Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 01, 1910, Page 16, Image 16

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Building Permits 66 Per Cent
Higher Than Last Year;
Other Figures Up.
Many Deeds to Smaller Properties
Bring Great Total Shipments
of Lumber Largest Since
San Francisco Fire.
-. Gigantic increases In building per
mits, realty transfers, bank clearings,
Jumber shipments and postal receipts
for March over the corresponding
month last year indicate the onward
march of Portland and the general
prosperity of the city. The returns for
the month Just ended show an Increase
1 in the cost of buildings for which per
mits were Issued of 66 per cent over
March, 1909; in real estate transfers
. of 37 per cent, in bank clearings of 30
per cent, in number of building permits
48 per cent, in postofflce receipts 22
per cent, and in lumber shipments of
more than 9 per cent.
These figures are reflected in like
Increases tor the first quarter of 1910,
as compared with the opening quarter
of 1909. All along the line new rec
ords are approached. In some In
stances new marks far in excess of
previous records are established.
Quarters' Record Exceeded.
Building permits lead with the grand
total of 11,471.685 for the month just
closed, as compared with $885,585 for
March. 1909. The decrease for the year
occasioned by the bad weather in Jan
uary and February has been made up
and the total for the quarter of
J3.091.750 shows an increase of 18 per
cent over the figure of $2,646,640 for
the three opening months of 1909.
The largest number of permits ever
taken out in a single month were
grunted through the office of the
.building Inspector last month, when
664 permits were given out, an Increase
of 48 per cent over the figure of 449
for March, 1909, and bringing the year
ly total to 1425, as compared with 950
for the first quarter in 1909. The quar
terly figure develops an Increase of 50
per cent. The mark of 664 established
puts to rout the former recora of 576
permits Issued in a single month, the
number granted in April, 1908.
Keal estate transfers likewise show
a great Increase. Last month the total
transfers recorded numbered 2063, for
n total consideration of $4,200,863, as
compared with 885 transfers, totaling
93,062.350. for March. 1909. The In
crease of 3 per cent Is on a par with
Xhe Increase shown all year, the quar
terly total of $.0,144,873 being an in
crease of 38 M per cent over the cor
responding figure of $7,326,736 for Jan
uary, February and March. 1908.
Many Homes Projected.
The great total arrived at In build
ing permits was not the result of es
pecially large uulldlngs being started,
a permit for $100,000 being the largest
granted all month. A steady Influx of
homebullders into the offloe of the
building Inspector Is the cause of the
excellent building figures, while the
realty transfers recorded last month
are a reflection of the activity in the
real estate market which has been no
ticeable on every side since the begin
ning of the year. The real estate trans
fer figures were aided by the filing
of several deeds for important down
town properties, but the great totals
were arrived at through the filing of
hundreds of deeds to smaller proper
ties, showing that tne small Investor
Is sharing In the general prosperity.
Compared with the same month in
1909, the Portland postofnee will show
an increase of more than 22 per cent.
The exact figures were not available
last night, but sufficient Information
was at hand to insure that amount as
the minimum to be announced. It was
estimated by Cashier Hlrsch at 4 P.
M- that the total receipts for the month
would approximate $76,900, against $62,
913.86 for the previous March. The in
crease will be about $14,000.
Superintendent iollowa of the
mailing station on Fifth and Glisan
streets, was largely responsible for the
unexpected increase, his "turn in" of
second and third-class postage for yes
terday being the largest In the history
of the office. He carried more than
$2000 to the cashier.
Portland Office Leads.
It lsr confidently' believed that Port
land will secure a place well toward
the top of the list of offices in the
United States showing an increase of
business for the month. If It does not
lead. During the past few months a
larger percentage of gain has been
made by the local postofflce than has
been shown by any city In the North
west. 'There is no way' to account for It,
except through the natural Increase of
sales of postage stamps to the business
houses of the city," said Assistant
Postmaster Williamson. "We notice a
larger volume of business at the gen
eral delivery windows and the stamp
windows and a larger demand is made
from day to day among the city car
riers. There have -been no large stamp
pales to any particular firm or organi
sation." An increase of SO per cent In bank
clearings is another striking Index to
the general prosperity of the city. The
figures for clearings for March, 1910,
Bhow a total of $45.343,925. 96, compared
with $34.99S.801.09 for March. 1909. This
Increased was arrived at through a
steady Increase daily, and as far as
Is shown by the records no one day
carried any , especial weight In con
tributing to the total.
