Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 05, 1910, Page 14, Image 14

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For fcale Farms.
80 ACRES. Morrow County. 320 acres In
wheat, all In cultivation, plenty water,
windmill, house and barn, near school and
postofnce; price $22. SO per acre.
320 acres. Morrow County, all fenced
and in cultivation, near railroad town,
17.50 per acre; will take part In Port
land property.
320 acres, Clackamas County, all fenced,
5 under cultivation, good buildings, near
school and postofClce; 8 miles from rail
road station ; fine soil ; $45 per acre.
t60 acres. Morrow County, all in cul
tivation, 640 acres in wheat, near rail
road town: $22.50 per acre.
160 acres, Josephine County. 2 miles
from railroad station; lies In finest fruit
belt in Southern Oregon ; house, barn
and all outbuildings; 5 acres cleared;
price 122.50; terms.
price $2,250; terms. v
05 acres. Rogue River Valley, well Im
proved; 65 acres In cultivation, good or-'
chard, water right and ditch; price $7000.
200 acres In Benton County. X mile from
railroad town, good buildings, well Im
proved, good family orchard, all good
fruit land. Including Implements and stock,
a bargain: $70O0; will take Portland prop
erty to amount of $4000.
We handle all sized tracts of land in
Oregon and Washington. Oregon Lands In
formation . Bureau. 606 Board of Trade
230 acres In Skamania County, Wash., 3
miles from Cape Horn and new North Bank
R. R.. 7 miles from Washousralr 45 acre
under cultivation. 65 acres slashed, 1 acre In
garaen, &z acres in meadow, some timber,
schoolhouse on one corner; good 10-room
house, water piped Into house from a. fine
pnng; good, large bam. 64x90 wagon-ehed;
patent hayfork, chicken-house. hotrnena. etc.:
fine creek runs through the place; county
road through the place ; mnaJl family orch
ard; raised 200 sacks of potatoes to the
acre last year; sold $2000 worth of cream
in 1900; creamery and condensed milk fac
tory near by; includes 25 milch cows. 7
young cattle, 2 good horses, 3 wagons. 1
hack, cream separator ; all farm Imple
ments, mower, rake, milkcans, household
furniture, etc.; 160 can be cultivated, bal
ance rolling, but can all be used for pas
take from 15 to 25 acres near Port
land; also house and lot In Portland, as part
payment. Price of land is $100 per acre.
Including everything; part cash, balance
long time, 6 per cent.
817 Board of Trade" bldg., 4th and Oak.
To you want to buy a farm that will pay
for Itself In 2 years? I mean Just what I
ay and can show you. The owner is over
GO years old and has 25 acres, which is
more than he can look after properly, so ha
iiaa asked me to sell lo acres of pure beaver
dam off his place; about 2 acres In aspara
gus, which pays from $6O0 to $700 per
acre, balance In onions and small truck,
which pays about $50o per acre; also 15
young apple trees; good well and fine build
ing site; adjoins city limits of Beaverton,
6 minutes walk to electric and Southern
Pacific station; about 40 rods from 9 grade
school, also good churches, stores, etc.; 15c
fare at present time and It is only a ques
tion of a few years until you will have a
Be fare, as it Is within the 8-mile circle;
about -30 trains dally. I can deliver this 10
acres of beaverdam for the very low price
of $800 per acre, half cash, terms on bal
ance to suit you; this Ls from $200 to $400
per acre cheaper than adjoining property. If
you want a farm or an Investment that Is
ound to double In price, let me show you
his place. It Is exactly as I tell you.
My father is located on adjoining place,
which has not as much beaverdam. and cost
more money. Phone East 4036 mornings or
evenings, or write 603 East Morrison st.
33. B. McFarland, Pres. A. J. Paul, Sec.
R. B. May, Treas.
310 Corbett bldg.
We sell large tracts at wholesale for sub
division. These lands are the best on earth
to cut up into orchard tracts. Buy quick.
Will double In value in 90 days.
700 acres near Corvallls, rolling ground,
fine fruit land; all fenced. Price $45 per
acre; easy terms.
1425 acres, Lincoln County, burned-over
land; easily cleared. Price $a per acre; If
subdivided worth $25.
S19 acres. Polk County, on Salt Creek, all
fenced; 2 good houses; good waterpower.
Price $30 per acre; easy terms. Farm next
to It cannot be bought for less than, $65 per
75 acres, all good level land. 60 acres
in good cultivation, 8 acres green timber,
balance easily cleared ; good 5-room story
and half house, barn 00x60. granary. 2
chicken-houses and parks, place fenced and
cross-fenced, good orchard In full hearing;
well, trout stream through place; one mile
from school and electric carllne. 5 miles
from Vancouver; on level graded road ;
personal property team, wagon, new top
buggy, new double and single harnesses,
plows, harrow, cultivator, mower, rake,
cream separator and all small tools; 10
milch cows, fine Jersey bull, some nay,
grain, all for J 6 000, h cash, balance 6 per
110 Second St.. Portland. Or., or
Citizens Bank Bldg.,
Vancouver, Wash.
5, 10 or 20-acre tracts, ready to plant,
sightly, level, rich black Bandy loam, on
the Willamette river, very desirable for
fruit and vegetables; water and rail
t ran&portation. one hour' s ride from
Portland. This means something to the
man who wants a home, wants to be In
dependent and educate his family. Price
$150 per acre, easy term; larger tracts
for colonies a specialty.
622 Chamber of Commerce.
Portland. Or.
$6 PER ACRE Great wheat country; 100-
acre farm In the rich delta of the Sonora
River, near American line, in Mexico, be
tween Southern Pacific and sea; most ex
cellent climate; deep garden soil; corn,
wheat, cotton, beans, alfalfa, dates,
oranges, lemons, all vegetable products;
good market; 150,000 acres now opened
to American farmers; first 10,000 acres at
$5 per acre; half cash; this Is neally $100
land. See or write us immediately. C. M.
Wooster Company, 702 Market stt, San
Francisco, Cal.
$10 per acre. 169 acres, Lane Co.
$15 uer acre. 160 acres. Washington Co.
$12.50 per acre, 80 acres. Tilljtmook Co.
$30 per acre. 80 acres, Washington Co.
Ranches and farms all sizes and prices.
