THTE MORNING- OREGONIAX, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1910. 17 BOB RENT. Uoaac keeping " Rooms. THE EEAVFR, 12th and Marshall sta Newly furnished for housekeeping. Includ ing gas ranges, electric lights, hot water, baths, laundry, reception-room, all free; furnished apartment! $13 per month up; Ingle housekeeping rooms, $2.50 week up; best In city for money: snort distance from M Union Depot, "S" or l3th-st- cars r.orta. gee on cll jutuBiiMu aw u augi auoweu. ONBONTA, 1ST 17th, near Yamhill; take W. car at depot; furnished 2. 3 and 4 room housekeeping suites by week. 5.6o, by rnontu 2o and up; hot and cold water, bath and phones free. Maim 4o97. A 4730. !W ELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 3, $8 raunth, 3 for $12; cottages, 7 rooms. $27. GO; 4 rms, $16. 364 26th, N. W car from depot, 3d or Morrison to 20th, block north. UNFURNISHED Three large. cheerful rroma. ground floor, front and side en trances; gas stove furnished, large lawn. MI7 Everett. . Housekeeping- koomi la Private Family. h'KWLY and nicely furnished two-room, modem apartment, complete for houj keptng; new building, everything fur nished. -353 6th. A FRONT BAY window suite, with closet and pantry ; bath, gas, newly furnished complete lor housekeeping. 231 E. 6th, near Salmon st. SUNNY housekeeping suite, three furnished rooms, hiat, electricity, gas. free phone, Lath ; references. xi'Jo 'j Glisan St., near 2ist. COMPLETELY furhlshed front suite, light housekeeping privileges, suit ladies or gen tlemen; suam heaL, walking distance. Main SOTS. TWO nice front rooms with pantry, bath room on same floor, quint neighborhood ; J' mtnutea from Postoffice. 412 J 0th. LARGE, pretty, steam-heated housekeeping rKmi, free phone, large closet, hot batha, etc. 2 N. 14th, corner Burnside. THRKB rooms, modern, ckve in. neatly fur nished If desired; reasonable. 422 B. Couch, near 6th. HOI'SEKKEPlNti rooms, down stairs, mod ern, sink, range. 170 I7th st., corner Yam hill. FRONT alcove furnished for light house keeping; single sleeping room. 450 Yam hill. 8 WELL-FURNISH El housekeeping rooms, gas, bath, heat, phone, adults. 600 Haw tliorne. HIGH-CLASS suite of rooms, suitable 3 adults; eiegantly furnished, with piano; nice .vara. u- Morrison, near liitn, TWO clean, nicely furnished housekeeping; rooms, walking distance; phone, lights, bath. 447 5th St. VlRST-CLASS furnished rooms, light house keeping privileges; every convenience; $12 and up. 40 No. 21sl, ofT Washington. DAT' well fu mis bed housekeeping room, all conveniences, $11 a month. 540 Morrison street. X WO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, modern, reasonable, lut North 18th st. COMFORTABLE single housekeeping room, furnace heat, bath, phone. 405 Stark st. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 67 North 14th. between Davis and Everett sts. FINK 2-room housekeeping suite; phone, bath. 163 North ltith. KURN ISH ED housekeeping-rooms, nice yard, bath and phone. Main 22U0. 387 1st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms en suite or single. 224 North 16th. TWO front rooms furnished for housekeep ing; furnace heat; no children. 22 14th st. 2.AKGK suite of furnished rooms for house keeping. 223 Fine st. 154 ISA I .JM ON Two very desirable rooms, furnished for housekeeping; no children. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. 10 East 6th st. South. East 1000. 3 furnished housekeeping. 210 E 6th N. VHKN you move you'll need new furni ture. Buy It judiciously and the savings will exceed your moving expensed. Our NO-BENT PRICES made us one of the largest furniture house in the city In two years. Lookers shown same courtesy as buyers. MORGAN-ATCH LEY FURNITURE CO.. 69-76 Grand Ave., Cor. East Stark St. East Ankeay and Russell-SJiaver car lines our door. FOR RENT 3-room cottage, electric light, bach, etc.; 10 minutes' walk from Steel bridge; $15. Inquire - 435 East 7th st. North, cor. of Tillamook. A ft-ROOM modern house with large grounds In Hnlladay's Addition, corner Egt 9rh and We Idler sis. Inquire McCargar, Bates & Lively, Falling hldg. NEW house. 6 moms, attractive furniture, Willamette Heights. 1'hone A 2759, Main 4li24. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co., Mala 1618. A 1994. All covered wag ons, all experienced men. FOR rent Up-to-date 7 -room. house; 229 Cherry st. ; walking distance; furnished or unfurnished. Call Woodlawn 2205. FOR RENT Large 10-room house and gar ase, on corner on West Side. M. E- Lee, 4 1 1 Corbet t bide N INK-ROOM house, 739 Glisan et. Call Main 7 '98. EAST SIDE, near carllne; six-room house; $25. G- 731. Oregonlan. 1-ROO.M cottage for rent. Inquire 106 14th st. N. Bl' RU RRA N home. 8-room house, barn and fruit, $15 per month. Phone East 5418. MODKRX fi-room cottage. 4 31 East Ninth and Sherman sts. L I-ROOM bouse. 60S B. Ah m. Inquire next I-ROOM modern house In Irving ton. 455 i in, net. Tillamook, and Thompson! Furnished) House ELL-FURNISH HD cottage?. 4 rmnu. $16; 7 rooms, $J7. a housekeeping suites, ii. $io. a pply North 2t;ih. W car 1 rom dept.t on Third or Morrison to 2th. i'lock nurtlt. ISEVBX-KOOM house, modern and nicely furnished, to responsible parties. Phono Alain 1742 or address 1 It., Rock Island office. . ?25 7-KOOM modern house, furnished. Angeles Trust Co., 32j Washington. Room 417. MODERN S-room furnished flat. 8 East 12th, between Ankeny and Burnslde. t-ROOM bungalow cottage, 500 E. 21st at., on Richmond and Woodstock carlincs. NEWLY furnished modern house. 227 Cherry st. Inquire Hall, Ss.0 Front Main 2203. ITRN1WKU house of four rooms, reason able to right parties. 724 Union ave. N. House for Rent, Furniture for Sale. Y AMU I f.L-ST. H t T S EL Good T-riKim house on Yamhill &t. ; rent only $27. So i;fc A rwma rented for 3u: completely furiiL-ned with good furniture; for sole- at a bargain, onlv $5oo. SWELL FLAT. YAMHILL ST. Modern N-room flat; rent $45; taking In $225 per month for board and rooms; fur niture Is elegant and for sale at a reason able price; iwrt caMi and balance in monthly pay men ia GRUSSI ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade RJdg.. 4th ami Oak. GREAT 1LVRG AIN. MUST SELL TODAY. Nice, now oak furniture. Axminstfr car rets. 5-room cottage, splendid location. West Side, rent only S1; 2 rooms rented for $2; this is almost giving it away for 4.350. on terms. MRS. LENT'S AGENCY. Hotels n nd Roomlim-houses. 