THE 3IORXIXG OREGONIAX, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, ' 1910. 15 LAND ADVISED FOR -BRIDGE ABUTMENT Vacation of Oregon and Adams Streets at Intersection Is Recommended. EAST SIDE MEN PROTEST Delegation Present at Meeting: of Council Street Committee to Ask. That Railroad Be Made to Pay for Favors Asked. Vacation of enough ground: at the Inter section of Oregon and Adams streets for the proposed new railroad bridge abutment, and no more at the present lime, waa th-s recommendation unani mously voted by the street committee of the City Council yesterday afternoon. Several Bast Side residents were preaent, some of them prepared to proteBt against any action favoring the O. R. & N. Com pany, petitioner, unless that corporation should make some definite promise as to what it would give the city in ex change. It is said a stronger delegation will confront the Council next Wednesday, making loud complaint against giving this ground for the new bridge to rest upon,. Certain East Side business men had prepared a few requests to be made of the railroad company for things to be given in exchange for the vacation of certain streets. Among these is a common-user clause for Harrlman tracks on East Second street, and other privil eges. Councilman Lombard moved, that 100 feet on Adams and a similar amount on Oregon street be vacated, and his motion was quickly seconded. Chairman Annand put the question to a vote, and It was carried unanimously. The visitors made a great uproar at this, for some of them wanted to air their views, and appealed to Councilman Rushlight, who moved they be granted the courtesy of the floor. It carried. Dr. George B. Van Waters. J. B. Zieg ler and others then gave their opinion that the railroad company should give In return for the favors asked the priv ileges advocated by the East Side Busi ness Men's club. There was a press of other business before the committee and tie epeaKtsrs were nui encuujugcu iu long their talk, so they left the committee-room dissatisfied. The committee heard complaints of ' property owners in the district, Including Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets, in the North Portland warehouse section, which it is proposed to improve with basalt rock. C. K. Henry, repre senting 4700 feet on Thirteenth street, protested against the contemplated tear ing up of the switch tracks and plat forms along the street, and threatened to sign a remonstrance, which would "kill" the work, if filed. After consid erable discussion, however, the commit tee voted to proceed. Mr. Henry said he did not wish to remonstrate against. the proceedings, for lie said he believes In improvements, but he felt that the cost on Thirteenth street Is too great, when all the spur tracks that have been put in to accommodate the wholesale and warehouse establish ments are concerned. The committee recommended the grant. jug 01 a revocable permit ior an exten sion of a single track line to the Ala meda Park district from the Broadway line. STREET VACATION" IS FAVORED East Side Bnslnes-s Man Opposes Position of Club. Vacation of streets for the O. R. & N. Company between East Oak and Holladay avenue, embracing about four complete blocks, is a live question of the East Side. Rev. George B. Van Waters contends that the vacation of Oregon and Adams streets, the east approach to the proposed steel bridge. Would make It possible for the railway company to exclude traffic from the bridge. He says that the city should be careful about vacating these streets, nd holds that property-owners remote from the streets are Interested In these streets. "J don't see how we can expect to get a freight depot unless the streets asked for are vacated, and then if the railroad company will fill up the low lands It will be a big thing for the East Side. At the meeting of the East Side Business Men's Club Thursday night I did not notice any of the representa tives of the large wholesale firms of the East Side present. Another matter which seemed to have escaped the attention of the men who are opposing the vaca tion of these streets is that none of the streets extends to the river. They extend to East First and are all in the property of the railway company. Streets for terminal facilities were vacated In North Portland, and if we expect to secure terminal grounds on the -East Side these streets must be vacated. If the position of the East Bids Business Men's Club prevails. It may hold back the East Side ten years or more. It will postpone what we have been after for years, railroad ter minal facilities. I think the club Is making a great mistake In opposing the vacation of these streets." Xew Hillsboro Bank 'Approved. ' OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, "Wash ington, Feb. 18. The application of J. W. Shute, George R. Bagley, F. A. Bailey and others to organize the United States National Bank of Hillsboro, Or., with $100,000 capital, has been approved ti the Controller of Currency. Carriers Named for Aurora. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, Feb. 18. Franklin W. Sclroad ner was appointed rural carrier. I G. Relsland substltue, on route 3, at Au rora, today. Marriage Licensed. CHENOROTJT SHELLEY D. E. Chenor OUt. 40, city; Endree J. Shelley, 32. city. RAYL SYPNESKI W. K. Rayl, IB, city; Lucille Sypneskl, over 1. city. MACMILLAN LE COM PTE W. D. Mac Mlllan. over 21, city; Sadie E. Le Compte, over 18. city. HAWLEY BATES Robert H. Hawley, over 21, city; Edith. Edna Bates, over 18. city. STEWART M'BRIDE Harry Stewart, over 21, city: Pearl McBrlde, over 18, city. KENNEDY COHEN L. M. Kennedy, 29, city; Nellie L. Cohen. 