THE 3IORNIXG OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, 3IARCII 8, 1910. COUNTY COURT TO END DEPUTY MUSS House and shooting a man at the Seven Mile House on the night of January 20. Sentence was pronounced by Judge Morrow after the men had pleaded guilty. George Crosby, who pleaded guilty to the burglary of a store at St. John was sentenced to two years in the penl teniary. William Dean also pleaded guilty to the crime of burglary, but has not yet been sentenced. John Ross, who was recently indicted for bigamy, pleaded guilty yesterday to having married Helen Jenkins in Port land last December, while he already bad a wife in San Francisco. He was sentenced to serve nine months in the County Jail. STEAMER IS READY THOUSANDS HAVE Kl TROUBLE AND DON'T KNOW IT SfpecisilisiLs Inland Empire to Make First Trip From Celilo Thursday. Commissioners Will Remove Honeyman and Appoint Neu tral Man in His Place. 16 DNEY Scientific mj tin . iS&WJ JWl For Over Twenty Yean I Btare DeTOted All My Enerarlea and Skill to Treatment ot Ailments of MEN ONLY GOES TO PRIEST RAPIDS MAGISTRATES DENIED SAY Multnomah Tribunal to Xame Em ploye TTnder Justices of the Peace Olson and' Bell Without Con sulting Them or Clerk. To end etrife, said to exist in the Justice Court as well as in the office of the clerk, of that department, the Coun ty Court has decided to remove C. J. Honeyman, a deputy clerk., officially and appoint In his stead a man who is In no way affiliated with the' differ ences of Justices of the Peace Olson and Bell, or their chief clerk, George I. Quinlan. It is understood, although not an nounced officially, that Justice Olson, who demands the removal of Honeyman, has promised the County Court to make no objection to any man the court may name as Honeyman's successor. There is a general understanding that the court will not permit either of the Jus- tlces of the Peace to select or recom mend a new deputy clerk and that a man not affiliated with either of the Justices in any way will be chosen for the position. According to law the chief clerk of the Justice Court may appoint one deputy, with the right to dismiss him at will. When the work of the office became greater than two men were capable of handling, the County Court appointed two additional clerks, with out indicating whether the chief clerk liad the right to dismiss then. The chief clerk, George I. Quinlan, is a special friend of Justice of the Peace Olson, while Honeyman, who was appointed by the County Court, is said to have become friendly with Justice of the Peace BelL This, it is asserted by those who know the inside of the equabble, caused turmoil in the clerk's office, and prompted the chief clerk a few days ago to ask the County Court to remove Honeyman and appoint Charles A. Monell in his place. The County Court informed Chief Clerk Quinlan that 'such communications should come from one higher in au thority than the chief clerk. Accord ingly, Justice Olson wrote a letter to the court asking Honeyman'a removal, explaining at the same time that Jus tice of the Peace Bell had refused to Join him In the request. Expecting that the County Court would approve the discharge of Honey man. Chief Clerk Quinlan caused Honeyman to vacate his position be fore the court acted on his request, and Monell was put in Honeyman's place. When it was found that Monnell's appointment was illegal without the approval of the County Clerk, Quin tan's deputy, Paul Long, whom he had appointed personally and whom Quin lan had the legal right to . discharge, was removed. Monnell was then ap pointed to succeed Long. Justice Olson is presiding Justice of the court, and has more authority in the appointment of the clerks' than Justice BelL The County Court has determined, however, to allow Olson no voice in the selection of the new deputy, believing such an act would probably result in a continuation of the prevail ing strife. SIGHT VALUED AT $50,000 Laborer Sues Contractor for Alleged Permanent Injury. Charles Todd, a laborer, has brought suit against K. G. Lundstrom, a con tractor, for $50,000, as the result of Todd having gone blind from the ef fects of an accident sustained by him while employed by Lundstrom. In Todd's complaint, filed with the Circuit Court yesterday, he alleges that he was