TTIE MORNING OREGONIAX, THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1910. 19 E But Plenty of California Stock Available. XEEPS MARKET STEADY Prices Would Be Soaring but for Receipts From the Southern State Country Markets Are Stronger Than Portland, The- hay market continues moderately firm locally, but more strength Is shown at some interior points than at Portland. Supplies, especially east of the Cascades, axe low and In some sections of the stock country the shortage is so acute that- hay it worth mone on the ranches than it Js Belling; for In Portland. This market would, of course, be much higher than it is but for the fact that an unlimited supply of cheap California hay is available. But for the big crop in the South,. No.. 1 timothy -would probably now be selling here for $30 or better, instead of $23. the prevailing track Quotation. Local rail receipts of bay Cor the season to date have been 20 SS cars Bs compared with 2137 cars In the same period last year. The California hay market, according to trade letters, is weak on a-ll grades ex cept alfalfa, which is held steady by the Northern demand. Small lots of Cali fornia hay have been coming into Port land .on almost every steamer for th-a past feix weeks, and the movement la likely to last for two months longer. To date about COOO tons have reached Portland and close to 10,000 tons have been brought into all Northwestern markets. . Of the depression in other line of hay Chan alfalfa in the San Francisco market the latest Scott. Manger & Miller circular says: Farmers who have been holding their hay are getting more and mora anxious to sell. Bind we have heard of several lota which have changed bands the past week, at Very low prices,, in fact below our lowest Quotations. Some of these farmers were offered, last Summer, as much as 6 per -ton more than they accepteM for their hay in the past week, to say nothing of storage charges, etc. There are only two proposi tions for holders Of hay at the present time to accept. One Is to make up their minds that they will carry over their hold ings into the new season and forget they have it; the other is to sell their hay and suffer their loss and be free to take ad vantage of the new crop. It is hard for holders of hay to convince themselves of this, but in our opinion it will have to be done. In the first place, it will be a physi cal Impossibility to handle all the hay on this market which is offering, before the new crop, owing to the immenee stock on hand and the acknowledged decrease in the consumption of hay in San Francisco. It is simply a question now of who they will be. LOOK FOR LOWER OATS PRICES. Dealers Say Unsold Stocks In the Valley Are Large. Business was at a low ebb in the wheat market yesterday. No changes were an nounced in local prices. ' Oats were also quoted at the old figures and the market was quiet. The tone of cats values is about steady, as farmers' offerings are light, owing partly to their Arm views and partly to the bad condition of country roads. In some quarters, how ever, the Impression prevails that lower prices are inevitable after seeding time, as It is said unsold supplies In the country, particularly in the valley, are much larger than at this time last year. The barley market is also dull and un changed. Local receipts In cars were reported by the Merchants' Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay 2onny 2S 2 SO 6 15 g:ue?d-1 23 .. 7 4 3 Wednesday 5 j Year ago 18 i 'j J Season to date.f178 11R lfi7 1247 "066 Tear ago 9914 1432 995 676 2137 ALL BUTTER MARKETS ARK 1 1 KM. Price In California and the East Are Ad vancing. The local butter market is in a firm con aitlon. with the city creamery output email and no great amount of ' outside creamery on sale. Strength is shown In nearly all the markets. There was another half-cent advance at San Francisco yes terday, bringing the exchange price up to 84 cents and the open selling price to 3" cent. The Eastern markets have advanced one cent since the first of the week and are strong. Eggs were steady without any change In Jrrlce from Saturday. The supply was fairly frood and the demand Was also good. Poultry, as has been the case for weeks, (was scarce and all classes were firm. Dressed meats were also in light supply. The pork market was strong and veal was Steady. San Francisco Cabbage Reortved. There was a fairly good demand "for vegetables and fruit yesterday. Among the receipts was a car of San Francisco cabbage, which was ottered at $1.75 per liundred. A good assortment of small truck was on hand. The. orange market Bhows increasing firmness. "Most of the associa tions and unions in California have ad vanced their prices. Advance In Sugar Is Looked For. There is a firm undertone in the sugar xnarket and an advance may be announced any day now. In the wholesale grocery trade the impression prevails that the ad vance, when It comes, will amount to 20 cents. The Eastern . refined sugar mar kets are strong, as raws have been climb ing steadily for some time past. Bonk Clearings. Bank clearings for the Northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: ., Clearinsa. Balaaces. Portland $1.56,222 $170,131 Seattle l,2.