18 THE MORMXG OREGOXIAN, TUESDAY, FEBEUAET 22, 1910. ELECTRIC HOME i-TD GO UP HIGHER Official of P. R., L. & P. Co. ; Says More Stories Will Be Added in Year. BUSINESS CAUSES MOVE Chairman of Board of Director, C. ?M. Clark, of Philadelphia, Looks J Over New Nine-Story Struc ture Talks of Plans. C. M. Clark, of Philadelphia, chairman Of the board of directors of the Port land Railway, Light & Power Company, Raid yesterday that in all probability the directors of the. company next year will proceed with the construction of three or five additional stories to the new nine-story electrical building, which was only recently completed at Seventh and Alder streets. Mr. Clark frankly admitted that the officers or this corporation, in their efforts to provide a .building which would meet the requirements of Port land's growth, had fallen short of the mark, making it necessary that other stories be added to their modern office building if other prospective tenants are to be given care. "When we decided on a nine-story building," said Mr. Clark yesterday, "we believed that we were providing a building of adequate dimensions to meet all requirements at this time. There are now only two or three inside rooms in the building which are not occupied, the other reservations having been made long before the building was actually completed. "It is possible that we may decide next year to increase it to a 15-story structure, but it is a reasonable cer tainty that the company will decide to add at least three stories during the rear 1911." When the new home of the electric company was originally planned two years ago, a five-story structure was proposed. It soon became apparent that a building of seven stories would be necessary and, still later, during a visit to Portland of Mr. Clark last Summer, plans were finally adopted for the pres ent nine-story office structure., X. M. C. A. PLAN'S NEW BRANCH 11ennber of Brotlierhod of Kloctrical Kmplojes Behind Move. Members of the Brotherhood of Electri fal Employes, an organization consisting f the employes of the Portland Railway. Light & Power Co.. will hold their annual meeting at the Y. M. C A. auditorium at I o'clock tonight. Following the election nf officers there will be discussed the advisability of establishing a railroad tiraneh at the V. M. C. A. for ach of he four olubhouses which have been provided by the railway company for the Comfort and convenience of its employes. It is the plan by establishing a railroad Hepartment at the local Christian Asso ciation to provide a central agency Ihrough which the management of these Clubhouses may be directed in the best hterest of those for whom they have been Kirnished. This plan has been discussed informally Iniong the members but official action n the part of the association has been leferred until tonight's meeting. H. W. hone, secretary of the Y. M. C. A., will iddress the men and explain the details )t the plan. Pres. Josselyn on Inspection Tour. B. 3. Josselyn. president of the Port land Railway. Light & Power Co., accom panied by other officers of the company, resterday visltod Vancouver, Wash., and Inspected the company's property at that point. Mr. Josselyn, on this inspection trip, was accompanied by C. M. Clark, of Philadelphia, chairman of the board of Directors; P. I. Fuller, vice-president, and O. B. Coldwen, general superintendent of the light and power department. Mr. Josselyn and the same associate officers will today inspect the company's proper aes at Oregon City. t General Electric Men Bine. .T. A. Cranston, sales manager for the rieiinral Electric Company in Oregon and Washington, yesterday entertained at luncheon at the Arlington Club a number of the out-of-town sales representatives of the same company. The luncheon was given in honor of J. L. Addison, of San Francisco. Pacific Coast representative of the company, and was incidental to the annual gathering In this city of those salesmen. This conference is held every year for the purpose of a general discus sion of trade conditions. PERSONALMENTION. F. J. Porter, of Corvallie, is at the Lenox. J. Gaynor, a merchant of Medford, is at the Oregon. W. H. Copeland, Astoria merchant, is at the Imperial. G. J. and T. H. Watson, of New York, are at Hotel Lenox. Paul Fundman. a merchant of