 7-room house at a bargain. 3 rooms upstairs; pay int close to business center. Inquire 620 Chamber of Commerce. TEN rooms, nicely furnished; profits $5G above rent; besides three large living rooms; $7O0. Terms. Phone owner. Main 7206. FURNITURE of 5-room house for rent; suitable for renting rooms, in fine locality. 434 Harrison st. 8-ROOM house; good furniture; sell cheap; leaving city. 553 Everett. Phone Main 5729. Owner. FINE 6-room flat on Washington st. ; cheap rent; must sell this week; terms. 1015 Board of Trad bldg. FIRST-CLASS furniture O-room house; good .location, something good, onlv $850. $250 cash, balance easy. W 860. Oregonian. 4-RouM house and bath, rent $14. In quire 62 East 20th cu i