IS THE MORXIX'G OREGOXIAX, FRIDAT, APRIL 1. 1910. LINGERIE TO GOME HIGH SPOKANE LAUNDRIES BOOST PRICES 'OF WOMAN'S WEAR. Combine Agreement Includes Prac tically All Garments Worn by Inland City's Femininity. SPOKANE. Wash., March SI. (Special.) wFluffy ruffles, delicate lingerie and the pretty undermuslins, woolens and cam brics that women love to have fresh and dainty are to pay a tithe to high, prices In Spokane. Under an agreement maintaned between all of the big laundries of Spokane, the prices on a large number of articles have been raised recently. This includes practically- all garments of women. For very fancy garments the price has been raised from 15 to 20 cent per gar ment, while on ordinary garments for women the cost has been Increased from 6 to 10 cents apiece. Sheets, towels and pillowcases are also affected by the in crease. Men's garments are not affected. FIR BARK DEEP IN SOIL tVelldiggr at 125 Feet Makes In expected Find. VANCOUVER, Wash., March 31. fSpecial.) Fir bark at a depth of 125 feet was found by Earl Carson, three miles northwest of Vancouver, at Min nehaha, while digging a well yester day. While the bark Is soft from de cay, it is easily recognized. It has been suggested that the bark reached that depth In the earth by falllng Into a crevasse left open tem porarily by an upheaval or landslide. The well is being sunk on a hill, and while a, .depth of 130 feet has been reached no water has been found. AMUSEMENTS. BUNGALOW THEATER 12th & Morrison Phones: Main 117 and A 4224. a The Distinguished Actor. ROBERT MAXTELL. Tonight, B: 10. "King; Iear.' Tomorrow Afternoon, "Knmfo and .Iiillet.' Tomorrow Night. "Richard 111." Prices: Lower floor, $2. $1.50. $1. Bal fcony, $1, 75c. Gallery. 50c. seat sale today bungalow theater. Lambardi Grand Opera Co. 12.-. PEOPLE 1M Sunday Nlsrht "Cnnnii." Monday 'iBht JL Bolieme." Prices: 2-30, $2.00. 1.50. tl.OO. SEAT SALE TOMORROW i Bl'XJALOW THEATER. Lambardi Grand Opera Co. Sunday Night, "CARMEN." Monday Night. "LA BOHEMB." Prlcea: Lower floor 12.60, $2. Bal cony $2 f 1.60. Gallery Jl. BAKER T H B A T E K Main 2. A .1300 On. I- Baker, Manas.k' Tonight All week Real authorised ver sion or famous novel, ST. ELMO. EThe play of the year. Under direction Frederick Belaseo. Splendid Company. Beautiful Scenic Effects. Kvenlnfts 2oc. 30c. 75c, 91. Saturday Matinee 25c. 50c. .Next week, starting Sun- day matinee. ' The Red Mill." MAIN . A lOtO. 11ATIMEE EVtUr DAT. 15-25-5CC NIGHTS THEATER 15-?5-50-75C WEEK MARCH 28 Will M. CreMT and nifuirhe lane, nreHentins; "The Wyoming Whoop": Nellie NIcIu.Im. (inrilon Kldrid & Co.. Al White's "IMnrlur Bur." Fred Wat Bon, La Vlno-rlmaron Trio. The lHcquays, jBltures. Orchestra. Portland Theater Thones A 7085 Russell &. Drew. Main 443. Managers. All Week, with Wednesday and Saturday Mtitinee-s. OH.e Mack And 35 Musical Comedy Artists In A NIGHT ON BROADWAY The Show That Hal Caught the Town, greatest Dancing Chorus Ever Here. feZight 20e, 'Mtc. 40c, flOc. Matinees 25c, Next ISnnda.T' "Ftnnlfrans Dull.' GRAXD WEEK MARCH X8, 1910. ALaEXANDROFF Mirth. Melody, Hon TROll'E i G reft tent Dancing Spectacle on auy HI age, And . FOSTER & FOSTER jrour loftsins; La veil en Helen Carman Helm ft Couiena Carlton Sisters Orandabi'ope Matinee every day. 2:30: any seat. I5e Evening performance. 7 :30. 9:10; balcony. 55c: lowr flo.-r. 2.V: box tceata. 50c AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Wilson's auction house, comer see VimI and Yamhill. Salt at 10 A. M. J. T. Vilson. auctioneer. At salesrooms. 126 Second street, at 10 r-Vh'i-k A. M. S. L, N. Oilman, auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. PORTLAND LODGE, NO. 55, A. F. AND A. M. Stated" communica tion. Masonic Temple, this t Friday) evening, 7 :30 o'clock. Work in F. C. CfgTee. Visitors welcome. By order t M. STE ADMAN. Sec. Of W. M ROSE CITY CHAPTER. NO. 86, O. E. S. Regular meeting this t Friday) evening at 8 o'clock. Ma- sonic Temple, West Side. Official visit of the W. i. matron. By order W. M FA RAH B. GVERIX. Secretary. P1KP. FRANCIS In this city. March St. at his residence M7 Mildred ave.. Fred L. Franc im, aged 40 years. Announcement of funeral later. JH ATT At 320 Crosby street, March 31, M arv C. Hatt. Funeral announcement . later. FVNERsAL. NOTICES. gTOGLE In this city. March 30. at the family residence. 