Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 18, 1910, Page 22, Image 22

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Authorized Portland Agents Warner Corsets Arnold Knit Goods Sherwin-Williams Stenciling Outfits Lunch in Our 7th Floor Tea
Room Artistic Picture Framing to Order Butterick Patterns for Spring Are. Here, 15c Watch for the Toy Balloons and Aerograms
Today The Greater Meier (&b Frank Stores' Aviation Sale in All Departments
toy See
liperb 1 046th Friday Surprise Sale Bargains
Cleanup of Fine
Winter Millinery
Today for the 1046th Friday Sur
prise Sale, astounding, reductions on
all that remains of our fine Winter
Millinery. Your opportunity to save.
"Women's Trimmed Hats in all'coljrs,
regular values up to three "l QQ
times the price, choice at'. P
Children's Hats, in navy, tan, and
brown felt; formerly sold at QQ.
$1.25 to $3.50; special at only fOV
Children's and Misses' Hats, regu
larly sold at from 88c up to "I Q
$3.00; to 9?ose them out, each.
Unt rimmed Shapes, in navy, QQ
red, brown and black, at, each
Men's, Women's
Umbrellas at $1.59
Today, for the 1046th Friday Sur
prise Sale, a lot of 300 Umbrellas f.,r
men and women, 26 or 28-inch, .Para
gon frames, 7 and 8 ribs, steel rods,
fine union taffeta rain-proof cover,
fast black; choice assortment of Di
rectoire, or fancv gold, silver or
hard-wood handles ; values " CO
$3.50 to $4.00, special, ea..P
Ribbon Remnants
Today, for the 1046th Friday Sur
prise Sale, thousands of yaiiis in
short lengths, from y2 to 6 inches
wide, in all shades ;, just the thin:?
for fancy work and novelties; all are
now offered on sale at only HALF
500 Women's New Spring Suits Reg. $30 an
(i Hsf
Values Choice Today at $ 1 8.85
Today, for the 1046th Friday Surprise Sale, Portland's largest and best Snit Store offers a lot
of 50Q Women's Tailored Suits in the best styles for Spring- Our Suit Department chief secured
these in New York at a price amazingly low and they have just reached us in time for the Friday
Surprise Sale Materials are worsteds, fancy serges, cheviots, shepherd checks and fancy stripes
Colors, navy, black, medium and light grays, also black and white checks Jackets are short, semi
or tight-fitting, single-breasted with small revers and notch collars of velvet or of g Q g
self material Skirts are in kilt effects with side or cluster pleats $30-$35 values P I wOJ
QiirAfaic Women's all wool knit sweater-coats, in plain or fancy knit effects, patch
jW6uierS pockets, and pearl buttons, colors, red, gray and white, 27 QQ
to 36 inches long, regular $7.00 values. Special for this very low price, each J
Women's Hose
35c Values 20c
Today, for the 1046th Friday Surprise
Sale, 5000 pairs of Women's Fast Black
Hose, in light, medium and heavy -weights,
in cotton, lisle fleeced, etc., some
with split sole, values to 33c, at, pr."
Infants' Cashmere Hose, made with silk
heels and toes, black, and many olors, all
sizes, medium weight, fast color, O 7
good 35c values, special at only, ;jr ' C
Women's Tailored Waists
Values to $15 at $6.45
Today for the 1046th Friday Surprise Sale a fine lot of 1500
Women's Tailored Waists of messaline, surah, Persian, Dres
den, taffeta or pongee silks They come in wide or pin stripes,
checks and plaids Some are in tucked styles, one-inch, pin
and half-inch tucks Some have frilled removable fronts
The pongee waists come with raised silk dots The colors are
mulberry, wistaria, green, garnet, navy, peacock, black and
white checks and plaids Regular $12.50 to j A g
$ 1 5 values special for the Friday Surprise Sale H V -Xl
Dr. Graves 25c
Tooth Paste 10c
Today, for the 1046th Friday
Surprise Sale, a lot of 5000 tubes of
Dr. Graves' unrivalled Tooth Paste,
one of the finest dentrifices known;
made to sell at 25c the tube. A spe
cial lot, bought at a special 1 Cf
price, on sale today at only
$3 Combination
Today, for the 1046th Friday
Surprise Sale, Women's Combina
tion Garments, corset covers and
drawers, made of good quality nain
sook or cambric, trimmed with lace,
embroiderv, etc., values J" "7Q
to $3.00 the suit, special. P '
Women's Drawers, of cr.mbric or
nainsook, trimmed with embroidery,
tucks, beading and libbons, regular
from $2.50 and up to QQ
$3.50; priced low at.S,'0
Nightgowns, of muslin or cambric,
best quality, high or V neck, long
sleeves, or with low neck and short
sleeves: regularly $1.75 Q 1 OQ
I to $2.00; special at onlv.P
$1.75 Gloves
53c the Pair
Today, for the 1046th Fri
day Surprise Sale, odd lots in
Women's Gloves, in suede,
chamois, cape, glace kid and
mocha ; broken line of colors
and sizes; one two and three
clasn styles : regular values .
