THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, MARCIT 17, 1910. Jr KEAI. ESTATE. For Sale Business Property. A WAREHOUSE! BARGAIN. will purchase half block, leae 60 feet square, on 17th st. This ought to at tract the man who cares to purchase la the warehouse district. There la an income of $300 per month. The owner has had the property "for over 12 years and now wlsrp-s to sell. Come In and let us give you far ther particulars. M. 33. THOMPSON' CO.. Henry Bldg.. 4th and Oalc Eta. M 6084 A 3327. INVESTMENT, WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS ? I-STOHT.' 10-ROOM HOUSE, with large attic and full basement; 15 minutes' walk from center of-city; close to east approach of STEEL and BROADWAY bridge; can be converted Into flats very easily; $7000. Terms can be arranged. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 84 4th St, Board of Trade. APARTMENT BITE. EPLENDID corner close to Park block; mod erate Income, desirable apartment site with vlfw; only $11.Mh for few days; easy terms. Vanduyn Walton, 615 Chamber of Cam Chamber of Commerce. Acreage. B. WIDNEY 822 BOARD OF" TRADE 5 acres in Woodstock for $3750. If you have the cash to do business with you can double your money on this. Bis; local real estate Arm recently paid $1100 per acre for a large tract of land which does not compare with, this in value. Investigate this early -It's the last thing of its kind In the neighborhood where the Reed Institute is going to lo cate. A. S. WIDNEY 822 BOARD OP TRADE Main 6974. 10 OR 20 ACRES. SNAP. Section Line road, near Rockwood road, 4 miles from city limits; 14 under cultivation, balance ea.y to clear; 2 acres in straw berries, small house and land that will grow anything; will cut up nicely into 1 or 2 acre tracts; 1-3 of mile from electric car. Price $300 per acre, part cash; will sell 10 or 20 acres. , , THE OWNER. All Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. $ ACRES with 3-room house, barn; soil good and set out in trees; mile from station; price only $13.50. terms on part. I acre with 3-room house; fine soil; chicken-house, young fruit trees etc.; close carlinea. 60 fare; price $1650," $500 cash, balance $10 per month. . F. J. STEIXSIETZ & CO.. 193 Morrison St. I J. W. DO A N E. 7 .1. 1 J?. of as flne 'nd as there is In the Willamette. Valley, close to Oregon JMectrlo Road and about half way between .Salem and Portland; most all in cultiva tion; lies alongside of land that is sell 5, I 200 per acre; this is a snap and win advance soon, but can be bought for a short while at $125 per acre. Including all rtiB farming implements J- W. DOANE. 3 Lewis Bldg. ?EY,, 822 BOARD OF TRADE fr Sale 2 -acre tract. of which is cleared, balance covered with second growth, easily cleared. Cleared land ad Joining sold for SIOOO per acre. This tract, which is six blocks from Oregon Electrlo station, 11 miles (mm Courthouse, for A. B. WIDNEY 822 BOARD OF TRADE . Main 6074. , 18-ACRE BEAUTIFUL HOME irL"" J?1115 from Oregon City, highlf Improved, with a fine house and other im provements accordingly; full view of Hood; 2 blocks to good school, sidewalk into Oregon City. Price $S0o0. , GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. SACRIFICE. 20 acres at Jennie station, on O. W p can he had If taken at once $1000 under- the market. Nothing near it le.K than $230 per acre; Fticrltloe price $2O0 per acre. CHESTER H. STARR. 1022 Board of Trade Bldg. lOOO ACRES fine fruit land for subdividing; Hi miles from city, in the Willamette Val ley; ii.n acres ready for fruit; 40.000 cords of wood, brings $1 cori stumpage; land ad joining in tracts $150 to $2uo per acre; this land $42 per acre, terms. Jamie J. Reld Land Co., 340 Chamber of Commerce. FINE INVESTMENT. 11.22 acres, near Lents; a splendid chance for an investment; price $500 per acre, and only $500 cash down, balance very easy terms. UOOD.VOCGH & SEITZ. 718 Board of Trade. 15 ACRES at station on the Salem Electrlo line; 611 improved; good S-room house, barn, orchard and other Improvements- not far from Portland: J400 per acre, part cash.. Also 12 acres at Tlgardvllle. $300 per acre. Miller. 416 Chamber, of Com merce. SAY WHAT YOU WILL PAY. ,.,are" at Courtney station, all covered with bearing fruit, berries and grapes; fine nouse 1 rooms. SEE IT AND MAKE OFFER 414 Couch Bldg. FOR SALE. Account change position, private party lias 1.1 acres, partly cleared, some good beaverdam land, at Beaverton; one new large barn and a three-room house- 100 fruit trees, very choice kind; terms $2850 Address AO 805. Oregonian. XV'E have a beautiful 10-acre tract on the railroad, not far from Portland: the land is all clear and free from rocks or gravel. Vt e can make very easy terms on this. LINCOLN TRUST COMPANY 215 Low is Bldg. A LUCRATIVE INVESTMENT 13 acres on Forest Grove division. 12 miles west of Portland, right on carllne, for IO days only at $3O0 per acre; mostly cleared Cash only. Negotiate with R. E. P Ku llsch, room 1. Ainsworth bldg. ACREAGE WITH RUNNING WATER 5 acres very rich soil, highly cultivated perfect slope: very desirable locality; ll blocks from river and station; 2o min utes out: $4500 takes it. B. L. Hage mann. 266 Pine St. rtage 10 ACRES, almost Joining Council Crest Park; all in cultivation; this Is within the city limits and a bargain at $800 en acre. Leonard Bros., 317 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE lOacre tract, cleared and un der cultivation. 10 minutes' walk from Montavllla car; price $1"00 per acre. An. ? Smith- 401 McKay bldg., 3d and WE have some excellent buys of 10 to 25 acre tracts at $160 per acre on S. P R R and electric line. 6 miles west of town- for an Investment there is nothing in the valley as goo a, Chlsm, 615 Couch bldg. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. 2 1-3 acres. East 30th' st. right for plat ting; lots selling from $600 to SSOO Par ticulars. Mrs. Ullrey, 3 blocks East Clark station. Mt. Scott cars. 1 B0 ACRES this side Mount Tabor near car line also 5 acres, near Broadway carllne, Irvington. by owner, J. J. Fraser. 873 East Salmon st.. phone East 2O0L Call after 6:30 P. M- 5 ACRES. On Oregon City carllne; lies flne and a bargain at $500 per acre; terms. GOODNOUGH & SEITZ. Main 65S4. 718 Board of Trade. FOR SALE by owner, a beautiful 5-acre tract close to electric car. Come and see Dr. Schraeder, Tualatin. Or. 10 ACRES on East 92d and Hawthorne ave.. $10u0 per acre. G. W. Edmonds, owner. 65 East Rlst st. Telephone Tabor S4 after 4 o'clock P. M. 6 AND 10-acre tracts, close to electric line, 12 miles from Portland: $100 per acre, easy terms. F. T. Berry, No. 4 North- 6th. Phone A 3182. TWENTY acres, Willamette River front, near Risley Station. H. G. Starkweather. R F D. No. 1, Mllwaukle, Or. l'zi ACRES: also lots 116x50 each; 66th . and Division; city water, electric lights; terms. Tabor 1609. 