Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 10, 1910, Page 13, Image 13

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New Spring Models in Royal Worcester, Bon Ton, "Howd" Lace Front Corsets Merode Underwear
Ladies' Home Journal Patterns Arnold's Knit Goods for Infants-"Monarch" and "Derby" Rid Gloves
Tomorr o
Olds-lWortman-lKliiiLg Store
The Greater
Ir 2idsiy Ecobo
See tine New Spriri
g. Ready
-to-Wesn Apparel irs. All IDepts.
we offer you an opportu
$1 Foial&rcl SilKs 69c
"Showerproofs" "Shed waters"
Tomorrow, "Economy Day," don't fail to visit the big Silk Store and see the extensive
showing of Foulards. A special line of this season's best patterns in French and do
mestic weaves, such as Cheney's "Showerproofs" and the celebrated "Shedwater".
kinds, in an endless color assortment, regularly sold at $1.00 a yard. Tomorrow
ortunity to choose from this choice group of fabrics at, yd. -yv
Friday Economy
$15 SilK Pettic'ts
On Sale at $6.79
For tomorrow's Economy we offer a sale of 300 rich,
lustrous Taffeta Silk Petticoats, cnt very full and
trimmed with wide flounces In various tailor band and
tucked designs, under which is deep drop of taffeta
silk or heatherbloom. The broad range of colors com
prises blue, pink, white, green, lavender, rose, tan,
black, stripes and flowered designs. An elaborate col
lection of values to $15.00, grouped in one lot for yonr
easy choosing. Offered special for tomor- Jj 'TQ
row only, "Economy" Day price, at, each
Women's White Aprons at 29c
Children's 65c Rompers at 47c
In the Apron Store, second floor, will be shown a line of ladies' large white lawn
Aprons, made very full, with wide strings and deep hems. Excellent values OQ
and practical, styles priced special for tomorrow at the low price of, each"1
Children's Rompers, for youngsters from 6 months to 6 years of age; made of A 7
good quality chambray and gingham ; our regular 65c values, special for, each "
Rissia.n Art Copper
75c Hat Pins 33c $1.25 l 69c
The first and only store in Portland to show this new idea in jewelry at a spe- (ZQg
cial price. Large Jewelry Belt Pins and Buckles, $1.25 values, special price, ea.
Hat Pins, Belt Pins and Collar Pins,, in new Russian art copper, which is far more ar
tistic than "arts and crafts" designs. An entirely new novelty in the jewelry Q-.
world. Best regular 50c and 75c values, on special sale at this low price, ea-ch OOC
Women's $3.50 Ox-
3Br US'
We are going to do the largest low-shoe business ever done in this city. We have over-.
l: A i - . i. " ?
in tms sale we offer over 3000 pairs of our
looked nothing to claim your patronage.
very latest, newest pumps and oxfords at a price which mean loan .n r,n ..-..-
advertisement to our Shoe Department. Strap pumps are all the rage, and oxfords, too
are in great demand right now. Don't delay take advantage of this great price con
cession of the year. Patent colt, dongola kid, gunmetal calf, in black, tan, RujsIacoTt
and brown kid; strap pumps and oxfords. Regular $3.00 and $3.50 values, qq
we offer them for the Economy Sale "at the special low price of, the "pair yli0
Economy Sale 1400 Pairs
Women's High Cut Shoes
$3.5Q Values $1.98 a Pair
To the above lines of oxfords and low shoes we will add for Friday's selling 1400 pairs
of women's high Shoes, in lace or button styles, patent calf, gunmetal calf and dongola
kid leathers, in either kid or cloth tops, with low, medium or Cuban heels; Jf QQ
all sizes in each line; real regular values to $3.50; special, tomorrow only 41.50
Great Sale 10,000 Pieces
25 c - 35c Fancy
Neckwear 12c
$2 Dress Nets 69c
$2 Flouncing 98c
An advantageous purchase of 10,000, pieces of
fancy Neckwear, consisting of Jabots, Stocks,
Stock Collars, Lace Bows, fancy Bows, Dutch
Collars, with or without jabots attached; every
good style one could wish for in this enormous
collection. See the display In the center aisle to
morrow. Real regular 25c and 35c ni
values, on sale at low price of, each 2C
27-In. Flounci'R'
$2 Yd. at 98c
Elaborate and extensive showing of 27
inch Flouncing in fine materials and tasty
designs, 18-inch flouncings, with insertions
to match; corset cover embroideries, with
galloons to match, in Swiss, nainsook and
batiste. .Our best regular values up to $2
the yard buy all you want of it at QO.
