THE ZUORXIXG OREGOXIAX, MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1910. 11 IDEA M IF! FAVOR Congress Won From Pla.ns of Faddists to Saner Conser vation Methods. STATES TO HAVE CONTROL Discussion Ha Resulted in Marked Change of Sentiment Kast Must .3Iove West to Participate in Its Development. jRBGONIAN- NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, April 3. The Pinchot idea of con serving water power is not as popular bs it once was in Congress, and no bill drawn in conformity with that idea will be written on the statute books. If Congress legislates at all on this subject it will be along the general lines laid down in bills introduced by Sena tors Jones of Washington, Carter of Montana and Sraoot of Utah, ail of which contemplate the transfer to the respect ive states of all public lands valuable in connection with water power develop ment and sale of power within their re spective boundaries. Bureaucracy Is Feared. It is true that President Taft. in a spe cial message to Congress, and Secretary Malliner, in a special report to the President, recommended legislation con ferring this power of regulation upon the Federal Government, just as Pinchot had done before them, but since those recommendations were made the subject has received considerable serious atten tion at the hands of men directly respon sible for the legislation, and most of these men disapprove of the Pinchot idea, and prefer a system of state control. They are aware that the Pinchot idea Is the idea of faddists; that the scheme, If carried through, would tend to build up the powers of bureaucracy, with at tendant increase in appropriations, but what Is really the dominant factor in knocking out the Pinchot plan is the fact that to the states belongs absolutely the control over the water, and it is field to ha hnnrnct l en 1 to con fpr itnnn rh Kederal Government, by indirection. a power that constitutionally belongs to the states. States Power Strengthened. In other words, dominant sentiment favors recognition of the rights of the states" and proposes to strengthen the hand of the states by giving; them con trol of public lands along- streams which may be needed in developing water power. Pinchot, and those who believed with him, originally sought to take from the states their authority over the water it self, and entrust that authority in the National Government. That was the con tention when President Taft took hold. He, however, recognized that the Kederal Government could not wrest this control from the states, even by act of Congress. So he and those who followed him in his conservation programme, laid out the plan whereby the Government, by con trolling the lands upon which power sta tions necessarily must be built, really could control the development of power, for under that theory the National Gov ernment could lease such lunds only on condition the individual or corporation seeking the use of tlie land would agree to sell his power on terms satisfactory to the FVderal Government. Discussion Changes Sentiment. There are some who still agree with the President's idea, but discussion and de liberation over the subject has turned a great many men from it, and sentiment is now crystallizing in support of legis lation which recognizes ahsolutely the right of the states to regulate tlie use of water within their boundaries, and pro poses to turn over to them such ad ditional authority as will make their power absolute in the control of power development. That would be . accom plished by the Jones, the Carter or the ftmoot hill. To do otherwise, it is con tended, would be to retard power develop ment unnecessarily, for under the sys tem propose! by the President, the states still could Impose a tax for the use of the water, while the FVderal Government was imposing a tax for the Vise of the land, and under this dual system of tax ation, capital would be slow to invest. When Mr. Pinchot and his fellow fad dists and theorists started out with their crusade to "beard the power trust." since admitted to he non-existent, the Kast generally applauded their move, and took the position that the resources of the West belong to the people, of the entire country. Westerners, however, have ex ploded this theory and made it plain that while the resources are in a sense pub lic property, and while the Eat is en titled to Plmre in the benefits accruing from the development of those resources. the Kast must move to the West, and actually participate in development. If it Is to bene ftt. In other words. Eastern capital will be welcomed in the development of the West, but the est Is not inclined, nor will it consent to any tribute to the Kast v?t AVet Desires to Benefit. It has been demonstrated that the great development of water power in the Kast has gone forward for ages under state control. That natural resource has yielded no benefit to the West, nor has the West claimed any share in the reve nues derived by the Eastern states. The West, through its Senators and Repre sentatives, now insists that it be allowed to develop its own water powers, regu late tr.; industry by state law and re ceive the full revenue arising- from the privilege. This argument, too. is beginning to have effect, and practical Eastern men in Congress are beginning to concede that the Pinchot idea Is not only unconsti tutional, but unjuet, and when the bill comes to a vote, many an Easterner and many a Southerner, both in Svuiate and House, will be found voting with the West. The Pinchot idea is exploded. Myrtle Crock Paper Purchased. MYRTLE CREEK. Or.. April 3 tSpe cial.) L- K. Yockry. of Hose burg-, for merly connected with the