5 AND 10-acre " tracts near city on electric line; best soil; $so to $150 per acre. BROWN, 411 COUCH BLDG. 10 ACRES on Section Line road, two blocks east of Mount Scott carllne. B. C. Math ews, room 30S. Fenton bldg., 84 6th st. ( Homesteads. 6 MORE wanted for our private party of six going to the Lake Valley 320-acre homesteads. Tuesday. March 22. Send 4 cents stamps for booklet. Plggott Robinett. 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Mor rison. HOMESTEADS. 320 acres in Crook County, free wood and plenty of water; leave Portland every Monday night: see 11s for particulars. HUGHES LAND CO.. 610 Lewis Bldg. FOR homesteads in Central Oregon, address Box 6. Prineville. Or. CHEAPEST homestead relinquishment In Western Oregon, $126. S S06, Oregonian. REAL ESTATE. HomeetesMis. EXCURSION EXCURSION. To Old Lake Bottom District. The richest land open for entry in all Cen tral Oregon, another personally conducted excursion leaving; Jim Hill's surveyors working In our valley; actual construction will soon follow; these rich claims will then be worth several thousand dollars; we assure rich level claims to all In our party and adjoining the new survey. DESHON & HAWK. Surveyors. 407 Luxnbermens Hank Bldg. 30 ACRES GOVERNMENT LAND. WITHOUT RESI DENCE. Come in at once and see us about It and we will tell you how. The soil is good, water fine and easily obtained; plenty of timber close; new. railroads building into the country. Remember, you may pay $1.25 per acre and not be required to live on the land, or you may get It free by five years' residence; expenses reasonable; large party going out Tuesday, March 22, so come in at once and make arrange ' ments. DESCHUTES VALLEY LAND & INVEST MENT COMPANY, 301-302 Buchanan Bldg.. on Washington, near 6th St. HOMESTEADS. We can locate you on 320 acres of rich Government laud In Southeastern Oregon, in the section about to be opened up by the Hill and Harrlman lines, and afford ing the best opportunity left in the U. 8. to get a homestead. Our agent has been living in the neighborhood of these claims for the past four years, and is well posted on conditions and knows the country well. For further particulars call at our of fice. THE HART LAND CO. 148 2d St. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. A book of 32 pages, explaining what each of the 84 counties is best adapted for, also the amount of Government land open to homestead on a map attached. 21x28. showing ail new towns, including Eastern and Central Oregon and Coun ties in different colors drawn down to Jan. 1. 1910; latest map in u. S. A, price 2oc. stamps or coin. Nlmmo & Runey, 13 Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE Relinquishment to 160-acres homestead In Fort Rock district. Lake County, Central Oregon; flne land; within 3 miles of the Natron Railroad, now con structing; prove up in 14 months. Address W Sua, Oregonian. WISH someone would locate me on a home stead in Harney Valley or thereabout. L 811. Oregonian. For Sale Fruit Lands. Chehalem Mountain Orchards, the finest in Oregon. Planted to Spltzenberg and Yellow Newtown apples. Taken care of for 5 years. 5-acre tracts. 10 per cent, cash, $15 per month. Your money back with 5 per cent Interest if orchard does not suit you. Get our booklet containing full information and valuable map of Willamette Valley. THE CROSSLEY COMPANY, 708 and 709 Corbett Bldg. ORCHARD SNAP. 100 acres young bearing orchard, located in Linn County, adjoining city limits of town of 1500; has 65 acres In Spitzenbergs, Baldwin and Yakima apples. 6 acres In Royal Ann. Bing and Lambert cherries, 12 acres of walnuts tPranquette- variety) and 6 acres of pears, Coamice variety. All trees planted 50 to the acre and every 25ih tree is polonizer; very best of black loam soil, with strains of gravel running under whole orchard at a depth of from 3 to 6 feet; this orchard located in the Hood River, Yakima or Medford districts, would readily sell for $1500 per acre; price oniy $350 per acre. For photographs and full Information call on CHESTER H. STARR.' 1022 Board of Trade Bldg. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY FRUIT LANDS. $xX 12 acres, 6 acres orchard, well im proved. $110 per acre. 40 acres beat fruit 'land; will sell 10 acres or more. $85oo 19 acres. 11 acres orchard, 4 acres alfalfa, well improved. $6000 15 acres, well improved, fine fruit land. .VhX) 37 acres, mostly orchard and al falfa. $100 per acre. 380 acres fine fruit land for subdividing. GRANT & STAPLES. Ashland. Or., or ORE GON LANDS INFORMATION BUREAU. 606 Board of Trade .bldg., Portland, Oregon. BP1TZENBERO SCAPPOOSB ORCHARD LANDS in 10, 20. 80-acre tracts are sell ing to the many level-headed buyers who know a good thing when shown. Only 25 miles from Portland, on railroad. Price $300. $400, $500 per tract. BETTER HURRY and go with us by appointment. Call or write for full particulars. Lib eral terms. McFARLAND INVESTMENT CO.. 810-311 Corbett Bldg.. Portland. Or. Merrlt & Palmer. Sales Agents. HOOD RIVER VALLEY Is the valley for the rich man and also the man with a reasonable amount of capital; the valley where every one has become independent growing apples and strawberries; the opportunities are better today than 5 years ago. See us for im proved and unimproved orchard lands. HOMKSEEKERS' LAND CO.. 132 North Sixth st. ROGUE RIVER FRUIT LAND. Will sell in 10-acre tracts 100 acres of my fine fruit and alfalfa farm, situated two miles from center of City of Medford, on good county road and on carllne. Write owner, J. A. Perry, Medford, Or., for prices. 170-ACRE fruit ranch. 7000 trees, 45 00 bear ing, balance young trees coming in; $10, 000 worth of Improvements, stock, tools and furniture: all for $150 per acre. An other ranch for sale cheap. L. W. Hib bard. 747 Northrup st. For Sale -Farms. ON THE Clackamas River, six miles from city limits, 2 miles from Oregon City line; 204 acres fine level land, no stone or gravel, running water. 9000 cords of wood: beautiful location. $70 per acre, which Is half the price adjoining land is selling for. It takes $9000 to handle this. The Crossley Company. 709 Corbett bldg. A NICE LITTLE FARM. 28 acres, 22 In cultivation, running wa ter, new house and barn, cost $1400. This is finest garden soil, large part could be irrigated; one mile from station. 17 miles from Portland. This land has gentle southwest slope and strawberries would bring excellent returns when irrigated. TheCroasley Company. 