Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 22, 1910, Page 16, Image 16

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1-10 ACRtS, goad. 6-room houae, with
bath and penti v. cement wanh trays, largo
barn, $tkVx. Will trade for Portland prop
er! y.
6 3-20 acres, fineet bearing prune tree.
6-room house, with bath, puntry and ce
ment wash trays, large barn; suitable for
,pubdivijfon Into t-jwn lot.". Situated in
Santa Clara Valley. Fine home, $2M0 at 7
per cent remain. Inquire of
1649 E. 13th art., Portland.
1 3-in ACRES, good 6-room . house, with
bath and pantrv. cement wash trays, large
barn. $0500. Will trade for Portland prop
erty. 6 3-10 acres, finest bearing prune trees,
6-room house, with bath, pantry and ce
ment wash trays, large barn. Suitable for
subdivision Into town lots. Situated In
Santa (Mara Valley. Fine home, at 7
per cent remain. Inquire of
649 E. 3 3th st.. Portland.
WILL exchange $30,000 equity in whole
block North Portland warehouse district,
terminal switch, $1:0.000 cheaper than ad
joining biocks ; best speculative buy on
the market today ; railroads now own
across the street; prefer West Side prop
erty, close in. Improved or unimproved;
assume some Incumbrance ; good reason
for exchanging ; answering give location
and price. Address owners, Ail 74-, Ore
gonian. HAVE you a vacant lot which you wiuld
like to trade in on a home? If you
own two good lots we can build for you
on one and take the other as a part pay
ment. We f urniah plans and estimates
f reo. If you haven't a lot, trade in a
mortgage, or what have you ? N 7 2o,
Ocean front on ridge at Sea View. Over
four lots with 4-room house, very desir
able location; also 12 acres well Improved
close by two blocks from beach on rail
road. Either of the above or both to trade
for acreage close to Portland. Vanduyn
& Walton, 515 Cnamber of Comjnerce.
HAVE 2 acres of good land, 2 acres clear,
to trade for equity in good modern b
rooiri house, close in. Land Is situate in
sec. 32. T. 2 N. 3 W.. 1 mile 6. W. of
Burlington, on county road; $2O0 per acre
Address owner, 1 721, Urtgunian.
6-ROOM moaern house and lot for setle or
trade, between Hawthorne and Sunnyeide
carline, on 32d ft.; prefer acreage cloe to
citv. Gto. S. Allen Realty Co-. 221 Henry
SO-ACKE farm close to car., spring water
piped to house and barn, stock and ma
chinery with place. Wi'l sell at bargain
or take Portland income property part
payment. First State' Hank, Grenham, Or.
WILL trade lot, 60x8S. corner. East 0th
and Blsmark; Improvements in and paid
for; value $1000; for acreage and pay
balance; good view of river and East Port
land. B 735. oreeonlan.
WILL trade 80-acre ranch at Cambridge,
Idaho, 4-room house, good barn; this
place in the h-aart of the fruit belt; for
lot or cottage in Portland. AF 740, Ore
5 acres on Oregon City carline. to
trade for house and lot; price $2400;
trade. 411 Lumber Exchange.
WANT to move to Portland 16o acres choice
land to trade for Portland property. If you
have anything to exchange, let me hear
from you. Address- box 274. Athena. Or.
- it
16 acres fine timber land on river
near railroad. r, 000, 000 first growth. 411
Lumber Exchange.
320 acres timber land. 8,250,000 feet,
first growth; sell or trade. Y 752, Ore
gonian NOTICE, real estate owners, large diamond
to trade for acreage or lot; a perfect gem.
C 744, Oregonian.
H4000 INCOME property to exchange for land
within Sfc miles of city. H. Gordon. 210
Henry bldg.
IF you need money and have city lota or
equity to sell, miurt be cheap. Oall at zoom
221, Henry bldg.
HAVE eqtiity in several fine lots; all im
provements paid; will exchange for tailor
ing. L 734, Oregonian.
7-room modern house and lot near car;
price $2500. Y 751, Oregonian.
YOU can trade any kind of property at
room 101 9 Boa rd of Trade.
WILL trade diamonds for property or auto
or furniture. 324 First St.
HAVE two responsible tenants with surety
bond for, 5 or lo-year leae, for two good
modern apartment-houses. Io you want
any better investment than- 8 or 10 per
cent net and hold the security in your
own hands?
211 Lewis Bldg.
WE want from owners 5 to 7 -room houses
on easy terms. We can sell If prices are
286 H Washington St. Room 612.
LIST your property with us ; If the price la
riht we can sell it for you.
Dealers and Brokers in Real Estate.
20 Chamber of Commerce bldg.
Cor., either 50 or 100x100, north of
Montgomery, East of 14th, south of Mar
shall; direct from owner. AF 754, Ore
gonian. V ANTED The best modern residence of 7 or
8 rooms, with some ground, that can be
purchased for $3ooo or $4ooO; "quick action
on a good deal. Address AH 740. Oregonian.
i.'ovo to invest In real estate that will re
turn some income and with prospect of
becoming business property. Please .give
full particulars. K 741, Oregonian.
-iT your property with
618 Board of Trade bldg.
and get results.
IF you want to sell your property, list it
with us ; bring photo. If possible. The
Williams Investment Co., 605 Lumber
men bldg.
VAXT TO pay cash for 50x100 or 100x100
corner anywhere between Alder, Jefferson,
5th and 15th streets. K 738. Oregonian.
V ANTED A good lot near Aliserta carline,
nt'tt of 18th st.; give lowest cash price.
A H 752, Oregonian.
WANTED 6-room house, lot 50x100, In
North Portland; will pay $3000 cash. X
742, Oregonian.
WANTED 5 or 6-room cottage, cloee to car.
AJ 742. Oregonian.
I W I LL purchase equity or real estate con
tract. Hatfield. 105 Mi 4th St.
WANTED To rent, with the privilege of
buying, 5 acres, closo in ; house, running
stream, some fruit.
192 hi Grand ave.
MAN with family wants farm with stock and
implements furnished, with chance of
buying later If suited. C. A. Sperber, 446
East Harrison St.. Portland. Or.
Z7AN use two or three tracts of timber, 10,
000.0OO to 50.000.000, that will make good
tie mill settings, either with or without
mill. C. C. Shay, 516 Abington bldg.,
Portland, Or.
