THE MORXIXG OIIEOXrAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1910. 21 FcOK REM. Housekeeping Roms in Private Family. 'i'HKlie large, beautifully furnished house keeping rooms; porcelain bath, range, phone, modern; in private family of two; large yard. West Side, close in Phone A 42J'.. ' JTW u front rooms furnished for housekeep ing; also inside rooms with large pantry and sink. $lu; walking distance. 211 P-iarman st. . JJU'ELY furnished housekeeping rooms, pantry and bath, in private tamlly; mod ern conveniences; reasonable. 4u3 Vs 12th yueet- Moose. LlfcT YOLK HOUSES WITH US TO RENT We have a tenant for a modern H-room house. Neb Hill district; will pay your price if suited. WE HAVE Tenant for a i-room modern house on East Side; will lease for 3 years. WE HAVE Tenant for 3 or 6-room house or bunga low. ALSO WANTED TO-room house on West Bid; will lease 1 wnr desires. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, S. E. corner 3d and Oak sts. W H KN yu move you'll need new furniture. Buy it judiciously and the savings will ex ceed your moving expenses. Our NO-RENT PRICES made ue one of the largcsx furniture hoies in the cityt: in two years. likcrf shown same courtesy as buyers. MOKGA N-ATCH LEY Ft'RXITCRQ CO. -.l-75 Grand Ave., Cor. East Stark St. East Ankeny and Kusaell-ShaVer carllnes pa3 our uot. TOMORROW 144 choice half and quartrr acre tract will be sold at public auction; sale takes place on premises at Kusa. sta tion on the Oregon Electric, only 2 min utes' ride; cars leave Jefferson-street sta tion at 10:20 A. M.. 11 A. M. and 12:10; make arrangements to go; it will pay you. For further particulars see M. E. 1,. e, 41 1 Corbett bldg. FrKMTl'KK, dishes, cooking utensils, etc. of four-room elegantly- furnished West Side flat for sale; cost sX. used about two months; owner must leave city by Monday and sacrifice for $M50 cash; rent ing of flat optional with purchaser. Jen nings &. Howe, 122 West Park, near Wash ington. A VKRY good 8-room flat near. West Park: faces south ; will permit the renting of rooms, but not of keeping dogs nor chil d i e n. This is real ly a good flat; $45. Martman & Thompson, rent dept., Cham hrr of Commerce bid g. J-" OR RENT Modern 14 -room house, suit ahle for boarding-house, corner 16th and Morrison sts.; rent $100 per month. Apply WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO.. kq .fourth st, I'OR RENT West Side, a modern 5 -room flat, otrner. and large attic; swell and in fine H.ndltlon. Call 319 Commercial block. Phone -Mi in ot OR RENT 1 -story house, 7 rooms, bath aid basement; no-foot lot; 407 10th St., near Jackson. Inquire of F. L- Bunting, 1210 East Yamhill st. Phone B 1582. A TEN-ROOM house, 704 Glisan st. Apply to Mike Kacob & Co., 234 1st St., after 10 A. M. ft-ROOM. modern bungalow, Srt4 Vaughn street, near 25 th at., take Irtth-st. or 23d st car. phone Main SUl. $18. w V ROOMS, gas, porcelain plumbing, cement basement, fine neighborhood. 269 21st St. Main 6223. THUHOUUHLY modern 6-room house, close in, $30. S92 San Rafael st. Phone East 1 r?5 or C 1491. V H fciN niovlng call up Van Horn Transfer Co. Main 1618, A 19S4. All covered wag onw. ail experienced men. 6-ROOM house. 543 E. 37th St., 1 block from W'avorly-Woodstock car. Phone East t ;o. tf-RoOM plastered house, with lot 50x300; M2 Fillmore st.. fit. Johns, Or.; rent, $15. fhone Tabor 12S7. 6-ROOM house. 40S North 15th St.. Irving ton. Inquire Paul Labbe. room 35 Labbe bldg., 2d and Washington sts. 6-KOOM house, easy walking distance. In quire 5 Third st. 4-RooM cottage with bath, $15. Jnqulr 2'.2 Stanton st. MODERN 6-room house. 327 Wasco st. Phone East 2116. NEARLY new modern -room house, $15. E ;ist 28th. Key at 86 1 Hawthorne. $14 5-room modern bungalow, close la. Call 4 17 Board of Trade bldg. 6-ROOM house, good location, for rent. 445 East 10th and Sherman. MODERN 6-room house. 170 N. 23d St. Phone A 3 59 5 or Main 2S91. Furnished House. NEARLY new 6-room flat for rent; all modern conveniences; gas stove, linoleum, rugs and several pieces of furniture for salo if desired. 782 Johnson St., iwar "4th. Phone Mrs. A. J. Hall. Main 1689. -RoOM furnishd cottage, electricity, gas, hath, phone, piano; clean and neat; $15. East 31tth st. Phono Tabor 751. Call forenoons. McGregor. 6-ROOM, completely furnished flat, corner, yard, handy to business. 503 Marquam. Main 2210. U RNISHED f.-room flat. Willamette Heights, reasonable to responsible parties. Phone A 7255. 6-RooM house, partly furnished; excellent neighborhood,; low rent. Tel. Woodlawn ATTRACTIVE bungalow. handsomely fur nished, delightful location; $75 pr month. r Ji'lS Thurmiin. t HX-KOOM furnished house. 2v2 N. 23d. Phono Main 61 1. I'TKMSHICD flat, walking distance. Main SC'iS after 6 or bet. 1 and 2. FI KN1SHKH flat near business center, mod ern con ven Icnces. Phone- Main rot 1 2. House for Kent, luruilure for bale. 9-ROOM HOUSE. COLUMBIA ST.. ttooil Wiioom house, rent $150, with $53 worth of rooms rented; good furniture; for pale for $$00, part cash, balance monthl v. 5-ROOM FLAT, EVERETT ST. Nice, modern, 5-room flat, rent $;0. with enough rooms rented to pay the rni; furniture is very good and lor sale at a bargain ; $300, Jl'uO cash, balance monthly. GRl'SSI & ZADOW. ;i!7 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. ITRN ITL'RE. dishes, cooking utensils, to-. of four-room elegantly furnished West Side Hat for sale; cost fuO. used about two months; owner must !ave city by Monday and sacrifice f or $35i cash ; rnt lug of flat optional with purchaser. Jen nings & Howe, 122 West Park, near Wash ington. Ki OM s. best of f urn I ture ; close in ; ren t S3t: $5 worth of rooms rented and 3 rooms for owner; $SU0, Krms. Call East fr-ROOM house; good furniture: sell cheap; leaving city. 553 Everett. Phone Main 7?rv On ner. i'l'KM'ITRK of 6-room flat, complete, cheap for quick sale. Call after 10 A- M. 240 V Clny ar. JiOl SK of 5 rooms, new 1 y painted and pa pered ; fine locality; furniture for sale. 434 Harrison. StorM. MORRISON ST. STORE FOR RENT. Over UHK square feet of store-room on Morrison street, right down town, with over two and one-half years lease; if you are looking for a store in a number one business district, see us about this. UKt'SSt & 'ZADOW. STT Board of Trad Bldg.. 4th and Oak. fcTBAM-HEATBD. well-lighted and entilated tore in new building. Washington st.. near 19th. suitable for groceries, drugs or dellcat ee. Arrangements can he mad which wou.d iwure splendid trade. Rent very rea.nable to commence. Might help finance capable people. W. U MCRCAX, COS Ablngton bldg. O R HEN T 4 -tn i ry iauA base m en t brick rtore building. lOOxKVi S. E. corner Fr nt and Pn iLS. Apply C. A. Dolph, Mohawk hi :g. EW grocery storeroom, good location. 41t and Division bts.: 3 nunths freo rent. Take Mt. Scott cur. get off at Millard ave. See owner. J.-e Na?h. Phone Tabor (21. J-'OR RENT 5-stvry bri.