14 THE MORXIXG OK EG ONI AX, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1910. Contest Is Talked Of Everywhere OTHELLO Company Will Give Away Fruit Land, City Lots and Cash Certificates to Readers of This Paper Who Will Write an Advertisement. Some people say there is a science of advertising. Also some people say that only by mastering a long course of technical training can one acquire the secret of writing an interesting story. But the Othello Improvement Company, the most progressive group of City Builders in the Northwest, be lieve differently. The famous "Sunny Jim" adver tisement, said by many experts to have been the greatest series of adver tisements ever published, were writ ten by, a young girl, not yet out of her teens. She had never had any training for the work of advertisement writing, or even in the art of compo sition. Jack London, one of the greatest, if not indeed the greatest, of modern story writers, boasts of the fact that he has less than the average "school learning." Neither of these cases, however, prove that a liberal education is not to be desired. But they both prove that the brightest, freshest, most na tural ideas often spring from the mind unhampered by the traditions of schoolroom and rule book. The Othello Improvement Co. has employed advertising experts, trained writers and teachers to write for it a little story to be entitled "WHY SHOULD I INVEST IN OTHELLO." The officers and directors of the com pany have tried their hand at the same subject, but without satisfaction to themselves or their associates. "All the efforts have lacked thai snap that vigor that unaffected na turalness which makes a story ring true and real. So the OTHELLO IMPROVE MENT CO. has decided upon a novel OREGON GOING EAST Great Northern President Has Unique Plan. PRODUCT-CAR TO TELL ALL Til Letter to Oregonian. Railroad Magnate Outlines Advertising System, Which Has Proved Ef fective in Other Instances. (Continued From First Page.) that plan of advertising. The commer cial clubs and business associations in Oregon cannot afford to overlook this opportunity for co-operating with the of ficial head of the Great Northern, who frequently has asserted during the last year that the time for this work of col onization was never more opportune. It has been the observation of 3r. Mill that there never was a greater de mand on the part of the people in the more densely populated districts of the East for homes in; the Pacific Coast states. For that reason he expects a heavier movement of emigration from the older settled districts to the "West during the next year than ever before. To, get its full share of benefits resulting from this advertising. Oregon must be equally active with the other states in the Pacific Northwest. This missionary work "by the Great Northern is being done in concrete form. These products are collected from the various sections along the line, of its sys tem and then exhibited in various parts of the country. The company has no land of its own to sell the homeseeker, it being the only transcontinental railroad that was built without the aid of a land grant or a subsidy of any kind. It Is Interested, naturally, in building up the population in the territory tributary to Its lines. The exhibition which Is now being conducted by this company in the Eastern Ftates is not confined to any one state. Oregon is not very satisfactorily repre sented in the exhibit but the display Mr. Hill plans to assemble from his state next year will be both complete and con vincing. The display is being exhibited by the company in various Eastern cities and consists of fruits and vegetables from Minnesota, Dakota, Montana, Oregon and Washington. "Almost Incredible," Says Comment "The display of fruit from the Pacific Northwest." said the Boston Evening Record, "is