288 Washington, Rooms 4n5-40fl. Phoney Main 8560 ; A S475. S-ROOM house, good furniture. 4 months In rent reasonable, owner to undergo op eration in California; must be seen to be appreciated. 77 Park St. 1 FURNITURE of S-room souse in fine local ity, l."0; can rent rooms. Cull 434 Harri son, corner 12th st. FURNITURE of 9 rooms tor sale, electric lights, gas. rent $25: walking distance; no agents. Call - ;7 Chapman st. j:;9S CASH On time. S4-5i: high grade fur niture 5 -room flat, including piano. Macke, :i44 Columbia, near 7th st. "NEW furniture 5-room modern flat for rent; aiking distance. Phone M. 30l. MODKRX 5 -room cottage for rent; furniture for sale cheap, "atl SS loth. st. WKNlTrRK for eal in flat Ap&tmexus 7ul Washington. Stanley BOB KENT. Scor NEW meat market for rent, new building, fine location, no other shop within one mile; rent 16 per month; Icebox, counter and racks are in; also barber shop, same price. Take Waverly-RIchmond car to end. fee Sanitary Grocerynian, 41st and Division sts. FOR RENT 4-story and basement brick store building, 100x106. S. E. cor. Front and Pine sis. Apply C A- Dolph, Mohawk bldg. 33x70 FEET floor space, 16th and Alder, for tin shop, plumolng shop, paint shop, auto repair, etc. Inquire SOS, Oregonian bldg. between 12 and 1 o'clock. I ONE new storeroom, 25x60, left In new block. Apply at drugstore, 600 Front st. Either F or 8 car. STORE with living rooms, upstairs; every thing modern. Vancouver ave. and Cherry. Phone A 3370. LARGE store. Including shelving, counters; ta bles, electric lights and other fixture; ready to move In. 231 First st. FOR RENT Stores at reasonable rent, new brick building. S. W. cor. 2d and Flan ders. Inquire 291 Morrison. NEW modern brick stores; good location; re tail trace light manufacturing. East 49. Of fie FOR RENT Lofts, 2000 to 5000 square feet, in new, modern, fire-proof building, corner 4th and Ankeny sts.; low insurance rate, heat and elevator. Applv WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO.. S5 Fourth St. FOR PENT One-half law office suite, new building, new furniture, splendid library. C 74, Oregonlan. FOR RENT Very desirable front office room in Ainsworth bldg. Apply United States National Bank. FOR RENT A few offices In Couch bid. Apply Room 501. DESK ROOM to rent in new Lewis bldg. with use of telephone. Y C2S. Oregonlan. DESK ROOM New Lewis bldg.; fine light, use phone, etc AG 719, Oregonian. BEST location for offices In city; prices right. At as)1 Washington st. Halls. BALLROOM, good location, in good condi tion, reasonable. B. F. Jones. 800 Front. Warehouse. FOR RENT OR LEASE Brick warehouse, with elevator and large offices; 60x100; three stories- and basement. Corner 4th and Gllaan sts. Apply to D. Q. Woodward. 104 2d St. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Memorandum book containing- papers valuable only to owner; name In book. Edward Collins; ftnder will please return same to office of HOLT-JONES REAL ESTATE CO., 50-522 'Board of Trade Bldg. And receive reward. LOST double strand coral necklace, Sunday, January ."to. somewhere between Scottish 1-iite cathedral and East Ankeny-st. car. Kindly return to "Willis Maguire, 240 Washington et. Reward. Phone Main C.H49, A 2505. LOST The party taking lady's alligator handbag from steamer Iralda on Thurs day. February lo. is well known and can avoid trouble by returning same to Cap tain Hooghklrk of the Iralda. FOUND Where hair mattresses are reno vated. returned same day. 228 Front at. Phone Main 474. A 1374. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger. LOST Dark brown fox muff, on 16th St. carllne; reward. Phones Main 7097, A 2G45. LOST Scotch collie. Friday in Holladay Addition; blue and grey eyes; return to fill Halsey st. and receive reward. COMMON pup, short hair, black and white. Return The Morrison Grand Drus Store, East 54fl0, B 2452. Reward offered. LOST Watch fob. with elk's tooth; reward Return to J. A. Miller. Oregon Hotel. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. IN THE -DISTRICT OOITRT of the United States for the District of Oregon. In the matter of L. B. Mitchell and . L. Routh. partners doing business under the firm name and style of Mitchell & Routh. and L. B. Mitchell, as an individual, bank rupts Notice of Sale: The undersigned, trustee of the above-entitled estate in bankruptcy, will receive sealed bids at his office. No. 7 First street. Portland. Ore gon, up to 12 o'clock vnoon of Saturday, February 19, 1910, for the following de scribed property belonging to said estate, to-wlt: a stock of merchandise, consist ing of groceries, shoes, furnishing gcods, and notions, of the inventory value of , $10,74.32, together with a lot of store fix tures of the inventory value of $1817.55, all located at Free water, Umatilla Coun ty. Oregon. An inventory of said property may be seen at the office of the trustee and the property may be inspected upon application at the store in Free water. Cash or a certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid, and the sale is made subject to confirmation by the court, the right be In reserved to reject any and all bids. Datod, Portland, Oregon, February a, 1910. R. I. Sabin. Trustee. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. SMALL CASH BUSI NESS wants partner to do collecting ; must be satisfied with $25 weekly to start in with; trial given be fore investing. Call room 523 Lumber Exchange. "VVA NT ED for cash., a good confectionery store; nothing but genuine, good monev making one considered : gti particulars in first letter. Fuchs. 221 " Morrison st. A GOOD cook with a little money can ob tain full management of an old estab lished restaurant and confectionery- now doing a good business. Phone East 774. OFFICE bupiinew; owner wants man willing to show property to tnke hair interem; must be honest and reliable; small amount money required. Particulars 417 Board of Trade. DO YOiT want supplies or rent fllmT We sre iudep-ndent. do not belong to the trust. Pacific Film Co.. S03 RothchUd btdg., Portland. Or. WANTED To travel for some good firm, either Southern or Eastern territory, ou salary; can give best of references. Ad dress F 1 1" 2. Oregonian. OWNER of real estate business wants steady, sober partner to show laud, etc.; good for $175 month to energetic man. Particu lars 2 48Ji Stai'k st. BLACKSMITH partner wanted to buy half interest in paying business; must be good all around man with some capital. Ad drjss B. B., 1. O. box 323. Hermiston, Or. PARTNER WANTED Must be steady, mo ber man. satisfied with. $18 to $25 week at start; $250 required. Call 248 Stark street. GROCERY stock for sale In best town in the Northwest; must sell at once on ac count of homestead. Address R 709, Ore gonian. ; RELIABLE man with $250 cash can secure interest and position In legitimate business which pays $25 weekly; must write plain hand. Room 10. 