Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 16, 1910, Page 18, Image 18

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Steamship Arrives on First
Voyage From Orient.
Vessel Discharged Overland Freight
at San Krancisoo Boat Glen-
' affrie Under Charter for Lum
ber Arrives From Coruox.
On her first voyage to Portland In the
service of the Portland & Asiatic
Steamship Company, the Norwegian
steamship Hercules is due to arrive
t Alaska dock this morning.
The vessel reached Astoria at 10
o'clock yesterday morning from San
Francisco, at which point she dis
charged a portion of the overland
freight from Hongkong and Japanese
The Hercules brings a heavy cargo
of "Oriental goods for Portland. She
Is one of the four steamships taken by
the Portland & Asiatic Company at
the time the charters on the Hamburg
American' boats expired.
On account of the burning of the
Portland Flouring Mills in September,
the Hercules loaded at Tacoma with
flour for Vladivostok. She then pro
ceeded to Honkgong and loaded for
San Francisco and Portland.
Under charter to the China Import
ing & ExDorting Company, to trans
port lumber from Portland to China,
the British steamship Glenairric ar
rived up yesterday at noon and berthed
at the North Pacific Mills. The vessel
came from Comox in ballast. Fuel was
taken at the British Columbia port for
the vovage across the Pacific.
The Glenaffrlc is In command of
Captain Lane and is of 2657 net tons
register and will carry in the vicinity
of 2.500.000 feet of lumber. She car
ries a Hindu crew on deck and in the
fire-room. There are 12 white men on
The Glenaffric will figure with the
February shipments of lumber, foreign,
and will help swell the figures to
record-breaking figure.
Official Trial Trio Sliows Better
Speed by Half Knot.
: On her official speed and endurance
trial, held off the coast of Virginia, Feb
ruary 8, the steamship Beaver showed a
speed of half a knot an hour better
than her sister ship Bear. Both vessels
were constructed at the yards of the
Newport News Shipbuilding Company for
service between Portland ana ban ran-
clsco for the Portland & San Francisco
Steamship Company.
On a 60-mile run the Beaver developed
a speed of 17.6 knots an hour, .5 mile
better than the performance of her sister
ship the Bear. Captain Melvin. of New-
Tort News, commanded the Beaver on
the trial trip and Chief Engineer Bailey,
of the shipyard, had charge of the engine-room.
General Manager K. P.
Schwerin. of the San Francisco & Port
land Steamship Company, Captain Will
iam Kldston. who will command the
vessel, and Chief Engineer R. S. Paul
were on board during the builder's offi
cial trial.
The Beaver is now loading a full cargo
at New York for Portland, and will be
ready to leave for Portland direct within
a week or 10 days. The steamship tsear.
In command of Captain Austin, is en
route to San Francisco.
Man Injured Stepping on Skylight
Not Entitled to Damages.
A decision handed down by Judge
Bean dismisses from the United States
Court the libel of J. E. Hatton against
the French bark Rochambeau.
While the vessel was unloading bal
last in Portland, January 5. 1909, Hat
ton was employed as an engineer on
the scow anchored alongside and as
sisted in the work. The night of Jan
uary 4 snow had covered the deck and
skylights, and In passing toward the
stern of the vessel Hatton stepped
upon a skylight and in the fall injured
his knee. He libeled the vessel for
15000 damages.
In passing on the questions raised
by the suit Judge Bean held that the
owners of the vessel had provided
safe passage along the deck of the ves
sel, and that they could not be held re
sponsible for the safety of an employe
who failed to keep within its bound
Itopalrs to Deep Sea Drodjte Are
Progressing Kapidly at St. John.
Boilers of 'the United States dredge
Chinook have been lifted from the hold
of that vessel and work oh the repairs
will begin immediately. A large force of
men will be placed on the boiler work
.end matters will be rushed as rapidly as
possible. Chief Engineer William Mar-
doff will look after the work of recon
structing the boilers. Mr. Marhoff has
been chief of the Chinook since she was
turned over to the engineer department.
Ironworkers and' machinists have
made quick work of the sides of the Chi
nook at the Marine Iron Works in St.
John, and practically all of the iron work
has been cut down to the main deck.
The vessel is supposed to be ready for
service by June 1.
Hlver Steamer Has Been Undergo
ing Repairs to Macliiner y.
The steamer Bailey Gatzert, of the
Regulator line fleet, will leave for The
Dalles this morning on regular schedule.