Butler. Js at the Perkins Hotel. M. J. Snell, a timberman of Berkeley, Cat., is at the Imperial. A. Miller, a lumberman of Aberdeen, is registered at the Ramapo. E. J. Wells, of Albany. Is at the Seward, accompanied y Mrs. Wells. Ieo Wise, son of ex-Mayor Wise of Astoria, registered at the- Portland yes terday. y N. Whealdon. of The Dalles. ex-State Senator from Wasco County, is at the Perkins. R. R. Hlnton. the Shaniko stockman, is at the Portland, accompanied by his -wife and daughter. Harry C. McAllister. State Fish Warden, came from Salem yesterday and regis tered at the Imperial. Charles A. Eberly, president of the Eberly Lumber Company of Detroit, Mich., is at the Nortonia. Dr. W. G. Cole, Republican Senator from Umatilla County, was among the arrivals at the Imperial yesterday. Frank P. King, of the Bank of Cali fornia at San Francisco, Is at the Seward, accompanied by H. B. Taylor, of Oak land. Oscar R. Krenz, president of the Krenz Copper & Iron Works of San Francisco, Is at the Cornelius. Mrs. Kxenz accom panies him. W. H. Lytle, president of the State Veterinary Board, arrived from Pendle ton yesterday and registered at the Ore Kon Hotel. Miss ,F. P. Hatch, employed in the office of Governor Benson, was among the ar rivals from Salem yesterday at the Ore gon Hotel. T. r. 6. Hart, an old-time Portlander, but now located. In Walla Walla, arrived at the Perkins yesterday. He will re main here for a week. J. I. Moreland. eon of Clerk Morelarrd of the Oregon Supreme Court, was among the Hood River residents registered at the Nortonia yesterday. C. W. Beale, one of the stockholders of the new corporation which has taken over the Portland Hotel, arrived yester day from Wallace, Idaho. George W. Johnson, known as one of the largest owners of livestock of the Dufur district, Is at the Cornelius, ac companied by Mrs. Johnson. George Rivers, of Mankato, Minn., re turned to the Ramapo last night after passing a month investigating timber con ditions on the Coast. He will locate in Oregon. D. C. Ilenny, connected with the recla mation service for many years as su perintending and consulting engineer for the district comprising Northern Cali fornia, Oregon, Washington and Nevada, has arranged with the Washington office to be placed on a perdlem basis and will thus be allowed to engage in private prac tice. Mr. Henny left last night for Mexico, where he will represent a New York cor poration in the establishment of irriga tion works. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 21. (Special.) Portland arrivals at the Palace Hotel today were as follows: A. H. Rohrer, A. Rosenstern and wife, J. L. Schiet and 6TEA51KR INTELLIGENCE. Hue to Arrive, Kama. From. Dnts. Henrik Ibsen. . Honikonr. .. .In port Hercules Hongkong. ..In port Sue H. Elmore. TlIlamooK. . ..In port Roanoke. ......San Pedro... In port Kamona Cool Bay.... In port Rose City San Francisct In port Alliance. ..... .Cool Bay.... Feb. 23 Santa Clara. . . .Ban Francisco Feb. 2:1 Falcon San Francisco Feb. Z4 Golden Gate. . . Tillamook. . . . Feb. 25 Geo. w. Rider. .San Pedro. .. Feb. 27 Kansas Cite.. San Francisco Mar. 1 GeU. y, ..Honekani. . . . Apr. IS Scheduled to Depart. Name. For. Date Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook. ... Feb. 11 Henrlk Ibsen. . Hongkong. ... Feb. 22 Roanoke San Pedro... Feb. 22 Ramona. . . . . . .Coos Bay.... Feb. 23 Rose City Ban Francisco Feb. 25 Alliance ..Coos Bay Feb. Santa Clara. Pan Francisco Feb. 2rt Golden Gate. .. Tillamook. . . . Feb. 27 Fai con San Francisco Feb. 27 Hercules ..PTongkongr. -Feb. 2S Geo. W. aider. .Sap Pedro. .. Mar. 1 Kansas City. .. Gan Francisco Mar.' 4 Bella Honekone.... Apr. 22 Entered Monday. Saginaw. Am. steamship (Walvig). with general cargo, from San Fran cisco. Ramona. Am. steamship (Nelson), with general cargo, from Coos Bay. Cleared Monday. Saginaw. Am. steamship (Xelson), with ballast, for South Bend. Ramona. Am. steamship (Nelson), with general cargo, for Coos Bay. wife. Dr. A. Tilser, I. J. Berendt. H. S. Tuthill, Miss , Anna Moore, Miss L. Haight. From Walla Walla came E. C. B-urlin-game and wife. MASONS MEET TONIGHT CELEB RATIOX OF WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY IS PLAXXED. Several Bodies AVill Gather at Ent Side Masonic Temple Auditorium. T. Hurlburt In Charge. Thomas