THE MORNTXG. OREGOXIAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1910. 13 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OKEGON1A.N TELEPHO"E8. Pacific States. Home. Countlnr-room Main 7070 A BOSS City Circulation Main 7070 A BOSS Managing Editor Main 7070 A 6093 Bunday Fdltor Main 7070 A B095 Compoilnj-room Main 7070 A 6095 Cltv Editor Main 707O A 6005 Surt. Buildings .Main 7070 A 6005 AMISEMEXTS. BI'N'flALOW THEATER (Twelfth and Mor rison) Robert Mantell In "King La.r." Tonight at 8:10. OBPHEUM THEATER (Morrison, between Sixth and Seventh) Vaudeville. This afternoon at 2:13, and tonight at 8:15. BAKER THEATER (Third, between Tara hlll and Taylor) "St. Elmo." Tonight at 8:15. PORTLAND THEATER (Fourteenth and "Washington) "A Night on Broadway." Tonight at 8:15. GRAND THEATER (Park and Washington) Vaudeville. This afternoon at 2:15; to night at 7:30 and 0. BTAR THEATER (Park and Washington) Motion pictures. Continuous, from 1 :30 to 10:3O P. M. Forobht Is Alleged. On a charge made by A. H. Brown, a merchant of University Park, a warrant wai Issued yesterday for th arrest of Jerome Mil ton Martin, an engineer. Martin is ac cused of having forged the name of Henry Hummell to a check for 162, which Brown indorsed and the real estate firm of Slbray & Hart at University Park cashed. Martin ia alleged to have owed Brown a bill amounting to 17, for which he Is said to have offered the $62 check, Brown was unable to cash it, taking it to Sibray & Hart, where the money was secured. The check was returned from a local bank as worthless. Hummel!, whose name Martin is accused of having forged, has his money in an Oregon City Bank. Is'ew t)i k k Confirmed. That the new Ten Mile gold strike in Idaho on the trail between Grangeville and the new camps on the South Fork, ten mile9 from Elk City, is In reality a new Eldo rado, 1b the statement of George M. Reed, proprietor of the Imperial Hotel at Grange ville, who is one of the lay men delegates attending the missionary convention here. According to Mr. Reed, Grangeville is filled with projectors. It is the best outfitting posrt for the new strike and in contsequence hundreds of projectors leave there over the new trail. This trail will be widened Into a wagon road this Summer. Wat Clear for Kilungbwoeth Im provement. At an enthusiastic meeting of the Killingsworth-Avenue Improve ment Association Wednesday night, Wil liam Heldt presiding, the $120 excess dam ages allowed by the court for the widen ing of Killingsworth avenue was paid to Mr. Reidt and will be turned over to the court. This clears the way for the Improvement. Mr. Reldt will take up un paid warrants and there will be no delay. Mr. Reldt was authorized to present a petition to the Board of Education ask ing for the purchase of a site for a Echoolhouse In that part of the district. "Father" Gunderson Returns. O. Gundereon, known as "Father" Gunder son, of tlie Salvation Army Rescue Home, Jias Just returned from a trip in the in terest of the rescue home. He visited Astoria, Fort Stevens, Fort Canby, Fort Columbia, McGowan, Chinook. Ilwaco, Jng Beach, Ocean Park, Nahcotta, OyMterville. the Nasrl country. Bay Cen ter, South Bend, Raymond, Skamokawa and Cathlamet. Meetings were held at most of these places and he received a hearty welcome. New Building Code Interests. A great deal of interest in the proposed new building code is manifested by the demand for the ordinance, which has been published in book form, and which can be had free at the office of Building Inspector Plummer. Architects and build ers are particularly anxious for copies of the code. Councilman Lombard, chair man of the special committee which compiled the work, will give a month's time before asking the Council to pass the ordinance, Fetb Will Aid Mjssion Work. Under the auspices of Trinity Church, promi nent children will participate in a "Sample Fete." which will be held at Trinity parish house this evening, com mencing at 8 o'clock, and also on Satur day afternoon. Miss Susan Clarke and Miss Florence Dayton are In charge of the "fete" which Is for the mission work of Bishop Spalding. Burglars Gut Small Haul. T. B. IPeerson, of 911 Missouri avenue, re ported to the detective bureau yesterday that his house was entered and robbed last