Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 29, 1910, Page 18, Image 18

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Steamship to Be Taken Off
Coos Bay Run on Return
to Portland.
'Gray & Holt Company Decides to
Withdraw and Trade Fa Iks Into
Hands of Southern Taoifie.
Steamer Will Tie Vp.
Owners of ' the steamship Alliance,
'hlrh has been running between Port
land and Coos Bay for the past nine
years, have decided to abandon the
route and on the arrival of the vessel
from Marshfield next Thursday, she will
be stripped and tied up until sold or an
other run found suitable for her. Freight
offerings for the next sailing of the Al
liance will be handled by the steamship
IRamona, of the Southern Iacific Com
pany. Announcement of the abandonment of
the Coos Bay run by the Gray & Holt
Steamship Company as made yester
day by Agent Charles G. Stimpyon. on
receipt of a letter of instructions from
the head office in San Francisco. The
letter directed Mr. Stimpson to strip the
vessel, sell ail perishable stores and place
the vessel in permanent quarters. The
dock at the foot of Couch street will
continue to handle coasting vessels and
Will be attended by Mr. Stimpson.
The Alliance Is a. wooden vessel and
et present is commanded by Captain
Alstrup. She was built at Fairhaven,
Cal., in J8f"6. For a time she operated
between San Francisco and Eureka. In
.1901 she was sent to Portland and ran
south flying the house flag of the Ore
gon and California Coast Steamship Com
pany. On the. Coos Bay run she was
In turn commanded by Captains Hard
wick. Kelly, B. W. Olson, Parsons and
Between Portland and Coos Bay ports
the regular steamship service will be
carried on by the steamships Ramon a
and Eureka. The Ramona will make a
trip every Wednesday night from Port
land and the Eureka will sail on a ten
day schedule, running as far south as
Eureka. The Eureka was formerly on
the same run but was hauled off last
The Ramona. is operating under char
ter in the place of the steamship Break
water, which is undergoing repairs at
San Francisco. The Breakwater is ex
pected to be ready for service airaln by
the 5th of May, but this is uncertain.
It is reported that there is a clause in
the charter of the Ramona giving an
option for the purchase of the vesBel by
the Southern Pacific Company and this
option has been taken up. In that case
the Breakwater will either run south
from Coos Bay or the company will
operate two boats out of this port.
Captain States, in Command of
Teddy, Starts for Nome.
ASTORIA. Or., March 28. (Special.)
The gasoline launch Teddy, Captain
Waldo P. States, in command, sailed
yesterday for Juneau, Alaska. The
craft was built by the Astoria Boat Com
pany for the Juneau Ferry & Naviga
tion Company and is to be used in the
passenger and freight business. The
launch i equipped with a 2o-horsepower
engine and her dimensions are as1 fol
lows: length. 42.9 feet; beam, 11.7 feet;
depth. 2.7 feet; tonnage, 14 tons gross,
10 tons net.
The gasoline schooner Wllhelmina ar
rived last evening from Coos Bay-, where
she was built and will go into regular
service between the Columbia River and
Oregon Coast points.
The British bark Poltalloch sailed to
day for Sydney, Australia, with a cargo
of lumber.
The steamer Francis IT. Leggett sailed
today for San Pedro with a cargo of
1.400.000 feet of lumber, loaded at the
Hammond mill.
The barge Haydn Brown which arrived
on Saturday from Puget Sound began
discharging her cargo of coal today.
The steam schooner Grays Harbor sailed
today for Aberdeen to load a cargo of
Nautical Kxiert Taken for Another
Man and Is Arrested.
John McNulty, nautical expert In
charge of the local branch of the hydro
Kraphic office, is suffering much anguish
of mind by reason of the fact that there
is somewhere on this earth another in
dividual bearing the same cognomen. The
other John McNulty owns property and
the sailor man does not. Thereby hangs
a sad. sad tale.
McN'ulty (the sailor) was arrested yes
terday charged with failing to clean up
the premises owned by him in Fulton.
In addition be was informed that there
was a tax bill against the property and
also a few Incidentals which wouid re
duce the bank account by about $200 It
required considerable explanation to get
the official to release him.
