THE MORNING- OREG ONIAX. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1910. 17 NEW TODAY. 100x95 ON SECOND STR ST $27,500 It's worth $30,000. Hard-surface streets. Compare this priee with surrounding values. KING STREET 50x100 Near Washington. This is one of the few close-in apartment house sites. $15000 West Side building sites, on' Overton street. See us about terms and price. BRICK BUILDING 4 FLOORS SECOND ST. $65,000.00 Prices will jump in this location when the Madison bridge is fin ished. ' Portland Trust Company S. E. Cor. Third and. Oak Streets. CORNER . 100x80 FEET Income $545 per month under lease, which has one year yet to run. PRICE $125,000 H P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Fine Willamette Valley Stock or Dairy Farm FOR SALE CHEAP 700 acres, 200 under cultivation, 100 to 200 more easily put under culti tion. Good house, large barn and other outbuildings. All fenced with good fence. Good 'well and spring, and stream running through the place; never dry. 14 miles from railroad, church and school. County road and rural delivery through the place. Telephone, two lines connecting. First-class pasture land. Twelve miles south of Corvallis, county seat. On land 2 miles from place, offer $75 per acre refused. Price, $35 per acre. Call on or write Ide-McCarthy Land Company 425-426 Lumbermens Building. 200x200, one block north of Washington street. Some in come; terms. $150,000 Smith & Everett Failing Building. TWENTY ACRES OK&4VARTER MII.B FROM CITY. On two first-class ennntv rnHs iFlve-cent fare on Oreiron lOlootrin. 1i ion just across 40-acre meadow. Nine room plastered house with toilet and rutin; mim-nouse. wen. splendid spring. Jcitchen srarden, very larpe barn, larse nicnen-nouse. usual sheds and out- luildintrs. Llvinjr stream runs throiis-h roperty. Includes four fine orchard racts, comprising apples, peaches. pears uui ijiuues. trees in full earinsr and excellent condition. One r.r lie most beautiful tracts near Portland. IV111 subdivide into B-acre tracts if de- lrea. lr soia quick tne price is $800 er acre. Ooe-third cash, balance 6 per cnt Adjoins property selling right iow at $1000 to $1250 per acre. Tracts urrounding have been platted into lots. (his property must be sold iuick, Iherefore the low price and favorable I arms. Apply at once. The Jacobs-Stine Co. 1X1 Klfth Street, I'ortland. ihe Most Magnificent View on Portland Heights. A 7 room house, modern in every detail. New. Price. with 50x55, $8000; with 62xl00, $11,000. There Is nothing like It on the Heights. HARTMAN at THOMPSON, Cbaniber of Commerce. BURNS1DE AND FOURTH STREET NEW TODAY. Grants Pass the Heart of the Famous Rogue River Valley. This Place Is Only 2 Miles From Grant sPass 160 acres on the main county road. Ideal peach and grape land, with a southwest exposure. The soil is decomposed granite with a tendency to the red soil. The land varies from a gentle sldpe to roll ing, and fully 120 acres can be put into cultivation, while the other 40 "acres are covered with wood, which is an exceptionally good proposition, being so near to town, where it always has a ready sale. The new irrigation system that is now being built here crosses the land, which, when completed, will enhance the value of the property 100 per cent. The land Is of the class that warms earliest in the Spring, and consequently produces the earliest vegetation. At present land in this vicinity is selling as high as $50. per acre. This is an ideal tract to cut up and sell in smaller tracts. Already we have been offered $40 per acre for 50-acre tracts, but we will not subdivide and will only sell as a whole. It is a partnership deal, and the partners will only agree to sale of the whole tract. As an in ducement to quick sale we put this 160 acres on the market at $3500. One-half cash, balance on easy terms. J. W. DOANE NO. 3 LEWIS BLDG., PORTLAND. OREGON. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Andrews, F. V. A Co. M. 8349. 30 Hamilton bldg Beck. William O.. S12 Failing bldg. Birrell, A. H. Co.. 202-3 McKay bldg. Real estate. Insurance, mortgages, loans, etc Brubaker A Benedict, 502 McKay bids. M- 54. Chapln A Herlow, S32 Chamber Commecc. Cook, B. S. A Co., B0 3 Corbet bldg. t Fields. C- E. & Co.. Board of Trade bldg. Jennings & Co., Main 168. 206 Oregonlan. KIRK: A KIRKHAM, Lumber Ex., 226 Stark. Parrish. Watkins A Co.. 250 Alder St. PALMER-JOXES CO., H. P. 213 Commer cial Club bldg;. Sheffield & Riely. 23 Russel bldg., 4th and Morrison. Echaik. Geo. D, 264 Stark St. Main or A 602 The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ave. and Multnomah st. (Holiaday Addition). M. E. Thompson Co.. cor. 4th and Oak t "Walker, S. T. , 604 Corbett bldg. REAL ESTATE. 1 or Sale -Lota, LOTS OP LOTS, $30 EACH. New addition, on Oregon City carllno; ex cellent soil, good place to keep chickens and cow and grow garden truck. Price $.'10 per lot, $5 or $10 down, balance $2 or $3 per month. National Realty &. Trust Co., 326& Washington t. room 616. DIVISION street and East 26th. 5 lots on the southwest corner, all choice in every particular, belong to a non-resident wno needs money; $6500 for the whole 5 if taken at once; you can double your money on these lots if you have foresight enough to see your opportunity. C. F. Pfluger A Co., room 5 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morri son sts. IRVINGTON BLOCK. Extra holce, Brazee street. One block from car $35O0. TWO INSIDE LOTS NEAR KNOTT ST., One block from Broadway car, $3000. FERRIS. 3 "Washington" Bldg. BUSINESS -CORNER LOT, $1500. Fine corner lot, rOx!00. on 22 d and Di vision sts., stores all around and a good place to build for an income or a fine speculation ; price only $1500; for a few days only; half cash, owner needs money. GRl'SPI A ZADOW 317 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. Two fine lots, specially niceiy located in best residence district ot Naples Heights, one block from car, at a sacrifice aa I am com pelled to leave; small three-room house on one lot. Price $1600, $4oo cash, balance like rent. THE OROSSLBY COMPANY, 70S Corbett Bldg. AT A SACRIFICE. 