Lumber Record Exceeded.
One of the features which was grat
ifying In a review of the business of
the month is the showing made by the
lumber shipments. The aggregate of
2S.170.S2S feet of lumber shipped sets
a new record for Portland, the high
nark being attributed to the fact tha't
California ports drew on Portland for
13,156,000 feet of lumber, the largest
amount sent to California since the
months following the San Francisco fire
in April. 1906.
v A shortage of wheat caused a de
, crease in the flour and wheat ship
; xnents, the totals being 146.642 bushels
. of wheat and 15.536 barrels of flour;
; but while the slight decrease was ap-
parent as compared with March, 1909,
; the reason is easily found in a dearth
f wheat throughout the Northwest.
A'ew Commissioner" Named Monday.
VANCOUVER. Wash., March 31
(Special.) The County Commissioners
: will meet next Monday to choose a
commissioner to fill the vacancy caused
by the resignation of F. C Smith.
While no applications for the position
have been filed with the County Audi
tor, the following men are spoken, of
for the office: J. R. Neil. Michael
Flynn and N. C Hall, of Ridgefield; O.
B. Aagaard. of La Center, and Robert
Lowe, of Yacolt. Lowe is an ex-commissioner.
About 1500 Arrests Made Court
Receipts Boom.
While the report of Chief of Police
Cox for March will not be entirely
completed until today, it is known that
about 1600 arrests have been made
through the Police Department. Of this
number, 60 were women and 47 were
minors. As usual, the greatest num
ber of arrests was made for being out
after hours, 120 facing this charge.
"Nick" Beutgen. clerk of the Munici
pal Court, finished compiling his month
ly report yesterday afternoon, and it
showed an unusual amount of business
transacted. The total receipts were
$3154.50. showing an increase of nearly
$2000 over the corresponding month
-of 1909. Fines, forfeitures of bail and
costs went to make up the total, which
comes close to cutting the record.
From the records of the Police Sta
tion the following' list of arrests and
crimes charged is taken:
Charge. . No. people arrested.
Assault and battery 25
After hours ...120
Burglary 1
Contempt of court . ................ 4
Cocaine In possession............... 1
Cruelty to animals................. 6
Disorderly conduct ................ 40
Drunk 55
Embezzlement 2
Fugitive from justice.............. 6
Forgery 3
Gambling 28
Held as witnesses 15
Immoral and indecent acts.......... 7
Insane 1
Lottery tickets In possession a
Larceny 43
Minors in saloon 1
Obtaining money under false pre
tenses 3
Opium in possession ..........111111 1
Resisting an officer 2
Runaway children ................. 4
Refuse to move on ............... I '.'m 10
Trespass " 7
Using profane language 1X111 5
Vagrancy 65
Violation city ordinance... 5
Speeding automobiles 26
Kennedy on Its Trail and Independ
ent Promises Evidence.
Mayor Simon was assured yesterday
that there is a printing trust, while
Secretary Kennedy, of the Civil Service
Commission, was advised by various prin
tery proprietors that there ie none: that
It died two years ago and that It has
never been revived.
The Mayor's 'tip" was given to him
by an Independent printer, who declared
that he "can tell a lot of Interesting
things." He will be given the opportun
ity, aa the Mayor will instruct Mr. Ken
nedy to investigate.
That there 4-s a printing trust, a com
bination of Arrm which dictates prices
for work and which restrains trade and
competition, was declared to be a fact
at the meeting of the Civil Service Com
mission Wednesday afternoon. The com
mission instructed Mr. Kennedy to in
vestigate the situation and to report his
findings at the next session 'at 4 o'clock
next Wednesday. He is now making this
Astoria Marco Rainfall Heavy.
ASTORIA. Or., March 31. (Special.)
According to the records in Weather Ob
server Gilmore's office, the rainfall in
Astoria during the month of March was
8.34 inches, or .71 of an inch less than
the average for the corresponding month
in previous years, which is 9.05 inches.
The greatest precipitation during any 24
hours of the month was 4.25 inches on
March 1.
Traveling Salesman's Wife
. Attempts Suicide.
Mrs. Jessie Seydel, Despondent
Through Ill-Health, Seeks to End
All in. Death Telephones Hus
band, Then Shoots to Kill.
