Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 15, 1910, Page 18, Image 18

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    r is
Successful Bidder Voluntarily
Offers to Change From
l Steei-Riveted Awarded.
Makers or Type Finally Chosen Will
Make Vp Difference to Soiiaw
Batcher Company for Sake of
Getting Foothold on Coast.
Lock-bar pipe will be used in the con
struction of the second pipeline to Bull
Hun River, and Portland will thereby
he the gainer of between $50,000 and
360,000 the difference between the bid
f the Schaw-Batcher Company and of
rhillip Beuhner & Company in the re
cent competitive bidding. For $1,259,
782 the California" concern will fur
nish lock-bar. This was the proposal
originally made for a riveted steel line.
Mr. Beuhner's bid on lock-bar was $1,
321,788. Mayor Simon yesterday received from
J. R. Bowles, attorney-in-fact for the
Bchaw-Batcher Company, a proposition
to furnish the lock-bar pipe, instead of
eteel riveted pipe, at the same figure
bs originally made on the riveted pipe.
A special meeting of the Water Board
was called, the offer was read and
considered and, by unanimous vote,
the members accepted the lockbar
While lock-bar pipe is a patented ar
ticle, manufactured by the East Jersey
Pipe Company, of Patterson, N. J., there
Is a strong belief in official circles that
the firm will use this opportunity to
establish one of its plants on the Pa
cific Coast, and that Portland will be
selected as the place. The Schaw
Batcher Company had purposed estab
lishing a plant her for fabricating the
steel-riveted pipe originally decided
Upon as the material for the pipeline,
hut will now purohase from the lock
bar concern the necessary amount, and
"will not need a factory here.
Company Offers to Change.
In a communication addressed to the
Mayor and members of the Water
Board, J. R. Bowles said:
In connection with the Bull Run Pipeline,
?Co. 2. contract for the construction of which
was awarded to us last Thursday on the
ras!n of furntstilnR riveted pipe of 45 and
f3 inches In diameter, we submit, -without
prejudice, the following proposal:
We will furnish and construct this line,
usinir lock-bar pipe of the sizes named in
the specifications, 44 and 52. inches, at the
price named in our bid and the award,
$1,259,782. The secretary of the lock-bar pipe
company approached us on Saturday with a
view of substitution and voluntarily offered
to make deliveries which would be emi
nently satisfactory and Insure early cnm
. pletion of the line, they absorbing, in their
price to us on the pipe, the difference their
bid and the lowest on the lock-bar. They
are very anxious to establish their pipe
in this city.
It is said to be generally admitted
that the lock-bar pipe is superior In
carrying capacity to the riveted steel,
and at the meeting of the Water Board
last Thursday afternoon considerable
discussion was held along these lines.
T. B. Wilcox, one of the members, in
quired closely as to the respective
merits of the two kinds of. pipe, and
both were explained by the respective
bidders, the Schaw-Batcher Company
and Mr. Beuhner. It was agreed that
there Is a difference of a considerable
amount in the carrying capacity, and
the Schaw-Batcher Company offered to
ltdd another inch to the diameter of
the pipe to insure as great capacity.
This was accepted and the contract let.
Foothold Wanted for Pipe.
In the meantime, agents of the East
Jersey Pipe Company, which by some is
.said to be a branch of the United States
Steel Corporation, busied themselves in
an effort to establish that style of pipe
in Portland. After conferences, they
made their proposal to the Schaw
Batcher people, and yesterday the prop
osition was placed formally before the
Mayor and members of the Water
Board, wtio promptly accepted it.
At the special meeting Commissioners
"Wilcox. Ainsworth and Mackay, Chief
. Engineer Clarke and Superintendent
Kodge were present. Accepting the
statement of the engineer and super
intendent, based upon the admissions
of all concerned, the Board decided to
accept the offer.
By using the lock-bar the contractors
will be able to complete the pipeline
In less than one year from now. The
Bteel-rlveted pipe would have taken
considerably longer to lay.
fct. Louls Girl Said to Have Taught
Father Habit Also.
Hortense Cofey, daughter of John
Cofey, a wealthy resident of St. Louis.
(Mo., was ordered out of Portland yes
terday by Justice Olson and will be taken
back to St. Louis by Constable Wagner,
In whose custody she was temporarily
placed. The woman is a morphine fiend
and as such, says Justice Olson, she is a
menace to the welfare of the community.
