s 10, THE 3IORXIXG O REG ONI AX, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 191 0. 19 FEW BUYING WHEAT. Absence of Demand in the Lo9al Market. EUT PRICES HOLD STEADY Northern Cities Getting Some Trade With Mexico Four Thousand Tons to Go South From Brit ish Columbia Ports. Trade is at its lowest ebb in the local Hvheat market, wltti almost an entire ab fnce of demand from any quarter. The Js'orthern cities report a little business, but Bothing is doing at up-country points. While there are no buyers In the market there an also no sellers, at least none willing to aeriflce triMr -holdings, and although prices are nominal the quotations show no change. &l fairly steady tone prevails in the Eastern nd foreign markets, bnt business., the world ver is quwt. A part of the small buying reported from afhe Sound is for Mexican shipment. It is Staid that 4000 tons have been sold to go Youth, from British Columbia points and a 34 tie business of this character Is being Ynoved at Seattle. The "Portland dealers feave. mo far been unable to get any share f the trade. There Is very little doing In the coarse (rraina elther here or in the'POuntry. Bar ker and oats are quoted at last week's lrlcea Hay pricps hold steady notwithstanding the large receipts of alfalfa from Cali fornia. Local alfalfa is moving at $17 IS tftnd California alfalfa can be had for' $1 ftess. Loral reoeiptH, in cars, were reported by .She Merchants Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay Monday S9 1 18 s 14 17 iVsdav .34 6 9 7 Wednesday .... 39 1 12 T 11 Year ago . 15 4 4 4 8 fcpason to date.7S35 114.1 143 1185 1921 1'ear anu 913ti 1353 "91 614 1945 (iRRMAN IIOI'S AIIVAKCK THREE CENTS :ngliNh Market Firm, Folio-winy tha Elec tions. Xo business has developed yet in- the hop market. A few orders are said to be on hand, but Judging from appearances in the local hop offices no serious efforts are be ing mad to fill them. . ' Tho .New York Journal of Commerce of February 4 reported conditions in the East as fallows: The loca I market was reported firm yes terday with a strong undertone. Advices from Otsrgo County stated that 10 bales of primo had been sold there at 30c ; in Lewis County -50 bales were taken on pri vate terms. Cables from Germany stated that prices w.mo higher than any time this season, and bad reference to the recent ad vance of 3c. The English markets were re ported os llrm following the elect tone. The Kentish Observer of January 27 said of Una English markot: Business in hops Is almost at a standstill, only a few small transactions taking place for actual requirements. Prices were firm, in spite of the slow trade, being encouraged by the exceedingly small stocks in the hands of growers and merchants. Continental and American markets are in a similar state to our own, with the exception that the latter .re rather higher for choice hops, but a trtfte weaker for common qualities. Ki;S ARB lECf JN1XU RAPIDLY. (Front Street Dealers Offer Candled Oregon Stork at 28Va Cents. The egg market is breaking badly. Sales Were made in the forenoon at SO cents, but late in the afternoon dealers were willing to mcll guaranteed ranch eggs in any quantity ks low as 2srj, cents. Receipts wera not heavy, but seemed more than ample. At any rate, ro one was disposed to hold eggs, and the pressure to sell, of course. Increased the weakness. The poultry market was very strong. Chickens sold readily at IS cents and every thing else was high. Arrivals of all kinds were small. The cheuse market was firm with most dealers quoting flats at 20 cents. Butter Was steady and unchanged. Good Demand for Vegetables. Receipts of green produce from the South yesterday consisted of only a car of cab tmge and a car of cauliflower. The demand Tor vegetables was good and prices generally were firm. Oranges moved well when the right kind ft quality was offered. The demand for -apples was fairly good. Rank Clearings. "Bank clearines for the North-west era cities yesterday were as follows: a Clearings. Balances. Tortland $ l.s.S f .0 Sl) featilv l.St!t.7K2 IS.WSrl Tacoma MiJ.TlM fij, 34 fcpokano . b-ss,435 252,370 PORTLAXD MABKET&, Grain. Flour. Feed. Eto. WHEAT Travk