14 THE MORXTXG OREGOXIAS", "WTTDXESDAT, APRIIi 6, 1910. SIT IN YOUR OFFICE OR WORK AT YOUR BENCH And let the WESTERN LAND & IRRIGATION COMPANY plant and care for ten acres of Apples and Peaches for you. Immense fortunes have been made, are being made, from IRRIGATED FRUIT LANDS And "why don't you get in on the ground floor t $200 and $250 an acre is what the land is selling at NOW. You know what the older tracts are worth ! And our project is the best of all for Transportation, Climate, Soil, Drainage and Water. In fact, everything that goes to make an ideal irrigated farm. Call and let us tell you all about our plan. If you can't call, .. write for our beautiful illustrated booklet. The time is NOW. TEEPE & SMITH SELLING AGENTS, 414 Henry Building:, Portland, Oregon. Real Estate Auction Sale FRED PHILLIPS, Auctioneer Waterfrontage and Townsite Lots GRAHAM CITY GRAHAM ISLAND (Skidegate Harbor) Will Be Sold at Public Auction. Dominion Hall, Vancouver, B. C. Thursday and Friday, Apnl 14-15,2and8p.m. Terms: 4 cash; balance 6, 12, 18 and 24; 6 per cent. Send for Booklet, Maps, Etc. Write to FRED PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEER 324 Hastings St. West, Vancouver, B. C. RURAL ROUTES AT HALT Department Decides Not to Extend Service This Year. , VANCOUVER, Wash., April 6. (Spe cial.) That few if any improvements or extensions of rural delivery routes will be made toy the Government this year is Indicated by & letter sent to Postmaster Hutchinson, of Vancouver, "by Represent ative MoCredle. ' One excerpt from the message follows: In answer you are advised that a favor Able reoort on the route in question ha been received, but owing to the existing condition of the finances of the Govern ment and the consequent necessity for vtrlct economy in ail branches of the pub lic service. It Is deemed advisable, after oareful consideration, to defer further In stallation of rural delivery for the pres ent, except -where necessary to maintain the efficiency of the service in operation or where the establishment of new service seems Imperatively required to meet the de mands which cannot be met by existing fa cilities. The letter is signed by the Fourth As sistant Postmaster-General and was in response to a request for the establish ment of Rural Mail Route No. 2 at Wash ougul. Med ford Saves on Paving. MEDFORD, Or., April 5. (Special.) By drawing up a list of the streets that will need heavy pavement and those that will require a lighter base, the City Coun cil saved more than $25,000 on its paving contracts. The business streets will re ceive a five-Inch concrete bas,e. a one inch binder and a two-inch wearing sur face. The other streets will have a four Inch base and a one and a half - Inch binder and a half-inch wearing surface. Pee Woodburn Orchards Co.'s adver t isement, page 9, today's Issue. 60,000 Acres of Farm, Dairy and Fruit LAND In blocks of 160 acre and up. Wo offer original selections of the best wild lands la Central British Columbia. Writ for locations and full details. Price S to tlO per acre, according to size of tract and location. Natural Resources Security Co., Ltd. 401-3-S-4 Winch Building-, Vancouver, British Columbia. N. B. Send for our new map showing farm, mineral, coal, timber and other natural resources, also land laws and other Information. 4VCTIOX 8A1.ES today. Auction sale tortay at Wilson's Auction House, ccroer 2rt unit Yamhill. Sale ac 10 A. SI. J. T. VILSOK, Auctioneer. - AMUSEMENTS. SEAT SALE OPENS TODAY. , BUNGALOW THEATER Next Friday-Saturday nights. Special price Matinee Saturday. MAY ROBSOX In the Delightful Comedy "THE REJUVENATION OF AUNT MARY" Evenings $1.50 to 50c. Matinee- $1 to 25c THEATEB Main 2. A eseo Geo. Baiter. Manager Tonight, ail week. Bargain Mat. today. 