attractive to the degree of fascination. A description of the exhi bition of vegetables would almost tax the credulity of one uninformed of the. wonderful productiveness of the Far Western country." These products are displayed during the day in the car, which is stationed as nearly in the center of the city as it is possible, and in the evening an illustrated lecture is given in a public hall. Repre sentatives of the passenger and immigra tion departments of the railway company are in charge of the car. An idea of the public interest taken in both the exhi bition and the lecture is found in the dally reports which are made by the men in charge to E. C. Leedy. general immi gration agent for the road at St. Paul. The following statement was forwarded Trom Youngsville. Pa., on the 9th Inst.: The car was brought here at 8 A. M. to day and this place has been advertised and filled for miles back in the country. As a result It Has Drouent in town. small place of only about 2000 Inhabitants, one of the binnest crowds they have known in a long time. The little narrow cause line from Sunar Grove and vicinity brought In a special tralnload and It might be well to say that the company held the train tntll after the evening; lecture. AU day Ions- the center of town and around the epot had the appearance of a fair or Mrcua day on account of the Innumerable rigs and -wagons of ruralist- who had Irlven Into Youngsville fpr the express pur nose of visiting the car and attending the lecture. Scarcely was the car in readiness before the throngs were in attendance and ft Is no exaggeration to say that at times there were fully 100 people awaiting their turns to enter the car and we were forced to keep the people moving slowly with Invitation to again return during the duller hours, after many were required to return to their rural homes as far distant as 15 miles. However, the rush never stopped and It was a constant flow of people all day until time for the lecture. The majority in this section are the higher class of Swedish farmers and very Industrious. The inter est was especially enthusiastic and we will surely get good results Xrom this place later. There were at least 1600 people who visit plan of securing the , little story it wants to use in its advertising mat ter. It has concluded to give away as awards for merit to thosn readers of this newspaper, who will fke the time to sit down and dash off a brief little story upon the subject, "WHY SHOULD I INVEST IN OTHEL LO," valuable gifts as follows: ( For the story declared by the judges to be the best, an acre of fruit land at Othella Highlands will be given. For the story declared to be next best, a beautiful building lot in Othel lo will be given. For the next, or third best, a cash certificate, good for $100 upon the purchase, price of any lot or fruit tract at Othello, for sale by the Im provement Co., will be given. The value of the awards should in duce every readev of this newspaper to sit right down and write a little composition of not more than 500 words and send it to the OTHELLO IMPROVEMENT COMPANY'S OF FICES in this city, 219-220 Commer cial 'Club Bldg. It does not cost one cent to enter the contest. There is no condition whatever. Any person can enter. The winning story will undoubtedly be submitted by some one who least ex pects to win. In order to give full, information to those who may not know all the facts about Othello, the company has had a little booklet published, con taining full details. This booklet will be given to anyone asking for it at the company's offices in this city; Othello Improvement Co., 219-220 Commercial Club Building, Portland, Oregon. P. B. Newkirk, Managing Director. Phone Marshall 727. Office open from 10 A. M. to 9. P. M. ed the car. and of these 462 registered,. In regard to the lecture: Long