Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 02, 1910, Page 13, Image 13

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Demonstration of the "Howd" and "Le Bean" Corsets by Madame Scofield, Expert Corsetiere, Direct From the Factory
Dr. Deimel's Linen MesK Underwear Merode Underwear Richardson's Linens "Onyx" Hosiery E. SL W. Snirts, Etc.
e OiregifoeiP' O Stoire
Today's Shoppin
tilleti'iiL'for Shrewd Economists
omen's Fancy Waists
$C.50 Values Special at $3.15 Ea.
An all-day sale of Waists. Materials of exquisite fineness, such as chiffon over China
silk, chiffon over net, messaline, Jap and China silks, combined with dainty trimmings
of self shades. Then there's plain tailored silks, shown in pleasing models; checks,
stripes, two-tones and fancy silks, intensified in beauty by lace and g 1 C
button trimmings. Values to $6.50, on sale at this special price, each VJU
Juvenile FnrrkiUire &gZZZ3&
Here's something new for the children and don't you know it's hard for the grown
ups to keep their hands off them. They are just like big folks' furniture, such as you
see in manv ico cream parlors. Built just as strong. Chairs and tables that will last
the little fellows until they outgrow them. We Quote the following very low prices:
CHILD'S CHAIR, with seat QYt inches
wide; stands 11 inches from the floor; oak
seat, Japanese copper finish frame and
legs. A small, hardy chair to have about
the house. See window dis- JJ1 7X
play. Regular $2.50 value at P O
CHILD'S TABLE, top 16 inches in diam
eter; Japanese copper finish frame and
legs; height 17 inches. The strongest ta
ble made. See window display. Our best
regular $4.00 values, on spe- CJO Cf
cial sale at this low price, ea. PJ
Sale of Fine SilK Petticoats
$12.5Q Values Special at $4.98
An all-day sale of high-grade Silk Petticoats in fascinating styles and colors. There's
Dresdens, Roman stripes, two-tones and a complete line of plain shades. All are cut
generously full, fitted about the hips, clasp fastened, or full with "drawstring. The
most remarkable values ever shown in Portland. Rich, lustrous taffe
tas, such as you'd buy at $12.50; on special sale today at this price, ea.
Men's $1 Underwear
Special 75c Siit
Four-inHandTies 25 c
All day today, in the furnishing goods department, pru
dent fellows will profit by this sale of medium-weight
derby-ribbed Underwear, shirts and drawers ; blue, pink
and ecru colors, in all sizes; also "Porosknit" in blue and
pink; best regular 50c or $1.00 a suit values, "7C
priced special at 38c each, or the suit on sale for
SILK TIES 100 dozen men's four-in-hand Silk Ties, ex
cellent quality silk, all new 'patterns, for "dress-well"
fellows. See Sixth-street window display of dark and
light colors. The best values ever shown in Port- OC
land, on sale at, special, each take advantage d
Men's $4 Oxfords 1.98
In the shoe store, Sixth-street annex. To start the season
off with a rush, and to start the people to talking good
about our shoes, we will offer for today's sale only eight
styles in men's oxfords, patents and tans and (fl QQ
gunmetals; regular $3.50 and $4.00 vals., spl. S'-1-'0
Ladies' Neckw'ar
25c Vals. 2 for 25c
All day today. Take two for the price of one. Dis
tinctive styles for Spring and Summer. Stocks, jabots,
stock collars, cascades, Croats, lawn and net bows; also a
line of embroidered wash belts, fitted with neat pearl
buckles. Thousands in the assortment from 1 O Ay f
which to choose ; regular 25c values, special at
Great Sale of New BdEiilir&ery
$12 Hats $5.95
WmmmJ&AWmm -The matter
liraiMWl T sell them at
$15 fiats $7.95
Qir Millinery Salon is abloom
witn Spring and Summer styles
"The models are chicvand smart
looKing and embody a great var
iety of shapes, colorings, designs
and trimmings Models in millin
ery for every occasion A great
novelties at less than maKers prices
of otir getting these hats so we can
these very low prices is a long story
and of little consequence to you, just so we give
the values Come early It's a sale of great proportions
comprising hundreds of trimmed hats, ready-to-wear
Handsome Picture Hats of imported heavy
rough braids pyroxoline, Manilla and Cuban
braids, chips, etc.; trimmed in flowers, fruits,
ribbons, silks, lace effects and self- tC QC
trimmed suit hats; values to $12 P
Charming and becoming Hats of Milan, import
ed hand-made, heavy rough braids, trimmed in
wings, quills, foliage, fruits, flowers, silks, rib
bons, etc.; unusually stylish and flj QC
serviceable.; values to $15, special P " 0
Our Great Sale of Trimming Flowers Will Be' Continued All Day Today,
$2.25 Flowers Sl.OO $1.75 Flowers 75c $1.25 Flowers 5Qc OOc Flowers 25c
$2.00 SilKs 89c Yard
Pongees and W hipcords
3000 yards of these silks were placed on sale. But, the
demand being so great, we were unable to wait upon
all comers, so we will continue the sale today to give all
a chance. You should try to come early. High-grade two
toned pongee and fine French whipcord silks, 24 to 27 ins.
