1 THE OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1910. robnett firmly Jells his story Confesses His Part in Getting Timberland Through Use i. of "Dummies." BANK'S FUNDS WERE USED Enlrymcn Ifld by Checks Which Were Carried as Cash 60 as "ot to Show on Books Willing to Make Clean Breast. BOISE. Idaho, Feb. 21. (Special.) The defense in the Kettenbach-Kester-Dwj-er allesred timber land fraud grab failed to shake the remarkable con feseion of Clarence W. Robnett. former bookkeeper In the Lewlston National Hank. Itobnett is under indictment for. embezzlement of SU3.000 of the bank's funds, and has three timber fraud indictments and two subornation nf ; perjury charges hanging over his head. He finished telling his story this afternoon and -was turned over to At torney Tannahill. He corroborated the testimony of other witnesses for the Government and under cross-examination only added other facts, the most important Df Which was that the Government sur veyor had been "fixed" to send in the names of Kester and Robnett as squat ters in place of those of the "dummies" employed so they could secure the land. The prosecution's promised sensa tion in the- confession erf Robnett was launched this morning and proved a telling blow to the defense. Kobnett Asked to Got In. The witness began by implicating himself as wanting to get in on the timber deal and asking Kettenbach if he could not. Later he became indi rectly connected and assisted in secur ing entrytnen. The next link in the plot was the of fering of $100 to the bank janitor, Fred Bhafer. to locate on a claim. Shafer later told Robnett his claim was worth Trom J3000 to $4000, but he would deed It over to the defendants for $100 as agreed. Quietly going over the sensational story, Robnett In turn told how inducements' had been offered to Entrymen Labdin, Roos, Hutchins, Wildentbaler, Cornell. Guy Wil ton find others. He said that when O'Keefe died. Kester told Kettenbach It was too bad he had " passed in his checks'," but it was probably just as well ,'orihem, as the Government officials x-ojH not be able to implicate them with .heitVKeefe entries. J Bank Funds Used. Ho paid the eervices of State Land nspector Goldsmith were secured to have Dwyer elected Deputy Selector and both blocked out the timber. Rotmett testi fied that bank funds were used to pay ntYmen. tho checks being handled as atr;a9 they were presented, so that they K-oukl not show up on the books. He also ait that the mme hundred-dollar bill a;used in making most of the entries, Iheiblll being used over and over again o make filings. As; to his reasons for turning state's evi Jencr, Robnett said he decided to make a clean breast of the whole matter, and told " his story first to political agents, "Vntts and Smith, at Spokane. Judge Dietrich barred all evidence re lating to the introduction of contests. The oourt will be in session but a half day to morrow. SEEING THINGS BY WIRE The Act Can Be Bone, but It Will Cost You $7 50,00 0. ' Berlin Cor. London Mail. "Seeing by wire is no longer a scien tific dream. It is a demonstrated possi bility." This was the statement made to me today in a tone full of confidence by Herr Ernst Ruhmer, the young Ber lin electrical engineer, who has perfected the world's first working model of tele vision apparatus. The single apparatus Herr Ruhmer has so far constructed Is Tiow in the hands of the Belgian gov ernment, which Is considering the con struction of an elaborate television plant at a cost of $750,000 as the "clou" of the Brussels Exhibition of 1910. On this ac count the inventor expressed his regrec that he could not afford the representa tive of the Daily Mali ocular demonstra tion of his discovery. Any picture can be made up of light and dark points. By Herr Ruhmer's sys tem these points are projected upon a screen consisting of selenium cells. Sel enium power of transmitting electric cur rents varies according to the amount of light it receives. On a receiving screen of selenium cells the light and darK points are produced by the transmission of the-varying current. The Belpian apparatus, Herr Ruhmer explains. Is an experimental model and without practical importance, except to prove