THE 3IORNIXG OREGOMAX, MONDAY, APRIL. 4, '1910. We Are Portland Headquarters for Nemo, Warner Rust-Proof, La Grecque, Madame Irene, Estelle and Gossard Lace Front Corsets Take Lunch in Our ?th Floor Tea Room, Good Music See the Cunning Billiken, Baby Bump and Romper Dolls at $1.00 and $1.25 a y 1 ifan- BwnaTiaro UA. Jeter cbnomicai 16 Seoppers Today tr Today!! Today!' Spring Merch'dise At Special P , . : rices Men's and women's Umbrellas Regular $3 and $4 values at Foulard Silks, many colors and patterns, $1.00 values at the yard 69c 2D0 Women's Tailored Suits Regular values ,up to $25.00 for G A C today, special at only P Women's and Misses' Un trimmed Hats, $4 values at Women's and Misses' Sweat er Goats, today special at ea. $2.95 $2.98 Women's Silk Waists, reg ular values to $10.00, today $4.98' Women's Kid Gloves, regular $ 1.25 Q Q and .$1.50 values, today the Women's Low Shoes, regular $3.50 values, special today at Embroideries, regular values up to $1.00 the yard, special today $2.65 59c Women's Neckwear, 35c and 50c values, special for today at each 25c reat For Men, Women .and- Children A Grand Gathering of Unmatchabie Bargains in the Best Hosiery Made Planned for many months ago and large quantities have been provided for you Be sure and come today Ladies' $1.50 Silk Hose 89c 250 dozen -women's silk hose, with mer cerized lisle top and lisle soles; colors are black, wnite and pink; $1.25 and $1.50 values, at. Ladies' 65c-75c Hose 36c 2000 dozen women's imported Lisle Hose, plain or fancy effects, in French lisle, silk lisle, colored lace or embroidered boots, all in dainty and attractive Spring colorings and designs. An offering of high grade Hosiery at a very low price; the best OC regular C5c and 75c values, on sale at, pair"C Men's 50c Hose at 1 8c Pair 2000 dozen men's fancy Half Hose, in silk and lisle, mercerized silk and niaeo yarns; come in black, all shades of tan, blue, gray, green, wine, etc. Also an endless selection of plaids, stripes, figures, " Q. embroidered effects; values to 50e, at, pair Os Men's Shawknit Hose 1 7c Black, Jlack with split sole, all shades of tan, gray, blue, lavender, wine, etc., lisle, or medium and heavy weight" cotton ; 25e value, but "seconds," some pairs having almost imperceptible defects; on sale, 1 7r box of six pairs for $1.00; or the single pair A C Children 's oor Lisle Hose in black or tan, the pair, special Of. for this sale, at ' Better be here early. Infants' Cashmere Hose, with silk heel and toe; regularly 3oe the pair ; special 1 sale price, pair O Women 's Lisle Hose With maco split sole; fast blaok,-soft finish; regularise val- "I Q ues, ct, the pair JV Misses' and children's Hose, with extra long leg, Spring weight cot ton, 20c val- I yU ues, the pr. Women 's Lisle Hose, light cobweb weave, with double wide woven tops; 35c val- " Q ues, at, the pair M.& Misses' black Lisle Hose, seamless, with double sole, heel and toe; regularly 25c pr.; 3 pairs -VrA Women's Outsize Hose in plain gauze lisle, with four - inch garter tops ; on sal' ;; (35c value, OQ sals at, pair -C Children's "Indestruc tible" Hose, fast black cotton, best long thread maco yarn ; 35e 1 values, the pair C Men's warranted Hose, tough as rawhide, guar anteed to wear better than any "I Olr 23c hose, at x Men 's Mercerized Hose in plain or striped ef fects; large assortment of c o 1 o rs. 20c vals., pr. 12V2C Men's. Phoenix Silk Hose, u r e silk, with double heel and toe; in black and all C, colors; the pair'-' Men 's Lisle Hose, 200 dozen pairs, fine im ported silk lisle, double sole, heel and OQ toe; 50c values The Furniture Sale Starts at 8 o'clock 6-ft. Extention Tables, 6? 