1451- First St. STRICTLY cash grocery; half interest for ale. account 111 health; volume of bu.nes 2o.0h) per year: trial given. Particulars 417 Board of Trade. GROCERIES, hay. feed, hardware, etc., in suburbs; living-rooms, splendid store; will sell reasonable. Call 24S Stark st. FOK SALE At a bargain, fcutcher shop and tools; no competition; price $250. Ad dress owner, p. O. box 2, Bueoa Vista, Or. FOR SALE 5000 shares Sevastika Mining & Developing stock. 91 cent. AE 720, Oregonian. CEMENT BUSINESS Steady partner want ed, duties easily learned; will pay $150 month. .Call 24S Stark st. EXPERIENCED dry goods man to Join me in opening store in suburbs; $1000 re quired. F 72 3, Oregonian. PARTNER wanted, used to farm produce: will guarantee Rood salary besides share of protUs. Call 24SLi Stark st. RELIABLE merchant wants partner; $1250 required; profits large. Call 24b Stark street. BUTTER and eicx iHnd paying $300 per mo.; 4-year lease: trial given: $22tH gets this1 bar gam. rxi Board of Trade. G ROC E n Y Wan t honest partner; your money secured. Call 24S U Stark st. RESTAURANT and coffee house for sale. AM. 7al, Oregonian. GROCERY STORE, sales $75 a day; Invoice, 11 ail PuweiL 321 Luinbormeiis BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR THE GOOD ROOMING HOUSES SEE DIBTZ-MUBLLBK CO., 315-1&-17 Abington Bldg. A MONEY MAKER.. 100-room hotel, NEW CORNER BRICK BUILDING, very wel I f umtehed. every thing NEW; best of beds; STEAM HEATED; por celain baths; gas and electricity; GROUND FLOOR OFFICE; this is a fine proposition and a big money-maker; rent only $350 per month, with a FIVES-YEAR LEASE; be sure to see this if you want something good; can be handled on $5otto. SWELL NEW APARTMENT HOUSB 84 rooms, fine NEW MODERN CORNER BRICK BUILDING, in 2 and 3-roora smites; furnished in the best taste, Brussels carpets, fine solid oak furniture, mostly weathered; enameled beds and very best of bedding ; PRIVATE! BATHS; rent only $400 per month and a FIVE-YEAR IASE. THIS is a SNAP; $50"0 will handle it; GOOD TERMS. HERE IS A DANDY. fl7 rooms In new modern corner brick. STEAM HEATED, HOT AND COLD RUN NING WATER IN ALL ROOMS; PRIVATES BATH; unusually well furnished. Velvet Brussels carpets, enameled Iron beds, hard wood furniture. This is located right down town near Washington et. ; rent 550 per month, with a 5-year LEASE. Thia Is a fine place, come in and let us show you; $75oO cash, balance on good temist AN AWFULLY GOOD BUY. 40 rooms in NEW BRICK BUILDING, ele gantly furnished with Axminster carpets, BRASS beds, oak and maheganv furniture; HOT AND COLD RUNNING WATER IN ALL ROOMS; private bathe, STEAM HEAT. Thia is certainly a beauty; rent only $250 a month and & FIVE-YEAR LEASH. A good MONEY MAKER and can be handled on $50X. FEE THIS ONE SURE. 40 rooms, modern corner brick, right down town, STEAM HEAT; hot and cold running water in alW rooms; fine baths. This place has been thoroughly renovated and to very attractive; always full and making big money; rent $350 per month; 3-year LEASE. Price $75oO on good terms. IF YPU WANT A LARGF3 OR SMALL HOUSE;- A REAL GOOD ONE, CALL ON US. DIETZ-MUELLER COMPANY. 315-16-17 Abington Bldg. BRAINS VS. CAPITAL. Are your brains your capital? Are your ideas and your energy your chief assete? Have you money and brains combined? Or are you looking for a fiafe dividend-paying Investment? In either case, it will pay you to write u. OREGON CO-OPERATIVE INVESTMENT CO., 333 Sherlock bldg., Portland. Or. ONE of the best located and best grocery stores in the City of Portland for sale. tock invoice, fixtures at lump sum; sales S0 per day; expenses light. If you want to go Into the grocery business this is a snap; runs about $3K)0. -Come In and let us show you this. All further particulars nt 221 Henry bldg. George S. Allen Bealty Co. FOR LEASE Morrison and 17th sts.. West Side. 100x100 feet, an unusually attractive location for r.n apartment-house or hotel, can arrange for a lease for a period of years. 25 to 50 years. Main 35. "A" 3500. Phone us. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, I 245 Vi Sark Street. EUROPEAN HOTEL. If $8 00 to S100O a month clear profit " looks good to you on an investment of $4500 cash, call NORTON & SCHNEIDER, 286 Washington St.. Room 612. REAL ESTATE MAN wants young man as partner; guarantee $150 to $200. per month; no experience nocessary; all you have to do is to show land; money re quired, $200 or $300 cash for half in terest real estate office room. 516 Mer chants Trust bldg.. 326 K Washington st. UNLISTED STOCKS AND BONDS. Before BUYING any MINING, OIL. WIRELESS or INDUSTRIAL stocks or bonds, try us. MONEY SAVED for YOU. For a QUICK sake, list your stocks with us. Call or write. Wm. E. Davidson Co., Lewis bldg. STRICTLY CASH BUSINESS. Partner wanted in thoroughly estab lished business paying easily $50 a week to each man; long lease; small Investment roquired. Call 2S6 Washington at., room HOTEL FOR SALE. I own the only hotel in a city of 10.000 within 100 miles of Portland, "a live one." that I am going to sell if you have money and want a hotel, write me. T 720 Ore gonlan. REAL ESTATE BUSINESS. Partner wanted to show land wfth re sponsible firm : will pay from $150 a month up; little money required. Call 286 Washington st., room 612. WANTED Cashier as partner in one of the best restaurants in the city; owner can't depend on hired help; very little money required. Particulars room 523 Lumber Exchange. AN Oregon opportunity; a good country store; stock $8500; annual sales $25,0OO; located in rich valley farm lands, bordered by heavy timber; nothing better on the Coast. X 710, Oregonian. BRICK-MAKING machinery for sale or will lease plant. Several good locations for wood-working - and other manufacturing plants. A. J. Stewart, real estate, 218 West Heron, Aberdeen, Wash. 66 VENDING