the " correctness of the underlying principle, namely, the. power of selenium to regulate tlectric currents. Between the Palace of Justice at Brussels, where a receiving station has been set up, and Liege, a distance of 72 miles. Herr Ruh mer has transmitted a variety of geo metrical patterns squares, triangles, crosses, etc., but the apparatus is of al together too insignificant dimensions to permit objects as large as the head or figure of a person being seen by wire. "Seeing by wire a person, a conflagra tion, a battle, anything Is merely a mat ter of money," said Herr Ruhmer. "My Belgian apparatus consists of only 25 selenium cells, or, more correctly speak ing, 25 separate apparatuses, each of the most delicate and sensitive construction. Even this working model represents a cost of $1875, or approximately $75 per cell. To reproduce the head .and should ers of a person I have calculated that an apparatus of at least 4000 cells, costing $300,000. would be necessary, while to reproduce a scene or an event requiring the background of a landscape would necessitate not less than 10,000 cells, or a mechanism costing' $900,000. "These enormous figures will make plain that I have not in mind that tele vision shall be possible for every person who has a telephone. What I think of is a system of great central television ex changes, say in London. Paris, Berlin, Vienna. St. . Petersburg, Brussels.' Stock holm. Constantinople, Madrid, Rome and other , great centers. These would be linked up with one another, and any body desiring to avail himself of televi sion service would go to oue of them just as he now goes to a telegraph office when be wants to hand in a dispatch. "A father, remote from , the scene, might be enabled to see a new-born child. A deathbed scene, a last look at ome dying dear one, would even be with in the range of possibilities. And I can think of no scientifically insurmountable reason why the Admiralty, in Berlin. let Da say, might not be able, to watch the Perm an Armada at the battle in the FULL-BLOODED UMATILLA INDIAN WOULD GO ON IIAT WITH WHITE MEN. mmmm. f 1 . , V - 'V-wa, J - ' U. X 'if ; : -u. $ milS&A At 11 : " f 7 l L it z MOTAMC, KUHMKtt WARRIOR, KOW CHRISTIAN". A North Sea. or be In 'eye communication' with the crews of military airships. It would all be, as I have pointed out, a question of money that Is, a sufficiently powerful apparatus." Herr Ruhmer, who Is only 81 years old. and looks younger, evolved the idea of "seeing by wire" through his work with selenium. Since his graduation from the great technical colleges of Charlottenburg and Giessen, 12 years ago, he has been a practical engineer with laboratories and a factory of his own. The immediate In centive to the discovery of television was Herr Ruhmer's successful experiment with "photographing sound." COWBOY TURHS TABLES WOTJIiB-BE COLORADO LYNCII EKS SEE DIRE FATE AHEAD. Young Man Attacked by Whitecap Band Prepares to Make All Suffer Punishment. GRAKTD JUNCTION, Colo.. Feb. 13. Charles Moneyhan, a Plateau Valley young cowboy ..who was seized by a band of whitecappers and deported after being threatened with lynching, on the charge of being too friend lj with the wife of his employer, Charle. Love, will return to Grand Junction and; with Love, demand ample apolo gies from the men who had a hand in running him out of the country. The whitecappers, three of whom have been arrested, led Moneyhan to a tree, placed a rope around his neck and announced they would hang him unless he confessed to the charge they made against him. He declared he was Innocent and defied them to string him up. Love, who has faith in both his wife and Moneyhan, declares that unless the persons who started the ugly stories apologize "there will be something do ing." No'thlng short of a public apology will appease Love, and if this is not forthcoming he may take the law into his own hands. Love, who now lives at Loma, de clared that his wife's reputation had always been of the best and that the entire trouble was caused by her sister-in-law, Mrs. Van Natan, because she refused to call upon her. There are a number of interesting species of palms in Liberia, but the more Important are the fan palm, the raphia or bamboo palm, the cocoanut palm and the oil palm (Elaeir puineensis). PIONEER. AGED 83 YEARS, DIES A PyilR LONG H.I.MJSS AT VANCOUVER. -v5 If is X-.. ?X:.