Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 03, 1910, Page 16, Image 16

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Tlnrber lands, sawmills or machinery,
bought, sold or exchanged.
J. I. Montgomery, manager of the
Timber Department.
Corner Fourth and Oak sts.
FOR sale Most desirable mlllslte on Columbia
River: 61 acres; excellent facilities for rail,
foreign and coastwise shipping. For fur
ther particulars inquire of
318 Falling bldg., Portland, Oregon.
, WILL pay cash for all the pine timber
claims of any consequence in Wheeler and
Crook Counties next 30 days.. 733 Mar
quam bldg. M 8314.
4 SECTION In Benton County. 4,000.000
feet saw timber. 2.500.000 ft. piling; for
quick sale. 2000. J. W. Curran Co., 225
Falling bldg.
TIMBER land. Lincoln County, Oregon; would
take auto as part pay. J. L. Keith, Kala
mazoo. Mich., route 4.
29.000,000 FIR bn railroad; cheap; also
some larger tracts at a bargain. E. L.
Beekman. 301-2 Lumber Exchange.
Horses, Vehicles and Harness.
FOR SALE by Portland Stables, 26 15th St.
North, phone Main 1125 One 2800-pound
team, 8 years old ; one 2700-pound team, 7
years old ; one single horse, 1300 pounds,
7 years old; one single horse. 1250 pounds,
0 years old. I guarantee these horses to
be sound and good, true workers, and give
a written guarantee to refund your money
if they are not as represented. They are
city broken and acclimated and ready for
hard work; bank references furnished.
For sale; chest, geld., 5 years, the best
and showiest horse on the Coast, 1 black
geld., 6 years; ride and drive; 2 good gen
tle ponies, about 850 lbs.; 1 Shetland pony,
ride and drive, suitable for children, with
new Governess cart and several good ones.
One week's trial to people of recognized
responsibility. Kramer's Stable, 15th and
Alder sts.
FIXE team mares, 7 years old, fat and
mated, gentle to a fault for anybody;
cheapest pair In town. $195; good, sound,
1400 homi, $150: clever brown mare,
gentle in all harness, 7 years old, woight
1060, a beautiful mare, cheap at $90: bay
gelding, 1080, chunky built. Just broke to
harness and saddle, 5 years old and fat,
6th and Montgomery.
FOR SALE A brown mare, 5 years old:
black gelding 5 years old, weipht 2700: a
team; a 7-year-old buckskin, weight 1300,
work single ana aouoie; a lloO-lD. gelding.
6 years old, city broke and one can make
the wheel turu. bred by Lovelace. 505 Al
blna ave.
FOR SALE Horses, harness and wagons.
Remember, we cell guaranteed horses and
mares. If not as represented they can be
returned- We also have on hand several
delivery, farm, vegetables and milk wagons
for sale. Hawtliorne-Ave. Stablea. 420
Hawthorne ave.
FARM outlllt cheap, consisting of pair bay
chunky-built horses, true, single or double
liarness in good condition and Studebaker
wagon, almost new. Price $265. 006
Washington st.
SADDLES of all kinds, stock English, side
and lady's astride, from $15 up; also ex
press truck with top, good rubber-tire
runabout and harness, slightly used $75.
Exposition Storage Co., 606 Washington st.
MUST sell good, chunky. 2600-pound, well
matched team bay horses, true pullers,
$225. One 2500-pound team horses, right
out of work. $150. 351 Mill St., near
Park st.
HAVE you a good saddle or harness horse
to sell? Kramer at 35th and Alder sts.,
will sell It for you on commission. Both
MUST sell fine, young, chunky 2350-pound
team horses: work single or double. $175.
Trial and guarantee given. Parisian Bak
ery Co.. 280 Harrison st.
$85 BUYS handsome mare, age 5, weighs
1150, tender in front feet from constant
use on 'pavements, good mare for ranch.
flOrt Washington st.
FOR SALE S -ton platform wagon, cheap.
Corner 27th and Pettygrove. Phone Main
CARLOAD of horses and mules direct from
Klamath County, for sale at Nobby Stable,
32th and Flanders.
S GOQ.D teams and one 5-year-old, with
harness, cheap; must go at any. price.
352 Burnside.
FOR SALE 000-lb. delivery horse, sound,
gentle and true; will exchange for rubber
tlred buggy. Phone C 1724, East 4630.
Best accommodations for travelers. Ladles'
waiting-room. Prices moderate. 248 Front.
STOCK saddle and bridle and handsome
black pony, sound and gentle for child.
Price $65. 606 Washington st.
TEAM and single horse wanted: must weigh
1500 lbs. or over and be young: state age,
weight and price. AF 761, Oregonlan.
FIRST-CLASS heavy draft and driving horses
always on hand. Sold with guarantee as
represented. U. S. Stables, 248 Front
DR. L. O. STICKNEY, V. S. Office 409 E.
Burnsitle, K. 555; residence, Et. 171.
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds for sale. 334 Front at.
266-2t!8 Eleventh St.
Automobile bought, sold and exchanged;
we ai-e legitimate and responsible dealers;
every car guaranteed as represented; we
handle second-hand cars for the dealers,
runabouts and touring cars of every
standard make. Call and look them over.
TO exchange My nearly new 7-passenger
touring car, in perfect condition, for city
real estate. Inquire A. N. Terrill. 416 Lar
rabee st.. 4:30 P. M.
FOR SALE Jteo touring car. fully equipped
and In No, 1 condition; has been used one
year only. Apply to 426 East Alder sU
$1010 RUNABOUT outfit for fORO. run four
months; will trade for larger car. E. 777,
FOR sale or trade 4-cylinder Aerocar. She
Is swift and good as new. Call Wm. Reidt,
401 Rothchild bldg.
Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments.
HERE is a fine $500 Kimball piano, nearly
i3w. at your own price; come and see
it. 595 Williams ave.
Birds, Dogs, Vet stock.
FOR SALE 2 English bull terriers. In
quire Tabor 209 before 6 P. M.
THOROUGHBRED French poodle, 3 months
j old cheap. Phone evening. Main 1S57.
SEWING machines Do not fall to visit the
White sewing machine store THIS WEEK.
