Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 14, 1910, Page 14, Image 14

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Phases of Industrial Growth in the Pacific Northwest
, r " w. ' &ttri inn
Construction Work Means
Activity for Deschutes.
For Full 120 Miles Along Canyon
Crews Busily Engage in Making
Territory Affected Thrive.
Future Most Noticeable.
THE DALLES, Feb. 13. (Special.)
Thanks to the ever-increasing scope of
the construction work along the Des
chutes and the rapidly enlarging forces
there engaged, this city is the scene
of an almost unprecedented activity.
Not since the first days of the rail
road builders inrush last Summer,
when the rival contractors started
their lively campaign for vantage
grounds In the contested canyon has
this, the key town of th work for
one of the new road3. evinced such
a hustling appearance.
Contrary to reports' recently in cir
culation that the number of the rail
road workers -did not exceed four thou
sand, it is now definitely stated that
in the camps, of the Porter Brother
contractors alone more than that num
ber are employed. The total of work
men on the two roads, then, probably
exceeds &000, for it Is conceded that
neither side has any advantage in
Deschutes Road fushes Along.
This being the headquarters for the
Oregon Trunk constructors alone, sta
tistics dealing only with their work
have been obtainable, but those fa
miliar with the field declare that the
Deschutes road Is pushing ahead with
tquol rapidity. The Porters have 51
established camps in operation and are
every day putting new ones into the
In these camps are at present em
ployed, according- to the last field re
port, 4300 men. and this number is
being increased at an average weekly
rate of about 300. Those in authority
declare that before the end of the
month more than 10.000 workers will
be on the grades, this estimate, of
course, including the forces of both
The first stages of what promises
to be one of the most interesting and
"showy" phases of the work are being
undertaken in the vicinity of Celilo, at
which point the bridge across the Co
lumbia is to be constructed. On Jther
side of the Columbia steam shovels
have just been installed for the pur-
pose of putting in approaches for a
ferry to connect the North Bank road
with the Deschutes work. For this
ferry a moveable incline is to be ar
ranged to facilitate the handling of
rails and heavy construction material
of all kinds for transportation to the
new grades along the Deschutes.
Pile drivers are now being built for
the piling to be employed In this work.
As soon as the preliminaries are com
pleted and the ferries are in operation,
rail laying will be undertaken up the
A fact significant of the activity
along the canyon of the Deschutes is
that in the entire 120 miles of actual
construction work it is Impossible to
proceed at any point for more than
three miles without coming to a camp.
As regards its own future and that
of the new Inland Empire of the Des
chutes, the business men of the Dalles
feel most optimistic.
Business Conies to Town.
A very considerable amount has been
expended in the town in the purchase
of various supplies by the railroad peo
ple, and due to the number of work
ers the offices and warehouses have
brought to the town, and the presence
of the men 'cominp- and going from
the camps, the streets and stores seem
at all times overflowing.
But it is not upon the passing pres
ence of the workers and railroad pur
chasers that The Dalles is counting for
Its ultimate growth into a large city.
Its position near the mouth of the
Deschutes, the greatest power-producing
stream in the far West, and the
fact that the products of all the great
Central Oregon country will practically
pass through the town, lead its able
"boosters to declare that its future as
a considerable milling and manufactur
ing point is assured.
They also point .o its strategic posi
tion at the head of Columbia river
navigation. The first move towards the
attainment of any manufacturing emi
nence will be Inaugurated next Sum
mer when, it is reported, work will
be commenced upon the Moody power
dam on the Deschutes river five miles
above its mouth.
This, it is estimated, will produce
probably more than 20.000 horsepower.
li.-appoint incut Felt That Congress
Eliminated Sluslaw-Harbor Aid.
EUGENE, Or.. Keb. 13. (Special.)
There is great disappointment here and
throughout .the county at the failure
of Congress to include Siuslaw Har
bor among those for which provision
was made in the Pacific Coast bill. It
was not doubted here that after the
Port of Siuslaw had bonded Itself and
had disposed of Its bonds and awarded
contracts for the work of harbor im
provements that the National Govern
ment would co-operate.
