THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAy, WEDXESDAT. FEBRT7ART 9. 1910, n TEST OF HIGH STEP CARS IS ORDERED Women With Grievances to Have Opportunity to Try Various Types. MEN ALSO ARE INVITED Space Required for Motors on Large Cars Makes Problem Difficult. Check of St. John Service Justifies Complaints. Every woman in Portland having a grievance against the steps maintained on the ears operated by the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company, is invited by Mayor Simon's special Council committee to meet at the Savior-street barn at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, Feb ruary 22. At that time. Superintendent Franklin will have cars, equipped with the various kinds of steps m vogue, and the women will be asked to -try all of them and see whether some decision can be reached as to the best type. Men also are asked to attend, but as the women have Inaugurated the fight for lower steps, the invitation is to them especially. Chairman Lombard, of the committee, la of the opinion that little can he done. He stated at the outset that he regarded the contention as one having little merit. He virtually re peated this declaration at yesterday's Besslon of the committee, but agreed readily enough to Councilman' Ellis' sug gestion that a test of the various kinds of steps be made in an effort to solve the problem. Large Cars Have HLgh Steps. Mr. Franklin said to the committee that the company wanted to do its best to please its patrons, but he thought that this step question was one that would be difficult to answer. He doubted whether It could be settled unless smaller cars were used, owing to the large space required on the larger types for motors. It Is because of this equipment that It is so difficult to place the steps lower. It Is only on the large cars that there is complaint. However, the women, led by Mrs. Nina Iarowe. have begun a determined cam paign, and declare they never will quit until they have secured lower steps. They assert that the high step is a menace to health. aa well as a great In convenience. The Portland Woman's Club and the Monday Musical Club have passed resolutions favoring lower steps and indorsing the general movement In that direction. A packet of IS letters, written by va rious well-known women of this city and suburbs to Mrs. Larowe, was read to the committee yesterday. These were published last week In The Oregonlan, and constitute a loud complaint against the present high steps on the large cars. After , a long discussion. It was de cided that it would be wise to have a demonstration as to steps and to invite every one interested to be present. The car company will utilize the Intervening time In preparing for the event, and it Is the wish of the members of the commit tee that all having a grievance against the steps be there to help out in the problem by suggestions and by actual Wis of the steps that will be exhibited on the cars at the carbarns. Transfers Are Curtailed. Mr. Franklin replied in writing to sev eral complaints that had been made to the committee and referred to him for consideration. The committee recom mended that the company issue no trans fers to east-bound passengers to the Mount Scott and Sellwood cars on Wav-erly-Rlchmond or Waverly-Woodstook cars between the hours of 4:30 and 6:30 P. M.; so as to avoid the overcrowding of these last-named cars by persons who want to get to the Mount Scott or Sell wood districts. A complaint of this na ture had been made by people living on the other lines. The company will adopt the recommendation at once. The committee also recommended the instruction of a shelter at Sixth and Irving streets, for persons who take the cars from the ITnion Depot, and the com pany Immediately will build one. Mr. Franklin replied at considerable length to the complaint of the Mount Scott Improvement Club, which was one of the most bitter of ail those received by the committee. He promised a double track for that district, but pointed out that it takes time to make such exten sive improvements as contcmpluted bv his company, and called attention to the expenditure to be made by the corpora tion represented by himself for better ments this year. He declared that it will require an outlay of $3,000,000. of which Sl.OPO.ono will be for street improvements. He denied that any officer of the car company had ever threatened to tear up the Mount Scott track and abandon its use unless complaints ceased, and said that he never had heard of such a thing before receiving the letter from the club. Relative to the complaint of overcrowded cars on that line, he said that two extra cars had been ordered placed on the line for the rush hours, but he held that a 15-minute service was sufficient through the day, as the company oper ates trains of two cars each and not single cars. St. John Complaints