prices: Blue-stem, 1.1(1, nominal; club. $1.00; red Rusian. &1.04- Val-(-. Sl.ttft: -fet-foM. t.ot. ' PARliHY Ked and hrewlng, $28 per ton KLOL'K Patents, C.15 per barrel; rrai;hti, T...75; x:ort, $4.50; V:illev. J.s SO fraham, whole wheat, quarters, $5 o' CORN Whole. $:tr; cracked. So6 per ton, MCLLSTIFFS Bran. f'J4ni2tl per ton; tniddllnes. $4; shorts. lioji-S; rolled bar ley. 33. OATff No. 1 white, $.11 per ton. H- Y Track prices: Timothv: Willam ette Valley. (Ii20 r ion; Eastern Ore gon. $Hlfie2: alfalfa. $17r"filti; California nl f.tlfa, Uiu 1 ; clover, grain hay. 417 di is. Vegetables and Fruita FRESH FRUITS Apples. 1 I box; fcears. $1 1.60 per box; Spanish Malaga. $5.60 if 6 per barrel; cranberries, $Snj per barrel. POTATOES Carload buying prices: Ore gon, 70 U S0c per sack; sweet potatoes, 2 2ljc xr ponmi, VEGETABLES Artichokes. 1 1.2S per dozen; cabhase. 1.75ii2 per hundred; cauli flower, $1. 7; per dozen ; rlei-v. J4.00 per crr.te; hothouse letting. $1 .25'fi' 1 .50 box; garlic, J 2 l'.t lb : horj-era.il sh, &'n c per pound; green tintirj. IW-c ir dozen; ivn:ijhes, 25c per dozen; sprout!. '.: ier lb.; equash, 2c; tomatoes, $3.50 per ernie. PROIMCAL FRUITS Cranes, $2J? 2.7rt; lemons, fancy. $i.5; choice. J4.50; grape fruit $3 50 ta 4 per box; banana. B if 5 Ujo per pound; Japanese oranges. Jl 50-l.75 per bun-I: lar.ji'.Tii'.t.', 1.75 i-er box. ON ION is Oregon. $1.50 per sack. Iairy and Country Trodhica. BCTTF.R f'ity creamery extras. S7ff39c; fancy outsulo ci-iiniory, U33To per lb.; ptore. 2u;a'22tuC. tButter fat prices a-erage mf uer pound under regular butter price. KitSS Fresh Oregon fxt'is, 2 l- 'a 30c per Ocsen; K:tstern. 17 it 20c ivr dozen. I'MKlffK Full cream twin?. 19j 20c per joutui: young Amerfcas, 2i i 21c. POl'.K Kiinry. 1 1 i& 1 2c ter pound. T'Oll.TKV Kt nn. 17iu 1 So ; t-prinss. 171? TH; ; ducks. 20 -i 22'tc; geese, K'.',i 14c; tur Vs. lie. 20 25c; dressed, 27$j3uc; squabs. $3 per dozen. 17 20c; Costa Rica, fancy. I3fi20c: gooo. 16Slic; ordinary, 12 & 16c per pound- NUTS Walnuts, 15 c per pound; Brazil nuts, 12al5c; fiiberts. 15c; almonds. 16(& 17c; pecans, 15 & 16c; oocoanuts. S0c$l per dozen. BEANS Small white. 6c: large white, 4tc; Lima, ic; bayou, 6fec; pink, 4-jc; rea Mexican, Tc SUGAR Dry granulated, fruit and berry. t6.(5: beet. $5.65; extra C, 5.55; golden C, $o-45; cube (barrel), $6.45; powdered (barrel). $0.30. Terms on remittances DRY SALT CURED Regular short clears, dry salt, 15c; smoked,. 10'flci thort clear back, heavy dry talted. 16c; smoked. lc Oregon exports, dry Kilted, ltc; tui'jiied. 17c. within 16 days, deduct He per pound, if later than 15 days and within 30 das. de duct c per pound. Maple sugar. 15 '31 be per pound. SALT Granulated. $14.50 per ton. $1.90 per bale; half ground, 100a, $10 per ton; 6o, $lu.rf per ton. HOXEY Choice, $3. 253.5 per case; strained, 7c per potmd. Provisions. BA COX Fancy, 25c p-r poun d : standard, Elc ; choice. 2, i, c ; English. iy - 'i 20c. HAMS 10 to 3 3 pounds. 17c ; 14 to 18 pounds, 17c; 13 to UO pounds, 17c; hams, kinnt;ti, 17 . c ; picnics. 12 ; cotiae roitf, laVjt: boi!ed hams. 2-'ifi24c; boiled picnics. 2-c. LARD Keuie rendered, Ihs, 17'c; standard pure. 1js, lbVc; choice, lOe, l5c; compound, SMOKED BEEF Beef tongues, esch. 60c; dried beef sets. l'Jc; dried beef outsides, 17c; dried beef iusides, 21c; dried beef knuckles, 2be. TICKLED GOODS Barrels: Pics' feetf $13.50; regular tripe, $10: hop.pvcomb tripe, $12; lunch tongues, $T..50; mss beef, ex tra, $12; mess ptu-k. $25. Furs. The following prices, based on the London January sales, are for large, full-furred skins well handled: FURS Mink, Northwest Canada and Alas ka. 4(i.5"fi t: Colorado, Wyoming, Montana. Idaho and Utah. $5.5n 7 ; Oregon. Wash ington and California. $44r5.5f; British Co lumbia and Alaska Coast. $45. Red fox, Canada and Aiauka. Sjj 10; Oregon. Wash ington. Idaho and Montana. $7. Lynx, Alaska and British Columbia, $2S; paeiric Coast, $22. Raccoon. 75efl. Skunk. Canada, $2.0; Pacific Const. 