machines, all out and earn ing money; one hour's work a day makes profit of $80 a month; price JS50. Hall & Pow.211, 321 Lumbermens bldg. CALIFORNIA owes it prosperity to the oil In dustry; our monthly paper, "California Oil IMeldfl," free for the asking. Sagar & Loomis 7 10-7 11 Pnelan bldg., San Francisco. HERE Is a rare chance for a young man with $200 cash, as I am alone and tired of hired help; duties easily learned. Call at 225 Fifth St.. room 3. WANTED Responsible person to promote and form company to manufacture article in great demand; no expense for making or material. Address box 20, Mullan, Idaho. GROCERY and confectionery business in good small town; rent $15: 5 years' lease: at Invoice. Hall & Powell, 321 Lumber mens bldg. FOR SALE Established, business In - New berg, Yamhill county will take Portland property in part payment. W. Boyes. Newberg. Or. FOR SALE Good saloon, doing nice busi ness, regular and transient trade; bears docauKuiiuii. , ,n, oregonlan. CO N FEC7IONRRY. cigar and ice-cream parlor, good location; Investigate. Owner 227 1st st. PARTY with $.1500 can buy fourth interest in established and paying business C 7."12. Oreconian. NH'E confectionery and grocery, with living-rooms and furniture at half value if sold at once. Home phone C 2t;0T. . ' STOCK and fixtures of grocery jtore. E 55th et. and Rase Line Road; rent $20; price S2oo Tbone East 4034. SALOON and rooming-house cheap, party leaving city; a bargain if taken at once. Call 375. N- 16th St. CrENERAL merchandise; good locatlon buildinir at option. Mills &, Knapp, Wood land. Wash. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS, lelephone and other bonds bought and old. Fletafaer Inv. Co., 225 Abington. LIST your property and business chances for quick action with Geo. S. Allen Realty Co., Henry bldg. DEPOT waiting oom. big monev maker i00 IJa11 & powe. 321 Lumbermens bldg. CONFECTIONERY, pool table. lunch counter and 2 barber chairs, all combined- rent $15 lease; only $600. 306 Board of Trade. ' GOOD grocery. East Side. $3000. Prefer to sell half Interest to good groeervman- give references and age. AM 705, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Blacksmith shop, tools and stock, at Pleasant Home. Take O. W. P. cars to Anderson station. 1-3 INTEREST in established real estate business. Equity Investment Co., 50S Ger linger bldg. FOR SALE Tailor shop cheap, small stock and good location. Lock Box 672, Rose burg. Or. LIVERY business in a thriving town of 15o0: sickness cause of selling. Price $1700. AD 707, Oregoniwn. 9INGLE-HORSE express- rig, horse, wagon nd harritss; $125, stand Included. 335 1st st. ROOSEVELT cafe for sale. CaJl 60 North 6th st. SMALL business for sale, clears $80- a month, $S50. S-I Lumbermens bldg. GOOD chances for sv good restaurant man with little money. Call 60 North 6th st. A BARGAIN. Small rash grocery. Owner. 33 E. 26th st. TWO box ball alleys; good as new; good money makers. N 647, Oregonian, LITNH counter. 22 Burnside ; good bar gain ; Investigate this. BUTTERMILK, rouie, Xor sale Taboc 443, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. LETHBRIDGE, THE CAPITAL OF COAL AND WHEAT Investment In a young city with a great future is the safest and most profitable , form In the world. You kn$w of the tre mendous development of Western Canada. You know that this development has now' reached the stage when it is building great cities. Leth bridge commands the finest wheat and coal country of Canada. It is the center of the richest and most fully devel oped part of this great new Empire; Leth bridge is growing more rapidly than any other city of the West today. Fourteen lines of railroad will center here. Invest . a little money now and take part in the wonderful development of this Last Great West. Today you can buy property from, us for only $io down and $10 a month for nine month. In five years this property will beMn the heart of a great city. Write for maps and "full Information now. Standard Securities Co.. box R, 1979, Lethbridge. Alberta. Canada. MEAT MARKET. WILLIAMS AVE. A first-clat meat market,, fully equipped with all necessary tools and butchering out fit, including good horse and wagon; a fine location on WiUiams ave.; this is one of the finest markets in the city and ie clearing over $2H per month; In a nice store build ing, with a leae of 4 years and rent only stands owner $17 per month, including good barn, new smokehouse, etc.; price is $1300 and will stand closest investigation. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4tli and Oak. BRAINS VS. CAPITAL. Are your brains your capital ? Are your ideas and your energy your chief assets? Have you money and brains com bined? Or are you looking for a safe dividend-paying Investment ? In either case, it will pay vou to write us. OREGON CO-OPERATIVE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 333 Sherlock Bldg.. Portland, Or. GROCERY STORE. Fine corner grocery store, nice clean stock and fixtures; daily eales average $75; In one of the best residence districts of the city. In a new building: rent only $23, with lease; stock and fixtures will invoice about $2500. GRL'SSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. ASSOCIATE wanted in an established manu facturing plant in this city, turning out necessary articles of wear; desire to enlarge plant; business established five years ago and doing nearly $!OO.OoO a year business; $10,000 or more desired; books and business subject to closest scrutiny. Address O 720, Oregonlan. WILL trade modern, corner, brick rooming house on best and busiest street, now clearing $500 monthly, better in Summer, for well-located acreage or fruit land; cash price $15.0O0; will give time on bal ance or pay difference in cash. F 720, Oregonian. LIGHT MANUFACTURING BUSINESS Owner can't depend on hired help; wants sober. Industrious partner who can fur nish the best references; pay salary of $100 month I y besides profits, which will be guaranteed. Particulars 623 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE An old-established clothing, dry goods and shoe business; can be (bought on easy terms if bought before March 1. part real estate will be taken; stock about $18,000; excellent corner loca tion. Address box 376. city. FOR SALE Two-chair barber shop; in con nection cigars and tobacco. Dointr good business, two years' lease; rent $12 per month; living rooms. Owner leaving town. Will sell at a sacrifice. Bargain if taken at once. 363 1st St. YOU CAN FORECLOSE THIS 12-acre apple orchard, valued S5000; fulKbearlng; trees yield 12 to IS boxes; at Corinne, Utah, i mile from Orern short Line station; will sacrifice for $2.".00. first mortgage. 