28c Victor Herbert's celebrated musical comedy "THE RED MII.I.." Splendid company and chorus. One of the big things of the season. Evenings, 25c, 60c 75c. Jl. Sat. Mat.. 25c 50c Next week. "The Man From Mexico. l MATlKK IVSBT DAT. BIGHTS THEATER 15-25-50-75C WFKK APRII, 4. Gil Edwards "Night Birds," Lockwood and Mae Carty, Gas Bruno. Lsocton Luclrr & Co., La Clair and Samp son, Cressy and Payne, Orchestra, Pictures. Portland Theater Phones A 7085 Russell & Drew. Main 443. Managers. All Week, with Wednpedar and Saturday Matinees, Ollle Mack And So Musical Comedy Artists in I'lNNIGAITS BALL. The Show That Has caught the Town. Greatest Dancing Chorus Ever Here. Night 20c. SOc, 40c. 60c Matinees 25c ext Sunday Around the Town." GRAN D Week April 4, 1910 First American Tour THE LAGAARD8 TROUPE An acrobatic feature without a peer. The Berinls, Meier and Mosk. Edwin Winchester, L. A, Street. Granda scope. Matinee every day. 2:80: any seat. loo. Evening performances. 7:80, 9:10: balcony. 13c; lower floor. 2 Be; box seats. OOo. Star Theater Direction People's Amusement Co. MIDWEEK CHANGE TODAY. AS IT IS UFE Story of father's love. A btograph that grips the heart. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE How to win a wife. HEART OF A ROSE Blind man's sacrifice. SHADOW TO SUNSHINE An actor's romance. MR. CY CONFER Illustrated song. AROUND THE WORLD New pictorial slides. VEW BTT.L AT OH JOY TODAY MEBIiaO NOTICES. HAWTHORNE LODGE. NO. 111. A. F. AND A. M. Stated commu nication this (Wednesday) evening at 8 o'clock. Work in B. A. de gree. Visiting brethren welcome. C. E. MILLER. Sec WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 48. A. F. AM) A. M. St&tea nAmmiinl. UJV cation this (Wednesday) evening. 7:30. E. Slh and Buraslde. M M - degree. Visitors welcome. J. H. RICHMOND. Sec'y. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS All member not affiliated with a local lodge are invited to attend a meet ing at No. 2o8 Couch building. Thurs day evening at 8 o'clock, to essist in organising new lodge. WILLAMETTE TRIBE. NO. 6. I. O. R. M atarquam bldg., Sth floor. Work In the adoption degree this (Wednesday) night. All members asked to be present. B. .PETERSON. Sachem. I. STRASELl C. of R. SACAJAWEA CIRCLE. WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT, will give a 500 party at Hunt er's Kail. East 31t and Yamhill ets., Friday evening. April 8. Cards and dancing. Every body welcome. Admission 15c. SAMARITAN" LODGE. NO. 2. I. O. O. P. Regular meeting1 this ( Wednesday) evening at 8 o'clock. Initiation. Visitor? always wel come, R. QSVQLD, Sec. DIE P. HTNKRRS April 4. to the wife of Charles M linkers, a prominent business man of Forest Grove, a wn, the parents of whom are the best pleased couple In the land, because It ! a boy. Dr. C. L. Large, attending. 7 FTyERAT- XOTICE8. WILLIAMS In this1 city April 4. at his late residence, 41 North Eighteenth rtreet. Hon. Xlv)riTA Hnrr Wl 1 7 f a ma avrt RT vMra O days. Funeral services' will be held at the J rinity .episcopal cnurcn. corner nineteenth and Everett streets, at 2 P. M., Wednesday, April 0- Interment Riverview Cemetery. Servlces) at the grave private. CABTROW The funeral services' of EHsey Castrow, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Castrow, will be held at Hoi man's Sarlora. Third and Salmon streets, at 2 P r. today fWednesday). Friend Invited. In terment Rlverview Cemetery. TRRMAINTB April 4. Edward Trexname. aged 56 years. Friends are invited to attend the funeral services today at the Portland Com mons. 22 North Front St., at 2 P. M. In terment Rose City Cemetery. GREER April 5, Donaldson Greer, beloved husband of Mr Mate Greer, father of Mrs. Clarence Latimer and brother of W. J. Greer. Funeral services will be held from Flnley's chapel Thursday at 8:30 P. M. Friends Invited. Body to be shipped to New Tork for burial. DURHAM The funeral services of Miles Durham will be held at Flnley's chapel at 10 A. M. today (Wednesday). Friends Invited. Interment Clackamas Cemetery. PAULSEN In th is city, April 6. at the residence of his parents, 416 East 60th St.. Traugott E. Paulsen, aged $2 years 5 months and 24 days. The funeral services will be held at the above residence at 2 P. M. Thursday, April 7. Friends invited. Interment Sell wood Cemetery. 