-k building, MM and Ash; ahi large lrlvk building suitable for automobile garage; small store, 25xt5. 49 M.irilson gt. Apt ly R. T. Oox. Main 422. C lALL store building at the rtrner of Chap man aad Taylor sts.; gxni location for gro cery store or meat market. O. M. Smith. 21 Commercial Club bldg. PTORE 4 rooms, bath, modern, walking distance: will rent separate. Cherry and Vancouver. Phone A 337 o. I'NH new storeroom. 25xeo. left in new block. Aoply at drugstore, joo Front au Either " F" or "S" car. TWO desirable connecting offices; hot and cold w ftior, steam heat, good location. yamniii st. Manager, rom 201 XESK room In good office, facing Wash, st. ; use both y hones. 2il-202 Merchants rust b-ufr AN l r.D Lentit to onare reception-room and occupy ouice aawinitf pnysictan. w s-in Oreg'jtitan. "K1CE and desk room. Apply 206 Lurn- Tmen s oiag. RENT A few offices in Couch bids. plv 6Q3 Lewis bldg. l T office room, second floor. Raiuth 6th anl Washington. Inquire room, & FOB REM. Offices. FOR RENT Ground floor space at Front and Vine streets, suitable for mercantile broker; also second floor space over Xo, 2. second and Ankeny streets. R. T. Cox, Phone Main 422. SPLENDID ground 4oor location for real es tate or brokerage business; good furniture and fixtures, typewriter, etc.; owner has other business and must dispose of it. B frXl. Oregon! an. FLOOR rpace, 40x60. suitable for light manufacturing or printing office; also swell office rooms for rent. Inquire of A. G. Church ley, photographer, 145ta 3d st. Hails. FOR RENT for legitimate church purposes, good-sized church, with basement suitable for Sunday school ; cor. 13th and Davis sts. North; reasonable rent. Apply Wake field. Fries & Co.. 85 4th st- BALLROOM, good location. In good condi tion, reasonable. B. F. Jones. 800 Front. Warehouse. FOR RENT OR LEASE Brick warehouse, with elevator and large offices; 50xlO0; three stories and basement. Corner 4th. and Gllsan sts. Apply to D. G. Woodward, km 2d t. TWO-STORY factory building, 50xlO0, cen tral, cheap rent. Phone East 656. TO LEASE. LEASE for 25 years, S. E. corner 5th and Harrison. Inquire Paul Labbe, room 35 Labbe bldg., 2d and Wash. business oproirrr"iTJEs. FURNITURE AND HARDWARE STORE. Nice stock of goods, consisting of furni ture, hardware, paints, oils, granite and tinware, sporting goods, dry goods and no tions, doing a strictly cash business and clearing $20 per month, in a fine business district on Williams ave.. in a new store building; rent $25 per month; price of stock and fixtures $2500. GIU'SSI & ZADOW. 317 Hoard of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. AN ARCHITECTURAL, CONTRACTING- and BUILDING COMPANY wants a man for office work and collecting ; one who wishes to learn the business; must have a few hundred dollars to invest; if serv ices are not satisfactory, will terminate contract and return investment; will give salary and profits in business to right man; references required. AC b49, Ore gotilan. LODGING bouse ... Confectionery store lodging-house . Rarber hop $1,750 , 1,350 .......... 850 , 450 .tkiard in g-hou 25o ah snans. t'asn or terms. i.ui TRUST COMPANY, 215 Lewis ldg.. 4th and Oak sts. $5uo CORPORATION having strong finan cial backing with bright future has open ing for intelligent young man. Will pay a salary of $1 25 a month to the right person. This- is en unusual offering and l. worth your investigation. LINCOLN' TRUST COMPANY. 215 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak sts. INVESTIGATE legitimate manufacturing busi ness, having $75,000 invested, and paying from. 20 to 25 per cent. Small amount of ftock available at par if taken at once. Wl ly competitor demands secrecy In ad vertising this. Write for interview. M 824, Oregon ian. MANUFACTURING concern with strong financial backing, turning out a good line offers unusual opportunity to intelligent office man who is in a position to invest $3ihh. A good salary will be paid to such a person. LINCOLN TRUST COMPANY, 215 Lewia bKig.. 4th and Oak sts. ROOMING-HOUSE; we have the largest list of rooming-houses in the city; If you are looking for something of this kind, large- or mall. do not fall to ee us immediately. LINCOLN TRUST COMPANY, 215 Lewl bldg. FOR SALE Nice, clean grocery doing a nice clean cash business in a nice clean neighborhood at invoice, about $2500; cheap rent, 2-3 cash, balance for lots or acreage ; no agents or speculators. Ad dresa Y R41J. Qregonian. GROCERY STORE. We have th-i biggest snap in the city; think of a first-class place, doing a big business, with a long lease and A-1 goods, selling at invoice. Lincoln Trust Com iiany. 215 Lewia bldg., 4th and Oak st.?. EN LARGE your business; get more capital into your concern and increase its earn ing power; we are specialists In this line and would like to talk with you on this matter. Lincoln Trust Company, 215 Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak sts. WELL-KNOWN local concern ha opening for honest and reliable man; small Investment will be required; this is a legitimate enter prise and needs the service? of a confcien tions man; $125 e. month salary. 216 LewLst bMg.. 4 1 h and Oa k .s ts. RESTAURANT, doing good business; on 3d St.; owner forced to leave town; if you ever got a bargain, here is one; everything brand new and complete, f fir the small sum of 150. Home&eekers Land Co., 132 North Gth st. LIVERY, FEED AND &ALE STABLE Do ing a business of over $looo each month. Large drayage business. Mut be sold at once. Come and look this over. ALTON REALTY CO., Pasco, Wah W"H want a lodging-house and want it bad. Have Just sold a tract of land for a party who is looking for a good lodging-house or hotel. Owner? only. Lincoln Trutt Company. 215 Lewto bldg., 4th and Oak. FOR RENT 6-tahIe dining-room, complete ly furnished, in private, boarding-house, 20 boarders; dVsirable location: will take part rent in board. Call 30 North 17th. Phone Main 2051. BIG dividends for anyone desiring to Invest $500 or more in building proposition where by investor will get his or her share of profits according to money invested as houses are sold. Call 30S Rothchild bldg. FOR BAhK A long-e.tabl ished, very popu lar, well-organized, good-paying livery busi ness In a hurtling, rapid ly growing tow n. Address or call on Kennewlok Transfer Co., Kennewl; 1c. Wash. HOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. The lust investment in this line of busi in Portland: come and see uj? and we will prove it to you. 427 if enry bMg. MAN of long experience erecting ice-making and refri sera tor machinery, looking for engagement; references. AD 852, Ore gonia ii. PARTNER wanted in real estate office; you can make $l.w.O per month ; very little money required : pay for it out of busl ness. Call ::i,- Lumber Exchange. BUTTER, eggs, produce, etc.; want relia ble partner for cash store: will pay ener getic man $150 month. Call 24S Stark street. FOR SALE Half interest In the Quick Print C-. Have to get out on account of health. Will sell at a ftaevifiee if taken at once. Apply to A. L. Neader. 