1G THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1910. REAL ESTATE. for Kale -Farm. BEAVERDAM. 5 acres, all pure baverdam, with run ning water for irrigating; this tract Is the heaviest and deepest piece of beaver dam in the state, is in perfect state of cultivation and ready for garden ; $1840 worth of onions were produced and sold from 1 acre last year; this land is built up from pure beaver cuttings and there Is none better; 1400 sacks of onians were sold from the adjoining tract of 5 acres. Several beaverdam tracts In this locality have iijd for from $700 to $1000 per aciv. This tract is located 11 miles from Portland, hi mile from station, on the electric road and pood country town, on a macadamized road 1 H miles from a R. R. station. Will sell for $300 per sere, 1-3 cash and balance to suit. This place will not last at the prloe offered. 17 acres. 10 miles from 2d and Stark streets, all highly cultivated. 15 acres in full bearing fruit trees; 3 acres apples. 3 pears and 3 eherries, balance Italian prunes. This year's crop sold for $100. The soli Is a black shot loam and is as good as any other fruit land in the state. A good 5-room cottage and outbuildings, lifted up for ch ickens. henhouses, -yards, and brooding pens, good well at tho house; mile from country town on elec tric line; 1 mile from railroad station; thickly settled community, beautifully lo cated; one cow, 100 chickens, wagon, buggy and all small tools included; price $3M0 cash, balance to suit. '20 acres, 1 :i miles from 2d and Stark Ms., about 1 5 acres cultivated, 2 acres assorted varieties of apples, 5 acivs oeeded to clover, balance in potatoes and truck garden; about 5 acres of beaverdam which produoed over 25 tons of cabbage this year. Good living stream crosses the place and can be used for irrigating ; land liefs level and a heavy black loam, no gravel. Hen on a corner and has a road on two sioVs of the property, school house across the road, hi mile to rail road station, country town and two churches, fair house, well-built large barn and other outbuildings ; good well at the house and spring near the barn. This property is to bo sacrificed. Price $28 00, $1600 cash, balance to suit. 5 acres, 3 acres cleared and cultivated, balance small second-growth, no big stumps, heavy soil there is no better, no gravel, small house, good well, hi mile from school, near church, telephone line, daily mail hk mile from R. R-, less than 10 miles from Portland; price $300; $400 cash. 40 acres. 15 miles from Portland, heavy black loam soil, good creek on the place, all level, no gulches, on main graveled road, telephone, daily mail, about 2 miles from station, on electric road; some of the land easily cleared, balance good wood or saw timber; when made into wood will bring twice as much as tha price asked for the place ; adjoining property, with some clearing, sold last week for $100 per acra; this property al most given away. Price $1200 ; $S00 trash, balance to suit. Note the distance from the city. M. E. THOMPSON" COMPANY, Cor. 4 th and Oak Sts., Ground Floor Henry Bldg., Portland, Or. Main 60S4, A 3327. THE BEST SUBDIVISION TRACT IX THE NORTHWEST. 435 ACRES. 435 acres all rich land, 4,00 acres level, nlack land, 375 acnes of which is under cultivation, 30 acres green marketable timber, good orchard, 6-roora house, large hay. horse and cow bams, stone dairy house, spring water piped to house and outbuildings, trout stream through land, no waste land on place ; guaranteed that 2i acres more land can be put under cultivation for not over $250 ; this place Is situated 2 miles from new townsite and terminus of new electric lln, adjoins thriving country town and 10 mites from Vancouver, on good level graded road. 45 head milch cows, 2 thoroughbred. 25 head young stock, 8 head of horses. 6 colts, 3 and 4 years old; 4 hogs, 2 mow ers, rakes, 3 wagons, 2 buggies, plows, harrows. cultivators, cream separator, grain, potatoes and all small tools, for $36,00O, or without stock $70 par acre; terms V eqsh. THOMPSON & SWAN. Citizens National Bank Bldg., Vancouver. Wash, and 110 2d St. Portland. Or. HOP RANCH CHEAP. 11 acres of the best hop land In WI1 lamette Valley; 9 acres cleared and in hops; enough timber on other 2 acres to pay for Wearing; hx mile from good town; 2 lots in town will be sold with acreage If desired ; lot j? are planted In bearing trees, yielding , good yearly income; hops will pay. for acre age in one season; $1000 buy, the 11 acres; $2fi0 for lots; $700 cash, balance to be ar ranged. IDE-M'CARTHY LAND COMPANY, 425-420 Uumbermeiui Bldg. CHICKEN RANCH Lot 100x200. with 6 r room house, barn and chicken-house; close to good town: Just the place to make jiiimuy i ii cuicKfiis; pries 1 1 1 y cash, balance easy. Hall & Powell, 321 LuiiibernicnB bide:. . 163 ACRES. 12 miles from Portland, on county road; will take part in city prop erty; new S-room house, 2 wells, barn and other buildings; prioo $20,000; good terms Columbia Trust Co., 84 4th st. Miaccllaneou. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR close-Ln acreage, a wheat ranch or small, well -improved farm, at low price and on most liberal terms, see me; I handle my own properties. J. O. ELROD 520 Corbett bid. ' FOR SALE Fine 6-acre home. $lfiOO; I also have a 20-acre tract and a 30-acre home for sale reasonable; many other good places. C M. Crittenden, Hubbard, Or. $2050 TERMS, Union ave., 60x100. $15 per month income. Angeles Trust Co., 320 Washington st. Room 417. k GOOD West Slde pnipc-rty : will exchange for nniall farm near Portland. O. A. Hatton, 411 Corbett bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. THAT VACANT LOT Why not turn your lot Into income prop erty ? We will furnish the money and put up the building; share profits of sale or Income equally or build for you on terms to suit. PORTLAND REALTY AND CONSTRUC TION CO.' UOI-2 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak sts. WE want improved and unimproved prop erty anywhere if close in. We particularly want property in any of the following vicinities: North End. East 16th and Cou'h. Nob HU1. Irvington or Holladay's Additions. Several orders unable to fill. J.CKSON &z DE BRING. 