311 Corbett Bldg.. Portland. Or.
We have oholce tracts of 40 to 640
acres In the heart of the Irrigated dis
trict of Central Oregon near towns and
new line, of railroads; call today and see
samples of soil, stone, wood, grains and
photographs of country, and also get prices
and terms: party leaving March 8 for the
Deschutes country; join us.
301 Buchanan Bldg.. on Washington,
' near 5th.
$40 per acre. 160 acres, 100 in cultiva
tion, balance timber; good house and. barn.
1200 40 acres, improved; two miles
from Delias.
fiooo 80 acres, on Salt Creek: cheapest
buy in Willamette Valley.
We have offlceB in Salem and Dallas.
If you want a home, can locate you on
good land at reasonable prices.
610 Lewis Bldg.
20S0 acres deeded land and 2500 acres
leasehold, together with buildings, stock
tools, furniture; near Calgary. '
For further particulars see
830 Chamber of Commerce.
.TRACT of land, containing 40 acres, more
or less, lying in the angle made by the
Kalama River and the Columbia, west of
' City of Kalama; bounded as follows
On the south by the Columbia River, on
the east by the Kalama River, on the
north by the Northern Pacific. This prop
erty will be sold for $3500; easy payments.
P. J. McGowan. McGowan. Wash.
FOR BALD I have for sale several good
farms In Yamhill County, ranging in else
from 40 to S70 acres; some very fine fruit
and walnut land; 22 miles from Portland,
close to railroad station; price and terms
620 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
acres choice land on good county road, 3
miles from railroad and good town; this
land is very suitable for platting and la
at present in good condition; price 125
per acre. For particulars and terms apply
to William MacMaster, 302 Worcester
block. Portland. Or.
CROOK County . improved and unimproved
lands, at prices prevailing before the boom.
One tract has 150 acres of alfalfa, with
private water-right and good improvements.
Another ls nearly all natural meadow fine
for stock or dairying. Railroad will" pass
From $25 to $100 per acre.
B2u-C3iamber-of -Commerce. . I
rxr Sale Farms.
FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 40 acres fine
irrigated fruit and alfalfa land. Yakima
"Valley, 1 miles good town. Ideal home,
30 acres alfalfa, cut 175 tons last year,
8 acres fruit, fine well, tank and tank
house, barn for 20 head horses, 30 tons
hay. 5 -room house, schoolhouae across
street, city property, balance cash or
terms. Price $16,000. Address owner,
W. e. Howard. R. F. D. 1, Prosser, Wash.
Kear Ridge field. Wash. For particulars
820 Chamber of Commerce.
close-in acreage, a wheat ranch or small,
well-improved farm, at low price and on
most liberal terms, see me; 1 handle my
own properties.
520 Corbett bids.
FINEST dairying, fruit and farm lands from
$25 to 100 per acre. Call or write McCoy
Realty Co., McCoy, Or.
$300040 acres. 5 in cultivation, good
new house, small barn; at Mcwdy. east
of Hubbard: close to Oregon City Electric
line to Marquam.
$9000 82 acres. SO in high state of
cultivation, fair house and barn, hophouse.
close to Manitor. east of Woodburn; will
take $6000 in Portland property, balance
long time.
$S00O 80-" acres, 40 In cultivation, east
of Hubbard, good buildings. $5000 mort
gage 6 y-ears 6 per cent; balance trade for
Portland property.
$3000 10 acres, close to Woodburn, fair
house and barn, all in. cultivation; good
orchard; will trade for Portland prop
erty. $1800 10 acres, near Gervais. " 5-room
house, 4 acres in cultivation, balance good
$4500 28 H acres, mile to Woodburn,
good 5-roomed house, woodshed, close to
church and schools.
527 Henry Bldg.
Tel. Main 4465, A 7434.
WANTED To trade equity in 10 acres of
land with view of Sound, 74 miles south
from center of Seattle; value $4500: equity
worth $2800. for first payment on Hood
River or Mosier apple tract, Improved.
Dunbar, 430 New York blk.. Seattle, Wash.
BUY Hood River apple land direct from
owner and save commissions; 20, 30, 40
and 8 acres improved. 80. 30 and 25 acres
unimproved; prices under market value;
terms no object; will trade for. Portland
property. G 763, Oregonlan.
IF you have acreage or modern residence
property to exchange for one of the finest
homes in Seattle on Highland drive,
.worth $7000, call at the Valley Realty
Co. or phone Marshall 559.
BEACH lots on beautiful Cannon Beach,
choice location, will exchange for subur
ban property or vacant lota. AE 854.
6-ROOM bungalow on Sell wood carllne: 2
lots. In Rose ity Park and Swinton;
equity; will trade for livestock or what
you have. 445 Hawthorne ave. East 649.
BUSINESS lot with 10-room house to ex
change for good suburban homvor acre
age. Phone Sellwood 1545.
40-ACRB full-bearing orchard to exchange
for Portland lots or business to the value
of $12,000. AF 771. Oregonlan.
6-ROOM modern houBe, E. 25thxst. ; take 3
passenger '09 auto part payment. Owner,
R 770, Oregonlan.
PONY sawmill, 10 or 12 M. per day: 11 miles
from Portland, on R. R. ; will trade for land
or cheap for cash. 506 Board of Trade.
EQUITY In house and lot, $1400, to trade
for vacant lots. Geo. S. Allen Realty Co..
221 Henry bldg.
TIMBER claim, 3.000,000 feet sugar pine, to
exenange lor house and Kit. s 776. Ore
gonlan. YQU can trade any kind of property at
room 1019 Board of Trade.
WILL trade diamonds for property or auto
or furniture. 324 First St.
IF you will exchange farm for city homes,
call 422 Ablngton bldg.
160 acres good bench land, entire tract
has good elevation and most of the land
can be cultivated; good railroad connec
tions; 1,000,000 feet of merchantable yel
low fir timber; can be contracted for now
for $500 net, in excess of the total pur
chase price.
This contract will be signed and deliv
ered with deed if desired.
We will make appointment to show this
land Sunday. Price $2000, easy terms.
516 Board of Trade.
Phone Marshall 468.
Tin: her lands, sawmills or machinery,
bought, sold or exchanged.
J. I. Montgomery, manager of the
Timber Department.
Corner Fourth and Oak sts.