X'mpqua Valley News, today purchased the Myrtle Cre-ek Iail, with the building and lot on which it stands. Mr. Yockey takes chargro at once, and realizing: that this vicinity is row in ft fast, with an unusually prom ising future, contemplates some pro pounced chans9 in the paper. v. A. McXab. of Wallace, Idaho, today pur chased the Central Hotel here, and will enlarge and improve the building- The litht froet early this week did no dam age to fruit. Strawberries will soon be on the market. Springfield Raises Fund. SPRIXOFIEUD. Or.. April 3. (Spe cial. The soliciting committee of the Commercial Ciub made a canvass of the business men of the city yester day afternoon and raised $1500 for the city's promotion work. This year, in PINCHOT LONGER handling the promotion fund every subscriber will take part the elec tion of three directors who -will have control of the work. It Is planned to do more newspaper advertising and send out less boosting literature. DAILY METEOHOLOOICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. April 3. Maximum tempera ture, 57 degrees; minimum, 40 degrees. River reading, 8 A. M., 9.6 feet; change m last 24 hours, 0.2, foot. Total rainfall 5 P. M. to 5 P. M., .01 inch. Total rainfall since September 1. looft. :ift. 10 inches; nor mal rainfall since September 1. 37.09 Inches. Def Icienrv of rainfall since Sep tember 1, 1009. .90 inches. Total .sunshine. April 2. 1910, four hours 15 minutes: possi ble Bunshine, 12 hour 54 minutes. Barom eter reduced to sea level) at 5 P. M-, 30:23 Inches. PACmc COAST WEATflEB. Observations -taken at 5 P- Pacific time, April 3: !? M Wind. 5 !? 3 O ?Z o 3 State of STATIONS. 3 2. 2- Weather H c o c a I : ': Boston , Boise Calgary Chicago. ...... Marshfield. . . . J 54 0.OU lo N Clear . f 4s T. 32 NW .Clear .1 5 0.00 10 S Clear .1 70' T. n; S 'Cloudy . I ."4 O.-OO lolNW Clear Medicine Hat. 4-HO.fMV 8 NW Pt. cloudy New -Orleans...... SOO.OO 10 SE 'Cloudy New York. 02 0.00 12 E ICloudy North Head Portland. Roseburg Sacramento. ..... Salt Lake San Francisco..., Spokane St. Louts Tacoma Tatoosh Island Walla Walla Washington 4SO.00 10W ICloudy . 1 57 '0. 001 HSW 'Pt. cloudy -t 5'o.OO' 8 NW Clear I 64 0.00 18 NW Clear .! 3s0.14: 6 NW Snow -! 02 O.oo 8 W Iciear 50 0.VlOW ICloudy .', 720,1212 S ICloudy. . ' Z2' T. i : W 'Cloudy J 46 T. hs SW Cloudy 54 ' T. 10 SW 'Clear . i 50 0. 10 4 E Rain WEATHER CONDITIONS. Relatively hisrh barometric nreasure covers the Pacific Northwest with the barometer reading highest on the Washington Coast, and clearing conditions, with cooler weather are Indicated. Low pressure obtains over the South Pacific Slope. Light rains have fallen in Washington and Idaho, and enow as falling this evening at Salt LaKe t uy. Except in California, temperatures gener- lly are below the seasonal normal, ana light frost is expected tonight in North western Oregon and western Washington, and heavy frost over tlie remainder of this d istrict. Conditions are favorable for fair weather Monday over thia district with frost in the morning. .FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Monday fair: with light frost. Oregon Monday, rair; with heavy frost in and south, and light frost in north west portions. wasnington Monaay, rair; with iignt frost west, and heavy frost east port ion. Idaho Monday, fair; with heavy frost. TH Ei rK R F. DR A K F, ObPfrver. CLASoiriEB ADVii ,TI3ING RATE Dally or bunday. Per Line. One time .....lie bame ad two consecutive times..... 22a foame au three consecutive time dOu bame ad bix r neven consecutive times. .6 bo blx worui count as one line on caen aa- vertisement, and no ad counted for leaa ihan two lines. When an advertisement is nut run consecutive time the onc-tune rate applies. lue above rate apply to aavertisementa under VNew Today" and all outer vlassincsv Uon excepting the following; eituatious uantea, 31 me. Situations Wanted., 'emale. for Kent Rooms, private Families. Rooms and Board, Private Families. Housekeeping Rooms, private Fumlllea. The rate of the above classification. u 1 vents a line each insertion. AO uii-u-iuw rAiKUJss me ore- ffonian will receive copy by mail, orovlded sufficient remittitur) fur a definite number of issues Is seut. Acknowledgment of such emit tan ce win be forwarded promptly. On cnarce or boon Advertisements tne ah urge will be baed on the actual number of lines appearing in the paper, regardless of the number of words in eucb line. iii case box omce address is required, nse retnilar form given, and count this as Dart of the ad. Answers to advertisements will lie forwarded to patrons, provided, sell -addressed stumped envelopes are furnished. If you have either telephone in your house w will accept your ad over the phone and fend you Hie bill the next day. Phone Want Al Iept., Main 7070 or A 0005. Sit uation Wanted and personal advertisements not accepted over the phone. Errors are more easily made In telephoning: advertise ments, therefore The Oregon lan will not hold 11 self responsible for such errors. AUCTION SALES TODAY.' At residence Second Bt. Sale 10 A. M. Ford. Auction t"o. At residence, 420 Everett St., furniture, etc. sale at 10 o'clock. ' Baker & Son, auctioneers. At Wilson's auction house, corner Second and tamhlll. Sale at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. WILLAMETTE COUNCIL ROY AL ARCANUM meets at K P. Hall. Alder and 11th streets, the first and third Monday of each month at 8 P. M. Visitors cor dially welcome. E. J. Hu fiord, sec retary. Kirt National Bank. EL'REKA OOI?N"CTU K. & L, OF 9. "Old Guard" and others come out "reunion night." April 11, and bring- your applications. Help old officers make big class. MKS. MARGAKCT LUTKE, Chairman. ASTRA CIRCLE Whist and 500 party, with prizes for both. Thursday. April 7, In the V. O. W. building, 128 3 1th at. Re freshments and dancing. Admission 2oc. COMMITTEE. WASHINGTON LODGE, NO. 4, A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication tills (Mondav) evening. 