117a Belmont street. Mrs. Etta M. Fogle, aged 32 years I month 4 days. Friends invited to at tend funeral services which will be held at Hoi man's chapel. Third and Salmon streets, at 2 P. M .. to morrow (Saturday), April 2. Interment Rivervlew Cemetery. CALKINS At her late residence. 10 pearl street. March SI. Sally J. Calkins, aged 92 years. 2 months. 15 days. Funeral services will r- held at the Seventh Day Adxentlsts Church. Montavilla. April , ni :.U P. M. Friends respectfully In ited to attend. Interment Brainard's Cem- Punnlnc Jt Mr En tee. Funeral Directors, th and line. Phone- Main 43 O, Lady a siwiant. Office of County Coroner. KI.I.KK-RVKNKS X.. Funeral Directors. 194 Williams ave.; both phone: lady attrnd mnt : mot modern establishment in tlie city. K1MVAKD HOI-MAN CO.. Funeral Dlrect pr. gO 3d st. 1 tly Aasiwtant. Phone M. 507. J. F. FINI.KV SON. 3d and Madison. I-ady attendant, llione Main 9. A 1599. EAST HIDE Funeral Direct on, succeeaors to F. Donning. Inc. E. 5. B 2535. EKJCSON CO. ludertakers; lady ait ant. 4QS Alder. M. 613;. A 285- LERCH. undertaker, ear. East Aider and Hi. l'bunra -.xl. ft 1888. Imj assistant. v HOUSEHOLD NEEDS .Tab I CHUaCHLK. -BROS., wood and cost VM dealers, office and yard lata and Mamtuli Phones Main 931. A 393 L Flnrist Cut Ftowers always freah froa ivillour awn conservatories. lUi ft Forbes Co. 4f Wuoiagtoa at. Mot phr.xss. Richmond and Wallsend Australia. VVtal Independent Coal A Ice Compaaj, epposits City Library Both pnonaa. CLASSIFIED ADV .TISLNG BATE Dally or Stmday. Per Line. One tUno 12o Sam ad two consecutive times 2g feanae ad turee consecutive times: 8Uo bame ad six or seven consecutive time. -5Gc bix words count as one line on cash ad vertisements, and no ad counted for less than two Lines. When an advertisement h not run conseoutlve times the one-time rate applies. Tbe above rates apply to advertisements under "New Today' and all other class lTi cap tions excepting the following i Situations Wanted. Male. Situations Wanted, Female. For Rent. Rooms, Private Families. Rooms and Board, Private Families. Housekeeping: Rooms, Private Families. The? rate of the Above classification la 7 vents ar line each Insertion. TO OUT-OF-TOWN PATRONS The Ore-IT-mian will receive copy by mail, provided aufficient remittance for a definite number of issues la sent. , Acknowledgment of such remittance will be forwarded promptly. On charge or book- advertisements the charge will be based on the actual number of lines appearing In the paper, regard leas of the number of words in each line. In case box office address Is required, use regular form given, and count this as part of the ad. Answers to advertisements will be forwarded to patrons, provided self-addressed stamped envelopes are furnished. If you have either telephone in your bouse we will accept your ad over the phone and send you the bill the next day. Phone Want Ad. Dept.. Main 7070 or A 6095. bit nation Wanted and Personal advertisements not accepted over the phone. Errors are more easily made In telephoning advertise ments, therefore The Oregonian will not hold itself responsible for such errors. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY PRESIDENT. Main 218. SECRETARY, Main 599. HI MAN E OFFICER. East 477. NEW TODAY Tualatin View Park ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS Near the car. Onlv lots on the West Side for $200 and up. ON VERY EASY TERMS KEASEY, HU1V.ASON fn":; and JEFFERY 14 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 3 -STORY BRICK $3600 Income. 