Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 09, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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Senate Committee Approves
Resolution Asking
Seven Senators to Conduct Investi
gation Increased Cost of Living-
to Be Traced for Dec
ad Leaders Act.
' WASHINGTOX. Feb. 8. Republican
leaders, in conference today, perfected a
resolution on the Inquiry into the cost of
living- -which was later presented to the
Senate by Mr. McCumber, of North Da
kota. An hour after Mr. McCumber had pre
sented the resolution from the finance
committee and it hcuS been referred to
t he committee on con tin gent expenses,
Mr. Kean, chairman of the latter com
mittee, reported the measure back with ft
recommendation that it bo adopted.
Mr. Stone objected to the Immediate
consideration of the resolution and it
went over until tomorrow.
Mr. Crawford said that the important
point was to ascertain whether there had
been an increase in wages. No one
doubted, he said, that there had been &
general increase in prices of food and
other necessaries of life.
Elkins Is Author.
The resolution bears the name of Sen
ator Klkins as author and embodies the
principal features of the McCumber reso
lution as well as some of those con
tained in the one introduced by Mr.
LrOdge. The inquiry is to be conducted
by a committee of seven Senators and
it, is planned to assemble all of the in
formation possible bearing upon the In
creased cost of articles of food since 1900
and report, if possible, at the present
session of Congress.
In making; the investigation It is pro
vided that special attention shall be
given to the following; subjects:- Wages,
salaries and earnings, and whether the
Increase in them had kept pace with
the increase in the cost of living. In
crease in the price of such articles as
meat, grain, provisions, cotton, wool,
clothing, rents, lumber, coal, iron, oil,
brick and cement.
Price to the producer, the wholesaler
or Jobber, the retailer and the consumer
at which articles included in the Inves
tigation were distributed and sold in
the year 1&00 and the price -for their
disposition at the present time.
The cost of production of the articles
mentioned and the cost of their distri
bution and sale when in the hands of
the wholesaler or jobber and the retail
er, between the same periods.
Probe to Be Strict.
"Whether such articles have been in
creased in price by reason of the in
creased production of gold throughout
the world, and the expansion of the
currency in the United States, or by
tariff, or other legislation of Congress,
or by any monopoly, -combination or
conspiracy to control and regulate or
restrain interstate or foreign commerce
in the supply, distribution or. sale of
such articles. The prices of food prod
jcts on the farm In various parts of
the United States. Wholesale prices of
such food products at the wholesale
trade centers of the United States. Re
tail prices of such food products In the
larger cities of the United States and
hIso a comparative statement showing
the cost of production on the farm.
The committee is ordered to report
to the Senate suggestions or recommen
dations as to the remedy to be applied
to reduce the cost of living, and ac
company Its report with drafts of bills
of such legislation as will. In the opin
ion of the committee, correct and re
move the causes which have enhanced
the prices of the necessaries of life.
YuhiniUo!i Stores Can't Buy From
Farmers Direct Is Testified.
WASHINGTON, F"eb. 8. The House
committee inquiry Into the high cost of
food developed the fact that the retail
merchant of "Washington cannot buy
tlirect from the farmer without bringing
a boycott by tho commission -merchants
it nd he Is therefore forced to trade
thrtfugh that medium and to charge to
the ultimate consumer whatever the in
creased cost may be.
Food inspector rodge continued his
testimony today with a comparison of
prices of necessaries of life with prices
of 12 years ago. which showed increases
up to 150 per cent.
A partial 4ist of articles so compared
Artirlos. lft.l 1110
"ItrMkfast harnn, lb loti 22 c
Navy he ns, qt Tr 25c
Hest KIrIu butter, lb ;isc x
Now York rrt-am oh?ese. lb... 1 ri 2A
St riot I y frcsti crbb. dozen. 3c :)0o
1'nrest lard, lb JS'-p I Be
lb 7-c I4c
J'ork hamiw, lb ?u.c 'iflc
Kih roast, lb Jte 1Jc
SiiusRRe. lb loo. lc
Koumi steak, lb jio - 0
Tenderloin uteak. lb irc L'Oc
1 vlsh pot at ops, pk. ........... 1 2c 1 7 c
Irtsh potatoes, bu 4 .v GZc.
Siatidnrd fltir. sack i"o jfct. tK
miulard flour, barrel.: $3.50 $6.00
3 ql.