7::t0, Kast Sth and Burnslde. F. C. dogroe. Visiitors welcome. Hy order V. M. J. H. RICHMOND, Sec. CAMEMA CHAPTER. NO. 27. O. E. S. Stated communicat Ion this (Monday evening, at Masonic Tem ple, a i -S o'clock. Uegrees. By or der of V. M. FLORENCE T JOHNSON, Sec. HARMONY LODGE. NO. 12. A. F. AND A. M. Special communi cation this t Monday ) evening at 7:HO o'clock. Work in the M. M. degree. Visitors are cordially in vited. W. M. DE LINN, Sec. WILLAMETTE LODGE. NO. 2. A. F. AND A. M. Stated com munication this (Monday!; evening at 7 :;;0 o'clock. Business of im portance. Work in the M. M. de gree. Jstting brethren welcome. W. S. W EKKS, Sec. ' I)1K1. . OLIVER April a, at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. W. C. Wheeler, of Mt Tabor, Mrs. Catherine A. Oliver, aged J8 years, 6 months, 3 days. Funeral notice later. HILL In this city. April 2, at the family resinence. bast 4oth St.. North. An drew H. HIH. aged years. Funeral no tire hereafter. ITXERAL NOTICES. MAXWELL In this city. April 2. at the family residence. 17.U Fowler street. Wil liam J. Maxwell, aged fto years, 6 months, ft days. Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at the Church of the Strangers, corner of Grand avenue and Wasco street t od ay Mon day), at 2 P. M. 1 nterment Riverview Cemetery. BKOAPHURST In this city, April 2. at the family residence. 1NH East .Vth st.. North, fylvanus Broadhurst, aged 75 years" Friends invited to attend funeral services! which will be held at the Advent Chris tian Church, lid and Hall sts., at 2 P. M., today i Monday), April 4. interment Rivervlew Cemetery. MORGAN At St. Johns. April 1. Frank R. Morgan, aged Sti years. Funeral services will be held from Zeller-Hyrnes Co.'s paj lors, iM Williams ave., today (Monday), April 4, at '2 P. M. Friends invited to at tend. Interment at Columbia Cemetery. CONVERSE In thia city, April 2. at the late residence, oyi Harlem street, Florence A. Converse, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Jermiah Converse. Funeral services will take place at Ftnley'e parlors, tomorrow (Tuesday). April 5. at 1:30 P. M. Inter meiU Kivorview Cemetery. Iunnins A MvEntee. Funeral UirretorB, 7th Bud line. PIudo Alain 430. Lad; pistant. Office of County Coroner. Ifcl l.KK-BYKNES CO.. Funeral Directors. 594 Williams ave.; both phone: lady attend ant; most modern establishment In the city. EDWARD HOLM AN CO., Funeral lHrect oin, g'-O 3d t. Lady Assistant, fbuoe M. 507. J. P. FIN LEV & SON, 3d and Madison, Lady attendant. I 'hone Main 9, A liJtf. EAST MlE Funeral Directors, successors to F. S. Dunning, Inc. K. 52, 1 S525. ERK SOX CO. Cndertaker; lady Ut snt. 409 Alder. M. 618S. A 2235. L.ERCH. undertaker, ror. Fast Alder and 6U1. 1 hones 781. U 1888. Itdy assistant. AMCSEMTNTS. BUNGALOW TL"kASiul Phones Main 117 and A 4224. LOMBARDI GRAND OPERA COMPANY TONIGHT "LA BOHE.ME." Prices, lower floor, $2.50. $2; balcony, $2, $1.50; gallery, $1. THEATER Main 2, A 5360 Geo. L. linker. Manager Tonight, all week. Bargain Mat.. Wed., 25c. Victor Herbert's celebrated musical comedy "THE RED MILL." Splendid company and chorus. One of the big things of the season. Evenings, 25c. 50c, 73c. SI. Sat. Mat., 25c, 50c. Next week. "The Man From Mexico. & Itl-- A Tt, A lUiU. CJ MATINEE VST DAT. WEEK APRIL 4. Gits Edward "Night Birds,' Locknood and Mac t arty, tius Bruno, Ijim-tiin Lacier Jt Co., La Clair and Samp son, Creasy and Payne, Orchestra, Pictures. Portland Theater Pbones A 7085 Russell & Drew. Main 44a. Managers. All Week, with Wednesday and Saturday Matinees, Ollie Mack And 35 Musical Corned v Artists in FINMGAVS BALL. The Show That Has caught the Town. Greatest Dancing Chorus Ever Here. Night 20c. 30c, 40c, 50c. Matinees 25c Next Sunday "Around the Town." GRAN D Week April 4, 1910 First American Tour TH E LAGAAHDS TROUPE An acrobatic feature without a peer. The BerinlR, Meier and Mora. Edwin Winchester, L. A. Street, irandascope. Matinee every day, 2:30: any seat. t5o Evening performances. 7;30. 9:15; balcony. 15c: lover 25e: box seats. SOe OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY PRESIDENT, Main 212. SEfRtTAKV, Main 599. HUMANE OFF1CEK, East 477. SEW TODAY. IHUKMAN STREET QUARTER BLOCK Price, $15,000 100x100 on the northwest corner of 20th and Thurman sta. This is abso lutely the cheapest q uarter block on the street. Three small houses. A very desirable spot for a business corner, flats or apartments. Look at it today. It won't last long- at this figure. Terms. Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second St. (Lumber Exchange bldg.) IS BOOMING Lot oOxlSO ; three houses, on Rus sell street, near Union ave. Income $55 per month. $8500 Half Cash. Call at Dewey Confectionery, S. "W. corner Union and Russell. S76SO Four flats on Sixteenth street, near jerrerson. ground fa0x43. Income 576 per montn. M.E. Thompson Co. f-oi K'l'H A I OAK. See Mr. Karoopp. 