Wednesday night between the hours of 9 and 10 o'clock. The burglars secured, according to Peterson's statement; three old ranlsh coins, a gold cross, a small link chain and in cash. New Bridge Sidewalks Widened. Granting a request of Justice Olson and others, the O. It & X. Co.. through Gen eral Manager O'Brien, hap ordered that the footpaths on the proposed new steel bridge be five feet in the clear, instead of as originally planned. The Port of Portland Commission has given consent. Reports to Show Epidemics "Wane. The city Board of Health will meet at Vi o'clock thip morning in regular month ly session. The reports of the Health Officer and school Inspectors will show that the city Is fairly free of contagion, and that the smallpox situation in the Irvlngton district is greatly Improved. Miss Strack Buried. The funeral of Miss Ruth Phillip Strack, who died at the home of her mother at Leasts, March 29, was held yesterduy afternoon from Grace Evangelical Church and Multnomah Cemetery was the place of interment. Miss Strack was 19 years old and the daughter of Mrs. Barbara Strack. , Parents and Teachers to Meet. The Parents and Teachers' Association of Woodlawn will meet at Woodlawn school today at 2:30 P. M. Dr. K. P. Gray will talk on contagious diseases and how to prevent them. Annual elec tion of officers will take place. All are welcome. Ai.bbrta Wants Fire Protection. Residents of the Alberta district will ask the city to purchase a site and . -build a fire engine-house near Alberta and East Twentieth streets. Petitions asking this improvement have been signed by nearly all the residents In the district. For Sale. horse power motor generator 6et, belted unit?, complete with circuit breakers and panels. Alternating and direct current machines. Ideal drive for Industrial plant. Complete information furnished at room S01 Oregonlan building. Mothers and Teachers Club to Mp-et Today. The Mothers and Teach ers' Club will meet this afternoon in the Woodlawn school for election of officers and other business. An address will be delivered on "The Prevention of Dis eases." Broadwat Bridge to Be Discussed. The North East Side Improvement Asso ciation will meet tonight In Woodmen Hall, on Russell street and Rodney ave nue, to consider the Broadway bridge situation. Road Bill to Be Discussed. At the meeting of Evening Star Grange tomor row, at the hall on St-ction Line road, the Johnson road bill will bo discussed. At noon the "Merry-Go-Round" Club will preside over the meeting. A Sample Fete for "the benefit of Bishop Spalding's Mission work win be held Friday evening and Saturday after noon. St Trinity Church parish house. .MW bAMPLB SHOE SHOP, lpO Third St., between Alder and Morrison, upstairs. All ladies' shoes, $2; all men's shoes, J2.50. No more, no less. Rinoler'b dancing club opens, at Mar lark hall. Saturday, April 2. Prasp's Orchestra. Order "Edel Brau bottled beer. Phones Main 70S. A 6325. The Bio Annual Concert of the Y. W. C. A., which will occur next Monday eve ning, April 4, will be an event of great Interest not only to all Y. W. c. A. mem bers but to all others who are Interested in the development of the musical de partment of the Association. In this concert the Altrul Octet, assisted by other musical clubs of the Association, will give the complete cantata "Summer" and the Bridal Chorus from the cantata "The Rose Maiden." The clubs have had as their director Miss Louise Heilman. Miss Janet Saunders, pianist, who for the past three years has been studying in Paris with Wager Swayne, will also I assist in this concert. Otster and chicken patties, calve's brains fritters, lamb, curry and rice; waffles. Virginia baked ham and cab bage, new asparagus: with drawn butter; cauliflower au gratln. artichokes, to matoes and crab meat, with mayonnaise; lemon pie and pineapple sponge, at Wo man's Exchange today, 1S6 Fifth street, near Yamhill. Tea and crumpets, toast and sandwiches are served at the Ex change every afternoon. Neighborhood House Is Topic. "The Neighborhood House: Its Work and Its Future" will be the topic at Temple Beth Israel tonight. Mrs. Hanscom will sing "Charity" (McDermid). The serv ice commences at $ o'clock. Tomorrow morning the topic will be a continuation of the lectures on the judges. The