Missouri to Probe Anti-Trust Law
Violations on Own Accord.
JKFFERSON CITV. Mo.. Feb. 8. The
heads of the nine big packing com
panies under Investigation by Attorney
Oeneral Major will be summoned here
within the next few days, to explain
their methods of conducting business.
tn see if they can satisfy the -Attorney-Oeneral
they are not operating in vio
lation of the anti-trust laws. The tes
timony will be taken before former
Judge Daniel Dillon, of St. Louis, as
special commissioner for the Supreme
Court. The tirst two hearings will take
place In this city.
IJoycott Increase Cost.
PITTSBURG. Feb. 8. With the open
ing of the second week of the 30 days'
meat boycott In this city, meats yeeter-J
aay continued to rise In price. Sheep
advanced from 25 to 60 cents a hun
dredweight, while hogs jumped $1 a
hundredweight. Home-dressed pork led
In coat by 1 cent a pound wholesale,
and from 2 to 3 cents retalL Beef
advanced from 10 to 15 cents a hun
dred pounds. United Statea Attorney
John Jordan caused 25,000 eggs, in a
cold-storage plant, to be attached, and
will ask the Federal Court to condemn
them as unfit.
higher than ever today. TJropping for a
time when the agitation for elimination
of meat from the diet was fresh, quota
tions, both, wholesale and retail, have
mounted to figures equal to and In some
cases above those prevailing before the
movement began. Indications are. prom
inent dealers said todays that still higher
prices are coming Increase in demand
accounts for some of the tendency to
advance. The retailers attribute this In
crease to the cold weather. Short sup
plies are believed by the wholesalers to
have more to do with it than anything
Types of Various Flying Machines
at Pure Food Show.
The Henry Wemme aeroplane exhibit
being shown at Meier St Frank's' Pure
Food Show for the benefit of the Mount
Hood, road will be open free to children
today until noon and on Thursday and
Friday until noon. On Saturday morning
children accompanied by their parents
will be admitted free. This exhibit has
added over $1000 to the Mount Hood road
Julius Meier, of the firm of Meier &
Frank, announces as a free educational
exhibit, in connection with the Pure
Food Show, a display of airship models
which will be installed soon. This will
Include some of the most successful air
ships exhibited in the recent aviation
meet at Los Angeles. M. Lawrence 3.
Dare, an aviator who has flown in the
Fannan machine and who managed the
first aviation meet in the United 3tates,
Is in charge.
In Dare's exhibit there are models of
a Wright machine, a Bleriot "Cross Chan
nel" monoplane; Santos Dumont's mono
plane, 'Dem else lie ; Ek P. La n gl ey s'
early type; Regler Sommers' machine,
the Antoinette type; a Chanue glider, a
Dulhil machine and others. Mr. Dare
will explain the differences in the various
The Pure Food Show has been largely
attended since the opening February 1.
It is said one woman who manufactured
a table condiment has sold every ounce
of the manufactured product, in addition
to buying and reselling all in the hands
of the various retailers, and has in ad
dition taken orders on enough goods to
warrant her In doubling the output of her
small plant. The exhibit will continue
until the end of February.
Tennessee Clash Between Laborers
Results in Deaths.
CHATTANOOGA, Term., Feb. 8. Sher
iff Westmoreland and Deputy Sheriff
Young, of Marion County, who came to
Chattanooga at noon today, from the
Hale Bar Locke's dam. state that six
negroes were killed and six wounded,
two probably fatally, in today's rioting.
. Bad feeling: had been brewing for
some days between white and negro
employes of the Locke's dam contrac
tors, and an attack upon one of the
negro laborers by several white men
yesterday, coupled with a liberal dis
tribution of whisky and weapons among
the negroes, brought the trouble to a
After an exchange of shots between a
force of five policemen, rushed by train
from Chattanooga, and a squad of spe
cial deputies and the negroes, the
tronble was quelled.
The negroes who took the most active
part in the trouble retreated up the
Tennessee River, and a posse is trying
to apprehend them.
Republican Tells Congress Why He
Lost Election In Virginia.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 8. The name of
Hlliot G. Mathews, an alleged insane
man, on the ballot as third candidate
for Congress in the Fifth Virginia Dis
trict drew enough votes from John M.
Parsons. Republican candidate, to elect
E. W. Saunders,- Democrat, according
to Parsons' statement today to House
election committee No. 2.