9 INVESTMENT Four nice flats, rented for $124 per month, paying over 9 nor cent on nur- chase price. They are strictly modern and walking distance on a corner lot on E. WashiniErton street. Price $16,000 $10,000 cash, balance terms. GRUSSI 8 ZAD0W 317 Board of Trade Rids.. 4th and Oak. Irvington - Holladay Modern 6-room home. 658 Halsey st. Buy of owner, EARN commission, $4750. $1200 or more down, balance terms to euit. Call afternoons. APARTMEXT SITE, EAST SIDE. 100x200, or will divide, one block from Holladay and Union aves., 8 carline3 pass within one block. The best proposition on the Kast Side. Price and terms are right. L,et us show you. THE STANDARD REALTY CO-4--1 Mohawk I'ldic. SPRING IS HERE BUILD YOUR HOME An Eastern capitalist has placed with me a large fund for home building la Portland. Let me know your needd. WILL H. WALKER, 823 Chamber of Commerce Phone Mala 8535. , IRVINGTON 100x100 N. E. cor. 18th and Brazee, $3850. Two lots on 16th facing east, near Knott. $1800. Phone E 524i V. B. STEELE, JR. 6 Mortgage Loans HORGA, FLIEDXER A BOTCE, BU3 tOC Ablngton Building. TO TRADE A splendid dairy farm. Tillamook County, for automobile. Call Main 669, or 611 Board of Trade. A BEAUTIFUL HOME In Highland; modern, with fruit trees. Terms. Phone Wood lawn 1501. GEO RGB; PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branchei.) S3S Worc-ter Bide Phones Main S371. 401ft, SA W-MILt, plan:. da.!ly capacity lS,mX feel. Fred WILson. Trustee. Rainier. Or. NEWTON" MeCOr Attorney for Trustee, room 715 Oreyonlan DiiR. . i-orcianu, vr-tiron. NEW MODERX HOl'SES. Also vacant lots In Irvingrton. Offlc at 16th and Brazee. R. B. and S. T. Rice. Phone East 65S. INVESTORS Call on owner's- Realty Aas'a for timber, acreage, business, residence and apartment properties. 205 A bice ton. A Snap NEW TOP AY. 770 Acres 300 in cultivation, 100 easily cleared ; considerable good oak saw timber and a lot of good oak, ash and fir wood. 30 miles west of Portland, 2 miles from good town on S. P.; Oregon Electric extension surveyed through place. Good public school adjoining faim. Telephone, electric lights, ru ral free delivery, milk route. Good 10-room plastered house, with base ment ; large barn and outbuildings. Considerable good fruit. Water piped to house and barn, with good pressure from fine never-failing spring. This is a BARGAIN at 65.00 per acre. Terms Yz cash, balance to suit. As a Farm, , f or dairying, stock, fruit, grain or diversified farming, it cannot be beaten in the Willamette Valley. As an Investment, with a small out lay- for improvements, will rent to pay 5 per cent. As a Platting Proposition, there is big money in this. If interested, address Owners, AK 846, Oregonian. West Side I can sell you a home consistiner of a quarter-block and an excellent house. The house was Duiit on moaern lines, haviner 12 rooms, hardwood on floors and stairs, dining-room cherry finish. steam heat and 8 fireplaces. The ground is covered with the choic est of shrubbery that would take years to replace. The neighborhood is the best in town, beinsr surrounded with homes costing from $25,0 00 to $75,000. This home can be bought for $7500 less than original cost. For plans and particulars communi cate with W. H. Grindstaff 5J.O commercial Block. Tel. Main 6009. a 4 Only $15,000 for a choice full CORNER LOT Absolutely the best buy on this in vincible street. Price' to advance after Sth instant. VANDUYNS WALTON 515 Chamber of Commerce IMPORTANT. CADWELL'S FRACTIONAL ACRES 3i EAR LEXTS. Owing to the fact that the property ndiaoent to Cadwell's Acres has been platted Into lots and is selling: for a much higher price,- notice is hereby piven that on and after April 10. 1910, prices on Cadwell's Acres will be ad vanced 25 per cent. Now is the time to take advantage of this splendid op portunity to secure a snap in acreage close to "carline, 6-cent fare, all cleared, Bull Run water piped to each tract. Same easy terms until further notice. Lambert-Whitmer Co. 70 Fourth St. 404 Rait Alder St. PARTIES desiring homesteads In the famou Christmas Lake and adjacent valleys o Central Oreiton. call room SOo, St. Charle: iHotel. from 4 to and 7 to S P. M Special rates and quick service g-ivn to partien or tour or more. REATj ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews, F.V. & Co. M. 3349. 30 Hamilton bids. Reolc. William G.. 312 Kalline bide. Birrell. A. H. Co., 202-S McKay bldg. Real Rtatft. insurance, mort traces, loans, etc. Brutaker & Benedict. 502 McKay bldg. M- 549 Chapin & Herlow, 332 Chamber Commerce. Cook, B. S. & Co., 503 Corbett bldg. Jennings & Co., Main 188. 206 Oregonian. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P.. 213 Commer cial Club bldg. Schalk. Geo.D., 228 Stark st. Main 802, A 2302 SHERMAN, F- A. CO.. 322 Henry bldg. SHINDLER & HALL, 205 Abington bldg. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ave, and Multnomah, fct. (Holladay Addition). M. E. Thompson CQ cor. 4th and Oak sta Walker. B. T.. 604 Corbett bldg. REAL EfeTATE. For Kale -Lots. A GOOD BUY 2 lots, 40x100, at $325 each; $35 cash, $7 per month; right at car, 5o fare; 4 miles from center of city. Phone Main 2712; night phone C 1047. Riga's, 61 ii Couch bldg. S70OO SNAP.- Full lot,- on Montgomery St.; hurry. It won't last at this price; easy terms. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Chamber of Com merce. ADJOINS MAIN PORTION LAl'RELHURST $110 down buys my large, choice lot, re stricted, beautifully located ; price $300 below surrounding property. AK 805, Ore gonian. AHT buy a lot when you can get a faa-it acre inside the city with all the advan tages for the same price? 420 Lumber mans Bldg. cor. 5tji and Stark. FOR SALE Joining Kenton Addition. 4 lots, one corner lot, lOoxlOO; cheap If sold at once; will take easy payments. Address M. E. M-. 143 Webster St.. city. A SNAP 3 lots for $225 each ; one at $2o0; $2 cash. $5 per month; 5c fare; 4 blocks to car. Phone Main 2712; night phone C 1047. RigS. 616 Couch bldg. CORNER lot, Laurelhurwt, plat 1. at sacri fice. $3CK will handle. Box AK 847, Ore gor.ian. FINE comer. 