f TIIE MORNING- OREGONIAN, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1910. 11 SUTLER OFF DUTY Schooner Ordered for Inspec tion When Needed. THOMAS L. WAND IN PLACE New Boat Will Be in Command of Captain Olaf Olscn Instead of Captain Peterson, Who Has Secured Absence Jjeave. Just as she is most needed to - meet the increased freight demands between this city and San Francisco, the steam schooner Jim Butler was ordered1 for her annual inspection in San Francisco, and it was necessary for her owners, Olson & Mahony, to substitute, for her the steam schooner Thomas Ij. Wand, which will probably arrive here Wednesday with a general cargo from the south. According to the local representatives of the Richardson Steamship Company and the Olson & Mahony Company, the steam schooners plying between Portland and San Francisco are enjoying an unus nlly good business, and every vessel be longing to the two firms are loaded each trip to their full capacity. , The Wand had been ordered to Grays Harbor with a cargo, and was to have loaded there with lumber for San Fran cisco had not the change In the orders for the Butler been made. Captain H. Peterson, who has had command of the Wand, has been granted a leave of absence for a few weeks and Captain Olaf Olscn will take his place, and will be in command of the Wand when she arrives here this week. RAMOXA IX FROM COOS BAT Breakwater's Substitute Not so Fast on Voyage Up River. With an average load of freight and passengers, the steamer Ramona ar rived from Coos Bay yesterday after noon and after putting off her pas sengers and some of her freight at the Ainsworth dock Bhe shifted to Davis street to dispose of her coal. This is the second trip for the Ra mona on the run of the Breakwater, which is running between San Fran cisco and Coos Bay a few trips pre liminary to being overhauled in San Francisco. That the Ramona Is not the traveler that the Breakwater Is was demonstrated yesterday, when it took her more than eight hours to make the trip from Astoria to Port land. She left Astoria at 8 o'clock in the morning and arrived In Portland at 4:10 P. II. The Breakwater usually made the trip up the river In seven hours, unless conditions were extreme ly unfavorable'. BREDGEfG WAITS FOR RISE Anchorage to Be Extended as Soon as Snow Melts. Dredging for the anchorage extension at the lower end of the harbor will be gin as soon as the melting of snows in the mountains causes the river to rise sufficiently, according to a statement made yesterday by J. C. Lockwood, engi neer for the Port of Portland. The plans- for the extension of the anchorage were due to the promise of Increased commerce for the coming sea son, and the work will be pushed as rapidly as possible when it is once begun. The extension to the anchorage will be run about a mile below the present limits. . WORK OX DREDGE PROGRESSES Prospect Good That Chinook Will Be Ready on Contract Time. Work of remodeling the dredge Chinook is under good headway and it was said yesterday that it is progressing faster than had been expected at the beginning. The boiler will be In position in a few days and a large part of the interior work has already been done. It seems' now to be assured that the Chinook will be com pleted and ready for work on contract time, June 15. The Chinook will be used to deepen the Columbia River bar. Saginaw Brings Full Cargo. With a. full cargo. Including 16,000 sacks of cement, the steam schooner Saginaw arrived from San Francisco yesterday morning, and was tied up to the Couch street dock. The Saginaw will be shifted this morning from Couch street to Oak street, where she will finish disposing of her freight. Before arriving In port, the Saginaw put off 1200 kegs of powder at Martin's Bluff. Only 65 tons of her cargo Is for Couch street, and the re mainder Is for Oak street. Marine Notes. To complete her cargo of lumber, the British steamer Glenaffrlc shifted yes terday from St. John to the Inman- Poulsen Company's mill. The British steamer River Clyde shift ed yesterday from the Inman-Poulsen Company's mill to the North Pacific Lumber Company's mill, to complete tak ing on her cargo. The tugboat Oklahoma was sent to As toria yesterday to get the schooner Irene, which she will take today to Stella, where the schooner will load lumber for San Pedro. Astoria Marine Notes. ASTORIA. Or., Feb. 20. (Specln.1.) Th four-masted schooner Irene arrived today from San Pedro and will load lum ber at Stella. The steamer Johan Poulsen sailed to day for San Francisco with a cargo of 150,000 feet of lumber, loaded at Llnnton, 50.000 feet loaded t Prescott, 350.000 feet loaded at Rainier and 110,000 feet loaded at Astoria. Manning Tvecrlves Visitors. Arrangements had been made to receive visitors on board the revenue cutter Manning, which Is anchored out in the Ftream. beginning Saturday noon, and yesterday until 4 P. M.. but the rainy weather preveVited many from going on board. Launches were run to and from the Manning yesterday afternoon, carry ing the few who braved the rain. Arrivals and Hcparturc. Astoria Or.. F"b. CO. 'WInfl. Trpst: weather, cloudy: sea, smooth. Arrived at T:10 A. M. Schooner Irene, from Pan Pedro. Pallert at 8:30 A. M. Steamer Olympla. for Fan Francisco. Arrived at 7 and left rp at 8 A. M- Steamer Ramona, from .Coos Bay. Sailed at 9'15 A. M. Schooner I.'