240 Stark St. HAVE a client who wants 0-room house on East Side, west of 60th st., south of Al berta and north of Clinton; must have good shade trees, little yard, be close to carline and cost not to exceed $2000, all cash; agents or owners. Jennings &. Howe, 122 West Park st.. corner Washington. WANTED -Residence on West Side, locality of Irving. Overton, Lovejoy, Kearney; not over $0500. THE WORRELL-M'CULLEY , COMPANY, 2041 Henry Bldg., Fourth and Oak. LIST your property with us; If the price la ngnt. we can snu it. ior vou. CARTER-DUG AN CO.-, Dealers and Brokers in Real Estate. 20 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED Lots in Belle Crest, Rose City I'arK. wmerg or ocner gooa addition for ertuity in Wwt Side cottage, walking dis tance. Henderson, 227 Abington bldg., A l7tl. "WANTKD A 7 or 8-room modern residence on Portland Heights, in Irvington or in" restricted district, and trade a bungalow or lots as part payment. F 724. Orego nian. ' WE want, from owners, 5 to 7 -room houses on easy terms; live buvers. NORTON" & SCHNEIDER, 2SG Washington St.. Room 612. iEB me at once if you have a lot for sale on East Side, walking distance. C. L. BAMBERGER. Mala 5124. 508 Chamber of Commerce. I WANT homes on easy payments. WELDON DARLING, 618 Board of Trade. WANTKD Lot, walking diwtance, improved or unimproved, up to $50o. AN 731, Ore gonian. I WANT homes; owners only. WELDON DARLING. 618 Board of Trade. J 10. Ono income-bearing property on West Side. K 719. Oregonian. WILL trade for contracts on lots; bring your contract to 506 Board of Trade. FARMS WANTED. MAN" with family wanta farm with stock and implements furnished, with chasce of buying later If suited. C. A. Sperber, 446 East Harrljn et., Portland. Or. FARM salesmen, call at 84 4th ft.. Columbia Trust Co.. and ask for Berkwith. We have a grand opening for the right man. TO EXCHANGE. ;' YOU can trade any kind of property at I oom HJ19 Board of Trade. TO EXCHANGE. BOARDING HOUSE TO TRADE Furniture of 11-room house, rent $45, In come $263 per month, 10 regular boarders now and can get plenty more; furniture is nice and for sale, for $1150; $350 cash, balance monthly, or will exchange for furniture of small flat or house, or will take good lot. GRU6SI & ZAXKW , , 317 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. $ 17. 000 G ENERAL merchandise stock for other property; also 11 beautiful acres, all in bearing fruit and nuts, -modern 0 roora home, furnace, hot and cold water, just at edge of Vancouver city limits; ex change for Portland residence. L. K Moore. 517 Board of Trade bldg. MY $3000 equity in s-ix of the best-located lots in Kofsmere to exchange for house and lot close In ; will assume some difference or give contractor five lots for building me a home on the sixth lot. See owner. 516 Board of trade. MERCHANDISE store in thriving commun ity, doing annual business of $18,500; books open; no dead stock; part cash; will take Portland lots in trade. THE WORRELL-M'CULLEY COMPANY, 206 Henry Bldg., Fourth and Oak. $7000 APARTMENT-HOUSE or flat site, walking distance, on East Side; will trade for bungalow or acreage, close in. Na tional Realty & Trust Co., 3264 Wash. at. Room 516. FOR exchange 60 acres of the very choicest land, within lO miles of Portland- Want a good city residence on the West Side. THE SHAW-FEAR CO. Main 35. A 3500. 2454 Stark at. FOR SALE or exchange for a home. 20 acres line land, Sacramento Valley, 10 acres' olives, almonds and figs. 8 yeari old, full bearing. H 733. Oregonian. BUNGALOW Beautiful home, just com pleted; will trade for Irvington or Holla day or good close-in lots. Owner. 40o Gerlinger bldg. $500 FOR young team mares. 5 and 6 years; wagon and harness; 2&00 lbs.; gentle, work anywhere; trade for good lot. 1457 Rodney avenue. "WANT to move to Portland 160 acrea choice land to trarfe for Portland property. If you have anything to exchange, let me hear from you. Address box 274, Athena, Or. IF you need money and have city lota or equity to sell, roust be cheap. Call at room 221, Henry bldg. FOR SALE or exchange. ISO acres timber, near Nehalem. H. G. J as man n. 341 Russel st., city. WILL trade fine modern residence for lots. or acreage. Angeles Trust lo., axe y Washington st., room 417. ' HAVE equity In several fine lots; all im provements paid; will exchange for tailor ing. L 734, Oregonian. MORTGAGE contract to exchange for city property or acreage. 340 -Chamber of Commerce bldg. EXCHANGE Fine beach lot to exchange for diamond ring or earrings. Title to lot is Ierfect. 420 Swetland bldg. FIXE beach lot to exchange for diamond ring or ear-rings; title to lot perfect. Owner, 420 Swetland bldg. WILL trade diamonds for property . or auto or furniture. 324 First st. FOB KENT FARMS. 40 ACRES In cultivation, 20 more fenced pas ture; large outrange; 9 miles Portland, hk mile station. Apply 750 E. Couch, morn ings and after 7:30 P. M. TEN-ACRE farm, all fenced, with house, lam and outhouses, 7 acres cleared, one mile to city limits, rent reasonable. 171 Third st. FOR rent Farm, 46 acres, near WllsonvHIe. $200 cash. Address A. A. Wood, Gaston, Or. Route 1. 23 ACRES Garden truck farm. 3 miles from Courthouse; house, barn, sheds. Phone East 5425. BEAVER DAM for onion and celery; H mile carline and R. R. H 731. Oregonian. JEOB. SALE TIMBER LANDS. FIVE MILLION FEET OF TIMBER. :!. 00 0,000 feet of iir and 3,000,000 of yellow pine, one and one-half miles from Trout Lake, between Trout Creek and WThiR Salmon River; this timber can be bought at a bargain if taken quick, or will sell land with timber if necessary ; this timber is well bunched so it can he cheaply handled, the land is first-class fruit land with no rock, soil is typical volcanic ash, with a 6-inch layer of half gravel on top called by fruit exports the ideal fruit soil. For further particulars see HOLT-JONES REAL ESTATE CO., 620-6 L' 2 Board of Trade Bldg. Phone Marshall 849. A 7294. $1500 26 ACRES excellent timber, water on t ne place; will make excellent fruit land when cleared; near Dundee; best buy now in market; less than three acres waste land. THE WORRELL-M'CULLEY COMPANY, 2o6 Henry Bldg., Fourth and Oak. TIMBER LANDS, fir or pine. In tract to suit. C. J. McCracken, 304 McKay bldg. SIX good timber 'claims In Lincoln County, Oregon lying close together and easily logged, near stream, of easy access to ocean. For descriptions and price apply to Joseph Appolonio, Victor, Mont. 25.0H.000 feet good yellow and red fir, on bank of good logging stream, close to the Columbia River, below Portland; land al most level; cheap. E 723, Oregonian. 