12 lots, 42x80, Inside city limits, city water, graded street; nice fir trees on the property; take them at $22oO. $500 cash will do. These lots will sell at $500 apiece within a year. Don't miss your chance. - P'or further particulars see the Crossley Co m pany, 701 Cor bet t Bldg. IRVIXGTOX PARK. 6 lots, 50x100 each. LOTS Must be sold at once. $450. Snap todav. HOWARD LAND COMPANY, 420 S wetland Bldg. $37.50 OASH, balance. $337-50. payable $5 per month, takes your pick of those 55xloo lots In Loom is Park, on the Mt. Scott 5c fare carline; thia is $150 cheaper than surround ing 4o-foot lots; only a few left; you will have to hurry. MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 132 Third St. LAURELHURST Lots In this beautiful close-In residence addition are now selling at a tremendous rate. Get a good one before the first ad vance in price comes. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club bldg. CORNER LOT ROSE CITY PARK. Must sacrifice beautiful corner. 60xlO0, facing east, on 49th, one block from car line. RUFF-KLEINSORGE LAND CO.. 418 Board of Trade. SEE ALAMEDA PARK. Adjoining Irvtngton, high ground with, mountains in view; all city Improvements; carline; easy terms. ALAMEDA. LAND COMPANY. 322 Corbett Building. BEST lots for building or speculation pur poses in city; new addition. close in, cheap. Send your name and address and I will call and give prices and terms. X 731. Oregonian. CHEAP, lot 50x100, in City View Park, one block of car; all fine homes; $675, $460 cash, balance $5 per month; no agents. Call 374 Rose, corner Broadway. $ 5O0 6Hx 1 OO $ 500. Fine building site on Waverly-Woodstock car line, about cash. See owner, 511 Corbett bldg. 6 LOTS !n Poweres Addition to Portland, $10 down and $5 per month. Geo- S. Al len Realty Co.. 22l Henry bldg. SNAP Big lot. 50x120. good location. Mt Tabor; bargain for cash, inquire owner, 426 East 57th St.. Hawthorne car. ONE of the best lots Sunset Beach, heart of beach district, $lo0. 402U E. Wash, Call B 1400. MUST sell lot in Westmoreland, near Sell wood car; $75 will handle. AD 731, Oregonian. , LAST CHANCE. 3 lots 50x7o). close to Eastmoreland; $375 each, terms. , L 732, Oregonian. CORNER E. Hoyt and 31st, $1025; $450 cBsh, balance $10 month, low Interest; good Value. t CULVER. 623 Chamber Commerce. EASTMORELAND lot sale at a bargain; $100 will handle. AD 730, Oregonian, WE have a few snaps in Laurelhurst. Du bois A Crockett, Washington bldg., room 3. 100x100 ON Tillamook st., $1800; terms. 1 wm o, clbu uig ion Diag. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. 40-ACRE ADDITION in a smart Central Oregon city, for sale; contains some of the most desirable lots in the town; $13,00O. CARTER-DUGAN CO S20 Chamber of Commerce. ROSE3 CITY PARK. 2 fine lots, improvements paid; $525 each. NORTH IRVINGTON. 67x100 corner, underprlced at $650. . ROSSMERB. 60x100. cement walk, gravel street. Bull Run water; $700. ROSR-ENGLISH INV. CO., 322 Mohawk Bids. GREGORY HEIGHTS. We just ask you for an opportunity to nhow you the lots we are filing as low as $175 and up, on terms of $5 down and $2.50 per month. We know you will be convinced they are the best lots for the price in Port land, corsldering the location of this beau tiful addition. The property needs no argu ment; seeing Is believing. Early buyers- are already realizing handsome profits. Do not take our word for it; come out and see fr yourself. Take Rose City car, office at end of line. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS. LAt'RELfiTRST. IRVINGTON. ROSE CITY PARK. RITFF-XLEINSORGE LAND CO., 418 Board of Trade. 26TH. NEAR SANDY ROAD Lot, $1300; streets graded, cement walk; terms. V. VINCENT JONES 302-3O3 Lewis bldg. For Salt: Houses. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. On lot 50 x 1 00 in very best part of Sunnyside: almost within walking dis tance; built by a contractor for a, per manent home, and no expense or work was spared in making it the best to be built; circumstances are such that it must be sold, even at a loss to the owner; beautiful and costly combination gas and electric fixtures, fireplace, and every pos sible convenience that can be thought of. As a home for comfort, attractiveness and durability it cannot be equaled for the money. - As an investment, it can be rented at once, so as to bring in 12 per c?nt net on the investment. Better ask about this at once. To buy a lot and build such a ho us in this locality would cost considerably mfre than $5000. We will take $4500 for this, and time on part. Call at once, 513 Chamber of Commerce. EAST SHERMAN STREET. 5-room bungalow, with Dutch kitchen, modern plumbing, both lights, built only 5 months, finely finished and in a nice neighborhood ; parties going away ; $850 handles this, including steel range. HOLT-JONES REAL ESTATE CO., 520-522 Board of Trade Bldg. Phone Marshall 849. A 7294. SUNN YSIDE SNAP on fine corner of East 28th st.. In best of neighborhood, cement basement with fur nace, reception hall, parlor, dining-room and kitchen, downstairs; 4 nice bedrooms with large closets and bath upstairs; large attic; a bargain at $4250; $2756 cash. KAL'FFMANN A MOORE 325 Lumber Exchange. BUNGALOW Beautiful bungalow, 7 rooms, artistically finished, full cement basement, laundry tubs ; modern in every particular; 50x100 lot. liiO feet to streetcar. Price $3O0O; $500 cash. NORTON A SCHNEIDER 2S6-& Washington st. Room 612, V ERN ON B UN G A LO W. $2100 for new 5-room. with bath .toilet, full basement, built-in china closets. Dutch kitchen, on comer, 2 blocks' from car, over looking