THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1910. 9 BANK MOST QUIT TO GET BIG LOAN Clearing-House Imposes Con dition Which German American Refuses. SEEKS HELP ELSEWHERE Negotiations .With. Portland Banks for $300,000 Wn With Which to Pay Orr Oregon Trust De positors Come to Xauht. Negotiations for a $300,000 loan be tween the Portland Clearing - House Association and the directors of the German-American Bank came to an abrupt close yesterday. The directors of the German-American Bank refused to accept the condi tions imposed by the clearing-house that the German-American should close Its doors, liquidate its affairs and re tire from the banking business. The financial deal had been put tinder way in order to pay off' the un paid depositors of the Oregon Trust & Savings Bank and had been pending for two weeks. The directors of the German-American Bank had offered to pledge their personal credit and col lateral to secure a $300,000 loan from the clearing-house banks. When the clearing - house refused to make the loan unless the German-American Bank discontinued business the officers of the bank immediately, began negotia tions for the loan elsewhere. The announcement of the termination of the negotiations was made by Wil liam McRae. manager of the Bank of California, and president of the clearing-house. What will be the outcome of the un completed deal as to its effect on the unpaid depositors remains to be devel oped. President S. G. Reed of the German-American and P. 1 Willis, one of the directors, have turned their atten tion to securing the cash upon their securities in other directions and are apparently unconcerned over the action of the clearing-house. The condition of the German-American is said to be be one of absolute safety, all of the funds on deposit with it being in cash in the bank vaults and not out on loans or tied up in investments. This bank is thus able to pay all of its depositors upon a moment's notice. ' That the unpaid depositors of the old Oregon Trust & Savings Bank are rea sonably sure of their money either on February 12 or at an early date there after seems to be assured from the fact that the directors of the German American have enough personal securi ties to, cover the $300,000 required and have expressed their willingness to do so. It therefore remains only for the German-American officials to find cash for their securities. Some delay may be involved, but no doubt is entertained as to the ultimate outcome, it is said. While announcing that the deal between the clearing-house and the German American directors was at an end, Wil liam McRae, the clearing-house president, refused to uiscups the situation.. "1 am at liberty to pay that the deal Is closed as far as the clearing-house is concerned but I am not at liberty to say anything further." , R. Lea Barnes, vice-president of the United States National Bank, who was former president of the clearing-house and one of the comraKee which had the loan under consideration, said: "I might announce that a proposition was made to the clearing-house from the directors of the German-American Bank and that in return a counter proposition was made back to them. Without going into the full details' that is all I care to say about the matter and we have deemed it wisest not to discuss the full detaila" Edward Oookingham. vice-president of the Ladd & Tllton Bank and also a mem ber of the committee- which conducted the negotiations, admitted that one of the conditions of the loan which had been considered had been that if the German American received this loan it would im mediately liquidate its affairs and cease to do business. "I have not seen either Mr. Reed or Mr. Willlf for several days and did not know that the negotiations iliad been brought to an end. We did consider the closing of the German American in connection with the proposed deal, but I do not feel at the present ttrae that I can speak for the clearing house. Mr. McRae is the president and official news should come through him. President Reed, of the German-Ameri-' can, refused to make the details of the whole affair public. "I know nothing about it." said Mr. Keed. "The clearing-house has not notified me. I have written them two letters on the subject, but these have been ignored. The fact that they have called off all negotiations does not mean that the German-American Bank is hard put to carry through its