As a result of that disappointment,
telegrams and letters are groins out
today from all parts of this county
to Senators Bourne and Chamberlain
and Representatives Hawley and Ellis,
expressing disappointment and protests
and inquiring; if anything can be done
to correct the step that has been taken.
While It may be that provision will
be made later for the Port of Siuslaw.
the general undertaking here is that
the bill that has Just been reported
should have included the appropriation.
Keduction of Freight Kate Followed
by Incorporation.
ASTORIA. Or.. Feb. 13. (Special.)
As the first result of the action of the
Interstate Commerce Commission In re
ducing the rate on wheat to Astoria,
articles of incorporation were filed here
by the Astoria Milling Products Com
pany, the object of which is to manu
facture flour and feed. The incor
porators are Frank Patton. C. J.
Trenchard, John E. Gratke, J. T. Ross.
T. 1. Ball. James W. Welch. Asmus Brix
and A. W. Norblad. comprising the
membership of the Chamber of Coin-
U t.vl til
f - ' -1 .i,?-1 - SIT; , s3e It T" li i
merce promotion committee, and the
capital stock is J20.000, divided Into
4O0 shares of $5 each.
A site for the proposed mill has been
donated by the Taylor estate, and the
plan is to erect a plant with a capacity
of 200 barrels a day.
Company Installs Stamp Mills, Tun
nel Contract Is Liet.
(Special.) The Kelso Gold Mining &
Milling Co., of Kelso, Wash., which
has a group of claims in the Bohemia
district, is installing stamp mills and
other machinery, to be ready for
operation by February 15.
The company has its ore bins and.
shoots full, having carried on develop
ment work for several months. J. S.
Brund who put In a two"-stamp mill
last November has just finished a run
of 18 days, which netted him $353.
The West Coast Mining Company
and OregOn Securities Company have
shipped several thousand dollars worth
of gold concentrates. These two prop
erties have been producers for some
time past. The North Fairview group
is showing up as well as any In the
camp. Two rich finds were made re
cently. The Golden Slipper has just
let a contract for 100 feet of tunnel.
Fruitgrowers to Get Together for
Mutual Benefit.
OREGON C1T, Or., Feb. 13. (Spe
cial.) Definite plans will be made
through the Clackamas County Horti
cultural Society for the organization
of a fruitgrowers' union, and at a
meeting of the society Saturday George
M. Laze lie, Ben Kuppenbender and Wil
liam Beard were named as a committee
to draft constitution and by-laws.
The meeting today was very enthusi
astic and was well attended, and in fu
ture the Horticultural Society will hold
a meeting each second Friday in every
month at 1 o'clock P. M. The forma
tion of a union will mean that the
packing and marketing will be done
through the union.
Bar lrelge 3ay Be Installed
Congress Acts Favorably.
MARSHFIELD, Or., Feb. 13. (Spe
cial.) Coos Bay people are elated be
cause of a message from Representa
tive Hawley stating that in the report
to the river and harbor committee it
was recommended that there be appro
priated $350,000 for a bar dredge for
Coos Bay and $50,000 for the first year
Hawley gives assurance of probable
favorable action by the committee.
Long Beacli to Boost.
SOUTH BEND, Wash.. Feb. 13. (Spe
cial.) Some of the leading citizens of
Long Beach organized a "push" club
with about SO charter members. The
aim of the club was declared to be to
secure a boulevard, a water system,
sewerage, sidewalks, improved rail
road service and such other facilities
as will contribute towards making
North Beach a popular Summer resort.
The officers of the club are: H. E.
Deputy, president; Harvey Woodgate,
first vice-president; C. FRogers, sec
ond vice-president; Joseph McKean,
secretary; C. If- McKinney, correspond
ing secretary; W. E. Straubal, treas
urer. Pacific County's Taxes Higher.
SOUTH BEND, Wash., Feb. 13. (Spe
cial.) There will be $90,000 more taxes
collected in Pacific County this year
than last year, and in the city of South
Bend the taxes will be- 100 per cent
higher than last year. Notwithstand
ing thee facts, County Treasurer Whit
comb reports all previous records for
a week s taxpaying wiped out by the
week just passed. The county, state,
school and road levies are three mills
higher than last year and the levy in
South Bend is 29 mils as against 1
mills last year. 1
Club. Orders 1000 Trees and More
Roses to Be Planted Move to
Aid Portland Exhibit.