-.0.f 818 273 Tacoma S22.BM 113,705 Spokane .. 884,753 158,299 PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain, Flour. Feed. Etc. WHEAT Track prices; Bluestem, $1.12 1.13; club. $l.O41.06; red Russian, X1.04 Valley. $1.50; 40-fold, $1.10. BARLEY Feed and brewing, $23 per ton. FLOUR Patents, $6.15 per barrel: straights. $5.75; export. $4.50; Valley, $5.80; Craham, $5.75; whole wheat, quarters. $5.90. CORN Whole. 35; cracked. $36 per ton. MILI.STUFFS Bran, $2426 per ton; middlings. $34; shorts, $2528; rolled bar ley. $32 433. OATS No. 1 white, $3131.50 per ton. HAY Track prices; Timothy; Willam ette Valley. $20rg;21 per ton; Eastern. Ore gon, $2223; alfalfa, $1718; California al falfa. $16fc17; clover, $15tfl6; grain hay. 1618. Vegetables and Fruits. FRESH FRUITS Apples. $1.25gB box; rears. $1.50 1.75 per box; Spanish Malaga, $5.50' per barrel: cranberries, $S per barrel. POTATOES Carload buying prices; Ore iron 6(i4f70c per hundred; sweet potatoes, 8c per pound. VEGETABLES Artichokes. $lffl35 per lt07.en; otbEe. $1.75 per hundred; caull ; tlower. $1,853;! per dozen; celery, $44.50 per OREGON HAY SGARG crate; eggplant. 25c pound; head lettuce. 35 00c per dot ; hothouse lettuce, $1.25 1.50 box; garlic, 12Hc lb.; horseradish. 810c per pound; green onions. 3540c.per doz. ; pea. 17c per pound; radishes, 25c per do a. ; rhubarb. 15c lb.; sprouts, 9c per lb.;,to matoes, $2.2o3.50 per crate. TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges. 22.75; lemons, I34.50: grapefruit. $3.504 per box; bananas. C0c per -pound; tanger ines. $1.75 per box; Japanese oranges, $2 per bundle. ONIONS Oregon, ' $1.509 1.75 per hun dred. SACK VEGETABLES Tnrnips. $1.25 per sack; rutabagas, I1&1.25; carrots, $1; beets, $1.25; parsnips, $1. Dairy and Country Bntter. BUTTER City creamery extras, 37339c: fancy outside creamery, 35339c per lb.; store, 20g234c. (Butter fat prices average lHc per pound under regular butter prices.) EGGS Fresh Oregon ranch. 24 25c per dozen. CHEESE Full cream twins. 20c per pound; young Americas. 21c. POPK Fancy, 1213c per pound. VEAL Fancy. 1212jjC per pound. POULTRY Hens, 1718c: Springs. 17 E18c; ducks, 20c; geese, 12fa13c; turkeys, live, 22ii'25c; dressed, 252c; squabs, $S per dozen. . , Groceries, Dried Fruits, Ktc. DRIED FRUIT Apples, 10c per pound; peaches, 7c; prunes, Italians. 45c; prunes. French, 45c; currants. 10c; apri cots. 12Hc; dates, 76c per pound; figs, 100 half pounds. $3.25 per box; 60 six-ounce, $4.75 pf:r box; 12 12-ounce, 75c per box. SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound tails. t2 per dozen; 2-pound tails, $2(15; 1-pound flats, $2.10 Vi; Alaska pmk, 1-pound tails. fOc: red. 1-pound talis. $1.45; sockeyes. 1 pound tails. $2. COFFEE Mocha. 2413 28c; Java, ordinary, 174i20c; Costa Rica, fancy. 18 20c; good. 16lSo; ordinary, 12"416c per pound. NUTS Walnuts, 15 c per pound; Brazil nuts. 12H15e; filberts, IBe; almonds. 16tP17c: pecans, 15 10c; cocoanuts, 90c ij( $1 Der dozen, BEANS Small white. 5.60c; large white, 4(4c; Lima. 5c; pink, 5.20c; red Mexican, 7iC. SUGAR Dry granulated, fruit and berry, $H.15; beet. $5.SS; extra C, S3. 65; golden C $5.55; cubes (barrel), $6.55; powdered, (barrel), $6.40. Terms on remittances, within 15 days deduct He per pound, if later than 15 days and within 30 days, de duct He per pound. Maple sugar, 15lSc per pound. SALT Granulated, $14.50 per ton: half ground, lOOs, $10.50 per ton; 50s, $11 per ton. HONEY Choice. $3.253.50 per case: strained, 7c per pound. Provisions. BACON" Fancy, 25 Vic per pound: standard. 21VjC; choice, 21c; English, 19M,e20M!C HAMS lO to 13 pounds, 18c; 14 to 16 pounds. 18c; 13 to 20 pounds, ISc; hams, skinned. " 18c; picnics, 12 ftc; cottage rolls. 13c; boiled hams, 2324c; boiled picnics. 20c LARD Kettle rendered. 10s. 17Vic; stand ard pure, 10s. lavic; choice, 10s, 1514 c; compound, 12 He. SMOKED BEEF Beef tongues, each 60c; dried beef sets. 19c; dried beef outsides, 17c; dried beef lnsides. 21c; dried beef knuckles, 20c. PICKLED GOODS Barrels: Pigs' feet. $5.45; regular tripe, $10; honeycomb tripe, $12; lunch tongues, $19.50; mess beef, ex tra, $12; mess pork, $ii0. DRY SALT CURED Regular short clears, dry salt, 1614c; smoked, 17c; short clear back, heavy dry salted. 16c; smoked. 