forced to aid in the operation of a. defective cement mixer, into which water was allowed to run in a way that made the dry cement put into it stick to the sides of the mixer. In dis placing the sand that stuck to the sides of the mixer, Todd's eyes were filled with cement. His request to go at once for medical aid was denied, find, with eyes smarting from the ce ment, he was forced to continue, work until 5:30 P. M. Todd claims that pits sight is gone, and that it cannot be re stored. MR. REDDY FILES HIS AXSTOR 'Asserts All Charges Made by Re ceiver Devlin Untrue. J. F. Reddy -filed an answer in the Cir .cuit Court yesterday to the suit brought 'against him and others by Thomas C. Ievlin, receiver of the defunct Oregon Trust and Savings Bank, to regain money ' said to haye been lost by the bank as a result of Reddy's alleged conspiracy with officers of the bank to defraud the institution. The large document is filled with general denials and explanations, the more Important of which is the de fendant's statement that as receiver of the Medford & Crater Lake Railroad tie Jiad sold the latter to George Estes, of the Oregon Trust & Saving Bank, in good faith. Reddy declares that be received a cashier's note for the money for the road, and that this was after Estes had been the lowest bidder for it. W. H. Moore, who is one of several others sued with Reddy on a similar .charge, also filed an answer yesterday, making general denials of all the charges gainst him. JUDGE SAVES GUILTY MAN Man AVho Sold Liquor at Arleta Has Sentence Suspended. W. H. Armitage. who was indicted" on a charge of selling liquor in a dry precinct, Arleta, pleaded guilty in the Circuit Court yesterday, but Judge Morrow suspended sentence. John Kerrls, the young man who was fined $50 and sentenced to serve in the County Jail until he would testify be fore the grand jury in regard to the charge against Armitage, was refunded his fine yesterday by order of Judge Morrow, as he had given the testl . mony required by the grand Jury. TAXICAB ROBBERS SENTENCED Ross Udy to Serve 1 5 Years, Harry Baker 1 3 ; Both Plead Guilty. Ross Udy was sentenced to 15 years and Harry Baker to 13 years in the State Penitentiary yesterday for hav jing held up and robbed the Twelve-Mile Grand Jury Is Idle. Although the March grand jury was drawn in the Circuit Court yesterday, the members will not begin their duties un til later, as it was said there Is noth ing at present to require their atten tion. The members are: Henry Law son, C. A. Ward, O. Yates, C. H. Bate man, J. R. Ratherson, Stephens Shobert and J. T. Smith. SALESMAN IS ARRESTED F. C. HORTON IS CHARGED WITH CONTEMPT OF COURT. Failure to Obey Order to Pay Fees to Court Officer Alleged, but . Denial Is Made. V. C. Horton, a traveling salesman employed by a belting and roofing concern, was arrested yesterday by Deputy United States Marshal Nichol son, charged with contempt of the United States Court for the western district of Washington.' Taken before United StatessCommis sioner Marsh, the solicitor for leather belting furnished a bond of $1000 for his immediate appearance before the Federal authorities at Tacoma and was released. He left for Tacoma at 10 o'clock last night. Horton was a trustee in bankruptcy, charged with administering upon cer tain goods and chattels for the benefit of creditors of a machinery company. It is charged that he failed to obey the order of the court to discharge two Items amounting to $97.60, all but $7.60 of the amount being fees due officers of the court While in the custody of the Govern ment officers Horton declared the mat ter was undoubtedly an error of some kind, and that he had mailed checks to all creditors whose claims had been certified to him by the clerk of the court. Horton said he had never received an order to pay the fees of the clerk of the court, but that he left a sufficient amount of money on deposit In a Ta coma bank to cover the claims. The family of Horton resides at Hal sey street and Union avenue. JUDGE OVERRULES DEMURRER Decision in Southern Pacific Case May Bear on Track Laying, United States Judge Bean yesterday overruled a demurrer by the Southern Pacific Company in the damage suit be gun by Matilda Hohenleitner, based on the death of Bernard Hohenleitner in the East Side