this speoial low price, the yard OC
feliife11' , ivlSSv ) 'its?
45-IncH Nets
$2 Va Is. 69c
Fancy Nets for making those very beauti
ful Spring dress waists and overnet
dresses, also for vokes. trimmine-a. etc.; 45
, - CT , J
t inches wide, in black, white, navy, brown,
rich shades of cardinal and all other want
ed colors; our regular values to
$2.00 a yard, on special sale at
25c Hose at 12c
$3 Underwear 98c
Lucky Friday tomorrow. Children's fine
quality ribbed Hose, in fast black, rein
forced heel and toe, double-thread knee ;
full elastic knit;" sizes 5 to 94; our regu
lar stock values, to 25c a pair, on "1 0
special sale tomorrow for, the pair M.C
Women's silk and wool aDd silk and cot
ton Underwear, vests and pants ; colors
pink, blue and cream; broken lines; our
regular values to ifcd.uu a garment, QQ-
Friday at, each v
5Qc Hose at 29c
$2 vSilK Hose $1.48
Women's fine quality Lisle Hose, embroi
dered instep; foundation colors tan and
black, with large range of colored embroi
dery effects; sizes 8 to 10; on spe- OQ
cial sale tomorrow only at, the pair'-'
Women's Silk Hose, in fast black, Kayser
and McCallum makes ; ' pure ' thread silk,
with lisle foot and garter band; sizes 8Vi
to 10; our regular values to $2.00 a pair;
buy all you want of them to- $1 A Q
-morrow at, special, the pair P A ."O
on special sale for
$12 Leghorn Shapes $8.95
$1Q Willow Plumes $5.00
$45 Willow Plumes $32.50
A pre-Easter o'ffering of blocked novelty natural
Leghorn Dress Hat Shapes, nntrimmed. One of the
most favored styles, in wide vogue for the coming
season, being due to its general becomjngness and
adaptability. Leghorns, massed in flowers or trim'd
with handsome willow plumes, are Dame Fashion's
favorites. For one day only we will sell these very
popular shapes, velvet-faced, regular $12.00
values, on special sale lor ;con- rtQ QC
omy Day at low price of, each P7.7o
Un faced Leghorn Shapes, regu
lar $12 values, tomorrow, each
Willow Flumes of unusual beauty, drooping
and graceful, and so rich in appearance that
it transforms the plainest hat into a rich
millinery creation. Following special prices
for tomorrow oa handsome deep feathers,
fine male stock, hand-taiofd willow plumes :
- Regular $12.00 values on sale for $ 8.98
Regular $16.50 values on- sale for $12.98
Regular $22.50 values on sale for $15.98
Regular $27.50 values on sale for $20.00
$30.00 values, each, S22.00 $32.50 values, each, S23.5Q
Regular $45.00 values, marvels of beauty, for, each, S32.5Q
Extra special sale of black or white Willow Flumes, made of
the best quality of male stock. We place them on special
sale tomorrow only at this low price. Our regular g CC
stock values to $10.00 each, Economy Sale price PO."U
Shrewd buyers will not fail to grasp this unusual opportunity.