42ou. Morrison st. SALOON partner wanted; owner has other business and cannot depend on hired help; experience not necessary ; $400 req uired. Call '.WS Lumber Exchange. Je0J BEAUTIFUL 6-room, strictly modern bungalow ; will exchange for acreage or small farm. Call o ti -j Washington st. DRUG rtock. fixture, lots and buildinES. Cornelius. Or. Must sell. Dr. Everest, ad ministrator. $3o PER WEEK can be made by energetic parties. $e0 required. Investigate our prop nsition. tl4 Board of Trade bldg. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and other bonds bought and sold Fletcher Tnv. Co.. 225 Abington. LIST your property and business chances for quick action with Geo. S. Allen Realty Co.. Henry bldg. RESTAURANT doing 550 business daily; good location; price $1050. Owner, 490 Washington st. PA RTNER wanted, used to farm produce; owner will guarantee good salary and share profits. Call 24S, Stark st. CONFECTIONERY; fine location ; rent $25. 4 living rooms: $450. Hall & Powell, 321 Lumbermen's bldg. W R can sell your busine s ; we have people with money waiting to buy. 427 Henrv bldg. TO RENT Dining-room and kitchen, full of high-class good paying hoarders; fine paying r ro i :. iM on. X 45. Oregon lan. WILL go to Alaska, must sell my half inter est of a good paying business for $250. Call 305 3d st. PARTNER. Scandinavian, wanted in grocery business. Chance f.-r good, -honest man with $T o or more. S 83. Oregon ian. SNAP Working partner; only $750 required; no real e.att. W 84ft, Oregnian. GROUND floor real estate office, rent only $12. 541.3 4th st. LUNCH counter. J20f: pay active man J5 day clear. Call 24S Stark st. GROCERY. In suburbs: $300 If taken to day. Call 24S S Stark st. BARBER SHOP, 2 chairs and bath, good business; must sell. 129 Russell st. 600 BUSINESS card $! if you bring this ao. Row Cl-.v Frlntery. 1P21-, Sd. near Taylor. BARBER SHOP f . r sale; 2 ch-irs; good loca tion. 413 Morrison st. SALOON .for sale. Inquire Monte Carlo saloon, cr. Fourth and. Couch. MEAT market, good business locality, for rent. Tabor 238. IF you are looking for a nice, clean paying business, see owner. 115 Grand ave. FO R SAL E BARBER SHOP A Nt POOL- HOO M . of HAW I Hl'KNE AY E. FOR SALE ITfi 4ti Confectionery stoie. Inquire at BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES- FEED STORE AND BUILDING MATERIAL A fine business, handling feed, fuel and ell kinds of building material, is clearing $:-iuu per mourn above all ex penses; will sell one-haif interest or all of it; will invoice about $5UOO. It will pay you to in vestigate t his. GRUSSI & ZADOW, fl?T Board of Trade bide.. 4th and Oak. HOTEL VILLAKD Lease. furniture and goiKi-wiii. Thus is the finest hotel between Spokane and the coast. Hotei full all the time and turning people away; d'ing a busi ness of $:iL0o ptlr in-nth. Here :s a chance to clear up $50,000 before the lease expires. For full parti'.'Uiarfi write A LTON REALTY CO., Pasco, Wash. MORRISON ST. LEASE FOR SALE. Two and half-year lease on store, with over lOOu square feet of floor space, on Morrison street,- in the heart of the busi ness section; lease is for sale and rent is reasonable. GRUSSI & ZADOW. "17 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. LODGING-HOUSE. $1750. 75 rooms In good substantial building near the center of the city. Long lease and low rent. This is positively the. cheapest thing ever offered for saie. You will never 'se another bar gain like this. Call todav. LINCOLN" TRUST COMPANY, 215 Lewia bldg., 4th and Oak pte. PRINTING BUSINESS Half Interest . In one of th best Job printing concerns In town; owner sick and must sell: stock and presses invoice J3S0G; - praetica-1 printer can clear from $60 to $S0 per week ; books open for inspection. Price $1250 if sold at once. The Standard Realty Co., 4 21 Mohawk bldg. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN If you are looking for a safe, sane and conservative investment, which w ill give you big re turns on your money, it will pay you to call on the Foreign Department. L'NIOX BANK & TRUST COMPANY. 235 Stark St. WANTED One or more gentlemen, with $"0i0 to $5000. to join a syndicate In pur chasing a largo tract of land In' Portland. West Side, on carline at $100 per acre; adjoining property sells $300 to $600 per aer:r. Immediate action necessary. Ad- dress P. Q. box 435. HOTEL for rent or sale. Will rent to good party for $125 per month. Renter must buy the furniture; 36 rooms in all. Town has 1000 people; price on furnished $2500. Have other business. Rate of hotel 1.50 and C2 per day. A good monev maker to right party. AM 833, Oregonian. fcPLGXDID grocery business, iUDurban loca tion; avoerage sales $15 per day; stock about $300", at Invoice; owner's death cause of sale. Particulars 286U Washington st., room HI 2. AN EXCELLENT clothing, dry goods and sho-3 business with lease, on one of the best corner locations in Portland,, can be bought on reasonable terms. Address P. O. Box 37fi. BAKERY SHOP WANTED. We have a party who is looking for a bakery chop. If you are desirous of sell ing, call on us at once. 215 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oa k .?t. RE A L EhTATE man wants young man ' as partner to show land; no experience neces sary; money required. $150 cash. Par ticulars, Real Estate Office, room 510 Merchants Trust bldg.. S2Uj .Wash, st. SELL YOUR iAriOON. w e have a party looking for a good sa loon. Oime up and talk with us about it. LINCOLN TRUST COMPANY. 215 Lewis hid?.. 4th and Oak sts. FOR SA LE A fine, equipped motion-picture theater, in Portland; good location, tme business of the best class; other business reason for selling. Particulars, Chittenden, Otto & Nclll. J10 Oak. FOR SALE, $SO0, machine shops, best Wil lamette Valley location; will give terms or take part real estate; most complete small plant on Coast; never advertised for sale ue""f. i' oregonian. GROCERY STORE. West SioV- all cash trade; corner, downtown; fine for confec tionery and bakery goods; 2 living rooms; rent S2o. See owner. Third and Market, or Hall & Powell. 31 Lumbermen's bldg. W" AN TED To buy interest In some business where services can be used, either manufac turing, real estate, or other lines. s S45 Oreuonian. Before BUYING or SELLING any MINING. OIL, WIRELESS or INDUSTRIAL stock, get our pces. Davidson & Co., Lewis bldg. Phone Marshall 77S. DO YOU warn supplies or rent film, T We are independent, do not belong to tha trust. Pacific Film Co., 303 Rothchild bid?.. Portland.. Or. 6, TO AND 15-cent store, good location, clean stock bought as cheap as cash can buy at a bargain. Bloch Realty Co., 221 Lumbermen s bldg. CASH STORE Partner w anted to wait on customers and make himself useful: pays 25 a week: $25o required. Call 417 Hoard of Trade. A GOOD, paying boarding-house for rent; out of city; man and wife preferred. Ad dross 342 V Washington st., cor. 7th, up stairs. PARTNER wanted to help in store; pay $0 week ; experience not necessary and requires very little money. Call 248 U. Stark st. ONE storeroom, 20x80, in new block, suit able for confectionery, ice cream and fruit. Apply at drugstore. Front and Gibbs st. GROCERY in the best Eiun Side residence district; established business, clean stock. Will at Invoice. By owner, AL H4li Oregonian. 