Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 08, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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free-Trade Verdict Plain
Victory of Irish Party,
Says O'Connor.
Redmond' Problem Simplified b
Elimination of Cranks and Camp.
Followers Iabor Gal
lery Is Exacting.
(Copyright, 1910, by the Tribune Com
pany, Chicago.)
LONDON'. Feb. 7. Protection in Eng
land Is dead. That, at all events. Issues
clearly from the results of the general
election. In some respects the election
has been a disappointment to Liberals
and to Irishmen, but, on the other hand,
this supreme fact stands out, and that
Is a big compensation. The sharply
divided lines between the different sec
tions of English life were never more
clearly drawn than in this great con
test. The south of England, that beau
tiful, sleepy, feudal land, which you
meet from Dover to London, remains
inert in Its century-old sluggishness.
AV'ithout manufactures, without com
merce, -without education, without free
dom or any instinct for change, it has
reverted to its inherent Toryism and
once more crawled under the heel of
the parson and the squire. It is no
more like the north of England than
old Salem Is like Chicago.
Sussex Dare Not Tax Yorkshire.
In Yorkshire, in Lancashire and in
the great iron and coal regions of
Scotland and Wales, life is whirring
with the same activity as the gigantic
mills, and the people are robust, phys
ically, mentally and politically. All
these portions of the country have not
only declared against protection but
have done so with even greater strenu
ousness than at even the mightly land
elide Liberal election of four years ago.
It Is quite evident that no ministry
rould propose a protective tariff in the
ace of such a. verdict for free trade
from these portions of the three king
doms. Sleepy Sussex dare not tax pro
gressive Yorkshire and Lancashire. If
any attempt were made, especially if it
were accompanied by a tax -on - food,
there would undoubtedly be a violent
nd perhaps revolutionary outbreak in
ill the industrial parts of England that
would sweep away the ministry and
perhaps a good many other things be
fore it was done with. Amid the loss
of many hopes, this great triumph for
the progressive forces of England stand
DUt in bold relief.
The situation in the next House of
Commons will be extraordinarily inter
esting. The Irish party will hold a
dominating position more dominating
than its wiser heads altogether relish.
Often It will be In their power to keep
In or to put out the ministry. There is
something fascinating, no doubt, in
having such omnipotence, especially
when one remembers all that Ireland
has suffered under majorities of both
Kngllsh parties. But it is more fas
cinating than safe.
There is always a certain dislike of
all governments in Ireland, and the
crank, who plays his usual part in Irish
as in other politics, for ome inscrut
able reason dislikes the Liberal more
than the Tory. The Liberal tries to do
everything conditions will allow him to
rlo for Ireland, and as the Tory has no
policy for Ireland but a blank, bitter
refusal of home rule. I find it diffi
cult to understand this state of mind,
hut It exists. I have little doubt, then,
that a number of Ignorant and un
thinking people will always be shout
ing out to the Irish party to put out the
Extremists Will Shout.
This shout will begin the moment the
new House of Commons comes into be
ing. The first business of the govern
ment will be to pass the budget. The
budget has been denounced in Ireland
by luctlonlsts and cranks, by William
O'Hrien and Tim Healy, as blasting
Ireland with an addition of two million
sterling a year. The statement is, of
course, a lie; but it is the kind of lies
tome Irish people readily swallow. An
attempt will be made to bustle Red-
Mond and his party into opposing the
budget and defeating the government,
r don't think Redmond has the least In
tention of yielding to this pressure.
It would mean that the campaign
against the House of Lords would come
to an Immediate and ignominious end,
and that in this way the hopes of Ire
land once more would be blighted. But,
of course, O'Brien and Healy will speak
to the gallery and denounce the Lib
eral government and the Irish party;
and the Sinn Felners and all the other
senseless factions will join In the cry.
