THE MORNING OREGOXIAN', TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1910. MAYOR DEPLORES FOSS OVER BOUTS Ministers Misled by Municipal Association for Political Reasons, He Says. COX FINDS BOXING CLEAN Simon Opposed to Prizefighting, but Finds No Law Violation in Club Matches Right to Stop Mills Xot Used. MAYOR AGATNST ANTI-BOXIXO CRUSADE. Mayor Simon disapproves activ ity of the Municipal Association in regard to boxing; contests, saying the organization political In character and that the Ministerial Association should pay no heed to it. He declares Chief of Police Cox. upon whom he relies for accurate In formation on the subject, reports boxing- contests are conducted prop erly and are well within the terms of the agreement made several months ago between the Mayor and members of the Municipal Association. Members of the Municipal Associa tion have full authority from Mayor Simon to stos any contest believed by. them to be too rough. or they can complain to the District Attorney If they find the law Is violated. Meanwhile, the Mayor will not in terfere. "I have the greatest respect for the ministers of Portland." said Mayor Simon yesterday afternoon, "but I very much dislike to see them misled by repre sentatives of the Municipal Association, which is a political organization that waited bitter warfare on me In the last campaign, -but which, since my election, has asked of me more favors than my most ardent supporter has asked." In so ppeakinp the Mayor referred to the action of the General Ministerial Association in adopting resolutions de manding: a suppression of prize-flg-hts in Portland The action was taken after representation of members of the Municipal Association that the anti-prize-fight law was violated. "I am In hearty sympathy with the general work of the churches led by the ministers." said the Mayor, "and there Is nwthing- I would not do to as sist them, but I deprlcate the misrep resentation evidently made to them at their meeting- this morning regarding boxing contests. 1 understand the ministers, after hearing a report of the Municipal Association, adopted resolu tions "demanding the suppression of prize-fights here.- They evidently do not know that there have -been no sueh fights, and that I am as much opposed to prize-fighting as anyone in Portland. I am sorry they were misled. Boxing Is Allowed. "Now. as to my attitude In this mat ter, I will say that I have never counte nanced prize-fighting and never will, but I cannot, under he law, forbid boxing contests for skill only. That is the exact situation, although politi cal operators may endeavor to create mother impression because the desire, after doing all In their power to de feat me for office, to dictate to me what I shall do in regard to certain things affecting the public morals. The representatives of the Municipal Asso ciation apparently have forgotten that I granted them a very important con cession upon a recent visit made by them to this ofTice relative to the so cial evil. They recommended the clos ing of the restricted district and I ordered it closed. I think I did right In that, and I believe the city is In bet ter moral condition than at any time In Its history. Xo Routs Were Stopped. "I will say also that the officers of the Municipal Association have had for several weeks ever since these con tests began full authority from me to top any bout believed by them to be too rough, but they have never asked that any one of them be stopped. They also have the right, and it is their uuty, to apply to the "District Attorney for complaints if 'they have any knowl edge that any of these contests bas constituted a violation of the law; they have made no complaints as yet. Meanwhile, Mayor Simon declares he will not interfere with the boxing con ests, as long as they do not violate the law. Ho will have the police keep close tab on the events, and If any one of them gets too rough, or there is any violation of law, he will order it stopped. or at least held in strict compliance with law. He declares that, in the circumstances, he cannot for bid the contests, as no violation of the statutes has ben shown. ANGEL TEAM GETS TOGETHER Players Gradually Signing- Vp and Magnates Are Pleased. 1.05 .ANOBLES. CHI.. F"eb. ".(Special.) "President Berry and Manager Dillon, of the Angels, are well pleas-ed at the way matters are progressing In regard to the 1910 team. About one-half the players have returned their signed contracts and appear satisfied with the salaries stipu lated. Thoise who have rigned so far are: lYank Pfirrman. Muriell Grindle. catch erf; Ike Butler. Andy Brlswalter and Lee elhi. pitchers; Bert Delmas, short stop: Oeorge Wheeler and Artie Ross, utility. Dillon received ' a letter from Ivan Howard, the second baseman, who was injured at the close of last wason, and he will be out on the Coast coon, he says. .Max Callahan, the former Vincent player, will be given a chance during the Spring practice of the Angels. Callahan an outfielder. The Angels will have a fas! outfield with Godwin. Daley and Bernard and Dillon may farm Callahan where he will have a chance to develop. An authoritative rumor has it that the local baseball association ls negotiating tor Thomas, the- young Oakland catcher. Mordeeai Brown Won't Sign. CHICAGO, Feb. 7. 