The Gatzert has been delayed for sev
eral davs undergoing repairs to her ma
chinery. Broken parts were replaced last
night and the boat is again ready for
Work on the new hull for the steamer
Dalles City is not progressing as rapidly
as the owners would like and it is doubt
ful whether she will be ready much be
fore May 1. After the Dalles City comes
out. the Bailey Gatzert will be over
hauled for the Summer excursion season.
ll.inria. Portland - Built, Once
Worth $100,000, Sold at Seattle.
SEATTLE. Feb. 15. The steamship
once the
most handsomely
vessel on Puget
Round, was sold at tnited States Mar
shal'! sale today for S15.0CO to W. D.
Hotlus. of this city, who, it is said, In
tends to dismantle her.
The Victoria was built in Portland, and
in her best days was valued at JlOO.OuO.
but she never paid operating expense:
'or two years she has Jain idle. Some
weeks &go the Marshal eold the Victoria
for $11,500. There being almost no ma
ins, her owners, the Best Steamship
Company, had the. sale set aside on their
allegation that there wast collusion among
prospective purchasers to keep down the
Old Fine Case Dismissed.
An ancient case, pending for. years
In the United States Admiralty Court
of Portland, was disposed of yesterday
by the decision of Judge Bean, who dis
missed the claim of B. E. Meredith
against the steam Bchooner Nome City
for $2,849.28. The suit began througa
the failure of an agent to 'pay tne
freie-ht bill for the transportation of
991 bags of blue stem wheat from Port
land to San Pedro. On arrival at its
destination the wheat was stored in a
warehouse, and there remained until
its value had decreased greatly. B- E.
Meredith entered a claim of ownership
to the wheat and testified that he had
advanced the money with which tne
cargo had been purchased. Judge Bean
ruled that the money advanced was in
the nature of a loan from Meredith to
the buyer, Crosby, and Crosby having
made the transportation contract witn
the Nome City, the owners of the ves-
. Dae to Arrive.
Name. From. Date.
Henrlk Ibsen. ..Honslcona-. .In port'
Hercules Hongkong. .. .In port
Ramona Coos Bay.... In port
Kansas City. .. San Francisco In port
Eue H. Elmore.. TIllamooK. . . . In P
Golden Gate... Tillamook. .. .Feb. 16
Alliance Coos Bay Feb. 17
Roanoke. ..... .San Pedro... Feb. 19
Rose City San FranclscFeb. 21
Santa Clara. .. .Ban Francisco Feb. -J
Falcon San Francisco Feb. 24
Geo. W. Elder. .Ban Pedro. .. Feb.
6elja Honekon. ...Apr. 15
Scheduled to Depart.
Name. For. Date.
Ramona Coos Bay. ... Feb. IB
Sue H. Blmore. Tillamook... Feb. IT
Henrlk Ibsen. . Homrkonc. .. .Feb. 1
Golden Gate. . . Tillamook .... Feb. IS
Kansas City. . . Ban Francisco Feb. is
Alliance Coos Bay Feb. !
Roanoke San Pedro Feb. -f
Rose City San Francisco Feb. Jo
Santa Clara. . San Francisco Feb.. -
Falcon Ran Francisco Feb. - '
Hercules Honpkonff . --Feb. S.J
Geo. W. IBlder. .San Pedr...Mar. t
Eelja HonKkonr.... Apr. 22
Entered Tuesday.
Olympic, Am. steamship (Hansen),
with ballast, from San Francisco.
Kansas City. Am. steamship (No
pander), with general cargo, from
San Francisco.
GlenarTrlc, Br. steamship (Lane),
with ballast, from Comox.
sel were within their rights in refusing
to deliver the grain to Meredith.
Xorthwcst Winds Blowing on Coast.
Wireless messages from the steamships
Asuncion and Umatilla received yester
day forenoon by the Weather Bureau,
state that northwest winds and heavy
weather prevails off the Coast of Ore
gon. The Asuncion was well down tne
Coast of Oregon and the Umatilla was
off Yaquina Head. Both vessels report
a heavy sea and the Asuncion had sail
set to steady her. Northwest winds were
reported Monday by the U. S. S. Wash
ington and Tennessee from a consider
able distance off shore.
Astoria Slarine Notes.
ASTORIA, Or., Feb. 15. (Special.)
The steam schooner Nome City sailed
for San Francisco today after complet
ing her cargo of lumber at Knappton.