She had been arrested a few days ago
by constable v agner, charged with hav
ing morphine in her possession, and was
a-bout to be tried when a message came
from her father saying that if the
authorities would permit her to leave
the city he would send sufficient money
to defray her expenses. Later a tele
gram was received at the First National
Bank from a bank in St. Louis to ad
vance the woman a large sum of money.
Che will be escorted to the train today
by the t-onstahie.
She has been addicted to the drug for
years, it is said, and it is rumored she
taught her father the habit also. He Is
an Inmate of a sanitarium in St. Louis
at the present time, she says.
Man Who Escapes Down Spout Ar
rested for Playing Lottery.
Fire believed to be of incendiarv ori
gin damaged somewhat the building
occupied by the Midway lodging-house
269 1-2 Everett street, yesterday morn
ing at z:30 o clock. Several of th
roomers escaped in scanty attire, one
man sliding down a water spout from
the second floor.
The blaze started In the rear of the
second floor in a room occimied bv
Jennie Simon, landlady-. The building
is ownen Dy .twiza uolph and is leased
by E. O. Yamasha, a Japanese. He
conducts a store on the first floor, but
has not been seen for the past thre
days. Evidence that the floor of the
room where the fire started had been
soaked with kerosene oil was obtained
by Captain Hawkins of Chemical 1.
The blaze was discovered by Patrol
men Bewley and Webster, who turned
la an alarm. Their prompt action la
thought to have averted a tragedy, for
a number of the roomers had narrow
escapes. Emll Carl&trom, whose room
was close to the blaze, found his way
through the hall cut oft and slid down
a water epout to the street. Being
without money, he applied to the police
station for lodgings, and when
searched, lottery tickets were found In
his possession. Ho was therefore
placed under arrest. In anger at his
arrest he told that Tou Shop, a Chin
ese cook, had sold Kim the tickets, so
the Chinaman was also arrested. The
case will be brought up In the Munici
pal Court.
Spilt Soup Nicknamed
King ol Newsboys
"Noodles" Fagtu, Now In Vaudeville,
Born In Bowery, Has Had Remark
able Career.
boys, and Incidentally the- most
traveled man of his years, 2$, in Amer
ica, is in Portland tnd will remain for
one week at the Grand Theater, where
he Is seen in a clever newsboy act.
"Noodles' " correct name is Lawrence
Clinton Fagan. He was born on the
Bowery when it was the home of dance
halla and the resort of gamblers. Amidst
the pitfalls bound to surround a tiny
newsle under these conditions1 "Noodles"
"Noodles" Pagan, King of the
Newsboyn, Who Is Appearing at
the Grand Theater.
grew up. The proceeds of hla paper
sales furnished him the bare necessities.
A dry goods box vat his home, and Ain
til he reached young manhood he could
neither read nor write. But in the par
lance of the streets, he "made good."
Today he owns three news stands in
Greater New York, where there are sold
daily an average of 43.000 papers'. He
employs 15 boys. He also owns consid
erable real estate and derives a -large in
come from his vaudeville work. His suc
cess is due perhaps to a simple formula.
25 per cent ability and 75 per cent stick-to-lt-lveness
and real grit.
"Noodles'" has made three trips around
the world. As a lecturer he has appeared
on the platforms of leading churches and
religious and educational organizations
everywhere. He carries letters from
Martin Brubagh, Dr. Maxwell, Judge
Ben Lindsey and other leading Instructors
in America.
"Noodles" has sold papers in nearly
every country on the globe. While he is
in Portland he will show the newsboys
how to hustle in the most approved New
York style of strenuoslty. Saturday
morning next, at 10 o'clock, "Noodles'
will deliver an illustrated lecture at the
Grand Theater for the benefit of the
children of Portland. "Travelogues of the
World" will be the subject of his lecture.
Since "Noodles" has been an extensive
traveler and possesses in a marked de
gree the faculty of observing closely and
telling others about it, the lecture prom
ises to be a treat. He will also show
pictures and speak on "Life In the Slums
of New York" in conjunction with his
Of interest is the manner In which
"Noodles" received his name. When he
was a very tiny newsle, a charitably in
cllned person one day purchased him a
bowl of noodle soup. The little fellow
spilled a string of noodles on his coat.
the name has clung to Fagan all his life
and he has made it famous 'round the
Society Made No Criticism of Post
master Miller.