17c; Oregon exports, dry salted, 16jc; smoked, lTc. Furs. FURS Mink. Northwest Canada and Alas ka. 16.50 (&; Colorado, Wyoming. Montana. Idaho and California, J4&5.50; British Co lumbia and Alaska Coast, $S10; Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana, $7; Lynx, Alaska and British Columbia, $28; Pacific Coast, $22; Raccoon, 75c4j$l. Skunk. Can ada. $2.50; Pacific Coast, 75cl.B0. Wolf and coyote, Canada, $4(i5; Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, $2.753.25; Oregon. Washington. Utah. Nevada, $1.50 3. Beaver, Oregon. Washington. Canada, Alaska, $5.50 B7; Idaho, Montana. $10, Utah, Wyoming, $6.50 7; cubs, $2g2.50. Otter. Canada, Alaska, $12.50(314; Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Can ada. British Columbia, $3(&)4.50; Pacific Coast, $1.702.50. Gray fox. Pacific Coast, 1.752.60. Bear, black and brown, Alaska, Canada, $1620; cubs, $123lo; Pacific Coast, 110 15; cubs, $57; grizzly, perfect, $25(&3S. Badger, $2. Muskrat, Canada, Alas ka, 40c; $1218; Pacific Coast, $10gl2. Fisher, British Columbia, Alaska. J15&20; Pacific Coast, $9 15. Wolverine. $6&8 Sil ver fox, 3OOig5O0. Cross fox. $1015. Sea otter, $200 450. Blue fox. $8 10. White fox, $1220. Swift fox, 40c .Ermine, 40c. Mountain lion, $5 10. Ringtail cat, 25 76c Civet cat. 10 if 30c. House cat, 5tf 25c. Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc. HOPS 1909 crop, prime and choice, 20 21c; 1008s, 17Vic; ll07s, llHc per pound WOOL Eastern Oregon. lttaoc pound; Valley, 22 & 24c per pound. MOHAIR Choice, 25c per pound CASCARA BARK 4i6c per pound. HIDES Dry hides. 1717c per pound; dry kip, 1717!4c pound; dry calfskin, 18 20c pound; salted hides, 99c; salted calfskin, 14o pound; green, lc less. Linseed Oil. LINSEED OIL Raw linseed, in barrels, 84c; In cases, 89c; boiled linseed in barrels, 86c; in cases, 91c. Raw linseed in carload lots: Barrels, 81c; cases, 82c BANANAS ARE FROZEN SEATTLE RECEIVES TOUR CARS IN BAD ORDER. Light Supply oi Green .Produce. Eggs Hold Steady at 2 8 Cents. .Northern Orders. SEATTLE. Wash.. March 2. (Special.) Four carloads of bananas that arrived this afternoon were found to be practically worthless when the doors were opened. The fruit was frozen In transit. The cabbage shortage was relieved by the arrival of a ear from the South. No to matoes are offered and none are expected for some time. A car of Florida tomatoes is rolling. The onion market Is very strong at top prices. All good stock commands $1.75. Owing to a shortage of carrots, good stock sold as high as $1.25 today. Dealers were able to hold the price Of fresh local eggs at 2b cents In most quar ters. California and. Oregons are offered under local prices. Several largs orders of eggs have been shipped North this week and more are. scheduled to- leave on the next nose. The grain markets were unchanged. QUOTATIONS AT BAJT FRANCISCO. Prices Paid for Produce In the Bay Clt Market. SAN FRANCISCO. March 2. The follow ing were the quotations in the market todav Mlllstuffs Bran, $25.5027.50; middlings. vegetables .ucumoers. l..i1.60: gar lic, wc; grwu jictuf, otxxc; string beans. Butter Fancy creamery, 34c; seconds. 82c; fancy dairy, 30c. Ecus Store, 22 Mc; fancy, 23c. creamery Cheese New, 1810c; Young Americas, lo iy' luu Hay Wheat, $14 19; wheat and oats. $lj (ff ic; aiiaiia, wwiz; stock, $t&; straw, per bale, 6075c Hops 1822o per pound. Wool Spring; Humboldt and Mendoceno. iowiuc; owuia riuus ana an joaauin. 8uv 10c. Fruits Apples, choice, 75cffitl: .commnn 505c; bananas. 75c(ff$3; limes, $4fr4.50; uu, i, v..,. , ,1.1,1, -r, . , common, S14P1.25; oranges, navels, $L252.50; pineapples, $24s 2.50. Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, $1 a 1.20: Early Rose, $1.3o1.4(l; Salinas Burbanks. $1.351.50; sweets, $1.00(3 2.00. Poultry Roosters, old, f55.56; young $7 ff9: broilers, small. $:l.50-4.50; large. $og-fry-srs. $67: hens. $510; ducks, old, $5 50 .Receipts flour. B510 quarter sacks; Wheat. 1WS centals; barley. 3935 centals oats, ho centals; potatoes. 4630 sacks; bran ie. sacks; middlings, 630 sacks; hay, 433 tons; niaea, jvou. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK, March 2. Evaporated ap ples, unchanged. Spot, fancy. lOUffllli-- choice. 9S4c; prime, 67c; common IV, 1 (III . ,J ,U 1, 7k 1 . Prunes, steady. California, up to 30-40S, Apricots, unchanged. Choice. lliiCfUKr extra choice, lleisUc: fancy. 124fl3iie.. Peaches, steady. Choice, 7c; extra cnoice, i'giii-ac: ranry, iftc. Raisins, steady. Loose muscatel, stjf "xr; rnoice r, lancy aeenea. ? 'tj.' t "Hi c : Heerl less, a 'n P 4 t4 c ; London Uaia, 41. 15 1.25. AT HIGHEST LEVEL Best Stock Prices Since First xf Year. DRIVE SHORTS TO COVER Steel and Copper Shares Show the Greatest Strength Unfavor able News Is Ignored. Bonds Irregular. NEW YORK. March 2. Prto of tr,v-. rose today to the highest level yet touched on n-egvery irom the severe decline which set in after the first of tftA va a - ......,.. short interest was driven to cover and the buying thus necessitated was an important factor in lifting prices. The movement against the shorts showed evidence of oraanixstlnn ,r, , H. u..i rt Jarge resources and also the employment of ue TJBuai methods to push the price move ment. It owed Its effectiveness, however, to the small offerings of stocks for sale aad this oondltloa. In turn. Is due to the subsidence of apprehension on various accounts which was me motive ror the selling earlier in the year. In United States Steel particularly