10. city. BOMERVILLE JOHNSON J. E. Somer- tillA. 21, Napavlne, Wash.; Lillle Johnson, 10. city. FRANCE SCHATZ Carl France. 22, city: Bertha Sohatx. 22, city. LARSON" JOHNSON Edward Larson. 23, city: Hulda Johnson. 23. city. JACOBSON DAVIS C. M. Jacobson, 24. city: Grace Davis. 20. city. Wedding and visiting cards. W. O. Smith A Co.. Washington bldg.. 4th and Wash. I DAILT METEOROLOGICAL REPORT mDTr.ivn rr- f.K 1 a Xf . vlmum (Mm. perrature. 3B degrees; minimum. 34 degrees. .River reading, S A. M., G2 feet; change in 1 1t M hours. .3 foot. Total rainfall (S P. fcL-.ttf - L-g-4ncfct:-atas raonfaU-siinoaJ IMTSEJOSKIB. BUNGALOWS Ftaoaei: Main 117 and A 4224. TWO PERFORMANCES TO OAT I S"DecIaIPrTc I I East Time I Matinee 2:15. Tonight 8:15. cmarijBs n. hah"tori Assisted by Mario Drofnah. in a Comedy of Modern Life "THE AMERICAN" IXRJB" 'Matinee. x to 25c; evenings, 1.30 to 50c SEATS NOW BELLI N0 BIJfOAlOW THEATER, . Three Nights. Beginning Next Monday, Special Price Matinee Wednesday. MRS. LESLIE CARTER In the Drama of Modern Life "VAKTA KERNE" Evenings. $2 to 75c: Mat., 1.S0T to 50c SEAT SALE OPENS TODAY 10 A. M. to 0 P. M. MME. SCHUMANN HEINK WED. EVE. FEB. 23, AT StlS. ARMORY PRICES t 1. $1.50, f2, 2.SO SHKRMAX CLAY fc CO. THEATER M&ln 2, A 6360 Geo. L. Baker, Manager Matinee Today Last Time Tonight. The greatest racing comedy of them all "WllinKJE" With Pauline Hall and Will Arohle (the original "Bud"). Evening-. 25c, M)c. 7Se, $1; Mat.. 25c. 60c Jext week: starting tomorrow matinee, "THE GREAT WVDJE." MA IX 6, A 1010. MATINEE EVERY DAT. 1M5-500 NIGHTS THEATER 15-25-50-75C WEEK FEB, 14 Clara Belle Jerome In "Joyland"; Winona Winter, Felix and Bny, "The Boy Next boor." Reynolds SMld Itone gan, Garden City Trio, Rtsley and Bn, William. liemen. Pictures. Orchestra. PORTLAND THEATER Russell & Drew, Managers. Phones: Main 443; A. 7085. Tonight and all week the Portland The ater Stock Company in the thrilling, spec tacular melodrama sensation, "SAL, THE CIRCt'S GAL." Prteee Night. 20 to 60 cents. Matinees, 10 to 26 cents. Matinees Sunday. Thursday and Saturday. Next Wek "A MIDNIGHT MARRIAGE." GRAND WEEK IKBKl'AKY 14. The Irish Wizard LAWRENCE, CRANE CO. Presenting; "The Den of Mystery" Hickman Bros, tt Co. Sisters I)e Faye Elsie Harvey & Co. Bernard ft Orth De Ye Ida & Zelda Kred Bauer Oranduscope Matinee every day. 2:30; any seat. 13c Evening performances, 7:30, 9:15: balcony, ir.o: towpr flnnr. '2r: rrnx neat?. XGi September 1, 1909. 29.34 inches; normal, 2U.71 Inches; deficiency, .87 Inch. Total sun bhine February 17, none; possible. lO hours, 24 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level), at S P. M-. 20.0(1 Inches. State ot Veathsr. STATIONS. 3 a- o o Boise Helena K am loops ..... North Head Pocatello Portland . ... .. Red Bluff Roaeburg , Sacramento Salt Lake . . . . 341 T. 16 T. 26 T. 4010.12 8SE 4 IN 4INW ISnowIng U'loudy 1 Snowing Raining Cloudy Raining Raining Raining iKainlng 'Clear cloudy icloudy 8!E SO 0.04 lOjSE -12IE 0.58 T. 0.48 0.08 0.04 T. 0.02 I141SE ' I 6ISW l'lSE 6SE I 4 NE f Tacoma jl0NE Tatoosh Island Walla Walla . . Blaine Marshfleld' .... Siskiyou ....... Kali8pell ...... T. Pt. cloud5 ICloudy 'clear iPt. cloudy Snowing Cloudy 0.001 o.ool NW NW W 60:0.741 360.36 200.02 sw 4NW WEATHER CONDITIONS A storm area, with the barometer reading lowest tonight at North Head, Washington, Is controlling the weather conditions of the north and middle Pacific slope, and light rain or snow has fallen within the last 12 hours quite generally over the section af fected. Over the southern portion of the "slope" generally fair weather obtains. West of the Cascades the weather rs colder, and excepting in Southern Oregon. Northern Cali fornia and Northern Nevada, temperatures are below the seasonal average. Conditions are favorable for rain Saturday in Western Oregon and Western Washington, with rain or snow over the eastern portions of these states, and snow In Idaho, with probably not much change in temperature. . FORECASTS Portland and vicinity Rain; east to south east winds. Oregon Rain west. ra4n or snow east por tion. East to southeast winds. Probably warmer west portion. Washington Rain west, rain or snow east portion. Warmer west portion. Northeast erly winds. Idaho Snow. ' THEODORE F. DRAKE. Temporarily in Charge UNCALLED -F0R ANSWERS ANSWERS ARE HELD AT THIS OF FICE FROM THE FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS AND MAY BE HAD BY PRE SENTINO YOUR CHECKS AT THE ORE GONIAN OFFICE: A 708. 711, 714. 715. 71T. 723. 733, 734. B 170, 403, 696. 715, 723, 724. 728, 720, 73J. C 705, 715, 716. 721. 731. D 700. 704, 711. 712, 714, 713. 725, 729. 730. 732. E 70B. 711. 715. 722. 723. 734. 787. F 709. 718. 718. 720. 724. 783. 730. G S74. R56, (485. 701, 714. 716. 717, 718, 720. 728. 732. 734. 737. H 20. 701. 710. 725. 729. 728. 781. J 098. 710. 712. 718. 719, 720. 722, 723. 725. 728. 730. 734. 738. K 71. 709. 710. 711. 713. 714. 716. 717.. 726. 729. L 691. 714. 723. 724. 731. N 676. 694, 718. 719. 726, 727, 728, 732, 734. M 210, 600. 706, '710, Til. 715. 718. 719, 723. 724. 728. 729. 730 732. O 678. 681. 707. 70S. 725. 729, 730, 731. P 72, 701. 704, 716, 717. 720. 721, 724, 726. 728. 730. R 314. 660. 690. 710, 714. 718, 719,. 721. 723. 725. 732. 733. 817. S 270, 656, 705, 707. 715. . 721. 729. 782, 733. T 684. 694. 699. 709. 726. 728, 780. V 703. 709. 736, 728. 730. 732. W 171, 331. 690. 703. 