12 THE MORNING OREGONIAN. MONDAY, MARCH 28, 1910. REAF ESTATE. -Fruit Lands. FINE, planted five-acre fruit tract, than post. AN S3. Oregonian. GRAIN AND FRUIT FARM. Beit farm in Willamette Valley, 17 miles from Portland, two miles from rail way station, four miles from town of 8000 people, telephone, rural free delivery and good roads; 150 acres, all well Improved. 1O0 acres in crop, which all goes to buyer, together with horses, all farm machinery and everything for an up-to-date farm ; fine eKht-room house, bams, sheds, etc Requires $ 12.500 rash, balance to suit. Call and let us give you full particulars. WHEAT FARM. Finest (train farm in Sherman County, where one-six t h of wheat crop of entire state Is raised ; 040 acres all well im proved, fine house, water, barns, farm machinery and one-third of this year's orop goes with place. Six miles from railway station on the O. R. & N. KY-. 100 miles from Portland. Farm will pay en tire purchase price In three years' crops Prloe $85 per acre. Terms. EMPIRE LAND CO., 501 Merchants Trust bids:., 32H Wash. st. Phone, Marshall 34'J- FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 60 acres tine land. 15 miles from city, on electric line; 45 acres In cultivation, several acres in bearing orchard and strawberries; 8-room house and numer ous outbuildings, 2 rood horses and sev eral milch cows and all machinery in cluded ; one mile to school and church ; daily mail and telephone; will take house nd one or more lots in suburbs as first payment, balance 5 or 10 years at 7 per cent. 1200 acres. In Gilliam County: fine wheat land, all In cultivation and SOO in crop; land will produce 30 bushels per acre; railroad and warehouse on the property; splendid Improvements ; water piped to house and barn; price $30 per acre; will take good city property or valley farm In exchange as part pay ment. We have many more fine Investments In Eastern Oregon and valley farms for sale or exchange. LINCOLN INVESTMENT CO.. 21-202 Hotel Drexel. 2d and Yamhill. FORT GEORGB FARAIS. British Columbia, will make you rich. We totve very choice ones- practically within walking distance of this coming metropolis, near the junction of looo mllea of navigable rivers and several lines of railway to be built. Prices very cheap on easy tenr.. The safest Investment and the very best specu lation in British Columbia. Buy now and sell for $UM an acre after the railway Is running. Splendid climate, pure air and water. Big crops of wheat, oats, hay and barley; best tor cattle, chicken raising and dairying. Markets will increase faster than farmers can produce. Independent fortunes for those who will buy now. Do not delay, call or write, NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY. LTD.. Vancouver, P.. Selling agent, T. R. Phillips. 30S McKay bMg.. Portland, Or. ORCHARD FARM. SNAP. 20 acres, fenced, near Dodge. Or. ; 10 acres choice orchard, chiefly: 250 Spit ze bergs, lOO Gravensteins, 80 Baldwins, 40 Arkansas Blacks; 6 acres under plow, balance good pasture land ; good water. This is right in one of the best fruit districts. A bargain at $2500. $1000 cash, balance on terms, at 6 per cent. OREGON FARM CO.. 303 Chamber of Commerce, Marshall 6S9. A. O. Wells. W. H. Dufur. THIS IS THE TIME AND PLACE TO BUY. 31Q ac s, near one of the best towns In Oregon; 10 acres cleared, 100 acres in high state of cu)ivation; good house and a fine, large, new b.rn, 4xk feet; there are $20o0 worth of stock and farming Implements that go with this piP:e, consisting of 11 head of well-bred and exceptionally fine-looking horses. lO head of cattle; this place can be had for the next 10 days for $30 an acre; we know of no reason vy this place will not double In value in the next 12 months; in fact, other property in tue same locality Is selling for almost that amaouut at present. See us. J. M. FRENCH & CO.. 412-413 Abington Hldg.. HVH J f& PER ACRE $5 PER ACRE 100-ACRE FARMS IN MEXICO. Great wheat country in the rich delta, of the Sonora River, near American line, be tween Southern Pacific and sea; most ex cellent climate; deep garden soli; corn, wheat, cotton, beane, alfalfa, dates, lemons. y oranges, all vegetable products; good mar ket; 150,000 acres now opened to American farmers; first 10.000 acres at $5 per acre; half cash; this is really $100 land. See or write us immediately. C. M. WOOSTBR COMPANY, 702 M a rket St . . San Francisco. Cal. A SNAP. 75 acres, two miles South of Kalama, "Wash.; 5-room house. 2 good barns; 15 acres cleared; good family orchard, lO acres hog pasture: 8 cows. 1 heifer. 1 Jer sey bull, 1 bow with pigs, 1 harness, 1 cart, 1 plow, horse, cord wood and good timber on balance; running water and well; on county road; price $3500. A. I. LONG. Kalama. Wash. WASHINGTON COUNTY. 90 acres. J 4 miles from Portland, on fine road. 54 acres in high state of culti vation, fenced in S-acre lots; fine build ings. 5-room cottage, barn, water piped to house and barn; this is one of the best farms in Washington County ; price and terms arc right; come in and ask about it. OOODNOUGH & SEITZ. 71 S Board of Trade. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND. For sale, 3300 acres rich land well wat ered, fenced, house and barns, suitable for apples, walnuts, prunes, wheat, oats, clo ver, vetch or stock raising. Will sell as whole or portion ; $25 per acre, good terms ; near railroad, free mail delivery; school convenient. Address Geo. - W. Wright. Albany. Or. P0-ACRB tracts, unimproved, 25 miles by rail from Portland; suitable for fruit-raising and ohicken ranches; well watered, plenty of timber for all purposes, best of soil, no rock or gravel; $15 to $25 an acre; easy terms. These are the cheapest tracts on the market and will bear inspection. Call and arrenge to go and see them. SIO and :il I Corbett bldg. 685 ACRES, t mile from station. 400 acres can be cultivated. 30o under ditch, with water right, and about 150 acres in culti vation ; new dwelling, costing $30OO, other buildings good; first-class water, plenty wood and coaL Price $50, easy terms, and a bargain MUSSELSHELL DEVELOPMENT CO.. Musselshell, Montana. 100-ACRE FARM. S250O. 160 acres, Cowlitz County, Washington, 7 miles from R. R. and boat landing; good soil ; 20 acres under cultivation : small Chouse and good barn ; over 2 million feet timber; a snap at $2500; easy terms GRL'SSI A ZADOW, 317 Foard of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. fOR SALE 120 acres, near Slwrwood. 60 in cultivation. 