20 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, MARCII 18, 1910. GRAIN TO BE CARGO British Bark Alatir Ordered to Prepare for Sea. LINERS AT WORK TODAY Hark Will Load Wheat for Some Foreign Port Has Been on the ( , Disengaged- Ust Since . Her Arrival in Portland. Liners -will 'begin work on the Inte rior of the British bark Altair this morning, putting the craft in shape to receive a cargo of wheat. Cable advices from the owners, received yes terday morning- by Captain Hughes, di rected him to line the vessel and make all preliminary preparations for sea. Following the cable came a letter, in which it was stated that the owners had refused a lumber cargo and were negotiating for an outward cargo of "wheat. win fnrnlnh th ffTflln fnr the Altair is a mystery, as tar as local people are concerned. Exporting firms deny any connection with the charter. It is probable that the owners have purchased a cargo and will dispatch the ship on their own account. The Altair arrived in Portland har nor October 29 from Kewcastle-on-Tyne with general cargo for Meyer. "Wilson. & Co. She discharged and moored at the public levee. Grain shipments, foreign, have been slow dur ing the past three months. Big values and shortage of wheat have combined to lessen the amount of cereal shipped out of all ports In the United States. With 2.800,289 feet of lumber for two ports in Australia, the Norwegian steamship Tordenskjold cleared yester day. The lumber was valued at $47, 631 and was loaded by the American Trading Company. Lumber shipments, foreign, for the first 17 days of March amount to 12,984,085. The vessel left down at noon yesterday. In addition to the cargo laden at Portland, the Tordenskjold has on board 747,278 feet of California redwood, taken on board at Eureka. From Astoria the Tord enskjold will proceed to Union Bay for coal. VOSBURG SLIGHTLY DELATED ffug Loses Rudder Off Xehalem, but Assistance Is Not Needed. ASTORIA, Or., March 17. (Special.) A message was received here about 10 o'clock this morning stating that the tug Geo. P. Vosburg was in distress about three miles off the entrance to Nehalem Bay. The lighthouse tender Armeria, Captain Gregory, left immediately to ren der assistance, but when a short distance below the Columbia River lightship she met the tug coming up the const under her own steam and returned. The Vos burg arrived here this evening. Captain Rorvik. master of the tug, says the vessel struck lightly while crossing out over the Nehalem bar shortly after 6 o'clock this morning and broke her rudder, but fortunately It did not drop off until deep water was reached. Work was immediately commenced on rigging up a jury rudder and after . a de lay of about two hours the Vosburg pro ceeded up the coast under her own steam and came to the wharf here without as sistance. When the accident occurred. Captain Rorvik blew his whistle and set his flag with a hope of attracting the attention of a steam schooner that was coming up from the south, but she did not see him and passed on. Arrangements have been made to re place the broken rudder hye and the ves sel will be delayed only a few days. Captain Rorvik says that while his vessel was In no danger, as the sea was emooth, he feels grateful for the prompt ness with which the tender Armeria was dispatched to his assistance, as under un favorable weather conditions her help might have been badly needed. Cutter Manning Returns to Port. In command of Captain Carden the United States revenue cutter Manning arrived up from Astoria last Wednes day night and anchored between the Burnside and Morrison street bridges. The Manning will shift to the plant of the Willamette Iron & Steel Works tomorrow afternoon and will undergo extensive repairs. The bid was award ed to the local shipbuilding firm on ac count of the difference in time In which the work will be done. The Willam ette bid called for the completion of the work in 15 days. Two Barges Are Enrolled, The barges Washougal and Washing ton were enrolled at the- Customs House yesterday afternoon. The craft will sail the latter part of the week for Puget Sound. They will be used