FOR sale Most desirable mlllslte on Columbia
River; 61 acres; excellent facilities for rail,
foreign and coastwise shipping. For fur
ther particulars inquire of
318 Failing bldg., Portland. Oregon.
WILL pay cash for all the pine timber
claims of any consequence in Wheeler and
Crook Counties next 30 days. 733 Mar
quam bldg. M 8314.
TIMBER land, Lincoln County. Oregon; would
take auto as part pay. J. L. Keiqh, Kala
mazoo, Mich., route 4.
WANTED at once, one or two acres, either
improved or unimproved; close to car;
5-cent fare.
1022 Board of Trade.
I HAVE $20,00 to invest in Portland prop
erty. Give full description and ' location
In town one week. F 761. Oregonlan.
WANTED About 60OO acres of fruitlands
for strong Eastern concern. Dunbar, 430
New York block, Seattle, Wash.
WANTED 2 to 5 acres close In on carllne;
. part cash; no commission. V 778, Ore
820 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or.
LOT in Irvlngton, for ln-estment; have
$1000. J. A. M-, 199 Blandena st.
WANTED Good lot In Rose city Park dis
trict. F 777, Oregonlan.
WANT modern house In good location, not
over $3750. S 777, Oregonian.
TIMBER lands wanted. C. J. McCracken.
304 McKay bldg.
FOR fourth of crop, 1100-acre wheat farm
near' Olex. Gilliam County, Oregon; abun
dant water. R. T. Cox. 250 H 3d at.. Port
land. Or.
FARM for rent immediately, responsible per
son; cash or shares; Portland 50 miles. AH
776. Oregonian.
WANTED To rent, by responsible party,
improved farm, from 5 to 20 acres, with
house and outbuildings, within hour's ride
of city by rail or electric line; give full
information. AH 774. Oregonian.
Horses, Vehicles and Harness.
HAVE you a good saddle or harness horse?
Kramer, at 15th and Alder sts., will sell It
for you on commission. Both phones.
3 GOOD teams and one 5-year-old, with
harness, cheap; must go at any price.
352. Burnside. '
FOR SALE 9O0-lb. delivery horse, sound,
gentle and true: will exchange for rubber
tired buggy. Phone C 1724, East 4639.
Best accommodations for travelers. Ladies'
waiting-room. Prices moderate. 248 Front.
FIRST-CLASS heavy draft and driving horses
always on hand. Sold with guarantee as
represented. U. S. Stables. 248 Front.
DR. L. G. STICKNEY. V. S. Office 409 B.
Burnside, E. 555; residence, D. 171.
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds tar sale, 334 Front st.
Horses. Vehicles and Harness.
FOR SALE by Portland stables. 2 15th st.
North, phone Main 1125 One 2S00-pound
team, 8 years old ; one 2700-pound team, 7
years old: one single horse. 1300 pounds,
7 years old; one single horse. 1250 pounds,
6 years old. I guarantee these horses to
be sound and good, true workers, and give
a written guarantee to refund your money
if they are not as represented. They are
city broken and acclimated and ready for
hard work; bank references furnished.
For sale; chest, geld., 5 years, the best
and showiest horse on the Coast, 1 black
geld., 6 years: ride and drive: 2 good gen
t tie ponies, about 850 lbs.; 1 Shetland pony,
ride and drive, suitable for children, with
new Governess cart and Aeveral good ones.
One week's trial to people of recognized
responsibility. Kramer's Stable. 15th and
Alder sts.
FOR SALE; A- brown mare, 5 years old;
black gelding 5 years old. weight 2700; a
team; a 7-year-old buckskin, weight 1300.
work single and double; a 1150-lb. gelding,
6 years old. city broke and one can make
the wheel turn, bred by Lovelace. 805 Al
bina ave.
FOR SALE Horses, harness and wagons.
Remember, we sell guaranteed horses and
mares. If not as represantea they can be
returned. We also have on hand several
delivery, farm, vegetables and milk wagons
for sale. Hawthorne-Ave. Stables. 420
Hawthorne ave.
NICE span ponies and harness, goes for
$97.50 if sold before Monday; broke to
ride and drive: this ls a bargain; also
brown horse, weight 1380 lbs., 8 years
Void, guaranteed every way; $165 takes
. this horse. Inquire at 334 Front st.
FOR SALE One span well matched mares
welching 2h00: sound and true; one span
well-matched horses, weighing 3250, sound
and without blemishes. 226 Russell st
PAIR brown mules and new heavy har
ness; true pullers, good age. weight 2160
lbs. ; cheap for cash or will trade for
driving horse. 334 Front st.
FOR SALE 214-ton platform wagon, cheap.
Comer 27th and Pettygrove. Phone Main
CARLOAD of horses and mules direct from
Klamath (County, for sale at Nobby stable,
12th ami Flanders.
SINGLE express wagon, with top; price $50.
56 Killingsworth ave., North Albina.
266-268 Eleventh St.
Automobile bought, sold and exchanged?
we are legitimate and responsible dealers;
every car guaranteed as "represented; we
handle second-hand car, for the dealers,
runabout3 and touring cars of . every
standard make. Call and look them over.
A SNAP 6-cyllnder. 84-H. P. Thomas
Flyer, first-class condition, ideal car for
stage runs. Call 151 6th St.. between 1
and 2 P. M.
FOR SALE Reo touring car, fully equipped
and in No. 1 condition; has been used one
year only. Apply to 426 East Alder St.
$1010 RUNABOUT outfit for 1650. run four
months: will trade for larger car. E 777,
FOR sale or trade 4-cyllnder Aerocar. She
Is swift and good as new. Call Wm. Reldt.
401 Rothchild bldg.
POPE-HARTFORD, 5 passenger auto, in
fine condition, to trade for property. Room
1, 83 5th St.
200-horsepower motor, generator set,
belted units, complete with circuit-breakers
and panels, alternating and direct cur
rent machines; ideal drive for industrial
plant; complete information furnished 'at
room 201 Oregonlan bldg.
SEWING machines Do not fall to visit tho
White sewing machine store THIS WEEK.
SPECIAL SALES 120 drop-head machines.
Blightly marred; all standard makes ma
chines for rent and repairing. H. D. Jones,
Prop., 420 Washington St.. corner 11th.