before the hour of starting people were waiting to have the doors opened, and within half an hour every inch of space was taken in the largest hall in town. They monopolized every inch of standing room and we were finally forced to turn away several hun dreds who were unable to gain entrance at all. many of whom had driven far. We made it an iron-clad rule to allow no one of the children in the hall unless accom panied by parents. There were about 600 crowded within the four walls, and the in terest was the greatest that has prevailed thus far. A great crowd remained after ward to learn more and ask questions. At Corry, also in Pennsylvania, over 1400 visited the car. according to the following report of February 7: At this place we had a most attractive location: in fact, .a place could not have been built for better display, the car having been placed in the exact heart of the city, along the 'building line and on the edge of sidewalk, where It was necessary for all cit izens on the streets to pass, and within half a block of the postofflce. As a result, the car commenced to fill before we were scarcely ready, and within an hour people were scrambling for entrance, this rush, continuing until we closed the car. Were It not necessary to vacate the car for the lecture, we could htave taken care of easily several hundreds more. There were at least 1400 people in the car during the day, of whom 469 registered, a large percentage of whom showed especial interest. The lecture was given in the evening In the High School Auditorium, which is the largest and handsomest hall in the city. The seating capacity Is about "iQ0 and the hall was almost filled to capacity. The people showed great interest in the lecture and pictures, and after the meeting many Interviews were enjoyed wltn many who wanted to learn more of the Northwest, particularly the fruit lands and the Mon tana homesteads. t Zero Weather Has Xo Effect. Below-zero weather at Kane, Pa., failed to reduce the number of visitors to the company's car on exhibition February 11. Even under adverse weather conditions over 1000 people viewed the exhibit, re ported the comrJany's representative as follows: At this place today about 1200 people vis ited the exhibit car and 543 registered. Kane Is called the coldest spot in Pennsyl vania, and all day the temperature was xero or below, with snow and a strong wind, but in spite of the weather people who were interested came, crowding the car all after noon, with as many as 25 or 30 waiting part of the time to gain entrance. In the car more questions were asked concerning Washington land, although, the card signs regarding homesteads bring out a number of inquiries In regard to this subject; then In the meeting the subject is covered fully so that more interest in homesteads is no ticeable after the meetings. x About 400 people attended the meeting at this place, giving undivided attention to every word and detail of the pictures AUCTIOJf SALES TODAY. AUCTION sale today at Baker's Auction House, lf2 Parle st. Furniture, carpets etc Sale at lo o'clock. Baker & Son, Auctioneers. At 211 First st., furniture sale. 10 A. M.. by Ford Auction Co. PIED. O'BRIJiB In thia city, February 21, Mi chael William CBrlne, aged 58 years, beloved husband of Anna M. O'Brine. Fu neral notice later. ' i LANGFORD In this city, February 21, Isaac C. Langford, aged 80 years. The Remains are at Finley's parlors. Funeral notice hereafter. ITN'ERAL KOTICBS. HEPFERNA.N February 21, at 37 West Skid more street, John Joseph Heffernan, age 49 years 6 months 9 days. Funeral from above residence today. February 22. at 8:15 A. M , thence to 8t. Mary's Church. Williams ave nue and Stanton street, where services will be held at A. M. Friends respectfully in vited to attend. Interment at Mount Cal vary. SHAW In this city, February 20, at the family residence, 540 East Ankeny street, Mrs. Josephine M. Shaw, aged tiO years 4 months 16 days; -beloved mother of Charles K. Shaw, J. Burton Shaw and Mrs. w. E. Watson. Funeral will takep lace from her residence. Wednesday, February 23. 