75c 'a-SI. 50. Wolr and coyote. Canada. $4-5; Idaho. Montana. Wyoming. $2 753.25: Oregon, Washington, I'tah. Ne vada. $1.50 & 3. Beaver. Oregon, Washing ton, Canada, Alaska. $5.5fl(i 7; Idaho. Mon tana, Utah. Wvoming, $ o. 50 rc 7 ; cubs. $2 5j 2.5(.. Otter. Canada.. Alaska, 12.50 14; Oregon. Washington. Idaho. Montana $10 &VA. Wildcat. Alaska, Canada,' British Columbia. $3 4.5"; Pacific Coast, $l.75' 2.50. Cray fox. Paeiflc Cost, 175 fp 2.50; Bear, black and brown, Alaska, Canada, $16 fr20; cubs. $1215: Pacific Onat, ' $ 1 0 f 1 5 ; cubs. $o ff 7 ; jrrizz'y. perfect, $25'& 35. Badper, $2. Mnskrat. Canada, Alaska, 40c; Paciric Coast. 30o. Marten. Canada, AIoskx, $1218; -Patrfnc Coast. $10';i 12. Fisher. British Columbia, Alaska. $l.f20; Paclflo Coast. $0f&15. Wolverine. $iS. Silver fox, $3h37 5V0. Cross fox, Sea otter, $2iiOii 450. Blue fox. SHfrlO. White fox. Swift fox. 40c. Ermine, 40c. Moun tain lion. $510. Ringtail rat. S5 75c. Civet cat. 10&30c. Houae cat, 57 25c. , Jfops. Wool, Hi ties. "Etc. HOPS crop, prime and choice. 21Mtf; I9us. 17sc; 190s. llc per pound. WOOL Eastern Oregon, 16 23c pound; olds, nominal. MOHAIR Choice. 25c pound. CASOARA BAIi: 4 1 r?r pound. H IDES Dry hides, 1891-SHc per pound; dry kip, lSijl8lc po'md ; dry calfskin. lt)? 21c pound; salted hides. IOIOVc; salted calfskin, 15c round ; preen. To less. FARMERS ARE HOLDING REFUSE TO SEIJj WHEAT AT PRESENT PKICES. Seattle Market Is Heavily Stoc-kcd With HayEggs Are on Uie Down Oracle. feEATTXT5. Wash., Feb. 9. (Special.) The grain markets fell Hat today. Not one sale was reported on the Merchants Ex change. Prices wero nominally unchanged. Determined efforts are being made by dealers to jar loose somo business In the country, but growers are refusing to sell, expecting values to return to their former high level. 1 With the hay corner broken, shipments of timothy are coming forward with greater freedom and the supply here is heavier than in some months. A few ducks arriv-ed today, but owing to the Chinese New Year cleaned up quickly. Local eggs are not sold abye 35 cents anywhere, and lower prices ara anticipated next week. Butter Is firm. Fruits were steady and generally un changed. An express shipment of asparagus arived and sold at 40 cents a pound. QUOTATION'S AT SAN7 FRANCISCO. Prices Fa id for ITodn ce In the Kay City Market. BAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 9. The following were the quotation in the mar net today: MlIlFtuffi Bian. $25.u;&.27.5o; middlings; $33'u 30. Vegetables Cucumbers. $ 1.50 1.75 ; - gar lic, 4&5c; green peas, til5c; string beans, nominal. Butter Fancy creamery, tt2c; creamery seconds, .'ilc; fancy dairy, 2tc. Kggs Store. 27c; fancy, 2SV&C Cheese New, 17 & (4? IS Vic; Young Amer icas, IS f 20c. Hay Wheat. $14-519; wheat and oata, $12 $il0; alfalfa, $Jifl2; etock, $7gi; straw, per bale, 5ot7e. Fruits Apples, choir, 75c$l common. 53 r"7ric; bananas. 75c($3; limes, $4:4.50; lem on, choice, $22.50; common, $iil.50; or- Hopa lS'fi22c per pound, anges, navels, $1,23 (3 1-75; pineapples, $2 3.50. Wool South Plains and 9aa Joaquin, Sli 10c. Potatoep Oregon Fairbanks, $1 . 15-ff 1.2S; Pa Unas Burbanks, $1.35 1.50; sweets, $l.90i? 2.10. Poultry Roosters, pld. $5575.50; young, $71? : broilers, small. $34; larye, $4.5li3; fryer.-. $('(i 7; hen., $5'u lO; ducks, old, $ 5.5u& 0.5O; young. $7i. Receipts Flour. Ill, OSS quarter sacks; barley, 2!K5 centals; oats, tV centals; beans, 44S9 .nacks; corn, 720 centals; potatoes. 3005 Sacks ; bran, IMV sacks; middlings, 550 eacks ; hay, 325 tons ; wool, 2 bales ; hides, 220. v Metal Markets. " NEW YORK, Feb. t. The market for standard copper on the New York Metal Ex chai ge was steady with spot and future? up to the end of April closing at 13. Oofu 13.20. The Ijondon market was firm. Futures closed at 20 Os, 3d. The local' dealers quoted Lake Copper at 13. 621t (ii 13.75c; electrolytic at 13.37 li 13. 5ic; casting at 13.1 2 41 13.37 c. Arrivals at New York reported today were 002 tons, including ore and bars. Ex ports, according to custom-house returns, were 350 tons, making 12, 2l2 so far this month. Tin was quiet with sPOt quoted at 32.5511) S2-.U5C; February. Marco, April and May at 82-4'(ti 32.50c The English market closed steudy, with spot quoted at 147 17s 6d and futurea at 14i 30s. Lead was dull with spot quoted at 4.C7Ji 3j 4.72 New York and at 4.45 1 4.55c East St. Louie. The London market was unchanged with spot quoted at 13 7s 6d. Spelter was weak, with soot quoted at 5.70 Si J. 10c New York and at 5.47 & 5.57 Vic East St. Louis. London market unchanged at 23 5s. The English iron market was higher, with Cleveland warrants quoted at 51s 4 1-U. No change was reported locally. Groceries, Dried Fruits, Etc. DRIED FRUIT Apples. 