However, these peoplo are of no im
portance, and they are less important
now than they ever were. Redmond,
indeed, comes out of this election with
enormously increased power and pres
tige. He said himself at the beginning
of the general election that he would
sooner have his followers reduced to 70
loyal men than to have the old dis
united ranks numbering 82. His party
will be nearer SO than 70. and it -will
be a united party. One of the
scandals and the weaknesses of a party
which had within its ranks O'BrJenites
and Healyites was that no meeting of
the party was to be regarded as pri
vate. Ttw worst enemies of the Irish
party in the press of Kngland or Ire
land could get as good an account of
what took place at the secret conclaves
of the Irish party as though they had
a reporter present.
O'Brlenltes- Pay Stopped.
There was another and more exasper
ating fact. The very men who under
the leadership of O'Brien were doing
their best to destroy and bankrupt the
Irish party were the tirst to come with
their demand upon its funds. Kvery
month they clamored for their checks
Just like any loyal member of the party:
and they clamored Just as loudly when
they returned to London after a cam
paign against the Irish party on the
platform or newspaper offices in Ire
land. That state of things comes to uxi
end with this election. Not a single
follower of O'Brien or Healy- will
be admitted to the Irish party; not a
single one of them will get a shilling
of the Parliamentary funds. They will
have to fall back on the checkbook of
Mr. O'Brien. That checkbook Is fairly
bulky, but this demand upon It will
be rather more than Mr. O'Brien will
relish. Therefore, though it is disap
pointing that either Mr. O'Brien or Mr.
Healy was gain rettirned to Parlia
ment, it Is some satisfaction to know
that faction has received a deadly blow
and that there will be one united party,
with few camp followers making trou
ble la the rear.
The Irish party, then, may be relied
fa to at&nd by the Liberals in the cam
paign against the House of Lords. But
will the Labor element be so reliable?
It will not number so largely In the
new as In the old House of Commons;
but still it will be a decisive factor,
able at certain moments to destroy the
government." The Labor members are
of different types. Some are reasonable
men and good Liberals, well realizing
the fact that they can get more from
the Liberals than from such inveterate
enemies aa the Tories. They can be
relied on to help In the struggle against
the Lords and to remain with the Lib
eral party at least till that bit of work
Is done. But there is another section.
One of the wildest of that section, Mr.
Victor Grayson, has been defeated, and
that makes for good sense and union
between Liberalism and Labor. But
Keir Hardie is rather fanatical, and he
has made it his mission . to break up
the Liberal party and substitute for it
a Socialist party. But this project Is
rather hopeless, and he may be over
borne by the more rational leaders of
the Labor party. Still, even the most
rational Labor leader has his diffi
culties. They, have their gallery Just
as the other parties have, and their
gallery is rather exacting ami irra
tional. This gallery may force their
hand when the government has to re
fuse some Irrational proposal of theirs.
'Twas Something Awful the Way He
Carried on With Certain Jun
gle Ladies.
NEW YcVRK, Feb. 7. There Is a
sure day of reckoning coming for old
Mrs. Murphy's little boy, Pete, at the
Bronx Zoo. He is the hippopotamus
who was born a few years ago to
the old lady of the same family in
Central Park who has been dear to
the hearts of generations of little chil
dren. If the old lady ever finds out
how little Pete has been cutting up at
the Bronx Park it is expected by those
who know her love of respectability
that she will smash down a few
lengths of her cage fence and waddle
up to the Bronx to chastise the young
The truth is that Pete is an awful
flirt. He's been wrecking family hap
piness ever since he's been up there.
First it was old Mr. Giraffe who no
ticed his young wife making eyes at
the stout young Mr. Pete, and now It
is Gunda, the big elephant, " who is
When Pete was a small hippo he
was put into a cage with a tank in the
oid antelope house. Next door was the
cage of the giraffes with a yard in
the rear. Young Pete would stand by
the hour winking and blinking up at
the high wall of the Giraffe family
house, and young Mrs. Giraffe, of the
long neck and soft velvety eyes, would
stretch her neck over the fence and
look down fondly upon him. It got to
be such a scandal that even the mon
key folk over in the primates' house
got to gossipingabout it. Then the
keepers put up a high wall that Mrs.
Giraffe couldn't see over, but as this
didn't prevent their seeing each othe.'
through the yard fence, they moved
young Pete out of the house when
the new elephant house was finished
and put in a big cage with a tank
where he could swim.