20,000,000. on floating river. Portland 16 miles. $2 per 1000. AE 723. Oregonian. WANTED TIMBER, LAND. TIMBER lands wanted. C. J. McCracken. 804 McKay bldg FOB SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. 5-YEAR-OLD bay gelding, sired by Dazzler, he by Alerton; dam. thoroughbred ; this horse is city broke, gentle for any lady, can pull a buggy 2:30 clip; with top rubber-tire buggy (new j, Studebaker make, good harness; owner must sell at once; leaving city. Call 331 Market or 334 Front st. Johnson. FOR SALE Horses, harness and wagons. Remember, we sell guaranoeed horses and mares. If not as represented they can be returned. We also have on hand several delivery, farm, vegetables and milk wagons for &ale. Hawthorne-Ave. Stables. 420 Hawthorne ave. KATE, JERRY. BLACK TEAM. $300. Handsome and fat. weight 3100 lbs., sound and can pull a freight car loaded; also near ly new heavy harness and 3fe Peter Shuttler lumber or farm wagon, $s5. Call 0G Wash ington st. FOR SALE A fine bunch of horses and mares, including five mares and ten geldings, weight 3 200 to 1500, age from 4 to 7 years old, fine black team, which would make a splendid hearse tea. 505 Albina ave. $150 BUYS HANDSOME RKV Beautiful bay horse, 8 years old, weight llOO lba. ; safe for lady to handle, new top buggy and harness, whip. .Aek for No. 8. 606 wasnington ex. , BIG TEAM weighing 2000 pounds, both good pullers, little thin, nrice $125: also irray and black. weighing 24K lbs., with good heavy har ness; price iou. can oOo Washington st. $110 BUYS PAIR OF GRAYS. Hone Ft. sa f e workers, weight 2400, soun d ana fooa, true puiiers and safe; age 8-9 Ufied upon a truck; worth $200 upon a farm 6t6 Washington j?t. $W YOUR CHOICE OF 6 HEAD. Consists- two grays. 1 black. 2 bavn and one sorrel; suitable for farm or grading worK. ia.ii no lain si., on Morrison. S140 BUYS TEAM matched sorrels, horse' and mare and eood heavy breeching harness, all ready for woric. tfiKi Washington st. FIRST-CLASS heavy a raft and driving borsee always on hand. Sold with guarantee e , represented- U. S. Stables, 248 Front. U. 8. FEED AND TRANSIENT STABLE. Best accommodations for travelers. Ladies' waiting-room. Prices moderate. 248 Frost. 1 SPAN well-matched mares weighing 2S00, sound and true; 1 mare weighing 1400. 226 Russell St. WANTED to buy good young team, about 27O0 pounds weight; spot cash. Call or write 511 Swetland bldg. HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all kinds for sale. 334 Front st. SINGLE express rig, horse, wagon and har ness; $125, stand included. 335 1st st. CHOICE heavy valley horse. W. D. Combs. 104 Russell St.. L car. Phone- East 3551. FOB SAXJK. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. HORSES FOR SALE Ono matched team, thoroughly broke. perfectly sound. 5 and years old, gray geldings, stand 17 hands high, weigh 3200 lbs. DAN SHAW V- mile from Wheeler Station, on 4th-st. lino of the Southern Picific, Beaverton, Or., R. F. D. 4. WANT good farm horse; must be sound and not over 6 years old; weight about 1300 lbs., good looker; old pelters will not be considered. Apply to Dammeier Invest. Co.. between 10 and 11 A. M. only. 021 Board of Trade bldg. Automobiles. PACIFIC AUTO CO., 206-2$8 Eleventh St. Automobiles bought, sold and exchanged; we are legitimate and responsible dealers; - every car guaranteed as represented ; we handle second-hand cars for the dealers, runabouts and touring cars of every standard make. Call and look them over. KNOX, the fastest stock car In the world; Moline. the best car made for the money. We also have a number of four-cylinder cars, slightly ued but In first-class condi tion, left here for a to sell at real bar gain price. WESTERN AUTO CO.. 631 Alder at. FINE investment for party wanting to sell - runabout. Brush, Maxwell or other good make; owner has 50x125, close in. West Side, near 3 carllnes; will take good auto and $500 for it: terms can be had; fcnap for somebody. Jas. C. Logan, 326 Wash., room 404. FOR SALE Reo touring car. fully equipped and in No. 1 condition; has been used one year only. Apply to 426 East Alder st. AUTOMOBILES New and second-hand. Geo. R. Flora,1 470 E. Burnside at. AUTOMOBILE and marine gas engines re paired. James D. Fall. 244 2d st. SINGLE cylinder, 5-paasenger Cadillac. 710 Rothchild bldg. or phone M. 606. WANTED A runabout, one cylinder Reo preferred. Address Box 16. Bucoda. Wash. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE. 200-horse power motor, generator set. belt ed units, complete with circuit-breaker and panels, alternating and direct current ma chines; Ideal drive for Industrial plant; com plete information furnlahed at room 201 Ore gonian bldg. FOR SALE New mission furniture 5 rooms, including new sewing machine, also good family cow. Remington No. 2 typewriter; house for rent. 1085 Gladstone ave.; "W-W" car to 36th St.; going East; must sell. SEWING machines Do not fail to visit the - White sewing machine store THIS WEEK. SPECIAL SALES 120 drop-head machines, slightly marred ; ail standard makes ma chines for rent and repairing. H. D. Jones, Prop. 420 Washington et., corner 11th. SODA FOUNTAIN. One new, eight-foot. Belvldere bar-back refg. soda fountain with fixtures com plete. Apply room 701, Wrelis-Fargo build ing, or can be seen at warehouse, foot of Jefferson st.. afternoons. ONE linotype machine No. 3, In perfect con dition, with ore motor and one magazine, $1500. One machine In perfect order. No. 1, with one magazine and motor, for $050. H. C. Gillespie, Gotdfield, Nevada. DID you ever see tea plant? Tea plant for sale, good to keep In a pot. 45c, choice. S. Ran Co., 34 N. 3d t., corner Couch. Thone Main 141 or A 1310. FOR SALE Gentleman's bicycle. Morrow coaster brake. Solar lamp, mud -guards, bell, good tire. $15. Phone East 4846. after 6 i M. BEST dry fir and oak wood, either sawed or4-ft.. at lowest possible prices. Kirk Hoover. 