1 A Q Q regular $20.00 values at 1HU7Q Oak Library Tables, f Q reg. $12 values, special P V A -7 Turkish Rockers, upholstered in imi tation leather, reg. $22.50 tV 1 AO values for only, each P Brass Beds, regular price 1 Q AQt $22.50 each, special at only P rJ Large Davenports, uphol- - Q QQ stered in velour, &27.50 at P A S0 Iron Beds in green or white Cj?C enamel, $7.00 values only at pO-0 Oak Buffet with French OA ACk plate mirror, $27.20 values PUK7 Solid Oak Chair, golden or English oak, $2.95 values at $1.99 Large Rocker in golden oak and mahogany finish, $7 val. $4.74 Solid Oak Chiffonier with Frenchplatemirrdr,$5val. $10.39 CHILD FOILS THUGS Maid Says Two Masked Rob bers Bound and Gagged Her. KNOCK AT DOOR SCARES I-ittlc Kugene ale Khjks for Admit- anre, Thieves Flee Man and Wife Find Girl Tied 1- liee Illume ex-Domestic. Four-year-old Kugen Gale, yesterday afternoon, by knot-king at the door of his home at i'4i Sixth street, innocently thwarted robbery of the house by two masked men. who. after binding and gag SinK the maid, were ransacking: the place when the ymmjrster rapped tor admit tance. The thives fled and are still at larjte. Miss Rose Mother, IS years old, em ployed as a maid in the Gale household. Bays the thieves entered by the back door as .she was examining a roast in the stove. She heard them enter, she ay. but thought the nosie was made by Mr. Gale and his wife, who were expected home any moment. Adjusting; their masks, the girl told the police, the robbers sprang upon her. on of them pinioning her arms to her ides, tho other placing his hand over her mouth to prevent an outcry. Then the girl's handj were bound behind her and a towel was so tied around her face as to gag wr. As the ruffians bound her feet, he said, she fell to the floor In a swoon. How long she lay there 2S1 iss Mosher d o cs m t know. K noek Sea res Th loves. "I distinctly remember coming to my senses partially and hearing someone knock on the front door, she said "Then the two men ran out the back door." The knock at the front door was made by Kugene. the 4-year-old eon of Mr. Vlale. The child had been playing in the treet with neighbor children. Thre was no response to his knock or cry. save noise made by the scurrying thieves. The ''youngster rejoined his playmates in the street. Miss Mosher. reviving, dragged herself through the kitchen and dining room into the iwirlor. where she swooned again after reaching a Morris chair near an open window. In this position she was found by Mr. Gale and his wife when thf y returned to the at '2 o'clock. It was an hour before Mies Mosher told her story. Mr. Gale then notified the police. Miss .Mosher s father. K. Mosher. is a poultry man. living at S0t Jersey street. Si. Johns. Sbv went to work tor the GhIs two days ago. An hour after she was found MLks Mosher spoke laughingly of her experience. Maid's View Slight. "I was terribly scared.' Khe said. "I thought Mr. and Mrs. Gale had returned. They told me they would be back about 1 o'clock and I was turning the roast tn the stove. I heard footsteps behind me in tne kitchen doorway, but did not turn my head. Then someone grabbed hold of me around the waist and a hand was placed over my mouth. I tried to scream, but couldn't. Then they bound and gagged me and I fainted. "I did not see much of the men, but know there were two of them. I did not see them very plainly. They wore dark clothes and one wa.s taller than the other. That is about all I know. "When I came to my senses the first time, they were going through the rooms, I could hear them opening drawers as they went through the house. Then little Eugene knocked on the door and they ran away, leaving behind the things they vhad