Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 09, 1910, Image 1

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    VOL. L.-XO. 15,352.
Vote Is Only Half of
Deputies Active, but Only Two
Warrants Are Served.
Rattle for Nominations Had Been
Strongly Personal Republican
Who Seems to "Have Won,
Favored "Restricted"' Vice.'
SEJATTLK, Wash.. Feb. 8. (Special.)
With the polls closing at S o'clock to
night and a heavy vote cast In every ward
and preeir-ct, counting of the ballots has
been slow, but at 11 o'clock tonight It ap
pears that Hiram C. Gill, Republican
candidate for the nomination, lias de
feated his rival, A. "V. Bouillon, and that
William Hickman Moore, ex-Mayor, will
be the choice of the Democrats for the
head of the ticket.
Voting was spirited all day and what
started as a tame election would end
up tonight In all kinds of excitement.
Armed with warrants. Deputy Sheriffs
watched all day in the precincts where
evidence of illegal registration had been
disclosed. Only two warrants were
served. Owing to the fact the determina
tion of the officers to send every man to
jail who attempted to cast a fraudulent
vote was clearly understood, the floaters
failed to vote and thereby escaped ar
rest. Colony Vote Falls Ofr.
In the Third. Fourth and Fifth precincts
of the First Ward, where the coloniza
tion 1n the cheap lodging-houses had been
notorious, there, was a heavy falling-off
in the vote. More than Soo men In these
precincts who were grouped about the
polling places declined to vote. The num
ber of ballots a.t was about 50 per cent
of the registration.
In an argument over the right of men
to vote, Councilman James Conway, who
was out for the Republican nomination,
engaged in a net fight with his opponent,
if. P. Decker. Many stout blows were
utruck. but no blood flowed.
Personal Factor Large in Fisht.
The campaign which ended tonight was
one of the hottest ever known in the
turbulent politics of Seattle. As early as
last Fall the strife began with an agita
tion, backed by Implied accusations of
graft, for reform in city affairs. The as
sault was directed particularly at the
hoard of public works and the office of
City Kngineer. ljiter. there developed a
situation which eclipsed other questions
momentarily and directed public Interest
to the redlight problem. This, in turn,
declined, and to the front came a discus
sion of the personal fitness of the as
pirants for Mayor.
Although it had been known for a year
that Hiram C. Gill, president of the City
Council, would run for Mayor. A. V.
HouiUon was first to declare himself.
He became a possibility in a peculiar
manner. As Superintendent of Public I
i 'Unites, he became so obnoxious to City
Kngineer R. H. Thomson that Mayor
.lohn F. Miller was forced to cut a gor
dian knot by removing Bouillon summar
ily. The public believed Bouillon was
dismissed for doing his duty. He re
ceived so much backing that he became
an avowed candidate for Mayor.
When Mayor Miller appointed Bouillon
Superintendent of Public Utilities and
president of the Board of Public Works,
he gave out this statement:
Mr. Bouillon lias made a brilliant record
a civil and mechanical enplnoer: .he is
a fearless and rupabi executive, and ho
has no political lies. He will be absolutely
free to curry out the polices that are best
for the public at large.
--C'aiifr Kule" Cry Raised.
But when Bouillon started to enforce
his policies lie clashed with Thomson.
He was succeeded by Thomson as presi
dent of the Board of Puhlic Works, and,
persisting In his activity, he was officially
decapitated. The following are stated
reasons why Bouillon lost his place:
He insisted on a permanent record of
every niffUng of the Board of Public Works.
H insisted that contractors on local im
provements should Kive valid reasons be
fore sfcurlns extensions.
Be urKfrl that where no (rood reason was
given for d-.ay. the contractor be obliged
to pay the penalty. He objected specifically
to the action In the ease of lde & Jones,
who had a contract for two refcervoirs near
tiroen Lake. It was shown that thev neg
lected one contract while completing the
other ahead of time: and they were award
ed H bonus of JS.-.00 on the one. whlV. the
penalty on the -ither was remitted.