319 Board Trade. Main 3877. LIVERY and boarding stable, located In Wil lamette Valley ; will sell or trade for farm or city property; doing a business of $5u0 over and above all expenses. For particulars call 523 Lumber Exchange. WORTH your attention ; $3B.OOO aggregate profits in 6 months on $5000 invested In mercantile line; clean, legitimate business: no competition ; protected. Call after 6 P. M.. suite 30, Roslln Apts., 372 East Oak. MAN used to dealing in farm produce can se cure interest in reliable firm where salary 1 guaranteed and share of profits; It takes $1000; references. Particulars 417 Board of Trade. GROCERY and delicatessen, good location and paying business; will sell for cash at invoice before May 1 ; save agents' com mission by calling or address owner after 7:30 P. M-, 430 East Ankeny St. SA IOON for sale, lease ; 4 living-rooms; rent $40. 335 Flanders st. See proprietor. LUNCH counter clearing $5 day;'only $200. Call 24S Stark st. ROOMING-HOUSES. FOR SALE LEASE AND FlTRNmE 4:t rooms, nicely furnished roomlng hruse, corner Grand ave. and Ash sts., brick building. Dave Lewis. S3 5th st. SEE THIS BARGAIN. 14 ROOMS. Nice place for a private boarding-house, or private sanitarium; all newly furnished, large lawn, nice shrubbery, furnace heat, hot and cold water in all rooms; $15oO cash handles this; lent .only $42.50; 2 year lease. MRS. LENT'S AGENCY. 2S6i Washington. Rooms 405-4O6. ' SOMETHI.VG GOOD. 54 rooms. 42 housekeeping, 12 single; everything In first-class condition; 5. veara' leaso: rent, including water. $125 per month; clears $ir0 per month; $2500 cash. PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO., 313 Henry Bldg. APARTMENT HOUSE. 1 1 rooms, good furniture, fine location, pay $f0 a month above expenses ; price $550. easy terms. Call 286 '4 Washington st., room 612. PORTLAND ROOMING HOUSE CO., 313 Henry Building. Rooming Houses and Hotels bought, sold, and exchanged. All sizes at prices to suit. . A M OXKY-MAK Kit . 16-room flat, very good furniture, and a fine transient house; price $14f)0. terms Call 286 Washington st., room $12. 20 ROOM S. 42200. Right in the business center, good for transients; onlv $1500 cash. Call room 405 Buchanan bldg. FURNITURE of 11-room house, motlv transient, cheap. 871i-6th st. Call after 1 P. M. FOR SALE at a bargain, rooming-house on -d and Burnside; easy terms. Pacific Employment Co.. 12 North 2d st. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan Real Estate. W B buy good first mortgages oa city or good farm property. Call and get our terms, c F. Bfluger fc Co., room 5 Mulkey bldg 2d and Morrison ma MONEY to loan on real estate, 7 per cent. Harding & Reynolds, 313 Chamber of Commerce. $100,000 TO LOAN In suitable amounts on city or farm property. E. K. Hickaon, 517 Board of Trade bldg. FIRST and second mont gages and contracts purchased on Oregon and Washington lands E. L. Devereaux, Fenton bldg., 86 6th st. wtLL purchase for cash mortgages or sell ers' equity in contracts of sale. W L. Page. 107 Sherlock bldg. WILL loan $0.000 or less, 6 per cent, real estate. Far ring ton. 416 Commercial Club bldg. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A. H. Birrell Co., 202. McKay bide.. 3d and Stark. $SOOO ON Improved city propertv, business preferred. Address E 732. Oregonian. MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or contracts. W. H. Nuno, 449 Sherlock bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. F. H. LEWIS. 3 LEWIS BLDG. LOANS on wheat lands. L. K. Moore, bit Board of Trade, Portland, Or. MOs EY to loan, any amount. 6 to 8 rar cent. Good uo ugh & Seltz, 133 6th st. MONEY to loan on Improved city property. Wm. MacMaster. 302 Worcester blk. SHORT-TIME loans, good security. W. La, tpti 31 ft Lumber El bide Rh v. WE BUY bank accounts, securities, foreign - money; loans. F. H. Lewis, 3 Lewis bldg. MORTGAGES loans. $5oO up; reasonable terms. W. S. Moore. 4G3 Corbett bki. MONEY loaned, building purposes. If consult ed before bundles begins. JQ9 Heary bldg. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan Real EstmtA. MONEY to loan on Improved property. If for buiiding purposes, interest does not commence until actual disbursement of funds. Liberal repayment options. Co lumbia. Life & Trust Co- 214 Lumber Exchange bidg. ON IMPROVED city property or for build- ing purposes; 3 to 8 years time; liberal re payment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Sav ings & Loan Association. 240 Stark st. WE loan money for building purposes. See us before you begin and save time. PORTLAND REALTY & CONSTRUCTION COM PA X Y, 9Q1-902 Lewis Bldg. LOANS Private funds, amounts $100 up; realty or other good security; also Eastern money to loan at 6 per cent in amounts $LooO up. Henry C. Prudhomme Co.. G36 Chamber of Commerce. $500,000 ON improved city or farm prop erty, building or small loans at lowest rates; large loans a specialty. J. M. Mc Kinzie Co.. 514-15-ltt Gerllnger bldg. I BUY for cash either first or second mort gages or sellers' equity in contracts of sale on real estate in Oregon or Washing ton. H. E. Noble, Lumbermen's bldg. PLENTY of money to loan at 0 and 7 per cent on real estate security. EDW. P. MALL COMPANY. 3O9-310 Abington Bldg. IMMEDIATE loans from $5 to $500, on all securities, W. A. Hathaway, room, 10. Washington bldg. Phone Main 302. $200,000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty, building loans, lowest rates. W. Q. Back. 312 Falling bldg. LOANS ON INSIDE CITY PROPERTY, 0 TO 7 PER CENT. 814 LEWIS BLDG. TO loan. $500. on suburban house. Ward, attorney. Alisky bldg. State funds loaned, 8 per cent. W. e. Thom as, state agenu Multnomah Co.. 400 C C LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security. C W. Pallett. 304 Fenton. MORTGAGE LOANS 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON, 233 STARK ST. MONEY to loan ; mortgages bought. Wm. Holl, 9 Washington bttig., 4th and Wash. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort gages. H. Miley, room 204 Gerllnger .bldg. Money to Loan Chatteu and Salaries. HUTTON CREDIT CO., 512 Dekum Bldg. TH E M OST RE LI AB LB LOAN COMPANY IN THE CITY. SPECIAL OFFER TO HONEST PEOPLE. REMEMBER We guarantee to treat you right. Do not advertise misleading terms, but give Vou our rates ii plain figures. PAYMENTS MADE TO SUIT YOUR INCOME. BEST OF ALL NO PUBLICITY. PHONE MAIN 2309. $$$$$$$$$$$ ARK YOU LOOELING FOR MONEY? If you, would know how easy -our terms are you would not "be short of money. Don't be bothered with a lot of small debts; let us furnish the money to settle them. "WE LOAN ON Real Estate. Furniture and Pianos (with out removal), storage Receipts, Life In surance Policies. Horses. Jewelry and Dia monds, and all kinds of securities, on easy weekly or monthly payments. We buy First and Second Mortgages. All business Strictly Confidential U. S. RBAL ESTATE & BROKERAGE CO., 12 Hamilton Bldg., 131 3d. Main 2uS4. $$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ MONEY FOR EVERYBODY. AN YON ku Steadily employed can borrow, $10, $20, $25. $0, fMt, $50, $75 or $100 of the EMPLOYES" SALARY LOAN BANK. ah we atc 10 your personal note; no mortgage; m indorser or security; every- iu-iiy win loentiai. LOWEST RATES IN PORTLAND. $lO repaid in installments of $46c $2o repaid in installments of 9uc. $oO repaid in inbta.lment9 of $2.00. Larger amounts in proportion, b A, M. to tt P. M Wednesday and Sat urday evening.- to 8 o'clock. STATS SECURITY COMPANY. - 308 Falling Bldg. CHATTEL LOANS. Installment loans on pianos, furniture, warehouse recelms. horses, insurance noli- cie and all kinds of securities; REAL k- ai i l.uaa irom $aixo up. NEW ERA LOAN & MTG. CO., 410 Abington Bldg. MONEY advanced salaried neonie. house keepers and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices in 06 principal cities; save yourself money by gettfng my terms iirsi. iul-maw, dii Lumoer ixenange. MONEY loaned anyone steadily employed on ineir piain note; return it in easy pay ments; strictly confidential; lowest rates. See us and save money. 427 Henry bldg., 4th and Oak sts.' WE loan money on diamonds and Jewelry at reasonable interest for long or Bhort time. J M. Delovae, Jeweler, 269 Wash ing loi. st. EMPLOYES" LOAN CO.. S21 Abington bldg. Money on installment pian. SALARY - loans, confidential, easy to get, easy to pay. F. A. Newton, 515 Henry bldg. MONEY to loan on chattel mortgage by private party. Y 726, Oregonian. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds ana jeweiry. Alaix Ac jocn. 74 3d st- A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co., 414 Dekum bldg. Loans Wanted. LOAN WANTED We bave a number of an plications for loans on improved city property and farms in sums of $500 to $10,000; No. 1 security; Interest 6 to 8 per -ent uiosoa as iioiiKiay. 3u4-o Gerllnger bldg WANTED $15011 t 7 per cent on close-in Portland property; private parties only. Call 317 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED To borrow $50OO for 5 years on improved country property, -worth $15.-Ol-'O; 8 per cent interest. R 619, Oregonian. $35,000 ON first mortgage, or $lo,0O on second ; West Side. M 727. Oregonian. PERSONAL. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Hetlslngfors graduate, rheumatism, nervous and stom ach disorders, under physician's directions; baths. No. 7 East Eleventh street, second door south from East Ankeny cariine. Pbone East 20. Home B 1803. RALPH B. BUCK, please communicate at earliest opportunity with Joseph B.- Giv ens. administrator. Southern Hotel, St. Louis. Mo., and learn something to his benefit. ; LADIES Ask your druggist for Chichestera Diamond Brand Pills. For 25 years known . as the best, safest. Reliable. Take no other. Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold by druggists everywhere. . NO MORE BALD HEADS. If vou think this is genuine, send me a stamped addressed envelope for reply; if not. don't write. Address A. H. Tyrer. G16 S. Hower St., Los Angele. Cal. DRESS suits for rent, all sizes, $1.50 month keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips sewed, prompt calls and de liveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark. DR. WALKER, specialist for men, -quickly cures blood and skin diseases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kidney, bladder and piles. 181 1st, Portland. GENTLEMAN 24 years of age wants ac quaintance with young lady; object mat rimony. C 731, Oregonlan. THERAPEUTIC treatments given by grad-, uate nuree. Room lo. The St. Elmo, 410 Washington st. Telephone Main 4155. DR. LOREN NERVE TONIC TABLETS. 23c box. restore lost vitality. Stipe, Tay lor Drug Co.. 2S9 MorrUon St. EDUCATIONAL Designing taught; evening and day classes. Terms reasonable. AX 707, Oregonian. Bake-oven treatment for rheumatism and all .kindred disease. Swedish Sanitarium. 433 Market, cor. 12th. Phone Main 7033. YOUNG woman wants' to meet business man; muet be nice and refined; object matrimony. D 732, Oregonian. Mme. Court wright. ikm and scalp treat ments, facial deformities corrected, plas tic surgery. 225 FUedner bldg. M 504. WOMEN Whatever your ailment, call on. Dr. Ketch urn. Office hours, tt A. M. to 5 PM. 17oV 3d st. Main 8770. UP-TO-DATE manicuring parlors, 314 Drexel bldg.. 2d and Yamhill sts. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill, 429 FUedner bldg. M- $473. FINNISH masseurs, Mr. and Mrs. Jurra. - 19 Union ava N East 6042 C I75S PERSONAL. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children; eurgerv; chronic and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods, up-to-daxa electrical appliances, private hospital accommodations; confinement cared for; consultation free. Room 10, Grand Theater bldg. Main 3928; A 5607. DR. D. L. LEWIS. ' Diseases of women and children; electric treatment for nervjea diseases; private hos pital accommodation. Rooms 505-506 Com monwealth bldg.. 6th and Ankeny. Phones Main 4o47, A 2411. DR. CORA TALBOTT. Fifteen years experience in treating1 ail ments by improved scientific methods; dis eases of Wuni'ich, liver and kidneys; elec tric treatments; consultation free and confi dential. Office Hamilton bldg. CLEARANCE! SALE hair good, barrettes and combs: special prices on all work; latest styles in hair dressing ; school of hairdressing. manicuring and hospital in connection with parlors. Asa H. Rihbicka, Grand Lead err 5th and Alder. BERT ROSS, letter in postoffice. Please call. Important. BALM OF FIGS Remedies for diseases of women. 