choir under the direction of Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer will render the service music. Strangers of all faiths are welcome. Chambdkmaid Alleged Thief. Lena Selee. a chambermaid employed in a rooming-house at 164 Lownsdale street, was arrested yesterday charged with larceny. The specific charge against her is that she took $45 which had been re ceived yesterday from "Count" Senosky as rent for his rooms. When searched, the girl had J60 and a diamond ring. Professor Hugh Black, the celebrated Scotch-American author and lecturer, will begin a series of lectures on Chris tianity and the modern man, in the First Presbyterian Church, tonight at 8 o'clock. Admission free. . North Pole Controversy. "Will be settled in April fool fashion tonight, at the Exposition Rink. Cook and Peary blindfolded will search for the pole on roller skates; worth seeing. Come and see the fun. Services to Be Held. Services will be held this evening, at Congregation Ahaval Sholom, Park and Clay streets, at 8 o'clock. Tomorrow morning services at 9:) o'clock. Rabbi R. Abrahamson will officiate. Fine infant boy for adoption; good par entage. Phone A 5607. Main 3928. Dr. J. D. Chambers, children, Med. bid. NEW ORLEANS NEXT OASIS Shrlners oV Pacific Northwest to As semble There April 10. All preparations are complete for the annual Journey to New Orleans, the Mecca of Shrlnedom this year, where the thirty-sixth annual session of the Imper ial Council. Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, will be held. The delegates from Al Kader temple here and Hillah temple at Ashland, will leave Portland Saturdaay evening at '7 o'clock over the North Bank. The party will be joined at Spokane by Sound temple and other Pacific North western temples. Including Gizeh temple, of Victoria, B. C. At Victoria the cara van for the long trip across the desert will be formed. The mascot of the delegation will be Master Edward Gibson Locke, 5-yer-old son of Dr. and Mrs. J. K. Locke, of this city. He has the distinction of being deputy potentate of Al Kader temple and Aflfi temple, at Tacoma. The caravan will consist of eight Pullmans, two diners, an observation car and a smoker, all fully equipped, there will be loo in the party, about equally divided between the men and women. The full band of Flfi temple, consisting of 20 pieces, will be on the train. Stop-overs will be made at Denver, Lincoln, Neb., Omaha, Neb.; St. Joseph, Mo.; Leavenworth, Kan.; Kansas City, St. Louis and Memphis. The train will arrive in New Orleans April 10. Noble E . P. Erckenbrack, of Tacoma, representing the Great Northern Railway, Kriward r.lbaon Lorke, of Port land. Who Will Be Mascot Shrlners' Caravan to L.osxve Sat urday for Sim Orleans. will conduct the special personally to the Crescent City. Over the lines" of the Illinois Central the train will be in charge of Noble J. C. Lindsey, pas senger agent of that road at Seattle. CITY JAIL CASEY'S HOME Equilibrium Gone, Chief Trusty Goes Buck to Making Fires. Jim Casey has been "Jugrg-ed" a grain. "Old Jim." chief trusty at the police station, the man who keeps the fires proing and the hallways swept clean, was release I only Wednesday morning, but having his liberty proved too great a strain or. Jim's nerves, and he got drunk. He Imbibed so much liquor that he could scarcely maintain his equilibrium. So the officers locked him up for. th-y say, the 999th time, "Old Jim Is 60 years old, and looks every bit of it. In the past year or so h has hardly spent a week at a time if , i - - I t 5 away from jail. He was at one time connected with the Westlnghouse Com pany as an expert mechanic and as serts that he invented one of the main features of the Westing-house airbrake. He worked for the O. R. & N. Com pany for Borne time after he came West, and was considered one of its best me chanics when he was sober. But his sober intervals were few and far be tween, until it finally got so that he could not be trusted at all. Things went from bad to worse with Casey, until now he considers the city jail his only home. HALL DONOR CONFIDENT Willamette Trustee Believes 9300, O0 0 W ill Be Collected Readily. A. E. Eaton of 387 Mill street, Port land, the donor of the $50,000 Eaton Hall at Willamette University, expressed