wide, such as are selling today in New York at $2.00 the
yard. An endless variety of new Spring shades; QQ
best regular $L50 and $2.00 values, special, yard OS7C
Lawn Tennis Goods
Sporting Days Are Here
In our sporting goods department we are showing complete
lines of tennis goods. Ward and 'Wright 's tennis racquets,
made of "especially selected ash; the gut used in stringing
is the best imported, noted for its life and JJQ ff
driving qualities; weight 13 to 15 ounces; each P"-'
Various other lines are shown, such as the following:
The Campbell, at..S5.00
The Columbia, at..$3.0O
Hub, new style at..$2.00
The Golden Gate..$4.00
The Park, at, ea. .2.50
The Surprise, for..S1.50
From 2 to 6 P. M. today, in the infants'
store, second floor, a sale of pongee Coats
for children from 2 to 6 years of age;
natural color cloth, piped with blue, cut
box style; very stylish little garments;
regular values to $2.50; spe- d! QQ
cial afternoon price, garment Pi0'
Sl.OO Night Gowns 39c
2 to 6 P. M. today. Women's Gowns
in Hubbard or chemise stvles, long or
short sleeves, embroidery or lace-trimmed,
or clusters of tucks, with inset of CQ
insertion; our regular $1.00 values
$2.25 Ironi'g Board $1.75
2 to 6 P. M. today. Take elevator to
third floor. Improved folding Ironing
Boards, with sleeveboard attachment; our
regular $2.25 values, on sale CJ "1 7ti
at this special afternoon price P J
$2.5Q Embroidery at 98c
2 to 6 P. M. A wonderful bargain for four
hours. 27 and 54-ineh Embroidery Flounc
ing of fine material suitable for lingerie;
also 22-inch allovers in large assortment of
patterns; our regular stock values QQ.
to $2.50, on snecial sale at, each fOC
Women's 2Qc Vests at 11c
2 to 6 P. M. today. Women's fine qual
ity jersey-ribbed Vests in cream color
only; nicely finished with beading; low
neck and sleeveless; our best regu- 1 1
lar 20c values, on sale special, each A A
85c Rompers Now at 59c
From 2 to 6 P. M. today. Parents should
look well to their needs in this line; blue
and white and pink and white check ging
ham and plain blue chambray Rompers for
children 6 months to 6 years of age CO
age; regular 85c values, special at
SPECIALS FROM 6 to 9:30 P. M.
$2.5Q Petticoats at $1.27
6 to 9:30 P. M. today. Women's black
Petticoats, in heatherbloom or satine ; wide
flounces, tailored, tucked or shirred with
underlay. Body of skirts are cut full and
are well made. Values up to CJ " O 7
$2.50, on special sale at, ea. P
iftl.OO Bach Combs at 25c
From 6 to 9:30 P. M. today. An evening
sale of gold inlaid Back- Combs, a great
variety of patterns, all guaranteed not to
tarnish ; a beautiful collection of values
to $1.00; grouped in one lot, onOC
special sale at this low price, ea. C
5Qc Hair Turbans at 25c
6 to 9:30 P. M., today, a great sale of
Hair Turbans, all the newest shapes and a
complete line of shades; strictly OC
sanitary; regular 50c values, each fciJi
lOc Torchon Lace at 5c
6 to 9:30 P. M. today. A sale of Tor
chon Laces in edges and insertions to
match; widths up to two inches; values to
10c a yard or $1.00 a dozen; special C
evening price, 50c a dozen, or, yard
Women's $3.50 Waists $1.23
From 6 to 9:30 this evening. Women's
lingerie and tailored Waists. The lingerie
are of extra good quality lawn, in plain,
neat tucked styles; tailored waists are
pure linen, in different width plaits and
tucks; all sizes, in new Spring flj 1 OO
styles; values to $3.50, sp'l. ?