-y. .V.-.. .. I.ate Mrs. Mary O'Keane. VANCOUVER, Wash., Feb. 21. (Special.) The funeral of Mrs. Mary O'Keane, aged 83 years, who died at St. Joseph's Hospital last night from pneumonia and old age, will be held from St. James' Cathedral tomorrow morn flng at 9:30 o'clock. Burial win 1 be in the Catholic Cemetery. Mrs. O'Keane had been a resident of Vancouver for the past 43 years. Mrs. O'Keane was born in Lim erick County, Ireland, in 1828. When she was about 20 years old she crossed the ocean and lived In New York for 17 years, then she came to Portland by way of the Isthmus of Panama. " She re sided in Portland until February 10, 1867, when she was married to John O'Keane and they moved to Vancouver. A few years were spent at Tulallp, north of Everett, where Mr. O'Keane was Indian agent for a time. Mrs. O'Keane is survived by one son, James J. O'Keane, of this city. Previous to her death she had been at the hospital for 'three and a half years. J! - - 1- "fltt toi ill t' TO WRESTLE Motanic, Fullblood t Umatilla, Shows Great Skill. G0TCH SENT SPRAWLING Though Ignorant of Oatoh-as-Catch-Can Style, His Showing Against Champion Surprised Christian and Preaches' at Revivals. PENDLETON, Or., Feb. 21. (Speclal. Motanic, fullblood Umatilla warrior, former leader in the war dances and Fourth of July celebrations1 but now an active member of the Presbyterian Church, at the Tutuilla mission on the Umatilla reservation, seriously con sidering taking up the "white man's game 1f wrestling. , He is the champion Indian wrestler of Oregon if not of the Northwest, for he , has never been defeated at the Indian style of the game. He went on with Frank Goteh, when the latter was here recently with Jeffries, and though the Indian knew absolutely nothing of the catch-os-catch-can style of the game, he succeeded in getting one hold which en abled him to send the world's champion sprawling clear across the stage. Had he followed up his advantage he might possibly have succeeded in giving Gotch a hard tussle, but according to the Indian custom all that 1e necessary is to throw an opponent to the ground. They know nothing about putting shoulders to the mat. . With all of Gotch's science It took him nearly 25 minutes to pin the Indian's shoulders down. The showing made by Motanic so en thused hla white admirers that they have been endeavoring to persuade him to take up wrestling and negotiations are now under way for a match with L. A. Grant, instructor In wrestling for the Hood River Amateur Athletic Association. ' If ar- i ranged, the contest will probably be held in mis city. Though Motanic was formerly one of the wildest of the wild Indians on the reservation, he is now one of the best. He farmsi his own allotment instead of renting It out and living in idleness. When not working for himself he hires out as a laborer to white renters and by reason of his great strength is much sought after as a harvest hand. Motanic glories In his strength and never tires of displaying to admiring fellow-workmen the ease .with which he can toss the heavy wheat sacks about. If he ever longs to go back to his war dancing tribesmen and participate in their drunken gambling orgies and horse races, he does not show It. When the big Fourth of July celebrations are in pro gress at the old Cayuse campground, Motanic is to be found with the small band of Christian Indians who always gather at the Tutuilla mission for the an nual feast and three-day prayer meeting. But Motanic Is not satisfied with simnlv joining the church himself. He takes an ' active part in all the services at the mls . sion and also assists in all the revival services. Last week he went to Pilot j Rock, in company with other Christian ! Indians, and took an active part in a revival in progress there. Motanic Is a natural orator and his religious exhorta tions are said to be better than many white preachers are capable of. Lovett Would Forestall Hill Road. REDDING, Cal.. Feb. 2L After survey ing the most feasible route into Lassen County by