EUGENE. Or., Feb. 13. (Special.) The
last move of importance in the practical
work of civic improvement in Eugene was
made by the East Eugene Improvement
Club at its regular monthly meeting Fri
day night. The club ordered about 1000
elm trees to be planted along Agate-avenue.
All trees that have died or are not
doing well will be replaced with new ones
of like varieties at Fairmount.
The people of Fairmount are making a
strong effort to make this section the best
residence district of Eugene. The fact
that Hendricks Park lies on the hills to
the south and west, a 77-acre park with
natural advantages seldom found within
such easy reach of the city, has had
something to do with the interest along
this line.
Another important movement recently
started by the promotion department of
the Eugene Commercial Club, and one
that will affect all parts of the city, is
the setting apart of Rose Planting day,
together with an organization for the
purpose of interesting all the citizens pos
sible in the growing of roses and co-operation
toward securing the plants in suf
ficient quantities to get the lowest prices.
Rose Planting day will be set for some
time in March, and all the fine varieties
of roses that thrive in this section of
Willamette Valley will be-planted. An
other result of this movement will be to
increase local interest in the Portland
Rose Carnival, an event which is consid
ered here of great consequence to Wil
lamette Valley especially.
Extensive Grading Being Done--Permanent
-Pa rolls Increased.
CHEHALIS. Wash., Feb. 13. (Special.)
The north end of Chehalis is one of the
liveliest places to be found in Western
Washington just now. The Twin City
Light & Traction Company has a large
force of men at work under Copenhagen
Bros., contractors. grading National
street to the city limits for the electric
line that is to connect Chehalis and Cen
tralia. Besides the grading, extensive
piling and abutment work is being done
to prevent slides.
The section of the city referrred to is
the warehouse portion of town, and it is
there that Winston Bros, and McDougall
have, the headquarters for all their sup
plies for the double-tracking of the
Northern Pacilic main line through this
section. A large force of men is busy
overhauling the equipment, and getting it
ready for active service. The second
track from here to Centralia is laid, and
this week a force of 75 men has been em
ployed ballasting it.
The Superior Coal Company is asseni-
Not only is Mother's Friend a safe and simple
remedy, but the comfort and healthful condition its
use produces makes it of inestimable value to every
expectant mother. Mother's Friend relieves the pain and discomfort
caused by the strain on the different ligaments, overcomes nausea by
counter action, prvents backache and numbness of limbs; soothes the
-inflammation of the breast glands and in every way aids in preserv
ing the health and comfort of prospective mothers. Mother's Friend
is a liniment for external massage, which by lubricating and expand
ing the different muscles and membranes, thoroughly prepares the
system for baby's coming without danger to the mother. Mother's
Friend is sold at drug stores. Write for our free book containing
valuable information for expectant mothers,
r year:
Cured by Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound
Park Rapids, Minn. "I was sick tot
years while passing
through the Change
of Life and was
hardly able to be
around. After tak
ing six bottles of
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Veg-etable Com
pound I gained 20
pounds, am now
able to do my own
work and feel
well." Mrs. Ed.
La. Doit, Park Rap
ids, limn.
Brookville, Ohio. "I was irregular
and extremely nervous. A neighbor
recommended Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound to me and I have
become regular and my nerves are
much better." Mrs. ii. Ktststisoh,
Brookville, Ohio.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, made from native roots and
herbs, contains no narcotic or harm
ful drugs, and to-day holds the record
for the largest number of actual cures
of female diseases we know of, and
thousands of voluntary testimonials
are on file in the Pinkham laboratory
at Lynn, Mass., from women who have
been cured from almost every form of
female complaints,- inflammation, ul
ceration, displacements, fibroid tumors,
irregularities, periodic pains, backache,
indigestion and nervous prostration.
Every suffering woman owes it to her
self to give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound a trial.
If you want special advice write
Mrs. Pinkham, TLynii, Mass., for it.