contract. We have stood ready to put tip personal securities aside from the bank's money, and if we can't get the money from the clearing-house all we can say Is that the securities are worth the loan and we will very likely be able to get it somewhere else." P. L. . Willis, who controls n. majority of the stock of the German-American and is ' reputed to be one of Portland's extremely wealthy men, who during the latter part of the negotiations was called in by the committee of the clearing-house and consulted as to the securities pro posed and to whom it is said the ultima tum of the clearing-house was given with reference to the liquidation of the German-American Bank's affairs, was also seen. Mr. Willis said: "I can say notn ing about the matter save that negotia tions are being undertaken elsewhere." The negotiations between the officials of the German-American and the clearing-house were opened on January 13. Vnder the provisions of the contract by which Judge Gantenbein In the Circuit Court gave the German-American Bank a contract giving it the assets of the defunct Oregon Trust Saving Bank it was stipulated that all of the depositors of the bank were to be paid off hi fuM by February 12. 1910. During the past two years Receiver Thomas C. Devlin has cleared up and paid off more than $2,000,000 of these deposits and there now remain about 700 unpaid depositors with claims aggregating $300,000. The action of Thomas G. Davlin. as receiver of the Oregon Trust & Sav ings Bank against W. H. Moore and other officers of the bank, to recover 1500.000. alleged to have been lost through their negligence and misman agement, will go to trial on the merits, for Judge Gantenbein in the State Cir cuit Court yesterday afternoon over ruled the pleas in abatement filed by the defendants. Attorney A. E. Clark appeared for Receiver Devlin, while cx-Senator Fulton and J. M. Long ap peared for the defendants. Bible Club to Dine. The Men's Bible Club of the First United Presbyterian Church will give a banquet at the church at 6:30 o'clock this evening. All men of the congregation i ere" invited to attend. The meeting will ! be addressed by Virgil Speer. J. L. Wills; C. L. Tripp. Miller Murdock and Rev. F. D. Kinley. The Diamond Quartet -will sing several pongs and F. C. Crowcher will sing a solo. COMPAXY SCKS EX - OFFICJER Watson "Excavator Firm Demands Accounting by Court. The Watson Excavator Company brought suit In the Circuit Court yes terday against William J. Curtis, ex secretary and treasurer of the com pany, demanding an accounting. It is alleged that on May 24, last. William Watson and Curtis agreed to co-operate in perfecting and promot ing the sale of excavating machinery invented by Watson. They conceived the idea of organizing a corporation with a capitalization . of $100,000, Cur tis to receive 5000 shares at $5 each for his services in selling stock, and the patents on the new excavator to be transferred to the corporation, for which Watson was to receive 10,001 shares of stock, and Curtis 6000 shares. Although Curtis is said to have sold stock to the amount of $4900, he Is charged with having appropriated all but $2092 of the cash to his own use, having mingled his personal account with that of the corporation. The stockholders removed him from office on January 27, and elected W. H. Zlrbel as treasurer in his place. It is charged that he has refused to turn over to the new treasurer the money, memoranda and receipts he has on hand. PAROLE TO BE GIVEN" BY TWO Judge Morrow Says That State- Does Not Gain by Commitments. H. I. "Warn oc It pleaded guilty before Presiding Circuit Judge Morrow yester day afternoon to having obtained $176 from W. W. Savage on October 8, 1096, on false pretenses. The Judge said he Intends to parole the prisoner. J. R. Miller, alias F. Ford, planing mlll alborer, was arraigned for larceny ina shop, and pleaded not guilty. Judge Morrow asked his reason for stealing a waich and chain belonging to J. Zoulek. and he eaid it was because he was pro voked that a position he could have filled was given to what he termed an incompetent laborer. Judge Morrow said the state gains nothing by sending its criminals to the Penitentiary, and inti mated that he will parole Miller as well as Warnock. J. W. McClelland was arraigned on a charge of larceny by embezzlement, and will plead Wednesday. A motion hae been filed to quash the Indictment charging