Vancouver and river; $500 cash, bal. terms. BLANCH ARD A CLEM30X, 315-16 Swetland Bldg. BUNGALOW ' New 6-room- bungalow at Risley Sta tion, on Oregon City carline ; all modern; terms very easy. GOODNOUGIT & SEITZ 132 Fifth. $2700 INVESTMENT. For a 6-room and a 3 -room house on a 53x100 lot. renting for $24 a month, on E. 6th North; $500 cash, balance time. BLANC HARD & CLEMSON, 315-16 Swetland Bldg. WEST OF PIEDMONT Bungalow), up toj date and modern; 6 rooms; fireplace, full ce ment basement, hot and cold water, bath, sink, patent toilet, fine full lot; a beauty; only $2650. $1000 down. Portland Homes Co., 204 Morrison et. WALKING distance East Side; splendid home, new and strictly modern; 5 rooms downstairs and two upstairs ; only $2S50 ; $500 cash. C. L- BAMBERGER. Main 5124. SOS Chamber of Commerce. LARGE corner lot. Sunnyside, 1 block off Belmont, with new, modern, 5-room bun galow (space in attic for 3 more); price reduced ; $500 will handle ; balance easy. Culver, 623 Chamber of Commerce. 44 ACRES, all in cultivation. 6 miles from center of city; fine modern ft-room house, loe fare; 2 blocks from station, $6500; .one-half cash; a snap. Bloch Realty Co., 221 Lumbermen's bldg. BOxAO, CLOSE in. East Portland, 9 blocks from Burnside bridge; house rents $180 year; ground worth price. CULVER, 623 Chamber Commerce. FOR SALE New, modem 11 -room house, lot 100x100. at 20th and Brazee ts. ; all im provements In. R. B. Rice, 600 "Wasco. Both phones. MODERN 5-room home on E. Morrison st. ; lot 33 1-3x100; fruit and berries; $2oOO; liberal terms. Call on Queen Inv. Co., 410 Falling bldg. NOTJ HILL Modern 7-room home, all con veniences; this Is easy walking distance; terms to suit; $7000. Call 410 Falling bldg. MODERN 5-room cottage in Woodlawn. lot 50x100. with large fruit trees and flowers; $1750. Call 410 Failing bldg. $000 4 -room house, large lot, on Mt. Scott 5c carline; easy terms. MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 132 Third S. $2000 FOR a 5-room home in Sunnyside; lot 33 1-3x100; the terms are right. Call on Queen lnv. Co.. 410 Failing bldg. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co , M. 1618. A 19S4; all covered wagons, and experienced men. IF you have some money will build on your lot. E&stman Co., Inc., 303 Abington bidg. Main 3236. LEAVING town will sacrifice my fine six room, modern home, near carline . and high school. R 730, Oregonian. 6-ROOM modern house, on Gantenbeln ave., $2900; $500 cash, balance terms. Bloch Realty Co., 221 Lumbermen's bldg. BY owner, corner 60x60, with six-room house, E. 10th and Davis, price $3000. Call 80 E- 20th st. North; no agents. A SNAP Beautiful lot. plastered - house, Montana ave., close to car, $850; cash. See owner, 110O Montana ave. FOR SALS By owner. th handsomest bungalow In? Irving ton. 496 East 20th st. North. Call and see It. MODERN 8-room house in best West Side residence district. Apply owner, 317 Beck bldg. &3HOO 0-room house on E. 17th St.. close to Morrison st. MARTIN J. HIGLEY, 132 Third at. HOLLA DA Y ADDITION $6300 ; 6-room mod ern house. 325 E. 16th N. Phone C 1191. MODERN house for sale; choice West Side location. Phone Main 4972. $2850 WALKING distance. 19th and East Oak; new bungalow. Owner, East 2227. 2 LOTS and small house, near car; $000; terms. xwom 0, v aounift utog. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houses. S65.000. a-f I. .a, frnntatra fnllf DnrOl flf land! I a splendid-cite for flour mill or warehoube. S 5.000. Fine income property, paying 12 per cent, net; IOO feet off Upper Wash. st. 562. Sou. Income property, close to Washington St.. new fireproof building; pays la per cent. net. . S2L0OO. New apartments on Kearney st-, pays 13 per- cent. net. 241. 0OO. A fine corner on oth and Burnside. 135.000. A beautiful corner on Upper Washing ton st. 56500. 34x183, on Lucretia St., near Washing ton. We have some good buys in city homes and Eastern Oregon farms. LINCOLN INVESTMENT CO.. 201-202 Hotel Drexel, 2nd and Yamhill. HIVERDALE. A beautiful residence of seven rooms, new and thoroughly modern from attic to basement. A large reception hall, a full length sitting room, with fireplace, a paneled and, beamed dining room, with mahogany finish and tapestry paper; a very convenient kitchen, thr?e bea rooms, each in separate color scheme, sleeping balcony, hardwood floors, full cement basement. The attic is large enough for two good rooms. - The grounds cover an acre and command a sweeping view of the city, river and mountains. A private water system under heavy pressure sup plies the house and grounds. For price and terms se. R. F. BRYAN & CO., 505 Chamber of Commerce. Main 10G3. A 1227. SOUTH PORTLAND HOME. 8 rooms, corner, two stories, bath, etc.; large rooms and no bridges to cross; good view; $38K; good terms. Would take smaller place in part pay. $."0.00 CASH $15.00 MONTHLY. 5-room house, lot 55x120, 6 blocks from car line, and has fruit trees. EAiiT 3 1ST and EAST G LIS AN. Southwest corner, full lot. new house, with furnace, etc., only $900 cash required; ;10 monthly payments. THITRMAN STREET VACANT. 100x106, a little above grade, hard pave ment street; fine apartment site; $2500 cash, balance easy terms. M. E. THOMPSON COMPANY. 4th and Oak st- Portland. Or. Main 6084. A. 3327. WHY RENT? When we can build you a home on your own lot according to your own Ideas. In short time you have clear title to your home instead of bundle of rent receipts; we buy wholesale and can save you money; it will pay to see us. plans and estimates free. PORTLAND REALTY AND CONSTRUC TION CO. 901-2 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak sts. LATEST SAFE INVESTMENT 3 per cent paid on 30 days' call. 4 per cent on 90 days call, and 2 per cent on 10 days' call certificates. We pay Interest on check accounts. Keep your money busy. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY BANK, 8rd & Oak Sts. A $2600 HOME FOR $2000. A 5-room bungalow on a 33 l-3xS4-f t. lot, on 37 th street, south of Hawthorne ave. ; a nice neighborhood ; everything complete with full cement biment ; must sell within the next three uays or lo!3 all; $200 cash, and balance $15 per month. HOLT-JONES REAL ESTATE CO., 520-522 Board of Trade Bldg. Phones Marshall 849, A 7294. NICE BUNGALOW, $!K)0 CASH ' Fine new bungalow, 5 rooms, with all the latest improvements, gas and elec tric, nice fireplace, full basement, paneled dining-room and beamed ceiling, on a corner lot. on East 37th st. south of Hawthorne ave.; a nice little home for $3000; $l0o cash and $20 per month. GRI SSI A ZADOW 317 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. WB ARE BUILDING MORE HOUSES THAN ANY CONTRACTOR IN THE CITY. THERE IS A REASON; WE) SAVE OUR CUSTOMERS MONEY. BUILD WELL. TSUTLD TERMS TO SUIT. IF YOU OWN IHE LOT WE WIL FURNISH TH3 MONEY TO BUILD. PLANS AND ESTI MATES FREE. OREGON BUILDING A TRUST CO.. UOS-W-IO Henry Bldg.. 4th and Oak. E. YAMHILL ST., NEW HOUSE. New modern 6-room t wo-atory house, nice fireplace, gas and electric, full ce ment basement, laundry trays, on a lot 4oxlOO, on East Yamhill, near 22d, street improved, cement sidewalk ; nice new home for the price, $460; part cash, bal ance to suit. GRUSSI & ZADOW 317 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. BIG BARGAIN. Close in. West Side. Owner; lot 15x106. with one 5-room and two S-room houses; this is a forced sale and sacrifice price; $9000; only $4600 cash,, balance long time 6 per cent; thia is a pick-up. FRICK-DODDS COMPANY, 310 LEWIS BLDG.. 4TH AND OAK. $2300 FOR a new nearly completed 5-room bungalow, -71 of block from Alberta car, facing east;" bath, toilet, lavatory, wood hoist, 2 ciotet-s, 2 earh bedroom; will paint and stain houf?e to suit; $50O rah, bal terms'. BLANCHARD & CLEMEN, 315-16 Swetland Bldg. FOR SALE New 6-room residence, modern; "built-in china, linen closets, furnace, fix tures, ehades, cement floor and wash traya In basement; floors stained and oiled; dou ble walls and floors, cedar siding; No. 1 finish. Inquire 338 E. 33d st. Phone B 2613. BEAUTIFUL 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Sunnyside, 1 block from car; all nice, large rooms; house finished elegantly throughout; corner lot; $750 cash, balance easy. NORTON & SCHNEIDER. 286 14 Washington st.. Room 612. PORTLAND Beautiful West Side home on TRUST Thurman st.; "everything up to CO. date. This place is worth $10,000; our price Is $8500. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. WALKING distance. West Side. 8 -room house; save the carfare; to close out an estate this is being offered for $3600; $500 cash will handle. C. L. B AM H E RG ER. Main 5124. 508 Chamber of Commerce. WEST SIDE HOME Fine 7-room house on 7th, close In, hot water heat, and is strictly modern; it will pay you to investigate this; easy terms. GOODNOUGH & SEITZ 132 Fifth. 5-ROOM bungalow, on B. 35th. near Belmont; fireplace, furnace. S. E. exposure, large lot. ckue to carline; new; large attic; $5oO will handle this. Best buy in Sunnyside. Phone Main 297. W. B. Hartley, 411 Swetland bldg. FOR sale by owner New modern 6-room house with full concrete basement; can be ready for occupants in two weeks. A bargain for a short time. Northwest corner Hawthorne ave. and 45th st. Inquire on premises, or 32S B. 40th St. $100 cash down, balance $20 per month, will buy 4-room buniralow. Tremont Place. Price $l0OO; cash $loo, balance $20 per month. National Realty & Truet Co.. 362 Wash ington st., room 516. UNION AVE N U E . $5500. 50x120 and good 6-room house not far from Russell st. ; a property that will rent readily and increase rapidly in value; , part cash. Strong Ac Co., 605 Concord bldg. $3650 -BUNGALOW $60O CASH. Beautiful 6-room bungalow. Rose City Park, near car line; see this and you will buy it: easv terms. k C. B. LINN. Corbett Bldg. IRVINGTON Elegant 8-ronm house in best part of Irvington; everything modern; new. For terms and price see us. BAIRD & BROWN. 312 Henry Bldg. WAVER LEIGH HEIGHTS lots are good buys. Call in and let us show you this fine property. Geo. S. Allen Realty Co., 221 Henry bldg. 6-ROOM modern house, block from car, electric lights, nice lawn and roses; $2000, V cash. Owcier, Laurelwood Market, Mt. Scott rar. BUY a home from me cn easy terms; we have a dandy 6-room bungalow, hardwood floors: $3750. S. D. Vincent & Co.. 420 Lumbermens bids., cor. 5th and Stark. 10-ROOM house between 14th and 15th St., full lot. $6500; one-half cash: a bargain. Bloch Realty Co., 221 Lumbermen's bldg. $21H CASH buys my $10O0 equity in house and two lots if taken before Saturday. 414 Dekum bldg. Phone Main 5646. DOUBLE boue on east flope Mt. Tabor; In come S2f iter month : $2vl-0. part cash. MARTIN J. HIGLEY. 132 Third St. 7-ROOM modern house, full lot, near car; trade or sell; price $2500. 411 Lumber Ex change Bldg. $1H(H CHEAPEST Irvington snap; 9th near Tilktmook; east front. Owner East 2227. REAL ESTATE. For Sale VERY PRETTY Up-to-date bungalow, on East Grant st., 0 good-sized rooms, all tinted; furnace, fireplace, gas, electricity, best of plumb ing; street graded, cement walk and curb, also cement walks around house; double walls and floors, combination light fix tures; large attic; lot 50x100; lawn, gar den and henhouse; house finished about 6 months; $3800; $1500 cash, balance easy terms. CARTER-DUGAN CO. 820 Chamber of Commerce. PIEDMONT BUNGALOW Elegant, strictly modern 6-room bunga low, furnace and fireplace, full cement basement, fine plumbing, gas and electric, laundry trays, beam celling, all the latest bui It-in closets, nothing missing, on a lot lOOxlOO, in the finest part of Piedmont ; price $5500, part cash, balance $35 per month. GRUSSI A ZADOW 317 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. For Sale Business Property. 