SPECIAL SALES 120 drop-head machines,
slightly marred; all standard makes ma
chines for rent and repairing. H. D. Jones,
Prop., 420 Washington at., corner 11th.
BEST dry fir and oak -wood, either sawed
or 4-ft., - at lowest possible prices. Kirk
Hoover. 813 Water st- Phone Main 7451.
A 5445.
SAFES 14 2d hand safes very cheap: large
stock new safes sold on easy terms; call or
write today. Portland Safe Co., 87 6th.
FOR SALE Best on the river, 3-room house
boat, large rooms, $100 cash. Phone
Marshal 1241.
ECHOOLBOOKS bousht. sold and exchanged
at Hyland's. 211 2d-St.. near Salmon. 168
5th st.. opposite postofflce.
SPECIAL prices on factory rebuilt machines;
very liberal terms; $lo to $GO. Northwest
Typewriter Co., M. 8870, 222 Ablngton bldg.
$5 STANDARD make sewing machine,
good condition. Call 350 Morrison,
room 42.
FOR SALE Hart-Parr traction gasoline en
, gine; good as new. R.-T. Cox. 250 $d
su, Portland, Or. ,
600 BUSINESS cards $1 If you mention this
ad. P.ose City Prlntery, 192 3d.
231 Stark st. Main 1407.
ONE good clinker-built rowboat $30. 274
Margin St., east end of Steel Bridge.
FINE soda fountain complete, cash register
and safe. 33 N. 3d st.
MAKE offer for massive oak sideboard and
French plate mirror. 266 Pine st.
100 B'JSINESS cards $1 if you bring this ad.
Rose City Printery. 192 3d. near Taylor.
SOOD launch, 4-H. P. engine. $150; need
the money, c 763, Oregonlan.
. FURNITURE for sale cheap. Call at 985
Commercial St., cor. tBIandena at.
TWO cub bears for sale. Call Sellwood 816.
1032 41st St., S., city.
ROLL TOP DESK, for sals
land bldg..
302 Swet-
SEWING MACHINES-40 slightly used mi
chine at very low prices; Singer. Wheeler
& Wilson. New Home, White and others, to
gether with a flne lot of good second-hand
machines of all makes, $5 and up; making
room for the new Singer Rotary and New 66
machines; sold on easy payments or rented
by week or month: needles, ports and re
pairs for ell makes of machines. S. S.
Slgel Singer Sewing Machine Store, 83ft Mor
rison t.
2 00-horsepower motor, generator set,
belted units, complete with circuit-breakers
and panels, alternating and direct cur
rent machines; Ideal drive for Industrial
plant; complete Information furnished at
room 201 Oregonlan bldg.
OLD building on corner East 8th and East
Couch, suitable for stable or garage; bids
for sale and removal considered up to
March 10.
104 Second St., and 303 East Burnside.
FOR SALE Beti electric cabinet; cost $80.
sell for $40. G 761. Oregonlan.
WANTED Men' cast-off clothing and
shoes: we also buy household furnishings;
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal." 47 3d St., North. Phons Main 9272.
WANTED A barge that will carry from
150 to 300.000 feet of lumber must be in
good order. , Apply to 223 Lumber Ex
Phone Main 1277. A 3316.
WANTED Clothing, beet price paid for
ladles' and gents second-hand clothing
and shoes and bicycles. Main 2080. 2 IK) 1st.
HIGHEST prices paid rubber. - copper, brass,
pelts, hides, wool, furs. Telephone Main
519S. J. Leva. S0 Columbia.
SELL your second-hand furniture to the
Ford Auction Co. or you'll get less. Phones
A 244S.-Maln 8951.
WA NT ED First-class disc talking: machine
with records; must be cheap for cash. E
775, Oregonlan.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1067.
WANTED Men's discarded clothing; we pay
highest prices. Marshall. 745. 294 3d'.
WANTED A second-hand concrete mixer.
AJ 760. Oregonlan.
WANTED 3 boxball alleys. Must be cheap
for cash. AL 770. Oregonlan.
WANTED 2 millwrights, taking care of
small sawmills. $4 . and $3.50; edgerman,
small mill. $3 up.
Log loader, $4 up; log deckman. $2.50
up: 10 raftsmen. $2.60.
Cook for small camp, $50 up.
Teams for lumber hauling and logging;
good pay, long Job.
We have a large list of work erery
day for loggers, mill -hands, farm hands,
teamsters, cooks, flunkeys, laborers, wood
cutters, etc, etc.; good wages.
Main Office. 12 North Second St.
500 construction laborers for work In
Southern Oregon and California. Free
C. R. HANSEN & CO.. N. 2d" St.
WANTED Thoroughly experienced, reliable
man to take entire charge Janitor work
new fireproof office building. 120 rooms;
muet understand Otis elevator and be abie
to keep up ordinary repairs in building, in
cluding steam heat, plumbing, electric wir
ing, locks, etc. ; references previous - em
ployers required; permanent position right
man. Finch Investment Co., Aberdeen.
WANTED Able-bodied men for the U. S. Ma
rine Corps, between the ages of 19 and 35.
Must be native-born or have first papers.
Monthly pay $15 to $69. Additional compen
sation possible. Food, clothing, quarters
and medical attendance free. After 3o years'
service can retire with 76 per cent of pay
and allowances. Service on board ship and
ashore in all parts of the world. Apply at
New Grand Central Hotel, Portland, Oregon.
WANTED If you can take a proposition
before the heads of big concerns, if you
can 'talk to big men and close the deal;
if you are a high-grade man making big
money, but willing to earn more; If you
have a clean record and want to con
nect with a clean concern on a llvewlre
proposition, then for Interview address F
776, Oregonlan.
-For R. R. ; steady work; standard pay;
free fare.
C. P.. HANSEN & CO.. 26 N. 2d St.
10.O00 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men and women to learn barber trade In
8 weeks, help to secure positions; gradu
ates earn from $15 to $26 weekly; expert
instructor: tools free; write for cata
logues. Mohler System of Colleges, 84
North 4th St.. Portland. Or.
CLERK and Carrier examination Maroh 26;
special coaching and Instruction; applica
tions must be in early, so quick action
on your part Is necessary. Call, write or
phone at once. Pacific States School, Mc
Kay bldg.. city.