60x50 OR 33x70 feet floor space. 16th and Alder, for tlnshop, plumbing shop, paint snop, auto repair, etc Inquire 80S. Ore gonlan blag, between 12 and 1 o'clock. GROCERY STORE No competition, doing" over $50 a day, stock at invoice; terms on part; a snap. Bloch Realty Co., Lum berm ens bldg. BARBER SHOP SNAP. 150. 2 chairs, good business and loca tion : other business: must sell quick. 220 Lumber Exchange bld;r. PARTNER in a legitimate business in which money can be made; $1000 cash required; thorough Investigation desired. V &4t Oregon ;an. ' HARDWARE and furniture business; good business, cheap rent, with lease, thriving town, near Portland; large pavroil- $10 000 uiwiur.. j ?4a, oregonian FOR KENT HOTEL The Raymond House. Lewlston, Idaho; best location in town; 67 rooms; brick annex. Apply S10 Board of Trace. POSITIVELY the very hest opening in the city for energetic young man to secure i Interest in established real estate business C;CI 417 Board of Trade. READY MONEY That's California OH Write for our monthly paper: It gives full particulars; it's free. SAGAR-LOOMIS CO.. 71Q-711 Phclan bldg.. San Francisco. GROCERY STORE, rent $7; 2 years' lease one of th-3 BEST small stores in Port land ; $3m. Hall & Powell, 3J1 Lumber men's bldg. WANTED Young man with $250 as part ner in good paying business; duties easily learned; present owner is alone and tired J? f hired help. Room G1S. wetland bldg. CIGAR, confectionery and light grocery" living-rooms; West Side, $fion. Bloch Realty Co.. 221 Lumbcrmens bldg. MEAT MARKET, doing a fine business; owner has other business. J 847, Ore gonian. Km S A LE Machine shop, all kinds nf tools 1 or repairing; gooa - DUSincss; $750. Call at 2t;s Ash st. l BUTCHER shop In good location and good stand ; a snap if sold quick. 3o5 Abington. Main 441. REAL ESTATE partner wanted; good legi timate proposition. Hall &. Powell, SJ1 MANUFACTURING business; owner wants parmer ne can aepena on; salary SluO month. Call 417 Board of Trade. EXCEPTIONAL opening for Tiv res l fi man ; fine ground-fioor office. Particulars 2-r.i.... "Washington St.. room 612. RESTAURANT, 5 years lease, downtown -5 0t). Hall & Powell, 321 Lumbermen's MOTION-PICTURE SHOW. : ' Only one in town of :i500. Pacific Film Co.. 30:t Rothchild bldg. MEAT MARKET, pood business, cash trade, all con-plete. $20. Alerta station. Take DENTIST S OFFICE, good location and fine equipment; cheap fo cash. B S46, Ore- FIRST CLASS tal'or shoo on one f i,a main business streets: a bargain. Adams .V: Apperson. "5 1 Washington st. CASH GROCERY Central. long lease price SS5. Call 24S-: Stark st. ROOM rVQ-HOC SEfi. 0 ROOMS nicely furnished : modern, rent $20; rooms all rented, clear all expenses ami iea ea a. nne nome ; in 18 is a snap ; f275; terms or trade. Inquire ,gS luth. FOR SALE Furniture of 2-'t-room lodcrlns-- house; party wishes to sell before Anril Inquire 307 10th st. North. 2 to 30 rooms. No agents need apply. s 15 ROOMS Fire furniture; cl'e in; every wav Ktm. -0 -oil nCRl. II- . f . T"-m H!2. ROOMlNG-HOi.'E. 17 rooms, hv owner; bargain. If ase and terms- 37 Taylor st! 2v ROOMS-, housekeeping, good furniture Price $5'K. 417 Board of Trade. ROO MEN G-HO USES- ROOM I X1 HOUSES. $4 500 50 rooms, transient, rent $250, lease; steam heat; central; tine furniture; $2500 will handle. - See us for bargains in rooming houses We have them from 8 to low rooms and from $250 up; also have some to trade for real -estate. COMET REALTY CO., CU2 Swetland BldgJ BARGAIN. Rooming-house of Z'A rooms, well lo cated, always well filled, can be made at small expense to clear over $20A per month; price and terms are right. GOODNOUGH & SEITZ, 71H Board of Trade. 15 ROOMS. $750. Near 12th and Washington sts., in housekeeping, furnished complete and filled with good-paying roomers; receipts ?15(i, rent only $00. with lease. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO, rJ2rtU Washington Sr.. Rooms 201-20: SNAP 'Best transient house in the city, ail rooms furniture vprv fine. brick bldsT long lease and clearing- above $3oO every month, price $275; $100 cash. Call 417 Board of Trade bldg. MI'ST sacrifice today; elegant furniture oC 1 l-room Mouse ; house nice ana clean ana rooms always full. Price $450; terms. Call 417 Foard of Trade bidg. FOR SALE Neatly-furnished rooming house 01 rooms, good transient Dusiness. Dnctc building; half cash. Inquire 212 M: 4th st. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. $20,000. THE DALLES. OREGON. NOTICE OF SCHOOL BOND SALE. Sealed bids will be received until 7:30 P. M. of May 17, J910, for the purchase of 2 semi-annual 5 per cent coupon gold bands of School District No. 12 said district Including the city of The Dalles) of Wasco County, Oregon. Each bond of the denomination of $lo00, and dated May 17, 1110. Principal and interest payable at The Dalles, or New YorkCity at the option of holder. Princi pal payable after 10 years and due and payable absolutely at 20 years after date. Bonds issued under subdivision of sec tion 33S0 of Bellinger and Cotton's Anno tated Codes and Statutes of Oregon. All bids for one or more bondsto be accom panied by a certified check for 2 per cent of par value of amount of bid and only bids for par or premium considered. F. S- GUNNING, County Treasurer. The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon Addenda: School Clerk's census, District No. 12, 127. Public school enrollment, 50. Assessed valuatKon of taxable propertj-, $3. 124. 260. Total school bonds outstanding, $14,000. Other indebtedness of school district. none. SALE OF IRON WORKS EQUIPMENT. Bids will be received April 20, 1910, for . the entire plant of the Albion Iron Works Co., Ltd., Vancouver, B. C, in voluntary liquidation, consisting of complete ma chine shop, boiler shop, pattern shop and foundry tools and equipment. Together with drawings and patterns, with the usual stock, of Iron and brass fittings, etc., etc. All bids must be accompanied by a cer tified check drawn on a chartered bank covering 10 per cent of the tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Lists on application. Address all tenders to the manager, ALBION IRON WORKS CO., Ltd., Vancouver. B. C Marked "Tender for Kq u ip ment." NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Bids will be received at the office of the Crane Creek Irrigation. Land & Power Company.- until a o'clock P. April 16. 