way of the Pitt River a party of Southern Pacific surveyors has estab- Pleasant Thoughts of Breakfast When Post Toasties Are on the menu, and "The Memory Lingers" Sold by Grocers IND AN How to Make Better Cough z Syrup Than You Can Buy Z A ' full pint of cough syrup enough to last a family a long time can Be made by the recipe m given below in five minutes, for only 54 cents. Simple as it is. there is nothing better at any price. It usually stops a deep- seated cough in twenty - four J hours, and Is a splendid house- hold remedy for whooping cough, colds, hoarseness, bronchitis, etc. ' Take a pint of granulated sugar, add pint warm water and stir J about 2 minutes. Put 2hi oz. J Pinex In a pint bottle and fill up with syrup. Take a teaspoonful every one. two. or three hours. It keeps perfectly and the taste' is pleasing. The chemical elements of pine J which are very healing to mem- branes, are obtained in high pro- portion in Pinex, the most valu- able concentrated compound of Norway White Pine Extract. None J of the weaker pine preparations will work with this recipe. Your druggist has Pinex or can easily get it for you. ' Strained honey can be used in- J stead of the syrup, and makes a Very fine honey and pine tar cough syrup. Some of the best-known drug- gists here, as Laue-Davis Drug Co. ? (distributors) and others think so well of the above prescription that they guarantee it to give perfect satisfaction or refund the purchase price. lishod a camp at Round Mountain, from which point they will seek the most con venient junction with the main line, near this city or Anderson. It is believed the Southern Pacific is preparing to fore stall the Invasion of this section by the Western Pacific or the Hill lines. LARGER HOTEL IS PLANNED New Owners of Portland Seek More Room, Not New Building. Amending the by-laws of the old Portland Hotel Company occasioned the assembling of the new owners of the famous hostelry yesterday. The meet ing was attended by Eugene L. Day, Ben and Will S. Norman, C. W. Beale and N. C. Bowers. "The only purpose of the meeting was to change the plan of organization of the old company so as to confi- greater powers," said W. S. Norman, at the con clusion of the meting. ' "There was nothing said concerning our plans for the future of this "build ing. We Intend gradually to enlarge the hotel by utilizing waste space, and will endeavor to Jrovide capacity for the future of the hotel without in the least disturbing business. It will be brought about without our guests rea lizing that the work is going on. "If we had a vacant block 'to improve tell him to se what he could do with the ground. As it Is now, we have a large hotel, but n6t large enough for 1 the trade. We will plan to see what can be done to get more room. The 'company will also beautify the Morrison and Yam hill sides of the building. You can state positively that the work will not be commenced before late in the Fall of this year, and -will be completed during the dull months of the Winter. "I know nothing concerning the rumors that M C Bowers, our manager. Is to sever his connection with the Portland. You had better ask him." Seated at his desk in the office of the hotel, Mr. Bowers said he was under con tract with the Portland Hotel Company. "Aside from that statement." said Mr. Bowers, "there is nothing to say. I trust this will end the talk about what I am going to do. It is not entertaining to the puHlic, disturbs my business associates and is distasteful." AMENDMENTS ARE PASSED Oregon City Votes on Sewer Plan ami Street Improvements. OREGON CITY, Or.. Feb. 21. (Spe cial.) At a special election held here today two amendments to the city charter that have been discussed were passed by a vote of 234 in their favor to 129 against. One of these related to condemnation of property so that sew ers may be built on the district plan. COLONIST fe RATES W The management of the Oregon Kailroad & Navigation Co. and Southern Pacific Co. (Oregon Lines) takes great pleasure in announcing that the low rates from Eastern cities, which have done so much in past seasons to stimulate travel to and settlement in Oregon, will prevail again this Spring DAILY from March 1 to April 15, inclusive. People of Oregon The railroads have done their part; now it's up to you. The colonist rate is the greatest of all homebuilders. Do all you can to let Eastern people know about it, and encourage them to come here, where land is cheap and homebuilding easy and attractive. . FARES CAN BE PREPAID at home if desired. Any agent of the roads named is authorized to receive the required -deposit and telegraph ticket to any point in the East. REMEMBER THE RATES From Chicago, $33; from St. Louis, $32; from Omaha and Kansas City, $25. This reduction is proportionate from all other cities. WR1. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or How Much For Your Favorite Toilet Articles NOTE OUR EVERDAY PRICES: $1 Coke's Dandruff Cure. ..SS 50c Coke's Dandruff Cure..45 $1 Graham's Hair Restorer. 85 $1.00 Ayer'a Hair Viffor. . .73 $1.00 Scheffler's Colorine. .65 50c Robertine, the package.. 40J 50c Camelline, package. ... .40 50c Charles' Flesh Food 45 50c Pompeiian Cream 39 75c Pompeiian Crenm at. .. .70 $1.00 Pompeiian Cream at..8o 50c Sempre Giovine, sale at. 45 50c Cream Rhea, our price. .40 50c Cream Simon, our price. 40 50c Ingrahm's Milk Weed - Cream, our price now. . . .45i $1.00 Ingrahm's Milk Weed Cream, our pri.v. now 90 50c La Blache Face Powder. 40i 50c Pozzoni's Face Powder. 39 25c Swandown Powder at.. 150 50c Graham's Kosmeo Pow der, on sale at this price. .45 25c Cuticura Soap, cake at. .2O0 10c Williams' Shaving Soap, cake, now on sale for . 5J 25c Williams' Shav'g Stick. 20 10c Colgate's Shaving Soap 5 25c Colgate's Shav'g Stick. 20 10c Bon Ami, on sale 3 for..2o? 10c Sapolio, on sale 3 for. .25 50c Hazeline Snow, sale at. .350 75c Murray & Lanman's Florida Water, now at... 590 50c Hind ?s Honey and Al mond Cream, price now. .420 $1.00 Hind's Honey and Al mond Cream, on sale at 850 25c Frostilla, Homes', for. .140 25c Espey's Cream, sale at. .160 50c Espey's Cream, sale at..4O0 50c Pinaud's Brilliantine. . .330 Regular 25c Woodbury's Fa cial Cream, sale now at.. 220 25c Woodbury's Fac'l Soap. 190 $1.00 Hall's Hair Rcnewer..850 50c Capiliaris, now on sale. 450 $1.00 Crani Tonic, our price. 850 25c Lyons Tooth Powder at.l9 25c Colgate's Tooth Powder 2O0 25c Sanitol Tooth Powder.. 2O0 25c Listeilne Tooth Powder. 2O0 25c Colgate's Tocth Paste.. 200 25c Imperial Tooth Paste.. 2O0 25c Mennen's Talcum, now. 150 25c Colgate's Talcum, now..2O0 $1.00 Ayer's Hair Renewer.730 and the other to the method of assess ing the cost of street Improvements. Under the present system of paying for street improvements, all the cost over one-third Is assessed to the own ers of abutting property. The change will cause no property to be assessed Of SUNSET OGDEN & SHASTA . I V ' V "ROUTES v I Do You Pay 5sv.sLiJjr- .t tv rm MM 1.77. SI- and Medicine? $1.00 Hall's Hair Renewer. .850 $1 Parker's Hair Balsam.. 850 50c St. Jacob's Oil, sale at. .4l 25c St. Jacob's Oil, sale at..2l0 $1 Steams' Wine Cod Liver Oil, on sale at this price.. 830 $1.00 Kodol Dyspepsia at..9O0 50c Kodol Dyspepsia now. .450 $1.00 Borolyptol, sale now..907 50c Borolyptol, sale now at. 450 25c Borolyptol, sale now at. 220 50c Glover's Vermifuge at.. 450 60c Glover's Mange Cure . .450 50c Hanfords Balsam Myrrh 450 25c Hanfords Balsam Myrrh $1 Kendall Spavin Cure, lg..9O0 50c Kendall Spavin Cure, small, now on sale for 450 50c Hay's Hair Health at..40 50c Parker's Hair Balsam, small, now on sale for 450 $1.00 Seven Sutherland Hair Grower, now on sale at.. 850 50c Seven Sutherland Hair Grower, now on sale for. .450 50c Hcjff's German Linim't.450 25c Hoff's German Linim't.22 $1 Sloan's Liniment, now...9O0 50c Sloan's Liniment now. .450 2oc Sloan's Liniment now.. 220 50c Mexican Mustang Lini ment, now on sale for 450 25c Mexican Mustang Lini ment, now on sale for 220 50c Cudahy's Beef Extract, 2-ounce, now on sale at. .400 $1.00 Cudahy Beef Extract, 4-ounce, now on sale at..75V 50c Lavoris Tooth Wash at. 450 $1 Russell's Emulsion tat..9O0 50c Syrup of Figs, Calif., at 32 35c Castoria, now on sale..2O0 $1 Carlsbad Sprudel Salts.. 830 35c Jaynes Vermifuge for..3O0 50c Jaynes Vermifuge for. .450 25c Laxol, our price is now. 220 $1 Gude's Pepto Mangan..880 50c Chamberlain's Diarrhea. 