THE MORNING OREGONIAX, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 101O. 19 BOB RENT. Furnished Ilouae. FOR RENT FUR N IP H E D. fi-room modern house; furnished ; on Johnson rt.. West Si'Je. . THE SHAW FEAR CO.. 245 Stark St. Main 35; A 3500. W EST SIDE FT RN ISH ED HOUSE. Fine 6-room houe. completely furnished, with tawing machine, etc.; walking distance, on Arthur st.: rent $3". GRUSSI A; ZADOW, ai7 Board of Tra.le Bids., 4th and Oak. ,JCEW, completely furnished 6-room house. 26M E. 23d, near Hawthorn ave. Call from 2 to 6. Houses for Rent. Furniture for Sale- ft-ROOM FLAT, 250. Good 6-room flat, on Fourth St.: rent J25. with- $2. worth of rooms rented; fur niture for sale at a snap: 25: lady going away and must sell; G minutes walk from post offite. YAMHILL ST. HOUSE. Good modern 8-room house, with fur nace: rent $45, with $78 worth of rooms rented; furniture is No. 1 and for sale at $lf0U, part cash and balance monthly. CRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board nf Trade Bldg.. Fourth and Oak Sts. THREE newly furnished rooms, furniture for sale very cheap on terms like rent : every t hlng new ; one room rented pays over half the rent; pood location: owner go In it away; a bargain. 341 14th St., cor ner Market. THE furniture of a nice modern 12-room house for sale $550 : ckears f,0 month and have suite fr own use; close In, "West Side ; all furnished complete and good ; going to Nevada, must sell. Call 191 4th st. ' LOWER fiat of 4 rooms; lovely location; walking distance; West Side; vacant Mar. 2: some furniture for sale. AM SOU, Ore gonian. SACRIFICE. Verv elecant dining-room t. leather chair, buffet and table of choicest quality. Apply evenings. 79u Kearney st. TIRST-CLASS furniture, pictures, etc., for sale, four-room modern flat: flat for rent, fine location. 421 West Park, flat P. 6-KOOM modern flat, furniture for sale, map; call 404 College st. for key, morn ings. FURNITURE of a five-room flat for sale; nearly new; $250. loQ East 33d. near Bel mont. ITRMTURE 5 rooms, modern ; sell cheap : 2 rooms' income pava rent; 50 down, $10 month. SS loth st. VERY central, upper tioor rays rent; four lower rooms for one's own use; $000; a snap. M 7S7. Oregonlan. Summer Resorts. fOR SALE at Seaside, Or., full-sized corner lot and furnished 5-room bungalow. Phone C 2278. Jl 5-ROOM cottage at Seaside, Or., for sale cheap. Address AB 321, E.. 34th st. city. Stores. FOR rent 5-sory brick building, 2d and Ash; also large brick building soil table for auto mobile garage; small more, 25x65, 249 Madi son sU Apply R. T. Cox. Main 422. 8 LARGE modern stores in new brick building on fth st. for rent cheap; will give four-year lease. Dietz-M ueller Co., 316 Abington bldg. FOR RENT 4-story and basement brick store building. 100x165. S- E. cor. Front and pine sts. Apply C A. Dolph. Mohawk bldg. E. ASH AND GRAND AVE. Choice location, fine windows, store 25 x 50; will give lease. Inquire Osborne Hotel. GRAND AVE. AND E. ASH. Elegant corner suitable for drug store; will give lease. Inquire on premises. C)NE new storeroom, 25x60, left In new block. Apply at drugstore, 800 Front at. Either "F" or S" car. FOR RENT Stores at reasonable rent, new brick building, S. W. cor. 2d and Flan ders. Inquire 291 Morrison. Offices. FOR RENT Fine location for brokerage of fice, also room to carry small etock of goods. Inquire at 95 Front at., or phone Main 110. JFOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished office or desk room in Lumbermen's bldg. In quire room 2O5-0. a-'OR RENT A few offices in Couch bldg. Apply 603 Lewis bldg. Halls. iFLOOR space. 40x00, suitable for light manufacturing or printing rffice; also swell office rooms for rent. Inquire of A G. Churchley, photographer, 145 3d si. BALLROOM, good location. In good condi tion, reasonable. B. F. Jones, 800 Front. Warehouse. FOR RENT OR LEASE Brick warehouse, with elevator and large offices; 50x100; three stories and basement. Comer 4 th and Glisan sts. Apply to U. G. Woodward, 104 2d st. WILL improve to suit tenant ; Ideal ware house location; West Side, ctose in ; 10ix 1H; trackage facilities. AD 806, Ore gonian. FOR RENT Warehouse. 1 or 2 floors, lOOx 100. brick building, on track, 13th and Irving sts. Main 5:151. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. OLD ESTABLISHED BUSINESS. With tremendous trade all over th-a Pa cific Coast and a large mail order busi ness all over the United States. This business has been established 11 years and the books a no open for your closest in spection. The stock will invoice about 520.000, but can reduce the stock to suit. Will sell for cash or trade for good real estate. Will teaoh the buyer the busi ness to the smallest detail and will re main with the buyer 6 or 12 months if desired. Address T 78 S, Oregonian. 15-ROOM HOUSE. 12TH ST. Good 15-room house, rent $0 per month, with lease; $175 worth of rooms rented; nearly all housekeepln g - suites ; furniture is good and for sale at a snap; $is50; on 12th St.. near Washington. C.RUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. Fourth and Oak Sts. CARPET-CLEANING BUSINESS. Established business, paving not less ' than $300 per month, and the only one of its kind in the city, having no competition and a live business man can work this up to an enormous business: price Is $4000. f?ee us for further particulars. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Hoard of Trade Rldg., Fourth and Oak Sts. WO money needed; young man, hustler, to take full charge suburban real estate of fice. R HQS, Oregonlan. "liROv'ERY Honest partner wanted; requires very little money ; need not pay 1 cent before you try it. Call 24Sh Stark st. ARB you looking for a pool room? Here is a dandy at a bargain ; cigar Mand and room for confectionery. See owner, 502 AVilliams ave. SUBURBAN meat market, doing big busi ness, ti horses and wagons, cheap rent ; only - 2600. 506 Board of Trade. SALOON for sale or rent. Inquire Monte Carlo Saloon, cor. 4th and Couch. CONFECTIONERY and cigar stand worth $650; sacrifice 2500. 506 Board of Trade. FOR SALE One-chair barber shop, $75. 550 Jz Jefferson. BEST locatifin for dry goods business in Central Washington. H 796, Oregonian. POOLROOM, clears' $::oo month; long lease, easy terms. Call 24S RiarR st. 600 BUSINESS cards $1 if you bring thU ad. Rose City Printery, 192 3d. near Taylor. CIGAR stand and pool room at Linnton. Or. For particulars phone Main 0479. FOR SALE A barber shop and pool room on Hawthorne ave. 34. FIRST-CLASS real estate and business chance office; low price. 