4 block, just east of Co lumbia Park; $1100,. terms. By owner. AD $56, Oregonian. IF you want a fine lot on Vancouver ave for $1100. call at tH5 Vancouver ave. Phone C 12S7. LAST CALL $650; cement walks down, paid; $53o. $10 monthly; don't wait. Zella Gossett, 7 West Killings worth. WEST Pa pit REAL ESTATE. DO TOU WANT A HOME? Let your money earn it. 23. Int. paid on check accounts. 2i7e int. paid on lO-day call certifi cates. int. paid on 30-day call certificates. 4 Jnt. paid on O-day call, certificate. Small check accounts received 3 years' banking experience in Portland. - We will help you buy a home. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY BANK. Third and Oak Sts. . FIXE! APARTMEXT SITB. Corner quarter block. East lith I Washington. 8750. Tha best buy in Portland. R. M. GRAY. Owner. 4th and Morrison. Phone Main 1209. ONE LOT AND A HALF. IX IRVINGTON. FOR $1750 1700 1750 $1750 You will never duplicate this bargain: let us show you: 75xlOO. near Knott, on loth; Improvements are in: three-minute car service; 13 minutes' ride: an ideal site for a home or a splendid speculation. THE STANDARD REALTY CO., 421 Mohawk Bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS LOT. A fine, large corner lot, containing SOOO square feet of ground, on Patton road, in Greenway Addition, about block from car; ownr needs money and this is a bargain; $2000, half cash and balance to suit. GRl'SSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. FOR SAT.R Ten lot in Mlnthorn Ad dition: all in srarden. two years' wooa on place, small house, furnished. Price half rash, hftlance easv -oaVments, Snap. See owner, h H. Rice. Milwaukee, Or. APARTMENT SITE. 1 OftTlOn T2th at Pflsv wa.lW to Post office; 522.o0, which is under-value and 4 fine investment; easy terms and fair in come as now is; nothing so cheap In the vicinity; see us at once, v anauyn oc . ton. Til " Chamber of Commerce. LOTS 5.0rt. On Oregon City carline. new addition, 25 minutes from business center; good soil; price ?t5 each lot; terms $15 down, $2 per month payments. National Realty, & Trust Co.. 32-hu, Washington, room 516. PORTLAND HEIGHTS LOT. Lot 50x100. close to Ford-St. Bridge, $1700. Adjacent lot just sold for $2450. This is only a mile from center of city. A rare bargain. J. J. McCarthy, owner, Abtngton bldg. ALAMEDA PARK LOTS. Are high and sightly, overlooking Irving ton ; near Broadway carline; best city im provements; priced 25 per cent below the market. Inquire Alameda, Land Company, S22 Corbett bldg. B1Y BEFORE THIS DOt'BLES. 50xl0O. on T'pshur street, near 20th; we can deliver this $1000 under the market; let us show you. THE STANDARD REALTY CO- 421 Mohawk Bldg FINE lot, 50x100, Portland Heights; $050, terms. AG n5, Oregonian. For Sale -Houses. BUNGALOW. We have an exceptional fine bunga low on Cleveland st.. Walnut Park, one block from Williams ave. carline; this is a fine six-room modern bungalow, five rooms on ground floor and one Hne room on the second floor, fireplace and fur nace, full cement basement, stationary wash trays. Dutch kitchen, fine bath, built-in buffet, beamed and paneled dining-room, front and back porches, very fine 50xl00-ft. lot and nicely improved with 15-ft. alley. This place will rent for $35 per month and can be bought for $4500. Vt cash and balance on terms. HOLT-JONES REAL ESTATE CO., 02O-522 Board of Trade Bldg.. Phones Marshall R40 ; A 7204. BUT HOUSE FROM OWNER. I have a new 6-room modern, up-to-date 6-room. with den, on comer facing east, 1 block from a car, for f-lH), $500 oae-h, hal. good terms: and a 5-room, block from car, east frontage, full lot. with alley; just finished: can be had for a few days at $24K, $5o0 cash. bal. trms. Phone Sunday C 12S7. 315 Swetland blrig 6-ROOM, new. modern bungalow, near Haw thorne ave.; ?1'm casn, oaiance su a month; price $21(10; basement, large porch in front, beautiful lawn, roses, etc., porce lain bath with toilet, electric and gas, china closet, rooms nicely arranged ; a complete home in every particular. See H. W. Garland & Co., 101 4th st. $50 HOME. 5-room bungalow, lot 75x110, Oregon City carline, 30 mihutes from business center; best soil on earth; price $185u; Pavmont $50 cash, $15 per month. Na tional Realty Trust Co., 326 fa Wash ington st.. Room 51 fl. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. By owner New nine-room residence. 2 fireplaces, large sleeping porch, hardwood floors, hot water heat, modern and up-to-date in every particular, unexcelled view of city and mountains; price $13,000, easy terms. V S4S. Oregonian. 6-ROOM bungalow. W. W. carline; lot 50x Ho. LJUtcn Kiirnpn, nnsempiu, Dai n, etc Cash $3-1 o. balance $25 per month. Na tional Realty & Trust Co.. 326 hi Wash lngton st. room 516. E. YAM HILL-ST. home; modern and up to date; has fine, slightly location on cor ner; this property must he sold, as owner is leaving the city. The price is low. toooo. call 4iQ hailing niqg. $10,000 IRVINGTON HOMH. On a corner; lO rooms1; hot water heat and other advantages too numerous to men tion in a email ai. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 21 2-213 Commercial Club Bldg. $2600 7-ROOM cottage, bath, electric lights, combination brass fixtures, wash trays, full basement, 100x100 corner. You can't beat this; -fiitto casn handles it. Own er, 56Q ai ason st.. is. BUY a home from us on easy terms; your choice of 60 new ones. S. D. Vincent & Co.. 420 Lumbermens bldg. Main 8990, A 74KS, or East 43d - st. and Sandy road. Tabor "JiH'J. - HAWTHORNE AVENUE. See that 2-story 7-room dwelling on lot khttIOO feet. 2 blocks off Hawthorne ave.: $2030; terras. Gillette, 614 Board of Trade bldg. COTTAGE, modern, new and up to date, located on a signtiy jot overtoomng port land; will be sold for $2400. Full partlcu lars. 410 Failing bldg. SEE AND BE CONVINCED. t 6-room bungalow, first-class in every re spect; can be seen by calling at 4SO Going ft. by owner. . i-cring. HACRirH-K 7-room nouse. nearly new, built for homo. 169 by 100 feet, corner. spienaia view; wiwu, easy terms. 