100 per pound; peaches. 7c; prunes, Italians. 4 jjic; lruiis. French, 4.4 ac; currants. 10c; apri cots 12'...o: dateL 7 4o per pound; tig, 100 half poun.!f. .1.25 vr bvx; 50 six-ounce, $1.75 per bcx; 12 12-iunie. I5c per box. SALMON Columbia River. 1 -pound tall 2 per doin; 2-pound talis. $2.5; 1 -pound r.ats, $2.1o; Alaska pint, 1-pound tails. IHJc; red. l-pouud tails, $1.45; sockeyos. 1 pound tails, 42- COFFfili Mochs, 24$?Sc; Java, ordinary. Kastern Mining; Stocks. NEW YOltK, Feb. 0. Closing quotations: Alloues 02 Miami Copper .. Amalg. Copper.. 74 j.Mohaw 64 J, A. t i Sin. . . Nevada Con. 21 , Arizona com. . . 3;:' Nipising Mines. 9 7-g Atlantic S4, North Butte .... 34 BOCA C rts.. is North Lake ...I814 B & C .' P M. isia Dominion. . .tlH Putte Coalition. 24sceola 14'lB ial. & Arizona. 7' l'arrott iS &iC)li4B "al. ..t Hecla. . ,t:Nt guincv 81 centennial 22S Shannon 141, Cop. Kan. C. Co. 7-l., -Superior 5;t E. Butte C. M. . W'Sud & Bos Min.. 14 J ranklin 'JP4 Sup & Pitts Cop. 13T Ciroux Cm. ... ti Tamarack 60 Oranby Con. ... S T. S. Coal & Oil. 3SB Oreene Cananea M H L". S?. S. R. M. 44 A4 I. Royaie (cop) 21i do preferred.. 4'H Kerr Lake ("tab Con oO1 Lake Copper .. 7SVs Yii:on It3- La tfalle Copper. 15 (Wolverine 130 STOCKS RISE AGAIN Market Shows a Decided Up ward Tendency. PROPER SUPPORT GIVEN ew York Central, With a Favorable Earnings Xieport, Lead the Advance Shorts Driven to Cover. NEW Y are quiet. It to SSrc: Si i ec. Prunes Apricots tra choice, FV -aches choic-e. 7 y Raisins choice to rietl 1-ruit at New Y'ork. ORK. Feb. 9. Evaporated apples SpU fancy. 10 1 11 l!c; choice. prime, 7 ' Hc; common to fair, quiet. California up to 30-40s, Oregons. 'jc. quiet. Choice. 1 1 M ft 1 1 4 c : ex 1 1 '-T 12 c ; fancy. 12 '.1 13 kc. steady. Choice. 6 7c; extra 7Sc: fancy. 74?Sc. steady. Ixtose muscatel, 4 U 5 c : taiicy seeded, o ti 6 c ; seedless, Loudon layers, $1.15 1.25. NEW YORK. Feb. 9. When prices of stocks started upward th is morning from 2 to over 3 points for the majority of the ac tive vpecuriative issues, it was read as a reversal of policy on the part of the great controlling financial powers, rather than as reflecting any sudden change in the condi tion of affairs. Practical suspension of efforts to support the market has been its marked character istic throughout the severest portion of the recent depression. The effect of this with drawal of support has been a potent factor n creating a spirit of uneasiness regarding the market situation. It has caused the impression that inside interests in the great corporations and the financial Institutions were acutely apprehensive of their own fu ture on account of the rigor of laws, both those )n force and those in contemplation. Whatever may be the real sentiment of the ruling financial powers on this subject, there has grown up a spirit of criticism of the policy of lavint the securiites open to factors of depression without attempts to contest them. There were reports today of this criticism having takrtn the form of open and sharp reproof from a section of the banking worid representing the great commercial and mercantile interests in dis tinction from the financial relations of the majority of the Wall street banks. Whatever the inspiration, the stock mar ket gave clear evidence f mm the outside today that the downward drift of prices was toy be no longer unopposed. The late drive at the market yesterday had to be made at the rebound. The effect of the rcovry on sentiment was obvious- "-More cheerful views were ex pressed of business. Industrial and political prospects. The December earnings of the New York -Central lines gave material for a summing up of the year's results and were made the text for comparisons of conditions and prices. The combined operations