21 1 4th st. CASH grocery, clean stock, busy store; will invoice. Call 24S Stark at. BPECI A L Solid business; partner wanted ; pays $4iO monthly. Call 417 Board of Trade. KOI? SALE by owner, cigar and confec tionery ; lease. 264 Alder. MODERN tailor shop for sale; good loca tion ; cheap. 145 Third st.. room 1. CAN show you 2 per cent income on 21400 realty investment- M 805 Oregonian. HEAL ESTATE biu-ln'sn. partner wanted; pay salary and profits. Call 417 Board of Trade. BUSINEE OPPORTUNITIES. 83-ROOM hotel, heart of city, nicely fur nished ; cteara heat, hot and cold water; every room light and cheerful and always occupied ; 2 entrances; Jong lease; rent 2250, worth $350; price $450. easy terms; thorough investigation solicited. 71-room commercial hotel ; best business srreet. on corner; alt outwlde rooms, fplen dldly "furnished; office ground floor; seldom a vacant room; monthly profits $0O to 29oO; . long Jeae; rent S3K7.50; present owner leav ing city; Investigate this; $7000 cash will ft an die. P. L. AUSTIN CO., Exclusive Hotel Brokers. Suite 7 and 8, 3G2 Washington St. OREGON OIL. OREGON OIL. Entirely new field, same formation a California, within 100 miles of Portland; near railroad ; well only 110O feet deep and now has 9 feet of oil. Small capitalization; large treasury fund; 320 acres under 25-lear lease at low royalty : heretofore private enterprise. Company now wants to raise a little more money to cement off the water, drill a little deeper into the oil sand and com plete the well. See the oil, learn about the company and subscribe for some of the stock before too late, with Fletcher, 225 Abington bldg. I IT AVE the best investment on the Pacific Coast for a man with $500. Call or write Ralph Bacon, 317 Henry bldg. UNLISTED STOCKS AND BONDS. Before BUYING any MINING, OIL,- WIRELESS or INDUSTRIAL stocks or bonds, try us. MONEY SAVED for YOTJ. For a QUICK sale, .list your stocks with us. Call or write. Wm- E. Davidson & Co., Lewis bldg. BARBER shop for sale; 2 chairs, cigars and tobacco in connection; 2- furnished liv ing rooms, 2-year lease, rent $12 per month; doing good business; owner leaving town; If sold this month will sell at a sacrifice; bargain. 365 First st. CONFECTIONERY and school store; best buy in the city ; 4-vears lease; close to 2 large schools; trade $12 to $15 a day; over r per cent profit ; tine neighborhood and flrnt-class building; price $ 1 50. Hall Jfc Powell. 321 Lumber mens bldg. THE nicest little mock of books, stationery and art goods in Portland; this busiinss is not dead, but a live one; it takes $12oo; a Miap for one or two young men. 427 Henry bldg. FOR SALE An excellent clothing. dry goods and shoe business, with lease on one of the best corner locations In Portland; can be bought on reasonable terms. Ad dress Box 376. city. EXPERIFNCED steam laundryman, capable of taking entire "charge ; must have at least $1500; can show best proposition in state; do not answer unless you can qual ify. A J S09, Oregonian. FOR SALE Planing mill in good location; owiwr Is connected with one of the largest, wholesale houses, and being unable to de pend on hired help will make terms. Call room 623 Lumber Exchange. WILL sell part Interest in my patent for swing door lock, to party that will push it because I have not time for the pur pose; little money mav make a fortune. R. Beuetikofer, 265 Salmon. STOCK in-a county bank In prosperous com munity: only bank in town of 600; a First National Bank that will pay divi dends from the start. -Address Mark Mc Laughlin, 400 Morrison st.. Portland Or. FOR SALE Cash grocery doing a good cash business; excellent location. West Side ; two years' lease; can be purchased for cash cheap. Call trade, no delivery. Address P. O. Box 316 city. FOR SALE Established Jewelry store on one of the principal streets; good trade: cheap rent; reasons for selling; will reduce stock to suit purchaser; tritiers need not apply. AK 806. Oregonian. DELICATESSEN Do you want a delicatessen that will pay your rent, living experues and give you $10o per month clear profit be sides? $70O buys it; terms. 427 Henry bldg. ELECTRICAL fixture and supply business at invoice ; splendid East Side location with a 3-year lease at a very low rental. W. J. Smith, 438 Chamber of Commerce. FIRST-CLASS grocery, good location, clean tock, doing a $2000 business monthly; stock at invoice. Phones Wood lawn 247, C 2042. WANTED To Invest $3000 to $4000 In good paying business. What have you to offer? muft bear close investigation. M 809, Ore gonian. NOTICE. If you want to buy. sell or exchange a hotel, call on P. L. Austin & Co. exclusive hotel brokers, suite 8, 362 Washington st. CIGAR and confectionery; entrance of thea ter; neat place and good location ; $350.. Bl-OCH REALTY CO., 221 Lumber mens Bldg. FOR RENT HOTEL The Raymond House, Lewiston. Idaho ; best - location in town ; 67 rooms; brick annex. Apply 810 Board of Trade. FOR SALE On easy terms or will trade for vacant lots or smaller house; 35-room hotel doing good business. Call 71 Vi North Sixth st. MACHINE SHOP partner wanted to do col lecting and look after orders; good salary, besides profits. Call room 523 Lumber Exchange. WANTED Neat, honest young man with $200 cash to show property and work in office : am alone and tired of hired help. 225 Fifth at. DO YOU want supplies or rent film ? We are Independent, do not belong to the trust. Pacific Film, Co., 303 Rothchlld bldg.. Portland, Or. OUR BOOKS ARE OPEN To enlarge business immediately ; want active partner to Invent $3oo0; lain year's profit over $15,000. M 68. Oregonian. 00x50 OR 33x70 feet floor apace. 16th and Alder, for tlnshop, plumbing shop, paint shop, auto repair, etc Inquire 808, Ore gonian bldg-. between 12 and 1 o'clock. ARCHITECT and builder wants partner to look after material and halp in office; will guarantee $200 monthly. Call room 623 Lum-ber Exchange. READY MONEY That's California Oil. Write for our monthly paper; it gives full particulars; its free. SAGAR-LOOM13 CO.. 710-711 Phelan bldg., San Francisco. $3000 STOCK- of general merchandise, In the Palouse country; no better location in the Northwest. Half cash, half trade. Box ("5. Oa k u d ah. Wash. 8M ALI cash business ; owner can't depend on hired help ; wants partner; will pay $25 weekly.' Call room 523 LumNar Ex change. FOR SALE -Clean grocery stock. doing $25,000 a year; close suburb to Portland; object of sale, sickness. Address AN 809, Oregonian. PA RTNER wanted -used to farm produce ; pay good salary; also profits; small In vestment required. Call 24SH Stark st. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and other bonds Tbought and sold. Fletcher Inv. Co., 225 Abington. PARTNER wanted to help in store: will pay energetic man $30 week; very little money required. Call 248 Stark st. REAL ESTATE and insurance company, old established, wants partner to do office work. Call room 553 Lumber Exchange. DRUG STORE for sale, near Portland; $1500 will handle; good opportunity. Address AL S06, Oregonian. LENTA L office, in good growing town in Washington, for sale; good practice. H 810 Oregonian. WANT to let contract for clearing 20 or more acres east of city. Vanduyn & Wal ton. 515 Chamber of Commerce. GROCERY" store and confectionery ; 5 living rooms; trade $40 a day, at invoice. Hail & Powell, 321 Lumbermens bldg. JOIN ME in a platting proposition; handle our own property; ground floor investment. S. T. WALKER. 604 Corbett Bldg. BUTCHER shop and grocery; price $000; will sell or exchange for Portland real estate. J. Cunningham. Arleta. Phone Tabor 205. DELICATESSEN and ice-cream store; part ner wanted, to be cashier, etc. ; prefer lady; $150 required. Call 248 Stark st. ONE-HALF Interest In a first-class whole sale business for sale; best location In the city. Answer at once. P 801, Oregonian. 30.000 SHARES of Magnesite stock; mine In full operation ; railroad within half mile. Excellent deposit. T 771. Oregonian. FOR SALE Established fine-paying mov ing picture iheater in Portland ; particu lars 526 i Washington St. FOR SALE A good bakery in a live Wil lamette Valley town; a profitable business. AG 80tt. Oregonian. FOR SALE Small cash store, with living rooms, on Capital Hill. Owner Scot tie. FOR SALE Restaurant, near east end of Steel bridge. Phone Exst 942. BUSINESS OFPOBTIMTIE3. RESTAURANT ON SIXTH ST. Nice clean restaurant on Sixth St., close to Washington, clearing $3iH per month ; cheap rent, with lease; owner has other business interests and must leave the city in the next few days, therefore is willing to sacrifice his business here and will sell for $600; $250 cash and $50 per month; easily worth $ 12oo. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg., Fourth and Oak Sts. 24-ROOM commercial hotel. outside city; population 3000; office and dining-room ground tloor; rates $2 per day; always full; only hotel In city; good place f-r bar; building, real estate and furniture included ; price, if sold In lo days, $47i; cash, $2500, balance long -terms at 6 per "cent. P. L. AUSTIN & CO.. Exclusive H-tel Broker. Suite 7 and 8, 362 Washington St. PARTNER wanted In light manufacturing business ; will clear you $150 per month ; $ii50 will handle It; experience not neces nary; satisfaction guaranteed before you Invest a cent. Call room 315 Lumber Ex change bldg., 2d and Stark sts. GENERAL merchandise store, located In good town, river and rail transportation; wntral location, low rent; inventory about $3500. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY, 416 Abington Bldg. RESTAURANT Up to date, modern in all ap pliances; center -of "city; doing big busi ness; liquors alone pay the running ex penses; rent only $50; 3 years leae; price $1200; owner sick. Suite 8. 362 Washing, ton. GROCERY. Store doing business of $150 to. $200 daily ; owner retiring ; will sell at invoice and take good security as payment ; no bonus. Particulars, room 315 Lumber Ex change bldg., 2d and Stark sts. MUST have active partner at once, in the most up-to-date and best-paying saloon and grill room in city, clearing better than $500 per month; now If you can in vest $4 tOO caah for one-half interest in - same, address Y 772. Oregonian. IF you can put up $3500 hard cash at once we can put you in one of the finest, neat est restaurants in the city end a regular gold mine; a very rare opportunity and a snap. BECKER & CO., 611 Swetland Bldg. $850 CASH makes you proprietor dandy, neat, money-making restaurant ; good fix tures, large roonu, cheap rent, fine loca tion ; veritable snap. 4 others, higher price, to select from. BECKER & CO.. 611 Swetland Bldg. PARTNER wanted in general store, man age the business and draw good salary, be sides profits; sell Interest at invoice. Par ticulars, room 315 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts. ONE of the best grocery stores In city; fine location; 2 years lease; clean stock at Invoice. BLOCK REALTY CO., 221 Lumbermens Bldg. REAL ESTATE Energetic partner wanted In old-established firm that will stand In vestigation. His interest will nay well ; little money required. Call 28672 Wash ington st., room G12. LUMBER YARD in growing and prosperous Valley town; business well established and paying well ; this will bear closest investi gation and will sell reasonable. Call or write. 613 Chamber Commerce. FURNITURE and hardware. West Side; $050. BLOCK REALTY CO.. 221 Lumbermens Bldg. $1700 CASH Fine grocery, excellent loca tion, prominent corner, cheap rent, fine stock and fixtures ; get after this quick. Becker & Co., 11 Swetland bldg. RESTAURANT doing good business; owner going to leave town Monday; will sell at a bargain if taken this week. Phone B 2037. CARPENTER Want a partner for half In terest in one of the best shops in town; only $150 required. Call 513 Chamber Com- ' merce. BAKERY and delicatessen ; 3-years' lease; sales $20 a day; 4 living rooms; fSOU. BLOCH REALTY CO.. 221 Lumbermens Bldg. PRINTING office and newspaper doing splendid business, for sale cheap or will trade for small residence. R 786. Ore gonian. PARTIES with $50 to $500 to Invest can secure an interest In good paying business; money under own control. See Bishop, S28-& Mohawk bldg. TRANSIENT hotel and saloon; absolutely the best location In Portland ; long lease; clearing over $.S00 per month. Particulars .280 '4 Wasnington St., room 612. MILLINERY, ladies and children's furnish ings1; nice new Spring stock In one of the bet suburbs, doing a good profitable busi ness1; low rent, leae. 427 Henry bldg. CIGARS and confectionery, Washington st. ; good clean stock and fine fixtures; sales about $15 a day; $00. Hall & Powell. 