there were signs of actlvltv bv an orranlzeri mtmw.. illative party, which gave rise to surmises that the market pool in that stock hd re sumed operations on- the long side. Yester- oay s announcement of the retirement from the directorate of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., with the accompanying explanation that the family holdings of the stock "are not suffi ciently large to Justify his giving any time or attention to the affairs of the corporation," woe oi a sina used with depressing effect sometimes when speculation in In a different mood. The improvement reported in the steel inula is responsible partly for this better feeling The steps taken by the railroad corporations to raise new capital, with a view to going forward with improvements and betterments, form an element la this feeling of encourage- Even the copper trade came in for n ha re of this -cheerful feeling today by reason of the reported decline in the European visible sup ply oi trie metai. -ji ne decrease since Feb ruary 15 was small, but was the first reported for many months aad had added significance from the large exports from this country which have gone into foreign supplies In the perioa covered. r&e price of the metal ad vanoed strongly In London todav and Conner securities there, as well as here, advanced. Some disappointment was felt that yester day's rumors of agreement upon a basis for the settlement of the Philadelphia carmen's strike were without confirmation. No effect was caused In the market, however. Little attention was paid to any but favorable news. Discount rates eased in London but hard ened in Berlin. Foreign exchange here rose again aad offerings of funds to lend on time diminished, with strengthening effect on in terest rates. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales. car value, $2,665,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Bid. Sales. Tfiirh. Tjiw Aliis Chalmers pf ; 441, 8fias 4?s 39 77 i 38 , 24 1554 62 84 Amal Copper .... 41,700 80H- 79 39 " fi5 ' 67 78 H tils 3s?4 64" 5Ts Am Agricultural Am Beet Sugar 700 2,500 Am tan PC Am Car &. Foun. l.BfiO Am cotton Oil . . 3,500 Am Hd Lt pf. Am lea Securi .. Am Linseed Oil .. 700 2414 300 15 SOO ft.l 231, 15 Am Locomotive 51V4 Ajii Smelt t Ref. 20.SOO 85V4 uu preierrea 400 108 Vi 10714 10SV4 Am Sugar Ret Am Tel & Tel . 700 127 1251,4 125 Vi Am Tobacco pf 04 ti Am Woolen 400 . 38 37 T4 37 Anaconda Min Co. 7.400 51 si .ui 1 Kiac Atchison 15,400 116 116i do preferred 3u0 103 103H . I0314 Atl Coast Line .. 500 132 13Ha 131 Bait & Ohio 4,,100 112 112Vi 112 imj iremrrep . . . ..... vly Bethlehem Steel . . 700 30 30 3014 Krook Kao Trfln. o.w lOft tO'M lO'l Canadian Pacific . . 2.50O 180 -17 18o Central Leather . . 1.IW 44J 43 4;-i do preferred . . . 300 108 Vi I0814 108 Central of N J Ches & Ohio Chicago & Alton ... Chicago Gt West. Chicago & X W... C, M A St Paul .. 300 84 59 13,700 400 85 59 i 64 689s 1.11)0 3Z 81 Ml 31 7.7O0 158 157 15S'i 11,200 147 146Vi 146i5 C, C, C & St L... Colo Fuel & Iron. SOVs 41H 40 41 64 63 Va 63 81 2,800 800 Colo & Southern . . do 1st preferred. do 2d nreferned. 89 iiei- 146 Consolidated Oas. . 6,800 147 Corn Products . . . i0 18 18i IS Del & Hudson 1.50O 176 Vt T75 175 D A R Grande ..- 1.100 41 41!4 41 do preferred 79 33 32 H 33 31 Li SO 31 50 48V4 50 39 38 38 165s! Distillers' Securi .. 600 8,500 Erie do. 1st preferred. 6,700 do lid preferred. 800 General Electric Gt Northern pf . Gt Northern Ore 6,8li0 138 137H 138 1.0OO 71 70 70 Illinois Central 1.O00 X44 142-, 14214 Interborough Met..- 4.4O0 22 22 22 65 do preferred ... 6.700 66 H 95t 21 8 2114 Inter Harvester .. 6,400 Inter-Marine pf .. 2oo Int Paper . . . . - 94 21 18 48 23 38 69 163 43 145 71 43 71V 111 83 64 123 46 IOI 137 lnt Pump . Iowa Central K C Southern 200 23 23 do preferred Louisville -& Nash 2.300 154 153 Minn & St Louis. 4O0 44 43 14 M. St P & S 9 M. 1.70O -144 144 Missouri Pacific .. 1.000 71 Mo. Kan A Texas 5.700 do preferred ... H . . . . National Biscuit National Lead . 1.OO0 Mex Nat Ry 1st pf 7'K 3 84 e. 8.1 o 122 46 100 N Y Central 16,000 123 iv x , tint A west. l.4io 46' Norfolk A West.. 1,500 101 North American wio 80 if, Northern Pacific 6.KOO 137 1V4 Pacific Mall 900 32 1 Pennsylvania 37.200 136 135 136 People's Gas 4.600 XI I 110 111 P. C C A St L Ry Steel Spring Reading Republic Steel do preferred . Rock Island CO. Z,0"O IVA lOZ 102' 3O0 4-t 42 43 164, IOO 168 166 168 6,i" ' HU 4 OO 102 102 102 28, IOO 60 4! 86 OO SO 14 86 50 29 73 do preferred ... 1.300 St L & S F 2 pf. 64O0 St L Southwestern ...... do preferred ... 300 87 60 73 73 Sloss-Sheflleld .7 Southern Pacific .. 23. loo 129 126 127 Southern Railway. 2.10O 20 29i, 2 y do preferred . . . 50O 66 84 30 44 5 34 SO 43 67 66 34 80 43 Tenn Copper 500 Texas & Pacific. 800 Tol. St L & West. 2.400 do preferred . . . 2,x0 68 TTnion Pacific 77. IOO 188 186 187 do preferred ... 400 ' 99 99 99 U S Realty U S Rubber 500 7r 45 84 46 83 45 TJ S Steel 225,600 84 do preferred TJtah Conner 2.1oO 121 120 12o 9.200 51 m oo Va-Oaro Chemical. 