Records show that John McNulty is the
owner of two lots on the corner of Texas
and Virginia streets in Fulton. The
owner has failed to show up for several
years and the taxes remain unpaid.
Steamship Golden Gate Makes Round
Voyage in 4 5 Days.
A new record for round-trip passages
between Tillamook and Portland was es-
' tablished on the last voyage of the
Fteamship Golden Gate. Captain Parsons.
The vessel completed the round trip in
45 hours from the dock at Bay City to
Portland and back to the starting point,
including the delay incident to the dis
charging and loading of cargo at this
The Golden Gate is operated by Frank
lyn & Co., of Portland, and is due to
reach this city this morning about 7
o'clock. The craft crossed out over the
Tillamook Bay bar yesterday afternoon
ready to leave up from Astoria. She
will sail for Tillamook again tonight.
Kansas City Reaches Tort With 242
Passengers From California.
Passenger traffic between Portland
and San Francisco Is rapidly assuming
. Summer proportions. The steamship
I Kansas City, Captain Nopander. of the
1 San Francisco and Portland Steamship
I Company, arrived up at 5 o'clock last
t evening with. 243 passenger and. a .full
Headtlfo, Vigor aiicl Eoergy
Read the following letters and learn how Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is helping
sufferers. Mr. Wm. Tegge, of Hoboken, praises it for curing him of diarrhoea
when all else failed, and tells how it prevents colds and throat troubles.
Mr. Frank A. Shower, of Anniston,' Ala., says he has found Duffy's Pure Malt
Whiskey to be an excellent tonic and body builder.
, wm. morning I feel all right. I use it as a mr. frank a. shower.
preventive to colds and coughs, as I am exposed to all sorts of weather. 1 write you that others may know of this
wonderful remedy." William Tegge, 77 Bloomfield Street, Hoboken, N. J.
"I have used Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey many years as a to'nic and body builder, with the best results. My
health is much improved. I am so pleased that I wish to let others know of this great medicine. Frank A. Shower,
Anniston, Ala." .
If you wish to keep young, strong and vigorous and have on your cheeks
the glow of perfect health, take Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey regularly accord
ing to directions. It tones and strengthens the heart action, and purifips the
entire system. It is a wonderful remedy in the treatment and cure of con
sumption, pneumonia, grippe, bronchitis, coughs, colds, malaria, low-fever,
stomach troubles and all wasting, weakening conditions, if taken as directed.
It is recognized as a family medicine everywhere. ,
If in need of advice, write Medical Department, Dnf fy Malt Whiskey Com
pany, Rochester, N. Y., stating your case fully. Our doctor will send you advice
free, together with a valuable illustrated medical booklet, containing rare common-sense
rules for health which yon cannot afford to be without, and some
of the many thousands of gratifying letters received from men and women in
all walks of life, both old and young, who have been cured and benefited by
the use of this great medicine, and who continue to enjoy good health. It is
sold by druggists, grocers and dealers, or direct, $1.00 per large bottle.
cargo of freight. Ten automobiles formed
a part of the freight on the vessel, in
dicating a movement to the northward
of the California tourist business.
For the voyage south the Kansas City
has a number of passengers already
booked, all for the first cabin. Several
reservations have also been made for the
next trip south of the Rose City, which
is not scheduled to sail from Portland
until Saturday. April 9. Summer serv
ice will be inaugurated. April 2 with the
sailing from Portland of the steamship
Kansas City.
With the arrival of . the steamships
Bear and Beaver the schedule between
Portland and San Francisco will be
changed. The Bear is now due at San
Francisco and the Beaver, which will
come direct to Portland, will be from
two to three weeks later.
Beaver Arrive at River Platte.
While the steamship Beaver lowered
the record of the Bear by nearly half a
knot on the official trial trip, she Is
short of making anywhere near the time
on the voyage around to Pacific waters.