450 25c Chamberlain's Diarrhea. 22 $2 Succus Alterans now. SI. 69 $1.50 Kennedy's Medical Dis covery now on sale at SI. 29 $1.00 Shoop's Restorative. .900 $1.00 Shoop's Rheumatism.. 9O0 $1.00 Shoop's Scrofula at..90 $1.00 Wizard Oil, sale at..9O0 50c Wizard Oil, our price. . .450 75c Green August Flower.. 650 over one-half of its value, and all over half the cost of paving will come out of a permanent Improvement fund. Two forms of the hartbeest are found in Liberia, one of which has a satin mauve brown coat, marked on the .front and hind limbs with velvet black and elsewhere with TO and the Great Northwest OREGON Turkish Bath Quick . Cure for Eczema Itching Stops, Sores Vanish, Cost But a Tew Cents. The Robinson Thermal or Turkisft j Bath has a remarkable effect on eczema, and all skin troubles. A tremendouj amount of poison is extracted from the system through the pores, whenever a Robinson Thermal Rath is taken. Cases have been known where eczema or a baa case or pimples and boils have been almost entirely cured after a twenty minute bath, taken at-home. The ter rible ltcning an.i burning stops. th i blotches heal, and the disease disap pears. Remarkable results occur In nearly every case of rheumatism, lumbago, kidney and blood troubles, dyspepsia, throat and lung trouble. nervous prostration, Insomnia and constipation. Robinson Thermal Raths can now be taken at home at a cost of but a few cents each, and with almost no trouble at all. The Robinson Thermal Bath Cabinets are a remarkable Invention. They are now on exhibition and or sale in Port land at Woodard, Clarke & Co. If you cannot ru ami sea these Rob inson cabinets, send your name and ad dress to tho Robinson Manufacturing; Company, Suiie 0o. Snnwflake Rldfr., Toledo, Ohio, for full illustrated infor mation, free. Sinking Spells Every Few Days "At the time I began taking Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy I was having sinking1 spells every few days. My hands and feet would get cold; I could scarcely breathe, and could feel myself gradually sinking away until I would be unconscious. .Those about me could not tell there was life in me. After these jpells I would be very weak and lervous, sleepless and without appetite; had neuralgia in my head and heart. After taking the remedy a short time all this " disappeared and in a few weeks all the heart trouble was gone." MRS. LIZZIE PAINTER S3J4 3d Ave. Evans vi He, Ind. For twenty years we have been constantly receiving just such letters as these. There is scarcely a locality in the United States where there is not some one who can testify to the merits of this remarkably suc cessful Heart Remedy. Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy Is sold by all druggists. If the first bottle falls to benefit, your druggist will return your money. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart. Ind, It Inspires Confidence and makes yon more self-reliant a bank account. It is the money you save NOW that assures success for your future. We Pay 4fa on Savings Accounts A dollar will do to begirt. Open 8 A. M. to 5 :30 P. M. Sat urdays until 8 P. M. ASHLEY & RUMELIN BANKERS , 245 Stark Street' Portland, Or. Clears Your Head In stantly jellv ( from uiImmi in the nosinin-nun up vieoronaiT will rirtt burn or smart llkedoucheor mrv. and its aromatic, soothlnc ttlfwant. It will clear your head itmtantljt. Breaks no . eold In a few lioura cured alt forma of. catarrh. Ask Your Druggist Oar free sample proves oar (rnaranted claims baed on exDertences of buyers of over lovio.ouo tube. ADDlied dlrect.y to the raw eurfaoen It jrl ves Instant relief. Th pleasantest, parent and most dellfrhtful remedy known. Jantalnsno cocaine or other harmful dra?. Tho6oc tuhe contains three times aa niaoh as the 25c tube. 3ft. 000 drug-gists sell both and have free sample or write Kondon Mfg. Ck Minneapolis, Mlnxb MUDLAYIA Mad Baths Cur Rheumatism becaise thev draw t ine pain ana poison out or trie body. Tftou . sands cured. Big Hn teJ open all year. For tioort that tella about tho treatment -write. . to il. B. KRAMKR. Pres., Kramer. Ind. Apply a fctt of f& Kwmfon's heallnpp ;:rili(uru'i,f.iililiiiii:.l4iilatliiiailiiillilli!!i tiliiii v