The JnO. T Rhar1r.v Pn 19111 OI..I.
desire several men who have "enterprise to
ell high-class subdivision property: liberal
850 SPRING sample suits Just arrived.
Prices $12.75. $14.75, $18.75; $20 to $35
values. Fit guaranteed. "Knew" Sample
Suit Shop. 315 Oregonlan bldg. Jlmmla
Dunn, manager.
FINE opening for young man. services and
small capital required; experience un
necessary. Call 326 ',4 Washington St., room
EXPERIENCED gardener for general gar
den and orchard work; $40 per month
and board; good position. Inquire Rout
ledge Seed & Floral Co., 169 2d st.
ld our members to secure employment.
Constant demand for young men of ability
and Integritty. Special employment mem
bership. Y. M. C. A.
MEN to sell wearing apparel and household
goods on the installment plan; liberal
commissions: no former experience neces
eary. J. D. Sherman. 89 Grand ave.
CARPENTER, or handy man with tools,
with a little money; the best thing that
can be had for an honest man who means
business. .Room 4. 226 Morrison st.
WANTED Office boy. neat In appearance:
must bo 16 years old. Call between 10 and
13 o'clock. Pacific Hardware & Steel Co..
22d and Nlcolat.
Successful gllt-edgo residence real es
tate proposition. Call 10-12 A- M.. $22
Corbett bldg. "
GOOD opening for young man of good ap
pearance; must be willing to learn; coun
try boy preferred. Call or address Swed
ish Sanitarium, 433 Market at.
WANTED Young man for bookkeeper: good
advancement to the right party. State
experience. Must have Portland refer
ences. Address C 761. Oregonlan.
MOTION picture operators earn $23 weekly -easy
inside work; learn business In short
time; lessons reasonable. 526 Wash
OFFICE BOY. wholesale house, good op
portunity: state age. experience and ref
' erences. D 761. Oregonlan.
TELEGRAPHY taught. Graduates all have
positions. Address or call evenings. Expe
rienced operator. 290 3rd St.
MEN who can sell stock in a first-class prop
osition. New West Publishing Co.. 817
Henry bldg.
LIVE proposition for 1 or 2 able salesmen
who can give flrst-elass references. Call
- 403 Lewis bldg., between 9 and 11 today.
MEN wanted for Alaska; transportation and
board furnished: good wages, small in
vestment required. 162 2d St., room 100.
$18 to $35 week, few months only learning;
positions guaranteed. Watchmaking-Engraving
School, box 182, Ashland, Or.
WANTED Photograph ooupon agents; our
now offer a snap. Cutberth, Dekum bldg.
BOOKKEEPER for manufacturing business.
Apply 339 Sherlock bldg. 3 to 4 P. M.
WANTED Good, all-round printer for one
man country shop. C 776, Oregonlan.
WANTED A man to plav piano, sing and
entertain. Call U5 6th st.
WANTED A. first-class tailor to make la
dles' coats. J. Harris. 129 5th st.
GLAZIER wanted. Apply Pioneer Paint Co..
135 1st st.
APPLEPACKER: first-class man
Manager. Bxohapge 69. or A 8181.
WANTED Salesman who can sell some
thing today, not next Summer, We are
willing to pay most anything for a real
salesman of this kind, and will give him
a contract for a term of shears if he
wishes; we have a fine opening for such
a man, young or middle-aged, right now;
must give bond; also phone number. AH
764. Oregonlan.
WIDE-AWAKE, competent salesman: must
be able to give bonds; can clear $3000
right In your vicinity in next year on one
of our new. redhot. highgrade townsltes.
We will give ground floor chance to right
man. AF 774, Oregonlan,
WASTED Man and wife with no children to
work on farm for wages to take care of
Worses and general farm work. Call at room
829 Marquam bldg.. between 10 and 12 A.
M. or 2 and 4 P. M.
WANTED fteady. sober man used to farm
produce, small Investment required; will pay
good salary and share of profits besides.
Particulars 248 Slark st.
1000 LEGS can be respectably covered with
men's sample trousers, $2.60 a pair: worth
$3.60. "Knew" Sample Suit Shop. 315 Ore
gonlan bldg., Jlmmle Dunn. mngr.
BOOKKEEPING Private tuition in book
keeping by an accountant. 801 Mer
chants Trust bldg.. 6th and Washington.
WANTED Office boy, must be bright and
not afraid to work. Apply room 717 Elec
tric bldg.
WANTED First-class advertising man to
work in the city. New West Publishing
Co., 317 Henry bldg.
YOUNG man for. collecting and office work:
give references, salary expected and phone
number. E 761. Oregonlan.
WANT man with $150, handy with tools,
take charge of men; $120 per month. E
762, Oregonlan.
WANTED Stout lad to assist with Janitor
work In exchange for course In bookkeep
ing, shorthand, etc. E 763, Oregonlan.
WANTED A first-class sausagemaker. Ad
dress box 000, Eugene.
FIRST-CLASS coremaker wanted. Call 222
Commercial Club bldg.
EXPERIENCED machinery salesmen want-
ed. Call 222 Commercial Club bldg.
WANTED Advertising solicitor, 211 Oak
St., city.
CASHIER at Model Theater. 69 North
3d st.
BOY wanted to deliver. Apply KubU-Mll-ler
Printing Co., 227 Stark St.
Salaries range from $15 to $200 per week.
We teach every branch of the show busi
ness, fit you for the stage and guarantee
positions; terms very reasonable; investi
gate. The Athon School of Acting. 127
Seventh Bt., suite 6; operated in connec
tion with The Athon Stock Company,
Lyric Theater.
GOOD waiter in private boarding-house,
from 6 to 8 P. M.; wages $10 per month.
735 Hoyt st.
FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY offers good so
sitlons to A-l Instructors. 611 Swetland.
WANTED 50O ladies to buy sample straw
braids, all colors, 50c bundle; wire frames,
flowers; straw hats remodeled.
315 Alder, comer 6th.
DO you want to keep boarders? Restaurant,
nearly furnished, with sleeping room. In
hotel, rent for boarding one: some board
ers to start with: snap. Apply 864 North
26th. W car to 20th. block north.
WANTED Girl for general housework, wash
ing included. Wages $25. Apply mornings,
424 Oregon st. East 242. C 1538. Refer
ences. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavl Co., 609 Roth
child bldg.. 4th and Washington.