313 Water st. Phone Main 745L A 5445 FOR SALE 100 chairs. 12 16-ft. wall seats, stage curtain and scenery suitable for lodge or dance hall. M -734, Oregonian. HOISTING and logging engine; we buy, sell or rent. Railway Equipment Co., 74 First st 7x104 DOUBLE drum donkey engine with cables; first-class condition. O 67S, Ore gonian. FOR S A LE 15 tons refrigeration plant, complete ; icemaking facilities for 5 tons. C. M- Ice Co.. 129 N. 3d. SPEC1 AL price on factory rebuilt machines; very liberal terms, $10 to $uu. Northwest Typewriter Co.. M. SS70, 222 Abington bldg. 25 GOOD second-hand windows and doors for sale cheap. East 12th and Madison. Hawthorne Park Cottase. AIR PUMP FOR LAUNCH WHISTLE; IN i( H D ( Tt - U1T1U.N ; C-ri ivA r K 733, OREGON IAN. . TYPEWRITER BARGAINS. 231 Stark st. Main 1407. FOR SALE 5-ton Ice-making plant. Phone Wood lawn 724. FOR SALE Hoover electric sweeper; $57. Phone E- 3G4U.. 500 BUSINESS cards $1 if you bring this ad. Roee City Printery, i23 3d, near Taylor. COO BUSINESS cards $1 If you mention this ad. Rose City Printery, 1U24 3d- 10 HORSEPOWER vertical engine for sale cheap. J. faimon & Bros., 244 Front st. 40 LBS. of goose feathers. Call at 549 wasnington St.. Kiat B. rnone Main 7oy. LAUNCH, good condition; must sell cheap; leaving city, am 722, oregonian. FOUR new counters and fixtures cheap for cash. T 72i . Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Men's castofl clothing and , shoes; we also buy household furnishings; highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair Deai," 4? Sd st. North. Aone Main 272. WANTED Clothing, best price paid for ladies and gents' second-hand clothing and shoes and bicycles. Main 2080. 290 1st. HIGHEST nrlces paid rubber, copper, brass, pelts, hides, wool. furs. - Phones A 7618. Main 5198. J. Leve. 186 Columbia. SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co., or you'll get less. Phones A 2445. Main 895L WANTED Motion picture machines, gas outfit, films, etc. 5264 Washington or Main 8458. HlfiHEST prices paid for men's cast off clothes. 294 3d st. Phone Marshall 745. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East 10G7. WANTED -City map with numbered lots and blocks. Phone Main 5645. WANTED Gafollne launch that will carry 10 people- Phone Main 6K60. HELP WANTED MALE. WA NTED 4 good live men or women to sell the BEST CHEAP LOTS on the mar ket ; good liberal commission. 321 Lum bermens bidg. WANTED A first-class sticker man. Ap ply Panel ius Manufacutring Co., S0 0 Mult nomah st. TELEGRAPHY taught. Graduates all have positions. Address or call evenings. Expe rienced operator. 200 3rd st. WANTED Party who is capable of handling agents; this is a new proposition with merit. Cadonau-Wilson Mfg. Co., (t 0th st. WANTED Good salesman to sell orchard tracts on easy terms; very" attractive prop osition. 50t Board of Trade. f WANTED Partner, in established cash business. $150. 320 Washington st., room 417. BOOKKEEPING Private tuition In book keeping by an , accountant. 3ol Mer chants Trust bldg.. fith and Washington. FOUR men to learn automohile driving and repairing; position awaiting you. Call 50 and 52 North 7th street. TAILOR One who will exchange ladies' or gentlemen's tailoring for first-class den tistry. AK 70 , Oregonian. WANTED Young man to learn barber trade; terms; reasonable; Union shop. Call S32 Mississippi ave. MAN presser wanted at The Heights Clean ing Works. 54S- 20th,, near Spring. WANTED A shoemaker; experienced in machine shop. Inquire 289 Ald-er st. DESIGNING taught, evening classes; terms reasonable. AN 708, Oregonian. WANTED One first-class waiter. Apply at 15 North 6th, at Standard saloon. WANTED A first-class blacksmith for structural iron work. 404 Davis st. FIRST-CLAP'S plater and polisher. Oregon Brass Works, 73 2d, North. KELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Able-bodied men for the U. 6. Marine Corps, between the ages of 19 and 35: must "be native born cr have first pa pers; monthly pay $15 to $6J; additional com pensation possible: food, clothing, quarters and medical attendance free; after 30 years' service can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowances; service on board ship and ashcre la all parts' of the world. Apply at New Grand Central Hotel. Portland, Or. MEN WANTED, experience unnecessary, for foremen or brakemen on nearby railroads; account Increasing business; no strike; age 20-30; good vision; $80-$100 monthly; promotion; 1524 men, sent to positions In 1900; send stamp; state age. weight, height. Railway Association, care Ore gonian. 10,000 POSITIONS for graduate laet year; men and women to learn barber trade in 8 weeks, help to secure positions; gradu ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly: expert Instructor: tools free; write for cata logues. Mohler System of College. S4 North 4th St.. Portland. Or. LEARN more about civil service positions and examinations. You ought to. Don't cost you much. Free book No. 30 may help you write for It. Our students sat isfied. PACIFIC STATES SCHOOL Portland. Or. WANTED 500 men to buy S3 sample hats, now $1.50. Low rent Jn basement is the rear-on. Hats cleaned, blocked, 50c. Ateo ladies' straw hats remodeled. The Hat tery. 815 Alder. ADVERTISING SOLICITOR. .Young man, about 20. to solicit classi fied advertising; must be of good person ality and a hustler. Apply to Mr. Sheliaby, Tli Oregonian. WANTED Experienced solicitors for a high class proposition; convenient to handle, trnickly and easily demonstrated ; absolutely without any competition. Deek A, 142 Second st., room 2t. 500 SAMPLE suits, price $10.75. $13 75 and $16.75 values; $20 to $.'E5; also 20O pairs pants, $2.50, worth $3.50. Knew Sample Suit Shop. 316 Oregonian bldg. Jlmmie Dunn, Mgr. SALESMEN. The Jno. P. Sharkey Co.. 122 Sixth st.. desire several men who have enterprise to sell high-class subdivision property; liberal commissions. WANTED Dairyman that has experience in fitting up Jersey cattle for shows to take charge of beet herd and fit them for sale; references required. J. D. Gordon & Son., Newberg, Or. WANTED Bright young man. agricultural Implement business, warehouse and, gen eral work; first-class position for the right man; state salary expected and