704. 708. 720. T28. 733. 69. X XX 14. 702. T03, 708. 718. 717. T26. 728. 730. 767. Y 718, 726. 730. 738. 784. AB ABC. 691, 699. 702. 706. 710, 719, 720. 726. 728. 730. 733. AC 171, 722. 72S, 729. 730. 734. 735 AD 70S. 716. 725. 720. 732. 733. 734. AE 638. 658, 659, 679, 703, 705, 707. 712. 715. 722, 726. 729. 731. 733. Ajr 646. 703, 708, 710; 719. 720. 721, 723, 724. 725. 726. 728. 733. A3 703. 706, 707. 716, T17. 723. 724, 726. AH 6T8. 714. 716, 717, 718, 720, 728. 729, 730. AJ 695, 696. 708. 710. 714. 722, 732. AK 715, 717. 719. 732. 733. AL 275, 697, 700, 718. 722, 726, 728. 729. 733. 724. AM 695. 697. 701. 704. 705, 707. 708, 709. 710. 715. 716. 723. 734. AN 708. 713. 719. 722. 728-. T31, 734. If above answers are not called for within six days same will be destroyed. PIED. GRAHAM In this city. February lg, Gullbert Graham, aged 2 years. Funeral notice later. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY PRESIDENT. Mala MC fcCCKSIABI, Mate IM. ' MEETING NOTICES. STOP! 'LOOK!! LIS M TEN!!! All Kader Temple. wml A- - N- M- 6" aaln ex Hospitality to Its members and sojourning Shrlners, and cordially Invites all to Join In the MIDWINTER CERE MONIAL, which is to be held on Saturday, the Fif teenth Day of tne Second Month. Safar. 132S. A. H.. corresponding -with the iltRh day of Febru ary, IHIO. It hath been decreed that all tho faithful shall gather at the Ancient Shrine of Al Kader to comfort the many unregenerates, who. for the first time in their lives, are Beeklng to join the caravan for a pilgrimage across the hot sands of the desert to the Holy City. Remember: The business session for receiving petitions and balloting will be held at the Masonic Tem ple, corner West Pak and Yamhill, on Fri day evening. February 25. at 8 o'clock, sharp; the ceremonial and banquet at the same place on Saturday evening. February 20, beginning: promptly at 8 o'clock. WILLIAM H. GALVANI. Potentate. B. G. WHITEHOU.SE. Recorder. OREGON COMMANDERT. No. 1, 1C T. Special conclave thla afternoon at 1:30 o'clock for the numme of conducting the funeral services of the late Sir Knight H. R. Littletleld. All Sir Knights are re quested to be present. W. S. MACRLTI, Recorder. OREGON LODGE NO. 101. A V. n n rl A. VT K r n t rl fommunlra.- o'clock. Masonlc Temple. Visiting brethren cordially invited. iy order W. M. A J. HANDLAN. Secretary. ROSE CITY CHAPTER, NO. 86. O. B. 8. )ffloers and members are requested to attend the funeral services of our late brother, II. R. Llttlefield. at Klnley's Chapel, at 1:30, Saturday. February 19. By order w. M- SARAH B. GTJERIN, Sec. ATTENTION. COMRADES G. A. a. The funeral of Henry H. Bean, late private of Company I. Eighth Illinois Cavalry, will be held at Holman'a -undertaking parlors Saturday. February 10, at 1 o'clock P. M. All comrades requested to be present. , A. C. SlOAN. Adjt. A. W. MILLS, Commander. B. JP. O. ELKS Members of Portland Lodge. No. 142, are requested to meet In our lodgeroom today at 1:30 P. M. sharp, from where the lodge will proceed in a body to Flnleys Undertaking Parlors, to conduct the funeral services of our late brother, H. R. Llttlefield, p. E. R. Visiting brothers are invited. By order of the exalted ruler. C. M. BILLS, Secretary. M. T, XT. NO. 68 A special meeting will be held Sundav, Feb. 20. at 2 P. M., at W. O. W. HalL 11th at., between Wash, and Alder. M. A. JONES. Pres. New hal! for rent. Howe-Davis. A S5O08. rU.NERAL NOTICES. TATOM In this city. February 16, at the family residence. 206 East 24th St., Mrs. Frances Carrie Tatom, aged 41 years. Friends invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at the Central Chrls tlon Church, East 2)th and East Salmon sis., at 10:30 A. M. today (Saturday), February 19. (Interment Lone Fir Cem etery. BLACK In this city, February 17, Christina Black, aged 73 years, beloved wife of U. D. Black The funeral services will be held at St. Francis Church, E. 11th and E. Oak streets. Monday, February 21, at 9 A M. Friends and acquaintances respectfully In vited to attend. Remains .at Dunning and McEntee's parlors until 8' A M. Mon day. TRIGG 'February 18, at the Multnomah Hospital, May Trigg, aged 20 years, 3 months. Friends Invited to attend fu- neral services, which will be held at Hol man's Chapel at 10:30 A M. today (Sat urday). Interment, Rose City Cemetery. ST ANGEL In this city. February 17. Walter Stangel. Infant son of Wenzel and Annie . Stangel. Remains are at Dunning and McEntee parlors, where they hava been prepared lor shipment, to Wllsonvllle, Ore gon. BARRON At San Francisco. Cal., February '17, irfre. Agnes Barron, widow of the late James Barron, formerly of Alvarado, Cal., and mother of James T: Barron and Mrs. C T. Whitney, of this city. LITTLEFIELD The funeral services of the late Horace R. Littletleld will be held at Finley'a phapel at 2 P. M. today (Satur day). Friends Invited. Interment Rlve-r-vlew Cemetery. I tunning It McEntetr, Funeral Directors, 7th and line, i'hone Main 430. Ludy as sistant. Ufnce of County Coroner. ZELIER-BYKNES CO., Funeral Directors. 594 Williams ave. ; both phones; lady attend ant; most modern establishment In the city. EDWARD HOLM AN CO., Funeral Direct ors, 220 SU U Lady Assistant. Pnuue al. 6U7. J. p. UN LEY ft SON. Sd and Madison. Lady attendant. Phone Main 9, A 1599. EAST SIDE Funeral Directors, succesaora to F. . Dunning, Inc. 2. 