THE MORXIXG- OREGONIAX, SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1910. 17 COR RENT. Houses lor Rent. Furniture for Sale. -ROOM HOC SB. COLUMBIA PT. Good, H-room house, rent $3u, with $55 "worth of rooms rented; good furniture; for sale fur $$00, part cash, balance monthly. 5-ROOM FLAT, EVERETT ST. Nice, modern. 5-room flat, rent $30. a ith enough rooms rented to pay the rent; firnlture is very g&d and for sale Ht a bargain; $U00, $ Jin canh, balance monthly. GRUSSI &. Z.VDOW. 817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. NEARLY new 6-room flat for rent; all mod em convenience; gas stove, linoleum, rups and several piece of furniture for sale If dvdred. 782 Johnson at., near 24th. I'hone Main FL'RMTL'RE of 5-room flat, complete, cheap mr quick sale, call arter io A. i. Clay st. 8-ROOM house; good furniture; pell cheap; leaving city. 553 Everett. Phone Main 57-1. Owner. FOR SALE Cheap, furniture of It-room house; house for rent ; centrally located. Apply 62' N. th st. Phone M 6493. FIRST-CLASS furniture, pictures, etc., for pale. 4-room modern flat ; flat for rent; fine location. 42t West Park, flat D. NKW furniture 5-room flat. $225. 5. A44i Columbia, corner Tin. Call after Fl'RMTI'RR 5-room c-t:age: rent $15; cheap if sold today. 5S Columbia. Stores. M-ifKA TED well lighted and venti lated store in new building. Washington st. near 11 Mi, suitable for groceries, drugs or delicatessen. Arrangements can be made which would assure splendid trade. Itont very reasonable to com mence. Might help finance capable peo ple W. I MORGAN, 503 Ablngton bldg. FOR RENT .Store. 20x0o feet, modern win dows; owner will put In shelving parti tions, etc.. good location for small hard ware store or dressmaking parlors Ap ply to druggist, corner Front & Gibbs sts. FOR RENT 4-stery and basement brick store building, 100x163. S- E. cor. Front and Pine sts. Apply C- A. Dolph. Mohawk bide ' FOR rent &-s?ory brick building. 2d and Ash; also large brick building suitable for auto ii'obile garage; small store, 2rx65, 249 Madi son ct. Apply R. T. Cox. Main 422. WASHINGTON store room, 20x65, with five windows, near 11th st. ; rent $125; will give 14 month leae. 5th st., room 1. ,C-f.'E new storeroom. 25x60, left In new Mock. Apply at drugstore, 8O0 Front at. Either "F" or "S" car. Z CENTRALLY -located Ftores on T'nlon Ave.; rrnt reasonable. Inquire at Rodgers Hart Gibson Go., 146 2d at. TO RENT 2-story tore building, 103 Front fit.; elevator and In A-l repair. Apply 374 Taylor st.. or Main 261. Offices. OFFICE room on the busiest part of Morri son street, now fitted up for real estate office, will turn the business over to the right party or rent without ; reason able; will be absent if or the Summer. E S32. Oregonian. SPLENDID ground floor location for real es tate or brokerage business; good furniture and fixtures, typewriter, etr-. ; uwner haw oth er bttsincjw and mu of it. B 831, Oregonian. FLOOR space. 40x60. suitable for light manufacturing or printing office; also swell office rooms for rent. Inquire of A G. Church ley, photographer, 145 Vs 3d sL. 5-ROOM flat Just vacated by physician; good location for dentist or physician. Tabor 2154. FOR RENT A few offices in Couch bldg. Apply 603 Lewis bldg. Halls. FOR RENT for legitimate church purposes, good-sized church, with basement suitable for Sunday school; cor. 13th and Davis sts. North; reasonable rent. Apply Wake field. Fries & Co.. s.- 4th st. BALLROOM, good location. In good condi tion, reasonable. B. F. Jones, fcOO Front. Warehouse. FOR RENT OR LEASE Brick warehouse, with elevator and large offices; 50x100; three stories and basement. Corner 4th and Glisan sts. Apply to L). G. Woodward, J 04 2d Kt. RUSIXESS OPPOKTrMTIES. PARTNER REST ACR ANT. A first-class cook, cannot look after cash and front; will take reliable partner; $3u0 required ; money fully secured. Call room 315 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts. WILL sell part interest In my patent for swing door lock, to party that will push it because I have not time for the pur pose; little money may make a, 'fortune. R. Beuetikofer, 265 Salmon. REAL estate man wants young man as partner to show land; no experience neces sary; money required, $150 cash. Par ticulars, Real Estate office. Room 516 Merchant Trust bldg., 326 y Wash. at. $250 CASH will make you proprietor of a good restaurant ; large rooms, cheap rent. good location, finely furnished; business $20 to $35 dailv. BECKER & CO.. 611 Swetland Bldg. BIG dividends for anyone desiring to invest $;i00 or more in building proposition where by investor will get his or her share of profits accord ing to money invested as houses are sold. Call 30S Rothchild bldg. GROCERY STORE Dandy little place for man and wife; best buy in the city for the money; $:;oo takes it. Hall & Powell, 21 Lumbermens bldg. HONEST, reliable man can secure working Interest fn first-class manufacturing busi ness with reliable firm. 221 i-i Morrison st. Room 5. CIGAR and confectionery stand; 5-year lease; heart of business district ; owners will moll for incompetency In the business. Call 201 Mnrrlwm St. RARE chance to engage In established ma chinery brokerage business; $300 cash- re quired: good value on hand. 300 Tilla mook st. OLD-EST A R LIS H ED harness, and saddlery business in Bsrtern Oregon for sale; $15t0 cash will handle. Address John Ciark Sad dlery Co. Before BCYING or SELLING anv MINING OIL. W I R RLE S S or IND C ST RIAL etoc k , get our prices. Davfdfmn & Co., Lewis bldg. Phone Marshall 778. CIG A R, confectionery and light grocery; good corner; 4 living-rooms; cheap rent; fine residence district; $450. Bloch Realty Co.. 221 Lumbermens bldg. IX YOU want supplies or rent film? We are Independent, do not belong to the trust. Pacific Film Co., 303 Rothohlld bldg., Portland, Or. LIST your property and business chances for quick action with Geo. S. Allen Realty Co., Henry bldg. FOR BALE A good bakery in a iive Wil lamet te Val ley town ; a profitable business AG $09. Oregonian. DRUG mock, fixtures, lots and buildings, Cornelius. Or. Must sell. Dr. Everest, ad ministrator. DENTAL, office, in good town, near Port land, for sale cheap, on account of health. AB 820. Oregonian. A GENERAL merchandise store for sale doing $24,060 business a year: invoice about SOOoO. P 825. Oregonian. COUNTRY hotel paying a dividend of $275 a month, net, for sule or trade; furniture and fixtures. Call at 306 Crosby at. ONE of the best parlor millinery m trie city centrally located, new stock, best reasons for selling. H 837, Oregonian. RESTAURANT 5 years lease, clean place and doing a good business. Hall &. Pow ell. 321 Lumbermens bldg. FOR SALE Confectionery and cigar stand; excellent location at transfer point. a bargain if taken this week. Phone 7397. BUSINESS clearing $4000 annually for sale; death : 930 00 will handle. AC 83:!. Ore gonian. CONFECTIONERY, school store, 2 living rooms: $450. Hall & Powell. 