Augustus Walker with having obtained money under false pretenses in October, 1908. It is alleged in the motion that Walker was tried- last April on the same charge, and acquitted, and that the same testimony will be in troduced in this case. Four grand juries have investigated the case, says the mo tion, and one failed to indict. He is said to have been arrested three times for the same transaction. RECEIVER NAMED FOR STORE New Golden Eagle Turned Over to Adjuster by Court. Following the filing of petitions for adjudication In bankruptcy and for fhe appointment of a receiver for the New STATEMENT OF PORTLAND CLEARING-HOUSE B AX ICS FOR JANUARY 31, Deposits .$13,357,857.56 . 9,216,006.33 . 3.176,021.36 . 2,652,057.56 . 12.643,753.16 . 6,07,068.06 . 4,152,599.91 . 3.704,741.99 . 1,372,881.18 . 1,402,829.61 First National Bank United States National Bank. Merchants National Bank.. v Lumbermens National Bank.. Udd & Tllton Security Savings & Trust Co.. Bank of California Canad ian Bank of Commerce.. Portland Trust Company Hlbernla Savings Bank . Totals Decrease. Golden Eagle store. Third and Yamhill streets. L- L. Paget was appointed re ceiver yesterday by the United States Court. . The companies petitioning for the ap pointment of the receiver, were Fred J. Gumpert & Company, of New York, with unsecured credits amounting to $202; W. L. Leavey, of Brooklyn, N. Y., with unsecured credits amounting to $916, and the Imperial Glass Company, of Bellaire, Ohio, with credits amounting to $251.22. COLD STORAGE AND PRICES Argument Relating to Higher Cost of Living Crusade. PORTLAND, Feb. 7. (To the Editor.) In view of the proposed investigation by Congress of the high cost of living .and in connection therewith the cold storage busi ness as one of the factors in Increasing the cost of living, 1 reply In defence of such members of the American "Warehousemen's Association as are engaged In the cold stor age business. There seems to be lack ' of information on this subject. ' for people have based their criticisms on the assumption that the cost of living is enhanced by cold storage, when the reverse is the case. As a matter of fact, cold storage helps greatly to regulate the prices of all perish able products, including our own famous "Oregon apple." prevents prices from going to excessively high figures, and also relieves the market from unnatural depression when, from overproduction or some other cause, prices sltimp to a point that Is unremuner ative. The - "cold-storage-man" Is simply one of the means of later-day life of pro tection against the "rainy day" of want in the perishable fo'Ml line. It has been demonstrated by Government inquiry that so perishable an article as dressed poultry, when properly prepared, can be kept in cold storage for six months and longer, with scarcely any apprecia-ble change. It has been said that "the necessities of life are being hoarded for the sole purpose of keeping the prices at the highest possible point." Suppose that no eggs had been stored when eggs were cheap, and the sup ply much greater than the demand. What would eggs of fairly good quality be worth during November. December and Jsnuary. when hens are not laying and the "strictly fresh egg" is practically a myth? In our own city storage eggs are sold at 25 and 35 cents, while the "strictly fresh" eggs are as high as 50 cents and GO cents per dozen. If cold storage did not provide a means of caring for the surplus until a demand arose for it. how could we have any lower prices? What would become of the surplus? Would it not be a total .Joss? Under our system, we must produce In one-naif of the year nearly all we eat in the entire year. The better facilities we have for carrying over the Summer surplus for Winter use, the better protection we shall have against famines and speculators. S- W. HESRMAS. Miirriage Licenses. FISHEB-RACETTE William Fisher, 2T, citv; Sophie Kacette. 20. city. THOMPSON-MlLIfi Horace Thompson, 24. Vancouver. "B. C. : Ada Mills. 20. city. GABWXI-PITTAVINO John Oardlnl. over 21. city: Argela Pittavino. over IS. citv. SCHWEIGER-HESS Matt Schweiger. 30. citv; Asnes Hess. -6, city. BBTSON-TRAOT Earl C. Bryson. over 21. citv; A. Grace Tracy, over 16. citv. BARTHOLOMEW-KELLER Sydney J. Bartholomew. 42. Seattle. Wash.: Mrs. Ma belle U. Keller. "J. city. MAHONET-DIKEMAN J. Mafaoner. 28. citv: Nellie K. Dlkeman, 17, city. REEVES-WADE Charles W. Reeves. 