THE MOKXIXG O R EGOXIAX, F1JIDAT, FEBRTJART 11, 1910. 11 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OREGOXIAy TEUFHQina, Paclne States. Home. CTmtinrom Main 7070 A ws City Circulation Main 7070 A 6095 Managing Editor. Main 7070 A 6095 Bandar Editor Main T070 A 6005 Composing-Room Main 7070 A 6095 City Editor . . . .Main 7070 A 609S Supt. Buildings Main 7070 A 6O8J AMTTETCMKSTg. - BtT!JAIX"W THEATER (Twelfth and Mor rison). Myrtle Elvyn. planlet. recital 8:1S o'clock. ORPHEUM THEATER (Morrison, between Sixth and Sevenths Vaudeville. TnU afternoon at 2:15. and tonlKht at 8:15. BAKER THEATER (Third, between Yamhill and Taylor) "The Right of Way." To nlsrht at 8:15. PORTLAND THEATER ((Fourteenth, and Washington) "Deedwood Dick's Last Shot." Tonight at 8:15. GRAND THEATER (Park and Washington) Vaudeville. This afternoon at 2:15; to night at 7:30 and 0. STAR THEATER (Park and Washington) Motion picture. Continuous, from 1:30 to 10:30 t. M. Band Enoaoed for Chirivari. It la not often that one Is favored with music by the Uttle German Band, sometimes known, as the "hungry seven," on his wedding night, as was the experience of Leroy B. Cramer. He and Carrie Delia Seal were married at the home of the bride's parents, 429 East Thirteenth street North, Wednesday night. Soon after the ceremony was performed he was sur prised to hear the band strike up a merry tune. This was augmented by fire crackers and cowbells" In the hands of s-mall hoys. The bride ventured out to thank the musicians, but Cramer re mained indoors. It is Intimated that em ployes of the Oregon Electric Railway secured the band for Cramer's benefit. Book Sales Slow. Only 14 people at tended the sale of old books "Wednesday night, and a lesser number last night, the total of the sales being under $100. A first edition of Coleridge, 1S25, brought $1; Bacon's Novum Organum, trans., Iu2, $1; Moore's Irish Melodies, Morocco, gilt edges, 1SS6, J1.75. Tonight Cox' Columbia River, 1S32; Parkers' Tour, 1S38; Green how's History of Oregon. Vancouver's Voyages, 179S, and many equally in teresting books will be sold. The paint ings brought 16 per cent of the cost, on an average. Ingham Hughes, the Im porter, had intended making at least a yearly sale In Portland, and with this city as headquarters for his work, but feels pretty well discouraged. He will, however, continue the present sale today and tomorrow, afternoon and evening. The collection is at Sherman, Clay & Oo.'s building. Sixth and Morrison, fourth floor. Bank op California Now Nationai The Bank of California Is now operat ing as a National bank and hereafter will be known as the Bank of California. Na tional Association. The National charter was issued to the parent bank In San Francisco and the branches at Portland. Tacoma and Seattle will continue to be operated as branch banks. No reor ganization of the branches is necessary, the National banking act permitting a Mate hank that has branches, when con- vented Into a National hank, to continue the branches. Notices conveying Informa tion of the change have been sent out by W. A. Macrae, manager of the Portland bank, to depositors and correspondents. Arts and Crafts to Exhibit. The Arts and Crafts Society, at its last regular meeting, decided to hold an ex hibition beginning April 14. It has se cured from Pratt Institute a collection of the work done by its pupils, in the gen eral art and normal courses, consisting of design, color, freehand drawing and applied design. An invitation will be sent to all local craftsmen to send in their work. Tlie local society is a member of the National Arts and Crafts Society. Synaoooue to Have Lincoln Servicks. "Lincoln: Man and Citizen" will be the theme at Temple Beth Israel tonight. The subject Is chosen in honor of the Wist anniversary of the birth of Abraham I-iincoln. Fohruary 12. The music will be directed by K. R. Ccursen the choir being -composed of Mrs. Imogene Harding (Brodle, Mrs. Klfreda "Weinstein, Dora Zan and William Buyer. The service will com mence at 8 o'clock.. The morning service will commence at 10:30 o'clock. Holt Land, Lecturer's Topic. Rev. B. Nelson Allen, pastor of the Hawthorne Park Presbyterian Church, at East Twelfth and East Taylor streets, will de liver a series of five lectures on the Holy l.and to complete' the entire course of 14 lectures on that subject. The general topice of the lectures will be, ."Through Bamarla and Galilee." The