10 acres in hops, 6 acres in prunes, full bearing ; 8-room house, 2 springs, outbuildings, sheep, hogs. cows, horses, chickens, tools and machinery; bouse furnished; a going concern; price $13,500; $r.000 cash. balance terms. Owner. F S30, Oregonian. I'OH SALE Farm of 21 acres; 0 in culti vation, balance easily cleared; running water, house, barn, family orchard small fruit of all kinds; will sell all or part For further particulars, see R. H. Walls! on place. Take Cazadero car to Gilbert 10c fare. lO minutes walk soutn to aec ond houpe after crossing creeic. FOR SALE CHEAP. For sale 7 2 acres on line of Gllsan st east of city limits. Also mall farm bear ing orchard, barn, and small house- two springs on place. ' BY OWNER. TAROR ispg fl AN ACRE 1692-acre Improved stock ranch; part adapted for fruit, wheat and alfalfa: six miles north of The Dalles wlil sell part r all; good terms. For par ticulars write William Brune, Grand Dalles Wash. ' lO-ACRE orchard tracts, unimproved, on rail road, 25 miles from Portland; best soil- no rock: $40 an acre, easy terms: arrant ic-i. us to go and make election - round trin BEND for our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying; lands shown free. Qlmstead Land Co. Salem. Or. 0 ACRES of land 2 miles south of Beaver ton; a bargain. Inquire of owner. A. Nel son . FOR SALE 33-acre farm. 8 miles from city. 54 Marshall st. Miscellaneous. IF YOU ARS LOOKING FOR Close-in acreage, a wheat ranch or small, weli-improved, farm, at low price and on mcst liberal terms, see me. I handle ray own properties. J. O. ELROD, B2Q Corbett Bldg. KAST Bumside house. 12 rooms, corner lnt First st., income-bearing property, cor ner lot. Upshur at., lot 50x100. Deal with owner. 74fi E;ist Bumside st. Phone East 1 S60. 10 you want the finest dairying. frrtflt or farming lanas in me v inampTis v ai'ev 7 jf so. c!l or write McCoy Realty Co., McCoy, Oregon. REAL ESTATE. UlBcelliuieoi 13H ACRES. Three' miles east of Oregon City on splendid road, near projected carllne; eight acres cleared ; land lies superb ; best soil out of doors, too good for most people; let us show you this choice tract. Other farm bargains also. John Menke & Co., over Bank of Oregon City. Oregon City. Or. SEE US. Desirable business property; choice resi dences; vacant Quarter blocks and single lots in every quarter of the city. prices and terms favorable to purchasers. Give us e call. SHEFFIELD & RILEY, 23 Russell Bldg.. Entrance 162 4th Ft- TO EXCHANGE. WATER FRONT COUNTRY HOME. Will exchange for Portland property; a fine 7 -acre water front country home at Seattle just across the bay from the city; 5-cent f are ; property is in high state of Improvements and cultivation, well stocked thoroughbred chickens, 2 cows and a fine horse. An abundance of fruit of every description. Fine gravity water system Nine-room house. 4-foot cobble stone fireplace. A fine beach and beau tiful view. Having been transferred from Seattle to Portland am forced to dispose of U. It Is valued at $15,000 as it.stands with everything, but will consider an of fer, or will exchange for Portland prop erty. This is one of the finest on the Sound and has to be seen to be appre ciated. Would consider an automobile as part of the consideration; might lease, furnished to responsible party. If they will buy the stock. Address lock box 430 Portland, Or. FOR EXCHANGE. 65 acres of thn finest land In Clark Co., 24 acres In fine orchard, 9-room house and one 4 -room h use. large stock barn, large 3-klln fruit dryer, spring water, R. R. station on farm, 6 miles of Van couver and 0 miles of city limits of Port land, the finest view in the country, overlooking 2 lakes and rivers, right into Portland, the best kind of a proposition to subdivide, well worth 18,000; our price a good deal less ; will take & good house and lot In Portland ; also a good auto in on the trade; this place must be seen, to be appreciated. Z. S. CAMERON REALTY CO., Big Blue Sign, 510 Washington St.. Vancouver. Wash. FOR EXCHANGE. 160 acres of fine land, some cleared, 20 acres seeded, some fence, bouse, lot of lumber on the place, close to school, 5 miles of town; price $3000, worth $4000. Will take good auto or other good prop erty as part pa v. balance cash ; cut this D. S. CAMERON REALTY CO.. Big Blue Sign. MO Washington St., Vancouver, Wash. MUST sell by April 1. What have you for furniture for lO-room house, 4 blocks from Wells-Fargo bldg. K. W. Lambert. 257 Washington st. WILL sell or trade a fine home on Mount Scott line. Lot 100x100, house modern. Call after 6 P. M.. and see owner. The Morrison. 533 Morrison st. REAL estate for timber; agents or owners. What have? Allen & Wright. 411 Lum bermens bldg. Phone Main 2567. A 2423. SEVEN-ROOM modern house, near car; would take acre or lots closn in as fir?t payment. Call Woodlawn 1423. WHAT have you to trade for HO acres of land with 3.000.000 feet of timber, on river. 32G '4 Washington st. Room 513. FURNITURE nine-room home for unim proved lot. worth $500. L 841, Oregon lan. YOU can trade any kind cf property at room 1019 Board of Trade. FOR SALE or trade, modern tt-room house in Dallas, Or. AL 820, Oregonian. IRRIGATED LAW OS. IRRIGATED DESCHUTES VALLEY LANDS. 120 acres, near Laidlaw 67 acres in cultivation, all fenced, small box house and barn, splendid water right with low cost of maintenance, one-half mile from survey of new railroads. A snap at $30 per acre. SO acres, one and one-half mile from . La Id Law. 05 acres in clover, all fenced, ' good water right and a bargain at $100 per acre. 80 acres, about 6 miles from Sisters, 24, miles from good school, 55 acres in culti vation, fenced, small berry garden ; splen did water right and low cost of main tenance. Price $40 per acre. 400 acres, 8 miles from Laldlaw, all fenced. 100 in cultivation, good spring of water, H mile from survey of Corvallls & Eastern Railroad, two good small box houses, splendid water right. Price $30 per acre on terms. More like the above, and you can't beat them. They raise alfalfa, clover, grains, root crops and fruits. We pay your expenses out and return to Portland if you buy of us. We go out Tuesday morning at 7:40 o'clock. DESCHUTES VALLEY LAND & INVEST MENT COMPANY. 301-302 Buchanan bldg.. on Washington, near Fifth. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED House and lot on payment of $250 cash, balance monthly installments. Good lot, close In on East Side, $1000; terms. Acreage or ranch near Salem and Beav erton; customers waiting. . SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO.. S4 4th St.. 619 Board of Trade Bldg. OWNERS. ATTENTION. Do you want to make quick sale of your real estate, farms, acreage or timber land? If so. see us. We have the buyers and get result. Try us once. THE STANDARD REALTY" CO., 421 Mohawk Bldg. I WANT 2. 50x100 or fractional corner, or 100 xlOO, south of Morrlwon. west of 6th st., north of Market. Give location, price and terms. AC 827, Oregonian. REAL ESTATE or equities In same bought and sold. LlBt with us. GR A Y-Cl'NM XGH AM-ORAY, 722-723 Electric Bldg. WE want lots, acreage, farms and business properties; have customers. Zimmerman, 62 Board of Trade bldg. FARMS WANTED. WE want to correspond with owners of 2000, 30OO or more acres of good farming lands in acreage suitable for colonization ; If you have something good, come and see us or write full particulars; we ar ready for business. Foreign Department, UNION BANK & TRUST CO.. 235 Stark St. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER claim to exchange equity house, lots, mortgages or contracts. Call see us. Burgess, room 5. 221 Morrison. 20 MILLION feet, fronting Clackamas River, near railroad ; terms. V 827. Oregonian. WILL sell good timber claim. For full de scription address R. H. Walls, Lents, Or. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. $15 PER ACRE. 680 acres of excellent fruit land, partly Improved, within 30 miles of Portland, in Washington County. 2 H miles from rail road, on good county roads; an Ideal tract for subdividing. KAUFFMANN & MOORE. 325 Lumber Exchange. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WILL buy timber land In Western Lane county; single claims or larger tracts. Give sectional description, price and terms. D 837, Oregonian. TIMBER lands wanted. 8Q4 McKay bldg C. J. McCracken. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR fourth of crop, 1100-acre wheat farm near Olex. Gilliam County, Oregon; abun dant water. R. T. Cox. 250 Vs 8d St., Port land, Or. FOR 6 AXE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. U. S. FEED AND TRANSIENT STABLKb. Best accommodations for travelers. Ladies' WRitlng-room. Prices moderate. 248 Front. FOR SALE One span well-matched mares, weighing 2800; sound and. true. 226 Rus- SrM st. 16 HEAD draft horses, weight 1300 to 1500 lbs. ; well-broke. Turner & Strickland, Union Stockyards. FOR SALE: One span well-matched galley horses. 5 years old. weighing 3150; sound; these are extra good. 22 Russell st. FIRST-CLASS heavy draft and driving horses always on hand. Sold with guarantee as reuresented. U. S. Stables. 248 Front. DR L. G. STir-KNEY. V. S. Office 409 B BurrtJrtde. E. 555: residence. E3. 171. HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of ail kinds for sale. 334 Front at. SHETLAND PONIES for sale. E. B. Turner, ui.i.j vuy rarK car. 13X-POUND mare for sale. 1028 East Alder street. PoR SALE Draft horses, one, two. Durer ow Albina av ' 1 FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. ON E pair brown mare and one gelding, weighing 290O; price $325. One pair gray geldings, weighing 2800; $300. One pair matched sorrels, weighing 2300; x $22o. One pair, mare and gelding, weighing 2250; $225. One pair, roan horse and black mare, weighing 20O0; $1750. One horse, weighing 1500, $150. One span, gray ana bay, weighing 2500; $250. One gray gelding, weight 1150; $7ft. One chunk, weighing 1000; $75. One lady's or gentleman's driver, perfectly safe and sound ; $1 25. One good delivery mare. $00. One all-round saddle or single driver, $0O.. One light farm wagon, $50. 27o East 6th et., H block from Hawthorne Stable north. " FOR SALE Portland Stables, 26 N. 15th st. 1 team, weight 2500 $375 1 learn, weight 2600 $3H5 1 team, weight 240O $325 1 team, weight 2225 $275 1 mare, weight 110O $ 75 These horses are sold with a strict guarantee to be as represented or your money refunded. "Refer you to the Port land Trust Co., where I bank. R. L. EVANS. TWO teams of bays, 1600 or 1700 weight; 1 pair of grays, 1600; 1 pair gray mares, 1500, heavy in foal; 1 pair black mares, 1500, heavy in foal; 1 pair bay mares 1400; 1 gray team, about 1250, cheap; brown horse 1100. These horses all from 4 to 6 years old, sound and straight every way. Union Transfer Stables, 11th and Hoyt sts. ' ' FOR SALE AT A GREAT BARGAIN. One of the best driving horses, very pretty animal, afraid of nothing. any child can drive her, has a record of 2:32; I include with horse 1 English trap. 1 single buggv. 2 sets of harness, whips, blankets, etc., all to go at a big sacri fice. Address I. E. Solomon. Phone Main 6.141. 244 Tenth, at. LADY'S driving and riding horse, hay eolor. 8 years old. kind and gentle disposition; also a nearly new Bally buggy and har ness; a high-class outfit at a bargain price. Phone Main 317, or Main 2112. FOR SALE Horses, harness and wagons. Remember, we sel guaranteed horses and mares, if not as represented they can be returned. We also have on hand several delivery, farm, vegetables aad ml IV wagons for sale. H&wUiorne-Av e. Stables. 420 Hawthorne ave. GOLDEN brown horse. 6 years old. weight about 11150, fine traveler, city broke, safe for lady, perfectly sound, an Aetamount, good harness, a fine rubber-tired runabout, all at a bargain price. See at Frazier & McLean's artahle. Ask for Wellman's rig. FOR SALE. 5 young driving horses. 1 farm wagon. 1 double-seated hack. FREE DM AN BROS.. 4 SO Overton St., bet. 13th and 14th. DRAFT and all-purpose horses for sale at our barn at Gresham, Or. ; take car at East Morrison and Water streets. THOMPSON & FLEMING. FOR SALE. A good light business wagon with long bed. suitable for contractor or delivery; a bnrsrain for cash. Call at 420 E. Alder. FOR SALE Strong work team, cheap; one or both. Phone East 248U. llanos. Organs ana Musical Instruments. PIANO FOR SALE Must dispose of my new, high-grade piano at once; cost $450; will sacrifice, either for cash or on easy pay ments, or might store in good home for a few months. J 835, Oregonian. NEW Kimball piano, $250; four-plate gas range. $10. 105C E. Washington. Automobiles. FOR SALE Five-passenger automobile In first-class condition; fully equipped; cheap. Inquire 309- Macleay bldg. or phone East 62j6. AUTOMOBILE. 6-passenger, top, shield, gas lamps; taken under mortgaga; will sell cheap. Room 10 Washington bldg. WHITE steam touring car or runabout. A snap at $300 cash. Address White Garage, 6th and Madison. FOR SALE; 5-passenger Cadillac, with top and equipments, by owner. $400. AE 841, Oregonian. 7-PASSENGER automobile, guaranteed In first-class order. AH 837, Oregonian. GOOD stock and Portland real estate to ex- rhnnge for good auto. 403 Couch bldg. AUTOMOBILE $650 for Franklin touring car. Geo. R. Flora, 470 E. Burnslde st. Birds. Dogs, Pet Stock. 7 HEAD of Government inspected cattle and milk route. For particulars wrlte or call R. F. D. No. 2. Box 124. 50 ANGORA nannies, bred to registered billy; $2.50. Shadeland Farms. Amity. Or. M i seel 1 an eou s. $85 MAJESTIC steel range, with gas attach ments and water coil. $35; $25 direct action gaa range, $12.50; Cooker Chief gas range. $5; No. 8 cook stove, $7.50; kitchen treas ure, with drop leaf, $3; common kitchen treasures. $1.50; kitchen tables, $1; exten sion table, $4 ; six weathered dining chairs, $7.50; $30 fumed oak bookcase. $16.50; $35 oak flat-top office 'desk. $22-5o; sideboards, $7.50 and up' to $40; solid oak. English break fast table. $5; $18 wardrobe couch, $8; $40 , bras beds. $18; Iron beds. $2 and up to $15; folding beds, $5 and up to $25; dress ers, $5 and up to $25; chiffoniers, $6 and up to $25; black walnut bedroom suite. $15; refrigerator, $8 ; garden hose. $2 and up to $6.50 ; lawn mowers. $2.50 and up to $4.50; tents and camp furnitui of all kinds. We carry a large stock of all kinds of household furnishings, both new and fine second-hand and we sell them on the in stallment plan, too. Get our terms and prices first; It will pay vou. Western Sal vage Co., 627. 