1:30 P. M. Interment Rlvervlew Cemetery. Dunning ft McEntn, Funeral Directors, 7th and line. Phone Main 430. Iadx as sistant. Ofnce of County Coroner. ZE1XKR-BTBNE9 CO., Funeral Directors 694 Williams ave. : both phones; lady attend ant: most modern establishment- in the city. EDWARD HOI. MAN CO.. Funeral Direct ors, 220 3d st. Laxly Assistant. Phone M. 601. J. P. KINI.KV ft SON, 3d and Madison. jtdy attendant. Phone Main 9, A 1599. KAST SIDE Funeral Directors, successors to S. Dunning. Inc. I. 52, B 2525. ERICSON CO. Undertakers; lady ant. 409 Alder. M. S133. A 2230. LERC H, undertaker, cor. East Alder and 6th. Phones, 781, H 1888. Lady assistant. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS f nal CHURCHLEY BROS., wood and coat v dealers, office and yard lata and Marshall. Phones Mala 931. A 3931. Florist Cnt Flower always fresh from w CT our own conservatories. Martin ft Forbes Ce 447 Wasalagtoa st- Bota phones. rVlAl Richmond and Wallsend Australian. Independent Coal ft Ice company,, opposite City Library. Both phones. F J. Richardson, Preni The Imperial Oregon's Greatest Hotel Ofl Rnnmc 1 lA Rnitoc "WirVi 'Pritj-nto . T.r, p. naius. NEW FIrJggfiOOF BUILDING Moderate Rates. Phil Metschan & Sons, Props. THE PORTLAND PORTLANO, OR. ETHOPBAX FLAW MODERN RESTAURANT COST 02CB M11X20N DOUABft, HOTEL OREGON COBNEE SEVENTH AND STARK STREETS Portland's New and Modern Hotel. Rates $1 per Day and Up EUROPEAN PLAN WRIGHT - DICKINSON HOTEL CO, Props. Nortonia Hotel ELEVENTH, OFF WASHINGTON ST. BEAUTIFUL GRILL ROOM European l'lan Rates to Ifemlltea Our Boa Meets All Trains Sample Suite with Bathe for Commercial Travelers. MODERN COMFORTS MODERATE S SEWARD Corner lOth and Alder The leading hotel of Portland, opened July 1909. Modern In every detail, furnished In elegance. Most beautiful corner lotiiy In Northwest. Commodious sample rooms. European plan. Rates 1.50 and up. . 'Bus meets all trains. W. M. SEWARD, Prop. OPENED SEPT.. 1909 HOTEL LENOX E. D. and V. H. JORGENSEN Props, and Mgrs. COR. 3D AND MAIN STS. Hot and Cold Water. Long Distance Phone in Every Room. RATES $1.00 and up American Plan 2.50 Per Day- The Delicious Flavor of . Apollinaf is Water COMBINED WITH ITS PERSISTENT EFFERVESCENCE And Valuable Digestive Qualities ' Accounts for its .Ever Increasing Popularity NEW PERKINS 4 Fifth and "Washington Sts. Opened Tune. 1908. A hotel in the very heart of Portland's business ac tivity. Only hotel equipped with wireless telegraph. Every convenience for comfort of commercial men. Modern in every respect. Kates $1.00 and ud. Cafe and grill; music during lunch, dinner and after theater. 5- l. Shetland, Sec. and Mgr. HTSA 1Q U A RTE R8 XR TOl'RlS I and COMM KRCiAX TRAVELEK8. Special rates m&de to families and sin gle gentlemen. The management will, be pleaded at ail times to show rooms and give prices. A mod ern Turkish Bath establishment In the hotel, H. CM BOWEBS, Manager. 4 XLS. &,h Jt& 5lS?.$tiI i S a r jST cr E it a -1 . PRICES win! s : linea l DMir.i i THE CORNELIUS "The Honse of "Welcome," corner Park and Alder. Portland's newest and most modern hotel. European plan. Single, $1J50 and up. Double, $2.00 and up. Our omnibus meets all trains. C. W. CORNELIUS. H. E. FLETCHER. Proprietor. Manager. HOTEL RAMAPO Corner Fourteenth and Washington New Hotel, Elegantly Furnished Rates $1.00 and Up Special Rates for Permanent! European Flan. 