to carry gypsum from Icy Straits to Seattle. Daniel Kern recently sold the barges Wallacot, Washington and Washougal to a Sound company for 65,000. For many years they have been used as stone barges on the Co lumbia. They were built to carry rock from the Columbia River to the Jetty at Grays Harbor. JJritibh Ship Arctic Stream Enters. With 1250 tons of pig iron, 205,000 fire brick, 125 tons of fire brick, 50 tons of salt and a quantity of paint, bleaching powder, fertilizer and coke, the British bark Arctic Stream, Captain Dixon, arrived up at noon yesterday and entered at the Customs-House. The vessel reached Astoria Wednesday from Newcastle-on-Tyne. She is con signed to Meyer, Wilson, & Co. The Arctic Stream is not chartered for the outward voyage. Fish Vessel Starts North. With lumber and building material for the construction of a complete salmon-packing plant, the ship St. Paul sailed from Seattle Wednesday for the JJorth. The St. Paul is the first of the .salmon fleet to clear for Alaska. She Is commanded by Captain De Geldre. The cannery will be built at Kenai and will be ready for operation this Sum mer. - Work on Jetty to Be Resumed. Work on the Columbia River Jetty will probably be resumed during the first week in April. Assistant Engi neer Gerald Bagnall will be in shape to receive work within two weeks. Mr. Bagnall returned from Fort Stev ens yesterday and states that the Win ter storms have done little or no dam age. All of the false work held, and as soon as the contractors are In shape to deliver rock the Government forces will be able to handle the stone. Astoria Marine Notes. ASTORIA, Or.. March 17. (Special.) The steamer George W. Fenwick arrived last night and will load lumber at the Hammond mill. t The steam schooners Shoshone, Toee- mlte and the schooners Mabel Gale. King Cyrus Bangor and Virginia have arrived to load lumber cargoes for California. The steam schooner Shasta, which ar rived this morning from California, will load 400,000 feet of lumber at the Knapp ton mill and proceed to Portland to finish. The steam schooner K. a Loop cleared at the Customs House today for San Francisco with a cargo of 60,000 feet of lumber, loaded at Linnton; 475.000 feet, loaded at Prescott, and 275,000 feet, load ed at Rainier. Marine Notes. The steamer Jim Butler Is discharging general cargo at the Oak-street dock. The steamship Shoshone arrived up last evening with general cargo from San Francisco. The steamship Kansas City will sail for San Francisco with passengers and general cargo this afternoon at 4 o'clock. With general cargo from Newcastle-on-Tyne for Meyer, Wilson & Co., the Brit ish ship Arctic Stream arrived at noon yesterday. The steam schooner Saginaw sailed yes terday afternoon for Grays Harbor in ballast. She will load lumber for San Francisco. The French bark Bossuet was towed to STEAMER INTMJJGEXCE. , Xue to Arrlva pram. From. TJats. Ktuiu City... San FranclscoTn port. Alliance. ......Coos Bar.... In port Ramona Coos Bay.... Mar. 20 Roenoxe ..San Pedro Mar. 20 Falcon San Francisco Mar. 20 Golden Oat. .. Tillamook Mar. 21 Rose City San FranciactMar. 21 Qso. W Klder. -Ban Fsdro. . . Mar. 22 Santa Clara Ban Francisco Mar. 24 Ealia HomKnnt Apr. IS Henrlk Ibsen. . .Hosckonc. .. .June m 1 Hercules Hongkong. . . .June 4 Sue H. Elmore. TlllamooK. ...Indert Scheduled to Depart. Name. For Date. Kansas City. . . San Francisco Mar. IS Alliance... .Coos Bay Mar. 19 Roanoks. ... ...San Pedro... Mar. 22 Ramona coos Bay. Mar. 23 Falcon San Francisco Mar. 23 Golden Qnte. .. Tillamook. ... Mar. 23 Geo. W. aider. .Ban Pedru. . . Mar. 24 Rose City Sin rnntlirn Mr. 25 , Santa Clara. . -San Francisco Mar. 26 Rella Honirkons Apr. 22 Henrlk Ibsen. . Homrkonc June 12 Hercules Honarkonar. . . . June IS Gue H. Elmore. Tillamook Indert Entered Thursday. Arctic Stream. Br. ship (Dixon), with ireneral cargo, from Newcastle-on-Tyne. Cleared Thursday. Tordenskjold. Nor. steamship (Han sen), -with lumber, for Melbourne and Port Adelaide. Sajrlnaw. Am. steamship CWsJyls), with 800.000 feet of lumber, for San Francisco. an anchorage above the old Madison street bridge yesterday