THE 3IORNIXG OREGOXIAN, MONDAY, MARCH 28, 1910. 11 ATLAS IS IN PORT Disabled Vessel, in Tow, Reaches Astoria, Or. HIT SUBMERGED OBJECT Captain Badger, Master of - Boat, Declares Sea Smooth When Occi dent Befell Tailshaft and Propeller Off Rock. ASTORIA. Or., March 27. (Special.) The Standard Oil tank steamer Asuncion arrived this afternoon with the disabled tank steamer Atlas in tow. Captain Badger, master of the Atlas, say that about 2 o'clock on Friday afternoon, when 20 miles northwest of northwest Seal Rock, his vessel struck some submerged object and lost her tailshaft and propeller. There waa a comparatively smooth sea at the time and the vessel was in no Immediate danger. However, sig nals were set and wireless calls for assistance sent and about six hours later the steamer Asuncion, which was also enroute to this port, rendered assistance. The Asuncion's wireless plant was not In service, as the op erator was left behind at Richmond, so she did not know of the predica ment of the Atlas beore sighting her. Captain Bridgett put a hawser on board and. taking the Atlas in tow, brought her up the coast and acrpss a breaking bar in safety. The Atlas is being towed to the mouth of the Willamette River, from where a tug will be procured to take her to Port land. Just where the Atlas will be re paired is not known, but as she has no extra tailshaft on board it is pos sible she may be towed to San Fran cisco, aftejr discharging her oil cargo. El'BEKA OX PORTLAND RTXX North Pacific Company Assigns Captain Hannah to Command. With Captain C. A. Hannah as her commander, the steamer Eureka, be longing to the North Pacific Steamship Company, will be placed on the run between Portland and Eureka soon for the Summer season. The Eureka, which is now iri San Francisco, where she has been tied up for the Winter, Is expect ed also to take In Coos Bay as a way port, although this has not been veri fied. She is now being repaired and put In shape for service. The assignment of Captain Hannah to the Eureka is taken as a vindication by his friends here of the rumor that has recently been afloat to the effect that he had been blamed by his em ployers for the grounding of the steam er Geo. W. Elder, while under his command, at Humboldt Bay on her re cent trip to San Francisco, causing the vessel to go on the drydock at the lat ter place for repairs. Officers of the Elder, which arrived In port at 5 o'clock yesterday morning, brought the news of the plan to put the Eureka in service again soon, and also of the company's refusal to put any blame on Captain Hananh, who is now in San Francisco. The Elder was brought to Portland by her regular commander, Captain Jessen, who went to the Bay City, while the Elder was n the drydock. to resume command of aer. The Elder, like the Roanoke, will not call in the future at Eureka. It Is asserted by Captain Hannah's friends that he is still on the company's pay roll, and will remain there while le Is waiting to take command of the Eureka. The fact that no inquiry was made by Government officials Into the grounding of the Elder, is pointed out is an argument favoring Captain Han nah In the matter, and proving that Ihe accident was clearly one for which the commander could not be blamed. The Elder is fresh from the drydock, where she underwent extensive repairs. She brought up 600 tons of freight and 90 passengers. IIOI'GH BAR HALTS SAILING British Bark Poltalloch, With Lum- ber for Australia, Is Belayed. ASTORIA. Or., March 27. (Special.) The British bark Poltalloch, lumber laden for Sydney, Australia, started for sea today, but was compelled to drop anchor in the lower harbor on account of the unfavorable weather conditions and the rough bar The steamer Johaji Poulsen cleared last night for San Francisco with a cargo of 150.000 feet of lumber, loaded at Linn ton; 120.000 feet loaded at the Astoria' Box Company., 100.000 feet loaded at Prescott, and 330,000 feet loaded at Rainier. The steam schooner Despatch which arrived last night "will load lumber at Rainier and St. Helens. The lighthouse tender Heather has received orders to sail tomorrow and set a whistling buoy ofT Tillamook Bay. The lighthouse tonder Columbine is ready to sail with supplies and a hoisting engine for Destruction Island and material for the erection of a structure for a. lens lantern at Point Roberts-. The steamers Ramona and Qulnault and the tank steamer Catania arrived today and left for Portland, while the steamers Golden Gate, Alliance and Santa Clara sailed for coast points. SMITH PAYS $65,000 FOR BOAT Simpson Lumber Company Sells Schooner Redondo. MARSHFIELD. Or.. March 27. (Spe cial.) The steam schooner Redondo has been sold by the Simpson Lumber Company to the C. A. Smith Lumber & Manufacturing Co. It is understood that the price paid was 65.000. The Simpson Company has operated the Redondo between North Bend and San Francisco for some years past and she was the best of the Simpson fleet. The new owners will use the vessel In carrying lumber from the Smith mill In this city. The Smith Company operates Its own hip, the Nann Smith, as well as a number of others which are under charter.' The Simpson Company Is to build a new vessel which will be one of the largest entering this port. She will be at North Bend and will have a carrying capacity of about 1,000,000 feet and will take the place of the Redondo at the head of the Simpson fleet. CITY OF PEKING TO BE BARGE Pacific Mall Steamer Being Dis mantled at San Francisco. Having served her time as a passen ger vessel, then being left for three years in idleness in San Francisco Bay, the steamer City of Peking, one of the three vessels that formed the first fleet of transports to carry American soldiers' to the Philippines, Is being torn to pieces and converted into an oil barge. The Second Oregon volunteers in