THE MORNING OREGONIAN. TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 1910. 16 FOR SALE. Uortc-fl, Vehicle and Haroert. F"OR BALE, Portland Stables, 26 North 15th at.. 1 team. 3000 lbs., 11 years old, $426; 1 team, 600 lbs., 11 years old, $42 5: 1 team, 2500 lbs., 8 vars old, $400; 1 team, 2300 lbs., 7 years old, $300; 1 team, 2400 lbs., 9 vears old, 5300; 1 team, 2800 lbs.. 13 years old. $175; 1 horse 1300 lbs.. 7 years old, $200; 1 horse. 1400 lbs., 6 years old. J225; 1 mare. 1125 lbs., 5 years old, $150; 1 mare. 1175 lbs.. 10 years, old. $12"; " 1 horse. 1060 lbs.. 10 years old. $125. I will give a written guarantee with every horse I sell to be exactly as represented or your mony refunded. I will furnish a prospective customer with both bank and business references. R L. Evans. FOR SALE A seal-brown stallion, weight 1050. 4 years old, drives with open and blind bridle, been trained 4 months and shows the world's speed. If some one wanted a stock horse here is the real thing. He is bred by the King tted. He by Red Wilkes. We have got the breed ing down from the first to the sixth dam. He Is standard and registered; a perfect beauty, will sell for cash or trade for California property. 505 Albina, ave. FOR SALS. 6 young driving hoses. 1 draft mare. 1 driving mare. 1 spring wagon. 1 farm wagon. 1 double-seated hack. 1 set farm harness. FREE DM AX BROS., 480 Overton St.. bet. 13th and 14th. A CHANCE SELDOM OFFERED. $150 cash will purchase my outfit, con sisting of chestnut horse, age 7, weight about 1100 lbs., true to work anywhere and a free roadster, safe for a lady to drive and fearless; also harness In good condition and rubber-tired buggy; will be sold to be as .-presented or money re funded. 606 Washington st. HORSES FOR SALE. 20 head of as good horses as ever came 'to Portland are on sale at the Hawthorne Stables, 420 Hawthorne ave.; weigh from 1000 to 1700 lbs.; these horses will be guaranteed by us and everybody knows our guarantee Is good; references Citizens Sank. 420 Hawthorne ave. A 8-YEAR-OLD gelding, weight 1150, bred by Lovles, his first dam by Markanan, he is a green trotter, but with all kinds of speed, he never was trained but I will go out on the track at any time and drive him a full mile better than :40; price Is $.150. I leave for California and will sell my horse. 505 Albina ave. ONE good, true pulling horse, 1300 lbs., for $45. and one large mule, good, true worker. $45; be sure and call today, as feed Is high and must be sold; you farm ers, this is your chance ; you can hitch them up and drive yourself so as you can see hey are true pullers. Call 313 Water st, FOR SALE Horses, harness and wagons. Remember, we seli guaranteed horses and mares. If not as represented, they can be returned. We also have on hand several delivery, farm, vegetables and milk wagons for pale. Hawthorne-Ave. Stables, 420 Hawthorne ave. $210 MARE AND GELDIXG $210. Ages 7 and 9. weight 26O0 lbs.; a lit tle thin In uesh, but a more reliable team could not be found in this state; guaran teed. 606 Washington st. 1 SPAN of mares, well matched, weighing 2800 lbs.; 3 teams weighing 3000; 1 well matched span of horses, weighing 3250. These ar sound and without blemishes. 226 Russell st. 100 BUYS dark dapple grey horse, age 5, weight 1300 lbs., true to pull single or double; lost his mate, only reason for sell ing. Inquire for T. V. Smith's horse, 606 Washington st. FOR SALE Good, sound, chunky 2200-1 b. team horses, almost new farm wagon and harness, complete. $17.; true pullers, fast travelers. Call 351 Mill st. 0-YEAR-OLD matched gray team, 2600 lbs.; true, sound and good drivers; do any kind of work; no deadheads nor dopes; wagon almost new. 11S4 East Grant. GIVING up business; will sell good 2600-Ib. team horses and harness; $175; good work ers single or double. Call Parisian .Bakery, 240 Harrison st. $225 BUYS team and harness; team blacks, ages 6 and 8, weight 2550 lbs., block built and closely matched; can pull 5 tons. 606 W ash 1 ngton st. THOROUGHBRED registered bay gelding; warranted, sound and kind; a beauty to look at and a great roaodster; price $350. Phone Main 8672 afternoons. A CARLOAD of fine horses from 4 to T years old, weight from 12O0 to 1700. See that lot before buying. 505 Albina ave., open Sundays. , Birds, Dogs, Pet Stock. THOROUGHBRED fox terrier pups. East Irving st. Take M. V. car to walk 2 blocks north. 1923 ittth ENGLISH SETTER. for sale, or A 305. Phone A 1323 Pianos, Organs and Musical Ins. FOR SALE) Piano, Weber grand square, in good condition, at your own price; make me an offer; must sell. W. L. Nash, 288 ROSEWOOD square piano; sweet ton-e, $50. izvo uoroeii si. NEW piano to exchange for city lot. AC oa. oregonlan. Automobiles. PACIFIC AUTO CO.. 266-268 Eleventh Bt. Automobile bought, sold and exchanged; we axe legitimate and responsible dealers; every car guaranteed as represented; we nanci'e secona-nana cars xor tne dealers. runabouts and touring cars of every itanaara mane. jau ana look tnem over. WANTED To purchase for cash, late model standard make automobile, & or . i -passenger. 30-horsepower or more ; must be first-class. s i uregonian. 1909 OLDSMOBILE. Elegant condition, 6 months old; will sell for $2000 cash; fully equipped; owner leaving city. tirtn at., room l. REO runabout. 1909 model, used only few months; will sell cheap for cash. AB 796, uregonian. CARTER CAR AGENCY. 530 Alder St. C. W. VAUGHAN, Mgr. AUTOMOBILE, $750, 5-passenger Geo. R. Flora, 470 E. Burnside st. AUTOMOBILE garage in South Portland for rent. 411 Corbett bldg. RUNABOUT wanted in partial exchange for small touring car. za Aiaer. FOR RENT Private garage. 32th st. Apply 257 M Iscell aneons. SEWING machines Do not fail to visit the " White sewing machine store THIS WEEK. orECiAL bALEi) liiu droo-neaa mac nines. sllghtlv marred: all standard makes ma chines for rent and repairing. H. D. Jones, Prop.. 4iu Washington St., corner iitn. Si AVE discontinued retail business in all of our stores; fixtures, consisting of showcases, cach registers, safes, wall cases, etc., for sale, very reasonable. HOCHFBLD BROS. CIGAR CO., 211 Morrison. BEST dry fir and oak wood, either sawed or 4-ft., at lowest possible prices. Kirk xawwvtir, oio water sc. raoae aiam 4;u a. (mo. MORTGAGE SALE Remington typewriter, iron safe, 2 electric motors, printer's wit stitching machine. Prudhomme. ' . 