lectures will be given Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock, beginning next Sunday, and will be illus trated by stereopticon views. H. M. WlLLIAMSOS to Speak. The Bstaeada Fruitgrowers' Association meet Saturday afternoon, February 12, at 2 o'clock in Eetacada. H. M. Williamson, secretary of the State Board of Horti culture, will address the association on the cultivation of high-grade fruit. This will be the first regular meeting of the association since it was organized last month. Clearino Record Grows. Portland bank clearances, which set a new pace In January, are still keeping up the record. Yesterday's clearances proved the greatest in amount of any day in the year, aggregating 2.41.R43.6S. On the cor responding day in 1D09 the clearances aggregated $1.0S5,599.54 or less than 50 per cent of yesterday's. Crkmatouy trp in Council Today. The adjourned session of the City Council will be held this morning at 9:30 p'clock. and chief among the business to be consid ered will bo the garbage crematory. Mayor- Simon hopes that the members will vote an appropriation of J120.000 for constructing a new plant, but the Coun cil i divided. Lincoln I)at to Be Honored. The Parents-Teachers' Association of South Mount Tabor will meet this afternoon, in the school house, to hear Rev. Mrs. C P. Blanohard. who will speak on "Moral Training in the Public Schools." At 2 P. M. the South Mount Tabor school will observe Lincoln's birthday and Mrs. L. H. Addlton will deliver an address. Civics Dai Programme Interesting. Today will be civics day at the Wo man's Club, and promises to be one of the most Interesting programmes" of the year. Rev. Benjamin Young will speak on "Women in Civics," and "The Child, the Parent and the State" will be the sub ject of an address by . Solis Cohen. Beaver II11.L Coau Bet household .-oal on the market; clean, lasting, econo mical. Slabwood, either four-foot or short; good, heavy country mill wood, rever been in water. Portland and Sub urban Express Company, 96 North First st. Phone Main S6S. Home A 3358. For Baik. 100-horsepower motor generator set, belted units, completo with circuit breakers and panels. Alternating and direct current machines. Ideal drive for industrial plant. Complete Information furnished at room IU1 Oregonian building. , LWr and night classes in millinery, shirtwaist and dressmaking will 00m Wice next Monday, at the Y. W. C- A., Seventh and Taylor streets. Those wish ing to take any of these courses should apply at once. "Lawrsmrs" diamond engagement rings, finest quality, all sixes; every stone guar anteed, prices 2S to $500. 1T2 Wash. st. Dr. Gcstavk El Brverb announces the : removal of his office to the Electric building, suite 811. Now Opkn. Jack King's Turkish baths; finest and largest In city. Imperial Hotel Annex. Lincoln Banquet Tickets for sale at Coinraerical Club and Sig Sichel's cigar stores. Swiss watch repairing. C. Chrlsteneen, second floor Corbett blag.. take,elsvator. Ei-BoTRic Carpet Cleaners rented, ilaln 1233. IT disappointed see Wooetxn, JS Wash. Leakirq Gas Causes Firbl Kfcre started oy a leaky gas meter occurred yesterday In the home of Kirk Hoover, a fuel dealer, who lives at 309 Market street, causing damages of about $200. The meter, in the basement, had been read by a representa tive of the gas company, it Is said, but a short tmle before the flames were dis covered and it is thought his careless ness caused the fire. He struck a match and is said to have dropped the burning end near the place of the leak. The ad joining woodwork soon, took fire. Smoke rolling out of the basement aroused Mr. Hoover's housekeeper and an. alarm -was sent in. The firemen were able to put out the blaze In a few minutes. Neighbor Accused of Theft. T. B. Vale, a rancher, living at Berkeley sta tion, on the Bstacada line of the O. W. P., was arrested by Deputy Constable Kiernan last night on complaint of Martin Ritz. another rancher living at Sycamore Station, who alleges that Vale robbed his house and carried off a load of provisions and groceries. The two men had had some legal dispute, says Ritz, who attributes the alleged theft to spite work. Vale, he says, drove a wagon up to his house and loaded up all the provisions lately purchased and intended for use during the next six months. Poultry Club Will Meet. The Port land Junior Poultry Association will hold its regular monthly meeting at 8 o'clock this