7.200 66 21 48 61 7S 76 "oi"" 22 65 21 47 49- 66 21 47 Wabash l.TOO do preferred ... 2.3O0 Western Md 13.8O0 5o WestlnKhouse Elec 1.000 Western Union ... 1.0O0 Wheel A L Erie.. - Wisconsin Central. SOO Pittsburg Coal ... 20O Am Steel Fdy loo 76 7' 76 61 22 63 OO 21 63 63 118 United Dry Goods 300 119 118?. Laclede Gaa .... '1,600 102 102 102 4 Total sales for the day. 858,800 shares. BONDS. NEW YORK, March 2. Closing quota tions: U. S. ref. 2s reg,101!N. T. C, g. 3s. 90 B do coupon . ini N. p. as 4 TJ. S. 3s reg..aoi do coupon ...102 U. S. new 4s reg.114 do coupon ...114 Den. & R. G. 4 s. 97 do 4s ........ 74 V. P- 4s 101 Wis. Cen. 4s 94 Japanese 4s.... ,82 Daily Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. March 2. The condition of the treasury at the beginning of busi ness today was as loliows: , Trust funds Gold coin $S58.162.S69 Silver dollars 4SH.146.0O0 Silver dollars of 1890 3.85O.O00 Silver certificates outstanding.. 486,146,000 General fund Standard silver dollars in gen eral fund 5.472.430 Current liabilities 97,763.713 Wprklng balance in Treasury offices 32. 176.344 In banks to credit of -Treasurer of the United States 35.167,503 Subsidiary sliver com... 21. 2. ,7.'. Minor coin 1.184.022 Total balance tn general fund.. S7,a4S,31S Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK, March 3. Mcney on call, easy. 2 per cent: ruling rate. 2 per cent; closing bid, 2 per cent; offered at 2 per cent. ' Time loans, strong; 60 days. 3 per cent: 00 days, 33 per cent; six months, 3 4 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 42 5 per cent. Sterling exchange, firm, with actual busi ness in bankers' bills at J4.801Ou)4.S520 for 60-day bills and at $4.8725 for demand. Commercial bills, $1.84 4.85. Bar silver. 50c. Mexican dollars, 44c. Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds, irregular. LONDON. March 2. Bar sliver, steady at 23 5-1 6d per ounce. Money. 11 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills is 2 2 5-16 per cent: do for three months bills, 2!2 5-16 per cent. Consols for-money, 61 5-16c; do for ac count, 81c - SAN FRANCISCO. March 2. Ster'ing on Londen. 60 days. $4.85; do sight, $4.S7. Silver bars. 50 c. Mexican dollars. 44c. Drafts, sight, 7c; telegraph, 10c. Eastern Mining Stocks. BOSTON, March 2. Closing quotations: Allouez 57:Miaml "Copper... 23 Amal. Copper .. SO 14 .Mohawk 65 A. Z. T, A S 30s Nevada Con 22 Ariz. Com 30lNipissing Mines.. 10 Atlantic 9iNorth Butte 38 B C C C. rts. 19lNorth Lake. 17 B A C. C A S M. 17IO!d Dominion 45 Butte Coalition. 25j03ceola 150B Cal. A Ariz... 73 Parrot (S. & O. 2 Cal. A Hecla....635 Centennial ..... 25 Cop. R. Con. Co. 77 E. Butte C. M. . 30 Franklin 19 '.4 Glroux Con...... 9 Qulncy ......... 87 Shannon ......i. !; Superior 57 sup. . A ti. Min.. 13 Sup. A Pitts. C. 14 Tamarack 73 V. S. Coal A Oil. 38 oranpy don gs Greene Cananea. 10!U. S. S. R. A M. 45 Isle Royalle (C.) 24 do pfd 50 Kerr Lake fi lutah Con 32 Lake vTopper .. 77-!Winona ......... IO La Selle Cop . 18 (Wolverine 143 TRADE AT A STANDSTILL JiO RECEIPTS OF LIVESTOCK AT THE IiOCAL. YARDS. Railroad: Troubles Bring Business to a, Stop -California Cattle Due Last Night. Another day has passed without any live stock being received at the Portland Union Stockyards, owing to the washouts and blockades on the railroads. Six cars of cattle werft flue last night from California, however, so there will be that much stock to work on today. In the absence of business there is no reason to change the nominal quotations or to suppose that any change exists in the underlying conditions of the market. Prices quoted on ths various classes of stocks at the yards yesterday were as fol lows: CATTLE Best steers. S5.5085.75: fair to good steers, $4.505; strictly good cows. $4.50g!4.75; fair to good cows. $4. 001(74.50: light calves,' $5.5O06; heavy calves. $4&o; bulls, t3.75i4.25: stags, $3i4.50. HOGS Tod. 9.7410.10: fair to ' good. $9 9.60. SHEEP Best wethers. 6'8:o0: fair to good withers, $5.50:5.75; good ewes. $6; lambs, $7.75. Eawtern Livestock Markets. CHICAGO. March 2. Cattle Estimated receipts, 11.000. Market, 10SH5c higher. Beeves. $o.OOU 8.15; Texas steers, 4.708 5.90; Western steers. $4.70(6-50: stockers and feeders, $3.606.00; cows and heifers, $2.65(&J6.40; calves, $7.509.75. Hogs Estimated receipts. 20.000. Market. 10c higher. Light. 9.6095: mixed, $9.65 (S10.O5: heavv. 9.70ffi 10.00 : rouirh. ?9.70'a 9.85; good to choice heavy. $0.85 Si 10.10: Uigs, $8.65if 9.60; bulk of sales. $9.85lgi 10.00. Sheep Estimated receipts. 12,000. Mar ket, strong to 10c higher. Native, $3.005) 7.90; Western, $5.50(3)7.90; yearlings. $7.80 S.75: Iambs, native. 8.00tt 9.30: Western. $7.90 U.3U. KANSAS CITY. March 2 Cattle Re ceipts WOO. Market. 10 & 20c higher. Na tive steers. S0.00fti8.0O: cows and heifers. X3.50&7.00; stockers and feeders. 4.00 6.25; bulls. $4.254r5.75; calves. $4.50(39.00: Western steers. $5.50 7.60; Western cows, $3. 