Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 10, 1910, Page 18, Image 18

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Competition Sharp and Time
Limit May Have Effect.
Mbina Engine & Machine Works'
Tender Is Lowest; Willamette
Iron & Steel Works Promises
Earliest Completion.
"William Oornfont, representing the
-Albina Knprfne & Machine Works, pre
sented the lowest bid yesterday for the
repair work on the revenue cutter
Manning. Difference in the time limit,
however, may affect the award and the
"Willamette Iron & Steel "Works will be
the only competitor of the Albina En
gine & Machine Works. The John Wood
Iron Works entered a bid more than
$500 above that of the lowest bidder.
Kobert Mcintosh withdrew his bid, as
lie had overlooked one Important item
jn the specifications.
Mr. Cornfoot's bid was for $2472 with
a time limit of 21 days. The Willam
etto Iron & Steel Works put in a bid of
$2550.50, with a time limit of 15 days.
The bid of the John Wood Iron Works
was $2158 and time limit 15 days. Bids
were opened at 11 o'clock on board the
vessel by Naval Constructor Besse lever
and Captain Garden.
Specifications called for a small
amount of engine work, a large amount
of carpenter work, some iron work,
new fittings, chain and other details.
Kach item was bid on separately and
the figures given represent the totals.
The craft is needed for her station and
the consideration of time is regarded aa
Kindings of Captain Card en and
Naval Constructor Besselever will be
forwarded to the department at Wash
ington and an order for the awarding
of the contract probably will be re
ceived In Portland this evening. The
Planning will not be docked before the
first part of next wok and on Satur
day and Sunday afternoons will be
open to receive visitors. A movement
is on foot to make Portland the first
permanent station of the cutter Man
ning. This is her first trip to Port
land. She will take supplies at this
port as soon as the repairs are com
Coastal Service to lie Effectively
Extended This Year.
Vancouver, b. c, Feb. (Special.)
Eue in Vancouver port any time now
Is the steamship Petriana. from Greenock,
purchased by the new Northern Steam
ship Company, and the first to arrive
of the year's new fleet. The Petriana
will be used on the British Columbia
Coast run, and following her for the
Fame oomapny will be the steamer Nor
way, purchased a few days ago in the
"United Kingdom.
Besides these two boats the year's new
fleet will comprise at least eight other
vessels, many of which are being newly
touilt. Of these the Roman, a steam
trawler for the British Columbia Pack
ers Association, is due shortly from
Hull. The revised and now correct list
of new vessels coming here. In addition,
"will number t he Venture, for the Bos
cowltz Steamship Company, one and pos
sibly two vessels building in Dublin for
the Union Steamship Company, of the
knock-down type, to be reconstructed
upon arrival here; two new vessels of
the Princess Charlotte type for the
Canadian Pacific Railroad service, and
possibly a third for the Queen Charlotte
Islands run; the Prince Rupert and
3'rineo George for the Grand Trunk Pa
cific's fleet, and a third for the mail
route between Prince Rupert and the
Cjueen Charlotte Islands; a new vessel
Tor the Sechelt Steamship Company, for
local coastal service, and the Onyx, for
the Coast Steamship Company. The
"Kruno will doubtless be the third Grand
Trunk Pacific vessel.
Two of tile original number of new ves
sels slated to come here this year have
been cancelled by their prospective pur
chasers, the Purl, by MacKenzie Bros.,
and the Susu. for Captain Mortimer and
a syndicate for local coast service, pre
sumably to Ladysmith.
British Vessel Ciets Away Wltli Full
Cargo of Ijiimher for Australia.
Carrying 2.750.737 feet of lumber, valued
t $:3,S70. the British steamship M. S.
Dollar, Captain Morton, cleared yesterday
for Melbourne. Australia. The cargo was
dispatched by the Frank Woolsey Com
pany and is the fourth for the month of
"ebrunry. The steamships Stephanotls
nnd Bessie Dollar and th ship Glenalvon
preceded the M. S. Dollar, alt clearing
ffor foreign ports with Oregon timber.
Total exports of lumber to date amount
t 3 So 4.6 12 feet. February exports of
Oregon lumber to foreign ports will run
close to a record-breaker. The British
steamship River Clyde, went to the Port
'land Wills yesterday to take a part cargo
of lumber for Manila for the Government.