Everything went well till the young
Lothario began to get tired of his
cage and to long for excitement. Then
came Alice, the Indian girl elephant,
from Coney Island, to be wedded to
Gunda, the old hero of the Bronx chil
dren. Gunda's cage is In the south
west end of the big elephant house
and Alice's cage is in the southeast
corner. Across from her in the north
east corner is Pete's cage. It didn't
take Pete long to attract the attention
of the handsome Alice, or Luna, as she
was called at Coney.
He just sat down and looked mourn
ful and lonely and now and then let
one of those tears for which hippos
are famous trickle, like a brook, from
the corner of his bulging eye,, and it
was all up with Alice. She threw him
trunkfuls of sympathy, which would
have been all right if Gunda hadn't
noticed that whenever Pete went
splashing into his pool and stayed un
der water Alice got nervous and
trumpeted her anxiety. Her concern
for Pete, at whom she could cast eyes,
and her disregard for her lord and
master, whose cage she couldn't see,
made Gunda jealous, and now the air
of the elephant house is charged with
scandal and even the ostriches are
giggling and talking about it.
Strange Accident to Prize Fowl De
stroys Man's Sight.
DE3 MOINES, la., Feb. 7. The
strangest accident recorded In local
history occurred when Rhadamanthus.
a duck which had taken prizes at the
recent Iowa poultry show, exploded
into several hundred pieces, one of
which struck Silas Perkins in the eye,
destroying the sight.
The cause of the explosion was the
eating of yeast placed in a pan upon
the back porch, which tempted his
duckship, who was taking a morning
When Mr. Perkins discovered his
prize duck it was in a somewhat "logy"
condition. Telltale marks around the
pan of yeast gave him hie clew.
He was about te pick up the bird
when the latter exploded with a loud
report, and Mr. PerRins .ran into the
house holding both hands over one eye.
A surgeon was called, who found that
the eyeball had been penetrated by a
fragment of flying duck, and gave' no
hope of saving the optic.
Mr. Perkins advises that if ducks and
yeast are to be kept on the same prem
ises, they should be kept as far apart
as possiDie.
Two Apaches Arrested for Beating
Man Who Refused to Buy.
CHICAGO. Feb. 7. Alfred Standing
Bee.r and John Kipi. Apache Indian act
ors, were arrested last night for beating
H. A. Reynolds, of 302 State street, be
cause he refused to buy drinks for them.
Standing Bear said he is one of the
bept knife-throwers of his tribe and Kipp
claims the championship of his people
as a lafaso-thrower.
The trouble started in a State-street
saloon near Polk street. After Reynolds
left the place the Indians attacked him.
A friend. John Kelly, who went to his
aid, was beaten also.
Egxpt's Aviathm Week OpcnsAcro
planc Burns.
CAIRO. Egypt. Feb. 7. Egypt's avia
tion week opened at Hellopolis yester
day under favorable wind conditions.
The Khedive was present end appar
ently took great interest in the flights.
A feature of the meeting will be the
presence of the ladies of the harem, for
whom a. stand has been reserved.
Germans Refuse to Work
Upon Brazilian Railroads.
Conditions Prevailing in Western
Section Are Not Duplicated In
.East, Where Material Prog
ress Has Been Made.
BERLIN, Feb. 7. (Special.) The
latest steamers returning to Germany
from Brazil have brought back a large
number of Germans who were engaged
as workmen on the Madeira-Mamore
Railway in the extreme west of Brazil.
About 500 laborers went there on a
year's engagement, only to find the con
ditions intolerable. The commissariat
and sanitary conditions on the railway
were so bad that many of the men fell
sick, and 12 or 15 died.
The remainder have thrown up their
work and have had to be brought home
at the cost of the Imperial Government.
They are said to be preparing to bring
action against the railway company
for breach of contract.
Warning Is Sent Out.