629, 631, 633 and 635 Wash ington, corner of 20th st. Main II08 or A 8793. FOR SALE. 2 OO-horsepower motor, generator set, belted units, complete with circuit-breakers and panels, alternating and direct cur rent machines; ideal drive for industrial plant ; complete Information furnished at room 201 Oregonla n bldg. SEWING machines Do not fail to visit the White sewing machine store THIS WEEK. SPECIAL SALES 120 drop-head machines, sllghtlv marred ; all standard makes ma chines for rent and repairing. H. D. Jones, Prop.. 420 Washington St.. corner 11th. FOR SAL! Screw steamer Butterfly; length 94 feet, beam 1-4 feet, engine and boiler new. oil burner, speed 14 miles, draft, aft 4 feet, forward 3 feet ; in perfect con dition. Address H. Young. 132 3d st, Port land. Or. WOOD DEALERS. $90 buys a new dump wagon box, on a 3 , gear, in No. 1 condition ; worth $125, or will trade for heavy horse and pay dif ference. X 6H2, Oregonian. HAVE discontinued retail business in all of our stores; fixtures, consisting of show cases, cash registers. safes. wallcases, etc., for sale, very reasonable. HOCHFELD BROS. CIGAR CO., 211 Morrison. PIANO FOR SALE Must dispose of my new. high-grade piano at once; cost- $450; will sacrifice, either for cash or on easy pay ments, or might Btore in good home- for a few months. J 835. Oregonian. ' FOR SALE 1 glass cabin launch, SO feet over ell, 6Vj feet beam, 12 H. P. automatic en gine; new. completely equipped. Will sell at a bargain or trade for real estate. AC S2S. Oresonlan. SPECIAL prices on factory rebuilt machines; very liberal terms; $10 to $60. Northwest Typewriter Co.. M 8870. 222 Abington bldg. FO U RT EN-K A RAT SOLID GOLD HOW ARD WATCH: ORIGINAL COST $135; FOR AMOUNT LOANED AND INTER EST. UNCLE MYERS. 71 SIXTH ST. ONE fresh milch cow, a Jersey also, one 2-year-old heifer, a Jersey also, one good fruit wagon. Inquire E. Slst and Mar ket sts., city. - FOR PALE One five-ton lcemaking plant, complete. City Market Ice Co., Hazel wood bldg., 3d and Hoyt. FOR SALE Showcase, cash register, 6 arc lamps and counters. Main 6249, or call 651 Savler st. SAFES 11 2d-hand safes very cheap; large . stork new safes sold on easy terms; call or write today. Portland Safe Co.. 87 5th. t OR SALii Hart-Parr traction gasoline en glne; good as new. R. T. Cox. 250 H xd St., Portland. Or. BLUE wool, tailored suit; braided; NEW; size 36-38; bargain. Call afternoons. 326 Clay. FIRST-CLASS No. 2 L. C. Smith typewriter, $00; Underwood, good condition, $50. Ross, Buchanan building. FOR SALE, cheap, gasoline cabin launch, 29fj feet over all ; 9 feet beam. Inquire at St. Johns Ferry. oOO ti'JSlNESS cards $1 if you bring this ad. Rose City Printery, 1B2H 3d. near Taylor. CITY map for sale; large 1902 city map for sale cheap. Inquire 317 Board of Trade TYPE W R I TEK BARGAINS. 231 stnrk st. Main 14-7. FOR SALE Two houseboats, complete, chenp. Phone Exchange 19. FINE soda fountain complete, also National rnsh register. 33 N. 3rd st. VIOLINS, banjos, mandolins, guitars at half regular prices. Uncle Myers. 71 Sixth st. SAFE, also typewriter for sale cheap. See Prudhomme. 636 Chamber of Coimneroe. FOR SALE. ftflecel umneensv BEST dry fir and oak wood, either sawed or 4-ft.. at lowest possible prices. Kirk Hoover, 313 Water at. Phone Main 7451. A K445. 50-POUND ice chest and mahogany dresser cheap. 326 First st. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS " WANTED 35 teams; free barn, free water and free camp ground ; take Hawthorne car, get of West ave., go to top of Mt. Tabor. Ma Drona Const. Co. Phone Tabor lu37. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes: we also buy household furnishings; highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 47 3d St.. North. Phone Main 9272. WANTED 1 or 2 logging engines; give full particulars in first letter. Address G 832. Oregonian. WANTED Clothing, best price paid for ladles' and gents" second-hand clothing nd shoes and bicycles. Main 2080. 290 1st. HIGHEST prices paid rubber, copper, brass, pelts, hides, wool, furs. Telephone Main 5 11)8 J Leve. 186 Columbia, SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co. or you'll get lees. Phones A 2445. Main 895L SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East 1067. WANTED Large safe and office desk lor cash. Address H 825, Oregonian. WANTED Men's discarded clothing; we pay highest prices. Marshall 745, 294 3d. HFI.P WANTED MALE. FIREMEN and braxemen for positions on nearbv ra llroads. Experience un necessary ; s-ood vision; age 20-30; $75 to $100 monthly. No strike ; permanent employment; promo tion. SOU men a month being sent to posi tions. State age, weight, height; send stamp. Ra 11 way Association, care Orego nlan. 10,009 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade In 8 weeks, help to secure positions: gradu ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert instructor: tools free ; write for cata logues. Mohler System of Coll e gee, 34 North 4th St.. Portland. Or SALESMAN who is alive and wants a first class proposition. We have several good live prospects waiting to be seen, which we will turn over to a man who means business. No trick to clean up $600 to $S0n per month. 219-220 Commercial Club bldg. EVERY young man seeking employment or desiring to better his condition, should take advantage of the special employ ment membership, and g-st in quick touch with the advisory and employment sec retary of the Y. M. C. A. Strangers our specialty. Good fellowship, good advice, Bl'Od position awaits you. TRUST COMPANY with strong financial backing, just Incorporated, offers unusual opportunity to honesr young man. Ex perience not essential, as the duties are easily learned. It will be necessary to invest $750. To the right man we will pay $125 a month salary. AK 830, Ore gonian. WANTED Men for actual contract work; no expense to learn electricity, automo biles, plumbing, bricklaying in few months; 200 students last year; write for free cat alogue. United Trade School Contracting Co., 234 Aliso St., Los Angeles. 