Justified. Several complaints of slack attention .by conductors and motormen on the St. John cars were made, and Mr. Franklin replied that he had caused a "check" to be made and found the complaints justi fied, and had "acted accordingly." He was unwilling, however, to concede that the wrecking service there was worse than anywhere else, as has been alleged. He declared that the equipment was equal to that of any city, and that the men were as capable. Answering questions by the members of the committee as to what cars will be heated next Winter. Mr. Franklin siihmitted a list. Including Woodstock. Montavilla, Vancouver, St. John. Rose City Park. Alberta, Woodlawn and Port land Heights. The special committee of the Council Is haviug many complaints as to the sen-ice. but many of them are more or less general and some even trivial. The next session will be at 2 o'clock Tuesday, February 15. ADVENTISTS TO CONVENE Ten Iays Meeting to Begin Tomor row in Portland. Delegates are arriving for the North Pacific Union Conference of the Sev enth Day Adventisis, which convenes tomorrow at 10 A. m. in the Central Church at East Eleventh and East Ev erett streets The -executive commit tee will be in session until the con ference meetings begin and the confer ence proper will last 10 days, sessions being held each forenoon, afternoon and evening. The conference sessions will be pre sided over by Elder C. W. Flaig, presi dent of. the union. Prominent men from the entire union, embracing Ore gon. Washington, Idaho and Montana, will be present. The presidents of the local confer ences are. F. S. bunch, Oregon: S. W. Willis, Washington; G. E Langdon, Upper Columbia; J. C. Foster, Mon tana, and J. I Williamson. Idaho. Among others holding leading posi tions In the denomination who will be present is Elder J. H. Evans, of Wash ington, D. C. Elder Evans will go soon to the Orient to take charge of the interests of the denomination there. The educational department will be presided over by Professor M. E. Cady, president of Walla Walla Col lege, and educational secretary of the Northwest. Elder A. J. Breed will pre side over the meetings of the religious liberty department. A. J. S. Bordeau. secretary of the home missionary de partment of the general conference, will also be present. H. H. Hall will represent the Pacific Press Publishing V.r - I. ate Mrs. Sarah Dixon Shaver, Who Will Be Laid to Rest Today. Company, of Mountain View, Cel. This house devotes its entire energy to pub lishing the denominational literature. Officers will be elected at the session. LENT PASTORAL ISSUED BISHOP SCADDING URGES AB STIXEXCE DURING. PERIOD. Prelate Appeals to Flock to Fast and Avoid Worldly Amusements ' Throughout Season. Biehop Scadding, of the Episcopal Church, has just Issued a Lent pastoral to the clergy and laity of the Diocese of Oregon. Today is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. The pastoral follows: It has been objected that a-strict observ ance of Lent secularizes the remainder of the year. The same argument would lead to the abolition of Sunday. As only those -who rightly observe the Ird's day, sanctify the -whole week, so those who make the best use of Lent find it most possible to enter with sympathetic appreciation into the lessons of the festivals of the church and to live with constant self-restraint during the remainder of the year. To get the best results from Lent we must remember the purpose of the time and the services which are appropriate thereto. The purpose Is to draw into close communion with God, and the means are penitence and self-denial. We can only hope to approach near unto God if our hearts are right with. God. and it is penitence which cleanses them and makes them ready for him. As Pin has been the only means of separa tion between God and man, so only by the removal of sin can we get back what man had lost, the sense of communion, the power to love and the strength to do. As "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son" for the redemption of man, our part In the removal of sin comes in the life of penitence. To this we are called. -Repent ye." and the church sets apart 40 days now for this particular work. I call upon the church people of this diocese to use all diligence in the perfecting of re pentance. Let all abstain from worldly amusements use the time thus gained for self-examination, meditation, more frequent and earnest prayer; confess your sins; do some real fast ing and abstjnence and do not talk about It ; make some one act of self-denial con stant during the whole time. Do it all as unto the Lord and not unto men; with hu mility and meekness, with teachableness of spirit and loyalty to the church. The result of such observance should be a growth in grace, marked by restraint in the regulation of Jlfe. by greater sympathy and consideration for i others, more zeal for