THE MORNING- OREGOXIAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1910. 15 NEW TODAY. io Net Investment 50x100 lot, V down town 3 stores with rooms above; leased for 3 years, with a guaranteed income ' 10 Net Price. $25,000 half cash, bal. 6 per cent. GIBSON k HOLLIDAY in 304-5 Gerlinger Bldg. J REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Lots. Property which will, double soon. Sic H block. Eitat 28th. near Gllsan; $4000. terms. Corner lot, $2500: near the above; $2500, term a 6-room cottage on 60x100, East 28th. near Flanders: $2SO0 terms. DUBOIS & CROCKETT. Washington Bldg., Room 8. IWT3 have 2 good, easto front lota in Rom City Park, considerably- below market for a quick sale; come now or the "other fellow" will get -them; good terms. GIBSON & HOLLIDAY. 804-5 Gerlinger Bids., 2d and Alder. TWO EXTRA BARGAINS. Owner must raise money this week; one lot close In, Irvlngton, $1800. $40o under market value. One lot Hancock Addition, $650, $160 under market value; no phone Information given. Call or write office. Bast lfilu and Halaey sts. J. 3. Dolen. BERKLEY BARGAIN. Alongside Eastmoreland ; 2 lots $130 per lot; $45 down, $5 per mo.; no int., no taxes; 1, 2, 3. 4. block 23.- $135 per lot, caBh. Leave deposit with G. Evert Baker, attorney, 304-5-8 Lewis bldg: A GOOD BUY. A lots well located; price $450 each; 2 nouses and lots. $850 and $lO50; 1 5 -room house, price $1350, $2"0 down, balance on monthly payments of $15; also a few good homesteads. Chamber A Dug-an. room 307 Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark. SEE ALAMEDA PARK. Adjoining Irvington, high ground with mountains in view; ail city Improvements; carline; easy terms. ALAMEDA LAND COMPANY. 322 Corbett Building. LOT BARGAIN. T0xl38, on Belmont St.. close In; a fine Slace to build flats on; price $3250: this is elow market values in this district. GOODNOUGH A SEITZ. Main 6584. - T18 Board of Trade Bldg. VACANT QUARTER. 100x100. S. E. corner E. 8th and Mason sts.. has good, elevation, and Is a snap at $1600. Only $600 cash required. MALL A VON BORSTEL. 869 Russell st. at Union ave. East 1436. ROSE CITY BEACH. Of all the resorts between Tillamook and Nehalem Bays, this is the choicest. Just placed on the market at extremely low prices; every lot is a gem. See trus tee, at 226 Falling bldg., for particulars. - 8 FULL LOTS 160x100, right near W. TV. car. with lovely view; biggest bargain in that delightful residence section; $450 each, terms. Portland Homes Co., 204 Morrison st. SUNNYSIDB. Lot on E. Madison, west of E. 39th. $1000 cash. LEONARD BROS. S17 Chamber of Commerce. LARGE lots only $37.50 cash, balance $9 per month: graded streets, city water; on Mt. Scott 5c carline; you can make $100 each on these. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third St. BIO lot, 132 by 53 feet, owned by non-resident, located close to St. Johns car; fine residences around same; must sell regard less of price: some terms. Call 618 Cham ber of Commerce. CLOSE TO WASHINGTON ST. Three choice lots, hard-surface street, Just off Washington. Ideal for apartments. Good terms. Vanduyn A Walton. 615 Cham ber Commerce. (PORTLAND HEIGHTS, by owner, new 0 room house, large sleeping-porch, hot wa- ter heat, everything modern and flrst-class; fine view of city and mountains; $12,500, easy terms. N 781. Oregonian. CORNER LOT. TILLAMOOK and B. 2fith sts.. south and east face, price to advance $500 If not sold by 16th inst. Vanduyn A Walton. 615 Chamber Com merce. PARK ST. CORNERS. . We have three corners on this desirable street. Get busy and buy where values are rapidly lncraslng. Vanduyn A Walton. 616 Chamber Commerce. HOLLADAY. Choice vacant corner, 50x100, El 19th and Clackamas. 'Inquire LEONARD BROS. 817 Chamber of Commerce. HOLLADAY ADDITION. Southwest quarter .block of East 12th and Weidler streets. $1500 cheaper than surrounding lots. Cash wanted, owner. No. 320 East Morrison st. IRVINGTON 50x100: cheap; only $14O0; near Knott and- Broadway car; ready for build ing, for home or investment. Jas. C. Losan 328H Wash. st,. room 404. FINE view site in Council Crest Park, un obstructed view of Mt. Hood. This Is far below present values. W. J. Baker. 519 Board of Trade bldg. ' lOOxlOO. Corner In Piedmont; snap at $1800. easy terms. PERLEY B. LENT. 417 Corbett Bldg. LAURELHURST, EaMmoreland. Belle Crest or Swlnton; take your choice before prices advance. BROW.V, 411 Couch Bldg. 100x100. ON Tillamook: central. East Side worth $20,000 after bridge is fhrough now $10.000. Owner. AH 789. Oregonian. TWO lots, cost $.100; $165 paid on contract: will sell for $75; owner going to Alaska. A 704. Oregonian. SNAP 4 good lots, about price; 50x109; $200: $23 a month. Neep. 203 N. Mora st. Arleta, Or. ONE fine Bay Ocean lot for 25 per cent less than regular price. Owner, D 791 Oregonian. i 1650 CLINTON St.. corneii. 100x100; ee , ment sidewalks;, street and sewer In and bonded. Owner. 532 Worcester bldg. $1500 THREE lots on St. John carline; worth $750 per lot. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third St. 4 LOTS In Falrport for sale, $2000; near car line; 2 Eugene lots for sale or exchange AG 775. Oregonian. flOOO TWO SOxlOO-f t. lots, east of Laurel hurst, 1 block from, carline. B. fi. Cook A Ctt 603 Corbett bldg. RE AX ESTATE. Tor Sale Lots. SEE THIS SNAP on PORTLAND HEIGHTS. M. block on the EAST SLOPES of the Heights. CLOSE IN. walking distance; only a block from the carline; beautiful VIEW CANNOT BE SHUT OFF; this must be SOLD QUICK. Price only $73oO and cash handles It; see us for particu lars. , DEITZ-MUELLER CO., - 815-16-17 Ablngton Bldg. DO YOU WANT A. HOME? Let your money earn it. 2 per cent interest paid on check ac counts. 2H per cent Interest paid on 10-day call certificates. per cent Interest paid on 30-day call certificates. 4 per cent Interest paid on 90-day call certificates. Small check accounts received. 23 years' banking experience in Portland. We will help you buy a home. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY BANK, Third and Oak Sts. KILLINGSWORTH AVENUE. Dandy corner, 40x130, facing 3 streets; can build 8 houses or good location for store; for few days $1075, terms. HAWTHORNE AVE. 50x100, east front. 2 blocks Hawthorne, on 34th St.; street Improvements ta and paid: $1175. terms. T1BBETT8 STREET. 85x116 corner. 1 block car. fine view, west of 27th St.; Tlbbets street improved and paid;, a snap at $1650. E. R. MARKHAM. 