636 jnamDer oi commerce. SCHOOLBOOKS bought, sold and exchanged at Hyland's. 211 2d st.. near Salmon. 168 otn St.. opposite post on ice. FOR SALE Hart-Parr traction gasoline en gine; good as new. R. T. Cox. 250 3d ' st.. Portland, Or. 6PECIAL prices on factory rebuilt machines; very liberal terms; $10 to $00. Northwest Typewriter Co.. M. SS7G, 223 A bi ngton bldg. FOR SALE --Showcase, cash register, roll top desks and counters. Main 6249, or call 651 Savier st. FINE 'Crown" upright piano and pianola, with 100 rolls music. Apply to Gilman Auction & Commission Company, 126 ad U FOR SALE. CHEAP. One small soda fountain. Call 526 Washington st. WILL sacrifice perfect and beautiful diamond ring, nearly 2 K. 618 S wetland. UP-TO-DATE soda fountain with 2 dozen glass holders, spoons, etc. 33 N. 3d st. NEW furniture of 5-room house for sale at a bargain. 102 East Flanders, corner 8th. FOR SALE A gasoline launch engine, 4 h.-p.. in good condition. Call 232 3d st. BOO B'JSINESS cards $1 If you bring this ad. Rose City Printery, 102 3d, near Taylor. FRESH eggs for the invalid Tabor 433. Telephone TYPEWRITER BARGAINS. 231 Stark at. Mala 1407, FOR SALE. M iscellaneoos. FOR SALS. 200 -horsepower motor, generator set, belted units, complete with circuit-breakers and panels, alternating stnd direct cur rent machines ; ideal drive for Industrial plant; complete information furnished, at room 201 Oregonlan bldg. SAFES 14 2d hand safes verr cheap; large stock new safes sold on easy terms; call or write today. Portland Safe Co.. 87 6th. WANTED MXSCF.LT AXEOTJ8. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes: we also buy household furnishings; highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 47 3d st.. North. Phone Main 9272. BICYCLE WANTED. Must be In good condition, especially good tires and cheap; in letter give price. AL 797, Oregonlan. PAIR of young bay draft horses, 3200 lbs. or larger. See R. A. Camp, care Mar shall Wells Hardware Co. WANTED Clothing, best price paid for ladies and gents' ' second-hand clothing and shoes and bicycles. Main 2080. 290 1st. HIGHEST prices paid rubber, copper, brass, pelts, hides, wool, furs. Telephone Main 6198 J. Leve. 186 Columbia, BELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co. or you'll get less. Phones A 2445. Main 8951. WANTED Some single Iron beds. A 4402. R 774, Oregonlan. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East j067. WANTED Men's discarded clothing; we pay highest prices. Marshall. 745. 3d. WANTED Some good dirt. Phone B 2075. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Man and wife, cook and helper In boarding-house in city, $ . o up ; man end wife on farm. $50. Bench carpenters and woodturners, $3.30; mill carpenters, $3.50; rough car penters, $3. yard and car tallymen, $2.T5; lumber graders, $2.50 to $2.75; planer feeders, $2.2-5 to $2.50. Mill and yardmen, $2 to $3. Four experienced grafters for large nursery, wages. $2.25 to $2.50 tper day and board. Four young men to work on fruit ranch, $30 per month and board. Ten farmhands, $30. $35 and $40 Fifteen men to work on hop ranch. Call for particulars. Hundreds of jobs every day. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT Main Office. COMPANY, 12 N. 2d st. BLACKSMITH. LOGGING. $4. Blacksmith machinist. $4 and board. Band res aw man, $3. 6 rough carpenters. $3. Man and wife. Janitors, $40 and found. Hundreds of others. CANADIAN EM P. CO., 2-1 N. 2D ST. HOTEL BAKER and pastry cook, $75 and found ; 3 cooks, all kinds of kitchen help, porters, etc. 5 bridge carpenters, $3, 9 hours; 2 stone cutters. 2 cement finishers; others. C. R. HANSEN & CO.. 26 North 2d St. MAN about 30, nioe appearance, to act as attendant in museum; good salary to man of experience and ability; rapid advance ment if competent. AF 809, Oregonlan. CLERK for store of large lumbering com pany; must be prepared to Invest small amount in company's stock; fullest in vestigation. Address K 793, Oregonlan. STRONG, husky young man with some ex perience nana nng coal snipments; give age, experience and references. M 700, Oregonlan. WANTED Young man In general insurance office for billing and record work; must write good hand and give references and salary expected. Reply F 794, Oregonlan. REAL ESTATE salesman wanted to sell new addition; high-grade property, close in. in restricted district. Address AC 797, Oregonlan. I WANT to correspond with motion-picture operator who owns machine. J as. O. Rellly, Bonneville, Or. BOY WANTED Errand boy that knows the city; must be over 16. Mc Allen & Mc Donnell. 3d and Morrison sts. BOOKKEEPER who is thorough accountant, good salary. Address, own handwriting. Box 22, St. John, Or. BOY of 16 or' 17 for office, work; make ap plication in own handwriting and state salary expected. F 785, Oregonlan. WANTED Young mart in wholesale house for ledger work; must write a good hand; salary smalt to start. AD 808, Oregonlan. 6 LABORERS. East 46th and Brazee, 9 A. M. ; also man for concrete forms. East 14th and Henry. PARTNER for ranch near Eugene; little money required. Address Benedict 1501, E. Oak st., Portland. Phone B 2075. EXPERIENCED carpenter car-builder and repairer for logging camp ; steady work. H 806, Oregonlan. WANTED Honest partner with $300 to act as cashier for traveling motion-picture show. 526 Washington st. BOY wanted who understands running elec tric freight elevator. Apply Ifit and An k eny. Lan g & Co. YOUNG MAN, as assistant bookkeeper, stenographer and typewriter preferred. 339 Sherlock bldg., 2 to 4. MACHINIST of experience for small logging road; give age, experience ana rererences. X 803. Oregonlan. COMPETENT real estate and rooming-house man wanted for good connection ; state experience, F 805, Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPING Private tuition in book keeping by an accountant. 