Christ and his church, and an Increased sense both of spiritual power and com munion with God. '.Tommendlng you to God and the power of his might, T assure you of my constant prayers and send you my blessing as we approach once more the days of trial. Faithfully, your bishop and friend. CHARLES SCA1DING. "DRY" DEBATE DARE TAKEN German - Speaking Societies Accept Challenge of Prohibitionists. The Consolidation of the German Speaking Societies of Oregron will ac cept the challenge to a debate sent to the president by J. P. Newell, of the Prohibition party. Prohibition will be the suuject of the debate. At the meeting- of delegates Monday evening in the hall of the German Relief Society, at Eleventh and Morrison streets, the president. Otto Kleemann, was em powered to accept the challenge to de bate with the prohibitionists in any form he deems just and proper, the terms of the debate to be left to his discretion!. 1 Committees were appointed to plan a mass meeting, to be held the middle of next monlh. After a eulogy of Alvln Knapp, of Oregon City. delivered bv Guitav ichnoerr, resolutions of condolen BODY LAID TO REST Mrs. Sarah Dixon Shaver Is to Be Buried Today. PIONEER 64 YEARS OLD Born, in Indiana, Woman Crossed Plains in Early Dajs She Mar ried George W. Shaver, Born in Kentucky in 1832. aaran Dixon Shaver, a well-knowrt Oregon pioneer and wife of the late George AV. Shaver died Monday after noon at her home, 348 Crosby street. The funeral will be held! today at 10:30 A. M. from the residence. rr. T. L. Eliot will officiate and the burial will be in the Riverview Cemetery. Mrs. Shaver was the daughter of James and Susan Dixon. She was bora in Indiana. Augum SO. 1S36. and was one of a family of 13 children, only four of whom now survive. Wames Dixon, her father, was born in Ovid. Seneca County, New York, in 1803. In 1816 he moved with his father to Indiana and for several years' rafted lumber on the Alleghany River. On April 6. 1824. he waa married to Susan Copple, who was born in Clark County, Indiana November 17, 1808. They settled on a farm in Shelby County, Indiana, on the Blue River, where they lived for 20 years, then moving to Andrew County. Missouri, where they lived for eight years. And from there he crossed the plains, in 1S31, with his wife and three of his oldest children, arriving in Portland in Novem ber of that year. Thomas, one of .the brothers of Mrs. Shaver, was killed in the Bannock war in 1879, near Stein Mountain. On February 2. 1S54. Sarah Dixon was married to George W. Shaver, another pioneer who crossed the plains in 1S51, after leaving Kentucky, where he was born March 2. 1832. Mr. and Mrs. Shaver settled In Marion County among the Waldo Hills. In I860 they moved, with their family, to Port land and settled on the East Side of the river, where what is now konwn as Elizabeth Irving. Addition, and where the old homestead still stands, between Crosby and Larabee streets and Cherry and Broadway. Here six children were born unto Mr. and Mrs. Shaver, making a family of ten children. Seven of the children are living, four sons and three daughters, as follows: .James W., George M-. Delmar and Lincoln; and Mary Alice, wife of H. Wittenberg; Suean, wife of Albert Heintz, and Pearl, wife of George W. Hoyt. "COP" SLUMBERS ON BEAT Alarm Clock Falls to Give Warning of Approach of Sergeant. Chief of Police Cox suspended Patrol man B. R. Evert yesterday morning, after the patrolman had been found asleep in the office of a Sunnyside woodyard at a time when he should have been covering his beat. A feature of the finding of Evert sa that he had an alarm clock to awaken him at the regular hourly in terval at which he should have reported. Evert was found by Sergeant Joe Keller of the second night relief at 3:30 o'clock yesterday morning. When the Sergeant tried to get into the office he found the door locked. He notified Captain Baty, who hastened to the scene In the police automobile, and the two officers awakened the patrolman. In view of the recent rigid orders regarding discipline and attention to duty issued by Chief Cox, it is believed that Evert will reeeive summary punishment. Evert's case is the second in the his tory of the Portland Police Department In which a patrolman used an alarm clock to enable him to sleep on his beat and report to the police station at proper in tervale. L. C. Fones, the son of Patrol man J. P. Fones, was caught by Captain Baty, then a sergeant, three years ago. Fones was dismissed. . - . i uvuuuicnce I were passed and ordered sent to Mr. Knapp's family. ' ine appointed to prepare circulars mas granted further time to procure statistics. Theo. Welbel re ported on the encouraging growth of the organization in Washington and particularly at Tacoma. Twenty so cieties in Oregon were represented at the meeting bv fiAloo'.t.a the total in the state being 28 societies' a