The River Clyde will finish nt the North
Pacific and the Kastem Ar Western mills.
The cargo will be furnished by J. Ernest
Taldlaw. and will consist of 2.140,000 feet.
Fhe will be finished long before the end
of the month.
Tnding at the present t ime are the
Kelbum and PnluUloch with the French
park Bossuct under charter. It was re
ported' yesterday that the British shrp
Manx King had ecn chartered by J. J.
Moore & Co.. to load lumber for Aus
tralia. A week ago it was reported that
two cargoes had been sold and that spot
ships were in demand. The Altair and
th Manx ICing were the most likely
possibllit ios. Both craft have been on
the disengaged list for some time and are
berthed at the public levee at the foot
f Jefferson street.
New Vosel for Pacific Cxmst Will
Load for Portland lirect-
Ad vices to tho Merchants Kx change
yesterday from Cape Henry announce the
passing of the steamship Reaver, en route
from Newport News to New York. The
Beaver is in command of Captain Wil
liam Kidston and will load gener:il cargo
at New York for Portland direct.
The Beuvrr is a sister Jhip to the Bear,
now en route from New Y'ork for Port
land. Tin Beaver and the Bear will op
erate on the run between Portland and
San Francisco iu this service of the San
FraneLsoo r Portland Steamship Com
pany, and will be the finest passenger
packets on the Coast.
Tender Manzanita. Working on Aids
in Columbia River.
For the purpose of replacing aids to
tiavigation in the Columbia River which
were taken out by the heavy running
ice during January, the lighthouse tender
Manzanita, Captain Byrne, will leave up
from Astoria this morning. The tender
wi 11 set a 11 spar buoys which have been
carried away and will be due to arrive
at Portland tomorrow evening.
A new whistler has been placed at the
entrance to the Columbia River and a
new buoy set to mark the end of the
jetty. The new buoy is a first-class can
and has been anchored 1000 feet from the
end of the jetty. Winter storms car
ried away about 700 feet of the false
work, and Commander Kllicott deemed
it advisable to set a -buoy marking the
end of the Jetty.
Commander Eilieott is now f on Puget
Sound inspecting the aids to- navigation,
and also making an estimate for the re
pairs to be made on light vessels. The
tender America is now at Port Town
send. She will proceed from that port
to Seattle.
Engines Refuse to Reverse and Ves
sel Runs Wild at Tacoma,
TACOMA, Wash., Feb. 9. The steam
er Santa Ana, of the Alaska Steamship
Company, ran wild in the city water-
Due to Arrival
Name. From. Data.
Rom ctty ...... San Francinccln port
Santa Clara. .. .Ban Francisco In port
Alliance .Coos Bay.... In port
Henrik Ibien. ..Honekunff....ln port
Sue H. Elmore. TillamooK Feb. 12
Falcon San Franclaoo Feb. 12
Geo. W. F.lder. .San Pedro. .. Feb. 33
Kansas City. .. San Francisco Feb. 14
Roanoke. ..... .San Pedro. Feb. V.
Breakwater. . . Cool Bay. ... A pr. 15
HelJa HnnekotiK. . . - Apr. 13
Golden Gate Tillamook. . ..Indert
Scheduled to lpart.
Name. For. ratv
Hose CItr Ban Francisco Feb. 11
Santa Clara. San Francisco Feb. 12
Alliance .Coos Bay. ... .Feb. 12
Henrik Ibsen.. Honjrkone Fob. 13
Faicon San Francisco Feb. 14
Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook. . . Feb. 15
Geo. W. Eider. .Sac pedr;. .. Feb. 15
Kansas City. .. San Francisco Feb. 18
Roanoke San Pedro... Feb. - -
Breakwater. . . root Bay . ... Apr. -0
S-Ha ..Hnnekona Apr. 22
Golden Gate. . . Tillamook. ... Indeft
Entered Wednesday. -
F. S. I,oop, Am. steamship (le Vin
son ). with general cargo from San
River Clyde, Br. steamship (Kerr),
with ballast from San Francisco.
Cleared Wednesday.
F. S. Loop. Am. steamship (Levin
son), with 800,000 feet of lumber for
San Francisco.