of all the lines in the system showed1 gross earnings lor the 12 moi.ths of 233,845,503, an expan sion of J2i,2S5.Gl7 over the year before. The increase in net earnings, allowing for the growth of - operating expenditures, amounted to $17,4o3.41, which is more than 43 per cent greater than for the calendar year 190S. The fact that New York Central shares sold this week lower than In February of last year was made matter for lone com mentary on relative conditions then and now in the light of the year's operating re sults. New York Central's response revived the buying and completed the rout of the shorts, who bought very heavily in the closing dealings, extending the principal gains from 3 to 5 points. Bonds were firm. Total ales, par value 4.U47,w. T nited States 8s registered and the 4s registered advanced per cent on CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. call. Sale.-. Allis Chalmers pf. 2i0 Amal Copper 36, -J Am Agricultural .. 2"0 Am Leet Sugar .. Am Can pr Am Car &- -Foun . Am Cotton Oil .. Am Hd & Lt pf. Am Ice Securl .. Am Li neeed Oil . . Am Locomotive . . JK-O Am Smelt & Ref. 85, 7' O p do preferred . . . .V0 Am Sugar Ref . 7uO Am Tel & Tel .... 1,70 Am lobacco pf ., A m Woolen Anaconda Mln Co. Atchis-on do preferred ... C' K Atl Coast Line ... l.luo Bait & Ohio 3,7o0 00 preferred 1.504) 2,0 4. UK) 1,H -O 2' -0 SuO 2-0 100-6.4O0 Hifth., SI '-a 42 si 74 84 213 1224 135 td i-2S 314 1 3 Vj 120 111 Closing . j-ow. 3ia i 7.1O0 L.-i'-O 0,810 loo H'O K4 KHO 1,400 0-0 8,o0 1.3 0O 2,fi- rvo WO 8:10 8.O0O l.N e.no no 2.200 71 Vi loH 074 7i' 14.1 1! 172 as 7 80 CH 44 ir.o Gxa.; 14 Ts 40 39 Bethlehem Steel . . Brook Kan Iran. Canadian Pacific Central Leather .. do preferred ... Central of N J Ches & Ohio .... 18,700 81 Chicago & Alton.. jh 64 Chicago Gt West. 3,0o0 2f- Chicago & N W 2.'J0 C. M & St Paul .. 11.4kK 147i C. C, C & St L Colo Fuel & Iron.. 1,900 oio & trjuthern . . do l.t preferred. do 2d preferred. Consolidated Oas. . Cm I'roducts ... Del .& Hu'Lsaon .... U & R Grande ... do preferred r Distillers' Securl . Erie do lt preferred. do 2d p re furred . Genera! Electric .. Gt Northern pf Gt Northern Ore .. Illinois Central . Ir.terborough Met-. do preferred ... Int-r Harvester Inter Marine pf Int Paper Irt Pump Iowa Central .... K C Southern ... . do preferred . . . Louhvt;ie & Xarh Minn & St Louis. . . M. -St P & S S M M!esfou,-l Pacific . . Mo. Kan Texas do preferred . . . National Birult .. National Lead ... Mex Nat Ry 1st pf --s x . entrai N Y. Out & Wert. Norfolk & "West. North American. .. Northern Pacific .. Pacific Mail Pennsylvania .. People's Gafl P. C C St L. . . Pressed Steel Otr Pullman Pal Car. Ky. Steel Spring Kenning Knubiie Str-el an prferr d . . RM-k Iftlann Co.. do preferred . . . St L S F 2 pf. St L Southwestern - do preferred ... Rkw-Sheffield ... . . Southern Pacific . . Southern "Ra i 1 way . do preferred Txas & Pacific. . Tol. St 1 West. do prefrrd Union Pacini do preferred ... T 6 Realtv . V S Rubber i' s sti ; o ;referr?d ... Ft ah Cprer .... Va-Caro Chemical. WabH?h do preferred Western Md We?T i n gho u 9 EI eo Western T'rJon ... 3heel t L Ere. . W isponFtn Cential. Pitteure C"al .... Am Stcl Fdy Tnltei Dry Good. . Ij3cleie O-ts" .... 7 72 84 83 Vi 45 77 HO1, 1.H lit 47 112 K'3 17-S 10uVi 80' " 2S14 154 'sVvl 611 8.1 79i 141 17V4 171 i!H 43 t S3 U 14,- 3, 134 -'i 07 V, 14'. ij IS'i ', Wi 1S 3IV S'O 3-10 1.4CO 1.2IO 5.2')0 2( 0 T 8.40O 2VO10 1.4" 10 8.1'i 4'0 2.7 0 1 . 1 OO 2S. V 1.000 .i 7"0 4fMt 139.3 1.1 1.3" 40f 4il 7v 4 O . ft . .2ir lo 3 it H" 1 . 3-'0 2 Mrt 8.7o 3'-.f 2v l.iO 4" 5'0 88 6S4 14 .Hi 42 i 134J 4'J- 73 107 i 7tfli iisi 443 136 2rt 132 lf.X 37 35 i 45 L, 84 47 l 72 To 124 2714 63 2S-h 44 4 12 7U 73 .T7'4 7SU 11V, 4! 4r 20 43 14 4R 57 V, ; 2.1 84 Vj ! - 14.-. 421', 133 14, 7- 3ft 14 7r ll!Vi 07 V i 7C, 13.-V, 2S-", !.-! 1"7V B 3i lim 331 a 47 122 2 S 3 v.j r.i ! 7 72 3. 7fi 11HV4 41 4U mi 42H 4 311 V4 74V 42 5"-i 73la 6S-, UV 34 21 i7' 8'l 17 121 135 2 32 4UV4 113T 1(13 12U 11UT4 ') 20 714 ISPVi 28 1(13 80O 81 Yt 6S 2'- 167. 147 V4 77 57 ( 8iV 7; 142 lh 172 .37 Vs 78 2'.