The Norwegian steamship Hercules,
of the Portland-Asiatic Steamship Line,
arrived today from San Francisco with
partial cargo.
Marine Notes.
The gasoline schooner Oshkosh sailed
for Tillamook Bay ports yesterday aft
With a full cargo of lumber for San
Pedro the schooner W. F. Jewett left
St. Helens yesterday.
With a full cargo of general freight for
San Francisco the steamship Falcon left
last evening at' 6 o'clock.
With a full cargo of lumber for North
China the British steamship tails of
Orchy, left yesterday morning.
With passengers and freight for San
Pedro and way ports, the steamship Geo.
W. Elder sailed last evening at 8 o clock.
The steamship Catania sailed last even
ing for San Francisco with water ballast.
She brought fuel oil for the Associated
Oil Company.
In ballast from Puget Sound the Brit
ish steamshiD Glenaffric arrived yester
day afternoon. She will load lumber for
North China. '
The steamshin Ramona will sail from
Ainsworth dock tonight for Coos Bay.
The Ramona is running in the place of
the steamship Breakwater.
From Tillamook Bay ports with freight
and passengers the steamship Sue H.
Elmore arrived last evening. An oil-
burning plant will be installed before she
leaves out again.
Arrivals and Departures.
niRTT.Axn. Feb. 15. Arrived Steam
ship Olympic, from San Francisco: British
steamship tllenartrlc, irom Lomox; ue ri.
Elmore. from Tillamook. Sailed British
steamship Falls of Orchy. for North China;
schooner w. r. jewert. Tor nan reoni. irom
St. Helens; gasoline schooner Oskosh, for
Tillamook; steamship Falcon, for San Fran
cisco; steamship Cieorge W. Elder, for San
Pedro and way ports.
Astoria, Or., kpo. Jo. condition at ine
mouth of the river at 5 P. M., smooth;
wind, northwest 18 miles: weather, cloudy.
Arrived down during the night Hteamer
Xome City. Arrived at 7 A. M. and left
up at 12 noon steamer Jiimort. irom Tilla
mook. Arrived at 10 A. M. and left up at
1:16 P. M. Norwegian steamer Hercules,
from San Francisco. Arrived at 2:15 P. M.
Steamer J. B. St-etson. from San Fran
cisco. Arrived down at 4:30 A. M. British
steamer Falls of Orchy.
San Francisco, reft. 15. sailed at 4 A.
M. Steamer Yellowstone, for Columbia
River. Sailed at 7 A. M. Steamer Klamath,
for Portland, and steamer J. Marhofler, for
Columbia River.
Point Lobos, Feb. la. passed at 7 A. M.
Rteamer Geo. W. Fenwick, from Columbia
River, for San Pedro.
New York, Fob. la. Arrived yesterday
Steamer Beaver, for San Francisco and
Birkenhead, Feb. 1R. Arrived yesterday
German ship Hebe, from Portland.
San Francisco, Feb. la. Arrived Steamer
Tahoe, from Grays Harbor; steamer M. F.
Plant, from Coos Bay; steamer Buckman,
from Seattle; steamer plsen & Mahoney,
from Everett; steamer W. S. Porter, from
Astoria; steamer Mayfalr, from Wlllapa;
steamer Raymond, from Grays Harbor;
schooner Cecilia Sudden, from Grays Har
bor: ship John Ena. from Philadelphia.
Sailed Schooner Oregon. for Coquille
River: steamer Chlyo Maru. for Hongkong:
steamer Norwood, for Grays Harbor.
Gibraltar, Feb. Is. Passed Oanfa, from
Tacoma. via Yokohama, for Liverpool.
Cherbourg. Feb. 14. Arrived Kaiser vv 11-
helm der Grosse, New York, via Plymouth
for Bremen.
Havre. Feb. 15. Sailed La Bretagne, for
N?w York.
New York. Feb. lo. Arrived Lapland.
from Antwerp.
Iondon. Feb. !.-. Arrived Montezuma,
from St. John, N B. and Halifax.
Yokohama, Feb. 15. Arrived JCIngh
Chow, from Tacoma. for Liverpool.
Kobe. Feb. 14. Arrived Kumerlc, from
Palermo, Feb. 14. Sailed Sannlmo, for
New York.
St. John. K. P.. Feb. 1-5. Arrived Tuni
sian, from Liverpool.