'Bus Meets All Trains, M. E. 1-OtEY. PKOPR1ETOR PRIVATE BATHS YOU WILL LIKE THE WOODS HOTEL European Plan $1 & 1.50 Per Day "It'a All Comfort." On r Table d'Hote Meala One Feature. In heart of business district, center of city, half block from O. N. Ry. and N. P. Ry. Depot, close to all steam ship wharfs and C. P. R. Depot. VANCOUVER, B. C. W. 1). Wood, M(?r. AMUSEMENTS. SEATS SELLING TODAY WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY SHERMAN. CLAY & CO. SCHUMANN HEINK WEDNESDAY EVE, FEB. 23, 8:15 ARMORY iric yi.oo, fi.no, a'.oo, sc'.r.o. BUNGALOW. Phonee: Main 117 and A 4224. Special Price Mat. Tomorrow . America's Greatest Emotional Actress MRS. IESI.K CARTER In Edward Peple's Drama 'VAST A II ERNE" Evenings, $2 to 7c; Matinee, $1.50 to 50c SEAT SALE OPENS TODAY BCXCALOW THEATER 8 NIGHTS Beginning; NEXT THURSDAY Special-Price Matinee Saturday Kirk 1a Shelle Co. Presents Owen Wister's Grea.t "Western Drama "THE VIRGINIAN" Evenings $1.50 to 50c; Matinee, $1 to 23c. Portland Theater "s Russell & Drew, Managers. Phones: Main 443: A 7085. IEK STARTING SI7XDAY, KEB. 20 Kussell .;- Drew Offer Their Own PORTLAND THEATER STOCK COMPANY Presenting for the First Time in Portland the Great Spectacular Melodramatic Success bv Hal Held "A MIDNIGHT MARRIAGE" . Popular Prices Matinees, adults 25c to all parts of the house: children 10c. Night. BOc, 40c. 30e and 20c. THEATER Main 2. A 5360 Geo. I.. Baker, Manager Tonight, All Week. Bargain Matinee Wednesday, 25c. Henry Miller's Select Com-pany in THE GREAT DIVIDE, The success of two continents; 600 nights in New York. Evenings. 25c. 50c, 75c. $1. Sat. Mat. 25c, B0. Neit week The Ljon and the Mouse. MAIN . A 1030. MATINEE EVERT DAT. J5-25- i-500 NIGHTS USUAL WEEK. FEBRUARY SI Ixrttie IVilliams and Company, the Charles Ahearn ComediunH and Charlene, Jimmle Iucas, Pauline Moran, Douglas & Douglas. J. .Fran cis looley. Picture, Orchestra. Tonight S:liT Tomorrow Might WTO (RyNsO WEEK FEBRUARY 21. The Herculean Idol, Dolph and Susie GERARD, Levino. . In startling and sen- Hathaway & SeigeL sational feats. Abbio Mitchell. Henry and Alice Browning & Lavan. Taylor. Grandosrope. Matinee every day. 2:30: any seat. 15c Evening performances. 7:30, 0:15: balcony, 15c; lower floor. 25c; box seats, 50c. See Masquerade Tonight Exposition Rink Masks for Sale at Rink. SKATS FOR G000 SPECTATORS. Special Matinee Tbita Afternoon. MEETING NOTICES. WASHINGTON" LODGE!, NO. 46, A. F. & A. M. WASHINGTON CHAPTER, NO. 18, R. A. M. ' MARTHA WASHINGTON CHAP TER, NO 14, O. E. S. "WASHINGTON COUNCIL, NO. 3, R. & S. AI. Joint celebration "VahiriKtona Birthday tonight at 8 o'c lock, Eaat Side Masonic Tem ple. E. Burnslde and E. 8th sts. Able sneakers. excellent music. refreshments. Members of these bodies and their families invited. A full attendance requested. THOS. M. HL'RLBL'RT, Chairman Committee of Arrangements. STOP! LOOK!! LIS- TEX I ! ! All Kader Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S-. again ex tends the glad, hand of Arab Hospitality to its members and sojourning Shriners, and cordially invites all to join in the MIDWINTER CERE MONIAL, which is to be held on Saturday, the Fif teenth Day of the Second Month. Safar. 1.T28. A. H-. corresponding with the 2(ith day of Febru ary, ahio. it nath been decreed mat an the faithful shall gather at the Ancient Shrine of Al Kader to comfort the many unre generates, who, for the first time in their lives, are seeking to join the caravan for a pilgrimage across the hot sands of the desert to the Holy City. Remember: The business session for receiving petitions and balloting will be held at the Masonic Tem ple, corner West pak and Yamhill, on Fri day evening, February 25, at 8 o'clock, sharp ; the ceremonial and banquet at the same place on Saturday evening. February JSC. beginning promptly at 8 o'clock. All petitions must be In the hands of the Recorder by Friday noon. WILLIAM H. G ALVA NX Potentate. B. a. WHITEHOUSE, Recorder. A. & A, S. RITE. Multno mah Council of Kadosh, No. 1 Regular meeting