THE MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1910. 11 PORTLAND SCORED AS SINFUL CITY Dr. Matthews Says Social Evil Flourishes Though Red Light Zone Is Closed. OUR STREETS RIDICULED Clergyman Declares They Are - "Dirty, Gouged-Out, Every Hole Represent Graft" Bad Citi zenship Nation's Menace- That the oclal evil is flourishing: in Portland, In apke of th closing of the red-lifrht district, and that the police do not enforce the law "because the grafter and the boodler want another restricted di$trict, where money may be coined with which to corrupt pontics, were state ments made by Dr. Mark A. Matthews in a talk to men at the First Presbyterian Church yesterday cLfternoon. The meeting was held under Y. M. C. A. auspices and the church was filled. The speaker also referred to Portland's- thoroughfares as "little, dirty, gouged- out streets." "Every hole," he said "represents malfeasance in office by chronic graft on the part of your damn able boodle-loving politicians. , "I never aaw streets In uch disgrace ful condition as those here in your town," he declared. "Here you are paying 18 and 20 mills tax on the dollar and haven t a dozen streets over which a man can ride without being bumped out of his ma chine." The speaker said Christian men were possessed of civic indifference, that while boodlers and grafters were scheming 365 days in the year how to secure control of politics, honest men were too much m terested in making money to think or politics. His subject was "The Auto matic Detective," and his text "Be sure your sin will find you out." He said in part: Sin is the automatic detective. The day is oast wheu men can ne secret in tneir sin ning. The day of ahsolute publicity has come. The xrers is the earety-vaive or so ciety, the safeguard of Government, the strong policeman over the moral conscience of every man. N action's l'llght Serious. The greatest problem America, has ever faced she la facing today, the problem of governing her cities. She is in a very nan gerouf condition, because she has forgotten that the balance of power is in those cities. Alan, if you don't get a grip on me munie.- pay government you may be sure your sin will find you out when your government.! delivered Into the hands of corrupt forces. As I have aald before. I have no great fear of a foreign foe, but I am frank to say that I am dreadfully afraid of the bad citi zenship of the good citizen. The crime of crimes, which is today threatening America Is this same bad citizenship. The bad cltl ien works at the business of manipulating political forces so that he may secure their control. The good citizen works at the busi ness of making money, and never turns his rttentlon to the manner in which civic af fairs are being conducted until two or three days before election, t am talking to you, the pious, innocent, handsome business men of this city. Tou are too busy making money. Do you know what protects t hat money you have In the bank ? Its safety does not consist in the strong steel vault and fixtures, but in the patriotism of geod cltlsena. Tour bank, deposits are absolutely st the mercy of the bad citizenship of good citlaens. the battle that Is on In Seattle is no dif ferent from the one you have here. It la the same in San Francisco and Lob An geles, and all the way up the const to Val des, Alaska. Forces are in secret compact to deliver this community Into the hands of the saloon interests. It Is true that your officers have broken up the restricted district, but they have not tried to keep the same condition out of your residence districts. Why? Because they want to establish a new restricted dis trict. Why don't they enforce the law and drive the fallen women out of the city? Be cause the grafter and boodler want another district where the money may be coined which corrupts the politics of this Northwest country. Worthy Police Wanted. It is not difficult to enforce law. AH you need to enforce law la a conscientious, vigorous prosecuting attorney and an effi cient police force- No military organiza tion can do as much as the police force in the detection of sin. Vou seem to he Indifferent to civic affairs because you don't use good sense. Organi zation on . the part of corrupt forces must he met by organisation on the part of righteous forces. What's the matter with San Francisco ? She has repudiated every reform movement made there in the last 10 years. I'll tell you what's the trouble. She is in the hands of two of the most corrupt forces that over t hreatened the municipal life of any city in this country, and yuur cities are coming under the same influence. If you conse crated Christian men don't wake up these powers will have Portland. Los Angeles. Seattle and all the Coast cities in their grasp as they have San Francisco. I aald in my sermon this morning that domestic conditions in Portland and In this country are not what they- should be. 1 said that It Is impossible to correct by legislation wrongs committed In the do mestic circle. You know that the domestic life of this country isn't clean. Part of the domestic life of this audience is not clean. There Is as much licentiousness with in the marriage vow of this country as there Is