PINE timber claims wanted by Murdock &
Young, 411 Buchanan bldg.
TIMBER lands wanted.
$04 McKay bids;.
C J. McCracken,
Horses. Vehicle and Harness.
TEAM of homes, 1400 and 1300 lbs., age
6-12, for sale. Inquire 0 and bi North
7th st.
FOR SALE 4 first-class horses. Including
wagons and harness. Room 8, Washing
ton bldg.
Best accommodations for travelers. Ladies'
waiting-room. Prices moderate. 248 Front.
FIRST-CLASS "heavy draft and driving horses
always on hand. Sold with guarantee as
represented. U. B. Stables, 248 Front.
WANTED To buy good young team weigh
ing 2."i00; must be sound and. without
blemishes. Phone East 4804.
BAY mare. 1200 lbs., will work single or
double. Just suit a farmer for breeding
' purposes. Call 49 North 4th.
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds for sale. S84 Front st.
A PET pony, saddle and bridle cheap.
7S2, Oregonian.
THREE teams and one mule and haraas
lor sale cb.A4. 50 Burnslde
Horses, Vehicles and Harness.
GOOD farm team, $150; 3 span young mules,
team mares. $1.75; 1200 4-year-old mare,
15; Shetland ponv with foal. 3-year-old
mule, $125; team, 1250 lbs., 4 and 5-years
old. $325; team 5-vear-old matched bays,
stylish drivers. 1200 lbs.. ?30; six farm
wagons, good as new. 20 sets double and
single harness, stock saddles, spring
wagon, furniture, goose neck wagon. Her
bert & Hall, 3S0 Front st. cor. Montgom
ery. MR. FRENCH, of Haidncan. Or., lias the
following horses at the Hawthorne
12 bay horses, ages 4 to 8. weight 1200
to 1600 lbs. ; 3 blacks, 5 to 7. weight,
1300 to 1400 lbs.; 6 greys, 4 to 6. weight,
UOO to 1250 lbs.; fine mare, 8 years old,
1350. 420 Hawthorne avenue.
Short -legged, safe, sound, stocky built
mare, weighs 12 S3 lbs., warranted good
puller, good walker and driver, worth $200
on farm; money refunded If not satisfac
tory to work single or double. call 606
Washington st
MUST sell; fine, chunky, 2 35 O-lb, team of
mares, good workers, single or double,
both In foal by perccheron. One 2550-lb.
team of true workhorses, just out of work,
trial and guarantee given.
210 Harrison, near 5th st.
FOR SALE Horses, harness and wagons.
Remember, we sell guaranteed horses and
mares. If not as represented they can be
returned. We also have on hand several
delivery, farm, vegetables and milk wagons
for eale. Haw thorne- Ave. Stables. 420
Hawthorne ave.
Handsome and fat, with coat of hair
like silk. 6 years old, weighs close to 1200
lbs., perfectly sound and will be war
ranted, so come andy see this beautiful
mare at OOO Washington st.
BARGAIN Pair mares, bay and grey. 10
y ears old and far, weight 2530 ; guaran
teed true and Bound in health and gen
tle. with new, heavy ball-top breeching
harness all complete; price $215. 294
6 brood mares, 3 with foal from Ladd
& Reed Broadmead farm ; 2 black coach
horses Freedman Bros., 480 Overton St.,
bet. 13th and 14th. Take S. car.
Weigh 3180 lbs., are true pullers and
sound, can pull a freight car loaded; also
wide-tire farm wagon and heavy truck har
ness, price 9100. Call COO Washington at.
FOR SALE One span well-matched mares
weighing 2800, sound and true, one span
of young draught horses, 5 years old,
weighing 3200; one horse, 7 years old,
weighing 1550. 226 Russell st.
One blue roan horse, one brown, one
rray mare, one bay horse suitable for
farm, express or delivery work. Call 140
l'.)th st.. near Clubhouse.
LOOK $185 buys matched sorrel team,
horse and mare, good Studebaker farm
wagon and heavy breeching harness, all
complete. 606 Wash st. Ask for Mr.
GOOD, true-puUlng, 27O0-lb. team horses
and harness ; also good 2500-lb. team
horses; trial and guarantee given. Cor
ner Park and Mill sts.
151 rd s. Dogs, Pet Stock.
BRINDLE bull pup. 18 months old; nous
broken. Phone Monday. Main 7737.
Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments.
FOR SALE Schirmor piano, mahogany case,
$150 cash only. 250 Sheridan St.
TWO large Durham cows. freh heavy milk
ers. 606 E. Main. East 5395."
26t5-2t8 Eleventh St.
Automobiles bought, sold and exchanged;
we are legitimate and responsible dealers;
every car guaranteed as represented ; we
. handle second-hand cars for the dealers,
runabouts and tout ing cars of every
standard make, call and look them over.
KNOX, the fastest stock car in the world;
Moline, the beet car made for the money.
We also have a number of four-cylinder
cars, slightly used but In first-class condi
tion, left here for us to aell at real bar
gain price..
WESTERN ATTTO CO.. 531 Alder at.
WE have on our floor a 1009 Speedwell car
that has been used for a demonstrator,
for which we will give a bargain in.
633 Alder st.
PARTY with good automobile ag ancles cov
ering Oregon and Washington want more
capital, or will eeM agencies. Number of
cars now in use. K 730, Oregonian.
FOR SALE Reo touring car, fully equipped
and in No. 1 condition; has been used one
year only. Apply to 426 East Alder st-
WANTED Automobile, high-grade, second
hand, good condition ; will pay cash. Ad
dress X 735, Oregoniarh.
FOR SALE Automobile express. Phone
-Kaet 606.
AUTOMOBILES New and second-band.
Geo. R. Flora. 4 70 E. Burnside st.
AUTOMOBILE and marine gas engines re
paired. James D. Fall. 244 2d sC
SEWING machines Do not fail to visit the
. White sewing machine store THIS WEEK.
SPECIAL SALES 120 drop-head machines,
slightly marred; all standard makes ma
chines for rent and repairing. H. D. Jones,
Prop., 420 Washington st., corner 11th.