301 Mer chants Trust bldg., 6th and Washington. MOTION picture operators earn $25 weekly; easy inside work ; learn business In short time ; lessons reasonable. 626 y Wash. LIVE proposition for 1 or 2 able salesmen who can give first-class references. Call 403 Lewis bldg., between 9 and 11 today. WANTED Good all-around dentist; must be a good man or need not apply. New York Dental Parlors. 4th and Morrison sts. WANTED Coatmaker, $8.50 and up. D. L Peters. Walla Walla, Wash., or call D. B, McBride &. Co., Portland. Or. SIS to $35 week, few months only learning: positions guaranteed. Watchmaking-En graving School, box 182, Ashland, Or. PAPERHANGEtRS. Wanted Mn to paper 2 4-room house want it done cheap. Call 3oft Henry bldg. RARE opportunity for bright young man with little money; no experience required Call 320 Washington st., room 417. LABORERS for foundry, bldg., 11 to 12 A. M. 339 Sherlock WANTED A boy at blacksmith shop Madison. FIRST-CLASS coatmaker; steady work; $25 per week. 270 Washington St., room 25. WANTED Experienced draftsman at once. Phone East 4 and 7. WANTED A cylinder pressfeeder at Quick Printing co.r utn and Morrison. HORSESHOER at once; none but first-class need up ply. J. G. Morris, corvallis, Or. WANTED Metal lather, carpenter, handj man. two laoorers. jtf. fine ana 12th st. YOUNG man to learn barber trade. 832 Mis sissippi ave. BOYS wanted, after school. 273 H Salmon st.; also boys WANTED Photograph coupon agents; our now offer a snap. Cutberth, Dekum bldg. STRONG boy to learn hanging awnings, pa cific Tent & Awning Co.. 27 1st st. North. FIRST-CLASS carriage painter; must know how to stripe. 3 So E. Pine st. HIGH-CLASS salesman; compensation large; permanent. 215 Commercial bldg. WANTED Two boys) with wheels, $40 per month. Apply 181 10th st. WANTED To hire teams, $5.60 per day. Star Sand Co., loth and Front sts. SALESMAN General store; Washington, room IS. eoui.try. 313 YOUNG MAN to help In blacksmith shop. Linn ton. W. R. Cochrane. BOOKKEEPER Bookkeeper and stenogra pher. 313 H Washington, room 18. YOUNG iran 18 or 20 to work in bottling department. Apply 91 Front st. CUPOLA man, thoroughly competent. Sherlock bldff HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Able-bodied men for the XT. S. Ma rine Corps, between the ages of 19 and 85. Must be native-born or have first papers. Monthly pay $15 to $68. Additional compen sation possible. Food, clothing, quarters asd medical attendance free. After 80 years service can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowances. Service on board ship aad ashore In all parts of the world. Apply a.t New Grand Central Hotel, Portland. Oregon. FIREMEN" and brakemen Tor positions on nearby railroads. ' Experience unnecessary; good vision; age 20-30; $76 to $100 monthly. No strike; permanent employment; promo tion. 300 men a month being sent to poal--tions. State age, weight, height; send scamp. Hallway Association, care Or ego -' nian. 10,000 POSITIONS tor graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade in 8 weeks, help to secure positions; gradu ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert Instructor; tools free; write for cata logues. Mohler System of Colleges, 84 North 4th St.. Portland. Or. . WANTED Men for actual contract work; no expense to learn electricity, automo biles, plumbing, bricklaying in few months; 200 students last year; write for free cat alogue. United Trade School Contracting Co., 234 Alisost-, Los Angeles. CLERK and Carrier examination March 2$; special coaching and Instruction; applica tions must be in early, so pulck action n your part Is necessary. Call, write or phone at once. Pacific States School. Mo Kay bldg., city. WANTED A-l cloak salesman for road to sell cloaks, suits, furs, etc. Must have experience and A-1 references, to the right man will give salary and commission. Without experience don't apply. Call at rooms 10-11, B. & O. T. bldg., city. WANTED Danish interpreter to aseift me in locating a colony of 15 families in the Wil lamette Valley. CHESTER H. STARR, 1022 Board of Trade Bldg. WANTED Three experienced real estate salesmen to work Othello prospects; 30 days trial; If you make good we will give you a good contract. Ask for Harris. 219-20 Commercial Club bldg. ( SALESMEN. The Jno. P. Sharkey Co.. 122 H Sixth st-. desire several men who have enterprise to sell high-class subdivision property; liberal commissions. WANTED 300 men to buy $3 sample hats, now $1.50. Low rent in basement Is the reason. Hats cleaned and blocked. 50c. The Hattery. 815-317 Alder, corner 6th; basement. 850 Men's Spring sample suits, regular $35 values. $18.75; values to $25. $14.75; values to $22.5o. $12.75 Knew Sample Suit Shop, 315 Oregonlan brdg. Jimmie Dunne, mgr. WANTED Steady, sober man used to farm produce; will pay good salary and share of profits; small Investment required. Par tlculars, 28 Stark st. WE aid our members to secure employment. Constant demand for young men of ability and lntegrltty. Special employment mem bership. Y. M. C. A, Jl NUMBER of young" men wanted for tele graph and station service ; good positions guaranteed. Call or address School of Telegraphy, 148 5th St. COMPETENT salesman wanted to sell a household necessity; good pay to right man. Columbia Chemical . Co.. San Rafael and Williams ave. SALESMAN to invest in candy business: we can turn out the goods; this is gooa proposition to hustler. Smith-Wright, 520 Burnside st. WANTED 2 HIGH-CLASS SALESMEN FOR CITY; PROPOSITION WILL PAY BIG RD TCRXS IF YOU ARE A LIVEJ AND EN ERGETIC SALESMAN. 20 OAK ST. FARM HAND wanted; German or Swiss; must be able to milk and handle horses. Apply to T. J. Seufert, between 7 and 8 o'clock. 705 Brazee. cor. B. 20th st. Phone E. 4373. WANTED Good: man to work on farm; no milking; $1 per day and board; close to Portland. Apply 709 Corbett -bldg. WANTED First-class solicitor for cleaning and dye works; good salary to right party. 