1010, tor the construction of the company's dam, ca nals, flumes and laterals. For form of proposal and full information apply to 1 he manager of the company at Weiser, Idaho. SEALED BIDS will be received at office of R. H. Thomas, School Clerk, City Hall. Portland, Or., until 5 P. M., April 14, 1910, for Jefferson High School labora tory equipment. Specifications and list of materials may be seen at above men tioned of lice. Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. R. H. Thomas. Miscellaneous. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice is hereby given to the stockholder of the Bunker Hill and bumvan Alining and Concentrating Company (.an Oregon corpora tion having its principal office at the City or Portland. Oregon), that a special meeting of the. stockholders of said company will be held at itf principal onice. Rooms No. ooi- 5t4 Chamber of Commerce Building, In the City of Portland, Oregon, on Thursday, the Fourteenth day of April, 1910, at the hour of eleven o'clock In the forenoon, for the follow Ing purposes : To consider and take action on increasing the capital stock of this company and the disposal of such increase and to transact such other business as may come before said meeting. Said meeting is called and this notice Is given as required by the Board of Directors of eajd company at a meeting tnereoi amy called and held on the twenty-first day of Mar oh 1910, and in due accordance with Section 9, of Article IX, of the By-laws of said company. Dated at Portland, Oregon, this twenty- first day of Alar en, jwio. GEORGE K. HOLM AN. Secretary of the Bunker Hill and Sullivan Mining and Concentrating company. SEALED BIDS will be received at the of lice of the School Clerk. City Hall, up to 12 o'clock, noon, on Friday, April 8, 1W10, for building additions, etc., to the Penin sula School building. Plans and specifica tions for same can be seen at the archi tect's office. City Hall. A certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of bid must accompany each proposal. Separate bids will be received aa follows, via: First, plumbing and drainage: second, glass and glazing; trihd, balance of all the work mentioned In the specifications and shown on plans is to be done under one contract. The Board of Directors reserves the right tt reject any and all bids. T. J. JONES. Architect. QUARTERMASTER'S office, Seattle, Wash., Aoril 1. J 010. Sealed proposals, in tripli cate, indorsed to cover "Proposals for Transportation," and addressed to the un derslgned. will be received here until Jl A. M-. Pacific time. May 2, 1010, and then opened. for trans-Pacific transportation from Portland. Oregon, and Puget Sound ports, for passengers, animals, freight XTnlted States troops, etc., as specified on schedule which win be furnished on ap plication. A guaranty of $2000 must ac- company proposal. The Government re serves the right to accept or reject any or ail bias or parts tnereor. For further in formation address col. W. H. Miller, Quar termaster, l. . a. A-. &eattie, w asn. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will be received by the Fur nish Ditch Co., at Stanfield, Oregon, up un til Tuesday noon, ' April 12. 1910. for the building of the storage reservoir on the Uma tilla River, Including about 140.000 cubic yards earth excavatlon.- ri.oiR cubic yards solid rock excavation, and 1.1:00 cudic yarns concrete worn. Map, pla.ns and specifications may be seen at the on ice 01 tne r-urnisn JJiten to., at Pendleton. Oregon, or at the office of the Furnish Ditch Company, Beck bldg.. Port-, Oregon. NOTICE is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Oie son &. California Railroad Co. will be held at the office of the company in the wells ivargo oiag., rornana, or., Tues day, April 12. 1910. at th hour of 11 o'clock A. M.., for the election of a board of directors and the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. . v . Cotton. Sec. ALASKA OIL -& GUANO CO. Tha annual meeting of stockholders nf th above company will be held at the offices of the company, concora Diag., on w ednes- day, the 20tn day or April. 1910, at 32 noon. B. H . NI COLL. Secretary. FINANCIAL. THE CHANCE OF A LIFETIME. Now is your-tlme to get into an oil com pany in Eastern Oregon, on ground floor prices, wnicn we are organising ana win be pieasea to give an tne mtormation ae sirtxi uy man or person, w ?ia. oregonian. Money to Loin -Real Estate. FIRST and second mortgages and contracts ourchasea on uregon ana Washington lands. El. I Devereaux. Fenton bids, bd 6th st. 1 BUY for cash either first or Jecond mort gages or sellers' equity in contracts of sale on real estate in Oregon or Washing ton. H- H- ooie, Lumoermeni Diag 200, UUU TO LOAN, large loans a specialty; building loans, lowest rates. W. a. Beck, 12 Failing oiag. money; and up. blcg. TO LOAN Real estate, from $5o smitn-wagoner to.. aii-aix iei PRIVATE money loaned on real estate morr gages. H. Miiey, room 204 Uerlinger bldg. i, on wheat lan a a L. JbL. JiLowr, mi Board of Trade, Portland. Or. WE BUY bank accounts, securities, loreiga money; loans, j? . tL. iwis, 9 lwii bldg LOANS ON INSIDE CITY PROFEKTK, TO 7 PER CENT. 814 LEWIS BLDG. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CH..M LOUIS SALOMON, 233 STARK ST. $1000 TO $2000 to loan without commissi W S. Moore. Corbett bldfc. LoA.N S on rtaL personal, chattel or collat eral security. C. W. Pallett, Fenton. WILL loan $5ooO or less, real estate security. MOKTOAGH loans at reasonable RA1 ta. jr. 1- l-HjW ia. B Ltwia BLDG. riNASCIAL Money to Loan -Real Estate. to loa for building purports, interest does not commence until actual disburse men t of lands. Liberal repayment options. Co lumbia Life & Trust Co.. 214 Lumbar El- -hange bldg. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes; S to b years time; iioermi repayment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Savings & Loan Association. 40 Stark st $5U0.oO0 ON improved city or farm property; Duuaing or sman loans at lowest 1 iargo loans a specialty. J. M. UcKimtie Co . 514-15-16 Gerllnger bldg. PLENTY of money to loan at and T pr cnt on real estate security. EDW. P. MALL COM PANT, 309-31O Abington Bids. MORTGAGE loans on Portland reai estate and Oregon farms for borrower or lend er. Gibson & Holllday. 304 and 5 Oer- Iinger bldg. mo.N E Y loaned, building purposes. If 00 n- bldg. . IMMEDIATE loans from $5 to $50O, oa all securities. W. A. Hathaway, room 10. Washington oldg. phone Main 02. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A. t. irroii aic a.m. iu.. ad and Stark. AloNE Y loaned va real ttate mortgage wr contracts, w. tu r uuii. -40 nrwjc aiag. MONEY to loan; mortgages bought. Wm. Boll, 9 W asnington Diag., un ana v asn. &l.ate funds loaned, 6 per cent. W. E. Thom as state agent, jiuitnoman 10.. w v ilu.NKY to loan, any amount, e to s per cent. Goodnougn & ioitz. as .ttoara or iraaa. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. &rA.J! Att.Il XOU IV1 . U r uv.-u.