afternoon. She will take ballast. The steamship Alliance arrived arly yesterday morning from Coos Bay ports. The Alliance brought 50 passengers and a good cargo of -freight. The steam schooner Nprthland moved from the Portland Lumber Mills yester day to a berth at Rainier She is load ing a full cargo for San Francisco. Tom James has resigned as agent of the steamship Alliance at Marshfleld to engage In farming at Vaqulna. R. Sher man has relieved Mr. James at the Coos Bay city. Mrs. James arrived in Port land yesterday on the steamer Alliance. Arrivals and Departures. PORTLAND, March IT. Arrived Steam ship Shoshone, from San Francisco; steam ship Yosemlte, from San Francisco; British ship Arctic Stream, from Newcastle-on-Tyne. Sailed Norwegian steamship Tor denskjold, for Melbourne; steamship 6agl naw, for San Francisco. Astoria, Or., March 17. Condition at the mouth of the river at 5 p. M-, smooth; wind southeast, 20 miles; weather, raining. Arrived In last night Steamer Geo. W. Fenwick, from San Francisco. Arrived down during the night and sailed at 7:30 A. M. Steamer Ramona, for Coos Bay. Ar rived at 8:30 A. M. Steamer Shasta, from San Francisco. Arrived at 8:30 and left up at 9:30 A. M. Steamer Yosemlte. from San Francisco. Arrived at 9:15 A. M. Schooner Bangor, from San Francisco. Ieft up at 12 noon Schooner Mabel Gale. Sailed at 12:30 P. M. Gasoline schooner Oshkosh, for Tillamook. Arrived at 1:30 P. M. Schooner Virginia, from Ban Francisco. Ar rived at 3 p. M. Steamer Geo. R. Vosburg, from Nehalem, with Jury rudder. San Francisco. March 17. Arrived Steamer Santa Clara, from Portland. Sailed at P. M. Steamer Maverick, for Portland. Grays Harbor, March 17. Arrived Steamer Hoquiam. from Portland. Arrived yesterday Steamer Thos. L. Wand, from Portland. San Francisco, March 17. Arrived Steamer Santa Clara, from Portland. Sailed Schooner Aliens, for Grays Harbor; steamer Roanoke, for Portland; steamer Caplstrano, Coos Bay. Suez, March 16. Arrived Belle of Spain, from Union Bay, B. C, via Colombo, for Stettin. Jeddah, March 17. Sailed Cyclops, for Tacoma. New York. March 37. Arrived Patrla, from Patras. Sailed La Provence, for Havre; Prince FTIederich Wilhelm, for Bremen; Oscar II, for Copenhagen. Seattle, March 17. Arrived Steamers Admiral Sampson and " Governor, from Sound ports; steamer Tampico, from Ta coma. Sailed Steamer Admiral Sampson, for San Francisco. Tacoma, March 17. Arrived Schooner Rosamond, from San Pedro; steamer Tam pico. Seattle. Sailed German steamer Itauri, for San Francisco, via Comox. Tide at Astoria Friday. High. Low. 6r08 A. M 8.1 ft.jO.OB A. M 3.8 ft- 8:3 P. M 1 ft.l:48 P. M 0.4 ft. OLIVER AND CONVERSION Statement of Evangelist's Religious "Work at Eugene. Or. EUGENE, Or.. March 16. (To the Edi tor.) Considerable Interest has been aroused throughout the state by the revival meeting, held in Eugene, Or., by Rev. French E. Oliver. I. I-)., of Kansas City, Mo. Owing to the repeated gross misrepresentations of the evangelist mentioned, the meetings and the result of the work, it seems wise to offer a statement In behalf of several thous and of the representative people of Eugene, who were directly engaged in this work. The Eugene newspapers gave liberal space to the reports of the work and the Regis ter submitted several editorials which set before its readers a Just opinion of the questions Involved. Had these been copied as extensively as some other reports, there would have been no necessity for this state ment. The following editorial is here quot ed, because it expresses the sentiment of most of our people. "Thursday night (March 10) brought to close one of the most remarkable religious revivals ever held In Eugene, If not in all of Oregon, when Evan gelist Oliver, of Kansas City. Mo., closed a six weeks' meeting at the big Tabernacle, with a record of over 1O0O conversions as a result. The revival was far reaching In its effect, creating an interest and discus sion on religious Questions not only all over Oregon, but beyond rts borders, reach ing out into adjoining states. Dr. Oliver can be put down as one of the greatest evangelists that has ever