out of it. That's true. Unless your city is an exception you have doctors who have grown rich committing murder. It was your dutv as citizens when you knew of that condition to put detectives on their track and to bang them by the neck until they were dead and damned. There should be no mercy for doctors who will stoop to vuch practice. Children Are Safeguard. Whenever you have a home, and there falls to come Into that home children, you have robbed your wife of the greatest safe guard she can have. Any doctor who says it Is impossible to live the white life Is an infernal liar. Tell him I said so. and 1 will meet him any where he wants to meet me. A single standard of morals in this country is what we want. Women are to some extent to blame for the double standard. It la be rause they will tolerate a man with one standard, but will not tolerate a woman with the same standard. The orchestra opened the service yes terday afternoon with a two-step. Air. Ladd. who presided, then turned the music over to Dr. J. V. McMichael, who called for the "Glory Song." Two sacred selections were rendered by a male quartet composed of C. E. Mc Culloch, Dr. McMichael, J. A. Hollings worth and M. L. Bowman. CLOSING OUT TODAY. Manufacturers' sample suits only one of a kind ori sal today at $19.75. Black sateen petticoats. 63c: 20 moire petticoats. $12.46; children's rain capes, $1.98; $3.60 long kimonos, $1.98. Pon't miss these snaps 1 McAllen & McDonnell, Third and Morrison. Portland Firm iets Hig Contract. It -was learned yesterday that the steam schooner Tallac. of the Pollard Naviga tion Company, will leave San Francisco in a few days for Portland, where she will (TO on the Oregon dry dock, on March S, for repairs and overhauling. The Tallac does not belong In Portalnd, but is to bo sent here, for repairs only. The local firm received the contract for, the work against five other competitors, most of whom are San Francisco firms. It will take about 18 days to complete the work on the Tallac. The payroll, of the enlisted men in the f ry during 1811 will aggreiaia nearly 18. 60O.OOO. NOTED SEATTLE DIVINE WHO CLOSES PORTLAND REVIVAL SERVICES IN MEETINGS TODAY. t - - . . 4 s 3? , w I .- ;U'-''- - 7" ;- K V ) V"-. '--T- 7 ' ' ' ' REV. M. A. ELDER'S JAR SLIGHT Ramming Got From Homer Does Little Damage. OFF DRYDOCK IN 3 DAYS Arrives in Karly Morning, Cargo Is Discharged in Rush and Work on Repairs Soon Under Way. Plates Sprung, Frames Bent. Injurips sustained by the steamer Geo. W. Klder, which was rammed a week ago today in the " San Pedro harbor by the steamer Homer, proved not to be serious when the vessel was placed on the Oregon Dry Dock yesterday after noon. Three of her plates were found to -be sprung and some frames bent, but it Is believed she will be in readiness to return to her route uatween this city and San Francisco in about three days. The Elder was tied up at the dock at San Pedro when the Homer struck her. The accident waa explained as the re sult of a misunderstanding of signals. It was feared at first that the Elder was put out of commission, but as she did not spring a leak, it was decided to return to Portland with her for re pairs. The Elder arrived up the river early yesterday morning, at S:15 o'clock, and the work of discharging her cargo that she might be placed on the drydock was hurried as much as possible. Late yes terday afternoon the vessel was shifted from the foot of Seventeenth street to the Oregon drydock, where men will be at work on her night and day until she Is repaired. Among all the vessels that take part In the Pacific coastwise trade. It Is be lieved there is none other which is so well known as the old Elder, which has been on this Coast for more than 30 years. It is also generally accepted as a fact that no other vessel In the Coast trade has been in so many accidents. One of the more serious mishaps of the Elder was when she was sunk In the Columbia River several years ago, and for nearly a year and a half waa left lying there, as It was believed Impossible ever to put her In commission again. During the years that the Elder has been commanded by Captain Jessen, which was since she . came Into the hands of the North Pacific Steamship Company, the vessel has been doing good work, and It seemed that the spirit of 111 luck had left her. Captain Jessen left the Elder just pre vious to her departure for the South on her last trip, when she was rammed, and intended to be ore from service for a few months. She is now commanded by Captain Hannah. RIVER RISKS, MASCOT RESUMES Water in Lewis Deep Enough Now to Permit Regular Schedule. Higher water on the Lewis River per mitted the eteamer Mascot, of the Lewis River Transportation Company, to re sume her regular trips to La Center Sat urday, and it is believed by the manage ment of the company that the vessel will be enabled to continue on her regular schedule to that until the cold weather of next Winter lowers the water in the river. During the Winter season the Lewis River is lower than at any other time. and since the snow began to fall to any extent at the headwaters, the stage has been too low to permit the Mascot to reach La Center. The vessel went as far as the Lewis River