50x100 Corner. $22,000 Handles. An Absolute Bargain. Dabney & Dabney 412 Commercial Block, Second and Washington Streets. BRONG-STEELE CO. Real Estate. REMOVED TO 267V2 OAK STREET Lower floor Lewis Bldg., corner Fourth and Oak Streets, where they are fitting up a fine office for the Realty business. 10,000 Profit WITHIN A YEAR 44 acres for platting, $600 per acre, one-third cash. CHAPIN 6 HERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerce. . YOUR ATTENTION Is called to investigate that 65x115 on the northwest corner of Four teenth and Montgomery. The price. $18,500, is surely cheap. You will not have this opportunity again. Edw. P.lVlall Co. 309 and 310 Abington Buildiuff. APARTMENT SITE Six blocks from Morrison street. Cheap est apartment-house site in the citv. Nearly 100 ft- front and near a number of higrh-class apartment-houses. This Is the best investment we know of today. LIXCOLN TRIST COMPANY. 215 Lwla Bldg., Fourth and Oak . lOOxlOO APAHTM EXT SITE. Near 23d and Thurnian sts.; coming in for pood business proper tv, $9000. A. BACK1S M Board of Trade Bldg. GEORGB BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branches. ) SIS Worcester Bid. Phopss Main 1371. A 401 S. NEW MODERN HOUSES, Also vacant lots In Irving-ton. Office at 16th and Brazee. Ft, B. and S. T. Rice. Phone East 65S. INVESTORS Call on owner's Realty Ass'd for timber, acres fee. bus Loess, residence and apartment propert ies. 05 A bins ton. NEW TODAY. NORTH BEACH. 59 Acres. SSOjOOO. lust north ol "The Breakers" HotL The oceaa frontage and also reaj- portion of this tract lie better than any afreagre on the entire North Beach. A bifr money maker as a platting prop ositi on . 32 Acres. S6000: on same beach, near ""Oceanside" : win entertain exchange for roruana property. i do Hart I .and Co.. 146 2d at. Piione 31arbhaU 155. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. s?n ruin . . Jots in choicest portion of this most desirable district, also 2 vacant lots adjoin ivg; 8000; only a few blocks from Ford-st bridge A splendid opportunity for a home or residence wlte 2rXeaBtiation ollcfted. The Hart Und Co.. 146 Second st. Phone Marshall ld5. MT. TABOR. Th hichest point ltlvely the finest home site on the En st Side, Sold in 1m1 for $4hmj. We can de liver at the same price now on easv terms. Tlie V. i ' i I4fi Second IT Phone Marshall 1385. YAMHILL CORNER 55x100 $100,000 I This is a buy. I i 100x100 SAVIER STREET Between 20th and 2'id. 98000 i PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. i i 9 10TH AND HOYT p'ine quarter block, opposite North Bank Depot ; income $100 monthly. Price reasonable. Here is a property increasing in value daily. Another Good Buy 40x100 on Russell, between Wil liams and Rodney avenues. Bar gain at $5000. Union Bank S Trust Co. 233 Stark, corner Second. 16-Acre Snap Russellville 16s acres between the Base Line road and Villa ave., only 15 minutes' walk from end of Montavilla car and rirht on survey of new Mount Hood line. We fruarantee to sell this land to you for $200 per acre less than acreage surrounding it. Our price $750 per acre. All surrounding- acreagre selling; for $1000 per acre. A grood speculation for you, but you must act quickly. Grussi & Zadow 317 Board of Trsdr Bldg.. 4th and Oak. RIVER FRONT 85x300 East side of river. Summer home site. A very pretty $1750. Chapin & Herlow, 332 'Chamber of Commerce. Base Line Buys Let us show you some real bargains in acreage on this road. Prices from $250 to $650 per acre. MALL & VON BORSTEL KM Second and 3D- E. Bnrnslde Sts. I I Iff TOR PLATTING. 0l " I 7 "30 acres, between ML Ta- I bor and Rose City Park. 1 adjoining Country Club If property: $1500 per acre, A ff f net profit of $100.X0 In 1 II 0 Acres, just beyond I 1 I Taurelhurst; $3000 per 1 I I acre; owner now preparing I plat; if you want as a , R whole, call before plat rogs i on rtjtrd. The Hart lund M Jl Co., JjWSd st. Phone Mur- ! ITEW TODAY. Tomorrow 144 ehoice half and quarter-acre tracts at Kusa, on the Oregon Elec tric, onlv 20 minutes' ride from the City Hall, will be sold At Public Auction Here is your opportunity to make a year's wares in a day. Every tract you buy will double or treble your money in a year. Plan to" spend half a day at Kusa during this sale or to send a representative to bid for you. Cars leave Jefferson-str;t station at 10:20 A. M., 11 A. M., and 12:10 P. M. Opportunity is knocking at your door. Take Advantage Terms of sale, one-fourth cash, bal ance $10 per month until- paid, inter est 6 per cent. Complete abstract fur nished. For particulars see m. eTlee . 