collected on the floor in the dining room." The robbers, after binding the girl, ransacked the house. Jewelry of various kinds, silverware, small change and a toy bank containing $5 were heaped on tho floor. So far as could be learned nothing whatever was taken from the house by the robbers. None Sees Invaders. How the robbers entered and left the house without being seen by neighbors is perplexing to the police. Half a dozen children were playing on the sidewalk and in the street at the time. All the window shades were up in the house and the rear door was open. The house occupies a 50-foot lot with houses on each side. It is believed the robbers entered the grounds to the house through the back way and took the same route in escaping. Mr. Gale is proprietor of the Gale Out fitting Company at 430 Washington street. Detectives are inclined to suspect a domestic employed until recently by the Gales. The robbers evidently were fa miliar with the arrangement of the house. Just how the burglars learned of the absence of the Gales puzzles the police. They are working on the theory that someone with information from close range was involved In the case. HOT CAMPAIGN OVER St. Johns Votes Today as to Whether Saloons Stay. THREE TICKETS IN FIELD Socialist?: Name Candidates and Other -Lists Are Headed "Pro gressives" (Dry), "Citizens' (Wet) Aycr in Campaign. With prohibition as the principal Issue, voters of St. Johns will go to the polls DOMESTIC WHO SAYS SHE WAS BOUND AND GAGGED BY TWO MASKED THUGS IN THE GALE HOME, AND YOUNGSTER WHOSE KNOCK SCARED THEM AWAY. s.-lpkXaSrV. ; 1 H. ':: : ill Jj " i-': I v.- --:.-" ' ' " Rose Mosher. Kngrene !ale. today and decide definitely the issues of the. hottest political campaign in the town's history. Throughout the campaign the question of whetlier St. Johns shall continue to have saloons has been the issue. The people will vote on this, and in addition will vote on three separate tickets for city offices. One of these tickets was promulgated by the Socialist party, while the other two are labeled "Progressive"' and "Citizens." The latter is for a con-! tinuanee of 'the saloons, while the for mer oppose them. Mayor Hendricks heads the 'wet" tick et. A. M. Ess on heads the "Progressive" ticket. Interest is chiefly centered between these two, with the chances considered about equal for both. The entrance dur ing the closing days of the campaign of N. B. . Ayer, of the St. t Johns Lumber Company, as a "dry" exponent, has caused an increased interest in the cam paign. Both sides closed Saturday night With large rallies. There are two amendments to the city charter to be voted upon which are of general interest. One is the changing of the time of city elections from April to November, and the holding of elections every two years, instead of annually. The 231 WASHINGTON ST. PORTLAND OREGON. MAKER or MENS CLOTHES "Wake Up, Farmers!" says Smith- "Jusfc see the high price I'll pa- you.' 13c per lb. for Porte. IS per lb. for ILIve Hens. 19c to 20c per lb. for 0rcned Mens. 11c to 12c per lb. for Dressed Veal. Kecsrs, per doi 22 Vie. Smith pays the above prices for good, fat produce. He -does not charge commission. Address all shipments to the KHAK L. SMITH MEAT CO "FlKhtlox the Beef Trust," PORTLAND, OREGO.V, amendment of chief interest is that pro posed in which the Council is given au thority to 'lease the city dock to private interests for 25 years. This, it is believed, will be defeated. A touch of rheumatism, or a twinge of neuralgia, whatever the trouble is. Chamberlain's Liniment drives away the pain at once and cures the com plaint quickly. First application gives miici. pom oy aii oeaiers. FRANK' L. SMITH MEAT CO. "Fighting the Beef Trust." . , WEST SIDE. 21nt and Johnson, adjoining Krake's Grocery. 