00(c 6.00. Hogs Rece Dts. 9000. Market. 10c higher. Bulk of sales. $9.459.75; heavy. $9.75 9.85: packers and butchers, $9.6aftj); light. 9.309.6.-; pigs. $8.509.25. Sheen Receipts. 6000. Market. steady. Muttons. $6.00S 7.75; lambs. $8,204x9.25: fed Western wethers and yeariings, $6.75ftjJ S.75; fed Western ewes, $0.35(3)7.10. OMAHA. March 2. Cattle Receipts. 3900. Market, 10sB15c higher. Native stosrs. S4.75iai0.20: cows and hellers. S4.00WU.00: canners. $ 2.75i: 3.75 ; stockers and feeders. $3.254j 6.00; calves, $4.008.25; bulls, stags, etc.. $3.754i)5.60. Hogs Receipts. 8500. Market. 10c high . Heavy. $9.659.75; mixed. $9.509.60; light, $9.200.55; pigs. $8.250.25; bulk of sales. $U.&09.65. Sheerj Receipts. 4000. Market. steady. Yearlings, $7.2."i4(i8.50; wethers. $7.25Sji7.70; ewes. $7.OOSi)7.50; lambs. 3.509.35. ine leading lutures ranged as loliows: Metal Markets. NEW YORK. March 2.' The market for standard copper on the New York metal exchange was firmer today, with spot quoted at 13.10 13.30c; March and April,' 13.1013.35c; May. 13. 12 13.37 c; June, 13.17 13.40c. The London market was higher . and closed firm, with spot quoted at 61 2s 6d. Local dealers quote lake copper at 13.5018.75c: electrolytic. 13.25(8) 13.50c: casting. 13.O0 41 13.25c. Arrivals re ported today yere 240 tons and Custom- .House returns showed exports of 476 tons. European copper statistics show an increase of 430 tons in stocks, but a decrease of 1270 tons In the amount afloat as compared with February 15. Tin was steady, with spot quoted at 82.52 32.S2c; March, 32.40 32.67c; April. 32.60 g) 32.80c: May and June, 32.30 -a 32.85c. London market closed steady, with spot quoted at 148 7s 6d and futures at 151. Lead was quiet, with spot quoted at 4.60 4.70c New York, and 4.42 4.47c East St. Louis. The English market was higher at 13 3s 9d. Spelter dosed steady, with spot quoted at 6.655.90c New York and 5.5Ogi5.60c East at. Louis delivery. The London mar ket was lower at 23. Iron was higher at 51s 4d for Cleve land warrants in London, Locally no change was reported. No. 1 foundry Northern, $18.50 18.75; No. 2 do, $18.254818.50; No. 1 Southern and No. 1 Southern soft, $18.50 a 16.75. Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. March 2. Coffee futures, quiet, net 5 points higher to 5 points lower. Sales, 2150 bags. Closing bids: Alareh, 6.85c; April. 6.95c; May. 7.0oc; June, 7.10c; July, August, September. October and November. 7.15c; December, 7.10c: January and Feb ruary. 7.15c Spot, quiet; Ko. 7 Rio, 8c; No. 4 Santos. 8c. Mild, quiet. Cor dova, ,84i12c. SuRar Raw. flrm. Muscovado. 89 test. 3.8c; centrifugal, 96 test. 4.39c; molasses sugar, 89 test, 3.64c. Refined, v steady; crushed, 5.85c; granulated, 5.15c; powdered, Dairy Produce in the East. CHICAGO, March 2. Butter strong creameries, 260'Ulc: dairies. 214(25c. Eggs Receipts. 8521 cases; easy, at mark. cases included, 17c; firsts, 18c; prime nrsis. me Cheese (Steady; dairies. 16Srl7c: twins. 16)iac: young Americas, 16417c; long norns. joso kc. - NEW YORK. March 2. Butter Strong. Cheese Firm.- unchanged. Eggs Weak. Western firsts, 2020c; seconus, i; u 1.. New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. March 2. Spot cotton closed quiet. 1120 points higher. Middling up lands. 15c; middling Gulf, 15.28c. Sales, 1,- l.i Dales. Futures closed steady. March, 14.7Hc April, 14.71c; May. 14.77c: June, 14.54c July. 14.51c: August. 13.91c: September.; tjctoner, u.uuc; November, 12.42c; December. 12.44c Wool at St. Lonis. ST. I.OUIS. March 2. Wool Unchanged. Territory and Western mediums. 25r28c; fine mediums, 20(24c; fine, I221c. Bay City Gets New Bank. WASHINGTON, March 2. The' Mer cantile National Bank of San Francisco was today authorized to begin business with a capital of $2,000,000. Henry T. Scott is president BEARS IN CONTROL Steady Hammering Forces Wheat Prices Down. WEAK CLOSE AT CHICAGO May Option 3-8 Cent Off at the End Corn, and Oats Also Lower. New High Record tor Pork. CHICAGO, March 2. Wheat prices were nervous today, .fluctuating from to lc and closing weak on liberal offerings to c off. Action in the corn pit was more temperate, prices finishing c to c off. Oats closed unchanged to c .lower. In provisions May pork touched a new high point at $35.27. Crop reports were both fax-orable and unfavorable, causing wheat prices to soar from c to c above yesterday. Under a steady hammering, prices for all the fu tures fell off, the fluctuations from the high point being from c to lc. May traveled from $1.15c to $1.14, the other futures moving over a wider space. The close was weak and little removed from the low point, with May c down at $1.14 1.14. Jday corn dropped from G6c to 65c. Cash corn fell off from c to lc on a lim ited demand and light offerings. No. 3 white selling at 6262c. The close was weak, with May c off at 63 c. Trading in oats was without feature, fluc tuations being bounded -by c to c May moved between 47 c and 46 c The close -was weak, with May c down at 47e. In provisions, prices receded from the high level, finishing unchanged to 2c higher for ribs. 15c to 20c higher for lard and 12c to 17c higher for pork. WHEAT. Open. $1.14'4 1.07 1.03 TTIgh. $1.15 1.08 1.04 Close. $1.14 1.06 1-02 May. . . . July.... Sept. . . . $1-14 1.06 1.02 .65 .67 .67 CORN. .66 .67 .68 OATS. May. . July. . Sept. . .SS .67 .67 .65 .67 .67 May. July. Sept. .47 .47 .46 .47 .44 .44 .44 .44 .41 .41 .41 .41 MESS PORK. 2S.00 25.27 24. S3 25.10 24.85 24. SO 24.80 25.05 May. . July.. LARD. May 13.45 13.62 13.32 IS. 50 July 13.40 13.45 13.25 13.40 ' SHORT RIBS. May 12.7 13.00 12.92 12.95 Jolly 12.92 12.97 12.87 12.90 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Steady. Rye No. 2. 