yards of the company, allowing the issues of the case to be presented to the court. The deter mination of this case will have a strong bearing on the construction of "curves" In the railway tracks' of the Northwest. The points have never before been passed upon in this part of the United States, If at all. Hohenleitner was employed as a switchman in the yards of the railroad. The track upon which he was work ing enters the yards upon such a sharp curve that it Is alleged the automatic couplers with which the cars are equipped slip past one another in such manner as to prevent a coupling. The switchman went between the cars and was killed. When the case first came before the court the attorneys for the railroad company demurred to the complaint on the ground that It had complied with the provisions of the act of Congress requiring all- cars to be equipped with safety coupling devices. In overruling the demurrer the court said: "The purpose of the law is to require that al cars shall be equipped with devices by which they may be coupled and uncoupled without the ne cessity of the employe going between two cars. This would be circumvented if the railroad company were so allowed to construct their tracks so that the cars would not couple automatically with the equipment provided." VINEGAR CASE RETRIAL OPENS Expert From New York to Aid Gov ernment as Complainant. The second trial of the Ingham Vine gar Company in the United States Court, charged with a violation of the pure food laws, was begun yesterday. A former trial resulted in a failure of the Jury to agree upon a verdict. The Ingham Campany last year shipped five barrels of vinegar to Poca tello, Idaho, each of the receptacles bearing a label to the effect that the contents were made from Oregon ap ples and was a pure cider product. The shipment was seized by Government in spectors and the company accused of having used a fictitious label, the con tents of the barrels being asserted by the Government to have been a com pound mixture. Deputy District Attorney Wyatt will bring expert chemists from the Port of New York to aid the Government in establishing its case. Heller Case Sent Back to Pacific. Upon the ground that the suit of W. O. Heller against the Ilwaco Mill & Lumber Company had not been filed in the United States Court within the time allowed by statute. Judge Bean yesterday remanded the case to Pacific County, Wash. Heller complained that he had contracted with the defendant company to manage an electric plant for the town of Ilwaco for three years. His compensation was based upon the earnings of the lighting company. While the contract was in force the owners of the plant sold out and the new proprietors dispensed with the services of Heller. LOSES $30,000 IN WRECK. By the avalanche, which crushed a Great Northern train near Wellington, $30, 000. loss was sustained by one in surance company, the Travelers' In surance Company of Hartford, Conn. R. N. Barnhart, former Prosecuting Attor ney at Spokane, had a $5000 policy with accumulations of $2500. which under the doubling conditions will total $15,000. C. S. Bltlngs had a similar policy, mak ing $30,000 on these two lives. James McNeny lapsed his policy less than a month before the wreck, February 4 with the remark. "I don't need it." That policy would have meant $11,000 to his family. Grover Begle lapsed his policy in December, which would have given $4000 to his family. Extended Run on Upper Columbia AVill Be Maintained Throughout Season Freight Offerings Are Heavy for Up-River Points. With the exception of two or three men, all the officers and crew of the steamer Inland Empire are on board the vessel at Celilo, and practically everything is in readiness for the boat to leave on her first trip of the season Thursday morning. The Inland Empire will be in com mand of Captain William R. Thomas. David Smith has been apointed pilot STEAMER INTELLIGENCE. Due to Arrive. Kane. From. Dats RoanoRs Ean Pedro... In port Hamona. . . . . . .Coos Bay.... In port Rore City San Franclsccln port Sue H. Elmore. TlllamooK. ... Mar, 8 Golden Gate. .. Tillamook. . ..Mar. 8 Falcon San Francisco Mar. 9 Alliance. ...... Coo's Bay.... Mar. lO Santa Clara. .. .Ban Francisco Mar. 10 Kansas City. .. San Francisco Mar. 14 Geo. w. F.lder. -San Pedro. ..Mar. IS Bella Hongkong. . . . Apr. 15 Henrik Ibien. . .Honskonr. . . .Tuns 1 Hertrules Hongkong. . . . June 4 Scheduled to Depart. Name. For Tate. Ooldm Gate. . . Tillamook. .. . Mar. 8 Roanoke San Pedro... Mar. 8 Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook... Mar. 8 Ramona Coos Bay.'