Dae to ArrirL
Nam. From. Dat
Oeo. W. Elder. .Ban Pedro. ..In port
Ramona Coot Bay.... In port
KlMMCItT... Ban Franclicoln port
Golden Gate. .. Tillamook. ... Mar. -9
Alliance. ... ...Coos Bay.... Mar. 30
Pom City San FraoctlccApr. 1
Sue H. Elmore. Tlllamooic. . . Apr. 2
Roanoke....... San Pedro.:. Apr. U
Falcon San Franclaoo Apr. 3
Santa Clare,.. .8an Francisco Apr. 6
Gelja.. ...Honrkonc... . Apr. 35
Henrlk Ibsen. . .Honakonsr. .fune X
Hercules. ... ...Monekong. .. .June 4
Scheduled to Depart.
Name. For Date.
Oeo. W Hitler. .Pan Pedro... Mar. 29
Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook... Mar. 20
Golden Gate. Tillamook. ...Mar. f f
Ramona ..Coos Bay.... Mar. 30
Kansas City. . 6an Francisco Apr. 2
Alliance. ......Coos Bay. .... Apr. 2
Falcon. ....... San Pedro... Apr. ft
Roanoke. ..... .San Francisco Apr. ft
Santa Clara. . .San Francisco Apr. 9
Rose City .... ..San Francisco Apr. 9
S.IJa ...Honrkonc... Apr. 22
Henrik Ibsen. . HonirkonR. .. .June 12
Hercules Hongkong. ...June 15
Entered Monday.
Quinault. Am. steamship KofTold),
with general cargo, from San Fran
cisco. Catania. Am. steamship (Canty),
with fuel oil. from Monterey.
Wi'ihelmlna, Am. gas sen., (Tyler),
with ballast, from Yaquina.
Geo. W. Elder, Am. steamship (Jes
sen). with general cargo, from San
Atlas. Am. steamship (Badger),
with fuel OIL from San Francisco.
Asuncion, Am. steamship (Brldg
ett). with fuel oil. from San Fran
cisco. Cleared Mondsr.
Quinault. Am. steamship (KofTold),
with ballast, for Grays Harbor.
Ci.tania, Am. steamship (Canty),
with ballast, for San Francisco.
Geo. W. Elder. Am. steamship (Jes
en), with general cargo, for, San
Pedro and San Francisco.
Atlas. Am. steamship (Badger),
with ballast, for San Francisco.
Asuncion, Am. Bteamshlp (Brfdg
ett). with ballast, for San Francisco.
The Beaver Is reported as having reached
the River Platte March 26 from New
York for Portland. The voyage down the
coast occupied 28 days. The Bear made
the same run in 26 days. The latter
craft has been out 53 days and should
be close in to San Francisco.
Repairs Made at San Francisco.
Repairs to the sfeamship Atlas, which
lost her wheel Friday evening near
Northwest Seal Rocks and was towed to
Portland by the steamship Asuncion, will
be made in San Francisco. While no
definite orders have -been issued as yet
regarding a tow south, it is probable
that the Asuncion will be designated to
proceed with her. On the voyage up the
Columbia a record was established for
tows; that of a loaded steamship tow
ing another loaded steamship.
AVilholmina Arrives on First Trip.
On her first trip to Portland the gaso
line schooner Wllhelmina arrived up yes
terday and docked at the foot of Oak
street. She will load general cargo for
Alsea, Taquina and the Siuslaw. The
Wllhelmina was recently purchased by
Captain George Tyler and others at
Marshfield. Captain Tyler Is in com
mand of the vessel. The Wllhelmina was
built at North Bend two years ago. by
Charles Thorn and was operated between
Coos Bay and the Coquille.
Marine Notes.
With passengers and freight for San
Franolsco and San Pedro tha steamship
Cured Diarrhoea.
"I wish to let you know how much
good Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey has
done me. Four years ago I had a severe
attack of Diarrhoea. I did not attend to
it until it got so bad I had to quit work.
The doctor put me on special diet. I got
worse and was so weak I could scarcely
walk. I used "Blackberry Brandy" with
no results. I then took Duffy's Pure
Malt Whiskey. I began to improve at
once, and after . taking three bottles I
was cured. Now whenever I need some
thing to help me, I take a dose of Duffy's
Pure Malt Whiskey at nic-ht. and in the
George "W. Elder, Captain Jessen, sailed
last evening at 8 o'clock.