.iznn, for Redondo. Soiled at !:20 A. M. Steamer Johan poulsen. for Pan Kranelaro. Kan Frnncisrn, Feb. 20. Hailed at 5 T. M. Steamer Northland, for Portland. Sailed vesterdav at 2 P. M. Steamer Santa Clara: at S P. M., steamer Ft. Jlrlens: at 0 P. M., learner V. S. Loop, all for Portland. Fan FranclFo. Feb. . 20. Arrived Steam ers Admiral Sampson, from Seattle; Sem inole, from Mojl: Yosemite, from Columbia Kiver: t-rkentino Coronado. from Honolulu. Sailed steamer Jim Butler. for "Wlllupa: steamer Northland, for Astoria: schooner vrVi for Umpqua.; steamer Asuncion, for Tacoma: steamer Lucy Neff, for San Pedro: steamer Mayfalr. for Willapa; steamer Slmsf n fnr "Rpllinirham : m t earner Tahoe. for Grays Harbor; bteamer Charles . Wilson, j Seattle; steamer Riverside. for Seattle; steamer Buckman. for Seattle, Los Angeles. Feb. 20. Arrived Steamer Nome City, from Portland. Sailed Steamer O. W. Fenwlck. for Columbia River. Seattle. Feb. 20. Arrived German steam ship Ella, from Eagle Harbor; British steamer Suveric, from Tacoma; steamer Queen, from San Francisco. Sailed Wreck ing steamer Santa Cruz, for Mud Bay, Alaska; steamer Jefferson, for Skagway; steamer City of Puebla, for San Franciaco. Baltimore. Feb. 20. Arrived Bulgaria, from Hamburg. Tacoma. Feb. 20. Arrived British steam ship Teucer, from Liverpool, via Yokohama, Departed Schooner Oliver J. Olson, for San Francisco. Tides at Astoria Monday. High. Low. 12:0S A. M 6.9 feet5:34 A. M 3 4 feet 6:15 P. M.. O.T feet DUFUR INSTITUTE NEAR Fruitgrowers' Union to Hold All-Day Session Next Saturday. jDTJFtTR, Or., Feb. 20. (Special.) En tensive preparations are being made here for the firft annual Institute to be held here next Saturday under the manage ment of the Dufur "Valley Fruitgrowers Union. The institute will be an all-day affair, extending into the evening and ending with a banquet at the Balch House here. Prominent horticulturists1 from Cor vallis. Portland, Hood River, and other points will be present and will lecture on various subjects related to fruit grow ing. It Is only within the last few years that residents of the Dufur Valley have real ized that fruit could be raised at a good profit In this section. Now that they are thoroughly interested In the fruit indus try Is shown by the number and si-ze of orchards set out In the last two seasons. In the Fall of 190S there were almost 100,000 fruit trees shipped here and almost as many last Fall. The trees are mostly apples and pears. Many of the large farms of this section have of late been cut into small tracts to be set to fruft trees. SOCIALIST MOVE HALTED British Columbia Kefuses to Slake Separate Schools for Orientals. VICTORIA, B. C. Feb. 20. (Special.) The British Columbia government has re fused Socialist and opposition leader Hawthornthwait's proposal to amend the school act by making obligatory the pro vision for separate schools for the Ori entals. The refusal Is based on the contention that such discriminatory legislation would be disallowed at Ottawa and' that dicta tion to school boards in local matters is contrary to the policy of the govern ment. PERSON ALJIENTION. C. A. Bell, of Hood River, Is at the Imperial. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Weatherf ord, of Albany, are at the Imperial. V. E. Merrick and W. H. Simon, of Medford, are at the Portland. N. E. Ayer, Portland lumberman, is at the Nortonia for the season. Frank Menefee, Prosecuting Attorney at The Dalles, is at the Imperial. F. A. Richardson, of Creswell. regis tered at the Cornelius yesterday. H. P. Belknap and Floyd A. Rowell, of Prinevllle, are at the Imperial. Frank H. Williams, ex-Circuit Judge of Jackson County, is at the Perkins. Mrs. H. T. Wentworth. of Ashland, is among the Sunday arrivals at the Impe rial. Frank Farrell, an attorney of Seaside, was among the Sunday arrivals at the Perkins. "V. S. Bicksler, a Denver attorney. Is staying at the Oregon while looking after professional business in the city. Mrs. Nellie Farquharson, of Fernle, B. C, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. C. Braht, at 7S0 East Salmon street. Albert Hess, a publisher of theater pro grammes in Portland, Seattle and Taco ma, Is here for a. few days from Puget Sound. Mr. and Mrs. C. -E. Florence, visitors from Fort Worth, Tex., arrived at the Seward yesterday, on a tour of the Northwest. John Medler, a pioneer of the Wasco country and in the development of its sheep., cattle and wheat industries, is at the Perkins. E. McLennon, a well-known cattle raiser and owner of fanclly bred stock, arrived from Shaniko yesterday and is at the Cornelius. George A. Lee, Assistant Attorney General of the State of Washington, came down from Olympla yesterday and Is at the Nortonia. W. E. Tallent, of Astoria, arrived from the East yesterday and registered at the Portland. Mr. Tallent has been absent several weeks. He will go home today. M. W. Lownaburry. G. W. TJtzlnger. H. II. Freeman and C. R. Montgomery formed a party of Astoria citizens who reached the Oregon last night. They are in the city on business. L. R. Stlnson, grand keeper of records and seal for the Knights of Pythias, arrived at the Perkins yesterday. He will remain in the city until after the annual celebration next Tuesday even ing. Frank M. Frye, president of the Krye Bruhn Packing Company, with large plants at Everett, Tacoma and Belllng ham, passed through the city yesterday, en route to Los Angeles and otUer Southern California points. He Is ac companied by M. J. Schuchart. They registered at the Oregon. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL, REPORT. rORTLAND, Feb. 20. Maximum tempera ture. 45 degrees: minimum, 37 degrees. River readlnft at 8 A. M-. 6.0 feet. Change In last 24 hours. .6 foot rine. Total rainfall P. M. to 5 P. M.) 0.13 Inch. Total rain fall since September 1, 1909. 20 54 inrhen. Nnnral rainfall since September 3. 80.08 lnehes. deficiency of rainfall since Septem ber 1. 1SX19. ..",4 in-h. Total aunshine Feb ruary in. none. Possible sunshine, 10 hours, Sfi minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level.) at 5 P. M.. 20.S8 Inches. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Observations taken at 5 P. M-. Pacific time. February 20: Wind. State ot Yaathcr. STATIONS. 5C o o - D Boise. ........... Helena Kam loops. ....... North H ead. . . . . . Portland Iled Hiuff Roseburgr. '. Sacramento. Salt Lake Spokane Tacoma. Tatoosh Island. . . Walla Walia Blaine ,. Siskiyou Loa Angeles 36:0.12! 4 410.04 41 io:o.oilisi 44 -A. 02124 45;0.0i12 M'iO.00 0 4! T. I 6 52i0.00J12 8 T. 4 2S0.12 4210.04112 4'0.1224 4ilo.02!lO 3RIII. 04110 4i 0.08 . . 6410. J0 8 F. W S . w SW SE 9W NE N SW w 3 NB S-W ICloudy snow Cloud v ICloudy Sprinkle Pt. rlondv Cloudy Clear Cloud V ICloudy IPL rlond-w Cloudy Cloudy ICloudy Pt. eloudv Icloudy T Trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Tttr pressure still controls the weather conditions over the North Paolflo Slope, where tbo storm appears central over North ern Washington, while another center of "low" is over Southern I'tah. The barometric pressure Is relatively high alone the Cali fornia Coast and eastward of the Northern Rockies. Precipitation has been general oer Oregon, "Washington. Idaho and West ern Montana, but over the South Pacific Elope generally fair weather ebUUna. Con- AMUSEMENTS. SEATS NOW SELLING SHEIt MAX-CLAY. mug, SCHUMANN HEINK WBDXESUAY EYE, FEB. S3, Si 15. ARMORY Prices fl.OO, 91.SO, $2.00, $2.50. BUNGALOW;. Phones: Main 117 and A 4224. THKKK NIGHTS, BKiGIN'INO TONIGHT, Special price matinee Wednesday. America's Greatest Kmotional Actress, MRS. LESLIE CARTER In Edward Peple-s drama, VASTA HERNB." Evenings, 2 to 73c; matinee, 1.50 to 50c THEATER Main 2, A 5300 Geo. I- Baker, Manager Tonight. All Week. Bargain Matinee Wednesday. 25c Henry Miller's Select Company In T11K GREAT IlIYrDE, The success of two continents: 600 nights in New York. Evenings, 25c. 60c 73c. SI. Sat. Mat. 23c, 60. Next week The Uon and the Mouse. MAIN 8, A lttZ'J. ttA MATINEE EVEBI DAT. 13-25-500 NIGHTS w - ..- II1T PV Of T sti I a Willi am and Company, the Charles Anearn 'omMiians and Charlene, Jinimie JvUia, 1 "fiu line MornD, Iouliit & Ooufrlaa. J. Fran cis Dooley, lecture. Orchestra. GRAND WEEK. FEBRUARY 21. The Herculean Idol, GERARO, In startling and sen sational feats. Henry and Alice Taylor. Dolph and Susie lJevlnu. Hathaway St SelgeL Abbie Mitchell. Browning & lAvaa. Grandoseope. Matinee every day, Fvcnlng performance! liir-; lower floor. 23c: 2:30; any seat, luc 7:30, U:15: balcony. ' box seats. 3Qc dltlons are favorable for light rain In Oregon and Western Washington Monday, and rain or snow In Eastern Washington, while In Idaho there will be light snow. There will not be much change In temperature, and winds will be moderiue In lorce and west erly. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Occasional rain: light southwest winds. . Oregon Rain, except probably snow In extreme east portion: light westerly winds, brisk along the const. Washington Rain west, rain or snow east portion: westerly winds, brisk along the coast. ldah-HSnW-THEODORE F. DRAKS. Observer, Temporarily in Charge. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At 211 First st., furniture sale at 2 P. M- by Ford Auction Company. At Wilson's Auction House, corner Sec ond and Yamhill streets. Sale at 10 A. M. j. T. Wilson, Auctioneer. At Barnes Market, 107 Third St., auction of "butchers' fixtures at lO A. M. by the Ford Auction Company. MEETING NOTICES. STOP! LOOKI! LIS TEN!!! All Kader Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., again ex tends the glad hand of Arab Hospitality to its members and sojourning Shrlners, and cordially invites all to Join In the MIDWINTER CERE MONIAL, which is to be held on Saturday, the Fif teenth Dav of the Second Month. Safar. 1328. A. H-. corresponding with the 2th day of Febru ary, 101O. It hath been decreed that all the faithful shall gather at the Ancient Shrine or Al Kader to comfort the many unregenerateg, who, for the first time in their lives, are seeking to Join the caravan tor a pilgrimage across the hot sands of the desert to the Holy City. Remember: The business session for receiving petitions, and balloting will- be held at the Masonic Tem ple, corner West,Pak and Yamhill, on Fri day evening, February 25, at 8 o'clock, sharp; the ceremonial and banquet at the same place on Saturday evening, February 26, beginning promptly at 8 o'clock. All petitions must be in the hands of the Recorder by Friday noon. WILLIAM H. GALVANI, Potentate. B. G. WHITKHOUSE, Recorder. HARMONY LODGE No. 12. A. F. and A. M. Special communl- eC"7 cation this (Monday) evening