THE 3IORNING OREGOJflAJf, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1910. mT-,n-T1inMIIIIIB m.miMmMHIlinwinrTIUIHBIIIMIJIIH lniiiiim1mm.w. Pi ml mrr r r un . p s a 1 l I 1 1 - ill J SHIIT GT031 Aye., . 5J SALESROOMS. I k ! SBPffifiWWSHra "WHERE "WOMETfS AflD HISSES FINE I VTSlID TTO1TS AREKADE. 1 OUR MCIFie FACTORY. AS 1 ST.LOUIS "WHERE WE MHflV . I 6 xj ?f0k WW jt M n V m 3 A : I j i HE splendid success of the "ALL LEATHER method of shoe making originated and maintained by Friedman-Shelby Shoe Co., regardless of legislation, and the enormous demand for "ALL LEATH ER" Shoes, made famous by our "ALL LEATHER" trade mark, has made necessary the immediate acquirement of larger manufacturing facilities. Hence our Absorption of the Giesecke D'Oench Hays Shoe Co. whereby we take over their two factories, trade marks and good will. We now own and operate SIX BIG SPECIALTY SHOE FACTORIES, I in In In I In 1906 We Had Two Factories 1 907 Vo Had Three Factories 1908 We Had Four Factories 1910 We Have Six Factories With the two additional factories this consolidation has given us the old established "Giesecke" Factory at Jefferson City, one of the largest shoe factories in the West, and the celebrated "Red Goose" Factory in St. Louis we can spe cialize in our "ALL LEATHER" Shoemaking to better advantage than ever before. Our output of "ALL LEATHER" Shoes will be vastly increased. Our stock of Shoes at all times on hand for immediate shipment will be in creased in like proportion. flever before In our business history have we been In a position to so promptly and satisfactorily serve our customers, old anrt new alike. We shall continue to make our most popular brands of "ALL LEATHER" Shoes the "ATLANTIC" for men and the "PACIFIC" and "IL S." for women. We shall also continue to make the well-known brands of the Giesecke-D'Oench-Hays Shoe Co., including the "Giesecke" Shoe srnd the "Giesecke" Boot, and the "RED GOOSE" SCHOOL SHOES. We solicit the continued patronage of all the customers of the two consoli dated firms and confidently expect, within the next year, to add many thousands of new names to our fast growing list of prosperous and satisfied "ALL LEATHER" Shoe customers. fRlEDMAN-SfiELBY SwM Gx ST. LOUIS, y. A. IMPORTANT NOTICE Consolidation Sale at Tremendously Reduced PrJco, beginning February lth. ' - ft M IS OUR, "NTEYTrJrv V S n rr n rvT!S57?BHaMBB,ffiH1 make yfoxm bHOES. 9AftEil,&PilSE FACTORY, ST.LOUIS. "Kt -int XAAU U b KtU CxOOSE nuuL 3iOt.S AWE .MADE . Mh,iw'Mffff"nfnTTrnTnirTrniinn wonim tm in n ii ,., .in .,u.ji.i.,u,ii.i , ,,. r 'fiiii-r'ii iniiiiinn ?UR c K E PL A Tf T JEF JEBSON CITYO. wnLKLrint .izicJ!.en.L HEAVY BOOTS AND OH.OES ARE MADE "WHinwrnwirrKfTTiPBimiiJiwinHMiiiB1 r"1""1 I IIIIIIIIMIMM - ' 5 m 43 E2 3 ...jR nrwiMiiniHiiiMnaiitliii.lw,MM1MBBM r -moiotimimiiiI rr-r n it--a i mMtm