208 Gerlinger Bldg.. 2d and Alder; RgRJLAND $10O saved if you buy this lot RUST in Merlow. Rose City Park co- district $600 is the price. It's $100 under the market. Here's another. $70O for an East front 4ot on East 64th st. NEAR HANCOCK ST.. ON 45TH. we have a fine home site. $750. about half cash. PORTLAND TRUST CO.. S- E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. 1F rOU ARE UNSATISFIED With thla continual rent burden, come to -us. We have it all solved for the same as we did for many other families that are now living and enjoying life in their own homes in Gregory Heights. We have home for you at $10 a month; also some 2?.ihe best money-making lots in the city at $1(6 and up. Bull Run water piped in front of every lot. Other improvements. Office at the end of the Rose City Park carline. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. APARTMENT-SITE. We believe there Is not a finer site In the city for apartments than the S. W. cor. of 16th and Montgomery sts. The 13th-st. car will land you there in a very few minutes from Washington st. The M-Q cars are close by and you can walk from the site down town in 15 min. There is flrst-class fire protection near by and ls one to De remembered for its sightliness. Call for terms; no phone In formation. STRONG 4CO., 605 Concord Bldg. LOTS OF LOTS $30 BACH. New addition, on Oregon City carline; excellent soil, good place to keep chickens and cow and grow garden truck. . Price $30 per lot, $5 or $10 down, balance $2 or fc. per, raonth. National Realty A Trust JQ-. 36$j Washington St.. room 616. FOR sale Central East Portland, lot 5, west 4 1 feet of lot 6. block 144; one 6-room and one 9-room house, northwest corner E, Pine and H. 7th sts. Lot 1, block 242, one 6-room stsf" ouUleaBt corner E. Stark and .E. 11th . JOHN BBBKER. 847 Broadway. ' No agents. BUY FROM OWNER. Spendid new home, finely located in Hol laday'a Addition, close In; quartered oak floors, heavy beamed ceilings, furnace, fire place, sleeping-porch, fine rooms, plenty of closets and porches; plumbing and fixtures the best; la fact, a distinctive complete home; price is right. R 764. Oregonian. ' NEW MAPS. 1. Latest map of Portland. Or., giving new additions, electrlo lines, etc 2. 25-mlIe circle of Portland surrounding giving townships, ranges and section num bers, new electrio lines and railroads, etc Price 60 cents each. Send stamps. The Croaaley Co.. 709 Corbett bldg. E2RJ"AKr' Buy a Iot la Vlllamead and TRUST double your money. Choice Co.- -. lots, including improvements, only $700. $70 down, balance $10 per month, interest at 6 ' per cent. N PORTLAND TRUST CO.. S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS SNAP. A fine lot 50x100 on Raleigh st.. be tween 29th and 30th. in a swell residence district, $250 below the market value; owner needs money, part cash will handle. See us about it. Price $2250. GRUSSI A ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. $5000 DESIRABLE homeslte. north side. East Stark and 49th. $9500 Safe buy In South Portland: room for five houses. $1650 Fine lot on East 80th St., near Hawthorne ave. ' I. G. DAVIDSON. 819 Chamber of Commerce. 32?;L?T.1O0xlO' cor- b nd Alberta. Quimb 60x100. bet, 2Cd and 23d. on $95O0 Lot 140x100, cor. Lovejoy and (Mercla. $1000 Lot 45x110. 10th and shaver. BLOCH REALTY CO., 221 Lumbermen bldg. For Bale Houses. $3200 COZY 7-room house- In popular East Side district; nice lawn and young fruit trees: cement foundation, with basement -a bargain; $1000 cash, balance easy. B. s. Cook A Co., 608 Corbett bldg. FINH 5-room modem bungalow; excellently furnished: on a corner lot, near Union ave -only $2900 for all; terms DUBOIS A CROCKETT. Washington Bldg.. Room 3. BY OWNER. 6-room modern bungalow; fine corner fixtures, shades and gas plate go with Place; $2350. part cash. 1084 E. 13th st north; Alberta car.- FOR SALE Seven-room modern house with 8 lota, near carline; 60 bearing apple trees plenty berries and small fruits; $3000 for the whole. BfiOWN, 411 Couch Bldg. $3600. 60x100 corner and modern 6-room house; fine car service and all improvements in worth $4000; terms. PERLEY B. LENT. 417 Corbett Bldg. 8-ROOM modern house, everything in flrst . class condition: nicely located. Price and terms right. Owner. 883 East Main, near 29th. Sunnyslde car. MODERN 6-room bungalow; fireplace, sewer, gas, cement walks and basement; $500 cash balance time. T. J. Byrnes, 245 V4 Morri son st. GENUINE snap S-room new and modarn bungalow, two lots, all for $3000. Also 6-room bungalow. Call and see owner. Hans Therkelsen. ii. 40th and Francis. W-W car. $250 50x100 lot on Cantenbeln. near Rus sell ; high and dry, east front, small house; half cash, balance easy. B. S. 'Cook A Co., 508 Corbett bldg. BUNGALOW Beautiful home, just com pleted; centrally located: real property ac ceptable as first payment; terms. Owner. 405 Gerlinger bldg. FOR SALE by owner. 6-room modern house 654 E. Taylor. Home phone B 1711. EQUITY in, Swlnton lot at a big discount, near car. Phone Main 5645. , FULL lot. 2 houses, on Kings Heights to trade for close in acreage. Wolfstein, 227 Front FOR sale by owner House and lot on north east corner of 14th and Market sts. Call forenoons. $8500 BEAUTIFUL home. rooms, grounds 100x200, all kinds of fruit and flowers. M. Billfhgs, owner. Both phones. FOR BALE By owner, the handsomest bungalow in Irvlngton. 496 East 20th st,. North. -Call and see it. WHEN moving cali up Van Horn Transfer Co., M. 1618. A 1984; all covered wagons and experienced men. $6000 CORNER 60x100 on East Yamhill, new, modem, 6-room house, garage on lot. Terms to suit. Call 410 Failing bldg. HOUSE and lot for sale; a snap, at Wood mere. Mt. Scott carline. Call 221 Henry bldg. x IF you have some money will build on your lot. Eastman Co, Inc., 803 Ablngton bldg. Main 3236. , 6IX-ROOM house, Bugene st,. near Union ave. Price $3100. Phone O 2429. FOR SALE Fine 9 -room house on Gllsan. et, E Q. Geary. 401 Board of 'trade bldgv REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. FINE large up-to-date house, furnace, fire place, all modern Improvements, lot 75x100, the finest home on East Side, near Mt. Tabor carline; only $700o. $2000 cash. An extra buy. fine S-room house, modem corner lot. - lots of fruit; a bargain. $5000, $160O cash, balance easy terms. Fine quarter block. 