S. W. Walker, secretary of the Sunny
side Push Club, in speaking of the ser
mon of Rev. W. T. Euster Sunday night
scoring the club for criticism of Super
lntendent Miller, of the Sunnyside Post-
office, said:
"Rev. Mr. Euster labored under a com
plete misunderstanding of the attitude of
the Sunnyside Push Club toward the su
perintendent of the Sunnyside postal sta
tion. The attack of which he complains
was made In the Sunnyside Booster, pub
lished by Ford Bros., who are members of
Rev. Mr. Euster's own church and the
club, and the Push Club has no connection
with the Booster nor are we responsible
ror Its utterances.
"I saw Rev. Mr. Euster this morning
and explained the matter to him, so that
he saw he had been misinformed about
the Push Club. We have no fight against
the postal superintendent. There were
some complaints made to the club about
the postal station and we appointed a
committee composed of Charles Parish
and J. N. Davis to look into them to as
certain if there were any grounds for
them. We did not authorize the Booster's
attack and have absolutely nothing to
do with It. Our purpose is to work for
the interests of the community, and a few
are giving much time and hard work to
this object.
Klamath Oddfellows Will Build.
KLAMATH FALLS, Or., March 14.
(Special.) Klamath Lodge I. O. O. F.
has closed the purchase of 65 fee
frontage at the corner of Fifth and
Main street, on which will be erected
at once the new hall of the order
which it Is announced will be one o
the best buildings, owned by the mem
bers of that organization in the state.
Plans agreed upon contemplate a three
story building of first-class construe
tion. The price paid tor the site 1
$175 a front foot.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets assist nature in driving all im
purities out of the system, insuring a
tree and regular conaition and restor
ing the organs of the body to health
and strength, soia Dy au dealers.
4 "
it -n v .
a- v v A
Coastwise . Steamers Arrive
With Heavy Cargoes.
Shortage In Eastern Parts of Ore
gon and Washington and Re
quirements of Railroad Camps
Cause Lumber Trade Steady.
California hay continues to pour into
Portland by the steam schooner route.
Three cargoes, aggregating 2750 bales.
entered the river yesterday. The steam.
schooners Northland and F. S. Loop en
tered at the Custom-House, each with
100 tons, and the Thomas L Wand, due
early this morning, has an amount
equal to that carried by the other ves
For the past two months there has
been a heavy movement of California
hay northward. In the eastern part of
Oregon and Washington there is a
scarcity of feed, and hay has advanced
to $20 a ton at points east of the Des-
Dae to Arrlvav
Name- From. Data.
Kansas City. .. 6an Francisco In port.
Ramona Cool Bay. ...In port.
Golden Gate. .. Tillamook. ...In port.
Alliance. ... ...Coos Bay.... Mar. 17
Roanoke. ... ...San Pedro Mar. 20
Falcon Pan Francisco Mar. 20
Rosa City Ban FrancUccMar. 21
Geo. W. FIMer. .Ban Pedro: .. Mar. 22
Santa Clara. .. .Ban Francisco Mar. '2
fcelja. ......... HonrKonr. . . Apr. in
Henrlk Ibsen. . .HcnKkonsr. .. June 1
Hercules Hongkong....June 4
ue,H. Elmore. TtllamooK. ...Indef t
Scheduled to Depart.
Kame. For Iate.
Oolden Gate. ..Tillamook. ...Mar. 18
Ramona. ..... .Coos Bay ... . Mar. 36
Kanwi City. . . San Francisco Mar. 3 8
Alliance. ...... Coos Bay. ... .Mar. 3 9
Roanoke San Pedro Mar. 22
Falcon San Francisco Mar. .23
Geo. W. Elder. .San Pedr Mar. 24
Rom City ..... .6an Francisco Mar. 25
Santa Clara. . -San Francisco Mar. 2Q
KeUa Hongkong.... Apr. 22
Henrlk Tbsen. . Honnkortr. . . June 32
Hercules Hongkonft....June 15
Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook. ... Indef t
Entered Monday.