Crockery and Kitchen Goods
50-piece, green border design, semi-porcelain
Dinner Set, $7.20 value, for $5.60
60- piece American. China floral decorated
Dinner Set, $19.50 value, for $10.95
61- piece, rose decorated English semi-porcelain
Dinner Set, regular Q1 O SA
$20.00 value, special at, set P .VlU
100- piece pink decorated German China
Dinner Set, $19.50 value for, set, $15.00
60-piece Haviland China Decorated Din
ner Set, $30.25 value, special at $24.25
101- piece Haviland China Decorated Din
ner Set, $46.25 value, special for $37.10
6-ft. Stepladder, our regular $1.20 QC
value, on Knecial raIa tomorrow at. vOw
Good grade of House Brooms, oarQQp
regular 50c values, on sale at, ea.OOC
Wooden Chopping Bowls, our best 1 Q
selling kinds,, on special sale, each OC
Granite Iron Coffee Pots, 2-quartOC
size, regular 40c values, special atot
Blue and white Wash Basins, rejr- Ov
ular 50c values, special at, each
Coal Shovels, on special sale, at, ea. ,3
Mop Sticks, at this low. price, each..8
Another Linen Shower
for Benefit of St. Vincent's
Those who contemplate donating to the St. Vincent's
Hospital shower will do well to take advantage of
the many special values shown in our Linen Store.
Here are a few of the many good things especially
- " oav qu y v y iu w prices;
Large size Bedspreads, extra weight, beau- Richardson's all-linen hemstitched and
tiful patterns, that when laundered will hand-embroidered Dresser Scarfs excel-
look as good or even better than when you lent values at the regular selling price"
buy them; our regular $1.75 - AO $1.75 each; special tomorrow fc-l on
value, at this special price, ea. only at this low price, each S 1 .OO
$5.00 NapRins $3.75 $1.25 Napkins 75c Doz.
Richardson's make pure flax Napkins, just 500 dozen colored border Na-'xins hem'd
the sterling sort for hospital use; $5.50 ready for use; excellent for common use
quality, special, dozen, $3.95 1 fcO 7C in hospital; our regular $1.25 val-7C
regular $5.00 values, the dozen P O ues, regular sale price, dozen, only oC
2Qc Toweling 17c Yard 25c Pillow Cases at 2Qc
Irish Crash Toweling, all pure flax, soft Best grade hygienic Pillow Slips, for hos-
and absorbent, for roller towels ; 15c qual- pital use; size 45x36 inches, the Of"
ity, 12V2c; 20c quality, special, yd., 17 kind we sell regularly at 25c for"C
Hemstitched Satin Damask Centerpieces, We carry only the very best grades in
$1 values for 63c; $1.25 values for 90 sheeting, in all widths. Prices guaranteed
Our $1.75 values on sale for, each, 98i tit all times the. lowest: inspect our line.
$1.5Q Curtain Stretcher at 85c
$3.75 Rtig$ 2. 65 $5. Q O Rug 52. 95
ixi,r,'i!u-anj.i,jn,i.iTrSpft1fhffl Just in time for Spring housecleaniner navs for
: t-A liseix ine iirst aay. uurtam -stretchers, with sta
tionary pins, will extend to 5 feet wide and 10
feet long; the kind that usually sells forQC
$1.50; on special sale at low price of, ea.OJC
'"i'Viy'i'tsgMifl Mohair Bugs, plain colors, 24x48 ins., JO Off
LS regular $5 values, speoial tomorrow at
Royal Smyrna Rugs, both sides alike; sizes 30 by 60 inches; our regular JJO RtZ
$3.75 values, on sale at this special economy price, each take advantage PmOD
omeos Sweaters
S.OO Values at 3.95
For tomorrow's "Economy" we offer a lot of 250 favorite Coat Sweaters of guaran
teed pure wool yarn. The bodies of these handsome sweaters are knitted in plain and
fancy weaves; the long length, semi-fitting style fits in a most graceful and pleasing
manner. The large pearl buttons, which button through, furnish a neat trimming to
the front. The colors are rich cardinal, white and serviceable oxford gray; Q QP
full line of sizes, 34 to 44; sweaters of exceptional value to $8 each, sp'l. pOJO
UPridiay Economy Sale
Women's $3.