at I :JU p ciock. vvorit in tne m. m. degree. Visitors are cordially In vited. W. M. DeLIN, Secretary. WASHINGTON LODGE, No. 46, A. F. and A. M. Special commu nication this (Monday) evening. OJP 7:30, East 8th and Burnside sts. M. M. degree. lsitors welcome. By order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND, Secretary. "WILLAMETTE COUNCIL ROY AL ARCANUM meets at K. P. Hall. Alder and 11th street, the flret and third Monday of each month at 8 jP. M. Visitors cor dially welcome. E. J. Huftord. sec retary. First National Bank. WILLAMETTE LODGE No. 2, A. F. and A- M. Special commu- cation this (Monday) evening at 7:;tO o'clock, work in jfci. A. , de- gree. Visiting brethren welcome. "W. S. WEEKS. Secretary. CAMELIA CHAPTER No. 27. O. E S. Stated communication this (Moniay evening at Masonic Tem ple. Social. By order TV. M. FLORENCE P. JOHNSON, Sec New hall for rent. Howe-Davis. A 2008. DIED. SHAW At 540 East Ankeny. February 20. Josephine Shaw, aged &5 years. Funeral notice later. 1 FO'EBAL NOTICE, TOMLINSOX The funeral of the late S. N. Tomllnson, who died Fe-bruary 17, was held from Zeller & Ryrnes undertaking parlor Saturday. February 19. at 10 A. M and interment was made at Rivervlew Cemetery. Mr. Tomlinson had been a resi dent of this city for the past 22 years, having come hre In 1SSS from Western Iowa, He leaves to mourn his loss his wife. Mary A. Tomlinson. and sons. W. L., E. N.. J. C. and C. V. Tomlinson. and daughters. Mrs. W. R. Ladd. Born in Highland County, 'Ohio, February 19, and if he had lived would have been 72 years, of age. ZIEBEL At her home, 038 Cleveland ave nue. February 18, beloved wife of Edward W. Zlebel, AdelLa Josephine Ztebel, aged 40 year. unnral will take place from the parlors of the East Side Funeral Direc tors, successors to F. S. Dunnin?. Kant Alder and East Sixth Btrefts, Monday. (February 21. 2 P. M. Friends respectfully Invited. Interment Rivervlew Cemetery. CKANE Mrs. Mary O'Kane. widow of the late John O'Kane. died at St. Joseph's Hospital, Vancouver. Wash., Sunday, Feb ruary 20. aged 82 years. Funeral services will be held at St. James' Cathedral, Tues day. February 22, at 9:30 A. M. Friends are invited. WARD In this city. February 10, at 525 Ochoco avenue, Sarah Jane Ward, age 60 years, 5 months, 21 clays. Remains prepared and shipped to Dellar, Neb., by A. ii. Hemstock. , - Dunning A McEnte. Funeral Directors, 7th and Pine. Phone Main 430. Lady as sistant. Office of County Coroner. ZELLER-BYRNE8 CO.. Funeral Directors.' 694 Williams ave. ; both phones; lady attend ant; most modern establishment In the city. EDWARD H OILMAN CO.. Funeral Direct ors. 220 d at. Lady Assistant. Phone M. 607. J. P. FIN LEV & SON, Sd and Madison. Lady t-.ttendant. Phone Mala 9. A 1599. EAST SIDE Funeral Directors, successors to t S. Dunning. Inc. Xu. &2, It 2525. EKICSON CO. Undertakers; lady assist ant. 409 Alder. M. 6133. A 230. I.ERCH, undertaker, cor. Eaxt Alder' and 6U1. .Phones, ?ol 11 1888. Lady assistant. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY I'KKtolDKNT. Slain . ' tCIUiTAKV. Mala Sm. HUMANK OFFICII B. Baal AIT. 'EW TODAY. Corner on Fifth St., one block from Burnside. Some income. ' King's Hill 100x100, -with 10-room residence, No. 712 Main St.; room for another residence or present house can be re moved, leaving fine apartment site. Willamette Heights Lot on "U'ilson St., with new five rodm house, hardwood floors and everything modern. Price -4250. Terms.- RUSSELL & BLYT S Commonwealth Building. IRRIGATED FRUIT AND ALFALFA LANDS at Echo. Umatilla County, Orepron, on the Columbia, under project of Western Land & Irrigation Company. Best soil, best climate and superior transporta tion advantages. HOME-SEEKER INVESTOR It will pay you to Investigate. Low est prices, easy terms. Don't delay. For full particulars, book, map, etc., write or call on AUGUST C. TEEPE, Room 414 Henry Hide., Porllund, Or. "23 NET INVESTMENT APARTMENT HOUSE, 22 Bets. Apartments. NET INCOME $596 1 OX (il'U.OOO CASH INVESTED. Expenses include fuel, 'telephones, par bage, water, electric liRhts, janitor, taxes and Insurance. BUILDIXG IXSIRED FOR U7,000. lOOxlOO UHOUND. Between two carlines, close in. OWNERS' nEALTY ASSOCIATION, 205 Abingrton Bld-. Tel. Main 6224. ELEGANT HOME Swell 7-room Willamette Heights residence on double lot. fronting: on Thurman street: hardwood floors and all modern conveniences: hard surface pavement in and paid for. Only IS500. For terms see OWNER. 215 Commonwealth Building1. Main 13. A 1113. NORTH EAST CORNER 26TH AND MARSHALL ST. . GOxlOO. Beautiful residence site, bitlullthic pavement, sewer and water mains all paid for and put in. PRICE S7500 HALF CASH. BIS McKay Bldg., Third and Stark. Mortgage Loans on Improved City Property At Current Rate. BnlldloK Lou. Installment Loasi. Wm. MacMaster S03 Worcester Block. MARSHALL ST. Beautiful residence site, 40x100, fac ing south, between 25th and 26th sts. Bitulithlc pavement, sewer and water main all paid for. 513 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark. PRICE $4500 HALF CASH. MARSHALL ST. 37V4X100. Bitulithlc pavement, sewer and water main all paid for. PRICE S:$750 Yi CASH. 513 McKay Bldg.. Third and Stark. IT IS EASY TO OWN A HOME WILL BUY A LOT AND BUILD FOR YOU WILL H. WALKER: 823 Chamber of Commerce. Pbone Main 8535. Mortgage Loans REAL