600 MEN to know that another consign ment of new Spring suits manufacturers' samples and cancellations have arrived from New York; $20 suits $12.75, $25 suits $14.75, $35 suits $18.75. "Knew" Sample Suit Shop, 315 Oregonian bldg. ENERGETIC representatives wanted by fac tory of high-grade chocolates ; splendid opportunities for hustlers ; must be well acquainted with drug stores In Oregon. See Mr. V. Talbot at Oregon Hotel, March 30. STENOGRAPHER Corporation wants sten ographer of good habits; experience not as necessary as native ability; splendid opportunity for enterprising young 'man who is in a position to invest in the company. H S39. Oregonian. UP-TO-DATE shoe salesman wanted at once; no dub ; state experience, age, ref erences, etc.; none but a live one wanted; good salary. Address Box 548, Missoula, Mont. A RELIABLE man for general farm work, near Beaverton. Steady employment, good wages for good man. Inquire for direc tions or write R, H-, care P. M. Cady's store. Beaverton. Or. SALESMAN, real estate, wanted for prop erty In the Deschutes Valley, both In town and out of town. AH kinds of support. See Mr. Jones. American Trust Co., 200 Chamber of Commerce bldg. CLOTH ING salesman with experience in shoes and furnishings. DRY GOODS salesman; out of city. COMMERCIAL ABSTRACT CO.. 4Q7-8-9 Commercial Club Bldg. WANTED Experienced refrigerator engin eer, who can take charge of plant, do pipe-fitting and make repairs; good po sition for Hsht man; references. Address akj urcgonian A SOBER and practiA.1 .foreman for rein forced concrete construction near Port land ; state fully experience and former positions J 831. Oregonian. - BILLING CLERK, wholesale grocery, expe rienced, good opportunity. State age, ex perience, references, phone number. Y S40. Oregonian. A FEW good salesmen to handle high grade property. J NO. P. SHARKEY CO.. 6h and Washington Sts. WANT a married man to drive team, mostly grading; private work ; can furnish house to live in; only competent man need ap ply. Belding Bros.. 45 3d st. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYES WANTED Write for Portland examination schedule; preparation free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 410 N.. Rochester, N. Y. MEN to sell rugs and clocks on the Install ment plan; liberal commissions, big money for hustlers. J. D. Sherman. 89 Grand avenue. WE aid our members to secure employment. Constant demand for young men of ability and integrity. Special employment mem bership. Y. M. C A. LOCA L manager for manufacturing corpo ration; exclusive contract capable men. W. F. A. CO., 1605 Gough st., San Fran cisco. VIE VV MAN. good operator in camps pre ferred; also canvasser. Address H. G. Nelson, Hoqulam, Wash. . BOOKKEEPING Private tuition In book keeping by an accountant. 301 Mer chants Trust bldg.. 6th and Washington. YOUNG MAN as stenographer, with lumber experience preferred ; give experience, age and references. Y 821, Oregonian. $18 TO $35 week, few months only learning; situations guaranteed. Watchmaking-Engraving School, box 182, Ashland, Or. JAPANESE or Chinese boy to milk cow, tend garden and do work around the house. Phone A 3979. AN Intelligent woman, capable of taking charge -of office and directing employes; must have reference. AK 835. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced janitor. Drexel Ho tel, 246 Yamhill st. Office room 201. Call this morning. WANTED Concrete mixers, Monday morn ing. 54th and Thompson sts. Newbury & H arriman. WANTED Man with experience In general merchandise store. Write immediately, with references, A. M. Lara. Bend, Or. WANTED Young man to learn barber trade; steady Job, union shop; terms reasonable. Call 832 Mississippi ave. A CHORE boy or chore man. One who can milk. A. L. Hampton, cor. Court and Skldmore sts.. "Overlook." STRICTLY sober, industrious janitor, fa miliar with boilers; references required. AG 84 4. Oregonian. BOY, about 16 years of age. wanted for office work and as messenger. A3 836, Oregonian. ALL-AROUND laundryman; must furnish rec ommedations as to ability and sobriety. Cherry's New Laundry. La Grande, Or. WANTED A young man to learn molders trade ' in foundry. Call 222 Commercial Club bldg. JAPANESE to wait on table in private boardins-house. from 6 to S P. M. every day. 735 Hoyt St. THREE good hostlers. Apply at once. 606 Washington st. WANTED Buy about 17 years of age. Mt Hood Factory'. 233 Couch. WANTED Presser and operator on vests. 83 5th st., room 4O0. LIVE photo coupon agents; a splendid offer. Houghton Studio. Selling-Hlrsch bldg. CORNET-PLAYER for road show. 424 Main street. WANTED Two boys with wheels; $40 per month. Apply 131 lOth st. WANTED Pants maker. John Seibert, Pen dleton, Or. WANTED Boy with wheel. Apply at once. Wonder Millinery. Morrison and First sts. NEAT, quirk, dishwasher wanted. Stein's Restaurant. 122 14th st. HIGH-CLASS salesman ; compensation large; permanent. 215 Commercial bldg. TEN real estate salesmen wanted. 204 Lnmbermans bigs. METAL lathers by yard or day; also bricklayer. E. Oak and 11th. MAN dishwasher, 343 Morrison st. Call after 9 A- M. HELP WANTED MALE. BOOK SALESMEN. ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY. After months of preparation and vast ex penditure the great POPULAR PRICED EDITION OF DR. ELIOT'S HARVARD CLASSICS. FIVE-FOOT SHELF OP HOOKS is now ready for the market; a stu pendous subscription enterprise; a wonderful seller, backed with unlimited capital ; only a high-grade class of salesmen desired, who must work this line exclusively. Extensive -advertising, circularizing and special liberal terms; exclusive territory to tiie right men ; Immediate action requested. P. F. COLLIER & SON, 400 Oregonian Bldg., Portland. Oregon. WE are now organising our selling force to cover the entire United States and de sire to correspond and meet 75 sales men, heavy in their line, who are suc cesses today. Our business is of a heavy nature, requiring representative men.' and we shali pay top notch salaries to se cure such men. You will be obliged to show us your record. Give such references in first letter as you would care to have us investigate. We are heavy manufac turers and our product will be ready for the market August 1. Salesmen will go to their respective fields June 15. AC 825. Oregonian. MEN of good appearance who aro used to soliciting big money transactions to take up the special edition business; large com mission; steady work; opportunity of learning the business under Crew man agers, in British Columbia, Montana. Min nesota, etc'; must pay own expenses; no money advanced or required; advancement and territory for experienced men; inves tigation costs you nothing. Benedictine Press. Ooodnough pldg. WANTED A man who can sell a good proposition. If you have a good record come and see me. If you have had no ex perience. But still are confident that what other nren are doing you can do, come and see me. I can refer you to dozens of men in Portland who have made big money on my proposition. Call 9 to 11 . V. VINCENT JONES, 302-303 Lewis Bldg. WANTED Able-bodied men for the U. S. Ma rine Corps, between the ages of 19 and 35. Must be native-born or have first papere. Monthly pay $15 to $69. Additional compen sation nosfiible. Food, clothing, quarters and medical attendance free. After 30 years' service can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowances. Service on board ship and ashore in all parts of the world. Apply at New Grand Central Hotei, Portland. Oregon. MAN for making beds and kltchenwork. Frank's Coffee House. 