con fidence that the $300,000 on which the $100,000 endowment by Mr. Booth depends, weuld be raised without great difficulty. Mr. Katon Is one of the trustees of the university. "There are several men of wealth In Seiem and In other parts of the state who I think would help out with the en dowment fund If the proposition were brought before them," said Mr. Eaton. "I am not a millionaire and cannot pos sfbly give more than I have already sub scribed for Eaton Hail, but I would glad ly donate $100,000 If I were able. "An endowment fund is the only proper means of support for a private institu tion like Willamette University. All the large private universities in the East are heavily endowed and there is no reason why Willamette, the oldest college in the state, should not be similarly favored. "I gave my money to the institution because I think It is the type of college deserving support. The college where moral and biblical truths are taught is the kind that turns out the most desir able citizens for all walks of life. "I do not favor Willamette University because it is in Salem, but merely be cause of the type of the institution. I have lived most of my life in Eastern Oregon, where I started with $7.50." WHERE TO DINE. AH the delicacies of the season at th Portland Restaurant. Fine private apart ments for ladies. 205 Wash., near tth aC C. E. Morgan Accused in Suit, Alleging that Charles E. Morgan ap propriated 9631.48 of the Union Guar antee Association funds to his own use. the association brought suit in the Circuit Court yesterday to recover. He was employed July 10. 1908, as assist ant manager for the firm. It is asserted, and took sums aggregating $631.48 at various times in the' year following. Rock Sprtnci CnL The best bouse coaL Ldbertr Coal A Ice Co., exclusive agents, 25 Norta Fourteenth street. Main 162 A iletal filament incandescent lamps are now being used on ships and railroad cars. Plant Sibson's Hoses1. Phone Sell wood 950. DOES QUALITY COUNT WITH TOUT La Tosca Corsets, Fine Hosiery. F. P. YOUNG 290 Morrison St, Bet. 4th and 5th, Corbett Bldg. FRIDAY SPECIALS. 75c Embroideries Special 25c Yard Great sale of Fine Embroid eries and Insertions. All of our Beautiful Embroideries greatly reduced. Come today. The values are unequalled. 75c Stocks, Special 48c White or colored embroidery. Very popular styles. Best make. $1.75 Suede Kid Gloves Special $1.48 Black or colored. 3-claep. Very dressy. 35c Spring-Weight Vests Special 17c Swiss ribbed, low neck, no sleeves. New' Tailored Waists $3.00 to $6.50. L MAYER & CO. Portland's Oldest Grocers. 148 Third Street. Home, Phone A 4432. Pacific Main 9432. weekly grocery bulletin: SPECIAL SALE All hiph grade goods at a great saving over regular prices. Friday and Sat urday, April 1 and 2. Pimentos (Spanish Bed Pep pers), 3 cans for 50c; regular 25c each. Savon Soap, box of 100 bars $3.55 ; 7 cakes for 25c. CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S LUCCA OIL, 75c per quart; reg ular 85c. Van - Eouten Cocoa, l-4s, 25c can; regular 30c Gilka Kummel (Genuine), $1.50 per Quart. Extra special Try our "Magdeburg Style" Dill Pickles, for . Saturday only, 20c per dozen. Try Holland Busk, served with Anchovy Paste. "The Store where PURE POOD is sold." Start the month right by opening an account with us. BANK WITH A STRONG BANK Another Advantage In'dealing with us is that you are not too small for us, nor we too large for you. We are just as attentive in our dealings with the small depositor as with the large one. We invite . checking ac counts, issue interest-bearing Certificates of Deposit. Portland Trust Company BANK S.E. CORNER THIRD AND OAK STREETS Protect Your Papers From fire, theft, dirt and moisture. Keep them handy, too. Only one way to do both. The Dick Steel Safe-Cabinet ALL THE SECURITY you need. Steel and fire-proof material throughout. Fire tests have brought outer walls to white heat without affecting inner walls. Contents found in perfect con dition. Combination lock baffles sneaks and meddlers. ALL THE CONVENIENCE of a wooden file. Nearly as light can be moved around as desired. Shelves ad justable to meet your needs. Tremen dous capacity four times that of a safe the same size. Costs only a trifle more than wood. Sizes for all pur poses. NOW, BEFORE YOU HAVE A FIRE IN YOUE OFFICE, let us tell you all about the safe-cabinet exactly suited to your business how inexpensive, how satisfactory, how much it may save you. See us about it or let us hear from you. Exclusive Agents. KILHAM STATIONERY & PRINTING CO. Fifth and Oak Streets. Painless Dentistry r - -- Out ot town people oma hare their plate nd bridge work fl nam 1IQ6Q 1 one If 22k (old or ' porcelain $3.50 crown for Molar Crown 5.6(1 22kBridff.Torth3.50l GoldFilttaf. 