52. M 2625. ERICSON CO. Undertakers; lady assist ant. 409 Alder. M. S133. A 2230. LKKCH, undertaker, cor. East Alder and 6th. Phones, 781, 1 18H8. Lady assistant. NEW TODAY. Holiday's Addition The one BEST ptaca in Portland to buy. GEOORAPHICAL. CENTER and MOST DESIRABLB resUeuc property 0; the city. SEIC1SO IS DELIEVl.VG BETTER fro and see the many CHOICE resi dences under construction and tfe Im provements coin; an. The Oregon Real Estats Company GRAND ATE. AND HL'LINOMAU oX. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON New 10-Room House CORNER 100x100 812.500, including asphalt streets ana all modern street improvements; large billiard room. This is a real bar grain and should be seen to be appre ciated. Modern and first-class in every particuar. Also other houses, for sale. A. BACKUS, 519 Board of Trade Bids;. IT IS EASY TO OWN A HOME WILL BUY A LOT AND BUILD FOR YOU WILL H. WALKER 823 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 8536. Don't fail to read our half -column ad. under "New Today," in Sunday's paper. Gibson & Holliday, S04-5 Ger linger Bldg. SACRIFICE $1000 below cost. Must sell In five days. New Portland Heights house, on carline. Beautiful view. $2200 will handle it. OWNER, 511 Board of Trade. ARE you looking; fol an investment re quiring extremely small capital, one that will bring good returns from the start and much greater as the business grows? Not a scheme, but an A-l business propo sition. Let me show you. Y 733, Ore gonlan. FOR SALE on a 10 per cent Income basis; Interest in a newly Improved business quarter block on Stark and Burnside sts. Takes $13,000 to handle. Offer for whole property might be considered. Owner. 712 Couch bldg. " GEORGE) BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. -(All Branches. ) 823 Worcester Bldg. .- jf hones-Mala Us-W4Slt 1 NEW TODAY. Grants Pass thcHeart of the Famous Rope River Valley. This Place Is Only 2 Miles From Grant sPass 160 acres on the main county road. Ideal peach and grape land, with a southwest exposure. The soil is decomposed granite with a tendency to the red soil. The land varies from a gentle slope to roll ing, and fully 120 acres can be put into cultivation, while the other 40 acres are covered with wood, which is an exceptionally good proposition, being so near to town,, where it always has a ready sale. The new irrigation system that is now being built here crosses the land, which, when completed, will enhance the value of the property 100 per cent. The land Is of the class that warms earliest in the Spring, and consequently produces the earliest vegetation. At present land In this vicinity is selling as high as $50 per acre. This Is an Ideal tract to cut up and sell In smaller tracts. Already we have been offered $40 per acre for EO-acre tracts, but we will not subdivide and will, only sell as a whole. It is a partnership deal, and the partners will only agree to sale of the whole tract. As an in ducement to quick sale we put this 160 acres on the market at $3500. One-half cash, balance on easy terms. J. W. DOANE SO. 3 LEWIS BLDG., PORTLAND, OREGON". BEST BUY ON WEST SIDE Apartment Site INCOME PROPERTY Corner, 50x100, close in on Sixth St. $17,000 Easy Terms. G. C. RUFF 2 Lumbermens Building. SOLD The Oregonian Friday morning re ported the sale of south half nf tho block bounded by East 2d, E. 3d, Taylor and Salmon by Fisher, Thorsen Co. for 43,uuo. inis block is not filled. We have the nortli half of same block which Is filled at a cost of $5000 and L-an aenver 11 ror wnat was paid for the unfilled half. It must be bought, however, on or before Monday. $4S,QOO It has 200 feet of trackage. 100 on E. 2d. 100 E. 3d. Here is an excellent opportunity to uicin.e a, KuuBiaiiuaj prunt. uon t waver. Come on in and secure a good thing. vTOSEPHHtJOHHSTCil ClRLALLSTAIEllCli INSURANCE. 32-3 Lafayette Bldg., "Washington and Sixth. CENTRAL OREGON Want to hear of Its tremendous de- 1 " I ' . ' ' ' "i. j i'uu., way uy uay, while Hill and Harrlman fight for its ncnesr Tne tiena nuiietin. est. 1902, fiublished in the heart of intense act! v ty, tells It fully week by week. $1.50 yearly. THE BULLETIN, Bend, OreRon. WEST PARR STREET BOxlOO Inside lot between Salmon and Main, two blocks to new HeiHe- thren blocks to postoffice, within 100 feet of new Arlington (jiud. very cnoice apart ment or lodge site. To handle It takes only 8000 GASH Apply to OWNER, SOS Concord Bids;. Main 1373. 1020 ACRES OAKLAND, OREGON Finest fruit and dairy land, all fenced, good barn and on good- county ruau. si per acre. Ruf f-Kleinsorge Land Co. 418 Board of Trade. NORTHRUP ST. Beautiful residence site 40x100, facing south, between 25th and 26th. Restrict ed district. PRICE 40O0, HALF CASH. S13 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark. Apartment Site One Block South TVVF.XTT-PIRST AND WASHINGTON. PRICK fieiOO, HALF. CASH. 513 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark. Mortgage Loans on Improved City Property ai mrrai naves. BvfldlB Loani. Installment Loans, Wm. MacMaster 302 Worcester Block. 7 NET. $100,000 Quarter block, new concrete building. jl-x iwmo. x t a it, ure gonian. MORTGAGE LOANS Large Amounts Preferred. GODDAHD Jt WIEDKICK, S43 Stark St. - DOUGLAS COUNTY" ft 10 PER ACRE. -1500 acres; part in cultivation, bal ance fir and. oalt timber. Owner O 7&5. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE Dally or Sunday. Ter Line. One time 12c Bame ad two consecutive times. ........ ,22o Same ad three consecutive times 30e bame al six or seven consecutive times. .