evening in the Y. M. C A. Audi torium. B. Lee Paget will speak on "The Advantages of Standard-Bred Poultry" and E. J. Ladd on "Practical Poultry Feeding." The association will have a poultry show about Ljie middle of April. Prizes will be awarded to the boys and girls of the association and others by competent judges, and special awards will be made for hens with flocks of young chickens and for the best exhibi tion of a fowl dressed for market. Two Burglaries Reported. Two bur glaries were reported to the police yester day. Captain of Detectives Moore was notified that prowlers had broken into the wholesale warehouse of the Graves Music Company, at 65 North Park street, and carried off a phonograph and a lot of amberol records, the complete outfit being valued at $150. Housebreakers entered the home of Ira Linger, 612 Douglas street, Sellwood, and stole jewelry valued at $100. Among the articles taken were a lady's gold watch and long neck chain, a man's gold- chain, a revolver and some clothing. Evangelist Services Succeed. Special evangelistic services are being held at the Sunnyside Methodist Episcopal Church, at East Yamhill and East Thirty fifth streets. The services began about a week ago and more success has been at tained than has ever been known in the church. The pastor is being aided by Mr. Hamilton and the singing is furnished by the local choir, led by Professor Cun ningham. Owing to the increasing in terest shown, afternoon meetings, in ad dition to the evening services, will be held during the remainder of the campaign. Bad Check Cause of Arrest. Charles Dunn, . arrested on Monday for having passed a bogus check upon R. Vincent, a. groceryman at 2f4 Third street, was ar raigned before Judge Bennett yesterday morning and held to await the action of the grand jury on the charge of having obtained money under false pretenses. Dunn was identified by Vincent. Dunn entered the grocery on Saturday night and bought a sack of flour, tendering in payment a check- for $8.30. He re ceived some money in change. Valentine Party at Y. W. C. A. A valentine party will be held at the Y. W. C. A., Seventh and Taylor streets, to morrow night at 8 o'clock, for the mem bers of the association, their friends and the Y. M. C. A. men. The opening of the East Side Y. M. C. A., at East Taylor street and Grand avenue, will be held Monday afternoon, February 14, from 3 to 5 o'clock. This will be open to the general public. A programme for busi ness girls only will be given at noon. Lectures Will Be Heard. The Wo men's Missionary Society of the Central Baptist Church, East Ankeny and East Twentieth streets, will hold an all-day meeting today beginning at 10 A. M. Numerous lectures will be given in the in terests of home and foreign missions. " Dr. Koechlbr to Address Mothers. Dr. George F. Koehler will address the Mothers' Circle, at the Woodlawn school, Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Dr. KoehleV's subject for discussion will be "Bad Stomach Hygiene as a Cause of Sickness in School Children." Rabbi Will Officiate. Services will be held at 8 o'clock this evening, at Congregation Ahaval Sholom, corner of Park and Clay streets. Musto by the choir. Tomorrow morning there will be services at 9:30 o'clock. Rabbi R, Abra hamson will officiate. Improvements Precede Pavement. Sewer connections and water pipes are being laid on Grand avenue south from East Clay street to the curb, prepara tory to the improvement of that street with hard-surface pavement south to Beacon street. Class Meets Each Sunday. The class of the welcoming hand for adults meets every Sunday morning at 10:30 o'clock, in the First United Brethren Church, Fif teenth and East Morrison street. Rock Sprlncs Con I. The best house coal. Liberty Coal A Ice Co.. exclusive agents. 25 North Fourteenth street. Main 162 A 1136. MOTHBR OF COITXC'l LAIAX BA KEK 11 1 TO REST IN" KIVERY1EW. Mm. Mary K. Baker. Mayor Simon, members of the City Council. City Auditor Barbur, City Treasurer Werleln and other muni cipal officers attended the funeral aervlces for Mrs. Mary H. Baker, mother of Councilman Baker. In St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Twenty first and Marshall streets, yesterday morning- The ritualistic ceremonies were followed. Rev. John E. EH. Simpson, the rector, toeing In charge. Interment w &s in Rivervlew Ceme tery. There were many floral pieces of grreat beauty, and a large attendance. A Quartet sang "Nearer. My God, to Thee,' and "Lead, Kindly Light." Mrs. Baker died of hemorrhage of the brain at the residence of her sou Tuesday afternoon. Out of re spect to Mr. Bakr. who Is presi dent of the Council, its regular meeting of Wednesday morning was postponed and the members attend ed the funeral in a body. : t I r It r m - i : . I a - v -, --e-...1 BANK DEPOSITS GROW SEATTLE, HOWEVER, SHOWS BIG FALLING OFF. Total Deposits in Portland's Banks on January 31 Are $62,381,016jt21. 