... Mar. 0 Falcon San Francisco Mar. 11 Hose City Ban Francisco Mar. 11 Alliance Coos Bay Mar. 12 Santa Clara. . .San Francisco Mar. IT Oeo. W. fiJ'rtor. .Ban Pedr Mar. 17 Kansas City. .. Ban Francisco Mar. 18 Bella Honukons.... Apr. 22 Henrik Ibsen. . Honjrkone. ... June 12 Hercules Hongkong. .. .June 13 Entered Monday. Washtenaw. Am. steamship (Gra ham), with fuel oil, from San Fran cisco. Tordenskjold, Nor. steamship (Hn sen). with part carfro of lumber, from Eureka and St. Helens. Cleared Monday. Washtenaw, Am. steamship (Gra ham), with ballast, for Port Har ford. and James Kent will have ehare-e of the engine-room. Nicholas Dav has been appointed purser. It is the intention of the management of the Open River oomoanv to send the Inland Empire through to White fluffs and Priest Rapids, a distance of 65 miles above Kennewick. The latter place was the end of the Columbia River run during: the season of 1909. It Is the intention to place the steamer Twin Cities on the run between Celilo and Lewlston as soon as the boat has been repaired, toward the latter nart of the month. Freight offerings have been unusu ally heavy for the last few days and tne capacity of the steamer J. N. TpaI has been taxed. The Inland Empire will leave Celilo with a full load, most of which is for points above Kenne wick. Water transportation is the only means which settlers along: the Co lumbia above Kennewick have and the Idea of regular boat service has ap pealed to them. Heavy orders have been placed with Portland merchants. IUMBER SCHOOLERS CLEAR Vessels Leave Columbia River for California Ports. ASTORIA. Or., March 7. (Special.) The steamer Casco cleared at the Cus tom House today for San Francisco with a cargo of 550.000 feet of lumber, load ed at St. Helens. The steamer Yose mite cleared Sunday for San Pedro. She carries a cargo of 285,000 feet of lum ber, loaded at Portland: 881,000 feet loaded at St. Helens; 41,000 feet loaded at Gobel; 48,000 feet, loaded at Pres cott, and 51,000 feet, loaded at Rainier. The ship St. Francis, of the Alaska Fishermen's Packing Company, will not be brought to Astoria this Spring, but will load supplies and take on the Chi nese at San Francisco and sail from San Francisco for Alaska about April 1. The W. R. F-lint. the other vessel of the company, will sail from Astoria about April 12, and will carry the white can nery workers and fishermen in addi tion to supplies. A wireless message received this af ternoon states that the tug Goliah, which Is en route from Puget Sound for this port with the bark W. R. Flint, in tow, was off Destruction Island at noon today. Chinese Mess Boy Makes Kacape. Leong Chew, mess boy on the steam ship Hercules, suoeeding in making his escape from the vessel just before she left Portland Sunday morning. Im migration inspectors are on the look out for the boy, but up to last evening had not located him. Captain Bjerlck, of the Hercules, has offered a reward of $50 for the capture of the runaway. The Hercules proceeded to sea yester day and suffered no detention. Chew was 28 years old and a trifle over five feet in height. He had a scar on the left side of his forehead and a mole under his left ear. Captain Ernst Writes Prom Algiers. Captain Ernst, master of the steam ship Alesia. which formerly operated between Portland and Hongkong in the service of the Portland & Asiatic Steamship Company, has written to Portland friends from Algiers. The Alesia was bound from Hloso to Ham- Catarrh comes as a result of impurities and morbid matter in the circulation, and i3 a disease that only attacks mucous membrane. The entire inner portion of the body is lined with a delicate skin or covering of soft, sensitive flesh. Thousands of tiny blood vessels are interlaced throughout this mucous surface, and it is through these that the inner membrane receives its nourishment and is kept in healthful condition. When, however, the blood becomes infected with catarrhal impurities the tissues become diseased and Catarrh