75c Ribbons at 48c Yard
G to 9:30 P. M. today, a special lot of
Novelty Ribbons; Dresdens, Persians and
moires, stripes, etc.; widths up to 6 ins.;
our regular values up to 75c the A O
yard, on special sale at, the yard "Ov
25c Turban Hair Pins 12c
From 6 to 9:30 P. M., today, in the center
aisle, a sale of Turban Hair Pius, plain
and. mounted, shelF and amber; excellent
quality; regular 25c sellers; spe- "I
cial for the evening sale only, ea.
S1.5Q Doz. Val. Lace 69c
6 to 9 :30" P. M., a big showing of Valen
ciennes Laces and Insertions to match, in
widths up to 12 inches; values to CZCkg
$1.50 doz., all newwanted patterns 0?C
Extraordinary Sale
5QOO Guaranteed
IToixntaira. Pens
5. Vals. 98c.
j The greatest Fountain Pen sale ever
1 held in Portland starts here today
at 8 A. M. Five thousand fountain
pens, the best that can be manulac- W-rW
- - : r j? 2
tured, fully guaranteed to give the
highest satisfaction, will be on sale at
prices which represent less than the
cost of the points alone Warranted
14 Karat gold points Regular Q O
values to $5.00 Choice at, ea. J CD t
These illustrations depict two of the
styles offered in this sale These pens
are ornamented with sterling silver
Some with gold mountings, others in
laid with mother-of-pearl; some are
plain blacK with gold bands Over a
dozen styles to choose from - Suitable
for men, women, girls and boys The
above statements seem almost beyond
belief, yet every word is true, and we
can state without hesitation that it is
the best offering of its Rind ever made
in the city, as our window display well
shows Remember, the quantity is lim
ited to 5QOO pens, and it wouldn't sur
prise us a bit to see every one of them
sold before closing time -Come early
All pens guaranteed by manufacturer
JOlds-Wortman - Ring'
Championship Canvas, center strap, price, each. ..1. 25
A complete line of Marking Tape at very low prices.
Wright & Diston's Racquets, on sale at $1.00 to S2.50
Wright & Diston's Marking Plates, priced, each, Sl.OO
Wright & Diston's Tennis Markers, from $1.00 to $2.00
W. & D. Championship Tennis Balls, priced 35c and 45
W. and D. Tennis Nets, prices at from $2.00 to $7.50
$2 Elastic Belts at 98c
All day today, in the center aisle, a great showing of
Be'.ts in plain elastic, tinseled and striped elastic, fitted
with a neat assortment of buckles, which alone are worth
the money we ask for-the belt. Our regular val-QO
ues to $2.00, on special sale at this low price, each fOC
$2 Couch Cover at $1.-5
From 2 to 6 P. M. today, ia the drapery
store, fdurth floor, a sale of Couch Cov
ers, fringed, reversible, in new Oriental
patterns; splendid quality, good weight,
full size; our regular $2 val- AC
ues, on special sale for, each P
Glass Toweling Yard 8c
From 2 to 6 P. M. today, in the domestic
aisle, checked Linen Glass Toweling and
Roller Toweling, all white with red or
blue border; very special for the Q
afternoon only at this price, the yard OC
$2.00 Dress Nets at 69c
2 to 6 P., M? today. A fine showing of
plain and fancy Nets, 45 inches wide, in
black, white, navy, brown and assorted
shades; our regular values up to 2Q
$2.00, on special sale at, the yard 02C
42-Piece China Dinner
Set Low Priced at $2.65
2 to 6 P. M. No, the printer didn't make
any mistake; it's so. Clean, white, sweet
China, durable, hard to crack or chip ; will
last for years ; three decorations to choose
from. Set consists of 6 dinner plates, 6
pie plates, 6 fruit saucers. 6 ind. butters,
6 cups, 6 saucers, 1 sugar bowl, 1 creamer,
1 meat dish, 1 butter dish, 2 vegetable
dishes, making a complete set JJO CC
of 42 pieces, on sale for, set P00
$3 Lace Curtains $1.75
2 to 6 P. M., a great four hours' sale of
white Irish Point Lace Curtains, in fancy
scroll centers with rich borders, also plain
centers with neat, simple borders; five
different styles; 42 inches wide and 2
yards long; regular $3 values, tfJI
on special sale at, the pair P I. O
SPECIALS FROM 6 to 9:30 P.M.