2 good houses, E. 33d st.. near carline. only $6500; will take some trade. Fine new, modern 6-room house, well lo cated, good furnace, cement basement; only $5000, $1000 cash. Will take a good lot in part payment. Fine 105 acres, carline through place, lls well for platting, country road , runs through, some good timber., only 12 miles from Portland. Good terms. Fine tract, 27 acres. Ilea well; 1 mile from Boring, 4 mile from station, over looks the whole country, as fine fruit land as ever laid out of doors. Only $2000, $500 caah. 2o acres fine land. . 100 yards to station on carline. 600 or 8O0" cords of wood, worth $1.60 per cord stumpage. Running water. 5 acres bottom. A snap. $200 per acre. Will take some trade. 100 acres extra good land on carline. Lota of wood. Only $L00 per acre. 6. 10 or 15 acres to rent inside of city limits. - , CHARLESON & CO., 411 Commercial bldg. SOME GOOD BUYS. Good comfortable 6-room houee on the west elope of Mt. Tsbor, with half acre of fine ground, lot of fruit of all kinds; only $3500; grounod alone worth the money. AT ARBOR LODGE. A modern 6-room house with two fine lots: fine view and a bargain at $25tH; terms. ST. JOHN SNAP. A new, modern 5-room cottage with full lot; half block to car: only $1400. $100 cash, balance $10 per month. Why pay rent? SUNNYSIDE BUNGALOW. Modern every way; near 33d and. E. Wash ington; only $2550, terms. MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. This ls new and on an east-front lot In fine location and can't be beat for $3500; let us show you the photo. THE WILLIAMS IN VESTMENTS CO., 605 Lumbermens Bldg. LIVE on Portland Heights; beautiful bun galow, near car; pressed brick fireplace, full basement, furnace, large porch, pan eled dining-room and library, plate-glass windows, gas. electricity; good view; owner needs money and must sell at once. Sacrifice price. $4800. Also cozy 4-room bungalow on Portland Heights, furnished, good view, for $2500. A beautiful 8-room bungalow, near Rose City Park car. furnished, price $6000. Also a 6-room residence in Rose City Park, near car. price $3800. HENRY C PRUDHOMME COMPANY. Loans-Insurance. 636 Cham, of Com, 6-ROOM cottage, E. Taylor and 47th sts.; lot 60x100 feet, 2 bedrooms, living-room, dining room, kitchen, bath, two closets, reception hall, full cement basement, with wash trays, fine combination fixtures; this property will be sold for $2500; $600 cash, balance $26 per month. 6-room modem home, B. 16th St., near Al berta; 3 bedrooms, living-room. t dining-room and - kitchen, reception hall. 5 big closets, all double floors, nice fireplace and. beautiful fixtures; full cement basement with wash trays; lot 5OxlO0 feet: price $3500; reasonable cash payment and $35 per month. CHISM. 615 Couch Bldg. PORTLAND This is a bargain. Full lot. TRUST 5-room house on Oregon St., CO. between 2sth and 29th. Cash price. $1600. Lot is worth $1000. A Sunnyslde bargain, comer lot. worth $1250: house worth $1800. It's modern, .full base ment, cement walks. On East 80th; $2800. $1000 cash, bal ance $10 per month. PORTLAND TRUST CO., S. E. Cor. Third and Oak 'Sts. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW. block to Rose City Park, near Country Club; nice re stricted district; 6 rooms, basement, attic, largo living-room, with fireplace, mante', seat, bookcase, paneled dining-room, plate rail and buffet, Dutch kitchen, laundry tubs, electricity, mission and white enamel finish, double floors, and walls, large porches, fine view; east front, 60x100; cement walks, paid; completely furnished all new; $3000, $800 cash, balance $25 monthly, or will keep' furniture. Jas. C. Logan. 32614 Wash, st., room 404. TWO FINH HOMES. S-room, modern every way; on full quar ter block on the northeast comer of 17th and East Washington sts. BOTH BIG BARGAINS. 8 rooms, hot water heat and modem throughout; lot 75x100, on the northwest comer of 29th and East Main; if you want something nice, go see these. You will like them. THE WILLIAMS INVESTMENT CO., 605 Lumbermens Bldg. WE BUILD More houses In one month than most contractors in a year. We can afford less profit. It will pay to see us. If you own a lot will buiid. any terms to suit. PORTLAND REALTY & CONSTRUC- TION COMPANY. 902-3 Lewis Bldg. WE ARE BUILDING MORE HOUSES THAN ANY CONTRACTOR IN THE CITY. THERE IS A REASON: WE SAVE OUR CUSTOMERS MONEY. BUILD WELL, BUILD TERMS TO SUIT. IF YOU OWN THE LOT WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY TO BUILD. PLANS A'ND ESTI MATES FREE. OREGON BUILDING & TRUST CO.. 808-9-10 Henry Bldg., 4th and Oak. ROSE CITY PARK HOUSE. Nice new 5-room story and half, gas and electric, nice fireplace, cement base ment, fine bath and 1 -toilet, on a lot 60x 1O0. east front, cement sidewalk and handy to car, price $2900. $250 cash and $20 per month. GRUSCI & ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. $1770 CASH will enable you to buy for $2850 a new home worth $3500; It was built by a railroad man for his home and has been occupied by him about three months: it is in a choice East Side location. 1 blocks from car; I have houses in Irvington, Rose City Park. lit. Tabor. Waverlelgh Heights and along the Mt. Scott carline. W. J. Smith, 438 Chamber of Commerce. SUNNYSIDB. 7-room strictly modern home, on fine cor ner of Bast 28th st.; best of neighborhoods and excellent car service; cement base ment, with furnace: large attic 4 bedrooms; owner left town and ls offering this home at a sacrifice: $4250. $2750 cash. KAUFFMANN & MOORE. 325 Lumber Exchange. $160 DOWN. $16 PER MONTH. Mortgage $750 assumed. Interest 7 per cent! fine 4-room house on beautifuly lo cated lot, one block from Almeda Park: electric light 40 feet away, open fireplace Bull Run water. Almeda car will build within 4 bocks of this property at once. MUTUAL BUILDING ft REALTY CO. 732 Marquam Bldg. Phone Marshal 298. A BARGAIN AT $4000. 6-room house. 3 years old. double floors and walls. fireplace, furnace, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, in fact strictly up-to-date. Located on Shaver St.. near Gan tenbeln ave. Half cash. See us. MALL VON BORSTEL. S69 Russell st. at Union ave. East 1436. IFULL acre of ground, with 4-room modem house, on carline, close in; would make nice suburban home or chicken ranch. At price two-thirds its value. $2500; $1000 cash, bal ance long terras. Other nice homes, lots and acreage, low prices, easy terms. Mt Scott car to Powell Valley Road. W. B. Allen, agent for Creston property. . MUST SELL Party going East; new 4-room cottage; good improved lot, nice shade; $475, $300 cash, balance terms Take Mt. fieott car; owner will meet you at Tremont st. with blue ribbon on umbrella between 2 and 4 P. M. TSUNNYSIDE HOME. 6-room house located on 3ith St.. 2 hlocks from carline: fine location; price $2600, $800 cash, balance $20 per month; this ls a sn-ap. GOODNOUGH & SEITZ. Main 6584. 