The steam schooner Despatch is load
ing lumber at Rainier for San Francisco.
The steam schooner Grays Harbor will
load lumber at Aberdeen for San Fran
cisco. The steamship Nome City finished car
go at Rainier yesterday and left for San
For Coos Bas- ports with passengers
and freight the steamship Ramona will
sail tomorrow evening.
The oil tank Fteamship Catania is dis
charging fuel oil at the Linn ton tanks
of the Associated Oil Company.
Arrivals and Departures.
PORTLAND. March 2S. Arrived Steam
ship Asuncion, from San Francisco; steamship
Atlas, from San Francisco; steamship Kansas
City, from fan Francisco. Sailed Steamship
Sue H. Blmore, for Tillamook.
Astoria, Or.. March 28. Condition at the
mouth of the river at 5 P. M., smooth; wind,
northwffft. 12 miles.; weather, clear. Arrived
Hown during the night and sailed at 5:30 A.
M. Steamer J. Marhofter.- for San Francusco.
Arrived at 6 and left up at 9 A. M., steamer
Kansas City, from San Francisco. Sailed at 2
P. M., British bark Poltalloch. for Sydney.
San Francisco. March 2S. Arrived at 7 A.
M.. steamer Rose City, from Portland. Ar
rived at 4 P. M.. steamer J. Marhofter, from
Columbia River.
Coos Bay. March 28. Arrived Steamer Al
liance, from Portland.
San Pedro, March. 28. Arrived Steamers
Shasta and Roanoke, from Portland. Arrived
yesterday, steamer Yosemite, from Columbia
Point Lobos. March 28. Pawed at 1 P. M.,
steamer Rosecrans, from Portland, for San
San Francisco. March 28 Sailed Steamer
Argyle, for Seattle. Arrived Steamer Rose
City, from Portland; steamer Santa Barbara,
from Grays Harbor; steamer J. Marhofter,
from Astoria.
Liverpool, March 28 Arrived Baltis, from
New Tork.
Copenhagen. March 28. Arrived Oscar IL
from New York.
Glasgow, March ,28. Arrived California
from New York.
London, March 28. Arrived Minnewaska,
from New York ; Montreal, from St. John, N".
Seattle. March 2-S. Arrived Steamer Ad
miral Sampson, from San Francisco; steam
er Portland, from Valdez; steamer Gover
nor, from San Francisco. Sailed French
ship La Perouse, for United Kingdom ;
steamer Jefferson. Skagway.
Tacoma, March 28. Arrived Peruvian
bark Leonida. from Callao; Japanese steam
er Chicago Maru. from Seattle. Departed
Steamer Dirigo, for Seattle.
Los Angeles, March 28. Arrived Steam
ers Shasta, from Portland; Roanoke, from
Portland; Nann mlth. from coos Bay; Yo
semite. from Columbia River; Lucy Neff,
from Coos Bay; schooner Fearless, from Ta
coma; Sadie, from I'mnqua River; A. M.
Baxter, from Coos Bay; W. J. Patterson,
from Grays Harbor. Sailed Steamer Shna
Yak, Columbia River.
Tides at Astoria Tuesday.
H Igh. Low.
S:40 A. M....8.1 feet'9:19 A. M 1.0 foot
Z:2i P. M....S.C feef!:03 P. M 2.9 feet
Steamer Golden Gate receives freight;
sails tonight. Oak-street dock.
Coffe and Sugar.
SEW YORK, March 28. Coffe closed In
active, net unchanged, closing' bids: March
and April, 6.80c; May, 6.85c; June. 6.90c;
July. 7c; August and September. 7.05c; Oc
tober. November and December, 7.10c; Janu
ary and February. 7. Hie. Spot quiet. Rio,
No. 7, 8 ll-168?ic; Santos. No. 4, 914c;
mild quiet. Cordova. 9 V4 1 2 c.