321 Lum bermens bldg. WANT partner in machine shops with $2500 Vfaance extraordinary. A 83i, Oregonian. BARBER SHOP, 2 chairs and bath, good business; must sell. 129 Russell st. DRUGSTORE Sale; one of the best suburbs of Portland. W" 832. Oregonian. 500 BUSINESS cards $1 if you bring this ad. Rose City Printery. 192U- 3d, near Taylor. FOR SALE A nice grocery store with living-rooms. JtH 810, Oregonian. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. UNITED STATES CASHIER CO. STOCK GOES TO $12.50 PER SHARE APRIL 3; PAR $10. BUY BEFORE THE A D V A N CE. W I LL GO TO $20 I N LESS THAN 60 DAYS. ONLY A LIMITED A MOUNT OBTAIN A BLE. S C BS C R1P TIONH CLOSE EARLY. UNITED STATES CASHIER CO. NINTH FLOOR. LEWIS BLDG. CIGAR AND CONFECTIONERY STORE Nice cigar store, handling cigars, to bacco, confectionery, ice cream and has nice soda fountain and news depot; dally sales average $35 and rent Is $35 per month, with lease; located on the West Side- in a fine business center; price $10oi. GRUSSI A ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. OWNER of first-class boarding-house with long established business desires to retire and offers for first time furnishings com plete, costing over $2000, for $1000; terms If desired; dining room has seating capacity for 24; no better location in city. Particulars on inquiry at room 14, 270 Washington st. BARBER "SHOP 'We have a two-chair barber shop In good neighborhood, on the East Side, do ing good business; a lease goes with this shop that makes the rent free; will sac rifice for $4oO. LINCOLN TRUST COMPANY, 215 Lewis Bldg. OKA ND OFFER IN GROCERY. With fresh, i-'.can stock and fixtures. do In good business on fine corner; rent $25 ; o competition ; nice class of trade; this will stand strictest Investigation ; at less t han invoice if sold by the 1st. M 831. Oregonian. BUSINESS OPENINGS This agency nego tiates purchases or sales of mercantile or manufacturing concerns; valuable Infor mation furnished parties desiring locations in the Northwest. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY, Ablngton bldg. Established 1 S92. I HAVE an exceptionally good proposi tion in land to be sold in small tracts for orchards. Land is on main line S. P., with station on land. Soil Is the famous Red Hills. I want a man with $50-00 to help handle. An opportunity to make big profits. X S31, Oregonian. GROCERY STORES. De 1 1 cat esse n s. Poolroom and cigars. Racket .store at invoice, Iian office at invoice. GEO. S. ALLEN REALTY CO., 221 Henry Bldg. CONTROLLING Interest in tate bank in Ore gon In pros perou. community; pay 2 dividends and propectr fine; everything guaranteed and requires about $12..nM to handle. Address E. E. Howard, 514 McKay bidg., Portland. Or. REAL ESTATE Well-established responsi ble Arm, with one of the very best ground floor offices in Portland: will dis pose of an interest to acceptable party. Particulars, room 612, 286 Washington street. y FOR SALE On account of health, restau rant, lunchroom and confectionery, fine location, long lease, cheap rent, booming town of ltKM). Only place of its kind in town. ADDRESS A. E. CLYDE. Sheridan. Or. SALOON. We have a customer for a good Baloon proposition. If you are deslrous of selling, call and see us at once. LINCOLN TRUST COMPANY, 215 Lewis Bldg. BUSINESS MEN. Do you want to sell ? Do ynu want a partner? Do you need money In your business? If so, see or write me. W. Lawrence. tl5 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts. GROCERY. Owner retiring, will sell at invoice; take part cash and good securitv for balance; doing business of $150 to $200 daily. Call room 315 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts. WE have for sale the business and office of thoroughly established real estate office, ground flood location ; owner retiring; a fine opportunity. Particulars, room. 612, .286 Washington st. 5, 10 AND 15-CENT STORE Fin location, doing good business, clean stock, bought for cash; if you want a nice, clean, pay ing business, investigate this. Bloch Realty Co., 221 Lumbermens bldg. TRANSIENT hotel. with beautiful bar, splendid trade. 50 rooms, exceptionally well located, long lease; clears $10.0K annually. For particulars, call 612, 2S0Vs Washington st. GOOD chance for milliner; entire stock and store fixtures for sale at a great sacrifice? Good loca t ion and lo w ren t. -Stock will ln voice about $1400. Richard H. Ormsbee. Waltsburg, Wash. BAKERY, confectionery and Ice-cream, do ing $7oO cash business a month ; good brick oven, cheap rent; living-rooms in connection. Price $1000. AE 826, Orego nian. CORNER cash grocery, Washington st, ; no soliciting, no delivery; fine businew for two; bargain If sold by 1st; mum. go East. AG 822, Oregonian. RESTAURANT and lunch counter 1n depot; nicely furnished; rent $40, . with leae; price $850; $200 cash. May Estes, 2304 Russell st., or phone 1425. $300, WITH services, will net big money; honesty and sobriety only required. Apply 411 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark RELIABLE real estate owner wants partner to show land and keep office: this is flrst-cla.s and will pay $200 monthly. Call 417 Board of Trade bldg. ONE storeroom. 20x60. In new block, suit able for confectionery. ice cream and fruit. Apply at drugstore. Front and Gibbs st. 90x50 OR 33x70 feet floor space. 16th and Alder, for tlnshop, plumbing shop, paint shop, auto repair, etc. Inquire 808. Ore gonian bldg.. between 12 and 1 o'clock. REAL ESTATE Owner wants reliable part ner; requires no experience beyond ability to show land, etc.; pay energetic man $20O month. Particulars, 2486 Stark st. GROCERY STORE Fine corner, on carline, no near-by competition ; 6 fine living rooms; look this up. Bloch Realty Co., 221 Lumbermen bldg. WANTED Honest young man with $250 cash as partner in good paying real estate business. Am tired of hired help. Room 61M Swetland Bldg. DELICATESSEN STORE Fine neighbor hood, near large school, doing over $20 a day; at a bargain. Bloch Realty Co.. 221 Lumbermens bldg. IF you want to make 300 per cent within 6 months on a No. 1 proposition, which bears the strictest investigation, call at 320 Moltawk Bldg. FOR RENT HOTEL The Raymond House. Lewiston, Idaho; best location in town; 67 rooms; brick annex. Apply 810 Board of Trade. READY MONEY That's California Oil. Write for our monthly paper: it gives full particulars; it's free. SAGAR-LOOMI3 CO., 710-711 Phelan bldg., San Francisco. WANTED Partner, saloon business. . with $800 or $loo0; good location, cheap rent need help. Call quick. Anderson Sc. Morey, 300 Board Trade. REAL ESTATE PARTNER Good location, substantial list and good contracts on hand: $350. Hall & Powell, 321 Lumber metis bldg. FOUNDRY and machine shop, out of town, good business. For particulars address West Side Pattern Works, 1S5 Morri son st. GROCERY STORE 6 fine living-rooms, good corner, no competition, clean and good stock; $1000. Hail & Powell. 