10th and DaviM, adjoining; Ryan. Grocery. ' lltb. and Montgomery, adjoining Burns' Grocery. Sd and Jeffertton (Meat and Groceries). 188 Gibb. Street. 641 lirni Street. 224 Sheridan Street (Kosher Market). 226 Alder Street. ASTORIA. . 253 Taylor Street Uniontown). K76 Commercial Street. ' SEASIDE Bridge Street. EAST SIDE. . 513-514 William Avenue. Union Avenue and Tillamook Street. . 352 K.ut Kurnside Street. . 64 Alberta Street. ' 791 MisRisHippl Avenue. Grand Ave., Near Hawthorne Ave. -Cor. Grand Ave. and Kat Morrison Street, adjoining Kellaher's. 33d and Belmont Streets. Mllwaukie Ave. and Frankfort Street. 13th Street and Tenino Avenue (Sell wood). Jersey street (St. Johns). Today and every day all week long; you can get these good cheap meats at iny Smith market. . If xpu come to Smith's Alder-street market,- be'siTfe you jet in the right place. See that Smith's name is over the door. Do not go into the Beef Trust's market. ' Round Steak, Ijest euts 15t Round Steak, end cuts.. 12 Sirloin Steak - - - ' X5lJ Tenderloin Steak 15 Flank Steak : . 15 Porterhouse Steak .. .l8-20-22V Flank Fat 10 Flank to boil..-...- 10 Heel Piecei - - 12M Heel Pieces, end cut v10 Beef Shanks" v. 5 Rump Roast, best cuts X5 Rump Roast, end cut 12I Pot Roasts 12' Necks of Beef 8-ld Brisket Beef ; 8M Shoulder Steak '. 12l- Rib Roast, seventh rib 1214 Rib Roast Beef, prime cuts 15 Short Ribs i 10 Plate Beef .-8 to 10 Ox Tails 8 Tripe. . ..10? Legs of Mutton 18 Loin of Pork Chopt, 221L Bacon . . . .25c Bacon, center cuts and sliced. . ..30i Rpareribs . . .-. '. ; . .15 Shoulder Roast Pork, shank end.X5? Sh 'lder Roast Pork, better cuts ..20 Shoulder Pork CIiojjs 20 Pig's J'eet i 7 Absolutely pure Lard,. 3-1 b. pail..60 Absolutely, pure Lard, 5-lb. pail. . .1 Absolutely pure Lard, 10-lb. pail..S2 Leaf Lard 20 Sliced Ham . .35 Sliced Boiled Ham r 40 Shoulder Veal Cutlets. 15 Shoulder Veal Roasts.... 15 Loin Veal Cutlets X8 Rib Veal Cutlets X8 Less of Veal, whole XS Rump Roasts of Veal 20 Veal Stew . . X2i2 to X5 Calves' Liver v.; X7 SPECIALS Liver 4, 8 hearts A fine lot of Halibut, per lb..X21' Mutton Stew , 10 Remarkably good Norway Cream- " Mutton Shoulder Chop's X5 Rib and Loin Mutton Chops. X8i ery Butter .. Oregon's choice per ,75 doz. .2o All the above meats and the following groceries at Third and Jefferson streets. Main 8751, Automatic A 4418. If you carry home $1.00 worth of jroceries, you get a basket free. . 5 lbs. Domino Sugar 1 lb. Honev (in comb) 1 f J500 Matches lO S boxes Tacks lOt? 1 pkg. Shaker Salt 7 1 good Broom 4 cakes Royal Soap.... IO 3 cakes Smith's Best Soap 10? 3 cakes White Ribbon Toilet Soap IO 1 can Lye (Babbitt's) Sc 25 oz. K. C. Baking Powder. 20o 1 can any kind of Soup 8 1 can Minced Clams ) 1 can N. O. Molasses 80 1 can Chloride of Lime 8i 1 can Asparagus 2." 1 can Costa's Vegetable Sauce lOo 1 can Corn. J) 1 can Tomatoes S 1 can String Beans g 1 can Peaches ISC J can Apricots. 12 1 can Pineapple '..12c 1 can mustard sardines .' ei 1 can f c y hm k d Norwav Sardines 9c 1 can K't-'y French Sardines 12C 7 cans American Sardines 2"J. Fancy Norway Mackerel 1 can Salmon , . 1 bottle Worcestershire Sauce!" 1 bottle Griffon's Catsup, pint. 1 Dottle Uurkee s Sa ad Drpssinir t 2 cans fount Rainier Milk .'iKJi 15c tC -lie lTc s ...IOC .- -25C C 8c 5c 5c 1 qt. Sour Pickles... 1 can Mushrooms 1 pkg-. Rice -Flakes.... pkgr. corn h lakes.... pkg. Corn Sturch.... lb. Rice 1 i 1 1 1 ii i.:t. . .................. 5C lb. Sago lb. Split Peas : gj, lb. popcorn the kind that nonk lc lb. Lentils 1 lb. Easrle Milk tSc 1 bottle Pepper Sauce, green or red, 8c