Hoqulam. Am. steamship (Renert
een), with general car fro from San
Northland, Am. steamship (Erick
son). with general cargo from San
Francisco. '
Shna-Tak. Am. steamship (Hut
ton), with ballast from San Fran
cisco. F. S. Loop, Am. steamship (I,ev
lnson). with general cargo from San
Delia. Am. steamship. (Tabell),
with general cargo from Kestucca.
Cleared Monday.
. Hoqulam, Am. steamship (Renert
sen. with ballast for Aberdeen.
Shna-Tak. Am. steamship (Hut
ton), with 810,000 feet of lumber for
San Pedro.
F. S. Loop. Am. steamship (L.nln
son). with 81O.00O teet of lumber for
San Francisco.
chutes. Heavy shipments have been
made out of Portland during the past
30 days, for large quantities are re
quired by the railroad camps on the
lines leading to Central Oregon.
On the outward trips the coasting
fleet is handling large quantities of
lumber. March shipments will run well
up. The steam schooners Shna-Yak
and F. S. Loop each cleared with 810,
000 feet yesterday. The foreign ship
ments are in excess of 8,000,000 feet for
the first half of the month, and will
double that figure before April 1.
Commander Elllcott Goes to Grays
Harbor on Inspection Tip.
Commander J. M. Ellicott, inspector
of the 13th lighthouse district, left yes
terday afternoon for Grays Harbor,
where he will Join the, tender Heather
and make a careful survey of the aids
to navigation of the port. It Is the in
tention of Captain Ellicott to remove a
large number of the buoys and dolphins
ion the bay and supplant them, tem
porarily, with spar buoys. This move
is made necessary by the dredging op
erations now carried on by the United
States engineers.
The tender Armeria arrived at As
toria last night from Puget Sound,
where she has been undergoing repairs.
The Armeria will proceed up the Co
lumbia and -will finish the work started
by the Manzanita. prior to the time she
was ordered to San Francisco. There
are a number of buoys in the river
which were carried out by the Ice in
November. '
R. Stewart Falls Overboard From
Inland Empire and la Drowned.
R. Stewart, a deckhand on the
steamer Inland Empire, while intoxi
cated, fell overboard from the vessel
at the Kennewlck dock at an early
hour Saturday morning and was
drowned. His body has not been re
covered. Stewart- came on board the boat
shortly after midnight. He had been
drinking. He crossed over to the
steamer Mountain Gem, which was lay
ing alongside. He returned to his own
boat in about 15 minutes. Shortly aft
erward the. watchman heard a splash
off the port bow and on investigating
saw the cap of the deckhand floating
on the surface. Assistance was called.
There is nothing that causes more worry and discomfort than a chronic,
festering ulcer. As it lingers, slowly eating into the tissues and surrounding
flesh, and by its tendency to grow worse in every way, it suggests the possi
bility of being cancerous in its nature. Efforts to heal the ulcer by means
of salves, washes, lotions, etc., always result in failure, because such treat
ment can have no possible effect on the blood where the impurities and
morbid matters form, and are carried thorugh. the circulation to the place,
to keep it op3n, irritated and diseased. The impurities in the blood must
be removed before the healing process can begin. S. S. S. goes to the.
fountain-head of the trouble, and drives out the germ-producing poisons and
morbid impurities which keep the ulcer open. Then a3 this rich, purified
blood 13 carried to the diseased place the healing commences, the inflam
mation gradually leaves, the discharge ceases, new tissue and healthy flesh
are formed, and soon the sore is permanently cured because the source has
been destroyed. S. S. S. does not make a surface cure, but by supplying
the blood with healthful, tissue-building properties it begins at the bottom
and causes the flesh at the diseased spot to firmly and permanently knit
together, and the place is left sound and well. Book on Sores and Ulcers
and .&ny medical advice free to all who write.
but it was too late. Dragging failed
to recover the corpse.
Practically nothing Is known of Stew
art. He shipped at Celllo as a deck
hand. He has been on the river for
some time, but has home town or rela
tives are unknown to any of his asso
ciates. The steamer Inland Empire, of the
Open River Transportation Company,
completed her first round trip for the
season Saturday night. She left Celilo
with a full cargo of freight Saturday
morning and made the run to White
Bluffs, above Kennewlck. The steamer
J. N. Teal was Inspected yesterday and
will leave on her regular run this
Astoria Marine Notes.