12 MINUTES' WALK from Postoffice and the Portland Hotel, ou N. E- corner of 17th and Market streets; a nice 50x100 corner lot ; street improvements In and paid, cement curb and sidewalk; Improved with store and dwelling bringing $30 per month ; if taken at once can be bought for $6500. $2500 cash, mortgage of $4oo0 running 10 years at 5 per cent can be assumed; can be paid off any time. C F. Pfluger & Co.. room 5 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison sts. m FACTORY SITE. On switch on Macadam st.. over an acre; cheapost buy on this coming street; terms to suit or might lease. VANDUYX & WALTON, 515 Chamber of Commerce. Acreage. CLOSE-IN ACRES. Why buy high-priced lots for an In vestment from high-priced promotors, when you can buy an acre for the same price and just as accessible; two years ai;o you could have bought acres in Ala meda Park and vicinity from $300 to $500 per acre; today these same acres are sell ing in lots on a basis of $4000 to $6000 per acre; the same Is true of Rose City Park, Elm hurst, St. Johns and the Peninsula; these tracts are practically all sold out and the aity is growing very fast and must eventually extend east ; I have some acre tracts, 1 Vi miles east of Rose City Park, on the O. R. & N. track, that will s(n run a suburban motor service and only 15 minutes out; This Is deep, rich, mel low soil and no gravel; fine view of the mountains and Columbia River; I will plant you one tree each of all kinds of family fruit: also berries and grapes, shrubbery of all kinds: In a few years you will have a good country homes! te, where you can raise all your own fruit and vegetables, have your chickens and cow and. be independent of high prices; if you wish one or more of these acres on easy payments, call at my office from 10 A. M. to 2 P. M-; will take you out in in v auto. Rooms 28-20 Hamilton bldg.. 131 Third Bt. FOR SALE 10-acre tract for sale. About 12 miles from Portland, all under cultivation, nice little 5-room bungalow, good barn, chicken-house and other out buildings, on main county road, 1 mile from station, in the very best location ; the price of this beautiful little home is $4-oo ; this Is worth your investigation. Call and see us. WELLS A DUFUR 303 Chamber Commerce, Marshall 68J. 5-ACRE Summer resort, $70O down, $800 on time. 214 acres, good house, at city limits; $4000; easy terms. 2-a ere chicken ranch, new house, horse, wagon, tools ; all equipped ; $1000 down, easy terms for balance $1000. i acres, fine soil, on carline, $2500; $650 down. OREGON LAND CO. M 7413. 215-217 Henry bldg. 10 OR 20 ACRES SECTION LINE ROAD. 20 acres on Section Line road, 8 miles from city; under cultivation, balance easy to clear; 2 acres in strawberries; small house and land that will grow anything; 2 -acre tracts across the road selling for $5t o per acre ; price of this Is $3oo per acre for quick eale; part cash; will sell 10 acres or all of It. See' THE OWNER, 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. DOUBLE YOUR MONEY. I have 145 acres of the best fruit and alfalfa land In Western Oregon ; soil 15 feet deep; 120 acres in high state of cul tivation, near R. R. and electric station, steamboats land on place: will sell In small tracts for $300 per acre; my price la $150; would take some good city property. Owner. 471) E. 10th st. Phone Sell wood 1545. AGRICULTURAL AND FRUIT LANDS. 2 m acrta 3 V3 m i I es from 1 1 ve ral lroad town; about So acres clear land, can be cul 1 1 vated t h is season ; no stumps, no rock, rich, black loam soil; timber on remainder will more than pay for clf-aring; all tillable; price $30 per Owner, 414 Rothchild bldg. IO ACRES. VILLA AVE. 10 acres of land on Villa ave. and Reames Road, 2 acres cleared, new house, fine well of water, a good buy-, at $4750, on terms; Mount Hood car going close by. GRUSSI & ZADOW 317 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. A FINE 7-acre tract In brueh. leas than 3 miles of city; no improvements, but good land; make fine home Improved; a snap for cash; price $300 per acre. Brong-Steele Co., 110 Second rt. ACREAGE SUBDIVISION. On carline, running water, close to city, at a snap for quick turn. VANDUYX & WALTON. 515 Chamber of Commerce. Beautiful 5-acre tracts adjoining Hillsboro, all in cultivation, on main county road. $1000. $100 cash, balance $10 per month. THE OROSSLBY COMPANY, 708-709 Corbett Bldg. BY OWNER. 114 acres. 6 miles out. 6 cleared, new home and barn: price $5000; $5tm down, balance long time; no agents. R 733, Oregonian. 16 ACRES, near Portland, on carline; small payment; balance easy terms. Owner, phone B 1465. FOR SALE One acre at South Mt. Tabor; fine soil, beautiful location; $1800; $600 down. phone Tabor 1630. 11 ACRES near railroad, all level ; trade or sell ; price $2500. 411 Lumber Ex change Bldg. 10 ACRES, all fine land and in cultivation, close to city, near car; $600 per acre. Brong Steele Co., 110 Second st. 5 OR 10 acres, beaverdam land lor sale. R 734. Oregonian. Homesteads. SPECIAL rates given this week to parties lo cating on 320-acre homesteads in Lake or Crook counties: we have locations on the Coast; relinquishments $250 up. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. A book of 32 pages, explaining what each of the 34 counties Is best adapted for, also the amount" of Government land open to homestead on a map attached, 21x28, show ing all new towns, including Eastern and Central Oregon and counties In different colors drawn down to Jan. 1. 19lO; latest map In IT. . A., price 25c. stamps or coin. Nimmo & Runey. 