718 .Board of Trade Bldg. $4200 MODERN 7-room house, west or Sunnyside, with carpets, shades, range and other furniture; furnace, gas. etc. Let us take you to see it. B. S. Cook & Co.. 603 -Corbett bldg. WILL BUY you a lot in any part of city and build a house to suit; small cash pay ment, balance same as rent; small houses preferred. G. H. Damnieler, 921 Board of Trade. WOOD LAWN, cottage. 6-room; lot 60xr00. full basement, large fruit trees and flowers. $750 cash will handle this. Full Informa tion 410 Falling bldg. BUY a home from me cn easy terms; we have a dandy 6-room bungalow, hardwood floors; $3750. S. D. Vincent & Co.. 420 Lumbermens bldg.. cor. 6th and Stark. 5-ROOM modern cottage; fine corner near business center. SOxlOO; $2S00. easy terms, or discount for 14 cash; for sale by owner, 201 11th st. Phone Main 1759. PORTLAND Lot us tell vou how to get TRUST your own home built to suit. CO. PORTLAND TRUST CO.. 8. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. 6-ROOM. 2-story house, on car line; lot 0x ,100: $S00. $400 cash, balance $20 per month, 7 per cent- Bloch Realty Co., 221 Lumbermen bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Rouses. NOW IS THE TIME To get this cosy 5-room bungalow on Fast 17th st. Paneled dining-room. window and hall seat, stationary tubs, solid brass fixtures and complete In every detail. Close to Alberta carline, $700 handles it. (F 88) $70O CASH Takes one of the prettiest bungalows In Rose City Park, V4 block to carline. Beamed ceiling, and panels in ' dining room. Complete throughout. See It now. tD4 HAWTHORN!! DISTRICT. One-half block Hawthorne, ave.. ' new bungalow. 5 rooms, full attic and base ment, laundry trays. Dutch kitchen, fire place. A gem of a rl-ce and under the market for $3000. (B 9) PORTLAND REALTY & CONSTRUCTION CO.. 902-8 Lewis Bldg. Phones Marshall 646. A 7183. IRVINGTON HOME. 6 ROOMS. OWNER MUST SELL a fine modern home in the best part of IRVINGTON. East 19th, between THOMPSON and BRAZEE. READ DESCRIPTION. Reception hall has cloak room, with French plate mirror, beamed ceilings, win dow seat, living-room contains chipped brick fireplace, two built-in bookcases, beveled plate glass windows; dining-room has hlght paneled walls, plate rail, built in buffet, and den: screened in dlning porch. Dutch kitchen, each bedroom has full LENGTH PLATE MIRROR In closet door; walls all beautifully tinted, wood work above WHITE ENAMELED, large open air sleeping porch, modern bathroom and toilet, large attic, full cement base ment. A No. 1 furnace, wash trays, toilet, iruit-room. See us at once If you wish to get a bargain. COLUMBIA TRUST' COMPANY, Board of Trade Bldg., 84 4th St, . RIVERSIDE. A beautiful residence of t rooms, new and thoroughly modern from attlo to base ment. A large reception hall, full length sitting-room, with fireplace, a paneled and beamed . dining-room, with mahogany fin ish and tapestry paper: a very convenient kitchen, three bedrooms, each in sepa rate color scheme, sleeping balcony, hard w.i?d ,floor"- lull cement basement. The attic is large enough for two good rooms. The grounds cover and acre-and command a sweeping view of the city, river and mountains. A private water system under heavy pressure supplies the house and grounds. For price and terms, see R. F. BRYAN. , 505 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1963. 1227. ?SR,IANDBU1LT FOR - HOME. 6-room TRUST bungalow, only lived in a few months: beamed ceilings; bed rooms and kitchen enameled: fine electric fixtures. attlo floors. Price $4000, $1000 cash. Located between Hancock and Broadway, on East 45th st. PORTLAND TRUST CO., E. Cor. Third and Oak St. SUNNYSIDE. Beautiful 6-roora bungalow, strictly 2??!lerni.fln7 law: lot 50x100; cement walks. This is one of the best-built houses $3650 " hOW r ,t,olf: Price, W. H. MOREHOUSE- INVESTMENT CO- 233 Alder Street, A NICE HOME. f3O0O- Nearly new 6-room modem house and lot. only 100 feet from Belmont St.; est car service In the city; Is vacant and owner wishes to sell immediately. FRED C. KINO! 606 Commercial Block. 2d and Wash. Sts. $2S50 EAST Side neat, new bungalow on corner lot; 5 large rooms, attic and base ment, electricity, gas, wood lift, built-in cupboard and other modern conveniences. $500 cash, balance easy. B. S. Cook & Co., 603 Corbett bldg. SANDY BOULEVARD. Fine lot. facing Sandy road and running through block to Gllsan st. ; modern 7 room house; a snao: terms. E. R. MARK HAM. 205 Gerlinger Bldg.. 2d and Alder. A VERY neat and attractive house in Sun nyslde; lot 83 1-3x100; 4 large rooms, bath and gas; asphalt street, cement walks, 1 Si0." Irom Belmont carline; only $1900. $1100 cash, lalance to suit. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third St. NEAR new Jefferson High School and Pied mont car barns, new modern 5-room bungalow-, comer lot 60x100, east front, cement walk In street paid. $2600. $600 cash bal ance easy terms. Pittanger, 119 Killings worth ave. CHEAP for cash New, modern 4 and 6-room cottages, all ready to move Into; abstract and warranty deed, end sirst-class. Price $950 for 4-room. and $1400 for 6-room. See owner.' Joe Nash, at Millard ave., on the (Mt. Scott carline. FOR SALE One house and lot. Mount Scott line, 349 ft Morrison st. For Sale Business Property. FLAT SITE 40x100 11th st,, ten minutes' walk to Postofflce; small Income: price till 15th Inst., only $5000; terms. Vanduyn & Wal ton. 6I5 Chamber Commerce. 20 PER CENT Income on amount to handle l& per cent on price $2400; suburban store building. A 793, Oregonian. Acreage. $6000 15 ACRES at station, on the Salem electrlo Line; not far from Portland; all improved ; good 9-room house, barn, or chard and other Improvements. This ls fine either for a home or for platting- part cash. Also 12 acres at Tlgardville for $300 per acre. Both these places are destined to become very valuable, owing to location. D. MILLER. 416 Cnamber of Commerce. , , PRIMROSE ACRES. Choice acreage tracts. 20 minutes out E".,?8 Or,wo Electric R, R. Beautiful building sites for modern homes. Finest !ia n,1 PortIand- A small payment down will still secure one of these choice tracts. Anyone interested, however, must Fniiain?'.?f th P'PPe'-'y 1 Bolng fast. Full Information can be obtained by call. ing on Trustee. 