Mathews, released, it Is said, from an
asylum just before the election, ob
tained a place on the ballot by send
ing his name to the Secretary of the
Commonwealth, with the required at
testations. Fourteen ballots were cast
and Saunders' plurality over Parsons
was eight.
Mathews is said to be again In an
Deaf Pedestrian or 80 Fails to Hear
Whistle of Warning.
COLFAX, "Wash.,. Feb. 8. (Special. 1
James Brunk, aged 80 yeans, was criti
cally Injured today by being run down
by Portland to Spokane O. R. & K.
train. Brunk. who is very deaf, was
walking to Colfax, and being in a curve
in the track was not seen in time to
stop the train. Engineer tSewart
sounded warning and applied emergency
brakes, but being on down-grade of 4
per cent could not stop.
Brunk was thrown 40 feet and that he
was not killed seems a miracle. He was
internally injured, besaides receiving
many bruises about the head, back and
arms. His only relative, a brother, T.
D. Brunk. lives at Union. Or. The rail
way physician gives no hope of recovery.
Both Western VnJversoty Men Are
Oood Hiflemen.
WASHIXGTOX, Feb. 8. Reports from
ths teams of nine colleges which partici
pated In lest week's shoot of the Inter
collegiate Indoor Rifle League show the
following scores:
Columbia. 1793; University of Idaho, 1779;
University of Iowa. 1775: CJeorge Washing
tort1 University, 1762; Cornell University,
1749; Washington State College, 1737;
United States College of Veterinary Sur
geons. Itf52; University of kXevada, 1642;
Louisiana State University, 1592.
A Columbia marksman, H. P. Lane,
made the highest possible score by put
ting ten shots within a space the size of
a dime.
tContinuffd From First Fse
Meat Still Higher li New York.
NEW YORK. Feb. 8. Meat prices ar
onles and incarcerated in fclonsc cells," he
declared, "than of the secretaries of im
migration restriction leagues.
Congressman Not Immune.
"The very suggestion that one ought
not to charge a Congressman with hav
ing done wrong until the letter of every
word of e-ery fact charged against him
can be proved to a mathematical certain
ty is so contrary to what I believe to be
right that it is actually disgusting.
"The CommlssHon defends itself against
the charge of extravagance, and so did
the capitol commissioners of the StcUe of
Pennsylvania defend themselves against
extravagant expenditures in the construc
tion of that building. Morse, of New
York, and Walsh, of Chicago, both high
up in life, defended their extravagant
expenditures' of trust funds. - One of
them Is now serving time In the peniten
tiary at Atlanta and the other at Fort
Leaven wortfc"
Nurse Tells of Convulsion Af
ter Medicine Prescribed by
Dr. Hyde Is Given.
Asked Her o Vse Influence With
Colonel Swope to Have Him
Named AdministratorPoison
in Body Said to Be Copious..
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Feb. 8. With
the testimony of Miss Pearl Keller, a
nurse; of Dr. Ludwig Hektoen, of Mrs.
Logan II. Swope and of Err. Frank:
Hall in the inquest over the body of
the late Colonel Swope in Independence
today, caem developments In the mys
tery of the millionaire's death more
startling than any facts heretofore
Mis Keller's detailed story of the
last moments of Colonel Swope's life,
replete with the startling features of
happenings in. the Swope household,
produced a sensation. So carefully
had her story been guarded that, al
though much has been written and
rumored about the case, not until to
day Tiad anyone outside the Immediate
circle interested in the inquiry heard
the narrative.
Ir. Hyde Made Proposal.
Immediately following the death of
Colonel Thomas Moss Hunton, Dr. B.
C. Hyde asked her to use her Influ
ence with Colonel Swope to have him
appointed administrator of the Swope
estate. Colonel Hunton had been the
On the morning of Colonel Swopats
death she gave him a three-grain cap
sule, supposed to contain dyspepsia
medicine. This she did at the direction
of Dr. Hyde. Twenty minutes later
Colonel Swope was in a convulsion.
His death son followed.
Five minutes after Colonel Swope's
death. Dr. Hyde appeared and, with At
torney John G. Paxton, took Colonel
Swope's will from his vest pocket.
Strjelinine Found in Liver:
Dr. Hektoen testified one-sixth of a
grain of strychnine was found in one
seventh part of Colonel Swope's liver. He
believed there might be a grain In the
entire organ. Half a grain would cause
death. Traces of strychnine were found
in the stomach. Strychnine might have
been injected Into the body after death.