gets a foothold in the system. The early stages of Catarrh are characterized by such symptoms as a tight, stuffy feeling in the head, watery eyes, buzzing noises in the ears, with par tial deafness and often difficult breathing and chronic hoarseness. These are merely symptoms, and while sprays, inhalations and other local treat ment may temporarily relieve them, Catarrh cannot be cured until the blood i3 purified of the exciting cause. S. S. S. cures Catarrh by cleansing the blood of all impure catarrhal matter. It goes down into the circula tion and attacks the disease at its head, and removes every particle of the catarrhal impurity. Then the mucous linings are all supplied with fresh, pure blood, and allowed to heal, instead of being kept in a constant state of irritation by the catarrhal matter. Special book on Catarrh and any medicalad.YiceJre9. THE SWIFT SPECITIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. Weak and unhealthy kidneys axe and suffering than any other disease, causes, kidney trouble is permitted follow. Your other organs may need attention but your kidneys most, because they do most and should have attention first. If you feel that your kidneys are the cause of your sickness or run-down condition, begin taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy, because, as soon as your kidneys begin to get better they will help all the other organs to health. Prevalency of Kidney Disease. Most people do not realize the alarm ing Increase and remarkable prevalency of kidney disease. While kidney dis orders are the most common diseases that prevail, they are almost the last recognized ' by patient or physicians, who usually content themflelrei with doctoring; the effects, while the orfsjlnal dlsrase constantly undermines the sys tem. The mild and Immediate effect of Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. Is soon realized. It stands the hlgheBt for its remarkable results in the most distressing cases. Symptoms of Kidney Trouble. Swamp-Root is not recommended for everything but If you .are obliged to pass your water frequently night and day, smarting or irritation In passing. If You Need a Medicine You Should Have the Best. Swamp-Root is always kept up to its high standard of purity and excellence. A sworn certificate of purity with every bottle. SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE To prove the wonderful merits of Swamp-Root you may have a sample bottle and a. book of valuable information, both sent absolutely free by mall. The book contains many of the -thousands of letters received from men and women who found Swamp-Root to be Just the remedy they needed. The value and success Of Swamp-Root is so well known that our readers are advised to send for a sample bottle. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton. N. Y., be sure to say you read this generous offer In the Portland "Daily Oregonian." The genuineness of this offer is guaranteed. burg and stopped at Algiers for coal. Captain Ernst says that he longs for a sight of-all his old Portland friends and hopes to return soon. Astoria Port Organizes. ASTORIA, Or.. March 7. Special.) The Port of Astoria Commission met at the Courthouse this morning with all the members present and perfected perma nent organization by t-he election of offi cers1, as follows-: Samuel Elmore, presi dent; John Fox. vice-president; Chris Schmidt, treasurer; C. F. Lester, secre tary. The commissioners then drew lots to determine the length of the term which each shall serve, resulting In Com missioners. Elmore and Fox being slated for the short term, which will expire on January 1, 1911, while Commissioners Schmidt, Gilbert and Lester will serve for two years longer. Work Stopped on Celilo Canal. High water in the Columbia has forced the United States engineers to. suspend work on the Celilo canal. Contractors who were engaged in blasting at the Big Eddy have been unable to do anything for several days on account of . the water. Little or no work will be attempted until after the June rise. Marine Notes. With 240 pasengers and full cargo of freight the steamer Rose City, from San Francisco, arrived up last night. With a full cargo of lumber from Portland and KaJama, the steamship nome City sailed for San Pedro yester day. The oil-tank