OLD building on corner East Sth and East
Couch, suitable for stable or garage; bids
for sale and removal considered up to
March 10.
1Q4 Second St.. and 393 East Burnside.
MOVING-PICTURE machine and dlssolver in
first-class. A-l condition, cheap if taken at
once. Call 403 Salmon, between 10 A. M.
and 2:30 P. M. A snap.
BEST dry fir and oak wood, either sawed
or 4-ft.. at lowest possible prices. Kirk
Hoover, 313 Water st. Phone Main 7451.
A 5445.
SAFES 14 2d hand safes very cheap; large
stock new safes sold on easy terms ; call or
write today. Portland Safe Co., 87 6th.
ECHOOLBOOKS bought, sold and exchanged
at Hyland's. 211 2d st.. near Salmon. 168
Pth St.. -opposite postofflce.
SPECIAL prices on factory rebuilt machines;
very liberal terms; $10 to $00. Northwest
Typewriter Co., M. Sis70. 222 Ablngton bldg.
FOR SALE Hart-Parr traction gasoline en
gine; good as new. R. T. Cox, 26014 Sd
st., Portland, Or.
BOO BUSINESS cards' $1 If you mention this
ad. Rose City Printery, 19244 3d.
231 Stark st. Main 1407.
ONE good clinker-built rowboat, $30. 274
Margin St.. east end of Steel Bridge.
FINE soda fountain complete, cash register
and safe. 33 N. 3d st.
WANTED Young man as apprentice moul
der. Call 222 Commercial Club blrg.
FOR SALE Good oak sideboard. Round
Oak heater: bargain. Phone Tabor 1157.
500 BUSINESS cards $1 If you bring this ad.
Rosa City Printery, 182 y, 3d. near Taylor.
FURNITURE for sale cheap. Call at 985
Commercial st.. cor. Blandena st.
ONE 1-inch wireless spark coll, excellent,
cost $S; will sell $4. Phone B 1716.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothlnff and
shoes: we also uy household furnishings;
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal." 47 3d st.. North. Phone Main 9272.
WANTED One sound, true team, weight 27O0
to 2800: also good wagon and harness; . will
pay cash. Call A 4300 or write George Mon
roe. 1474 North 21st St.. Portland, Or.
WANTED Some more pupils to take lessons
in horseback riding or -driving, by a former
German cavalry officer, at reasonable rates.
Phone Main 3O06. A 3005.
WANTED A horse, about 1200 lbs., for
its keep with privilege of ibuylng; easy
work and -best of care. D. D. B-, 308 Mill
St., city.
WANTED Clothing, best price paid for
ladies' and gents' second-hand clothing
and shoes and bicycles. Main 2080.. 290 1st.
HIGHEST prices paid rubber, copper, brass,
pelts hides, wool, furs. Telephone Main
5198 J. Leve, 186 Columbia.
SELL your second-hand furniture to the
Ford Auction Co. or you'll get less. Phones
A, 2445. Main 895L
TWO tents wanted, about lrxl4 and 14x20
and flys; stafca, condition. ' O 778, Ore
gonlan. - -
WANTED Child to board and care for,
comfortable country home. AD 775v Orego
nian. .
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1067.
WANTED Men's discarded clothing; we pay
highest prices. Marshall, 745. 294 3d.
WANTED A second,-hand concrete mixer.
AJ 760. Oregonian.
WANTED to rent Heavy teams and wagons.
CaIl 717 Corbett bldg.
.WANTED to buy. 2 or 4-seated automobile;
state lowest price. AC 778, Oregonian.
LIVE proposition for 1 or 2 able salesmen
who can give first-class references. Call
403 Lewis bldg., between 9 and 11 today.
MEN wanted for Alaska; transportation and
board furnished; good wages, small in
vestment required. 162 2d St.. room 100.
$18 to $35 week, few months only learning;
positions guaranteed. Watchmaking-Engraving
School, box 1S2, Ashland, "Or.
WANTED Young man to learn barber
trade; terms reasonable; union shop,-- Call
832 Mississippi ave:
WANTED A first-class sausagemaker. Ad
dreBS box 600. Eugene.
NON-UNION pressfeeder; give-age and ref
erences. AM 776, Oregonlan.
COATMAKER wanted, bill $10.50. David M.
Holbrook. Couch bldg.
WANTED Photograph coupon agents; our
sw offer a snap. Cutberth, Dekum bldg.
WANTED Edgerman for small' mill. $3.50;
millwright, taking care of small mill,
$3.50; rough carpenters. $3; cabinet-maker,
' $3.50. ; '
5 raftmen, $3; shingle sawyer, $4.50;
filer. $4; knot sawyer, $3.50; packer.
9c M. .
Log toader. $4 up.
Man and wife, camp cooks, $100.
Waiter for hotel, city, $30.
Farm hands, $30 and $35.
Large list of other work.
Main Office. 12 North 2d St.
500 construction laborers for work in
Southern Oregon and California. Free
- fare.
C. R. HANSEN & CO., 26 N. 2d St..
WANTED Able-bodied men for the U. 8. Ma
rine Corps, between the ages of 18 and 35.
Must be native-born or have first papers.
Monthly pay $15 to $69. Additional compen
sation possible. Food, clothing, quarters
and medical attendance free. After 30 years'
service can retire with 75 per cent of pay
and allowances. Service on board ship and
ashore In all parts of the world. Apply at
New Grand Central Hotel, Portland, Oregon.
WANTED Salesman who can sell some
thing today, not next Summer. We are
willing to pay most anything for a real
salesman of this kind, and will give him
a contract for a term of y-oars If he
wishes; we have a fine opening for such
a man, young or middle-aged, right now:
must give bond; also phone number. - AH
764, Oregonlan.
Must be a first-class man. with exper
ience and references; no other need ap
ply; give full particulars in first letter,
otherwise no attention will be paid to the
application. Address AE 770, Oregonlan.
For R. R. ; steady work; standard pay:
free fare.
.C. R. HANSEN & CO., 2S N. 2d St-
10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last -years
men and women to learn barber trade In
weeks, help to secure positions; gradu
ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly: expert
Instructor; tools free: write for cata
logues. Mohler System of Colleges, 34
North 4th st., Portland. Or.