Waists at $1.39
4QO to Choose From
Tor tomorrow's "Economy" we offer 400 fine
Lingerie Waists; all this season's new ideas are
embodied in the collection. They are made of
good quality lawn, enhanced in their beanty by
Valenciennes lace trimming in a great variety of
patterns. It would please ns to have your crit
ical inspection of these lines, whether you in
tend to purchase or not. This offering is only
made possible by our being in a position to han
dle large quantities, and by having our buyers
right in the market. Real values to a Q O
$3.00, on special sale at low price of V S
$4.98 Petticoats at $1.27
$2.50 Pajamas $1.19 a Suit
$1.25 Brassieres at 49c Pr.
The second floor Corset Store offers for Friday's Economy, sale of children's Q-.
Royal Worcester Waists, ages 2 to 12 years; regular values at 50c, special, ea.
Women's Brassieres or Bust Supporters, values to $1.25; special; tomorrow only, 40
VV omen's Outing Pajamas, made of good quality outing flannel, trimmed fl " 1 Q
with silk frogs; our regular values to $2.50, special for tomorrow only at
Women's Cambric Petticoats, cut very full and nicely trimmed in
dery or lace; regular values to $4.98, on special sale for tomorrow.
ig Economy Spee'ls
$2.25' Handbags $LS9
$0.5O Handbags $3
2QO New Samples to PicK From
Here's economy for all thrifty ladies who want something
just a little different. A purchase of 200 sample Bags
has just reached us.' Yon know samples are always the
best, and when they close out the house samples they go
cheap. Colors are black, brown, tan, green and gray; strap
or round handles. German silver frames; leathers are seal,
goat seal, fancy calf, morocco, walrus, etc., in all Btyles
and sizes, on sale at the following extremely low prices:
$2.25 values re- ti QQ
dnced to, each. P 1.07
$4.00 values re
duced to, each S.0
$5.00 values re- Tq i q
duced to, each P51 17
$3.00 values re
duced to, each
$4.50-values re
duced to, each
$6.50 values re- dQ OQ
duced to, each Jo.i70
Boys $3 Sweaters at $1.Q8
$1.QQ Matting' Bags at 85c
Boys' all-wool Coat Sweaters in the Men's Store for tomorrow's selling. Colors,
are oxford, oxford and cardinal, oxford and navy,, cardinal and oxford, navy and car
dinal; sizes 26 to 34; come in plain or fancy ' weaves ; our best regular $3 JJ" QQ
values, on special sale for tomorrow at this price, each take advantage
300 Japanese Matting Shoooing Bags, the most useful all-around bag ever made; QC
sells everywhere at $1.00; our special price for tomorrow sale only, at, each OOC
$1.5Q Chamois Gloves 95c
$3.QO Chiffon Veils $1.98
1.75 "Umlbrellas
Reduced to 98c Ea
An economy sale of ladies' Washable Chamois Gloves,
one-button style in natural and white colors; the most
practical and serviceable glove for street wear, auto
mobiling and driving. Comes in a full line of sizes.
The best glove values it has ever been our pleasure to
Regular stock values to $1.50 the pair buy all you ft
want of them tomorrow only at the special low price of, pair''
Chiffon Auto Veils
$3,OQ Values $1.98
For tomorrow's economy the Veiling Store
offers a great sale of Chiffon Automobile
Veils, 2V2 yards long and a yard wide ; in
black, white, navy, cardinal, brown and
all the approved shades of this season.
Regular values to $3.00 each, J1 QQ
tomorrow at this special price P l.JO
Men's and "Women's
Tomorrow the Umbrella Store will offer
an extensive assortment of men's and
women's lisle taffeta and rainproof serge
Umbrellas. Positively the best values we
have offered this season ; good selection of
bandies, Heavy paragon frames; QO
our regular values to S1.75. srcinl vOC