411 Corbett Bldg. Phone Main 6860. I HALF BLOCK I East Washington Street Between Water and First sts. S70.000 QUARTER BLOCK Grand Ave. and Madison $40,000 Easy terms. 75x100 Halsey and Ross Streets $15,500 Income. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. Park Street PROPERTY Several very DESIRABLE CORNERS on these exclu sive streets. MORE PROP ERTY selling in this local ity than any other PART of the CITY. Tak advantage of present low prices and in vest now. There is money in PARK-STREET HOLD INGS. YANDUYN & WALTON 515 Chamber of Commerce. TWO HOUSES 7 rooms, modern; rents at $20. 4 rooms, modern ; rents at $12. oO Lot 41x129 feet. . Fronts on three streets. 3 blocks south new Jefferson High school. 3 blocks north of Thompson Ward school. 3 blocks to best carline in city. Gas and electric service, sewer in and paid. Cement walk, curb and gutter along 129-foot street. t Cheapest corner in Portland. ' S3T50 one-third cash, balance mortgage 7 per cent. COME NOW. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 24512 Stark St. Main 35. A 3500. IRVINGTON 100x100 N. E. cor. 18th and Brazee, $3850. Two lots on 16th facing; east, near Knott, $1800. Phone E 5242. W. B. STEELE, JR. Irvinyton-Holladay Choice home, 658 Halaev St.. 6 rooms, modern. A bargain, $4 750. of owner; $2000 down, bal. easy terms. Can be seen afternoons. SPRING IS HERE BUILD YOUR HOME An Eantern capitalist has placed with me a large fund for home building- in Portland. Let me know your needs. WILL II. WALKER, 823 Chamber of Commerce. Pbone Main S533. 6 Mortgage Loans MORGAN, FLIEDNER A BOYCE, BQ3-BQ6 Abington Building. A BEAUTIFUL HOME In Highland: modem, with fruit trees. Terms. Phone Wood lawn 1501. MORTGAGE LOANS Large Amount Preferred. SUUUAKD Jt WIED1UCK, 23 Stark St. $12,500 95x107 on Sth street, the future boulevard of Portland: walking: dis tance; 4 eootl houses. Income $78. Splendid buy. F 844, Oregronian. XEW TODAY. ABSOLUTE BARGAINS $25,000 Seventh st., frac tional corner lot, north of Mad ison, within 4 blocks of Morri son st. $20,000 Tenth st., full cor ner lot, 50x100, well improved and paying 8'2 per cent NET; choice location, south of Mor rison. S12.000 Nob Hill flats, new and modern, full size lot, within four blocks of Washington st.; 10 per cent income. $11,500 Corbett street, full block, 200x200 feet; choice lo cation. S10,500r-Full corner lot, with two dwellings: g-ood business corner, two blocks from east approach of Steel bridge. $10,000 Twenty-third street, full size lot, north of Washing ton ; some income. 54000 Union avenue, a few blocks north of Russell fetreet, full lot, 50x100 feet. JamesJ.FIynn 512 Chamber of Commerce. 100x100 13th and Clay St. 1 Fine Apartment Site. i Good Buv. t 100x100 19th and Flanders $26,000 50x100 21st and Northrup t i PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY j S. K. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. f IMPORTANT. CADWELL'S FRACTIONAL ACRES NEAR LENTS. Owing to the fact that the property adjacent to Cadwell's Acres has been platted into lots and Is selling for a much higher price, notice is hereby given that on and after April 10, 1910, prices on Cadwell's Acres will be ad vanced 25 per cent. Now is the time to take advantage of this splendid op portunity to secure a snap in acreage close to carline, 5-cent fare, all cleared. Bull i Run water piped to each tract, Same easy terms until further notice. Lam bertTVVh itni er Co. TO Fourth St. 404 East Alder St. ' AN OPPORTUNITY Price $27,500 100x140 on the N. W. corner 14th and Mill streets; surely no better site for a 