M. Hurlburt, chairman of the committee in charge of tonight's cele bration of Washington's birthday, by the combined East Side bodies, an nounces that the committee has com pleted arrangements for one of the big gest Masonic gatherings that ever as sembled in the state. The bodies who will join in this celebration are Washington Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons; Washing ton Chapter, Royal Arch Masons; Wash ington Chapter, Order'of Eastern Star, and Washington, Council, Royal and Select Masters. These bodies have a combined membership of 1200. Mem bers of these different bodies and their families are invited to attend. The meeting will be held in the audi torium of the East Side Masonic Tem ple, East Burnside and East Eighth street, at 8 o'clock. Seats have been provided on the platform for the following: H. G. Norton, presiding; Professor D. A. Grout, past high priest, Washington Chapter, and past master Washington Lodge, who will respond for Washing ton Lodge: Mrs. Emily Newton, matron of Washington Chapter, Order of East ern Star, who will respond for her chapter; E. G. Jones, high priest Wash ington Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, who will respond for his chapter; W. C. Bristol, prominent in Masonry, who will speak for Washington Coun cil, Royal and Select Masters, and Penumbra Kelly, past presiding of ficer of each of the East Side Masonic bodies, who will talk on the "Good of the Order." In addition to the speakers, seats will be placed on the rostrum for the folio-wing men, who stand high in Ore gon Masonry: L. E. Norris; R. Cox, grand master of the Grand Lodge of Oregon; Edward E. Kiddle, grand high priest of the Grand Chapter of Oregon; Philip S. Malcolm, head of the Scottish Rite bodies in Oregon; L. G. Clarke, presiding officer of the local Scottish Rite bodies; Thomas S. Taylor, grand eminent commander of the Grand Com mander', Knights. Templars of Oregon; S. S. Spencer, thrice illustrious master of the Grand Council of Oregon; Henry L. Bancroft, eminent commander, Ore gon Knights Templars; Hopkin Jenkins, high priest Portland Chapter, Royal Arch Masons; W. H. Galvani, potentate Al Kader Temple, Mystic Shrine; Henry L. Pittock. past high priest Portland Chapter of Royal Arch masons, and oher distinguished Masons. Following is the programme in full: Holman G. Norton, W. M. Washington Lodge No. 46, A- F. and A. M., presiding; "The Washington Bodies," D. A. Grout; Quartet; "Masonry and Women," Mrs. Lawrem-e New ton; "Women." E. G. Jones: Quartet; "Duties of a Mason." William C Bristol: "Good of the Order," Penumbra Klly; Quar tet; music by the Orpheus Club. Professor W. M. Wilder, director, tenors, Messrs. Wil der. Coulson, Pierce and Thomas: bassos. Messrs. Hockenberry, Albert, Hawkins and Latz. RACE FOR OIL. The race between Eastern and West ern Oregon, as to which shall be the first to report the finding of a com mercial flow of oil, is taking on a fu rious pace. Yesterday an unconfirmed report came from the Eastern Oregon field that a flow of 150 barrels per day had been struck. Today the re port comes from the well that is be ing bored at Nehalem Bay, in Western Oregon, that the conditions are such that a gusher may be expected almost any moment. Let the good work go on until each field is covered with flowing oil wells. The demands for oil, caused by the new uses to which it is being put, is making the oil in dustry the most extensive and the most profitable in the world. The best of any article is best for you. Piper Heidsteek is the best chew ing tobacco. Try it. ELDER IS RAMMED Portland Steamer Badly Dam aged at San Pedro. HOMER RUNS INTO ELDER Misunderstanding of Signals Cause of Collision at WharfRibs May t Be Broken and Plates Sprung. She Will Sail Today. LOS ANGELES. Cal., Feb. 21. (Spe cial.) The steamer Geo. W. Elder was) rammed by the' pteamer Homer at the harbor this afternoon. The Homer was being brought up to the bank to discharge a cargo of oananas and struck the Elder amldship as she was lying alongside the wharf. Misunderstanding the signals caused the accident. Besides a broken stem the Homer, which is a wooden steamer, was but flightly damaged. The damage on the Elder was more serious. A number of ribs may have been broken and several iron plates sprung. It is