70 80c. Barley Feed or mixing, 61 64c; fair to choice malting, 6771c. Flax seed No. 1 southwestern, ',4; No. 1 Northwestern, $2.19. Timothy seed $3.70. Clover $13.50. Pork Mess, per barrel, $25.12 25.25. Lard Per 100 pounds. $13.57. Short ribs Sides (loose), $12.504j13. Sides Short. clear (boxed!, $13.50 13.62. Grain statistics: Total ckrarances 'of wheat and flour were equal to 2000 bushels. Primary receipts were 600,000 bushels, compared with 515, 000 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 17 cars; corn, 323 cars: oats. 139 cars; hogs, 24,000 head. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 57,300 22,800 Wheat, bushels 48,000 21.600 Corn, bushels ,....386.200 200.100 Oats, Dusnels. .......... 4O3.300 203.200 Rye. bushelB. . 5.000 4,900 Barley, bushels 1.12,900 $1,500 Grain and Produce at New York. NEW YORK. March 2. Flour Steady, with a small-local trade. Receipts, 10.942 barrels; shipments. 433 barrels. Wheat Spot barely steady. No. 2 red. $1.39. nominal elevator, domestic and nominal f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 Northern Du luth and No. 2 hard Winter, $1.28 nomi nal. Wheat options were nervous and un settled. Prices declined early under foreign selling and poor cables, rallied on bad crop reports and again eased off under profit taking, closing 4i c net lower. May, closed at $1.22; July. $1.14; September, $1.10. Receipts. 19.200 bushels. Hops and hides Quiet. Petroleum ' and wool Steady. - Grain at Son Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. March 2. Wheat : Steady. Barley Firm. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipptng. 1. 905? 1.05 per cental. Barley Feed, $1. 3041.38 per cental; brewing, $1.40. Oats Red, $1.601.70 per cental; whits, $1,604 1.67 ; black, $1.60 2.30. Call board sales: Wheat No trading. Barley May. $1.40 per cental; Decem ber. $1.29 w 1.30. Corn Large yellow $1.70 1.724 percen tal. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, March 2. Wheat May. $1.13; July. $1.13. Cash No. 1 hard, $1.14 49)1.15; No. 1 Northern. 1.144rl.l5; No. 2 Northern, $1. 12 ' 1.13 ; No. 8 Northern, $1.061.11. Flax $2.18. Corn No. 3 yellow, 57fi ,"Sc. Oats No. 3 white. 4543c. Rye No.- 2, 7677c. Kuropean Grain Markets. LONDON, March 2. Cargoes, quiet. Walla Walla for shipment at 40s. English country markets, steady; French country marseis, nrm. LIVERPOOL, March 2. Wheat March, 8s ld; May, 7s lld; July, 7s 10d. Weather, fine. WIFE APPEALS TO COURT Husband C -1 Years Delinquent in Support, Says Mrs. Wright. For the first time In the recollection of any of the attaches of the Justice Court a -warrant of- arrest In a nonsup port case was served through that court yesterday, upon a complaint made out In the District Attorney's office. S. G. "Wright, an employe of a lumber mill in St. John, who lives at Oberlin and Huron streets, was the defendant. He was arrested upon the complaint of his wife, Mrs. Rose T. Wright, who al leges that he has not contributed to her support the past 24 years. She has been forced to earn her livelihood by dress making-, she declares. The case will be heard before Justice Olson on Saturday, Nonsupport cases in the,past have be'en handled through the County Court, but delays which in some cases were an ln- iustice to the neglected wives, it ia snlrl 4 have prompted the District Attorney's office to send complaints of this charac ter in the future through, the Justice Court. A Justice of the Peace has the power of a committing magistrate and can hold husbands who refuse to support their wives to await the decision of the Cir cuit Court. HOSPITAL BE IS AIDED Woman's Club Entertainment Gives 1 Promise of Success. Officers and members of the Woman's Club announce that great interest is being aroused in the success of the en tertainment to be given at the Bungalow the night of March 14 for the benefit of the free bed at the Open-Air Sanitarium The programme) contains the names of lumbetrmens National Bank CORNER FIFTH AND STARK STS. Capital OFFICERS t G. K. WENT WORTH . JOHX A. KEATING . GEO L. MePHEUSOX . H. D. STORY .... K. A. FREEMAN ... GRAHAM DIKEIIAHT DIRECTORS! G. K. Went worth Chaa. S. Russell George G. ningham Lloyd J. Wentvrorth John A. Keating; Robert a ?