It is free and always helpful.
bling material on National street to erect
300 ton bunkers and an overhead crossing
above the electric line, for loading coal
direct from the mine into the cars on
the siding of the Northern Pacific. -The
Chehalis Brick and Tile Company has
some added men at work making some
changes in the drying plant whereby the
otput of the factory will be doubled.
When the Superior Coal Company im
provements are worked out it will in
crease its force from 50 to 60 men. The
sawmill of the Coal Creek Lumber Com
pany is runnning full blast. Chehalis
looks for the biggest year in its history
the 'coming Summer.
$260,000 IS APPLE FUND
Touchet Valley to Plant 850 Acres
of Trees This Spring.
DAYTON, Wash., Feb. 13. (Special.)
-Estimates furnished by nursery
dealers, place the acreage to be planted
in apple orchards in the Touchet Val
ley this Spring at between 700 and 850
acres," representing an investment of
The land, which is choice bottom soil,
was principally sold in small tracts,
and means an investment of 250,000.
An additional expenditure of 25,000
will be required to plant the orchards
and bring the trees to bear.
Varieties to be planted are prin
cipally Rome Beauties. Jonathans, De
licious and Yellow Newtowns, pref
erence being given to Rome Beauties.
One instance of the interest develop
ing in fruitgrowing is the assertion of
J. M. Hamilton, a nursery man, that he
sold 23,000 trees in one day recently.
Business men of Dayton, Waitsburg
and other smaller towns of the valley
head the list of new orchardists.
Farmers, too, who five years ago
scoffed at the idea of commercial or
chards in the Touchet Valley, are now
enthusiastic over the possibilities of
the industry. Among those who will
plant orchards this Spring are Dent &
Wilson, 60 acres; J. T. Taggard. 50;
J. L. Dumas, 25; Touchet Apple Com
pany. 40; John Blize, 20; James Fudge,
20; E. Hopkins, 20; G. W. Pulliam, 20;
E. S. Ryerson, 15.
Board of Trade Formed, Publicity
Plans to Be Taken T7p.
NEHALEM, Or., Feb. 13. (Special.)
The Nehalem Valley Board of Trade
has been organized here and the first
meeting -will be held next Tuesday
evening, when plans will be discussed
as to the best means of advertising
this section of the country.
The Board of Trade will take up
work which up to the present has re
ceived little attention in the Nehalem
Valley. This. valley offers to dairymen
and ranchers some of the most fertile
land on the Oregon coast. Eighteen
billion feet of timber stand tributary
to Nehalem Bay and with the comple
tion of the P. R. N. & Co. Railroad
and the improvement of the bar. this
tract of timber will support an im
mense lumbering industry.
Proposals Are Posted, Telegraph
Companies to Move.
GRANTS PASS, Or., Feb. 13. (Special.)
This city will soon have a new depot.
Already notices for sealed proposals are
posted calling for bids on eertain por
tions of the work. The present depot,
situated in the center of the city, with
the main street in front of it, has al
ways been Inconvenient. The new depot
Different doctors have different ideas in regard to cures. Some call
a suppression of symptoms a cure. They dose for drug effects and claim
that nothing more can be done. But the real ailment remains, and will
bring the symptoms back again, perhaps the same as before, or perhaps
-modified in some manner.
I claim that nothing less than complete eradication of the ailment can
be a real cure. I treat to remove the ailment and not merely the symptoms.
I search out every root and fiber of an ailment, and I cure to stay cured.
I have treated hundreds of men who had long suffered a gradual decline of health as a result of ail
ments, and have been interested in noting the marked general improvement that follows a thorough cure
of the chief ailment. My success in curing difficult cases of Ion- standing has made me the foremost spe
cialist treating men's ailments. This success is due to several things. It is due to the original, distinctive and
thoroughly scientific methods of treatment I employ.
To those in doubt as to their true condition who wish to avoid the serious results that may follow neg
lect, I offer free consultation and advice, either at my office or through correspondence. If your case Is one
of the few that has reached an incurable stage, I will not accept it for treatment, nor will I urge my services
upon any one. I treat curable cases only, and cure all cases I treat.