418 Unloji ave. North. EXPERIENCED bonbon and chocolate dip pers. Apply at Candy factory, 41 .East Sixth St., North. EXPERIENCED grocery specialty salesman to sell well-known brand soap; state age, experience and references. F 808, Ore gonlan. WANTED Two good salesmen to sell staple article by house-to-house calls; same to be delivered through grdcers. V 772, Oregonlan. HELP WANTED FLiLVLK. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework; small tamily; good wages. i84 East Tay lor st., near East 14th. Phone B 2440. EXPERIENCED cook for family of two. Apply 10 to 3 o clock, 769 Northrup st. GIRL for housework; small family; good home. 504 Davis st. Call mornings. WANTED Girl for light housework. s. 3d st. GIRL wanted for second work and assist in caring for 2 children. 348 10th. LESSONS In Shorthand and Typewriting by expert, $5 a month. 269 14th. Main 33tt3. WANTED An experienced waitress at the Hill Hotel, 23d and Washington sts. WANTED A girl for general housework. 394 College st. MILLINERY and shirtwaist classes at Y. W. C. A. LADIES to travel, $75 month and expenses; city, 2.50 day. csui Z4y .tioinaay, rra. . YOUNG GIRL to assist in light housework. Call mornings. 321 E. 16th st. N. GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory No. 2. Grand ave. and East Taylor. WAITRESS at Merchants Hotel. Third and Davis. WANTED Experienced milliners. -Apply at once. Wonder Millinery, Morrison and 1st. GIRL wanted, general housework; good home, good wages. 401 Rothchild bldg. WANTED Girl for general housework family of four. Apply 770 Everett st. WOM A N cook, hotel, $40. room and board. Pioneer Employment. 16 North Second st. A GERMAN or Swerish lady for housework. 214 13th st. general GIRL wanted for general housework. Apply 142 Union ave.. North. WANTED 2 ch am be rm aid s. Hotel, 332 Glisan. New Western GIRL for light housework. W car to 20th. 8S3 Raleigh St.; FIRST-CLASS waitress at 3ft3 East Morri son st. GIRL for general housework. Call 330 Weld ler, or phone East 1818. GIRL to work In Doll Rake. 1.50 day. Ap ply between 11 and 12 A. M.. 275 Couch. WANTED Girl for general housework. B. B. Gillimaie, 3C9 Sherman. Mrs. GIRL for general housework. 2 2d st. 241 North GIRL for housework in small family. E. Couch. Phone East 4019. YOUNG lady stenographer. Apply 1011 Cor bett bldg. PRIVATE lessons, shorthand, typewriting. 304 12th st. Main 6800. WOMEN to work In restaurant; lng. 280H Yamhill st. WANTED Young girl to care for child 4 afternoons a. week. G 807. Oregonlan. GOOD woman for general housework; small family; good home. 725 Weidler st. - GIRL for second work and rare of two children. 704 Irving st. A 1182. Main 8235. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework, good wages. Phone East 927. WANTED A competent cook for family. Ap ply 624 Myrtle st., Portland Heights. GIRL wanted, light housework; no washing or ironing. East 25S7 or B 10S7. GOOD cirl wanted for general housework. 565 5th st. GIRL wanted for light housework. Fifth St. 565 WANTED Cook, also to assist with house work. 626 Everett. A FIRST-CLASS hairdresser and manicurist. Elite Halrdressing Parlors. 109 Seventh st. COLORED -GIRL. Apply Tuesday. 1043 Haw thorne ave. YOUNG girl to assist in housework. Apply 662 Johnson. WA-NTED Girl, general work. 631 Hood st- HELP W AN TEDFEMALE. WANTED Two cooks, city, $10 week; boarding-house cook, $40. city; cooks for " country hotels, $35 up; cook for orlvate family, $35; girls for general housework. $20 to $35. city and country. Factory girls, $1 day, city; nurse, very easy place. Large number of new places every day. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. Ladles Dept. 205 s Morrison st. 87 NEW PLACES TODAY. ALL KINDS. SEE ABOUT THEM. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 845 hi Washington St., Cor. 7th, Upstairs. EXPERIENCED chocolate dippers; wages, steady employment. PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT CO., 12th and Davis Sts. good WANTED 500 ladies to buy sample straw -oraid, all colors, 50c bundle; wire frames, flowers; straw hats remodeled. THE HATTERY. 315 Alder, corner 6th. GIRL for general housework, small family; privileges or tne nome and nrst-ciass treatment ; must be good plain cook ; wages $25. Call at GOO Tillamook st., Ir vington car. WANTED 3 first-class trimmers. 6 makers ana 10 saleswomen Tor millinery store in city; good salary to competent people. Apply between 12 and 1 o'clock. La Pal ais Royal. 375 Washington at. SALESWOMAN IN DOMESTICS; thoroughly experienced, nrst-ciass. OLDS, WORTMAN & KING. WANTED Two Norwegian or Swedish girls ror general housework in homes aajoin ing; good wages, phone B 207S. 134 East 5Hd st. Mount Tabor car. WANTED Young lady, of good address; must he a good, plain writer ana willing to assist both as cash tar ana assistant in office. Dr. Wythe's Dentists, 148 5th st. ENERGETIC woman of good appearance, over 25, for position with wholesale house; experience unnecessary. AB 708, Ore gonlan. STENOGRAPHERS, any system, taking our speed drills are assisted to good positions. 630 orcester block. WANTED A few up-to-date salesladies and demonstrators. Call rooms 513-514 Lum ber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark. WANTED Two experienced girls for dip ping chocolates; good pay. 3sH Burnside srroai. WANTED A woman for general housework, small family, no children. 18G 18th St., North. TWO experienced chocolate dippers; carfare paid ; steady work. Good-Robbin Candy Co., Vancouver, Wash. WANTED Ladles,- we bleach, sew, dye and remodel hats, dye plumes at price. Model Millinery, 387 YamhilL WANTED Refined, capable women for re sponsible position. Viavl Co., 609 Roth child -bldg., 4th and Washington. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES AGENCY. 3264 Washington St., Room 307. Main 8S36 or A 3206. AN attractive, educated young lady as dem onstrator. Address John McAllister, Ore gon Hotel, city. ELDERLY woman for general housework; family of two. Apply 502 East 23d st. North. Phone East 5130. WANTED Girl for general housework for family of 2. 