WANTED In wholesale plumbing house, a
man who thoroughly understands steam
and plumbing supplies, to get out country
orders, etc.; must be strong, active man
and very accurate. Apply in own hand
writing stating wages and past exper
ience. R 777, Oregonian,
WANTED First-class stenographer in our
mail-order and advertising department;
exceptional chance for a young man to
i5iVn thl8 husiness; good salary to start.
Jillers Piano House; call at wholesale x-eiiygrove streets.
WANTED-Men for actual contract work;
, , ' wiectriciiy, automo-
bfles. plumbing, bricklaying in few months;
.200 students last year; write for free cat
alogue. United TradVs School Contracting
Co.. 234 Aliso St., Los Angeles.
Only "top-notcher" who can make good
and has clear record will be considered.
Apply In writing, giving full particulars
. and references.
F. W. BIRD A- SON. BOX 694."
CLERK and Carrier examination March 26;
sp-ecial coaching and Instruction; applica
tions must be In early, so quick action
on your part ls necessary. Call, write or
phone at once. Pacific States School. Mc
Kay bldg., city. .
i?WjiKB', competent salesman; must
e to K've bonds; can clear $3000
right in your vicinity in next year on one
S-0Urn9w' reihot, hlghgrade townsites.
we will give ground floor chance to right
man. AF.774, Oregonlan.
WANTED A young man to learn the carpet
trade; one experienced preferred: must
be strong and active. Applv to Mr.
lZreel tOIU. Particulars, I. Gevurtz &
Sons. 173-5 First st.
WANTED Man and wife with no children to
work on - farm for wages to take care of
eorses and general farm work Call at room
329 Marquam bldg.. between IO and 12 A.
M. or 2 and 4 P. M.
.i 1 p; Shark"y co 122 sixth st.,
r, rC C: , n&Tfl enterprise to
sell high-class subdivision properly: liberal
350 SPRING sample suits Just arrived.
Prices $12.75, $14.75. $18.75: $20 to $35
va Ff guaranteed. "Knew" Sample
Suit Shop. 315 Oregonlan bldg. Jimmie
Dunn, manager.
WANTED Steady, sober man to help in
store; will pay good salary and share of
profits besides: small investment required
Particulars 248 V, stark st. H
WE aid our members to secure employment.
v.i.iuiu ucuraiiu ior young men of ability
and Integrltty. Special employment mem
bership. Y. M. C. A.
MAN and wife to cook for logging camp,
175 to 200 men; camp near Columbia
River; must be good, experienced cook. K
775, Oregonian.
MEN to sell wearing apparel and' household
a..uuo niDiiiiiiiiBiii Plan; lioerai
commissions: no former experience neces
sary. J. D. Sherman, 89 Grand ave.
WANTED House-to-house demonstrators;
" """Jo "'.Vn ' easy payments.
Room 8. 66 Sixth. .
I CAN use three real estate solicitors; n
icquireu; UDerai commissions.
MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 132 Third St.
BOOKKEEPING Private tuition In book
keeping by an accountant. 801 Mer
chanta Trust bldg.. 6th and Washington.
FOREMAN cabinetmaker, - local factory"
financial interest required. O 775 Ore
. gonlan. '
WANTED Traveling salesman in Alaska to
take good-paying side line. Apply at 223
Lumbermen's bldg.
WANTED A good washman for out of city.
State experience and give references. Box
L 777, Oregonlan. Vancouver, Wash.
WANTED A good real estate and roming
house man; give age, experience and ad
dress." AM 775, Oregonian.
WANTED A first-class stove mounter. Ap
ply to Albion Stove Works, Ltd.. Box 601
Victoria, B. C. , '
WANTED First-class advertising man to
work.,ln Jne Kew We" Publishing
Co.. S17 Henry bldg.
WANTED fctout lad to assist with Janitor
work In exchange for course in bookkeep
ing, shorthand, etc. E 763, Oregonian.
TELEGRAPHY taught. Graduates all have
positions. Address or call evenings. Expe
rienced operator. 290 3rd st.
WANTED Buffers and polishers. Apply
Oregon Plating Works. 16th and Alder
streets. v
MOTION picture operators earn $25- weekly;
easy Inside work; learn business in short
time; lessons reasonable.' 528 14 Wash.,
'WANTED Young man to work In Turkish
bath. AH 779. Oregonlan.
AT once, two boys with wheels, wages $40
per month Apply 131 10th st.
WANTED A young man to learn blacksmlth
Ing. W 776. Oregonlan.
PILEDRIVER-foreman. $100 and board.
Pioneer Employment Co., 16 North 2d.
WANTED Strong boy to make himself use
ful; references required. 75 First st.
BOY, 17. wanT work of any kmd.. AE 775.
Oregonian. ,
GOOD barber wanted. 4a North 3d st.
- : . 1
BARBER wanted. Call 365H 1st St.
Salaries range from $15 to $200 per -week.
We teach every branch of the show busi
ness, fit you for the stage and guarantee
positions: terms very reasonable; Investi
gate. The Athon School of Acting. 127 V4
Seventh St.. suite 6; operated in connec
tion with Tho Athon Stock Company,
Lyric Theater.
FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY offers good po
sltlons to A-l instructors. 611 Swetland.
WANTED Middle-aged woman for boys'
'nurM at Children's Home. 887 Corbett st.
YOUNG - GIRL to assist In light housework.
Call mornings. 321 E. 16th st. N.
2 WAITRESSES. - Merchants Hotel, 3d and
Davis. .
-! : .
GIRL, for boarding-house. 2S3 North- 16th.
WANTED 3 cooks for country hotels. $36
and $40; chambermaids and waitresses. $20
to $30; housekeepers and girls for general
housework. $i'i to $35; others..
Large list of new places dally.
Ladies' Dept. 205 4 Morrison St.
GIRLS to work in candy factory; good
wages, steady employment. Pacific Coast
Biscuit Co., 12th and Davis Bts.
WANTED 500 ladles to buy sample straw
braids, all colors. 50c bundle; wire frames,
flowers; straw hats remodeled.
1 315 Alder, corner lith.
WANTED Two stenographers; must have
"at least two years' experience: permanent
position: opportunities for advancement;
state salary expected. W 778, Orego
nlan. LADIES can make big money by selling my
line of wearing apparel on the Installment
plan; no former experience necessary. J.