In no other ailment peculiar to
men is a prompt and thorough cure
so essential. Contracted ailments
tend to work backward until the
most vital nerve centers Become in
volved in the inflammation. Then
follows a chronic stage that stub
bornly resists all ordinary treat
ment. Safety demands that everv
vestige of infection be eradicated at
the earliest possible moment. My
treatment is thorough. The reme
dies employed have a more positive
action than has ever before been
attained, and so perfect is my meth
od of application that even chronic
cases yield completely.
To give ailing men every opportunity of investigating my methods of treatment and equipment I offer
FREfc, consultation. Compare the thoroughness of my examination and diagnosis with that of other physi
cians, and you will readily see why my exact knowledge of the ailments included in my specialty enables' me
to foretell the exact result. I refuse to treat incurable cases at any price. If impossible to call at mv office
write for particulars of treatment by mail.
Cor. 2nd and Morrison Sts., Private Entrance, 234V2 Morrison St. Portland, Or.
HOURS 0 A. M. TO 9 I. M. SUNDAYS, 10 A. M. TO 1 P. M.
will be situated about three or four hun
dred feet east of the old one. Moving
of the depot will cause other improve
ments. The Western TTnion Telegraph,
Company has made application for a
franchise to open a downtown office and
the Postal Telegraph Company has made
similar application to the Council.
f .
Xew Mills to Rise,' Hundreds of
Acres Being Cleared.
GRANTS PASS, Or., Feb. 13. (Special.)
The coming Spring and Summer will be
unusually attractive here if the present
plans are carried out. Many new mills
will be erected and hundreds of acres
will be planted out to fruit trees.
The clearing of land has become quite
an industry here. One company alone
near Grants Pass has let a contract to
grub 1000 acres. This tract will be planted
to fruit as rapidly as the land has been
The new city administration contem
plates paving the entire business section
with bitulithic pavement and some ad
vancement has been made already. The
paving alone will require many teams and
a big force of men to operate the plant.
Aberdeen Gets Big Pipe Plant.
ABERDEEN. "Wash., Feb. 13. (Spe
cial.) Involving a total expenditure of
over $20,000 the Glazed Cement Sewer
Pipe Company will be removed from
Tacoma to Aberdeen. The plant here
will be ready for business, it is said,
within 60 days. Charles Allen, of Ta
coma, manager of the plant In that city,
will have charge here.
Clatsop Will Display Products.
ASTORIA, Feb. 13. (Special.) The
County Court has set aside $100 to be
used in getting together a display of
the agricultural products of the county
for a permanent exhibit to be main
tained in tnis city, and also for an
Come to Me
and , Be Cured
When I
Cure You
or par me mm you crt
oe Benefit ol my THE DOCTOR
treatment. THAT CURES.
.FEE A CVUE la lower than any
specialist in the city, half that otheri
coarge you, and no exorbitant charge
lor medicines.
I am an expert specialist, have hr
.80 years' practice In the treatment of
ailments of men. My offices are he
best equipped in Portland. My methods
are modern and up-to-aate. My cures
are quick and positive. X do not treat
symptoms and paten ud. I thoroughly
examine each c&se, fina the cause, re
move it and thus cure the disease.
I ClUE Varicose Veins. Contracted
Ailments, Piles and Specific Blood Poi
son and all Ailments of Men.
SPECIAL UiSK.vsns Newly con-'
tracted and chronic cases cured. All
burning. Itching an& inflammation
stopped in twenty-tour hours. Cures
effected in seven days.
insures every man a lifelong cure,
without taking medicine into the stom
ach. TVfPfST Visit Dr. Llndiay'j private
Museum of Anatomy and know
thyself in health and disease. Admis
sion free. Consultation free. If unable
to call, write for list of questions.
Office hours a A. M. to 8 P. M. Sun
days, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only.
All men visiting Portland
should see Dr. Taylor's Free
Museum of Science. As far ahead
of all other advertised museums
as the Dr. Taylor gethods of
treating men's ailments are su
perior to the old, haphazard and
guesswork treatment. An exhi
bition prepared at a great cost of
time and labor. No charge to see
museum, which is entirely apart
from medical offices.
exhibit at the State Fair. Arrange
ments have been made whereby B. S.