'large apartment. This price for a few dajs o.nly. Edw. P. Mall Co. 309-310 Abington Bldg. Ladd's Addition Home $1000 Swell, modern, brand new 7-room house, just finished: has furnace, nice fireplace, gas and electric lights, nice den, sleeping porch, laundry trays. In fact, all latest Improvements ; on a lot 40x1 28. with alley in rear; all street improvements and cement sidewalk In and' paid. On Ladd avenue, near Haw thorne avenue, on 80-foot street. Price a barg-ain. $6250 $1000 cas"h, balance terms to suit. Grussi & Zadow 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE 75x100 on B. 10th. between Knott and Stanton. Price 11750 If sold before April 7th. The Standard Realty Co. 421 MohnTrk Bldg. KLAMATH FALLS We are exclusive agents for KOB HIKL, Aodltion to Klamath Falls. Lots 50x110, close in. Corners $200, t insides $175. Easy terms. NOW is the oppor tunity to double your money. Let us show you. the: standard realty co 421 Mohink Bldff. REAL ESTATE. lOOxlOO. Irving ton Park, snap, $375. land bldg. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews. F.V. & Co.M.3349. 60 Hamilton bide. i riecK. William 13.. 312 t ailing uiaft. ! Birrell. A. H. Co.. 202-3 McKay bldg. Real estate, insurance, raortgag-ea. loans, etc. Brutaker at Benedict. SO McKay bldg. M. &4S Chapln Herlow, 332 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. S. & Co.. 603 Corbett bldsr. Jennir.cs & Co., Main 168. 20S Oregontao. PALVETft-JOXES CO.. H. P., 213 Commer cial Club bids. Schalk. Geo.D.. 223 Stark st. Main 392. A 2392 PHESMAX. K. A. CO.. 322 Henry bids SH1.NDLER HALL, 205 Abington bldg. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand ave. and Multnomah st. iHolladay Addition). M. EL Thompson Co. cor. 4th and Oak sta Walker. S. T.. 604 Corbett bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lota. LAURELHURST. 2 choice lots bought before the rise In price will be sold on very oasy terms; fine view and well located with reference to car; If you want something really fine, see these. R. F. BRYAN. 50 5 Chamber of Commerce. A 1?;7. Main 196J. SNAPS. Several real bargains for cash In BELI.E CREST. OVERLOOK. FULTON PARK. VERNON. HIGHLAND PARK. F. A. SHERMAN & CO.. 322 Henry Bldg. Phone Main 7554. LOTS OF LOTS. IR50 each. Westmoreland. $1300 20x77 feet, near car. $1 -.Ml Corner In Sunnyslde. $3".oo Double corner in Sunnyaide. ttMO 30oxt27 in Sellwood. LINCOLN TRUST COM PANT. 4th and Oak Sts.. 215 Lewis Bldg. 2 IRVINGTON SNAPS. 2 beautiful lots 50xlOO each, facing between Knott and Stanton sts.. for $l;'Q0 each. This offer is open for 2 days only. Easy terms, who will be lucky buyer? For particulars inquire C L. Banberger, 508 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5124, A 37S9. SIX LOTS FOR ?-2250. m Irvlngttm Park. On Eaftt 30th st., near Jarrett; on Alberta carline; easy terms. GODDARD WIEDRICK. (55) 243 Stark Street. LOTS 52.50. On Oregon City carline. new addition. 25 minutes from business center; good soil; price 952.50 each lot: terms $15 down. $2 per month payments. National Realty & Trust Co., 826" Washington sl. room 516. BEJAUTIFUI QUARTER -BLOCK-$3000. f. W. corner of 13th and Division ats., op posite Ljuld tract; this it a good buy. GODDARD WIEDRICK, -t.M -M3 Stark Street. SAX BY BOULEVARD. Double lot. 50x149. facing on Sandy Road and Gllean M. ; l-room modern house. $3750; terms. B. R. MARKHAM. Main 8430. 205 Qerllnger bldg. A LAMBDA PARK. LOT 3. Are high and sightly, overlooking Irving ton; near Broadway carline; best city Im provements; priced 36 per cent below the market. Inquire Alameda Land Company, -worpett Diqg. QUARTER BLOCK. Corner Oorfleld and Skldmore sta.; lot lHx 106; terms. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. MR) Stark Street. LOTS $150 LOTS $la50. 25 minutes from business center, on Ore gon City carline, beat soil on earth; price $150 each. $2 or $3 down, balance $2 or $3 per month. National Realty & Trust Co.. Washington at., room 5,.6. SOUTH PORTLAND LOT. Florida St., near Virginia; lot 50x100; sewer, water, gas and street Improved; very cheap at ?S25. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 32) 243 Stark Street. 80O ACRES Fine fruit land for planting, joining 700 acres we have just sold in 5 and 10-acre tracts. This land Is A No. 1. Look this ui if you are looking for good land. $75 per acre; terms, AD S3S. Qregonlan. FOR AN investment, buy a 5 or 10-acre fruit tract, all cleared and cultivated on Oregon Elec. close to Portland, $175 an acre; $175 down, $15 a month and no interest; will pay for itself. P. O. Box 480. QUARTER BLOCK ON ALBERTA STREET. Lot 100xHi. on Alberta at., corner Halght ave.; price $3350. terms. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, H33) 243 Stark Street. PORTLA-ND Choice lot in Rossmere with TRUST in two blocks of car, SluO CO. down, $10 per month; $725. PORTLAND TRUST COMPAXY, S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. A BEAUTIFUL LOT. Between Mellnda ave. and Marcla ave., in Nob Hill Terrace; lot 80x100; price $4500. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 31 243 Stark Street. IRVIaNdTON. Fine building lot, 50x100. facing east on 20th. near Stanton. $1600, $475 cash. RUFF-KLEIXSORG E LAND CO., 418 Board of Trade Bldg. SEASIDE, OREGON. On Washington st.. lot 200x100, with three room cottage; price $1100. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, M3P) 243 Stark Street. IN RESTRICTED ADDITION. $110 cash down ; by acting quick you can secure my desirable lot adjoining main portion Laurelhurst. K 847, Ore- gonlan. NEAR LAURELHURST. Full lot on East Stark st., opposite Laurel hurst; price $1100. terms. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, (.11) 243 Stark Street. THE best lots In the city for the money; view errand; 4 to 7 blocks from carline. East Side; your own terms. Phone C 2591. PORTLAND Beautiful West Side corner, TRUST Vaughn st.j beautiful home- CO. site; $,-.000. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. I WILL sell a number of fine residence lots in one of the beat additions on the East Side; close In; very small cash payments, easy terms; only thon who are Interested and In earnest need investigate. T 833, Qregonlan. RODNEY avenue, near Graham; lot 50xl2O; very well 'located; $2200 is the price If taken at once. V GODDARD & WIEDRICK, M9 243 Stark Street. A GOOD BUY 2 lots. 40xlOO, at $325 each; $35 cash. $7 per month; right at car, 5c fare; 4 miles from center of city, phone Main 2712; night phone C 1047. Rlggs. 61 ft Couch bldg- S. E. CORNER A Ins worth and Eaat 9th sU. ; lot 100x100; price $1850. terms. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 39 243 Stark Street. WHY buy a lot when you can get a half acre inside the city with all the advan tages for the same price ? 420 Lumbr mans Bldg. cor. Sth and Stark. A LOVELY homeslte in restricted district for $3 , .50 caffh an d a per mon t h ; price $375 : on Mt. Scott 5c carline. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 THIRD STREET. RODNEY ave., near Going; lot 50x100; price $120O. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 34) 243 Stark Street. A SNAP 3 lots for $225 each; one at $200; $20 each, $5 per month: 5c fare; 4 blocks to car. Phone Main 2712: night phone C 1Q4T. Ttitfgs B10 Couch bldg. EAST 31-rt ., corner Tillamook; 80x93; price $2500, easy term. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. M0 243 Stark Street. NINTH AND BEECH. Corner, 100x100; $1750. $700 cash. RUFF-KLEINSORGE LAND CO., 418 Board of Trade Bldg. UNION ave., near Wygant St.; lot 57xt7 price $3250. terms. GODDARD Jk WIEDRICK, H03) 243 Stark Street. FOR SALE Private party must sell lot 50 feet by 1O0. in Peninsula on Willis boule vard, facing north. $800; terms. A 645, Oregonian. CORNER Love Joy and Marcla ave.; lot 60x120; price $6250; this is well located. GODDARD A W USD RICK. 30 243 Stark Street. RESIDENCE lots In Lewiston, Idaho; part cash, time on balance. Address Ralph. B. Dixon, owner. Flax ton. N. D. FINE quarter block. East 28th; a snap. Dubois A Crockett, Washington bldg., room S. 100x100 ON" Kerby, near Russell - st., $2500. This Is a sn-ap. Cali at once. 410 Failing bldg. lflTH AND .ALBERTA. S20O cash. bal. monthly, full lot; price $7K. 420 S wet land bldg. THREE lots for bor 479. ale near Woodstock. Ta- lmtxloo. TILLAMOOK ST. Only $1800; easy terms. Room 3 Washington bldg. REAL ESTATE. SACRIF1CE. Want to settle estate; SO acre?, partly cleared, balance in crd wood and timber; orek runs through place; rtptu on county road, v, mile from school; lies level. 