exper ience. M 730, Oregonian. HERE is a rare chance for a young man with $200 cash, as I am alone and tired of hined help; duties easily learned. Call at 225 Fifth St.. Room 3. YOUNG man. experienced in valuing and handling land; also competent in general cfTice work. Address. with references. Land Co., P. O. Box 75. WANTED A competent man for fire Insurance business; able to keep books and solicit; state age and salary expected. AN 733. Oregonian. j WB aid our members to secure employment. Constant demand for young men of ability and integritty. Special employment mem bership, i . aa. s. a. - WANTED Steady young man to do all kinds of work in store; one familiar with glass snd glazing preflerred. M 732, Oregonian. WANTED Three Insurance stock sales men; an exceptional opportunity for right men. Address Bond Dept., Union Bank & Trust Co.. 235 starK st. WANTED Immediately: architectural draughtsman ; will pay according to abil ity. J R, nazei une, Murpny oiock, ba- lem, or. CALIFORNIA. Ship daily;, no fare held from your pay. BOO laborers wanted. C. R. HANSEN & CO.. 20 N 2d St. EXPERIENCED man r-i farm at Hood River ; married man p.efererd ; state full particulars and references in first letter, J 730, Oregonian. WANTED First-class Al candymaker; rone other need apply ; steady work and good wages; references required. Crescent Canary o., o.2 Pacific ave., iacoma, w asn. THE Meier & Frank stores require a com petcnt clothing salesman; also one for the boys department. Apply to tu.perintena ent from 8 to 10 A. M. WANTED A good all-around furniture man to take charge of furniture section in a department store. AL 733, Oregonian. GOOD toamfiter: steady position; must come well recommended. Address AM 34, y.)j gonian. EXPERIENCED manager for flour and feed business ; small capital required. Employ ment Department i. M. C. A. WANTED Young man for light work at college in exchange for tuition. Oregon College. 83 5th, near Oak. WANTED Cook's helper at Winter? Rest. 230 First Ft. TWO lunch waiters wanted at once. The Auto Restaurant, 528 Washington st. WANTED Boy to deliver packages. Apply i-'oster Drug jo., jws tteimont st. WANTED Young man to aseist in cleaning work?. call at 8bj wasnington st. WANTED Two shoemakers. Inquire Shoen- helnz, 7th st., near Depot. Oregon City. HELP WANTED MALE Oil FEMALE. MAN and wife, no children, to work on East ern Oregon stock ranch; man to know how to milk, garden, and be , generally useful; ladv to do houwework. (kh.i wages and long Job to the right people. Call Hotel Brr-slln, 11th and Washington sts., 12 to 1:30 P. M. F. A. ioung. WANTED Three more pupils to complete class in school of design; terms reason able. AN 709, Oregonian. MAKE money writing hort stories; big pay our free booklet tells how. Presst Syndicate, 3an Francisco. FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY offers good po sitions to A-i instructors, mi swetiana. HELP WANTED FEMALE. TEACHERS wanted at M. E. Chinese mis sion evening school. Apply Mrs. S. K. Chan. 226f Morrison st. WANTED An experienced office woman state experience and salary expected. P 720, Oregonian. WANTED A girl for office who has had experience in printing ofilce. O 724, Ore gonian. GIRL to assist in general housework morn ings; must room at home. Apply at 2i5 I2tn st. Apartment. 33. FIRST-CLASS hairdressers at "The Elite Hairdresslng Parlors, 109 ,"7th st. Main 2334. WANTED Young girl to wait on table; psy good wages. Call after 10 A. M., 2lil Ever ett t. HOUSEKEEPER for widower's family. E 722, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED woman, good cook, to go to country. Apply mornings, 773 Marshall su GIRL to do light housework ; give refer ences. Apply 737 East Madison st. WANTED Girl to assist In housework. In quire 500 Hall st. GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory No. 2, Grand ave. and East Taylor. GOOD reliable girl for general housework. 725 Weidler st. 0 A BRIGHT, energetic woman . for advanced position. AL 720, Oregonian. W A NT E D Good . Istrong girl for general housework. 771 East Burnside st. HOUSEKEEPER for people employed, ply 221) Cherry st., after S P. M. AP- PRIVATE lessons, shorthand, typewriting, 304 12th st. Main 6800. LESSONS in shorthand and typewriting by expert. $5 a month. 26u 14th. Main 3S93. GIRL for general house work, loth st. Phone E, 1721. 180 East GIRL wanted to assist with general house work. Apply mornings. 747 Glisan st. WANTED Neat girl to wait on table and a.ssiat in housework. 452 Morrison. WANTED 2 girlst over 16 to work in ruchlng factory. Western Running Co., 243 Ash ft. WANTED Girl acquainted with cafeteria work. 8S Gth st. TEACHER primary grades. $60 per month. 011 Swetland bldg. gird to assist with housework in small j , Aniv 777 Hoyt St. V HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Lady of refinement and educa tion for position requiring executive ana Initiative ability; permanent employment and liberal compensation, with opportunity for advancement. O 732. Oregonian. SALESWOMAN In druggist mindriee; a tnorognhly experi enced saleswoman in this line. OLDS, WORTMAN & KING. WANTED Experienced girl for general nouseworK in family of 3. call between 2 and 4 P. M. 489 Hancock st., between 9th and 10th; Broadway car. WANTED Housekeeper; must be neat and a good plain cook : good home and gooa wages. Apply with references. 161 Third st.. office. - WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position, v lavi Co.. Hu Kotn child bldg.. 4th and Washington. MRS. HOWnTS LADIES AGENCY, 826 Washington St., Room - 307. Main 883tt or A S26Q. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 43 Hi Washington st.. cor. 7th. uostalre. phone Main 2692. WANTED Housekeeper, bachelor, 38 years old, German; German woman preferred. Arnold Boxler, Fishhe.wk, Or. WANTED Competent cook for small fam ily. 341 iast lath North. Take Broad way car. Phone East 3396. GOOD reliable girl or middle-aged woman wanted ror housework; German or Scandina vian preferred. 151 H fob. st. COMPETENT girl for general housework; must be good cook; best wages. 741 Irving. GIRL for general housework in small fam ily; girls under 18, or married women, not wanted. 175 16th, cor Yamhill. WANTED A young girl for general house work In small family. 