probable that the Elder will sail on schedule time tomorrow night for Port land, or at least as far as San Fran cisco, under her own steam. To deter mine this, however, a surveyor for the marine .underwriters is expected here to morrow morning from San Francisco. PORTLAND SECOND IX RANK New York Alone Surpasses This Port In Wheat Shipment. Government 'statistics on grain ex ports for the month of January place Portland in second place. The regular monthly bulletin of the department was received yesterday by Collector of Cus toms Malcolm and showed conclusively that Portland had maintained her posi tion as a center of the exporting trade foodstuffs. New York led Portland by only a few bushels. During January Portland cleared 349,016 bushels of wheat for foreign ports, while New York showed only,4S6.224 bushels. Puget Sound shipments for the month were short of a cargo, the total given in the Government bulletin being 32,000 bushels. Philadelphia, New Orleans and Galveston beat the Sound ports by a good margin. Portland has main tained second place as a wheat ship ping port for three consecutive months. With the first 21 days of February gone and no wheat shipments on rec ord, the month bids fair to be a blank in the wheat exporting business. Grain shipments, foreign, will be confined to flour for the Orient. The steamship Henrik Ibsen, of the Portland-Asiatic Steamship Line, will get away before March 1, and will carry 16,000 barrels of flour. The Hercules will finish about that time and will also carry a shipment of flour. In addition to the flour shipment, the Henrik Ibsen will take 2,500.000 feet of lumber, the larger portion be ing for Manila. With the clearance of the Ibsen" the lumber shipments for February will run well in excess of 16.500,000 feet. The British bark Kil burn will clear Saturday and the month will round out with a record breaking figure in the lumber trade. MANZANITA ORDERED SOUTH Lighthouse Tender Goes to San FrancisQo District. Commander J. M. Ellicott, inspector of the Thirteenth Lighthouse District, has ordered the tender Manzanita, Cap tain Byrne, to proceed to San Fran cisco. Captain Byrne will report for duty to Commander Miller, of the Twelfth District, and remain there un til further orders. The Manzanita will take the place of the tender Sequoia at San Francisco while the latter craft Is undergoing repairs. Telegraphic instructions to Com mander Ellicott from the Lighthouse Board directed the local inspector to lend the Manzanita to the California district. The Manzanita and Sequoia are sister ships and came around the Horn from Newport News late in 1908 for service on this coast. The Man zanita is now at Portland undergoing a general overhanling. It was the in tention to place her on drydock, but press of time may cause Commander Ellicott to dispatch the craft immedi ately. Information was received at the of fice of the local inspector yesterday to the effect that light vessel No. 83. Blunts xt-eef. off Cape Mendocino, would proceed to San Francisco for repairs on March 10 and that her place would be taken by relief vessel No. 76. The lat ter craft is now stationed on Umatilla Keef. SHIP GEO. W. ELDER RAMMED While In -Dock at San Pedro Steam er's Ribs Are Broken. SAN PEDRO, Cal., Feb. 21. The steamer Geo. W. Elder was rammed today while lying at her dock here by the steamer Homer, which was about to tie up at the wharf. Aside from a broken stem the Homer suffered- no damage, but several -of the Elder's ribs were broken and plates sprung; Notice to Mariners Is Given. John McNulty, nautical expert in charge of the local branch of the Hydro graphic office, has been advised by H. M. Delanty, of Aberdeen, Wash., that the black spar buoys, numbers Ave' and seven. Grays Harbor channel at Cow Point, had been carried away. Astoria Marine Notes. ASTORIA, -Feb. 21. (Special.) The steam schooner Hornet arrived this In a disease so painful as Rheumatism, medicines containing opiates and nerve-quieting drugs are often used. Such treatment is dangerous not only because it frequently causes the sufferer to become addicted to the drug habit, but medicines of this nature are always injurious to the system. Rheumatism is a disease of the blood, and it3 cure depends entirely upon a thorough purification of the circulation. As