ESTATE, FIRE INSURANCE. MORGAN, FLIGDXER & BOVCE, 50.T-5OO Ablnifton Bldgr. $6250 BROADWAY ST. Modern home on Broadway, In cholre part of Holladay's Addition, close in. This includes all atreet improvements; part cash. MIX.1.ER, 416 ChanVber or Com. Apartment Site Site on East 13th near East Morri son sts., 50x100, at a bargain, only $3800. See this. F. W. TORGLER JOH Sherlock Bids. DOUGLAS COUNTY $10 PER ACRE. 1500 acres; part in cultivation, bal ance fir and oak timber. Owner C 735, Oretfonian. MORTGAGE LOANS Large Amounts Preferred. GOUOAKU A WIEUUICtv, Stark St. 7 NET. $100,000 Quarter block, new concrete btiildins:. A-l ten-year lease. Owner, B 739, Ore gonlan. FOR SALE on a 10 per cent Income basin: interest in a newly Improved business quarter block on Stark and Burnside sts. Takes $15,000 to handle. Offer for whole property might be considered. Owner, 712 Couch bldg. OKOROB BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branches.) 823 Worcester Bids;. Phones Main SJ71. A 401. $50,000 NEW TODAY. FOR SALE BY 212 LEWIS BLDG. 13,500 Two lots, total 78x135, on lower Russell street, in best "business district; large store builtl ing; rents $119 per month; prop erty is worth $17,500 ; rents can be increased after this year. $8000 cash; $5500 two years at 8 per cent. 12,750 Lot 20x100, on Stark St. between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets. Special Fifteenth Street Between Kaleigh and Savier.' 100x100 inside with trackage, $28,500 Only $10,000 cash, $8500 on or before six months, $10,000 two years at 6 per cent. Present rents $50 per month. Phone Main 5661. HOLT-JONES REALESTATE CO. GOOD BUYS Fine lot In JONESMORE, 2 blks. from car line; $500, $100 cash, bal. to suit. Two lots in Montavilla, small house; $1000, $3r0 cash, balance to suit. Fine home on Clinton st., $4000; easy terms. Six-room new house on Killingsworth Ave., strictly modern; price $3600. Your own terms. We have lots on East 3!Uh street to sell; as an investment It cannot be beat. Investigate. I'hone Marshall S4; -A 720 1. Zi-ZO-Z.-2-J. Hoard of Trade Rulldlng;. CENTRAL OREGON Want to hear of its tremendous de velopment hour by hour, day by day, while Hill and Karriman fight for its riches? The Bend Bulletin, est. 1902, fiublished in the heart of intense activ ty, tells it fully week by week. $1.60 yearly. THE Bl'LLETIX, Bend, OreRon. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews. F. V. & Co. M. 8349. 30 Hamilton bldg. Beck. TVIUlam S12 Falling bid. Birrell, A. H. Co., 202-3 McKay bldff. Real estate, insurance, mortgage. loans, eta. Brubaker & Benedict. 502 McKay bids. M. 54 d. Chapln & Herlow, S3S Chamber Commerce. Cook, B. S. & Co., S03 Corbet bldff. Fields. C E. & Co.. Board of Trade bide Jennings & Co.. Main 183. 206 Oresonl&n. KIRK & KIRKHAM. Lumber Ex., 22a Stark! Farrlsh. Watklns & Co.. 2r0 Alder at. PALMER-JONES CO., H. f 213 Commer cial Club Uldg. Sheffield & Rlcly, 23 Russel bldg;.. 4th and Morrison. Schalk, Geo. D., 264 Stark at. Main or A 502. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ave. and Multnomah st. (Holladay Addition). M. E. Thompson Co.. cor. 4tn and Oak ata. Walker, S. T-. 604 Corbett bldg;. REAL ESTATE. for Sale Lots. LAURELHURST Lots in. this beautiful close-In residence addition are now selling at a tremendoua rate. Get a good one before the first ad vance in. price comes. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club bids. $250 CASH $250 In 6 months for east front. Elberta lot near Alameda Park. $600 cash for 50x100 Vernon lot on 23rd, one block S. of car. Full lot on 18th near S. of Alberta; terms., too good to pass up. Owner, X 737, Oregonian. Ml'ST SELL Cash. $2500 for $3200 equity in valuable university property at Seattle. "Wash.; three blocks from university; three carlines; rents for $35 to $00. This prop erty has great prospective value on ac count of the proposed'canal and other Im provements. AC T42, Oregonian. SEE ALAMEDA PARK. Adjoining Irving ton, high ground with mountains In view; all city improvements; carline; eat-y terms. A LAM ECA LAND COMPANY", 322 Corbett Building. IF you own a lot. say mo, and we will see you about building a neat bungalow on Installment terms. We can satisfy you If piwn a chance. Plans furnished free. X 751, Oregonian. 4 LOTS, nOxlOO, 24th and E. Ash. S. E. cor ner. $ 1750 each ; terms. 100x1 00. t$. W. corner 18th and B. Ankeny. $11,000; terms. Inquire M. Prag. care Hochfield Bros. Ci gar Co., 211 Morrison. . 1 ) (bNTER'S SN'AP 'For quick sale, $1."0; two lots in Montavilla: carline to be extended; five blocks now from Montavilla carline ; improvements in. AO 743, Oregonian. LOTS near Rose City Park; also lots In Al berta, near Grand avenue. S win ton. Han cork Addition; all bargains; no agents. 5035 Gerlinger bldg. FOR. sale P3. Hist and Harrison sts.. a tract of land 26xl"ft feet, beautifully located, high and pightly ; fine rejridence property. Phone Tabor 16B8. SEVERAL desirable lots for sale for small down payment, then monthly install ments; loi to car, where property is ad vancing. Address AR 739, Oregonian. 6 LOTS ?n Poweres Addition to Portland, 1Q down and $5 per month. Oao. S. Al len Realty Co.. 221 Henry bldg. BEST lots in the city, close in: new addi tion; all improvements In by August 1. P 740, Oregonian. I HAVE a fine lot -in Rose City Park that I can below market; it only takes $150 to handle thLs. P 739, Oregonian. FULL lots, $525; payments; $600; walks down. paid. Advance March 1st. Zeila Gossett. 