'Mordeeai Brown, the three-lingered Cub pitcher, haa be come a real holdout, according to a dis patch from Terre Haute last night. Ac cording to the story, he has been unable to come to terms with President Murphy, ft the Cubs, and will not wait for the ap pearance of Manager Chance. Brown, ac cording to the reports has two griev ances. One could be ?t;led by a sub stantial raise In salary, and the other barnstorming at the close of the season were cut out of the contract. WORLD'S MOST NOTED LITTLE . . -tr. x r- f . " . - - - - . r - IT , , v , - x V - - ' w . ' ' " V V 1 - - - i h - r " ' " 'i ' - " 5" - " ' 4 . ' - ; ' ' :- " 'X v x -. HETZEL IS "A FIND" t 4;if : . V. : McCredie Believes He Has Real Prizewinner. TEAM TO REPORT MARCH 1 Contest Over Disposition of Monte Pfjlc by National Commission Causes Some Worrying for Portland's Team Manager. Miles A. Netzel, one of the new mem bers of the Portland Baseball Club of 1910, writes that he Is confident that he will like Portland and the Pacific Coast, and expects to "make good" without any trouble. Walter McCredie is also confident that he has secured a prize in Netzel, who is now at his home at Olean, N Y-, where he is spending the Winter anxiously waiting the railway trans portation which will start him on the road to Santa Maria, Cal., to Join the Portland squad at practice. Manager McCredie announces that he will order all of his players to be on hand March 1, but anticipates having enough players at Santa Maria to play an exhibition game on Sunday. Feb ruary and has arranged for a game FIRST PUBLISHED PICTURE OF NEW MEMBER OF PORT LAND'S 1910 BASEBALL TEAM. u'i? - MII.KS A. -PRKT7.EI.- ETIEI,, i nr.uir. m i t t:u FKOM I.E.1GIK TEAM. FIGHTERS, NEGOTIATIONS FOR WHOSE FIGHT ARE BEING CLOSED a., tr. on that date with the Santa Maria team. McCredie expects Xetzel to" play third base, though he may send the "Pretzel," as the player is nicknamed, to the outfield in the event that Port- 2Jftsk' OK OLKAX. M:w YORK. W HOM THK ( I.EVKHM) AMEKICA.V .' -JS 'lffito':.. :': .;;: U J ! ' t -1 m; land's claim to Monte Pfyle Is recog nized by me National Commission. McCredie has learned from Pfyle him elf, that he was held only by a reserve of the New Tork National League team. and that club sold htm to Columbus In the American Association, from -which ciud McCredie purchased title to the player for $500. Bobby Quinn. manae-er of the Columbus Club, has entered Into the fight on McCredie's behalf, and has filed protest with the National Commis sion objecting to the blacklisting of Pfyle and recommending that the play er be permitted to join the Portland team. 11 Aictretlle Is successful in getting Pfyle he may play him at first base, though Mac says both Pfyle and Rapps will have to sjjow hlin that they are better than George Ort. In the event that Ort retains the bag. there will be a inree-cornered scran for third has bp tween Rapps, Netzel and Joe Smith, the latter being the player from thn EnM Club of the Western Association, who is one of the youngsters to be reckoned wnu, wnue -iyie will be sent to the outer garaen. Cy Young, the veteran pitcher, who wn& in t-omana Sunday, has slipped MciTeaie a not tip on Netzel. Accord ing 10 loung. the Olean lad is a young, aggressive, stockily built plaver. who is fast as lightning and a youngster who cannot be "buffaloed." "Cy" Young says the "Pretzel" is hardly ripe enough for the major league, but gives it as his opinion that a lad with his speed and aggressiveness cannot be kept out of that company very long. McCredie has had a similar recommendation from Manager Jim McGnire, of the Cleveland team, and banks a whole lot on the opinion of these two players VAXCOl'VER TO. HOLD BIG MEET Fencing, Boxing and Wrestling Are Scheduled for Monday. VANCOUVER, Wash., "Feb. 6. (Spe- cial.) Fencing, boding and wrestling contests will be held In the gymnasium at St. Luke's Hall on Monday evening. The exhibition will be under the au spices of the Tillamook Club. Lieutenant Sears, of the First In fantry, the best fencer In the United States Army, will be one of the fencers. "Bud" Anderson will be one of the boxers, and there will - be several wrestlers there from .the Y. M. C. A. in Portland. Members, of the Boys' Club and of the Tillicum Club will par ticipate in the preliminaries. PISTOL KILLS Mi FRIEND IS WITNESS A. T. Barnes Victim of Accident or Suicide, Insists Charles Mapes. MAPES HELD WITHOUT