visited the Pa cific Coast, regardless of the fact that his methods have not been fully Indorsed bv all classes, a condition hardly to be ex- "It is much easier to be good than It is to be good for something, and Dr. Oliver believes his methods are legitimate, and wide experience has convinced him that they are the best for him. At Ieat, this Is his Judgment. It must be admitted that for nearly six weeks this meeting was the 'biggest thing" In Eugene. The Tabernacle, seating 3OO0 people, was filled at nearly every service and frequently crowded, and at times hundreds-could not gain admittance. A. choir which numbered BOO voices at times, was directed most ably by Professor W. A. Maltble, the singer who assisted also as soloist. No little credit for the results is due to this great choir. But Dr. Oliver was the campaigner who directed th work and whose utterances stirred the people. ISa IF Well our fa eveiai! They Join the Many Thousands Who Have Been Cured and Benefited by the Use of the Great Body Builder and Renew er of Youth and Extol Its Virtues That Others May Read and Be Helped. Wr 'Sf tef I MRS. J. E. ROOT. Holds World'. Past -Walking; Kecord. "Two years ago, when I did not feel very strong, I bought a bottle of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. I was Immediately benefited by it. I am 80 years old. and won the championship in the great walking contest for aged people In Cleve land. I beat the world's record for aged people. My wonderful health and anil ity I attribute to using Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey as a medicine." Mrs. Jane Edwards Root, 1,605 East 80th St. PuffVs is one of the greatest strength-builders and tonic stimulan ts known to medicine. By its invigorating effect upon the physical and nervous forces it assists in rebuilding the weakened tissues, in a gradual, healthy, natural manner. It is a wonderful remedy in the prevention and cure of consumption, pneumonia, grippe, bronchitis, coughs, colds, asthma, malaria, low fevers and all wasting, weakened and diseased conditions, if taken as directed. It is invaluable for overworked men, delicate women and sickly children. It strengthens and sus tains the system, is a promoter of health and longevity, makes the old feel young and keeps the young strong. If in need of advice, write Medical Department, the Duffy Malt Whiskey Company, Rochester, N. Y., stating your case fully. Our doctors will send you advice free, together with a valuable illustrated medical booklet, containing rare common-sense rules for health which you cannot afford to be without, and some of the many thousands of gratifying letters received from men and women in all walks of life, both old and young, who have been cured and benefited by the use of this great medicine and who continue to enjoy good health. Sold by druggists, grocers and dealers, or direct, $1.00 per large bottle. meeting lias so successfully reached the rep resentative citizens, business men, profes sional men, university students, high school students and mature young people In great numbers. "Dr. Oliver preaches the evangelical doc trines, makes no apologies for his beliefs, hits sin In all Its forms and among all classes and holds convictions so strongly that some of his seemingly extravagant statements are but natural to one of his temperament and zeal. Dr. Oliver is a born fighter and would be a marked person ality In any profession. The leading evan gelists of the country honor him for his work's sake. The widow of the Rev. Sam Jones selected Dr. Oliver to deliver the funeral oration of her honored husband in the state capitol building of Georgia. He has traveled extensively at home and abroad, is a fellow In the American Geographical Society, an author, lecturer of high stand ing, a composer of some of our best hymns and has reached this acknowledged place at the early age of 32. "To have carved his career unaided from the ege of 14, challenges the admiration of earnest men. Dr. Oliver has not sought the money of Eugene people. The only re muneration he asked was a free-will offering based upon work accomplished. Though a