5 miles from nmll town: muj be sold at once; $15O0; come quick; will not last. MT. HOOD LAND COMPANY, 712 Rothchild Bldg. BUSINESS CORNER LOT, $1500. Fine corner lot, 50x100. on 22d and Di vision sts.. joins Ladd tract, stores all around and a good place to build for an Income, or a fine speculation; price only $15oo for a few days only; half cash; owner needs money. GRL'SSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. SNAP. 2STH AND HANCOCK. 4 LOTS. 1N CLUD1NG CORNER. 44xl(H) each; THESE LOTS ARE AS PRETTY AS ANY IN THE CITY; $4tV0, part cash, balance can be arranged. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. t4 Fourth St. Board of Trade Bldg. BUILDERS AND .SPECULATORS. The nicest bunch of building lots on the market today. The owner will posi tively sacrifice this property. We realize your time is valuable as well as ours, and n will -ask u to call and see this prop erty, k now t n g t hat you will not be wast ing your time when vou are doing so. LINCOLN TRUST COMPANY. 215 Lewis Mdg.. 4th and Oak sts. $200 LOTS. 4 $200 lots, lo per cent cash. bal. $5 per month: 1 Westmoreland corner lot on carline. $675; 2 Westmoreland business lots; good location, will double In value, $10tt0 each; small cash payment. Laurelhurst lot. $t50. We buv or sell. Brown-Weller-Andrews Co.. 411 Couch bldg. TOMORROW 144 choice half and quarter acre tracts will be sold at public auction; sa! takes place on premises at Kusa sta tion on the Oregon Electric, only 20 min utes' ride; cars leave Jefferson-street sta tion at 10:20 A. M .. 11 A. M- and 12:10; make arrangements to go; it will pay you. For further particulars see M. K 411 Corbett bldg. 2 IRVINGTON SNAPS. 2 beautiful lots 50x100 each, facing between Knott and Stanton sts., for $1300 acb. This offer Is open for 2 days only. Easy terms. Who will be lucky buyer? For Particulars Inquire C. L. Banberger. ftOR Chamber of Commerce. Main 6124, A 37 SO. WESTMORELAND. Lot 50x100; good building lot: must be sold at once; $725. $275 cash. bal. 6 per cent. MT. HOOD LAND COMPANY, 712 Rothchild Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. 100-font corner lot, facing east, within stone's throw of carline. Improvements are tn and paid. These two lota are In the second block as you enter the tract. Price $2000. cash. Address Y 847, Qregonlan. . GLEN HARBOR A beautiful residence tract of 7400 sq. ft., lies ideally for build ing purposes, panoramic view, one min ute and easy grade from electric car; sewer and water in and paid for. Only $750. half cash. See owner, 814 Lewis hldg. VANCOUVER. WASHINGTON. Lot 10 In block 5, Kensington Park; price $500, easy terms. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 131) 243 Stark Street. 15 LOTS, -with cheap house, finest soil. 10 n.lnutes to car, 5c; $h50, $S50, $850. $650. $850, $850. OREGON LAND CO., 215 Henry Bldg. A SACRIFICE SALE. 110O for a fine lot. 5 minutes' walk from the new high school: if you want a bargain, with terms, phone A 156k, Mar shall S29. or call at 315 S wet land bldg; GARFIELD st., near Skldmore; lot 50x100; price $lo50. GODDARD r WIEDRICK. t4S 243 Stark Street. PORTLAND HEIGHTS lot for sale, price $950; about V2 cash, terms on balance. Owner, 611 Board of Trade EQUITY in lot, Hancock-St. Addition. East 35th st. near Broadway. Phone A 1588 after 6 P. M- TWO lots in Greenoe Heights, by owner, ln- qutre 75 North 13th st., evenings. For Sale Houses. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. On East Grant St.. a fine modern 6 room bungalow, extra good electric and gas fixtures, fine enamel bathroom with best of plumbing; fine front and back porches, lot is BOxlOO, finely Improved, back ye-rd is exceptionally fine with a nice garden already planted, with a full cement basement, furnace heat, a very modern place, and can rbe bought for $3tt50; easy terms. HOLT-JOKES REAL ESTATE CO., 520-522 Board of Trade Bldg., Phone Marshall 849. A 7294. BUNGALOW ON 34TH ST., NEAR HAWTHORNE AVE., FOR $3000. This is only 1 blocks off of Hawthorne ave., on 34th st. Lot is 50x100. House Is 36x42 ; 6 nice rooms, gas and electric light, modern plumbing, fine bath, well built modern home. This can be bought for $3000. half cash, balanoa $20 per month. Th is place cannot be duplicated for less than $40O0. HOLT-JONES REAL ESTATE CO., 52 0-522 Board of Trade Bldg. Phones Marshall 849, A 7294. IRVINGTON HOME. Six rooms, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace: price $6300. Phone C 1489. GOOD B-room modern bungalow, near Haw thorne ave., price $2400; $200 cash, lot 40x100, fine lawn. 3 ft. above sidewalk, gaa and electric, basement, hot and cold water, porcelain bath, sink, etc., nice large rooms, large porch in front, good home and cheap. See H. W. GARLAND & CO.. 191 4th St. WANTED Names of lOOo persons who wish to buy direct from owners, lots, houses, acreage, farms, stock ranches, etc. I would be pleased to furnish you, free of charge, tinmeti and addresses of owners who have for sale what you want to buy. IRA L. MARTIN, 430 Blackstone St. $500 CASH. BALANCE Monthly, for a flne. new. 6-room. with den, bath, toilet, wood lift, built-in china closet and book case, full concrete base ment: now Is the time to secure a bargain; on corner. 1 block from car; for $2600, from owner. Phone A 156S, Marshall 829. 315-18 Swetland bldg. $500 UNDER VALUE. 6-room house, fine condition; fireplace, fur race, built-in buffet, double floors and walls, full lot ; Shaver st . . near Gantenbein ave. See this. You'll like It. Only $4000 and terms. MALL & VON BORSTEL. 369 Ruwsell St. East 1436. LOT, 53x1 OO, new S-room house, at car; 20 minutes out: fruit; buildings worth $2500; $2730. $93n down. OREGON LAND CO.. 215 Henry Bldg- 8SX100. WITH COTTAGE. Just opposite Laurelhurst on Stark st., $2600. S00 cash. RUFF-KLEIN SO RGE LAND CO., 418 Board of Trade Bldg. & ACRES. " " Part cash, balance $10 monthly; level and cultivated; mile from Oregon Elec tric and Southern Pacific depots. Box 401, Hlllsboro. Or. FOR SALE by owner, a 10-room bungalow in Holladay Addition, close to carllnes ; strictly monern; full baeement and large attic. Call at 308 Rothchild bldg. $.-,.00 ELEGANT new residence. East 18th St., on car; terms. OREGON. LAND CO., 215 Henry Bldg. LARGE, unfinished 7-room house within 50 feet of cement walks: large lot, 4 blocks from Union ave.; $30 down, $20 monthly. In qulre Woodlawn 2674. $25oO $7oo CASH, baiance $15 per month, including Interest ; fine 6-room modern cottage. Maryland ave. Call 417 Board of Trade. HAWTHORNE AVENUE. See that 2-story 7-room dwelling on lot 50x100 feet, 2 blocks off Hawthorne ave.; $2650; terms. Gillette, 614 Board of Trade bldg. $1650. $500 DOWN. $15 MONTHLY. Modern 4-room ho ?. splendid location; 80x100 feet. Inquire 961 Glenn ave. Tele- phone Woodlawn 2ti4. SIX ROOMS and basement, 20th and Yam hill. East Side; $2500. with $300 cash and balance monthly. The Shaw-Fear Corn pany. 245 Vi Stark st. Main 35. A 3500. GOOD house and lot near Russell jtreet. Lower Alblna, only $42O0; the lot alone la ortb the price. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 THIRD STREET. IRVINGTON lot, $1250; prices will ad vance $200 a lot soon; don't delay. A. Backus. 519 Board of Trade bldg. $15 PER month buys my modern home; close in. paved streets; husband gone East. 112 4th st. $650 SEAVIEW Good 5-room house, fur nished, corner lot: will take acreage. Ap ply W R."5. Oregonian. SIX-ROOM modem house. East Side, Maiison and 15th; price .reasonable. Owntr, AC $46, Oregonian. v