The Imperial Government, It appears,
was asked to co-operate In sending out
the men in the first instance, but de
clined. Meanwhile, reports had been
received from Brazil that the district,
on the Upper Amazon, where the work
was" to be carried out, was exceedingly
unhealthy, and a warning was issued
to persons contemplating proceeding
thither, though as there was no ques
tion of permanent emigration- the
Foreign Office could not prevent their
A further warning to Germans is
now issued, from the point of view of
Imperial economy, against accepting
work in Brazil without the previous
consent of the German government.
Road Develops Territory.
A more cheerful report comes from
the Blumenau-Hammonla Railway, In
the east of Brazil, which has been built
with German capital, amounting at
present to about $1,625,000, and of
whicl S8 kilometers will shortly be
opened for traffic. Various industrial
undertakings are springing up as a re
sult, and a considerable rise in the
price of land has already occurred.
The railway suffers at present from
the fact that It has no connection with
the sea. but negotiations are in pro
gress with the Brazilian government
for a subvention of 750,000 to be paid
if the railway is extended, in the one
direction from Blumemau to the sea
at Itajahy Harbor, and In the other to
the Inland concessions of the German
company at Itajahy. For this purpose
a further loan expenditure of $2,000,000
will be required.
Seeing Strange Man Enter House
Youth Telepliones Police.
CHICAGO, Feb. 7. Samuel Cow
ell, who is 13 years old and lives at 2
Cannonbury Road, Jamaica, saw a man
jimmy his way into the cellar of the
house owned by Dr. Herman Betz.
which Is opposite his own home, and
he promptly called up Police Headquar
ters in Queens and told what he had
Lieutenant Leary of the Jamaica sta
tion dispatched Patrolmen McCabe and
Pechin to investigate. They had to
crawl through a window in order to
get into the house. They found the
Intruder in the attic, hiding behind a
When Dr. Betz returned home he
found that several articles of value had
been laid out, apparently with the in
tention of being taken away. He said
that the man stopped him just as he
left the house and asked him for a
street direction.
The prisoner said he was Frank
Schmidt, a printer; and added that he
had no home.
Buried Man Can Ring for Exhumer
Through Electricity.
CHICAGO. Feb. 7. At the coming
electrical show an inventor will show
a device which he says will rob the
grave of living victims.
"I believe," says the inventor, "that
there are thousands of men, women and
children buried alive in our cemeteries
every year. My plan is to connect every
grave with an electric wire running to e.
signal station in the office of the ceme
tery, a push button being adjusted Inside
the casket near the hand of the corpse.
which, upon awakening from the death
like trance, could announce his or her
predicament. I am confident that this
plan will save thousands of lives, but I
have not money enough to incorporate
my company, which is to be known as
the Graveyard Life Detection Company."
Another inventor has a device for
catching and killing rats by electricity.
The rat practically announces its own
death, en electric signal operating when
it reaches the death chamber.
Vancouver 1 1 -Day-Old Dies in Moth
er's Arms in Theater.
VANCOITER, Wash.. Feb. 7. (Spe
cial.) Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rocco took
their child. 11 days old. to Hager's The-
Out-of-Order Kidneys Are Regulated
and the Most Severe Back
ache Simply Vanishes.
Usually sufferers from backache,
bladder trouble or out-of-order kidneys,
feel relieved after several doses of
Pape's Diuretic.
Misery in the back, s'des, or loins,
sick headache, inflamed or swollen eye
lids, nervousness. rheumatism and
darting pains, heart palpitations, dizzi
ness, sleeplessness, listless, worn - out
feeling, and other symptoms of in
active, sluggish kidneys simply vanish.
Uncontrollable urination (especially
at night), smarting, discolored water
and all Bladder misery ends..
Feeling miserable and worried is
needless because this unusual prepara
tion goes at once to the out-of-order
Kidneys and Bladder, distributing its
cleansing, healing and vitalizing influ
PRICES $2, $1.50, $1, 75c
Many eczema sufferers have failed
so utterly with salves and other "dis
coveries" that even the assurance -of
the best physician or druggist cannot
induce them to invest another dollar in
any remedy.