--. &: t.TBi5: -2 "-.. -sas-j mjss.lf'BMK' S!s,-K3.- OLDEST BANK. ON THE PACIFIC COAST CAPITAL $1,000,000 SURPLUS and PROFITS $600,000 OFFICERS. W. M. LADD, President. EDW. COOKINGHAM, Vice-President W. H. DUNCKLEI, Cashier. It. S. HOWARD, JR., Ass't Cashier. L. W. LADD, Assistant Cashier. WALTER M. COOK. Ass't Cashier. Interest Paid on Savings Accounts and Certificates of Deposit We Issue Letters of Credit, Foreign Drafts, and Travelers Checks ENGINEERING WORK IN TOWNS (a standard work by Ernest McCullough, formerly Con sulting Engineer for the Merchants' Association of San Francisco) contains the' following comments: "The writer wishes to go upon record as saying that with honest workmanship ' and honest materials the, BITULITinC PAVEMENT in his opinion has a larger per cent of desirable qualities than any material he ia acquainted with. It approaches very nearly the ideal pavement. 'V AMERICAN BANK & TRUST COMPANY SAMUEL CONNELL, President G. L. MacGIBBON, Cashier CAPITAL, $150,000 Does a general banking business. Opens checking accounts without limitation as to amount. Pays interest on time and savings deposits. COItA Kit SIXTH A.B OAK, many of the best amateur and profes sional performers of Portalnd. The Woman's Club is now maintaining one free bed at the sanitarium. The patient who has had tne benefit of this charity will leave the institution in a few days, ' but the club- announces it3 inability to care for all applicants. From the proceeds of the coming entertainment it is hoped that a larger opportunity for helping deserving women may too afforded. -Profesaor Carrel, of the Rockefeller' Insti tute, is able to keep flesh alive for weeks In cold storage no as to be grafted and grown into and upon living: animals. PORTLAND, SEATTLE, SPOKANE, TAC03IA. Downing-Hcpldns Co. BROKERS Established 181)3. Stocks, , Private Ciraln. Wins 201-2-3-4 Conch Bids. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. NFW 7FAI AND Kew Service via Tahiti. U1H .lm.ruil Delightful South sea Tours AI1STRAIIA tot t. Health and HUOllVuarl Pleasure. Jfew Zealand, the World's Wonderland. Oersers, Hot Lakes, etc The favorite S. S. Mariposa sails from San Francisco March 10, April 15, etc., connecting at Tahiti with Onion Line for Wellington, N. Z. The only passenger line from V. 8. to New Zealand. Wellington and back, $280: Tahiti and back. 12o. 1st class. (SOUTH SEA ISLANDS (all of tbem). three months' tour, 1400. Hook now tor sailings of Dec 28 and Ffeb. 2. Line to Hawaii, 110 round trip. Sailings every 21 days. OCEANIC S. &. CO.. 613 Market street. San Francisco. COOS BAY LINE The steamer RAMON A leaves Portland every Wednesday, 8 p. M., from Alnsworth rtork for North Bend, Marshfield and Coos Bay points. Freight received until 6 P. M. on day of sailing. Passenger fare, first class. $10; second-class, 7, Including berth and meals. Inquire city ticket office. Third and Washington streets, or Ainswortlv dock. Phone Main 268. $250,000 ... Frealdent . Vice-President . Vlee-Prealdent . . . . Cashier Assistant Cashier Assistant Cashier P. S. Rramby Dr. K. A. J. Mackenzie J. E. Wheeler George L. McPherson II. D. Story Treat Piatt DntECTORS. EDWARD COOKINflHAM. HENRY L. CORBETT. WILLIAM M. LADD. CHARLES E. LADD. J. WESLEY LADD. S. B. LI.NTHICUM. FREDERIC B. PRATT. THEODORE B. WILCOX. AND CITIES 99 PORTLAND, (OH EG OX. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Canadian Pacific Less Than Four Days at Sea Weekly Sailing Between Montreal, Quebec and Liverpool, Two days on the beautiful St. Lawrence Klver and the shortest ocean route to Eu rope. Nothing better on the Atlantic than our Empresses. Wire leas on all steamers. Flrst-closss S00. second $51.25. one class cabin $47.50. Ask any ticket agent, or write for sail ings, rates and booklet. F. K. Johnson, Gen eral Acrnt, 143 Third St.. l'ortland. Or. (PUNARD QHJISES -To ITALY and EGYPT i - CAKMAN1A," March 5 (20,000 tong) TO ITALY "SAXONIA" March 19 (14,300tons) "CABPATHIA," March SI (13,60O tons) Excellent ssloon accommoda tion.' at verr moderate prices. For full Particmlart and Rttervations, apply to THE CCNARO STEAMSHIP CO.. Ltd. Netr York, Boston, Chicato, Minnespolla, Philadelphia, St. Louis, San Francisco, Toronto and Montreal, or Local Agents. NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. S. S. Santa Clara sails for Eureka and Pan Francisco March 12-26. at 4 P. M. 5. S. E'der sails ror Eureka. San Francisco and Los Angeles, Marca 1, IS. 29, at 8 P. M. 6. S. Rnanok. sails for San Francisco and Los Angeles, March 8, 22, at 8 P. M. Ticket office 132 3d St. Phonos Main 1314. A 1314. H. Youngs. Agent. SAX IU.AXCISCO A PORTLAND S. S. CO. Only direct steamers and daylight sailings From Alnsworth dock, Portland. 4 P. M. S Kansas city March 4, IS SS Rose city March 11, 25 From Pier 40, San Francisco. 11 A M Sh Rose City March 5,- 1 SS Kansas City March 12, 26 M. j. ROCHE. C. T. A.. 3 42 Third St. Main 402. A 1402. J. W. RANSOM. Dock Agent. Alnsworth Uock- Alain 68. A 1234.