M. S. Dollar. Br. steamship (Mor
ton), with lumber for Melbourne.
way in the fog about 7 o'clock this
morning1, her engines refusing- to obey
the engineer and reverse. The steamer
crashed into a $5000 launch owned by
Otis Cutting-, near the Eleventh-street
bridge, and smashed the craft to kin
dling wood. Just as the ponderous
steamer was within a few feet of the
bridge, wh ien was crowded with w.ork
mtn on their way to the mills, the en
gines responded, and the crash was
Astoria Marine Notes.
ASTORIA, Or.. Feb. 9. (Special.)
The schooner Mabel Gale cleared at
the Custom -House today for San
Francisco with a cargo of S50.000 feet
of lumber, loaded at Kalama.
The French bark Belen sailed today
for Xew Caledonia in ballast. It is un
derstood she will load nickel ore at that
The repairs to the schooner Expan
sion, which was damaged on Sunday in
a collision with the oil-tank steamer
Catania were completed this evening
and the vessel will be ready to go to
sea tomorrow morning.
Marine Notes.
With passengers and freight for
Coos Bay ports, the steamship Ra
mona, Captain Nelson, sailed last even
ing on her initial vojge.
The British steamship River Clyde,
under charter to load lumber for
Manila, docked at the Portland Mills
yesterday morning.
The steamship Alliance arrived up
last evening with passengers and
freight from Coos Bay.
K.or the Siuslaw direct, with freight,
the gasoline sloop Condor sailed last
The steamship Rose City, Captain
Mason, is scheduled to sail for Sun
FTancisco tomorrow afternoon.
Arrivals and Departures.
PORTLAND, Feb. 0. Arrived Steamship
A Ilia nee, t rum Coos Bay ; st ea nifh i p San t a
Cktra, from San Francisco and ivureka. Sailed
Sifa msh i p 1 (amona. for Oos Hay ; sloop
Condor, for the i&uslaw; British ehlp Glenai
vou. for Sydney.
Astoria. Or.. Feb. 0. Condition at the mouth,
of the river at 5 P. M.. smooth; wind, north
nest. 1 4 miU-a; weather, imrtly cloudy. Ar
rived down durinp the night, steamers El
more, 1-ireu.k water and Roanuke. Arrived at
7:-0 and left up at ll:;tO A. M.. steamer
Santa Clara, from an FraJieLsco. Arrived at
8:40 and loft up at 30 A. M.. steamer Al
liance, from Cim-9 Bay. Sailed at 8:4 A. M..
.-tennier Breakwater, for Coo Bay wind San
Franc ison. Sal ltd at A. schooner Kx-
pansdon. fnr tSmt Franc Ufco. Sailed at i:35 A.
M., KleamtT Roanoke, for San Pedro and way
ports. Arrived at it:o5 and left up at U:."iO A.
M.. steamer Rosccrans, from tan Francisco.
Sailed at K:3o A. M., steamer Coaster, for
San Francisco. Sailed at 2:15 P. M., French
bark Ien, for New Caledonia.
San Frjncosco, Feb. W. Hailed at lO A. M.,
steamer W. S. Porter, for Iortlanri.
Cape Henry, Feb. t. Passed yesterday
steamer Heaver, from Newport News, for New
Yotk. and Portland.
Queeowtow n. Feb. "W. Arrived yesterday,
Freneh bark Montcalm, from Portland.
New York. Ce-b. t. Arrived Hamburg-, from
Genoa. Kal'ed LHhunia. for Llnau.
Alexandria. Feb. S. Arrived Carman ia,
f rom N e w York .
1 1 on i;kor. p. Feb. Arrived previously
Knle-ht of St. CWrge. from Portland, Or.
Yokohama. Feb. J. Arrived previously Marti, from Seattle.
Southampton. Feb. 9. Passed Ri vert on,
from Taivma, for Antwerp.
Hongkonc. Feb. 9- Arrived previously
Korea, from San Francisco, via Honolulu and
ilibraltar, Feb. 8. Arrived Crctic, from
New To rk . Feb. 9. Arri ved Orca n ia, f rom
Naples. Sailed Mauritania, for Liverpool ;
Vaderlanf for Liverpool.
San Framisco. Feb. !. Arrived Steamer
Tiverton, from Port Ludlow; tamr Iela
naw. frm Oyrter Harbor; sehonner Inca, from
Newcastle. Australia; bark R. P. Rtthet, from
Honolulu. Sailed Steamer Hermonthts. for
Seattle; m earner W. S. Porter, for Portland :
Fohooner A. M. Baxter, for Coos Bay; steamer
Falcon, for Portland; steamer Santa Barbara,
for Cray s Harbor.