D. Sherman. 89 Grand ave.
WANTED. Refined, cheerful young woman
as companion to lady and to do house
work for family of two. Suite 206 Seward
- Hotel, Sunday forenoon.
GIRL to attend Jefferson High School and
assist with housework: small wages;- a
blocks from school. Call forenoons. 1129
Williams ave. Phone C 1597.
STENOGRAPHER with some ability as
saleslady; must be over 25; give telephone
number and apply own handwriting. O
7 79. Oregonian.
WANTED Refined, rapable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavl Co., 609 Roth
child bldg.. 4th- and Washington.
U26i4 Washington St., Room 807.
Main 8S36 or A 3266.
WANTED Saleslady and office manager
wholesale and retail business. 302 Commer
cial block.
WOMAN for general homework, family of
two adults; good wages; out of town
Lock Box 99, Dallas, Dregon.
GOOD strong girl for general housework
and cooking- Call afternoon. 861 North
rup st.
WANTED Experienced girl for second
work family of three. Applv 6:30 to 7:30
P. M 113 North 20th, corner Glisan.
CAPABLE girl for general housework. 1131
Franklin st., Wllliamette Heights. Phone
A 2420.
85 E. 9TH ST.. NORTH Phone E. 4139.
Wanted, a middle-aged lady to assist in
general housework; good home.
34314 Washington Ssj, cor. 7th, upstairs.
Phone Main 2622.
NURSE wanted, for institutional work. Ad
dress Dr. A. S. Austin. Grays Harbor Hos
pital. Aberdeen. Wash.
EXPERIENCED girl wanted for general
housework; KOod wages; telephone Main
STENOGRAPHER capable of reading notes
well and general office work. AJ 776.
GENERAL housework. 3 In family, small
house, fond of children. 692 Madison.
Phone A 5243.
(WANTED An experienced chambermaid.
The Sargent Hotel. Hawthorne and
Grand ave.
WANTED Operators on custom pants -steady
work to right party. Room 400. 83
- 5th st.
EXPERIENCED girl for dining-room -work.
554 Couch St.
COMPETENT girl for general housework,
small family. Call 780 Johnson St.
GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory
No. 2. Grand ave. and East Taylor.
SECOND girl to assist with care of child.
822 Johnson.
WOMAN for general housework; no chil
dren. 3 adults. 186 North 18th st.
EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Morrison
Pnatanf-ont ' i'."' TT.a., X I i .
GIRL wanted, general housework, irood
home, good wages. 401 Rothchild bldg.
YOUNG girl to assist with housework. 352
WANTED Girl for light housework; small
family; good cook. 804 Clackamas.
WANTED Waitress, short hours. 27 Al
der st.
LESSONS In Shorthand and Typewriting by
expert, $5 a month. 269 14th. Main 3S93.
WANTED Colored woman for cooking and
grfneral housework. Phone East 48yl.
GIRL to cook and general housework. 75
N. 23d. Main 4325.
GIRL to sestet general housework; small fam
ily. 145 Overton st. Tel. Main 50O3.
GIRL for light housework. 368 13th St.
EXPERIENCED photographer wants po
sition with real estate firm to make views
for illustrations and assist in office; might
take partnership; speak German. X 777,
CEMENT finisher and foreman. Eastern man
who thoroughly understands all kinds of
cement work, reinforced concrete buildings,
etc., desires position with reliable firm.
Call Main 3555 or A 6624.
WANTED By middle-aged single man, po
sitlon as gardner on private place; ls so
ber and experienced: wishes to got good
home. C 768. Oregonlan.
YOUNG Japanese wants a whole year's posi
tion in farmer or stock farmer; has much
interest for this business. K. Nogi, 11 N.
5th St., Portland.
EXPERIENCED stationary engineer wants
to take charge of small stationary engine
or go as a fireman ; have fired oil. coal
" and wood. A. A.. 24S N. 17th st.
JAPANESE boy attending school wishes place
to work for room and board before and after
school. AN 776. Oregonlan.
YOUNG man. 22. wants position night Watch
man or work of any kind. J 778. Orego
nlan. BUSINESS college student wants place to
work for board and room; willing to do
anything. H 761, Oregonlan.
YOUNG man of experience wishes position
. as chauffeur; private family preferred. A
762. Oregonlan.
YOUNG German, strong and healthy, -wants
work; willing to do anything. John Morel
345 First St. '
EXPERIENCED collector wants position:
reference and bonds if required. J 777,
JAPANESE couple wants a position, any
. kind of work, in the city or country. E
760, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED chauffeur wants work with
private party. S 780. Oregonlan.
JAPANESE Employment Co.. will furnish
all .help. -268 Everett. Main 4659. A 4073.
A MAN wishes to get night watchman's posi
tion. Address 810 El Pine. M. P.
A'POSITION as watchman; best of refer
- ences. H 778. Oregonlan.
DRUGGIST, registered, manager, open for
'relief engagements. Phone C 19S0.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
YOUNG woman bookkeeper, business college
education and practical business ex
perience; salary secondary consideration;
. willing to prove ability. K 776. Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER, owning typewriter, de
. sires position; privilege taking outside
work. V 765. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer and book
keeper want permanent place. L 778,
EXPERIENCED stenographer wants po
sition; will work by week, day or hour;
has own machine. Main 2378.
INSURANCE stenographer wants position.
C 762. Oregonian.
ANGELES Dressmaking Parlors. 326H Wash
ington st.. suite 16. Main 662. A B3&1.
STYLISH dresses. $5 up; waists $1 up: fine
work; references. 629 E. Mill'. East 6256.
GENERAL dressmaking and children's sew
ing by the day. Main 6337, A 4744.
YOUNG 'widow, two children. 7 and
years, place In country or city as house
keeper for small family. Address 840
Montana ave.. care R. Earl. Portland. Or.
RELIABLE young lady wants position as
nouseKeeper ror oacrelor or wiodwer; no
tririers neea apply. w 7T9. oregonlan.
TRAINED nurse will nurse in city or coun
try, reasonable. Call Young Women's
Christian Association.
BY experienced, practical nurse, more cases,
any kind, reasonable. Main 4469.
CAPABLE experienced girl wants second
work or nursework. Call forenoons. M.
WANTED By a refined middle-aged Christian
woman, the care of two or three children.
Phone Sellwood 1109.