Sugar Raw, steady. Muscovado, .89
test. 3.Srtc; centrifugal, .95 test, 4.36c; mo
lasses sugar. .89 test, 3.41c. Refined sugar,
steady. Cut loaf, 6.0oc; crushed. 6.9."c:
mould A., 8.60c; cubes. C60c; XXXX pow
dered, 5.40c; powdered, o.S5c; granulated,; diamond A. 5.25c; confectioners' A,
5.05c; No. 1, Sc; No. 2. 4.CSc; No. 3. 4.90c;
No. 4. 4.g5c; No. 5, 4.80c; No. , 4.7SC; No.
7. 4.70c: No. 8, 4.fiSc; No. 9. 4Oc; No. 10,
4.55c: No. 11, 4.50c; No. 12, 4.45o; No. 13
and No. 14. 4.40c.
For 53 years our whiskey has been
You may be sure we take no chances
of spoiling such a record.
Every scientific precaution, plus Gov
ernment supervision insures the purity
dood old
Bottled In Bond
Send tor a copy of "Making the Standard Rye Wniskey
of America".
A.Guckrnhfiimer & Bro Pis tiller a, PitUbarg. ioc)lS57
Long-Continued Dry Weather
Causes Advance in Prices.
Chicago Market Shows Sharp Ad
vances at the Opening and the
Close Is SteadrOats and
Corn Are Weak.
CHICAGO, March 28. Sentiment in wheat
was Inclined to be bullish nearly all day.
Despite official predictions of rain for many
sections of the Southwest, no precipitation
was reported today, except in one or two
localities. This caused a sharp upturn In
prices. Opening quotations showed gains
of to lHpl, with September scoring
the greatest advance. That option opened
at $1.004 to $1.06. July opened at
1.08i, to 1.nR. Toward the middle of
the day, buying of shorts forced them to
new high marks for the session. Septem
ber reached 1.06'v4L07 and July $1.09 "4.
The market closed about steady with Sep
tember at Sl.u6ttl-0614 after it had
touched fl.00. July closed at S1.0S
Corn was strong at the start, but weak
ened later because of selling encouraged
by tha continued slackness of Spring de
mand for the cash grain. Cash corn was
in fair demand and prices were steady to
He higher. No. 3 yellow sold at 61 Vt ta 62c.
During the day May sold between 62 c and
63 c. The market closed at almost the
bottom with prices a shade lower to
higher, may being at 62 74 63c.
Oats were firm vearly because of the
strength of wheat and corn, btit eased off.
Prices closed unchanged to Hc lower,
compared with the previous close.
Provisions closed 7Vc higher to 10c lower.
Final figures on May products were: Pork,
$26.35; lard. J14.O0; ribs. $13. 92 ',. 13.85.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Open. High. Low. ' Close.
May $1.14 1; J1.14H $1.14 $1.1 4 Vi
July 1.08i 1.09 U 1.08 1.084
Sept 1.0674 1.07 1.06 1.06
May 3',i .63 .627, .63
July. 5H .6514 .SOi .6474
Sept 66 14 .66H .651s
May 44a, .44 .43 ,437s
July .42 .41', .42
Sept 397 .39'i, .39-7s .394
May '26.65 26.7214 26.35 26.25
July S6.00 26.20 25.97 4 26.00
Sept 25.55 25.85 25.52 26.52 H
May 14.20 14.25 14.00 14.00
July 13.974 14.024 13. BTH 13.87'i
Sept '13.87 13.90 13.77H 13.37W
May 14.00 14.12 1.1.92ii 13.95
July 13.60 13.72V3 13.57j 13.5714
Sept 13.SO 13.55 13.471 13.47i4
Cash quotations were as follows:
Fiour Steady.
Rye No. 2. 7974 (SSOc.
Barley Fed or mixing, 53'56c; fair to
Timothy seed $4.60.
Grain statistics:
Total clearances of wheat and flour were
equal to 24 4,000 bushels. Primary receipts
were 724.000 bushels, compared with 642,
000 bushels the corresponding day a year
ago. The visible supply of wheat in the
United States Increased 821,000 bushols for
the week. The amount of breadstuff on
ocean passage Increased 56,000 bushels. Ks
timated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 55
h , -ill
My patients come because they know
that I will cure them. My reputation as the
leading specialist in men 's ailments is
firmly established by my -work of the past,
and there is no necessity of my resorting to
irregular methods in order to keep busy. I
offer a distinctive and superior servjee, and
results prove that it is such a service that
I actually render. My skill, ability and
straightforward methods entitle me to the
success that I have won, and to the full
measure of public confidence iiat I en
joy. My practice is the largest and con
stantly thrives because
I use neither
k n if e, ligature
nor caustic In
my treatment for
varicose veins. I
positively cure
this disorder by
an absolutely
painlesa method
and without de
taining the pa
tient from business.