Bouillon Insisted that contractors follow
speolncHilons. particularly In concrete work.
He opposed awarding a contract In which
a covert onvr had been made in a letter
separate from the contract Itself.
He demanded an Investigation of a lamn
contract, wherein it was ald that a pur
chasing ogent had accounted for only $"5
out or a collection of J13O0.
He domntuied an Investigation of a charge
made by K A. and Ned Ronev that thev
had been obliged to pay lo0 for a house
moving permit.
The stir caTised by the publication of
the allegations, together with a belief
that the "gang at the City Hall" was
riding with a high hand, gave Bouillon
tremendous standing among the element
opposed to Thomson. Bouillon was re
garded as a martyr to principle and he
was looked upon as the man who ought
to be Mayor. He began his campaign
with a specific declaration that, if elected,
he would remove Thomsotv but this he
has since modified by a statement that
he will remove Thomson.- unless the City
Snglneer is shown to be above reproach.
'Restricted District" Favored.
Gill entered the campaign with a dec
laration that he had no strings on him:
that he proposed to establish a restricted
(Concluded, on Pag, T.)
Home-Coming From Africa to Be
Made Occasion of Nation
wide Importance.
"WASHINGTON. ' Feb. 8, -John A.
Stewart, president of the New York
League -of Republican Clubs, arrived hern
today and will confer .with President
Taft tomorrow regarding the home-coming
celebration in honor of ex-President
Roosevelt. '
A cable message was received in New
York today from Mr. Roosevelt granting
the Republican Club's request for per
mission to form a reception committee
with representatives from all over the
country to meet him on his arrival in
New York harbor some time between
June 15 and 21 next.
President Taft is giving his hearty
support to the plan for a Nation-wide
reception. It has not yet been determined
whether President Taft will be able to
take any part. He has promised to go
to Alaska the latter part of May, pro
vided Congress has adjourned by that
time, and if he should take the trip ha
would not return to the States until
some time in July.
Oregon City Commercial Club I .-sues
Invitations for Gathering.
OREGON CITY. Or.. Feb. (Special.)
The 'booster" clubs of Clackamas
County will be invited to hold a Joint
meeting with the Oregon City Commer
cial Club Saturday, March 5, during the
afternoon and evening. Entertainment
will be provided for the guests of the
Commercial Club. At a meeting of the
board of governors the house committee
was authorized to Install a gymnasium
in the basement of the Masonic Temple.
Thirty members of the club have offered
to contribute $1 per month toward its
cost and the whole expense of fitting up
the basement, including a shower bath,
will not exceed $.'00.
President Randall was authorized to
appoint a committee of ten to attend a
meeting of the Sellwood Board of Trade,
when the question of opening the Wil
lamette River from Portland to Oswego
will be discussed.
Frank Busch, chairman of the publicity
department, together with the house com
mittee, was authorized last night to ar
range for a meeting of the club members
and citizens to discuss the proposed char
ter amendments ihat will be submitted
to the voters Monday. February 21.
These have to do exclusively with the
method of improving streets.
Dr. Pearsons. Nearly 9 0. Says Rene.
factions Are Chosen.
CHICAGO, Feb. R. Since Dr. Daniel
K. Pearsons, of Hinsdale, announced
three weeks ago that he would make a
general distribution of his fortune on
April 14 next, his 90th birthday, the
intermittent stream of letters has
grown to a steady torrent, amounting
to more than 600 daily. Dr. Pearsons
has given away $4,000,000 in a score
of years, and vows that he will die pen
niless. "I give almost nothing to individ
uals," Dr. Pearsons said. "It is to the
colleges In the new West and poor
sections of the South that most of the
money will go. I have so arranged
my affairs that; at my demise there
will not be one cent to quarrel over. I
don't know yet how much I shall give
away In April, but it all will be to
those on a list already made out. At
the' University of Copenhagen there la
an endowment fund 900 years old, not
one cent of which has been lost or
wasted, and a German mission society
has maintained a SSO.000 fund for more
than a century. All my gifts are to be
given with this in view."