6TRATTOX The funeral services of the late Charles C. Stratton will be held at the Taylor-Street Methodist Episcopal Church at 10 A. M. today (Wednesday). Friends Invited. Interment Rlvervlew Cem etery. ' Dunning fe McKntee, funeral Directors, 7th and Pine. Phone Main 430. Lady as sistant. Office of County Coroner. ZELLER-BYRNES CO., Funeral Directors, 604 Williams ave.; both phones; lady attend ant; most modern establishment in the city. EDWARD HO L.HAN' CO., Funeral Dlrect ors, 220 3d at. Lady Assistant. Phone M. 601. J. F. FIN LEY A SON, 3d and Madison. Lady attendant. Phone Main 9, A 1599. EAST SIDE Funeral Directors, successors to F. 8. Dunning, Inc. K. 62, B 2524. ERICSON CO. Undertakers; lady assist ant. 409 Alder. M. 6133, A 2236. LERCH, undertaker, cor. East Alder and 6th. Phones 781. B 1886. Lady assistant. NEW TODAY. OPPORTUNITIES Six lots, commanding: fljie view, 82TSO CASH. Ten exceptionally fine lots in one tract, 860CO cash. B-room cottage, lot 50x100, 81250. TERMS. 6-room .cottage, lot 100x200, S4500. HALF CASH. CHAPIN& HERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerce. $1800 A neat 4-room bungalow with nice lawn and garden, corner lot in the vicinity of Westmoreland. Terms. WESTERN Oregon Trust Co. Ground Floor, Chamber of Commerce. Apartmenthouse SITE We offer for sale the southwest corner of Third and Hall sts., 50x100 feet, at a reasonable figure. Parrish, Watkms & Co. 250 Alder St. Broadway East terminus of new Broad way bridge; 4 lots fronting on Broadway, Vancouver, Weidler and Wheeler streets. TOR SALE BY OWNER. 721 Board of Trade Building. SOLD That beautiful view lot on B. B3rd and Belmont, to a party who will build a fine home. We have FOR SALE The adjoining piece, 100x120, with west front, and it's one of the choice sites on the western slope of Mt. Tabor. The price is reasonable. A. H. BIRREIX CO, -02 McKay Bids;., 3rl and Stark. Warehouse Site Fifteenth and Johnson sts., 50x100; can be bought right. F. E. TAYLOR & CO. 402-3 Lewis Bldg-., 4th and Oak. CENTRAL OREGON TOWN ADDITION. Am offering for sale addition of 480 acres adjoining the busiest town in the Deschutes. Valley; -more merchandise is being; sold there than all the other towns of Crook County combined. It is the unbiased ver dict that a large city will grow up there, and all the above 480 acres will be wanted for town lots. It is now a certainty that the Oregon Trunk depot will be located on or immediately adjacent to this tract. For further particulars see mv agents B b. Cook A Co.. 603 Corbett Bldg. IRVINGTON 100x100 N. E. cor. 18th and Brasee. $3850. Two lots on 16th facing east, near Knott, (1800. Phone E 6242. W. B. STEELE, JR. Goldsmith s Addition Lot 60x100, 100 feet from 25th, one block from three carllnes; good flat site. S3500. Terms. Lots nearby sell for $4500. N 866. Ores;onian. MEW MODERN HOI SES, Also vacant lots in Irvington. Office at 16th and Brazee. R. B. and S. X. Rice. Phone East 658. NEW TODAY. $100,000 55x100 YAMHILL CORNER This Is Cheap! WHY? Because property around this is being sold for more money; quarter block within two blocks sold for $225,000. There are few like this left. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY BANK S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. RESIDENCE SI1IS With River Frontage One acre. West Side, S2250- 100x125, West Side. S3250. 85x300, East Side, SXT50. 1 acres. West Side, $8250. See us. we are headquarters for river front property. CHAPIN& HERLOW 833 Chamber of Commerce. $5000 Handles that fine warehouse property consisting of 3 lots (150x100), on the southeast corner of 22nd and Reed sts. The United Railways furnishes switching on 22nd st. for 150 feet and the terminal switch on Reed st. for 100 feet. The balance of purchase price, $22,500, can remain on exceptionally easy terms. J.0.R0lRiTREE lea I REAL Tenth-Street Income Corner 50x100 feet, choice corner with three buildings, A-l condition; 6 thoroughly modern flats ; income $220 per month. Cash required $16,500. This is the best available corner on Tenth street. F. E. TAYLOR & CO. 4Kt Lewis BldK-, Konrtk and Oak Sts. BELMONT ST. $3500 6-room house, strictly mod ern; $500 cash, balance $25 per mo. at fi per cent interest. Go and see this. 1107 Belmont street. Paved and paid for. Cannot be beat for price and terms. Haas & Ringler 211 Lewis Bldg. Phone Marshall 647. The Opportunity To buy Portland property below its market value seldom occurs these days. Such an opportunity presents itself in the offer of 50x100 on Conch street, east of Eighth, for $25,000. See us for particulars. Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. CENTRAL OREGON J. H. Cook, field agent for B. S. Cook & Co., is in from the Deschutes country and can tell you all about homesteads and irrigated "lands. "Will return with party in a few days. - See him at 503 Corbett bldg. HereYou Are! Beautiful three-story concrete build ing:, located in best district of East Portland, building- erected this year, 8 apartments all occupied and three stores on grouund floor. A good Income proposition. Price 30,000, $13,000 cash. Or will trade for good lot on- West Side, j For particulars see CHAPIN &HERLOW 33S Chamber of Commerce. East Irvington $300 CASH New 8-room bungalow, 6 rooms on first rioor; fireplace, pass pantry, mod ern plumbing-; extra large porch; gas in street; good neighborhood, near car. Very cheap. Owner, D 861, Oregonian. 6 Mortgage Loans MORGAN, FL1EDSER 4t BOY CE, 503-B4MS Ablnsrton Rnlldlng;. INVESTORS Call on owner's Realty Ass'n for timber, acreage, business, residence and apartment properties. SOS Abiagtoa. NEW TODAY. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON The Model. Home Addition PRICES ADVANCE $200 MAY 1 LOTS $1100 to $1250 The largest and most beautiful resi dence district in the city. Irvingrton and Broadway carllnes run through the district. Asphalt streets, and every modem convenience. Remember the date, on May 1, every unsold lot in Irvingrton will be raised 200 per lot. If you miss this opportunity, you will be compelled to pay $2000 for the same lots before January 1, 1911. Irvington Investment Co. OWNERS, 331 Chamber of ComniprrT. - Phones. Main 3177, A 4450. $25,000 100x100 13th and Clay Sts. Ideal Apartment Site. HERE'S ANOTHER 100X100 19th and Flanders $26,000 Portland Trust Company BANK S. E. Cor. Third and Oak ts. ood River BARGAIN 12 ACRES, nicely located, about 7 miles from town; 6 acres in 4-year-old Newtowns and Spitzenbergs in fine con dition; 3 acres 2-year-old strawberries, returned $720 proflt last year; also 2 acres in 1-ye.r-old strawberries, be ins; planted between the trees; an as sorted family orchard of Elberta and Crawford peaches, cherries, pears and Summer apples; ' Improved with a 3 room box house; fine spring on- place; a genuine bargain at $7500; terms. Devlin & Firebaugh 610-611-512 Swetland Bldg. 50x100 on Salmon St. NEAR PARK; present improvements can bring in $75 per month; $40,000 re fused for adjoining quarter. This ia a bargain that can rarely be duplicated. ARCHIBALD 425 railing Bldg. Main 8510. Ryan Place Acreage "With a 5c commutation fare on Oregon Electric, with a fine view and the best of soil. Sold in acre and half-acre tracts, at $1000 to $1250' per acre. See it today. B. S. COOK & CO. 503 Corbett Bldg. Walnut Park Home Nearly new modern 8-room ' house, full two stories, 4 sleeping-rooms, gas and electric, furnace and fireplace, pan eled dining-room, beam celling, full cement basement, cement floor, laundry trays, nice den, on a lot 50x100, east front, on Rodney avenue, near Kill ingsworth; price $6000, half cash, bal ance to suit. Grussi & Zadow 81T Board of Trade Bids;., 4th and OaJc. 16th St Very choice corner, SOxlftp, with some revenue- at present. A fine corner for stores and flats; located In a section with rapidly increasing values. $16,000. A. H. RIRRKI L m . 203 McKay Bid.? 3rd and Stars: Sts. OEORGB BLACK. PUBUC ACCOUMTAJfT. (All Branches.) 2 Worcester Bids. Phones Mala (271. A 4011. 