Seattle. Feb. 9. Arrived steamer T'ma
tilla. from San Francisco : steamer Delhi,
from San Francisco: steamer Santa Ana.
from Tacoma; U. S. . Rush, from .Tutioau.
Sailed- Steamer Charles Nelson, for Du
ponl; British steamer Aymorlc. for the
Orient; steamer Isthmian, for Relllnjrham;
V. S. S. Tahoma. for Seward : steamer
Ruokman. for Tacoma: toamer Delhi, for
Ta'-oma: steamer I'matilla. for Tacoma.
Olympla. Fob. 9. Sailed Schooner Oak
land, for San Francisco.
Tacoma. Feb. 9. Arrived Steamer TIllo
n ian. from San Francisco ; steamer Delhi,
from San Francisco ; steamer Due km an.
from S;m Francisco. Departed Steamer
Santa Ana. for Seattle.
S. S. Asuncion, at Sea, via Wireless. Feb.
9. Arrived off the mouth- of the "olumbta
River today. Will cross In tomorrow
119 Anpeles, Feb. 9. Arrived Steamers
Yellowstone, from Grays Harbor? Saginaw,
from Tacoma; Daisy Mitchell, from WHlapa
Harbor. Sailed Steamer Dispatch, tfor
Tides at Astoria Thursday.
High. I)w.
1:42 A. M 7.9 feet.T:. A. M 2T feet
l:u P. M St .2 feet T:."xi P. M-. . l.O foot
Today is positively thf last dav for
discount on the West Side gas "bills.
Kead gas tins.
Wheat Prices Go Off Again at
AH Futures Close Xearly at the Bot
tom Corn . and Oats AIo
; Decline Pork. Is
' Cnehangetl.
CHICAGO, Feb. 9. Poor demand for cash
wheat today was the controlling factor in
the jlt. which forced wheat urices down
from to c. May droppea off in the
final half from f 1.10 (St. 107 to $1.10. The
close was weak at nearly the low points for
all the futures, with May at fl.io1.
lower than the final figures yesterday.
Trade in the corn pit resembled that in
wheat. The decline was from to aic.
May falling off from fiKic to fiJj fa 65Wc.
The close was weak with May at ir,c, J.c
Covering trades by shorts gave oats a firm
tone early in the day. which was later
changed to a downward trend. The close
was weak and not far removed from the
low points, with May at 4t14 & 4G3BC, c
May pork closed unchanged, lard un
changed and ribs to 5c lower at $11.6o
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Open. "High. Txw. Close.
May 1.10 $1,107, $1.10 Jl.lOVs
July l.dl i 1.01 1.01 1.01
Sept .'. .97 .97 U .96 .96
May H .6Vi .6574 .6574
July - ,t61.. .6u .65T,
Sept 66Vi .661,1. .65' .6574
May ... ' .56i .S6-i .564
July 43 .4341 .43 .43".
6pt 40 V .40 .40Vi .40
May 22.45 22.52 i :3.3:Vj ;;.42Vi
July 23.20 22.20 22.05 22.13
May ;. 12.25 12.25 12.12ti 12.25
July li.22'4 12.22 Vs 12.12 Vi 12.20
May "11.S5 11.90 11. S5 11.87 Vi
July 11. S5 11.87 11.80 11.85
Cash quotations were as follows:
Flour Steady.
Rye No. 2. 81 Sir.
Barley Feed or mixing. 2 65c; fair to
choico malting. 67 73c.
Flax seed No. 1 Southwestern, $2.05; No.
1 Northwestern. $2.15.
Timothy seed $4.20.
Clover $13.S5.
Pork Mess, per barrel, $22.3 7 14 2 2.62
Lard -Per 100 pounds. $12,25412.27 1,.
Short ribs Sides loose), S11.G2;J4 w
Sides Short, clear (boxed), $1212.25.
Grain statlstics:
Total clearances of wheat and flour were
equal to 24.000 bushels. Primary receipts
were 741.000 bushels, compared with 254.000
bushels the corresponding day a year ago.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 29
cars: corn. 343 cars; oats. 111 cars; hogs.