He did not believe the taking of medicine
containing strychnine would leave as
much as a grain of the poison in the
Mrs. Swope testified that Dr. Hyde
knew of Colonel Swope's intention to
give .500,000 to charity and of his plan
to change his will to this effect. She
also said that Colonel Swope had told
Ir. Hyde he had planned to give Thomas
Swope the largest part of hie estate. She
denied she entertained any ill feeling
against Dr. Hyde.
Dr. Frank Hall said he was absolutely
certain Colonel Swope did not die from
cerebral hemorrhage or apoplexy.
Druggist Tells of Medicine.
O. H. Gentry, a druggist of Independ
ence, said he prepared the medicine for
Colonel Swope that contained elixir of
Iron, quinine and strychnine. The
strychnine in a teaspoonful amounted to
only one-one-hundred and eightieth of a
grain, he said.
Dr. Hyde was again present at the in
quest today and heard every- word of
testimony. Especially did he follow the
testimony of Miss Keller closely. But
he gave no sign that her narrative per
turbed him in the least.
In the tense moments when Miss Keller
described the dying actions of Colonel
Swope, jurors and spectators leaned for
ward and listened eagerly to every word.
She told in detail how she gave the man
a capsule and how he passed into con
vulsions. She said he cried:
"Oh, my God! I wish I had not taken
that medicine; I wish I were dead."
Capsule Cause of Death?
Miss Keller also said that Dr. Hyde
suggested to her that she ought to charge
JS3, instead of $25 a week for her services.
After she had given most of her testimony
and the room was quiet. Coroner B. H.
Swart asked her:
"Do you know of anything that might
haive caused Colonel Swope's death other
than that capsule?" f
"I do not.", she replied, firmly.
The report made by Dr. Hektoen on
the liver was supported by affidavits
from Drs. "Walter S. Haines and Victor
C. Vaughan. The report on the condi
tion of the stomach was given verbally
by Dr. Hektoen. Dr. Hektoen said the
examination of the otjgans of the body
had not been . completed.
A question that may have great bearing
on the case was asked by a Juryman In
the afternoon. It was:
"Could the body onsorb strychnine that
had been Injected after death?"
"Yes." Dr. Hektoen replied.
Poison Could Xot Diffuse.
Coroner Swart then asked Dr. Hek
toen if it would be possible, in view of the
fact that the body of Colonel Swope had
been frozen, to have injected strychnine
after death so that it would have been
Old People
it strengthens and vitalizes
Vinol tones up the digestive organs,
aids assimilation, enriches the blood,
and rejuvenates every organ in the
body. In this natural manner Vinol
replaces weakness with strength.
We are positive it will benefit every
old person who will give it a triaL
if it don't we -will refund their money.
Ladies' Leading Outfitters
Fourth and Morrison Streets
Extraordinary Offerings in Our Suit and Cloak Salon
For Wednesday and Thursday our Suit Dept. has offered some of the best bargains ever advertised. As
to quality, we can say they are the regular Silverfield kind and at regular price are certainly bargains. The
reason for this. extra reduction on tailored garments is that we consider inventory the coming season. Note
these values:
Regular $35.00 Street and Tailored Suits. . .$17.85
Regular $40:60 Street and Tailored Suits... .$19.85
Regular $47.50 Street and Tailored Suits. . .$23.75
Regular $50.00 Street and Tailored Suits . . . $34.85
$17.50 Skirts at $5.49
All made up in all styles and many different kinds of
material. Your choice . . . . . ,:. . ... . .$5.49
Now Is the Time to
Buy Furs
In our Millinery Dept.; we have.only.a few of these Beautiful French Coney Shawls of the latest style,
beautiful hats left. Sale price ...... ..$2.98 trimmed with heads and tails. ............. ;.t... ... .$4.35
HatsValues to $20.00
at $2.98
For Wednesday and Thurs
day Only Bargain Counter
Including , the large, and beautiful Hair
Pins, elegant Ruching, Belt Buckles, etc.
Values to $1.00. Sale price 19
Of all styles, sizes and colors.
Sale price. ....w.. . .19
35c to 40c Handkerchiefs
at 23c
Beautiful initials and different
Colored borders. Sale price. .23f
diffused through tho system. Dr. Hek
toen said -that It -would not.