Forks, and where the La Center freight was transferred onto launches. When the Mascot left on her first through trip for the season Satur day she carried an unusually large load. KERN' SOOX READY FOR WORK Repairs on Rammed Vessel Will Be Completed at Early Date. Repairs to the steamer Daniel Kern, which was rammed by the steamer Geo. W. Elder during the early Fall on the Columbia River, will be completed soon, and will return to her work of towing rock barges to the Columbia River bar. The Kern Is owned by the Columbia Construction Company, and of late has been off the drydock, although she will be returned to it as soon as the Elder Is repaired. . IiURLIXE SOOX TO LEAVE WAYS Hull and Machinery of River Craft Thoroughly Overhauled. With her hull and machinery thorough ly overhauled, the river steamer Lurline. of the Vancouver Transportation Com MATTHEWS. pany, will leave the ways of the Portland Ship-Building Company the latter part of this week or the beginning of, next, and will be taken to the Taylor-street dock for re-equipment and painting. It will probably be the latter part of March before the Lurline will be In complete readiness for resuming her run between Portland and Astoria. Since the Lurline went on the ways, the first of this month, her place on the run between here and Astoria has been taken by the steamer Undine, which will be used as an extra when the Lurline is re turned to duty. RAMOXA ENCOUNTERS GALES Vessel F-inds Columbia Bar Milder Than Coos Bay Entrance. Heavy gales both coming and going were experienced by the steamer Ra mona. which arrived last night from her second trip to Coos Bay. As the Ramona passed out over the bar at Coos Bay on her return trip a terrific gale prevailed. Captain H. C. Nelson says that although the wind was blow ing hard as the vessel passed In over the Columbia River bar, the sea was not bad at that point.' The Ramona, which Is temporarily taking the place of the Breakwater, which Is undergoing an overhauling In San Francisco, brought from Coos Bay between 50 and 60 passengers and her usual cargo of coal and general mer chandise. Notice to Mariners Issued. W. G. Milter, inspector of the Twelfth Lighthouse Iistriet, has issued a notice to mariners concerning the Noonday Rock Whistling Buoy, which was reported adrift on February 21, about 50 miles south by west of the Pigeon Point Light station, California, The buoy will be re placed, it Is stated, as soon as prac ticable. Short of Crew, British Boat Delayed. Preparatory to her sailing for London direct, the British ship Kelburn was towed from Inman-Poulsen's yesterday to the stream below the bridges. The. Kel burn will be detained until Wednesday, on account of being short of members of her crew. She te loaded with 2,230,000 feet of Oregon lumber. Weatlwr Reported to Bureau. The following messages were received by the local weather bureau yesterday: To Weather Bureau. Portland, Or., via North Head. Wash., 9:15 A. M.. Feb. 27. At North Head Wind south. 4:4 miles; rain; sea moderate. Passed in at 7:30 A. M. steamer Kamona. February 20 S. (3. Rose City, at Bea, 4 P. M. 34 miles off Cape Mearea; wind southwest, 2o miles; barometer, ao.lO; tem perature, 50 degrees; haxy; southwest swell and confusing- sea. Signed Rose City. February 20. S. S. Admiral Samp son, at sea, 7:"i0 P. M. Off Cape Blanco; barometer. 30.21; temperature. 50 degrees; strong southerly gale. Signed Operator. February lis. S. S. Governor, at sea, 8 P. M- Off Loceta Head; fresh southwest wind; choppy sea: long westerly swell: thick, mis ty and overcast; barometer, 30.14. falling; temperature, 60 degrees. Signed Comdr. February 26. S. 8. Asuncion, at sea. 8 P. M. 30 miles west of Capo Shoal water; barometer. 20. 98; temperature, 50 degrees, rising; strong wind; overcast and cloudy with light rain-squalls at times; heavy westerly swell. George B. Bridgett. February 2. S. S. W 8. Porter, at seat midnight. Latitude 44:45 N., longitude 12T: 15 W. ; temperature. 48 degrees; wind -west-southwest; heavy sea; weather overcast and misty. Signed Comdr. February 27, via Seattle, Wash. Cottage City, at sea, 7. A M In Gulf of Georgia; barometer, 2H.42; temperature, 42; light south wind; raining. February 27. S. S. Grant, at sea; A. M. Latitude 51 degrees North, longitude 130 degrees west; cloudy; strong southeast wind; temperature, 34 degrees; barometer, 20.20. Signed Opr. February 27. S. W. S. Porter, at sea. noon Latitude 46:57 north; longitude 128:8 west: barometer. 29.36. falling; temperature, 47 degrees; wind southwest, strong gale; sea rough, overcast and misty. February 27. S. 6. Admiral Sampson, off Tillamook Rock Barometer, 28.78: temper ature, 52 degrees; strong southwest wind; rain. Signed Opr. Astoria. Feb. 27. Wind south. 50 miles, weather cloudy, sea rough. Arrived down and proceeded to lower harbor Steamers F. S. Loop. Falcon. Alliance and Santa Clara. Arrived at 7:30 A. M. and left up at 9:45 A. M. Steamer Ramona, from Coos Bay. San Francisco, Feb. 27.