29.000 head.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, barrels 26.400 19.600
Wheat, bushels 45.600 18,700
Corn, bushels 757,000 2S0.600
Oats, bushels 363.600 243.700
Rye. bushels ll.ono 2 000
Barley, bushels 108,000 34,200
Grain and Produce at Xew York.
NEW YORK. Feb. 9. Flour Barely
steady with demand slow. Receipts, 14.559
barrels: shipments. 36 barrels.
Wheat Spot"easy. No. 2. $1.29(51.30 ele
vator domestic and $1.29 nominal f. o. b.
afloat: No. 1 Northern Duluth and No. 2
hard Winter. J1.25H nominal f. o. b. New
1 ork. Wheat was dull and featureless, with
small price changes. Values were stoatly
most of the day in the absence of selling
pressure, but eased off a little later under
more liberal offerings and a poor cash de
mand. At the close prices were q net de
cline. May closed at $1.18; Julv il OS1.
Receipts. 36,000 bushels; shipments, 23 900
Hops and hides Quiet.
Petroleum and wool. Steady.
Grain at Minneapolis.
MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. Wheat May,
$1.1054; July. $1.10ii (B l.ioa,. Cash No. 1
hard. $1.11 a 1.154 ; ,0. t Northern.
Jl.lO -A, p 1.1 2 M : No. -1 Northern, $1.08 74 a
1.10; No. :t. $1.04 1. OP
Flax $2.06?.
"orn No. 3 yellow, o7tTSSc.
Oats No. 3 white, 44 . (Zjl 44 3 c
Rye No. 2, 73 34 73!
Kuropean Grain Markets.
LONDON. Feb. 8. Cargoes .lull and Inac
tive; Walla Walla for shipment, nominal. w
6d. English country markets, quiet; French
country markets, quiet.
LIVERPOOL. Feb. 9. Close Wheat.
March, Ss.ld; May, 7s lld; July, "s
10d. Weather, fine.
Grain at San Franeisro.
FRANCISCO, Feb. 0. Wheat
Barley Steady.
Spot quotations:
Shlnmnp. 11 W
i2. Barley Feed. $1.:i2i is l .IRa: hnn in;
$1.SS 4i 1.4t. Oats Red. I1..1H6 1 (ids
white, I1.B2 01.70: black. S1.50& 2..".0.
Call hoard safes: Wheat No trading
Barley May. $1.30 bid, $1.36 asked- De
cJr. $1.26. Corn Large yellow, $1.T3
Grain Markets of the NorthweM.
LEW1STO.V. Idaho." Feb. 9. Special. I
Grain quotations unchanged. Bluestem, 97c;
40-fold, S9c; club and Turkey red, S7c; rod
Russian, S5c.
Oats. $1.20. Feed barley.
TACOMA, Feb. 9. Wheat Bluestem.
$; club, $1.06gl.O7; red Russian.
SEATTLE, Feb. 9. Milling quotations:
Bluestem, $1.12; club. $1.09: fife. $1.09: red
Russian. $1.07. Export: Bluestom, $1.09;
club, $1.06; fife.. $1.06; red Russian. $1.04.
Yesterday's car receipts: Wheat. 6 cars; bar
ley, 1 car.
Effect on Klks' Club Is Interesting
Question In Moscow, Idaho.
MOSCOW. Idaho, Feb. 9. (Special.)
Flayine billtards in McSscow must stop at
11 P. M. every weekday and from Sat
urday evening until 6 A. M. Monday.
This is the substance of an ordinance
parsed hy the City Council. An interest
ing: question win arise if the officials
undertake the enforcement of this ordi
nance at the Elks' Temple clubrooraa
"When the "dry" ordinance was passed
closing all saloons, the Elks' Temple
closed its buffet also. Since the moral
wave- set in the temple has been closed
to all except member" and a Yale lock
placed upon the front door. Leading Elks
declare thaj when no liquor Is sold, the
police can no more stop the playing of
billiards within the temple than a card
party at a private residence.
But Kobhcrs Misjudge and Are
Partially Foiled.
PPRIXGF1ELD, Or., Feb. f. (Spe
cial.) Robbers blew up the safe in the
store of Smith & Barr. at Jasper, a
few miles up the river from this city,
last nigrht and secured about $75 in
money, hut overlooked over $150. There
were two charges of dynamite, the first
one falling to open the safe, but the
second one demolished it.