I not only cure promptly, but I
employ the only treatment that can
possibly cure this ailment perma
nently. It Is a system of local treat
ment entirely original with me, and
is employed by no physicians other
than myself. This may seem a broad
assertion, but it is just as substan
tial as it Is broad. A radical cure
Is merely a matter of restoring nor
mal conditions throughout the or
ganic system, and this I accomplish
thoroughly and with absolute certainty.
My treatment for
DERS forcea the
very last taint
from the system,
and all this Is
accom p 1 1 s h e d
without the use
of dangerous
dosing. I afford
you a complete
and permanent
Dr. Taylor's $10,000 Mu
seum of Anatomy.
Every man Is invited to visit
this wonderful educational ex
hibit, showing the human body in
wax reproductions.'
I make no charge
VICE. All af
flicted men may
feel free to call
upon me or write
regarding their
I cure permanently and for all time Varirose Vein pi. Contracted Ali
ments, enou Ailments. Blood Ailn&ents, Kidney, Bladder and all re
flex ailments.
Ailing men out of town who cannot call, write for my specially pre
pared diagnosis caart
cars: com. 214 cart; oats, 170 cars; hogs.
15,000 head.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, barrels IS. 500 19.100
Wheat, bushels 33.H00 10. son
("orn, bushels 188.800 l'-M.OOO
Oats, bushels 243.0011 100,100
Rye. bushels 1.000 1,000
Barley, bushels. 133,500 34,600
Grain and Produce at New York.
NEW YORK. March 28. Flour Steady,
with moderate local trade. Receipts, 27,100
barrels; shipments, 32,153 barrels.
Wheat Spot irregular. No. 2 red, $1.2513
elevator; No. 1 Northehrn, $1.2tt F. O. B.
Wheat was firmer on commission-house
buying; and covering: by shorts on account
of the continued absence of rain in the Win
ter wheat belt, but trading; was dull most
of the day. Prices closed c to IHc net
advance: May. $1.2:tH: July, $1.17;
September, Receipts, 60,000 bushels;
shipments. 91,912 bushels.
Petroleum and hides Steady.
Hops Dull.
Wool Quiet.
Grain at San Francisco.
SAX FRANCISCO, March 28. Wheat
Barley Weak.
Spot quotations
Wheat Shipping. tl.SO 1.82 M.
Barley Feed, f 1.3511 1.36 ; brewing;,
Oats Red. 1.45 1.65 ; white, tl.eO'S
1.67 H : black, nominal.
Call board sales
Wheat No trading;.
Barley May, $1.31 hi; June, $l.-'o; Julv,
J1.22H: December, $1.20 lij 1.21.
Corn Larso yellow. $1.701.75.
Minneapolis Grain Market.
MINNEAPOLIS. March 28. Wheat Mav.
$1.14t&l-14K: July. $1.14TS. Cash: No. 1
hard. $ 1. 1 6 1,4 ft 1. 17 14 ; No. 1 Northern,
Enough to succeed in the battle of
life, because skill and experience
have taug-ht me how, and it is your
own fault if you do not take advan
tage of the opportunities I offer
you. There are men who, from
natural conditions, must know that
they are near the last milestone,
still have the mad gleam of a bicy
cle rider in their eye, peering
ahead, straining every nerve in an
effort to make a few more dollars.