709 Corbett bldg. VALLEY FARMS In Polk and Marion Counties; we sell direct from the owners; any size you want; prices from $25 to $65 for good improved farms. C HUGHES LAND CO.. 610 Lewis Bldg. Phone Marshall 2 88. 21 ACRES, 6 miles from Portland, all In cultivation, well fenoed, S-room house, barns, chicken-houses, on . two county roads. Look this up before, buying any place, as this is a snap for someone; half cash, balance to suit. A. J. Gantner. 618 Board of Trade bldg. Do you want a farm ? Call or write for my new list. It is a 32-page pamphlet giv ing ascription, location, price and terms of a great many genuine bargains in fruit dairy and grain farms in the valley stock and grain ranches in Eastern Ore gon. W. J. Smith. 438 Chamber of Com merce. HALF section. 320 acres, in most productive section of Deschutes Valley; 65 under ditch, 100 in rye, 200 in cultivation. 100 fruit trees and other small fruits; good four room house, all fenced; price $25 per acre; for- other land values, write or call on BECKMAN & BLOOM FIELD, Powell- Butte. Or. 160-ACRE FARM. 160 acres, Cowlitz Cqunty, Washington, $ miles from R. R. and boatlanding; good soil. 20 acres under cultivation, small Jiouse and good barn, over 2.00O.000 feet timber; a snap at $3000: easy terms. GRUSSI & ZADOW, $17 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. SO ACRES, black soil, two miles from rail road station, 25 acres clear; bouse, barn, orchard, spring water, stock, tools and furniture; sale 840O0; rent $250. MEHRIFIED, 202 West 8th St., Vancouver, Wash. FINE VALLEY FARM Of 124 acres, near Portland, and splendid for dairy or fruit; my business in city compels me to give it up. See Mr. Walker at 604 Corbett bldg.. and he will give par ticulars. $2250' WILL buy 40 acres of fine land In Nehalem Valley, all level, about a million feet good timber. 20 acres easily cleared; worth $70 an acre: will take good lots in part payment. M. E. Lee, 411 Corbett bldg S ACRES all in cultivation. 4-mile from Hillsboro. on main county road; $1000 $200 cash . $10 per month. See owner. 709 Corbett bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. BEAVER TRUST COMPANY, Main 3517. A 2772. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS. We have 13.165 acres of land at whole sale for subdivision In all size tracts from $35 to $55 per acre. Horticultural ex perts say these tracts are second to none - in Oregon and can raise all kinds of fruit and vegetables on them. Buy quick, as values will double In the next 90 days. 205 acres; 80 acres improved, balance In timber; 5 miles from Dallas; good house anr barn; $30 per acre. 240 acres; 5 miles north of Dallas; 70 acres under plow; good comfortable house and barn, all rolling land; fine for fruit, vegetables, etc. ; $30 per acre. f 480 acres: at Wapato Station; 250 acres in grass; 230 acres in timber; 4 acres in apples, peaches and prunes; 3 acres in berries; one-third interest in 50-acre crop goes with farm;. 280 acres fenced; 5-room house: 4 barns: plenty of water and springs schoolhouse one mile distant; good deep soil; $45 per acre. 1320 acres, 2 miles from Corvallis on C. E. R. It. on Marys River: 800 acres of rich deep bottom land: 720 acres high land: not rocky; good fruit soil; 40.000. OOO feet of fir timber: $25 per acre. This is one of the best buys we have Hated. 40 acres. ZM miles northwest of Dallas, all hill land; 40 acres cleared; good house and barn; partly fenced; 2 running streams the year around; land all good, not rocky or rough: one of the best fruit ranches in the valley: $25 per acre; $5000 down, balance one and two years. 1425 acres, Lincoln County, burned-over land; easily cleared; $S per acre; If sub divided worth $25. 375 acres. 6 miles from Sheridan; 24 acres of orchard; 100 acres under culti vation, balance In old stumps and can be easily cleared; numerous springs, creek, deep soil; $35 per acre, one-half cash. Farm next to It cannot be bought for less than $60 per acre. One of the best valley farms; 7 miles from Corvallis: 2 miles from C. E. R. R. : 700 acres. 500 acres under cultivation, rolling ground, finest fruit land In the state, all fenced, on main county road., -upland, red soli, bottom dark gray loam, $45 per acre: easy terms. Don't fall to Investigate this. 1500 acres. 10 miles east of Roseburg, on Deer Creek: 600 acres good farm land, balance fir and oak timber: 200 acres In cultivation, balance land cleared but never been plowed; good dwelling and barn: 5 acres orchard, used for stock farm for last 40 years. This is a dandy tract for subdivision; one of the best buys' to make money on; climate excellent; $16 per acre, cash. 235 acres, 2 miles south of Monmouth: 40 acres plowed: 200 acres can be plowed: balance in small oak; can be easily cleared; $35 per acre. 320 acres, Benton County. 6 miles from Philomath, 160 acres In wheat, balance bill, fruit and timber land, running creek, will make elegant dairy ranch; 8-room house, all fenced ; $50 per acre. 240 acres, H mile south of Marlon Sta tion on R. R.; 50 acres cleared; 50 acres slashed. 2 acres In orchard, balance tim ber: 8000 cords of wood on place; good house and barn. well, creek and spring, four horses, two cows: $650 piano: range, household furniture: all farm implements. Farms around can't be bought for less than 1150 per acre. $100 per acre, one half cash. . crM- 3 miles of McCr: 300 acres in cultivation: tine red soil for frul-:: good house and bam; watered bv four springs: best fruit tract 1n Polk County; $65 per acre, one-half cash: terms. 205 acres: 4 miles south of Dallas: F. C. R. R. : loo acres cultivated bottom bea verdam land: good house and barn, gran ary, running water, all fenced; $75 per acre; Jiiooo cash, balance one and two years. Snap for some one. 108 acres: miles of Salem: 173 acres In cultivation: 25 acres In pasture wire fence; yew posts, 8-room house, con- for 100 hops; 2 windmills, bath and sewer lemi. .bot ?nd, co,d wter. porcelain bath, bottom land all tiled. This Is the Sa,Pe".o,lan, ln Mrn County for the price; $130 per acre: $14,000 cash bal- a".(;en? a?J. two Land cannot be bought ln this section less than $150 per 2O0 acres: 4 miles from Dallas 1 mile of Rickreal; all bottom land all Sooho,?" fenSeJ' f,ne b! dal?" barn SSSShJ u"e: Jhl next -to It cannot be bought less than $150 per acre. $75 per years. r'50 Ca"h' baJance d fwo BEAVER TRUST COMPANY 310 Corbett Bldg. t HA HRS WITH IMPROVEMENTS J',3 ZSAN' 12 MILES OF PORTLAND $3000 TRADE FOR CITY PROPERTY This 40-acre ranch ln Wash. fJigton County has 6 acres un der cultivation, small quan tity of good timber, a 6-room house, les than a year old and other improvements; span of mules Included at but little additional cost If desired: the soil is a sandy loam, suitable for berries; loganberries and strawberries thrive especially well: the land Is all level and can be cleared at very little cost; about 3 acres more could he cleared with very little work. If you are looking for de sirable acreage and wish to trade city property on it, we will take up to $1500 in trade. Balance very easv terms. Price $.voo. RALPH ACKLEY. 