COMPETENT girl for general housework,
small family: wages $30. References re
quired. 691 Flanders at. Main 6867, A 7360.
826 Washington St.. Room 307.
Main 8836 or A 8266.
GIRL for general housework, family of S.
Call after 1 o'clock. 672 Halsey. East
' 333.
"WANTED, Lady retoucher for studio out of
city: state experience, etc. Address C 779,
WANTED Housekeeper for small family;
. must be neat and good plain cook. Ap
- Ply 899 E. Burnside st.
RELIABLE woman to care for baby. 1131
Franklin st. Phone A 2420, Willamette
YOUNG Catholic girl with city references,
general housework; good home. Phone
A 1086.
YOUNG LADY canvasser, not over 25 years
old; call Hotel Savon, room 19, between
11 and 3.
WOULD like some good business woman to
help run boarding-house, good location. D
778, Oregonlan.
LADY stenographer wishing to do public
work can have use of machine and desk;
location good. Main 7376.
WOMAN fo general housework, family of
two adults: good wages; out of town.
Lock Box 99, Dallas. Oregon.
WANTED Good, competent and experienced
nurse for children, with references. -Phone
C 1306. 691 Hancock Bt.
GIRL wanted to cook and do general house
work. Apply at 453 Holladay ave. Tele
phone East 304.
GENERAL housework. 3 In family, small
house, fond of children. 592 Madison.
Phone A ,",243.
WANTED Operators on custom pants;
steady work to right party. Room 400, 83
5th st.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework.
Apply apartment 1, 69 N. 23d st. Main
WANTED Experienced waitress for lunch
eon, 11:30-2. Apply after 9 A. M., Wo
man's Exchange, 186 6th st.
TWO girls, between 20 and 30 years, for
shooting gallery; good wages. Apply to
49 3d st.
WANTED Experienced hh bon dippers.
Apply Ideal Candy Co., 100 North 10th.
Main 5450.
WANTED For general housework, compe
tent, reliable girl, good cook. Wages $40.
Phone C 1808. 1034 Williams ave.
f .
WORKING companyion. good home for re
spectable woman, two in family. Phone
C 1678.
EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. 363 East
Morrison st. Morrison Restaurant-
EXPERIENCED girl for dining-room work.
554 Couch st.
WANTED Girl for general housework. In
quire East 9th and Siskiyou.
GIRL for-tlght housework; no cooking. 247
Lincoln st.
GIRL to learn to make trousers. Will pay
while learning. 62 Sixth st.
COMPETENT girl for general housework,
small family. Call 780 Johnson st.
GIRL, to assist In housework Apply fore
noons, 747 Glisan st.
THOROUGHLY experienced chambermaid.
Apply to housekeeper Nortonla Hotel.
GIRL for general housework. Apply 381 loth
GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory
No. 2. Grand ave. and East Taylor.
WANTED At once, girl or woman for gen
eral housework. 285 E. 10th st.
WANTED An experienced girl for genera
housework. 730 Northrup, near 2 2d.
WANTED Millinery makers. Apply Lowen
gart & Co. 92 Front at.
SECOND girl to assist with care of child.
S22 Johnson.
GIRL for general housework. 148 18th t
North. Phone Main 6734.
WANTED First-class cook for sanatorium.
Tabor 260.
WANTED Young girl to help with house
work. Telephone Tabor 2022.
YOUNG girl to assist with housework. 353
WANTED Girl for housework; two in fam
ily. Apply 305 11th St.. top flat.
WANTED A girl to assist with house
work. 680 Lovejoy st
GIRL for boarding-house. 283 North 16th.
CUM for light housework. 368 18th St.
GIRLS 16 years of age and over to work in
factory. Apply at once.. Ames-Harris-Nevllle
Co.. 6th and Davis.
WANTED Cook for country hotel. $40;
waitresses, $20 up; chambermaid, city. $25;
S housekeepers, $15 and $20; girls for gen
eral housework. $20 to $35.
Large number of new places daily.
Ladies' Dept.- . 205 Morrison St.
LADIES can make big money by selling my
line of wearing apparel on the installment
&lan; no former experience necessary. J.
Sherman, 89 Grand ave.
WOMAN over 40 years old to keep house for
a bachelor: no objections to children; good
wages. 983 Alblna ave. W. E. Gates. L
TWO young ladles to learn marking and dis
tributing; wages to commence with. U. S.
Laundry Co.. Grand ave. and East Yam
hill. WANTED 50 girls to sew on alterations of
suits; apprentices for millliery trade, and
apprentices for fur finishing. Apply to
The Sllverfield Co., 4th and Morrison.
WANTED Middle-aged woman for house
keeper: light work; 8 In family. C 780,
843 Washington St., cor. 7th, upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
EXPERIENCED waist trimmer, waist, skirt,
sleeve help and apprentice wanted. Call
between 12 and 2 P. M. 508 Dekum bldg.
WANTED The care of a little girl be
tween the age of 3 and 5 years. Call up
' Main 6555.
WANTED A few np-to-date salesladies
and demonstrators. Call rooms 513-514
Lumber Exchange bldg.. Second and Stark.
GIRL for general housework: experienced
cook, 2 In family. Call 494 .East 20th
GIRL for housework in small family; no
washing. 733 E. Couch.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
A YOUNG man with 10 years' experkmce in
all. kinds of banking wants to take charge
of bank outside Portland; party Is win
ner and a business getter; highest ref
erences. C 765, Oregonlan.
SITUATION wanted Accountant, bookkeep
. er and general office man; lots of experi
ence; references. AG 761. Oregonlan.
BY bookkeeper, accurate and thorough. In
or out of town. G 779, Oregonlan.
SITUATION by middle-aged man as hotel
clerk or salesman. F 763. Oregonlan.
CEMENT finisher and foreman. Eastern man
who thoroughly understands all kinds of
cement work, reinforced concrete buildings,
etc., desires position with reliable firm.
Call Main 3555 or A 6624.
POSITION by young man, 9 years' experi
ence general office work, timekeeping,
accounting, etc., where ability and appli
cation will insure advancement. AJ 762,
AS Janitor or watchman, fully reliable and
able; am willing to pay a bonus to any
one that helps mo to get such position.