BAIL Finishing Card Game, Barnes Twirls Pistol on Finger, Weapon Is Dis charged and' He Falls Iead With Ballet In Head. With only, one person as a witness. A. T. Barnes, an employe of the Thiel Detective Service Company, was killed by a bullet through the head yester- I day afternoon in the lounging and ' writing-room of the company in the Chamber of Commerce building. According to Charles Mapes, the wit ness, also employed as a detective, Barnes held the gun in his own hand when it .was fired, though Mapes Is uncertain whether the shot was acci dental or was fired with suicidal in tent. .' The circumstances, as developed after an Investigation by the police, were such that Mapes was placed under ar rest and is being held pending the In vestigation of a Coroner's jury. Mapes was denied bail by District Attorney Cameron and remained in the City Jail last night. It was 4:30 o clock yesterday after noon when Manager -D. L. Clouse, of the detective service company, heard the report of a revolver in room 203, Chamber of Commerce, just across the hall from the main offices of the con cern, soon afterward,- he said, Mapes rushed into his office ' and told him Barnes had shot himself. He Imme diately notified the police, and Sergeant Goltz, followed later by Sergeant Smith and Plalnclothesmen Montgomery and Long, -were sent to the scene by Cap tain Bailey. Detective Sergeant Carpen ter who was standing across the street also hurried up to the room. Dead When Police Arrive. When the police arrived Barnes was dead. The bullet entered just below the nose and came out In- the back part of the head. The revolver was lying a few feet from his left hand. He was ly ing with his head against the door of a closet in the room, in a cramped position. The revolver is an old model. 45-call-ber. eight-Inch barrel, single-action Colt. It is the model of the revolver which first aroused the suspicion of the police toward the story told by Mapes. According to Mapes' story, . he and Barnes were in the room alone. Both had been drinking and for some hours they had been playing cards for small sums. When the game was finished, Barnes went to the .closet, and taking out the revolver, commenced twirling It around his front finger, which was through the trigger guard. "This is the way the cowboys do." he said, according to Mapes. "The words were no sooner out of his mouth than the gun discharged," said Mapes. This version was questioned by the police and District Atorney Cameron, who had been summoned, owing to the fact that a single-action revolver ordinarily will not discharge unless the hammer is cocked, when the trigger is pressed. This circumstance in Itself was considered sufficiently untenable to warrant Mapes' detention. Detectives Make Investigation. Detectives Carpenter and Price, who were assigned to the case by Captain of Detectives Moore, commenced further In vestigation shortly after the shooting. Barnes was married, but had no .chil dren. He lived in a bungalow at 102 East Thirty-second street. He and his wife were married In Los Angeles four years ago. According to Manager Clouse. their married relations were not con glnal, and for this reason Barnes had often expressed the Intention of kill ing himself. "I am pretty sure Barnes killed himself Intentionally." said Clouse. "He often talked to me about his troubles. He and his wife were separated all last Summer and only went back 'living together a short time ago." This was denied by Mrs. Barnes. She exhibited little' sorrow over her hus band's tragic end and talked freely of the circumstances. Accident, Wife Says. "I am sure it was an accident," she said. "I am positive he did not shoot himself intentionally. - He had no rea son to. When he left yesterday morn ing everything appeared all right. We have our own home and were getting on nicely. We never quarreled during oVir married life. "I do not believe Mr. Mapes had any thing to do with it. He impressed me as being a nice man. He visited us once and I only knew him slightly." As yet Detectives Carpenter and Price have' been unable to uncover any mo tive to substantiate a murder theory, other than the possibility of a drunken quarrel over some controverted point In the card game. They give Mapes credit for his story and are only con tinuing the investigation to get the full circumstances. Summed up. the suspicious circum stances) Include the possibility of a quar rel, coupled with the fact that both men were drinking; the improbability of the weapon being discharged in tBe manner described by Mapes, in view of Its single action: the cramped and unnatural posi tion of the body when found bv the offi cers: the mixed version of the affair re-l lated by the only witness and the un wieldy size of the revolver, moking it Impracticable for twirling, as related by Mapes. and the fact that the revolver was lying near