605 Corbett Building. DESCHUTES VALLEY REAL ESTATE. Special buys In IRRIGATED LAND, well Improved, with good water right: $35 to $50 per acre, on terms. We defy com petition to show anything equal to the ttove in quality of land, location and prices. We pay your expenses out and return If you buy of us. 320-ACRE HOMESTEADS located in Central Oregon. Crook County. TOWN LOTS IN LAIDLAW. coming city of the Deschutes Valley; easy pay ment plav. Call and investigate. DESCHUTES VALLEY LAND & INVEST MENT COMPANY. 801-802 Buchanan bldg.. on Washington, near Fifth St. 20-ACRE FARM. 14 miles from Portland by road, on beautiful Willamette River, 2 miles by fine level road to electric line, where there are 22 trains a day; boats land at prop erty, finest fruit and berry land in Ore- gon, all cultivated land with flne deep soil and good drainage. In good, well built up neighborhood, with school and churoh; price $300 0. easy terms. Ask us now. C ANN. HEILEORN A M'BHTDE, 836 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. 4 th and Stark Sts. 1200 ACRES. " This Is the best large tract in the great Willamette Valley for the money to sub divide into small farms. 500 acres of it. finest bottom land, bal ance hill and sldehlll land, fine fruit land, plenty running water, nearly 500 acres ln cultivation, good buildings, county road through place. 2 miles of R. R. station. 8 miles of county seat. Price $50 per acre which is $20 per acre less than real value; must sell: can give terms. BRONG-STEELE CO., ..110 Second St. 10-ACRE FARM. A fruit, berry and chicken farm will . make you independent. This 10 acres is 14 miles from Portland, near steamer land ing and electric line; fln-e well drained land; excellent deep soli where vour fruit and berries will grow big and fine. This is all cultivated land and Just what you hav.a been looking for. Price $1500: easy terms. CANN, HEILBORN & M'BRIDE, 336 Chamber of Commerce. 20 ACRES, all ln cultivation, 18 miles south of Portland on the Willamette River; 5 room frame and. plastered house, large new barn, painted nsd. place fenced and cross-fenced, y mile from church, school and stores, on county road, R. F. D. and phone: price $3600: $1700 cash, terms on balance. 6 per cent. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commeroa. , THE VERY FINEST. 120 acres. SS ' in cultivation, at reason able price and easy terms, in foothills of Chehalem Mountains. 15 miles from Portland, close to R. R. station: finest proposition for orchard. A lovely home In beautiful location. DO mlnues' ride by train; running water, spring piped to house. See owner, P. Relmers. 709 Cor bett bldg. 20 .ACRES, level, part cleared, house, stable, stock, farm implements, household goods; . 4-mile to station, part cash. Box 1, Es tacada. Or. REAL ESTATE. For Bale ONE of the finest farms ln Oregon, located in the famous Tualatin Valley, the gar den spot of Oregon, 14 miles from Port land, on fine gravel road; 53 acres ln fine state of cultivation, 2, acres orchard, most ly apples, 3 acres Umber, balance very easily cleared; not a foot of waste land on the place; all well fenced and cross fenced; is seeded to timothy and clover; nearly new 7-room house and good barn with silo; water piped to house and barn; windmill and tank; good team, new wagon and harness, several cows, chickens, hogs, cream separator, all kinds of farm ma chinery; very best of soil; no better fruit land in Oregon; school 4 mile, store and sawmill 1 mile; cream and condenser route, R. F. D. and telephone. If you are looking for a nice home and a good in vestment, see this -beautiful home before buying. Guaranteed as advertised. Price only $153 per acre, including all personal property. Give good terms. Would con sider some city property in exchange, 60 acres. 5 miles from Vancouver; 43 acres ln fine state of cultivation, 9 acres hearing orchard, prunes, apples, pears, cherries; balance of land -very easily cleared; all level, all fenced with woven wire; new o-room house, modern, cement basement. 2 good frame barns, water piped ln house; on main county road; very best of fruit land: . mile from graded school; fine location; personal property. 2 good horses. 4 cows, 2 wagons, hack, all kinds of farm machinery, 20 goats. 25 Backs spuds; blacksmith shop and tools; price only $135 per acre. This is one of the best 'buys on the market; guaranteed as advertised; terms, one third cash, balance your own time. SO acres. 5 miles from Vancouver: 43 acres In fine state of cultivation; 9 acres bearing orchard, prunes, apples, pears, cherries; . balance of land very easily cleared; all level; all fenced with woven wire; new, modern 8-room house, cement basement; 2 good barns; water piped ln house; on main county road; fine location; very best of fruit land; H mile from graded school; personal property, 2 good horses, 4 cows, 21 wagons, hack, all kinds of farm machinery, 20 goats, 25 'sacks of spuds, blacksmith shop and tools; price only $135 per acre; terms, one-third cash, balance your own time. $16.000 223 acres; 180 acres In fine state of cultivation. 120 acres of Cowlitz prairie, 80 acres Cowlitz second bottom, which is above any possible overflow from river; balance good timber, 500,000 feet: 2 good wells, 2 never-falling springs; the SO acres of bottom land can all be Irri gated from the springs on the place; place all fenced; good family orchard; all kinds , of small fruits; good 2-story 7-room house, new large barn, granary, roothouse, poul try house, etc.; personal property Included consists of 4 good horses. 17 cows and young cattle. 3 wagons, binder, mower end rake, seeder, cream separator, all kinds of tools in use on the place; the soil Is of the very best; situation Is in an open, sightly country, on good roads, with good Improved farms on all sides; telephone, R. F. D. and creamery routes; near school; Catholic church 2 miles. ir you are looking for a good Investment investigate this before buying; guaranteed as advertised. Good terms. $3800120 acres, mostly rolling upland, about 10 acres level creek bottom with fine creek running through; good clay soil; 12 acres fully cleared, balance partly cleareci and in pasture. Family orchard. Large two-story house, large barn . and other outbuildings. To be Included with real estate. & very complete equipment of good farming tools. 