1.00 Enamal F.ningt LOU SIKwFlinnio .50 InUy Filling 2.50 Good Rubber Plato 9.UU But Red Rub -A bar Plato I.9U Fainleu Extrtlon .50 BL W. . WUE, Pram Mi Hum WORK GUARANTEED FOR IS YEARS Palnleo Extraction i re when plate or bridge wont to ordered. OoMultatlon Free. Yon cannot set hette palnleo. work done anywhere. All worlt fullT raw mnteed. Modem eloctrio equipment. Boot method. Wise Dental Co . . INCORPORATED !S2ST PORTLAND. OREGON nXIOS BOCKS: A. M. to ft f. at. Snndan. t i- AND OVER ?3700 DT OTHEB PBIZES. BEAD PAGE 11, THIS PAPER. N FRF r'lSSfW Genuine Your them. ROGERS PEET & BROKAW CLOTHES coincide in every way for every claim made for them. Suits and Spring Overcoats $25 to $40. One of our strongest features this season are the lines of $15 to $20 Suits and Spring Overcoats we are showing. Boys, those canoes we will give away June 1 (three of them), and it's up to you to get one. Impress on all your friends that every purchase here will help you to get one. Votes given with all purchases. Useless Spending Is Double Loss Every time you spend a dollar uselessly you not only lose that dollar, but the interest it might be earning. Bring a dollar here start a bank ac count and receiVe 4 per cent interest. Open 8 A; M. to 5:30 P. M. Saturdays Until 8 P. M. Portland, Oresron. REALLY DIFFERENT The Fit of a Shoe Bought at KNIGHT'S WASHINGTON. NEAR SECOND SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Square Just opposite Hotel St. Francis European Plan $1.50 a day up American Plan $3.00 a day up New steel aod brick structure. Furnished t cost of $200,000. Every comfort and con venience. On carlines transferring ail over city. Omnibus meets trains and steamers. Send for Booklet with map of San Francisco Fred Prehn, D.D.S. Removed to 40T Gerlinirer Bids., 2d and Alder Sts. Phones: Main 2202, A. Residence Phone, Main 4237. rll'K BEFA1BIIO Of every description br aoali. Amber, brier and meeraebaum. Artificial coloring;. 81a alcnoi M Ca. ax d at-, rortland- ( HOTEL STEWART Pleasure to Buv Cloth BLUE STEM If You Please Don't MERELY Ask for FLOUR Any ordinary mill can make ordinary flour, but ordinary flour is not good enough for you or for me, when better can be had for the asking. You want nice. light, creamy bread and biscuits, and rolls and pie crust that are deliciouslv wholesome. Then ask for PIONEER MILLS, BLUB STEM FANCY PATENT FLOUR. Instead of merely ordering "a sack of flour." The good bread, good biscuits and good pies will come easy enough with Blue Stem Flour in the house. Made by special process in the most modern milling plant on the Coast. Pioneer Mllln, Island City, Blue O C Stem fancy Patent Klour, bbl.. . OO.aiO Pioneer Mills. Inland City, Bine tfj - Cf Stem Fancy Patent Klonr, sack.. J XaOvl D. C. BURNS CO. 20S-210 THIRD ST, BETWEEN SALMON AND TAYLOR. EXCEPTIONAL ADVANTAGES Whether your financial transactions are large or moderate in volume, a personal interview with an official of the Merchants National Bank may reveal to you distinct advantages in having a Banking con nection with this institution. You are cordially invited to discuss any matters in which we can be of service to you. Yours very truly. COST f LAUNDERING HAS BEEN MATERIALLY REDUCED BY THOSE WHO PATRONIZE OUR ROUGH DRY DEPARTMENT OIH CUSTOMERS ARE WELL PLEASED. WE CAN PLEASE- YOU. BOTH City Laundry Company fllCOHOLPmcco Cored. Only aotbarlrod Kaoloy In stitute in Oregon. Write for ltlaa- E 'til K- rw-Jand. Oman H At the store for male attire ex clusively, you pay absolutely lowest prices for the world's best cloth ing. You know it is like finding an oasis in the desert to find clothes 4- 4- 4-. 4- LI1UL UIC Up LU L11C claims made for FLOUR SVti PHONES. ICCHWAB PRINTING CO lOSOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE 124.74 STARK. STREET