Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 01, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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Great- Owl Sale of Dntfs
Great Owl Sale of Drugs
We carry well-known reliable brands We do
not try to lure you to the store with baits air then
substitute other makes.
You will always
find our prices lowest and you
get what you
ask for. We donrtry to mbstitute
ks drug stores-do.
because the
Temp ting Millinery Fresh From the Band Boxes at Surprising Prices
because of the unquestionably fine character of these hats. temttine,
values are undoubtedly he best possible to obtain in this city. We have
carejully planned this special showing for Friday and Saturday.
The art ad freshness of our Hats, their dash and smartness in line and poise their
fVrf) in m ntosition show both our intimate touch with the hat development of Paris
fashions and tne knock of reproduction possessed by our own designers.
Qf particular interest is the sbotHng today, for young ladies and misses, I he
CoquilicotHat a fasnion eag rly accepted by young women of refinement and
good tciste. J '
Jn New york there is a perfect rage for these red hats. We know of no other
millinery stofem fran that &as given 'this new feature any thought. Another
proof df our leadership in women s fashions.
Smart Sailors Shown Only in Our Millinery Show Rooms
The fact that almost every smarl sailor seen on the streets of Portland comes from our store is proof
positive that our styles are both correct and distinctive and have met the approval of popular taste.
We ilkistfate fom netJ models trimmed with velvet bands. In solid colors, also with different, color
i i T L: ti D-: T 0T 1 C3 Q t
under Drtrn ("(""uuu'u. - i v" . uu cuui. -
60 Stylish Hats at $10, With That Bewitching Charm Found in Paris Hats Only
-We Eire 10 going to attempt to describe these hats. You will have to see them to appreciate the remarkable value. Many-
will be dEjdayed in the windows, the balance in our show rooms.
lack the rrench extreme, but for those women who favor hats that carry with them the wonderful lines and
Im Paris, yet are modified to suit quieter fancy, these hats appeal. We shall not quote the original price. Shop
price hats at two and even three times what we ask for these hats and you will make a fair comparison.
These ats
color tints iro
around toynJ
m .j
ats for Girls and Kiddies
$2.95, $3.95, $4.95, $5.95
possibly enough to last for one full day's
hnatter whether you come in the morning or .
Ivill get a hat of beautjj and of quality.
Special valul
selling, but ncl
afternoon, yc" I
There are all sorts of shapes large, medium and small,
in the beaujtif Jl Tuscan and other high class straws, with
rich facing of fchiffon or taffeta. The color range embraces
every shade vTi which Fashion has smiled this Spring.
One of the prettiest is illustrated made of beautiful Tus
can straw, anl sells for Jj4.95. Other styles at $2.95,
$3.95 and $5-95.
Ostrich Plumes
16-inch to 19-inch full
French plumes in a beau
tiful black. These plumes
are made of long flues
and are 3-ply. At $3.48
they are indeed a great
Untrimmed Shapes
In Milans, ; hair braids,
Tuscans, imported hemp
hair and Leghorns. In ev
etry style, jin ' every shape,
and in everyr color demanded
this Spring. .
$1.95 io$3.95.
11 11
: - -a
Charming Hats for Misses and Girls
Selling for $3.95, $4.95, $5.95 to $10
We specialize, in suitable Millinery for misses and girls,
and show more and better styles than any other store in
Portland. Styles combined with our low prices have given
us an enviablereputation.
For today we are showing many smart new hats in new
shapes, trimmed with beautiful combinations of ribbons and
flowers, in all the Spring colors and blooms.
Mushroom brims, large tan crowns, facings of shirred
chiffon. You will find a bewitching girlish lot of hats here
for $3.95, $4.95, $5.95 to $10.00. ,
Untrimmed Shapes
Imported from Paris. Or
iginal shapes from some of
the' best French makers. In
styles that have found favor
in America and are in great
est demand. -
$5 to $12.50.
Thousands of Acres lii
Districts Involve.