going to the Philippines were assigned to the transports City of Sydney and Australia, these vessels accompanying the City of Peking, which carried the First California volunteers. The City of Peking, owned by the Pa cific Mail Steamsh!r4L"ompany, was put out of commission 9fl 1907 and was left at anchor in San Francisco Bay, off China Basin, until recently, when she was sold and the work of transforming her into an oil barge was commenced. An effort was made about two years ago to get the Government to accept the vessel as a detention station for immigrants from the Orient, but after some investi gation the Government refused the offer, and at the beginning of this year put into service the new Immigrant station at Angel Island. Chinese residents of San Francisco aided the Pacific Mail in its effort to have the vessel converted into a retaining station for immigrants, and expressed disappointment when the request was denied. Lurline Ready Soon. , Fully overhauled and repaired, the steamer Lurline, of the Vancouver Trans portation Company, will resume her run between this city and Astoria a week from today. The Lurline ha been off the run for more than two months, and is receiving final painting and Interior fitting preparatory to her return to work. While the Lurline was out of commis sion, the steamer Undine took her place. The Undine will be used for extra work and as a substitute for .other river boats of the company. Arrivals and Departures. Astoria. Or.. March 27. Condition at the mouth of the river at 5 P. M.. moderate; wind, west: weather, cloudy. Arrived in and left up at 7 A. M. Steamer Ramona, from Com Bay. Arrived down at 4 and sailed at 10:15 A. M. Steamer Santa Clara, for San Francisco. Arrived down at 0 and sailed at U:15 Steamer Alliance, for Coos Bay. Left up at :30 Steamer Despatch. Arrived at 6 A. M. and left up at 11:30 A. M. Steamer Wilhelmina, from Tillamook. Arrived at 11:30 A. M. and left up at 3. P. M. Steamer Qulnault. from San Francisco. Arrived down last night Steamers Johan Poulsen and Golden Gate. Arrived and left up at 1 P. M. Steamer Catania, from San Francisco. Arrived at 11:30 and left up at 4: lis Steamers Asuncion and Atlas, trom San Francisco. San Francisco. ' March 27. Sailed at 1 A. M. Steamer Claremont, for Portland. Sailed at 8 A. M. Steamer W. S. Porter, tor Portland. Sailed at 12 noon Steamer Cauco. for Portland. Sailed at 6 last night Steamer St. Helens, for Portland. Sailed at 8 last night Steamer Yellowstone, for Portland. Arrived last night Steamer Fal con, from Portland. River Plate, March 26. Arrived Steamer Beaver, from New York, for Portland. New York. March 27. Arrived Columbia, from Glasgow; i)uca de Gila A.bruzzi, from Genoa. Philadelphia, March 27. Arrived Carth aginian, trom Glasgow. Seattle, March 27. Arrived Japanese steamer Chicago Maru. from Tacoina; steamer Victoria, from Nanalmo. Departed Steamer Buckman. for San Francisco; steamship Hllonian, for Honolulu; gchooner Alice, for Anacortes. Tacoma, March 27. Arrived Schooner Metha Nelson, from San Pedro. Departed Steamer Mtssourlan. for Honolulu; steamer Umatilla, for Sound ports; schooner Wil liam H. Talbot, for San Pedro. Los Angeles, March 27. Arrived Steam ers Mandalay. from Crescent City; Lakme, from Humboldt: Thomas L Wand, from Orays Harbor: Carlos, from Grays Harbor; barkentine John C. Myer. from Aberdeen; schooner Blakeley, from Port Blakeley. San Francisco, March 27. Arrived Steamers M. F. Plant, from Coos Bay; Brunswick, from Fort Brass: Casto. from Astoria: G. C. Llndaur, from Grays Harbor; Newberg, from Grays Harbor; Nevadan, from Honolulu: President, from Seattle. Sailed Bark Star of Holland, for Lady smith; steamers W. S. Porter, for Portland; Col. E. L. Drake, for Seattle: Aureha, for Eureka; Wlllapa. for Raymond; Norwood, for Grays Harbor; Ravalli, for Eureka. Tides at Astoria Monday. High. Low. 2:19 A. M 8.2 feetiS:51 A. M 1.0 foot 2:40 P. M 7. feet!8:47 P. M 2.5 feet DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, March 27. Maximum temperature, 64 degrees; minimum temperature. 40 degrees. River read ing. 8 A. M-, 14.3 feet. Change in last 24 hours. 0.5 feet. Total rainfall (3 P. M. to 5 P. M. ). trace. Total rainfall since Sep tember 1, lfH9, 34.70 inches. Normal rain fall since Septem-ber 1. 36.12 Inches. De ficiency or excess of rainfall since Septem ber 1, 1008, 1.42 inches. Total sunshine, 11 hours 6 minutes. Possible sunshine, 12 hours 30 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level) at 5 p. M-. 29.85 Inches. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Wind. "2. S 8 a ;r n o5 5 o c -3 c 3 State uf Weather STATIONS. Los Angeles... Boise Eureka Kamloops. North Head... Pocatello ...... Portland Red Bluff Roseburg. Sacramento. Salt Lake San Francisco-. . Spokane Tacoma Tatoosh Island. Walla Walla. . . Blaine Marshfield Siskiyou ....... Kalispell . . 52 o . 86 1 o ort: T. I 4 SW Cloudy E icioudy x-w k'lcur 52 0.02 12 62 0.00,12 30O.OO' 4 52 0.00 fi (Kid.Wl 6 KIO.lSl 4 64 O.OOI 6 56 O.lo 12 56O.O0l 8 54 0.22! 4 54 O . OOl 4 HO'o.Ool 6 50 o. 18'18 0 0.H! 4 54 O.OO' 8 55 0.001 4 480.00 4 SO'O.OO 4 ;SB KUoudy ;W -Cloudy ,E 'Cloudy NWiPt. Cloudy W tclear NWlPt.Cloudy NWIClear SW Cloudv iNWCloudy 'SW IPt.Cloudy SW l-Cloudy iNW 'Rainy 'W IClear NWlCloudy E ICIear E !pt. Cloudy SW !Pt.Cloudy WEATHER VTONDITIONS. During the last twelve hours the barom eter has risen slightly along the North Pa cific coast and fallen in the interior and unsettled conditions continue, without any rain of consequence having fallen on -the Pacific slope, except In California, where moderately heavy showers have occurred. It is warmer in extreme Northern Califor nia, Western Oregon and Western Wash ington: elsewhere the temperature has re mained nearly stationary. The conditions are favorable for gener ally fair weather in this district Monday, except In Southern Idaho and in Northwest Washington, where showers are probable. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair, westerly winds. Oregon Fair, except showers northwest portion: westerly winds. Idaho Fair north, showers south portion. KTTtVAPr A. BEAI.S, District Forecaster. PIED. SHIVES In this city, at 459 East 8th St.. North, Mrs. Alexander Shives. Funeral announcement later. FUNERAL NOTICES. DOUGLAS The funeral of James Douglas will be held from the family residence, 707 Johnson St., this (Monday) mornlnc March 28. at 8:30 A. M. Died March 29 at St. Vincent's Hospital, at 5:30 P. M. FARNER At Chehalis. Wash.. Renna Far mer. 33 years. Funeral todav from the East Side Funeral Direstor parlors. East Sixth and Alder streets, successors ' to F S. Dunning. M' REYNOLDS At Seaside. Or.. March 26 William McReynolds. aged 85 years 10 months, 21 days. Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, which wilt be held at Holman's chapel! corner Third and Salmon Ftreets. today (Monday), at 1 P. M. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. CAMP At the family residence, 738 Ells worth street. March 26, Mrs. Elizabeth Camp, aged 78 years. 1 month. 12 days. Funeral services will be held today (Mon day). March 28. at 3 P. M.. from Hol man's chapel, corner Third and Salmon streets. Friends invited. , Lunnlng; M Mcote, Funeral Director. th and Pine. Phone Main 430. Lady as 'i""' Office of Connty Coroner. ZEl.I.KR-BVKNES CO.. Funeral Director. 694 Williams ave.i both phonos: lady attend-mnt- mot modern establishment in tbo ci It. EDWARD HOLM AN CO., Funeral Direct- r-. t . .iu hi. Kny assistant, roost M. 607. .-....-a of bub, nu ana idiaisoa. t uilr n.nHant ahn .. I 11 . . . .... K A L 81UB k jnerml Director. successors lumping, anc. n.. OS. 1J tKltsO.N CO. UDdcrtiKers; lady nt. 409 Alder. M. 6133. A 2235. LEKCH, undertaker, cor. Esuit Alder and Ua. Phones, 781, U 1888. Lady assistant. AMUSEMENTS. BUNGALOW THEATER 12th and Morrison Phones Main 117 and A 4224. SIX NIGHTS. Beginning TONIGHT Matinee Saturday. Robert Mantell Tonight MACBETH Tuesday RICHELIEU Wednesday HAMLET Thursday OTHELLO . Friday KING LEAR Saturday Matinee ROMEO AND Jt'LIET Saturday night RICHARD III OfRT.UX RISKS 8:10 O'CLOCK. Price, birth Evenings and Matinee: Lower Floor $2, $1.."0. $1 ; Balcony 11, 75c; Gallery 50c. SEATS NOW SELLING AT THEATER. THEATER Main 2. A 6360 Geo. L. Bsker, Manager Tonight All Week Bargain Matinee Wed nesday. 25c. Real authorised version of famous novel, ST. ELMO. The play of the year. T'nder direction Frederick Belasco. Splendid Company Beautiful Scenic Effects. Evenings 2.1c. 50c 75c, Si., Saturday Matinee 23c. 50c. MA IV 0, A lOIO. MAUN EE VBI DAT. 1S-25-50C NiGHTS THFATF.R 15-?5-5u-T5S WEEK MARCH 28 Will M. Cresy and Blanche Dayne, presenting- "The Wyoming Whoop"; Nellie Nichols, tiorrinn Eldrid A Co.. Al White'M "Dancing Bugs." J-Tel Wat son, I -a Vine-C Imaron Trio, The Plcquays, Picture!. Orchestra. Portland Theater Phones A 7085 Russell & Drew. Main 443. Managers. Tonight and All Mek, with Wednesday and Ha turd ay Mai inees Ollle Mack And a Company of 35 Musical Comedy Artists in A NKrllT OX BROADWAY The Khow That 'Has "auRht the Town. Greatest Dancing Chorus Ever Here. Note the Prices. Night 20c, 3ic. 40o, r0c. Matinees 23c. Next Sunday "f-lnnifrant Ball." ORANTJ-WF.EK MARCH 8, 1010. A I TX A XT KO IT TROll'B Greatest Dancing Spectacle on any iStage, And FOSTKK & FOSTER Mirth. Melody, Song Four Toftsinjr I.nvellc Helen Carman Helm & C'our.ens Carlton siter ;rundacope Matinee every day. 2:30: any seat. 15a Fvcnlng performances, 7:30, 0:15; balcony, 15c: lower floor. 25c: box seats. 50c AUCTION SALES TODAT. At 021 Overton St.. 11 o'clock. S. L. X. Gilman. auctioneer. At Wilson's auction rooms, corner Second and Yamhill. Sale at 10 A. M. J. T. Wil son, auctioneer. At residence, 4S0 E. Davis St. Take E. A. car. sale 10 A. M sharp. By Ford Auction Co. MEETING NOTICES. MULTNOMAH COUNCIL ROY AL ARCANUM meets, at K. P. Hall. 11th and Alder streets, the second and fourth Monday of each month at 8 P. M. Visittjrs cor dially welcomed. H Claussenlus, Jr.. secretary. 125 11th St. CAM ELI A SOCIAL CLUB "500" JSPV Party this (Monday) Admls- -sr si I Signed) P. JOHNSON. MARTHA WASHINGTON CHAPTER. NO. 14, O. B. S. Stated meeting this (Monday) evening. East fcth and Burnsiile. Orffficial visit of the worthy grand matron. Order of W. M BELLE RICHMOND. Sec. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS rftnl CHUttCHLJCY BROS., wood and coJ vuai dealers, office and yard la til ot Mqr.ti.ili Phonei Main 931. A 898t. Vlfiriflt Cut Fiowera always trnmb from w'-njur own conservatories m axil a A ForD Co H7 Washington at. Mot r h -nes Independent Coal & lea Comoaajfe opposite City Library Ho: a anon. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE Dally or Sunday. Per Line. One time lo 6ame ail two consecutive times 22o bame ad three connecutive times 3Uo JSaine ail mix. or wven consecutive time. .6tfo blx words count as one line on cash ad vertisements, and no ad counted for less than two lines. When an advertisement Is not ran consecutive times the ontr-tlino rate applies. The above rates apply to advertisements under "Sew Today" and all other claasUlca tlona excepting the following: (situations Wanted. Male. Situations Hunted, leniale.