13 Hamilton bldg. HOMESTEADS. We can locate you on 320 acres of rich Government land In Southeastern Oregon, In the section about to ho opened up by the Hill and Harriman lines, and afford ing the best opportunity left In the U. S. to get a homestead. Our agent has been living in the neighborhood of thse claims for the past four years, and Is well 'posted on conditions and knows the country well. For further particulars call at our of fice. THE HART LAND CO. 146 2d St. WE WILL locate you in Tillamook County on the best lands that are left. We will locate you in Central and Southern Oregon In any district where there is Government land. DAVIS & BUITKAMP 510 Dekum bldg. TWO relinquishments in the cream of Eastern Oregon: can grow anything; $250 each; houses and some improvements and plenty of good water; no charge for lo 4 eating, or can locate you on a fine claim there. Address or call 658 Going st., take Alberta car to 17th. T. M. Kellogg. HOMESTEAD relinquishment. Clatsop County, near new Tillamook Railway survey ; all good land; easily cleared; snap. 302 Swet land bldg. 1 WB are locating 320-acre claims near Lake view. Or., close to railroad. Investigate. W. B. Hartley A Co.. 411 Swetland bldg. TIMBER homestead relinquishment for sale; A I location; 7,000,000 feet; no agent. AB 733, Oregonian.. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Fruit Lands. SPITZ ENB ERG SCAPPOOSE ORCHARD LANDS In 10. 20, 80-acre tracts are sell ing to many level-headed buyers who know a good thing when shown. Only 25: miles from Portland, on railroad. Price $300. $400, $500 per tract. BETTER HURRY and go with us by appointment. Call or write for full particulars. Lib eral terms. McFARLAND INVESTMENT CO., 310-311 Corbett Bldg.. Portland. Or. Merrit- A Palmer. Sales Agents. FAMOUS WENATCHEE. Three ten-acre tracts, mile from heart of city; about 600 to SOO finest Spitzn berg, Wlnesap and Yellow Newtown Pip pin trees apiece, in third year; similarly located bearing orchards worth $20OO per acre Owner leaving the country. No commission agents, prices, $S000, S500 or $0000, half cash, balance easy. Box 414. Wenatchee, Wash. A SNAP Less than $100o will handle this; a re linquishment of 100 acres' in Mosier fruit district, with some improvement; can be bought for $"00; can be covered by script, on which only one-fifth need be paid down; The land will be worth $S0OO in a year. We have 10 days only on this op tion. Act quick. MOSELEY & FARRELL, 20r Couch bldg. WHY PAY PROFIT TO A "PKIXDICATE ? $29 per acre will buy at first hand 207 acres of as fine fruit land as lays out doors, on easy terms, on R. R. ; buildings, fruit, water, some stock; well worth $50 now. OREGON LAND CO. Main 74-13. 215-217 Henry bldg. 10-A-CRE prune ranch, near Orchards. Clark County, Wash. Less than -i mile from new electric line; adjoining land selling at $250 to $30O per acre ; if you hurry you can have this at $200; we need the money. . Columbia Trust Co., 84 Fourth st. 120 ACRES fruit- land, 6 miles from Salem, on macadam road, all platted, ready for market in small tracts, price $150 per acre; $60OO cash will handle this ; must be seen to be appreciated. Columbia Trust Co., 84 Fourth st. 55 ACRES, 20 acres In bearing apple or chard; will produce 7500 boxes this sea son; $10,000; will trade for Portland property. BAIRD A BROWN 312 Henry bldg. 40O ACRES good orchard land ; Its timber will half pay for it. Box 113. Turner. Or. For Sale Farms. A CANADIAN FARM INVESTMENT. Applications will be received AT $9.50 PER ACRE tor any portion from 4 Sec to 6000 ACRES on the GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY IN SUNNY CENTRAL ALBERTA, CANADA. Adjoining land sells for S12. 13,000 acre sold since Oct. WRITE FOR LIST OF PORTLAND MEN WHO HAVE PURCHASED AND ASK THEM IF THEY ARE SATISF1 ED. Easy payments covering 6 years. ' PRpFITS ABOUT BO PER CENT EACH YEAR. FRANK LANE, COLUMBUS. OHIO. FINE 160-acre farm. 15 miles from Port land, adjoining R. R. station ; electric line will run through place this year; finest of running water and springs ; large plastered house, fine orchard and barn. More than half In cultivation, bal ance pasture and timber. This is finest land for orchard, especially peaches, -and would cut to advantage in small tracts as county road runs through place You can double your money on this property if you buy now; after the elec tric line Is running you could not buy the property for double the price asked for It now. For price and further particulars, sea THE CROSSLEY COMPANY, 70S and 709 Corbett Bldg. OWNER must sell 150 acres of as good land as lies In the Willamette Valley; $100 per acre: 20 miles from Portiaiid, Hi mile from S. P. R. R. and milt; from propoeed Oregon Electric; 100 acres rolling. 40 acres of rich bottom land and 10 acres in timber; good 5-room houe and good-size barn; this farm can be cut to good advantage in 10 and 20-acre tracts if desired; I know this is a bargain; good ttrma. .Beck with, Columbia Trust Co., 84 Fourth st. APPLE AND BERRY LAND 40 acres, all under cultivation, all fenced with woven wire fencing, good orchard; assorted fruit; 3 acres apples, all kinds small fruits, fine 2-story, (l-room house, 6-tunncl fruit dryer, good well, hot and cold water in house, necessary outbuild ings, i mile from Columbia River R. It. station on S. P. A S. R. R. ; country town and 9 miles from Vancouver, on fine traveled road ; "in fine improved section ; school 14 mile; R. F- D. mail and tele phone service; an ideal home ; f'.Hioii; $300O cash, balance 3 years. 6 per cent int. THOMPSON & SWAN Citizens Nat. Bank bldg.. Vancouver, Wash., and 110 2d St.. Portland. TRACT of land, containing 40 acres, more or less.' lying in the an pile made by the Kalama River and the Columbia, west of City of Kalama ; bounded as follows: On the south by the Columbia River, on the east by the Kalama River, on the north by the Northern Pacific. This prop erty will be sold for $35H; easy payments. P. J. McGowan, McGowan. Wash. BENTON COUNTY STOCK FARM. 1300 acres, all choice land, 100 acres beaverdam. 650 acres cleared, 200 acres plowed ; 11-room house, 7 barns, all under hog-tight fence. 