$1.25, $1.50 and $1.75 j-o tgS5i
Tair! at this low.nriee 3JC
i i - - i.
Fine Embroideries
49c and 69c Yard
See Fifth-street window display. To
day for the 1046th Friday Sur
prise Sale, a lot of 2000 yards of
Swiss Embroideries in 18-in. flounces
and insertions from 'z to 3 inches
wide; eyelet designs for lingerie
gowns; values up to $2.00 the CQ
yard; Flounces, the yard, now."C
Insertions, special price, yard..-40?
300 dozen yards Valenciennes I.a'.-e,
in edges and insertion, V- to
inches wide, round mesh and French
Vals, worth up to $3.00 the fCZf.
dozen; special offering at, doz.' JV
Fine Sample Linens
Greatly Reduced
Today, for the 1046th Friday Sur
prise Sale, a lot of sample Linens in
large assortment at ridiculously low
prices. Take advantage of this st'c.
Napkins, cloths, towels, etc., Embroid
ered Bedspreads, Children's Dress
Patterns, embroidered and ruffled
pillow cases, white goods, etc. Too
large a variety to quote prices hero.
100 Cards for 69c
Today, for the 1046th Friday Sur
prise Sale, we offer 100 of the best
quality wedding plate finished calling
cards, engraved from your plate.
Bring us the plate and we do fZQjf
the rest; special bargain at."
Boys &2.00 Spring Wash
Suits Today at 98c Each
Today for the 1 Q46th Friday Surprise Sale, a fine lot of Boys'
Spring Wash Suits at a price remarkably small. Supply your
wants for early Spring and Summer wear. A very fortunate pur
chase and they'll go for less than the regular cost of materials.
Sizes 3 to 9 years, made in two styles, sailor or Russian blouse.
The sailor suits come in ages 5 to 9 years; Russian blouse, sizes
2 to 8 years. Made with sailor or Eton collar, all fabrics, fast
colors. Galatea cloth, percales, madras and hydegrades. Q O
Solid or fancy colorings. Values to $2, special today
Contest Airship Models Boys, Give Attention
There is now in progress at the great Meier & Frank Store one of the most interesting contests
ever planned. Especially is this so on account of the trend of thought in this age of Aerial
Navigation being foremost in the mind of man, woman and child, and again it has been made inter
esting in the fact that we have with us Mr. L. E. Dare, one of the founders of the Aerial Club of
New York City, who has known and constructed airships from their infancy.
Besides the great display of airships now to be seen on the Fourth Floor of our Main Building,
which display will continue the remaining days in this month, we have planned a contest that will
interest all boys under the age of 18 years. . t -
which time a committee of newspaper men, presided over by Mr. Dare, will judge the winners.
The aeroplane models are not to be over five feet in size or under two and a half feet.'
Prizes Are as Follows
1 st Prize Suit of Clothes, Value of $ 1 5.00
2nd Prize Suit of Clothes, Value of $ 1 2.00
3rd Prize Suit of Clothes. Value of $ 1 0.OO
Contest Opens Today, Closes Noon February 24th
The following are the conditions under which any boy under the age of 18 may enter the contest:
An airship model must be constructed by the boy entering the contest by his own hands and not
with the assistance of any one else.
And then displayed for a period of three days, ending Saturday,' February 26th, at 9:30 P. M., at
Originality of design and method of power and neatness of workmanship to be the main points
in determining - the winners of the contest.
All boys are invited to enter. Any boy in the stats of Oregon may prepare the model and send it
to pse for exhibition or bring it themselves.
Mr. lu E. Dare will continue to, lecture on the airship display now installed on the Fourth Floor,
and will be glad to answer any questions asked him concerning aerial navigation.
75c Neckwear
For Today 19c
Today for the 1 046th Friday Sur
prise Sale, a lot of 1 OOP dozen
Women's Neckwear in rabats,
jabots, fancy silk trimmed net
stocks, cascades, in lace and net
combinations, Dutch collars, etc.,
in endless variety The regular
values in the lot run to
75c each, for today at
startling Friday Jewelry Sale
$5.00 Bracelets for S2.19 $2.50 Brooches for 98c
$1.50 Scarf Pins for 49c 35c Beauty Pins at 16c
Today for the 1046th Friday Surprise Sale a lot of Jewelry that was bought by us at a
very special price reduction and has reached us just in time for the Friday Surprise Sale.
BRACELETS To be worn with the new Spring dresses, in plain or fancy carved ef
fectsThere is a wide assortment of designs from which to make selection.