The robbery was evidently committed
Come to Me
and Be Cured
When I
Cure YouijipS
or par me ma you grct
the benefit ol my THE DOCTOR
treatment. THAT CURES.
FEB FOH A CURE Is lower than any
specialist in the city, naif that others
cuarge you, and no exorbitant charge
lor medicines.
I am an expert specialist, have hr.l
30 years practice In the treatment ot
ailments of men. My offices are he
best equipped in Portland. My methods
are modern and up-to-date. My cures
are quick: and positive. I do not treat
symptoms and paten un. X thoroughly
examine each case, find the cause, re
move it and thus cure the disease.
I CURE Varicose Veins. Contracted
Ailments, Pilea and Specific Blood l'ol
lua and all Ailments of Men.
tracted and chronic cases cured. All
burning. itching ani inflammation
stopped In twenty-tour hours. Cures
eifacted in seven days.
Insures every man a lifelong cure,
without taking medicine into the stom
ach. f.JT V "M- Visit Dr. Lindsay's prtvate
J'tIJJX, Museum of Anatomy and know
thyself in health and disease. Admis
sion free. Consultation free. If unable
to call write for list of questions.
Office hours ! A. M. to 8 P. M. Sun
days, 10 A. M. to 1 F. M. only.
by persons familiar with conditions, im
there was $500 in the sslfe the day be
fore, but it was taken to the bank
at Springfield.
Today was payday for the railroan
construction laborers working on the
Xatron extension. The men usually get
their checks cashed at this store, and
the robbers selected last night as the
time for the deed, thinking that the
usual large amount of money was kept
In the safe.
Idaho Board Commutes Sentence of
Two Life-Terms.
BOISE, Idaho. Feb. 9. (Special.) The
State Board of Pardons today made a
record in the number of pardons granted
to convicts in the Idaho State Peniten
tiary, and showed clemency to two life
termers. One of the latter was Arthur
Goode, of Shoshone County, sentenced
to life for murder in the first degree, his
sentence being commuted to 21 years.
Goode has served three years, which will
apply on the pardon.
The Board also established a precedent
by granting a full pardon to a convict
sentenced to life imprisonment, Lorenzo
P. Sly, of Latah County. He has been
on parole for the last three years.
Three other pardons were granted. Jo
seph Clark, sentenced from Canyon City
to seven years for manslaughter: Albert
Allen, sentenced from Kootenai County to
nine years for grand larceny, and A.
Leon, of Ada County, sentenced to three
years for forgery.
Goode was convicted after a sensa
tional chase on the part of the Shoshone
County officials, when it was learned he
had brutally murdered a woman, his
mistress, and attempted to make his
escape. He shot the woman down in cold
blood. When the Wardner News opposed
the petition for pardon,, the newspaper
plant was mysteriously burned to the
Iayton Pioneer Dies.
DATTO.V, Wash., Feb. 9. (Special.)
Death yesterday claimed Lewis Ma
rion Parke, pioneer of the early '70s.
aged 60 years. He was ill a year with
paralysis. Funeral services were con
ducted today from the First Baptist
Church. Woodmen of the World con
ducted the services at 'the grave. Mr.
Parke had lived near Dayton more than
a quarter of a century. He leaves a
widow and two children, Mrs. Fred Mc
Donald and William Parke, of Dayton.
Ashland to Extend Paving.
ASHLAND, Or.. Feb. 9. (Special.)
The Ashland Commercial Club, at an
enthusiastic meting Monday evening,
added impetus to the agitation now
under way by the property-owners
and citizens for greatly extending the
area of paved streets. A resolution
was passed reciting that the conditions
of the district paved last season, dur
ing wet weather and storm conditions
of the Winter, have been an object les
son demonstrating the blessing of
decent streets and the absolute neces-
E- Rinehart, of Boise, Idaho,
"Drs. Tee and York cured ray
kidney - and stomach trouble,
from which I had suffered 12
years, after doctoring; all th
time and getting- no benefit, be
ntdeaspendins thousands of dol
lars. For the good of the pub
lic, I write ; If you are a sick
person, call on or write
Vee A York Chinese Medicine Co.
142 Mi First tit.. Cor. Alder.
Inflammations, Irritations
or ulcerations of all mu
cous membranes, unnatu
ral discharges from nose.