steamship Washtenaw sailed for Port Townsend yesterday in ballast. From St. Helens for San Francisco the steam schooner Daisy Freeman sailed yesterday with a full cargo of lumber. The French bark Bossuet went on the Oregon drydock yesterday for cleaning, painting end survey. For San Francisco and San Pedro the steamship Roanoke will sail to night from the North Pacific dock at the foot of Seventeenth street. Captain N. E. Cousins, one of the old-ttme masters In the service of the Pacific Coast Steamship Company, has retired as master of the Steamship Queen. His place has been taken by Captain H. C Thomas. W. J. Jones, manager of the Brown & Company, of Portland, has returned from a business trip to San Francisco. Mr. Jones reports a good outlook for heavy foreign lumber traf fic during the Spring and Summer. Arrivals and Departures. PORTLAJCX, March 7. Arrived Steamship Boss City, from Ban Francisco. Sailed Steam ship Washtenaw, for Port Harford: steamship Nome City, for San Pedro, from Kalama; eteamahip. X&i0y Fpeeman, for San Fran ciaco, from St. Helens. Astoria, Or.. March T. Condition at the mouth of the river at 5 P. 'M., smooth; wind, northwest, 4 miles-; weather, cloudy. Sailed at 8:30 A. M., Norwegian steamer Hercules, for HonKknng- and way porta. .Sailed at A. M. steamer Casco. for 9tui Franolsco. Ar rived at 10:16 A. M. and left up at 12:20 P. M, steamer Rose City, from San Francisco. Arrived at 4 P. M.. bark W. B. Flint, from fceattle. San Francisco.- March 7. Arrived at 6 A. M.. tfpamPr Kansaa Pity, from Portland; at HIDSTHESYSTEM 0FCATARBH probably responsible for more sickness therefore, when through neglect or other to continue, serious results are sure to brickdust or sediment in the urine, headache, backache, lame back, dizzi ness, poor digestion, sleeplessness, ner vousness, heart disturbance due to bad kidney trouble skin eruptions from bad blood, neuralgia, rheumatism, lum bago, bloating. irritability, wornout feeling, lack of ambition, may be loss of flesh, sallow complexion, or Bright's disease may be stealing upon you, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Swamp-Root In Pleaaant to Take. If you are already convinced that Swamp-Root is what you need, you can purchase the regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles at all drug stores. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, and the address, Bing hamton. N. Y., which you will And on every bottle. 7 A. M., steamer Maverick, from Portland; at noon. ' steamer -Manzanlta, from Astoria; at 5 P. M., steamer Yellowstone, from Colum bia River. Eureka. March 7. Arrived and sailed Steamer Santa Clara, for Portland. Point Reyes, March. 7. Passed at 2 P. M., eteamor Yellowstone, from Columbia River, for San Pedro. Coos Ray. March 7 Arrived Steamer Al liance, from Portland. Port Pan IjULb. March 7. Sailed Steamer Santa Rita, for Portland. Hongkonic. March 7. Arrived Gmpreas of Japan, from Vancouver, for Yokohama. GlasRow. March 6. Sailed Kee Mun, for Tacoma. San Francisco, March 7. Arrived Steamer Maverick, from Astoria; steamer Charles Nel son, from Everett. Sailed Steamer Mexican, for Seattle; steamer Erna, for Victoria and Vancouver. Kew York. March 7. Arrived Caledonia. Glasgow. - Los Angeles. March 7. Arrlver Steam er Admiral Sampson. Seattle; Jim Butler. Willapa Harbor; Wasp, Everett. Sailed Steamer Grace Dollar, Albion; schooner Ber tie Minor, Marshfield. Norfolk, March 7. Sailed Sark. San Francisco. Seattle, March 7. Arrived Steamer Vic toria. Valdez; streamer Queen. San Fran cisco; steamer Watson, Sound ports; steamer City of Pueblo. Sound ports; steamer Tiver ton, San Francisco; steamer Rainier; Sound ports. Sailed Steamer City of Pueblo, San Francisco; sbeamer Watson, San Francisco; steamer Rainier. San Francisco. Victoria. March 7. Sailed British steam er River Clyde. Manila: French bark Em pereur Menelik, Delagroa Bay. Olympia. March 7. Sailed Schooner Sa lem. San Pedro. . Tacoma, March 7. Sailed Steamer Ra nter, San Francisco. Tides at Astoria Tuesday. Hlsrh. Low. 11:21 A. M 8.0 feet'4:40 A. M 3.8 feet 11:55 P. M 7.4 feet'.Virt P. M o.O feet Marriage LlcenHi. M'KBB-KBRE Frank McKee. 22, 1172 Wl nona street ; Siva Kerr, 20, city. BAGDLETiARDNER Clyde S. Bagdley 87, city; Ada N. Gardner, 8 city. NICHOLS-JONES C. E. Nichols. 