great campaign, including the expensive tabernacle building, was financed, the peo ple readily gave the evangelist 20O0 for his services. Almost another week was added, without cost, because the interest of the work demanded the extra effort. Last Sun day the various church people met in their own buildings and some test of the work was made. These buildings were generally crowded, hundreds were added to their mem bership and the greatest day in their his tory witnessed. Every church in the city has received members, and churches In the surrounding towns and country districts re port additions. The ingathering, however, is not ended. Dr. Oliver's work ' elsewhere has endured, and it will endure in Eugene. He preaches civic righteousness, business honesty, honor for law. purity of the home, cleanliness of life, temperance reform. He has not striven for numbers. He is a Purl tain in his teaching as compared with the emotional evangelist. His demands for the Christian life were sternly exacting." This statement is not a defense of Dr. Oliver, for he does not ask anyone to agree with or indorse all he says and does, but it Iw gent In the belief that it voices the con- A LINIMENT FOR EXTERNAL USE. Cheerfulness and a bright disposition during the months before baby comes, are among the greatest blessings a mother can bestow upon the little life about to begin. Her happiness and physical com fort will largely govern the proper development -of the health and nature of the child. Mother's Friend contributes much to the moth er's happiness and health by the relief and mental comfort it affords. It is a liniment composed of penetrating oils and medicines which lubricate the muscles and tendons of the body, soothe the swollen mammary glands, cause a gradual expansion of the skin and tissues, and aid in the relief of nausea. The regular use of Mother's Friend greatly lessens the pain and danger when baby comes, and assures a quick and natural recovery for the mother. Mother's Friend is sold at drug stores. Write for our free book of information for expectant mothers. THE BRAD FIELD CO., ATLANTA, GA. ALL MISERY FROM STOMACH GOES Indigestion and all Other Stomach Distress Goes After Taking a Little Diapepsin. Tou can eat anything your stomach craves without fear of Indigestion or Dyspepsia, or that your food will fer ment or sour on your stomach if you will take a little Diapepsin occasion ally. Your meals will taste good, and any thing you eat will be digested; nothing can ferment or turn into acid or poi son or stomach gas, which causes Belching, Dizziness, a feeling of full ness after eating, Nausea, Indigestion (like a lump of lead in stomach). Bil iousness, Heartburn, Water brash. Pain in stomach and Intestines or other symptoms. Headaches from the stomach are ab ilOWil aw omee MRS. ROSE DOYLE Was) an Invalids Gained , l-'lfty Pounds. 'T was for many years an Invalid, very thin in flesh, and I feared I would never be well. I tried everything, and at last bought a bottle of Duffy's Malt Whiskey; from that time I com menced to gain. I am now f.erfectly well and enjoy ife as I never expected to. There is no medicine as good. I certainly gladly recommend it. After I commenced taking it 1 gained 50 lbs. in seven weeks." Mrs. Rose Doyle, 1,605 East 30th St. MRS. A. L. HENDERSON Seldom Toole Medicine, Completely Cared. "I seldom take medicine, but, not feeling very strong, I tried Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey, and it did me so much good I cannot refrain from telling you. "There is nothing as good for heart trouble, and I believe it has effected a permanent cure in my case. It is also wonderful for pains and aches and gen eral debility. I am very glad to give my testimony, that It may help others." Mrs. A. L. Henderson, 4.064 Payne Ave. man or vlctlon of thousands of Eugene. Or., people. REV. H. N. MOITNT, Chairman of Executive Committee of Churches United In the Meeting. REV. J. W. SPRECHER, Secretary. REAL MAN NEWLY DEFINED Rev. E. V. Shayler Says Man Must Be Better Than Surroundings. "What constitutes a real man was the theme of Rev. El V. Shayler, rector of St. Mark's