11 All Purchases Made Today and the Remainder of Month Will Be CHarged on Your April Account Arnold's Infants' Wear Bon Ton and Royal Worcester Corsets Merode Underwear "Onyx" Hosiery Tomorrow Oldls-TWor1l:maini--5liirii Fridlay Economy Sale The Greater THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1910. $37.50-$ 175 Paris Fatter m Hats, 1-4 m& 1-3 Qffi Reg. Prices 4Qc Large Aprons at 29c Girls Beauty Aprons at l2 . - s - It's Apron Friday again, and the apron store is ready with its usual bargains. A big assortment of Gi.ls' Beauty Aprons, embroiU ry-trimmed, for little misses from 2 j to 12 vears of age. Regular values from 35c to $2.25, at 2 regular selling prices J WOMEN'S APRONS, large square and bretelle styles, in white lawn. Econom- 29c ical matrons will take advantage of this-offering of real 40c values at, each" Tremendous 1-4' Off ale of And 1-3 O ITin.e Xriinme Friday Ec Never before in the history of our store has this exquisite department been bo well organ-' zed and equipped as right now. Never before have we had so many beautiful features to grace feminine beauty. We were first with the "Chanticleer" creations and many others. We are always ready with the up-to-date ideas in trimmed hats. Never before in our history have we offered at this season of the year, all $37.50 to $75.00 Trimmed Hs.-s ut one-fourth re Auction from the regular selling prices V4 ices l All our elegant imported Paris models, rich creations prepared and studied out by the mas ter "modiste artist" of the world's greatest fashion shops. Exclusive in every de tail; regular $77.50 to $175.00 values, less New Lingerie $5 Val. $1.95 For tomorrow's economy, a lot of 200 new Spring styles in white lingerie Waists have been selected from our regular stock and grouped in one lot for this greatest Easter sale. Very dainty lace-trim 'd and embroidered styles; not those coarse-looking ones, but tasty, fine spray designs. You'll really wonder how we can afford to Bell them so cheap. A full assortment of sizes, and the rtfc f values up to $5.00 are bargains at J X 3 $4.QQ Handbag's at $2.19 $1.00 Hat Pins at 59c Ea. 50c Collar at 23c Ea. For tomorrow's selling the leather goods department will offer a line of women's goat seal and fancy calf Handbags, black, blue and tan, with strap handles and flJO 1 Q fitted with coin purse, card case and mirror; regular values up to $4 each P s RHINESTONE HAT PI17S, with round, square and oval tops, full ?2-in. pins; all new, sparkling with goodness. A very effective trimming t- the hat, as well as CQ answering its useful purposes; regular values up to $1.00 each, on sale for, ea. DUTCH COLLAR PINS, new designs, in Roman, rose and Egyptian -ld finish, set with amethysts, topaz, etc., all new ideas for the coming season. Values to 50c OO each; special economy price for tomorrow only; your choice at this price, each Women's $6 Fancy Pumps $3.69 $4.QO Pumps and Oxfords $2.19 J4 Ni nnV Regular $5 Values Reduced to $2.98 5000 pairs of women's pumps and oxfords, all this season's new styles, black or tan pumps, with one, two, or without straps; patent, gunmetal or dongola kid stock; light hand-turn or extension welt-sewed soles. The tans and browns come in solid color or combination tops of suede leathers, button or blucher styles; also low-heel styles tor young ladies; all sizes in eacn CJO 1 Q style; regular values to $3.50 and $4.00, special, pair P X FANCY PUMPS, in staple or delicate shades, made of satin, suede colt, buckskin and glazed calf leathers, the finest street and evening styles, to match most any gown; colors, old rose, navy, London smoke, taupe, gray, pink, canary, wis- JJ (ZCk taria, brown, tans, bronzes, white, cream; vals. to $6 3000 pairs of women's pumps and oxfords in medium grade, 20 of our best styles se lected for this sale; tan c. '.Z and brown kid, lace, button or blucher patterns ; low, me dium and Cuban heels, plain and perforated effects, in snappy, up-to-the-minute styles, also patents, dull kid and gunmetal leathers, heavy or light soles; also some fl0 QO special low-heel styles for young ladies. Values to $5.00; special, the pair Pi.0 SilK Remnants at 1-2 Price The silk store offers the greatest bargains in remnants ever shown the Portland trade. Quick-witted people will readily see the advantage of buying these short lengths, which are cuttings from our best-selling patterns. Every silk remnant in the house goes 1 at just one-half the regular selling prices don't fail to take advantage of sale Great Sale of Fine Art Linens $5 Centerpieces $2.5Q-$3Q Tablecloths $2Q A most remarkable sale of fine art linens. This department is being crowded for space, and a general closing out of doilies, tablecloths, scarfs, centerpieces, etc., 1 A, is ordered. Cluny lace doilies, centerpieces, scarfs and tablecloths, at 30c to $175 Spanish and Japanese drawn work, doilies, centerpieces, lunch cloths and scarfs, Ay values loe to $25, priced at' one-half original value. Take advantage of this sale. 36-inch centerpieces, stamped on cream or ecru linen, regular $1.00 and $1.25 CQ- ion may buy these at this sensationally low price. Take advantage. at M w v 1 M& Wflf values. Free" embroidery lessons every afternoon from 1 until 5 o'clock. 