34 N. 2d st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. STENOGRAPHER Financial corporation desires the services of woman stenog rapher; no objection to a beginner; 'one who is in a position to invest in the corporation preferred. A 837. Oregonian. WE will teach ladies the millinery or dress making trade, in a few weeks. For particu lars apply to Boston School of Millinery and Dressmaking, 274 Williams ave., Portland. Phone East 345. WANTED at once, refined young woman, who knows something, about nursing, or motherly, elderly lady; American; answer before noon; give phone number. T 830, Oregontan. YOUNG srlrl to assist in light housework and help take care young child: must sleep at home. Apply mornings. 84 lOta st.. between Stark and Burnside. STENOGRAPHER, with some experience; hours 8 to 0. Make application in own handwriting, stating wages wanted. D S42, Oregonian. GIRL to work in grocery and confectionery; must have references and live with par ents. Brumberg's Grocery, 423 E. Morri son St.. near 6th. EXPERIENCED st-archer and polisher; $15 a week; must come at once. Permanent posi tion. Cherry's New Laundry, La Grande. Or. YOUNG girl to aaaist general housework, family of. 2; $15 a month. 578 East 22d st. North. Take Broadway, Alameda Park car to Knott st. GIRL for general housework, family of three; good wages. 6u0 Thompson st. Take Irvlng- ton car. m WANTED Laddies, we bleach, aw. dye and remodel hats, dye plumes at 3 price. Model Millinery. 387 Yamhill. GIRL for light housework; good cook; two in family. Apply mornings. Mrs. Robin son, King Davis apartments. A 7336. " MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. 326i Washington St., Room 307. Main SS36 or A 3266. COMPETENT girl for general housework; wages $35. 1131 Franklin st., Willamette Helerhts. Phone A 2420. WANTED Experienced girl for second work and care of 2 small children. 794 Irving su Main 8235 and A 1182. GIRL to assist in general housework and cooking. 1 1 53- Thurman St.. Willamette Heights. Phone Main 0708. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 3434 Washington St., Cor. 7th, Upstairs, Phone Main 2692. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavi Co., 609 Rotn chlld bldg., 4th and Washington. GIRL for general housework. Apply morn ings, 738 Main St., bet. King and Ford. Main S.19. AN experienced, reliable children's nurse; city references required. Phone East 2348 or C 13Q6. GIRL for cooking and general housework ; small family, good wages. "Apply morn ings. 807 I,ovejoy st. phone Main 1877. COMPETENT girl or woman for general housework; plain cooking. Apply 208 Vii 14ih st.. near Salmon. ' GIRL to assist in getferal housework. Small family. Phone Main 5003. 745 Overton EXPERIENCED girl for general housework and cooking;' good wages to competent gtrl. 741 Irving st. phone Main 7057. FANCY ironers and st -archers and girls to learn to iron. U. S. Laundry Co., East Sal mon and Grand ave. WOMAN to do chamber work in private boarding-house; go home nights. 735 Hoyt ' street- Gl RL for cooking and general housework, 3 In family. Inquire 775 Schuyler st. or phone C 2372. WOMAN to wash dishes in small restaurant. 2sn 14 Yamhill st. WANTED An experienced waitress. The Hill. 23d and Washington sts. WANTED A woman for general housework, small family. Call 502 East 16th st. COMPETENT girl for general housework; pood wages. Phone East 927. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. 354 10th St.. cor. Mill. CHAMBERMAID wanted. Paumann Hotel, 412 North VJ-h st. RELIABLE young girl assist general house work. Phone East 136. GIRL to assist cook ; German or Swedish preferred. Columbia Hotel, 1st and Clay. LUNCH waitress wanted. Stein's Restau . rant. 122 14th st. A COOK and second girl for small family. 202 King st. ' GIRL for ereneral housework, small family; good wages. 5S6 Tillamook st. WANTED Operators on vests, room 40. 83 5th st., CASHIER wanted. Model Theater. 69 North 3d st. WAITRESS wanted; experienced. 106 N. fith st GIRL for general housework, small family, adults. 651 Hoyt st.. near 20th. NEAT girl to wait ori table and assist with housework. 4fi2 Morrison. LESSONS in Shorthana and Typewriting oy expert. $5 a month. 269 14th. Main 3893. WANTED Experienced operators on over ells. a!; learners. 75 1st st. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. 7 67 M adison st. GIRL for general housework in small f i.m- Hy. 696 Hoyt st. PRIVATE lessons given in shorthand, type writ ingL 304 12th5t1Mai GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory No. 2. Grand ave. and East Taylor. WANTED 25 finishers and operators on pnnts. 346 1st st. EXPERIENCED waistmaker. 75 North 16th. F. w. Putt. GIRL for general housework. 228 North 19th street.. . WANTED Waitress. 343 Morrison st. Call after 9 A. M. WANTED Competent girl for general house work. Apply morning. 776 Overton st. WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap ply 410 y Morrison st. LADIES to travel, $75 month, city $.50 day. Room 9. 24 Holladay ave. GIRL for general housework-; wages $25. Main 4152. RELIABLE girl or w-man for light house work. 415 E. 12th. N. East 1511. GIRL for general housework. 380 11th st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY offers good positions to A-1 instructors. 611 Swetland. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. POSITION wanted by experienced bookkeep er and salesman. Would be willing to In vest some capital with right parties. No ohjection to leaving city. AL 831, Orego rian. Miscellaneous. SUPERINTENDENT or assistant, thorough mechanical man. with years' result-producing executive experience, capable of constructing, operating, maintaining and " managing plants using heavy or ligh t machinery ; age 39. married, sober, trust worthy. Let me give you details. Box 20.S, Syracuse, Ind. YOUNG fallow with good references; worked 13 months in Alexander Court, in city ; wants position as porter. W 837, Ore goninn. CARPENTER and builder, new and repair work, day or contract. Phone Woodlawn, 1236. TWO German laborers desire work on fruit farm. Reply care of D. Germanus. 228 Morrison St.. Portland. BOY wishes steady position; office pre ferred; can furnish references; age 18. K 837. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED Chinese cook wants work in morning. A 3S56. GOOD, careful chauffeur wants position. AK 831, Oregonian. JAPANESE boy wants work In afternoon, dally. AN 825. Oregonian. WANTED By an experienced carpenter, a position as foreman. Phone B 1775. PAINTING and paper hanging, best of workmanship. Call C 1759. JAPANESE boy wants work in morning or by the day. A 6032. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. THOROUGHLY competent and experienced bookkeeper desires position; knowledge sten ography; best references. At 83o, Ore gon ian. POSITION by bookkeeper, six years exper ience ; understands stenography; capable assuming responsibility; In or out of city. East 2Q4 7. . EXPERIENCED. competent stenographer desires pdsition; understands bookkeeping; moderate salary. Al 840. Oregonian. BY good stenographer with experience, at reasonable salary. Phone A 6446. Monday. Dress no akers. CAP ABLE and refined young lady would like to do plain sewing In private families. $1 and meals; anywhere In the city. AM 843. Oregonian. DRESSMAKER, first-class, wants sewing by day. Main 23 25. STYLISH dresses, 95 up; waists, $1 up; fine work; references. 520 E. Mill. East 5256. ANGELES Dressmaking Parlors, 326 H Wash ington st., suite 216. Main 082. A 5381. Domestics. GERMAN girl wants housework. 503 N. 24 y street. Housekeepers. WORKING housekeeper for a respectable rooming-house or hotel. T 831, Oregonian. BEST care, private room, home comforts, trained nurse, invalid, male or female. Ta bor 2213. U-N'DKKGKADUATE nurse wishes more en gagements, 17 years' experience, doctor's references. Main U15R. Miscellaneous. COMPETENT woman would like to get day work; not afraid to work. Phone Main 2451. REFINED girl wishes jaosltion to act as companion to lady. Phone E. 56t30, even lr.s. FIRST-CLASS laundress wants work Tues day; no half days; references. Wood lawn 1611. WOMAN, with family, wishes day work. Phone A 3S15. 2 rings. DAY work wanted by experienced woman. Phone Main 6831. WANTED AGENTS. SALESMEN WANTED to take our casn weekly selling choice" nursery stock; out fit free. Capital City Nursery Company. Salem. Oregon. WANTED TO RENT. House. FAMILY 3 adults would rent and care for home for Summer; references furnished; rent niimt be reasonable. Address with particu lars, AF 814. Oregonian. W AN TED TO REN V 7 or 8-room modern house with yard, about April 1; East Side preferred; stale location and rental. AN 835, Oregonian. WANTED By family of four, a f ui nUhud house or board In Irvington or Holladay Park for four months, phone C 1106. WANTED To rent or lease, cheap West Side residence with option to buy. AC 843, Oregonian. 4 TO 6-room cottage or bungalow ; some yard; 3 adults. O 835. Oregonian. Rooms With Board. WANTED Room and board in private fam ily by four young met:; must be close in. References exchanged; no boarding-houses need apply. AC H41. Oregonian. WANTED 2 rooms,' board, by teacher in hitfh school; Holladay or Irvington district preferred. S 844, Oregonian. WANTED Woman with good home to card for child. AC S44. Oregonian. YOCNG man wants room and board, pri vate family. West Side. J 833. Oregonian. FOls RENT. Furnished Rooms. TJ1E WEAVER. 710 Washington St., near King, orana new, elegantly furnished; every room has a private bath, telephone; the maximum of convenience and excellence, the mini mum of expense. If you want the best in the city for the money, call and -inspect; dining-room in connection. HOMELIKE HOMELIKE. HOMELIKE. NEW SCOTT HOTEL. , Seventh) and Ankeny Sts. "IN THE HEART OF THE CITY." One whole year of redecorating, refit ting and refurnishing, all for your benefit. STEAM HEAT IN ABUNDANCE. A delightful Winter home at reasonable rates for those who appreciate cleanliness and comfort. Free bus. Free phones. HOTEL BAKER. Firth SU. opposite City Hall. New, beautifully furnished; steam heat; hot. cold water In every room; public and private hatha Permanent : transient. THE BARTON, 13th and Alder, new man agement, newly renovated throughout ; 70 outride rooms, steam heat, electric lights, etc. ; rooms $ lO month up ; suites with running water, $22.50 to $30; elegant public parlor; phones and baths free. HOTEL BRESL1N. ; 422 Washington, cor. 11th. Steam heat, hot and cold water, baths, nicely furnished rooms, 93 per week up; transient rates. 75c up. HOTEL YORKE, at 12th, Stark and Burn side; new, beautifully furnished ; steam heat, hot and cold water, phone in every room, public and private baths; special rates to permanent people. THE MORRISON, 533 Morrison st. This house is under new management, having been newly furnished throughout; rooms steam-heated ; hot and cold water In each ; rent reasonable. HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main sts., furnished rooms, single or en suite, at rea sonable prices, modern conveniences. Op posi te the Plaza. " HOTEL BISHMARK. Washington and 17th. first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern con veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647, M. 5647. HOTEL IRVING. 6th and Oak; large, handsomely furnished; running hot and cold water; steam heat; reasonable ; permanent and transient. THE GLEN DORA, 10th and Couch sts. Nicely furnished rooms, $2.50' per week up; large parlor, pool and billiards free to guests; dining-room In connection. THE EST ES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes. THE MERCEDES, 2oth and Washington; ei, gantly furnished rooms; hot and co-Id run ning water, modern conveniences; $12 up. FURNISHED rooms, Eim Place, formerly Elton Court Annex. 414 Yamhill and 11th- N1CB outside sleeping rooms. $2.50 per week ii The Newcastle, 3rd and Harrlann .tG THE REX Modern rooms, $2.50 to $5 pur week 54SH Washington st. HOTEL ROYAL. 1084 4th st.; rooms $2 to $5 per week: 50c to SI per lay. LARGE room, suitable for two, with boarH. 446 3d, the Hollywood. FOR RENT. FurnUhed Koems. NEW MODERN CLEAN THE MOODY HOUSE 268 Third St.. Cor. Jefferson St. New fireproof building and furnishlngt throughout ; desirable neighborhood ; four minutes' walk to business center; roomi and suites; large, light and airy; hot and cold water; steam heat; as and electric lights; call bells; free baths; clean porce lain tubs; lavatories convenient. Take "S'' car at depot to Third and Jefferson sis. We aim to satisfy; that is why we pleass our TRANSIENT AND PE R M AN ENT PA TRONS. Rates $3. $3. $6, $7 per week. A 7731. PHONES Main 8639. HOTEL RAINIER. 140 ROOMS. i BLOCK FROM DEPOT. New, modern, fireproof building, steam heated, hot and cold running water in an rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that money can buy. and it doesn't coat any more than some cheap lodging-house; nice large office 011 ground floor; everything first-class; rates, THk;, 75c and $1 per day ; $3.50 and up per week. Call and see us. 128 6th st. North. Homelike. Homelike. Homelike. HOTEL MINNESOTA. 