321 Lumber mens -bluer- CIGAR STAND Center of city, cheap rerft; a snap. Bloch Realty Co., 221 Lumber mens bldg. $30 PER WEEK can be made by energetic parties. $5o required. Invemigate our prop osition. 604 Board of Trade bldg. CASH GROCERY Want honest partner; pay you $15o month ; requires no mwny before you try it. Call 24Sf- Stark st MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and other bonds bought and sold. Fletcher Inv. C0 225 Ablngton. PARTNER wanted to-help in store; will pay energetic man $30 week; very little money required. Call 24SH Stark st. SMALL store on Carson Heights, living rooms. Owner, Scottie. AN 823, Orego nian. CONFECTIONERY STORE Good corner, rent $25: 4 living-rooms; $450. Hail 6s Powell. 321 Lumbermens bldg. FOR SALE Meat market clearing $200 per month. Box 6, Eugene, Or. SALOON for sale, inquire Monte Carlo saloon, cor. Fourth and Couch. NICE clPin restaurant Third t., close in; price $375. AB 833. Oregonian. PARTNER -wanted In old established busi ness; this requires $225. Call at 305 3d st. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. ARE you a salesman and have you $1000 and would- you Invest it with a manu facturing concern were you shown con clusively that it would guarantee you a selling position at SGOOO and expenses per year besides a 50 jxr cent dividend on your Investment? - The attention of only high-grade salesmen Is respectfully solicited. Give references in first letter or no attention will be given your appli cation, au 2, oregonian. LIVE in a brick house; 2-story. 2 large barns and outbuldlings, fine water, good orchard, 90 acres best land; buy this fine home; $100 per acre; close In. A nice 80-acre farm, good orchard, water, etc.. house, barn and all under fence, 45 acres cultivated. Cramer. M. E. THOMPSON & CO., 4th and Oak Sts. RESTAURANT. $600. Nice, clean restaurant on a paying basis. In waiting-room of Portland depot: rent only $40, with 2 months paid in advance included in the price, with lease; place is completely furnished, p.nd must be sold this week: a snap at $600. part cash. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. GROCERY STORE. East SI do grocery store In good neigh borhood with first-class -trade and carry ing the best line; will sell at invoice, which Is about $3000 ; good delivery rig goes with it; low rent and lease. LINCOLN TRUST COMPANY, 215 Lewis Bldg. A LUCRATIVE BUSINESS Poolroom, cigar, fruit and confectionery stand com bined; best location west of Washington st. ; average sales In Winter months. $55 per month ; rent $20. price $-100. Par ticulars at news wagon, 6th and Washing ton sts. from R. E. P. Kullsch. LUMBER YARD, in prosperous town, exclu sive business, and well established ; will sel I half interest and give good posit lou with salary, to right man, or would sell entire business. Full investigation invit ed. Call 613 Chamber Commerce. GENERAL store, 600O stock, in good farm ing town: no competition, good business; will sell at invoice if taken at once. " KAHLE MERCANTILE CO., McCoy. Oregon. ROOM ING-llOUSES. ROOMING HOUSES. 26 rooms, housekeeping, rent $R5. lease, doing good business; price $1250, $800 cash. 50 rooms, sleeping, close in, all full, rent $3 a room; price $32uo. Dandy 35-room apa rtment house; cheapest rent In city; 4 i years' lease ; $3nOO ; terms. COMET REALTY CO.. 602 Swetland Bldg. HOUSE, 16 large rooms, suitable for board ing or rooming-house, ren t $4 0. Phone East 656. Call 10 Page st. SACRIFICE) for quick .ale. large swell boarding-house, clearing bg money. Part trade on real estate. AJ 824. Oregonian. 83 ROOMS, exceptional location, with leHfe. v.ell furnished; a snap; price $1600. $700 cash. Call 286H Washington st., room 612 FOR SALE A 24-room a p.irtment-house, well furnished, close in; $1450; easv terms. AB 831. Oregonian. FOR SALE Rooming-house, 23 rooms, rent $;0. I'hone Main 4U63; price $650. FOR SALE 11-room house full of room ers; sick ; must sell. Owner, 3O0 5th st. LOST AND FOUND. LOST One gray hor?ae 15 yean old, weight between IO00 and lloO lbs., newly shod all around ; has poll evil war at butt of right ear. Return to Madrona Construction Co. and recei ve re wa rd. M t. Tabor Reservo i r, M t . Tabor. Phone Tabor 1937. Addrea West ave. and Stephen et. FOUND Where you can buy genuine hair mattresses retail at wholesale prices; we renovate mattresses and return same day. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger, 228 Front. Phone Main 474, A 1374. LOST A male brindle and white bulldog; has large spiked collnr engraved "Trou ble." License No. 3052. Liberal reward for return to 6U 4 6th st. Phone Mar shall 1228. LOST Gold watch on beaded fob, between 1 and 2 o'clock Thursday noon ; shopping district; finder please return to Postal Shop. 5th, between Washington and Al der streets. Reward. LOST Tn Meier & Frank's store on Wednes day afternoon small leather purse con taining about $5 and check for watch. Finder please return to 735 Koyt st. and receive reward. FOUND Where watches, diamonds and jew elry are sold for amount loaned and one month's interest. Uncle Myers Collateral Bunk, 71 0th st, near Oak st. LOST Gold watch. monAsrram W. J. E. on case, leather fob with buckle and locket attached; return to room 7, Ash-st. dock, and receive reward. LOST Black and white Boston terrier; answers to the name of "Opal." Return to r20 East Couch and receive reward. Phone B 1O05. LOST March 18. square gold locket, three red stones In center. Phone W'allace, Main 5405. Llbural reward. LOST South of Morrison St., purse contain ing $lo. Finder return to accommodation dtk. Meier & Frank Co. Reward. LOST One bunch of keys. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. ring, containing 9 keys; re turn to patent room. Public Library. FOUND Gold leaf pin; initials and date en graved on back. Finder call or address 025 Oregon st. BLACK lynx muff, Pantagea Theater, Thurs day evening, March 24. Return to Dunham Printing Co., 60 1st st. Reward. FOUNT) Dog collar and license 756. Call 704 East 14th st.. North. SPECIAL NOTICES. Pro posals In vi t ed. CALL OF BONDS BEFORE MATURITY. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Lewiston Land & Water Com pany, Limited, In the City of Lewiston, Idaho, on or before the 1st day of April, 1910, for the sale of bonds of the Lewiston Land & Water Company, Limited, dated April 1, 1908. Those bonds offered at the lowest price, not exceeding, however, par with interest ac crued to the 1st of April. 1910. will be ac cepted snd paid for to the extent of ten thousand ($10,000) dollars, or any sum in ex cess thereof on hand on said 1st day of April, 1910. In the sinking fund created un der article 111 of the trust deed securing said bonds. LEWISTON LAND A WATER CO.. LTD. SALE OF IRON WORKS EQUIPMENT. Bids will be received April 20, 1910, for the .entire plantf the Albion Iron Works Co., Ltd., Vancouver, B. C, in voluntary liquidation, consisting of complete ma chine shop, boiler shop, pattern shop and foundry tools and equipment. Together with drawings and patterns, with the usual stock of iron and brass fittings, etc, etc. All bids must be accompanied by a cer tified check drawn on a chartered bank covering 10 per cent of the tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Lists on application. Address all tenders to the manager. ALBION IRON WORKS CO.. Ltd., Vancouver. B. C Marked "Tender for Equipment." OFFICQ DISBURSING QUARTERMASTER, Portland, Or.. March 25, 1910. Sealed pro posals, in triplicate, will be received here until 11 o'clock A. M., Pacific time. April . 22, 1910, for 4000 tons of hay and 5O00 tons of oats, for delivery at Portland, Or. ; Se attle, Wash.; Tacoma. Wash., or other prom inent railroad points. Information and blank - proposals furnished at this office on appli cation. The United States reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, or any part thereof. Envelopes -containing proposals should be endorsed "Proposals for Oat and Hay," , and addressed to Capt. Ira L. Freden dall. Quartermaster, U. S. A. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of the Re corder of the city of La Grande, until 2 o'clock P. M. Thursday. March 31, 1010, for the construction of 21,322.7 square yards of hard surface pavement, bltu llthlc, asphalt and Hassam, according to the plans and specifications now on file in this office. A certified check of 5 per cent of the amount of the bid is required. The Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. D. E. Cox, Recorder of the City of La Grande. SEALED BIDS will be received at office of R, H. Thomas, School Clerk, City Hall. Portland, Or., until 3 P. M., April 14, "1910, for Jefferson High School labora tory equipment. Specifications and list of materials may be seen at above men tioned office. Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. R. H. Thomas. WANTED Bids from contractors, 8000 cubic reel 01 uu l. w uc utuwu. ,,h.ii a -I5 tor- bett bldg. Gregory Investment Co. Mlscelisuneou ON and after March 25 Geo. Kt. Spee will not be responsible for my bills contracted by Nellie Spees. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals In-rttetd. PROPOSALS FOR IMPROVEMENT BONDS. City of Rainier. Oregon. Sealed pro posals will be received by the under signed at the office of the Police Judge and ex-officio clerk of the Common Coun cil of the Citv of Rainier, Oregon, until Monday, the I8th day of April. HMO, at 8 o'clock P. M., for the sale at not less than par value and accrued interest, of improvement bonds of the City of Rainier. Oregon, as the same shall be authorized to be issued for the whole or any art o I8tH)0. Said bonds to be issued in de 1 cminations as follows: 4 bonds of $100 each; 17 bonds of $500 each. Said bonds to be dated February 1. 1010. payable ten years from date, bearing interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, pay able semi-annually. Interest and princi pal Toavable In C niter! States eold coin. at the 01 f ice of the City Treasurer, Rain ier, uregon. Provided, that tne ny ox Rainier. Oregon, reserves the right to take up and cancel such bonds, upon pay ment of the face thereof, with accrued Interest to the date of payment, at any semi-annual coupon period at or after one year from the date of such bonds. Said bonds are Issued under authority of an act of the Legislature of the State of Oregon, filed In the office of the Sec retary of State. February 22, 1!3. en titled "An act to provide, for the issu ance of bonds for the improvement of streets and laying of sewers in incorpo rated cities, and for the payment of the cost of such improvements and laying of sewers by installments." as amended by an act approved February 2S, 10O1, en titled "A n act to amend Sections 1, 2, 3. 4. 5. 6 and 7 of an act entitled 'An net to provide for the issuance of bonds for the improvement of streets and laying of sewers in incorporated cities, and for payment of the cost of such Improve ments and laying of sewers by install ments. filed in the office of the Secre tary of State. February 22. 3M3," and as further amended by an act filed in the office of the Secretary of State, Febru ary 3. 3 905. entitled "An act to amend Section 1 of an act entitled 'An act to amend Sertions 1. U. 3. 4. &. 6 and 7 of an act entitled 'An act to provide for the issuance of bonds for the im provement of streets and laying of sewers in Incorporated cities and for the payment of the cost of such improve ments and laying of sewers by install ments, filed in the office of the Secre tary of State. February 28. 11KH," and as further amended by an act filed in the office of the Secretary of State. Febru ary 25. Ji7. entitled 'An act to amend Section 2727 of Bellinger and Cottons Annotated Codes and Statutes of Oregon, ery 25, 1007, entitled "An Act to amend to amend Section 1 of an act entitled 'An act to amend Sections 1. 2, 3. 4. 5. 6 and 7 of an act entitled 'An act to pro vide for the Issuance of bonds for the Improvement of streets and laying of stwers in Incorporated cities and for the payment of the cost of such improve ments and laying of sewers by install ments, filed in the office of the Secre tary of State, February 28, 1901. which was filed in the office -of the Secretary of State, February 3. 