496 East 20th North Irvington. WANTED Experienced operators on shirts and overalls; learners paid while learn ing. 75 1st st. COOK, small crew. $30 ; housekeeper, coun try, $22 ; seuond girl. St. Louis. 245 Vi Washington st. Main 20339, A 4775. GIRL to attend children during the after noons. Apply 777 Everett st. TEACHERS for mission school. Apply 206 Vi . 2d st.. at 7 o'clock P. M. WANTED Lady teachers. Apply this even ing. 7:30, at 145 H First st. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. TRAVELING salesman, four years' road ex perience In nine Mississippi Valley states. would like to change lines and work coast territory for any A-1 manufacturing or jobbing firm; 26 years old. married; a worker; references; prefer expenses and a commission. Address or phone W. V. b. room 407, Oregon Hotel. POSITION as bookkeeper; 3 years' experience in general orcice worK, one year as oook keeper; other clerical position considered. AM t.U, Oregonian. BOOKS kept or systematized, reasonable; accountant 15 years' experience. S 717, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wishes set of books to keep spare time or evenings. AN i32, oregonian. POSITION wanted by Al salesman; been with largest wholesale houses In East and on cxast.. T 20, oregonian. Miscellaneous. POSITION wanted, by young man, agricul tural college graduate, with real estate firm, doing business in Central Oregon Either development or sales work. AN 720, Oregonian. POSITION wanted as ranch superintendent. by young man. graduate agricultural col lege; several years practical experience. AN 721. Oregonian. YOI'N'i; Jnnanese desires a oositioTi in hotel. apartment-hbuse, office or family, to do housework ; experienced ; talk English. Al. 731. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED waiter, wants country hotel, good worker, state wages. AN 720. Orego nian. BAKER All around man, strictly sober; 20 years in business, country job preierrea. AG 7Li. oregonian. CH A UPPEUr! private or garage; can nandle gae or 0team, ana matte repairs. u aas. Oregonian. MAN, 30 years' experience in taking care of sheep, wants position. Apply 24U N. 16th st. P. J. A YOUNG JaDanese bov wants housework after school and in the morning; attend school during day. G 732. Oregonian. YOUNG German. 26 years of age, wants work; willing to do anything. John Braun, 245 Vi Front st. SITUATION wanted in citty, by young mar ried man; any honest work accepted. Ad dress K 732. Oregon ian. BAKER, German, all-around man, wants po sition, city or country. L 729, Oregonian. BOY, 17. wants to learn printing trade. F (II, Oregonian. BOY, 18. living with parents. wishes to learn trade. G 7-EO. Oregonian. JAPANESE boy wants porter or housework, Main 9361, A 1500. YOUNG man desires position with oppor tunity to study law. L 731. Oregonian. FI RST-CLASS Chinese cook wants position, hotel or boarding-house. A 3S56. EXPERIENCED gas auto driver and re pairer. AM 724, Oregonian. JAPANESE wants position, small family, help cook, housework. Ai-. t-rgonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographer. GIRL wishes .position in office ; has had considerable experience; can use type writer. East 5(61. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeier wishes work after 2:.'i Monday, Tuesday and at u r day s. J 731, O regon ian . LUMBER stenographer, familiar with bill ing; desires permanent position. K 734, Oregonian. I AM a first -clastfv stenographer, having had lO years experience, and want a position. J 7K3. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER with some experience de sires position. Address J 732, Oregonian. Dressmakers. WANTED Sewing by the day. 7495. lhone A ANGELES Dreesmaking Parlors. 326 Wash ington ?t., suite zia. Main uesz. a oiiax. LADIES' TAILORING, alterations specialty. Mrs. Muckler, 430 Columbia, Apt 21. A 4709 DRESSMAKING and plain sewing by the day; experienced. Phone Tabor 483. FAMILY sewing by the day; competent eeam- stress. S 715. Oregonian. DRESSMAKER, first-class, wants sewing by day. Main 'Z-SZ'o. EXPERIENCED dressmaking done by the day. Call after O. Main FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, alterations; all work guaranteed. Phone Main 3734. DRESSMAKING, $2 per day. Phone East 1371 Miss Bonn ell. NURSE wishes more cases, city or country. Apply loung W oman s crnristian Associa tion. MIDDLE-AGED nutw. extensive experience, doctors referencee; will do some housework. M 6215. CALL A 7162 for engagement competent con finement nure; best, of city references. MIDDLE-AGED nurse, extensive experience ' in all kinds of cases. A 2018. Clause keepers. COMPETENT. reliable lady stranger) would like position as housekeeper in wid ower's home, with children or elderly couple, or care for invalid ; help with housework ; reference. E 734, Oregonian. HOUSEKEEPER, cook, assume responsibil ity if desired; no washing; reference. F 733, Oregonian. HOUSEKEEPING for gentlemen's club or ei drrly man. In or out city. L 721. Ore gonian. LADY wishes- a position as housekeeper in first-claps' hotel or rooming-houe. AM 73u Oregonian. j FIRST-CLASS rooming-hou housekeeper for hotel or to use. Call Main 2692. SITUATION WANTKD FEMALS. Domestics. GIRL. Id years old. to assist with housework. J i34. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. EXPERIENCED child's nurse wishes posi tion to care for infant, or light house work and care of child ; best references. N 734, Oregonian. - - HOUSEKEEPERS, waitresses, nurses, cham bermaids. St. Louis, 24;! wasnington. Main 2039. EXPERIENCED chambermaid. capable of taking run charge of house. a.n (-. ore gonian. POSITION In laboratory by experienced wo man, u 134. oregonian. WASHING, ironing, cleaning by day. Call evenings. Main 4534. WANTED Washing and housecleaning. Phone Mam 642i. room 15. NORWEGIAN girl wants day work. Phone -Ja-3t L'Dotf. GIRL employed in office during day would ike work evenings. AL 730. Oregonian. LACE curtains laundered carefully, called for. returned promptly. Call all week. A. ;. COMPETENT woman wants day work for Wednesdays. Phone Tabor 70i. . WANTED AGENTS. SALESMEN WANTED to take our cash weekly selling choice nursery stock: out fit free. Capital City Nursery Company. Salem. Oregon WANTED TO RENT. WANTED To rent a loft with floor space about lOOxlOO, for light manufacturing bus iness, near wholesale district. D 731, Ore gonian. Apartments. A COUPLE desires unfurnished steam-heat ed apartment; give full particulars - and price to permanent tenants. O 733, Ore gonian. Rooms. YOUNG couple with small infant wish housekeeping rooms; must be reasonable; state price. AK 733, Oregonian. . Rooms With Boara. WANTED By 2 adults, 2 rooms, with good ooara, norm or Washington ; state loca tion and price. O 731, Oregonian. ROOM and board wanted by a sober young man working in printing cmc. m t.ti, Oregonian. ROR RENT. FurnjHhed Rooms. Homelike. Homelike. Homelike. NEW SCOTT HOTEL Seventh and Ankenv Sts. TN THE HEART OF THE CITY.