410 Failing bldg. IPv.u ar? ,ooklnK tr a swell 10-acre tract, cheap, cleared and ready to plant, we have what you want. If you can only pay a small amnt.d0wn' wLcan errange to make the payments easy. Remember that soli ls fer tile, free from gravel and rocks." and is lo stat "e f thB rloheat sections in the LINCOLN TRUST COMPANY k 215 Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak sts. GRAND PLATTING PROPOSITION 60 acres right on the United Railways. 2W miles southwest of Burlington. Running water right on the place. Every 6 acres can be made to face the carline. We can se l the whole tract at $200 per acre, if taken at once. The land is unimproved and E?",,n- RnuK-r & Co.. room 6 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison sts. 22 ACTR E?S Located near the Oregoi Ctty carline. at Jennings -Lodge station; acreage in this locality ls selling from $400 to $500 per acre weoffer this for a short time at $325 per acre; your opportunity for a good invest ment. W. H. MOREHOUSE INVESTMENT CO.. 233 Alder St, BEST COLONIZATION PROPOSITION IN OREGON. 2000 to 10,000 acres, four-fifths In al falfa and wheat, elevation 1100 feet, fine apple, etc, land. $35 per acre, including ditch and water rights. Addresa William Flzelle, Portland. Or. ""am BEAUTIFUL 6 and lO-acre tracts. 9 miles west of city, on electric line and 9 P R R. ; running water and springs; fine black soil; nice, level land. Ideal homesltes. $150 to $175 per acre. Easy terms, at 6 per cent. Chlsm. 615 Couch bldg. WHY buy a lot when you can buy 5 acres of good land for less money: on electric line, good county road, close to Portland; $100 puts you in possession of 6 acres, balance easy monthly payments. Smith-Wagoner Co., 811-312 Lewis bldg. 9H ACRES on the Baseline road, near end of Montavllla carline. This ls a bargain for $6000, and $1500 cash with easy terms on the balance takes the property Queen Investment Co., 410 Failing bldg. 18 ACRES. 20 minutes' ride out on Salem Electric line; station on ground; very de sirably located; suitable for platting; rea sonable; must sell. 614 Board of Trade bldg. 20 ACRES this side Mount Tabor near car line also 5 acres, near Broadway carline, Irvlngton, by owner, J. J. Fraser, 573 East Salmon st.. phone East 2901. Call after 5:30 P. M. FOR SALE A few more 6 and r lO-acre tracts nar station on electric line; Best soil, springs: $S0 up. BROWN. 411 Couch Bldg. ST. JOHNS'.' 2-acre tract, one block from cars. cheap. Owner, 845 Morrison st. 60 ACRES on Columbia River over .mn frontage; $3500 cash. AK 788. Oregonian. $675 BUYS 2 acres, cultivated, email house, 8 mile out. Terms. Mala S0S3. HEAL ESTATE. 80 ACRES FOR $1000.00. 80 acres, 10 acres under eultivatlon, 10 acres more that . is very easily cleared; only 2 miles from R. R. and good coun try town; on good road. 23 miles from Portland; this property can be handled on a small amount of cash: come in and lalk with us about this piece of land: land adjoining this ls selling for $40.00 per acre. 80 acres, all heavy black loam soil; lies practically level. Just enough slope for good drainage: the soil ls deep and rich; there ls none better for peaches and apples; the proof of this ls an adjoining orchard which produced an excellent crop of both peaches and apples last season; this property Is located 18 miles from Portland, 3 miles from electric R. R.. on courty road, dally mall and phone lines; there ls over 5000 cords of vood on the place; level road -to the station; about 2.000,000 feet of good grade saw Umber: in thickly settled community: cleared land sellitig from loo to $200 per acre in this neighborhood; good well, three-room house and three acres cleared: this place Is al most given away; $2500. $500 cash, bal ance 6 years at 6 per cent. 6 acres, all pure beaverdam, with run ring water for Irrigating; this tract la the heaviest and deepest piece of beaverdam in the state, is in perfect state of cul tivation and ready for garden: $1640 worth of cnlons were produced and sold from one acre last year; this land is built up from pure beaver cuttings and there 13 none better: 1400 sacks of onions were sold from the adjoining tract of 5 acres; several beaverdam tracts in this locality have sold for from $700 to $1000 per acre: this tract ls located 11 miles from Portland, 4 mile from station, on the electric road and good country town, on a macadamized read, 1 V4 miles from R. R. station. Will sell for $400 per acre. V, cash and balance to suit. Thla place will not last at the price offered. M. E. THOMPSON. Comer 4th and Oak. Portland. Or. 2 ACRES. 10-cent fare: all fenced and in cultiva tion; young fruit trees and berries; new , house. 24x28. unfinished; good well, near chool; $2200 for quick sale. House and 1 acre all in cultivation; near carline, 10-cent fare; nice home for party working in the city; cheap as a city lot; $1850. 1 acre, unimproved, close to carline; $250. 6 acres close to carline; make a good poul try ranch; only $750. R. F. WALTERS. With O. W. P. Land Co.. 133 1st St. BRITISH COLUMBIA FRUIT LAND. 1000 acres guaranteed to be of the very choicest quality; has a beautiful sandy beach, lak-3 frontage, ls extremely well situated and is already sub-divided Into small tracts with registered plan; Includes a small townslte with postofflce. hotel, general store and a sawmill in operation; can show maps and photos of this land. Telephone owner. W. J. TOYE. Main 7020. 20- ACRES apple land Mount Hood district: terms. Owner, Tabor 1790, evenings. Homesteads. HOMESTEADS. We can locate you on 830 acres of rich Government land in ' Southeastern Oregon, in the section about to te opened up by the H1U and Harriman lines, and afford ing the best opportunity left In the U. S J.".8"81. homestead. Our agent has been living In the neighborhood of these claims for the past four years, and ls well posted on condition and knows the oountry well. For further particulars call at our of flce. THE HART LAND CO. 146 2d St. HOMESTEADS 4, 160 acres each, on line of Government irrigation ditch; plenty wood end water: 9 miles from a town of 25O0 and ls worth $50 per acre; one year from now they will be worth $100 per acre water will be turned on land next Septem ber; a goox Investment: 00 me quick. Nimmo & Runey. 13 Hamilton bldg WH can locate parties on the best of Gov ernment land in Malheur, Harney, Lake, Klamath- Crook and Lincoln counties; relin quishments and farms for sale at prices that will convince you that we mean busi ness. - DAVIS & BUITKAMP, 610 Dekum Bldg. TWO more wanted for our private party to Lake Valley. 