1005." and the proceeds thereof to be used for the pay ment in part for the construction of sew ers as the said improvements shall be completed. Bidders will be required to submit a fiat bid. and to submit with their bids a certified check equal to five per cent of the face value of the bonds bid for, pay able to the Mayor of the City of Rain ier as liquidated damages in case such bidder withdraws his bid or fails or neglects to enter into a contract to take rnd pay for said bonds according to the terms of his bid and this notice. The right to reject any and all bids is here by reserved. Bids should be addressed to W. Symons, Police Judge and ex-officlo Clerk of the Common Council of the City of Rainier, Oregon, and marked "Bids for Sewer Bonds." T. J. FLTPPIN, W. J. DEITZ. J. J. BRAUX, Committee on Finance. Rainier, Oregon, March 19, 1910. M lscel laneo us. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice is hereby given to the fitockholders of the Bunker Hill and Sullivan Mining and Concentrating Company (an Oregon corpora tion having Its principal office at the City of Portland, Oregon), that a special meeting of the stockholders of company will be held at Its principal office. Rooms No. &OI 5"4 Chamber of Commerce Building, in the City of Portland, Oregon, on Thursday, the Fourteenth day of April, 1910. at the hour of eleven o'clock In the forenoon, for the following purposes: To consider and take action on Increasing the capital stock of this company and the disposal of" such Increase and to transact such other business as may come before eakl meeting. Said meeting Is called and this notice is given as required by the Board of Directors of said company at a meeting thereof duly called and held on the twenty-first day of March. 1910, and In due accordance with Section 9, of Article IX, of the By-laws of said company. Dated at Portland, Oregon, thia twenty first day of March, 1910. GEORGE F. HOLMAN. Secretary of the Bunker Hill and Sullivan Mining and Concentrating Company. IN THE CIRCUIT "COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON. IN AND FOR MULTNO MAH COUNTY Nina E. Pickett, plain tiff, vs. John T. Pifkett. defendant, sum mons: To John T. Pickett, defendant above named: In the name of the tstaie of Oregon. You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within ten weeks from the date of nrt.t publication of this notice on which first date of publication is March 12, 1910, and if you fail to so appear and answer for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to said court for the relief demanded In her complaint. The relief demanded In said complaint Is for a decree against you dis solving the marriage contract existing between plaintiff and you and such further relief as the couprt may deem right and the plaintiff may be entitled to in equity. This summons is published by order of the Honorable Robert G. Morrow. J udge of the above entitled court, dated this 11th day of March. 1910. The date of first publication of this sun mous is March 12. 101O. JAMES G. WILSON. Attorney for plaintiff. NOTICE Is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Ore gon & California Railroad Co. will be held at the office of the company in the Wells Fargo bldg., Portland, Or., Tues day. April 12, li10, at tlv& hour of 11 o'clock A. M., for the election of a board of d Irectors and the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. W. W. Cotton, Sec. MISS HENRIETTA DAVEY, having severed her connection with the Bllls-ravey Mil linery Parlors, I -will not be responsible for any bills incurred by her. Mrs. C. M Bills. March 25. 1910. I HAVE disposed of my interest in the Ore gon News Co., the above-mentioned com pany assuming all indebtedness. J. h Robertson. FINANCIAL Money to Loan Real Estate. PLENTY of money to loan at 0 and T per cent on real estate security. EDW. P. MALL COMPANY, 309-310 Ablngton Bldg. f I BUY for cash either first or second mort gages or sellers' equity in contracts of sale oh real estate in Oregon or Washing ton. H. E. Noble, Lumbermens bldg. IMMEDIATE! loans from $5 to $300. on all securities. W. A. Hathaway, room 10, Washington bldg. Phone Main 302. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates, a. H. Blrrell Co., 202 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. f 200, 00O TO LOAN, large loans a specialty; building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck, 312 Failing bldg. - , MONEY to loan cn 'first real estate mort gage, 7 per cent. R. JJuetikofer, 266 Salmon St. A 7416, or Main 6455. MONEY loaned, building purposes, if con sulted before building begins. 309 Henry bldg. WILL loan $5000 or less, real estate. Far rlngton. 416 Commercial Club bldg. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security. C. W. Pallett, 3t8-9 Fenton. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort gages. H. Mlley. room 204 Gerlinger bldg. LOANS on wheat Unas. L K. Moore, 617 Board of Trade, Portland, Or, WE BUY bank accounts, securities, foreign money; loans. F. H. Lewis, 3 Lewis bldg. WANTED To buy mortgage or equities on contracts ' of sale. AM K20. Oregonian. LOANS ON INSIDE CITY PROPERTY, $ TO 7 PER CENT. 814 LEWIS BLDG. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON. 233- STARK ST. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. F. H- LEWIS. 3 LEWIS BLDG. MON E Y loaned on real estate mortgages or contracts. W. II. N unn. 448 Sherlock bldg. MONEY to loan; mortgages bought. Wm. Holl, 9 Washington bldg.. 4th and Was a. State funds loaned. 6 per cent. W. E. Thom as state agent. Multnomah Co., 400 C C MONEY to loan, any amount. 6 to 8 percent. Good no ugh 4c Soitz, 718 Board of Trade. FINANCIAL. . ftloney to Loan Keel ISstaiteL MONEY to loan on improved property. If for building purports, interest does not commence until actual disbursemea t of funds. Liberal repayment options. Co lumbia Life & Trust Co.. 214 Lumber Ex change bldg. "ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes ; 3 to 8 years time ; liberal repayment privileges ; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Savings & Loan -Association, 240 Stark st. $500,000 ON improved city or farm property; building or small loans at lowest rates; large loans a specialty. J. M. McKinzie Co., 514-15-16 Gerlingur bldg. MORTGAGE loans on Portland real estate and Oregon farms for borrower or lend er. Gibson & Holllday, 304 and 5 Ger linger bldg. $1000 TO $20O0 to loan without commission. W. S. Moore, Corbett bid. 11000 TO LOAN on good real estate. Bloch Realty Co., 221 Lumbermens bldg. Money to Loan- Chattels and Salaries. $$$$$$$ EASTER MONEY. SPECIAL RATES FOR SPRING. SEE US TODAY. CHATTELS OR SALARY. Lowest rates and quickest eervice in the city. ABSOLUTELY NO PUBLICITY. HUTTON CREDIT CO., 512 Dekum Bldg. Main 2309. $$$$$$$$ f$$$9$$$$$$$$$$$ ARE YOU LOOKING FOR MONEY? If you would know how easy our terms are you would not be ,hirt of money. Don't be bothered with a lot of small debts; let us furnish the mouey to settle them. WE LOAN ON Real Estate. Furniture and Pianos (with out removal), Storage Receipts. Life In surance Policies, Horses, Jewelry, Dia monds, and all kind of securities, on easy weekly or monthly payments. We Buy First and Second Mortgages. All Business Strictly Confident laL U. S. REAL ESTATE & BROKERAGE CO. 12 Hamilton Bldg., 131 3d. Main 20S4. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ STATE SECURITY CO. $ $ $ B R O K. h3 R S. SALARY LOAN 9 ON PLAIN NOTES, $iO TO $lO0. CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY; NO SECURITY. BUSINESS STRICTLY CON FlD-fciNTiAL. HOURS 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. VLD. AND SAT. TO 8 P. M. STATE SECURITY CO., $ $ y 308 FAILING BLDG. $ $ $ WE loan money on watches, diamonds, seal skins, mink, overcoats, trunks, ureas suit cases and musical instruments. UNCLE MVEKS, 71 Sixth st. Between Oak and P$ie sts. Main 910. CHATTEL LOANS. Installment loans on pianos, furniture, warehouse receipts, horses, insurance poli cies and all kinds of securities; REAL '1ATE LOANS from $3000 up. NEW ERA LOAN M'lvi. CO 416 Ablution Bldg. MONEY advanced salaried people, house keepers and others upon thulr own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices in 06 principal cities; save yourself money by getting my terms first. TOLMAN, 317 Lumber Kxchange. MONEY loaned anyone steadily employed on their plain note; return it in easy pay ments; strictly confidential ; lowest rates. See us and save money. 427 Henry bldg. WE loan money on diamonds and jewelry at reasonable Interest lor long or shore time. M. Uelovuttj, Jeweler, iOi Wash ington IL FIRST and second mortgages and contracts purchased, on Oregon and Washington lands, ik. L. Deverwaux, Fenton bidg, ttti 6th st. PRIVATE loans on diamonds and jewelry; strictly confidential; lowest rates. Room 12. Hamilton bldg. LOANS negotiated on good security. G KA V-CU N NiNG HAM-OKA x", 722-723 Electric bldg. SALARY loans, confidential, easy to get, easy to pay. b A- Newton, 515 Henry blug. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds and jewelry. Marx. & Bloch, 74 3d st. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. MONEY to loan on diamonds, watches and Jewelry. Bernhardt' s Loan Office, 93 Uth. Loans Wanted. WE can place your money on first mort gages at H per cent; no commission. JNO. P. SHARKEY CO., 6Lh and Washington Sts. PERSONAL. A. REINER, the furrier, is now permanently located at 129 Eleventh St., near Washing ton. Telephones Main MHO and A 35i3. Larger quarters, flnert facilities for cold storage of furs. Now is the time to attend to your furs. Have them remodeled into the latest style and made to look like new. Repairing and redyeing carefully done. Seai-skin garments a specialty. Moderate charges. Will call at residence and give estimate. Storage free when repairs are ordered. Fine furs in stock and made to order at short notice. Can save you money on ail fur work. Satisfaction aesured. Highest prices paid for raw furs; pricelist on request, ADOLF REINER, Expert Furrier. DR. ALICE A GRIFF. Diseases of women and children, sur l.ery; chronic and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods, up-to-date eiectrlcal appliances, private hospital accommodations ; confinement cared for; consultation free. Room IO, Grand, The ater bldg. Main 392S, A 56o7. CLEARANCE SALE hair goods, baxrettea and combs; special prices on all work ; latest styles in hair dressing ; school of hairdressing, manicuring and hospital in connection with parlors. Aza H. Ribbicke, Grand Leader, 5tii and Alder. DR. D. Jj. LEWIS. Diseases of women and children; electric treatment for nervous diseases; private hos pital accommodation. Rooms 505-506 Com monwealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny. Phones Main 4047, A 2411. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Heilsingfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach disorders, under physician's directions; baths. No. 7 East Eleventh street, second door south from East Ankeny carline. Phone East 260, B tb03. LADIES Ask your druggist for Chichester Diamond Brand pills. For 25 years known ss the best, safest. Reliable. Take no other. Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold by druggists everywhere. GENUINE PEARLS. 10 cents to $5Jw Will mall you one on receipt pf 10 cents and 4-cent stamp. J. L. HUTCHINGS, Box 42, Olean. N. Y. YOUNG man (laborer) stranger In city, would like to correspond with working girl, good appearance; no objection to widow; object matrimony. AC S31, Ore gonian. x DRESS suits for rent, all sizes, $1.50 month keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, but tons dewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co., aoU Stark st. DR WALKER, specialist, quickly cures blood and skin diseases, sores. ulcers, swollen glands, kidney, bladder and piles' lfal 1st st.. Portland. SO PER CENT discount on all trimmed hats for one week, remodeling a specialty. The Bills-Davey Millinery parlors, room 2u Selling-Hirsch bldg. DR. G. V. KETCH Una. Diseases of women and chronic maladies only. 170 H 3d st. .Hours B A, M. to tt P. M. Mme. Court wright. skill and scalp treat ments, facial deformities corrected, plas tic surgery. 311 Flledner bldg. M &U42. AGNES O. Write to Jet us know if alive and well. Mamma is worrying terribly about you. Lillian O. DR- LOR ENS NERVB TONIC TABLETS. '2$c box. restore lost vitality. Stipe, Tay lor Drug CO., 289 Morrison st DR, ISABELLA MACK I EX Private hospital for women. 3O0 E. 60th st. Tabor b99. THERAPEUTIC treatments given by grad uate nurse. Room 10, The St. Elmo, 4104 Washington at. Telephone Main 4165. ' BALM OF FIGS Remedies for diseases of women. 629 Belmont st. East 2498. FINNISH masseurs, Mr. and Mrs- Jurva, 195 Union ave.. N. East 6042, C 175$. PERSONAL. FEB VET & HAN E BUT. Leading wig and-toupee makers, finest stock of human hair goods, switches from $1.50 up. Up-to-date parlors for hairdressing, man f curing, face and scalp treatment. 147 7th st., between Morrion and Alder. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed Mrs. M. I). Hill. 429 FHedner bldg. M- 347$ xkUSlNKSS DIRECTORY. Accountants. EX H. COLLIS CO., ACCOUNTANTS, Commercial, Cownty and Municipal. Auditing. Investigating and Systematizing. 324 Worcester Block. Phone Main 6567. Assay er and Analyst. PORTLAND ANALYTICAL LABORATORY. 