Church of Seattle, in his ad dress yesterday at the noonday service at the Baker Theater. It was the argument of the speaker that a man must be better than his sur roundings In order to become a power in the world, and that- the shamrock speaks eloquently in the making of a man. Mr. Shayler, In the course of his ad dress, said : The shamrock, which everyone in Portland Is wearing today, speaks very eloquently of the making of a man. It is the emblem of the Holy Trinity and also of St. Patrick. It reminds us how one man, through the power of the ministry and of the grace of God, was enabled to make himself a man. He made himself a man by being better than those around him. He was a man who, in spite of. his environment, became a power ful specimen of manhood. 6t- Paul, In writing to certain people, who lived In a very wonderful city, tells them that to be men they must not be over come by the atmosphere of the world around them, but must be transformed by the re newing of their minds. Out of that springs the action that is the development of a man. A man. to be a manly man. must be better than his surroundings. Learn that the faith that will move mountains is the faith that will make a clean man out of a dirty man. No matter how black our hearts are, most of us are respectable sln r.ers anyway. It fines not make very much mmn solutely unknown where this effective remedy is used. Diapepsin really does all the work of a healthy stomach. It digests your meals when your stomach can't. A single dose will digest all the food you eat and leave nothing to ferment or sour and upset the stomach. Get a lartre 50-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from your druggist and start taking now. and in a little while you will actually brag about your healthy, strong Stomach, for you then can eat anything and everything you want without the slightest discom fort or misery, and every particle of impurity and Gas that is in your stomach and intestines is going to be carried away without the use of laxa tives or any other assistance. Should you- at this moment be suf fering from Indigestion or any stom ach disorder, you can get relief within five minutes. Testify .VI KS. li. M. STKAUSE 84 Yearn Old. Flnjovs Health and Strensctb. "I am 84 years of age, and I want to tell you there is no medicine as good as Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey for aged people or for any one who is debilitated or run down from any cause. It has certainly been of great benefit to me, and I have known of many mar vellous cures from its use in cases of Catarrh of the throa., lungs, stomach trou b 1 e s, etc" Mrs. R. M. Strause, 6,125 Harlem Ave nue. ?JMskov difference to the ov-er-a-g-e! person nowadays how bad a man's character is, if his reputa tion Is all richt. Churchgolngr on Sundays is to put a man in touch with his Heavenly Father, so that he may impart some of the love of his father Ipto other men during the other six days. No man can be a bigot who tries to be a brother. Christ came to this earth and showed that it is possible to live a manly life. He be?an it. it Is for you to finish it. Are you g-olng- to do it? Jury Allowed to Decide Salt. United States Judge Bean in the Fed eral Court yesterday denied a motion for nonsuit In the damage suit of E. J. War ren vs. the Oregon Lumber Company. Counsel for the defendant corporation submitted the motion at the close of the plaintiff's case. The lumber company is a Utah corporation, but operates a num ber of sawmills In this state. Warren seeks to recover J25.000 damages for in juries alleged to have been sustained while In the employ of the company at its mill at Rainier. Only One "BBOMO QfiNIXF.. That Is LAXATIVE BROMO q JINlNE.Looli for the signature of E. W. GROVE. Used the World ver 10 Cure a Cold In One Day 25c. THAT ARE WEAK, TV Kit V OUS AA'D RUN DOWN. Come to Me and Be Cured Pay When I Cure You or sit me m tou ret the benefit of THE DOCTOR my treatment. THAT CURES FEE FOR A CURE Is lower than any specialist in the city, half that others charge you, and no exorbitant charge for medicines. I am an expert specialist. Have