Henry Rhelnstrom and Bride Will
Live in Los Angeles.
IX.S ANGELES. Feb. .8. Exiled from
his Cincinnati home after his marriage
to Edna I.oftus, the Irish actress and
divorced wife of Winnie O'Connor, the
jockey, Henry A. Rhelnstrom has ar
rived here with his bride to make this
city his home.
Rheinstrom is the scion of a wealthy
family in Cincinnati.
When he declared his intention to
marry Edna Loftus, his family caused
his arrest upon a charge of loitering
and he was Incarcerated in an asylum.
Miss I.oftus obtained his release on a
writ of habeas corpus and the marriage
Rheinstrom's mother, at a family
reconciliation, made him a gift of $5000,
settled an annuity of $3000 upon him
and bade him go West with his bride.
Timber In Grays Harbor Country
Passes Into New Hands.
ABERDEEN. Wash.. Feb. S. (Spe
cial.) Covering five quarter sections of
timber, including a logging camp and
equipment and involving an expenditure
of at least $100,000. a deal has been
closed by which C. H. Shutt and Frank
Burrows, of this city, come into posses
sion of the property of Hayes Pres
ton In that district and considerable tim
ber formerly owned by the Weyerhaueser
The timber consists mostly of fir and
cedar and lies within easy access to the
Wlshkah River and will be logged into
that stream. A number of men have
been sent Into the woods to build a
large dam to create a pond for log stor
age. Hays Preston go out of business In
that section. The stumpage is said to be
some of the best in the Grays Harbor
country and the supply sufficient to keep
a camp in operation several years,
National Geographic
Society Decides.
Difficulty in Raising Funds
Thought Unlikely.
Scientific' Body Passes Resolutions
Setting Forth A'alue of Explora
tion In Antarctic and Accepts
Peary's Offer Joint Work.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 8. America has
decided to seek for South Pole laurels
similar to those won for her by Com
mander Peary at the North Pole. The
National Geographic Society today re
solved to send an expedition in search of
the South Pole, provided the necessary
funds can be raised. It is not believed
there will be any failure on this score.
Commander Peary was notified , imme
diately of the action.
Captain Bartlett, in command of the
Roosevelt on Peary's trip to the North
Pole, probably will have charge of the
Antarctic expedition.
After a meeting late this afternoon the
board of managers of the Geographic
Society adopted the following resolutions:
Resolutions Are Adopted.
"The National Geographic Society be
lieves it Is of great Importance to science
that tidal, magnetic and meteorological
observations shall be made at or near
Coats Land in the same period that the
British expedition under Captain Robert
S. Scott is making similar observations
on the other side of the Antarctic area,
1X00 miles distant, and at the same time
that the recently discovered land shall be
"The society is ready to accept Mr.
Peary proposition that it shall under
take jointly with the Peary Arctic Club
an expedition to the Antarctic regions as
outlined above, provided that the board
of managers, after consultation with
members of the society, finds that the
project will receive sufficient financial
assistance to warrant the undertaking."
July May See Start.
It is thought probable-the expedition
may be ready to sail as early as July.
The rapidity with which financial assist
ance is forthcoming will determine the
No spirit of rivalry to the British at
tempt to reach the South Pole is being
manifested, it was declared, in the Amer
ican expedition. The latter, which is to
make its starting point at Coats Land,
will travel over a territory hitherto en
tirely unexplored, while much is known,
especially from Lieutenant Shackleton's
work, of that on the other side of the
South Pole, where he reached a point 97
miles from the goal.