5 springs, standing tim ber contracted for $12,000. Price, $30 per acre ; cash, balance at 6 per cent. NORTON A SCHNEIDER, 286 y Washington St., Room 612. THE only way we can convince you that the 163 acres improved property we have for sale Is a bargain Is for you to call and allow us to go over the matter with you; this property is situated on a county road, 12 miles from Portland; new S-room house, good barn; A-1 fences and the very best soli; price $130 per acre. Co lumbia Trust Co., 84 Fourth st. 650 ACRES In Benton Co., Or.; 400 are in cultivation. IOO acres not hard to clear; bal ance pasture: all gMd land; 90 acres In wal nuts, good buildings, on county road, 1 i miles to R. R. station: make a fine tract to cut up; good money-maker; price $45 per acre; terms ea?v. B RO NG-STE3E LB CO. . 110 Second St. EXCEPTIONAL FARM BARGAIN. 50 acres, one mile on macadamized road to fine town with high school, good house, fine barn, nice orchard, 40 acres in high state of cultivation every acre choloa land; $75 per acre; $1500 cash, balance 6 per cent. NORTON & SCHNEIDER. 2S6 Washington St., Room 612. FOR SALE 1 have for sale several good farms in Yamhill County, ranging in size from 40 to S70 acres; sbme very fine fruit and walnut land; 22 miles from Portland, close to railroad station; price and terms reasonable. W. B. BURKE, 620 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. DOUGLAS COUNTY. OR.. FOR SALE 1700 acres choice land on good county road. 3 miles from railroad and good town; this land Is very suitable for platting and Is at present in good condition ; price $25 per acre. For particulars and terms apply ' to William Mac Master, 302 Worcester , block. Portland, Or. FINE HOPYARD. RIGHT AT RAILROAD. 16 miles from Portland; brought large crops every year; large hopdryer. baler, etc., all complete to run; might rent to right party. For particulars, -ee THE CROSSI.EY COMPANY, 708 and 709 Corbett Bldg. 25 ACRES in Linn Co., Or., only 1 -mile of R. R. station, 4 miles of town of 6OO0 peo ple; all good land; IO acres In bearing or chard, 8 acres in cultivation, balance in brush ; wmall old house and etable; price $35o0. Brong-Stefle Co., 110 Second st. a FINE home and IO acres of very rich land all in . cultivation, 6 miles from Portland, on steam and electric R. R. ; price $8000, half cash ; for a suburban home this can't be beat. Columbia Trust Co., 84th Fourth, st. "WILL trade modern, corner, brick rooming house on best and busiest street, now clearing $560 monthly, better in Summer, for well-located acreage or fruit land; cash price $15.00; will give time on bal ance or Day difference in cash. F 720, Oregonian. ORCHARD LAND. 160 acres fine land in Yamhill nut and fruit belt; about 40 per cent cleared, ready to plow, remainder good timber; no waste land; price $50 per acre. Owner, 414 Roth child bldg. SEND for our list of W!l)am. Valley farms before buying ; lands sb sm free. Olmstead Land Co.. Salem, Or. 80 ACRES near Woodland.. Wash.; 40 acres cultivated; good house and barn; land all fenced; $370o, terms. 302 Swetland bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. BEAVERDAM. 5 acres, all pure beaverdam, with run ning water for irrigating; this tract ia the heaviest and deepest piece of beaver dam in the state, is in perfect state oj cultivation and ready for garden; $1640 worth of onions wore produced and sold from 1 acre last year; this land is built up from pure beavor cuttings and there is none bettor; 1400 sacks of onians with sold from the adjoining tract of 5 acres. Several beaverdam tracis in this locality have sold for from $700 to $1000 per acr. This tract is located 11 miles from I'ortland. 4 mile from station, on the electric road and good country town, on, a macadamized road 1 4; miies from a R. R. station. Will st-il for $3o0 per acre. 1-3 cash and balance to suit. This place will not last at the prha offered. 1 7 acres. 10 miles from 2d and Stark streets, all highly cultivated. 15 acres in full bearing fruit trees; 3 acres apples, 3 pears and 3 cherries, balance Italian prunes. This year's crop sold for $1200. The soil is a black shot loam and is as good as any other fruit land in the state. A good 5-room cottage and outbuildings, fitted up for chickens, henhouses, yards, and brooding pens, good well at th-a house; tj mile from country town on elec tric line; 1 mile from railroad station ; thickly settled community, beautifully lo cate.!; one cow. 100 chickens. wagon, buggy and all small tools included; price $3X00 cash, balance to suit. 20 acres, 13 miles from 2d and Stark sts.,- about 15 acres cultivated, 2 acres assorted varieties of apples, 5 acrv-s seeded to clover, balance in potatoes and truck garden; about 5 acres of beaverdam which produced over 25 tons of cabbage this year. Good living stream crosses tiis place and can be used for irrigating ; land lies level and a heavy black loam, no gravel, lies on a corner and has a road on two sidos of the property, school house across the road. mile to rail road station, country town and two churches, fair house, well-built large barn and othor outbuildings; Kod well at the house and spring near the ham. This property is to bo sacrificed. Price $2S0O. $1600 cash, balance to suit. 5 acres, 3 acres cleared and cultivated, balance small second-growth, no bis stumps, heavy soil there is no better, no gravel, small house, good well, 14 mild from school, near church, telephone line, daily mail 1 mile from R. R., less than 10 miles from Portland ; price $900; $400 cash. 40 acres. 