2 horses and several good cows. This property is within 2Vi miles of a good town on N. P. Ry ln Lewis Co.. Wash., and Is being sold td close an estate. Easy terms. $4500 160 acres on Porter Creek. 24 miles by good gravel road from Porter. Wash.; 10 acres fine creek 'bottom, 50 acres level bench land, balance rolling: fine soil; 30 acres fully cleared, 20 acres partly cleared, balance mostly logged off. Several fine creeks from which water can be piped to buildings and from which the bench and bottom land can be Irrigated; 2 small houses, large barn and some out buildings; school on place; easy terms. J. H. SHIELDS, 205 Gerllnger bldg.. cor. 2d and Alder. Office, Main 8430; Residence, Woodlawn 2169. Portland. THE FARMERS' PARADISE. The new, great farming country in the rich and fertile valleys of CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA, close to transcon tinental railway now building. Splendid climate; no irrigation; large and profitable crops of wheat, oats, barley and rich grasses. Great country for dairying and cattle-raising. We own our lands; titles absolute. Cheap price and easy terms. Ask for Booklet. NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY. LIMITED. Vancouver. B. C. Selling Agent: T. R. PHILLIPS, 308 McKay Bldg., Portland, Or. CANBY 10-ACRE TRACTS. We have Just platted one of the best farms in the fertile Molalla Valley Into 10-acre tracts; they are 15 minutes' drive from Canby. on flne gravel road; we are sellinr them at prices less per acre than large farms are -being sold for around them, and we are going to sell them all this month: don't wait until they are all sold before looking at them; come ln and eet a time to go and see them. Price $1000 tf $1500 a tract, 1 cash, balance . 1, 2 and 3 years at 6 per cent. REPASS & WOODWARD. . 300 Henry Bldg. Main 5854 A 2532. $5 PER ACRE $5 PER ACRE 100-1 ACRE FARMS IN MEXICO. Great wheat country in the rich delta of the Sonora River, near American line, be tween Southern Pacific and sea; most ex cellent climate; deep garden soil; corn, wheat, cotton, beans, alfalfa, dates, lemons, oranges, all vegetable products; good mar ket; 15O.000 acres now opened to American farmers; first 10,000 acres at $5 per acre; half cash: this is really $100 land. See or write us immediately. C. M. WOOSTER (TOMPANY, 702 Market .91.. San Francisco. Cal. "THE MAN WHO WANTS A HOME." 6. 10 or 20-acre tracts, ready to plant, sightly, level, rich black sandy loam, on the Willamette river, very desirable for fruit and vegetables; water ana rail transportation. one hour's ride from Portland. This means something to the man who wants a home, wants to be in dependent and educate his family. Price $150 per acre, easy terms; larger tracts for colonies a specialty. DEAN LAND CO.. 622 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. Or. 80-ACRE farm ln the foothills of the Che halem Mountains. hi mile from R. R. station; 6 acres of splendid apple orchard. 6 cres ln berries, house of 6 rooms, water piped to house; part - can be irrigated; beautiful view of valley; no- better buy so close to Portland and R. R. station; $125 per acre. $2000 cash, balance 5 years at 6 per cent; would sell half of this. See owner. P. R aimers. 708 Corbett bldg. DOUGLAS COUNTY, OR. FOR SALE 1700 acres choice land on good county road, 3 miles from railroad and good town; this land is very suitable for platting and is at - present ln good condition; price $25 per acre. For particulars and terms apply to William MacMaster. 302 Worcester block, Portland. Or. A NICE COUNTRY HOME. . Close to Hillsboro. 17 trains daily each way.' fine large oak trees, plenty of fruit and berries, walnut trees all ln full bear ing; $3000; $500 cash, balance $10 per month or 10 per . cent discount for all cash. See owner, P. Relmers, 70S Cor bett bldg. BEAVERTON, OR. 20 acres 7 miles from Portland, close to railroad and wagon road; house, barn, or chard; team and wagon, light hack plows, harrows, cultivators, mowers, rakes, disc harrow; cows and hogs and numerous other things; all for $5000 cash. AD 794 Oregon ian. ON THE Willamette River, opposite the Rock Island; 4 acres of fine, high, level land; large native, trees; no better view anywhere on the river; would make a beautiful country home. For sale at a "sacrifice. The Crossley Company, 709 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE 27 acres deep black soli, a part of fine farm in north end of Marion County; handy to market and the balance of farm for rent, with team. Implements and crops. This is a-money-maker from the beginning. By owner, w 793. Ore gonian. LAND BARGAIN. 160 acres. Hi miles of boat landing on Columbia. 25 miles of Portland, near 3 schools; all easily cleared, and No. 1 land with no waste; price $15 per acre; terms. Investment Corporation, Ltd., 286 s Wash ington St., room 612-. FINE hopyard, near R. R. station, 15 miles from Portland. Can contract for 16 cnts now. Will take small payment cash, bal ance in yearly payments; hopdryer. baler, etc., complete. See owner, P. Relmers 709 Corbett bldg. A 1 335-ACRE farm, near Columbia River; first-class for fruit, berries, vegetables, good buildings,1. 17 miles from Portland, near R. R. No agents. Owner. 409 Couch bldg. LARGE and small bodies of Central Ore gon lands for sale on easy terms. John Veasen, 4066 Lumbermens Bank bldg. 20 ACRES of land 2 miles south of Beaver ton; a bargain. Inquire of owner. A. Nelson. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. 126 ACRES. 85 ACRES IN CULTIVATION, FOR $12,600. Marion County has some flne farms. This is one of the best x of them; 2 miles from New- x berg; it has besides the 65 1 acres In - cultivation 20 acres of good timber, a new 8-room houe which is as fine as any $5000 bungalow in Portland. There are two barns, one 36x 40 feet and the other 30x40 feet. There Is a. thriving or chard of H acre; everything goes. 2 hordes. 1 cow. 1 calf. 24 chickens, new wagon, set single harness, etc This fine farm is ln a thick ly settled community where -land is selling from $125 and up an acre; it Is a snap when you consider three things: the acres ln cultivation, the loca tion and the character of the improvements. Price $12,600. ea.ry terms. RALPH ACKLEY. 605 Corbett Building. DAIRY FARM. 168 acres, all diked in; 140 acres In hay and pasture, balance bench land for Win ter feeding ground; 46 milking cows. 9 heifers Just coming ln. 2 bulls. 