- lor Kent, Kooms, Private families. Koomit and Board, private lumilles. Housekeeping Rooms, Private fumlllesv 1'he rate of the svhove daMification is 7 u-ents a line each insertion. TO .OUT-OF-TOWN PATRONS The Ore frmian will -receive copy by mail, provided sufficient remittance for a definite number of issues is sent. Acknowledgment of such remittance will be forwarded promptly. On charge or book advertisements the .charge will be based on the actual number of lines appearing in the paper, regardless of the number of words in each line. If you have either telephone in your house we will accept your ad over the phone and send you the bill the next day. Phone Want Ad. Dept., Main 7070 or A 6095. Sit uation Wanted and Personal advertisements not accepted over the phone. Errors are more easily made in telephoning advertise ments, therefore - The Oregonian will not hold itself renponHlble for such errors. In case box office address Is required, use regular form given, and count this as part of the ad. Answers to advertisements will be forwarded to patrons, provided self-addressed stamped envelopes are furnished. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY PRESIDENT, Main SIS. SECRETARY, Main S99. HUMANE OFFICER. East 477. KW TODAY. 60x100, east facing:, between Savier ami Thurman. PRICE S2SOO HALF CASH. B13 McKay Hlclg., Third and Stark. :''26th St. 50x100, west facinpr.f between Thurman and Upshur. PRICE $2500 HALF1 CASH. tl.-l McKay Hldjg., Third and Stark. 811,500 BARGAINS "Fine modern n - r o o m se. worth 9000. s n rt full lot 50x100, worth $7500. Choice lo cation, near 23d and Glisan. All for $11,600. C. H. KORELL, 2TQ Stark. MORTGAGE LOANS Larue Amounts Ircf erred. bUUUAHD & WIEUlUUK, IMa Stark St. GEORGE! BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branches.) 2S Worcester Bide Phoc.s Main 8371. A 4011- NEW MODERX HOUSES, Also vacant lots In Irvington. Office at 16th and Brazee. R. fa. and S. T. Rice. Phone East 658. INVESTORS Call on owner's Realty Ass'n for timber, acreage, business, residence and apartment properties. 205 Ablngton. INVESTORS Call on Owners' Realty Ass'n for timber, acreage, business, residences and apartment properties. 205 Abing-ton. 28th St. NEW TODAY. INCOME PROPERTY To be sold to the highest bidder at Public. Auction TODAY at 11 A. M. Sharp We are instructed to sell at public auction on the premises. No. 621 Overton St. that modern flat building- and lot 33 1-3 by 100, being east 33 1-3 feet of lot 12, block 265 Couch Addition. This very desirable investment will appeal to the investor for immediate returns and a rising value. Sale takes place tomor row at 11 A. M. sharp. Particulars can be had at the office of the auctioneer, S. L. X. GILMAN, 126 Second St. Title perfect; abstract furnished purchaser. West Side Home $45,000 180 feet frontage with modern and up-to-date home, with an always unob structed view. The house occupies only a portion of the ground, leaving 100 feet vacant. Bitulithic street and sewer, gas and water laid into vacant ground ready to build on. There has never been anything offered In Portland that will compare with this. Surround ed with beautiful new homes and an excellent neighborhood. The ground alone is worth $225 per front foot. But if you can't afford to buy a $45,000 home, kindly refrain from worrying either yourself or the adver tiser; 'cause you'll have to pay most all cash. For particulars address W. H. Grindstaff Tel Main 600. 510 Commercial Block. Irvington Home New modern 8-room house, with 4 bedrooms, large den and sleeping porch, furnace and fine fireplace, and all other latest Improvements. Gas and electric fixtures cost $200. Upstairs is all white enamel. Burglar alarm system through Out the house, includes over 300 yards of carpet and linoleum, on a corner 100x100 on Hancock street, where all homes are built on quarter blocks. One of the most elaborate homes in the swellest part of Irvington. Price $11,000 $6000 cash. , Grussi & Zadow 317 Board of Trade Bldg., -4th and Oak. Reduced $500 For quick sale. Strictly modern resi dence of 7 rooms on fine corner of 28th street in SUNNYSIDE Close to cars and in best of neighbor hoods. Price now only $3750 $2250 cash. , . Kauffmann & Moore 325 Lumber Exchange. HOUSES in Riverside Add. Great value for the price. Five rooms and bath, stationary washstands, built-in sideboards, fire places, wired and piped for electricity and gas, high basements; two blocks from car; lot 33 1-3 by . 100 feet, east front; price $2300; $500 cash, balance like rent. A. E. IIORTHWK'K, 3(HI Cham, of Com. TIMBER INVESTORS! Owners Realty Association .0. 205 ABI.NGTOX BLDG. 23d St J 6,000 S Full corner lot ew blocks lorth of Wash- ngton St.. with small cottage and large, building now used for party meetings and dances, which could easily be remodeled into stores or garage, etc. Choice lbcation for apartment-house or business, and a bargain. Only $6000 cash, balance long time. C. H. Korell. 250 Stark. SPRING IS HERE BUILD YOUR HOME An Eastern capitalist has placed with me a. large fund for home building In Portland. Let me know your needs, WILL H. WALKER, 823 Chamber of Commerce, i'hone Main 8533. 6 Mortgage Loans MORGAN. FL1EDNER A BOTCE, noa-noff Anlnarton ' Bulldlnsr. IRVINGTON Corner 100x100. vacant; also two lot 50x100, facing eaat. This is choice. Bast 5242, or see owner, SOU Monroe St. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. TWO lots, corner; 2 large lots. Inside. GHth 'and I von, near Mt. Tabor Park; terms. Ta bor 1"0. CHOICE residence lot. restricted district; $50; real bargin; easy terms. Y 832, Ore- gonlan FOR SALE By owner. 176 by 268 feet, high and sightly, fine residence property. 3S2 3. ::th st. Tabor 1668. . BARGAIN Close In. 100x112. on 4th St., only $14,000. Alfred A. Baker. 212 Abing- ton bldg. 10 ACRBS near Oates. on O. W. p., fine lo cation and soli, fenced and halt in clover. Owner. E 843. Oregonian. SELL, WOOD 127x300 feet, only $4200; part cash. Lincoln Trust Co., 215 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak sts. CARTER-DUG AN COMPANY. City real estate, acreage and farms. 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $850 50xlO0. EAST 33d. near Clinton;' sewer, water, sidewalk. Owner, Sellwood 1021. REAL ESTATE DE.4LERS. Andrews. F.V. A Co. 14.3349. 