Charleston, s. c. Feb. 16. Arrived San
Mateo, from Seattle.
Tos Angeles. Feb. 15. Arrived Steamer
Ruby, from Bandon. Sailed. Roanoke, from
Portland: liueen, irom Seattle; Claremont,
for Grays Harbor: Sadie, for Umpqua River.
Tacoma. Feb. 15. Arrived Steamer Delhi,
from Olympia. Departed Steamer -Admiral
Sampson, for Sound ports; U. S. S. Burnside,
for Port Townsend.
Tides at Astoria Wednesday.
High. Low.
5:40 A. M 4 feet!
6:53 P. M....5.7 teet!12:43 P. M.,,.1.0 foot
Nine Thousand Festival Invi
tations Go First Day.
First Lssue of Cards From Press,
5000, Are Disposed "Or Before
Noon Advance Orders Already
Total 35,000 Cards.
Women boosters for the Rose Festi
val got out in the rain and the snow
and the sunshine yesterday and dis
posed of 9000 of the invitational post
cards which are to be sent through the
Eastern states from here on Washing
ton's birthday.
The headquarters of the Rose Fes
tival and the offices of the lead
ers of the Rose Society were be
sieged by the -fair-sex members and
the orders placed for the return post
cards with the appeal to the whole
country at large to come here next
June were filled unti lthe supply waa
exhausted. The first issue of the
press, amounting to 5000, which was
ready yesterday morning, was snapped
up before noon and disposed of before
3 P. M. Another issue of 5000 was out
later in the day and these also were
taken. Advance orders by the com
mittees, which will have to be filled
today, call for a total of 35,000 out of
the entire issue of 50.000.
The executive committee, in charge of
Mrs. G. H. Lamberson as chairman,
yesterday bought and sold 9000 of the
cards as follows:
Mrs. J. K. Locke 4.100
Mrs. 'P. a. Nealond BOO
Mrs. J. P. Cortlray .100
Mrs. George Tazwell
'Mrs. TV. 'M. Cake 500
Mrs. James Turner f00
Mrs. Lamberson 1000
The sale is to continue until Wash
ington's Birthday and with the dis
tribution of these cards among more
than 100 of the women members of the
Rose Society it is anticipated that the
whole issue will be exhausted before
the present week is over.
Italian Kins Sends Bushes From
Royal Gardens.
Through the office of theUnited States
general consul, stationed at New York.
Dr. A. Candlani, head of the Italian consulate-
at Portland, has been advised that
King Emmanuel has personally approved
the idea of assisting Portland in its an
nual "Rose Planting" celebration on
Washington's1 birthday. Dr. Candlani yes
terday received word that a dozen rose
bushes have already arrived at New
York and are on their way to Portland' by
These rose bushes have been selected
from the most choice- stock In the royal
gardens at Rome.
According to Deputy Consul Mario Mon-
trezza, the bushes now on the way to
Portland are of the tea variety and are
the very best that the royal rosarians of
Rome can produce.
A fine sentimental idea was attached to
this gift from Italy, and it came from the
King himself, to the effect that inasmuch
as Portland, Or., had assisted so munifi
cently in raising funds for the victims
of the Messina earthquake and volcanic
disaster of December 28. 1908. it was
incumbent upon the King to express cer
tain gratitude for this show of. charity
This he has done through the Consul-Gen-
eral at New York.
"Our advices are direct from the
Consul-General at New York," said
Baby's coming will be a time of rejoicing, and not
of apprehension and fear, if Mother's Friend is used
by the expectant mother in preparation of the event.
This is not a medicine to be taken
applied to the body, to assist nature
. ...-,, TVsWV,.,,.'.. T7r-;n
ovoim. -
which prepare the muscles and tendons for the unusual strain, render
the ligaments supple and elastic, aids in expanding the skin and flesh
fibres, and strengthens all the membranes and tissues. It lessens the
pain and danger at the crisis, and assures future health to the mother.
Mother's Friend is sold at drug stores- Write for our free book con
taining valuable information for expectant mothers.
Many Women Have
Diseased Kidneys
And Bladder Troubles Who Suffer Endless Torture, Without
Knowing the Nature of Their Ailment, or Its Cause.
This is because women are told that '
their every sickness is due to "ailments
of their sex." The notion that to cure a
woman's ailments, it is only necessary
to treat the distinctly feminine organs,
is one that has caused much unneces
sary suffering1.