E 764, Oregonlan.
JAPANESE Two excellent men want position-
to take charge of a house, one cook,
other housework, waiter, anywhere; refer?
ences. Maxao, 268 Davis st.
FIRST-CLASS cardwrlter and trimmer de
sires position; Portland or nearby town;
steady, sober, married. Address AL 779,
WANTED By middle-aged single man. po
sition as gardner on private place; is so
ber and experienced: wishes to g3t good
home. C 768, Oregonlan.
WANTED To do some Janitor or porter
work mornings and evenings for small
wages or for board and room. D 777,
BUSINESS student wants place to work for
board and room ; understands bookkeeping,
and useful around household and cooking.
E- 779, Oregonlan.
SITUATION wanted; married man with ex
perience would like place to work on farm;
give particulars in letter. AG 772, Ore
gonlan. EXPERIENCED cook wants place in hotel,
anywhere; wages $60 month up; Japan
ese. Box 17, Hillsdale, Oregon.
WILLING Japanese couple wish family po-
nitivu, lima o.b uuuk, wiie wan on laoie,
housework. 327 Everett st.
AN experienced Japanese wants situation as
Jantor. housework or garden work. C
769. Oregonlan.
YOUNG man. 23. employment, with ad
vancement: salary no object; references.
X 766. Oregonlan.
MAN who has had experience wishes po
sition as night watchman. G 775, Ore
gonlan. JAPANESE couple., wants a position, any
. kind of work, in the city or country. E
760, Oregonlan.
MAN and wife want work on fruit or other
farm; understand spraying, pruning or gen
eral farm work. C 777. Oregonlan.
FIRST-CLASS Japanese cook wishes po
sition family hotel, city or country. Phone
A 6739. 269 Everett St.
GOOD, experienced Chinese cook wants place
In restaurant, hotel or boarding-house. V
760. Oregonlan.
MARRIED MAN wants position Jiltor,
night watchman or work of any kind. C
760. Oregonlan.
JAPANESE Employment Co., will furnish
all help. 268 Everett. Main 4659. A 4073.
WORK wanted as porter, or Janitor work.
Phone Main 1493.
JAPANESE boy wants work in morning or
by day. A 5032.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
YOUNG lady stenographer wishes position,
preferably with physician; was In training
school short time; can give references. Ad
dress II 779. Oregonlan.
STENOGRAPHER, owning typewriter, de
sires position; privilege taking outside
work. V 765. Oregonlan.
BY experienced bookkeeper, best of refer
ences; can use typewriter. AM 766, Ore
gonlan. phone East 2651.
EXPERIENCED billing clerk wants steady
position; please state salary. D 779, Ore
gonlan. .
LAW stenographer, nine years' experience,
desires position at ence. city or Van
couver: references. Phone B 1064.
BY experienced bookkeeper, best of ref
erences, can use typewriter. . AM 766, Ore
gonlan. Phone East 651.
RAILROAD stenographer, 6 years exper
ience, desires position afternoon and even
ings. C 1495.
YOUNG lady stenographer wants position;
experienced. AB 846. Oregonlan.
INSURANCE stenographer wants position.
C 762. Oregonlan.
ANGELES Drensrosklng Parlors. 326 Wash
ington st suite 216. Main 682. A 63S1.
LADIES" TAILORING, alterations specialty.
Mrs. Muckler, 430 Columbia, Apt 21. A 4709
STYLISH dresses. $5 up; waists $1 up; flne
work: references. 529 E. Mill. East 6256.
BY experienced, practical nurse, more cases,
any kind, reasonable. Main 4469.
PRACTICAL nurse wishes position. Phone
Main 08 12.
- Housekeepers. -
COMPETENT lady wishes position as house
keeper; - will care for Invalid or elderly
couple; good cook, cheerful and one that
takes an Interest In home. F 760. Ore
gonlan. CAPABLE, refined young woman desirfs posi
tion as housekeeper; neat, good cook and
manager; preferably widower's family. Best
references AK 773. Oregonlan.
. ;
yen' X LADY wants position as house
keeper. F 764, Oregonlan.
AN ELDEHLT woman wants a position in
a small family. ISO E. 36th rt.
REFINED, middle-aged lady wishes position;
good home and light services appreciated
more than large wages. AH 770, Orego
nlan. LACE CURTAINS washed snd stretched. 40
to 60 cents a pair. 618 Qulmby St.. near
EXPERT manicure and chiropodist from
East, like situation in hotel or barber
shop. 523 Morrison.
WOMAN wishes cleaning and laundry work
Thursday. Friday and Saturday, half days.
Main 9207.
EXPERIBNCHD German teacher wants few
more pupils. Best references. AK 772,
YOUNG LADY wishes position In doctor
or dentist office. 264 East 44th st.
NORWEGIAN woman wants day work.
Phone Main 8687.
LADY wishes day work. Phone A 7355.
SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash
weekly selling choice nursery stock; out
fit free. Capital City Nursery Company.
Salem. Oregon.
furnish the renter, collect the rent,
pay taxes, insurance and keep up repairs
the same for you as though the property I
was our own; references any bank la
- 245 Stark St.
Phones A 3500; Main 35.
NICELY furnished house for 6 months; must
have bath on first and second floors. West
Side; will go $100 or $125 per month. V
703. Oregonlan.
NICELY furnished hotiBe for young married
couple. West Side, with garage if possible;
six or seven rooms. D 762. Oregonlan.
WANTED 6 or 8-room furnished house,
modern, close In, not to exceed $65; not
later than 16th. Phone A 7126.
WANTED To rent modern unfurnished
house, 12 or 14 rooms, olose In, West
Side. G 77S. Oregonlan.
ROOMS, nicely furnished for housekeeping
purposes. AH 771, Oregonlan.
Rooms With Board.
WANTED Board for 2 girls, ages 6 and
16, In Christian home and refined sur
roundings; give full particulars. D 764,
GENTLEMAN wants board and room In pri
vate family. West Side; no other lodgers.
State price and location. References ex
changed. AL 776, Oregonlan.
LADY wishes room and board in private
suburban home. B 768. Oregonlan.
Furnished Rooms.