23. city; Pearl Wade. 23. city. Wedding and visiting cards. W. G. Smith & Co., Washington bldg.. 4th and Wash. PILES CT11ED IN to 14 DAYS. PAZO OITITMENT Is guaranteed to curenj case of Itching. Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 50c. ' Morgan A Robb. 350 Stark St., will write your Fire Insurance for you. E DEPOSITS SHOWN Ten Clearing-House Banks Record $11,000,000 In crease Over Last Year. $58,585,816 IS AGGREGATE Loans and Discounts In the Twenty Three Concerns of Portland 3)978,54 1 Greater Than Novem ber Report Tables Given. The ten clearing-house banks of Port land In their statements of condition at the close of business January 31, 1910. show an increase in deposits .of nearly $11,000,000 in comparison with Febru ary 6, 1909, the nearest corresponding date to January 31 at which statements were issued in 1909. In exact figures the deposits in the ten banks are represented by the sum of $58,685,818.72. While the deposits in the same banks one year previously aggregated .but $47,669,985.61. showing an Increase for the year of $10,916, 831.11. In loans, discounts and overdrafts fhe Increase for the same period was in ex cess of $8,000,000. On January 31, 1910. the total was $32,081,264.95. while on February 5, 1909 It was $23,797,999.09, the increase being represented in exact figures by $8,223,265.86. Cash and exchange shown by the statements aggregated in the ten banks $21,153,264.50. an Increase for the year of $2,945,334.59. This reserve as com pared with deposits is In excess of 36 per cent. The year's comparison on the reports of the 10 clearing-house banks Is given because one year ago all other banks did not prepare statements for publica tion. Statements from all the banks of Portland, with the exception of a new one which has not yet published a statement, . 23 in number, as to their condition at the olose of business Janu ary 31, 1910, however, show deposits aggregating $62,360,653.10. Comparison with the reports of the same banks at the last previous call, November 16, 1909, shows an increase In deposits for the two and one-half months of $2,010, 500.18. At $34,579,900.58. represented by loans and discounts at the 23 banks January 31, there is an increase of $978,541.26 since the statements of November 16. In . the two and one-half months, the total cash and exchange increased $1,329,045.78 to a total of $22,721,671.61. Following is a condensed statement of the condition of the 10 clearing house banks, giving also the Increases in deposits, loans and discounts, and cash in the last year: HIA11W, JOOtt. Loans, Discounts a nd Increase. 2,631,078.23 1,784,722.42 , 426,945.30 1,253,231.09 1,422.060,52 1,339,270.01 1,322.073.81 234,423.17 126.842.85 375,183.71 Overdraft $ 6,117,606 5,794,946 1,734,028 1.818,033, $ . 13 86 52 65 5.807.41 .46 4.034.723 .49 3,414.166 .78 1.717,528 681,728 901,085, .52 42 12 IMMENS .$5885,816.72 $10,915,831.11 $32,021,264.95 The following is a condensed state ment of the condition of the 23 Na tional, state and private banks of Port land at the close of business January 31, 1910. Deposits. American Bank & Trust Company., $ 311.740.25 Ashlev & Rumelin 148,378.48 George W. Bates & Co 724,841.76 Bank of California 4.152,599.91 Bank of Kenton 46,148.45 Canadian Bank of Commerce....... 3,704,741.99 Citizens Bank , 448,018.94 East Side Bank 365.798.64 First National Bank 13,357,857.56 First National Bank of St. John.... 131,917.78 German - American Bank........... 233.263.54 Hartman & Thompson 263.765.55 Hibernla Savings 1,402,829.61 Ladd & Tilton 12.643,753.16 Lumbermens National Bank 2,652,057.56 Merchants National Bank 3,176.021.36 Merchants Savings & Trust Co 407.226.35 Peninsula Bank 164.472.70 Scandinavian - American Bank 403,242.45 Bank of Sellwood - 126.021.49 Portland Trust Company 1.372,881.18 Security Savings & Trust Co 6,907,068.06 United States National Bank 9,216.006.33 Totals.. $62,360,653.10 Total statements of Nov. 16, 1909 ... $60,350.1 52.92 Increase in two and a half months.. $ 2,010,500.18 CARDS WILL INVITE EAST PERSONAL- PUBLICITY TO HELP ROSE FESTIVAL. Rose Society Undertake."