inemoersmp or 4o00. A SIMPLE HOME REMEDY. The "ew Kerned?. Salarrene, far Rheu matism and Kidney Trouble, Dally GnrlB( More Popular. Olive oil is an old and tested remedy for almost all kinds and all clauses of diseases. Salgrene mixed with four nunrpa nf nliva nil , , ------- " "v o an invalu able remedy for lumbago, kidney trou- u'c u iiiruiuauiii. it is especially recommended in cases of kidney trou ble, as It contains absolutely no alcohol alcohol being irritant to the kidneys Full directions will be found on bottle! Morgan & Robb. 250 Stark St., will write your Fire Insurance for you. PERS0NAL MENTION. ' A. E. Jepp, a merchant of Eugene, is at the Lenox Hotel. F. M. Fo-ench, a jeweler of Albany, is at the Imperial Hotel. C. A. Palmer, a lumberman of Sheri dan, is at the Perkins Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shrlvers, of Moscow, are at the Lenox Hotel. Professor F. Wesley Orr, of Forest Grove, is at the Cornelius Hotel. W. A. Crowell, a banker of Medford. is registered at the Seward Hotel. W. A. Wright, a physician of Spokane, was registered at the Perkins Hotel yesterday. J. W. Berrian, superintendent of the Government fish hatchery at Bonneville, Is at the Seward Hotel. E. J. Curtis, a newspaper publisher of Astoria, visited Portland yesterday and stayed at the Oregon Hotel. Mrs. Paul 11. Weyrauch, of Walla Walla, is visiting friends in Portland and staying at the Nortonia Hotel. S. S. Bailey, stockman and raiser of blooded horses, of Albany, is at the Hotel Oregon during a visit to Port land. Miss Mathews, of New York, is visit ing friends at the Nortonia Hotel, where she has taken temporary Quar ters. L. McLean, a prominent Spokane ir rigationists, is visiting Portland on business and is staying at the Portland Hotel. A. R. Gray, dining-room secretary of the Y. M. C. A., is happy over the ar rival at his home yesterday of an eight pound girl baby. P. Wright. Ivan Wright and M. W. linger, of Seattle, comprise a party of Portland visitors registered at the Cornelius Hotel. J. G. Gessling. who Is interested in apple-growing at Hood River. Is visit ing Portland and has taken quarters at the Portland Hotel. W. P. Campbell, assistant superin tendent of the Chemawa Indian School, passed through Portland yesterday en route to Montana On school business. He was at the Imperial Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Snyder and daugh ter, of Chicago, are at the Portland for a few days, the guests of Dr. Courtland L. Booth. Mr. Snyder is an attorney of Chicago and is making an extended trip along tne Coast with a view of investing in real estate. CHICAGO, Feb. S. (Special.) Port land people registered at the hotels to day were as follows: At the Palmer House, Miss II. L. Joseph; at the Con gress. William McMurray. Many persons find themselves affect ed with a persistent cough after an at tack of -luenza. As this cough can be promptly cured by the use of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy, It should not be allowed to run on until It becomes t: ublesome. Sold by all dealers. Only Ou "RROMO QCIXtNTE." That Is LAXATIVE BROMO QTJININB Look tor the signature ot E- W. GROVE Used the World over to Cur a Cold in. On Day. 23o. Laurelhurst is from 5 to 10 Minutes Closer In than Other Residence Additions Now on Sale in Portland and on 2 Carlines This is one of the many reasons why purchasers of high-class home sites choose Laurelhurst in preference to other tracts much farther out. It explains the high sales for January in Laurelhurst. It requires only a visit to this property to make one realize the immense advantages of Laurelhurst over any other section of the , East Side. Laurelhurst is restricted property and these can be no shacks erected next to a fine home, and by reason of the magnificent view which can be had in all directions Laurelhurst is ideal home property. As an investment it is abso lutely safe and sure, for it lies in the heart of the most exclusive residence district , of the East Side, where values are high, prices low and property always in de mand. Laurelhurst is the last available high-class property in this section. Sales in Laurelhurst for the Month of Jan uary Reached a Total of $146,750 This large record of sales is another indication of the fact that the public appre ciates what is being done in Laurelhurst. The many superior features of Laurel hurst over any other residence addition, of Portland are apparent to every visitor to the property. Let us show you Laurelhurst in our automobiles and you will at once see the advantage of investing here. If you are in the market for a home site, you want it located in a section where no apologies are necessary and where you may feel assured that you could not have placed your wife and family in a more choice neighborhood. The word "improvements" as applied to a real estate addition mean everything or anything. In some additions it means graded streets, water and sidewalks. In Laurelhurst it means: Asphalt StreetsCement Walks--9 Foot ParkwaysShade Trees Water Sewer Gas Cluster Lights Etc. Km: t mmmm f IroseI .'1 take ; The Addition with Character A 7 AITKORIZED BROKERS. harles K. Henry Co. Wakefield, Kries A C'o, ieo. I. Schalk H. P. PalmerIones Co. Jtolmen A Menifee Mall & Von Borntl Mackie A Kountree K. K. Biran & Co. Prirk-Dodd to. Kirff-lvlrinHorice JeDd Co. isuduu c crocKett Jtraltv Co Lots From $750 Up Terms 10 Cash 2 Monthly 522-526 Corbett Bldg. Phones, Main 1503, A 1515. f. ': ""La? 71 ' 1 n (- A Z At M . 