$1.5Q Belt Pins Now 69c
From 6 to 9:30 P. M. today. The jewelry
store offers splendid values in Belt Pins,
new stone-set novelties in oxidized, rose
and Egyptian gold finish; all shapes and
sizes; regular values to $1.50, on CQ
special sale at low price of, each G
$l.QO Kitchen Set at 69c
From 6 to 9:30 P. M., today, a four hours'
sale of Kitchen Sets of 8 pieces, as fol
lows: 1 cleaver, 1 cajce knife. 1 bread
knife, 1 tanopener, 1 paring knife, 1 flesh
fork, 1 emery, 1 potato knife; a set that
sells regularly at -$1.00; on epe- CQ
cial sale tomorrow at low price, set "C
75c NecKwear Now 39c
From 6 to 9 :30 P. M. today, a showing of
the latest styles in fancy Neckwear for
women, comprising stocks, Croats, jabots,
rabats, Dutch collars, embroidered linen
collars; also a neat line of fancy I sits.
Our regular values to 75c, on sale OQ
at this special evening price, ea.
Sale Women's Drawers
Reg. 85c Values for 52c
From 6 to 9:30 P. M. today. The big white
store, second floor, offers an evening sale
of women's Drawers, made of nainsook,
with wide flounce, trimmed with insertion
and embroidery edge; regular 85c Po
values, on special sale at, the pair
Sale of Corset Covers
Reg. 85c Values for 52c
From 6 to 9 :30 P. M. today. In the white
Btore, second floor, a sale of fine nainsook
Corset Covers, with rounC yokes of lace
insertion, fine lace edge or with medallion
insets; our best regular 85c val- Co
ues, on special sale at this price 0"G
lOc Collar Foundati'n 5c
6 to 9:30 P. M. today. A great sale of
Collar Foundations, in washa'o j net or
silk mull; the newest styles, made by the
Warren Featherbone Company ; all sizes in
white only; our regular 10c sellers,
on sale at special low price of, ea. 3C
Ex-Forester's Adviser Hints That
Friends In Roosevelt's Party In
spired His Action.
J. S. Arnold, formerly connected with
the Forest Service, but more recently
appearing: In the public eye as one of
the attorneys representing; Glfford
rinehot before the Congressional In
vestigation committee, reached Port
land yesterday.
Mr. Arnold was not inclined to dis
cuss the -merits of the chargres agralnst
Mr. Balllngrer as Secretary of the In
terior, or the latest feature of the case,
the incognito trip of the ex-chief of
the Forest Service to Europe, where
It. Is believe that, Mr. Plnchot hopes
to meet ex-President Roosevelt.
"Will you state whether Mr. Plnchot
did or did not receive an invitation
from Colonel Roosevelt to meet him at
Berlin and discuss the situation which
resulted In the resignation of the For
ester?" asked an Oregonian reporter.
"I cannot answer that question." said
Mr. Arnold. "I will say that in the
party of newspaper men. representing
the American press, who first visited
Colonel Roosevelt's camp on the Upper
Nile, there were a number of friends
of Mr. Plnchot personal friends.
"At that time Mr. Plnchot was badly
worn out and in need of rest. He
had planned to go down to Florida for
the fishing and to spend a number of
weeks recuperating his strength. He
suddenly changed his mind and pre
pared for the trip to Europe. You can
reason on the matter as well as I can.
I don't know anything more than that.
If the ex-Forester went abroad under
an assumed name, his Intention was
not known to me."
Asked as to the probability of James
A. Garfield and Gifford Plnchot at
tempting to break into politics In their
respective States of Ohio and New
York. Mr. Arnold said:
"Friends of ex-Secretary of the In
terior Garfield understand that he is
In harmony with Republican leaders of
Ohio and would not be surprised to
see the son of the former President
on the Republican ticket at the next
"I am positive that Mr. Plnchot has
no desire or Intention of attempting to
secure recognition in New York State.