ASTORIA, Or.. March 14. (Special.)
The gasoline schooner Oshkosh which
arrived last evening from Tillamook, will
on her next trip down the coast carry a
new shaft for the steamer Elmore, which
Is now laid up in Tillamook Bay.
The oil tank steamer Santa Rita sailed
today for California after discharging her
cargo of oil. Her master says the vessel
was not damaged by striking on the bar
while coming in a few days ago. He as
serts that the steamer was in the charted
channel, but claims there was only 2-t
feet of water, where there was supposed
to be 26 feet, and the steamer was draw
ing 24 feet.
Tank Line ' Steamer Is Disabled.
In tow of tug Ocklahama, the tank line
steamship Rosecrans, of the Associated
OH Company's fleet,, arrived: up at Llnn
ton last night in a disabled condition.
While bound up the river with the barge
Monterey in tow, . the Itosecrans- picked
up the tow line in her wheel and her en
gines were temporarily put out of com
mission. The Ocklahama was sent to her
relief and picked up the steamer near St.
Helens. The Monterey' was brought up
by the steamer Diamond O. It is thought
that repairs can be made today after
the oil has been pumped out.
Master of Hoche Lo6t at Sea.
Mail advices received yesterday, af
ternoon from the owners of the French
bark Hoche, which reported out Feb
ruary 24 at Falmouth, with wheat from
Portland, announce the loss at sea
of the master. Captain Auffrey. The
captain was carried overboard by. a
huge sea and drowned. The accident
happened December 14 and the vessel
was taken to Falmouth by the mate.
He completed the outward passage in
124 days. The Hoche is under char
ter to load at Antwery for Portland
for Meyer, Wilson & Co.
Notice to Mariners.
John McNulty, nautical expert In
charge of the local branch of the Hy
drographic Office, has received the fol
lowing report from Captain Ridley,
of the British steamship Hazel Dollar:
On February 19 and 20, 1910, 1etween
latitude 46:30 north, longitude 160:00
east, and longitude 48:00 north, longi
tude 160:00 east, he lost his entire
deckload of hardwood logs, numbering
190, averaging 20x20 inches and 14 feet
Marine Notes.
The steam schooner Northland is- dis
charging hay at the foot of Couch
The French ship Crillon shifted from
the stream to Inman-Poulsen dock yes
terday afternoon.
With general cargo from Tillamook
Bay ports the steamship Golden Gate
arrived yesterday.
With two tons of cheese from Nes
tucca the gasoline schooner Delia is
discharging at Portland.
With passengers and freight from
San Francisco the steamship Kansas
City arrived yesterday afternoon.
The gasoline schooner Oshkosh ar
rived at 10 o'clock yesterday morning
and is discharging at Couch Street.
The steam schooner Thomas L. Wand
is due to arrive today with a large
amount of hay and general merchan
dise from San Francisco.
Arrivals and Departures.
PORTLAND, March 14. Arrived Steam
shlr Harold Dollar, from San Francisco
steamship Goldon Gate, from Tillamook:
gasoline schooner Oshkosh, from Tillamook;
steamship Hoquiam, from San Francisco;
steamship Kansas City, from San Francisco;
steamship Ramona. from Coos Bay.
Astoria. Or., March 14. Condition at the
mouth of the river at 6 P. M., obscured;
wind, northwest 8 miles: weather, densa fog.
Arrived and left up during the night-
steamer Hoauiam. from ban Francisco:
steamer Golden Gate and gasoline schooner
oshaosn, from Tillamook. Arrivea at
and left up at - 9 A. M. Steamer Kansas
City, from San Francisco. Arrived at 10:15
A. M. and left up at 1Z noon steamer Ka
mona, from Coos Bay. Arrived at 12 noon
and left up at 1:40 P. M. Steamer Thos.
L. Wand, from San Francisco. Sailed at
11:30 A. M. Steamer Santa Rita, for Port
San Luis.
San Francisco, March 14. Arrived at 1 A
M. Steamer Catania, from Portland. Ar
rived at 6 A. M. Steamer Rose City, from
Portland. Sailed at 11 A. M. Steamer Sho
shone, for Columbia River. Arrived at 11:30
A. M. Steamer J. Marhoffer, from Columbia
San Pedro. March 14. Arrived Steamer
Roanoke, from Portland. m
Coos Bay, March 14. AerIved Steamer
Alliance, from' Portland.