24 While the bank deposits in Portland increased more than $2,000,000 In the last two and one-half months, the de posits in the Seattle banks decreased more than $3,000,000, as shown by the official statements of the institutions in the two cities of condition at the close of business January 31. Comparing Portland's total deposits with those shown by the banks at the last previous call, November 16, 1909, the Increase is $2,030,863.29. The de posits of 23 banks In Portland on the last named date aggregated $60,350. 152.92. and on January 31 the deposits of the then total of 24 banks aggre gated $62,381,016.21. In Seattle there are 27 banks and these banks on November 1 reported deposits totaling $76,758,175.18, while on January 31 the deposits aggregated $72,865,990.35. showing a falling off of $3,892,184.83. Whereas Seattle led Portland in de posits by about $17,000,000 two and one-half months ago the lead is now reduced to about $10,000,000. OREGON VI0LETS. We always have them fresh from our conservatories every day. TOXSETH FLORAL COMPANY. Marquajix Building. WHERE TO DINE. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant. Fine private apart ments for ladies. 305 Wash., near eth U The cranking of an automobile may now be done from the chauffeur's seat. Plant Sibson's Roses. Phone Sell wood 930. L. MAYER & CO. Portland's Oldest Grocers. 148 Third Street. Home Phone A 4433. Pacific Phone Main 8432. WEEK-END BULLETIN Lenten season is here, and we have equipped ourselves with a complete line of specialties for your table: Macaroni Spaghetti Imported Noodles Dried Fruits Sardines of all kinds Findon Haddocks Kippered Herrings Bloater Mackerel Soused Mackerel Bismarck Herring Eastern Codfish FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY WE OFFER Soused Mackerel regular 20c, per tin 15 (Tomato, mustard or plain.). All imported Pastes, regular . 20c, per pound X5 Norwegian Sardines, regular -15c, per tin . XOJ Extra fancy Findon Had docks, per pound 25 "BeatsoL" 3 cans 25c, doz..90 (Better than Dutch Cleanser.) Tip Top Asparagus, regular 30c, per tin 25 O. K. Bourbon, regular $1, per quart 90 WE DELIVER TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY FLOWERING BULBS OF HIGHEST QUALITY We have thousands of Hyacinth. Tulips, 'arcLssu, Crocus, Iris. Ulies, Etc. PLANT THEM NOW Our free pamphlet on Bulb Culture will tell you Just how to be successful. Our display coIk?ctlon of colored paint ings wiil enable you to select Just the colors and varieties you like best. Palms, Kerns. J&rdlnleres, Rose Bushes, Shrub. Tree. Etc. PHONE MAIN o93 A .1811. JLV K)92DSt.VC' Bst. Mormon 1fenh SORORIS and ONYX HOSIERY 75e to $1.00 values, This Week 50c KNIGHT'S WALK-OVER BOOT SHOP, 244 Wash. St., Near Second. SAJf FRANCISCO HOTELS. SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Square Just opposite Hotel St. Francis European Plan $1.50 a day up American Plan S3. 00 a day up Kew steel and brick structure. Furnished at cost of $200,000. Every comfort and con venience. On carl iocs transferring all over city. Omnibus meets trains and steamers. Send for Booklet with map of San Francisco ICCHVVAB PRINTING CO 0 SOU CITS YOUfl PATRON ACE 2471 STARK STREET HOTEL STEWART BANK WITH A STRONG BANK We issue a. special form of Certificates of Deposit. They pay interest as follows: 2'2 on lO days' call. 3V2 on 30 days' calL 4 on 90 days' call. They answer admir ably in many cases where you can use no other form of in vestment with equal profit. Call and let us ex plain details. Portland Trust Company BANK S, E. CORNER THIRD AND OAK STREETS I ROSE pSs'TMSttR -1 1 PARK ffljjlg5igteA 1 i rJ All Rose City Park cars run through Laurelhurst. Take car at Third and Yamhill ets. Sales men on the ground. Offie, 522 Corbet; Building. ainless Dentistry irot of town people oan have their pJata and bridgework flu iihed in Anc. -- if neeeeaarr. W will ojys you a mj 22k gold or Mrc.laia crown lor $3.50 Molar Crown 5.00 22kBridK.TMtb3.50 3 6old Filling 1.00 . An enamel ruungt LUU JsilnarFlllino. -SO Jl i!. nil:.