22-FT. gasoline launch. 6H H. P. D. S. en
gine, cost complete $675; for cash only,
Phone M. 1844. 804 Lewis Bldg.
for sale cheap. Motion picture machines,
300 folding chairs, electric piano, etc AC
730, Oregonian.
closed out at absolute cost. Portland Of
fice Supply Co. Phone Main 6614.
BEST dry fir and oak wood, either sawed
or 4-ft.. at lowest possible prices. Kirk
Hoover, 313 Water st. Phone Main 745L
A 5445.
XXRIS from prize stock; White Minorca?, An
conas. Buff Orpingtons; Indian Runner
ducks; $1.25 per setting. El Modelo Place.
FOR SALE Eight-foot good counter; a bar
205ri Morrison St.
SAFES 14 2d hand safes very cheap; large
stock new safes sold on easy terms; call or
write touay. t'oruana bare Co.. 87 5th.
FOR SALE Good coffee urns, coffee mugs,
platters, glasses and lot other stuff. AF
752, Oregonian.
SCHOOLBOOKS bought, sold and exchanged
at Hyland's. 211 2d St.. near Salmon. 168
5th st., opposite postoffice.
SPECIAL prices on factory rebuilt machines;
very liberal terms; $lo to $0O. Northwest
Typewriter Co., M. 8870, 222 Abington bidg.
FOR SALE Hart-Parr traction gasoline en
gine; good as new. R. T. Cox, 250 Sd
st., Portland,. Or.
HOISTING and logging engine; we buy, sell
or rent. Railway Equipment Co.. 74
First st.
50O BUSINESS cards $1 if you mention this
FOR SALE Almost new Tuxedo suit. No. 36
first -class condition. Room 403 Couch bldg
FOR SALE Furniture of 4-room bungalow
at a bargain. Call 49 East 61st st.
FOR SALE Electric carpet sweeper. $57
Phone East 3646.
231 Stark st. Main 1407.
1 MILE of 80-pound relaying ralls for sale. J
Simon & Bros.. 244 Front st.
60O BUSINESS cards $1 If you bring this ad.
Rose City Printery, 102" 3d, near Taylor.
FRESH cows, 1 choice Jersey, tuberculosis
tested. 95 East 30th st., Sunnsyside car.
A. REINER, designer and furrier, has moved
to 128 Eleventh st., near Wash.
FOUR Jewel gas ranges. Eclipse range and
cook stove. Call 304 E. Clay.
FOR SALE Smith. Premier typewriter,
cheap.- 2i0 2d st., cor. Jefferson.
10-KORSEPOWKR vertical engine for sale
. cheap. J. Simon & Bros., 244 Front st.
FURNITURE and rugs for sale cheap; party
leaving city. Call 30 7 Jefferson st.
$16.00 BUYS 140-egg Mandy Lee incubator,
brooder complete. V 733. Oregonian.
CLARINETS, buffet, cheap. Call today. 214
Lumber Exchange Bldg.
A SNAP Fur-lined coat, mink and bearer,
reasonable. 631 Y. M. C. A Vincent.
Ml tKMd laneo us.
200-hort-epower motor. generator set.
belted unit, complete with circuit-breakers
and panels, alternating and dire. t rur
rent machines : ideal drive for industrial
plant ; complete information furnished at
room 201 Oregonian bldg.
WANTED One high-grade. 1900 or 1910. 7
passenger touring car; one four or five
passenger 1000 or 1 0 IO touring car; must
be in first-class condition and bargains.
Address Look Box C. Bend, Or.
WANTED $1000 worth of second-hfnd fur
niture, the highest price paid. -Baldwin-Van
Kleek. 748 Thurman st. Phone M
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings;
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal." 47 3d st.. North. Phone Main 9272.
WANTED Clothing, best price paid for
Indies' and gents second-hand clothing
and shoes and bicycles. Main 2080. 290 1st.
HIGHEST prices paid rubber, copper, brass,
pelts, hides, wool. furs. Phones A 7618.
Main 5108. J. Leve. 186 Columbia.
SELL your second-band furniture to the
Ford Auction Co. or you'll get lees. Phones
A 2445, Main 8951.
HIGHEST prices paid for men's cast-off
clothes. 204 3d st. Phone Marshall 745.
KODAK, second-hand; give description and
price. Address AC 754, Oregonian.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 3067.
2 BAKERS, first and second hands on bread
or cakes, $18 to $2 7.50 a week; kitchen
Man and wife on farm. $50 and found.
4 carpenters, country, $4, 8 hours; 1
house carpenter, $3.50 or contract.
Trlmnwrman, $2.7&; cutoff man, $2.50 ;
sawmill help.
Miners, $3. Timber framers, $3.
Farm help. City laborers.
26 North Second St.
WANTED Able-bodied men for the U. S.
Marine Corns, between the ages of 19 and
35; must be native born or have first pa
pers; rnonthly pay $15 to $60; additional
compensation. . (possible; food. clothing,
quarters and medical attendance free;
after 3 years' service can retire with 75
per cent of pay and allowances; service
on board ship and ashore in all parts of
the world. Apply at New Grand Central
Hotel. Portland. Or.
MEN WANTED, experience unnecessary, for
foremen or brakemen on nearby railroads;
account increasing business; no strike;
age 20-30; good vision; $S0-$100 monthly;
promotion ; 1524 men sent to positions in
19o0 ; send stamp; state age, weight,
height. Railway Association, care Ore
gonian. SALESMAN A No. 1 roan who has sold
cash registers, adding machines, etc. If
you can invest small amount 111 give you
agency for State of Washington. Call any
how and aee my 'iiew article. See Mr.
McGrath. room 413 Corbett. bldg., Tues
day, 2 to 5 P. M.
DISTRICT managers, agents and solicitors
for whole life and ten-year 6 per cent de
benture bond, also natural death and dis
ability policy; no classification for occu
pation, lace or sex. Mr. Meek, 1041 Drexel
bldg., Philadelphia, Pa.
LEARN more about civil service positions
and examinations. You qught to. Don't
post you much. Free book No. 30 may
help you write for it."- Our students sat
Portland. Or.
MANAGERS and solicitors capable of earn
ing $2o monthly; new reference work;
lead plan.
Akron, Ohio.