4,500 NEW TODAY. East Third 200x100 Near Burnside $35,000 Cheapest close-in half block in Portland. "Will subdivide. MITH'S AGENCY 105 Sherlock Bldg., 3d and Oak. Hood BARGAIN 124 ACRES, nicely located, about 7 south of town on East Side; right at railroad station and lies almost per fect for irrigation; under the ditch; BIGGEST BARGAIN IN THE VALLEY at $300 per acre. Clear this and plant to orchard, and It will sell readily for $600 per acre. "Will accept Portland property as part payment. Devlin & Firebaugh 510-511-512 Swetland Bldg. Tualatin Valley Beautiful Farm. 106-acre farm, 16 miles from Port land, 6 miles from Reedvllle, 65 acres under cultivation, 6 acres beaverdam, 65 acres of bottom land, which has pro duced 47 bushels of wheat per acre, good orchard, 2 acres of best variety of fruit, good house and barn, 2 horses, 7 cows, 13 sheep, 4 pigs, 1 wagon, 1 buggy and all farming implements. Price $10,600, part cash, balance long time. Gruzzi & Zadow 317 Board of Trade BldK-, 4th and Oak. Irvington -Holla day Modern 6-room home, 658 Halsey st. Buy of owner, EARN commission, $4750. $1200 or more down, balance terms to suit. Call afternoons. PARTIES dealrlnK homesteads In the famous Christmas Lake and adjacent valleys of Central Oregon, call room 205, St. Charles Hotel, from 4 to 6 and 7 to 8 I. M, Special rates and quick: service given to parties of four or more. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrew, F.V. fc Co.M.3349. SO Hamilton bids. Beck. William G., 312 Falling; bids;. Birrell, A. H. Co., 202-3 McKay midg. Real estate, insurance, mortgages, loans, etc. Brutaker & Benedict, 002 McKay bid. M. 040 CARD REALTY & INVESTMENT CO., 110 SECOND ST. MARSHALL 1567. A 1567. Chapin & Herlow. 332 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. S. &. Co., &03 Corbett bldg. Jennings & Co., Main 188. 206 Oregon tan. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P.. 213 Commer cial Club bldg. Schalk. Geo.D., 22S Stark st. Main 392, A 2392 SHERMAN. P. A. A CO.. 322 Henry bldg. BH1NDLKH & HALL. 206 Ablngton bldg. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ave. and Multnomah st. (Holladay Addition). M. E. Thompson Co. cor. 4th and Oak sts. Walker. 8. T.. 604 Corbett bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Lot. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOMESITES. Have a group of fractional lots over looking entire city, rivers and mountains. T wish to improve after a uniform plan. Will sell a portion to parties who -will erect artistic homes. $20OO will secure a bungalow site. Jesse Hobson, 503 Cor hett bldg. $750 WEST SIDE LOT $750. Will be $100O In months. Right on the new Grand Parkway Boulevard, 32 blocks south of the pos toff Ice Terms if desired. B. S. Cook & Co.. 5Q3 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE By owner, lot 5Oxl0O feet, with two good houses and fruit trees, paying good income; four blocks north of Wash ington and west of 16th st. Price, $12,000. D 868, Oregonian. w LEAVING city, will sacrifice fine quarter block. Clark's station. Mt. Scott car; cash or easy payments. Address L 852, Ore gonlan. 3 BEAUTIFUL lots on corner near Penin sula station. $1300; nothing like it for the price ; 'nough said. Atlas Land Co., 420 Lumber Exchange. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Council Crest Park or Greenway lots; some very good buys in any of these districts. W. J. Baker 519 Board Trade bldg. GO SEE Multnomah Acres No. 2. the very finest land In the valley. There is noth ing better. 250 cash will handle this Smith-Wagoner Co., 311-312 Lewis bldog WHY buv a lot when you can get a half acre inside the city with all the advan tages for the same price? 420 Lumber- . niang Bldg. cor. Sth and Stark. CHOICE lot. Alameda Park; improved streets, water; (1250. cash: nice Ross mere lot, streets graveled, water In, 700 terms. C 852. Oregonian. FOR SALE Joining Kenton Addition. 4 lots one corner lot, 100x100; cheap it sold at once; will take easy payments. Address M. E. M., 143 Webster St.. city. PORTLAND BOULEVARD Two choice lots for $750 cash. If you want a snan. nick this up. 41Q Falling bldg. v "RVINGTON lot. one of the best in Irvingtow -improvements in; $1250. W. J. Baker fiia Board Trade bldg. QUARTER block, suitable for flats or apart ments, close in. East Slde.