22, 233 Menrn street; iva Alice Jones; ID, city. HAMMITTE-KIRKHAM F. W. Hammltte, 25. 182 Bast Eleventh street; Ellen Klrkham, 20, city. Weddins- and visiting" cards. W. G. Smith ec o.. waanington bids.. 4th and. Wash. Tour tongue is coated. Your breath is foul. Headaches come and go. x nese symptoms snow that your Eiuumcn is me irouoie. to remove the cause is me nrst ining, and t hamber- lain s btomach and Liver Tablets will ao mar. tasy to taKe and most effec tlve. Sold by all dealers. - THAT ARK WEIK, NERV OUS A. II RUN DOWN. Come to Me and Be Cured Pay When I Cure You I or an yoti jet the benefit ot THE DOCTOR my treatment. THAT CURES FEB FOR A CI' RE is lower than any specialist in the city, half that others charge you, and 110 exorbitant charge for medicines. I am an expert specialist. Have had 30 years' practice in the treatment of diseases of men. My offices are the best equipped in Portland. My methods are modern and up to date. My cures are quick: and positive. I do not treat symptoms and patch up. I thoroughly examine each case, find the cause, re move It and thus cure the disease. I CURE - Varicose Veins, Piles and Specific Blood Poison and all Ailment of Men. SPECIAL AILMENTS Newly con tracted and chronic cases cured. All burning, itching and inflammation stopped In 24 hours. Cures effected in seven days. insures every man a lifelong cure, with out taking medicine into the stomach. Examination free. If unable to call, write for list of questions. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M.. Sun days, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. OR. LINOS AT 128Mb SECOD ST, COR. OF ALDEK, PQRTItAKJX. OS. M N I guarantee a Cur of Every Caa for Treatment. Pay When Cured I offer not only FREE consultation and advice, but of every case that comes to me I will make a careful examination and diag nosis without charge. No ailing man should neglect this opportunity to get expert opinion about his trouble. If afflicted, you can depend upon It that the service I offer you is the service you need, and Is service such aa can be rendered by no other physician. Maybe you are one of the large number of men who think their case is Incurable. Perhaps your own doctor has told you you could not be cured; but remember that is only because he did not understand your ailment and could not cure'you. It did not mean that you could not get help from expert or experienced specialists. I Cure to Stay Cured by a method that involves no painful process. No other physician em- loys a like metnoa, ana so tnorougn is my worK mat mere neea not e the sliirhtest fear of a relaose into the old condition. It Is not a question of whether you can be cured, but whether you will be cured. Don't wait until It is too late. My method Is perfect and quick. The cure Is absolutely certain. I especially solicit those cases where many so-called treatments have failed or where money has been wasted on electric belts and other appliances. A REAL MUSEUM THE LARGEST AND FINEST MCSEl'M OK ANATOMY ON THE COAST. Masks, Models. Plaster Casts, Skulls. Skeletons. Life-like Models in Wax; Also Many Natural Specimens Preserved" In Alcohol. FREE TO MEN THIS Ml'SEl'M IS IN A DISTINCT AND SUPERIOR CLASS, ABOVE. AKYTHINtt HERETOFORE SHOWN IN PORTLAND. There are over 500 pieces shown In this exhibit an It Is) entirely separate from our medical offices: It is Interesting and Instructive, to a high degree. All men visiting Portland should see DR. TAY LOR'S FREE MUSEUM. MEN ONLY. CONSULT ME FREE The DR. TAYLOR Co. 23414 MORRISON STREET. PORTLAND, OREGON. CORNER MOHRISON AND SECOND STREETS. OFFICE HOURS A. M. TO P. M. SUNDAYS, IO TO 1 ONLY. 1 WITH , CAN GET A CHEAP. SPEEDY, LASTING CURE FROM MH Not a Dollar Need Be Paid Until Benefited FOR THE NEXT FEW DAYS JrJY KEES DURING THE ABOVE PERIOD WILL BE) ONE-HALF Ctm THAT CHARGED BY OTHER SPECIALISTS. VARICOSE ' LACK OF VITALITY KNOTTED VEINS rV cured ln a ,w "weeks. cured by absorption; no i " ' X provement from the start pain. The enlarged veins jtw , ' " -' from loss ot kre due to mumps, bicy- fctiC J e.ner,Ky mblUon' cle or horseback riding. M 75 J . !red whff y,ou J disease, etc In time It H the morning, l a m e back, weakens a man mentally Sr if dlariness. spots b e f o r as well as physically. We th e.5Les" and