30 Hamilton bldg Beck, William o.. SIS Falling bldr. Blrrell. A. H. Co.. 202-3 McKay bldg. Real estate. Insurance, mortgage, loans, e to Brubaker & Benedict. 602 McKay bldg. M. 549. Cbapln at Herlow, 832 Chamber Commsn Cook. B. 8. A Co., 603 Corbetc bids. Jennlng A Co.. Main 18S. 200 Oregonlmjs. PALMER-JONES CO.. B. p. 213 Commer cial Club bids. Scbalk, Geo. D., 228 Stark st. Main 862 or A 2302 SHERMAN, F. SH1NDLER & A.. & CO.. 822 Henry bldg. HALL. 205 Abington bldg. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ava. ana Multnomah st. (Holladay Addition). M. EL Thompson 'Co.. cor. 4 th. audi Oak a 2a. Walker. B. T.. 604 Corbett bldg. REAL ESTATE. KTor Sale - LAURELHURST. We have several single and adjoining lots, the pick of the first plat, high and sightly, near E. Glisan carline, at prices materially lower than any property in the addition as well located. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO, 212-213 Commercial Club bldg. Phones : Main 8609. A 26U. DO YOU WANT A HOME? Let your money earn it. 2int. paid cn check accounts. 2 Int. paid on H-day call certificates. 3 4i int. paid on 30-day call certificates. 49fc Int. paid on 80-day call certificates. Fmall cWeck accounts received. ' 23 years' banking experience In Portland. We will help you buy a home. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY BANK, Third and Oak streets. LOTS 325 TO $60 EACH. In our new Clackamas County addition, close to Oregon City carline. Excellent soil; fine place for garden truck, chickens, etc. Positively the best and cheapest property on the market. Buy now befone prices advance. Terms S& or (10 down, 10 per cent a month. EMPIRE LAND CO., 501 Mer. Trust Bldg.. 326 H Washington st. IF YOU ARE UNSATISFIED With this contlnucl rent burden, come to us. We have It all solved for you, the same as we did for many other families that are now living- and enjoying lite In their own homes In Gregory Heights. We have a home for you at $10 a month; also some of the best money-making lots in the city at 176 and up. Bull Run water piped In front of every lot. Other Improvements. Ofdoe at the end of the Rose City Park carline. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. FAIRPORT. The cream of the Peninsula; 4 choice lots, S30O each, with terms. COLLEGE PLACE. 50x100, on Portsmouth ave. ; only 3700, 82u0 cash. IRVINGTON. 60x100 beautiful lot. only 1500. 3800 cash. .4 LAMBDA PARK. 100x100. beautiful lota (will sell separate); all improvements in: $2r0O with terms. ZIMMERMAN; 62t Board of Trade Bldg. NEAR WALNUT PARK. 51100 for a fine lot on Vancouver ave. and near new high school; terms for a few days only: must sell. $850 for lot on 32th. near Going St.; facing east, one of the finest in the neigh borhood; good terms. BL AN CHARD & CLEMSON, 315-16 Shetland Bldg. A FINE LOT CHEAP. Nice lot 50x100, east front, between two nice houses. 150 feet from car, on East ?3d and Clinton; a fine place to build or a good speculation: price 3800, terms. GRl'SSI & ZADOW. "17 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4tll and Oak. LOTS 152.50. On Oregon City carline, new addition. 25 minutes from business center: good soil; price $52.50 each lot: terms $15 down, $2 per month payments. National Realty & Trust Co., 326 Vi Washington st., room 516. ALAMEDA PARK LOTS. Are high and mghtly. overlooking Irving ton; near Broadway carline; best city im provements; priced 25 per cent below the market. Inquire Alameda Land Company. 322 Corhett bldg. LOTS 150 LOTS $loO. 25 minutes from business center, on Ore gon City carline, best soil on earth- price $150 each. $2 or $3 down, balance $2 or $3 per month. National Realty & Trust Co.. 326 C Washington Bt.. room 516. ' I WILL sell a number of fine residence lots In one of the best additions on the East Side; close in; very email cash payments,, easy terms; only those who are Interested and in earnest need investigate. T 833, Oregonian. THREE lots $200. five $225 each; $20 cash, $5 per month; 4 blocks to car. 2 lots. $325 eacn; .io casn. o.oo per montn; at station: all 6c fare. Main 2712: night phone. G 104f. Rlggs. 616 Couch bldg.. lm 4th st. WHY ride all day on. the car when you can get beautiful . lot. West Side, walking dis tance; exclusive district; $1500; terms. AG 837, Oregonian. CHOICE bulWing lots In -Piedmont. Phone owner. C 2133: two lots Broadway Ad dition, southwest corner 33d and Schuyler. Owner, 205 Lumbermens bldg. WHY buy a lot when you can get a half acre inside the city with all the advan tages for the same price? 420 Lumber mans Bldg. cor. 5th and Stark. Two corner lots. Walnut Park; one block 2 carlines; best buy in Park. AG, 811. Oregonian. IRVINGTON lot. 10th st.. between Stanton and Siskiyou; high elevation and view of Mt. Hood: S1250. A Backus, 519 Board of Trade bldg. 50x128 LOTS, all cleared. level, graded streets. Bull Run. water, near two carlines; $475 .to $550. Small payment down, bal ance easy terms. 310 Corbett bldg. MUST sell two lots in Laurelhurst, best buy in the tract; a good $4l0 can be made on these lots within the next 60 days. N 844, Oregonian. TWO lots In Arbor Lodge. 33 1-3x110 feel, overlool.-lng the river; suitable for fine . residence; must be sold at once. Tabor 2110. Owner. RESIDENCE lots In Lewlston, Idaho; part cash, time on balance. Address- Ralph B. Dixon, owrer. Flaxton, N. D. For Sale Houses. FOR SALE by owner, a 6-room residence be ing erected in Hancock Addition; will finish to suit purchaser; thoroughly modern. Call Kntncnna Ding. FOR SALE 2 lots on Council Crest, east exposure; finest view In Portland: will sell at a bargain. See owner, G. S. Brack ett. White Garage. 6th and Madison. BEAUTIFUL suburban home and acreage; snap, and terms; 1 block west and south of school; Oak Grove ave. Apply J. s. Smith, owner. WISE BUYERS See . my new modern fl room bungalow. 