( Phone East LOTS. 100x100, level, near car; corner lot, $500 cash. 411 Lumber Exchange bldg. $13,500 CHEAPEST inside 50x100 on West Park. vanduyn & Walton, 615 Chamber of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST LOT. . One of first selected at first cost. Owner. L 868. Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL east front Rose City Park lot. near car; $500; $200 cash, balance $12 a month. A 86. Oregonian. looxlOO ON East 24th St., between Siskiyou and Klickitat eta., cheap for cash. Owner 34 McKay bldg. BETTER look at Multnomah Acres No. 2 Immediately. It will soon all be gone. Smith-Wagoner Co., 311-312- Lewis bldg. $775 WILL buy a choice lot on Church St.. near patton ave. Call 410 Falling bldg. CHOICE lot. Broadway, $S50: make me an offer. Owner. Phone Tabor 184. TWO fine lots near Union ave.; $1600; terms. Room 3- Washington bldg. $10u0 PIEDMONT lot. east front on Rod ney ave. Phone A 22 OS. River REAL ESTATE. A. B, WIDXEY. 822 Board of Trade. For Sate A lot at a 3-yearv-old price. $1050. half cash, one lot between East 24th and East 25th. in addition adjoining Colonial Heights on the south and Ladd Addition on the east, where 40-foot lots are selling for $1900 up. This lot com mands a beautiful view of the city and la S minutes" walk from town. WHY I CAN SELL THIS SO CHEAP: This lot is a portion of a tract of about SO acres adjoining Ladd Addition and has been held for years under lease as a vegetable garden. Last year the work of Improvement ""was commenced and finished over portion of the tract and a few lots in the finished portion ottered for sale. The hard Win ter stopped the work, but the contracts are let to finish same immediately. If this property had been plattvsd two years ago. as it should have -been, at the time the Ladd Addition was, these lots would sell today at higher prices than the Ladd tract, as the property is higher and more desirable in every way. The purchaser of the few lots that I can still deliver at last year's option prices will make $300 to $600 on the buy before the end of August. The con tracts have now been let for v the improvement t of the whole of this magnificent property, and a large force is working now. In CO days the balance of this property will be on the market at about double the prices I can sell these lots for. There will newer be a like chance to get such a bargain. REMEMBER, graded streets, cement sidewalks, curb, water, etc, are all in Tw and paid for at above price: noth ing to assume except sewer assessment of $22. J600 building restrictions; new houses under contract to start im mediately. A. B. WIDNEY", Main 69T4. 821 Board of Trade. DO YOU WANT A HOME? 4 Let tout money earn tU ' 2 int. paid on check secminsm 2H5fc int. paid on lO-day call certifi cates. 3 int. paid on 30-day call certificates, 4 int. paid on 90-day call certificates. Small check accounts received. 23 years' banking experience in Port land, we will help you buy a home. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY BANK. . Third and Oak Sts. ROSE CITT PARK. 3 lots nn E. 44th, H block from Sandy Road; these lots lay fine and are $50 under the market at $700; good terms. PORTLAND REALTY & CONSTRUC TION CO. ( Phones Marshall 643. A 7183. ; 902-3 Lewis Bldg. BUSINESS CORNER LOT, $1500. Fine corner lot, 50x100, on 22 d and Di vision sts.. Joins Ladd tract, stores all around and a good place to build for -an income or a fine speculation;, price only $1500 for a few days only; half cash; owner needs money. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. NEW MAPS. 1. Latest map of Portland. Or., giving new add ft Ions, electric lines, etc 2. 25-mile cir( of Portland's surround ing, giving townships, ranges and section numbers, new electric lines and railroads, etc Price 50 cents each. Send stamps. The Crossley Co., 709 Corbett bldg. IOOxIOO wiii divide if desired high class residence property, lOO feet from 25th St. car. Price $SOOQ; $3750 handles it. IOOxIOO corner on carline, Nob Hill; price $0000. Zimmerman, 621 Board ofi Trade. A BLOCK of five lots. 3 of which ar cor ners, right at E. 26th and Division sts. Equally suited for business or residence. Right here is a good snap for a man with some means. Price $6200 cash. C. F. Pfiuger & Co., room 6 Mulkey bldg., m 2d and Morrison sts. PORTLAND Here's a money-maker; busi TRUST ness lot in a choice restricted CO. ' district this side of Rose Citj Park. Only $SOO, $80 down. II sure is a winner. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, S. E. Cor. 3d and Oak Sts. APARTMENT SITE. 100x100. on 12th st., easy walk to Post office; 2 2. OOO, which is under-value and a fine investment; easy terms and fair in come as now is; nothing so cheap in the vicinity; see us at once. Vanduyn & Wal i ton, 515 Chamber of Commerce. PORTLAND These are real bargains. TRUST Choice east front lots on K. CO. 9th, 3 blocks from the Mon- tavllla carline; only $350. Bull Run water. PORTLAND TRUST "COMPANY. S. E. Cor. 3d and Oak Sts. SNAPS. PIEDMONT. 100x100, east face, $1900. 50x100. corner, $1100. 100x100, corner, $2250. PERLET B. LENT. 417 Corbett Bldg. LOTS $65. OO. On Oregon City carline, new addition. 25 minutes from business center; good soil; price $65 each lot; terms $15 down. $2 per month payments. National Realty & Trust Co.. 326 Washington, room 516. ALAMEDA PARK LOTS. Are high and sightly, overlooking living ton ; near Broadway carline: best eltr Im provements; priced 25 per cent below the iiiai inquire juameoa iaa aompftoj. wn mug. IMPORTANT! For the best buys in Piedmont or srar rounding districts see PERLEY B. LENT, 417 Corbett Bldg. LOOK FOR MY ADD. FINE Irvington lot near 23d and Knott sts., 50x100, only $1400; $400 down, balance . 6 per cent- close in, high-class district; for home or for investment; two days only. Jas. C Logan, 326 Washington it, R 404. ALBERT A-ST. SNAP. 3 fine lots, corner, l block from Alberta on 23th, $13O0; $70O cash. KAUFFMANN & MOOR HI, 325 Lumber Exchange. ATTENTION. INVESTORS! One-half block 26th and Savier; below market price; easy terms. Investigate this if looking for a good investment. A. McGregor, 602 Corbett bldg. WEST PARK AND TAYLOR. Will lease quarter block for term of years. Qfner. E 868. Oregonian. LAURELHURST. Must dispose of my two choice Laurel hurst lots immediately; two short blocks from Montavllta car; $1075 each for quick sale. AB 858. Oregonian. WHY ride all day on the streetcar when you can get a beautiful lot on the West Side, within walking distance of town, in an ex clusive residential district, for $154 terms? AH 866, Oregonian. for Sale Houses. A SWELL LITTLE HOME. 5-room bungalow, almost new; unusually well built by day labor; beautifully fin ished, fine bath and toilet, full attic, cement basement, stationary wash trays, ges and electricity; this Is a. very SIGHTLY LOCATION: comer lot. adjoin ing one of the best restricted residence districts; 2 carllnes; 15 minutes out; $500 cash handles It. balance rrrVmthly. - DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. 315-310-317 Abington bldg. $4000 MODERN BUNGALOW 8-room modern bungalow. new, lot 50x100: fine view of city and river- close in : $6Q0 down. E. R Markbaxn, 205 . Gerlnger bldg. IRVINGTON. By owner, a fine home. 8 rooms, all modern improvements; swell location a corner. 50x100; $H000. terms. 420 E. 15th st., cor Tillamook. Phone C 1275. VERY CHEAP HOME. $2700 170 E. 3Sth st.. nice 6-room mod ern house and lot; owner needs the money FRED C. KING. 50ft Commercial Blk.. 2d and Washington. 2 ACRES 25 MINUTES FROM OITV Block south Sliver Springs (Oregon City line); new house, well, berries, garden BARGAIN; LEAVING CITY. F. De tamo re Milwaukle. 'Or ' WEST SIDE corner. 5Oxl00, on 7th St., 2 large houses, with good lncomn nn in. vestment; easy terms. 302 Swotland bldg. NEW 5 -room bungalow, nicely f.nis beT, close in, one block from car; price $285oJ SEVERAL 7-room houses in Sunnyside at a bargain: terms. Fisher & Hi 1 Her, room 305 Abington bldg. A SNAP By owner. Must sell my new modern 9-room house adjoining Lauret hurst; terma 058 E. Glisan st. FOR SALE By owner, the handsomest bungalow in Irvington. 496 East 20th atJ North. Call and see It. WHEN moving c'ali up Van Horn Transfi Co.. M. 1618. A 1984; all covered wonS IRVINGTON 8-room modern bungalow for $4700, by owner. Phone C 2493, .1