Despondency, brought about through
ill health, caused Mrs. Jessie Seydel,
wife of a traveling salesman, to attempt
last night to end her life by shooting
at the Drexel Hotel. The woman is
now at the Good Samaritan Hospital
suffering from a wound which will not
prove fatal, although the bullet passed
through her body. -
The would-be suicide and her hus
band came to Portland from Olympia.
Wash., last October. Her health has
been impaired for several years. Re
cently she became despondent and sev
eral times threatened to end her suf
fering by suicide.
Yesterday her husband returned to
the city from a business trip through
the state. He was engaged In work in
the offices of his employers in the
Wells-Fargo building last night. A
few moments before his despondent
wife fired the bullet into her body she
summoned him by telephone and asked
that he come to their apartments in
the Drexel Hotel immediately. She did
not intimate that she contemplated sui
cide. Arriving at the apartments a few mo
ments afterward, Seydel found the doors
locked. His presence caused the woman
to ask who desired to enter. Seydel
had no more than informed her ag to
his indentity than a pistol shot rang
out In the room.
The woman had fired a 3S-ca!lber bullet
into her body just below the heart. It
plowed upward, puncturing the left lung
and emerging at the right arm pit.
Seydel did not wait to unlock the door,
but smashed the glass panel. Inflicting
hand lacerations, which required the at
tention of a physician after the woman
was removed to the hospital in an ambul
ance. The couple were married in Iowa seven
years ago and have one child 6 years of
First Half Must Be Paid Before Xext
Monday to Avoid Penalty,
Property-owners of the state who
do not pay- at least the first half of
their taxes on or before next Monday
will be obliged to pay in addition to
the tax a 10 -per cent penalty. De
linquent taxes bear Interest at 12 per
cent annually, and three years' failure
on- the part of the owner to pay his
taxes means in many cases the loss of
the property, as anyone may pay the
tax after it oecomes delinquent.
If a person other than a property
owner pays the delinquent tax upon a
piece of property, the owner may buy
up his receipt at any time within the
three years limit. But failure for three
successive years to pay means the sale
of the property by the Sheriff at auc
tion. Those who desire may pay the first
half of their taxes on or before next
Monday and have the balance extended
until the first Monday in October.
Of the tax for Multnomah Cou n t y ,
Those desiring to build homes
of their own, also contractors who
want to build to sell, should not
fail to secure building sites in
Especially' attractive locations
are to be had near the NEW CAR
LINE, which extends up through
the Park.
Where desirable, the Alameda
Land Company will assist in
financing building propositions in
its property.
MANY HOMES are now going
up and SCORES MORE will start
in the very near future.
Improvements are well under
way, and paving will come ; this
Particulars may be had of the
Alameda Land Company, owners
of Alameda Park, 322 Corbett
jF lj'M Kwmi n " " " J " U "y 'JJ' -m K m 'mw.w J
r"Jrai ifn"n ''ht Js.....M -i.-.ft..-,.,-, ,w-, m
V,.. ,J ... ...... ! .1. II L, ,,, . W J.H..,, . ,.,,. -T
inssjjs,ajnj.a,iiWa,ii i mj.mwi
"JUST LUCK" said a friend to
one of our customers who had
resold his lot inme of our East
Side sub-divisions, at a profit of
40, but we can show hundreds
of just such cases AND NOT ONE LOSER
The Jacobs-Stine Company
Largest Realty Operators on the Pacific Coast
146 Fifth Street
Main 6S69
Of Any Kind, Are Fully Digested
Ty OneTablespoonful of Kodol.
Any kind of food, understand not
just some certain kinds. Kodol Is right
ly termed the "Perfect Digestant"
because it does digest any and all
classes of food. Kodol does this be
cause It contains. In liquid form, every
one of Nature's digestive elements
therefore cannot help but digest food
the way It does. Kodol, as stated,
digests all food promptly and com
pletely and assures good health to the
stomach. Come to think of it Kodol
does accomplish a great deal if one
gives it a chance. Some of the com
monest and surest Indications of more
or less developed digestive troubles
are these:
Bad breath, bad taste in the mouth,
rising of sour, bitter fluid, gas and
undigested -particles of food into the
mouth, tenderness and dull pain at
"pit" of the stomach (sometimes re
lieved by eating), sensation of faint
ness, dizziness, and being "all gone,"
bloating of stomach and bowels, capri
cious and uncertain appetite, flabby
coated tongue, uncomfortable "full"
sensation after eating, "heartburn,"
lingering headaches, heart "fluttering"
or palpitation, dull, sleepy, "logy" feel
ing, irregular action of the bowels,
melancholia, gloomy forebodings, etc.