& 1 If you would know how easy our terms are you would not be short of money. Don't bo bothered with a lot of small debts; let us furnish, the money to settle them. WB LOAN ON Real Estate. Furniture and Pianos (with out removal). Storage Receipts. Life In surance Policies. Horses, Jewelry. Dia monds, and all kinds of securities, on easy weekly or monthly paym-ent. We Buy First and Second Mortgages. All Business Strictly ConndentiaL U. S. REAL ESTATE & BROKERAGE CO. 11 Hamilton Bldg., 131 Sd. Main a 08 4. $$!$$$$$$$ $ $ $ $ I $$$$$$$ MONEY FOR EVERYBODY. SPECIAL RATEtS FOR SPRING. SEE US TODAY. CHATTELS OR SALARY. Lowest rates and quickest survice in the city. ABSOLUTELY NO PUBLICITY. HUTTON CREDIT CO.. 512 Dekum Bldg.. Main 23ou. $$$$$$$$$ $ $ STATE SECURITY" CO. B-R-0-K.-E-lt-S. $ $ SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. 41U TO $10U . LOWEST RATES IN PORTLAND. $lo. repaid in installments of. . ...$ -45 2o, repaid in installments of. .. .$ -Oo 50. re-paid in installments of 2.O0 Larger amounts in proportion. We do not advertise misleading terms or rates, but give you our charges in plain figures. Business strictly confidential. S X ATE S KCL R1T Y C O . . $ $ $ $ aos Failing Bldg. $ $ $ $ WB loan money on watches, d iamonds, seal skins, mink, overcoats, trunks, arts suit cae and musical instruments. UNCLE MYERS, 71 ixtn st. Between Oa iid Pine sts. Main falO. CHATTEL LOANS. Installment 1 jan on pianos, furniture warenouk receipts, horses. Insurance poli cies and all kinds of securities; REAL Jui 1ATE LOANS from $3UOV up. NEW ERA LOAN Ac MTA. CO, 410 Abington Bldg. MONEY advanced salaried people, house keepers and others upon their own names Wltnout security; cntapest rates, easiest payments; offices in 00 principal cities; save yourself money by getting my terms first. TOLMAN. 317 Lumper Exchange. MONEY loaned anyone steadily employed on their plain note; return it in easy pay ments; strictly confidential; lowest rates. ee us ana save money. xienry mag. WE loan money on diamonds and Jeweiry ai reasonable Interest lor long or short time. M. Delovage, Jeweler, 0t Wash- mcton st. PRIVATE loans on diamonds and Jewelry; strictly confidential: lowest rates. Room 12. Hamilton bldg. LOANS negotiated on a good security. GRAY-CUNNINGHAM-GRAY, - 7,2-73 Electric Bldg. feALARY loans, confidential, easy to get, easy to pay. F. A. Newton. 515 Henry bldg. LOW rates ; we loan money on diamonds and jewelry. Marx at- jiocn. i au st. A LOAN for tne asking, salary or cnaiioL The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. MONEY to loan on diamonds, watcbea and jewelry. Bcrnhardt's Loan Office, 9J 6th. Loans Wanted. WE can place your money on first mort gages at 8 per cent; no commission. JNO. P. SHARKEY CO.. 6th and Washington Sts. w a KTFI) to borrow $OOo II years, on partlv improved property, St. Johns, worth $20,000; responsible borrower. E SS. Ore- gonmn. REAL ESTATE loans vanted; $1500. 7 per cent, a years; & per cent, years. Phone Olson. Mam tiOotf $15ow per cent; no agents; first mortgage; residence value $3000. Phone Woodlawn 1516. 4 T.OAN of 5000 on good East Side prop- erty. liberal bonus. AD S4Q. Oregonian. $3500 ON well improved city real estate, value $.KH0. 416 Commercial Club bldg. LOST AND FOUNT. vni;n Where you can buy genuine hair mattresses retail at wholesale prices; we renovate mattresses ana return same aay. " Portland Curled Hair Factory, H. Metsger, 228 Front. Phone Main 474. A 1374. LOST March 25, brown fur muff, on Slavin Rd, between cxroett sr. ana irogress. Finder please return to Oregonian office. Reward. . FOUND Where watches, diamonds and Jew elry are soia ior amount ioanea ana one month's Interest. Uncle Myers Collateral Bank. 71 6th at, near uak st. LOST Waltham open face watch with fob attached; initials L. H. P. on fob; return to Qregonian orrice; reward. 1XVST Wednesday, pair of eyeglasses In black LOST A gold cross and chain. Reward. G. E. Houston, care-Meter & Frank. PERSONAL. DRESS suits for rent, all sizes, $1.50 montn keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, but tons sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co- bOU Stark st. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Hellslngfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and atom disorders, under physician's directions batha. No. 7 East Eleventh street, second door SOUtn zru aumm; Mfiiu, Phone East zoo, js iwa. DR. D. L. LEWIS. Disease of women and children; electrlo treatment for nervous dlseaa es- private hos pital accommodation. Rooms o0o-O6 Com monwealth bldg.. 6th and Ankeny. Phones Main -o- i . a ti- LADIES ask your druggist for Chichester Diamond Brand Pills. For 25 years known ss the best, safest. Reliable. Take no other. Chicbesters Diamond Brand Pills are -OlO ny arutn-w --rwnr yOL'NG professional man from the East de sires the acquaintance of refined, con genial young lady; object, matrimony. Ad dress Chas. E- Harrison, general delivery, it cents to $5o. W ill mail you one on receipt of 10 cents and 4-cent stamp. J. L. THUTCH1NGS. Box 42. Olean. N. Y. DR. G. V. KETCHUM. ni-SLses of women and chronic m lasi i orly. 170 3d st. Hours A. M. to tt P. M. Mine. Court wright. ikm and scalp treat menu, n-w isii, vias- tic surgery. Sll Fllcdner bldg. M 6042. DR. ISABELLA, MACKIE. Private Hospital for Women. a00 E. 50th st. Tabor by 9. DR. LORENS NERVE TONIC TABLET 20C DUX. "-" Otip. Ty. lor Drug Co.. 289 Morrison . FINNISH masseurs, Mr. and Mrs JurvaT BALM OF FIGS Remedies for disease women. 629 Belmont at. East 2498. OCCULT. New Thought; liberal, scientific pooK. joner cook store, QaK st. FINE infant boy for adoption; good parentage nt HtLT.- Vfutn ,' ft ts-. MOLES, wrinkle, superfluous hair removed Mr. M. D. JtiiU, 4d i'lieduer bide M. PERSONAL. A. REINER, the furrier, is now permanently located at 129 Eleventh St.. near asning ton. Telephones Main 8610 and A Larger quarters. finest facilities for cold storage of fur. Now is the time to attend to your furs. Have them remodeled Into the latest style and made to look like new. Repairing and redyeing carefully done. Seal-skin garments a specialty. Moderat charges. Will call at residence and give estimate, storage free when repair art ordered. Fine furs in stock and made to order at short notice. Can save you money on all fur work. Satisfaction assured. Highest price paid for raw furs: pricellst on reouest. ADOLF REINER, Expert Furrier. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children, aur .ry; chronic and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods, up-to-date electrical appliances, private hospital accommodations ; confinement cared for; consultation free. Room IO. Grand T- ater biqg. Main S92-3. A &0O7. CLEARANCE SALE hair good, barrettea and combs; special price on, all work: latest styies in nair dressing; sen ooi ox lialrdresslng. manicuring and hospital In connection with parlors. Asa H. PUbblck. Grand Leader, 5th and Alder. FEB VET & HASEBUT, Leading wig and toupee makers, finest stock of human hair goods, switches from $1.50 up. Up-to-date parlor for hairdreasing. manicuring, face and scalp treatment. 