Filed at Ch
Elk Mountain
in Suits
March 31. The
suits in tho
recover title to
luahle coal lands
Government today flleb
United State Courts tJ
thousands of acres of va
In the Elk Mountain district In Carbon
County. The suits are signed by Attor-ney-Oeneral
The lands are alleged to have been
entered upon fraudulently iby Charles S.
Johnson and Judge John I. Mllllkln, of
the Northwestern Land lron Company,
Wyoming:, by a suit filed In the Ind
eral Court in Cheyenne, were obtained,
it was said at the Department of Jus
tics today, through t,he medium of
dummy entrymen.
These entrymen were charged with
having: been agents of the Northwest
ern Land &. Iron Company, which, with
the patentee. Is made party to the suit.
The land and iron company, it was
stated, is a holding: corporation for the
Denver, Laramie & Northwestern Company.
and also of the Den
JCorthwestern Railroad
, Two thousand five h
iron lands in the semi.
Carbon County are lnvo
Officers of the defend,
said to have valued tl
lands at S. 000.000.
Sylvester R. Rush, wl
big land fraud cases e'
and is said to be in corj
United States District
Entrymen Called
, and ore lands which th.f
eekln; to recover in
lred acres of
le district In'
Li In the suit.
company art
coal and iron
conducted tlho
Where, is hejre
ence with t
orney In
31. The co all
Government i
rbon Count,
Company's Treasurer Denies It Had
Interest In Land.
DENVER, kfarch 81. ''Neither the
Northwestern Land & ' Iron Company
nor the Denver, Laramie & Northwest
ern Railroad j Company Is affected by
the suit brought by the Government at
Cheyenne toay to recover coal and
iron lands, said A. J. Spengel, treas
urer of the 'ormer company, today.
"The suite were brought against
Judge Mllllkan. president of our com
pany, and Charles S. Johnson, presi
dent of the Denver, Laramie. & North
western Rairoad. as Individuals. The
lands involved are not Included In any
way In- the properties of either com
pany. They were filed upon by Judge
Mllllken ant Mr. Johnson as individ
uals. Our lompany owns some coal
land, but it tvas bought outright from
the state art! la not Involved In this
suit." i
Interior, Lulgl Luszattt; Minister of
Justice, Signer Kanl; Minister of For
eign Affairs. Marquis Adi San Ouillano;
Minister of the Treasury, Francesco
Tedesoo; Minister of Finance, Signor
Facta; Minister of War. General Spin
gardt; Minister of Marine, Admiral
Leonardl; Minister of Public Instruc
tion, Signor Credaro; Minister of Pub
lic "Works. . Signor Sacchl; Minister of
Agriculture, signor Ralnerl; Minister of
Posts and Telegraphs. Signor Ciuffelll.
Americans Still Hope for Share of
$23,000,000 "Warship Contracts.
WASHINGTON. March SL The pub
lished statement that the Turkish govern
ment had awarded to British firms con
tracts for constructing war vessels to
cost approximately JC5.000.000 is now said
to have been premature.
A telegram received at the State De-
Sew Ii-alan Cabinet Named,
ROME, 3Tach 1. The new cabinet
formed by pirnor Lussattl is announced
ae follows! fremler and Minister of the
ilarm, and over $3700
in other prizes for a
great publicity con
test. Read Page 11,
this paper.
partment today from Mr. James, charge
d'affaires of the United States In Con
stantinople, says that representatives of
the Bethlehem Steel Company. the
Cramps and the New York Shipbuilding
Company, who had arrived there, ex
pressed the hope that the United States
still would have an opportunity to com
pete for the construction of these warships.
In the EnaTtnh Church Times the clerical
obituary for 190Q contains 461 names. The
ages of 370 of the deceased clergymen
are mentioned and these show In the attain
ment of an average age of 71 and one-half
Longcloth 9c
Regular 12 l-2c
200 pieces of Empress
Longcloth, 36 inches wide ; no
starch; ready for needle; 12
yards to the piece .
Cluny Lace
Scarfs and Squares
Regular 60c
To d ay 49c
These scarfs measure full
50 inches long and 19 inches
wide. Have four rows of
cluny lace.
The squares measure full 30
inches, bordered with 2-inch
wide cluny lace, the linen cen
ter having cluny insertions.