long as the blood remains saturated with uric acid,' an inflammatory condition of the nerves, muscles and tendons of the body will exist, and the pains, aches, soreness, and hot, feverish flesh of Rheumatism will continue. The one safe and sure cure for Rheumatism is S. S. S. It is nature's remedy for this disease, made entirely of the healing, cleansing juices and extracts of roots, herbs and barks from the natural forests. S. S. S. does not contain anything that is in the slightest way injurious to the system. It is absolutely and purely vegetable, and free from opiates or sedatives of any kind. S. S. S. cures Rheumatism by removing the uric acid from the circulation, it makes the blood pure, rich and heaalthy so that instead of depositing sharp, uratic impurities into the muscles, nerves, joints and bones, it nourishes every portion of the body with natural, healthful properties. Book on Rheumatism and any medical advice free to all who write and request it. THE SWIFT SPECHTCCO., ATLANTA, GA, DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAM Have You Rheumatism, Kidney, J-i ver or Bladder Trouble? To Prove What Swamp-Root, the Great Kidney, Liver and Bladder Remedy, Will Do for YOU, All Our Readers May Have a Sample Bottle Sent Free by Mail. ; Pain or. dull ache in the back is evi dence of kidney trouble. It is nature's timely warning to show you that the track of health is not clear. Danger Signal. If these danger signals are unheeded more serious results follow; Bright's disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble, may steal upon you. The mild and immediate effect of Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for its remark able curative effect in the most dis tressing cases. If you need a medicine, you should have the best. Lame Back. Lame back is only one of many symp toms of kidney trouble. Other symp toms showing that you need Swamp Root 'are, being obliged to pass water often during the day and to get up many times during the night. Catarrh of the Bladder. Inability to hold urine, smarting in passing, uric acid, headache, dizziness, indigestion, sleeplessness, nervousness, SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE To prove the wonderful merits of Swamp-Root you may have a sample bottle and a book of valuable information, both sent abso lutely free by mall. The book contains many of the thousands of letters re ceived from men and women who found Swamp-Root to be Just the remedy they needed. The value and success of Swamp-Root is so well known that our read ers are advised to send for a sample bottle. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing hamton, N. Y., be sure to say you read this generous offer in The Portland, Daily Oregonian. -The genuineness of this offer is guaranteed. morning from San Francisco to load lumber at the Brix mill at Knappton. The steamer Yellowstone cleared the Custom-house today for San Francisco with a cargo of 560,000 feet of railway ties, loaded at St. Helens and 250,000 feet of ties loaded at Goble. The steam schooner T. L. Wand ar rived this morning from San Francisco to load lumber for a return. Marine Notes. The steam schooner Saginaw is dis charging general cargo . at the foot of Oak street. The oil tank steamship Catania, Cap tain Canty, is due to reach Astoria to day from San Francisco. The steamship Santa Clara, from San Francisco and Eureka with passengers and freight, is due to arrive this 'even ing. With general cargo from San Francisco, for the Richardson Steamship Company, the steam schooner Tahoe is due this afternoon. With a large passenger list and a full cargo of freigfTt from San Francisco the steamship Rose City, Captain Mason, ar rived up last evening. E. F. DeGrandpre. agent of the Pacific Coast Steamship Company at Seattle, is visiting his mother in Portland. Mr. De Grandpre will return to Seattle this even ing. The steamer George R. Vosberg and the barge Nehalem are moored at Linn ton. The Nehalem brought a load of lum ber out. She will load railroad mate rial for the return voyage. Arrivals and Departures. PORTLAND, Feb. 21. Arrived Steam ship Rose City, from San Francisco; steam ship Rosecrans, from San Francisco: steam ship Thomas Lt. Wand, from San Francisco. Astoria. Or., Feb. 21. Condition at the mouth of the