? Sale of Re turn Postals for Mailing on Rose Planting Day. Women of the Rose Society met at the headquarters of rne Rose Festival yes terday afternoon to plan for the publicity campaign authorized last Saturday. Mrs. Q. H. Ijaxnberson is chairman of the committee and is undertaking the task of recruiting 100 women members of the society to assist in selling the return postcards which are to be mailed from Portland on Rose Planting day. February 22- Yesterday's meeting indicated that most of the feminine members of the body would take hold of the project and do all they cotild to reach their friends in the East. That is the purpose of the Rose Society's movement. The 100 members are to distribute so far as they can 50,000 invitational postcards throughout the city between now and Washington's birthday. The cards will be sold for a penny each 'and in small blocks of not more than 5. 10 or 26. so that the widest possible publicity may be gained. The public schools are to be asked to play their part in this advertising cam paign, and It is hoped that thousands of the pupils will send an invitation back to their friends in -the East. To every person that replies on the return card a fac-simlle of the official Rose Festival poster, together with railroad rates, will be mailed. President Drake and other officers of the Rose Society have indorsed this form of personal exploitation and anticipate good results from it. "This is our first well-organized ven ture in the realm of advertising Port land as the 'City of Roses," " said Presi dent Drake last night, "and we feel that with the united stand about 100 of REFLECTION ON HIS NOSE It Waw m Red Ok Before Poalam Com pletely Cleared Ike Skia. Because of the numerous reflections on his red nose many a man possessed of that affliction has determined to rid himself of it, and has done so quickly through the use of a little poalam, the new skin remedy, naturally flesh-col-ered, which- heals and hides skin imperfections. Although primarily a remedy for eczema stopping the itch ing with first application and rapidly restoring the health of the skin pos lam Bhows immediate and surprising results when used for less serious skin affections, such as pimples, rash, blotches. inflammations, etc. Used after sharing: it will soothe and tone up the skin as no toilet preparation could possibly do. According to the uses for which it is employed, poslam may be purchased in 50-cent boxes or $2 jars at the Skid more Drug Co. and the Woodard-Clarke Co., also all other drug stores. A free sample- which will demonstrate Its marvelous work will be sent upon re quest to any one who will write to the Emergency Laboratories. 32 West 25th street. New York City. our women members are to take in this campaign we shall gain splendid results. The personal element in publicity work always counts heavily. Our aim is to have every person in the city that has come from the East that has friends or. relatives in the Fast, or, in fact, that ever heard of anybody in the E3ast. as sist in scattering these Invitations on Washington's birthday." The text of the invitation to the Rose Festival as embraced in the postcard publicity scheme Is summed up as fol lows: "We want you to visit us in Port land, the Summer capital of America, and enjoy the feast of roses we are preparing for you and for all the world from June 6 to 11, 1910." The call to the Eastern visitor, whom it is hoped to Interest In the majestic June celebration, and which goes with the official cards sent out, is as follows: If you are interested In our magnificent June spectacle, detach and mall the ac companying postal and you will receive a facsimile of the Rose Festival poster, together with railroad excursion rates from all parts of the country, and other data of the Festival.'"- KLICKITAT LEAGUE BUSY Booster Campaign to Open at Gold endale Thursday. GOLDESDALB, Wash., Feb. 7. The Klickitat Development League Is making elaborate preparations for a booster meet ing to be held at Goldendale Thursday, February 10. Among the people to attend are Samuel Hill, of Seattle, president of the "Washington Good Roads Association: President French, of the S., P. & 8., and. Tom Richardson, manager of the Portland Commercial Club. In the Fall of 1908 a booster meeting was hehT at Goldendale for the purpose of raising funds to inaug urate a publicity campaign. At this meeting $5000 was raised and expended in advertising. During the past year 40,000 small folders and 20,000 handsome lllusv trated booklets have been distributed by the Klickitat Development League. The county has been widely advertised in the East and exhibits of fruit and other prod ucts have been placed on exhibition in COMPARED WITH REPORT OF FEB. Cash and Exchange. f 6,360,191.06 3,794,051.77 887,690.24 887,503.92 3,377.931.15 2.553.576.48 1,04,629.54 1.392,546.08 389.498.39 525,645.87 Increase. 