had 80 years' practice in the treatment of diseases of men- My offices are the best equipped in Portland. My methods are modern and up to date. My cures are quick and positive. I do not treat symptoms and patch up. I thoroughly examine each case, find the cause, re move it and thus care th. disease. I CURE Varicose Veins, Piles and Specific Blood Poison and all Ailments of Men. SPECIAL AILMENTS Newly con tracted And chronic cases cured. All burning. Itching and inf lannatlon stopped In 24 hours. Cures effected In seven days. insures every man a lifelong cure, wiiu out taking medicine into the stomach. Examination free. If unable to call, write for list of questions. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. IkL Sun days, 10 A. M, to 1 P. M. only. DR. LINDSAY 12S& SECOND ST., COR. OF ALDER, PORTLAND. OR. Slaves to Morphine Cocaine. "Whisky, etc.. LISTEN! Get In touch with me. Let me "show you" that this is no "fake.M That I CURE the habit, or disease, in two to three days without suffering no matter how long addicted, or how nearly dead. If you can get to me (though on a stretcher) I'll CURB' you, and you'll regain your former weight and health in a few weeks. DR. D. B. GRIFFIN 80S E. SOth and Gladstone Ati, Port land, Or. Phone Sellnrood 1399, CURE MEN The Only High-Class Specialist in the Northwest Confining His Practice Exclusively to MEN'S AILMENTS Consult Me First Even though your case may be one that some other doctor is able to cure, and though his cure be absolutely thorough and permanent, there is yet good cause for your coming to me for treat ment. The service. I render is entirely unlike and better than the ordinary. I have devised new and scientific methods of treating men's ailments in all their phases. I cure oases that others cannot cure, and cases that others can cure I cure in less time smd without pain or possibility of injury. All my forms of treatment have been perfected along the lines of nature's requirements asid are in exact harmony with the natural recuperative forces. Therefore, my cures are painless, prompt and thorough. Contracted Ailments The serious results that may follow neglect of contracted ailments could scarcely be exag gerated. Safety demands an absolutely thorough cure in the least possible time. I have treated more cases of contracted ailments than any other physician upon the Pacific Coast. My cures are thorough and are accomplished in less time than even doubtful results. I employ remedies of my own devising, and my treatment is equally effective la both recent and chronic cases. I Treat Men Only The vast multitude of men who have taken my treatment have not been disappointed. They know that I do not promise more than I per form. To them I have actually illustrated in the cure of their own cases the truth of what I lalm, namely, that my treatment is as certain to cure as It is that my patient engages my services and follows my directions. My suc cess is due not alone to education, experience, skill and scientific equipment, but to the fact that I limit my study and practice strictly to ailments of men. To male maladies alone I have earnestly and exclusively devoted 25 years of my life, and en them all my faculties are concentrated. A REAL MUSEUM LARX3EST AND FIET MUSEUM OF ANATOMY ON TUB COASTu Masks, models, plaster casts, skulls, skeletons, beautiful life-like models in wax; also many natural specimens preserved in alcohol. FREE TO MEN This museum Is in a distinct and superior class, above anything- here tofore shown in Portland. There -are over 800 pieces shown in this exhibit, and it is entirely separate from our medical offices. It is Interesting and instructive to a high degree. All men visiting Portland should see DR. TAYLOR'S FREE MUSEUM. EXAMINATION FREE I do not eharnre for advice- examination or dtatraosta. If yon oaTl for a private talk with me, you will mot be ara-ed to begin treatment. If isapoa4 slhle to call, write. Honrs, 9 A, M. to 9 P. M.j Sundays, lO to L The DR. TAYLOR Co. CORNER MORRISON AND SECOND STREETS. PRIVATE ENTRANCE, 234 V4 MQRRISON STREET, PSRTLAHD, OR. MEN WITH CAN GET A CHEAP, SPEEDY, LASTING