1 regis tered; 3 good horses, chickens, hogs and calves, with all klnos of farm -machinery; a good gasoline boat; one 6-room house, a new cattle barn 50x100, 1 horse barn, 1 new creamery and othor small build ings; 3 acres of fruit trees. This place cleared $4000 last year and will stand closest investigation. Price $19,000; $12,000 cash. $7000 can run for 5 years at 6 per cent. No agents. This place is six miles from town on road and good boat landing is built on property. Address P. O. Box 103. Astoria, Or. BUY FROM OWNER. 292 acres, near Jefferson, on Oregon Electric" survey; suitable for dairy and fruit; can be subdivided; entire tract at $35 per acre. - 20 acres bottom land, near Jefferson, S1000. 160 acres ln Lincoln County. $1200. 160-acre timber claim. Crook County, S200O. Also property' ln Jefferson, best small town In Willamette Valley. SMITH & FONTAINE. Jefferson. Or. 114 ACRES NEAR OREGON CITY. 114-acre farm, 50 acres under cultivation, 8-room 2-story new house, with bath; new barn, well built. 86x58. capacity 160 tops of hay; 3 horses, 3 Jersey cows. 3 Jersey heif ers. 50 chickens, all farming Implements, all kinds of fruit on the place. A fine farm and a good home, so near Oregon City that it must enhance ln value. Price $l.50o; part cash. GRUSSI & ZADOW. , 317 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. FARMS FOR SALE Bv the owner in 10 and 20-acre tracts, in the Willamette Valley, on Salem Electric line. Will give free use of adjoining 10 or 20 acres for a term of 6 years; land all under cultivation; no stumps or stones; $150 per acre; one-third cash, balance on time. Good opportunity for a party of 5 or families wishing to locate together. F 806, Oregonian. 77 ACRES AT BARTON STATION. On Cazadero R. R-; 3 acres cleared. 20 more easy to clear; some fine piling: good springs; 4-room house and barn; for a few days. $4500. 1224 acres choice wheat land ln Gil liam Co., Or.; price $20 acre; terms. Call at room 16, Hamilton bldg. L. H. Smith, owner. WHEAT LAND BUYERS. LOOK AT THIS. 960 acres at $25 per acre, now read ; 6 miles south of Lexington. Morrow Co., Or.; 330 acres growing whea,t. 125 acres bar-lej-. 160 acres good pasture, all fenced, good 'house, big barn, granary, 8 wells, 32 feet . deep and running water; terms. C. HUGHES LAND CO.. 610 Lewis Bldg.. LAND BARGAIN. 160 acres. lVs -miles of boat landing on Columbia. 25 miles of Portland, near 8 schools: all easily cleared, and No. 1 land with no waste; price $15 per acre; terms. Investment Corporation. Ltd.. 286 ft Wash ington St.. room' 612. BEAVERDAM LAND. 20 acres, located 5 miles from Portland, on macadamized road, near electric line; 10 acres in cultivation; large barn; -price $275 per acre. L. G. Gillette &. Co.. 614 Board of Trade bldg. $16 AN ACRE 1692-acre improved stock ranch; part adapted for fruit, wheat and alfalfa: six miles north of The Dalles; will sell part or all; good terms. For par- ' ticulars write William Brune, Grand Dalles, Wash. 1 6 ACRES in Vancouver city limits, all ln high state of cultivation; bearing or chard; 5-room house; good barn; 3 min utes from 5c carfare: price $3300. , MERHIFIELD. 202 West Eighth St.. Vanccuver. Wash. HURRY if you want this bargain. 400 acres partially improved, ln Washington County, 6 miles to R. R. Farm only $12.50 per acre; terms. DUBOIS & CROCKETT, Washington Bldg., Room 8. . $4250 BUYS 60 acres. 30 under cultivation, fine residence and outbuildings, fine spring, cattle, horses, chickens, machinery and furniture: plenty range for stock. The McCarthy Co.. 403 Rothchlld bldg. CATHLAMET. Washington 120 acres good land for sale: best bargain ln state; price $2000. Robert H. Gibson. . FOR SALE by owner. 320-acro farm, near Albany and Corvallis, Or.; a bargain if taken soon. Address P. O. Box 34, Cor vallis, Or. ON small payments. SO acres. $1350; 5 acres $200; others for Bale and exchange. O. Mlddlekauff. Toledo, Or. SEND for our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying: lands shown free. Olmstead Land Co.. Salem. Or. FOR SALE $2500; five acres. West Side, seven miles from Courthouse; some Improve ments. E 812. Oregonian. MlseenaoeoaB. A SMALL apartment-house. 2 blocks from 14th and Yamhill; guaranteed lease; $10,500. GOLDSCHMIDT'S AGENCY, ' 253 Washington, Cor. 3d. ARB you looking tor a XsVra or acreage ? Don't fall to call at "THE CROSSLEY COMPANY." 70S and 709 Corbett Bldg. It costs you nothing and we treat yon right. It surely will bs to your advan tage to see us before buying. We dpn't publish our list. FOR SALE or would take auto runabout ln exchange up to $550, a fine 2-acre place near Hubbard. Price, $1750. For sale A fine 18-acre home close to Hubbard. A 600-acre tract, a 70-acro farm, also one of 56 acres. . Address C. M. Crittenden. Hubbard, Or. IF YOU ARB LOOKING FOR Close-in acreage, a wheat ranch or small, well-Improved farm, at low price and on most liberal terms, see me. I handle my own properties; J. O. ELROD. 620 Corbett Bldg. 1000 ACRES fine fruit land for subdividing; 14 miles from city, ln the Willamette Val ley; 200 acres ready for fruit: 40,000 cords of wood, brings $1 core stumpage; land ad Joining in tracts $15t to $200 per acre; this land $42 per acre, terms. Jamie J. Reld Land Co., 340 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Beautiful building lot near 2 carllnes. close in. for $850; very easy terms. Address Mr. G. - R. Edwards, owner, general delivery. . " TO EXCHANGE. 5 ACRES ln cultivation. Including new 3 room house, barn, chicken house, etc.; on main county road, 3 blocks from electric carllne: will trade for Portland property. Room 1. 83 Fifth st. EQUITY ln modern Portland home or va cant lots wanted. I have 320 acres of A-l wheat land near station, all cultivated. Eastern Oregon, and some cash to give in exchange: owner. M' ADAMS, 2 Lumbermens Bldg. 170x100 LOT in choice residence section of Hood River to exchange for Portland property. Room 1, 83 Fifth st. $3500 WORTH of good Portland manufac turing stock to trade for auto or lots. 83 Fifth St.. room 1. CHOICE Portland lots to trade for good 6-passenger auto. 83 Fifth st., room 1. TEN or twenty acres near Beaverton, to ex change for city property. S 806. Oregonian. WILL trade diamonds for property or smt or furniture. 