The tortures and discomforts of weak,
lame and aching back, swollen and bloat
ed feet and limbs, nausea and fainting;
spells, lassitude, despondency,sick head
aches, painful, scalding; sensation, in
flammation, etc. are invariably due to'de
rangements of the kidneys and bladder.
And unless there is proper healing;
and curative treatment for the organs,
which are diseased and out of order,
there can be no cure of the woman's ail
ments. Forthe cure of these conditions
and as a safeguard against even more
serious and fatally dangerous diseases
there must be a thoroughly good and
effective kidney and bladder medicine.
DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills
act at once and with the most benefi
cial results on the organs in question
insure prompt and permanent relief
in any cases where the disease has not
been too long neglected. These pills
may be depended upon to do all that is
claimed for them.
They are thoroughly antiseptic sur
prisingly healing and cleansing, purify
ing, and reconstructive in effect and,
containing- no ODiates. narcotics, or
other harmful substances, may be taken
in perfect confidence.
Thousands of women all over the
United States gratefully affirm the mar
eelous efficacy of these Pills.
DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills are
put up w air-tight, sanitary, glass con-
When thousands of women say that they have been
cured of their ailments by a certain remedy, does this not
prove the merit of that remedy ?
Thousands of women have written the story of their
suffering, and have told how they were freed from it by
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for thirty
years these reports have been published all over America.
Without great merit this medicine could never have
gained the largest sale of any remedy for woman's ills
never could have become known and prized in nearly every
country in the world.
Can any woman let prejudice stand between her and that
which will restore her health ? If you believe those who
have tried it you know this medicine does cure.
Read this letter from a grateful woman, then make up
your mind to give Mrs. Pinkham's medicine a chance to
cure you.
Brooklyn, N. Y. "I am a firm believer in Iydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound. I was a great sufferer from organic
female troubles for years, and almost despaired of ever being
well again. I had bearing-down pains, backache, headache
and pains in my abdomen, and tried Mrs. Pinkham's Compound
as a last resort. The result was astonishing, and I have used it
and advocated it ever since. It is a great boon to expectant
mothers. I have often said that I should like to have its merits
thrown on the sky with a search-light' so that women would
read and be convinced that there is a remedy for their sufferings.
My husband Joins me in its praise. He has used it for kidney
trouble and been entirely cured." Mrs. E. A. Bishop, 1915
Atlantic Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.
For 30 years Ljydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound has been the standard remedy for
female ills. No sick woman does justice to
herself who will not try this famous .medicine.
Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and
has thousands of cures to its credit.
sss Mrs. Pink ham invites all sick women
Ljijj? to write her for advice. She has
guided thousands to health free of charge.
Address Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass.
Deputy Consul Montrezza yesterday, "and
we have been Instructed to conform to
all the requirements of International
etiquette in connection with presenting
these flowers to the City of Portland and
In their planting next week."
Bobbins Ufeboat Installed.
ASTORIA, Feb. 15. (Special.) A new
Dobbins lifeboat has arrived from San
Francisco and is to be placed in reserve
at the Cape Disappointment life-saving
station. The craft is modern in every
particular and similar to the one recently
delivered to the station
on Tillamook
Ax Slips, Stan's Skull Cracked.
SANDY, Or., Feb. 15. (Special.) Joseph
Russel, while working in the woods at
internally, but a liniment to be
in the necessary physical changes
ic -nmt--.c,4 nf anrl mrlirine!
tainers (to preserve their full strength
and curative qualities) and are sold by
all druggists, at 50c and $1.00 a box.
They are pleasant to take, and can in
no case work injury to the sy-tem as
syrupy, alcoholic, liquid preparations
are apt to.
E. C. DeWitfc & Co., Chicago, 111.,
want every man and woman who have
the least suspicion that they are afflic
ted with kidney and bladder disease
to at once write them, and a trial box
of these Pills will be sent free by return
mail postpaid. Do it to-day.
the Johnson sawmill was badly hurt
when Homer Williams' ax slipped and
struck Russel, cutting a deep gash across
his forehead and taking off the top of
his ear. Although the ax penetrated Rus
set's skull, exposing the brain, he has
retained consciousness.
Chamberlain s Cough Remedy never
disappoints those who use it for ob
stinate coughts, colds and irritations of
tne tnroat and lungs. it sianas un
rivalled as a remedy for all throat and
lung diseases, feoltl by an dealers.