- Sailed at I A. M. Steamer Nome City, for Portland. Sailed at A. M. Schooner Commerce, for port land. Sailed at . noon Steamer Caaco and schooner Mabel Gale, for Portland, galled at 8 last night Steamer Yosemlte, for Port land. Tides at Aft ori a. Monday. High. Low. 3-.SO A. M 8.0 ft'0:51 A. M 1.8 ft. 3:40 P. M H.8 ft. 19:40 P. M. 2.2 ft. FARM BULETINS READY Seven New Ones to Be Published at Pullman Within Week. PULLMAN. Wash., March 5. Spe cial.) Poultry raising, orchard and small fruit Investigations, cereal pro duction, problems relating to the clear ing and cultivation of logged-off lands, forage crons for Western Washington, and houses lor poultry production are the themes brought out In seven new publications by the State College, which are now In the hands of th printer, and will be ready for distribution within a week. Two of the bulletins are by Professor A MIRACLE IN DETROIT Ws have the following note from our Detroit agent: "I have a-case of Bright's here that Is undoubtedly one of the most won derful and quickest responses to the Renal Compound that I have ever seen. Two weeks ago two Detroit physicians told young Truesdell (twenty-one years old) and other members of the family that he was beyond hope and would have to die, and that the only help would be to take him to the hospital the next morning and tap him. "Mrs. D. O. Johnstone, of 109 Jones street, lives within a block of the Trues dell home. She was In bed with dropsy and death was looked for at any mo ment when she was put on the Renal Compound and made a recovery. Hear ing of the Truesdell case, she stepped in. At this moment no mortal could have stood more swelling without bursting and the patient had a most distressing twitching of the head at every heart throb. As these people are very poor, I bought and- chargad to ex pense account the heart prescription .to aid the Renal Compound. It all acted promptly. His abdomen is almost nor mal, dropsy is declining rapidly and his heart beats almost as well as the average. "I phoned both of the physicians who naa pronounced tne case hopeless and they promised to go and see him. Thev wanted to know what was being used n x Lum mem ruiiona tenai com pound. "I am proud to be Identified with a concern mat is doing so much Tor suf fering humanity. I feel it every word Is from my Innermost heart.". For physicians' memo let us say that the following was the prescription used to hold up the heart and help the Re nal Compound to more quickly elim inate the dropsy: - Rx. Fi. Ex. Apocynum two drachms. Fl. Ex. Cactus Grand two drachms. Fl. Kx. digitalis thirty minims. Sp. Vinl Gallici 1 oa. Ellxor Lactopentln 3 ozs. Teaspoonful three times a day before meals rRenal Compound half an hour after meals. r We desire to hear from and advise as to all cases not yielding and when necessary will submit special prescrip tions adapted to the case In hand The people of the country. Including tne pnysicians, are beginning to real ize the Importance of the new treat ment for kidney disease that is carrv lng hope and happiness into thousands of homes that were waiting for the gloom and black of the pallbearer. W. S. Thornier, relating to gooseberries and curravts, respectively, for home planting. The publication by Professors R. Kent Beattle and A. L. Melander is a revision of the spraying calendar. Gen eral Bulletin 92, by R. W. Thatcher. director of the State Experiment Sta tion, relates to the wheat and flour in vestigations recently made by the State vouege. Two bulletins are by Professor W. H. Lawrence, one being an account of cleared logged-off lands, and the other a treatise on special methods of mak ing clearings. A third bulletin by Mr. Lawrence is on forage crops adapted to Western Washington. A bulletin on a subject new in the work of the Washington State College relates to poultry raising and the build ing of modern poultry buildings. Chamberlain s Cough Remedy never uisappoims uiose who use It lor ob stinate coughts. colds and Irritations of the throat and lunes. Tt stand un rivalled as a remedy for all throat and mug diseases, soia oy an dealers. Marco Polo (1234-1324) of Venice was the first person to announce to Europe the existence of paper money in China under the moguls. CLASSIFIED ADVE RTISING RATE Dallr or buadaj. Per Use. One time jjn Same -ad two consecutive tlinea fie Same ad three consecutive times soo Same ad six or seven consecutive times. .660 8ix words count sa one line on eaah ad vertisements, and no ad counted for less than two lines. When an advertisement la not run consecutive times the one-time rate applies. The above rates apply to advertisements under "New Today" and nil other classifica tions excepting; the following: Situations Wanted, Male. Situations Wanted., Female. For Kent, Rooms, private families. Rooms and Board, Private Families. Housekeeping Rooms, jprivate Jt'amilles. The rate of the above classification Is 7 -cents a line each insertion. TO OUT-OF-TOWN PATRONS The Ore snlan will receive copy by mall, provided sufficient remittance for s definite number of issues Is sent. Acknowledgment of such remittance will be forwarded promptly. On charge or book advertisements the charge will be baaed on the actual number of lines appearing; in the paper, regmraleaa of the number of words in each line. If yon have either telephone In your house we will accept your ad over the phone and send you the bill the next day. Phone Wont Ad. Dept., Main 7070 or A 6008. Sit uation Wanted and Personal advertisements not accepted over the phone. Errors are more easily made In telephoning advertise ments, therefore The Oregonian will not bold Itself responsible for such errors. In case box office address Is required, use regular form given, and count this M part of the ad. Answers to advertisements will be forwarded to patrons, provided self-addressed stamped envelopes are furnished. MEETING NOTICES. ' HARMONY LODGE, NO. 12. A. F. -AND A. M.