321 Lumbermens bldg. CORNER saloon, fine location, with lease; furniture of 6 living rooms included; price $1 500. Call 286 3 Washington St., room 612. LIST your property and business chances for quick action with Geo. S. Allen Realty Co., Henry bldg. 27 GOLD MINES; invest only $1 & month; $12 has made $15,240; free booklet. Addreea Sunset Exploration CO., box 813, Seattle, Wash. CLEAN little money-making restaurant; all or one-half at a bargain. 506 Board of Trade. FIRST-CLASS saloon. Baker City. Or. ; best location; doing good business. AG 700 Ore gonian. REAL ESTATE Owner wants reliable part ner to show land, etc; pay. energetic man $175 month. Particulars, 248i Stark st. DELICATESSEN Daily sales over' $20; splendid" location ; $750. Hall & Powell, 321 Lumbermens bldg. FOR SALE Roosevelt Cafe 60 North fith St.; good chance to make a big place out of it; pool room. etc. BARBERS 3 chairs, baths; good business; prices 15 and 35, neck shaves 5; long lease. Box 252, Mt. Vernon, Wash. CIGAR and candy etore; fine location; leaae; good reason for selling. AD 800, Ore gonian. A SNAP if taken this week; a good gro cery and confectionery for sale on account of other business. AD M7, Oregonian. TWO-CHAIR barber shop for sale. 413 Mor rison st. ROOMING-HOUSES. ROOMING-HOUSE, 10 rooms, beautiful modern house, has steam heat, full base ment, wash trays, porcelain bath, every room light and well arranged, rent only $ 40 month ; furniture all first-class and clean; 2 suites of housekeeping, rents for $55; balance all permanent roomers; this house clears $50 month above all ex penses; located on West Side ; 5 minutes' walk to P. O. ; trouble causes party to sacrifice at $600. See H. W. Garland & Co., 191 4th st. $2sn0 iO-ROOM apartment house, in choice neighborhood; this house clears $125 above expenses: well furnished and requires very little work to manage: rent $12G, with lease; can give good terms. Fine furniture of six-room flat near WaPhington St.; rent $:t5; two rooms pays rent ; price $500; $275 cash. balance monthly. COMET REALTY CO.. 602 Swetland bldg. 130-ROOM modern house, new building, fire proof ; new furniture ; 4-year lease, hot a nd cold running water and phone in every room; clearing over $1000 per month: price $20.XiO. me termc. If you are looking for a money-maker, here is your chance. If you are interested, address R 8ott, Oregonian and make appointment. H-ERE IS CERTAINLY A BEAUTY. ldeal, elegant location, beautiful new golden oak furniture, best of carpets, everything first-class and high-grade, tine beds, costly mattresses and bedding, beautiful, thoroughly modern flat, all out side, cheery rooms; to see this Is certain to appreciate It; 8 rooms, $700 hard cash. BECKER & CO., 611 Swetland Bldg. ROOMING-HOUSE, center of city; Seventh near Stark: 10 good light rooms always full; rent $50; income over $lOO month. Thia is a splendid buy and good for regu lnr or transient trade. For a short time only we can sell it for $550. Hall & Powell, 3C1 Lumbermens bldg. 15 ROOMS, well located, low rent, new fur niture, every way desirable ; price $!MK; terms. Call 2S6")fe Washington st.. room 612. HALF Interest in boarding hotel, $?500; you take full charge, as owner is leaving city: $600 per month profit. T 773, Oregonian. SNAP Rooming-house, 70 looms; brick build ing, Washington st. : good furniture; price $1.VM eay terms. Cat! 417 Board of Trade. 14-ROOM rooming-house, for rent, $45 per month. Shaw-Fear Co., 24 Stark sU Mala 35, A So 00. ROOMING-HOUSES. MRS. LENT'S AGENCY. HOTELS AND ROOMING-HOUSES FOR SALE. Phon-3 Main 8S60, A 475. 2S6 W Washington St., Rooms 405-406. We handle only first-class propositions. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. 65 rooms, steam heat Included In rent, good corner, right down town; will con sider city real estate of $2500; some cash, and balance terms ; price $6500. NEW AND MODERN. 52 rooms, on-a of the most modern and best-equipped houses . In the city; rent only $3n0; long lease; only $5000 cash. HERE IS A BARGAIN. 4 4 rooms, new corner brick building, rent only $300. Including steam heat, 2 entrances, running wawr in all rooms; nothing like this for the money: price $4500. EXTRA BARGAIN. 3 2 ROOMS. All on one floor .steam heat, hot water and janitor service free, nets ov3r $200 a month; $1200 handles this; price $3600. 21 ROOMS. For $1600; good furnace, all housekeeping, close in, 14th st.. $1000 cash. TO EXCHANGE. $1900 equity in fine lots In the city and $1000- cash to exchange for good .rooming-house; will assume a difference. $300 NET PROFIT $300. 64 rooms, elegantly furnished through out with best grade Axminster carpets ; golden oak and mahogany furniture; best location in the city: hot and cold run ning water, electric lights and other mod ern conveniences ; absolutely the cheapest rent in the cfty at $300 per month, with long lease, and snowing a net profit of $300 per month; will accept Portland residence as part payment. Ste this plauo at once. If you want a money-maker. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH, 510-511-512 Swetland Bldg. WANTED Partner for large rooming-house proposition ; good chanoa for live man. W 7S4, Oregonian. SPECIAX NOTICES. Proposals Invited. PROPOSALS for fuel, oils, forage and bed ding. San Francisco, Cal., March 15, 101O. Sealed proposals in triplicate, will be re ceived here, and at office of Quartermas ter at Fort Kosecrans and Presidio of Monterey, until 1 1 A. M-, April 15, 1910, and at the office of the Depot Quarter master, Honolulu. H. T., until 0 A. M., April 15, l9io, and then opened, for fur nishing, during the fiscal year commenc ing July 1, 1910, wood, coal, fuel oil. min eral oil, gasoline, forage, bedding, etc., for posts and stations in the Department of California. Preference given to articles of American production, conditions of quality and price ( Including in the price of for eign productions the duty thereon) being equal, and such preference given to articles of American production produced on the Pacific Coast to the extent of consumption required by the public service t here. In formation furnished on application to the quarters at Fort Kosecrans and Presidio of