&6o Six words count as one line on cash ad vertisements, and no ad counted for less than two lines. When an advertisement is not run consecutive times the one-time rate applies. The above rates apply to advertisements under "New Today" and all other classifica tions excepting1 tmS following ; Situations Wanted. Male situations Wanted, Female. 2-or Kent, Rouma, Private Kami Hen. Rooms and Board, ITivate 1-ami lies. Housekeeping Koomi, private .Families. .The rate of the above classification Is 7 uents a line each insertion. TO OUT-OF-TOWN PATRON'S The Ore iron lan will receive copy by mall, provided sufficient remittance for a definite number of in sues Is sent. Acknowledgement of such remittance will he forwarded promptly. If yon have either telephone in your honse we will accept your ad over the phone and send yon the bill the next day. Phone Want Ad. Iept., Main 7070 or A 6005. Sit uation Wanted and Personal advertisements not accepted over the phone. Errors are more earn I y made in telephoning- advertise ments, therefore The Oregonian will not hold Itself responsible for nuch errors. On chanre or book advertisements the charge will be based on the actual number of line aDDsrinr In the paper, regardless a the number of words In each line. KBAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andreva, JT. V. A Co. M. 8349. 80 Hamilton Bsck, William Q.. B12 Falling bldg. Birrell, A. H. Co., 202-3 McKay bldg. Real estate, insurance, mortgages, loans, eto. Brubaker A. Benedict, 602 McKay bldg. M Chap In & Herlow, S32 Chamber Commerce, Cook, B. S- A Co., 003 Corbet bldg. Fields. C E. ft Co.. Board of Trade bldg. Jennings Co.. Main 18S. 2t0 Oregonian. KIRK & KIRKHAM, Lumber Ex., 226 Stark. Fairish. Watkins A Co.. 230 Alder st. PALMER-JONES CO.. H P. 13 Commer cial Club bldg. Sheffield A Riely. 23 Russel bldg.. 4th and Morrison. - SchalK. Geo. .. 264 Stark, at. Main or A The Oregon Real Estats Co., Grand ave. and Multnomah st, Holiaday Addition). M. E. Thompson Co., cor. 4 th and Oak sts. Walker, S. T., 604 Corbett bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Lots- GREGORY HEIGHTS. We just ask you for an opportunity to show you the lots we are selling as low as $175 and up, on terms of $5 down and $2.50 per month. We know you will be convinced they are the beat lots for the price in Port land, considering the location of this beau tiful addition. The property needs no argu ment; seeing la believing. lOarly buyers are already realising handsome profits. Do not take our word for it; come out and see for yourself. Take Rose City car, ofllce at end of line. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. 26TH". NEAR SANDY ROAD Lot, $1300; streets graded, cement walk; terms. V. VINCENT JONES S02-SO3 Lewis bldg. WHY NOT DO BUSINESS With the oldest Trust Company in Ore gon? You will benefit by our 23 years' experience in banking. Small check ac counts received. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY BANK. 3d and Oak sts. PINE LOT, 50x100. $25 Beautiful lot on 43d st., iu Lenox Addi tion, east front, covered with bearing fruit trees and adjoining a fine residence, about two blocks from car; there are two of these lots; you can have both of them, or take your choice of two for $tXH) each; $25 cash and $lO per month. GRUSS1 & ZADOW 317 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. LOTS OF LOTS. $30 EACH. New addition, on Oregon City carline; ex cellent soil, good place to keep chickens and cow and grow garden truck. Price $30 per lot, $5 or $10 down, balance $2 or $3 per month. National Realty & Trust Co., 326Va Washington et., room 616. DIVISION street and East 20th. 5 lots on the southwest corner, all choice in every particular, belong to a non-resident who needs money; $0500 for the whole S if taken at once; you can double your money on these lots if you have foresight enough to see your opportunity. C. F. Pfiuper & Co., room 5 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morri son sts. APARTMENT SITE. West Side. SOxlOO. between two car lines, car passes property; in exclusive district, facing park. Most advantageous family apartment site In Portland; walk ing distance to center of town. This Is a bargain: will sell for $5OU0. Box 05a Oregonian. LAURELHURST Lots In this beautiful close-in residence addition are now selling at a tremendous rate. Get a good one before the first ad vance in price comes. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club bldg. $250 CASH $250 in 6 months for east . front, Elberta lot near Alameda Park. $600 cash for 60x100 Vernon lot on 23rd, one block S. of car. Full lot on ISth near S. of Alberta; terms, too good to pass up. Owner. X. 73 7. Oregonian. MOUNT TABOR LOT $6M This is the cheapest good lot in the dis trict; only 200 feet to car; improved street, city water, sidewalk, curb, com plete; abstract, perfect title. Call 510 Abington bldg. BEE ALAMEDA PARK. Adjoining Irvlngton, high ground with mountains in view; ell city Improvements; carline; easy terms. ALAMEDA LAND COMPANY. 822 Corbett Building. $700 BUYS HOLLADAY PARK LOT on paved street, with cement walk, parked, city water, 1 foot above grade, $1500 restrictions, fine district; balance of $(W0 at-7 per cent in 3 years. Call 106V4 Third st. Room 516. BEST lots for building or speculation pur poses In city; new addition, close In; cheap. Send your name and address and I will call and give prices and terms. X 731, Oregonian. WE have a very desirable pair of lots tn Kenton that can be bought on easy terms. This Is a snap. See Columbia Trust Com pany, 84 Fourth st. Ask for Mr. Hickok. $500 66x100 $500.. Fine building site on Waverly-Woodstock car line, about cash. See owner, 511 Corbett bldg. $S50 FINE lot on Tillamook, near 33d, improvements paid : easy terms. Equltv Investment Co.. 508 Gerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder. 6 LOTS !n "Poweres Addition to Portland, f;i0 down and $5 per month. Geo. S. Al en Realty Co., 221 Henry bldg. n.vtoo. A good buy. Ideal for apartments or flats; on E. 10th st. 513 Henry bldg. $1100 REAL ESTATE CONTRACT for sale; good title, good property, good people; by owner, R 733. Oregonian. WEST SIDE lot. near car. with two 8 room houses; good income; $6000, terms. . A 730, Oregonian. LAST CHANCE. 