7 West Killlngsworth ave. ROSE CITY PARK, a choice lot for sale, considerably below the market value. AK 753. Oregonian. " $575 LOT 50x100, In Kentl worth. A. R. Ritter. 226 Lumber Exchange bldg. $10.Tf LOT 75xino. Vernon, lth st. A. R. Ritter, 226 Lumber Exchange bldg. 50x100 ON Second and Caruthers sts. : in come $00 per month. 'AH 723. Oregonian. NOTICE Ixt. Morris St.. near William ave.; $1250, srifap. C 741, Oregonian. ftjil.000 CORNER apartment lot on 12tb st. West Side. II 701 Oregonian. W.B.STREETER W.B.STREETER REAL ESTATE. l'or Sale Lots. GREGORY HEIGHTS. We Juet ask you for an opportunity to Fhow you the lotf we are filing as low as $175 and up, vi terms of $o duwn and $2.5 per month. We know you wilt be convinced they are the best lota for the price in Port land, cor-sitlering the location of this beau tiful addition. The property needs no argu ment; seeing is believing. Karly buera are already realizing handsome profits. Lo nut take our word for it; cuiua out and see for j-ourself. Take Ruse City car. ofiice at end of line. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. WHY NOT j5o BUSINESS With the oldest Trust Company In Ore gon ? You will benefit by our 23 years' exiperience In banking. tiinali check ac counts received. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY BANK, 3d and Oak sts. LOTS OF LOTS $30 EACH. ' New addition, on Oregon Cits carline; ex cellent "oll, good place to keep chicker and cow ajui grow garden truck. Price $3u pt-r lot. $5 or $lo down, balance 2 -r $: per month. National Realty & Trust Co., 320 Vj Washington St., room 510. 100x100 SNAP. Corner 100xlOt on 33d St., about 1O0 feet from Alberta tt., a big bargain at $1200; $100 cash, balance monthly at 0 per cent. GRUS3I & ZAJDOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th aiul Oak. Jr'or Sale Houses. LATEST SAFE INVESTMENT SV per cent paid on 30 days' call. per cent on 90 days' call, and 2 Pn-" cent on 10 days' call certificates. We pay interest on check accounts. Keep your money busy. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY BANK. 8rd & Oak Sts. DO YOU WANT A HOME? New, modern a-room cottage, $2."00. New, modern, ltl-room cottape, J"T0. New. modern, 0-room cot t a go. J0iO. New, modern, 0-room cottage. 1 7o. New, modern, 4-rooiu cottage, $ I HH. New, modern. 4-roo mcottage, $HHtO. New. modern. 4-room cottaue. JO0. You can buy your choice of these cot tages on the installment plan; little down, tliun like rent. They are all clns to the carline and ready to move into at once Take Mt. Scott car to Millard ava then ask for Jo Nash, in ofTce No. 20T WE ARE BUILDING MORE HOUSES THAN ANY CONTRACTOR IN THE CITY. THERE IS A REASON: WE SAVE UK CUSTOM E RS MON E Y. B I 1 LI) W ELL, BUILD TERMS TO SUIT. IF YOU OWN T H R LOT W 13 WILL FURNISH T 11 E MONEY TO BUILD. PLANS AND ESTI MATES FREE. OREGON BUILD TNG & TRUST CO., 308-U-lu Henry Blag.. 4th and Oak. BEAYERTON 4U ACRES. 4 H acres, near St. Mary's station, on Oregon Electric car, all.r leared and tin der cultivation and fenced ; a fine place for chicken or fruit ranch, and a good speculation at 5 1 1 0O ; $550 cash, bal unco in one or two years. GRUSSI i 7. A DOW. S17 Board of Trade BIUb.. 4th and Oak. WEST FIDE HOMK Elne 7-room house on 7th, cioe in; hot water heat, all modern ; it will pay yju to invept i Rate this, as the price is below the market value; good terms. UOODNOUGH & SEITZ 132 5th. Main 0oS4. 6-ROOM HOUSE, $.".0 CASH. Good 6-room house on E. 7lth st.. near Burnside. Montavilla, one block from cur. on two lot. uxf)5; cement sidewalk and graded street; this is a Fiiap at ?17o0; $.'."o cash, and balance $ir per month. GRUSSI & ZA.DOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. WOODSTOCK SNAP. 1 00x100, with nearly new fine 6-room cottago. cement basement, elect rlc lights, line fireplace. 14 fruit trees, nice lawn, handy to car; price $3000; part cash, bal ance $20 per month. GRUSSI & ZAJDOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. FOR SALE New 6-room residence, modern ; built-in china, linen closets, furnace, fix tures, ehades, cement floor and wash tmyu in basement ; floors stained and oiled ; dou ble wails and floors, cecar siding ; No.- 1 finish. Inquire 4338 E. 33d j?t. Phone B 2013. HIGH-CLASS BUNGALOW In Rose City Park ; furnace, fireplace, beamed ceilings. paneled dining-room, enameled Dutch kitchen, double construc tion, numerous built-Ins. $3.sr.o, part cash. CARTER-DUG AN CO.. 820 Chamber of Commerce. FOR ale by owner New modern 6-room house with full concrete basement; can be ready for occupants In two weeks. A bargain for a ehort time. Northwest corner Hawthorne ave. and 45th st. Inquire on premises, or 823 B. 40th st. SIX-ROOM HOUSE. Concrete basement, plumbing, electric lights; on Montavilla carline; price $2000; cash required 400. CARTE R-DUG AN CO., S20 Chamber of Commerce. A GOOD buy on E. 20th and Irvlnsr; B room cottage. lot fiftxlOO corner, facing south; only takes $500 cash; price $2700. HARTM AN & T H O MP SO N . Chamber of Commerce. BTHT from owner. Your chance to get 6-room. 2-story modern BUNGALOW; bar gain; easy walking distaii?-: 2 blocks from bet car service. 