Jurists Are Confirmed.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 8. The Senate
today confirmed the reappointments of
Fletcher M. Doane as Associate Justice
of the Supreme Court of Arizona and
Frank W. Parker as Associate Justice of
niTT mT-n.c I L .ew uviexico.
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Arriving at Waste Lands and Not
Knowing -Road Woman Turns
Back, Is Captured.
IMPERIAL. Gal., Feb. 8. (Special.)
Surrounded on every hand by scores of
miles of desert and ignorant of the roads
or the location of water holes, Mrs.
Henry Yank,- divorced wife of Dr. H. A.
F. Miller, of Imperial, today gave up to
officers at Brawley and surrendered her
10-year-old son.
"It was the desert that caught me;
your Sheriffs--never would," Mrs. Yank
exclaimed as she sank - sobbing on a
bench in the Brawley City Jail. "I will
have Albert yet," she continued convul
sively clasping the boy to her breast. ,
Mrs. Yank drove ... to the .Imperial
grammar school at noon and called to
the child for whom she and Dr. Miller
have been contesting for four years. Little
Albert dropped his baseball with a cry,
"here's mamma," and ran to her. The
woman --helped the boy into the baggy
and struck off across the desert-
Sheriffs Mobley and Meadows, two depu
ties, ten constables and four City Mar
shals started afield. They tracked Mrs.
Yank across the desart several miles and
found she had turned back.
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature,
30.0 degrees; minimum, So. 4 degrees.
TODAY'S Fair. followed by increasing
cloudiness; easterly- winds.
Expenses of Immigration Commission abroad
severely criticised by Representative Ma
con In House. Page 1-
Resolution asking investigation of "hi ph. cost
of living may be ax ted on in Congress
today, page 2.
Senate adopts resolution to print expenses of
-A gri cultural Department; blow aimed at
Forestry Bureau, Senator says. Page 3.
Life after death question answered by Mich
igan University professor. Page 1.
Mrs. Bessie Hume Seaman, former wife of
"Salmon King Hume, asks court to re
take first husband's name. Page
National Geographical Society decides on
expedition to -South Pole. Page 1.
Son of Multimillionaire Thomas V. Ryan,
who eloped, hurries back to New York to
plead- forgiveness. Page T.
"Wall street Hocking" stock poor manipu
lators condemned for part played in
wrecking- three firms. Page 3.
"Woman running away wfth son she con
tests for in courts is blocked by desert,
turns back, is arrested. Page 1.
Man who passed money to Albany legisla
tors tells story to Senate.
Startling testimony hrought out at Inquest
over Colonel Swope's body. Page 2.
Salt Lake loses figiit for Jeff-Johnson
scrap, California winning, page 7.
Commercial and Marine.
Oranges strongest feature of fruit market.
Page 39.
Wheat advances at Chicago on good buying.
Page 3 9.
Stock market relieved from selling pressure.
Page 3 9.
Bids to be opened here today for repair work
on Revenue Cutter Manning. Page IS.
Pacific Northwest.
Commonwealth conference to convene at
Eugene this week will see many good
speakers. Page 6.
Fourtoen-y ear-old boy held in Moscow,
Idaho, as Incendiary. Page 6.
Student Gore caught cold picking apples
and did not die as result of hazing.
writes fellow collegian. Page 6.
Question of jurisdiction over Baker's Bay
nshtraps settled, at least temporarily.
Page 3.
Boise Beef Trust found guilty of selling
short-weight lard. Page 5.
Hiram C. Gill leads for Republican nomina
tion for Mayor of Seattle; ex-Mayor Wil
liam H. Moore leads Democrats. Page 1.
Chamber of Commercia wires expert to look
after exhibits. Page 8.
Portland and Vicinity.
Oregon Tmnlc announces Klamath Falls as
goal. Page 3S.
Women to have opportunity to make public
test of various heights of car steps.
Page .
New county agitation yields to annexation
scheme. Page 12.