EXPERT manicure and chiropodist from
East, like situation In hotel or barber
shop. 528 Morrison.
EXPERIENCED woman kitchen helper or
chamber work. St. Louis, 245 Vi Wash
ington. Main 2039.
REFINED middle-aged lady wishes to take
charge of first-clacs apartment-house. T 778,
GIRL employed during dsy wants work even
ings and Sundays. R 779. Oregonlan.
WOMAN wants work by the day. Sellwood
Oil. .
SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash
weekly selling choice nursery stock; out
fit free. Capital City Nursery Company.
Salem. Oregon.
We furnish the renter, collect the rent,
pay taxes. Insurance and keep up repairs
the same for you as though the property
was our own; references any banJt la
245 "A Stark St.
Phones A 8500; Main 39.
WANTED To rent modern unfurnished
house, 12 or 14 rooms, close In. West
Side. G 778. Oregonlan. .
SMALL furnished cottage. Phone M. 4388,
or call 323 AJlsky bldg.
TWO sisters, employed, suite light house
keeping rooms, walking distance. AD 777,
Oregonian. , . A
WANTED, by business lady. 2 or 3 unfur
nished rooms; private bath, basement or
first floor. 778, Oregonian.
Rooms With Board.
WANTED Board for 2 girls, ages 6 and
16, in Christian home and refined sur
roundings: give full particulars. D 764,
TWO rooms and board wanted in respect
able private family by three young men;
West Side preferred; no boarding-house;
references furnished. AD 776. Oregonian.
WANTED By young lady, board and room
with sleeping porch. N 779. Oregonlan.
Business Places.
WANTED Good location for fruit and ci
gar stand In heart of city; in answering
give location. J 776. Oregonlan.
Furnished Rooms.
Homelike. Homelike. Homelike.
Seventh and Ankeny Sts.
One whole year of redocoratlng, refitting
and refurnishing, all for your benefit.
A delightful Winter home at reasonable
rates for those who appreciate cleanliness
and comfort. Free bus. Free phones.
140 ROOMS.
w. modern, fireproof building, steam
heated, hot and cold running water in all
rooms, richly furnished, finest -beds that
money can buy, and it doesn't cost any
more than some cheap lodging-house; nice
large office on ground lloor; everything
first-class; rates, 60c, 75c and $1 per
day; $3.50 and up per week. Call and
see us. 128 6th st. North.
131 H Eleventh St.
New. modern brick building: Just opened
water in all rooms; STEAM HEAT, private
baths, excellent location, Jusfc off Wash
ington st.; special rates by week or month.
Cor. 10th and Wash.
New corner brick, center of city, right In
the shopping and theater district; private
baths, steam heat, hot and cold water in all
rooms- rooms single or en suite; special
rates hy tha week or month; tourist trade
710 Washington st.. near King, brand
new, egantly furnished; every room has
a private bath, telephone; the maximum of
convenience and excellence, the minimum of
expense. If you want the best in the city
for the money, call and inspect; dining-room
In connection.
Fifth st., opposite City Hall.
New. beautifully furnished; steam heat,
hot and cola water in every room; public
. end private baths. Permanent and tran
Electric lights, steam heat; hot and cold
water and telephone in every room. Euro
pean plan, $1 per day and upwards; with
private bath, $1.50; special rates week or
month. ""12th st.. at Stark and Burnside.
in heart of business and theater district.
SB N. Sth St.. S. E. Cor. Flanders.
New brick building, steam heated, por
celain baths, line large office on ground
floor, elegant beds, everything absolutely
new and clean; rates only $2.60 and up
per week; 60c and loo per day. 3 blocks
from Union Depot.
THE BARTON, 13th and Alder, new man
agement, newly renovated throughout; 70
outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights,
etc; rooms $10 month up; suites with
running water. $22.50 to $30; elegant
publlo parlor: phones and baths free.
422 Washington, cor. 11th.
Steara heat, hot and cold water, baths,
nicely furnished rooms, $3 per week up;
transient rates. 75e up.
FURNISHED single room in first-class
apartment-house, gas plate, steam heat,
free light, bath, both phones; rent $12 per
month; also pleasant attic room, $7 per
month. 187 17th.
0th and Oak; large, handsomely furnished;
running hot and cold water; steam heat;
reasonable; permanent and transient.
HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main sts..
furnished rooms, single or en suite, at reas
onable prices, modern conveniences. Op
posite the Plaza.
Washington and 17th. first-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modern con
veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647. M. 6647.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 4
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes.
NICELY furnished rooms, walking distance,
bath, phone, gas, reasonable. 491 Ev
erett st.
a 11 1 . ,v 1 u.j v i-r-,, a. i- . vj 1 11 bi., das an laeai
suite -for four young men. Call and see
WANTED, as companion, a young lady for
roommate; one employed preferred. A 763
392 E. Stark, cor. Grand. East 6465.
A FEW nice, clean, well-ventilated rooms for
men. 22 North Front.
FURNISHED rooms. Elm Place, formerly
Elton Court Annex. 414 Yamhill and lth-
THE REX Modern rooms. $2.50 to $5 ner
week. 548 ft Washington st.
LA RGB front suite and single houeckeerjlnir
rooms, 608 Aider st.
Furnished Rooms.
263 Third st., cor. Jefferson st.
New fireproof building and furnishing:
throughout; desirable neighborhood; four
minutes' walk to business center; roomf
and suites; large, light and airy; hot and
cold water; steam heat; gas and electrio
lights; call bells; free baths; clean porce
lain tubs; lavatories convenient. Take S
car at depot to Third and Jefferson sts.
We aim to satisfy; that ls why we please
TRONS Rates $3, $5. $6. $7 per week.
A 7731. PHONES Main 8639.
THE LANDORE. 2S8- Tefhh. at Jefferson,
newly-furnished rooms.
Furnished Rooms in Private Families.
ONE large room, suitable for one or two
gentlemen: gas. phone, bath, furnace heat.
$15: also attic room, good. $S. 2t5 Lin
coln st. Take S car south.
NICELY furnished parlors suitable for 2 gen
tlemen; also smaller room: phone and
bath. 70 North loth. bet. Davis and,
AN elegantly furnished large front room,
modern conveniences, suitable fur two gen
tlemen: board If desired. 208 17th St.,
near Taylor.