( 127'w 44 V. 84 149 135 GS14 14i.l-i 1 48 65 IVi 13 47 2- 3(1 GS 145 - 43 V4 133U, tV- 40 Ti 1(1 1 14 11S 44 m 73 13--il4 211 V4 13174 107 SS'i liw. 8714 35 H sn4 4S 83 4S 72 74 123 21 63 1: 28 42lj iU 14 1S2H 07 S.jsjio- liVii . !: Total sale, for th day, P01.SO0 share. 72i". .37 u. 7SV4 11 48 , 4!5i lft 43 47 6fi R 45 10 r7 117 H'l BOXPS. T5CPTON". Feb. 0. Closinff quotation,: 1". S. ref. 2s reg.l'VlTjN-. Y. C gn. 3V.S no vi do coupon ...l'lft'-'No. Pacific 3s... 734 1". S. Ss res 1"2 No. Pacific 4s... KW. do coupon - . . K2 :i'nion Pacific 4S.101V4 U. S. new 4. res-114 H'W is. Central 4s.. f4 4 do coupon . . .114 . Japanese 4s .... fil V4 D. &- -R. G. 4s..9SB. Daily Tmu-lln- Statement. -WASHINGTON. Feb- P. The condition of the Treasury at the beginning of business today ,as as follows: Trust funds Gold coin 8tl2.8o.8fln Silver dollars 4S4.842.0(M Silver dollars of 18-.K1 3.874.0OO Silver certificates outstanding... 4S4.S42.koO General fund etar.daro. silver dollars in gen eral fund $ G.31S.804 Current liabilities KHak0o2.1G3 W'orkng balance In Treasury of fices 22.S12.933 In banks to credit of Treasurer of V. S -. 35 423.KRS Subsidiary silver coin... 20.402.4y5 lumbermens National Bank CORNER FIFTH AND STARK STS. CAPITAL $250,000 OFFICERS: G. K. WENTWORTH President JOHN A. KEATING Vice-President' GEO. L. McPHERSON. Vice-President H. D. STORY Cashier F. A, FREEMAN ..Assistant Cashier GRAHAM DUKEKART..- Assistant Cashier , DIRECTORS: G. K. Wentworth Chas. S. Russell P. S. Brumby Dr, K. A JT. Mackenzie George G Bingham Lloyd J. Wentworth J. E. Wheeler George L. McPherson John A. Keating Robert Treat Piatt H. D. Story Minor coin 1.140.RS1 Total balance in general fund... S2.C30.&73 Money, Exch3iMre, Kt. XEW TOFUC, Feb. 9. Money on call eay, 2-j1i'A per cent; ruling rate and cloeing- bid, 2 ; offered at 3. Time loanw a little (dronger; A days, 34, and IK) days. 3 per cent; six months, -4 per cent. Prime mercantile papr. 4Vj5 per cent. Steriinp exrhanpe steady, with anual busi ness In bankers' bille at S4-8:Vrf(f;T 4.S4 for 60 dav btlls. and at $4.R1 f'-r (imand, Vimmerclal blli. $4.b3 144.U. Bar wlver Blc. Alexican dollars 44c. Government aad railroad bonda. firm. IX)NDON, Feb. 8. Bar silver, steady, 23 ll-10d per ounce. Money. Iht!1 Per cent. The rate of discount in the o-pen market for short bills is i$j.2 5-16 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for three montha bills is 2 f2 5-ld per cent. Consols for money, 82c; consols for ac count. 8'2 1-ldc. India consol bills were allotted today at la 4 l-ld. RAX FTIAXOISCO, Feb. f. Sterling on London, ttO daya. $4.SH ; sterling on Lon dun. sight, 4.80. Sliver bars, 61Hc Mexican dollars, 45c Drafts Sipht, 0c; telegraph, 10c. STEERS AT 0000 PRICE FANCY LOT BRINGS $5.50 AT THE IiOCAIi YARDS. eugar 89 test. 8.86c. Refined quiet. Crushed, fi.Soc; granulated. 5.15c; powdened, 5.35c - New York Cotton Market. KEW YORK, Fb. 9. Cotton Spot closed quiet. 20 points higher. Mid-uplands, 15.2oc; do gulf. la. 45c. No sales. Futures, closed firm, 3732 points higher. February, 14.97c; March. 14t4c; April, 14.03c: May, 15.04c; June, 14.Slc; July. 14,i0c; Aupust. 14.4)c; Sptfmbpp. 13.43c; October, 12.W7c; Novem ber, 12. hoc; Leeember, 12.S0c. Cattle Market Is" In God Shape. Receipts Begin to Show an Increase. The feature of trading at the stockyards yesterday was a sale of steers at $3.50. This Is the highest price paid for beef at the yards for some time ast- There were 50 head of fine steers in the lot which aver aged 1343 pounds. Other steers sold at $4.63 and I-"""- No cattle or sheep were of fered for sale. Receipts showed an increase, consisting of 81 cattle, 123 hogs and 235 sheep. The lat ter were in transit to the Sound. The ship pers were George H. Jacobson, of The LHilles, one car of hogs; C C. Churchill, of Stanfield. one car of sheep, and W. O. CuTnmlngs, of Stanfleld. three cars of cattle. Tlie sales were as follows; Weight. Price. 