8 lots (o0x70), close to Eastmoreland; $375 each, terms. L 732, Oregonian. 60x100 CORNER, close n. East Side, two good houses; $0500, terms- A 735, Ore gonian. 1 HAVE a .fine lot In Rose City Park that I can sell below market; it only takes $150 to handle this. P 738, Oregonian. $875 LOT BOxlOO. In Kenilworth. A. R. Rittor, 226 Lumber Exchange bldg. TWO fine lots, on corner In Falrportt $400 each, terms. A 739, Oregonian. BY OWNER, 40x100 East Davis, near 18th. Phone East 1351. No agents. $1050 LOT 7-5x100. Vernon. 10th st. A. R Ritter, 226 Lumber Exchange bldg NEAR Columbia Park, 4 lots on lOO-foot boulevard; $350 each. T 736. Oregonian. fiOxlOO ON Second and Caruthers sts.: !n- REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Rouses. C LATEST SAFE INVESTMENT 3 per cent paid on 30 days' call. 4 per cent on 00 days' call, and 21 per cent on 10 days' call certificates. We pay interest on check accounts. Keep your money busy. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY BANK. 3rd A Oak Sts NICE HOME. CHEAP Nice two-story house, nearly new,- 3 rooms, gas and electric, full cement base ment, luundry trays. Dutch Wtchen, hard wood floors, paneled dining-room, sten ciled ceilings, on a corner lot 50xlO0. nice lawn and plenty of roses, on E- Davis and 3lst. ; price $3500; J1M0 cash and 520 per month. You should see this house, it's a bargain. GRCSSI A ZADOW 317 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. A $2fiOO HOME FOR $2000 A five-room bungalow, on a 33 l-3xS4-ft. lot, on &7th st. south of Hawthorne ave.; .everything complete, with full cement basement; must sell within the next few days or lose alt; $300 cash, balance $15 per month. If you want to make some money here is a good buy. HOLT-JOXEd HEAL ESTATE CO. 520-522 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Marshall 843. A 7204. WHY RENT? v iieu wo can Duua you a nome on your own lot according to your own ideas. In short time you have clear title to your home Instead of bundle of rent receipts ; we buy wholesale and can save you money; It will pay to see us. plans and PORTLAND REALTY AND COXSTRUC 01-2 Lewli bldg.. 4th and Oak ta WE ARB BUILDING MORIO HOUSES THAN ANY CONTRACTOR IN THE CITY. THERE IS A REASON; WE SAVE OUR CUSTOMERS MONEY. BUILD WELL. BUILD TERMS TO SUIT. IF YOU OWN THE LOT WE WIL FURNISH TH3 MONEY TO BUILD. PLANS JLND ESTI MATES FREE. OREGON BUILDING A TRUST CO.. 8Cr8-a-10 Henry Bldg.. 4th and Oak. NIOE NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE, $1000 Good 7-room house, with gas, full ce ment basement, good plumbing, natural wood finish, on a lot 50x125. near Union ave.. on Graham st.. formerly Sell wood St.; a cheap home at $,"i06O; $lOO0 cash and $25 per month. GRUSSI A ZADOW 817 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. HERE IS A REAL BUY. $500 cash, $40 per month, buys this homo of quality; beautiful outlook ; iirst-claes in every respect and up to date; it is in Hol laday Paxk and the price Is $5000; this home will sell quickly, because it is really worth every cent aeked for it. Columbia Trust Company. 84 Fourth St., Board of Trade umg. KILLINGS WORTH-AVE. SNAP Six-room houBe, on a lot 60x100, cement basement, full plumbing, everything mod ern, right on carlUie, and a complete nome. Price $:fcOAKt ; small payment down and the balance to suit. HOLT-JONES REAL ESTATE CO. 620-o22 Board of Trade bid. Phone Marshall 840, A 7-14. FOR SALE New 6-room re&iaence. modern: built-in china, linen closets, furnace, fix tures, shades, cement floor and wash trays in uaaement; xioors mained and ouei; dou ble wallf and floors, cedar siding : No. I finish. Inquire 338 E. 33d t. Phone B 2tU3. JUST LOOK AT THIS. New, modern. 5-room bungalow, on East Htn street, near Failing; lot ooxioo, street improvements all pa Id. only $2350, $500 cash, balance like rent. KUFF-KLEINSORGE LAND CO., 418 Board of Trade. WEST SIDE 7-room house, modern, on 7th st., close in ; a bargain. GOODXOUGH & SEITZ 132 5th. Main 65S4. FOR sale by owner New modern 6-room house with full concrete basement; can be ready for occupants in two weeks. A bargain for a hort time. Northwest corner Hawthorne ave. and 45th st. Inquire on premises, or SI'S B. 4Uth st. $loo cash down, balance $20 per month, will buy 4-room bungalow, Tremont Place. Price $lo00; cash $loo, balance $20 per, month. National Realty Trust- Co.. 302V4 Wash ington st., room 616. A. TWO-STORY 8 -room house, with all mod ern conveniences, one-half block from Union ave., directly across from Piedmont, cheap, easy terms; no agents wanted. AG liiii. oregonian. WEST SIDE FLATS. Walking distance, present income $76 per montn; win Dring sjmp; sacrifice sale, $S500. Box 940. Oregonian. WAVE RLE IGH HEIGHTS lots are good buys. Call in and let us show you this fine property. Geo. S- Allen Realty Co., 221 Henry bldg. BUY a home from me cn easy terms; we nave a aanay o-room oungmow. hardwood floors; $3750. S. D. Vincent & Co., 420 i-ium oermens DKig. , cor. itn and Stark. FOR SALE New. modern 11 -room house, lot 14)0x1 OO. at 20th and Bra see tf. ; all im provements in. R. B. Rice, 600 Wasco. Both phones. BY owner, new 5-room bungalow; restricted district; furnished or unfurnished; easy terms. Phone Sunday A. M-, C 1-98. BY OWNER, corner 60x60. 