It is to these discouraged sufferers
in particular that we now offer, at
only 25 cents, a trial bottle of the
accepted standard eczema remedy, a
simple wash of oil of wintergreen, thy
mol and glycerine, as compounded In
D. D. D. Prescription.
Hundreds of cures have convinced us
and we know you can prove instantly
with the first application that it takes
away the itch at once.
Woodard, Clarke & Co.. Skidmoire
Drug Co.
ater tonight, well and apparently healthy,
and an hour later carried the little one
out a corpse. During the course of the
performance the child was taken with
a fit of vomiting and chocked to death
before the mother was aware that the
child was suffering more than a tem
porary spell. - When she realized that
the Infant was in its death struggles she
hastened to the office of a doctor, but
arrived too late. Mr. Rocco has been
employed at the brick yard of Moore &
Martin for two years and the family
lived at the yards. This is their only
Philadelphia's Famous Assembly De
fines Social Position.
Philadelphia Times.
Hedged about by all the laws that
aristocratic society has invented and
perfected, invested with the heritage of
bygone splendor and the traditions of
social pre-eminence that have come down
through two centuries of exclusivenese,
endowed with prestige accredited no other
ball on this side of the world is the
Quaker City's First Assembly, given at
the Bellevue-Stratford Hotel.
Xow you must know that the Phila
delphia Assembly defines your position in
fashionable society as nothing else can.
You .may have ever so good a time, you
may attend all sorts of charming -entertainments,
you may give, and have given
for you, functions of the loveliest type,
but unless there comes to your door
some cold Winter day a dainty bit of
pasteboard that bids you come and be
merry with the fashionably ele, all else
is as gall and wormwood to your taste.
Tou have not "arrived."
And the worst of it all is that there
is no help for it. It is just like being
a Mason "once a Mason always a
Mason"; once an Assembly ite, always an
Assemblyite. and Just as positively, un
less you have once been an Assembly
member, you can never hope to be.
It was all decided years ago, long be
fore you or your mother and father
were born. Then it was that some gay
young men of this, then young and un
sophisticated, city got together in a
friendly sort of way as if they had
nothing at all on their minds, and said
one to the other, "Let's have a balL"
And then one mean member of the
group, for even in those days there were
those with skimpy dispositions, said
"Let's never have any one at all to come
to these parties but just us, and our
children, and their children, and their
children's children. And we won't ask
out next door neighbors, and there won't
be anybody there but just ourselves, not
never, no how."
Except once.
Once upon a time, about five years
ago, there came over the fashionable
horizon, some families1 who thought their
blood to the naked eye looked every bit
as darkly, deeply blue as those whose
grandpapas minueted many moons ago.
However they impressed the descendants
of tlie white wigged dancers of the mean
dispositions will never be known to any
but themselves, but all the same, when
nobody was looking, they got the coveted
invitations, had their names put down on
the list, and have been going ever since.
(But after that year the bars were up.
higher and tighter than ever, and the
persons who held up the gates with
steadiest hands, and called in the loudest
voices that newcomers must not come in,
were those self-same new members.
Fish is now one of the chief means of
eu.ltBitence of the German people, because
of Its comparative cheapness.
ence directly upon the organs "and
glands affected, and completes the' cure
before you realize it. The moment you
suspect any Kidney or Urinary de
rangement, or feel rheumatic pains, be
gin taking this harmless medicine, with
the knowledge that there is no other
remedy, at any price, made anywhere
else in the world, which will effect so
thorough and prompt a cure as a fifty
cent treatment of Pape's Diuretic,
which any druggist can supply.
your physician, pharmacist, banker
or any mercantile agency will tell you
that Pape. Thompson & Pape, of Cin
cinnati, i3 a large and responsible medi
cine concern, thoroughly worthy of
your confidence
Only curative results can come from
taking Pape's Diuretic, and a few days'
treatment will make any one feel fine.