320-acre homesteads; go ing Thursday morning; call immediately. PIGGOTT A ROBINETT. 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison. Main 7145 HOMESTEADS. 320 acres in Crook County, free wood and plenty of water; leave Portland every Monday night: see us for particulars. HUGHES LAND CO.. 610 Lewis Bldg. ALBERTA BARGAIN. This ls a live one; 2 lots on 27th. block from car; need the cash bad; $450 each cash. Owner, 643 Webster (Florence) st. $500 HOMESTEAD relinquishment. 20 miles of Portland, 6 miles to railroad; some timber; good soiL 609 Buchanan bldg. IF you want 820 acres In Lake County we will locate you on the best land. Inquire Homeseeker'a Land Co., 132 North 6th st, FOR homesteads in Central Oregon, address Box 6. Prlnevllle. Or. -uvurcss For Sale Fruit Lands. SPITZENBERG SCAPPOOSB ORCHARD LANDS in 10. 20. 30-a ere tracts are sell ing to the many level-headed buyers who know a good thing when shown. Only 25 miles from Portland, on railroad. Price $300. $400. $500 per tract. BETTER . HURRY and go with us by appointment. Call or write for full particulars. Lib eral terms. McFARLAND INVESTMENT CO . 810-311 Corbett Bldg, Portland. Or. Merrlt A Palmer, Sales Agents. FOR SALE 70-acre tract, best orchard land, close to town. Finest 6-acre home . In Marion County. Rich 40-acre farm, also 20-acre home and 30-acre home, worth the money, be sides a lot and fraction in Seattle to ex change, and the best 500-acre tract in Oregon for $TO per acre. C M. CRITTENDEN. Hubbard. Or. NEW FRUIT SECTION Buy In . the Sandy River district, -where soil, water, elevation, climate, prices and terms are right. Call or write for mv pamphlet and learn all about this ideal country, close to Portland. S. SYBELDON. 321 Board of Trade Building. A SNAP o-acre fruit farm near Mosler, worth $10,000; $7000 takes It. 8 acres In bearing orchard, 20 acres with timber cut; new house: $2500 cash, balance easy terms. Will take some Portland property in trade. Ask for Mr. Pauling. 311 Buch anan bldg.. or phone Marshall 1235. WB have a few of the best small fruit tracts In Oregon, located on a railroad, a few hours' ride from Portland. The land Is all cleared, ready for the trees. If you are looking - for something of this kind, you cannot afford to pass this up. Easy terms. 215 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak sts. For Sals -Farms. FOR SALE I have for sale several good farms in Yamhill County, ranging in size from 40 to 370 acres; some very fine fruit and walnut land; 22 miles from Portland close to railroad station; price and terms reasonable. W. B. BURKS, 620 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. TEN acres, 1 mile southeast of Milwaukle good 4-room house; barn 20x32 feet. All kinds of fruit, acre strawberries, 3 acres beaverdam land which produced 1200 bushels of onions last year; balance fine black soil. Price $6500; small payment down, balance 6 per cent. Chlsm. 616 Couch bldg. 16 ACRES one mile from Newberg; all under cultivation; 6-room house, bam, 400 bear ing fruit trees; land lies level; price $5000; will take some Portland property as pay.' ment. GOODNOUGH A SEITZ. Main 6584. 718 Board of Trade Bldg. ATTENTION. BUYER AND HOMESEEKER We have any size or kind of farm you want in Oregon or Washington: large tracts a specialty: descriptions, prices on application. Oregon Lands Information Bureau. 6O6 Board of Trade bldg. GOOD INVESTMENT 2300 ACRES Yamhill Co. fruit land; well located and euro of good margin on your Investment. HENKLE A HARRISON, 611 Oerlinger Bldg. FARMS. WRITE OR CALL AT ONCE) for our list of Willamette Valley farms. A, C. FOSTER, 1022 Board of Trade. AT YOUR own price; I must sell 160 acres wheat Utnd and one-third of the crop near railroad; can use mortgage or cheap lot. For details address B 792. Oregonian. FOR SALE 640 acres A-l wheat land 600 In cultivation. 9 miles south of lone for quick sale. $20 per acre. George W.'utt. lone. Oregon. Morrow County. SEND for our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying; lands shown free. Olmstead Land Co, Salem. Or. 70 ACRES, 2 miles Scappoose. timber pay for land; $1000: some cleared, rich notata land. 609 Buchanan bldg. potato ON small payments, o acres. $iav- 5 acres $200; others for ,sale and exchange. O. auddlekaufX, Toledo, Or. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. A POSITIVE BARGAIN. 68 acres of deep black loam soil; no rock or gravel; 25 to 30 acres In high state of cultivation, 20 acres of fine green timber worth $2000 for wood; balance Fasture and easily cleared; 5 acres of rult in full bearing and in excellent shape; new 2-story modern 7-room house, with large porches all around; barn 55x00; good hog, chicken and necessary out buildings; good well and running stream; 1 good team, 4 fine milk cows, heifers, hogs, chickens, 1 heavy wagon. 2-seated spring wagon with top buggy, plows, har row, cultivator, mower, rake, harnesses, all small tools, cream separator and all milking utensils. This place is 15 miles from Portland. 2 miles from R. R.. close to good town; schools and churches; on R. 1 F. D. ; telephone and milk route; lies on main county road, which is good the year around. Price $5500; takes every thing; $2500 rash, your own time on bal ance. You can't beat this place for a bargain. CHAPIN & HERLOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. HOW ARE THESE FOR BARGAINS? 70 acres 6 miles of Gaston, 10 in' culti vation, 25 grub and seeded pasture; good 5-room house and furniture, large barn and other outbuildings; 73 bearing fruit trees; soil black loam; facing on county road; living water; 2 cows. 48 head An gora goats. 40 chickens; plow, wagon, buggy, harrow, mower, rakes, cultivator, etc., etc.; 20 sacks of potatoes; all goes for $2500, i cash. 160 acres near Forest Grove, 10 acres cleared; good bam, orchard, living water. 3,000.000 feet of saw timber; only $3000, H cash. i.-00 acres. 5 miles from R. R. town In Washington County; some Improvements; living water, etc; only $12-50 per acre. DUBOIS & BROCKETT. Washington bldg.. Room 3. DESCHUTES. VALLEY IRRIGATED LAND. Why buy raw land when you can get improved Irrigated farms at less? $30 to $0O per acre buys choice Improved irri gated tracts of 40. to 640 acres, with per petual water right, in the famous Des chutes Valley of Central Oregon begin ning of great development railroads building, new towns p.nd Industrial enter prises are being established. Values are rising and w will not be able to offer land at this figure long. Call at once and arrange to Join party leaving March DESCHUTES VALLEY LAND & INVEST MENT CO.. SOI Buchanan Bldg., on Washington naar 6th. . 