WANTED 600 men to buy $3 sample bat.
now $1.50. Low rent in ba.ement is the
reason. Hats cleaned, blocked, 50c. Also
ladier.' straw hats remodeled. The Hat
tery, 315 Alder.
WB aid our members to secure employment.
Constant demand for young men of ability
and integritty. Special employment mem
bership. Y. M. C. A.
The Jno. P. Sharkey Co., 122 Sftcth st.,
desire several men who have enterprise to
sell high-class subdivision property; liberal
WANTED Lite real estate salesman; small
amount of money required; this is no
graft; will give the very best references;
investigate. Phone Woodlawn 308.
AMBITIOUS man. travel with road show;
no experience required; one with little
c-apltaJ preferred. 4t9 Va Washington,
room. 16.
STENOGRAPHER, age 25 years, or younger;
must be experienced and competent. Com
mercial Abstract Co.. 408 Commercial Club
WANTED One good all-around cake bakec
Must have best of references. Apply before
10 o'clock this A. M. to J. E. Miller, 300
Wash ing ton st.
WANTED Asst. bookkeeper; one familiar
with stoves and general hardware pre
ferred; give salary, etc. A 749, Ore
gonian. 30O SAMPLE suits at $1Q75 and $13.7;:
these suits must go; values up to $30.
Knew Sample Suit Shop. 315 Oregonian
bldg., Jimmie fSunne, manager.
Successful gilt-edg residence real es
tate proposition.- Call 10-12 A. M., 322
Corbett bldg.
Ship dally; no fare held from your pay.
COO laborers wanted.
C. R. HANSEN & CO.. 26 N 2d St.
looo LEGS can be respectably covered with
men's sample trousers, $2.50 a pair; worth
$3.50. "Knew" Sample Suit Shop. 315 Ore
gonian bidg., Jimmie Dunn. mngr.
BOOKKEEPING Private tuition In book
keeping by an accountant. 301 Mer
chants Trust bldg., 6th and Washington.
MOTION picture operators earn $25 weekly;
easy inside work; learn business in short
time; lessons reasonable. 52B& Wash.
TELEGRAPHY taught. Graduates' all have
positions. Address or call evenlnge. Expe
rienced operator 290 3rd st.
RARE CHANCE) for young man with $3o0
cah. as partner In good paying business;
must be neat. Room 618, Swetland bidg.
WANTED First-class clay and night por
ter. Apply St. Charles Hotel, between
8 and 10 A. M.
WANTED Accountant, expert, will pay
good salary to right man; state experience,
references and salary. B (745, Oregonian.
FOUR salesmen for best realty proposition
on the market; none but rustlers apply.
412-414 Lumber Exchange.
EXPERIENCED advertising solicitor: spe-i
cial ( Easter) edition work ; commission.
Benedictine Press, Goodnough bldg.
WANTED An intelligent boy to work in
sho store. 173 3d st.
BOOKKEEPER Bookkeeper and stenog
rapher. 313 Wash, st., room IS.
S A L ES M EN, country store. Shoe salesman.
WANTED Salesman for side line In city
231 Oak st. Main 1213.
WANTED A strong boy to learn black
emithing. 231 Madison st.
WANTED Bench hand on bread. Apply to
. J. E. Miller, 360 Washington st.
APPRENTICE to learn the millinerv trade.
Apply The Silverfleld Co. millinery dept.
WANTED First-class Job polisher and
buffer. Oregon Glass Works.
PHOTOGRAPHER for studio work. Apply
2 N. 6th st.
WANTED Photograph coupon agents; our
new offer a snap. Cutberth, Dekum bldg.
COLORED boy. Housework. 475 Morrison
WANTED An experienced shoe salesman.
Apply 173 3d st.
ERRAND boy wanted Apply to Superintend
ent, Marshall-Wells Hardware Co. ,
WANTED Two shoemakers. Inquire Shoen
helns, 7th st.. near Depot. Oregon City.
OFFICE BOY wanted. AD 752, Oregonian.
WANTED A" boy 17 years old, 75 First. u
WANTED Carpenter foreman for trestle
work. $4; 2 millwrights. $4.00; rough car
penter. $3.00; operating millwright. $75
up: farmhands. Eastern Oregon, $30 up;
second cook, near city. $55.
Main Orfico 12 No. 2nd St.
10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men and women to learn barber trade In
8 weeks, help to secure positions; gradu
ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert
instructor: tools free; write for cata
logues. Mohler System of Colleges, 34
North 4th st., Portland. Or.
WANTED Two cooks for small hotels in
city. S35 and $40; waitress, $0.00 week; 2
housekeepers. $20 and $15; girls for gen
eral housework, $25 to $35; others.
Ladies' Dept. 205 H Morrison St.
2 WAITRESSES, Eugene, $25.
5 cooks. $40.
Second girls. Family help.
345 Wash. St.. Cor. 7th, Upstairs.
WANTED Woman stenographer between 25
or 35 years of age with practical busi
ness experience for permanent position;
salary $12.50 week ; give age and ref
erences. AC 751, Oregonian.
WAIST salesladies, also 1 competent to take
charge of waist department, none but thor
oughly experienced need apply. Grand
YOUNG woman to form partnership In es
tablishing Instruction school; first-class
proposition; small money required. W" 752,
HELP WANTED A competent middle-aged
woman to do housework in private family
at Hood River; wages $25 per month. Ad
dress drawer G. Hood River, Or.
YOUNG lady stenographer and bookkeeper;
give full particulars, experience and ref
erence ; ealary wanted. Address Lock
Box "C," Bend, Or.
WANTED, for out-of-town hospital, young
girl for kitchen work and assist with
cooking; wages, $20. Call bet. IO and 12
A. M. 31 10th st. North.
WANTED Girl for general housework;
must .be good cook; wages $35; Swedish
girl preferred. Call 10 in the morning,
at 754 Hoyt st.
STENOGRAPHER, wholesale house; must
be first-class ; state age, experience, ref
erences. AD 753, Oregonian. -
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavl Co., 609 Koth
chlld bidg., 4th and Washington.
WANTED Teachers for night school, Chi
nese Christian Mission, 1044 First st.
Call evenings.
WANTED Stenographer, one familiar with
dictaphone; advise salary, experience and
reference. C 745, Oregonian.