the left hand of the dead man. who. In life, was right-handed. Men Are Good Friends. Again, it Is recited the two men, so far as is known, were good friends: Mapes bears a good reputation, and though ex cited, protested his innocence; the course of the bullet Indicates that It could not have been red across the room, that it was either discharged in a scuffle or from Barnes" own hand; the fact that no evidences of a scuffle were found on either man and the further fact that no motive, other than mere possibilities, has been established. . " Just before his committment to a cell, Mapes told his version of the affair to The Oregonian "Barnes and myself had been playing stud-poker all afternoon. He had 95 cents in his pocket when we began the game. Barnes was a heavy drinker and was stupidly drunk while we were play ing cards. I won nearly every pot. We bought 25 chips for 50 cents. In his drunken condition I hated to take ad vantage of him, and the last few hands In the game I lost to him purposely- Just before he arose from the table he won 30 cents from me. I pushed the money across the table to. him. He picked it ut and put It in his pocket, with the re mark, 'I guess I'll have to go out of WfcDOUGIQS $3.$3.59&$4.SH0ES boys; THE LARGEST MAKER AND RETAILER Uh lYItN 8 HNt 5HQLS IN THE WORLD. ' "SUPERIOR TO OTHER MAKES." "I have worn W. L. Douglas shoes far the past six years, and always find they are far superior loan otner nigh grade shoes In style, comfort and durability." W.G.JONES. 119 Howard Ave., Utlca. N. Y. If I could take you into my large fac tories at Brockton, Masa, and show you how carefully W. L. Douglas shoes are made, you would realize why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are of greater value than any other make. CAPTIOX-See th W. UIKra?!nme snd price Is stamped on the bottom. Take .V a MtibstittU. ir your anaier c&unot nt yon with w.iiou&lSBhoet, writ for Mail Order Catalog. W.L.Doti8las, Brocaion, atasa, TOIt SAXB BX Goddard-Kelly Shoe Co. 324-326 Washington Street. town tonight on a Pullman. (This was indicative of an assignment for detec tive duty aboard a Pullman on an out going train.) "I paid little attention to him as he walked across the room toward the closet. I still remained seated at the card table toying with the cards. "Evidently Barnes went to the closet on the opposite side of the room and took the gun from the scabbard that hung on a hook. When he stepped out of the closet and near the door that stood partly open he said to me. 'This is the way the cowboys do it. I wheeled around in my chair. He was trying to revolve the gun with his finger through the trigger guard. Before either one of us said a word the cartridge in the weapon exploded. Barnes sank to the floor without a word. I rushed across the hall into the main office and called to Mr. Clouse that 'Tony' had shot him self." The first school for the blind was es tablished in 17!1 In Hverroot .Monday, Feb. 14th Is EASTMORELAND Opening Day Next Sunday's papers will hold a full-page announcement there will be a burning interest in it for YOU. Watch for it. See our beautiful colored en largement of the Reed Institute site, on exhibition in our windows it is worth .your while. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS John Ecklund Kelley's Liquor Store Penny Bros, t p ICoctol For Indigestion 7T9Tepsia. Sour Stomach. Weak Stomach, or It Jaot A.Y Stomach Trouble caused by iDdisestlon. Get a bottle today and try It. Kodolis guaranteed to relieve you and if i' fails your money will at once be refunded by the dealer from .whom you purcha sed it. Every tab lespoonfulof Kotfol digests 214 pounds of food. $2.00 yvr f? 6 f 99 rfl T bip J"' ' ' ' 1 ; - For Age. Purity and f All-Round Goodness Xt fj i Is Away ALotc Ererytiting ) For Sale l V. At All First - Class 1! fj Cafes and Bars. IV if STRACSS, FRITZ & CO.. Distiller. j ISMMMSs" mm. mm aMsf. 1 T3 trs5" ri. No matter what5 the language Food old Bottled In Bond means the same to every tongue a pure, finely fla vored, delightful old whis key. Since 1857, the Govern ment's Standard of Purity. AT YOUR GROCER'S hituvp V Lonrnxve atxuji Go.. Postxh d. 0mat There Are Two Methods of Saving "Limit your spendings or limit your savings." It's better to place, a limit to your spending and save the rest. Bring it to this bank. We pay . interest and compound it twice yearly. Our commercial depart ment is equipped to fur nish every up-to-date ac commodation.' Try us. Open 8 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. Saturdays 8 P. M. 4 fff the result of using Vi I ' Jf good flour, such aa V l ! Olympic n Flour." it Mother, j SixtWi 5LuuVJ Always insist ? DJUtLito I it upon Olympic prrfj. I If pure, wholesome, fjgMtilaJjgk f 5 I clean and nutrl- fftlTpVlX I I tious made of ; TC i -rri til selected North- f Sl7TP western wheat VV It's "better fCI