622 Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak. M 0980. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICS Laboratory and ore-testing work. 186 Morrison at. Wells A Proebstel, mining engineers, chem ists and assayers. 2o4a Washington st. Architects. D. B. FL1CKINGER. designer of ideal homs, 322 Mohawk bldg. Phone A 7235, B 1833, Main 1902. Attorneys t Isw. H. JH. RIDDELL, attorney-at-law, 735 Cham ber of Commerce. Main 4764, A 3531. Bicycles and Motorcycles. WE buy, sell, exchange or repair. Hummer Bicycle Ex., 133 lOth st. M. 705S. Chiropody. WM. ES TELLE and Flossie Deveny. the only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors 302 Gerlinger bldg., S. W. cur. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1S0L DR. MARSTON. chiropractor, treats diseases by drugless method. 2i6 Washington, room 505 Buchanan bldg. Examination free. Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 429 Flledner bldg. Phone Main 8473. CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp. Mrs. Dunton, 549 Washington. Marshall 1329. Collections and Law. OF ALL KINDS; out of town a specialty. Watson Merc. Service, 604-6O5 Lewis bldg. 1 Commission Merchants. TAYLOR, YOUNG A CO.. ship brokers, com mission merchants. Sherlock bldg. Curios. SUN SOON HUIE, CHINESE GOODS. MAT TING. SILK, AND CURIOS. 70 ttTH ST. Dancing. FOUR DANCING LESSONS. $1. Prof. Wal Will son's Dancing Scnoo-1, 25c per lesson, including teachers, music with each lesson every morning, afternoon and eve., guarantee to teach anyone to dance or retund money. rselllng-Hlrsch Hall, 3863 Washington, near loth su Phones. Dog and Horse IlospltaUL DR. BROWN. D. Y- S.. D. C. M. Office 324 FJanders st. Main 4b6. A 4Uts6. Kleotrlo Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors for rent or saie. 213 Zd st. Peed b tores. Z1GLER A MISNER, hay, grain, teed, ce ment, shingles. 1:94 Grand o. E 42. FURS artistically remodeled, repaired and stored at reasonable rates. N- M. Ungar, 406 Merchants Xrut bldg. Mara hail o3. Janitor Supplies. TH hi WESTERN Saies Co., 44 2d . Janitor and buaiuiug supplies. jhoiie Aitin ti. Launches. fd FT. 3 H. P., 15o; la Ft., 3 H. P., $20u, Kelere-jn Maun. Co., 1&2 larrison st. Leatuer und l in ding a. CHAi. 1. MAST1CK tit CO., 74 Front, leather of every description, taaw nitis. miuiu. J. A. STKO VV BKiDG E LcJAI HER CO. tabUshtt looo. 169 Front -U MLusicaL DAIS j and orchestra lnsirumenu, musical BUiidriuA, Victur laiKing ntcuiui, lecorus. boLberiing-Lucaa jx umc Co., lo4 u, su EM1L TH1ELHORN, violin teaooer, pupil of totsveik. Woo. Wol AXaxquaut Plug. A M. C. SMITH, teacner of piano, 452 Salmon St. Maia iolO. Cuu-servaLoiy couiw. COMPETENT teacher, violin, mandolin, elocution. 3lO Cay U Phone Maui 616. Osteopathic Physicians. DR. R. B. NurtTHULP. 415-1U-17 bekuui Uiug., Thud and Vt aniJigLua ols. Phone, oiiice, Jkiain 3aU, xuai or B 1026. LeRoy Smith, graduate Kirks ville. Mo., Ib9, pua?L grao. l9o. iit aweUdua oidg. jj. lio. Paints, OU and RAtfMUSSEN. & CO., Jobbers, paints, oiis, git, saau and aoors. Cor. 2d uiu A"y or. Patent Attorneys. INVENTORS of tne west obtain best service J. I Oil! lUCIl HUI is'OHTHf ACir AC KiitiNT uLitKAU, ,uinuet mens olug., 1'ortlauu, or. Puit'nid. etc.. Jiil oouiiLriea. t. a. lj. pres. io yt s U LtXizi C X O R. R. C, WRIGHT, aonesilo and xoretgn pat ents, lmruiviuent uwen, 004 Ueauin, Paving. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company, 60& b Electric biug. oscar, xiuber. roruauu. Pnye. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and ofnoe iietr tn N. and 01 k sts. kLau CHAUiiriB-rKU DHOMM fcj CO., Book. Catalog and commercial. 142:a 4th st. Main 016. A. j.000 WHITE At CO., commercial printers; work gua.ranw.-eo. lot -z xm su M. jJuu, a Rug Weavers. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS Rug irora old carpets, ooionicu rag rug, slia portiere. iUd uiiiuu ave.. near jaei Aiorrisou. Rubber Stamps. ALSO seals, j sieuclla. orfice stationery, etc. Cunuiugiiauv. zL Stark, Main 14o. Tiiti MO Si-JDK SAFJ CO., lufc 2d mU bales at factory price. Second-nana s&xcsl Bank and Store fixtures. THE- LUTKE MFG. CO., branch Uxaa a 3iiowcae Co.. tn u .fctyc x Luiae. Mgr. EAST PORTLAND STORE AND OFFJCii i'lXTUitt; CO. Showcases and waU ues, etc Grand ave.. b. Pnone EaaL 5oo. Storage and Xranater. C. O PICK, Transfer tit Siorage Co., office and oomiuodiuu zour-story brick ware nuuae, separate lion rooiue auu fireproof vault lor valuables. N. W. cor. zX and pibe si. Piauoc and furniture uioveU tuu pai.ea lor mppuig. Mum 06, A lt9o. GLSEN-UOE TRANSFER CO., General uraiurierrlug ucl sioraye; safes, pianos aud lurmiure Ailoveo atiU packed for shipment. 2vJ Oak. jC bet. Front ana lc Teiepnoiiee Mam o4 i or a. 4 OREGON TRANSFER CO., established 167o. Transfer ana Forwaraing Agents rt.orae. Office JtlO Hoyt st., between 5ta and ia. Main 69. A libit. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co.. Main ltila, A lf4. AU covered wagob. ail experienced men. STOVES connected and repaired. Main 1110. 614 Front. u 4 Therapeutic Physicians. DR. FOSTER, master mechanic of the human machine; chiropractic, vibration, massage electrical and others combined. 418 Fi leaner! Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to $o rui, guaranteed; easy payments; rental's $3 per month. Pacific Stationery 4i PrintliTsc Co., 23 2d St, WE ARB the exchange for the largest type writer concern, on this Coast; Investigate -all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Li change, 287 Washington st. NEW, rebuilts, second-hand, rental at cut rates. P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark. M 1407. Wall Paper. ERNEST MILLER CO.. 172 1st St., whole sale and retail. Samples mailed free. GRAND C'KNTKAL STATION. Southern Pacific Leaving Portland Ashland Passenger . . . Roseburg Passenger Shasta Limited Silverton Passenger.. California Express San Francisco Express . West Side CorvalUs Pansenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove passenger Forest Grove Passenr Forest Grove Passenger Arriving Portland Oregon Express Ashland Puxsenrter "..!!!"" Roseburg passenger " v Portland Express .,..". I Shasta Limited Silverton Limited .... West Side Corvall's Passenper Sheridan Passenger .... Forest Grove Passenger. .!!!!! Forest Grove passenger Forest Grove Passenger " 8 : SO a. m. 4 : 1 5 p. iru H-.oo p. ITU 6 :20 p. m. 7:45 p. m. 1 :30 a. m, 7:20 a, m, 4 -.00 p. m. 8:50 a. m. 1 :O0 p. m. 5:40 p. m. 7:"0 a. m. 10:00 p. m. 3:.'10 p. m. 11 :00 a. m. 2:;0 p. m, 9:30 a. m. ; 6 :20 p. ra. I0::t0 