2 carlines. Sutherland A ' Hubbell, 36th and Hawthorne, $2100, half cash. Li U Y a borne from me on easy terms: we have a dandy 6-room bungalow. . hardwood floors: 33750. S. D. Vincent A Co.. 420 Lumbermen bldg.. cor. 5th and Stark VERNON SNAP 5 rooms finished, upstairs unfinished; corner lot; $2000. 96l East 22d St.. North, or phone owner, A 5733. FOR SALE Modern 6-room house, close in, on East Burnslde st. Apply to owner. 806 ' Oak t. ONLY $150 down, remainder like rent; a modern house with swell fireplace. In Rose Cltv Park. Owner. AK 826. Oregonian WHEN moving cali up Van Horn Transfer Co.. M. 1618. A 1984; all covered wagons ana e.xj .t-mjeu mc. FOR SALE By owner, the handsomest bungalow in Irvington. 496 East 20th st North. Call and see It. 484x106. 6-ROOM cottag-a, 660 Front, near Arthur st; $1600; terms. C. H. Plggott. owner. 14 Mulkey Bldg. M 7145. go''t. lr" you have some money will build on your lot. Eastman Co.. Inc., 303 Ablngton bldg Main 8236 $2350 New bungalow; four rooms and bath full basement; very convenient; corner lot easv terms. Owner. Woodlawn 1653. FOR SALE by owner, modern 7-room house, close in. Phone E 990, or call 810 E. Yam hill. ONE 6-room house and lot 5OxlO0 for sale cheap. John Schlag. 940 East 11th st. North. $100 PER month will buy you best mediums priced home in city. V 831. Oregonian. FOR SALE 6-room modern house. 654 East Taylor. phone B 1711. MODERN 5-room house, full cement base ment. 336 Eugene st. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houses. ROSE CITY PARK. Is a fine place to live and you will enjoy It to perfection If you live in this artis tic bungalow. New : 5 rooms. Fireplace: Dutch kitchen. Full attic and basement. Cement basement floor. Attic finished. Double floors. Dormer windows. The price, is very low at $3100: $500 will handle. (D 265) PORTLAND REALTY & CONST. CO., Phones Marshall 646: A 71S3. 902-3 L?wis Bldg. p w;e BUILD MORE HOUSES THAN MOST CON TRACTORS. WE CAN WELL AFFORD LESS PROFIT. OUR HOUSES ARE OUR PRIDE. WE PLEASE. WE SAVE YOU MONEY. OUR ORGANIZATION OBVI ATES DELAYS. PLANS AND ESTI MATES FREE. IT WILL PAY YOU TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR EXPERI ENCE. PORTLAND REALTY & CONST. CO., 902-902 LEWIS BLDG. S-ROOM MODERN HOME. This is new and one of the best buys in the city; full cement basement, laun dry trays, fireplace, built-in bookcases, china closets, clothes chutes, piped for furnace, wired for electricity, piped for gas, built-in combination wall safe, lot 5Oxl00 east front and fine view of Mount Hood and St. Helen's. Let us show you the photo of this. Price only $3500. The best buy on the East fstde. . THE WILLIAMS INVESTMENT CO., 605 Lumbermens bldg. IRVINGTON. Beautiful, new. modern. 7-room house with all conveniences; hardwood floors, cut stone fireplace, art fixtures and sleeping porch: $6.-i(H, including shades, curtains and Uneoleuin; terms. Phone East 5iiu5 WHY NOT???? WE CAN BUILD YOU A SIX-ROOM. TWO-STORY HOUSE ON A FULL LOT, IMPROVEMENTS IN AND PAID FOR. FOR THE SUM OF $3000. LET US BUILD THIS FOR YOU. NOW. WHY NOT???? BUTTER WORTH-STEPHENSON COM PANY (.Inc.). DESIGNERS OF PRETTY HOMES. 34-35 Lafayette Bldg.. 6th and Wash. Sts. E. YAMHILL ST. HOME. Swell modern ((-room 2-story house, gas and electric, furnace and fine fireplace, built-in buffet and all latest improve ments, on a lot 50x100, south front,' on improved street and cement sidewalk and fine lawn, on E. Yamhill, near 2sth; price $5UO0, part cash ajid balance monthly. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. WE ARB BUILDING MORE HOUSES THAN ANY CONTRACTOR IN THE CITY. THERE IS A REASON: WE SAVE OUR CUSTOMERS MONEY. BUILD WELL. BUILD TERMS TO SUIT. IF YOU OWN THE LOT WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY TO BUILD. PLANS AND ESTI MATES FREE. OREGON BUILDING A TRUST CO., 308-9-10 Honry Bldg.. 4th and Oak. NICE 5-llOOM BUNGALOW. Nice 5-room cottage, gas and electric, fine fixtures, stained finish. Dutch kitchen with good range included, cement foun dation, graded street, on lot 36x65, on E. SheYman. near 87th; a comfortable llttlo home for the price. $2400. $550 cash, bal ance $10 per month. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 31" Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. VERNON DISTRICT. ?2HtK for a fine, new, 6-room. 1 block from a car; full lot, facing east, with fine view; all modern and up to date; 35O0 cash, balance terms. $2406 for a new 5-room. near car: full lot. facing east; $500 cash, balance terms. Blanchard & Clemson. 315-16 Swetland bldg A NEW 4-room bungalow. Just completed; corner lot. bungalow modern: Bull Run water, cement foundation, inside entrance to basement, double floors. Dutch kitchen, living-room, two bedrooms, bath, toilet and lavatory, sink, hot and cold water; will sell today for $1850, $200 cash, bal fcnee to suit. 424 Henry bldg. NOB HILL RESIDENCE. Splendid 8-room modern home on Love Joy street, between 24th and 25th: the ad Joining vacant lot sold recently for $65oO; this i3 "a choice location within 1 mile of center of city; cash, balance long time at ti'e. J. J. M'CARTHY. Ablngton Bldg. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME. 36500. 7 rooms, new and modern in every way; fireplace; on lut 5"xl00; faces east; 1 block from car. on hard-surface pavement, all Im provements paid; occupied by owners, who are going away; terms can be arranged. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. BUNGALOW, $2250. 5-room modern house, on East Everett street, one block from East Ankeny car line; Just completed and ready to move into; price $225o: very easy terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. BARGAINS IN HOUSES. We have several modern 4 and 5-room cottages -on nice lots for $2000 to $2500; easy terms. ' - . BURR-MAIDEN COMPANY, 306-808 Hoard of Trade Bldg. HOUSE New, modern, five rooms, large closets, wired, piped for gas. stairs to attic, . double construction. full cement basement, cement walks, 15 mluutes out on double-track carline: $2750, $500 cash. Owner. I'hone Main 3153. ROSE CITY PARK HOME, 67ol. 7 rooms, new and modern: on loOxtoO, built of stone blocks; a bargain at the price, $6750; terms. li. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. $3050 Modern 5-room .bungalow, com pletely furnished, piano, concrete base ment; 'one block from carline. E 4044, ftr 6 p. M. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE, $1000 Beautiful ' hnme on the 'East Side. lot 50x00 ft.; cheapest thing on the market; owner aust sell. Lincoln Trust Co., 215 Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak sts. BUNGALOW, modern, attractive home, lo cated best district of Upper Alblna: llght '. lng fixtures installed, ready for occupancy. Bargain, with good terms. Owner, 405 ' Ocrllngc; Bldg. MOUNT TABOR BUNGALOW. 6 rooms, absolutely modern. unsur passed ' view, 2 blocks to car; lot '6.1x00, highly Improved; $4250; terms. Owner, 1S24 E. Yamhill: Tabor 1760. APARTMENT-HOUSE Site Nob Hill. 8 room house, choice locality, fair income at jresent. HOMES EEKERS LAND CO., ' ' ' ' 132 North 6th St. $0oo CASH down will buy good 6-room house with 25x100 feet, 627 5th st.; price $3ouO, balance at 6; see us about this. PARRISH. W ATKINS & CO., ' 250 Alder St. FOR SALE by owner, a 10-room bungalow in Holladay Addition, close to carlines; strictly modern : full basement and large at t:c. Call at Su8 Rothchild bldg. $3250 GOOD 6-room house, 33 l-3xlOO Icet; 237 E. 37th st. ; easy terms. PARRISH.' WATKINS & CO., 250 Alder St. $100 CASH, be lance easy payments, buys 4-room cottage. 3 lots, barn: snap; price 1600. Calf 420 Swetland bldg. C'H BAP for ' half cash, new modern 6-room home with 2 lots in Woodlawn; no reason able offer refused. AJ 838, Oregonian. For Hale -BuHiness Property. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. On East Grant St.. a fine modern 6 room bungalow, extra good electric and gas fixtures, fine enamel bathroom with best of plumbing, fine front and ' back porches, lot is 50x100, finely Improved, .back yard is exceptionally fine with a nice . garden already planted, with a full ce ment basement, furnace heat, a very mod- em place, and can be bought for $3650; easy terms. HOLT-JONES REAL ESTATE CO., 520-522 Board of Trade Bldg., Phone Marshall 849. A 7294. GOOD PAYING GROCERY BUSINESS., . Building 22x80. $1400 to $1600 stock, horse and delivery wagon, 5 showcases, 1000-Ib. safe, and all other fixtures, for only $3000; $1000 cash will handle It. Sales will average $65 per day; long lease on lot at $10 per month. BURR-MAIDEN COMPANY, . S06-308 Board of Trade Bldg. I PIEDMONT. Beautiful, modern home, seven rooms, hardwood floors, two fireplaces, bullt-ln bookcases, Dutch kitchen, stationary wash trays and full basement, corner lot, with fine trees and roses: one block from Kll Hngsworth ave.; only $4750; terms. See owner. 1181 Height ave. $50 BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, beautiful home, on carline, Woodstock: lot 50x100; fireplace, full base- meet, Dutch kitchen, baths, etc. : price 526O0; terms. $50 cash, balance $15 per month. National Realty & Trust Co , 326 H Wash, st.. room 516. 100x100 IN terminal district, good 8-room house, with good barn: will rent for $4S, which will take care of the int. and taxes will Bell for $8500; $3500 cash, balance C per cent; sure to double in value in sha time. Chism, 616 Couch bldg. REAL ESTATE. For S-le -Bas1ue.s Property. $200 DOWN Buys a 5-room bungalow; electric lights, complete plumbing, tine bath, arched dining-room and sitting-room: lot 50x100; fine garden houso brand new; you will ? fn to. nurry If you want this snap; price ' ha'ance on easy pavments. HOLT-JONES REAL ESTATE CO., 520-522 Board of Trade Bldg. Phone Marshall 849. A 7294. Acrcifn. CLOSE-IN ACRES. Why buy high-priced lots for an In vestment from high-priced promoters, w-hen you can buy an acre for the same price and just as accessible; two years ago you could have bought acres in Ala meda Park and vicinity from $3tJ0 to $500 per Sere; today these same acres are sell ing in lots on a basis of $1000 to $6000 per acre; the same Is true of Rose City I'arlt, Elmhurst, St. Johns and the Peninsula; these tracts are practically all sold out and the city is growing very fast and must eventually extend east; I have some acre tracts. H miles east of Row City Park, on the O. R. & N. track, that will soon run a suburban motor service and only 15 minutes out. This Is deep. rich, mel low soil and no gravel: fine view of the mountains and Columbia River; you can raise all your own fruit and vegetables, have your chickens and cow and be In dependent of high prices; if you wiuh one or more of these acres on easv payments, call at my office from 10 A. M. to 2 P. M. ; will take you out in mv auto. Rooms 28-29 Hamilton bldg.. 131 Third t. 120 ACRES, White Salmon, fine apple land; 5 miles from town: electric line will go within Va mile of place: 25 acres In meadow; can be irrigated: running water; 15 acres fine celery land: fine orchards within s mile; can be cut up into 5 and 10-acre trarts and sold for $0O0 per acre for cleared land. $350 per acre for unimproved and; if taken at once can be bought for $125 per acre; all tillable but about one acre; owner has to sell. V 833. Ore gonian. MARVELOUS EMIGRATION TO ALKEKTA. THE LAND OF WINTER WHEAT. The tide of Immigration is now toward! Alberta. In no other place can von find lands that yield 40 to 50 bushels of wheat per acre. 00 to mo bushels of oats. 4 to 60 bushels of barley. 