Garbage crematory question up to Council
for final dec i son today. Page i'2
Ex -Banker Says He
Gave $1000 to Aulds.
Six Thousand Dollars in En
velopes Passed to 3 Men.
Xante of ex-Senator Piatt Is Brought
in by Quotation From better
Discussing Bill That Fend
ed Before Legislature.
ALBANY, N. T., Feb. S. The "man
who handled the money'' was brought
before the State Senate today by Senator
Ben Conger to confirm Conger's charge
that Jotham P. Allds. its majority lead
er, accepted $1000 for influencing legisla
tion. He proved to be Hiram G. Moe, veteran
ex-bank cashier of Groton, where Conger
lives. He declared positively that, the
capitol, on April 23, 1901, he had handed
Senator Allds an envelope containing
The purpose for which this alleged
transfer of money was made did not
appear In the direct testimony, but Sen
ator Conger filed an affidavit in which
he declared that the payment was made
upon Alld's demand, "In the interests of
the American Bridge Company."
Moe declared he gave $4000 to another
legislator and $1000 to a third.
Man Sent to Bank Now Dead.
The man who Moe said was sent to
Albanj with this $6000 is dead. He was
Frank Conger, brother of the Senator,
and, at the time the events occurred,,
vice-president of the bridge company.
The only other witness today was Will
iam A. Smith, editor of the Owego Times.
Owego w-is the home of (-.v-Vr'ted States
Senator Thomas J. Piatt. Smith testi
fied that In 1901 the Owego Bridge Com
pany was threatening to move its plant
If: certain legislation became law. The
witness appealed to Senator Piatt and
received the following reply.
Piatt's Xaine Dragged In.
"According to Alld's statement the bill
that passed is not objectionable to the
bridge people, provided the other bill is
held. There is no doubt the- other bill
will remain in the committee."
There is an Impression here tonight that
the introduction of Piatt Into the contro
versy is welcomed by the defense, and
that It opens a way for Senator Allds to
plead that he only followed the instruc
tions of the former Republican leader of
the state. N
Fair Association to Klect.
OREGON CITY. Or., Feb. 8. (Special.)
The directors of the Clackamas County
Fair Association, elected last Saturday
afternoon, will meet next Saturday In the
offices of O. D. Eby for the election of
a president, vice-president, secretary and
treasurer of the association. Much inter
est is being taken in the election of a
secretary, as that official Is the most Im
portant in the association. Judge Thomas
F. Ryan and O. D. Eby have been men
tioned in connection with the position.
"Individuality Continues to Exist,
After Life-Giving Principles Have
Gone," Says Dr. Guthe.
ANN ARBOR, Mich., Feb. 8. (Special.)
"f you claim thart personality le both
matter and mind, both physical energy
and consciousness, are we not completely
destroyed when death claims our bodles-V
is the question Dr. Carl H. Guthe. pro
fessor of physics at the University of
Michigan answered today on the proba
bility of life after death, -without refer
ence to religious theory. He said:
"Our life If the constant growth of hu
man Intellect, closely connected with the
development of the body. But we know
that there is a continuous Interchange pf
cells, decaying and -forming, and yet,
though living tissues may. In the course
of time, be entirely reneked, individual
ity continues to exist; It remains one and
the same, therefore life after death Is
proved on scientific grounds.
"But even the matter and energy, which
has been glvn off from th living body
has not disappeared, it Is still in exist
ence, though disconnected from the life
giving principle.
"While have to content myself with
the assertion that the mind -is as indes
tructible as matter and energy, my tirm
belief In evolution and in an orderly
plan of the universe leaads me to doubt
that there can be any retrogression in
its development."
Archbishop Ireland Says Pope Was
Right in Snubbing Fairbanks.
CHICAGO, Feb. 8 A statement was
given to the Associated Press by Arch
bishop Ireland today, in which the arch
bishop says:
"People in America may easily misap
prehend the circumstances in Rome which
led the Vatican to refuse an audience
with the holy father, to Mr. Charles W.