185 E. 20th, cor. Yam-hill- Fit E E. 1010 Year Book, showing many beautiful residences and bungalow. MURRAY & COOK, 703 Rothchild bldg. Main S005. $100 CASH down, balance $20 per month, will buy 4-room bungalow, Tremont Place; price $1000; cash $100. balance $20 per month. National Realty & Trust Co., 3624 Washington st., room 610. ROSE CITY PARK 2-story, T-ronm resi dence, full lot, near car; price only $37."0 for immediate sale. Terms. Henry C. prudhomme Co., 6."t Cham, of Com. WILL build on easy Vrrns repayable monthly to responsible parties owning lot; will use your plans. N 750, Ore gonian. BUY a borne from me cn easy terms ; we have a dandy 6-room bungalow, hardwood floors; $3750. S. D. Vincent & Co., 420 Lumbermena bldg., cor. 5th and Stark. $3750 ROSE CTIY PARK, nice 7-roam resi dence, near car. Call and we will tell you the rest. Henry C. Prudhomme Co., 63(1 Cham, of Com. $1V0 HOTTSE AND LOT. C-room houe and lot oi'xino, walking dis tance, Est Side; cement auiewalks. graded street. Call this week, 189 E. 2d st. N. FOR SALE New. modern 11-room house, lot lOOxlOO. at 2oth and Brazee -:ts. ; all Im provements in. R. B. Rice, 600 Wasco. Both phones. SWELL home. 5-ronm cottage, new, modern, close in, best locality East Side ; rent $1.o0; furniture almost new, including piano, $500 cash. AL 730, Oregonian. FOR SALK 6-room cottage on East 16th st. between Ash and Pine. Ap ply 42 East loth st. $2700; $100 CASH. $23 monthly, beautiful 5-ronm bungalow. East 51st near Haw thorne. B 1634, Tabor 170H. FOR SALE By owner, the handsomest bungalow in Irvlngton. 416 East 20th Bt., North. Call and eee it. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co., M. 3 01 S. A 1 9S4 ; all covered wagons and experienced men. 50x100. with 5-room hous. Front St., near Arthur, $1600. C. H. Plggott, owner, 14 Muikey bldg. IE you have some money will build on your lot. Fitnian Co., Inc., 3o3 Abington bldg. Main 3206. NEW IrtVlNGTON HOME $t.'.U0. R rooms, modern, elegant location, near Tennis Club. AF 73 4. Oregonian. BY owner, four new, modern flatw. West Side; 10 minutes walk. Main A 1223. FOR SALE, by owner, modern 6-room house. 336 E. 33d. - HOLLA DAY ADDITION -$6.'JO0; 6-room mod ern house. 325 E. 16th N. Phone C 1191. For SIe Biulnesw Property. FACTORY OR WAREHOUSE SITE. 27,oOO equare feet on track in S. Port land; the best and cheapest buy. on Mac adam .; only $7500, ca5y terms; $.v ad vance affr March 1. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Chamber Commerce. BUSINESS corner, good income, bargain to March l; also lOOxWO corner on Killings worth. Zella Gossett, J West Killings worth ave. REAL ESTATE. Acreogr. 210 ACRES rh-h soil. level; electric lino tlirt-uirh it, county rad oniwo i'i'; you can't i-at It lor subdividing; les than $HM l-t-r acre and terms. 1 lo acres 12 ir.iief frm Portland ; elect rio line service; nmaern improvements; nearly all under cultivation; a line farm to keep or subdivide ; terms. li A 1 It 13 & BROWN, 312 Henry Bldg. 1 ACRE cleared, oo carfare, 20 minutes ride; $1(m:i Tornie. 3 1. -arrest cleared, fenced 1 i-mile to ?t;i tinn. lo milv east, fine view; good soil; $12;o. Term.1?. 6 acres not cleared, me location ; $1000. lo acre? on cjir'me and creek. cleared; :ntil house, splendid place for $3Aio ; 10 niilt.s east. MILLER. 5'S Gerlinser bldg.. 2d and Aider. DOUBLE YOUR MONEY. I have 1 40 acres of the best fruit and alfalfa land in Western Oregon; soil 15 f et deep : 1 2l acres in high state of cul tivtition. near It. It. and electric station, steamboats land on place; will sell in sm;iH tracts for $30o per acre; my price is $1."0; would take some good city property. Owner, 4 7U E. loth st. Phone Sellwood 1S45. 1000 ACRKS excellent British Columbia fruit land ; beautiful lake frontage Crown granted iinii sub-divided registered plan. Can he bough. t at low prie'. Maps and photos of th is land can be soen. Tele phono owm-r. Main 7020. $3fL PER acre, 5 acres Jennings Lodge. Ore Kin City carline. Se thin before you buy. ie.Ft soil in Oregon. National Realty is Trust Co., 32 tJ ' Washington st., room olO. BY OWNER. 11 ii acres, G miles out. G cleared, new home and barn ; price $ X ; $."iOO down, balance lon time; no agents. R 733, Oregonian. JOSIE DAVIS will sell her 22 acres at South Mount Tabor, on 71st St., on eay terms. East 1 U1S. 5 OR 30 acres, beaverdam land for sale. R 734, Oregonian. Homesteads. SPECIAL, low ratffl given this week to par ties to locate on 1120 acres In Crook an! Lake Count Wti lea ve February 20 ; it will pay you to be one of the party. Lo cations on the coast. $ 1h. So acres, relinquishment. 1 mile from R. R. and road; phone in house; good improvements. loo acre, relinquishment. OOO.OoO feet saw ti tnber, some improvements. Price $-luo. 320 acres. relinquishment. lOO acres farming land, some improvements, $500. 10o acres, relinquishment, 4.ouo,uuo faw timber, some improvement. ?3.V. 10O-acres. relinquishment. lo.noo saw timber, lZo acres farming land, S2ro. "Advantages of Oregon." a book of 3J pases, explaining what eacn of the 34 count!'