in memorial hall. Scottish Rite Cathedral, this evening at 8 o'clock. By order EM. COMMANDER. CORINTHIAN CHAPTER. NO. f4. O. E. S. Regular communication this (Tuesday) even ing. Masonic Temple. Social. Members of O. EJ. S. cordially Invited. Order W. M. ELIZABETH SILKNITTER, Sec. THE K I AW AN DA COUNCIL, No. 11. De gree Pocahontas, requires all members to be present at regular meeting Friday, Feb ruary 25, at 8 o'clock P. M.. at Baker hall, ITtM and Alberta streets. Mrs. A. T. Cal kins, keeper of record. MOUNT HOOD CIRCLE, W. OF "W. Whist and dance tonight In East Side W. O. W. Hall. Game called . 8:30. Special orchestra for dancing. Refreshments. Ad mission 15' cents. IVAXHOE LODGE NO. 1, KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS, regular meeting, every Tuesday night in their Castle Hall, Eleventh and Alder streets. Work in the Knight rank. Visit of Frank Menefee. grand chancellor; L. R. Stinson. grafld keeper records and seals, and other grand officers. District convention; re freshments. E. M. LANCE, SC. R. & S." New hall for rent. Howe-Davis. A 200S- OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY PRESIDENT. Main ML litREIAKK. Simla IM. HUM ANX OFFICES. Et 477. NEW TOftAlT. LOOK! STOP! LISTEN! LOOK! STOP I LISTEN! .Go out to Piedmont and price lots and then come back and buy mine lor SO0 today. 430 Worcester Bids;. 5 NEW TODAY. $175,000 For Morrison St. Corner Very desirable location, close to Olds, AV. & K.'s new building, the commg busi ness district of Morrison st., where property values are sure of rapid advance. Fair income now, but if improved by modern building a tenant ready to lease. Yanduyn & Walton 515 Chamber of Commerce. 90 acres, 42 in cultivation, balance timber, fine spring water, land all level, no rock.' All fenced ; family or chard. Fine, new, larpre barn; house and all good outbuildings, good well of water. One team of horses, 1 team three-year-olds, 4 head of cows, chick ens, some hay and grain, 300 bushels of oats, 400 bushels of wheat, about 75 bushels of potatoes; harness, wag ons, a new hack, binder", mower, hay rake, plows, harrows and all farm implements of all kinds. This is a great bargain. Have been all over this farm and know it to be in good condition. Only six miles east of Oregon Gity. On good road, which is all crushed rock ; near school, phone in house; R. F. D. daily, also cream route. Will consider house and lot to $3500, no incumbrance, in exchange. GIBSON & HOLLIDAY, . 304-5 Gerlinger Bldg. Two Bargains $7000 Buys a house and lot on 17th street that is worth $S500. Some income. $100,000 Buys the Princess Hotel, N". E. cor. of East 3d and Bnrnside. This prop, erty covers 100x100 feet of ground. It is a 5-story concrete, fire-proof building, with an income of $660 per month, under S-year lease by very re sponsible parties. M. E. THOMPSON CO., Henry Bldg.r 4th and Oak. Main 6084, A 3327. Most Beautiful Home in the Willamette Valley, 21 12 Acres Three and one-half miles northwest of McMinnvllle on fine county road. acres excellent bearing apple trees Newtowns, Klnt's. Oravenstelna and Jonathans 2 acres Spitzenberffs, cher ries, peaches, pears and small fruits. Fine new, 8-room, plastered house; barn 18x24: woodhouse 16x24: chicken house; good well; yards well fenced. This Is, without a doubt, the choicest buv In the street. Price $7500. Good terms for any one who wants n fine liorr.e and a property that is a pro ducer. THE J ACOBS-STINK COM PAX 1", 14 Fifth St., Portland. TWO SNAPS SNAP KO. It 29 lots in one n o d j-, 3 blocks east of Ijaurel hurst: .Mount Hood lilec trlc road will run throug-h center of property. SNAP NO. 2: 17 lots In one body with 2 houses, on west slope of Mount Tabor. Both of the above are 25 per cent less than market prices. Beautiful homes near these tracts. I,and is cleared. A most excellent Investment either to build houses and sell on the Installment plan or to HAVE AND TO HOLD. No phone Information. It. II. HLOSSOM, No. 310 Chamber of Comment. RENTALS DESK ROOM. STREET FLOOR. 