Shllloth, March 14. Arrived March 11
French bark Francois d'Ambolse, from Port
land. San Francisco, March 14. Arrived Steam
ers Catania, from Portland; Nann Smith,
from Coos Bay; Rose City, from Astoria;
Daisy, from Wiilapa: J. Marhoffer, from
Astoria; Despatch, from Wiilapa. Sailed
Steam-era Thomas Fagelund, for Victoria;
George W. Fenwiek. for Astoria.
Los Angeles. March 14. Arrived Steam
era Rainier, from Seattle: Pasadena, from
Albion; Santa Barbara, from Grays Harbor.
Sailed Steamers Doris, for Grays Harbor;
Capistrano, for Grays Harbor.
Tacoma, March 14. Arrived Steamer Ad
miral Sampson, from Seattle.
Seattle. March 14. Arrived steamer Jef
ferson, from Skagway; stieamer Governor,
from San Francisco. Sailed Steamer North
land, for Sitka; steamer A. G. Lindsay, for
Tacoma; steamer Humboldt, for Skagway;
German steamer Itaurl, for Tacoma.
Tides at Astoria Tuesday.
High. Low.
S:30 A. M 9.1 feetll0:ll A. M....0.1 foot
4:19 P. M....7.3 Peet10:ll P. M....2. feet
Feature of Spirit of Golden West
Parade Are Rapidly Developing.
Nearly 50 designs for floral floats,
upon which lavish expenditure will be
made, have been . submitted to the Rose
Festival management, . and General
Manager Hutchin said last night that
more than 100 decorated vehicles will
Fill a bottle or common glass with
uVlne and let it stand twenty-four
hours; a sediment) or settling usually
Indicates an unhealthy condition of the
kidneys. Too frequent desire to urinate, j
scanty supply, pain or dull ache in the
back, should also convince you that the I
kidneys or bladder are out of order.
What To Do.
TI1A1.A to l-r-t n- In tUa. 1. 1 3
often expressed that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver j
and bladder remedy, fulfills" almost i
every wish In relieving pain in the i
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every !
yniL ui iiio ui uirti y puBsage. it cor- '
rects Inability to hold urine, and scald- i
ing pain in passing it. or bad effects
following use of liquor, wine or beer, I
and overcomes that iiTinlenaant
sity of being compelled to get up many
times during the night to urinate.
xne miia, pleasant and extraordinary
ffect of Swamn-Por 1 ann ,
It stands the highest for its wonderful
results in the most (lltrACatn
If you need a medicine, you should have
W . L" 1 ,3 1 . , . .
mo ucai. uy urugglStS In flfty-
cent and one-dollar sizes.
You may have a sample bottle of
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy,
and- a book that tells all about it, both
seni aosoiuteiy tree by mail. Address,
Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton. N Y.
When writing be sure to mention that
you read this generous offer in The
Portland "Dally Oregonian." Don't
make any mistake, but remember the
name. owamp-ttoot, Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, and the address, Bing-
namton. x ., on every bottle.
be in line for the Industrial parade,
which will be a part of the Spirit of
the Golden West pageant.
By requiring that all designs be sub
mitted to the festival management for
approval the maximum of artistic ef
fect will be secured ana the advertis
ing lettering will be kept to the min
imum. All glaring, unsightly matter
Is to be barred. The designs them
selves will tell the story of the ad
vertiser, and SUPh lotto-rino- a ...til
be carried will be required to be ar-
tianc. suggestions are being freely
given by the festival management, and
a great variety of basic designs are at
the service of firms or districts which
are planning to enter floats and com
pete for the prizes offered.
Many designs of marked cleverness
and ingenuity have been submitted and
approved, and the industrial parade
will probably bring out some of the
most interesting features of the whole
festival programme. A number of the
floats will he built at the official fes
tival "den," at the Exposition grounds,
and others will be fashioned with much
secrecy in private barns or warehouses.
Every family and especially those
who reside in the country should be
provided at all times with a bottle of
Chamberlain's Liniment. There Is no
telling when it may be wanted in case
of an accident or emergency. It is
most excellent in all cases of rheuma
tism, sprains and bruises. Sold by all
Come to Me
and Be Cured
When I
Cure You
or put me as yon
Sret the benefit of THE DOCTOR
my treatment. THAT CURES
FEB FOR A CURE Is lower taan any
specialist in the city, half that others
charge you, and no exorbitant charge
for medicines.