629 Belmont st. East 2418. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountant s. H. A. MOSBR, accountant and auditor; business or corporations, counties; muni cipalities solicited. 404 Concord bldg. M. 2182. B. H. COLUS & CO., ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial, County snd Municipal. Auditing. Investigating and Systematizing. 324 Worcester Block. Phone Main 6567. H. A. MOSER. accountant and auditor; Busi ness or corporations, counties, municipali ties solicited. 404 Concord bldg. M. 24S2. Assayer and Analyst. PORTLAND ANALYTICAL LABORATORY. 622 Worcester bldg.. 3d and Oak. M 69S0. FOOD. commercial and drug analysis. Clarke, Woodard Drug Co.. Portland, Or. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 180 Morrison st. Wells & Proebstel, mining engineers, chem-Ist-s and assay ers. 204 H Washington st. Attorneys at I .aw. H. H. RIDDELL. attomey-at-law, 7KB Cham ber of Commerce. Main 4764a A 3531. Chiropractors. DR. TICKNER; hours 12 to 5. 127 14th, near Washington. Send for circular. Chiropody. WM. ESTELLR and Flossie Deveny, the only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors 302 Gerlinger bldg., S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 429 FUedner bldg. Phone Main 3473. CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp. Mrs. Dunton, Tilford bldg., R. 204. 10th and Mor. Coal and Wood. HARD COAL. Clean coal, coal that bums and pro duces heat, keeps fire all night. It's coal you are getting, not mud. If you are using soft coal, you are wasting money. Get wise and phone Van Horn Transfer Co. Main 161S. A 1984- One ton hard coal will outlast 3 tons soft coal. Try it. Collections and Law. OF ALL KINDS: out of town a specialty. Watson Merc. Service, 604-ttO5 Lewis bldg. Commission Merchants. TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO., whip brokers, com mission merchants. Sherlock bldg. Dancing. FOUR DANCING LESSOXS. 1 Prof. Wal Wrllson'a Dancing School, 25o per iewn, including teacners, music with each lesson every morning, afternoon and eve., guarantee to teach anyone to dance or rerun a money. Sclltng-Hlrsch Hall, .386 Washington, near 10th st. Phones. Rl NGLER'S Academy, Grand avenue and rjast Morrison streets. Special half rates, classes and private. Dog and Horse Hospital. DR. BROWN. D. V. S.. D. C. M. Office 324 r lanoers St. Main 4086. A 4086. Electric Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors lor rent or sale. 213 2d st. Feed Stores. 2IGLER & MISNBR, hay. grain, feed, ce- iiient, pnmgies. 2a urant ave. rj 4S. Janitor Supplies. THE WESTERN Sales Co., 44 2d st. Janitor and building supplies. Phone Main 6753. Leather and Findings. CHAS. I. MA STICK CO., 74 Front, leather or every description, taps, mirs. findings. J. A. STROWRRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1858. 189 Front st. Musical. BAND and orchestra Instruments, musical sundries. Victor talking machines, records. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 134 2d st. EMIL THIELHORN. violin teacher, pupil of aevciK, woo, woi iiarquam oiog. A 41 HO. M. C. SMITH, teacher of piano, 452 Salmon st. - Alain J44j. conservatory course. VOCAL teacher will take pupils at $1 a les son. a.N iot. oregonian. Osteophnthlc Physicians. DR. R. B. NORTH RUP. 415-16-17 Dekum bldg.. Third and Washington Sts. Phone, office. Main 311; rej. East or B 1028. LeRoy Smith, graduate Klrksville Mo.. 1898, post grad. 19Q7. 318 Swetland bldg. M 19S7. Paints, Oils and Glass. RA3MUSSEN, & CO., jobbers, paints. oils, gla, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patent Attorneys. R. C. WRIGHT, dom est i c and f orei gn pat en ts. infringement case.?. 604 Dekum. Paving. TH F3 Barber Asphalt Paving Company, 404 t Worcester Diog. wscar nuoer, A'ortland. Pine. PORTLAND WOOD PIPB CO. Factory and office near 24th N. and York sts. Main 3489. Rubber Stamps. ALSO seals, stencil?, office stationery, etc Cunningham's, 231 Stark. Main 1407- Bue Weavers. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS Rugs from old carpets, colonial rag rugs, silk portieres. 153 Union ave.. near East Morrison. Safes THE- MOSLBR SAFE CO.. 108 2d st. Safes at factory prices. beeona-nana saxes. Showcases, Bank and Store Fixtures. THE- LUTK E M FG. CO. . bran ch Gran d Rapids Showcase Co.. 6th and Hoyt. R. Lutke, Mgr. .Storage and Transfer. C. O. PICK, Transfer & Storage Co., office and commodious four-Atoxy brick ware bouse, separate iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping. Main 596, A 1996. OLS EN-ROE TRANSFER CO., General transferring and storage; safes, pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. 2'9 Oak st. bet. Front and 1st. Telephones Main 547 or A 2247. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. established 1870. Transfer and Forwarding Agents storage. Office 310 Hoyt st.. between 5th and 6th. Phones Main 69, A 1169. WHEN moving call up Van Horn Transfer Co., Main 1618. A 1984. All covered wagons, all experienced men. STOVES connected and repaired. 1110. 614 Front. Main Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to $60. fully guaranteed; easy payments: rentals $3 per month. Paclfla Stationery A Printing Co.. 203 2d st. "WH ARB the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; investigate -all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex change. 2S7V. -Washington st. NEW, rebulits. second-band, rentals at cut rates. P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark. M 1407. Wall Paper. RNEST MILLER CO., 172 1st st whole sale and retail. Samples mailed, free. GRAND CENTRAL STATION. Southern Pacific. Leaving Portland Ashland Passenger Roseburg Passenger Shasta limited SUyerton Passenger f alifornia Express San Francisco Express . West Side Corvallls Passenger sneridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger Forest Grove Passenger rorest Grove Passenger .... . i 8:30 a. m. 4:15 p. in. 6:00 p. m. 6: 20 p. m. 7 :45 p. m, I 1:30 a. m. I 7:20 a. rn. 4:00 p. m i S -50 a. m. j 1 :00 p. m. 5:40 p. m I 7:30 a. m. 10:00 p. m. 5:30 p. ra il :0O a, m. 2:30 p. m. 9:30 a. m. 8:20 p.m. 10:3O a. m. R:0O a. m. 11:50 a- m 4:40 p. m. r-w" " t-ortiana Oregon Express . Ashland Passenger . T Koseburg Passenger .. " X c-xpress Shasta Limited Sllverton Limited Corvallis" PasRnc. Sheridan Passener I-oreet Grove Passenger . Forest Grove Passenger Forest Grove Passenger l., .:. Nort hern Far Inc. North Coast Limited via Puget1 OKUIIU NotnwCoast Limited via North Bank 1 AtlanHC xpress via "pugeY Sound 00 a. m' :00 p. m. 15 a. m. 00 a. xn b!5iS y Express via Puget Tw,ln City Express " via " North 30 p. m. Eastern Express "via "pugVt" Soundil 00 p. m :15 a.m. 00 a. xn. O0 a. m. 00 p. ra. Missouri River Express via Puget1 Sound . 