907.850.38 2.0S6. 471.36 44.733.5l 814.252.72 1,074,036.48 971.049.50 1,042,240.40 990,399.73 154,042.88 227,655.92 Increase. $1.426.89(i.07 80,950.81 239,557.46 283,486.41 ' 439,932.17 587.401.39 282,688.85 628,083.20 - 117,210.29 115,294.34 $8,223,265.86 $21,153,264.50 " $2,945,334-59 various Eastern cities. The most impor tant resHilt was the first prize for nonlrri gated fruit at the Kational apple show at Spokane last Fall. The -exhibit of ap ples from Klickitat County was selected. Loans. Discounts and Overdrafts. $ 251,315.24 145,130.88 427.583.14 3,414.166.78 38,214.80 1,717,528.52 387,200.01 164,515.21 6,117,606.13 106.484.89 68,697.69 130.607.24 901.085.12 5.S07, 417.46 1,818,033.65 1,734.028.52 252.592.13 157,564.48 337,364.04 91.365.90 681,728.42 4.034.723.29 5,794.946.86 $34,579,900.58 $33,601359.32 $ 978.541.26 Cash and Exchange. $ 74.927.97 48,787.1.7 347.945.28 1,004,629.54 35.808.72 1,392,546.08 94,041.98 217,496.64 6,360,191.06 48.651.66 224,575.12 102,693.09 525,645.87 8,377,931.15 887,503.92 867,690.24 - 140,803.36 34.794.97 157.149.27 40,731.98 389.498.39 2,553.576.48 3,794,051.77 $22,721,671.61 $21,392,625.83 $ 1,329,046.78 arranged and financed by the Klickitat Development League. Development work is now under way on several large proj ects and the county is looking forward to a most prosperous year. The league has decided to continue the .publicity work another year and take advantage of the results obtained from the efforts last year and the present meeting is to be held for raising funds and outlining the cam paign. COMET A BIDS G00D-BY Sky Visitor Visible Only With Aid of Powerful Telescope. Comet A-1910 has bidden the earth good-by and is rushing back into space at a rate of 2400 miles a minute. Ac cording to Professor J. W. Daniels, of Hill Military Academy, a Portland as tronomer who has been much interested in tho celestial wanderer, the comet was faintly visible last night. "I visited Council Crest to get a fare well view of the comet." said Professor Daniels, "and was successful. It w still to be seen through a glass, but only to persons who knew just where to look. The tail of the comet had entirely disappeared.- If the sky Is clear it may be possible to see the comet Tuesday night with the aid of a powerful telescope, but after that it will doubtless be Invisible." RfiAD THIS. This is to certify that Hall's Texas Wonder of St. Louis. Mo., cured me of a severe kidney, bladder and . rheumatic trouble three years ago. and I can fully recommend it. R. D. Teter, R. 4. Box 61 Salem. Oregon. 60 days' treatment $1. by mail. An attack of the grip Is often fol lowed by a persistent cough, which to many proves a great annoyance. Cham berlain's Cough Remedy has been ex tensively used and with good success for the relief and cure of this cough. Many cases have been cured after all other remedies had failed. Sold by all dealers. The general manager of the Cuba railroad predicts the opening of the line bttnen Bayamo and Santiago in June, 1910. Bring Your Krell-French Checks To Reed-French Piano Mfg. Co. And to no other piano house these checks are made payable to Reed-French Piano Mfg. Co., and must be endorsed by . us before they can be of value to any other firm but ours 6 th and Burnside is the location store open every night. Mr. Piano Buyer, don't be misled by the smooth talk of advertising of a jealous competitor. This firm being unable to meet our low prices, has grown desperate, and in their last effort to meet our competition in a business-like manner (which they have been unable to do because Ave are factory distributers, thereby saving the purchaser all middlemen's profits) have boldly advertised to accept Krell-French Co.'s checks (made payable to us), plus 5 per cent. We know, and every business man and woman knows, that a check drawn payable to us, cannot be of any value to this firm unless the check is properhy indorsed by us, but we feel that it is no more than right that we should warn the winners of the Krell French Co. check against any firm making such a ridiculous offer. Wo. are proud to say that our bailoon puzzle contest was conducted along fair and above-board lines. The piano we advertised to give awav was won bv Mr. F. C. Baker, 353y2' 2d