- One whole year of redecorating, refitting; and refurnishing, all for your benefit. STEAM HEAT IN ABUNDANCE. A delightful Winter home at reasonable rates for those who appreciate cleanliness and comfort. Free bus Free Phones. HOTEL RAINIER. 140 ROOMS. 1 BLOCK FROM DEPOT. New, modern, fireproof building, steam heated, hot and cold running water in all rooms, richly furnished, finest beds that money can buy, and It doesn't cost any more than some cheap lodging-house; nice large office on grcund floor; every thing first-class; rates. 60c. 75c and $1 per day; $3.50 and up per week. Call and see us. 12S 6th et.. North. HOTEL SAVON. 131 Eleventh St. New. modern brick building: Just opened ELEGANTLY FUKNISHED; hot and cold water In all rooms; STEAM HEAT, private baths, excellent location. Just off Wash ington St.; special rates by week or month. THE ANTLERS. Oor. 10th and Wash. New corner brick, center of city, right In the shopping and theater district ; private bat ha. ueam heat, hot and cold water in all rooms; rooms single oren suite; special ratej by the week or month; tourist trade solicited. THE MOODY HOUSE. 8d and Jefferson Sts. Away from the noise; G minutes' walk Washington and 3d; Just completed; new furnishings, hot and cold water, steam heat, electric lights, call bells, bath, lava tory, convenient, rooms large, light, airy, sin trie rooms or suites: permanent and transient; $3. $4 and 45 per week. Phone HOTEL MINNESOTA. 88 N. 5th St., S. E. Cor. Flanders. New brick buildine. steam heated, por celain baths, fine large office on ground floor, elegant beds, everything absolutely new and clean ; rates only $2.50 and up per week; 50c and 75c per day. Z blocks from Union Depot. THE RAKER. Opened Jan. 17, new and beautifully furnished; hot and cold water in every room, public and private baths. Perma nent ana transient. -uj otn st., opp. City Hall. HOTEL SARGENT. Grand and Havthorne ave.; new manage ment, hot and cold water.'elevator. free phone in every rwm; largest room in city ior permanent jwopie; en uua ui biukio. with bath. W. M. Robinson, mgr. HOTEL LEIGHTON Brick building, cor. of 11th and Washington, in center of city shoping district: rooms single or en suite; hot and cold water in every room, steam heat, free bath and phone; special rates by the week or month. THE BARTON. 13th and Alder, new man agement, newly renovated throughout; 70 outside rooms, steam heat, electric lights, etc.; rooms $10 month up; suites with running water, $22. 50 to $30; elegant public parlor; phones and baths free. HOTEL B RES LIN. 422H Washington, cor. 11th. Steam heat, . hot and cold water, baths, nicely furnished rooms, $3 per week up; transient rates, 75c up. HOTEL BUSHMARK. Washington and 17tn, first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; ail modern con veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2047. M. 5t47. HOTEL IRVING 6th and Oak: large, handsomely furnished; running hot and cold water; steam heat; reasonable; permanent and transient. HOTEL LENOX, cor. 3d and Main sts.. furnished rooms, single or en suite, at reas onable prices, modern conveniences. Op posite the Plaza NIC ELY furnished suites and rooms, steam heat, convenient to carliues. Savoy Hotel, 387 V East Burnside. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free 327 Stark, corner Otli. Mrs. Maud J. Katea. FURNISHED rooms. Elm Place, formerly Elton Court Annex. 414 Yamhill and 11th.' THE REX Modern rooms. $2.50 to $5 per week. 548 Washington st. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. NOB HILL; walking distance; newly fur nished room ; modern conveniences ; porch, Hreplace, etc. ; references. 7 Kearney. Main 2356. MODERN, nicely located; walking distance; reasonable; bath, heat. Phone Main 7815. U24 Flanders. DESIRABLE single room, running water, furnace heat, other conveniences, $0. 347 Hall. Fl'RNISHED room on second floor of mod ern steam-heated apartment. Flat D, 400 Jefferson st. Main 7504. TWO elegantly furnished rooms for 2 gentle men or ladles'. Will give 2 meals per day if desired. Phone B 1038. 220 E. 33th st. TWO nicely furnished rooms, private family: separate entrance; walking distance. 36U 11th st. NICELY furnished suite, two rooms and hath. Call at 209 Tenth st., Mrs. J. D. Wilson. 258 H 13TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms; house new, every convenience ; gentlemen only. LARGE front room with board, suitable for aor 3 gentlemen ; also small room. 549 Yamhill st. A 3S75. ELEGANT room, fireplace, all conveniences, tt minutes PostoITLce. 302 Park. SMALL, neatly furnished room, ground! floor, $S per month. 311 Main. J FOB KENT. Furnished Rooms in Private lfanille. ELEGANTLY furnished large room suitable for one or two gentlemen, every convenl . etice. furnace heat, electric light, private bath and telephone. 15 minutes' walk. 50 King St., block north of Washington. ELEGANT rooms with every modern conven ience, beautiful grounds ; home privilege.: walking distance; on beautiful suite with gas platert. im Eaft 5th St.. cor. Washing ton. Phone East 13U0. Fl'RNI-SHKD rooms 34 'a lrih t., N-, neai Was-hington. 3-ROOM furnivhed flat, walking distance. gas. nam. a 434 j. o4S J-ovejoy st. NICE light furnished front room, furnace heat. 44S Taylor. Main 74 til. ON 10 furnished room, $tt month. 405 1st, iiat j. NICELY furnished room.. $2 and up; steam neat, nam, pnone. itn. COMFORTABLE single or communicating rooms. 