326 Washington St., Room 307.
Main 8836 or A 3266.
CAPABLE GIRL wanted for cooking and
general housework; good wages. 161
North 24th st.
WANTED A young girl to take care of
baby. Call between 8 and 12 today. 543
3rd st.
WANTED A good girl for general house
work and cooking; 3 adults. Apply morn
ings. 440 Williams ave. U car.
COM PETE NT girl for general housework ;
family of 3; good wages. 489 Hancock st.
Broadway car.
GIRL WANTED General housework; laundry
pent out. Family of four. Call Phone A
COMPETENT girl for general housework,
eniall familv. 341 Eajt 12th St., North.
Broadway car. Phone East 3396.
YOUNG man as chauffeur for mercantile
house; give age end salary. A 746, Ore
gonian. WANTED Office boy, good chance for ad
vancement for bright boy. A 747. Orego
nian. GIRL to asstst in housework. Call morn
ings, 681 Schuyler St., or telephone morn
ings East 4111.
COMPETENT girl for general housework.
Apply 439 East 10th st. North. Phone
Case 4082.
WANTED Experienced cook; references re
quired. Phone Miss Maud Alnsworth,
Main 752.
SENSIBLE, energetic woman over 25 for po
sition with wholesale house; experience un
necessary. AL 721, Oregonian.
WANTED A good woman a working
housekeeper; must be a good plain cook.
Tabor 107, or AB 737, Oregonian.
WANTED A young girl for general house
work in small family. 406 East 20th st.
north, Irvington.
WORKING companion, family two, good
home. 1104 Rodney ave. U car to Sumner,
walk two blocks.
WANTED Experienced makers and ap
prentices. The Wonder Millinery, cor.
Morrison . and 1st sts.
TWO demonstrators to travel, Oregon and
Washington ; salary and expenses. M 740,
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
muft be good cook; two In family. Out of
town (fare paid) . Sel. 878.
343 Washington St., cor. 7th, upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
WANTED Girl for housework; no cooking
small washing. 567 Hoyt et.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework;
fiood wages. Phone East 927.
RELIABLE young girl, assist In general
house work. East 1366.
WANTED Girl for general housework;
young girl pref-arred. Call M. &S19.
YOUNG frirl to assist with care of child
Apply 772 Everett st., near 23d.
GOOD girl for general housework. Call 330
Park st.
WANTED Experienced waitress for lunch
and dinner work. 386 Morrison st.
A COMPETENT second girl, with references.
Phone Main 2723.
GIRL for general housework. Apply 381
loth st.
GIRL for second work in small family. Ap
ply after 10 A. M. at 769 Northrup st.
A. REINER, designer and furrier, has moved
to 12a Eleventh t., near Wash.
SCHOOL GIRL to assist in housework; fam
ily of 3. Phone East 4041.
GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory
No. 2. Grand ave. and East Taylor.
WANTED A flannel washer. Yale Laun
dry. 5o0 East Morrison.
WANTED Mangle 'girl. Call early. 309
East Washington. International Laundry.
LESSONS In shorthand and typewriting by
expert, $5 a month. 209 14th. Main 3S93.
GIRL to assist with housework; two In
family. 666 Flanders St., apartment 5.
UOOD girl for general housework.- 723
Weidler st.
CHAMBERMAID wanted. 274 Madison st.
GIRL for general housework. 658 Lovejoy.
BOOKKEEPER and typewriter, to take charge
of office work; state experience, references
and salary. Scio Condensed Milk Co.. Scio.
YOUNG MAN or lady partner wanted for
vaudeville act; small amount capital re
quired; time booked. X 750. Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS experienced fitter to take
charge of alteration room. Apply Tbe
Silverfleld Co.
WANTED Stenographer. Call 519 Lumber
Exchange, aft-er 10 A. M. today.
FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY offers good po
sitions to A-l instructors. 611 Sweiland.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
SET of booke or any clerical work to do
evenings by experienced bookkeeper. AK
742. Oregon lam.
YOUNG man. 32 years old. excellent educa
tion and-, executive ability, 2 years' con
struction experience building and R. R. con
struction, principally the latter, in clerical
ar.d forfman"i capacity, desires position with
good contractor, where brains and ability
are required. No objection to location. T
751, Oregonian.
COOK and helper, good all around married
couple; no bad habits, desire position, city
or country; state terms. AE 750 Ore
gonian. JAPANESE, with good experience of hotel
or private family housework desire posi
tion: understands English. AD 754. Ore
gonian. MIDDLE-AGED with good experi
ence of houekeeper, janitor, running elevaT
tor, wants to do any kind, of - work. J 750,
PRACTICAL and scientific miner wants de
velopment work ; contract or day work ;
used to handling men; references. B 749.
YOUNG man attending business college wants
place to work for room and board. F 738,
COOK (man and wife), first-class, desire po
sition, city or country. "MllLs," Rainier Ho
tel, 328 North 6th sc.
MARRIED man. experienced In farming,
wishes position for all the year round.
A. V., Llnnton, Or.
JAPANESE, IS, schoolboy, wants position;
any kind of work after 4 P. M. T., 121
X. 15th st.
YOUNG man with best of reference desires
position of any kind that has a future
to It. W 753, Oregonian.
JAPANESE boy wants any kind of work
between 10 A. M- and 3 P. M- H 750. Ore
gonian. JAPANESE want situation at housework
or gardener ; can milk cows, feed horses,
etc. " Address P. O. Bot 170, George.
ELECTRICAL or telephone work by married
man. References. Good lineman. AL 750.
JAPANESE wants housework In family. Ad
dress L 743. Oregonian.
SCHOOLBOY, 13, wants work; pay part,
for board and yom. AE 754, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS stickerman or planerman
wishes position. X 752, Oregonian.
POSITION on ranch by three experienced
men at once. AF 753, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED gas auto driver and re
pairer. AM 724, Oregonian.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
BOOKKEEPER with six years' experience
wishes position with local flrra; Al refer
ences. Phone C 2449.
A YOUNG lady with knowledge of book
keeping would like a position in an office.
Phone Woodlawn 638.
LADY, employed in afternoon, would like
work in morning, clerical or otherwise.
S 752, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, alterations; all
work guaranteed. Phone Main 3734.