Other men in the prime of life, for
fear of losing a dollar, will not stop
to correct a physical wrong or rest
their weary brain. The lives of such
men are mentally wrong. The man
who enjoys life is the man with
Good Digestion
and Good Health
Who thinks no more of a dollar than it is worth. He sleeps as soundly
as a baby, and gets up in the morning refreshed. He can smell a
meal cooking for a block, and it sharpens his appetite. He knows he
cannot be up late nights abusing his stomach and be fit for business
the next day. If you are not observing Nature's laws, it is time to
commence. If you expect to hold your own in the keen competition
of life, you must get in full possession of your faculties. The capa
bilities and powers possessed by any man, or the brightest spirit with
its wonderful possibilities, must depend upon health. In seeking treat
ment the experience of physicians who have received the unqualified
indorsement of the pulpit, the press and laymen should be worth
something. Under my care you are absolutely assured of the most
modern methods and the latest discoveries known to medical science.
The unsolicited testimonials from cured patients and business men
should be of some value to you.
Consultation and advice free. If you cannot call at office, write
for self-examination blank many cases cured at home. Medicines
$1.50 to $6.50 per course.
Hours, 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 A. M. to 12.
Cor. Yamhill and Second
The Leading Specialist.
cure DTSOR
DrTRS thorough
ly and In less
time than Is
commonly re
quired to even
cure partially.
Do not endanger
your health and
power by relying;
upon patent nos
trums or other
uncertain meas
ures. My method of
curing O B -TRT7CT10NS
new and entirely
original. No cut
ting or dilating.
The obstruction
is dissolved and
completely re
moved and all
effected mem
branes thorough
ly cleansed.
My colored chart
affords Interest
ing study in
men's disorders.
Will be given
free upon appli
cation at office.
9 A. M. TO 9 P. M. DAILY.
$1.15 ietl.16 : No. 2 Northern. 1.135i
1.144 ; No. 3 Northern, 1.08 ijjil.l24.
Flax 2. 32.
Corn" No. 3 yellow. 58 ft? 59 c.
Oats No. 3 white, 41 (o-42 c.
R3 69 (&'74c.
Grain Markets of the Northwest.
TACOMA, Wash., March 28. Wheat
Milling;: Bluestem, $1.03; club, 9596c. Rus
sian, 96c.
SEATTLE. Wash., March 2S. Milling;
quotations: Bluestem, $1.06; club. 99c: fife,
S9c: red Russian, 97c. Export wheat: Blue
stem, $1.03; club, 96c; nfe, 96c; red Rus
sian, 94c.
Dried Fruit at New York
NEW YORK, March 28. Evaporated ap
ples unchanged. Spot fancy, 10c; choice, 8
SVjc: prime, GT47c; common to fair,
Prunes, steady: California up to 30-40s,
2t-ic; Oregons, 5&9c.
Apricots, easy; choice, 10llo; extra
choice. 11 &12c; fancy, 12(g13o.
Peaches, steady; choice. 6V'6c; extra
choice. 7c: fancy. 77c.
Raisons easy; loose muscatels, 3$?5c;
choice to fancy seeded, 56c: seedless,
34c; London layers, $1.151.25.
tv York Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. March 28. Cotton futures
closed very steady. 14 to 31 points higher.
March. 15.18c; April and May, 15.13c: June,
14.95c: July, 14.92c; August. 14.42c; Sep
tember. 13.62c; October. 13.27c; November
and December, 13.80c; January. 18.04c.
Spot closed quiet. 20 points advance. Mid
dling uplands. 15.35c; middling Gulf, 15,60c.
Sales, 15,406 bales.
Elgin Butter Market.
ELGIN". 111.. March 28. Butter Firm;
32c. Sales for the week. 456.200 pounds.
Portland, Oregon
Come to Me
and Be Cured
When I
Cure Youl
or pnT me nn you
set the benefit of THE DOCTOR
my treatment. THAT CURES
FEE FOK A CIRE Is lower tUan any
specialist in tne city, half that others
charge you, and uo exorbitant charge
for medicines.
I am an expert specialist. Have had
SO years' practice in the treatment of
diseases of men. My offices are the
best equipped in Portland. My methods
are modern and up to date. My cures
are quick and positive. I do not treat
symptoms and patch up. I thoroughly
examine each case, find the cause, re
move it and thus cure th disease.
I CI KK Vartcoae Veins. I'lles and
Specific Ulood Poison and all Aliments
of Men.
tracted iind chronic cases cured. All
burning, itching and intlammatlon
stopped in H hours. Cures effected in
seven days.
insures every man a llleluii cure, wiiu
out taking medicine into the stomach.