175-ACRE DAIRY RANCH IN BENTON COUNTY. 123 acres under cultivation. 70 acres in bottom land. 40 acres In fine timber; nice 8-room house, good bam, chicken-houses and all necessary outbuildings to make a comfortable and convenient place; X4 mile to railroad station, store and postofflce; so rods from house to church and school; plenty of water, three acres of fine or chard, apples, prunes, pears and plums, one acre In strawberries; only $45 per acre. , If you are looking for a good paying ranch, look at this one. HOLT-JONES REAL ESTATE CO., 520-622 Board of Trade Bldg. Phone Marshall 849, A 7294. "TUB MAN WHO WANTS A HOME." 5, 10 or 20-acre tracts, ready to plant, sightly, level, rich black sandy loam, on the Willamette river, very desirable for fruit and vegetables; water and rati transportation, one hour's ride from Portland. This means lomefhlng to the man who wants a home, wants to be in dependent and educate his family. Price $150 per acre, easy terms; larger tracts for colonies a specialty. DEAN LAND CO.. 622 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. Or. $5 PER ACRE Great wheat country; 100 acre farm In the rich delta of the Sonora River, near American line. In Mexico, be tween Southern Pacific and sea; most ex cellent climate; deep garden soil; corn, wheat. cotton. beans. alfalfa. dates, oranges, lemons, all vegetablo products; good market: 150,000 acres now opened to American farmers: first 10,000 acres at $5 per acre; half cash: this ls really $100 land. See or write us Immediately. C M. Wooster Company, 70a Market St.. San Francisco, CaL WHICH DO YOU WANT 7 320 acres free Government land, an lr Tlgable homestead farm, a town lot or a business chance? We have It in the famous Deschutes Valley the place you have been reading about. Party going out March 16. Make arrangements now.. Call or address. DESCHUTES VALLEY LAND & INVEST MENT CO.. 801 Buchanan Bldg.. On Washington, near 5th. 1120 ACRES WHEAT LAND. One mile south of Heppner on fine coun ty road ; 600 acres of good farm land. 300 cultivated; 60 acres in rve. no acres of alfalfa, balance grazing land; running wa ter in all fields; good 6-room house, out buildings, etc. 11 miles of fencing; price $14 per acre. Terms. SHEPPARD. MILLS CO., 214-215 Board of Trade. TRACT of land, containing 40 acres, more or less, lying In the angle made by the Kalama River and the Columbia, west of City of Kalama; bounded as follows On the south by the Columbia River, on the east by the Kalama River, on the north by the Northern Pacific. This prop erty will be sold for $3300; easy paymenta P. J. McGowan, McGowan. Wash. DAIRY RANCH. 173 acres; modern honse new barn, 40 head milch cows. 3 horses, 60 goats, 12 hogs, farming Implements and tools; water by creeks; well at house. An ideal dairy ranch, which must be old at once; the price Is right. WORRELL-McCULLEY COMPANY, 206 Henry Bldg.. 4th and Oak. FARMS. For - those desiring farms we have over 1000 on our lis to select from. Various sizes and prices. Located In Western Oregon. Call and see our list. R. M Cramer, manager farm dept. M. E. THOMPSON & CO.. Henry Bldg.. 4th and Oak Sts. 825 ACRES 7 miles from Eugene; 3CO acres good alfalfa bottom land. 20O acres in cul--tlvatlon; running stream. patfture year around: good buildings, ideal dairy farm including $1000 worth equipment; $60 per acre, terms on $80o0. Oregon Lands In formation Bureau. 606 Board of Trade bldg. DO YOU WANT A FARM? Call or write for my new list. It ls a 32-page pamphlet giving description, location, price and terms of a great many genuine bargains in fruit, dairy and grain farms In the valley, stock and grain ranches in Eastern Oregon W J Smith, 438 Chamber of Commerce ON Willamette River, right across the river from Newberg, a beautirul 160-acre ranch 100 acres clear, balance timber. Boat land ing right on place. Finest soil, no rocks or gravel. Can be bought at $90 per acre. C F. Pfluger & Co.. room 5 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. READ THIS. I always have good bargains in choice farm, dairy, fruit land, acreage and city property. Call or write and tell me what you want. S. SYBELDON. 321 Board of Trade. M icc llan roan. 10 2-ACRE tracts. 7-eent fare electric; $500 per acre; 10 per cent down, $10 per acre per month; fine soil. 3 1-acre tracts, cultivated, 7-cent fare, 1 for $l!00. 2 for $700 each; 10 per cent down and $10 per mo.; fine soil. 1000 acres fruit land. Medford; partly improved at $22 per acre: $3000 down, easy terms. OREGON LAND CO.. 1 Main 7413. 215-217 Henry Bldg. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR close-in acreage, a wheat ranch or small. well-Improved farm, at low price and on most liberal terms, see me; I handle my own properties. J. O. ELROD 520 Corbett bids-. GOOD INVESTMENT. 133x120 corner, finest hotel In S. E. Oregon: R. R. town, with future assured: rents for $300 per month; owners leaving state. $4000 handles It; Investigate. ZIMMERMAN, 621 Board of Trade bldg. TO EXCHANGE. $150. SMALL team, 6 and 7 years old; -harness and buggy; will take cheap city lot Anderson, 81 North 6th at. EXCHANGE Half block In Pendleton, Or., for anything In or around Portland. 23 Russell st Phone E1425. EAST BIDE 8-room residence with lOOx 100 close to Hawthorne on 46th st. Will trade for farm. 83 6th st.. Room 1. $3500 WORTH of stock in good mfg. con cern of Portland to trade for real estate. S3 6th, St., Room 1. 5 PASSENGER touring car, with new tires and first-class condition, to trade for real estate or house. AC 770, Oregonian A BUSINESS corner, good location, to ex change for an automobile. Address B"794 Oregonian. ' YOU can trade any kind of property at room 1019 Board of Trade. RESIDENCE lots, up to $30,000. for fruit land. Henderson. 227 Ablngton bldg. MY EQUITY in a 8-room house and lot for exchange for acreage, AK, 377, Oregonian. XO EXCHANGE. $2500 TWO blocks from car. Here Is a map. New, modem home, full concrete basement: divided in 4 rooms, one as laundry with wash tray, one for Summer kitchen, and two other large rooms with outside entrance; six nice, large rooms on the next floors, with large attic; full lot. east face. Will take automobile, heavy team, vacant lota - as first payment, and. the balance like rent. See owner at Millard ave., on the Ml. Scott car; get off at Millard ave. HOTEL BUSINESS. Furniture in good county seat town (R. R. north bank); will clear over $223 per month; saloon can be run with house if desired; price for all $2300; furniture alone $1500; cheap rent; will trade for house or vacant lots. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO., 619 Board of Trade bldg. , lflO ACRES APPLE LAND. 85 miles from Portland and close to railroad, in Columbia County: nearly all can be cultivated: accessible timber, can be contracted NOW. at $3000 net; plenty of running water; will exchange for Port land property and assume some differ ence: see owner. 616 Board of Trade. WANTED Land close to Portland, suitable to plat, one to ten-acre tracts. clo.e to car line; exchange for above modern West SUie home and ltacre farm. L. K. MOORE. 517 Board of Trade. Portland. BUY Hood River apple land direct from owner and save commissions; .20, 30. 40 and 8 acres improved, feO. 30 and 25 acres unimproved; prices under market value: terms no object; w-ill trade for Portland property. G 763, Oregonian. 2000-ACRB wheat farm, fenced good build ings; 5tMi in crop; close to large R. R. town; exchange for Portland or Western Oregon property. L. K. MOORE, 517 Board of Trade, Portland. $7O0O RESIDENCE In Seattle to trade for Portland acreage, 'or residence; Seattle residence bringing $40 per month: can be made to bring $50. Valley Realty Co., 41 Ii North 6th st. Phone Marshall 559. EXCHANGE. j Wanted to trade a good farm for stock of furniture or hardware. HENKLE - HARRISON, 311 Gerlinger Bldg. FOR SALE or exchange, 44 acres of good level land. 12 miles from Courthouse, near carline; price $4000: will take $2000 In city property. Geiser & Strachan, 221 Vi Morrison st. 5 BEAUTIFUL acres in cultivation with new 3-room house, barn, chicken-house, well, etc.; only 3 blocks from electrio carline, near Woodburn. Will trade for city property. Room 1, S3 6th st. IO ACRES, located near Or-hards, Wash., 4M miles from Vancouver and Vt -mile from electric carline. 4 acres in fruit, no buildings. Will trade for Portland prop erty. Room 1. S3 6th st. '170x10 IN Hood River, overlooks the Co lumbia River, thickly settled district. Will trade for Portland property. Room 1, S3 Sth st. 40 ACRES. bearing orchard: pay a net profit of $10,000 to $20,000 per year, to ex change for city property or business to the value of $12,000. 500 Board of Trade. $3500 RESIDENCE to exchange for a farm in the valley: will pay difference of $1500 to S2OO0. Valley Realty Co. Phone Mar shall 559. WANTED Klamath Falls real estate In ex change for land near Seattle, value $1500. F. W. Adams, basement Alaska bldg.. Seat tle. DO you want a farm? We have a number to trade for Portland property. 422 Ab lngton Bldg. EXCHANGE Good Portland property for apartment house, valuo $6000. AK 776, Oregonian. WILL trade diamonds for property or auto or furniture. 324 First St. T PASSENGER automobile to trade for real estate. Inquire 108-110 4th st. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED. Your acreage to sell: improved and un improved ; large and small traots. Have many Inquiries now. Call and see us. HENKLE & HARRISON. 611 Gerlinger Bldg. WANTED. Property West and East Side: have customers with cash to Invest; shall be pleased to know what you have Xa offer. HENKLE HARRISON, -611 Gi... ...-. Bldg. . WANTED A 7 or 8-room house close to car line in a good district with lot lOOr 100; must be new and modern; -will pay as high as $650O: must be a bargain. AL 7S8. Oregonian. WANTED Two modem residences of 6 or 8 looms In vicinity of Irvlngton Soh,xl; spot cash; no agents. G. F. Peek, 60S Lumber Exchange bldg. WANTED 6 or ft-room modem cottage or house, located between Union ami Williams ave.. north of Hol'.aday; easy terms. Phone A 1321 or Main 8774. WANTED A swell house of about 10- roomel price $20,000 to $30.0u0; bring In something worth it. BROWN. 411 Couch Bldg. WANTED The best lot In Rose 'City Park .district that $oo will buy: mention lot and block number; . no agents. AE, 7S5, ' Oregonian. REAL ESTATE or equities in same, bought aad sold; list with us. GRAY-CUNNINGHAM-GRAY, ' 722-723 Electrio bldg. WE have cash buyers for close-in acreage. The Van Dersal Co., 516 Board of Trade. Phone Marshall 46S. 1 WANT West Side Income r-roperty that $10,000 cash will swing; owners or agents. AN 770, Oregonian. LIST your property with A. J. Gantner. 618 Board of Trade bldg. I have cash buyers. . . WE have customers for cheap lots and easy payment houses. What have you? Smith-Wagoner Co., 311-312 Lewis bldg. LIST YOUR FARMS WITH CARTER-DUGAN CO. 820 Chamber of Commerce, Portland-. Or. LOT wanted, 50x100. on East Belmont. 221 Henry bldg. Call Main 6639. WANTED The best lot that $r00 will buy on Peninsula, P 774, Oregonian. WANT 6 to 4i) acres, city limits; reasonable price. A 792. Oregonian. . IRRIGATED LANDS. HOMESEEKERS. ATTENTION! B u r b ank-on-the-Co-lumbia offers you ex ceptional advant ages for your new home. Located in the "Heart of the Irrigated North west." it has 13.000 acres of the highest grade land. Its irriga tion system ls complet ed, the water is ready. Its transportation faci lities are unsurpassed two railroads cross the project, a third ls build ing, and steamers ply on two rivers. High priced fruit and vege table crops will pro duce abundantly. The best markets of Coast and interior can be r 3 ac h e d overnight. Prices are low 5 and 10-acre tracts on easy yearly terms at $150 to $250 per acre, with per petual water right. FREE ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET AND MAP. BURBANK LAND COMPANY, MAIR AND PRALL, DISTRICT SALES AGENTS, 2 LUMBERMEN'S BUILDING. PORTLAND, OREGON. FOR SALE TDIBEB LANDS. TIMBER. Tirrber lands, sawmills or machinery, bought, sold or exchanged. J. L Montgomery, manager of the Timber Department. M. E. THOMPSON CO.. Corner Fourth and Oak sts. NEW 60,000 capacity sawmill on R R, pond at mill will hold 3,000,000 feet of logs 1 000 -000 feet now In pond; about 25.C0o.CH feet of timber, two large donkey engines aad complete logging equipment go with mill; the timber borders on the pond- for sale for cash; don't phone. W. J. Smith. 43a Chamber of Commerce. FOR sale Most desirable mlllslte on Columbia Klver; 61 acres; excellent facilities for rail, foreign and coastwise shipping. For fur ther particulars inquire of McCARGAR. BATES & LIVELT 818 Failing bldg.. Portland. Oregon. WILL pay cash for all the pine timber claims of any consequence In Wheeler and Crook Counties next 80 days, S4a dar quam, bids. At. -6314,