268 Third st., cor. Jefferson St.
New fireproof building and furnishings
throughout; desirable neighborhood; four
minutes' walk to business center; rooms
and suites; large, light and airy; hot and
cold water; steam heat; gas and electric
lights; call bells; free baths; clean porce
lain tubs; lavatories convenient. Take S
car at depot to Third and Jefferson sts.
We aim to satisfy; that is why we please
TRONS Rates $3, $5, $6. $7 per week.
A 7731. PHONES Main S639.
Seventh and Ankeny Sts.
One whole year of redocorating, refitting
and refurnishing, all for your benefit.
A delightful Winter home at reasonable
rates for those who appreciate cleanliness
and comfort. Free bus. Free phones.
140 ROOMS.
w. modern, fireproof building, steam
heated, hot and cold running water in all
rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that
money can buy, and It doesn't cost any
more than some cheap lodging-house; nice
large office on ground floor; everything
nrBt-class; rates, 5uc, 75c - and $1 per
day; $3.5t and up per week. Call and
see us. 128 6th st. North.
Cor. 10th and Wash.
New corner brick, center of city, right In
the shopping and theater district; private
baths, steam heat, hot and cold water lnall
rooms: rooms single or en suite; special
rates by the week or month; tourist trade
710 Washington St., near King, brand
new, elegantly furnished; every room has
a private bath, telephone: the maximum of
convenience and excellence, the minimum of
expense. If you want the best in the city
for the money, call and inspect; dining-room
in connection.
Fifth St., opposite City Hall.
New. beautifully furnished: steam heat.
hot and cold water in every room; public
and private baths. r ermaneot and tran
Electric lights, steam heat; hot and cold
water and telephone in every room. Euro
pean plan. $1 per day and upwards; with
private bath, $1.60; special rates week or
month. 12th St., at Stark and Burnside,
in heart of business and theater district.
88 N. 5th at.. 8. E. Cor. Flanders.
New brick building, steam heated, por
celain baths, fine large office on ground
floor, elegant beds, everything absolutely
new and clean; rates only $2.50 and up
per week; 50c and 75a per day. 3 blocks
from Union Depot.
SOME choice rooms, very modern, new
building, new furniture, in the right part
.of town, hot and cold water and free
phone In all rooms. $4.50 and up. Hotel
Drexel. 246 Yamhill st. Electric ele
vator runs all night. Office room 201,
second floor.
THE BARTON. liSth and Alder, new man
agement, newly renovated throughout; 70
outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights,
etc; rooms flu month jup: suites witu
running water, $22.5U to $30; elegant
public parlor; phones and baths free.
Grand and Hawthorne ave.; new manage
ment, hot and cold water, elevator, free
pnone in every. room; largest rooms, in city
for permanent people; en suite or single,
with bath. W. M. Robinson, mgr.
18th and Washington.
New, elegantly furnished; permanent
and transient.
422 Washington, cor. 11th.
Steam heat, hot and cold water, baths,
nicely furnished rooms, $3 per week up:
transient rates. 75c up.
FURNISHED single room in first-class
apartment-house, gas plate, steam heat,
free light, bath, both phones; rent $12 per
month ; also pleasant attic room, $7 per
month. 187 17th.
th and Oak; large, handsomely furnished;
running hot and cold water; steam heat;
reasonable; permanent and transient-
HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main sta.
furnished rooms, single or en suite, at reas
onable prices, modern conveniences. Op
posite the Plaza.
Washington and 17th, first-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modern con
veniences: $8 weekly up. A 2647, M. 6647.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 327
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes.
THE WILSONIAN, 209 10th St., has an Ideal
suite for four young men. Call and see
these rooms.
GOOD single room, brick building. $1.50 per
week, free phone. 11 Union ave.
$92 E. Stark, cor. Grand. East 546fi.
FURNISHED rooms. Elm Place, formerly
Elton court Annex. 414 Yamhill and 11th.
THE REX Modern rooms. $2.30 to $S per
week. 648 Washington St.
Furnished Rooms.
181 Eleventh St.
New, modern brick building; Just opened
water In all rooms; STEAM HEAT, private
baths, excellent location. Just off Wash
ington st. ; special rates by week or month.
TWO large rooms with first-class board.
The Sterling. 535 Couch at.
Furnished Rooms In Private Families.
NICELY furnished parlors suitable for 2 gen
tlemen; also smaller room; phone and
bath. 70 North 15th. bet. Davis and,
AN elegantly furnished large front room,
modern conveniences, suitable for two gen
tlemen; board it desired. 208 17th st-.
near Taylor.
NICE upstairs room suitable for young man;
- 6 minutes to P. O. ; board If desired;
strictly private family. Phone Main 6097.
263 13th st.
ATTRACTIVE room. newly furnished,
strictly private family; no other roomers.
Main 90O2.
446 TAYLOR, near 12th, fine large front
room, one or two gentlemen, reasonable,
modern, comfortable.
TO responsible people, part of modem home,
furnished, with exclusive use of kitchen;
no children. Phone A 3762.
ONE front parlor bedroom, phone, bath and
all conveniences. 30 North 16th. near
NICELY furnished rooms, all conveniences.
634 Flanders, corner 20th. Phone Marshall
NICE comfortable rooms, separate beds, $1
and $1.50 week, phone, bath. etc. No.
2. corner 14th and Burnside.
LARGE front room, nicely furnished, gas.
bath. heat, phone, rent reasonable; walk
ing distance. 407 Holladay ave.
COMFORTABLE furnished room, steam heat,
electrio lights; reasonable. Apartment 2.
Marlborough. 21st and Flanders.
ELEGANTLY furnished front room, pri
vate home, heat, bath, phone. 128 14th.
M. 3000.
NEWLY furnished room In modern flat,
suitable for gentleman. 30 N. 16th st.
TWO swell furnished rooms, central, gas,
bath, phone. Main 4401.
TWO nice furnished rooms, $12 a month. 542
Karl st. Sellwood carllne.
FURNISHED room. furnace heat. bath,
phone, private family. 303 E. 12th st.
TWO single rooms adjoining bath, for gen
tlemen; close in. 646 Kearney.
NICELY furnished rooms $2 and up; steam
heat, bath, phone. 325 13th st.
$3.60 PER week, nicely furnished suite
rooms, walking distance. Call 294 11th st.