3 to 4 tons of tim othy that is selling at the prices and terms that the Canadian Pacific Railway are offering their fertile Bow River Val ley wheat lands. Now is your opportun ity to go and Investigate for yourself. Why? 70.000 American farmers moved In Alberta last year and why many more than that number are going this year. A slnglo crop often pays for a farm. 2 to 5 crops will alw-ays pay for it. Prices $12 to $18 per acre; ten years' time. Next low-rate excursion April 2d. 1UE-M'CAHTHV LAND COMPANY. Colonization Agents. Canadian Pnclfio Rnllway. 425-20-27-2S Lumbermens Bldg. HOUSE AND 3 ACRES. 3 acres. 3 Mocks from Courtney Sta tion, on Oregon City Electric line; nearly new house built by owner for home; beau tiful lawn, good burn, chicken-house, ail fenced and under cultivation; a lovely home with excellent car service to Port land: price only $450o, $1000 cash, bal ance terms. GRUSSr & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and O.ik. ACREAGE FREE. Near West Woodburn. on carline. 1 hour from city, in heart of fruit, walnut and potato belt; best of soil, clear, level and under cultivation and ready for the trees; our S, 10 or 20-acre tracts only $150 per acre, on easy terms; will glvs you free use for 5 years an equal amount Joining your purchase. BURR-MAIDEN COMPANY. 306-.1O8 Board of Trade Bldg. 11H ACRES two miles south of K a lama, Wash.: five acres cleared, balance In tim ber; 3-room house, woodwhed. running water, on county road: price $12lHJ. Also city property for sale or rent. A. I. LONG. Kalama. Wash. LAND, very favorably adapted for fruit, walnuts and vegetables, on electric and S. P. R. R. lines, covered with light brush and some good timber, with running water on three tracts. $160 per acre. Easy terms. Tracts 8 to 25 acres. Chlsm, 615 Conch bldg. HOOD RIVER VALLEY. 20 acres, 5 acres in apples; will bear this Fall; about 3 acres more clear; fine spring, small house, $!OoO; $l.-,oo cash; balance terms. Address P. O. box 4yS. Arle Or. FOR SALE. A fine 2-acre home ......$15o0 A fine 20-acre home - $2T.Vt A fine 7-acre place $1200 Other good bargains. C. M CRITTENDEN. Hubbard, Or. 5 ACRES. Part cash, balance $10 monthly; level and cultivated: 3 mile from Oregon Elec tric and Southern pacific depots. Box 401, Hlllsboro. Or. 20 ACHES on Barr road. 24 miles east of city limits, 'i mile north of Villa ave.; excellent soil, no gravel; adjoining land $400 to $5oo per acre; my price, $3o0 por acre. Owner. E S35. Oregonian. FOR SALE BY OWNER. lO acres on E. 92nd st. and Hawthorne ave.. all In cultivation: plenty of fruit; $H.O0 per acre. G. W. Edmonds. 55 E. 61 Mt : telephone Tabor 4. HALF-ACRE TRACTS We have a number of leautiful half-acre tracts in the city limits which we will sell on very easy terms. Lincoln Trust Co.. 215 Lewis bldg., 41h and Oak streets. LJ.-T me sell you a half acre or more in side the city; Bull Run water, paved street, building restrictions, etc. 420 I , u mbormans Bldg.. cor. 5th and Stark. FOR SALE 12 acres land near Bend. Or. under Deschutes Irrigation st rower ro. ditch: water now on land; price $350o. Add ress C 828. Oregonian. TEN ACRES In Ueaverton, 6 acres beaver dam, 3 acres apparatus: 1 block from elec tric depot;, all in good cultivation; will sell or rent. Mrs. Purwer, Beavertnn, Or. 15 ACRES at station. Sftiem electric line; near Portland; all improved. gxd 9-room houe. bam, orchard and other Improvements. D. Miller. 416 Chamber of Commerce. 10 ACRES near Gates, on O. W. P. line, lo cation and soil fenced and half in clover. Owner. E 843. Oregonian. CHEAPEST and best close-in acreage, any size tract; garden homes, selling fast. See Clark. 323 Abintjton bldg. CLOSE-IN acreage in all directions. See L. A. Clark. 323 Ablngton bldg. 30 ACRES land for sale or trade for Port- lnnd property. Tabor 47'J. Homesteads. . 2 HOMESTEADS under Irrigation ditch. 16" acres each; ppecial low rates f-r Crook, Lake and Harney counties; 5 fine home steads on the coat; 2 timber claims. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. 32-page book explaining what each of the 84 counties is best aaapated for; gives amount of Government land open to home stead in each county; map attached, 21x28. showing new R. R. and towns, including Eastern and Central Oregon; counties in dif ference colors; drawn to March 1, lttlO: latest map In U. S. : price 25c Nlemmo A Knney. 13 Hamilton bldg. HOMESTEADS. We can locate you on 820 acres of rich Government land in Southeastern Oregon, in the section about to be opened up by the Hill and Harrlman lines, and afford ing the best opportunity left in the U. S. to get a homestead. Our agent has been living in the neighborhood of thet claims for the past four years, and is well posted on conditions and knows the country well. For further particulars call at our of fice. THE H ART LAND CO. 140 2d St. 2 160-ACRE relinquishments Joining. near town of White Salmon; $4oO and $450. 1 80-acre relinquishment 1 mile from Hassam; good house, etc.; $otO; all on R. R. building in White Salmon Valley. C. H. PIGGOTT, 14 Mulkey Bldg.. 2d and Morrison. HOMESTEAD relinquishment. 80 acres. 8 miles from electric carline. Call New Grand Central Hotel. Third st. Owner will be there P. M. on Thursday and A. M. ott Friday. John Melln. WANT 3 more for party of 4. with auto, to Lake Valley, 320-acre homesteads, south east Oregon, for Thursday, March 31st. I'ig gott A Robinett, 14 Mulkey Bldg.. corner Second and Morrison. HOMESTEAD relinquishment, 12,000,000 Xeet yellow fir; file at once. HYLAND JONES & CO.. 4o Gerlinger Bldg. B. C. GOVERNMENT land $1 per acre: lo cations $50: close to R. R. 618 Swetland. For Sale Fruit Lands. WE ARE THE HOME SEEKERS' HEADQUARTERS For choice farm and fruit lands, with prices and terms right. SYBELDON & FARRELL, 321 Board of Trade Bldg. 10-ACRB orchard tracts, unimproved, on rail road 25 miles from Portland; beat soil; no rock; $40 an acre, easy terms; arrange with. Mm to go and make selection: rouud trio same day. 310-311 Corbett bid