Mrs. Swope told of many eccentricities
of Colonel Swope. She said he had
thought for 25 years that his death -was
" Tm the same as a dead man." she
testified that he ,once said to a relative.
Tm Just walking'' around to save funeral
expenses "
Springfield Mall Service Cut.
SPRINGFIELD, Or., Feb. 8. (Spe
cial.) The Postofflce today learned
that It would hereafter receive no mail
from trains on the main line at Spring
field Junction. All the mall for this
city will have to come via Albany and
as there is but one train dally, and
that arriving at 10:30 In the evening,
mail from the north will be two days
old before it Is distributed. The only
reason for this change is the cost of
the messenger between here and the
junction, it is said.
Springfield Schedule Changed.
SPRINGFIELD, Or., Feb. 8. (Spe
cial.) The train between this city and
Albany has been changed back to its
old schedule, leaving at 4:10 A. M. and
arriving at 10:30 P. M. It took two
days to go to Portland and back, be
sides a long wait In Albany while
changing cars. The changed schedule
was objected to by all the other towns
on the line.
Many Hurt in Collision.
OGDEJT, Utah. Feb. 8. A head-on
collision between a Malad Valley motor
car and an Oregon Short Line train
from the north, occurred as the south
bound train was entering the Ogden
yards today, resulting in injuries to
many passengers on the motor car.
which was completely wrecked. The
most seriously injured are:
Mrs. Mary Jeppsen, Salt Lake City,
internally injured.
Harry Allred, Blackfoot, Idaho.
John A. Johns, mail clerk.
Six other passengers were slightly
The collision was caused by the motor
car attempting to make a siding at the
neck of the yards in time to clear the
main line for the , delayed passenger
An English agricultural society has s
sparrow extermination fund.
(lire lira. Wi
Select Pianos
Buyers Find on Investigation That Prices Are Much Lower Here. Bring in
Your Checks-We,H Allow an Additional 5 Bonus.
Whys, Wherefores and Full Particulars, Prices, Terms, Etc
The purchase of a Kimball, Story & Clark, Haddorff, Hallet &
Jjavia, Lesxer, no Dare ai. uaDie, jung, scnumann or any otner one
of our list of over thirty celebrated high-grade makes is not a matter
.of experiment as to the piano's tone, durability and lasting qualities,
nor of speculation or conjecture as to what the price should be. Our
makes of pianos have been sold in this territory for so many years
and the prices are so well established that to buy one of them carries
with it the assurance and satisfaction which comes only with a knowl
edge and experience of years.
Therefore, it is not surprising that on yesterday
our store should have been filled with buyers eager
to take advantage of our splendid offer. "We have
announced a 6 per cent bonus on all prize checks
issued in a recent contest. $150 check is worth
$157.60 $125 is $131.25. We could not accept these
checks except for the co-operation of Eastern manu
facturers. We placed an order for 1350 pianos, and
they join us in this compaign. The 5 per cent addi
tional is the amount that would ordinar
ily go for preliminary advertising,
printing, etc In this case it's your gain.
Easy terms are arranged for the pay
ment of the balance, when desired.
It makes no difference to whom your
check is made payable, it will be accepted
by jjs. You are the owner of the check
and are free to make any disposition of
it you may see fit.
The accompanying cut shows the
number of prize checks from the balloon
puzzle contest which were turned in to
the Eilers Piano House on yesterday, in
part payment for our pianos.
Each and every piano leaving this
store is guaranteed for from five to ten
years by an old-time honored manufac
turer, as well as by ourselves, and in
addition thereto, each purchaser of an
inexpensive piano is made doubly secure
by receiving our two years' free trial
exchange agreement.
Shop all around, visit the other piano
stores if you wish, but by all means make
a rigid comparison of our vaiues with
those offered you elsewhere before mak
ing your final decision. You will then
do as did these twenty-one people whose
checks are photographed herewith, by
purchasing your piano of the old, reliable
if 21 PIANOS
' 1 II ne ecor fS
Willi wners f 79S
Ba,!oon IVize Checks
I , .... . , Ai. 3472 :
XationalTbank 1 - y
, T9I0 '
. ,crFiRf-:
, -. .New Castle. Ind.,
Order of 'ec--rti f -cancr
K ftilTTA t-C. ' VDtf Tfr A'S fStCm Drr ;rV - ""A "Ts oaoo c
tW CAITLC (NO... :-