Examination free. If unable to call,
write for list of questions.
Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sun
days. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only.
Entirely Cleared Aftrr a few Applica
tions of PoKlam.
Where it goes is evidently not a very
serious matter as long as the little red
spot, blemish or other skin dlFflgure
ment, disappears ns qulrkly as it does
after a few applications of poslani, the
new skin remedy. A peculiar feature of
poslam is that it is naturally flesh-colored
and contains no grease, so that
when used on the face for the com
plexion, or for pimples, red noses, or
any other Inflammations, blemishes or
discolorations. its presence cannot be
detected. It can thus be applied in the
daytime, the natural color of the skin
being immediately restored and tha
actual healing and curing process ac
complished in a few days. Poslam can
be had of any pharmacist who sells
pure drugs. The Skldmore Drug Co.
and the Woodard-Clarke Co. make a
specialty of it. Fifty cents' worth will
answer either for the troubles men
tioned or in curing ordinary cases of
eczema. Itching stops at once.
Any one who will write to the Emer
gency Laboratories, No. 32 West Twenty-fifth
street. New York, can secure
by mail, free of charge, a supply suffi
cient to cure a small eczema surface or
clear a complexion over night and re
move pimples in twenty-four hours.
Is especially valuable during the Sum
mer season, when outdoor occupations
and sports are most In order.
yield to It, and It is particularly agree
able when used in the bath after vio
lent exercise.
"Por over nine years I suffered with eta rem k
constipation and during this time I had to tak
an injection of warm water once every 34 hour
before I could have sn action on my boTTcis.
Happily I tried Cascsrets, and today I am a well
man. During the nine years before I uaed
Cascarets I suffered untold misery with internal
lies. Thanks to you, I am free from all thai
ibis morning. You can we this in behalf oi
suffering humanity. B. F. Fisher, Roanoke, 111.
Pleasant, Palatable, Potent. Tasts Good.
Do Good. Never Sicken. Weaken or Gripe.
10c. 25c. 50c. Never sold in bulk. The eon
nine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to
cur or your money back. fi30
Woman a Specialty
The well-known Chinese DR.
8. K. CllA, with their Chi
nese remedy of beria and
root., cure wonderfully. It has
cured many iuf ferera when
all other remedies have
failed. Sure cure for male .
and female, chonlc, private 1
aiseasea, nervuuaness, Diooa innn n u puiU
poison. rheumatism, asthma. 01 ft 0.0 JL LflAN
pneumonia, throat, lung trouble, consump
tion, stomach, bladder, kidney and disease
of all kinds. Remedies harmless. No oper
ation. Honest treatment. Examination tor
ladles by MRS. s. K. CHAN. Call or write ft.
Morrison Bt Bet. 1st and 2d, Portland, Or,
Sour Stomach
bye .mpletely and promptly dicestinit all tha
fooi . y i -cat. stops Dyspepsia and Indigestion
and -ntkes the stomach sweet. It is gunntii'
tceT ir relieve you. and If it falls, your monev
will a once be refunded by your dealer from
whom yor purchased it. Every tablespoonful
of Kodol digests 2 14 pounds of food. Try iu
Young Min; Chinees.
Medicine Co. Wonderful
remedies from herbs and
roots cures all diseases of
rnen and women. Consulta
tion and pulse diagnosis
free. If you live out of
town and cannot call,
write for symptom blank.
!M7 Taylor st., bet. 2d and
Inflammations, Irritations
or ulcerations of all mu
cous membranes, unnatu-
Big I
tV CTCstsrrK, Clds ral aiscnarffes irom nose,
'$; Hay rever throat or urinary organs.
T"gjeTCi. Sold by Druggists J
U. S. A.
or la plain wrapper, ex
press prepaid, on receipt
ot SI, or three Dottles, tx-.a
Booklet on request.
MUD L AVI A Nature's Treatmen
where you bathe in black, soft mud tha;
draws out patn and poison. Thousand a
cured. Bis; Hotel open all year. ,Sena for
book, K. B. .Kramer.. Pres., Kramer, Ind