Our guarantee: Get a dollar bottle of
Kodol If you are not benefited the
druggist will at once return your
money. Don't hesitate: any druggist
will sell you Kodol on these terms.
The dollar bottle contains 2 times as
much as the 60c bottle- Kodol Is pre
pared in the laboratories of E. C.
DeWitt & Co., Chicago.
collected toy Deputy Sheriff Martin, $1,
670,036.70 has been turned over to
County Treasurer Lewis. The last re
mittance was made yesterday, when
$520,331.55 was placed in Mr. Lewis'
keeping. The turnovers are made by
Deputy Sheriff Martin as fast as the
tax money is distributed. Mr. Martin
will keep the tax department of Sheriff
Stevens' office open tonight, Saturday
night and - Monday night until midnight.
The steamer duck of South America loses
Its power of flight as it matures. The rea
son Is that its wings do not grow as the
rest of Its body develops.
The Addition with Character
Remember April 15th On That Date We
Will Advance Prices in Plat 2 From
$200 to $300 Per Lot.
Do you realize what this means to the man who is in
the market for a highly improvement home-site in a
highly restricted district, or for the man who is looking
for ideal investment 1 It means that in a very few days
he will be compelled to pay from $200 to $300 more for
the lot which he can purchase today for from $750 up.
Over $1,000,000 worth of Laurelhurst has been sold.
This simply indicates the popularity of Laurelhurst
with the general public. There has never been a resi
dence addition in Portland which has been as highly,
improved or restricted, and there has never been any
high-grade residence tract in Portland where lots have
been offered at such low prices and on such easy terms.
The lot which will cost you from $750 up now will cost v
$200 to $300 more after April 15, or if you have pur
' chased before that date the value of your lot will have
advanced that much. See Laurelhurst for yourself, but
see it at once and select your lot. "We will be glad to
show you this property in our automobiles if you will
call at our office. Or take the Rose City Park or
Montavilla cars. Both lines run to and through the
property. Deal with any of our authorized brokers if
you prefer.
Charles K. Henry Co.
Wakefield, Fries fc Co.
George D. Schallc
H. P. Palmer-Jones Co.
Holmes Jb Menefee. " -
Mall Jfc Von H or tel.
Mackie It on n tree.
R. F Bryan A Co.
Krlck-Dodds Co.
Ruf f-Ivlelnsorsre Land Co.
Dubois fc Crockett Ileal 1 7 Co,
Chapin V Herlow.
Haas dfc Rtnsler.
1-2 Bl SH-11 RE Y M A N BLOCK.
522-526 Corbett Building
Phones Main 1503, A 1515
Can fill a cavity in a tooth. But Dr. Wythe's Dentists, who are renowned specialists, not only fill cavities
(not as "any dentist does it"), but skillfully prepare the cavity, absolutely without pain by the Wythe
feystem and guarantee the filling
to be perfect and to last. But
where great skill is required is in
the making of artificial teeth,
both bridge and plate work. The
Wythe Dentists excel all others in
their profession. We can fit any
mouth perfectly with the greatest
of ease.
No More Loose
Fitting Plates
PLATE FOR $15.00
All work must be perfect be
fore it leaves this office 4
or no pay
The Best Assurance in the world of satisfactory service is a written
guarantee given under Dr. Wythe's Corporation Seal
AVe g-lve a broad guarantee to everyone that has never been duplicated- by any dentist or dentists any
where. INiot one n.iiffle piece of dental vrorlc wtll be turned oat of thlt office unless it Is perfect. If you want
more proof of the quality of work we do and prices we quote, come to my offices now and I will examine
your teeth without charge, and show you just what can be done, and tell you what it will cost. Such exam
ination iand advice do not obligate you" to employ us to do your work. The quality of our work is our
best indorsement. By the "Wythe Method of Painless Dentistry, employed in this office only, 148 Fifth st.,
Portland, Or., you may have a decaying. tooth filled and made sound asatn, or a new tooth may be inserted
so cleverly that it cannot be detected from those that grow in the mouth, or a broken-down decayed root
can be crowned so as to be as good, strong and lasting as any natural tooth, and in every instance this work
is done in an absolutely painless manner.
Those who require an upper and lower set of teeth can have them fitted with our patent suction natural
gum plates so perfectly as to make them forget the loss of their natural teeth.