river at D P. M.. smooth; wind southeast 4 miles; weather, cloudy. Arrived down during the night and sailed at 6 A. M. Steamer Yellowstone, for San Pedro; Arrived and left up during the night Gasoline schooner Oshkosh, from Nehalem. Sailed . at 8 A. M. Steamer W. S. Porter, for Monterey. Arrived at 7:15 and left up at 9:80 A. M. Steamer Rose City, from San Francisco. Arrived at 7:25 A. M. and left up at 1:40 P. M. Steamer Thos. L. Wand, from San Francisco. Arrived at 9:15 and left up at 11:30 A. M. Steamer Rose crans. from San Francosco. San Francisco. Feb. 21. Arrived at 6 A. M. Steamer Kansas City; at 12 noon Steamer Casco. from Portland. Sailed at 11 A. M. Steamer Shoshone, for San Pe dro. Sailed last night. Steamers Catania and Shasta, for Portland. Eureka:, Feb. 21. Sailed Steamer Santa Clacaxfor Portland Victoria. Feb. 21. Sailed yesterday natures: CUBE FOR RHEUMATISM E BACK? sometimes the heart acts badly, rheu matism, bloating, lack of ambition, may be loss of flesh, sallow complexion. I'revalency of Kidney Disease. Most people do not realize the alarm ing Increase and remarkable prevalency of kidney disease. While kidney dis orders are the most common diseases that prevail, they are almost the last recognized by patient and physicians, who usually content themselves with doctoring the effects, while the original disease constantly undermines the sys tem. A Trtal Will Convince Anyone. In taking- Swamp-Root you afford natural help to Nature, for Swamp Root is a gentle healing vegetable compound a physician's prescription for 'a specific disease. If you are already convinced that Swamp-Root is what you need, you can purchase the regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles at all the drug stores. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address. Blng lumton, N. Y., which you will find on every bottle. British steamer Falls of Orchy, from Port land for China. San Francisco, Feb. 21. Arrived Steam er Kansas city, from Portland: steamer Wellesley, from Coos Bay; steamer Ualsy Freeman, GrayB Harbor; steamer Casco, from Columbia River. Sailed Steamer I.'matllla, for Victoria:; steamer Falcon, for Portland; schooner Ida McKay, for Coquille River; schooner James H. Bruce, for Puget Soud. Queenstown, Feb. 21. Arrived Alberta, from Tacoma. Tides at Astoria Tuesday. High. Low. - 1:46 A. M....T.6 feet!6:22 A. M 3.8 feet 11:55 A. M....R.7 feett9:.'5 P. M....0.7 foot "Koh-I-Noor" Pencils write smoothly, eveniy and the points never break. They may be had in 17 degrees for writing, drawing, copying. We carry them all. Sanborn, Vail & Co.. 170 First St., Portland. Or. THAT ARE AILING, NERV OUS AND RUN DOWN Come to Me and Be Cured Pay When I Cure You or pay me as you act he benefit of my THE DOCTOR treatment, THAT CURES. FEE FOB A CURE la lower than any specialist in the city, half that other cttarge you, and no exorbitant charge for medicines. I am an expert specialist, have hc.3 SO years' practice in the treatment of a LI me nt a of men. My offices are the best equipped in Portland. My methods are modern and up-to-date. My cures are quick and positive. I do not treat symptoms and patch up. I thoroughly examine each case, find the cause, r move lt and thus cure tha disease. I CURE Varicuse Velu. Contracted Ailments, Pllea and Spec! tie Blood Poi son and all Aliment of Men. SPECIAL U1SEASES Newly con tracted and chronic cases cured. All burning, itching ant. Inflammation stopped In twenty-tour hours. Curea effected In seven days. THE GREAT FRENCH - ELECTRO - MEDICATED CRAYON insures every man a lifelong cure, without taking medicine into the stom ach. af-rt'M' Visit Dr. Lindsay's private Museum of Anatomy and know thyself In health and disease. Admis sion free. Consultation free. If unable to call, write for list of Questions. Office hours A. M. to 8 P. M. Sun days, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. DR. LINDSAY SECOND ST, COR OF ALDER, PORTLAND. OR. Mfi! Va?gl u a 1 W. "'3 kJJf V ivl h 'jtl al-J If a j j f 'J Bl EEg iJ : rr-Tr 1 MEW'S Thoroughly Cured Consult Me First Even tbcragh your case may be pivp that some other doctos- la able to cure IVfQ though his cure be absolutely thorough and permanent, there is yet good cause for your oomlng to me for treatment. The service I render is entirely unlike and