Monterey, the Depot Quartermaster. Honolulu, H. T., or to undersigned. F Von Schrader. Chief Quartermaster. CALL OF BONDS BEFORE MATURITY. Sealed propoe-ala will be received at the office of the Lewiston Land & Water Com pany, Limited, in the .City of Lewiston. Idaho, on or before theist day of April, 1910, for the sale of bonds of the Lewiston Land & Water Company, Limited, dated April l, 1908. Thoee bonds offered at the lowest price, not exceeding, however, par with interest ac orued to the lt of April, 1010, will be ac cepted and paid for to the extent of ten thousand ($10,000) dollars, or any cum in ex cess thereof on hand on .said 1st day of April, 1910, in the sinking 'fund created un der article III of the trust deed securing said bonds. LEWISTON LAND & WATER CO.. LTD. NOTICE is hereby given that the under signed will receive bids for the purchase of $45,000 of construction bonds, said bonds to run 20 years and draw 5 per cent interest, payable semi-annually. East bid must be accompanied by a bonafide deposit of $4500 and must be placed with Board of Education on or before the 5th day of April, 1010, at 7:30 o'clock P. M. The undersigned reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. Signed by the Board of Education of School District No. 7, of Josephine County, Oregon. J. C. SMITH. Chairman. EDWARD S. VAN DYKE. Clerk. LOST AMj POUND. FOUND Where you can buy genuine hair n at tresses retail at wholesale prices ; we renovate mattresses and return same day. Portland Curled Hair Factory, H. Metzger, 228 Front. Phone Main 474. A 1374. FOUND Where watches. diamonds and jewelry are sold for amount loaned and one 'month's interest. Uncle Myers Col lateral Bank, 71 6th st., between Oak and Pln-a. LOST Lady's ring, amethyst stone, sur rounded by diamonds ; liberal reward for return, as ring was gift. Richardson, apartment 39. Main 1498 or 2330. LOST Last week, two keys on ring In Wal lace auto, leather cover. Return to 3O0 McKay bldg. FOUND Ladies' pocket book with return ticket to Rainier. Mr. Kenny, care the Jacobs-Stine Co. LOST Saturday, March 12. amethyst pin with pearl and diamonds ; reward paid finder at 322 Corbett bldg. LOST Two artificial red roses, on Thomp son or Tillamook sts.. between Union ave. and E. 16th; kindly phono East 45U8. LOST Scotch collie pup , from 228 Ash st. ; $5 reward for its return. Address Dr. Hamilton Meade. McKay bldg. FUR collarette ; owner can have same by calling at 107 Fourth st. and paying for thia ad. LOST Sunday afternoon. discharge from U. S. Army; finder return to 144 North 10th st. Reward. LOST Brown fur collarette, between Stark on 4th up Washington to 5th and Alder, tt:SO P. M. Phone Main 5076. Reward. LOST Pension of Oscar Bevan, March 4, 1910; return Oregonian office. LOST Waltham watch and gold fob; re ward. Phone Exchange I. House 44. LOST A key ring with 3 keys attached; re turn to Oregonian; reward. nNAXCJAL. Money to Loan Real Estate. $500,000 ON Improved city or farm property; building or small loans at lowest rates; large loans a specialty. J. M. McKlnzle Co., 514-15-16 Gerlinger bldg. MONEY to loan on first real estate mort gage. 7 per cent: amounts from $400 to 2O00. R. Beuetikofer, 265 Salmon. MONEY loaned, building purposes. If con sulted before building begins. Henry bldg. IMMEDIATE loans from $5 to $300, on all securities. W. A. Hathaway, room 10, Washington bldg. Phone Main S02. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A. H. Birrell Co., 202 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark. $200,000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty; building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck, 312 Failing bldg. MONEY to loan at reasonable rates, in sums from $500 up. The Dunn-Lawrence Co., 248 Alder st. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort gages. H. Miley, room 20-4 Gerlinger bldg. LOANS on wheat lanas. L. K. Moore. 611 Board of Trade, Portland, Or. WE BUY bank accounts, securities, foreign money; loans. F. H. Lewis. 3 Lewis bldg. MONEY to loan on Improved city property. Wm. Mac Master, 302 Worcester blk. LOANS, ANY AMOUNT. 5 AND 6 PER CENT. THAD S WEEK. SWETLAND BLDG. LOANS ON INSIDE CITY PROPERTY, 3 . TO 7 PER CENT. 814 LEWIS BLDG. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON, 233 STARK ST. MORTGAGE RATES. F. LOANS AT REASONABLE H. LEWIS. 3 LEWIS BLDG. MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or contract. W. H. Nunn, 44S Sherlock bldg. MONEY to loan; mortgages bought. Wm. Holl, 0 wasnington mug., 4tn ana wash. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security. C. W. Pallett, 304 Fen ton. WILL loan $10,000 or less, real estate. Far rlngton, 416 Commercial Club bldg. MONEY to loan, any amount. 6 to 8 per cent. Goodnough &. Seltz, 718 Board of Trade. Rtato funds loaned. 6 ner cent. W. E. Thom as slate agent.. Multnum W C. C. 1 1NANCIAL, Money tr Loan Real KstsUe. MONEY to loan on Improved property. It for building purposes, interest does not commence until actual disbursement of funds. Liberal repayment options. Co lumbia Life & Trust Co., il4 Lumber Ex change bldg. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes; 3 to 8 years time; liberal repayment privileges ; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable feavincs & Loan Association. 240 Stark st. PLENTY of money to loan at 6 and 7 per cunt on real estate security. ED W. p. MALL COMPANY, 309-31O Abington Bldg. FIRST and second mortgages and contracts purchased on Oregon and Washington lands. Xu. L Xevereaux, Fenton bidg, bd 6th at. I BUY for cash either first or second mort gages or sellers' equity in contracts of sale on real estate in Oregon or Washing ton. H. E- Noble, Lumbermens bldg. MORTGAGE loans on Portland real estate and Oregon farms for borrower or lend er. Gibson Ac Holilday, 3U4 and 5 ties lnger bldg. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries $$$$$$$$$ EASTER MONEY'. SPECIAL RATES FOR SPRING. SEE US TODAY. CHATTELS OR SALARY. Lowest rates and quickest er vice in the city. ABSOLUTELY NO PUBLICITY. HL'TTON CREDIT CO., 512 Dekum Bldg. Main 2369. $$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ARE YOU LOOKING FOR MONEY? If you would know how easy our terms are you would not be short of money. Don't Na bothered with a lot of small debts; let us furnish the money to settle them. WE LOAN ON Real Estate, Furniture and Pianos (with out rem oval , Storage Receipts, Lifo In surance Policies, Horses, Jewelry, Dia monds, and all kinds of securities, on easy weckiy or monthly paym-nu. We Buy First and Second Mortgages. Ail Business Strictly Confidential. U. S. REAL ESTATE & BROKERAGE CO. 12 Hamilton Bldg., 131 3d. Main 2084. $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$ NOTICE OF REMOVAL. Uncle Myers. Pioneer Money Lender, 71 Sixth. Between Oak and Pine. We loan money on atches. diamonds, sealskins, mink, muffs, overcoats, trunks, dress suit cases and musical lii&trumenu. UNCLE MYERS. 71 Sixth St.. Between Oak and Pine Sts. $ $ $ STATE SECURITY CO. $ $ $ B R O K E R S . 6 ALARY LOANS' ON PLAIN NOTES. $10 TO $iou. CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONF1DENTIAI. HOURS 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. WED. AND SAT. TO 8 P. M. STATE SECURITY CO., $ $ $ Soti FAILING BLDG. $ $ $ CHATTEL LOANS. Installment loans on pianos, furniture, warehouse receipts, horses, insurance poli cies and all kinds of securities; REAL ES TATE LOANS from $3000 up. NEW ERA LOAN & MTG. CO., 416 Abington Bldg. MONEY advanced salaried people, house keepers and others upon their own names without security ; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices in 06 principal cities; save yourself money by 'getting my terms first. TOLMAN, 317 Lumber Exchange. MONEY loaned anyone steadily employed on their plain note; return it in easy pay ments; strictly confidential; lowebt rates. See us and save money. 427 Henry bldg. WE loan money on diamonds and -jewelry at reasonable interest for long or short time. M. Delovage, jeweler, 269 Wash ington mu LOANS negotiated on good securities. GKA Y-CUNNING11AM-G KA Y . 722-723 Electric bldg. PRIVATE loans on diamonds and jewelry; strictly confidential ; lowest rates. Room 12. HamTTton bldg. 6ALARY loans, confidential, easy to get, easy to pay. F. A. Newton. 515 Henry bid. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds and jewelry. Marx A. Bloch. 74 3d st. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co., 414 Dekum bldg. Loans Wanted. WANTED $1200 on first-class real estate security, 2 years; private parties only. I'hone Olson, Main 6059. $300 MORTGAGE, S per cent, for 2 years; good real estate security. H 80 7, Ore gonian. WANTED $3000, 1 year 9 per c?nt, on sec ond mortgage; business property. A bQ', Oregonian. WE have a buyer for a lot In Vernon dis trict; will pay cash. Howard Land Co., 420 Swetland bldg. WANT $500 on house and lot worth $2500; will pay 8 .per cent; no agents. H bQH, Oregonian. $6000 WANTED on improved West Side property, worth $13,Ooo. M 709.. Oregonian. I WANT to borrow $1500 on good resi dence property. O 709, Oregonian. WILL pay IO per cent for $1400 2 years on 12 lots. ' AH 8'tS, Oregonian. WANTED Loan of $600 and one of $2000; private party. 208 Couch bldg. GILT-EDGE real estate contract, discount $12oo. 7 per cent. N 80T. . Oregonian. $1UM ON $6000 Inside improved property, 3 years, 6 per cent. N 8U9, Oregonian. $1000, DRAWING 7 per cent, due 3 years; real estate security. H 8t9, Oregonian. PERSONAL. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Hellslngfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach disorders, under physician's directions; baths. No. 7 East Eleventh street, second door south from East Ankeny car line. Phone East 2U0, B 1803. CLEARANCE SALE hair goods, barrettes and combs; special prices oa all work; latest styles in hair dressing; school of. hairdressing. manicuring and hospital In connection with parlors. Aza H. Rlbbicke, Grand Leader, 5th and Alder. LADIES Ask your druggist for Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pills. For 25 years known as the best, safest. Reliable. Take no other. Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold by druggists everywhere. DR. WALKER, specialist, quickly. cures blood and kln diseases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kidney, bladder and piles. 181 1st st., Portland. CUT-RATE wigmaklng, 355 Salmon st. ; finest toupees on market for $12 to $14; switches from ombins, $1.25, dyed to any shade ; hair bought. DR. G. V. KETCHUM. Diseases of women and chronic maladies only. . 170H 3d st. Hours 9 A. M. to 0 P. M. THE Ladles' Haberdashery. 11th St., be tween Washington and Alder; full line of Easter millinery: expert designers; open Wednesday and Saturday evenings. DR. ISABELLA MACKIE. Private hospital for women. 300 E. 5oth st. labor 899. Mme, Courtwrlght, skin and scalp treat ments, facial deformities corrected, plas tic surgery. 311 Fliedner bldg. M 5042. DR. LORENS' NERVE TONIC TABLETS. 25c box. restore lost vitality. Stipe, Tay lor Dtug Co., 289 Morrison st. 1 HER APEUTIC treatments given by grad uate nurse. Room 10, The St. Elmo, 410 Washington st. Telephone Main 4155. JOE KROLL, Box 212. Oregon City, would like to communicate with Michael Robe tich, foimerly of Manlstique, Michigan. BALM OF FIGS Remedies for diseases of women. 629 Belmont st. East 2498. FINNISH masseurs, Mr. and Mrs. Jurva. 105 Union ave.. N. East 6042, C 1758. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed Mrs. M. D. Hill. 429 Fliedner bldg. M- 347- A. G. WILSON Please phone Main 1001, PKRSONAX. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. TMseases of women and children, sur- $.ery; chronic and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods, up-to-date electrical appliances, private hospital accommodations; confinement cared for; consultation free. Room 10. Grand The ater bldg. Main 8028, A 5607. THE WARDROBE. Remember. we are the best In all branches; French dry and steam cleaning, French laundry work, making of men's and ladies tailored suits; all work guar anteed. Corner 23d and Washington. Main 6553, A G417. We call and deliver work. DR. D. 1,. LEWIS. Diseases of women and children; electric treatment for nervous diseases; private hos pital accommodation. Rooms B05-506 Com monwealth blUg., 6th and Ankeny. Phones Main 4u47, A 2411. DRESS suits for rent, all siaes, $1.50 month keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, but tons sewed on, rips sewed, prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark st. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants, B. H. COLLIS & CO., ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial. County and Municipal. Auditing Investigating and Systematizing. $24 Worcester Block. Phone Main 6567. Assayer and Analyst. PORTLAND ANALYTICAL LABORATORY, 23 Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak. M 5980. FOOD. commercial end drug analysis. Clarke, Woodard Drug Co.. Portland, Or. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. SG Morrison at. Wells & Proebstel, mining engineers, chem IaL9 and as say era. 204 Washington st. Architects. D. Ti. FL1CK1XGER, designer of ldal homes', .122 Mohawk bldg. Phone A 7235, B 1833, Main 1902. Attorneys at Law. H. H. RIDDEL L. attorney-at-iaw, 735 Cham bar of Commerce. Main 4764, A 3331. Chiropody. WM. EST ELL B and Floasle Deveny, the only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors 302 GerlinRer bldg., S. W. oor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. DR. MARSTON. chiropractor, treats diseases by drugless method. 2.S6Mt Washington, room 505 Buchanan bldg. Examination free. Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 429 Fliedner bldg. Phone Main 8473. CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp. Mrs. Dunton, 549 Washington. Marshall 1329. Collections and Law. OF ALL KINDS; out of town a specialty. Watson Merc. Service, 6U4-6V5 Lewis bldg. Commission Merchants. TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO., ship brokers com mifsion merchants. Sherlock bldg. Dan ring. FOUR DANCING LESSONS, $1. Prof. Wal Wlllson's Dancing School. 25c per lesson. Including teachers, music with each lesson every morning, afternoon and eve., guarantee to teach anyone to dance or refund money. Selling-Hirsch Hall.; b86Vi Washington, near loth st. Phones. Dog and Horse HospltaL DR. BROWN. D. V .. D. C. M. Office 324 Flandera t. Main 4086. A 408& Electric Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors for runt or suie. 213 2d st. Peed, btore. Z1GLER & M1SNER, hay, grain, feed, ce ment, shingles. 294 Grand Ave. E 482. FURS artistically remodeled, repaired and stored at reasonable rates. N. M. linear, 406 Merchants Truat bldg. Marshall 753. Janitor (Supplies THE WESTERN Sale Co.. 44 2d t. Janitor and builuiutf supplies. Phoue Main 07u3, Leather and Pin dings. CHAif. 1. MASTICK A CO., 74 Front, leather of wvery tiescripuoa, tapa, infra, nndiags. J. A. BTKOWBKIDGE LEATHER CO. E tauilshed 1858. 189 Front Mt. Landscape Gardeners. YAVERLIAT & MO CLING, French landscape gardens! js; work by uay or contract. Ap ply GOT Yukon av. Puone Sell wood 955. LmuucIich. - 16 FT. 3 H. P., $150; IS Ft. 3 H. P., $20O. Reierson Mach. Co.. 182 Morrwoo, Musical. BAND and orchestra Instruments, musical sundries, Victor talking macular, records. bolUenlug-Luca Atuslu Co.. 164 vd sU EMIL THIELHOKN, violin teactier, pupil of Sevcik, 9oo, 9ul Maxqua.m biog. A io0. M. C. SMITH, teacher of piano, 452 Salmon st. Main 7340. Conservatory course. COMPETENT teacher, violin, mandolin, elocution. 310 Clay sU Phone Main 8136. Osteophutmc PhyvicUuna. DR. R. B. .NoHTiiKUf. . " 415-16-17 blag.. Third and V asnlngtun. Sts. phone, oltice, Muin 3i9; red. Eat or B 1028. Le Roy Smith, gri uate K irkv 11 le. Mo. , 1898, pot fcittU. 190i. 318 Swetland bidg. M 19oi. Paints, Oils and Glm. RA3MUSSEN, St CO.. Jobbers, palnu, oil glat), jEuaa and 0001,3. Cor. 2d and Ta lur. Pa tent At torney s. R C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat- Paving. THE BarUer Asphalt Paving Company, 600 b Electric bldg. Oscar Hubtir. Portlano. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. " Factory and otiico near 2-ith N. auu York Jits. Jklain Rubber btuuips. ALSO seals, atencils, office suiiiunery, etc. Cunningham's. iUil biark. Main 1407. Rug Weavers. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS Rugs from old carpeuf. colonial rag rugs, silk portieres lit Lnwu av.. neax auul Morrison. THE MOSLUR SAFE CO., 108 2d at. Safes at factory prices. Second-hand sale. Showcase, Bank auid btore J-lalure. TH B LUTKB M FG. Cu., branch Grand Ku.piu.3 Showcase Co., 6th aim jttoyt. k. LuLke, Mgr. Storage and Transfer. C. O. PICK, Transfer & Storage Co., office and commodious- four-story brick ware house, ;paraie Iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine bus. PianoM and furniture movtd and packed for shipping. Main 696, A 1996. OLS EN-ROE TRANSFER CO., General transferring and storage; safe, pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. 2o9 Oak t. bet. Front and 1ju Telephones Mam 647 or A 2247. OREGON TRANSFER CO., established 1870. Transfer and Forwarding Agents Storaea. Office 310 Hoyt st., between 5th and 6th. Pi 10 net Main 69, A 1169. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co.. Main 1618, A 1S84. All covered wagons, all experienced men. btore and Office fixture. EAST PORTLAND STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURE CO. Showcases and wall casts lc. urana ave. o. jt none ju.ast Ilia U 1437. Stoves. STOVES connected and repaired. 1110. 614 Front. Main Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to $0. fully guaranteed; easy payments; rentals per w j i-nntiBg CO. 2u3 2d st WB ARB the exchange for the Largest type writer concern on this Coast ; Investigate all makes, all prices. The Typewriter- change, 287 Was hington et. NEW, rebuilts,, second-hand, rentals at cut rates. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. M 1407. T Wall Paper. ERNEST MILLER CO.. 172 1st St., whole- X aale a&d retail. Samples mailed tree. GRAND CENTRAL STATION. So at hern PacUlc. Leaving Portland Ashland Passenger .'..., Roweburg Passenger .... Shasta Limited Sil verton Passenper California Express San Francisco Express . . West Side Corvallls Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger Forest Ocove Passenger Forest Grove I'as.H.-nyer Arriving Portland Oregon Express Ashland Passenger Roseburg passenger Portland Express ; Shasta Limited Silverton Limited West Side Corvall-s Passenger Sheridan passenger Forest Grove passenger. . Forest Grove Passenger. . Forest Grove Passenger. . S:,t0 a. m. 4:15 i. m. 6 : p. m. 6 :2o p. m. 7:4 5 p. m. 1:3U a. m. 7 :20 a. m. ; 4 :Imi p. in. 1 :hi p. m. 5 :40 p. in. ; 7 :30 a. m. lo :(hi p. in. i 5 ::io p. m. 11 :m) u. m. I 2::;o l. m 9: JO a. uu I :CO p. m. 110 :::o a. m j S :mi a. rn. 11 ;5o a. m. I 4 : 40 p. m. Northern Pacific. Leaving Portland I North Coast Limited via Fuget Sound ,10 North Coast Limited via North! P-ank j 7 Atlnntic Express via puget Sound,12 Atlantic Express via North liankj 9 Twin City Express via Puyet, Sound ,-. 