We are making special inducements to those who wish full sets of teeth without plates, as this branch of
the Dental Science is our specialty, and is without doubt the most beautiful and lasting dental work known
Do not mistake the location. Our offices are located at 14S Flftb St. Take elevator or stairs to second
floor. Hours 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Sundays, 8:30 to 2. Lady assistants always In attendance.
DR." WYTHE'S DENTISTS, Inc., 148 Fifth Street
When you buy Lard you get more than you
bargain for It's heavier in your,
stomach than on the scales
Lard is a foe to digestion. If you had the stomach of an ostrich you could hardly
withstand the ravages of lard-soaked pastry. You have probably found this out and
have already given up the eating of pastry. 'Tis wholly unnecessary! Anyone can eat
and digest food cooked with Cottolene, the perfect shortening. It is a pure, vegetable
product, made from the choicest, refined, cottonseed oil.
When you buy lard you have no protection as to quality you simply know you
are getting LARD never mind the grade, it's just L-A-R-D. On the other hand,
every pail of Cottolene is uniform the product is guaranteed. You take no chances
In the face of these facts just ask yourself if you can afford
to use hog lard when you can get pure, healthful, nutritious
Your grocer is hereby authorized to
refund your money in case you are
COTTOLENE is Guaranteed
not pleased, after having given Cottolene a fair test.
Nvv in RulL- Cottolene is packed in pails with an air-tight top to
11 ever JOIQ 111 Punt keep h cIean and whoIeKlm9 mnd prevent it
from catching dust and absorbing disagreeable odors, such as fish, oil, etc
Come to Me
and Be Cured
When I
Cure You
or pay me mm 70a
Set tbe benefit of THE DOCTOR
my treatment. THAT CURES
FEE FOR A CURE Is lower than any
specialist In the city, half that others
charge you, and no exorbitant charge
for medicines.
I am an expert specialist. Have had
SO years' practice in the treatment of
diseases of men. My offices are the
best equipped in Portland. My methods
are modern and up to date. My cures
are quick and positive. I do not treat
symptoms and patch up. I thoroughly
examine each case, find the cause, re
move it and thus cure th disease.
I CURE Varicose Vntia, Pllea and
Specific Ulood Poison and all Ailments
of. Men.
tracted .nd chronic cases cured. All
burning-, itching and inflammation
stopped In 24 hours. Cures effected In
seven days.
insures every man a lifelong cure, trim
out taking medicine into the stomach
Examination free. If unable to call,
write for list of questions.
Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sun
days. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only.
Strange as it may seem, the average
dentist does not know strictly high
class dentistry. Nor does the average
person know the pleasure and comfort
of classy work until he has tried it.
He judges all dental work by what he
is used to and may permit himself to
be satisfied with a standard far below
what he might enjoy. If our work Was
not the best that is possible, do you
suppose our offices would be crowded
with patients willing to pay what good
classy work Is worth. We do work for
many people whose brothers or other
relatives are dentists, and good ones,
they say. Such cases would hardly
come to us it it were possible for
brother, who is a good dentist, to do
his work anything like the way we do
it. He must pay us. Brother would
do it gratis. We do the highest-class
dental business in the world. It's a
broad statement, "but true."
Alveolar teeth cannot be told from
natural teeth, except, perhaps, they are
bo much more beautiful than nature's
best product that you may be suspected
of having visited the Teeth Art Shop
(311 to 314 Abington building).
If any one is wearing a partial plate
or bridge, and has two or more teeth
left in either jaw, we will supply a full
set, without using plates or bridge
work, that will be as firm in the jaws
as nature's teeth and as permanent,
and more beautiful.
The work is practically painless and
carries our guarantee of satisfaction.
Caring Pyorrhea (loose teeth), a dis
ease given up by other dentists as in
curable, is another of our specialties
We cure it absolutely. It's a boastful
statement to make, but we can do any
thing that is possible in dentistry, and
what we do is always of the very high
est class. Our booklets Alveolar Den
tistry, are free. Write for one If you
cannot call. We have samples of our
work to show at all times.
Sll to 314 Abington Bldg, 104S& 3d St,
Terms to Reliable People.
Experiments which were recently made
at the Worcester (Mass.) Polytechnic show
that copper sheets which tiave been electro
deposited with copper possess much greater
heat transmission properties than ordinary
copper sheets which have not been so coat
ed. It Is sugRested- that this property may
aftect the design of condensers, radiators,