- A special com munication will ba held on Mon day at 1:45 P. M.. for the purpose of conducting the funeral of our late brother. William . McLean. Members are requested to attend. Visitors ara cordially Invited. By order .of the W. M. W. M. DE LIN, Secretary, CAMEL.IA SOCIAL, CL.UB will give a 500 party this (Monday) evening at Maaonlo Temple, at S o'clock. FLORENCE P. JOHNSON, Sec. CAMELIA CHAPTER. NO. 27, O. E. S. Social club tonight at Masonla Temple at 8 P. M. F.- JOHNSON. Secy. MULTNOMAH COUNCIL ROY AL ARCANUM meets at K. P. Hall. 11th and Alder streets, the second and fourth Monday of each month at 8 P. M. Visitors cor dially welcomed. H. CLAUSSBNrCS. JR.. Secretary, 126 11th 8t. MARTHA WASHINGTON CHAP TER, NO. 14, O. E. 6 Stated meet ing tins (Monday) evening. East 8th and Burnslde. Social. Iy order W. M. BELLE RICHMOND, Sea. - CORINTHIAN CHAPTER, NO. 54. O. E. S., Members are requested to attend funer al of our late-brother. Dr. Wm. McLean, to be held at Scottish Rite Cathedral. Morri son and lo-wnsdale sts., at 2:30 P. M., Mon day, Feb. 28. Order of W. M. ' ELIZABETH SILKNITTER. SeO. A. AND A S. RITE Mem bers are requested to attend funeral of Brother William Mc Lean, 32d degree, at our Ca thedral this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Services under aus pices of Harmony Lodge No. 12. By order presiding officer. HARMONY LODGE. NO. 12. A. F. AND A. M. Special communi cation this CMonday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Work In the & A. degree. Visitors are cordially in vited. W. M. DS LIN. Secretary. WILLAMETTE! LODGE. NO. 2. A. F. AND A. M. Special eom- (ifci munlcatton this (Monday) evening at f:au nciocK. wort in r. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. W. S. WEEKS. Secretary. B. OF R. T. Ladles' Auxiliary to B. of R. ". will give a military whist and dance lext Saturday night. March 5, at W. O. W. mple. 128 11th su Oame called at 8:30; L. ..I... ...Ill 1ctn Il,l..ll.,'. i' - T. next cash prizes will ha given. Burchard's Or chestra. Admission. 1ft cents. New hall for rent. Howe-Davis. A 2008. MED. DOLLARHIDE In this city. Feb. 27, Will iam B. Dollarhide. aged 27 years, of St. John. Or. Remains at Dunning A McKn tee's parlors. Funeral notice later. AMUSEMENTS. RI TTJTi A r7THEATER, wAi'v.n.awv w, 12ta and Morrl9on i Phones Main 117 and A 4224. Tonight. Tomorrow, Wednesday. Special price matinee Wednesday. Henry W. Savage presents world-famous musical success. "THE MERRY WIDOW" Evenings: $2.00 to 76c Matinee: 1.60 to BOc, THEATER Main 2. A 5360 Geo. L. Baker. Manager Tonight, All Week Bargain Matinee Wednesday. 2Sc. HENRy B. HARRIS PRESENTS "THE WON AM THE MOl'KE" By Charles Klein, author of "The Third urgree. - me everlasting American Play. Evenings. 25c. 50o. 75c. gl. Saturdav mat nee, 25e, 50c. Next. As the San Went Down. MAIN a. A lose. MATINEE EVERY DAT. 15-26-500 .niGHT3 TH".ATEB I5.v5-f,"-75e WEEK FEBRUARY 28. Arthur Dunn ana .nsnt Ulazler In "The Messenger Hot. Ida Kuller in "La Korcler " William linlH Elsie Knye, Miss Violet King, Kroaemwn vniuicn, driciurce. tcneetra. GRAND WEEK FEBRUARY 28. CARLVXE MOORE and ETH V LI V palher COMPANY In the Minetic Com edy Disillusioned Collins A Brown Alf. Rippon Lee Theodora Pero & Wilson Lambert & Williams tirandascope U.tin.. J -1 . ') n . .. . . K- F.vonlng performances, 7:30. 9:16; balcony. ioc: lower floor. 25c: box seats. 500. AUCTION BALES TODAY. Today at Wilson's Auction House, corner Fecona and YamhilL Sale at 10 A. M. J 1. Wilson. Auctioneer. At 2 p. M. the big furniture sale starts at 211 'lrst st. by the Ford Auction Co. Ft N KRAI. NOTICES. VAN HOUTEN The funeral of Garret Van Houten wlli be held at his late residence 570 Couch st., Tuesday, 11 A. M. Services l.rivate. Please omit xiowers. POTTER February 28. Albert S. Potter. aged 43 years. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services at Dunning A McEntees cnapel Tuesday, March 1. at 1:30 P. M interment Rose City Cemetery. BRISBIN-E In this city. 833 Third St.. Feb. 20.. JoseDh B. Brlsbine. asred 80 vears. The funeral services will be held at Fin- ley's parlors at 10:0 A. M. Tuesday. March 1. Friends invited. Interment Cornelius. Or. MONNASTBS The funeral services of -wary J. Monnastes, widow of the late Da vid M. Monnastes. will be held at her late residence. 