6-room house. 19th and East Davis. Phone East 1351. No agents. NEAR Steel bridge, modern 6-room house, fireplace, walking distance, $4500; 0 per cent on investment. r i .to, oregonian. FOR SALE $2500 five-room modern cottage Sunnyslde; $2S0 cash, balance easy terms. No agents. W 735, Oregonian. DON'T fail to read our half-column ad under "New Today" in Sunday's paper. Gibson A Holliday, 304-5 Gerllnger Bldg. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co, M. 1618, A 1984; all covered wagons, and experienced men. IF you have some money will build on your lot. Eastman Co., lnc.t 2u3 Abington bldg. Main 330. FOR SALE By owner, the handsomest bungalow in Irvlngton. 406 East 2uth st North. Call and see it. $1600 CHEAPEST Irvington snap; 0th nar Tillamook; east front. Owner East 2"i27- NEW IRVINGTON HOME $6500. 8 rooms, modern, elegant location, near Tennls Club. AF 734, Oregonian. 100x100, HIGHLAND Park; small house; some fruit trees, city water; $1G(0. terms. 302 Swetland bldg. HOLLADAY ADDITION $R3 00 ; 6-room mod ern house. S25 E. 16th N. Phone C H&l. $2S50 WALKING distance, 39th and East Oak; new bungalow. Owner, East 2227. For Sale Business Property. APARTMENT PTTE NEAR WASHINGTON ST. $13.000 A SNAP A. BACKUS, 51 Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE 7 lots, trackage property, now occupied. $12,00); make contract for lease at $12O0 per annum with option to re purchase at 6 per cent increase per an num; lease and option for 5 years privi - Joge to purchase on or before 3 years. H 738, Oregonian. UNION ave. business lot. cheapest buy on street, open for few days only. W. A. Hathaway, lO Washington bldg. Acreage. DOUBLE YOUR MONEY. I have 145 acres of the best fruit and alfalfa land In Western Oregon; soil 15 feet deep; 120 acres in high state of cul tivation, near R. R. and electric station, steamboats land on place: will sell In small tracts for $300 per acre; my price is $150; would take some good city property. Owner. 479 E. loth st. Phone tie 11 wood 1545. 80 ACRES. Base Line Road, at 0-mile post, one of the best buys now in market, for cash only, can be subdivided and Bold at 50 per cent increase. THE WORRELL-M'CULLEY CO.. 2o6 Henry Bldg., Fourth and Oak. BY OWNER, 11 acres, 6 miles out, 6 cleared, new home and bam; price $5000; $500 down, balance long time,; no agents. R 733, Oregonian. JOSIE DAVIS will sell her 22 acres at South Mount Tabor, on 71st St., on eaiy terms. Kest 1048. 20 ACRES beat apple land. SO miles east of Portland ; $250 down, balance $lOO per year. Mayor. 508 Gerllnger bldg. & OR 10 acres, beaverdam land for sale, R ?&4 - Oregonian, REAL ESTATE. Acreage. CLOSE-IN ACICES. Why buy high-priced lots for an In vestment from high-pi4ced promotora when you can buy an acre for the samt price and just as accessible ; two yeari ago you could have bought acres In A la meda Park and vicinity from $-100 to $.nMl per acre; today thse same acres are sell ing in lots on a basis of $4000 to $0000 pel acre: the same Is true of Rose City Park, Elm hurst. St. Johns and the Peninsula these tracts are practically all soid oul and the city Is growing very fast and must eventually extend east; I have some acr4 tracts, 14 miles east of Rose City Pik, on the O. R. ic N. track, that will bb run a suburban motor service and only 15 minutes out; This, is deep, rich, mel low soil and no gravel ; fine view of th mountains and Columbia Hlver; 1 will plant you one treo each of all kinds ol family fruit ; also berries and grapes, shrubbery of all kinds; in a few years yon will have a good country homelte, where you can raise all your own fruit and vegetables, have your chickens and cow and be Independent of hih prices; if you wish one or more of these acre on easy payments, call at my office from 10 A. M. to 2 P. M. ; will take you out in my auto. Rooms 28-29 Hamilton bldg.. 131 Third st. SPECIAL low rates given this week to par ties to locate on :o acres in Crook and Lake Counties. "We leave February 0; it will pay you to be one of the party. Lo cations on the coast, $HX. SO acres, relinquishment, 1 mile from P. R. and road ; phone in house; good improvements. lOO acres, relinquishment, 50.000 feet saw timber, some improvements. Price $40O. 120 acres, relinquishment, 10O acres farming land, some improvements, $500. 1 to acres. rellnmiiHliment. 4O.000 saw timber, some improvement, $350. lK)-acres, relinauLshment, 10.000 saw timber. 120 acres farming land, $250. ' Advantages o,f Oregon," a book of o2 pages, explaining what each of the 3 1 counties is best adapted for. also the amount of Government land open t home stead on a map attached, 21 x2. show In 15 all hew towns, including Eastern and Cen tral Oregon and counties in different col ors drawn down to January 1 , p10; lat est, map in U. S. A., price 25c stamps ot coin. Nimmo & Runey. 13 Hamilton bldg. ON UNITED RAIL-WAYS 10 acres. 2l-2 miles aout hweh't of Burlington, can .be bought reasonable now and will grow faster Into money than your bank account. C F. Prtuger Ac Co.. room 5 Mulkey bldg-. 