Har Fsver throat or urinary org-ans.
I Tie e CfceEiaiCo. Sold hj Druggists
or in plain wrapper, ex
press prepaid, on receipt
of $1. or three, bottles, $2.75
iJooklet on request.
Tonnpr Mlnjr Chinese
Medicine Co. Wonderful
remedies from herbs and
roots cures all diseases of
men and women. Consulta
tion and pulse diagnosis
free. II you live out of
town and cannot call,
write for symptom blank.
347 Taylor il, bet. 2d and
rFor Women Only
Dr. Sanderson's Compound Savin
and .Cotton Root Pills. The best
and only reliable remedy for 1K
LAYED PERIODS. Cure the most
obstinate cases in 3 to 10 days.
Price $2 per box or three boxes $5.00 So id
by druggists everywhere. Address T. J.
?1ER"B. 311 Allsky bldg.. Portland. Or., or
cor. tilxth. and Blmonu ast ide
I Master Blood Diseases in One Month
I Do Not Patch Up I Care Forever
Ao Entlrelr Bfmort From the Sjmtera. "Vot I,oeked In" Like Ordlnarr,
Treatments nnd Patent Medicine, to Aualn Reappear.
My Trentment Overeomes All Srmptonu In IS to SO Days, Yon No
One Would Know You Ever Had the Trouble..
T?rSF,ln?li00P DVSBASE u mu" hB entirely removed from the svstem.
T I "l I S'Y" "" so quickly by neutralizing the disease that
lZ?iS?tn Uao5t eJS heln ra"t out every day. and creates fresh, pure blood,
cleansing and buUd4ng up the system, so there can be no come back to it!
Tour advantage In treating with me is that wheri you are cured you -win
ESS nrrted; treatment does not injure your stomach and cause bone
pain and aches like strong mineral mixtures.
Nervous Decline
"I was troubled with Nervous decline for manv
years. 1 lay it to indiscretion and excesses in earlv
youth. I became very despondent and didn't care
whether I worked or not. I Imagined everybody who
looked at me guessed my trouble. My back ached, had
pains in the back of my head, hands and feet were
c2 i t,rei ,n the morning-, poor appetite, fingers were
shaky, eyes buired, hair loose, memory poor, etc
Numbness in the fingers set In. and the doctor told me
he feared paralysis. I took all kinds of medicines and
tried many tlrst-class physicians, wore an electric belt
for three months, went to Hot Springs for baths, but
received little benefit. I was induced to consult Ore
gon Medical Institute Specialists, though I had lost all
faith in doctors. Like a drowning man. I commenced
the New System .Treatment, and it saved my life. The
improvement was like magic I could feel the vigor
gofng through the nerves. I was cured mentally and
physically. I have sent them many patients, and will
continue to do so." .
MY MOTTO IS: Reasonable Prices, Quick,
I Charge Nothing to Prove
My Methods Will Cure You
Expert Medicad Examination Fres Whether You Take
,?i-I f specialists for cures are less than those charged by family physicians or surgeons Medlcln
T?vn,f2,r.0m ,,UL.7n,lab0ratLy ,or the convenience and privacy of our patients, from 1 50 to 6 60 a c
If oucannot-call. write for our FREE SELF-EXAMINATION BLANK AND BOOK.. Man v cases can be cured at
Hours: 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Evenings, 7 to 8. Sundays. 10 A. M. to 12 M. only.
291 12 Morrison Street, Between Fourth and Fifth
sity of continuing the work as rapidly
as possiible.
The following streets were suggested
for hard-surface pavement improve
ments: The Boulevard from Main
street to the Hospital: North Main
street to Coolidge street: South Main
street from Fourth . to the railroad;
B street from Oak to Fourth street
Oak street from Main to B; First
avenue from Main to B; Third street
from Main to B; Second street from
A to B; Mechanic street from Main to
Helman; A street to be macadamized
From First avenue to the depot.
Revival Converts 7 3.
DATTON-, Wash.. Feb. 9. With a rec
The doctor GUESSES.
The doctor TREATS.
The doctor relieves the
A good doctor has SOME
instruments and equip
ment for all ailments.