NICE upstairs room suitable for young man;
5 minutes to P. O. : board if desired;
strictly private family. Phone Main 6097.
263 13th st.
NICE comfortable rooms, separate beds, $1
and $1.50 week, phone, bath, etc No.
2. corner 14th and Burnside.
FRONT room nicely furnished all modern.
hi block from Washington St. 31 North
17. A 4129.
LARGE front room, nicely furnished, gas,
bath, heat, phone, rent reasonable; walk
ing distance. 407 Holladay ave.
FURNISHED room in private famllv; elec
tric lights, free bath and telephone. 227
Cherry, near Steel bridge.
$14 VERY desirable furnished room on
second floor of modern apartment. Flat
D. 469 Jefferson. M 7594.
SUNNY light room, heat, bath, phone, $10;
walking distance. 430 Jefferson st.; gen
tlemen only. .
ONE front parlor bedroom, free bath, phona
and all conveniences, close In. 30'A loth,
near Washington.
443 TAYLOR, near 12th. fine large front
room, one or two gentlemen, reasonable,
modern, comfortable.
FRONT room: light, heat and use of phona
free. 28 X. luth at.
NICELY furnished rooms In strictly modern)
house. Call TOl Irving st.
FURNISHED room for rent; private family.
248 N. 20th st.
ATTRACTIVE room, newly rurnlshed; no
other roomers. Main 9002.
NICELY furnished rooms, good board, gen-
tlemen only. 286 North 16th. Main 8479.
FOR RENT Two furnished rooms; ladles
preferred. 564 Broadway. East 5534.
NEWLY furnished room in modern flat. 30
N. 16th st.. near Washington.
Unfurnished Rooms.
LARGE unfurnished rooms ea suits. 649
651 Morrison st-
Booms With bosra.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 22 d year, room
with board, use of sewing-room and li
brary. 510 Flanders st. Miss Frances N.
Heath. Supt. Woman's Exchange. 186 6th
St. Mrs. M. E. Bretherton. Supt.
THE COLONIAL. 165 and 167 loth st.. cor
ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason
able rates.
CHOICEST kind of table board: elegant
room for one or two ott- Parking. $74
Park. y
FAMILY board and rooms, first-class, at low
rates. 175 12th st. '-Roycrest."
Booms With Board In Private Family.
REFINED people can have room and board
In private home, newly furnished, bright,
cheerful rooms, plenty of hot water, home
cooking. 646 East Alder, half block from
Morrison car.
2 PRETTY bedrooms, bath, phone, heat, use
of parlor and piano, board: 2 in a room,
ladles or gentlemen; near Trinity Church.
Phone M. 6228.
PARTIES having a modern home will rent
one or two rooms to gentlemen; either
sleeping rooms or will give two meals.
AK 769. Oregonlan.
NICE front room, for two; refined family,
good home cooking, reasonable rates, fine
location, walking distance. Call 52 Lu
cretla St.. near 23d and Washington.
NICE room, with bath attached, best of
board, strictly private, one or two gentle
men, references. 2S4H park, A 2618.
GOOD board and room, everything modern,
walking distance, very reasonable. 649
WELL furnished front room, suitable for
two, also single room, two meals. 241
North 22d at. Main 2071.
PLEASANT room, choice board, business
people. 712 Hoyt st.
NICELY furnished rooms, first-class board X
gentlemen only. 221 13th. Main 6302.
NICE large airy rooms, heat, bath, phone,
walking distance. 327 West Park st.
ELEGANT rooms, good board, exclusive lo
cation, every convenience. 46 21st St.. N.
NEWLY furnished rooms, with board. b$
East Oak, cor. 15th. B 2619.
120 N. 18TH Nice front room, with board;
moderate rates; employed people preferred.
NICE room and good home cooking for one
gentleman. 6914 Davla st.
NICE large airy rooms, heat, bath, phone,
walking distance. 327 West Park su
Apartmenta. -
82 Grand ave., cor. East Stark; well-furnished
3-room apartments, possessing
every modern convenience, including steam
heat, hot water, private baths and phones.
While these apartments are as up to date
as any In the city and about as close to
the business center, the prices are consid
erably less; now ready for occupancy.
Phone East 3IKJ. No children.
HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia.
4 blocks from Morrison st. ; new brick
building, completely first-class, furnished
in 2, 3 and 4-room. family apartments, pri
vate bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot
water, elevator, free phone; some unfur
nished; Janitor service: rent reasonable.
COZY 4-room apartment, up to date In
every detail; phone and janitor service;
fine location: this place has changed hands
and been thoroughly renovated. Welling
ton Court. 15th and Everett sts. C L.
Williams and wife.
BuelJ, nicely furnished 3 and 4-room
suites: steam heat, private baths and
phones, first-class Janitor and elevator
service, nice siirrnunHfn. . 11.1.. n.
ing distance of Postofflce. -473 Salmon st.
STEAM-HEATED 5-room apartment, mod
ern and desirable; 625 Everett st. Apply
Morgan, Fleldner & Boyce, 603 Ablngton
rooms (unfurnished). with unexcelled
view; best lighted street, five minutes'
walk P. O. 272 7th st. Main 2306. A 3149.
FIVE-ROOM, steam-heated. Janitor serv
ice, modern apartment (partial base-v
ment), finest In city for money. Apply to
Janitor, 21st and Kearney. '"
THE MERCEDES Elegantly furnished '
room apartments, hot and cold running
water and all modern conveniences- $18
to $30. .Corner 20th and Washington sts
THE RE U-KAN. most exclusive furnished
apartment in the city; three rooms and
bath, both phones. Take W or 16th-st car
624 Marshall. 1
MODERN five-room steam-heated apartment.
Apply to Janitor. 21st and Kearney.
lH$fd 3d MIU' ne -6"roora unfurnished;
MODERN lower flat six rooms l'vi
North 18th st. Martin & Campbell. "301
Worcester block. Main 7391
WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer
Co. Main 1648. A 1984. All covered waa
ons. all experienced men.
FINE modern 5-room flat, with noreh
bridge 208 McMlllcn Steel
$16. MODERN 4-room flat with basement:
adults. 1 SO Williams ave. Woodlawn 42al
THREE-ROOM modern flat, unfurnished In-''
quire .225 Market. Phona Maln-1 "