ANGELES Dreesmaklnir Parlors, 3264 Wash
ington st.. suite 16. Main 982. A 531.
LADIES' TAILORING, alterations specialty.
Mrs. Muckler. 430 Columbia. Apt 21. A 4709
STYLISH dresses, $5 up; wais:s. $1 up ; Tina
work; references. 529 E. Mlli. East 5256.
FIRST-CLASS plain sewing done at home
or by day. C 1647.
EXPERIENCED dressmaking done by the
day. Cail after 6. Main &193.
DRESSMAKING and ladlea tailoring by tha
day. Phone A 2930.
PRACTICAL nurse wants das' work, care of
invalid woman or child; doctors refer
ences ; reasonable. phone East 171, room
INVALID needing home, scientific treat
ment, massage, baths, healthy location,
sanitary. Best city references. O 743. Ore
gonian. NURSE desires more cases, city or coun
try. Apply at Y. W. C A.
WIDOW, German, wants position as house
keeper, 2 children. 10 and 10. Phone
East 4337.
NEAT woman housekeeper widower's fam- i
llv. St. Louis, 245 Washington. Main
EXPERIENCED, ladylike girl wishes place
for housework ; no big washings. Address
Miss C Jenny, Arleta. Or.
YOUNG Fnglifh lady desires position, light
housework, moderate wages, no washing. W
754. Oregonian.
A YOUNG lady wishes to do general house
work. Call at 42 E. 12th st. N.
BY an experienced and competent ladies"
fitter and alteration hand, a position to
have charge of workroom out of Port
land; eight years' experience. Address
J 742, Oregonian.
GOOD, respectable married lady would like
chamber work and stay home nights. A
1552. Call after 8 A. M.
LAUNDRY worker wants work; polishing
preferred; & years' experience; please state
wages. T 764, Oregonian.
COOKS, chambermaids, waitresses, house
keepers. St. Louis, 245 H Washington
Main 2039.
NEAT woman, with boy 10, desires situa
tion boardinghouse. Main 2039; A 4775.
RELIABLE woman would like work by the
day Main 839S.
YOUNG LADY desires charge of doctor or
dentist's reception room. Phone East 1165.
LADY would like to care for a good child
by month; best of care. Phone East 4530.
GERMAN taught by experienced teacher.
AB 743, Oregonian.
I have an easy-seeing townslte propo
sition of genuine merit. If you have -had
local experience, see me Monday or Tues
day afternoons (3 to 5) ; will pay sal
ary or commission. 605 Commercial
SALESMEN ' WANTED to take our cash
weekly selling choice nursery stock ; out
fit free. Capital City Nursery Company,
Salem, Oregon.
WANTED Solicitors to gather subscriptions
for our various publications ; experience not
necessary ; steady work. Muschold Syn
dicate, San Francisco. 789 Mission st.
We furnish the renter, collect the rent,
pay taxes. Insurance and keep up repairs
the same for you as though the property
was our own : references any bank In
2454 Stark St.
Phones A 3500: Main 35.
WANTED to rent, cottage of 5 rooms or
more for the Summer season at Long
Beach. Wash.; furnished and in good con
dition. Write C- H. Lind, 106 10th. st.
Tacoma. Wash.
WANTED To lease for 6 months or year
beginning May 1, first-class furnished res
idence in Kings Hill district. AC "52.
FIVE or 6-room modern flat; good neigh
borhood; 2 adults; references. AC 753,
WANTED By 4 gentlemen, 5 or 6-room
furnished house; close in; state price. A
745, Oregonian.
WANTED to rent. 8 or 10 -room modern
furnished bouse; close in; statu price and.
location. B 746. Oregonian.
Rooms With Bosvrd.
Apartments with board for brother and
sister; northwestern part of city preferred.
B 743. Oregonian,
WANTED Room and board, by single gen
tleman; north of Washington, west of
17 th. AK 752, Oregonian.
Housekeeping Rooms.
WANTED For gentleman, wife and Infant,
in respectable locality, 2 or 3 neatly-furnished
warm rooms for light housekeep
ing with use of a piazza; West Side pre
ferred; rent not to exceed $20 per month.
Address with full description. E. F. B. .
Rainier Hotel, Sixth St., cor. Glisan,
A WELL-HEATED furnished housekeeping
room within walking distance, 2 bds,
wanted by two young gentlemen. X 751,
TWO or three furnished or unfurnished
housekeeping rooms; state price. AD 751.
Furnished Rooms.
Homelike- Homelilte,
Seventh and Ankenv Sts.
One whole year of redecorating, refitting
and refurnishing, all for your benefit.
A delightful Winter home at reasonable
rates for those who appreciate cleanliness
and comfort. Free bus Free phones.
140 ROOMS.
New, modern, fireproof building, steam
heated, hot and cold running water In all
rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that
money can buy, and it doesn't cost any
more than some cheap lodging-house;
nice large office on ground floor; every
thing first-class; rates, 50c 75c arid $1
per day; $3.50 and up per week. Call and
see us. 128 8th st. North.
Cor. 10th and Wash.
New corner brick, center of city, right In
the chopping and theater district; private
baths, steam heat, hot and cold water in all
rooms ; rooms si ngle or en suite ; special
rates by the week or month; tourist trade
131 Eleventh St.
New. modern brick building; Just opened
water In all rooms; STEAM HEAT, private
baths, excellent location. Just off Wash
ington st.; special rates by week or month.
3d and Jefferson Sts.
Away from the noise; 5 minutes walk
Washington and 3d; Just completed; new
i furnishings, hot and cold water, steam
' heat, electric lights, call bells, bath, lav a
tory, convenient, rooms large, light, airy,
siriKlc rooms or suites; permanent and
transient; $3, $4 and $5 per week. Phone
A 7731. M. SO. 49.
88 N. Bin St., S. K. Cor. Flanders.
New brick building, steam heated, por
celain baths, flue large office on ground
floor, elegant bods, everything absolutely
new and clean; rales only $-.50 and up
per week; 60c and 75c per day. $ blocks
from Union Depot.
Grand and Hawthorne ave.; new manage
ment, hot and cold water, elevator, tree
phone in every room; largest rooms in city
for permanent people; en suite or dingle,
with batu. W. Al. KoijiiLaon. mgr.