You 11 Find Our Prices
Always the Lowest
50c Wisdom's Rober tine 29c
50c Camelline . . .
25c Holmes' Frostilla
25c Espey's Cream
25c Pond's Vanishing
Cream .... 16c
50c 4711 Toilet Water 36c
Sl.OO Herpicide . . 57c
50c Hinds' Honey and
Almond Cream . 29c
50c Pompeiian Massage
Cream .... 26c
50c Stillman's Freckle
Cream .... 31c
50c Satin Skin Cream 31c
25c Mennen's Talcum,
2 for 25c
$1.00 Pinaud's Eau de
Quinine .... 66c
10c CakeJergen's Violet
Glycerine Soap . . 7c
5 -lb. Bars Castile Soap 55c
25c Woodbury's Facial
Soap ... . . 14c
Doz. Buttermilk, Oatmeal
& Witch Hazel Soap 39c
25c Cuticura Soap . 14c
25c Pears' GlycerineSoaplOc
65c Rubber Cloves, all
sizes ..... 33c
Hygeia Nursing Bottles 18c
$2.50 Winner Whirling
Spray Syringe . $1.39
$1.50 Victor Fountain
Syringe ... $1.12
$2.25 Combination Victor
Fountain Syringe, 3
quart .... $1.59
$1.50 Victor Hot Water
Bottle . . . . $1.12
$1. 75 Victor Hot Water
Bottle, 3 quart . $1.25
$2.50 Winner Hot Water
Bottle, Guaranteed 2
years .... $1.98
$2.75 Winner Hot Water
Bottle, 3 quart . $2J23
50c Pebeco Tooth Paste 29c
SOc Fine Perfumes . . 36c
85c Rubberset Lather
Brushes .... 69c
50c Hair Brushes . . 39c
65c Cloth Brushes . . 48c
10c Hard Scrub Brushes 8c
25c Rosewater . . . 14c
25c Hoyt's German Co
logne 13c
$3.00 Marvel Whirling
Spray Syringes . $2.57
25c Packer's Tar Soap 12c
$1.00 Pierce's Favorite
Prescription . . 71c
15c Charcoal Tablets, 3
for . . . - ' . 25c
$1.00 Scott's Emulsion 78c
50c Calif. Syrup Figs 29c
50c Size Hor lick's Malted
Milk 37c
$1.00 Hor lick's Malted
Milk . .... 74c
$3. 75 Hor lick's Malted
Milk . . , . $2.85
$1. 00 Fulton 's Renal
Compound ... 88c
50c Size Booth's Hyomei 42c
$1. 00 Booth 's Hyomei 83c
25c Lane's Family Tea 19c
50c Lane's Family Tea 38c
25c Mile's Antipain Pills 19c
25c Beecham's Pills . 17c
50c Bromo Seltzer . 29c
50c Size Swamp Root 37c
$1.00 Size Listerine . 55c
10c lb. Borax .... 5c
$1.00 Pinkham's Blood
Purifier .... 55c
25c Sozodont Liquid . 12c
25c Castoria .... 16c
75c Beef, Iron and Wine 44c
25c Violet Ammonia . 16c
$1.00 Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets . . . . 61c
10c Chloride Lime . . 7c
10c Bicarbonate Soda , 5c
FREE-A Vacuum Massage
Cup for removing wrinkles
with every 50c jar of the
Famous Thespian Cold
Cream. .
Regularly to $38.00
For Women, Misses
and Little Women
These suits are this
season's newest and
most correct styles.
Consisting of 32-inch
strictly tailor -made
jacket suits in rrench
serge, sharkskin, wale
diasonals. shetherd
checked materials; the
colors are black, navy,
rose, reseda, new blue,
violet and errav. The
jackets are all lined
with silk and guaran
teed satins. The suits
are made in the new
est plaited and wide
plaited models.
II I lift '
11 i Wis
M I li
Pongee Coats $13-50
Regular $20.00 Coats
54-inch all-silk
Pongee, natural tan
shades, strictly tailor
made with mannish
notched collar, single
breasted front with
three buttons.