2QOO Fairs Men's Gloves $1.5Q to $2.5Q Values $1.19 Tomorrow, a lively Easter sale of men's Kid Gloves, styles suitable Zot dress and street wear; gloves of standard quality, every pair fully guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion in every particular. An advantageous purchase of 2000 pairs from a leading man ufacturer enables us to offej $1.50 to $2.5") values at $1.19 pair. Included (1 1Q are mochas, capes and piques, in tans, browns, grays, etc. ; best styles ; pair H X New Tailor ed units Real $38.50 Vals. Special at $18.95 Rough Pongee Cloths Made up in the very latest styles. The charm of these suits lies in the beauty of line and simplicity of style; they are not overdone, yet present a most attractive appearance, pleasing to those who like a little tone to T their make-up. These suits are positively the newest productions. The matter of our getting them so we could sell them at this low price is of little consequence to you. What yon want is the best your money can buy, and it '8 here, made of rough pongee, which is now in great vogue, styled in the short jackets with shawl col lars, plain or fancy-trimmed, with moire silk. The skirts are the newest plaited styles. Colors natural, black, Copenhagen, rose, blue, etc. This is one of the most fortunate purchases made by our garment buyer while in New York. This great saving opportunity at the very ppening of the season should not be overlooked. Real $38.50 vals. $18.95 New Blaster Siits Mere $18.5Q, $28.5Q and $42.5Q All-wool cream serge suits for misses 12, 14 and 16 years of age; the coats are loose, easy-fitting, with single-jreasted box fronts, plain full side pleated skirts. CJ1 Q Coat is tailored model, to b- used as individual wrap witL Summer dresses P -OtJJ All-wool, cream, wide wale diagonal serge Suits, made with long roll or inched collar, the left side lap, two button fastening; coats silk lined; skirt hangs full, C with graceful plaits; shown in misses' and women's sizes; price, the suit p0JJ Whipcord dia al serge Suit, semi-fitted or close-fitting; 30-inch coat, low-cut tailored collar, three-button side fastening, full cluster plaited skirt; come in all tJO Efl sizes. There's economy in buying suits like these, priced reasonably at P"fc.-'V Special SaleWomen's New Neckwear 1 VaRaes at 4Sc Sometitnes you wonder why your suit is not as effective as one you saw at church or on the street. It was the tie that gave the other suit its charm. A fine suit is often spoiled with a poor neckpiece. See these new venise lace Dutch collars, lawn Butch collars, hand-embroidered linen collars, fancy linen stocks, croat stocks, coat revers, venise lace yokes, rabats, jabots, cascades, etc. All new, bought especially for this pre-Easter sale. Real values to $1.00 each,, special tomorrow at 48 c $a.OO Auto Veils for $1.75 35c HandRercniefs for 19c Of course you will be out of doors all day -Easter, and one of these Auto Veils is jusi what you want. They are 36 to 40 inches wide and 2 to 22 yards long; all 01 7El the leading shades in fine chiffon; our regular $2.25 to $3.00 values, each P A O LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS, sheer linen, with hand-embroidered corners; Madeira and Ardennes embroidery, in a broad range of patterns for your selection; our " Q best regular values at 35c each; buy all you want at this economy price, each AC 5000 ladies' pure linen Handkerchiefs, in plain and crossbar embroidered " OlAf. effects; our best regular 20c stock values, on special sale at this price, ea. J Women's Petticoats Res'. $4.QO Values at $2.45 fj. $10.00 SKirts at $6.87 Combinations $3.34 $2.50 Gowns at $1.27 Women's fine cambric Petticoats, with 18-inch flounce of eyelet embroidery, with hemstitched edge, also lace flounces. Our regular values to $4.00, on special sale at this price, the garment $2.45 Ladies' fine white Petticoats, with wide circular flounce of India linon, with inset of Cluny or Valenciennes lace or fine embroidery; regular values up to $10.00; on special sale at low price of $6.87 Women's fine Nainsook Combinations, lace or embroidery-trim' d, wide French