I am an expert specialist. Have had
SO years' practice in the treatment of
diseases of men. My offices are the
best equipped in Portland. My methods
are modern and up to date. My cures
are quick and positive. I do not treat
symptoms and patch up. I thoroughly
examine each case, find the cause, re
move it and thus cure th disease.
'I CURB Varicose Veins, Iilea and
Specific Blood Poison and all Ailments
of Men.
tracted ind chronic cases cured. All
burning, itching and inflammation
stopped in 24 hours. Cures effected in
seven days.
insures every man a lifelong cure, win,
out taking medicine into the sromach.
Examination free. If unable to call,
write for list of questions.
Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sun
days, 10 A M. to 1 P. M. .only.
Slaves to Morphine
Cocaine, Whisky, etc., LISTEN! Get In
touch with me. Let me "iiliow you"
that thl Is no "fake." That I CURE
the habit, or disease, in two to three
days without suffering no matter
how long addicted, or how nearly dead.
If you can get to me (though on a
tretcher I'll CURE you, and you'll
regain your former weight and health
In a few weeks. '
805 E. 30th and Gladstone Ave, Fort
land, Or.
For Sick and DebilitatedWomen
(Tablets used' Internally. Biconea
Will give prompt relief and
cure all cases of pain and in
flammation so that you will be
strong and healthy once more.
One month's treatment, $1.00.
Forest Grove, Or.
Lady agents wanted. Write for free
samples and particulars.
Inflammations, Irritations
or ulcerations of all ma
cons membranes, unnatu
ral discharges from nose.
Mar ror throat or urinary orarans.
eETO OmfaiCj. Sold by Druggists .
or in plain wrapper, ex
press prepaid, on receipt
of SI, or three bottles, $?.7S
Booklet on request. "
Ttomtg Mine CfalneM
Medicine Co. Wonderful
remedies from herbs and
roots cures all diseases ot
men and women. Consulta
tion and pulse diagnosis
free. If you live out of
town and cannot call,
write for symptom blank.
247 Taylor st., bet. 2d and
i "s.
m fTbm mndr tor I
At tA Catarrh, GoldaU
Y r
MEN Cured Cheaply Secretly
My treatment is baaed on mod
ern facts not theory or specula
tion. The main spoke in my
achievements has been vigorous ef
forts and honest aim, and I want
to talk -with every man who from
any cause is not up to the stand
ard of health and vitality, because,
if any sick man will pjut his own
shoulder to the wheel, he will prof
it greatly by my experience and
ability, combined with his own ef
eured in a few weeks; improve
ment from the start. If you suffer
from loss of energy and ambition,
feel tired when you arise in the
morning, lame back, dizziness.
spots before the eyes, and feel you
x wui cure joa lor uxe.
There i no risk, for I do not treat incurable cases Under any
consideration. Z do not experiment nor use injurious drugs to ruin
your system.
CHI or write today.
VaricoBo Veins 5 days Nervous Decline 30 days
Constriction 30 dayB Blood Disorders 90 days
To obtain these quick results you must come to the office, as it
cannot be done by. mail. Do not forget this fact. I always do as I
advertise to do.
I will give the poorest man a chance, as well as the rich, "to re
ceive a cure from me at small cost. There is no man too poor to set
my best opinion free.
"Write for advice today, if you cannot call; sent free in plain,
sealed letter.
Send me particulars of your case at once, if you cannot call. Medi
cines from $L50 to $6.50 a 'course.
Sunday hours, 10 A. M. to 12 M. Daily hours, 9 A. M. to 8 P. M.
ST. LOUIS MEDICAL CO, 230! Yamhill Street
Separate Parlors.
You need not pay any doctor
ain exorbitant or fancy price
for treatment when I offer you
a thorough and permanent
CURE for a moderate fee.
I hare a qnlok and absolutely certain sys
tem of treating- the caaea I undertake which
positively insures the cure In less than the
time called for by methods used in ordinary
Contracted Ailments
Every contracted ailment I treat la thor
oughly cured. My patients have no relapses.