-. 9 Sfl ISood Rubber ' - ' ' t " ? Plate 5.00 M.W.a.ftUI,PuianTMuiai """ at tun tmtmua ai naruee Painless Extrtfon .50 WORK GUARANTEED FOR IS YEARS Painleea xtraction f ree when nlatee or bridge work ie ordered. Oo limitation Free Too cannot Ret bettec painlees work done anywhere. All work fully guar Bnt'-(1. Modern electric equipment. Beat motaoda Wise Bental Co. Sural) Wse.Bts. PORTLAND, ORESON UTICB B0US8: I A. K. to t r. H. Sunday. to 1. There Are Two Methods of Saving "Limit your spendings or limit your savings." It's better to place a limit to your spending and save the rest. Bring it to this bank. We pay interest and compound It twice yearly. Our commercial depart ment is equipped to fur nish every up-to-date ac commodation. Try us. Open 8 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. Saturdays 8 P. M. 496 SCHOOLS A'r COLLEGES. For Girls, oondncted by the SISTERS OF THE HOLY NAMES OF JESUS AND MARY tirade. Academic and Collegia to Courses Muftio, Art, Elocution and Commercial Iept Resident and Day Students Banned, Moral and Intellectual Training Write for Announcement. Add rma DUrxsiuB, acaiarj a Acaaemr,irOBTla4xrx Portland Academy Second term will open Tuesday. Feb ruary 8. The Academy fits boys and girls for Eastern and Western Colleges. Certificate of the school accepted at Amherst, Williams, Cornell. Smith, Woman's College of Baltimore, and th colleges and universities of the Pacific Coast. , Beginning classes in February in Roman History, Civics. Penmanship and Bookkeeping, Algebra, Solid Geome try, Trigonometry with field practice in surveying. The Academy Includes a thorough primary and grammar school. For catalogue address PORTLAND ACADEMY, Portland, Oregon. r 7 i TWO GREAT CLOTHES BARGAINS Men s Suits, Topcoats and Overcoats We're cleaning- the decks for Spring, offering greater inducements than any other Clothing house in Portland djll ff Men's fine wor vPXX.UU sted, cheviot and fancy weave suits, that we sold during the season at $15.00, $16.50 and $18.00; we don't intend to carry any of them over. Specially priced at $11.00 Stafford's INKS Both for 85c 85c We are introducing Staf ford's Inks by giving fres one Royal Automatic Ink well with one quart of Staf ford's Commercial Fluid at the regular price of 85 cents the quart. Stafford's Inks and Pastes are absolutely highest qual ity and chemically perfect. V 1 1 II A M STATIONERY & MLflWU PRINTING CO. Fifth and Oak Streets PORTLAND PRINTING u House eiMiatrv OLISHERS OF MONTHLY MAOAZINU RINTERS Wolmn off Woodcraft Building Tontb and Taylor Sta. JOB PRINTING FHOm' UA 228 M 6201 Fuel WOOD COAL COKE Willamette Fuel Co. Front and Everett. Phone M 1225, A 1235. Fred Prehn, D. D. S. Removed to 407 Garllncer BMa. u Aiuer DIB. Phones: Main 2202. A 2202. -Residence Phone. Main 4287. 1 .'j. 50(5 i J y 'J! -"il WELLINGTON COAL THE BEST MENDOTA COAL Is the Best Cheap Coal In the Market Today Special Attention Given to Hotels, Apartment Houses and Buildings ON DRY AND GREEN SLABWOOD B ANFIED -VE YSEY FUEL CO. . Phones Main S53, A 3353 COMMERCIAL CLUB BUILDING PROMPT SERVICE All business entrusted to this bank by its depositors is not only cared for with the utmost courtesy, but the service is rendered with the greatest dispatch consis tent with absolute accuracy. Ve cordially invite your patronage. WE WILL SUCCEED We take personal interest in handling your Linen. . Special care given to Silks and Wools. All modern methods are employed. Your wash-day troubles are ours. CITY LAUNDRY CO. Main 429 WE OFFER FOR LEASE O. W. P. BUILDING XSm This splendid location becomes now available on account of Railway Co. moving its offices into its new Electric Building. LAND DEPARTMENT, 0. W. P. Bldg., First and Alder. American Bank & Trust Company ' Of PORTLAND, OREGON. Samuel Connell. President. O. L. MacGibbon, Cashier. CAPITAL 91SO.OOO.OO. Invites you to become one of its rapidly Increasing: number of de positors. Transacts a general banking business, both commercial and savings, and accepts deposits without limitation as to amount. CORKER SIXTH A.ND OAK STREETS. Men's Topcoats, full loose backs in fine coverts, vicunas and worsteds, many of them silk lined; also some three quarter length Overcoats, broken lines in medium and heavy weights- we're clos ing them out at Half Price Telephones A 6773