Worsley, who is to have charge of the
exhibits, will visit the various see
tions of the county and instruct the
Every Tablespoonful
Will Digest 20 Eggs
Or 2 lbs. of any kind of food that you may eat during
any ordinary meal. Kodol will do this, and it is the
only preparation that will.
One tablespoonful of Kodol will
do you more good than a handful
of Pepsin tablets or powders claim
ing to be digestants. The natural
digestive juices of the stomach are
liquids. Kodol supplies these. The
natural acids of the stomach, and
what the stomach needs If weak,
are supplied by Kodol, and can
not be conveyed in tablet or pow
der form.
Kodol digests every particle of
food, promotes assimilation, and
thus tends to make the entire body
healthy and strong. Kodol pro
motes general good health
throughout the entire system.
It Is a mighty good thing for
No matter, who you have been to see or what you have tried, I can
and will cure you or I will tell you it cannot be done. To prove to
ti'SXY man that I have a sure and wonderful cure for AILMENTS OF
MEN, I want you to call and have a friendly chat FREE, that I mav
show you why I can and do cure cases after all others tried have failed.
My sew System Treatment restores nervous men.
BLOOD POISON, Sores. Ulcers and Skin Irruptions, Poisonous mat
ter in the blood scatter the seed of disease through the body, causing:
pustular eruptions, pimples, rashes, eores, ulcers, falling hair, sore
mouth and throat, impaired vitality and strength. N'egrlected or im
properly treated cases generally end in ataxia or sudden paralysis and
the existence of the unfortunate victim is sad indeed.
Our New SyMem Treatment forces out the impurities and soon all
sifrns and symptoms disappear completely, the blood, the tissues, the
flesh, the pores and the whole system are cleansed and purified.
VARICOSE -for knotted) Veins is always a serious condition. The
imperfect circulation causes reflex complications, steadily lowers the
vital and nerve forces. Our New SrMm Treatment has cured many suf
ferers. Patients notice improvement from the very beginning. No
cutting or detention from work.
Don't lose your grip on life. Many men are now suffering from
sedentary habits and dissipation. Their strength and vitality are fail
ing and will soon "be gone. Debility and weakness soon destroy your
v happiness and your future life will be misery, distress and failure.
Our iVew Syntem Treatment restores to perfect health as nature intend
ed. Associate ailments of men quickly cured by our new Oscillator
Men make no mistake when they come to us. We grive you the re
sults of long experience, honest, conscientious work, and the best serv
ice that money can buy. If you are ailing, consult us. Medicines fur
nished in our private laboratories from tl.SO to $5 a course.
If you cannot call, write for self-examination blank. Hours, 9 A. M.
to 8 P. M. dally. Sundays, 9 to 12 only.
The Leading; Specialist.
This most prevalent of all ail
ments of men is also the most neg
lected, either through dread of the
harsh methods of treatment com
monly employed, or through ignor
ance of the grave dangers that ac
company the ailment. As varicose
veins interfere directly with the cir
culation and process of waste and
repair, the necessity of prompt and
thorough cure cannot be too forci
bly emphasized. I cure varicose
veins in one week bv an absolutely
painless process. My cures are
thorough and absolutely permanent,
and are accomplished without the
use of knife, ligature or caustic.
farmers on modern methods of culti
vation and fertilization with a view to
securing an exhibit that will be a
credit to the community and also to in
crease the output of the farms.
you to know how good Kodol Is
whether you ever have dyspepsia
or not. And you may have it soma
day almost every one does. Then
Kodol comes in very handy. And
there Isn't any secret, remember,
bout why Kodol Is such a good di
gestant Every tablespoonful will
digest 24 pounds of any kind of
Our Guarantee. S?;
Kodol. If you are not benefited the
druggist will at once return your mon
ey. Don't hesitate; any druggist will
sell you Kodol on these terms. The
dollar bottle contains 2U. times as
much as the BOc bottle. Kodol is pre
pared in the laboratories of E. a. D
Witt & Co.. Chicago.