CURE FROM ME Not a Dollar Need Be Paid Until Benefited FOR THE NEXT FEW DAYS JTT FEES DURING THE ABOVE PERIOD WILL BE ONE-HALF OF THAT CHARGED BY OTHER SPECIALISTS. VARICOSE KNOTTED VEINS cured by absorption; no pain. The enlarged veins are due to mumps, bicy cle or horsoback ridins;, disease, etc. In time it weakens a man mentally as well as physically. We will cure yon for life or make no charge. PRICES ALWAYS REASONABLE. FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY I WILL CHARGE ONLY I CAN AND DO CURE FOREVER Knotted Velss B Days Obstructions . ............. .15 Days Lost Vitality. SO Days Blood Ailments 90 Days To obtain these quick results you must come to the office, as It cannot be done by mail. Do not forsret this fact, I always do as I advertise to do. 12 THE FEE OF OTHER SPECIALISTS BLOOD DISEASE. Scientific treatment only should be used in combating this loath some ailment. I cure Klood Dis ease by Nuclue-Atoxyl Specific. I introduce it into the blood, which it reorganizes, neutralizing and ex pelling: disease. My treatment drives the taint out instead of locking; it In. Don't wait until too late. Be cured In time. Free Museum for the Education of Men. KIDNEY, BLADDER AND LIVER DISEASES. With these diseases yon may have more complications Oan are pre sented by any other diseased organs. By my searching: illumination of the bladder I determine accurately the disease and by microscopical exam ination and urinalysis I make doubly sure the condition of the kidneys, thus laying: foundations for scientific treatment. WRITE TODAY. CONSULTATION FME1&. MEDICINES FROM SLB9 TO aa.M A The Oregon Medical Institute 2919s MORRISON STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. HOrRS A. M. TO 8 P. M. SUNDAYS, lO A. .M. TO IP. SEPARATE PARLORS FOR PRIVACY. CATARRH OF THE BLADDER Relieved In 24 Hours Each Can- v rsnle bears the (MinY) name- "j iSt DR. TAYLOR, The Leadtas; Specialist. PAY WHEN CURED VARICOSE VEINS There is no necessity for surgical operations in the treatment of Varicose Veins. This ail ment yields completely to my mild and pain less method, and results are far better than were ever attained by the harsh and dangerous practice of cutting. But one week is required, and seldom la it even necessary to detain the patient from his busi ness. OBSTRUCTIONS In the treatment of o b s t r u c tlons I have again triumphed over surgery. I employ an original method by w h 1 o h the obstructing tissue is completely diss olved. and all in flammation and irrita tion throughout the sys tem expelled. No pain, no cutting-, no dilating, and a sure care in evary Instance. TAINTED BLOOD, WEAKENED NEJBVES, GLOOMY, HOPELESS. FOREBODINGS, HAGGARD FACE AND SUNKEN EYES LACK OF VITALITY cored in a few weeks. Im- frovement from the start, f you suffer from loss or enersy and ambition, feel tired when you arise in the morning-, lame back, dizziness, spots before the eyes, and feel you are not the man you once were, we will cure you for life. NO INCI'RARI.E CASES ACCEPTED. FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY I WILL CHARGB ONLY THE FEE 2 OF OTHER SPECIALISTS PILES AND FISTULA. The sequelae of these afflictions are distressing: nervous reflexes and painful conditions. My treat ment and success are the result of years of experience. I cure Piles without cutting-. I cure you with out pain or detention from' busi ness under g-uarantee. .J Fre Mnssnra for the Education, of Men. CALL TODAY. conwE. C. Gee Wo IKE CHINESE DOCTO riilt rrett Chin doctor ts well known ihroDfbit tno Northwwt temu t Ala wondartal .nd xnarTttlous euros. a.ldd by L! hU pa, Merita as tba -!, tast of nia kind. Ha traat any and all diaeaaaa with powerful CMnea roots, licrbs and barks that ara antlraly unknown to tho medical aclonoe of thta country With these harmless remedies be s-u-arentees to cure catarrh, asthma, lunar trouble, rbeomatmsm. aervotuaeae, atosxisvcli. liver smd kidney troubles, alee privavte dleessns of men and womea, CON&CLXATION FRX. Patients outside of city write for blanks and circulars. Inclose 4o statna. The C Gee Wo Medicine Co. 1BZV I-lrst St.. Near I Portland. Or.