feel you are will cure yoiT for life or VA not tb ma you 0 n 0 make no charge. jCZn X. forAfe UI" OU PRICES ALWAYS . '-. NO HCl'RABLB CASES REASOSiAJBLB. mf 4- ACCEPTED. dTyVonlT I CAN AND DO CURE FOREVER iTVoxlTi WILL CHARGE . . v , WILL CHARGE nvi v - Knotted Veina B Days nNi v OALY Obstruction 15 Day ONL m r tue Loat Vitality. SO Daya - . Tur All JL "fir Blood Aliments 0 Days IA5 ' "fi V FEE To obtain these quick results you I A FEE must come to the office, as it cannot OF OTHER be done by mail. Do not forget this OF OTHER SPECIALISTS fact, I always do as I advertise to do. SPECIALISTS BLOOD DISEASE. PILES AND FISTULA. Scientific treatment only should The 8equelae of these afflictions be used ln combating this loath- , some ailment. I cure Blood Dis- re distressing nervous reflexes ease by Nuclue-Atoxyl Specific. I and painful conditions. My treat Introduce it Into the blood, which merit and success are the result of It reorganizes, neutralizing and ex- . . , pelllng disease. My treatment ye8-rs of experience. I cur Plies drives the taint out Instead of without cutting. I cure you wlth- locklng It in. Don't wait until too out pain or detention from busl- late. Be cured in time. ness under guarantee. Tr80 KIDNEY, BLADDER AND LIVER FrCO DISEASES. With these diseases you may have Museum more complications Oan are pre- XaUSetUQ sented by any other diseased organs. - By my searching illumination of the - I0r WO bladder I determine accurasely the 0p H disease and by microscopical exo-m-EdUCation lnatlon and urinalysis I make Education doubly sure the condition of the m kidneys, thus laying foundations . 01 Men. for scientific treatment. Of Men. WRITE TODAY. CONSULTATION FREE. CALL TODAY. MEDICINES FROM l.CO TO 6JH A COURSE. The Oregon Medical Institute 281 MORRISON STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. UOTTR8 A. M. TO 8 P. M.; SUNDAYS, 10 A. M. TO 1 IV M SEPARATE PARLORS FOR PRIVACY. m if - urns -Ji f. TnT.i Livisi :i ,:':ifhw-wiBi tiuiiUiiitauiiililUiiiiiiiil Liberal UUtamluiBlil Especially valuable In aura! affections of children mild, pure, and sanitary. Specially recommended by physicians for children with cold in the head, which so otten brings on enronic nasai caiarrn. umuus no Harm ful drugs. Sold only in sanitary, convenient tubes and recommended by over 85,000 druggists in 25c and 60c tubes. If yours hasn't Kondon's. a postpaid on receipt of price, Kondon Mfg. Company, Minneapolis. Minn mmnmiiiiii Inflammations, Irritations or ulcerations ot nil mu cous membranes unnatu ral discharges from nose throat or urinary organs Sold bj Druggists or In. plain wrapper, ex press prepaid, on receipt of 41, or three bottles. S3L75 Booklet on req nest ' Young Mine Chlnesa Medicine Co. Wonderful remedlas from barbs and roots cures all diseases ot men and women. Consulta tion and pulse diagnosis free. II you live out ot town and cannot call, write for symptom blank. 247 Xaykir aU. sew 2d and aa J fo rwmody ltor I A-MCiUrrh. CIdVJ tfvl E Ownta? Co. V- A G-Kxstati.Ohio I J v Vu. s. at. r I'm lat n'i I Take DR. TATLOR, The LeadtnK Specialist. TAINTED BLOOD, "WT3AKENED NERVES, GLOOMY, HOPELESS, FOREBODINGS, HAGGARD FACE AND SUNKEN EYES Catarrhal Deafness Avoided and Cured Prove this to yourself by writing us toJ day for a freo sample, postpaid, of this permanent, safe and speedy cure aro-i matic, soothing:, heallog.Or ask your favorite Druggist for Free Sample 25c or 60c tube will be sent you or absolutely free sample by Woman a Specialty The well-known Chlnesa DR. S. K. CHAN, with their Chi nese remedy of herbs and roots, cure wonderfully. It has cured many sufferers when all other remedies have failed. Sura cure for male -Vi- a.'.V and female, chonlc, private fci'.-'l diseases, nervousness, blood unci o l nutu poison, rheumatism, asthma. 01 It O.O JL uHAd pneumonia, throat, lung trouble, consump tion, stomach, bladder, kidney and diseases of all kinds. Remedies harmless. 'o oper ation. Honest treatment. Kxamlnatlon for ladles by MM. S. K. (MAX. call or writs 9. K. CHAN CHINESE MEDICINE CO., 226 Morrison St.. Bet. 1st and 2d. Portland. Or. RHEUMATISM and KIDNEY TROUBLES cured easily, quickly and naturally with Na ture's Great Remedy. MUDLAHA Mud. Baths. Thousands treated vearlv. fioolr atfn&Uedt SU 3 Kru-mrTV fxv Kramor. Iad