Fairbanks after he, a former Vice-President
of the United States, would have
made a public address before the Meth
odist Association of that city.
"It was not a question of Mr. Fair
banks being a Methodist or going to a
Methodist Church in Home for Sunday
devotions. It was a question of appear
ing to give the fullest approval to the
work of the Methodist Association in
"The purpose of the work of the Meth
odist Association lit Rome is confessed
openly. The means employed are by no
means honorable. They take every ad
vantage of tlie- poverty of the poor of
Rome. . Books circulated' an& displayed in
the windows of their bookstores are slan
ders against tile Catholic faith, the holy
pontiff at Rome, and a misrepresentation
of the whole Catholic system.
"Now, a public address by a former
Vice-President of the United States, be
fore the Methodist Association, can have
no other meaning in the eyes .of tha
Roman public than American approval
of the propaganda of the Methodist As
Forest Grove Residents Called After
Inng Life.
FOREST GROVE. Or., Feb. S. (.Spe
cial.) Mrs. Elizabeth Jane Ruggles,
aged 66 years, died at the family home
in this city today. She was born in
Iowa. The Ruggles are old settlers
of the North Yamhill country, and
moved to Forest Grove six months ago.
Mrs. Ruggles is survived by her hus
band and several children. The re
mains will be buried In North Yamhill
in the Fairview Cemtery tomorrow.
Harriet M. Cummings, aged SO, died
from paralysis at the home of her son.
H. O. Cummings, residing four "miles
south of this city. She had lived in
Oregon for 21 years. She came to Ore
gon from Michigan to Latourelle Falls,
and eight years ago to this vicinity.
Mrs. Cummings leaves four children.
Harris T. Cummings, Lucy L. Cole and
Una F. Qulnn, all of Portland, and H. O.
Cummings, of near this place.
Brooklyn Man Says Doctor Prom
ised Early Return Home.
NEW YORK, Feb. S. Dr. Frederick
A. Cook has been discovered in Bermu
da, according to a story printed today
in the Globe.. The discovery was made
by G. J. L. Doerschuck, of Brooklyn,
who arrived here today from Bermuda.
Mr. Doerschuck Is quoted as saying
that he met Dr. Cook near Hamilton,
Bermuda, and that he recognized htm
instantly, as they were both members
of the Bushwick Club In Brooklyn.
Asked by Mr. Doerschuck what he was
doing. lr. Cook said:
"Just resting. I am feeling much bet
ter than I did and I will soon return to
New York and straighten out the North
Pole tangle. I am confident 1 will be
able to mate that matter square."
Mr. 'Doerschuck said that Dr. Cook told
him he proposed sailing for Halifax today.
Court Proceedings May Delay John
son's Meeting With Jeffries.
NEW YORK, Feb. S. The fear that
Criminal Court proceedings may inter
fere with Jack Johnson's appearance
in the prize ring July 4, was intensified
today when Justice Goff granted the
District Attorney's motion to strike the
charge of assault against Jack Johnson
from the present calendar.
Johnson's lawyer protested, saying
his client desired an immediate trial,
but the District Attorney said he had
not had time to prepare the case, and it
went over to the next calendar. The
prosecution declares it has a strong
case, and will not accept a compromise.
Mrs. A. I.. Sargent Dead.
KUMATH FALLS. Or., Feb. 8. (Spe
cial. (Mrs. A. L. Sargent, the mother
of Mrs. W. S. Worden, of this city, died
here at noon today. The remains will
be taken to San Francisco for burial. I
$90,000 Spent on Im
migration Inquiry.
Carriage Drives in Holy Land
Included in Account.