st., Portland. The judges were three of Port land's most promment men, and atou will find the Krell-French Co.'s checks to represent their face value when presented at our store. In presenting these facts in regard to this matter we wish it clearly understood that we are not looking for any notorictj-, but we do want it understood that we are ready now, and at all times, to defend our custom ers, our friends, and ourselves. Now for Prices 20 to 40 Discount on Every Piano . When we say 20 per cent to 40 per cent . we mean every word of it. Shop around; note carefully the prices; consider the quality and the responsibility of the manufacturer; then you will realize that we sell pianos at a discount of 20 per cent to 40 per cent cheaper than any piano firm in the West, because we are manufacturers' distributers of the many pianos carried, and this allows us to sell you a piano direct from the factory at the same low price you would pay if you purchased the piano right at the factory where it was made. One price to everyone. The fairest to you and ourselves. All prices marked in plain figures always.. Terms: Two and one-half years in which to pay for a piano. Store open evenings. Reed-Frerich Piano Mfg. Co. Cor Sixth and Burnside Sts., Portland 1 ' ; J PORTLAND IS SUED FOR LIGHT BILL Railway Files Complaint Seek ing Payment of $29,479, Long Withheld. MAYOR MAY BUY BONDS Simon Would Offset Interest on Claim Awaiting Result of Ac tion Bill Is Holdover From Lane Regime. The Portland Railway, Light & Power Company alleges Portland owes It $29, for electric lights, and the rail way has filed suit for the cum and ac crued Interest. Pending the outcome of the litigation. Mayor Simon has asked the ways and means committee of the Council to recom mend an advance allowing him to buy bonds amounting to $29,000 to offset accru ing interest on the claim. Until the Winter of 1905 the city light ing was being done by the Portland Gen eral Electric Company under a contract signed June 29. 1903. In November. 1905, a new agreement between the city and the Portland Raflwayr Light & Power Company was entered into, new lamps, which are said to require less current, being installed by the company. It is the assertion of the company that these have a greater lighting capacity. But begin ning In March. 1908, the city officials re fused. It is alleged, to pay in full the bills for current furnished by the com pany. . Short Payments Cited. The bills and the payments made dur ing succeeding months are as follows: March, 1908, bill J7SO9.02. payment, $4997.7: April, $7971.73, $5101.91; May, $8066.58, $5129.84; June. $S0M.17, $5173.87; July, JSM2.96 $6211.47; August, $8194.13, $5244.24; September. $8243.91, $5276.10;. October, $8407.44. $5380.76: November, $8525.39, $5456.25; December. $S49S.10. $5438.79. Mayor Simon appeared before the City Council committee on ways and means yesterday and asked that an ordinance be recommended granting him authority to purchase for the city bonds to the value of $29,000 to draw interest on a similar sum that- constitutes a disputed claim between the city and the Portland Railway, Ligh & Power Company. . The action requested was taken. "I found when I took office," explained the Mayor, "that my predecessor had left a disputed claim to the extent of - $29,000 relative to city lighting. The Portland Railway, Light & Power Company held, and still holds, that this money belongs to it, and I declined to reopen the af fair, it having been settled against the company by the former administration. Meanwhile interest continues to accumu late on the money. Now should the courts decide the money belongs to the company, there would be considerable Interest due. I would like to have au thority therefore to purchase bonds with thia disputed money and let the bonds draw equal interest to balance the loss." Lane Ordered Refusal. The Mayor's appearance before the committee called to mind a bitter fight waged by Dr. Lane as Mayor. After an investigation, he decided the company was not giving all the light contracted for, and he ordered the Executive Board to withhold about one-third of the con tract price each month. This continued until the company trreatened to shut off the lights and plunge the city into dark ness. This crisis was averted by a tem porary contract. A new contract was PALE, NERVOUS AND RUN DOWN Under the Care of Doctors Much of the Time. This Bellingham