147 7th et., between Morrison and Alder. DR. WALKER, wwciallst, quickly cures blood and skin disease, sore. ulcra, swollen glands, kidney, bladder and plies, 181 1st St.. Portland. IHEKAPEL'TIC treatment given by grad uate nurse. Room 10, The St, timo, -aiofe Washington st. Telephone Main 4155. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountant. E. H. COLLIS & CO.. ACCOUNTANTS, . Commercial, County and Municipal. Auditing. Investigating and Systematizing. S-4 Worcester Block. Phone Main 6507. Amayer and Analyst. PORTLAND ANALYTICAL LABORATORY, Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak, m. ouau. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. lbQ Morrison St. Wlls Proebstel. mining engineers, chem- tsts ana assay ers. U4 w asnington iu Architect. D. B. FLIC KIN GBR, designer of Ideal home. sn Mohawk bldg. Phone A iao, ia--. Main 19Q2. Attorney at Law. H. H. R1DDELL. attorney-at-law, 735. Cham- per or commerce. Main 4 10. a aojx. Bicycles and Motorcycle. WE buy, sell, exchange or repair. Hummer jtsicycie x., livs luth st. an 1 ooa. Brass and Machine Works. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Bras castings and machine work. 106 N. otn. Mamiu. Carpet Cleaning. ROSE CITY Vacuum Cleaning Co. cleans your carpets on the lioor.. pnones ain owu, a 2.:i5, East 50O3. Chiropody-. WM. ESTELLE and Flossie Deveney, -the only scientific cniropodists in the city. Farlors 302 Gerlinger bldg.. S. . W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Mala 1301. DR. MARSTON. chiropractor, treat diseases by drug tea method. 2H w asnington, room 5u5 Buchanan, bldg- Examination fre. Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mr. M. D. Hill, room 429 Flledner bldg. Phone Main 8473. CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp. Mr. Dt nton, 54Q Washington. Marshall 132'J. Collections and Law. OF ALL KINDS: out of town a specialty. Watson Merc. Service. 604-605 Lewis bldg. Commission Merchants. TAYLOR, YOUNG sr CO.. ship brokers, oom- mission merchants. Sherlock bldg. SUN SOON HUIE. CHINESE GOODS. MAT- mT1NG. tflLj AND LLltmP. v v 1 n. j j. Dog and Horse Hospital. DR. 'BROWN, D. V. S., D. C. M. Office S24 Flanders st. Main 4080. A 4Q8tf. Dancing. r ou rt ua."swu covins, Prof. Wal Wilson's Dancing School, 25c per lesson, including teachers, music eacn lesson every uiuniius. . eve.; guarantee to teach anyone to dance 1 , Clllnir-Ui r,nh 1-1 all 380 Washington. near 10th st. Phones. Electric Motor. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors for rent or sale. u a st. Feed Store. ZIGLEK & MISNER. hay, grain, feed, ce ment. shingles. 24 Grand ave. E 482. FURS artistically remodeled, repaired and stored at reasonable rates. N. M. Ungar. 4ntt Merchants Trust bldg. Marshall 753. Janitor Supplies. THE WESTERN Sales Co., 44 2d st. Janitor and building supplies. rnone main ooo. Launches. 16-FT. 3-H. P.. $150; 18-FT.. 3-H. P.. $200. Relerson Mach. Co.. 182 Morrison st. leather and Findings. CHAS. I. MA STICK & CO.. 74 Front, leather of every description, taps, mirs. nnaings. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. tabllshed lb58. 189 Front st. Machinery. B. TRENKMAN & CO. Hydraulic and spe cial pipes, screens, logging, .mining ma- chmery. Ai: Kings or repairs, iv i. tii BAND and orchestra instruments, musical sundries, Victor talking machines, records. Seiber ling-Lucas Music Co., 134 2d St. EMIL THETLHORN. violin teacher, pupil of Sevclk. 90O-ui Marquam Diag. a -iou. M. C. SMITH, teacher of piano. 452 Salmon st. Main i34U. conservatory course. Osteopathic Physicians DR. R. B. NORTH RUP. 415-16-17 Dekum bldg.. . Third and Washington sts. Phong, office. Main 319; res. East or B 102S. LeRoy Smith, graduate Ktrksville, Mo., 169S, post grad. 1907. 318 Swetland bldg. M 1987, Paints, Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN & CO., jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patent Attorneys. R. C WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat- ents. infringement cases. 004 uenum. Paving. thr Barber Asphalt Paving Company. 05- . s Electric bldg Oscar Huber, Portland Pawnbrokers. UNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank. 40 years In Portland. t otn st. Main wio. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near win in. ana i org sts. . 34 &9. Printer. CHAUSSE-PRL'DHOMME CO., Book. Catalog and commercial, j.- fa ia su main oiu. WHITE & CO.. commercial printers; work guaranteed. - m:: tat st. . ojuu. a 2315, Rug Weavers. NORTH WEST RUG WORKS Rugs from old carpets, colonial rag rugs, silk por tleres. 153 Union ave., near E. Morrison. Rubber Stamp. ALSO seals, stencils, office stationery, etc Cunningham s, -jai htarn. ain 1407 THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 2d t. Safes at factory prices. seconq-nana safei. SHowcaae. Bank and Store Fixture. THE LUTKE MFG. CO., branch Grand Rapid Showcase Co.. 6th and Hoyt. R. Lutke, Mgr. EAST PORTLAND STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURE CO. snowcases ana wan case. etc raiiq c o. rnuiiH nasi ooo. Storage and Transfer. C O. PICK, Transfer Storage Co., office and commodious four-tory brick ware house1, separate Iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor 2d and pine sts. pianos and furniture moved and packed tor snipping. Main 596, A 1996. OLSEN-ROE TRANSFER CO.. General transferring and storage: safes. pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. 209 Oak st., bet Front and 1 st. leiepnone jiam 047 or A 2247. OREGON TRANSFER CO., established 1870. Transfer ana rorwaramg Agents Storage Office SlO Hoyt st., between 5th and 6th. fnongg ain tw. a. lloU. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co., Main 101s. A A. 11 covered wagons, an experienced men. STOVES connected 1170. 614 Front. repaired. Main Street Paving. WARREN Construction Co. Street paving, amraiag aim chjpb v a.1 ,. oi CC1C Dldg, Therapeutic Physicians. XJtt. r 'jsi Lit, master mechanic or the human umciniic ; Linrgiicuc, v i DrHiion, massage, electrical and others combined. 418 Fliedner. Wall paper. KRNB6T MILLER CO.. 172 1st st.. whole sale, ana. xetau. Sample mauea Ife BU SIN ESS DI RECTO R Y, Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to $60, fully guaranteed; easy payments ; rentals. per month, pacific stationery Printing Co.. 203 2d st. WE ARE the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex change, 2s7 Washington st. NEW. re bull ts, second-hand, rentals at cut rates. p. d. C. Co.. 231 Stark. M 1407. '.RAJS' IT CENTRAL STATION. Southern Pacific. Lea vine: Portland Ashland Passenger ........... Roseburg Passenger Shasta Limited Silverton Passenger California Express San Francisco Express......... West Side Corvallis Passenger 8:30 a. m. 4:15 p. m. 6:00 p. UU :20 p. m. 7:45 p. in. 1:3U a. m. 7:20 a. m, 4 :00 p. m. 8:50 a. m. 1 :00 p. m. 6:40 p. m. 7:"0 a. m. lO;00 p. m. 5 ::W p. m. 11 :00 a. in. 2:30 p. m. 9: Go a. m. 6:20 p. m. 10:;iO a. m. 8 :00 a. m. 11 :50 a. m. 4:40 p. m. oupriuM passenger ..v........ Forast Grove Passenger Forest Grove passenger Forest Grove passenger........ Arriving Portland Oregon Express Ashland Passenger ............ noseourg i'asseuger ........... Portland Express .., Shasta Limited Silverton Limited West Side Corvallts Passenger Sheridan Passenger -orest urove passenger Forest Grove Passenger.. Forest Grove passenger Northern Pacific. Leavlnsr Portland North Coast Limited via Pugetl Sound 10:00 a. North Coast Limited via North! Bank 7:00 n. m. m. m. Atlantic Express via Puget Sound :12 : 15 a. Atlantic Express via North Bank. 0:00 a. j. win city xpress via Pugetl Sound ; 1 3:3d n. i Twin City Express via North! Bank I 7 :00 t. m. m. m. m. m. Eastern Express via Puget Sound 12:15 a. Eastern Express via North Bank.! 9:00a. Missouri River Express. via Pugetf tsouna 110:00 a. Missiuri River Express via North) Bank ) 7:00 p. roniana. -j acoma ana Seattle Express, Grays Harbor. Olymplai and South Bend branches 1 7:00 a. 1 Portland-Vancouver Special ,10:00 a. 1 ruyei bound Limited, orays Har bor and South Bend branches..! 3:30 o. 1 Yaoolt Paesenger I 4:00 p. J Arrivina: Portland I North Coast Limited via North! Bank 8:15 d. 1 North Coast Limited via Pugetf bound , 7:30 a. 1 Northern Pacific Express vlai North Bank R-OO a. : Northern Pacific Express viaf Puget Sound ) 8:36 p. Pacific Coast Express via North! Bank 8:15 p. Pacific Coast Express via Pugetf Sound 1 7:3 a. m. m. m. nu m. Western Express via North Bank; 8:15 p Western Express via Puget Sound, 10:30 p. aiissouri Kiver xprea via isortn Bank 8:0O a. 1 Missouri River Express via Puget Sound 4:00 D. 1 Portland-Tacoma-Seattle Express! and from Olympia, South Bend; and Gray Harbor 4:00 p. ! Puget Sound Limited I S:35n Vancouver-Portland Special 10:30 p. : 1 w.-m rassenger 1 a:oo a. : Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. Leaving Portland Pendleton Passeneer 40 a. m. :00 a. iru 00 p. m. :O0 p. m. :00 p. m. :00 p. m. 50 a. m. 15 a.m. :3C a. m. : OO a. m. :30 p. m, :00 p. m. Oregon-Wash in g ton Limited . 1 ne Danes Local Soo-Spokane-Portland Fast Mail (Coach Portland The Dalles) Oregon Express Arriving Portland Fast Mail (no passenger).... The Dalles Local...... Oregon Express ............. Soo-Spokane-Portland Pendiotfcin Local Passenger. ... Oregon-Washington Limited . Astoria A Columbia River. Leaving Portland J ccaoiuo xprss ................. Astoria Express ................ Rainier passenger .............. Rainier Passenger Arriving Portland Portland Express Portland Express .4 Rainier and Portland Passenger. . Rainier apd Portland Passenger. . p. m. p. in. p. m, p. m. p. m. a. m. p. m. Canadian Pacific Railway Co. Leaving Portland C. P. R. Short Line via Spokane 7:00 p.m. Via Seattle 12:15 a. m. Arriving Portland C. P. R. Short Line via Spokane Via Seattle fl:00 a. m. 7: 00 a. m. Oregon & Washington Railroad Leaving Portland Seattle Passenger Shasta Limited Owl Arriving Portland Owl ; Shasta Limited Portland Passenger Company. 9:00 a. m, 3:o0 p. m. 11 :45 p. m 7:15 a. m. 6:20 p. m .5 :00 p. m. JEFFERSON" STREKT STATION. Southern Pacific Leaving Portland Dallas Passenger ..... Dallas Passenger ...... Arriving Portland . . Dallas Passenger Dallas Passenger . 7:40a. rru :u p. m. 10:15 a. nu 5: 65 p. m. ELEVENTH AND HOYT STREET PAS SENGER STATION. Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway Co. Leaving Portland Inland Empire Express 9:00 a.m. For Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis. Billings, Spokane, Cheney, Lamont, Washtucna. Kah lotus, Pasco, Roosevelt. Oranddalles. ' Goldendale, Lyle. White Salmon, Stevenson, Vancouver and Intermediate stations. Columbia River Iocal ...4:30 p. m. North Bank Limited 7:00 p.m. For Chicago. St. PauL Omaha. Kansas City. St. Louis. Billings. Spokane. Cheney, Lamont. Washtucna, Kahlotu?. Pasco, Roosevelt. Oranddalles, Lyle. White Sal mon. Stevenson. Vancouver and intermedi ate stations. Arriving Portland North Bank Limited '8:00" a. m. From Chicago, St. Paul. Omaha.. Kansas City. SL Louis. Billings. Spokane, Cheney. Lamont. Washtucna. Kahlotus. Pasco, Roosevelt. Oranddalles. Lyle. White Sal mon. Stevenson, Vancouver and intermedi ate stations. Columbia River Local .32:25 p. m: Inland Empire Express 8:15 p.m. From Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City. St. Louis. Billings. Spokane, Cheney, Lamont, Washtucna, Kahlotus, Pasco. Roosevelt, Oranddalles, Lyle. White Sal mon, Stevenson, Vancouver and intermedi al est at ionsJ: Time Card Oregon Ele-trio Railway Co. Leaving Portland for Salem and Int. slations 6:30, 7:50. 11:00 A. M. ; 2:00. 3: SO. 6:30, 8:40 P. M. Limited for Tualatin and Salem 9:15 A. M. Local for Wiisonvill and Int. stations 6:10 P. M. Daily except Sunday for point on the Salem, -Falls Cltv & Western Ry. via Salem. 6:30 A. M., 2;00 P. M. Sunday only, 11:00 A. M. Leaving Portland for Forest Grove and Int. stations 7:05, R:3f, 10:20 A. M.; 32:10, 2:10. 3:30. 0:30, 8:25 P. M. Saturday only, 11:30 P. M. Arriving at Portland from Salem and'Tnt. (dations 8:40. 11:00 A. M.; 1:15, 4:00. 8:00-. 8:20. 10 :50 P. M. Local from Wllsonvllle and Int. stations. :40 A. M. Daily except Sunday. 7:35 A. M. Arriving Portland from Forest Grove and Int. stations 8:O0, 9:50. 11:40 A. M.; 1 :30, 2:50. 5:20, 8:10 P. M. Saturday only, 11:00 P. M. Sunday only, 4:40 P. M. Portland Kail way. IJght A Power Company. Cars Leave. Ticket Office and Waiting-room, First and Alder and East Water and East Morrison Streets. CARS LEAVE EAST WATER AND MORRISON STREETS. Oregon City 4:O0. 6:30 A. M. and every 30 minutes to and including 9 P. M., -then 10:00. 11:00 P. M. : last car midnight. Greiham and intermediate points 7:45, 8:45. 0:45. 10:46 A. M-. 12:46. 2:45, 3:45. 4:45. 5:45. 6:45. 11:35 P. M. Fairvlew and Troutdale 6:65, 7:45, :45. 0:45. 10:46 A. M., 12:45. 2:45, 3:45, 4:45, 5:45. 6 45. P. M. Caxadero and Intermediate points 6:55, 8:45. 10:45 A. M-. 12:46. 2:45. 4:45, 6:45 P. M. For Vancouver Ticket office and wafting-room. Second and Washington streets. A. M. 6:15. 6:50. 7:23, 8:00, 8:35, 9:10, :50, 10:30. 11:10. 11:50. P. M. 12:30. 1:10. 1:50. 2:80, S:io, 8:30, 4:30. 6:10. 5:60. 6:30. 7:05. 7:40, 8:15, 9:25. 10:35. 11:45. On third Monday In every month, the last car leaves at 7:05 P. M. Daily except Sunday. Daily except Monday. BAKS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Portland, Oregon, CAPITAL A-ND SURPLUS $1,500,000. GERMAN AMERICAN BANK COR. SIXTH AND WASHINGTON S1J TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANK IN ( BUSINESS, ISSUES DRAFTS AVAIL ABLE IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES OP THK UNITED STATES AND EUROPE 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON RAV INGS ACCOUNTS; SAFETY DEPOSITS VrAULTd. J