303 Third st. at 2 P. M. today (Monday). Friends invited. Interment Klvcrview. M'I.EAN The funeral services of the late William McLean will be held at the Scottish Rite. Cathedral, Morrison and Lownsdale sts.. at 2:30 P. M., today (.nonoayi, alter wmcn tne remains will be taken to the Portland Crematorium. rienas invited. NEWELL, In this city, February 26. at the sumiiy residence, zio :ast Tttth St., Mrs. Cecelia Newell, aged 44 years 6 months. rrienas invitea to attend funeral services wmcn win be neld at the Montavill Maptlst Church at 2 P. M. tomorrow (Tuesday), March 1. Interment Lone Fir Lfmeiery. TERRY At Camas. Wash.. February 2 Mrs. Rachel Terry, aged 54 years. Friends invitea to attend runeral services, which will be held at Holman's Chanel. Thlrrt and Salmon sts.. at 3 P. M. lodav (Mon day). February 28. Interment Lone Fir HUNT The funeral services of the late Qeorge W. Hunt will be held at Finley s pariors at l'. Al. today (Monday). Friends invited. Services at the grave uri a - " .... .... 17,. riuicrni uirectors, 7th and line. Phone Main 480. Lady as- lauwi. vmva oi vounir torooer. ZELLKR-BYRNE8 CO.. Funeral Directors, 694 Williams ave. 1 both nnones: Iadv attend. ant; most modern establishment In the city. EDWARD HOLMA.V CO.. Funeral Direct- era, zzu 3a st. XAaj Assistant. 1 hone M. 6t)7, J. P. FIN LEV ft SON. 8d and Madison. r.., uuaii. f ouoo mils S, A AOVlf. K.VST SIDK Funeral Directors, successors to . . uunning. inc. A,. B2, is 2026. ERICSON CO. Undertakers; lady assist ant, avv Aiaer. .am. SM3, A JtJ. LERCH, undertaker, cor. East Alder and utn. rnones, 7a 1, li 1888. Lady awastant. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS rVial CHURCHLET BROS., wood and coal woa dealers, office and yard Id to. and jaarsuail. nones jwain wsi. A ssgl. Vlnriat Cat Firwr always fresh from j. iutiaiiaur own conservatories. Martin cornea ua. waaningtoa sv Beta phones. Print Richmond and Wallsend Australia. vwl" Independent Coal A Ioe Company,, opposite City Llbrarv Ttotn phone. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY rBGUDBKI, Main M. skCRETAKY. Main SML IIUUANK UirnOIR. Host 417. NEW TODAY. R. It. HICK, Contractor and Builder, together with his son, F. F. Rice, has opened a real estate office at 16th and Brazee streets. In Irvlngton. Have new, modern houses, also vacant lots for sale. Phones, Office, E. 668; residence, 1. 2432 and E. 1351. R. B. 4k P. I". RICR. MARSHALL ST. Beautiful residence site in restricted district, 40x100, facing south, between 25th and 26th sts. Bltulithlc pavement, sewer and water main all paid for. PRICE! 84500 HALF CASH. SIS McKay Bide, Third and Stark. NOJtTH EAST CORNER 26TH AND MARSHALL STS. 55 X IOO Beautiful residence site in restricted district, bitulithic pavement, sewer and water mains an paid lor and put in. PRICE! 8750Q HALF CASH. 513 McKay Bids., Third and Stark. A Good Chance to Own Your Home An Eastern capitalist has placed with me a large fund for home building; In Portland. Let me know your needs. WILL H. WALKER, 823 Cbaniber of Commerce. Pnone Main SfUiS. Mortgage Loans - REAL ESTATE, FIRE INSURANCE. MORGAN, FLIEDNER Jt BOVCB, 6O3-50S Ablnaton Bids. For Lease Three-story building, 125 Sixth street, Washington and Alder. Apply owner, care Sealy-Lowell Company. DOUGLAS COUNTY LAND CHEAP. Over 1000 acres. SI 749, Oregonian. 2N . NEW TODAY. 2(F Interest NET, CLEAR" WEST SIDE NET INCOME $6261 ON 3 1,000 CASH INVESTED. OWNERS' REALTY ASSOCIATION. 205 Abin&rton Bid?.. 106 3d St. $5000 2 lots, 100-ft. corner on KILLINGS WORTH AVE BUSINESS NOW. Best buy on the avenue. Below value. Will double In one year. PITTIXGER,'11I) KllllnBsrrorth Ave. ANNOUNCEMENT. R. H. Blossom besjs to announce that he has been appointed resident agent for the California Fire Insurance Com pany. He still retains the agenev of the Law Union & Rock and all business Intrusted to his care will receive the usual prompt attention. Phones A and Main 1794. R. H. BLOSSOM, 31tt Cham, of Com. S875Q. CORNER LOT 60x100, comparatively new S-room modern house. 4 rooms on first floor, 4 rooms on second floor, large attic. Holladay Addition. 1 hlock from Grand ave.. near Broadway. This proper ty will arow into business or splendid apartment houfe corner. Bargain at 57SO. M. E. THOMPSON CO., corner rourtn ana uaK its. oiain ova. A iiil. 6 MORTGAGE LOANS HARDING & REYNOLDS CO.. 313 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON Knott-Street Quarters S3500 to S3750 A. BACKUS, SID Board of Trade Bids;. Alain N1IOO, A 7 .-.7 4. MORTGAGE LOANS Large Amounts Preferred. (iODUAHU ft WIEUUItK, 243 Stark St. GKOROtt BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Brunches.) SIS Worcester Bid. Phones Main 8S71. A 401ft. WANTED To buy or rent large furniture wagon. Answer, giving description and price. au ina. oregonian. REAL ESTATE DEALERS, Andrews, JT. V. fc Co. M. 3349. 80 Hamilton bldg. Beck. WHUam O.. 312 Kalllnr hld. Blrrell. A. H. Co., 202-3 McKay bldff. Real estate, insurance, mortgages, loans, etc Brubaker c Benedlut, 502 McK&y bids;. 1C Chapin A Herlow, 832 Chamber Commarcs. wok, xf. &. Jb Co.. 503 Corbet bldg. Fields, CK.dc Co., Board of Trade bldg. Jenntsga & Co.. Main leg. 206 Oregon laa. KIRK & KIRKBAM. Lumber Ex.. 226 Stark. ParrJeh. Wat kins A Co.. 200 Alder st. PALMER-JOXE3 CO., H. P, 213 Commer cial ciuo bias- Echalk, Geo. ., 264 Stark at. Mala or The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ave. anal jouuDomaa st, (Holiaday Addition). M. E- Thompson Co., cor. th and Oak mtm. Walker. S. T. . 