1 , - - I i . BEAMS UP ONE AT TIME MEANWHILE COURTHOUSE COX TRACTOR FORFEITS $50 DAY. Lack of Steel Hampers Construction and Extension of Time of Contract Is Refused. A few steel beams each day continue to be delivered at Fourth and Salmon streets, the site of the county's new Courthouse. Four or five were delivered yesterday, and several the day before. The five men whom the United Engineer ing & Construction Company had at work last week putting up a derrick have bee-n taken off, and for two days the der rick engine has been Idle. Meantime O. E. Heintz, who contracted to furnish the steel for the east wing of the now structure for S33.714. and to erect 1 The only preparations l that can adequately clean, polish, brighten and keep your . teeth white are Sanitol Tooth Powder ' Sanitol Tooth Paste Their antiseptic properties ar rest decay at once, tone up the mouth and gums and keep them healthy. 25c wherever toilet articles are sold r.i: -' .. m ijiifttrraUTi( ii', Ml' mm. Mm It for J3S64. is forfeiting JLV4 a" rlav rT- failure to complete the steel framework in time. The contract called for the finishing of this work November 20. last. The' penalty amounts to about J1300 a month. Heintz' bondsmen, the United States Fidelity & Guarantee Company, have been notified, say the County Commissioners!.- The latter have refused to give Heintz an extension of time. The ramshackle quarters of the Municipal Court and City Jail, which have been criticized by the grand Jury," must con tinue in use until the new Courthouse east wing Is completed. , "Work In putting up the steel will prob ably be resumed tomorrow," said O. E. Heintz, of the Pacific Iron Works, last night. "The United Engineering & Con struction Company, to whom we sublet the contract for putting up the steel, is now waiting for steel with which to erect the first and second' stories. The last carload arrived from the Bethlehem Steel Works yesterday, and we are fabri cating it here. We expect to have enough steel on the Courthouse site within a few days to pnt up the first two stories. "We are doing nothing regarding our 50 a day forfeiture. The time extension is up to the County Commissioners." Field Missionary Keeps Busy. Rev. W. S. Holt, field secretary of the Presbyterian Board of Home Missions, announces the following engagements for February: February 9 Meet home missionary com mittee at Santa Rofta. February 10 Address at Txinrpoc. February 11 Visit L,os Angeles. February 12 Conference at Santa Bar bara. February 13 Hold meeting at Santa Maria. February 14. Go to Los Angreles. February Meet home missionary com mittee at Riverside. February 16 Conference at Tvis Angeles. February 17 Go to San Diego. February 18 Be in San Franpiapo. February 20 Morninn meeting at Oak- aaie: evening meeting at Modestc. February Ul Meet home missionary com mittee and " address men's meeting In Mo desto. February 22 Meet home missions com mittee at Sacramento. February 2:: Visit Chlco. February 24 Visit Red Bluff. February 25 to end of month at office in Portland. 1 2 . HOURS TO SPOKANE A good night's rest or a pleasant day trip 1b insured by the fast time, perfect track and latest patterns of equipment of the Spokane, Portland & Seattle Ry. " The North Bank Road " OBSERVATION CARS, PARLOR CARS, COMPARTMENT SLEEPERS, DISTIXft CARS, MEALS A LA CARTE. TOV HIST SLEEPERS, FIRST - CLASS COACHES. Leave Portland 7:00 P. M. 9:00 A. M. Arrive Spokane 7:00 A.M. 9:15 P.M. Dinner served on evening train. Luncheon and dinner on day train. ' Passenger Station 11th and Hoyt Sts. CITY TICKET OFFICES Third and Morrison Sta. 122 Third St. 100 Third St. Piano Buyers Have two ways of con sidering a purchase Price and Quality Some think only of price, but the wise buyer considers, above everything, quality, and is willing to pay. what quality necessarily costs. THE Krakauer Piano Possesses a tone of such pe culiar richness that you can not forget it. It is the piano of quality, and, furthermore, quality at the minimum price. Compare the Krakauer with - any other piano, and you will be willing to pay the addi tional amount which the Krakauer costs. Convenient payments may be arranged Old instruments taken in exchange. 304 Oak Street, Between Fifth and Sixth - ii -JJ) i