83 5th St. Light, heat and phone. $6250 Broadway St. Modern home on Broadway, In choice part of Holladay's Addition, close in. Thia Includes all street Improvements; part cash. III,l,i;ft, 41 Chamber of Com. NEW SWISS CHALET $500 below cost. Magnificent view: two carlines; 2-story, seven rooms; Dutch kitchen, built-in china closet; cold air cupboard: colonial fireplace; hot water heating; finest of electric and plumbing fixtures. By owner; your terms. KL 731, Oregonian. Williams Avenue Choice piece of property close to Russell, paying 9 per cent. Price $13,000, $7000 cash. Snap. LACEY &. SCHLESSER, 516 Williams Ave. FOR SALE on a 10 per cent Income basis; Interest In a newly improved business quarter block on Stark and Bumside sts. Takes $15,000 to handle. Offer for whole property might be considered. Owner, 712 Couch bldg. GEORGB BLACK, , FOBL1C ACCOUNTANT. (All Branches.) 823 Worcester Bids;. Phones Main S371. A 401S, " M NEW TODAY. 26 ACRES Adjoining city limits, near a carline; Avill subdivide in fine shape. This is a good proposition and will bear in vestigation. Price, $1500 Per Acre KEASEY 4 ljlUHASONJEFFERY 14 CHAMBER OF COMMLRCE. M 1189 A 3814 $50,000 Corner on Fifth St., one block from Burnside. Some income. King's Hill 100x100, with '10-room residencet No. 712 Main St.; room for another residence or present house can be re moved, leaving fine apartment site. Willamette Heights Lot on Wilson St., with new five room house, hardwood floors and everything modern. Price $42oO. Terms. RUSSELL & BLYTH Commonwealth Building. f WASHINGTON STREET I 50x100, 1 Snap Price. I $22,500 This is near 20th and will f not last long. 1 PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY i S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. IRRIGATED FRUIT AND ALFALFA LANDS at Echo. Umatilla County. Oregon, on the Columhia, under project of Western Land & Irrigation Company. Best soil, best climate and superior transporta tion advantages. HOME-SEEKER INVESTOR It will pay you to Investigate. Low est prices, easy terms. Dont delay. For full particulars, book, map, etc, write or call on AUGUST (i. TEEPE, II on in 414 Henry ltldg;., Portland, Or, CENTRAL OREGON Want to hear of its tremendous ds. velopment hour by hour, day by day. while Hill and Harrlnian fight for its riches? The Bent Bulletin, est. 1902, published In the heart of intense activ ity, tells It fully week by week. $1.54. yearly. THE BULLETI.V, llfnd, Oregon. i 100 Feet i On Washington St. ( It's a corner, I $150,000 I Income better than 6 per cent, f I Portland Trust Company i i S. E. Cor, Third and Oak Sts. j .ll.llllHll.ll.llm. fK , Williams Ave. Snap Guaranteed cheapest quarter block on Williams ave.. 100x100. with fln large 6-room house. We have tenants for 2 stores and 2 flats on corner. W can make ' you a profit of $2000 in 90 days on this. For price and terms. se Grussi & Zadow 317 Board of Trade Bldg:.. 4th and Oalc. r " East Couch -St. Lot Price 33200 Lot 50x100 situated on the north sld of Kast Couch St.. between K. 18th and K. 20th sts., being a corner on a 10-foot alley. It is a bargain. "Can arrange, terms. MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 Second St., Lumber Kxchnuge Bldg MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest rates and terms to salt; spe rial rates and favorable terms on iarse loans on business properties Fundi Loaned for Private Investors A.H.BIRRELL CO. SOS McKay HldK., 3d Jt Stark. A Good Chance to Own Your Home An Eastern capitalist has placed with me a large fund for home building- la Portland. I-et me know your needs. WILL H. WALKEK, 823 Chnmber of Commerce Fkonc Main