Accept only Pape's Diuretic fifty
cent treatment from any drug store
anywhere In the world.
m$S0m p.ilP Pill ?m&
k -v. -i.-.--ALL;CCCT
Compare the Street Arrangement of
The Addition with Character
With That of Any Residence District
of Portland and Be Convinced
Compare the arangement and improvements with the street on which you are
now living and you will then realize the immense advantages of Laurelhurst as
the most desirable residence district of Portland. Not alone is Laurelhurst to
have every improvement possible some improvements which are not enjoyed in
other residence tracts but these improvements are arranged to give comfort
and lend beauty to the entire neighborhood. Building restrictions bar any but
high-class homes, and these must be set back 21 feet from the six-foot cement
walks, affording a magnificent unbroken view of well-kept lawns for block after
block. Nine-foot parkways throughout the entire addition, planted with hand
some shade trees from 20 to 25 feet in height, lining 28-foot asphalt streets on
each side, and handsome cluster lights to take the place of the ungainly arc
lights. It will not be necessary to tear up asphalt street to connect with water,
sewer or gas mains (note above arrangement), for laterals are ruu from each of
these mains and extend to the parking strip in front of ever' lot. The above
plan is well worth studying by every man who is in the market for a home site.
Lots $750
Charles K. Henry Co.
Wakefield. Fries & Co.
(ieo. I. s.chulk
H. P. I'aliner-Jonrs Co.
Holmes & Menefee
Mall & Von Komi el
i'ROSEl r i it li 4
CiTYtVH t 3
A strong man is strong all over. No man can be
strong who is suffering from weak stomach with its
consequent indigestion, or from some other disease
of the stomach and its associated organs, which im
pairs digestion and nutrition. For when the stomach
is weak or diseased there is a loss of the nutrition
contained in food, which is the source of all physical
strength. When a man "doesn't feel just right,"
when he doesn't Bleep well, has an uncomfortable
feeling in the stomach after eating, is languid, nervous, irritable and despond
ent, he is losing the nutrition needed to make strength.
Such a mmn should use Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery. It cares diseases of the stomach and other
oraas of digestion and nutrition. It enriches the blood.
Invigorates the liver, strengthens the kidneys, nourishes
' You can't afford to accept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this non
alcoholic medicine of known-composition, not even though the urgent dealer
may thereby make a little bigger profit. Ingredients printed on wrapper.
East via California
And the
Topeka and
Santa Fe
Office 252 Alder Street,
"Why not travel via Sunny California and the
Santa Fe. The train service is excellent. 3
daily trains San Francisco to Chicago via Kansas
City and you can stop at the marvelous
Grand Canyon of Arizona
or for those who prefer to travel via Denver,
we can give you the advantage of that route.
JNO. J. BYRNE, Asst. Pass.
and UpTerms
Laurelhurst is on two carlines. Both the Moutavilla
and Rose City Park lines run to and through the
tract. Deal with any of our authorized agents if
you prefer, or call at out office and we will show
you Laurelhurst in out autos.
Ma4kle & Kountree
R. F. Bryan & Co.
Frtrk-Docldn Co.
Ruf f-Kleinsorire Land Co.
Dubois & Crockett
Realty Co.
Phones A 1515, Main 1503.
v i
E. Vernon.
Traffic Mgr., Los Angeles
10 Cash
2 Monthly
All Rosa City Park cars run
through Laurelhurst. Take car
at Third an-' Yamhiii sts. Sales
men on the ground. Office, 522
Corbett Building.
Hair Germs
Ayer's Hair Vigor promptly destroys
the germs that cause falling hair.
Nature completes the work. You save
your hair, and have a more luxuriant
growth, too. Keeps the scalp healthy;
destroys all dandruff.
Does not Color the Hair
Your doctor will tell you precisely why tee
ase each of the ingreJientt in Ayer't Hair
Vigor. Ask him all about it. j-li:
Wipe it off your otherwise
good looking face put on that
good health smile that CAS
CARETS will give you as
a result from the cure of
Constipation or a torpid liver.
It's so easy do it you'll see.
- CASCARBTS 10c a bos for a Hk'i
treatment, all dragrslsts. Bireeet seller
is the world. MtUioa boxes a asoata.
i iY i !y
.fflllll I "-' III I liillu ' i 1
3 'saillUl.JIM.IIU!JlrJ ' v
Sickly Smile