14 12th st. Unfurnished Rooms. SUITE of 2 unfurnished rooms, gas plates f urn ished. 52 per w eek. Belmont Apart ments. 4oo Belmont st. Kooms With bosra PORTLAND Women's Union. 22d year, room with board, use of sewing-room and li brary. 510 Flanders st. Miss Frances N. Heath. Supt Woman's Exchange, lsti 5th st. Mrs. M. E. Bretherton. Supt. LARGE, nicely furnished front room, suit able for 2 gentlemen, with board, bath, gas and phone ; also smaller rooms; table board. 229 5th st. LA ROE modern rooms to rent, including 2 or 3 meals a day, at The Matiitou. rfil 13th st. ; excellent board ; rates, $t and upwards. GOOD board and warm roome for $6 a week, easy walking distance; free phone and bath. The Llndell. 2til Market. THE COLONIAL. 165 and 107 10th St., cor ner Morrison. Select family hotel; reason able rates. CHOICEST kind of table board; elegant room for one or two on ' Parking. 374 Park. ROOM, with board, 33 North 17th t.. one block off Washington; well furnished, mod ern rooms, single or en suite. NICELY furnished rooms, with board; also table board. 30 North 17th st. . Rooms With Board In Private Family. SUNNY room w ith bath, good board, suit able for two, gentlemen preferred; refer ences required. 2S4 ha Park. Phone A 201S. NICE room with board for 1 or 2 In modern private home, 5 minute, walk from Post office; ue of piano, sleeping -porch. Main 4504. FRONT room, with board, home cooking, bath, phones, all conveniences. 107 ltith st., near Flanders. 241 NORTH 22D ST. Large, well-furnlf hei front room, euitable for two; reasonable; home privileges. Main 2071. Fl RST-CLASS board and room for two. In private family. 545 Yamhill et. NEAT room, choice board; also table board. 712 Hoyt st. COSY, warm room, with board. In modern home for two. Main G4S5. NEWLY furnished- room with alcove. 595 East Oak St., corner of 15th. B 2010. ROOMS with or without board; heat, phone, bath, walking distance. 327 West Park st. BOARD and room for three gentlemen; pri vate place. 500 Everett. Main 7072. ROO M and board at 552 Morrison st Main 6222. RFFINED party can have board and room in private home. ISO East 14th t. Apartments. OR DELEIGH Apartments New brick. Grand avenue and East Stark, well fur nished 3-room apartments, complete for housekeeping; wall beds, steam heat, hot water, private bath and phone. These a partmeiits are as up-to-date as an y In the city and as close to the business center ; the prices are considerably less. Phone East 300. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia, 4 blocks from Morrison st. ; new brick building, completely first-class, furnished In 2, 3 and 4 -room family apartments, pri vate bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone; some unfur nished; janitor service; rent reasonable. 4-ROOM apartments, with one bed ar.d uprlngs1, gas range, dining-room table, dress er, with steam heat; $:tt per month. Ta ke Montgomery streetcar. 454 11th st. Call jani tor. LOWER" floor of cottage, containing three furnished rooms, newly tinted, bath, gas. phone, yard ; central location ; references required- Phone A or Marshall 1000. MODERN 5 rooms, fireplace, hot water heat, gas range, refrigerator, outside rooms, sleeping porch. 185 East 15th. near Yamhill st. STEAM-HEATED 5-room apartment, mod ern and desirable; 525 Everett st. Apply Morgan, Fleidner & Boyce, 503 Abington bldg. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS AH outsid rooms I unfurnished . with unexcelled view ; best lighted street, five minutes' walk P. O. 272 7th st. Main 2500. A 3140. FIVE-ROOM, steam -heated. Janitor serv ice, - modern apartment (partial base ment), finest In city for money. Apply to janitor, 21st and Kearney. FEB. 15, one 5-room up-to-date apartment. The Mordaunt. cor. r18th and Everett. Main 6040, A 1961. THE MERCEDES Nicely furnished 2 -room apartment, all conveniences, walking dis tance, only $IS. 2uth and Washington sts. Fl'RNISH ED and unfurnished apartments at Wellington Court cheap. 15th and Everott sts. FIVE-ROiM apartment. beautifully, fur nished, and unfurnished. Brain tree Apart ments, 205 12th. Phone Main 7741. MODERN apartments; 3-years lease; 10 per cent on investment; for saie; 4 Mocks Fojjl offiee; terms. AN 723, Oregonian. ST. CROI X APA RTMENTS, 170 St, Clatr st. ; modern three-room furnished apart ment. IRIS APARTMENTS 5 large rooms; steam heat, hot and cold water; $45. CHEAP apartments. 540 Morrison. Key up stairs. MODERN five-room steam-heated apartment. Apply to janitor, 2lst and Kearney. , hits. FOR RENT 3-rooin modern flat; gas range In kitchen, linoleum on kitchen floor, shade, gas and electric fixtures; rent very reason able; only $10" per month. M. E. Lee. 411 Corbett bid. LOW KR floor, private home, 4 large roems, sanitary bath, furnished, close in. good neighborhood, $25 mouth. Phone East 4S4U after O P. M. MODERN 5-room flat for -rent, nicely fur nished for houwkeeplng. Parties- must give the best of references. Inquire at 251 Vj Clay crt.. West Side. W HN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co., Main 1G18. A li4. All covered wag ons, all experienced men. TO KENT Up-to-date modern flat, " min utes walk from Postoffice. Call 32b M Mill st. phone Main 7S30. LADY. alon. will share her flat with younjr eouple ; walking distance. O 73o. ui ' gonian. ELBOANT 4 -Zoom flat, two fireplaces, larste lifcrht rooms, nice yard, roses: walking distance. 570 East Main. B 25S0. NEW modern 5-room Hat. cor. Ross and Dixon sts. ; across Steel bridge ; close in. FINE flat at 2724 Williams ave. Inquire of Mrs. Carll. Housekeeping Rooms. COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping rooms; v-ary desirable. Call room Si Cambridge bldg.. ad and Morrison. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single or suites; steam heated ; walking distance. T.he New Castle. 3rd and Harrison. 461 EAST MORRISON, cor. East Sth. com pletely furnished housekeeping rooms, reasonable. FURNISH ED housekeeping room."; moderc and rejjonable. i3U Union ave. $1.25 week, clean fur. housekeeping rooms heat, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton. U car. $1.50 week, large, clean furr.. housekeepinf rooms; laundry, bath, gas. 184 Sherman. THE- MILNER. 3504 Morrison, cor. Park, home apartments, all conveniences.