Opened January 17, niw and beauti
fully furnished ; hot and cold water in
every room. Public and private baths.
Permanent and transient. -tid1, 5th St.,
opp. City Hall.
THE BARTON. 13th and Alder, new man
agement, newly tenov&ted throughout; 70
'cutside rooms, steam heat, electric lights,
etc. ; rooms $lu month uu; suites wltn
running water, $22.50 to $iJ; elegant
puuile parlor; phones and bains free.
422 Washington, cor. 11th.
Steam heat, hot and cold water, baths,
nicely furnished rooms, $3 per week up;
transient rates, 75c up.
Washington and litu. nrst-class furnlsned
rooms, single or en suite;' all modern con
veniences; 3 weekly up. A 2047, M. 5b47.
6th and Oak; large, handsomely furnished;
running hot and cold water; steam heat;
reasonable; permanent and irunsient.
HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main sts.,
furnished rooms, single or en suite, at reas
onable prices, modern conveniences, op
posite the Plaza.
THE LANDARE APTS . 2SS 10th St., bet.
Jefferson and Columbia sts. ; one room,
running water, all conveniences; reason
able. NICK, comfortable rooms, $2 and $2.50;
oeds $1 per week; free phone, hot baths,
etc. No. 2North 14th st.
LARGE front room, suitable for one or two
gentlemen ; all conven k;nces; t lose in ; $3
wek. A3ter House. 251 Seventh.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
turnlture, teiepnone and baths tree 327 W
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estet.
ROOMS with running water, furnace heat;
$4 per week and up. 1S1 6th st.
FURNISHED rooms. Elm Place. formerly
Elton Court Annex. 414 Yamhill and 11th.
THE REX Modern rooms, $2.50 to $5 per
week. 54S Washington BL
FurnUbcd Rooms in Private Family.
N E ATLY furnished front alcove room for
two or more with piano. $5.50 week ; also
large front room for two if desired, $4.25
week ; ten minutes' walk from P. O. ; free
bath, phone, heat. 226 12th st., near Sal
mon. NEWLY furnished room, all modern con
veniences, suitable for one or two ladies,
walking distance. phone East 4225, or
cail East 7th st. N.
N1CELY-FIRN 1SHED rooms; piano, fire
place, sewing machine; rent reasonable;
no children. 620 East Morrison st.
LARGE, bright, cosy front room and kitch
en, sewing machine, garden ; rent $9. l;y
Porter St.. South Portland.
$1.50 AND $2-50 per week; modern; walking
d istance ; heat, bath. Phone ' Main 7!i5.
624 FlandeTs.
ELEGANTLY furnished parlor. bedroom,
private home, furnace heat, bath, phone.
Call 123 14th. M. 3OO0.
NICELY furnished front room In nice home
for 2 young ladies; $15- per month. Phone
Tabor 1796.
NICELY f u-nished suite, two rooms and
bath. Call at 209 Tenth st.. Mrs. J. IX
TWO very pleasant front rooms, well fur
nished, modern conveniences ; walking dis
tance 429 Market. Phone A 40ni.
COZY front room with private family. $7;
nice location, suitable for one; walking
distance. Call mornings. 1 2S 1 Oth st.
NICELY furnished rooms in strictly modrrn
house, singks or en, suite;' walking dis
tance. Call 701 Irving at.
FOR RENT 6 rooms over store, EKt Side,
Phone East 608, C 1131. Phone Monday.
VERY desirable rooms, no other roomers.
166 N. 21st. Phone A 7290.
NICELY furnished rooms, free bath and
phone, furnace heat. 473 Alder st.
FURNISHED rooms for rent: heat, bath
and phone. 154 12th St.. or Main 7779.
FURNISHED room, light, heat, phone, bath,
laundry, $6. 410 E. Market st.
WELL furnished front room, good location
for one or two gentlemen. 251 loth-
COMFORTABLE single room $ft per month;
nice front room 412. 3b9 6th st.
NICELY furnished rooms. $2. $2.50; steam
heat, bath, phone. 325 12th st.
Unfurnished Rooms.
THREE unfurnished, steam heat, light,
phone and bath. 724 East Burnside. morn
ings. Rooms With Boara.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year, room
with board, use of sewing-room and li
brary. 510 Flanders st- Miss Frances N.
Heath. Supt- Woman's Exchange. 1S6 5th
st. Mrs. M- E. Bretberton. tiupt.
THE COLONIAL, 165 and 167 10th St.. cor
ner Morrison. Select familv hotel; reason
able rates.
THE MANSION Lare. elegant room, suit
able for 2 or 3; single room. Corner 5th
and Jefferson.
CHOICEST kind of table board; elegant
room for one or two on Parking. 374
NEWLY furnish ed rooms with board, also
table board. SO North 17th st.
BOARD and room. 446 8d, The Hollywood.
Rooms With boara.
710 Washington st., near King, brand
new. elgart tly furnished ; every room hai
a private bath, telephone ; the maximum
of convenience and excellence, the mini
mum of expense. If you want the best
in the city for the money, call and in
spect ; dintnK-hoom in connection.
Rooans With Board i;i "Private Family.
LARGE, well-furnished front room suitable
for two; reanabie. 241 N. 22J st. Phone
Main 2u7l.
FRONT room, with board, home cooking,
suitable for two. Phones, bath, all con
veniences. 107 16th st.. near Flanders.
ELDERLY LADY wants 2 or 4 young la
dies to room and board ; al! home priv
ileges; walking distance. 551 Taylor st.
NICE room with board In private home,
close to business center, for two office
gentlemon. 5yi '3 Davis st.
FOR RENT Large steam-heated room witr
board for two; use of telephone and
piano. 19i 1 1 th st.
ONE or two gentlemen for board and room.
Scandinavians preferred. 11 N. loth st.
ROOM and board, 143 15th, bet. Morrison
and Aider; also single room.
ROOM and board for three or four young
men or married couple. 42S Mill.
LARGE furnish.-'d room, with alcove, and
board. 515 M orrison st.. cor. 16th.
NICELY furnished rooms, first-class board,
gntlem:in only. i'ji 13th. Main 6302.
NICE, large, sunny room, heat. bath, phone,
walking distance. 327 West park st.