50 steers, prime 1343 $o.."i0 3H steers, ruir ...10S2 4.6.T 26 steers, fair to good... 1173 o.ul Frices quoted on the various classes of stock at the ards yesterday were as fol lows: CATTLE Best Hteers, $5.50; fair to good steers. $4.."0Sr5; strictly good cows, $3.75 Gv 4; fair to good cows, $3(g3.50; light calvps, $55.50; heavy calves, $45; bulls, $3.50ra3.7&; stags, $3q4. HOOS Top. $a; fair to good hogs, $8.50 .b. SHEEP Best wethers, $5.50; fair to good wethers, J.if 6.50; good ewes, $i.7okpa; lambs, $6 6.50. Eastern Livestock Markets. CHICAGO, Feb. 9. Cattle Receipts 13.000; market, 10-e higher. Beeves, $4.40$i-7.75; Tcxaa Pieera, $44i5.10; Western steers, $4. 1;'fi6. 15; cowa and helfera, 52.25'ff 5. SO; calves. $7J.),25. Hogs LReceipta eti mated at 28,0; market steady. Light. SfS: heavy. ?8.40.S.8r.; mugh, $S.45SS.8r: good to choice heavy, $8.35 F?y.tf5; pigs. $7.30-S.2t; bulk or eales, $S.654i 8.75. Sheep Receipt 'estimated at-1R.000; market lower. Native. $4.&U5.50; Weern, $4.5u- 6.75; yearlings, $7.157 S.4A; lambs, native, $6.75 &8.90; "Western. $6.75890. KAXSA3 CITY. Mo.. Feb. 9. Cattle Re ceipts 6ow; market steady. Cows and heifers, i2.7'iirt; stackers and feeders. $3.4tV5 5.6i: West em steera, $4. 75'gd. 25 ; Western cows, $3 5.25. Hogs Receipts- 10,0fO; market steady. Heavy, $,H.5)ii 8.70: packers and butchers, $8.45 (&i-65; piga. $7-45g 8. Pheep Receipts 7kX; market 10c lower. Muttons. J5-fi5.fi: fed Western wethers and vearlings. $5.5tKyd.50; fed Western ewes, 5 &6V OMAHA, Neb.. Feb. O. Cattle Recelpta 4f0; market ftron. Native cowg and heif ers. $3.25-25; Wesdem fleers, $3.4(Kr-.10: cvi-s and heifers. $2.85'S4.65; manners, $2.25 3 25: stockers- and feeders. $3-54.25; calves, $4 6S.25. H-'-gs Receipts 11 .ft; market steady. Heavv. $S.5y(f S.6o: mixed, $8.40ii8.5O; light, $8 3"i78 5ti: pigf. $7.R08. Sheep Receipts 75oO; market etrong. Weth re. Jo.Tr!' t-75 ; ewea, $5.2i-6.25 ; lamiae, $7.85 A3 8-85. Dairy Produce In the East. CHICAGO. Feb. ft. Butter Strong. Creameries. 25'fi 2c; dairies. 23 2ic. EgtiS, steady, receipt (1353 cases. At mark., cases included. 17fi23c; firsts. 25c: prime firsts, 2tic. Cheese, easy. Daisies, 16 (q- 17c ; twins, 1G4l6c; Toung America. 16i lGc; long horns. 4i 16ie. NEW YORK. Feb. 9. Butter, unsettled Western factory. 22 23c; Western Imitation reamery, 241-- t 25 12 c. Cheese. firm. un changed. Eggs, irregular. Western firsts, 20 H 26l,ic; seconds. 25c. Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. Feb. 9. Coffee futures closed quiet, net unchanged to 5 points lower. Sales were reported of 6000 baes, Including February and March at C.ftoc; July, 7.16; September and October. 7.10c Spot steady. Rio No. 7. S ll-lSSc; Santos No. 4. 9ff9HC Mild quiet. Cordova, 9 & 12c. Sugar Raw nominal. Muscovado 89 test, 3. 6 lc ; centrifugal &S test, 4. 11c; molasses Wool at Kt. loulfl. ST. LOX'IS. Feb. 0. Wool, steady. Terri tory and Western mediums. 25(&2tc; fine me dium. 20 24c; fine. 12 21c. ROBBER IS SLOW WITH GUN AVendling Constable Proves Too Quick for Man ; Arrests II lm. SPRINGFIELD, Or.. Feb. 9. (Spe cial.) Mike Sobasco was brought to Springfield today by Constable Shep pard, of Wendling, and later taken to Eugene, having been arrested by that official on the charge of larceny in a dwelling. Sobasco lived in a tent on the moun tainside near Wendling. He had been suspected of robbing several houses there during the past few weeks, and finally a warrant was Issued for his arrest. Constable Sheppard today met him and ordered him to throw up his hands. Sobasco, instead of complying with PORTLAND, SEATTLE, SPOKAJTE, TACOMA. . Downing-Hopkins Co. BROKERS Storks, tjt ruin- Established 1893. AVlrea 201-2-3-4 Couch Bids;. TRAVELERS GUIDE. HAMBURG-AMERICAN All Modern Safetv J e vices (Wireless, Etc.) LONDON V. ItJS HAitBI iUi JPennsylva. . Feb. 22 Pres. Gra.nt..Mch. lft 1'Grf Waldersee.Fb.2U;tAmerika . . . Men. 2t Ihaia Aue Vic. Men. ,i f ennnv v'a .. Anril Pres. L.incoln.Mch.l2;Grf Waidersee Apr. 9 inuz-anioQ a ia carte tcestaurant. i Hamburg direct. 'Omits Plymouth. ILT.Utk ana (.EN0.1 S. S. RATA VTA? March 15. 