88 North 3th St., S. E. Cor. Flanders. New brick building, steam heated, por celain baihs, fine large offiee on ground floor, elegant beds, everything absolutely new and clean; rates only $2 50 and up per week: 50c and 75c per day. 3 blocks from Union Depot. SUNNY bedrooms; five minutes' walk to center. $1.50 and $2.00 week. M. 8933. Ftirniwhed Itmnns in Private Families. TENTH AND STARK Two large. well furnished rooms for two or three gentle- u-quire -tui wasning t on st. 446 TAYLOR, near 12th: very desirable front room, 1 or 2 gentlemen ; modern; reasonable. STYLISH, new. corner house, finely fur nished room ; sightly, W est Side ; reason able. Miin 2219. FLEAS ANT sunny room opening on broad Prch; sleeping porch if desired; West Side. Main 9000. N IC ELY furnished bedroom in good location. 2T.6 12th st. FURNISHED rooms in private family. 248 N. 2'ith. near Marshall st. ELEGANT front room and board fr two. 11 N. 10th t. MODERN, well-furnished room, gentlemen ; references. Main 52S3. NICELY furnished room, gas and bath. 141 U'.th st.. corner A hlr. FURBISHED rooms in private family. 248 N. 2oth. near Marshall st. NICELY furnished front room. Phone East 2410. 44 E. 7tn and Pine. Sll MONTH, fine front room, for K"tleman; splendid location, close in. 452 5th. MODERN furnished rooms, single and en suite. 632 East Morrison. 30 1ITU ST. Large well-furnished rooms, one or two Rontlemen ; reasonable. LARGE front rom furnished for 1 or 2 gen t U-men. 667 Irving st. PLEASANT, sunny room, neatly furnished; suitable for two; $1Q month. 475 Clay st. Rooms Wit b hoara PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year, room with board, uso of sewing-room and li brary. 510 Flanders st. Miss Frances N. Heath. Supt. Woman's Exchange. 1S6 0th. st. Mrs. M. E. Bretherton. Supt. THE COLONIAL. 165 and 107 loth it, cor ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason able rates. THE Mansion, large, elegant room for 2 or 3. fireplace; adjoining bath. 6th and Jefler son. CHOICEST kind of table board; megant room for one or two on Parkins;. $74 Parle. LARGE front nwm suitable for man and wife or 2 gentlemen ; all modern con veniences. 4 35 Yamhill. VERY detliable newly furnUfhed rooms, ex cellent table, walking distance to town, block from Morriun-.-t. ear. Phone B 2K52. THE CALVARD Suites or single. 452 Mor rison, cor. 13th. Ho mm With Hoard In private Family. HOARD and room; lare front room fr three; $25 per month ; one single room. 191 11th. near Yamhill. NICE front room for two after April 1; rates reasonable, with board ; walking, distance. 52 Lur-retia st-. near 23d and Washington. NICELY furnished rooms, also first-class board ; reasonable. 565 Gllsan. Main 2Q4Q. BOARD and room for 2 gentlemen, close In Phone A 5714. ONE or two K'ntlemen f !r board and room; Scandinavians preferred. II N. loth st. PLEASANT front room for two, $40; all modern conveniences. 470 Main st. LaKOE room, first floor, for two parties; A-l board. 821 West Park st. A 7104. ApsiiTments OR DE LEIGH APARTMENTS New brick. 32 Grand ave.. cor. East Stark; well-furnished 3-room apartments. possessing every modern convenience, including steam heat, hot water, private batns and phone. While these apartments are as up to date as any in the city and about as close to tne business center, the prices are consid erably less; now ready for occupancy. Phone East 3 00. No children. HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14Ui and C'olumuiaJ 4 blocks from Morrison st. ; new brick building, completely ii rat-class, furnished in 2, 3 and 4-room family apartments, pri vate bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone ; some unfur niabed: janitor service; rent reasonable. THE Ruble Apartments, formerly the Buell, located in the heart of the city ; nicely furnished 3 and 4-coom suites; private bath and phones; first-class janitor and elevator service ; 5 minutes' walk from Pnstofflce. 473 Salmon st. bHEKKiELD APARTMENTS All outside roomi (unfurnished); unexcelled service and best lighted street, only 5 minutes' walk from P. O. 272 7th su Main 250tW A 3149. COZY 3-room apartment, unrurnujlied, up-to-date in every detail; phone and Janitor service, with hot and cold water in every room. Corner 15th and isverett. Phone Main 1245. FOR RENT Modern 4-room apartment. King's Heights Apartment House, cor. King and Wayne sts.; furnished, $55; un furnished, J 40. Apply Juniior. THE MERCEDES Elegantly f urnlstied 2 room apartments, hot and cold running water and all modern conveniences; $ld to (30. Corner 20th and Washington sts. THE ALTAMONT. " April 1, one 4 -room unfurnished, strictly - f Irst-claas. Janitor, heat, free phone, etc 5th and College. Main 4U00. MODERN 3 and 4-iom apartments, fur nished and unfurnished; private vestibule and bath, elevator service. Ionian Court, 570 couch st STEAM-HEATED 6-room apartment, mod ern and desirable; 525 Everett st- Apply Morgan, Fleiduer Sc Boyce, 503 Ablngtoa bldg. FOR RENT 4 -room furnished apartments, with bath and pantry and othr conven lences. Phone Wood law 11 9 A 2. 5-ROOM unfurnished apartment, every mod ern convenience. H rain tree Apartments, 2'.. 12th si. Maln774 L 2 AND 3-room newly furnished apartments in new and strictly modern house, fine neighborhood. East 1430. 22S East 20th. TH E WESTFAL, on 5th bet. Harrison and Hall 3-room unfurnished apartments; strictly modern. Phone A 203S. FOR RENT or sale, newly-furnished 3-roorn apartment with b.ith. St. Croix, apartment 37 ; will ee'l cheap. LAN DURE APARTMENTS 2ba loth, at J.f ferson; perfectly new 3-room furnished apart nient ; sleeping porch. W A UN IT A 3 5 11th st. ; Zry nicely fur nUlied li-room modern apartment ; new brick building, close in ; janitor service. THE ALTAMONT. 3-room, in basement, free phone, heat, Janitor service. Phone Main 60S0. 1'HB KE-L'KAN MUST EXCLCS1 V E t U U NiSH ED A P A RTM EXTS IN THE CITY. BOTH PHONES. fi4 MARSHALL ST. 6-ROOM arrartment. 305 11th st. See Janitor. : 23 llth St. IRIS APARTMENTS. 3d and Mill. 1st of April. 4 rooms. $3 2. UNFURNISHED apartment, steam heat, pri vate hath. Phone Main 5148, A 73U3. ON E pleasant unfurnished apartment for rent. 1 he Stan ley -King. Washington Bt. ONE 4 -room furnished and one 3-room un furnished. Columbian Apartments. THE KING DAVIS 3 and 4-roorn, corner of King and Davis uts. ; reference. NOR DIC A Apartments, Grand ave and liel hont ; strictly modern; reasonable. FLATS for rent; East 23d and Taylor, $18. Phone Woodlawn 1095. 598 SALMON st.. 5-room Mat for rent, m good condition. Key at bttO Salmon st. FIVE-ROOM flats, $!; t.re. $o. hSO Lnnm a vp. Phone Woodlawn 2720. MODERN 5-room flat. K2.1 Northrup st. ; rent frl7..-". Phone Main 322 3 . MODERN upper 5-room flat ; children; $13, M 1 Williams ave. Worilawn 152. FURNISHED 5-room. modern. Inquire"7S4 . Gllsan or phone Main 143&