604 Corbett bldg. RE AX ESTATE. for Sale Lots. LOTS In powers Addition, easy terms, $100. Lot on Insley ave., Alton Addition, $;iA0. Lots In Waverlelgh Heights Addition, $&ni aad up. Lot in Belle Crest. $730. Lot In Council Crest, $750. Lot In Irvlngton. 31500. Lot In Ladd's Addition, 60x128, 14-foot alley, cash f2:too. House and lot on Glenn ave., 2i:V $3200. House and lot In Irvlngton, Kast 8th St.. 35700. , House and lot In Irvlngton, East 8th at., 90OOO. Part cash and terms on most of the above. GEO. 6. ALLEN REALTY CO-, - 221 Henry Bldg. GREGORY HEIGHTS. We just ask you for an opportunity to ithow vou the lots we are selltnsr as low as $170 and up, on terms of 33 down and $2.50 per month. We know you will be convinced they are the beat lota for the price in Port land, considering the location of this beau tiful addition. The property needs no argu ment; seeing Is believing. ESaxly buyers are already realizing handsome pro tits. Do not take our word for It; come out and see for yourself. Take Rose City car. office at end of line. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. WHY NOT DO BUSINESS With the oldest Trust Company In Ore gon? You will benuflt by our 23 years experience In banking. Small check ac counts received. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY BANK, 3d and Oak sts. FINE LOT, 50x100, $23. Beautiful lot on 43d st.. In Lenox Addi tion, eaat front, covered with bearing fruit trees and adjoining a flue residence, about 2 blocks from car; there are two of these lots; you can have both of them or take your choice of the two for $0O0 each; $20 cash and $10 per month. GRUScil &, 'A A DOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. BERKELEY LOTS BARGAIN. Alongside Eastmoreland, lots 11, 12, block 3; lots 13, 14, 16. 16, block 23; lots 1, 2. 3, 4, block 22; corner lots, and must be sold at once; price $150 per lot; the best lots In the add it ion ; go see them ; leave a deposit with G. EVERETT BAKER. Attorney, 3d Floor. Lewis Bldg. FOR sale Central East Portland, lot 5. west 47 let or lot . DK-CK 144; one O-room and one 0-room houae, northwest corner EX Pin and E5. 7th sts. Lot 1. block 242, one S-room house, southeast corner E. Stark and E. 11th sts. JOHN BEEKBR, 847 Broadway. No agenus. THAT VACANT LOT. Let us furnish the mon-ey and build your bungalow or flats on easy terms, or we will share with you In the Investment and divide selling profits. PORTLAND REALTY A CONSTRUCTION COMPANY (INC.) 902-903 Lewis Bldg. ROSE CITY BEACH. Of all tha resorts between Tillamook and Nehalem Bays, this Is tha choicest. Just placed on the market at extremely low prices; every lot is a gem. See trus tee, at 226 Falling bldg., for particulars. 2O0 LOTS in city of 3500. big payroll and everyining Dooming; raiiroaa now build ing; lots will double in a year; for quick sale $35 each. HALL Ml POWELL, 821 Lumbermen bldg. EASY terms, 6-lot. $400; Montavtlla; or ex- cn&Are lor equity. uoggess, xxi Morri son, room 6. FOR SALE BY OWNER a choice lot, West moreland; szov Deiow market price. Ad dress, 983 East 10th it. North. HALSEY-STREET CORNER, 100x120 feet, near 2th. $3500. HARDING & REYONLDS, 313 O. Of C. 50x100 ON Second and Caruthers sts.; In come ou per montn. a 7-3. Oregonian. SOxKtO ON 2d and Caruthers mm. ; Income $60 .per montn. An isregoman. MOUNT TABOR -Two lots on West ave.," lacing east, iou eacn. AC lot, oregonian. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. BUY ONE OF THESE LOTS IN THB RAIN AND ' I'LL MAKE YOU A PROFIT ON IT THE NEXT SUNSHINY DAY. $1050 each, easv terms. 2 lot between E. 24th and E- 2."th, in addition adjoin ing colonial Heights on the south and Ladd Addition on the east, where 40-foot lots are setting for $100o UP. These lots command a beautiful view of tha city and are 25 minutes' walk from town. WHY CAN I SELL THEM SO CHEAP? These lots are a portion of a tract of about 30 acres adjoining Ladd Addition which has been held for years under leas as a vegetable garden. . Last year the work of improvement was commenced and finished over a por tion of the tract and a few lots in the finished portion offered for sale. The hard Winter stopped the work, but the contracts are let to finish same immedi ately. If this property had been platted years ago, as It should have been at the time the Ladd Addition was, these lots would sell today at higher prices than the Ladd tract, as the property Is higher and more desirable in every way. The purchaser of the few lots that I can still deliver at last year's opening prices will make $3oo to $6O0 on the buy before the end of August. Arrange to see these unusual bargains at once. I cannot . guarantee to deliver Indefinitely. REMEMBER, graded streets, cement side walks, curbs, water, etc.. etc.. are all In now and paid for at above price; noth ing to assume except sewer assessment of $22. $1500 building restrictions; 6 new houses under contract to start immediately. A. B. WIDNEY. Main 6074. 822 Board of Trade. FOR GOOD INVESTMENT CALL UP V. RICHET I have some fine lots, 15 minutes' car ride. 30 per cent cheaper than surrounding property; 5 to 10 per cent down and $10 per month. Phone Main 133. A 1256. Pine quarter block, 17th and Irving, cheap; modern six-room house; lot 50x100, $;t"0; cash. Fine farms; for further Information call at 804 Chamber of Commerce bldg. LOTS OF LOTS $30 EACH. New addition, on Oregon City carline; excellent soil, good place to keep chick ens and cow and grow garden truck. Price $30 per lot. $5 or $10 down, bal ance $2 or $3 per month. National Realty & Trust Co., 3-0 V Washington at., room 616. FOR VIEW PROPERTY. Both East and West tilde, sea me. GEO. J. SCHAEFER, -307 Chamber of Commerce. 