Regular values up to $5.00 each, a phenomenal special for Friday Surprise
Brooch and Belt Pins, a lot of 5000
in the latest shapes and sizes, set
with stones of all colors, some with
fancy stone drops; values QQ
up, to $2.50 each, special at
1000 fancy Scarf Pins, for men, in
very artistic designs, large assort
ment, large or small settings; regu
lar values up to $1.50 each, A Qf
special at this price, each v
Beauty Pins, in plain or fancy de
signs, guaranteed for good wear;
come in very artistic designs; regu
larly sold at up to 35c; on "1 l
special sale for today only ADC
35c Kerchiefs
For Today 17c
Today for the 1 046thFriday Sur
prise Sale, Women's Handker
chiefs of shamrock lawn, hem
stiched edges, sheer and dainty
corded effects, in fifty different
patterns Assorted pink or light
blue borders A kerchief bargain
out of the ordinary 9
Reg. 25c and 35c vals. C
$ 1 2.50 Couch-Covers at $4.95
- - ' -
Today, for the 1046th Friday Surprise Sale, a " lot of 200 Couch Covers, in very fine quality of
'imported tapestry, in many different designs and colorings. Light grounds, in which1 red, blue or
green predominate. Handsome Oriental designs. 60 inches wide and 3 yards long, no A QEJ
fringe; regular values in this lot up to $12.50; special for this great Friday Surprise Sale P,'.
ere Are Great Notion Bargains
bargains at 8c each -don't fail to take ad-unntage.
Kid Curlers, regularly worth 10c the package.
For Nickel Thimbles, regularly priced at 10c each.
For Instanto Collar Supports, regular 10c value.
For two packages Gem Pins, regularly 5c package.
. For five packages Adamantine Pins, regularly
sold for 3c package. Take advantage of the sale.
Today, for the 104(ith Friday Surprise Sale, we offer these
13c Set "Well Skirt Markers, on sale at this price
Regular 15c Queen Stocking Darners, on sale for
Regular 11c Cushion Desk Pins, special price at
Two regular 5c spools Silk on sale at low price of
Regular 20c Diana Shell Hair Pins, buy them for
5c Kid Curlers, two packages, on special sale for
fflffpr Today, 'for the 1046th Friday Surprise Sale, 5000 squares of pure and
PllLtd fresh Creamery Butter, deliciously good; buy all you want of it, HH
and the price for the two-pound squares during this Friday Surprise Sale is, sq. - - C
Buy Silk Remnants Now at Half Price
Today, for the 1046th Friday Surprise Sale in the Silk Department, we
offer every remnant and short length in the department at just half the regu
lar selling price of the goods by the yard. The remnants run from y
la to 5 yards, all colors, plains or fancies. Silks for any' purpose at ' &
$ 1 5-1 00 Pc. Dinner Sets $10.99
Today, for the 1046th Friday Surprise Sale, a lot of Decorated Semi - Porcelain tfJIQ QQ
Dinner Sets, small pink floral decorations 100 pieces; regularly $15.00 set, on sale at J AU.i17
60-piece Sets, regular $10.00 values; special for this great 1046th Friday Surprise Sale, at, set 6.99
Cut Glass Nappies, a lot of 200, sell regularly at up to $3.00 each, special price today, only $1.89
See Sixth-street Vestibule Window. Sale limited to 30 Sets. Come early and procure one of them.
ose Worth 50c Pair 16c
Men's Fancy Suits at Half Price $28 Values $14.00
Today, for the 1046th Friday Surprise Sale, in our Men's Clothing Department, main floor, we offer 200
men's and young men's fancy Suits, in cassimeres, cheviot and worsteds. They are hand-tailored, made
by the best workmen and of the best materials. Colors, dark olives, dark brawns, etc., with fl? 1 A QQ
stripes, cheeks and overplaids. For dress or business wear. Regular $28.00 values, special P x
$2.50 Men's Underwear at 79c
Today, for the 1046th Friday Surprise Sale, a lot of Men's Hose left-overs from the great box
sales; broken lines, in fancy silk lisles, also in openwork and fancy embroidered effects, mer- -t r
cerized silk in solid colors, etc; values up to 50c the pair, low clean-up price take advantage A DC
Men's Underwear, in heavy, medium or light weights, in full line of shirts and drawers to match, also
broken lines of shirts and drawers; pure wools, imported silk and lisle, etc. Regular values TQ
up to $2.50 the garment, choice during this 1046th Friday Surprise Sale at the very low price of C
See the Great Peary North Pole Exhibit
Come to our store today, tomorrow or any -time next week, and see the
pictures of Peary's North Pole exploration trip. See exact reproduction of
flag that Peary nailed to the Pole. See the airships. See the food show and
taste the good things. Watch for prize Aerograms attached to toy balloons.