Woman Gained at Once Under the Tonic Treatment and Is in Good Health Now. Thin blood is the most frequent causa of debility. As the supply of blood sent to the brain does not carry sufficient nourishment the patient is doll and drowsy, the nerves become starred and there are marked nervous symptoms. As the blood and nerves control diges tion the stomach suffers from lack of tone and the victim loses 'weight and strength. The treatment for this condition is to build up the blood and a blood tonio that also directly strengthens the nerves is best suited to promote rapid and per manent improvement. " Such a remedy is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Mrs. S. O. Clapper, of No, 3618 Cherry street, Belliugham, Wash., tells of the benefit she received, from the use of these pills, as follows : "I was in a run-down condition for years and was under the care of doctors a good deal of the time. I was run down in weight to 110 pounds and wasn't able to do much of any work. I was pale and nervous. My throat troubl ed me some and I had to cough a great deal. "I was living at Fisdlay, Ohio; and decided to come here as I hoped the change of . climate would help me. As I found no relief, I -began using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I felt better after taking a few boxes. I gained several pounds in weight and took the pills until cured. I have never been in such good health aa I am now." The value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in debility oases lies in their direct re sponse to the needs of the blood. That they do this well is shown by the gradual disappearance of the symptoms and the return of color and health. They lay the foundation for permanent health in the future A valuable booklet,- "Diseases of -the Blood," containing fuller information will be sent free upon request. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all druggists, or will be sent, postpaid, on receipt of price, 60 cents per box; six boxes $2.50, by 'the Dr. Williams Med Icine Company, Schenectady, N. T. I! I'.i later submitted, but Dr. Lane went out of office without signing it. and it was signed by Mayor Simon shortly after his induction into the position. Since then, President Joseelyn has repeatedly asked Mayor Simon and members of the lighting committee of the Executive Board to pay the claim, but the Mayor has advised him to take the case to court, and will not consent to pay It until such time as a court may decide the company is entitled to it. One especially interesting feature of ths development in the Importation of hides and kjns Is found in the fact that nearly one third of the value of this large total con llstsnf nat skins Turkish Baths at Home Cure Eczema Take but a Tew Minutes, Cost 2 Cents Each Itching Stops, Sores Vanish. Kczema and other skin diseases art caused by the accumulation of impuri ties in the tissues and blood. Orugs do not eliminate this poison. The most they can do is to ease the pain and itching for the time being. The llobinson Thermal or Turkish Bath has a remarkable effect on eczema, and all skin troubles. A tre mendous amount of poison is extracted from the system through the pores, whenever a Robinson Thermal Bath is taken. Cases have been known where eczema or a bad case of pimples and boils have been almost entirely cured after a twenty-minute bath, taken at home. The terrible itching and burnintr stops, the blotches heal, and the disease disappears. . Remarkable results occur in nearly every case of rheumatism, lumtiaero. kidney and blood troubles, dyspepsia, throat and lung trouble, nervous pros tration, insomnia and constipation. Robinson Thermal Baths can now be taken at home at a cost of but a few cents each,- and with almost no trouble at all. The only way to take these thermal baths is by the use of the Robinson Thermal Bath Cabinet. The results are a real Godsend. If you are sick from any cause, it will have an almost miraculous effect upon your system. If you are well, it will keep you so. The Robinson Thermal Bath Cabinets are a remarkable . invention. They are now on exhibition and for sale in Port land at Woodard, Clarke & Co. If you cannot go and see these Rob inson cabinets, send your name and address to the Robinson Manufacturing Company. Suite 000, Snowflake Bldg., Toledo, Ohio, for full illustrated infor mation, free. BOOKKEEPING TAUGHT PRIVATELY. SOI Merchants Trust Bldg.