348 Grand ave. North, cor. Broadway. WANTED Man and wife to take charge of Summer home ; give experience in horti culture. G 80S. Oregonlan. WANTED Woman cook, German or Swed ish preferred. Columbia Hotel, 321 First st., cor. Clay. WANTED A girl for second work, small family; good wages. Apply 113 North 20th St.. cor. GUsan. EXPERIENCED cook, with some house work. 767 Madison, near Ford. Main 2717. EXPERIENCED hand ironers and flannel washers. Yale Laundry, oOO East Mor rison st. STENOGRAPHER Must know something about bookkeeping; experience not neces sary. 231 Stark st. WANTED Experienced saleslady for under wear, hosiery and furnishings, etc Call Moy bldg., cor. 2d and Yamhill. SA LESLADY for gloves, hosiery, umbrel las; permanent position. Lennon's, Mor rison, opp. postoffice. COITRT Reporter will teach stenography to bright, ambitious girl in exchango for office work. Call 710 Board of Trade. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 343 Washington St., cor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Main 2692. AX experienced saleslady. Apply at once, English Correct Millinery, 331 Morrison. Marquam bldg. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework and cooking. 794 Irvin'gton st. A 1182. Main &23-. COMPETENT girl for cooking and general housework: small family. Phone Main 1)467 mornings. WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap ply 3G9 Johnson st. WANTED Girl to help houeework; mornings only; must live at home. Phone M 4996. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. 3 COMPLETELY furnished! connecting uuuocaociJiiis ruums. 4,w x amntu. FISK TEACHERS AGENCY offers good po- pi huiib m a-j. inatructors. oil swetiana. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. POSITION wanted by experienced window trimmer and card writer; experienced in clothing and men's furnishings; depart ment store preferred; best references given H 796, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN with experience as gent's furnishings salesman, would like employ ment as extra man on Saturday after noon and evenings. AH 800, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED office man and bookkeeper want position of trust; willing to leave elty. F 807, Oregonlan. AN experienced hotel clerk wishes position A 1 references. T 774, Onegonlan. Miscellaneous. SITUATION by young Scotchman as baker or baker's helper; just finished his ap prenticeship In the old country. David Smith, Newberg, Or. EXPERIENCED, strong Japanese boy wants situation to do cooking and housework AF 807, Oregonlan. ELDERLY man, good orchardlst or gardener desires position for Summer; can give good reference. R 797, Oregonlan. YOUNG man attending business college wants place to work for room and board G 809, Oregonlan. A JAPANESE wants a position in Oregon as a farmer boy. M. Harada, 302 Couch St., Portland. JAPANESE boy wants work in morning or by day. Phone A 6032. EXPERIENCED good Japanese cook wants place in family or hotel. AF 7S0 Oregonlan. WANTED House-cleaning- by the job, day or hour. Phone B 2094. JAPANESE Employment Co., will furnish all help. 268 Everett. Main 4659. A 4073. EXPERIENCED blacksmith helper want po sition; give phone. AE 80S, Oregonian. Fl RST- OLA S S pan ts operator, st. Main 2702. 104 North 3d YOUNG MAN wants steady work of any kind. E 790. Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenograph era. YOUNG lady with some knowledge of sten ography would like general office work. T 7 72J Oregonian. GOOD typist will copy cheap; work guar anteed. Phone Main 8594. LADY stenographer, neat, accurate and com- potent; reference j i w vregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE, Dressmakers. THOROUGHLY competent dressmaker will make engagements bday. Phone Main 7Cau. DRESSMAKING, remodellnar and nlain sew ing by day: dron card to dressmaker. tlJ 14th st. North, giving your phone number. A DRESSMAKER 16th st. wishes work. 2S3 North ANGELES Dressmaking Parlors. 326 H Wash ington st., suite 21& Main 682. A oo&L STYLISH dresses; 95 up; wa'J'j. $1 up; fine work; references. 528 E Mill. East SZtt. DRESSMAKING $2 per day. 13 71. Call evenings. Phone East DRESSMAKER would like engagements by the day. Miss Fischer, 47J layior st. Housekeepers. HOT'SEKEEPER, refined widow. ne child. widower's home or rooming-house; good. with children. D 805, Oregonlan. A CAPABLE young woman with a child 4 years old, wishes a place as housekeepers Phone xaoor lfuu. WOMAN with child wishes general house . work. Inquire Young Women's Christian, Association, hours 10 to 4. Nurses. YOUNG woman, position for child or chil dren, at once. Phone 9375 or call 26U6 5th st. TRAINED NURSE wishes cases; best of ref erences. Inquire Young Women's Chris tian Association, hours 10 to 4. Miscellaneous. SWEDISH lady wants position to cook for a few men, or housekeeper in widower's family. Please answer after 6 P. M. A 2661. 4S 9th st. North. WANTED Small children to care for by day, week or month, by a Christian lady. V 771, Oregonlan. LACE curtains washed and put up, 40 cents and up ; special rates for hotels and of fices. Phone Main 5723. GIRL wishes to act as companion evenings in whole or part payment for board and room, iast om. WOMAN wants work of any kind by day or nour. Phone A 2661. 4s 9th st. Nortn. WASHING to take home from hotels; called ror ana delivered. Wooalawn 47. WOMAN with small child wishes position as housekeeper. Phone Main 2728. STRONG experienced woman wants washing and Ironing; no half days. Main 4iiWi. RELIABLE woman wants work by the day; cleaning preferred. Main 839S. WOMAN tv ant s work by the day. Phone Main 1625 or A 27S6. RESPONSIBLE lady wishes work by day; very handy. Phone Wood lawn 14-. SWEDISH woman like dav work, any feind. Call after 6 in the evening. H 1703, room z. WANTED Lace curtains hand laundered. from 25c to 50c. Phone A 42SO. DAY WORK Phone Main 4o34. after 6 P. M. WANTED AGENTS. SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash weekly selling choice nursery stock; out fit free. Capital City Nursery Company. Salem, Oregon. WANTED TO BENT. WANTED TO RENT. We furnish the renter, collect the rent. pay taxes. Insurance and keep up repairs the same for you as though the property was our own: references any bank la Portland. THE S H AWiFEA R COMPANY. 