Unfurnished Rooms.
LARGE unfurnished rooms en suite. 549
551 Morrison st.
Rooms With lsoara.
PORTLAND Women's Union, 22d year, room
with board, use of aewlng-room and li
brary. 510 Flanders st. Miss Frances N.
Heath. Supt. Woman's Exchange. 186 5th
st. Mrs. M. E. Bretherton. Supt.
THE COLONIAL. 185 and 167 loth st.. cor
ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason
able rates.
554 COUCH ST. Handsomely fur. rooms,
single or-en suite; new dining-room; con
venient location. A 3081. Main 5523.
CHOICEST kind of table board: elegant
room for one or two on Parking. 374
Rooms With Board In Private Family.
PARTIES having a modern home will rent
one or two rooms to gentlemen; either
sleeping rooms or will give two meals.
AK 7G9. Oregonlan.
NICE front room, for two: refined family;
good home cooking; reasonable rates:
fine location; walking distance. Call 62
Lucretla st.. near 23d and Washington.
2 PRETTY bedrooms, bath, phone, heat, use
of parlor and piano, hoard; 2 In a room,
ladles or gentlemen; near Trinity Church.
Phone M. 6228.
LARGB newlv furnished front room suit
able for two or three; board optional; (
nam. pnone. furnace neat. 173 16th.
VERY pleasant front room for one or two
men; modern conveniences; walking dis
tance; terms reasonable. Main 3280.
NICE room, best of -board: strictly private;
every convenience; suitable for two gen
tlemen; references. 284 Park. A 2618.
TWO pleasant, light rooms, close in; good
board; very reasonable to four young men.
821 West Park.
PLEASANT room, choice board, business
people. 712 Hoyt st.
NICELY furnished rooms, first-class board;
gentlemen only. .221 13th. Main 6302.
NICE large airy rooms, heat. bath, phone,
walking distance. 327 West Park st.
ELEGANT rooms, good board, exclusive lo
cation, every convenience. 46 21st St.. N.
BOARD and room for young men. 105 North
NEWLY furnished rooms, with board. 595
East Oak. cor. 15th. B 2619.
120 N. 18TH Nice front room, with board;
moderate rates; employed people preferred.
82 Grand ave., cor. East Stark: well-furnished
3-room apartments, possessing
every modern convenience, including steain
heat, hot water, private baths and phones.
W'hile these apartments are as up to date
as any in the city and about as close to
the business center, the prices are consid
erably less; now ready for occupancy.
Phone East 3O0. No children.
HEINZ APARTMENTS. Uth and Columbia,
4 blocks from Morrison st.; new brick
building, completely first-class, furnished
In 2, 3 and 4-room family apartments, pri
vate bath, reception ham steam heat, hot
water, elevator, free phone; some unfur
nished; Janitor service: rent reasonable.
COZY 4-room apartment, up to date In
every detail; phone and Janitor service;
fine location; this place has changed hands'
and been thoroughly renovated. Welling
ton Court, 15th and Everett sts. C. L.
Williams and wife.
STEAM-HEATED 5-room apartment, mod
ern and desirable; 525 Everett st. Apply
Morgan, Fleldner A Boyce. 603 Ablngton
rooms (unfurnished). with unexcelled
view; best lighted street, five minutes
walk P. O. 272 7th St. Main 2506. A 3149.
FIVE-ROOM, steam-heated. Janitor serv
ice, modern apartment (partial base
ment), finest In city for money. Apply to
Janitor, 21st and Kearney.
THE MERCEDES Elegantly furnished 2
room apartments, hot and cold running
water and all modern conveniences: $18
to $30. Corner 20th and Washington sts.
THE RUBLE, formerly the Buell. 3 and 4
room suites, steam heat, private baths and
phones; close in, no car fare. 4 73 Sal
mon st.
THE RE U-KAN. most exclusive furnished
apartment 'in the city; three rooms and
bath, both phones. Take W or 16tb-st. car.
624 Marshall.
Jefferson: perfectly new three-room, fur
nished apartment: steeping porch.
FURNISHED 4-room apartment; complete.
King Hill apartment, 171 King at- Apply
MODERN five-room steam-heated apartment.
Apply to Janitor, 21st and Kearney.
1RI8, 3d and Mill, one 4 and 5-room un
furnished. $36 and $45.
MODERN lower flat six rooms, 122
North 18th st. Martin Campbell. 301
Worcester block. Main 7301.
WHEN moving call, up Van Horn Transfer
Co. Main 1618. A 1984. All covered wag
ons, all experienced men.
$16. MODERN 4-room flat with basement -adults.
70 Williams ave. Woodlawn 426!
ELEGANT furnished 6-room flat, $40 432
3d st. D. G. Woodward. 104 Second' st.
THREE-ROOM modern flat, unfurnished In
quire 225 Market. Phone Main 516.
UPPER 4-room flat, children allowed fin
Williams ave. "
I NICELY furnished flat for rent. Phone A
( J293. rnra
NEW upper flat, large light rooms, two
fireplaces, also neat suite for light house
keeping; adults; walking distance. B
$25 MODERN lower flat, 659 Pettygrove,
near 21st; key 657. Phone Main 3179
after 4 o'clock.
A NICE 5-room flat, clop in: easy walking
distance.' Apply 230 Hall st.
SIX-ROOM modern flat, five blocks from
P. O. 327 Mohawk bldg.
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sta
Newly furnished for housekeeping, includ
ing gas ranges, electric lights, hot water,
baths, laundry, reception-room, all free;
furnished apartments $15 per month up;
single housekeeping rooms. $2.60 week up;
test in city for money; short distance from.
Union Depot. "S" or lilth-st cars north,
get oft at Marshall st. No dogs allowed.
ONEONTA. 187 17th, near Yamhill; take
"W" car at depot; furnished 2, 3 and 4
room housekeeping suites by week $5.50.
by month $20 and up; hot and cold water,
baths and phones free. Main 4697. A 4739.
WELL FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 2.
$S month; 3 for $12; cottage. 4 rooms. $20;
364 2Uh, North. W. car from depot. 3d or
Morrison to 26th. block north.