When I pronounce a case cured there Is not
a particle of Infection or inflammation re
maining1, nJ there is not the slightest dan
ger that the ailments will return. No con
tracted ailment is so trivial as to warrant
uncertain methods of treatment, and I espe
cially solicit those cases ttvat other dootors
have been unable to cure.
I use neither knife, llgratures nor caustic
In my treatment for Varicose Veins. I posi
tively cure this ailment In one week by an
absolutely painless method and without de
taining the patient from business.
' My method of curing- obstructions Is new"
and entirely original. No cutting- or dilating-.
The obstruction is dissolved and en
tirely removed and all affected membranes
thoroughly cleansed.
Come and have a private talk with mo
concerning your ailment. Even If you are
not prepared to undergo treatment at this
time, I can always give helpful suggestions
to men who are ailing. If you cannot come
to Portland, write for particulars ot my sys
tem of home treatment.
It Was at Red One Before Ponlam Com
pletely Cleared the Skin.
Because of the numerous reflections
on his red nose many a man possessed
of that affliction has determined to rid
himself of It, and has done so quickly
through, the use of a little poslam, the
new skin remedy, naturally flesh-col-ered,
which heals and hides skin
Imperfections. Although primarily a
remedy for eczema stopping the itch
ing with first application and rapidly
restoring the health of the skin pos
lam shows immediate and surprising
results when used for less serious skin,
affections, such as pimples, rash,
blotches, inflammations, etc. Used
after shaving it will soothe and tone
up the skin as no toilet preparation
could possibly do.
According to the uses for which it is
employed, poslam may be purchased in
50-cent boxes or $2 jars at the Skid
more Drug Co. and the Woodard-Clarke
Co., also all other drug stores. A free
sample which will demonstrate Its
marvelous work will be sent upon re
quest to any one who will write to the
Emergency Laboratories, 32 West 25th
street. New York City.
Woman a Specialty
The well-known Chines DR.
S. K. CI1A, with their Chi
nese remedy ot herb and.
roots, cure wonderfully. It has
cured many sufferers when
ell nthar mm H I tl A.VS
tailed. Sure cure for male Si. i
and female. chonlc, private -a-tial JhJ
diseases, nervousness. oiooa Man o If fmiu
poison, rheumatism, asthma, Ulidg &. unAII
pneumonia, throat, lung trouble, consump
tion, stomach, bladder, kidney and diseases
of all kinds. Remedies harmless. No oper
ation. Honest treatment. Examination for
ladies by MKS. S. K. CHAN. Call or write S.
Morrison St., Bet- 1st and 2d, Portland, Or.
Cured. Only author! red Keelev In-
UtitlltA In Or,.., 1XTW C i 1 1
&?d.cJTrnLr- Ke.Ier Institute.
are not "the man you once were.
No Names Used.
The Leading Specialist.
910,000 MI SKIM
Every man is
Invited to visit
this won d e r f u 1
educational exhib
it, showing the
human body in
wax reproduc
tions. FREE TO MEN
Cough Stopped
Finest, parent, moot pleavrant to
uxe, and fftvM Inntant relief to.
cougbs or hay fever nd catarrh.
Get Free Sample
at yonrlraqnrlrts, oreSoanrt Mo
keep baindy. Or write
Kondon Mfg. Co
Minneapolis, Minn
"I used Cascarets and feel like a new
man. I have been a sufferer from dys
pepsia and sour stomach for the last two
years. I have been taking medicine and
other drugs, but could find no relief only
for a short time. I will recommend
Cascarets to my friends as the only thing
for indigestion and sour stomach and to
keep the bowels in good condition. .
They are very nice to eat."
Harry Stuck ley, Mauch Chunk, Pa.
Pleasant, Calatabl. Potent, Taste Good.
Do Good. Never Sicken, Weaken orGrlpe.
10c. 25c, 50c. Never sold In bulk. Tbe gen
uine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to
core or jour money back. bzs
Weak Stomachs
prevents nausea by Disrestinir all the food vou
eat. cures Indigestion, stops Dvspeiia. makes
weak stomachs strong. Kodol acts promptly,
is pleasant to take, and may be used by any
one as directed with perfect confidence of stood
results. Every tablespoon! ul of Kodol digests
JA pnmii ai fnaa. it in suaouiteed. Try iu