15 miles from Portland, heavy black loam soil, good creek on tne place, all level, no gulches, on main graveled road, telephone, daily mall, about 2 1i miles from station, oi electric road; sorn of the land easily cleared, balance good wood or saw timber; when made into wood will bring twice as much as tha price asked for the place; adioining property, with some clearing, sold last week for $100 per acne; this property a ! most given away. Price $12UQ; $Nt0 cash, balance to suit. Note the distance from the c!rv. M. E. THOMPSON COMPANY. Cor. 4th and Oak Sts.. Ground FI001 Henry Bldg.. Portland, Or. Main 60S4. A 3327. NOTICE. I Stockmen and Dnirynien: 858 Acres, $TO an Acre. Every foot practically rUured and fine soil; situated" on Sauvie.i Island, junt below ih mouth of the Willamette River. IT miles from Portland ; the place is all fenced an.i cros-fenced ; boat landing and dock In front of the house: tine 12-room brick hotine, hot and cold water connections throughout; 4 fine barn. milkhouM;. with engine, for run ning separator, churning and wotwi-cutting; good big orchard and all kinds of herrie and vegetables, all household furniture, hay and grain and all farming implements, which are in extra good shape; 130 head of fine milch cows. 5o head of young cattle, hogs, sheep, chickens and ducks ; ail har n esses, wagons, creamery outfit, with can, etc. worth $1500; this place is a snap and guaranteed to be just as advertised; price $7t per acre, which includes all Ptoek. im plements und everything on the place; one half cftfh, balance a loner time at 6 per cent. 05 o Acres at $450 fop Acre. 3(M aTPfl of fine bottom land. hII cleared; 2X acre.s under the plow, 3,V acres of up land, partly under plow; finest yoil in th country, no gravel ; place is all fenced and croHf-fenced : 3 running streams and a river run along one side of It; tine 12-rootu plastered house, all finished inside with California redwod an I stained floors, 2 other small houses; fine horse and cow barns and all other ne cestui ry outbuildings ; 0 head of fine hr.-ea head of fine milch cows. 75 head of hogs, chickens and duck-, all crojis nn.I provisions, fine cream house, equipped with upright engine to run se it erator, churning and wod and feed cut ting ; all implements, which are in good pha pe. to run the place. Including rbling plows, wagons, buggie?, harnesses, mo wen, rakes and hundred. of other things; fine or chard: this place Is 3 miles from La Cen ter, right on Lewis River, on R. F. D., telephone and milk route; 2. niil"e from. Portland. to ood schools; electric sur vey through the main field; we have photos of the place in the offn-e; price $46. 50 per acre takes everything. We absolutely guar antee this place ju.t as advertised and one of the finest stock and dairy ranches on the market today : way below act ual value. See the abov, place. Pt our expense. OH A PIN A HERLnW. 332 Chamber ot Commerce. NICE LITTLE FRUIT FARMS. ALT j LAY IM)SB TOGETHER. 17 MILES FROM PORTLAND. ALL WITHIN 1 MILE OK R. R- STATION NEAR CANNERY; BEAUTIFUL VIEW. 1 30 acres. 27 in cultivation, balance timber, good housa, barn and prune drier, fine spring; half in well-kept orchard, apples and prunes; on main coun ty road. Price $4400. $1100 cash, balance to suit. 2 31 acres. 12 in cultivation, good house and barn, running water, 4 to 5 "0 fine young fruit trees 3 to 4 years old. apples, pears and prunes. Price $100 pcjr acre ; small payment cash. 3 28 acres. 22 in cultivation, half mile to station ; spring and running water, finest of garden soil, large part can bo irrigated; 125 apple trees 12 years old kept in good condition : new house and barn Just completed, running water in house. Price $1600, one-third cash, balance to suit. We have lower priced land in same lor cation, which can be bought with small payments down and easy terms on bal ance. THE CROSSLEY COMPANY, 70S and 709 Corbett Bldg. IOO A CRES, orchard nnd farm, at Grants ra.a ; no need to pay big price ; buy at first hand ; part cult i vated : in fine shape, water; nothing better, $000; terms to suit. OREGON LAND CO. Main 7413. 215-217 Henry bldg. 160 ACRES 7 miles from Kelso. Wash. ; 20' acres cultivated; all good land; SO acres timber; $20 acre if sold soon. J. D. Hayes A Co., 3C2 Swetland bldg. Miscellaneous. ARE you looking for a farm or acreage? Don't fail to call at THE CROSSLEY COMPANY," 70 and 709 Corbett Bldg. It costs you nothing and we treat you right. It surely will be to your advan tage to ee us before buying. We don't publish our list. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR close-in acreage, a wheat ranch or small, well-Improved farm, at low price and on most liberal terms, see me; I handle my own properties. J. O- ELROD 520 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE Fine K-acre home, $lfi0O: I also have a 20-acre tract and a 30-acre home for sale reasonable ; many other good places. C M- Crittenden, Hubbard, Or. 1 TO 5-acre choice tracts, close in, on In stallments : small payment down. OREGON LAND CO., 215-217 Henry -bldg. $2650 TERMS, Union ave.. 60x100. $15 per month income. Angeles Trust Co., 326 V "Washington st. Room 417. CONTRACT for sale, payable monthly. $ 1 5 and 7 per cent; wilr discount JO per cent. T 732, Oregonian. FOR RENT FARMS. 40 ACRES in cultivation, 20 more fenced pas ture; large outrange; 9 miles Portland, mile station. Apply 759 E. Couch, morn ings and after 7:3o P. M. TEN-ACRE farm, all fenced, with house, barn and outhouses; 7 acres cieared, one ntile to city limits; rent reasonable. 171 Third st. FOR rent Farm, 46 acres, near WUsonviT.e. $2'X cash. Address A. A. Wood, Gaston, Or. Rout 1. FOR third of crop. 320-acre wheat farm, near railroad. Wasco County ; snap. Mft Coy. 364 North 20th. W car. BEAVER DAM for onion and celery; H mile carline and R. It. H 731, Oregonian. FARMS WANTED. MAN with family wants farm with stock and Implements furnished, with chance of buying later if suited. C. A. Sperber, 416 East Harrison et., I'ortland. Or. FROM 40 to IOO acres, partly under culti vation, it h in 20 miles of Portland ; giva Drlce, location, etc. AB 732, Oregonian.