24044 Btark St. Phones A 3000; Main R5. WANTED TO RENT About June 1. mod ern house, 8 rooms, on West Side; will take lease for term of years, with option to purchase one year. House must be well located and have all modern con veniences. Apply, giving street and num ber. Box 732. WANTED To rent front window and 14 feet back, centrally located ; watchmakei and jeweler; state price of rent. AJ 772, uregonian. Houses. A FURNISHED 5 or 6-room cottage or bun galow by a young married couple; near Mis sissippi or St. Johns car preferred. T 770, oregonlan. FURNISHED 6-room house, strictly modern. within 4-mlIe radius; want altitude; will rent for long term ; no children ; relerences. AG 789, Oregonlan. WANTED Upper and lower flat, responsi- - ble party on lease. Phone Main 73S& or A 3055. MODERN cottage, walking distance or near good carline; reasonable. AF 808, Ore gonlan. 5 OR 6-room furnished cottage by young cou ple for the Summer; modern, yard. G 806, Oregonlan. Kooms. DON'T you want to ivsnt that sunny alcove or spare room, with board, to a young gentleman and wife? Must be strictly pri vate family; liberal rate. C 780, Ore gonlan. WANTED Suite of rooms furnished for light housekeeping; must be clean and modern, ana convenient to It en ton cars. T 737, Oregonlan. Rooms With Hoard. OFFICE clerk wants cheap, small, clean, , neat room in private family, outside town; hour walking distance, with breakfast. preferred. V 770, Oregonlan. WANTED Room in private family for single gentleman, Vet or North Portland. AB 8X, Oregon lan . ROOM in a private family by two young men; west of 6th, north of Jefferson. Y 782, OregODian. Business places. WANTED To lease, location for photo- grapn studio on or oeiow w ashing ton st., between 3rd and 7th. AC 773, Oregonlan. FOB RENT. Furnished Rooms, THE WEAVER. 710 Washington st., near King, brand new. elegantly furnished; every room has a Drivate bath, telephone : the maximum of convenience and excellence, the minimum of expense. If you want the best in the city for the money, call and inspect; dining-room in connection. HOTEL MINNESOTA. 88 N. 5th St.. S. E. Cor. Flanders. New brick building, steam heated, por celain baths, fine large ofnoo on ground floor, elegant mui, everything absolutely new and clean; rates only $2.fio and up per week; 60c and ta per day. S blocks from Union Depot. THE BARTON. 13th and Alder, new man agement, newly renovated throughout; 70 outside rooms, steam heat, electric liKhts. ' etc.: rooms lo month up; suites with running water. 22.50 to t3u; elegant public parlor; pnones ana Dams xree. HOTEL BRESL1N. 422 U Washington, cor. 11th. Steam heat, hot and cold water, baths. nicely furnished rooms, yd per week up; transient rates, 70C up. wnTFJ. LENOX, cor. 3d and Main sts.. furnished rooms, single or en suite, at reas onable prices, modern conveniences. Op posite the .riasa, HOTEL PUSH MARK. Washington and 17th. first-class furnished. rooms, single or en suite; an moaern con veniences; tS weekly up. A 2647. M. 6647. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 gtark. corner bin. Airs, u&ua u. istea. THE KlXfJ. 309 Jefferson, Jilcely furnished rooms, modern conveniences, central, rates including -bath, 2.iiu per week and up. THE3 MERCEDES. 20th and Washington; ele gantly furnished rooms; hot and cold run ning water, modern conveniences; $15 up. THE LANDORE 288 10th. newly furnished rooms. near Jefferson; FURNISHED rooms. Elm Place, formerly Klton uouri Annex. 414 xamniil ana lltn. THE REX Modern rooms, $2.50 to $5 per week. 64 sv, Washington su THE GAYOSA. Stark, cor. Grand. East 6466. 892 E. THE LANDORE 28 10th, near Jefferson; ne.wly furnished rooms. HOTEL ROYAL. 108 4th st.; room (2 to io ner woe; ovo to per aay. FOB RENT. Furnished Kooms. NEW MODERN CLEAN THE MOODY HOUSE 268 Third st., cor. Jefferson st. New fireproof building and furnishings throughout; desirable neighborhood; four minutes' walk to business center; rooms and suites; large, light and airy; hot and cold water; steam heat; gas and electric lights; call bells; free baths; clean porce lain tubs; lavatories convenient. Take S car at depot to Third and Jefferson sts. We aim to satisfy; that is why we please our TRANSIENT AND PERMANENT PA TRONS Rates S3, $5, $6, $7 per week. A 773L PHONES Main 86S9- Homelike. Homelike. Homelike. NEW SCOTT HOTEL, Seventh and Ankeny Sts. "IN THE HEART OF THE CITY." One whole year of redocorating, refitting and refurnishing, all for your benefit. STEAM HEAT IN ABUNDANCE. A delightful Winter home at reasonable rates for those who appreciate cleanliness and comfort. Free bus. Free phones. HOTEL RAINIER. 140 ROOMS. 1 BLOCK FROM DEPOT. w. modern. flreDroof buildlnsr. steam- heated, hot and cold running water in all rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that money can buy. and it doesn't cost any more than some cheap lodging-house; nice large office on ground tioor; everything n rut-class ; rales, 50c. 7oC and SI ner day ; $3.50 and up per week. Call and see us. 128 6th st. North. HOTEL SAVON. 131 44. Eleventh St. New. modern brick bulldlnc: luat onened ELEGANTLY FURNISHED; hot and cold water In all rooms: STKAM HEAT, private baths, excellent location, lust off Wash ington st.; special rates by week or month. THE ANTLERS. Cor. lOth and Wash, New corner brick, center of city, rhcht In the shopping and theater district; private baths, steam heat, hot and cold water in all rooms ; rooms single or en suite ; special rates by the week or month: tourist trade soiiciteo. - HOTEL IRVING 6th and Oak; large, handsomely furnished; running hot and cold water; steam heat; reasonable ; permanent and transient. Furnished Rooms in Private Families. NICELY furnished front room for two gen tlemen ; hot and cold water; one single room; board if desired. 