11. j-iat-field. 165 4th st. DO YOU WANT A HOME? Private builder will furnish place and build to suit purchaser; cash or monthly installments. am cot, uregoman. 6-ROOM. strictly modern bungalow, lot 65 xOO. highly improved, oeautirui view, Mt. Tabor. Owner 1824 E. YamhilL Tabor 1760. OWNER will sell Swoom house, strictly modern, ciose in, on -casi iae. AG 858, Oregor.ian. FOR SALE by owner. 7-room modern houtm close In. Call MO E. Yamhill or phone East 006. $450 SMALL house and barn; lot 50x100. on 37th st., near Killings worth. Inquire 958 E. Glisan st. A SNAP By owner. Must sell my new, modern -room house adjoining Laurel hurst; terms. 958 E. Glisan st. FOR SALE By owner, the handsomest bungalow in Irvington. 406 East 20th st., North. Call and see it. HOLLADAY ADDITION Modern 6-room house. $H30O: terms. 325 E. 16th, N.. close to I. and B. cars. S,by0 SEAVIEW Good 5-room house, fur nished, corner lot: will take acreage. Ap- . ply W 855. Oregonian. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co.. M. 1613. A 1984; all covered wagons and experienced men. MUST sell at once, 8-room modern residence close in.' East Side. Owner, 601 E. Waah lr.gfn at- MODERN 10-room bouse. South Portland, 15 minutes from Third and Morrison; beauti f ul groun d s ; view unmi rpasa ed . Main 255. $2tfOO LOT with two houses. six and seven rooms, walking distance. Owner. rhone BH'40. 4-ROOM cottage, newly painted through out, full lot, grtod location, near car, $1400 H. Hatfield. 165fc 4th st. FOR SALE 33 1-3x100 and strictly modern 8-room house, .near 23d and Glisan. In quire V 859, Oregonian. $100 CASH, $25 monthly, $2700; S beautiful bungalows: East 51st. Dr. Darling, FOR SALE 7-room house with lot. strictly modern. Apply 87 Morris st-. L car. IRVINGTON 450O. completely furnish! 6-room house; lot 50x100. East 3nHl. IRVINGTON 8-room modem bungalow for $470U, by owner. Phone C 'JiV-L REAL ESTATE. for Sale -Uousf A FIND oountr- home right in the city; sounas good, don't it: Hen you n. will look better than it sounds; place con sists of about 14 lots, mostly set to ftr.e tall full bearing Lambert and Royal Anne cherries; balance choice assortment, of ap ples, pears, plums, prunes, currant, black berries, red and black raspberries ; i ine large garden; income from cherries f:XK to 400, and Increasing yearly; large barn: can keep cow and room for several horses, or your automobile; large poultry houses ana yards. Two large houses, one fully moa ern. with bath. gas. electricity, furnace, large cement basement; Full Run water, also good well, with windmill, towerhouse and tank; other houee large and in good condition; rents for $2o- Grounds are set to various ornamental trees and shrubs, and taking It altogether, it. 1 a place of which anyone may be proni aiuated west of Mount Tabor, and between Hawthorne avenue and Belmont street, both fine, hard surfaced streets. Price is ?20.dt. If hr trested. see the owner at Front st. A HOME ON THE WEST SIDE. A nice 8-room house, on a 50-ft. corner lot, with streets all improved and paid for; gas and full plumbing, with sta tionary tubs, full cement basement, good bath and toilet on second noor, nice lawn; you can walk to this place In 0 minutes from Third and Morrison, and it must be seen to be appreciated. Price only S40O0 and we can give you good terms. Let us show you this as a good home and a first-class investment. ' HOLT-JONES REAL ESTATE CO., 5iO-522 Board of Trade Bldg. Phones Marshall 84!: A 724. S15.O00 IRVJNGTOX HOMIJl We have one of the best of the new homes In Irvington for sale. It Is well worth the money and can be handled on $o00 cash. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. WILL TRADE. Two fine lots in Broadway Addition to East Irvington. for a six or eipht-room bungalow or modern house, and will make a small cash payment; property must be modern and close in, on East Side; Walnut Park preferred, or Sunny side- HOLT-JONES REAL ESTATE CO., 520-522 Board of Trade Bldg. Phone Marshall S4!; A 7L".i4. NOB HILL HOME. Splendid 8-room house not new) on Lovejoy st., bet. 24th and 25th. This is the best buy Jn that section; only one mile from center of city. $4000 cash, bal ance 6 per cent, long time. If you are looking for a home clos ein, see this. I have another on Portland Heights for $12,000. J. J. MCCARTHY. Abtngton bldj- WE ARE BUILDING MORE HOUSES THAN ANY CONTRACTOR IN THE C1T1. THERE IS A REASON; WE SAVE OUR CUSTOMERS MONEY. BUILD WELL. BUILD TERMS TO SUIT. IF YOU OWN THE LOT WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY TO BUILD. PLANS AND ESTI MATES FREE. OREGON BUILDING & TRUST CO., 308-P-1O Henry bldg., 4th and Oak. QUIMBY ST. HOUSE. Good 5-room cottage, on Quimby street, near 10th, on a lot 33 1-3x1oo, north front, and easy walking distance from down town; street improvement and cement sidewalk in and paid, nice little home at a bargain; $3800, one-half cash, bal ance terms. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. PORTLAND HAWTHORNE AVE. HOME. TRUST Beautiful 8-room home, near CO. East 30th, only finished a month ago; everything that the heart could wish for; largo lot, 0xl2f: price $65u0. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. E. TAYLOR ST. HOUSE. $300. Good. 8-room house, with 4 sleeping rooms upstairs, on E. Taylor, near 34th: street improvements and cement sidewalk paid, price only $3500, $:0 caah. balance jfo per montn; Deals paving rent. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. IRVINGTON New home, 7 rooms, furnace. fireplace, 2 toilets, sleeping-porch, clothes and dust chutes, shades and fixtures. Fin est corner In McMillen s addition. DOxloo two nouses, 2 blocks from Broadway. 32: Ross, corner McMillan. 6-room house on E. 22d, near Ankeny. Owner, phone J io.hi. CORNER. ON EAST BURNSIDE. Lot 64x100. with fine 12-room house, built for home; fine location; we have this at an attractive figure; let us show you- THE STANDARD REALTY CO., 421 Mohawk Bldg. FOR SALE $1600. easy terms, lot 50x100, 4-room shingled bungalow, new ana moa ern; at Arbor Louge on bt. Johns car line: complete porcelain plumbing; re tired neighborhood. R. C- Prince. 443 Sherlock bldg. Main 1631 ; res. phone Main 5'.27. FOR SALE by owner, 5-room strictly mod ern cottage: kitchen and bath, tile work, full concrete basement, electric lights, nice lawn: all streets improved ; wood- house and storehouse; fine garden. See owner. 218 Board of Trade bldg. Phone A 7707 or B J'.Mii, evenings. A SNAP A 6-room and bath 2-story house full cement basement, close to carline, oi East Side, with unobstructed view of the citv and river; price - snuf cash and $ 1 5 per m on t h . E. L. Beekman, 3l-2 Lbr. Ex.. cor. 2d and Ftark. BUNGALOW. 4 rooms, full plumbing, cement basement full lot. and fenced: gd location; 5c car fare. $lliO: small payment down, balance like rent, rnif is a snap, rwrnmo fc tuney, 13 Hamilton Ding. tpo-r RALE In Irvington. new modern home. first-class plumbing, shades and fixtures all in; dome m aming-room, nrepiace. rur nace, full cement basement, wash trays must be soia tnis wee k. rnone j 4jy. NORTH YAMHILL. - Al'RKS and 7-room hmiRp. vouner bearing fruit, citv waipp. ilSOO ; or would trade for small farm or vacant city lots. S. T. WALKER, 604 Corbett Bldg. REED INSTITUTE SITE. T Overlooked by a fine home consisting of a large 10-room modern ho use. 2 1 uux 1 00 lots, fine fruit trees. 5y owner. Sell wood 604. FOR SALE by owner, a 10-room bungalow In Holladay Addition, close to cariines; strictly monern ; full basement and large attic- Call at 308 Rothchild bldg. NEWLY painted and tinted modern 8-room home, corner, fine lawn, choice roses, real snap at $5500. $3ooo cash, balance 7 per cent. Owner. B 2301. . tj000 7-ROOM house, practically new. large living-room and fireplace, two lots, fine lawn and ehrubbery; terms easy. Apply owner, 027 Schuyler. FOR SALE by owner, a 6-room residence be ing erected in Hancock Addition ; will finish to suit purchaser; thoroughly mod ern Call 3Q3 Rothchild bldg. FOR SALE 2 lots on Council Crest, east exposure ; finest view In Portland : will sell at a bargain. See owner, G. S. Brack tt White Garage. 6th and Madison. HOLLADAY SNAP. $B73rt 2 modern 6-room houses, corner lot. near Grand ave. Phone Main 5645, A 5652. A R Rltter. 226 Lumber Exchange bldg. CARTER-DUG AN COMPANY. City real estate, acreage and farms. 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. IF you have some money, will build on your lot. Eastman Co., Inc., 303 Ablngton bldg. Main 3236. WILL sacrifice my new six-room bungalow, 2 blocks from carline; close in. See owner, telephone C 1617. For Sale Bmnness Property. BUFFET All the fixtures and a 2-year lease of one of the most popular buffets In the city for sale at a bargain; rental is prac tically nothing, owing to a sub-lease. For particulars, call upon M. E. THOMPSON CO., . Henry Bldg., 4th and Oak. See Mr. K. FINE INVESTMENT. 100x100, close In, on sixth st. ; good in- VANDUYN & WALTON. 515 Chamber of Commerce. - Acreage. ABSOLUTELY THE BJSST acreage proposition in Oregon; 24 to l acre tracts, at Orengo. on Oregon Elec tric: all under cultivation. Short ride from city; 24-cent fare. WITH STEADY WORK GUARANTEED the year round to purchaser and his boys. Have a thoroughly reliable and experi enced man on the place, who will plant your land to berries for a share of the crop. Or will set out and care for your apple trees for use of land between rows. Thus making your land pay for itself, un til you are readv to live on it. HENRY ATWATER. . 310-11 Merchants Trust bldg.. Cor. Sixth and Washington sts.. Portland. Or. Phone Marshall 608. Residence B 1203. ACREAGE. Best subdivision tract for the price on the market; partly improved, running water, etc.; close to Tigardsville. on Salem Elec tric : under-value for one week. Vand uyn & Walton. 51 5 Chamber of Commerce. LET me sell you a half acre or more in side the city; Bull Run water, paved street, building restrictions, etc. 420 Lumberman Bldg., cor. 5th and Stark. REAL ESTATE. Acreage. PUKPIRBAN ACREAGE CHEAP. Ten acre all cleared and planted to berries; ir0 Rearing fruit tree, 7 fars old; house, barn; two miles east of Rose City Park on Sandy and Reams Road; fruit crop this vear w ill net $ lOtXV teell easy terms. Call 2 Hamilton Bldg.. or phone Cll3. 20 minutes' ride in auto. AIo acre tracts. 3 ACRES, OREGON CITT. 3 acres, one mile from Oregon City. S blocks to school; best of soil, sidewalk to business part of Oregon City; a snap. Only iHK. GRt'SSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trado Btdg-. 4th and Oak. H.met ead. HOMESTEADS. STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! HOMESTEADS FOR EVERYBODY NO IRRIGATION. Do you want to be la cated on 10O acres of th best farm land in Ore gon? Do you want a homestead where the cli mate is ideal and the crops sure t We are now organ izing a colony to locate on such land and will be pleased to give you all the particulars if you will call at our office. The above-mentioned lands are fertile, require no irrigation and never fall to produce bumper crops. Thirty days from now you will not be able to locate on an acre of this land, so hurry up and Bee us. We do not require you to sign away your life in order to take ad vantage of this golden opportunity. Haste Is the princi pal requisite so hurry. W e are ready to make good every state ment or promise that we make, and simply ask you to investigate. LINCOLN TRUST CO., INCORPORATED. 