324 First st. YOU can trad any kind of property at room 1019 Board of Trad. TO EXCHANGE. WANTED Oregon land, city or country, in exchange for Wisconsin farm located Jn Washburn County, six miles from county seat, and two miles from Poetoffice. con taining 640 acres; all fenced with three strand barbwlre; new - 8-room bungalow with good cellar, good furnace, open fire place, hardwood floors; well and wind mill with steel tower; also there is an old set of farm buildings on the land; all in first-class .shape. This is an ideal stock proposition. Give description and price of property for trade. WELDON DARLING, 620 Board of Trade. OWNER of 640 acres Nebraska land, on way to Portland, wants to locate In Ore gon, ln Willamette Valley preferred, and will trade his A-l wheat land, which is worth $15 an acre, for good fruit or vege table land; must be good value and bear investigation; might assume about $5000; give full particulars soon as possible. JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON, 32 Lafayette bldg., Washington and 6th. $9000 IN 8 per cent contracts for sale of fruit land worth $25,000 to exchange for Eastern Oregon or valley lands or equity in Portland property. Can add some real estate or cash if necessary. A 810, Ore gonian. $2000, AND SOME CASH. Comfortable six-room home, close in on West Side, to exchange for small farm or acreage near Portland. M'ADAMS. 2 Lumbermens Bldg. WILL exchange 2 new modern houses;' East Side, close In; price $8000. for farm near Portland. What have you? H. W. Gar land & Co., 191 4th st. 6 ACRES. 25 minutes from center of city, cleared; Ideal for couple suburban homes; exchange for good home in city; value $0000. L 810. Oregonian. FOR SALE or trade, a nice home ln San Diego. Cal.. for a home ln Portland. Or. Address Geo. W. Merry, 350 Benton St., Portland. 9 SOUTH MT. TABOR lots worth $27()0 to trade for home of equal value; must be clear. AH 809. Oregonian: 80 ACRES improved and stocked. $3000; 35 miles from Portland. Angeles Trust Co., 326is Wash. St.. room 417. EQUITY In good wheat ranch to trade for first mortgage or real estate contract. M 607, Oregonian. GROCERY to trade for city lot. 321 Lum bermen's bldg. , WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Portland city property and Will amette Valley acreage to exchange for Central Oregon irrigated lands. wheat lands and town property. We also have buyers for your property. List with us. DESCHUTES VALLEY LAND & INVEST- MENT COMPANY. 301-302 Buchanan bldg. on Washington, ' near Fifth St. WANT to buy from owner, between Washing ton and Jofferson sts., west of Park and east of J4th st., corner up to half block; give prlco for cash and location in letter. B 814. Oregonian. WH have a buyer for a good building lot on the East Side. . The price must be right. LINCOLN TRUST COMPANY. 215 Lewis Bldg. WANT TO LIST GOOD PROPERTY of all kinds. FERRIS-MING REALTY CO., 508 Board of Trade. WE have a buyer for a good apartment house or apartment-house site on the West Side; must be a bargain. LINCOLN TRUST COMPANY, 215 Lewis Bldg. WANTED Four or five-room cottage, with H or 1 acre, along Oregon City line. Give price, terms and lowest amount of cash acceptable. V S06, Oregonian. HAVE YAU A 6-ROOM house or bungalow ln Holllday Park or Irvington? We have the buyer. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, S4 4th St., Board of Trade. WANTED On the West Side, a good R to 30-room house; must be ln first-class con dition and first-class locality. Agents or owners. G 811. Oregonian. REAL ESTATE or equities in same Hought and sold. List with us. GRAY-CUNNING HAM -GRAY, 722-723 Electric Bldg. WANTED Tracts of land. Improved or un improved, ln Western Oregon-; must be cheap; give particulars; owners only AF 805. Oregonian. WANTED Quarter block, with house of not less than seven rooms; give best cash price. D 814, Oregonian. WANTED About 5-acre fruit tract, close in. near streetcar: state price and im- " Auureas u Bio, oregonian. WiTED Income property. West Side from $10,000 to $15,000. Owners or agents. T 806, Oregonian. WOLLD like to buy a lot in Piedmont or vicinity: $100 down and $25 per month. B 811. Oregonian. WE have casn buyers for close-In acreage. The Van Dersal Co., 018 Board of Trade. Phone Marshall 468. FOR BALa-a-TDTPER LANDS, TIMBER. Tin ber lands, sawmills or machinery, bought, sold or exchanged. J. I. Montgomery, manager of the Timber Department. M. E. THOMPSON CO.; Corner Fourth and Oak sts. FOR sale Most desirable millslte on Columbia River; 61 acres; excellent facilities for rail, foreign and coastwise shipping. For fur ther particulars inquire of McCARGAR, BATES & LIVELY. 318 Failing bldg., Portland. Oregon. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR fourth of crop, 1100'apre wheat farm near Olex. Gilliam County, Oregon; abun dant water. R. T. Cox, 250 ft 3d St.. Port land, Or. FOR RENT 1 acre near carllne. with large poultry-houses; also for sale 1 choice White Leghorn fowls. H. G. Starkweather, R. F. D. No. 1, Milwaukle, Oregon. 20 ACRES near Montavllla, Si In fruit and berries; good house, barn and chicken park. 404 E. 11th St. E 3578. FOR RENT Ten acre, city limits. Inquire 874 East Washington St. CELERY and onion ground; good location close to cars. M 806, Oregonian. - WANTED TIMBER LANDS. ' ' TIMBER lands wanted. C. J. Mccracken. 304 McKay bldg. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANTED To rent farm, 5 to 40 acres, on shares. T 805. . Oregonian. WANTED To rent a small farm, all fur nished. G 812. Oregonian. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. MAN with grader.-scrapers and one or more teams to work on new H-mile racetrack and aviation park. Merrill, 7th and Oak. afternoons. FOR SALE Rubber-tired canopy top sur rey; first-class condition. Inquire 174 Union ave. Tucker's wagon shop. $165 Four-year-old driving and riding horse, gentle, new rUhber-tlred buggy and harnese. Phone Tabor 280. FOR SALE Good chunky 2400-pound team horses.- double harness, express wagon, all for $150. Call corner Mill and Park sts. DR. L. G. STICKNEY, V. S. Office 40 EX Burnsdde, E. 655; residence, E. 171. HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all kinds for sale. $34 Front sc. SHETLAND PONIES for sale. E. B. Turner Country Club. Take Rose City Park can 3 GOOD teams with one 5-year-old mule and harness for sale cheap. 830 Burnslde. NEW hand-made covered .grocery wagon about 3000 lbs. capacity. 727 Mississippi ave. NEW hendmade covered grocery wagon about 3000 pounds' capacity. 72ff Mississippi ave. A FINE camp-wagon. Apply corner Cali fornia and Macadam st., Fulton. ONE team well matched valley horses 5 jcn.a - O Atussel St. FOR SALE Span of horses, weight 21TO $145. 7th and E. Stark. ' DARK bay honse. record 2:15, buggy end harness, nearly new. 201 13th st. ONE team well matched, weighing SSOO, sound, and true. 26 Russell at. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE. Portland Stables. 26 North 15th. u. 1 team. 3000 lbs.. 7 years old, $4251 1 team, 2600 lbs.. 7 years old. $425; 1 team, 500 lbs., s years old. $400; 1 team, 2300 lbs.. 7 years old. $300: 1 team. 2404 lbs., 9 years old. $300; 1 team. 2800 lbs., 12 years old. $175; 1 horse. 1300 lbs.. 1 years old. $200: 1 horse. 