30 N. 17th. Phone Main 20S1. NICELY furnished suite of rooms for rent for man and wife or two gentlemen. 86 West Park. TWO nice front rooms for rent, 10 minutes' walk to P. O. Kent reasonable. Bath and phone. 235 13th st. ALCOVE room, furnished for housekeeping. gas. bath, phone. 372 6th. NEWLY furnished front room. 44 East 7th t. Phone East 2410. TWO nice large front rooms, $12 a month. a-az ivari st., on seiiwood canine. $7 MONTH; nice front room for gentleman; nne location; close in. AoZ otn st. 66 N. 14TH BT. Clean front and back rooms, from $2 to $2.50 week. NICELY furnished front room, close In, free bath and phone. 43 Alder. FURNISHED room for rent; private fam ily. zt JN. 20th st., near Marshall. Unfurnished Rooms. TWO unfurnished rooms with private bath. 295 Montgomery st. LARGE unfurnished rooms en suite. 649- Col Morrison st. Booms With Board. PORTLAND Women's Union, 22d year, room with boara, use 01 sewing-room ana 11--brary. 510 Flanders st. Miss Frances N. Heath. 6upt, Woman's Exchange. 186 5th sr. Mrs. M. E. Hretherton, Supi- THE COLONIAL. 165 and 167 lOth st., cor ner Morrison. Select family hotel;, reason able rates. LARGH. well-furnished front room, with board, for 2 young ladles; piano, phone. 435 Yamhill, cor. 12th. THE Mansion, large, elegant room for 2 or 3, fireplace; adjoining bath, oth and Jeffer son. CHOICEST kind of table board; elegant room lor one or two on Parking. 74 Park. SMALL room with board. The Hollywood, 446 3d. 500 COUCH, private boarding house, home cooking and home privileges, fj.ou weea. Rooms Wlthj Board In Private Family. CONNECTING suites, large, beautiful rooms. suitable ror 3 to o anuits, cnotce Doara, very reasonable. 761 Marshall. 23d-st car. FOR RENT Light airy room with board to young lady-; comfortable home; refer ences exchanged. 363 13th st. ELEGANTLY furnished front alcove, every thing new and strictly up-to-date; private home. 349 Harrison. Main 8015. FINE, large, bright, comfortable furnished room, with board, one or two gentlemen. 000 Irving st. A LARGE, sunny front room with board for 2 in modern home. to n.vereti. NICE, light, airy rooms, heat, bath, phone. vaiking distance. 527 west jr-artc st. MODERN newly furnished private boarding flat; 10 minutes walk P. O. 404 Clay. BEvST home-cooked table board, $4.: d49 Johnson. A 4tsl. ROOM and board In private family for 2 gentleman ; close in. A of 14. LARGE furnished room with board. risen St.. cor. 16th. A 3828w FURNISHED rooms, with board. sleeping porch. 3a5 11th St. A 163b. ROOM and board. 552 Morrison st. ; Phone M. 6222. phone and piano. Apartments. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia, 4 blocks from Morrison St.; new brick building, completely first-class, furnished In 2, 3 and 4 -room family apartments, pri vate bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone ; some unfur nished ; janitor service : rent reasonable. COZY 4-room apartment, up to date in every detail; phone and Janitor service ; fine location; this place has changed hands and been thoroughly renovated. Welling ton Court. 15th and Everett sts. C L. Williams and Wife. THH Ruble Apartments, formerly the Euell, located in the heart or the city; beautifully furnished 3 and 4-room suites; private baths and phones ; first-class Janitor and elevator service; 5 minutes walk from postoffice. 473 Salmon st. FXip, RENT Modern spartment. King's Hill Apartments, corner King and Wayne sts. Anniv WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO. 85 4th st. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS All outside rooms (unrurnlsneaj ; unexceiiea service and best lighted street, only 5 minutes' walk from P- O. 272 7th su Main 2006, A 314&. ' 4-ROOM apartment, completely furnished ; steam heat, piano, sewing-macnine; sil ver, linen, etc. The Marlborough, 21st and Flanders sts. WTvra-ROOM. steam-heated. Janitor ice, modern apartment l partial case ment), finest In city for money. Apply to Janitor, 21st and Kearney. THE MERCEDES Elegantly furnished 2- room apartments, not ana com running water and all modern conveniences; $13 to $30. Corner 20th and Washington sts. STEAM-HEATED 6-room apartment, mod ern and deslraDie; r.veren bl Apply Morgan. Fleianer it Boyce, 603 Abintton bldg. JEFFERSONIAN APARTMENTS. 16th and Jefferson sts; z-room turnisnea house keeping suite, furnace heat, hot and cold water. Rent $22. LANDORE APARTMENTS 288 10th. at Jefferson; pertectly new J-room furnished apartment: sleeping porch. LANDORE APARTMENTS. 2S8 Tenth, at jenersuo; pencttij w ijiree-room, fur nished apartment; sleeping porch. THB RB-UKAN MOST EXCLUSIVE FUR. ,Mn l.l ' ArAitijicft i-& i;s 'l'rlB CITY. BOTH PHONES. 624 MARSHALL ST. MODERN five-room steam-heated apartment. Apply to janitor. 2Lat and Kearney. IRIS, Sd and Mill, one 5-room unfurnished, $l5w and 1st of April 4 rooms; 932 BOB BENT. Apartments. ORDELE1GH APARTMENTS New brick. 82 Grand ave.. cor. East Stark; well-furnished 3-room apartments, possessing every modern convenience. Including steam heat, hot water, private baths and phones. While these apartments are as up to date as any in the city and about as close to the business center, the prices are consid erably less; now ready for occupancy Phone East 3O0. No children. Flats. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts. Newly furnished for housekeeping. Includ ing gas ranges, electric lights, hot water, baths, laundry, reception-room, all free; furnished apartments $15 per month up; single housekeeping rooms, $2.50 week up; test in city for money ; short distance from Union Depot. 'S" or Ulth-st cars north, get off at Marshall st. No dogs allowed. ONEONTA, 187 17th. near Yamhill; take "W car at depot; furnished 2. 3 and 4 room housekeeping suites by week $5-50, by month $20 and up: hot and cold water, baths and phones free. Main 467, A 4739. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co. Main 1613, A 10S4. All covered wag ons, all experienced men. FIVE-ROOM upper flat, furnace, fireplace, built-in china closet, clean, light. 412 Jackson street; $30. Main 26S9. BEAUT 1FCL new 2-f amily flat ; built-in furniture, high, sightly, everything mod ern. East 3u24. ONE new 6-room modern fist; "9" and carline. Inquire at drugstore. Front Gibbs sts. and FINE, modern lower flat of 5 rooms, eon. 23d and Johnson; rent $35. C. H. K. ore 11, 250 Stark. Housekeeping Booms. WEJLL-FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms. 2 $S month, 3 for $12; cotuige. 4 rooms, $20; 64 26th, North (West Side), W car from depot, 3d or Morrison to 26th, block north. $1.25 TO $2 00 week, clean, furnished house keeping rcoms. Laundry, bath, phone, gas. furnace heat. 406 Vancouver ave. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Williams ave. Phone C 1523. Call 633 NICE furnished housekeeping-rooms. S14.0O. o&l Washington St., cor. 20th. $1.25 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms, heat, laundry,- bath. 203 Stanton. TJ car. $1.50 week, large, clean furr. housekeeping rooms; laundry, bath, gas. 184 Sherman. THE MILNER. 330 Morrison, cor. Park, home apartments, all convenience. 487 TAYLOR, near 14 th, desirable 2-room suites; $16.50 and up; modern. HOUSEKEEPING rooms in new concrete building. Call Wood lawn 2379 or C 1342. SINGLE housekeeping rooms, tie. Third and Harrison st. The Newcas- FOR RENT A. suite of Two nicely fur nished housekeeping rooms. 429 Main st. Housekeeping; Rooms In Prirate iFamily. 1 OR 2 ELEGANTLY furnished rooms with, housekeeping privileges if desired, mod ern conveniences, mountain view, lawn and porches: Portland Heights car. 669 Ford Bt., Drive. 2 FURNISHED connecting housekeeping rooms; all conveniences: walking distance. Fhone A 41bS. 1ST Chapman, near Yara hlll st. TWO newly furnished housekeeping; rooms, with gas range, hot water and sink, $10.00. L'93 Ivy St., block from Wil liams ave. 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, bath, ice chest. $16 per month. 4S6 East Ankeny. Phone East 2743. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, modern, conveniences, ground floor. 20 East 6th. st. North, cor. East Burnside. NICELY furnished housekeeping fiuite, very reasonable; adults only. 164 Grand ave. North, near Holladay. Phone Bagt 49S0. THREE unfurnished rooms for light house keeping; good location. Call at 557 Madi son. nsar Chapman. FOR RENT 1 large room at Mt. Tabor for housekeeping; part of rent can be paid In work on the place. Tel. Tabor 483. A SUITE of housekeeping rooms for rent In private family; running water, $12.60 pr month. 388 North 24th st. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, very desirable; convenient to both hospitals. 115 North 23d St. TWO newly furnished housekeeping rooms, per month; gas for cooking. 6 East 26th and Ankeny sts. -I HOUSEKEEPING rooms, connected or sin gle; every convenience; very' reasonable. 2S6 Clay St. DESIRABLE front suite modern exclusive location. 67 N. 20th st. Call from 8 to 3 P. M. 2 WELL furnished housekeeping rooms, no objection to 1 child. 6f5 Taylor. Phone Marshall 1318. Call after 6 P. M. FOUR unfurnished rooms, first floor, pleas and comer, walking distance. 654 Yam hill st. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, modern, basement and yard; no children. Fhone Main 83S2. 2 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms; modern; walking distance. 109 N. ISth. 854 SALMON, two very desirable rooms fur nished for housekeeping. BASEMENT flat of four rooms, nicely fur nished; close In. 201 Seventh St. TWO basement rooms, furnished for house keeping. 210 14th st. 3 FRONT rooms, completely furnished, for housekeeping. 214 luth st. AN ALCOVE room for housekeeping; phone, water and bath. 372 Sixth st. 3 Fl.'RNISHED housekeeping rooms. 146 11th t. PRIVATE housekeeping rooms for rent. 24 North 10th st. 2 AND 3 furnished housekeeping rooms, gas. bath; reasonable. 692 Front. FRONT single housekeeping room, furnace heat, gas range, bath. 4o5 Stark st. WELL-FURNISHED two-room housekeep ing suite. 395 Salmon st., cor. 10th. Iionsea. MODERN 1 4-room house, 204 22d St. North, between 2 carllnes; suitable for rooming or boarding-house; rent $70 if taken im mediately. Phono Main 2703 for appoint ment. A BEAUTIFUL "-room modern house, new; corner, large lawrn. roses and shrubbery, N. W. corner E. 8th and Market st. Rent $:5. Inquire at Rose City Investment Co. 324 Henry bl.lg. COTTAGE. 4 rooms, modern; "chicken house; would rent 4 lots adjoining; also cottage; R large rooms, modern: fruit, chicken house. Mrs. Moxley, TremonU ML Scott car. FOR RENT 5-room cottage, 419 Hancock St.. walking distance, steel bridge, electrio lights, bath, etc., $15. Inquire 435 E. 7th st. North, cor. of Tillamook. FOR RENT 1-story house. 7 rooms, bath and basement; 50-foot lot; 467 W. loth St., near Jackson. Inquire of L. Bunting, 1210 E. Yamhill st. Thone B 13S2. ONE 4 and one 6-room, new modern. West Side cottages. $10 and $15. Will sell on Installments. C. H. Pipgott, owner, 14 Mulkcy bldg. Main 7145. FOR RFNT 3 lots, house, stable, etc. E. 4th. South Hawthorne. Write or call Max Smith, 88 North 16th st. No phone. THOROUGHLY modern 6-room house, elosa In. $H0. 392 San Rafael st. Phones East 1685 or C 1491. 6-ROOM modern house on two carllnea. In quire at Rodgers Hart-Gibson Co., 144 2d st. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co. Mcln 1618, A 1984. AH covered wag ons, all experienced men. 6-ROOM house. East Burnside walking distance. East 3S42.- 13th FOR RENT Lovely modern cottage, st. Phone East 5. B 1404. MODERN 6-room house, corner East Couch. 42 E. 10th North, $18.50. 5-ROOM cottage, 685 Inquire 205 North 21st st. Kearney it. MODERN 7-room house, $5. 5fil Belmont corner 13th. Inquire 495 E. Pine. 7-ROOM house, with gas and bath. In good condition. 614 Pettygrove. FIVE-ROOM house In Fulton Park. Main 7506. Inquire MODERN house 4 rooms for rent. $11 by owner. 749 Water at. S car. EOR RKNT 7-room, house. 44S Tenth, at. I