$1.25 TO $2.00 week, clean, furnished house
keeping rcoms. Laundry, bath, phone, gas.
furnace heat- 406 Vancouvor ave.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, with
piano. 200 14th st.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Call 632
Williams ave. Phone C 1523.
NICE furnished housekeeping-rooms. $14.00.
631 Washington st.. cor. 20th.
$1.25 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms,
beat, laundry, bath. , 203 Stanton. U car.
$1.50 week, large, clean furn. housekeeping
rooms; laundry, bath. gas. 184 Sherman.
THE MILNER. 350 Morrison, cor. Park,
home apartments, all conveniences.
GOOD suite of housekeeping rooms, brick
building. $3.50 per week. 11 Union ave.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single and suites.
The Newcastle, Third and Harrison.
4S7 TAYLOR, near 14th, desirable 2-room
suites. $16.50 and up. furnace heat.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms in new concrete
building. Call Woodlawn 2379 or C 1342.
481 EAST Morrison, cor. 8th. completely
furnished housekeeping rooms; reasonable.
LARGE unfurnished rooms. 649-551 Morri
son at.
Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family.
2 UPPER- and 3 lower south-front house
keeping rooms, all furnished; gas, lights
and plates; bath and toilet, with hot and
cold water; furnace heat. Telephone
Main 6297. 495 Montgomery.
COMPLETELY furnished front suit, light
housekeeping privileges: suit ladles or
gentlemen; steam heat; walking distance.
Main 8075.
$3 NORTH 17TH ST.. cor. Couch, one block
off Washington; part of lower 6-room fiat,
two or more rooms, furnished or unfur
nished. $11 PER month, basement, furnished, light,
bath and phone, private entrance. SSO
First, corner Montgomery,
SUITE 3 completely furnished housekeep
ing rooms at 526 Kearney; gas light free,
bath, basement, walking distance. $16.
FRONT suite, furnace heat, gas range, elec
tric light, phone bath, $17 per month.
509 Johnson, near 15th st.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms,
close in, gas and bath. 27 North 11th st
Main 5792.
TWO or three furnished housekeeping
rooms, gas, electricity. 651 East Morri
son. DESIRABLE suite of rooms, also one single
room, -modern and strictly first-class. 67
North 20th.
8 NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms,
hath, gas. wood range, phone. 148 83d.
Tabor 1810.
NICE, clean, cheerful suite, running water,
bath, phone, lights. $18. 195 N. 17th,
corner Kearney.
TWO rooms furnished for housekeeping, sink,
gas, furnace heat; no children. 262 14th
SUITE of 2 lovely rooms, gas range, sink,
free' phone, hot water heater; nice place;
adults only. 384 Park St.
TWO neatly furnished housekeeping rooms
for rent: gas. bath, sink in kitchen. 405
1st st.. Oat K.
442 JEFFERSON ST., large, bright rooms for
light housekeeping, single or en suite; rent
TWO unfurnished housekeeping rooms; light,
bath and phono. 264 14th, near Jef
ferson. 3 CLEAN housekeeping rooms, heat, light
and phone; private bath. 290 12th St.
ROOMS, $L per week; gas plates furnished.
480 Belmont st.
3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, reason
able. 13 E. 7th. Phone East 1829.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 466 Main St.. be
tween 13th and 14th sts.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, now vacant:
Ohone, gas and laundry, at 33 N. 11th.
COMFORTABLE single housekeeping room,
furnace heat. bath, phone. 4 05 Stark st.
S NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms
complete; kitchen. 168 10th st.
FOUR unfurnished housekeeping rooms
cheap. ' 545 East Couch st.
322 14TH Light, front; clean housekeeping
rooms; walking distance, gas, bath, phone.
SIX-ROOM furnished cottage, four blocks
from City Hall: rent $30. 347 Sixth.
TWO large rooms on first floor for house
keeping. 331 14th. Main 1076.
2 AND 8 furnished housekeeping rooms, gas,
$15 month. 692 Front.
388 JEFFERSON ST. 3 housekeeping
rooms; no children; references.
HOUSEKEEPING suites, also single rooms,
for rent; everything new. 546 Yamhill.
2 NICE housekeeping rooms, furnace heat,
phone, bath. $10 month. 467 7th.
FRONT alcove, furnished light housekeep
ing. 450 Yamhill st.
NICELY furnished rooms in strictly modern
house. Call 701 Irving st.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms In the
suburbs. Phone Sellwood .16.
3 OR 4 furnished housekeeping rooms,
walking distance. 449 6th St. '
WHEN moving call up Van Horn. Transfer
Co. Main 1618; A 1984. All covered wag
ons, all experienced men.
S-ROOM modern cottage. wRh bath, $12.50.
Apply Mitcheltree, agt.. Archer Plaoe. ;
Mount Scott car.
SEVEN-ROOM house for rent, furniture for
sale. 335 San Rafael. Call between 10 A.
M. and 1 P. M.
S-ROOM house, with bath and laundry tubs.
No. 40 E. 31st and Pine. Rent $25. phone
M 3S04.
MODERN 5-room bungalow, electricity, bath.
18. Fine car service. 397 Surman St.
FOR RENT House, stable, chicken-house,
3 lots. R. A. Taylor. E. 49th and Haw
thorne. B 1516.
HOUSE. 5 rooms, bath. $16; 1 S9 Mill, near
Front st. Key at No. 352 Front.
$24 MODERN 6-room house. East 13th and
Burnside. Phone East 3842.
COURTNEY STATION 15-acre farm, nice 6
room cottage, cheap. Dayton Hdw. Co.
MODERN S-room comer house, 394 Benton,
6 blocks north Steel bridge.
MODERN 7-room house, 354 Grant. Apply
354 Lincoln. Main 342.
GOOD 10-room house, corner 21st and John
son. Apply to owner, 670 Johnson.
NEW modern 7-room house. Call Wood
lawn 114 or A 3436.
$15 PER MONTH, 5-room bungalow, 3 lots.
Howard Land Co., Swetland bldg.
NINE-ROOM house. 708 Everett St., $45. See
Parrlsh-Watklns Co.
MODERN 6-room cottage. 486 E. Everett.
Inquire at 73 E. 10th North.
FOUR or five-room furnished house: close In.
on carllne; low rent. Phone Sellwood 428.
FOR RENT 7-room. house, at 190 N. 22d .