1400 lbs., 6 yean old, $225; 1 mare, 1125 lbs.. 5 years old, $150; 1 mare. 1175 lbs.. 10 years, old. $1371 1 horse. 1050 lbs.. 10 years old, $125. 1 will give a written guarantee with every horse I sell to be exactly as represented or your mony refunded. I will furnish prospective customer with both bank and business references. R. L. Evans. FOR SALE A seal-brown stallion, weigh! 1050. 4 years old,'Mlrlves with open and blind bridle, been trained 4 months and shows the world's speed. If some onl wanted a stock horse here is the real thins. He is bred by the King Red. H by Red Wilkes. We have got the breed ing down from the first to the sixth dam. He is standard and registered; a perfect beauty, will sell for cash or trade tot California property. 505 Alblna ave. LADY'S driving and rldiing horse of k!n4 and gentle dis-position. bay color. 8 yean okl; ali. nearly new Bally buggv and har ness: owner leaving city. AOdress Mr. Boody, care Roberts Bros., or phone Main FOR SALE. 0 young driving hoses. 1 draft mare. 1 driving mare. 1 spring wagon. 1 farm wagon. 1 double-seated hack. 1 set farm harness. FREE DM AN BROS.. 489 Overton St.. bet. 13th and 14th. A CHANCE SELDOM OFFERED. $150 cash win purchase mv outfit, con sisting of chestnut horse, age 7, weight about 1100 lbs., true to work ' anywhere and a free roadster; safe for a lady to drive, and fearless; also harness in good condition and rubber-tired buggy; will be sold to be as represented or money re funded. 606 Washington st. HORSES FOR SALE. 20 bead of as good horses as ever came to Portland are on sale at the Hawthorne stahles. 420 Hawthorne ave.; weigh from 1000 to 1700 lbs.; these horses will be guaranteed by us and everybody knows our guarantee is good; references Citizens Bank. 420 Hawthorne ave. A 8-YEAR-OLD gelding, weight 1150. brecl by Lovles. his first dam by Markanan. he Sreen trotter, but with all kinds of speed, he never was trained but I will go V .n ,th? tr,fcK at any t,m? na drive Vim, a f.u", m" better than :40; price la '. ' I leavo fr California and will sell my horse. 505 Alblna ave. FOR SALE Horses, harness and wagons. Remember, we el, guaranteed horses and mares. If not as represented they can be returned. We also have on hand several delivery, farm, vegetables and milk wagons I'L' Hawthorne-Ave. tables, 420 Hawthorne ave. WN,TEDThe, bet ,arm team that $350 will buy: could use harnew and some farm Implements Thursday afternoon. 2 to 4 C?ub0bldghardi' C"' r00m 3 Con"nre'i FOR SALE A good-paying grocery store clearing $250 per month: this plaoe has nice fixtures, horses and wagon: good iTwchiail rent: th8 Prlc8 ' right. F 813. Oregonian. WANTED RANCH OUTFIT. Pair horses about 2500 lbs., wagon and harness: please describe outfit fully and name price, which must be cheap. Ad dress J 814. Oregonian. $100 BUYS dark dapple gray horse, age 5: weight 1300 bs.. true to pull single or aouble; lost his mate onlv reason for aell Inquire for T. V. Smith s horse, 606 Washington st. $210 MARE AND GELDING $2 IO Ages 7 and 9, weight 2600 lbs.; a little thin ln flesh, but a more reliable team could not lie found In this state; guaran teed. 606 Washington st $225 BUYS team and harness: team blacks, ages 6 and 8. weight 2550 lbs.; block built and closely matched; can pull 5 tons. 0o6 Washington st. A CARLOAD of fine horses from 4 to T years old weight from 1200 to 1700. See that lot before buying) 505 Alblna ave.. open Sundays. M"fT sound young 2200-pound team horses, true pullers, farm wagon, new har nffs.?mplece 175- Owner leaving city. 80I Mill St. 6 HEAD of horses for sale 'at the Columbia broke WolKhC lau0 and up: '"!$ end well U. S. FEED AND TRANSIENT STABLES. Best accommodations for travelers. Ladies1 waiting-room. Prices moderate. 248 Front. $-ib BUYS good work team and good harness also 2 wood wagons for sale. $50. Inaulre 314 B. 6th St.. comer Market. ,Ulr' FIRST-CLASS heavy draft and driving horses always on hand. Sold with guarantee as represented. U. S. Stables. 248 Front. HA v 3 you a good saddle or harness horaeT Kramer, at 15th and Alder sts.. will sell It for you on commission. Both phones. FOR SALE 24-ton platform wagon, nearly new, cheap. Corner 27th and Pettygrove sts. Phone Main 6837. WANTED Medium-sized and priced horse, delivery purposes. Call 203 Taylor St. Automobiles. PACIFIC AUTO CO., 266-268 Eleventh St. Automobile bought, sold and exchanged: we are legitimate and responsible dealers; every car guaranteed as represented- we handle second-hand cars for the dealers, runabouts and touring cars of every standard make. Call and look them over. 1909 OLDSMOBILE. Elegant condition. 6 months old; will sell tor $2000 cash; fully equipped; owner leaving city. 83 Fifth St.. room 1. WANTED To purchase for cash, late model standard make automobile, 6 or 7-passenger 30-horsepower or more; must be first-class. S 772, Oregonian. WANTED to buy 30 or 40 H. P. runabout; must be good condition and cheap for cash. H 812. Oregonian. WILL trade diamonds, bank stock," bonds or real estate for good automobile. K 813. Oregonian. CARTER CAR AGENCY. 530 Alder St. C. W. VAUGHAN, Mgr. AUTOMOBILE, $750. 5-passenger Bulck. Geo. R. Flora. 470 E. Burnslde st. RUNABOUT wanted In partial exchange foi small touring oar. 426 E. Alder. LARGE automobile for sale at & big bargain. Call 411 Corbett bldg. Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. FOR SALE $100 certificate to apply on pur-, chase price of piano; what will you give for It? Inquire room 317 Board, of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. ROSEWOOD square piano; sweet tone, $50t 1295 Corbett st. WILL sacrifice an elegant upright piano for $125 cash. Rabb & Patton. 90 5th st. Birds, Dogs, pet 8 toes:. WHITE ORPINGTONS. K E LL ERST R ASS STRAIN. Eggs for hatching: a few fine cockerels. A. WISBORG. 839 Missouri Ave. FOR SALE 8 cows. 2 fresh, also 1 Jer sey bull. Inquire Walsh fafm, Mllwaukle, Or. M iscellaneone. 1 60-tH. P. BOILER. 1 40-H. P. engine. 1 20-H. P. engine. 1 10-H. P. engine. 1 50-H. P. motor. 1 30-H. P. motor. 1 lo-H. P. motor. 1 200-llght dynamo. Several other dynamos. Pulleys, belting. Shafting, boxes. Ralls, sheetlron. Rubber roofing. Corrugated Iron. If ever ln need of any pulleys, belting shafting or hangers or any other kinds 01 machinery, see us, as we can positively save you money. J. SIMON & BRO, 244-250 First St. UP-TO-DATE soda fountain with 3 dozen glass holders, spoons, etc. 83 N. 3d St. 600 B'JSINESS cards $1 If you bring this ad. Rose City Prlntery. 182 Sd. near Taylor. PHOTOGRAPH outfit cheap, or will trade ' for phonograph. R 809. Oregonian. RARE bargain, quick sale, standard risible typewriter. $20. B0 6th at.