COJC Y. warm room, board, modern home
suitable for two ; reasonable. Main 64S5
HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia,
4 blocks from Morrison st. ; new brick
building, completely first-class, furnished
In 2. 3 and 4-room family apartments, pri
vate bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot
water, elevator, free phone; some unfur
nished; janitor service; rent reasonable.
THE WESTFAL On 5th between Harrison
and Hall, new concrete fireproof building ;
a f-w of the unfurnished 3-room apart
ments left, with all modern convenience
steam heat, hot water, private bath anc
phone, elevator, janitor, rent reasonable.
ner 6th and Madison Strictly modern 3 and
4 -room apart menu, with private bath and
telephone. Also single rooms. Elevator.
STEAM-HEATED 5-room apartment, mod
ern and desirable; 525 Everett st- Apply
Morgan, Fleidner & JJoyce, 503 Abington
nished or unfurnished 4-room outside cor
ner apartment. East Ankeny car. both
phones. B 251. Eait 6387.
rooms t unfurnished ), w ith unexcelled
v!uv ; beat lighted street, five minutes'
walk P. O. 27 7th st. Main 2506, A 3149.
FIVE-ROOM, steam-heated. janitor serv
ice, modern apartment (partial base
ment), finest in city for money. Apply to
janitor. 21st and Kearney.
TH HI HE U-K AN, most ex 'iunlve furnished
apHriinent in the city; three rooms and
bat h, both phones. Take W or 16th-at. car.
624 Marshall.
THE CHETOPA 1st March, 4-room modem
apartment, unfurnished. Apply to Jan
itor. Both phones.
FEB. 15, one 5-room up-to-date apartment.
T he Wordaunt. cor. ISth and Everett
Main 094ti, A 1061.
THE LANDARE APTS., 28 10th St., bet.
Jt ff orson and Columbia sts. ; one 3-room
furnished apartment.
FURN 1SHKU and unfurnished apartments
at Wellington Court cheap. 15th and
Everett sis.
NICE furnished modern 3-room apartments,
private ha t h and phones; close in ; no car
fare. 473 Salmon st.
IRTS APARTM ENTS 5 large rooms; steam
heat, hot and cold water; $45.
CHEAP apartments- 549 Morrison. Key up
FIVE and slx-rnnm fu"nih1d ap.irtments-.
cheap. Phone Main 3t;l2. 1771J Green ave.
M DI-:RN five-room steam-heated s part men t.
Apply to Janitor, 21st and Kearney.
FURNISHED apartment; reasonable rent.
340 College St. Main 5709.
ELEGANT up-to-dato uppT flat of 6 rooms,
all large and sumi ; 7 minutes from Post
office; for a family of adults; on Mill, be
tween 6th and 7th sts. Call 328 - Mill
st. Phone Main 7839.
WHEN nioving call up Van Horn Transfst
Co., Main 1013, A 1!4. All covered wag
ons, all experienced iwsn.
PORTLAND HEIOHTS. 561 Davenport St.,
$20, 4-room furnished flat; also 2-rooru
cottage. Phone A 1786.
FINE, modern 5-room corner flat. 23d and
Johnson sts.; rent $35. C. H. Korell, 260
6 ROOMS and bath, $20. 73 Union ave.
North, near East Everett st. Inquire
Louis Salomon &. Co., 233 Stark st.
FOR RENT 8-room flat, bath and hot air
iirnace. o98Va fcalmon st. Key t00 Salmon
NEW upper flat, large, light rooms; two
hreplaces. 570 East Main.
$122.50- MODERN 5-room flat, large, light
rooms. 207 McMtllen St.
FINE flat at 272 Vi Williams ave. Inquire
of Mrs. Carll..
FIVE-ROOM upper flat, partly furnished. 43
E. Pine M.
HousekeepuiK Rooms.
TWO neatly furnished miites. $10; 4 neatl;
furnished rooms, $25. 284 Clay at. ; nt
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single or en suite,
st am heated, walking, distance. The
Newcastle, 3d and Harrison sts.
$1.25 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms,
het. laundry, bath. 203 Stanton. U car.
$1.50 week, large, clean f urn, housekeeping
rooms; laundry, bath. gas. 184 Sherman.
THE MILNER, 350H Morrison, cor. Park,
home apartments, all convenience!.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Call 635
W illiams ave. Phone C 1523.
THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apartments, fur
nlthi:d. 191 14th st.
THR2E very nice modern housekeeping
rooms, suitable for four persons. 403 2d.
NICE furnished house keeping-rooms. $14.00.
631 Washington st., cor. 20th.
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts.
Newly furnished for housekeeping. Includ
ing gas ranees, electric lights, hot water,
bath. laundry, reception-room, all free;
furnished apartments $15 per month up;
single housekeeping rooms, $2.50 week up;
best in city for money; short distance from
Union Depot. "S" or lOth-st. cars north,
get off at Marshall st. No dogs allowed.
WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 2,
$8 month. 3 for $1; cottage 7 rooms,
$27.50; lower floor. $20. 364 26th. North.
W car from depot, 3d or Morrison to 2tUi,
block north.
ON EON T A, 187 17th, near Yamhill; tak
W. car at depot; furniehed 2, 3 and 4
room housekeeping suites by week $5.50.
by month $20 and up; hot and cold water,
baths and phone tree. Main 4687, A 473d.
LOWER floor of cottage, -containing threa
furnished rooms, newly tinted, bath, gas.
phone, yard ; central location ; reference
reciuired. phone A or Marshall 1009.
1.25 TO $2.00 week, clean, furnished house
keeping rcoms. Laundry, bath, phone. a.
furnace heat. 406 Vancouver ave.
33 NORTH 17TH ST. One block off Wash
ington, part of -6-room lower flat, fur
nished or unfurnished.
Housekeeping- Rooms In Private Family.
ALL new furnishings and housekeeping
rooms. 300 i 4th st.
FURNISHED housekeeping room. 751 Will
iauiif ave. Take U car.
NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms
Call at 200 7th st.
354 SALMON Two very desirable rooma
furnished for housekeeping; no children.
NICE clean two-rdom housekeeping suite;
phone, bath. 163 North 16th.
FOR RENT All or part of well-fumlehed T
room flat. Call at 2684 Columbia St.