I have treated hundreds of men who had long suffered a gradual decline of physical and mental energy as a
result of special ailments, and have been interested in noting the marked general improvement that follows a
thorough cure of the chief disorder. My success in curing difficult cases of long standing has made me the
loremost specialist treating men's diseases. This success is due to several things. It is due to the study I have
given my specialty; to my having ascertained the exact nature of men's ailments, and the original, distinctive
and thoroughly scientific methods of treatment 1 employ.
J those in doubt as to their true condition who wish to avoid the serious results that may follow neglect
I offer free consultation and advice, either at my office or through correspondence. If your case is one of the
few that have reached an incurable stage, I will not accept it for treatment, nor will I urge my services upon
anyone. I treat curable cases only, and cure all cases I treat.
Seek Expert Medical Aid-Now
Every case of contracted ailment
I treat is thoroughly cured: my
patients have no relapses. When I
pronounce a case cured there Is not
a particle of infection or Inflamma
tion remaining, and there is not the
slightest danger that the disease
will return to its original form or
work its way into the general sys
tem. No contracted ailment is so
trivial as to warrant uncertain
methods of treatment, and I espe
cially solicit those cases that other
doctors have been unable to cure.
No dangerous minerals to drive
the virus to the interior, but harm
less bJood cleansing remedies that
remove the last poisonous taint..
HOURS: 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. SUNDAYS, 10 to 1
Cor. Second and Morrison Sts.,
Lasting Cures, Honest Dealing, Guaranteed Cures
iOon't Let Money- or False Pride
Prevent You From Being Cured
ord of 73 conversions, the revival meet
ings in charge of Kvangelist Stephens,
of Forest Grove, Or., which have been
in progress at the First Christian
Church for a month, closed last night.
The estimated total attendance was
18.050. More than 60 persons were bap
tised last week and at a reception to
night, attended by 800 persons, more
than 100 new members accepted the
hand of fellowship.
Portland Contributes $1250. ,
Portland's contribution to the cam
paign of the National Rivers and Har
bors Congress for a yearly appropria
tion for the improvement of waterways,
both internal and const, is $1250. This
The specialist KNOWS. '
;The specialist CURES.
The specialist goes farther
and removes the cause.
A good specialist has ALL
scientific mechanical aids
for his specialty.
Dr. Taylor's $10,000 Mu
seum of Anatomy
My colored chart, showing the
male anatomy and affording an In
teresting study in men'a ailments,
will be given free upon application.
Portland, Or.
T "will give the poorest man
a chance, as well as the rich,
to receiv a cure from me at
a small cost. THERE IS NO
if in trouble.
Bladder and Urinary
Ailments Peculiar to Men
Burning Pains. Tortures. Misery. Straining. Cystitis.
Stone . 4n the Bladder, Gravel. Blood, Mucous and all
Kidney. Bladder and Urinary Diseases which you do
not care to trust to the family doctor. I am a
specialist, and am prepared to give you quick relief
and a speedy cure.
Chronic Cases"
If you have an old case that has been hanging on
for weeks or months, and which medicine from doc
tors and druggists can't seem to cure right there is
some reason. I have a scientific cure, and will cure
you quickly and cheaply. Don't let any disease drag
you down and weaken you.
the Treatment or Not
e are
at home.
Portland, Oregon
amount was forwarded several days
ago to Secretary and Treasurer J. K.
Ellison, of Cincinnati. and a receipt
was received yesterday by President
MacMasters, of the Chamber of Com
merce. Xpper Columbia Being Opened.
WENATCHEE, Wash., Feb. 9.
Steamer Yakima, the Government boat
in charge of Captain McDermott, now
removing obstructions from the Co
lumbia River in the Okanogan country
north of here, has passed through Box
Canyon and is now establishing a new
head to navigation In this river. This
will open a rich wheat and fruit coun
try to the north.
The Leading Special!.
Without using knife, ligature or
caustic, without pain and without
detention from business, I cure
Varicose Veins in one week. If you
have sou glit. a cure elsewhere and
been disappointed, or if you fear
the harsh methods that most phy
sicians employ in treating this dis
ease, come to me and I will cure
you soundly and permanently hy a
gentle and painless method. Don't
delay. Varicose Veins have their
dangers and bring their disHstrous
results. Tf you will call 1 will he
pleased to explain my method of
My treatment is absolutely pain
less, and perfect results can be de
pended upon in every instance. I do
no cutting or dilating whatever.
Private Entrance, 234 Morrison Street.