If ho ever again becomes identified
with a National Administration, it will
be in an advisory capacity."
Mr. Arnold will be in the city sev
eral days, being interested in various
matters soon to appear in the courts.
Educational Body Lets Bis School
room Contract.
Mrs. L. W. Sitton presided at the meet
ing of the board of education yesterday.
Chairman Fleischner being absent from
the city. This is he first time in years
that a. woman has wielded the gavel
during a session of the directors of the
district. Business was handled with
promptness and dispatch. Mrs. Sitton.
was chairman of the board four years
The board awarded contracts for new
rooms at Vernon and Clinton Kelly schools
to Steele & Birthleson for $22,928 and
$12,934. The plumbing was let to Reudy
'Bros., at $50SS for the Vernon and $3068
for the Clinton Kelly.
The board members discussed the pro
posed new high school for the West
Side district, but took no definite action
as to where it shall be built. They are
still casting about for a lot in the cen
tral portion of the territory to be ac
commodated, but have not found one suitable.
Young Man With Imagination Dupli
cates Albany Adventure at
Resort on Coast.
SEASIDE, v Or.", April 1. (Special.)
Seaside extends its sympathy to Albany.
Three months ago Ringling. Jr.,
visited Seaside and announced plans for
bringing the Ringling Brothers' show to
Seaside for Winter quarters. Young Ring
ling, too, as in Albany, obtained options
for 30 days. To accommodate him and
perhaps with the thought of enhanced
values, the options were given Without
any deposlt-
What Seaside could never understand
was that Ringling worked In one of the
lumber camps of the Seaside Lumber &
Manufacturing Company, when making
the arrangements. Some skeptical and
unkind persons said a few things and
one day Mr. Ringling disappeared. No
one has suffered.
"There is no question that the young
man Is a scion of the Ringling family,"
said R. M. Watson today. "We looked
him up and found that he was what he
claimed to be. He Just has one little
weakness. ' He imagines too much. He
is out in the West because of previous
exaggerations, I understand."
use of gasoline In Eugene, due prin- pany Is preparing to Install a lare
clpally to the increase in the number gasoline tank on its lot near the i-n
of automobiles, the Standard Oil Com- I road.
Steamer Victoria Sails for Alaska
With 300 Passengers.
SEATTLE. April 1. The s'teamship
Victoria sailed for Alaska today" with
300 ' passengers and a full cargo, of
freight and her departure, with adven
turers crowding her decks and the
wharf swarming .with people, recalled
Klondike days.
Twenty-five of the passengers will
walk over the trail from Valdea to
Fairbanks, 365 miles, and they are
hastening to get in before the snow
trail is destroyed by the Spring thaw.
The Victoria on her return will go
on the Nome run and be succeeded on
the Seward and Valdez route by the Alameda.
Eugene Burns Much Gasoline. -
EUGENE. Or., April 1. (Special.)
Owing to the great increase in the
Several Doses Regulate the Kidneys,
Making Backache and Bladder
Trouble Vanish.
Out-of-order kidneys act 'fine and
backache or bladder misery is relieved
after a few doses of Papa's Diuretic
Pains in the back, sides or loins,
rheumatic twinges, debilitating head
ache, nervousness, dizziness, sleepless
ness, inflamed or swollen eyelids, worn
out feeling and many other symptoms
of clogged, inactive kidneys simply
Frequent, xainful and uncontrollable
urination due to a weak or irritable
bladder is promptly overcome.
The moment you suspect any kidney,
bladder or urinary disorder, or feel
rteaumatism coming, begin taking this
harmless remedy, with the knowledge
that there la no other medicine, at any
price, made anywhere else In the
world, which will effect so thorough
and prompt a cure, as a fifty-cent
treatment of Pape's Diuretic, which
any druggist can supply.
This unusual preparation goes direct
to the out-of-order kidneys, bladder
and urinary system, cleaning, healing
and strengthening these organs and
glands, and completes the cure before
you realize It.
A few days' treatment with Pape's
Diuretic means clean, active, healthy
kidneys, bladder and urinary organs
and you feel fine.
Your physician, pharmacist, banker
or any mercantile agency will tell you
that Pape, Thompson & Pape, of Cin
cinnati, is a large and responsible
medicine concern, thoroughly worthv
of your confidence.
Accept only Pape's Diuretic fifty
cent treatment from any drug store
anywhere in the world.