214-213 Lewis Bldg. Cor. 4th and Oak Sts. 2 HOMESTBAD8 under irrigation ditch. 160 acres eacn; special low rates for crook. Lake and Harney counties; 5 fine homo steads on the coaft; 2 timber claims'. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. 82-page book explaining what each of the 34 counties is best auapated for; gives amount of Government land open to home stead in each county; map attached, 2Lx28. showing new R. R. and towns-, including Eastern and Central Oregon; counties in dif ference colors; drawn to March 1. 1910; latest map in U. S.; price 25c Niemmo dt Runey. 13 Hamilton bldg. HOMESTEADS. We can locate you on 320s acres of rich Government land In .Southeastern Oregon, in the section about to be opened up by the Hill and Harriman lines, and afford ing the best opportunity left in the U. S. to get a homestead. Our agent has been living In the neighborhood of these claims for the past four years, and is well posted on conditions and knows the country well. For further particulars call at our of flce. THE HART LAND CO.. 146 2d at. PARTIES desiring homes testis In the fumom Christmas Lake and adjacent vallt-ys of Cen tral Oregon, call room 2n5, St. Charles Ho tel, from 4 to 6 and 7 to 8 P. M. Sj-ecial rates and quick service given to parties' of four or more. RELINQUISHMENT in Josephine County. 10 miles from railroad town, on wage road; 35 ecres plow land; fenced; balance fine fruit land ; good house and outbuildings ; large creek and springs; good timber; price $25u. 103 4th. For Sale Fruit Lands. MT. HOOD APPLE LAND. Let us show you the best fruit section In Oregon; the western foothill slope of the famous HOOD, only 3(t miles distan-t from Portland: if interested in orchard ing, it will pay you to first examine the virtues of this favored section ; soil, ele vation, air and water drainage as well as climatic conditions unsurpassed ; these, coupled with the scenic beauties of this locality, .make it an ideal section in which to live; land values are still very cheap, from $40 up. but will soon double; call fir our descriptive booklet. Vanduyn Walton. 515 Chamber of Commerce. SOUTHERN OREGON ORCHARD. 8o acres, 63 in cultivation: 35 acres in Bartlett pears, balance commercial varie ties uf apples, all full bearing, in best of condition ; a Hood River orchardist, after looking this orchard over, said the crop Is good for $35,Ouo .1010; for prices and terms, see. ZIMMERMAN, 021 Board of Trade Bldg. TWO lO-acre tracts. 1 mile to R. R. sta tion. 2 miles to large town and 4 miles. to another, on two main cross-roads; the finest fruit land in Northwest and all under cultivation; only $10U0 each, $4u0 cash and $150 per year. SHOEMAKER INVESTMENT CO.. 527 Henry Bldg., A 7434. Main 44C5. FIVE-ACRE tracts, all set to fruit; your own selection of trees and cared for a period of 6 years : total cost Slooo a '-' acre tract; only $200 cash and $100 per year; present value of land. $150 per aero. Phone Main 4405. A 7434. lO-ACRE orchard tracts, unimproved, en rail road, -i5 miles from Portland; best soil; no .rock; $40 an acre, easy terms; arrange with us to go and make selection ; round trip same day. 310-311 Corbett bldg. MOSIER 5 and lO-acre tracts; apple lands, choice soil, lies well, two miles from town, some being cleared and set now. Terms. E. T. Johnson. 141 First st. 6uO ACRES of good fruit land in the Klickitat Valley, at $20 per acre. A chance to make 300 per cent in two years. Address AF 845, Oregonian. BARGAINS In fruit and farm lands; finest on the market ; close to Portland and on railroad; also several real snaps in city property. Phone Main 538. 225 W. Park. Miscellaneous. BUY NOW This s the time to buy a lot or home; by this time next month the city will be crowded with Easterners and the prievs of real estate will go up; we have a lon l;j?t of vacant lots, acreage bungalows and business property; we hundle nothing thut is not a bargain; one visit to our office will, save you running around all day; we have a reputation for handling good property at low prices. LINCOLN TRUST CO., 215 Lewis bi:g.. 4th and Oak ns. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR Close-in acreage, a wheat ranch or small, well-improved farm, at low price and on most liberal terms, see me. I handle my own properties. J. O. ELHOD, 520 Corbett Bldg. for Sale -Farms. 6t0 ACRES rich productive soil in Willam ette Valley, 3 4 miles from R. R. station, with good stores. Hazel wood creamery, churches, good schools and excellent so ciety of- all American people. Only 40 acres of timber, 550 acres ready for plow. Fine land for apples and pears. Price. $45 per acre on terms of 4 cash, balance 5 years at 6 per cent, or will take good Port land p rope rty In pa rt pay men t. Geo. M-lvin 'Miller. Eugene. Or. au-ACKE tract. unimproved. 25 mile by rail from Portlana; suitable for frult-rala-ir.g and oMcken ranches; well watered, plenty of timber for all purposes, best of soil, no rock or gravel; $15 to $25 aa acre: eay terms. These are the cheapest tracts on the market and will bear inspection. Call and arrange to go and ee tbwm. 310 an-3 311 Corbett bldg. SEND for our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying: land shown free. Ol instead Land Co., Salem, Or.