3 I. M S. S. 1IAM.BI KG. .". March 29 S. 8. MOl.TKE April 19 IKAV tLJ-.KKS' CHKLRH ISSUED. Tourist Dept. for Trips Everywhere. Ham burs-American Line, 160 Powell St., tian r rancisco, Cal. and Local R. R. Agents in Portland. Jnr sk r via tiiBK-u NFW 7FAT AVH New Srvlc via Tahiti. HUH LLJUAUW Delightful South Sea Tours nlVflAIIA for Rest. Health and nwi lvniiin Plea sure. New Zealand, the World's Wonderland. Geysera, Hot Lakes, etc The favorite S. S. Mariposa sails from San Francisco March 10. April 15. etc.. connecting at Tahiti with Cnion Line for Wellington, Jf. Z. The only WelllnKton and back. $260: Tahiti and back. $12o. 1st class. SOUTH SKA ISLANDS (all of tbem). three months' tour, $4oO. Book now for sailings of Dec 28 and Feb 2. Une to Hawaii, $110 -round trip. Saillnps every 21 days OCEANIC S. S. CO 673 Market street, San x'ranclsoo. NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. S. S. Santa CTara sails for Eureka and an Francisco Jan. L 15. 2tf; Feb. 12, 20. at 4 P. M. S. S. Eder sails for Eureka. San Frajclsco amr Los Angeles. J an. 4. IS; Feb. L 13, at 8 P. M. S. ?. Roanoke sails for Fan Francisco and Los Angeles Jan. 11, 25; Feb. 8. 22. at 8 P M. Ticket office 132 3d st. phones Main 1314. A 1314. K. Youngs, At SAX FRANCISCO & PORTLAND 8. 8. CO. Only direct steamers and daylight sailings From Ains worth Dock. Portland, 4 P. M. S. S. Rose City, Feb. 11, 25. etc. S.-S. Kansas City, Feb. IS, Mar. 4. From Pier 40, San Francisco, 11 A. M. P. S. Kansas City. Feb. 12. 20. S. S. Rose City. Feb. la. Mar. 3. M. J. ROCHE. C T. A., 142 Third St. Main 402. A 1402. J. W. RANSOM. Dock Agent, Alnsworth Dock. Main 26S, A 1234. COOS BAY LINE The steamer RAMON A leaves Portland every Wednesday, 8 P. t., from Alnsworth dock for North, Bend, Marshfield and Coos Bay points. Freight received unt 11 0 P. M. , on day of sailing. Passenger rare, first claj tlO; second-class. $7, including berth and meals. Inquire city ticket offiee. Third and Washington streets, or Ainaworth dock. Phone Main 2.-Sv MUNICIPAL BONDS Municipal bonds rtnk next to Government bonds in safety and afford at the same time an excellent return for a given period of years. "We own and offer a wide list of carefully selected mu nicipal bonds, yielding 412 to 6 Including Eugene, Oregon, 5s. Forest Grove, Oregon, 5s. Newport, Oregon, 6s. Siuslaw, Gold 5s. Weston, Oregon, 5s. Klamath Falls, Oregon 5s. Portland, Improvement 6s. . Bonds. Descriptive circular, piving detailed information, price, etc, furnished upon application. MORRIS BROTHERS Chamber of Commerce. $20,000 City of 25,000 City of 15,000 City of 25,000 Port of 25,000 City of 20,000 City of 6,000 City of nd also a number of Application to convert into a Na tional Bank having been approved by the Comptroller of the Currency, The Bank of California, San Francisco, is now, together with its branches at Portland, Seattle and Tacoma, doing business as a National Bank under the title of "The Bank of California National Association." PORTLAND BRANCH: Chamber of Commerce Building, Third ancr Stark Streets WILLIAM A. MACRAE, Manager. JAMES T. BURTCHAELL, Asst. Mgr the demand, pulled his revolver, but Sheppard shot him in the left arm, near the shoulder, inflicting- only a flesh wound. The two men grappled, and after struggling a few minutes the Constable succeeded in overpowering him and placing handcufTs on his wrists. He was hound over to the Oirrult Court. OLDEST BANK ON THE PACIFIC COAST CAPITAL $1,000,000 SURPLUS and PROFITS $600,000 OFFICERS. W. M. IADD, President. EDW. COOK INGHAM, Vice-President W. H. DUNCKLET, Cashier. R. S. HOWARD, JR., Aas't Cashier. L. W. LADD, Assistant Cashier. WALTER M. COOK, Ass't Cashier. DIRECTORS. EDWARD COOKIXGHAM. HENRY L. CORBETT. WILLIAM M. LADD. CHARLES E LADD. J. WESLEY LADD. S. B LIXTHICUM. FREDERIC B. PRATT. t THEODORE B. WILCOX. Interest Paid on Savings Accounts and Certificates of Deposit We Issue Letters of Credit, Foreign Drafts, and Travelers' Checks MM J3) J T U L IT HIC -PAVEMENT- Is Made of Bitumen and Stone HENCE THE NAME. The bitumen makes it elastic; the stone makes it lasting1. A residence street lasts a litetime when paved with B ITULITHIC Cruises Offer the unsurpassed in Luxurious and Comfortable Ocean Travel By the great 20,000 ton steamers "CARONIA- February 19 Large triple-screw turbine in the Wpfld Stlh m r . uumviim mai mm ij T win-Screw, 14300 tons Fr Ftl Particular! and Rattrrations apply to THE CUNAHD STEAMSHIP CO, Ltd. Sew Tort. Boseon. Cbiesjrtt. UtnnraoolU. Pblladelphl. Pt. Louis. Ssa Fnscuoo laroatosad Mural, sr LockI Aneou.