3 Twin City Express via North' 00 p. m. 15 a. m. uud. m. "0 p. m. 00 p. rru Eastern Express via Puget" Sound 12 : Eastern Express via North Banki-3; 15 a. m. 0 0 a. nu Aiiwsouri River Express via Pugeti Sound ;io Missouri River Express via North Bank 7 Portland. Tacoma and Featllc Express, Grays Harbor. Olympia and South Bend branches 7 Portland-Vancouver Special 'lO Puset Sound Limited. Gravs Har-I bin; and South Bend branches.. 3 Tacolt Pass.-nser 4 Arriving Portland North Coast Limited Nor h 00 a.m. 00 p. m. 00 a. m. :00 a. m. :30 p. m. 00 p. m : 15 p. m. ,Z0 a. m. ;00 a. m. ;"i3 p. m. 15 p. m. :nO . m. : 1 5 p. m. :UO p. m. :00 a. m. :00 p. m. North Co st Limited via Puget Northern Pacific ExpYess "via? North Bank Northern Par-ific Express via' Puget Sound ) Psciflo Coast Express viaWorthf Hank . . Pacific Coast Express via Pugt Western Express via North Bank' S Western Express via Puget Sounrl'10 Missouri River Express via North! Bank g Missouri River Express via Pugetf Sound 1 4 Portland-1 acoma-Seattlo Express' and from Olympia. South Bendl and Grays Harbor 1 4 Puget Sound Limited ' b Vancouver-Portland Special ho Yacolt Passenger . . y 00 p. m. :5 p. m. :: p. m. 00 a. m. Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. Lea Pendleton PajisenRor 7:40 a. m. Oregon-Washington Limited . . . . 110 :00 a. m. The Dalles Local 4: 00 p. m. Soo-Spokano-Portland 7:00 p. m. Fast Mail (Coach Portland to The L)HlIes 7:0 p. m. Oretion Express S:00 p. m. Arrivint; Portland Fast Mail (no passengers) 7:50a.m. The Dalles Local 10:15 a. m. Oregon Express I0:!ii a. m. Soo-Spokane-l'ortland 9:Ma. m. Pendleton Local passenger. 0;:io p. m. Oregon-Washington Limited 8:00 p. m. Astoria & Columbia River. Leaving Portland I Seaside Express 8:00 a. m. Astoria Express 0;:tO p. in. Rainier passenger 1 :15 p. m. Rainier Passenger 6:10 p. m. Arriving Portland Portland Express 12:15 p.m. Portland Express !lo:O0 p. m. Rainier and Portland Paener. . 10 :25 a. m. Rainier and Portland Passenger..! 5:20p. m. Canadian Pacific ' Railway Co. Leaving Portland I C P. R. Short Line via Spokane 7:00 p.m. Via Seattle 12:13 a. nu Arriving Portland ( C. P. R. Short Line via Spokane 0:00a.m. Via Seattle 7:00 a.m. Oregon & Washington Railroad Company. Leaving Portland Seattle passenger 9:00 a.m. Shasta Limited 3:00 p.m. Owl 11:45 p. m. Arriving Portland- Owl 7:15 a. m. Shasta Limited 5:20 p. m. Portland passenger 5:00 p. m. JEFFERSON STREET STATION. Southern Pacific. Leaving port land Dallas Passenger .... Dallas Passenger .... Arrivin g Portland Dallas Va.ssenser .... Dallas Passenger .... . .1 7:40 s m. . . 1 4 :J0 p. m. . .10:35 a. m. . . I 5 :55 p. m. ELEVENTH AM) HOYT STREETS PAS SENGER STATION. Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway Co Leaving Portland Inland Empire Express 9 :00 a. m. For Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kanaka City, St. Louis. Hi 11 in s, Spokane, Cheney. Lamont. Washtucnii. Kahlutus, Paco, Roosevelt, Granddulies. GoJdendale. Lyle, White Salmon. Stevenson, Vancouver aud Intermedia te stations. Columbia River Local 4:30 p.m. North Bank Limited 7:00 p.m. For Chicago. St. Paul, Omaha, K ansae City, St. Louis. Billings, Spokane, Cliquey. Lamont, Washtucna, Kah lotus, . Pasco. Roosevelt. ( i r;indda lies, Lyle. White Sal mon, Stevenson, Vancouver aud intermedia ate stations. Arriving Portland North Bank Limited 8:00 a. m. From Chicago, St. Paul. Omaha, Kansaj City, St. Louis, liil lints, Spokane, Cheney. Lamont, Washtucna. Kah lotus. Pasco, Roosevelt, Grandd alios, Lyle, White Sal mon, Stevenson, Vancouver and Intermedi ate stations. Columbia River Local 12:25 p. m. Inland Empire Express 8:15 p.m. From Chicago, St. Paul. Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis. Billing, Spokane, Cheney, Lamont, .Washtucna. Kahiotus, Pasco. Roosevelt, Granddalles. Lyle, White Salmon. Stevenson, Vancouver and Intermediate sta tions. Time Card Oregon Electric Railway Co. Leaving Portland for Salom and Int. stations 6 :30. 7:00. 11 :00 A. M. ; 2 :U'J. 3 0 - 3d, 8 :40 P. M. Limited for Tualatin and Saiem 9 : 1 5 A. M- Local for Wilson vi lie and Int. stations 5 :1o 1. M. Daily excpt Sunday for points on the Salem, FaTia City &. Western Ky. via Salem, G:JO A. M.t 2:00 P. M. Sunday only, 11:00 A. M- Leaving Portland for forest Grove and. Int. stations 7:05, 3:0, lu:20 A. 12:lu. 2:10. 3:30, o'iJO, 8:25 P. M. Saturday only, 11:30 P. M. Arriving at Portland from Satem and Int. stations 8:40, ll:O0 A. M ; 1:15, 4 :Oo, 6 :OU, b :20, 10 :50 1'- M. Limited from Salm and ' Tualatin, 4 :50 P- M. Local from Wilson vl:le and Int. stations. ti:40 A. M. Laily except Sunday, 7:35 A. M. Arriving Portland from Forest Grove and Int. stations S:u0. .0:50, 11:40 A. M. ; 1 :3o. 2:50, 5:20, 8:10 p. M. Saturday only, ll:oo P. M- Sunday only. 4 :4o P. M. Portland Railway, Light & Power Company, Cars Leave. Ticket Office and Waiting Room. First and Alder and East Water and East Morrison Streets. CARS LEAVE EAST WATER AND MORRISON STREETS. Oreson City 4 :OU, 0:3O A. M. and everr 30 minutes to and including 9 P. M., tnen 10:00. 11:00 P. M. ; last car midnight. Ores ham and intermediate points f :55, "7:45, 8:45, 9:45, 10:45 A. M., 12:45, 2:4a, 3:45. 4:lo, 5:45, 6:45. 11:35 i: M Fairview anu. 1 roumaie :... - i r :4- 9:45. 10:45 A- 2l.r a:4o, 5:45, 6:45 P. M. Caaadero and intermediate points 8:45, 10:45 A. M., 12:45, 2:45. 4:45, 4:45. B :j. 0:45 P. M. For Vancouver Ticket Office and Waiting Room, Second iltiH Washington streets. A. M. i:15. 6:50. 7:25, 8:0O. S:35 9:10. 9:50. 10:30. 11:10, ll:aO. 2. 12:39, 1:1". 1-.50. 2:H0, -3:10, 4:30, 5:10, 5:50, 6:30, 7.05, 7:40, b;15. 8:50, 9:25. 1:35, H :4-- On third Monday in every month the last car leaves at 7:05 P. M. Daily except Sunday. "Daily except Monday BANKS. FIRST 2sAIIONAl4 BANK. Portland, Oregon. CAPITAL AND 6URPLU3 1.5OC,0OO GERMAN AMERICAN RANK COR- SIXTH AND WASHINGTON STS TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. ISSUES DRAFTS AVAII ABLE IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIE.S Of THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE; 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAV INGS ACCOUN1S; SAFETY DJEPQiStT VAULTS.