Contrast Drawn Between Floetins
Stay in Paris and Lingering
in Turkey, Where Member's
Wife Received Decoration.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 8. Demanding
an investigation of the Immigration
Commission provided for in the resolu
tion he had introduced. Representative
Macon, of Arkansas, renewed his at
tack upon the Commission In tha
House today.
Mr. Macon vigorously defended his
informant, J. H. Patten, secretary of
the Immigration Restriction League,
who was severely arraigned by Repre
sentative Bennet, of New York, a mem
ber of the Commission, in a recent
speech in the House.
"It is characteristic of the man to
proceed in the cowardly way in which
the gentleman from New York has pro
ceeded,' thundered Mr. Macon, re
ferring to the New Yorker's attack on
"I object," said Mr. Bennet, and tha
members were all alert. '
"I withdraw the remark," quickly re
sponded Mr. Bacon, and the tension was
Extravagance Is Charged.
Mr. Macon's speech was made in re
sponse to Mr. Bennet's defense of the
Commission, and he renewed his
charges that the Commission had been
extravagant. He declared that offi lal
reports and expense accounts corrobo
rated his assertions that Its trip abroad
in 1907 was a "junket." and that the
Government had had no adequate re
turn from the expenditure by the Com.
mission of $657,993.
"Unless my resolution to create a
commission of three to investigate the
extravagance of the Commission is
adopted, so the country will know that
the extravagance I complained of is
scandalous, the people will rise and
smite the party that attempts to shield
the Commission that made it," said Mr.
"Six members of the commission and
seven employes made the trip to Europe."
he said. "They drew $90,000 on which
to make the trip, and In their report,
they account for only $30,675.
Tips Charged in Bill.
"The expense accounts are made' up
of steamship and railroad charges, car
riage hire, fees and tips, hotel bills, tele
graph, wines, whisky, cognacs, lemonades,
glaces, siphons, citrons, cigars', cleaning
and pressing clothes, shaves, shines, hair
cuts, shampoos and rub.
"Such luxuries as wines and whisky,
cognacs', lemonades, etc., were allowed by
the auditor, but he disallowed when it
came to shaves, haircuts, shampoos,
shines -and .cigars."
Mr. Macon characterized the slaying at
high-class hotels and partaking of their
menus and beverages as "feasting at
Government expense."
Commissioners Sec Sights.
He asked Mr. Bennet to explain why
he could take time to engage in gorgeous
festivities in Turkey, where his wife was
decorated with the insignia of the- "Order
of Kindness," and ancient Turkish so
ciety, by the Sultan, if he could not find
time to draw a long breath in Paris or
cast his eyes upon St. Peters in Rome.
This was in reply to Mr. Bennet's state
ment that his trip to Paris was record-'
breaking for brevity.
Basing his remarks on inspection of the.
official records Mr. Macon charged that
In the Holy Land the Commission made a
carriage, trip from Jerusalem to Bethany
and from Jaffa to Jerusalem; that in
London they had a carriage to the Am
bassador's and return, a carriage to the
House of Lords, to Westminster Abbey, to
the Tower of London, to Regent Square
and the British Museum; that in Syra-;
cusc they bad a carriage to the Cata-j
combs; that in Messina they had a rido.
in a landau; that in Scotland they had a
pleasure, ride to the castle of Edinburgh,,
and in Ireland to the famous Lakes of
Accuser Is Sarcastic.
"The Commission wanted to find out
the kind of immigrants that came to this
country from all these places, including
the Catacombs, where sleep and decay
the bones of the departed," said Mr.'
"Macon sarcastically. '
He suggested that to have gone to Mr.
Bennet for his information, as Mr. Ben-1
net suggested, would have been as practi
cable as to runt "devils. In heaven or!,
saints in hell." t
Election to Congress, he continued, was
not conclusive evidence of integrity, nor
did it make Mr. Bennet Immune from
"A much larger percentage of Congress
men, whether members of the House or
of the Senate, have been charged with
crime and made to stand trial for fel-
CConcluied- on Fagf JJ