! :s best" adapted for. al?o tho amount of Government bind open to home-, stead on a map att arhed. iMxls, showing all new town?, including Eastern and Cen tral Oreiiun and counties in different col ors drawn down to January 1, lt10; lat est man In U. S. A . price 2c stumps or coin. Xhnmo & Kuuey, 13 Hamilton bldg. HOMESTEADS. We can locate you on :t::o acres of rleh Government land in Southeastern Oregon, in the see t ion about to bo opened up by t he Hill and Ilarrimnn lines, and afford ing the best opportunity left In the U. S. to Ret a homestead. Our agent hag been living in the. iieighborhoMl of tl)isw claims for the past four years, and is well posted on conditions and knows the country well. Kor further particulars call at our of fice. THE HART LAND CO. 146 I'd st. DESCHUTES VALLEY LAND fc I NY E ST -M E N T COMPANY- has just located about choice. DeRi-hutcs Valley homesteads and desert claims easily susceptible of ir rigation. They are yours if yon hurry. "nl! at om-e and join party goins; out. 3oi Huchunan bldg., on Washington, near 5th. I'hone A 7 U 1. WANTED 4 more to fill our private party of 0 leaving March 1 for Lake Valley. S. E. Oregon, ;j'-Mcro home-Urads; 10 feet to water; 4 miits to timber; on R. R. building and all plow laud. Call or send for de serlptive hooklei. Plggott fc Roblnette. 14 M ulkey bldg., 'J.I and Morrison. NOW Is your opportunity to get 160 acres of good level prairie land. Our locator Is on the ground and can locate you on a ehoire claim close to new railroad. Our next party leaves here Uebruarv 24. HOMESIilCKIiRS' LAND CO., 13H North 6th St. WE WILL locate you in Tillamook County on the best lauds that are left. We will locate you In Central and Southern Oregon In any district where tli ere is Government land. DAVIS Ae BITTKAMP 5Ki Dekum bldg. TWO 4.0O0.OOO relinquishments; claims ad joining, with house; $tim each. Two ;;.iHo.t00 relinquishments: half mile apart; one with house; $;t.M. each. All in heavy Siletz timber belt, close to good wagou road. 733 Marquam bldg. Main 8314. - WE are locating 320-acre claims nfar Lake view. Or., close to railroad. Investigate. W. li. Hartley & Co.. 411 S wetland bldg. For Sale Fruit Lands. SPITZ END Eli G SCA PPOOSE O R CH All D LANDS in 2o. 30-acre tracts are sell ing to the many level-headed buyers who know a good thing when shown. Only miles f rom Port bind, on railroad. Price $300, $.i)o, $."00 per ticket. HETTKlt HURRY and go with is by appointment. Call or write for full particulars. Lib era I terms. McFARUAND INVESTMENT CO., SiO-.'ill Corbett Hldg.. Portland. Or. Merrlt Se Palmer. Sales Agents. FAMOUS WENATCTTEE. Throe ten-at-re tracts, a.,, mile from heart of city; about COO to SH finest Spitzen berg. Winesap and Yellow Newtown Pip pin trees apiece. In third year; similarly located bearing orchards worth J2000 per acre Owner leaving the country. No commission agents, prices, $sooo, S-S5O0 or SlHMiu. half cash, balance easy. Box 414. W'enat chee. Wash. HERE is the biggest opportunity In your - lifetime. If you wish to become independ ent, now is the time to Invest a small amount in one of the choicest orchard tracts ovpr put on the market In Willam ette Val ley. These tracts can be had on very easy terms, and will bring- you an in come from the first year. For full par ticulars address AK 73. s, Oregonian. CENTRAL OREGOPf. Horn ost ead fruit lands; best homestead service in ul I parts of Central Oregon ; experienced locators; all locations guar anteed. Come into our office Cover Post officw) and select the locution and kind of homestead you want. Write for our printed matter. H. D. Co., JJox 1, Prine villo. Or SMALL FRUIT FARM. Over 11 acres ground, 3 ta acres assorted orchard, well, running water along rear, wir fences, house; U-H3 than one mile from depot. New berg. Or. ; piiixrb fruit land ; price $36v0, terms; good buy. R 744, Ore gonian. 65 ACRES, all orchard land; 20 acres In- bear ing orchard; a good crop this year will he, ln.noo boxes; special terms or will consider trade. BATRD A BROWN, 3IJ Henry Bldg. 14 ACRES of fruit land, 2S miles south of Portland. $40 per acre ; adjoining land $2'm per acre. C. H. Piggott, 14 Muikey bldg. X- or isjiie i anus. IMT'ROV KD stock and fruit farm. 5GOO acres, four-mile frontage on the Columbia, opposite Tho DiMef; $10.0oo: price to be raided, af ter April first, (xid terms. 3of acrn of unimproved Hood River Ihnd, platted, all unrier ditch, two mili from railroad depot; A-l apple land; $15,OuO, easy termf. JOHN LET. AND HENDERSON, (Incorporated.) Hood River. Or. TRACT of land, containing 40 acres, more -or less,( lying in the angle made by th Kalama Ri ver and t he Columbia, west of City of Kalama; bounded as follows: On the south by tho Columbia River, on tho east by the Kalama River, on the north by the Northern pacific. This prop erty will be soffl. for $3TiOO; easy payments. P. J. McOowan, McOowan, Wash. FOR SALE 1 have for sale several good farms in Yamhill County, ranging In sizo from 40 to 370 acres; some very fine fruit and walnut land ; 2 mi lea from Portland, close to railroad station; pried and terms reasonable. W. E. RURKE. 620 Chamber bf Commerce Bldg. ATTENTION, BUYER AND HOMESEEKER Reliable Information on Oregon and WASHINGTON LANDS. Hundreds of fine bargains. Descriptions, prices and book lets furnished on application. ORKJ'"N LANDS INFORMATION BU REAU, 61)6 Board of Trade bldg. GARDEN TRACTS. 5 and 10-aere tracts close to college; fine Foil, beet of fruit land; -0 pr acre up. Terms. Urba w Real ty Co. , McM inn vll ie. Or. SEND for our list of Willamette Valley farms, before buying; lands shown frao. Olmstead Land Co,, Salem, Or.