better than the ordinary. I have devised new and scientific methods of treating men's ailments in all their phases. I cure cases that others cannot cure, and oases that other can cure I cure In less time and without pain or possibility of injury. All my forma of treatment have been per fected along the lines of nature's require ments and are in exact harmony with the natural recuperative forces. Therefore, my curss are painless, prompt and thorough. Contracted Ailments The serious results that may " follow neglect of contracted ailments could scarcely be exaggerated. Safety demands an abso lutely thorough cure in the least possible time, I have treated more cases of these disorders than any other physician upon the Paclfio Coast. My cures are thorough and are accomplished In less time than other forms of treatment require in producing even doubtful results. I employ remedies of my own devising, and, my treatment is equally effective in both recent and chronic cases. I Treat Men Only The vast multitude of men who have taken my treatment have not been disappointed. They know that I do not promise more than I perform. To them I have actually illus trated in the oure of their own cases the truth of what I claim, namely, that mv treat ment Is as certain to oure as It is that my patient engages my services and follows my directions. My success is due not alone to education, experience, skill and scientific equipment, but to the fact that I limit my study and practice strictly to ailments of men. To male maladies alone I have earnest ly amj exclusively devoted 25 years of my life, and on them all nvy faculties are concentrated. Examination Free I do not ellargre for advice, examination or dlasrnoads. Tf yon rail for a private talk with me, yoa will not be nrced to bealn tmtmrat. If Impossible to call, wrUt Honn, A M. to P. M. 1 Sundays, IO to L. The DR. TAYLOR Co. 234 Va Morrison Street, Corner Second, Portland, Oregon IF YOU NEED A DOCTOR Why Not Get the Best? IF YOU DO THIS TOTJ WILL COME TO MR AT THE START. BR FORE IT BECOMES CHRONIC IT CAN BE CUKEO IN A FEW DAYS. WHILE. IF LEFT ATX3NE OR IF NOT PROPERLY TREATED IT MAX" BECOME INCURABLE AND MAKE YOU A WRECK. Expert Medical Examination Free For a cure every rime and for the quickest, bent treatment at a cost less than you will have to pay any other specialist In Portland. I AM FOR MEN Longest Established. land physicians who failed. Nervous Ailments I fret much praise and thanks from patients I cure of these troubles. From young men who are suffering because of early dissipation, and from all who are tired, nervous, distressed, embarrassed and worthless because they are not strong and vigorous as thev should be, you have to have such treatment as 1 give It is your fault If you don't let me cure you. Not a Cent to Pay I Lowest Charges I Quickest Cures Cnless Cured. I of Any Specialist. I That Stay Cured. I know there are a great number of men seeking a cure for the ail ments I treat; I know these men would be glad if thev actually knew I am as successful as I claim to be in treating cases of their kind, as then they would not hesitate to come to me at once and get the benefit of Quick, Certain Methods for Curing' in 10, 20 and 30 Days Everything; Strictly Confidential. Separate Rooms for Privacy. The Most Complete Klectrlcal Kqulpment AVest of New York. X - Ray Kianv. inatlons Made In All Cases Where Necessary. We have added to our office equipment, for the heneftt of M KV ONLY, a FRFK MIKKI .11 of Anatomy and nailery of scientific wonders. Man, know thyself. Life-size models Illustrating the mysteries of man, show ing the body In health and disease, and many natural subjects. Men make no mistake when they come to us. We give you the re sults of long experience, honest, conscientious work and the best serv ice that money can buy. If you are failing consult us. Medicines fur nished in our private laboratory from $1.50 to $6.50 a course. Tf you cannot call, write for self-examination blank. Hours 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. daily. Sundays 9 to 12 only. OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE DYSPEPSIA "Having taken your wonderful 'Cssca rets' for three months and being entirely Cured of stomach catarrh and dyspepsia, I think a word of praise Is due to 'Cascarets for their wonderful composi tion. I have taken numerous other so called remedies bnt without avail, and I find that Cascarets relieve more in a day than all the others I have taken would in year." James McGune, 108 Mercer St., Jersey City, N. J. Pleasant, Palatable, Potent. Taste Good. Io Good. Never Sicken, Weaken or Gripe. 