Come to Me
and Be Cured
When I
Cure You
or pay me urn you cct
tlie benefit of my THK DOCTOR
treatment. THAT CURES.
FEB FOll A CUKE la lower than any
specialist in the city, half that others
ccarge you. and no exorbitant chars
tor meaiuines.
I am an expert specialist, have h
SO years' practice In the treatment ot
ailments of men. My offices are the
best equipped in Portland. My methods
are modern and up-to-aale. My cures
are quick and positive. I do not treat
symptoms and patch up. I thoroughly
examine each case, rind the cause, re
move it and thus cure tne disease.
f CL'RU Varlcoae Veins. Contracts
AilraentM, HlleH and Specific Illood Vol
on and all Ailments of Alen.
traded and chronic cases cured. All
burnlne. ltchlne anC lnflammatlo
stopped in twenty-four hours. Cures
effected in seven days.
the: grkat fre.vch - electro
mkoicatku crayon
Insures every man a lifelong cure.
without taking medicine Into the atom
arh. v
1WTT'"M Visit Dr. Lindsay's private
J.TX Xj XI Museum of Anatomy and know
thyself In health and disease. Admis
sion free. Consultation free. If unable
to pall, write for list of questions.
Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sun
days, 10 A. 21. to 1 F. M. only. .
Strowbrldse bldg.
133 First St.
room 11. &nd 2'ZZ Vi
Alder St. Chinese
Root and Herb
Medicine. Cure:
Cancer. Rheum
tism, Consumption,
Dropsy. Catarrh
Stomach. I-uns,
Liver and Kldne
Troubles. All
Chronic ailment
of men and worn
en. Examinatio
free. Drugstore,
85 Flanders t.
Gives Prompt and Effectual Relief
without inconvenience, in the
No other treatment required.
il 1 "-,r-ft'tHW1Hl'""''','1"tfl
C!i! TTmfl a1oni bkandTI
Chl-chM-ter'a IMsmerad Brand
fllla la Red and Void metal Uc
boxes, sealed with Blus Rlbboa.
Tska aaaar. Bar ef tmp
Ii-Bsslt. AikforClII-f'IlKS-TEK'H
years known as Bast. Safari, Always Reliable:
nh Aa.
The Only High-Class Specialist in
the Northwest Confining His
Practice Exclusively to
Consult Me First
Even thougrh your case may be one that some
other doctor is able to cure, and though his cure
be absolutely thorough and permanent, there is
yet good cause for your coming to me for treat
ment. The service I render Is entirely unlike
and better than the ordinary. I have devised
new and scientific methods of treating men's
ailments in all their phases. I cure cases that
others cannot cure, and cases that others can
cure I cure in less lime and without pain or
possibility of injury. All my forms of treatment
have been perfected along the lines of nature's
requirements and are in exact harmony with the
natural recuperative forces. Therefore, my cures
are painless, prompt and thorough.
Contracted Ailments
The serious results that may follow neglect
of contracted ailments could scarcely be exag
gerated. Safetv demands an absolutely thorough
cure in the least possible time. I have treated
more cases of contracted ailments than any
other physician upon the Pacific Coast. My
cures are thorough and are accomplished in less
time than even doubtful results. I employ
remedies of my own devising, and my treatment
is equally effective in both recent and chronic
I Treat Men Only
The vast multitude of men who have taken
my treatment have net been disappointed. They
know that 1 do not promise more than I per
form. To them I nave actually illustrated in the
cure of their own cases the truth of what I
claim, namely, that my treatment is as certain
to cure as it is that my patient engages my
services and follows my directions. My suc
cess Is due not Alone to education, experience,
skill and scientific equipment, but to the fact
that I limit my study and practice strictly to
ailments of men. To male maladies alone I have
earnestly and exclusively devoted 25 years of my
life, and on them all my faculties are concentrated.
Masks, models, plaster casts, skulls, skeletons, beautiful life-like
models in wax; also many natural specimens preserved in alcohoL
' This museum is In a distinct and soperlor class, above anything here
tofore shown in Portland. '. ... . ,
There sre over 500 pieces shown In this exhibit, and It Is entirely
separate from our medical offices. It is interesting and instructive to a
high degree. All men visiting Portland should see DR. TAYLOR'S
I do mot rhftrsre for ndvlce, examination or dtaarnost. If yon call f r m
private tails with me, you will not be nrsred to brarin treatment. It Impose
ible to call, write. Hoars, 8 A. M. to P. M. Sundays, lO to 1.