1 Missouri River Express via North Bank , j Portland. Tacoma and" Seattle Express. Grays Harbor. Olympla and South Herd branches ort land-Vancouver Special Fuget Sound Limited. Gravs Har- 00 a. m. 0O a. m. . , " ' " 111:1 otim Drancnes. . xacolt Passenger 30 p. m. 00 p. m. Arriving Portland Tth,.Coast Limited via North Bank North Coast Limited Via Puget I 8: 13 p. m. sound 17 Northern Pacific ExprosY "via North, Bank ... 1 g :30 a. ra. :00 a. m. :35 p. ra. :15 p. ra. :30 a. m. :15 p. m. :30 p. m. V, ' 1 ra"nc express via Puget Sound Pacific Coast Express via North Bank Pacific Coast Express" via' Puget aound western Express via North Bank 8 v estern Express via Puget Sound IO u,'w' " xwver express via North Bank Missouri River Express Via Puget S: ;00 a. m. Port land-TacomaVseYttie "Express! 00 p. m iiuni uiympia. South Bend ana Grays Harbor 4 Puget Sound Limited ft 00 p. TTl. 35 p. m. 30 p. m. 00 a.m. Vancouver-Portland Special 110 "ion passenger Oregon Railroad Navigation Co. Leaving Portland Pendleton Passenger .. Oregon-Washington Limited. . . The Dalles Local Soo-Spokane-Portland Fast Mail (Coach Portland The Dalles) Oregon Express Arriving Portland Fast Mail (no passengers).... The Dalles Local .......... Ill Oregon Express Soo-Spokane-Portland " Pendleton Local Passenger Oregon-Washington Limited . . 7:40 a. ra. 10:00 a. m. 4: OO p. m. 7 :00 p. m. 7:00 p. m. 8:00 p. m. 7:50 a. m. 10:15 a. m. 10:30 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 6:30 p. m, 8:00 p. m. Astoria & Columbia River. Leaving Portland Seaside Express . Astoria Express " j Rainier Passenger "..","".. Rainier Passenger . .-......."" Arriving Portland Portland Express Portland Express " Rainier and Portland Passenger!. Ra.nler and Portland Passenger. . 8:00 a. m. 6:30 p. m. 1:15 p. m, 6:10 p. m, 12:15 p. m, 10:0O p. m. 10:25 a. rru 5:20 p. m. Canadian pacific Railway Co, Leaving Portland I Short Line via Spokane.! 7:00p.m. via Seattle J13;13 a, m. Avriving Portland c r- R- Short Line via Spokane. I 9:O0a.m. Via Seattle j' 7:0O Oregon & Washington Railroad Company, Leaving Portland Seattle passenger . . . , Shasta Limited 1 9:00 a. m. 3 :00 p. m. 11:45 p. m. uwi . Arriving Portland Owl Shasta Limited Portland Paenger .... I 7:15 a. m. 5:20 p. m. i 5:00 p. m. JEFFERSON STREET STATION. Southern pacific Leaving Portland Dallas Passenger Dallas Passenger Arriving Portland Dallas Passenger Dallas Passenger ..... 7:40 a. m 4:30 p. m. 10:15 a, xn. 5:55 p. xn. ELEVENTH AND HOYT STREETS PAS feENGEK STATION. Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway Co, Leaving Portland Inland Empire Express 900 a. m. For Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, " Kamai City. St, Louis, Billings, Spokane, Cheney. Lam on t, Washtucna, Kahlotus, Pasco, Roosevelt, Granddalles, Goldendale, Lyie, White Salmon, Stevenson, Vancouver and intermediate stations. Columbia River Local .....4:30p m. North Bank Limited 7:O0p!m. For Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, SU Louis, Billings, Spokane, Cfleney, Lam on t, Washtucna, Kahlotus, pasto, Roosevelt, Granddalles. Lyle, White Sal mon, Stevenson, Vancouver and iiuermeai ate stations. Arriving Portland North Bank Limited , 8:00 a.m. From Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, Si. Louis, Billings, Spokane, Cheney, La mont, Washtucna, Kahlotus. Pasco, Roosevelt, Grundualles, Lyle, White Sal mon, Stevenson, V ancouver and Intermedi ate stations. Columbia River. Local 12:25 p. m. Inland Empire Express 8:15 p m. From Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Billings, Spokane, Ueney, Lamont, Washtucna. Kahlotus, Pasco. Roosevelt, Granddalles, Lyle, White Salmon, Stevenson, Vancouver and intermediate sta tions. Time Card Oregon Electric Railway Co. Leaving Portland for Salem ' and Int. stations 6"30, 7:50, ll:O0 A. M. ; 2:OU, 3:5, :30. :40 P. M. Limited for i'uaiaun and Salem 9:15 A. M,. Local for Usonviile and Int. stations: 5 :1U P. M. Daily except Sunday for points on the Salem, Falls City &. Western ity. via Salem, :3U A. M., 2;0O P. M Sunday only, 11:00 A. M. Leaving Portland for Forest Grove and Int. stations 7:03. 8:30, 10:20 A. M.; 12:lo, a: IO, 3:30, 5:3U, 8:25 P. M. Saturday only. 11:30 P. M. Arriving at Portland from Salem and Int. stations 8:40, 11:0U A. M.; 1:15. 4:UO, ti:UU. 8:20, 10:50 P. M. Limited from Salem and Tualatin 4:5V P. M. Local from Wilson ville and Int. stations 6:4t A. M. Daily except Sunday, 7:35 A. M. Arriving Portland from Forest GrdVe and Int. stations t:OU, 9 :5U, 11:40 A M. ; l:JO, 2:30, o:20, 8:10 P. M. Saturday only. ll:w P. M. Sunday only, 4:40 P. M, Portland Railway, Light & power Company. Cars Leave. Ticket Office and Waiting Room. First and Alder and Luat Water and East Morrison streets. CARS LEAVE EAST WATER AND MORRISON STREETS. Oregon City 4:Oo, 6:30 A. M, and every 30 minutes to and including U p. m., then io:00, 11:00 P. M. ; last car midnight. G res ham and intermediate points 6:55. 7:45, 8:45, 9:45, 10:45 A. M., 12:45, 3.. 45. 3:45. 4:45, 5:45. 6:45, 11:35 P. M. Fair view and Troutdale 635, 7:43, 8 45, 9:4:,, 10:45 A. M-, 12:45. 2:45, 3:45, 4:45. 5:45, 6:45 P. M. Caaadero and intermediate points 6:55, 6:45. 1U.45 A. M-, Li. 4, 2:45, 4:45, 6:4 1 P. M. For Vancouver Ticket Office and Waiting Room, Second and Washington streets. A. M. 6:15, u:50. 7:23, 8:00, 8:35, :10. 9:50, 10;30, 11:10. 11:50. P. M. 123. 1:10. 1:50, 2:30, 3:10, S:50, 4:30, 5:10, 5:50, 6:30, 7 :u5. 7:40, 8:15, 9;25. 10:35, 11:45. On hird Monday in every month the last car leaves at 7 :o5 P. M. Daily except Sunday. Daily except Monday. BANKS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Portland, Oregon. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $1,500.0001, GERMAN AMERICAN BANK CO R- SIXTH AND W ASHI NGTON STS TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS, ISST'ES DRAFT'S AVAIL ABLE IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES AND TSUROPE" 4 PER CENT INTEREST PATI ON SAV INGS ACCOUNTS; SAFETY L;posi VAULTS. I