2d and Morrison sts. 1000 ACRES excellent British Columbia fruit land; beautiful lake frontage. Crown granted and sub-divided, registered plan. Can bo bought at low price. Maps and photos of this land can be seen. Tele phone owner. Main 7020. Homesteads. EXCI'RPTON EXCURSION. TO THE OLD LAKE BOTTOM DISTRICT. The richest land open for. set tlement In Central Oregon; an other personally conducted excur sion leaving this week; Jim Hill's survey, rs now working in this valley; actual construction will Foon follow; these claims will then be worth several thousand dollars. We assure rich, level claims to all in this partv and ADJOINING THE NEW R. R. SURVEY. DKSHON & HAWK. Surveyors, 407 Lumbermens Bauk Bldg. HOMESTEADS. We can locate you on 30 acres of rich Government land in South eastern Oregon, in the sect ion about to hs opened up by the Hill and Harrlman lines, and afford ing the best opportunity left in the 1". S. to pet a homestead. Our agent has been living In the neighborhood of those claims for the past four years, and Is well posted on conditions and knows the country well. For further particulars call at our of fice. THE HART LAND CO. 146 2d St. WE WILL, locate you in Tillamook County on the best lands that are lt-ft. We will locate you In Central and Sou t hern Oregon In any district where there is Government land. DAVIS & BUITKAMP 510 Dekura bldg. WE are locating 320-acre claims near Lake view. Or., close to railroad. In vetltrate. W. B. Hartley & Co.. 411 Swetland blJg. TIMBER homestead relinquishment for sale; Al location; 7,000.000 feet; no agents. AB 733. Oregonian. For Hale Fruit Lands. SPITZ ENB ERG SCAPPOOS2 ORCHARD LANDS In 10, 20, 30-acre tracts are sell ing to many level-headed buyers who know a good thing when shown. Only 25 miles from Portland, on railroad. Price $300. $400, $500 per tract. BETTER HURRY and go with us by appointment. Call or write for full particulars. Lib eral terms. McFARLAND INVESTMENT CO.. 810-311 Corbott Bldg.. Portland, Or. Merrit A Palmer. Sales Agents. FAMOUS WEXATCHEE. Three ten-ai-fe tracts, mile from heart of city; about 00 to SOO finest Spitzen berg. Winesap and Yellow Newtown Pip .pln trees -apiece. In third year; similarly located bearing orchards worth J200O per acre Owner leaving the country. No commission agents. Prices, $SOO0. $s500 or $!KM0, half cash, balance easy. Box 414, Wena. tehee. Wash. 20 ACRES, apples and pears, two miles from Med ford, heart of famous fruit dis trict, at a sacrifice If taken at once; half cash, terms. THE WORRELL-M'CULLEY COMPANY, 2i6 Henry Bldg., Fourth and Oak. 55 ACRES, 20 acres in bearing apple or chard ; will produce 7500 boxes this sea son; Jlo.oOO; will trade for Portland property. BAIRD BROWN 312 Henry bldg. HOOD RIVER BARGAINS 124 acres, near the city, all in trees; good house and barn, plenty of water; must be sold this month ; see us at once. Apple City Investment Co., 417 Board of Trade. For Sale Farms. IMPROVED stock and fruit farm, 5600 acre!, four-mile frontage on the Columbia, opposite The Dalles; $; prfe to be raiwd ar .ter April first. i od terms. iM acrt of unimproved Hood River land, platted, all under ditch, two mile. from railroad depot; A-l apple land; $15,ouO, eatry termtv JOHN LE L A N" I H EN 1ERS ON. t Incorporated.) Hood River, Or. DOUGLAS COUNTY. OR. FOR SALE 1700 acres choice land on good county road, 3 miles from railroad and good town ; this and Is very suitable for platting and is at present in good condition ; price $25 per acre. For particulars and terms apply to William MacMaster, 302 Worcester block. Portland. Or. ON WILLAMETTE RIVER, right across the river from Nowberg. 1HO acres of finest land. 100 acres clear, all nice and level ; bouse and barn ; you can buy that land at $85 per acre if It don't take you too long to make up your mind to take it. C. F. Pfluger & Co.. room 5 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison sts. $ir.O PER A-CRE. 40-acres. Va mile from Vancouver. In Flint Valley, Washington; buildings, fruit, splendid water, and No. 1 oil. Also 3o acres adjoining, without fruit or buildings, for $ 125 per acre. Terms, or would take part Portland prop- erty. Loren Seward (owner), Vancouver, Wash. TRACT of land, containing 40 acres, more or less, lying in the angle made by the Kalama River and the Columbia, west of City of Kalama; bounded as follows: On the south by tho Columbia River, on the east by the Kalama River, on the north by the Northern Paclllc. This prop erty will be sold for $3oOO; easy payments. P. J. McGowan, McGowan, Wash. FOR SALB 1 have for sale everal good farms In Yamhill County, ranging In size from 40 to 370 acres; s-me very line fruit and walnut land ; 22 miles from Portland, close to railroad station; price snd terms reasonable. W. B. BURKH. 620 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. HAVE for sale a No. 1 farm. A-l im provements, living stream, machinery and impliments; rents for half and renter furnishes own feed and seed ; i cash, balance to suit purchaser; $125 per acre; 1 y-z miles east of Dallas. AJ "31, Orego nian. FOR SALE $70 per acre. 144 ncres, 5-room house, city water, 3 miles from The Dalles, 50 acres bearing orchard ; prunes, apri cots, apples, pears and grapes, or will trade for good city property. W 732. Ore gonian. IO "ACRES In Beaverton, acres beaverdam, S acres asparagus, one block from elec tric depot ; all in ?ood cultivation ; will sell or rent. Mrs. Purser, Beaverton, Or, DON'T fail to read our half-column ad under "New Today'" in Sunday's paper. Gibson & Holliday, 304-5 Gerllnger Bldg. SEND for our list of Wlliamett,- Valley farms before buying; lands ibvfa tree OLmstead -Land, Co. Salem Oik - j