I Am a Specialist for Men
I Can url Do Cure Forever
To obtain these quick results you
must come to this office, as It cannot
be done bv mail. Do not forget this
fact. I always do as I advertise to.
Young and Middle-Aged Men, Are
You a Wreck or a Man?
Thousands of young and middle-aged men are
annually swept to a premature grave through
nervous complaints and blood ailments. If
you have any of the following symptoms, con
sult me before it Is too late. Are you nervous,
weak, specks before your eyes, with dark circles
under them, weak back, kidneys, irritable, palpi
tation of the heart, bashful, sediment in urine,
pimples on the fnce, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks,
careworn expression, poor memory, lifeless, dis
trustful, lack of energy' and strength, tired
mornings, restless nights, changeable moods,
premature decay, bone pains, hair loose, sore
throat, etc.? If so I can promise you a permanent
cure or no pay.
Quick Results Lasting Cures Reasonable Fees Yon May
Pay as Able, as Benefited or Wben Cured
for only a short time cures rash,
swellings, sore throat, pains, aches,
removes every sign and symptom
It stays cured and I can show you
the treatment Is not ordinary mer
cury and potash, like other special
ists give you. Get the best.
We have added to onr office equipment for the benefit of MEN ON"LY,
n FREE MUSEVM of Anatomy and arallcry of scientific wonders, nan,
know thyself. Llfe-slae models Illustrating the mysteries of mam, ahow-Ina-
the body In health and disease and many natural objects.
Men make no mtstake when they come to us. We give you the re
sults of long experience, honest, conscientious work, and the best serv
ice that money can buy. If you are ailing consult us. Medicines fur
nished In our private laboratory from 11.60 to $6.50 a course.
If you cannot call, write for self-examination blank. Hours A. M. to
8 P. M. dally. Sundays 9 to 12 only.
Woman a Specialty
The well-known Chinese DR.
8. K. CHAN, with their Chi
nese remedy of herbs and
roots, cure wonderfully. It has
cured many sufferers when
all other remedies have
failed. Sure cure for male
and female. chonlc, private
diseases, nervousness, r"ooa MDO 0 V PUNU
poison, rheumatism, asthma, n.tlo.o A. liliAH
pneumonia, throat, lung trouble, consump
tion, stomach, bladder, kidney and diseases
of all kinds. Remedies harmless. No oper
ation. Honest treatment. Examination for
ladies by MRS. S. K. CHAN, rail or write S.
Morrison St., .Bet. lt and 2d, Portland, Or.
l J
The Leidlns Specialist.
There Is no necessity
for surgical operations
in the treatment of
Varicose Veins. This ail
ment yields completely
to my mild and pain
less method, and results
are far better than were
ever attained by t h
harsh and dangerous
practice of cutting. But
one week is required,
and seldom is It even
necessary to detain the
patient from his busi
In the treatment of
obstsuotlons I have
again triumphed over
surgery. I employ an
original method by
which the obstructing
tissue is complete ly
dissolved, and all In
flammation and irrita
tion throughout the sys
tem expelled. No pain,
no cutting, no dilating,
and a sure cure In every
Moderate Charges,
Fair Deal Ins;,
Fil tifnl Services
and Lasting; Cures
are r e s p o n sible
for my Immense
practice. Call'
of disease that causes more young
men to fail in their chosen paths
of life than any other ailment. It
weakens the spine, sometimes
causing paralysis, many times the
brain, making it impossible to con
centrate the thoughts and obtain
the proper nerve supply required
to carry out any line of action. X
cure, if not incurable, or no pay.
C. Gee Wo
This crest Chinas,
doctor Is wall known
throuzhoat the
Northwest because
et als wonderful
tnd marvelous cures,
and is today her.
aided by all bis
pavtienta as tba
srreatest of nls kind. Be treats any
end all dlaeaaea with powerful Cnlneee
roots, nerbe end barks that are entirely
unknown to the medical science of this
country. Witts these harmless remedies
he guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma.
Ions; troubles, rheumatism, nervousaeae,
stomach, liver and kidney troubles, also
private diaeaaee of men and women.
Patlenta outside of city write for
blanks and circulars. Inclose 4c etamn.
The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co.
16ZVfc First St.. Near Morrison,
Portland. Or.