10c 25c. 50c. Never sold In bulk. The sen nine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to cure er your money back. 919 Kodol For Dyspepsia Indigestion and all Stomach Troubles, digests what you eat. and diftets it comrletely. It is guaranteed to relieve you. and if it fails, your money will at once be refunded by your dealer from whom you purchased it. Any druetrlst wiU sell Kodol to you on our cuarantee. Every table poonlul f Kodol digests S'A pounds of food. Inflammations, Irritations or ulcerations of all mu cous membranes, unnatu ral discharges from nose. Big G" Hmj Fever throat or urinary organs. iTEms Qoajarc Sold by Druggists . Gsdnali.Oiur Jor in plain wrapper, ex press prepaid, on receipt of $1, or three bottles, $2.7S .& A. booklet on request. Toons; Miss; Chinese Medicine Co. Wonderful remedies from herbs and roots curea all diseases of men and women. Consulta tion and pulse diagnosis free. If you live out of town and eannot call, write for symptom blank. 247 Taylor mU, bet, ad and 8d. AMEN TS DR. TAYLOR, Ttae Leadlna- Snectalfei MUSEUM OF ANATOMY The Human Body in Wax R e productions FREE TO MEN! I Charge Nothing to Prove My Methods Will Cure You Those are the ailments which I have enred so many men perhaps more than all other specialists lu Portlands Blond Aliments, Nkln Ailments I will Rive yon treatment that will in a few days cure all rash, spots and every siKn and symptom. My treatment sets the taint out of the system intead of driving lt in. like other treatments. I cure blood ailments and skin ailments so they cannot come back. Varicose Veins and Hydrocystle Tumors My one-treatment oure is what you should have and what you will have to have to he cured rirht. Only one visit is required. I do no cut ting and you suffer no pain nor trouble. All signs disappear in a few days. Diseases of the I rlnarv System, Kid ney and Bladder Troubles are pcieu tlflcally cured by me. My methods im mediately benefit you and the majority of cases I cure come from other Port 291 V4 Morrison St., Bet. 4th and 6th, Portland, Or. WATCH THE COMPLEXION Kntlrely Cleared After a Kew Applica tions of FMlam. Where it goes is evidently not a very serious matter as long as the little red spot, blemish or other skin disfigure ment disappears as quickly as it does after a few applications of poslam, the new skin remedy. A peculiar feature of poslam la that it is naturally flesh-colored and contains no grease, so that when used on the face for the com plexion, or for pimples, red noses, or any other inflammations, blemishes or discolorations, its presence cannot be detected. It can thus be applied in the daytime, the natural color of the skin being Immediately restored and the actual healing and curing process ac complished in a few days. Poslam can be had of any pharmacist who sells pure drugs. The Skidmore Drug Co. and the Woodard-Clarke Co. make a specialty of it. Fifty cents' worth will answer either for the troubles men tioned or in curing ordinary cases of eczema. Itching stops at once. Any one who will write to the Kmer gency Laboratories, No. 32 West Twenty-fifth street. New York, can secure by mall, free of charge, a supply suffi cient to cure a small eczema surface or clear a complexion over night and re move pimples in twenty-four hours. Woman a Specialty The well-known Chinese PR. 8. K. CHAJi, with their Chi nese remedy, of herbs and roots, cure wonderfully, it has cured many sufferers when all other remedies have failed. Sure cure for male and female, chonlc. Drlvate SLiL :H diseases, nervousness, blood (an nn u , poison, rheumatism, asthma, IiIHu.vI .R. UttAN pneumonia, throat, lung trouble, consump tion, stomach, bladder, kidney and diseases of all kinds. Remedies harmless. 0 oper ation. Honest treatment. Examination for ladles by MRS. 8. K. CHAJf. Call or write 8. K. CHAN tHINKSK SIKOICIXE CO. 22BVi Morrison St Bet 1st and 2d. Portland. Ol An Alderman of the City of London holds office for life.