a. m. 9:O0 a. nu 1 1 :50 a. m. I 4:40 p. ra. Korthern Pacific. Leaving Portland North coast Limited via Sound Puget 10:00 a. nv 7 :00 p. ttu 12:t5 a. m. I S :U0 a. m. I 3:30 p. ra. I 7:00 p. nu '12:15 a. m. .9:ou a xxw 1 10:00 a. m. j 7:00 p. nu I 7:Oo a, m. 110: OO a. m, I 3:30 p. m. I 4 :0O P. nx, I 8:15 p. m. I 7:30 a. nu I 8:00 a. nu I 8:35 p. nu I 8:1$ p. nu I 7:30 a. m. " 8 : 1 5 p. ra. '10:30 p. nx. I 8:O0 a. nu I 4 :00 p. nu 4 :00 p. m. 8:H5 p. nu 10:30 p. nu 9:00 a. ra. North Coast Limited Bank via North Twin City Express via Sound Twin city Express" via Puget I North Eastern Express "via" "puV'eV Sounri2: jtt-astern Lxpress via North Bank) .9: Missouri River Express via pugetf Missouri Bank- River Express' via NorthV Portland. Tacoma " "and ' SeaVtle h Grays Harbor, Olympiaj . uuuin jiwna orancnes Portland-Vancouver Special. . Puget Sound Limited. Grays Har- bor and South Bend branches.. Yacolt Passenser .... Arriving Portland V I North coast Limited via North Bank worth Coast Limited Sound via Puget Northern Pacific North Bank Express "vlaY iNormern Pacific Express via Pupet Sound Pacific Coast Express" via" North Bank Fayinc Coast Express via Puget Sound Western Express" Via North "Bank Western Express via puget Sound Missouri River Express via North, Bank Missouri River Express" Via Pugetl Sound Portland-Tacoma-Sea'ttfe Express and from Olympia. South Bendl and Grays Harbor Puget Sound Limited Vancouver-Portland Special. Yacolt Passenger , Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. Leaving Portland Pendleton Pa-ssenper Oregon-Washington Limited .. The Dalles I-ocal Soo-Spokane-Port land MaiI (Coach Portland The Dalles) Oregon Express Arriving Portland Fast Mail (no passengers)..,. The Dalles Local Oregon Express Soo-Spokane-Portland Pendleton Local Passenger.,.. Oregon-Washington Limited 7:40 a. m, 10:00 a, rru 4 : 00 p. nu 7 :00 p. nu 7:00 p. nu 8 .00 p. nu 7 :M a. rru 10:15 a. nu 10:JtO a. rru 0:OO a. m. 6 :30 p. nu 8:00 p. nu Astoria & Columbia River. Leaving Portland Seaside Express Astoria Express Rainier passenger Rainier Passenger ............. Arriving Portland Portland Express .............. Portland Express Rainier and Portland rassenger. Rainier and Portland Passenger. 8:00 a. nu 6 : 30 p. m. 1:15 p. nu 6:10 p. nu 1? :15 p. m. 10:00 p. m. 10:25 a. m. 5:20 p. nu Canadian Paclflo Railway Co. Leaving Portland C P. R. Short Line via Spokane 7:00 p. ttu 12:15 a. nu v 1a Seattle Arriving Portland j C. P. R. Short Line via Spokane Via Seattle 0 :00 a. m. 7 :00 a. nu Oregon & Washington Railroad Company Leaving Portland Seattle passenger Shasta Limited ....... Owl Arriving Portland Owl Shasta LI ml ted ....... Portland passenger . . . 9:00 a. m. 3:oo p. m. 11:45 p. nu 7:lfl a. m. 6:20 p. m, 6: OO p. nu JEFPERSOX STREET STATION. Southern Pacific. Leaving Portland Dallas passenger . , . , Dallas passenger Arriving poi tland Dallas passenger . . . . , Dallas Passenger ..... 7:40 a. m, 4 :30 p. nu 10:13 a. m. 5:55 p. nu ELEVENTH AM) llOYT STREETS PAS SENGER STATION. Spokane, Portland St Seattle Railway Co. Leaving Portland . Inland Lmp"' Express 9:00 a. nu For Cnicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Billings, Spoaane. Cheney. Lamout, W auhtucna, Kah lulus, Pasco. Kuusevelt, Grauddal!es, Goluendale, Lyle. White baimoti, tevenson, Vancouver and intermediate stations. Columbia River Local 4:30 p. m. North Hank Limited 7:00 p. nu For Chicago, 01. Paul. Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Billings, SpoKane, Cheney. Lamont, vvashtucna, Kah lotus, Pasco. Roosevelt, Grauddalles, Lyle, White Sal mon, tote venauu, Vancouver and intermedia ate stations. Arriving Portland North Bank Limited 8:00 a.m. From Chicago, St. I'aul, Omaha, Kansas Cny, SU Louis, Billings, Spokane, Cheney. Lamout, waahtucna. Kah lot us, Pasco. Roosevelt, Grauddalles, Lyle. White Sal mon, SLeveuson, Vancouver and interxneui ate stations. Columbia Klver Local 12:25 p.m. Inland Lmptre Express b:15 p. m. From Chicago, bt. Paul. Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louii. Billing, Spokane, Cheney, Lamout Washtucna. Kahlotus, Pasco. Roosevelt, Granddalles, Lyle, white Salmon, Stevenson, Vancouver and intermediate sta tions. Time Card Oregon Electric Railway Co. Leaving Portland for Salem and Int. etatious 6:30, 7:iv, ll:uo A. M-; 2;uw. $:;, 6 0O, h:40 P. M. Limited for Tualatin and Salem 9:15 A. M. Local tor Wilsonvlile and inu stations 5:10 P. M. Daily except Sunday for points on the Salem, Falls City & Western Ky. via Salem, 6:30 A. M. 2:0J p. M. Sunday only, 11:00 A. M- LeaWng Portland for Forest Grove and Int. stations 7 :05, 8:30, JO:i;o A. M. ; 12:iO, 2 10. 3:30, 5:30, tt:25 p. M- Saturuay only. 11:30 P. M- Arriving at Portland from Salem and Int. stations o.iO, 11:00 A. M.; 1:15, 4 :VO. 6:00, 6 20 10:50 P. M. Limited from faaiem and Tualatin, 4 :50 P. M. Local from Wllson vi:le and Int. stations. 6:4U A- M. Dally except Sunday, 7:35 A. M. Arriving portlaud from Forest Grove and Int. stations 8:00, 9:50, 11:40 A, M. ; l;dO, 2-50 &:20, 8:lo p. M. Saturday only, ll:o-d P. M. Sunday only, 4 :40 P. M. Portland Railway, Light Power Company Cars Leave. Ticket Ofnce and Waiting Room. First and Alder and East Water and East Morrison b'treeta. cars leave east water and Morrison streets. Oregon City 4 :oo. 6:30 A. M. and every 30 minutes to and lncluaing 9 P. M., then 10:00, ll:00 f. Ai. ; last car iuiunignt. Greshain and intermeuiate points :55. 7:45, b:45, 9:45. 10:45 A. 51., 12:45, 3:4,-j. 4:ia. 5:45, 6:45. 11:35 P. M. J:45. Falrview and Troutdale 6:55, 7 :45, 8:45. 9:45, 10:45 A- JU.., a;j, i;o, a:o, 6:45 P. M. 4:45. Cazadero and intermediate points 6:55. S:4j, 10:45 A. M.. 12:45, 2:45, 4:45, 6:45 P. M. For Vancouver Ticket Ofrice and Waiting Room, Second .nt Washington streets. A. M. 6:15. 6:0O. 7 :25, 8:00. q.-wi -ln-xo. llilO. 11:50. 8:35, 9:10, -m. 1:0. l:lo. 1:50. 2:30. 3:10, 3:50. 4:30. 5:10. 5:50. 0:3O, 7:05, 7:40, ni-a.v 11 :45. On third Monday In every month the last car leaves at 7:05 P. M. , Daily except Sunday. Daily except Monday. BANKS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Portland, Oregon, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $1.5OC.0O0l GERMAN AMERICAN BANK COR. SIXTH AND WASHINGTON STS. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING, BUSINESS. ISSUES DRAFTS AVAIL ABLE IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES Of THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE: 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON SW INGS ACCOUNT 8; SAFSTI DKPOSX . v A L LT 3 T. HD 107.2F