drawers, with tf O O A handsome lace-trim 'd edge; vals. to $5 vOtpT1 Ladies' Nightgowns, chemise style, square or round yoke, elbow sleeve, made of fine nainsook or longcloth; our regular stock values to $2.50, spe- tf f Py cial.for tomorrow's economy, garment P X . d $2.5Q Colored Umbrella $125 $6.5Q Values at $3.25 Ea. Just think 01 it and think, to. how hard our buyer had to work cad sacjue to get them for you. A special purchas- for an Easter sale. All silk taffeta, in colors to match the Easter gown. Every umbrella is guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Pitted on double paragon frame, with neat assortment of rlain. mis- y sion, fancy carved and silver-trim 'd handles; $2.50 to $6.50 values, at hlf r' i l& 2000 Men's New SKirts B est Si. 50 Vals. Si. 19 Tomorrow, the great annual Easter sale of men's Shirts, 2000 in this lot. Both white pleats and fancies; shirts that are made of the finest materials; cut extra full size and manufactured with care. The best product of the leading shirtmaker. An endless assortment of pat terns, colorings and combinations for your selection; also various styles of white pleats; every shirt in the lot regular $1.50 value. Anticipate your tf 1 f Easter and Summer needs; special, ea. P X . X 7 Easter sale men's hosiery, handkerchiefs, neckwear, etc. $2.QO SilK Hose at $1.48 35c Hose at 19c 5Qc Hose at 39c Cnilds' 25c Hose 15c Pair Tomorrow, economy day, ladies' extra quality Silk Hose, every pair guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction; all silk or lisle foot, with extra double garter top; Kay- "l A Q ser's or McCallum's, in fast black; also Italian black silks: $2.00 values at P Ladies' fast black "Burson" Hose, shaped foot with narrowed ankle; our best 1Q. regular 35c stock values; buy all you want of them at this special price, the pair I' Ladies' fast black mercerized lisle Hose, in a complete assortment of sizes; our OQ best regular 50c stock values buy all you want at this special low price, pair Children's fast black seamless Hose, in medium weight for misses, arid extra 1 Cm heavy for boys; our best regular 20c and 25c values, on special sale at, the pr. CHilds $2.25 Dresses $1.89 $1.5.0 Buster 1 - Dresses at Q8c New Easter Dresses for girls 6 to 14 years of age. They are made of light and dark percales and shepherd plaid patterns, made np in a good va- $1.89 riety of styles. A line of our regu lar $2.25 values, priced special Others on sale at prices up to $7.50 garment. For girls from 2 to 6 years of age, a very swell line of French dresses, bloomer dresses and Bus ter styles, all well made, styled to please the most particular authorities of fashion. Materials are percales, ginghams, chambrays; regu lar $1.50 values, on special sale at, ea. 98c Others priced at 69c to $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75. Travelers' Sample Line $LOO Underwear at 48c Nazareth Union Sxits 50c Greatest economy sale of women's Underwear, travelers' samples, bought at half their worth, and we give you the benefit of our purchase. Swiss ribbed and fine ribbed lisles and cottons, medium or light weight vests, pants and union suits. About 500 garments in the lot; high neck, short sleeve, high neck, long sleeve, low neck and no sleeve; ankle or knee-length pants, lace-trimmed umbrella pants regular values up to $1 any kind of a garment you might wish for is here. Samples are always best, and this -JQ offering is especially attractive, as it represents a saving of over one-half. OC NAZARETH UNION SUITS, in Spring and Summer weights, high neck, short sleeves knee length, styled with the drop seat; the best, most serviceable Union Suit C fu made for children 4 to 14 years of age; priced exceedingly low at, the suit'' 4Qc Fancy Ribbons at 25c Regular $1.75 Kid Gloves Special at 93c Pr. Tomorrow's economy offerings of Ribbons are by far the best ever shown in Portland for the price. We bought them way under price. Warp printed Dresdens, shepherd 25c checks, satin taffetas, and 6-inch extra quality hair bow taffetas, in all shades; 40c values, at French Kid Gloves Paris point embroidery stitching, in black, white, tan, brown, oxblood, wistaria, green, brown, gray, etc.; full line of sizes; regular $1.50 and $1.75 values, priced won derfully low at, special, the pair 93c lOOQ Men's 4-in-Hands $LOO Val vies at 45c Eacn For tomorrow's economy the men's store offers a sale of five gross of Neckties, made of best quality silk in fancy stripes, figured and plain colors. These fine materials and patterns will appeal to tasty fellows, and thrifty ones will supply their future A C needs from this splendid assortment. Values $1.00, special economy price, each