8 5x100 IRVINGTON $3 250. Facing east, on 24th. between Tillamook and Thompson-, all Improvements in and paid for, with -exception of hard-surfaoe pavement; this will be laid this Spring. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. SEE ALAMEDA PARK. Adjoining Irvlngton. high ground with mountains in view; all city Improvements; varllne; eaav terms. ALAMEDA LAND COMPANY. 322 Corbett Building. LOTS. I nave buyers for lots In Piedmont and one In East Ankeny district. Must be snaps. No agents. Parley B. Lent, 417 Corbett bldg. 16,026 square feet (equal 5 lots), 80th, neai Belmont; equity $2000 cash, or will trade for Realty Associates bonds. Box 444, The Dalles, Or. SELLWOOD 35x100 on Spokane ave., $ri00 cash. H. P. PALMER-JONES "("). 212-213 Commercial Club bldg. 600 50x100 Tillamook St.. cement walks curb, water and all improvements In and paid for, little cash, balance monthly. B iOO, Oregonian. TO TRADE. For a city lot, ten acres good Irrigated land. Perley H. Lent, 417 Corbett bldg. FOUR improved lots on Portland blvd., 1 block from car. Terms. Phone Wood lawn 1905. CORNER lot for sale on Kflllngsworth ave. and 22d st., by owner. Inquire 1144 East 22d st., N. IN MONTA VILLA. 1 hlock, 105x290, 1 block from car;; $,"lo0; owner sick. S. Gold stein, 176 Caru there st. RA ILROAD shopmen, notice, beautiful lot, Morris st., $1250; bargain. T 756, Ore gonian. Por Salm LATEST SAFE INVESTMENT 3 per cent paid on SO days call, 4 per cent on 90 days' call, and 2Vi per cent on 10 days' call certificates. We pay Interest on check accounts. Keep your money busy. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY BANK. 3rd & Oak Sta. WE) BUILD More houses than most contractors and with our organization and large purchases can afford less profit. We will POSI TIVELY save you money. Plans and esti mates free. If you own a lot we will furnish the money. Pay us any terras to suit. PORTLAND REALTY ft CONSTRUCTION COMPANY (INC.) 902-903 Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak Sts. SWELL BUNGALOW. $3-VH) CASH. Brand new, modern 5-room bungalow, nice combination gas and electric fixtures, fine fireplace, built-in china closet, and bookcase, paneled a( n in g-room and beam ceiling. In fact nothing missing, on a coi ner lot HoxOvl, on E. Morrison st.. 1 hlock from car; price $4000. $500 cash and $20 per month. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg-. 4th and Oak. , WE ARE BUILDING MORE HOUSES THAN AiS x L'UMlUL'luK IN THE CITY. THERE 1H A REASON: WE SAVE OUR CUSTOMERS MONEY. BUILD WELL. BUILD TERMS TO SUIT. IF YOU OWN THE LOT Wfl WILL FURNISH THE MONEY TO BUILD. PLANS AND ESTI MATES FREE. OREGON BUILDING ft TRUST CO., 308-0-10 Henry Bldg., 4th aad Oak. E. TAYLOR-ST. HOUSE, $200. Good 0-room cottage. electric lights, cement basement, full plumbing, nice nat ural wood finish, on a corner lot 50x100. cement sidewalk and street improvements paid, price $i'9(MX $20O cash and $.16 per month. Be quirk It you want it. GRUSiI & ZADOW. . 317 Board of Trade Bidg., 4th and Oak. $50 BUNGALOW. Beautiful home, 5 rooms, lot 50x100; fire place, Dutch kitchen, electric lights, bath, etc.; full concrete basement- W. W. carlina; price $30u; terms,, cash, $50. balance, $15 per month. NATIONAL REALTY & TRUST CO., 320 Washington St.. room 16, NEW nine-room residence. King Heights dis trict; a n re places, large sleeping porch, httrdwood f loor. magnificent view of city and mountaliLs ; hot water heat, modern and up to date in every particular; price $l'i.5.X; your terms. Owner. M 760, Oregonian. FOR sale 8-room house, lot lOOxlOO, remod eled, good ae new; modern except basement; bearing fruit trees and berries; good loca tion. Inquire of owner, 628 William ave., or phone il 1607. APARTMENT-HOUSE. Most desirable section of Nob Hill; price $12,500; $S500 will handle; a bargain and a good Income. Room 14 Washington bldg. BUY a home from me cn easy terms; w have a dandy 6-room bungalow, hardwood floors; $3750. S. D. Vinoent ft Co.. 420 Lumuermens bldg., cor. oth and. Stark. MODERN 6-room bungalow, fireplace, hard wood floor, white enamel, buffet, kitchen, bath, paneled dining-room, good neighbor hood, phone. Owner East 5044. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co.. M. 1618. A 104; all covered wagons and experienced men. IRVINGTON Beautiful bungalow. just completed on 18th street. Owner, AD 747, Oregonian. NEW eight-room bungalow, built for a home. E. l&th and Emerson sts; take Al berta car. FOR SALE By owner, the handsomest bungalow In Irvlngton. 406 East 20th bU, North. Call and see It. IF you have some money will build on your lot. En ft man Co., Inc., 303 Ablngton bldg. Main 3236. MODKRN 8 -room house in bet West Side residence district; no commissions. Inquire owner. 317 Beck bldg. BARGAIN Small house, lot. near carllne. Kern Park. $800. G ruber, $2T Board Trade bldg.